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72 pages
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Lists 9 arguments, drawn from a number of disciplines, favouring maximization of shareholder value [wealth] and provides counter arguments against each justification.
El presente escrito se propone elaborar una periodización de la transición histórica en Suramérica desde fines del siglo pasado hasta nuestros días. Se enfatizará en la dimensión de horizonte compartido de los procesos políticos latinoamericanos, más que en sus especificidades. En términos metodológicos, esta propuesta de periodización se basa en un análisis de coyunturas críticas a nivel regional durante las cuales se produce una medición de fuerzas entre proyectos políticos estratégicos. A partir de la identificación de estas coyunturas, se definen cinco grandes momentos: 1) el quiebre de la hegemonía del proyecto financiero neoliberal y unipolar entre octubre de 1998 y abril de 2002; 2) la construcción de Alternativas: el desarrollo del eje Atlántico y el No al ALCA entre abril de 2002 y noviembre de 2005; 3) el avance estratégico del nacionalismo popular latinoamericano en una clave postneoliberal y de la continentalidad suramericana entre noviembre de 2005 y 2011; 4) la aparición de la Alianza Pacífico, el reinicio de la ofensiva unipolar, el estancamiento del regionalismo autónomo y el debilitamiento del nacionalismo popular entre abril de 2011 y octubre de 2015; 5) la embestida del proyecto financiero, neoliberal y unipolar y el reflujo de las fuerzas nacionales-populares en América Latina entre octubre de 2015 y junio de 2018.
Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 2019
To what extent does growing trade lessen the probability of inter-state conflict? This paper addresses this question by using the curiously under-studied dyadic relationship between Greece and Turkey. Measuring trade and foreign direct investment (FDI) volumes as well as tourism flows and by use of elite interviews with key actors from both countries, we find that economic relations have become stronger and more diverse over time, non-state actors now featuring prominently in deepening interaction. Such developments, however, fail to translate into conflict resolution at the political level. To account for these findings, we use a New Liberal approach, arguing that this helps us explain both enhanced plurality in bilateral economic exchange and the incompatibility of the two countries' respective conceptions regarding legitimate national borders.
The paper deals with surface materials from an Early to Middle Bronze Age site at Montefiore near Sorgenti della Nova (Pitigliano - Grosseto), Central Italy. L'articolo tratta del ritrovamento di superficie di un sito con ceramica del Bronzo antico al passaggio col Bronzo Medio a Montefiore presso Sorgenti della Nova ( Pitigliano - Grosseto), Italia centrale.
Fatimah Azzahra, 2024
Portal de Libros de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 2021
Research on World Agricultural Economy, 2024
In order to increase farm productivity and sustainability on a worldwide scale, agricultural extension services are essential in bridging the gap between research and actual farming. This study examined agricultural extension services and their effects on farm productivity. Data were collected using a questionnaire from 382 professional farmers. The results show that agricultural workshops and training positively affect farm productivity, access to government demonstration farms positively influences farm productivity, and media-based agricultural programs have a positive effect on farm productivity. Workshops and training in agriculture may have a very favorable impact on farm output. It's important to remember that the success of agricultural workshops and training might vary depending on a number of variables, including the training's quality, the information's applicability to local circumstances, the farmers' readiness to embrace new techniques, and the post-training assistance offered. In order to increase and facilitate access to knowledge, suitable production methods, and better inputs, the findings highlight the need to strengthen farmers' organizations and last-mile agricultural input providers. Farmers must have access to knowledge about marketing and other support services that are essential for agricultural growth in order to enhance global development in order to achieve greater farm productivity.
Hegel-Jahrbuch, 2012
»der nullpunkt der malerei der moderne oder die dialektik des schwarzen quadrats« »die kunst, ihrembegriffenach, hat nichts anderes zu ihrem beruf, als das in sich selbst gehaltvolle zu adäquater,s innlicher gegenwarth erauszustellen, und die philosophie der kunst muss es sich deshalb zu ihrem hauptgeschäft werden lassen, was dies gehaltvolle und seine schöne erscheinungsweise ist, denkend zu begreifen.« damit schloss hegel die Vo rlesungen über die Ästhetik nach überlieferung ab. das system der kunst als erste stufe des absoluten geistesentwirft hegel in der enzyklopädied er philosophischen Wissenschaften,w os ie neben der religion und philosophie die triade des absoluten geistes bildet, wobei die philosophie die »versöhnung« von kunst und religion ist als »der denkenderkannte Begriff der kunst und religion, in welchem das in dem inhalte ve rschiedene als nothwendig, und diß nothwendige als frei erkannt ist.« die kunst ist hier als gestalt eine »eigentümliche form, wie der geist sich realisiert, eine besondere weise des geistes also, sich zur erscheinung zu bringen.« in dem absoluten geist bildet die kunst eine totalität, die zwei bestimmungen enthält: einerseits die sinnliche gestalt und andererseits das subjekt als ihr schöpfer und ihr adressat, und somit ist sie als gestaltete idee eine »aus dem subjectiven geiste
The aim of this paper is to assess the application of four Case Studies of Special Coastal and Inland Water Floating Structures (SCIWFS) in northern Greece, in terms of functionality and environmental protection. For each Case Study the selection criteria that advocate the application of SCIWFS, their technical characteristics and their functional problems are discussed in detail. It is concluded that SCIWFS represent a new efficient and environmental friendly technology. At the same time, however, they are quite sensitive structures that require special treatment compared to the traditional fixed structures. Therefore, specific design, technical and operational recommendations are proposed for the efficient construction, performance and maintenance of SCIWFS throughout their whole life cycle.
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Serbian Journal of Anesthesia and Intensive Therapy, 2013
In vivo (Athens, Greece)
Ecological applications : a publication of the Ecological Society of America, 2010
Critical Legal Thinking, 2020
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Neuropsychology (journal), 2003
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BMC Medical …, 2007
The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 2010
Iranian Journal of Cancer Care, 2019
International journal of research publications, 2022
Journal of Maternity Care and Reproductive Health, 2024
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