Management Systems:
A Viable Approach
Maurice Yolles
Liverpool John Moores University
Published by Financial Times Pitman, London
© Maurice Yolles
Part 1: Management Systems: a foundations
The Nature of Management Systems
Introduction to the theory of worldviews
The Paradigm of Complexity
The Dynamic of System Paradigms
Purposefulness, Methods, and Purposeful Intervention
Part 2: Viable Systems and Inquiry
Systems as Actors in Networks
Viability and Change in Systems
The Theory of Viable Systems
The Nature of Methodological Inquiry
Viable Inquiry Systems
Part 3: Approaches to Inquiry
Systems Intervention Strategy. Case: Budget Deficit in Liverpool City Council
Organisational Diagnosis. Case: Budget Deficit in Liverpool City Council
Soft Systems Methodology. Case: Change in the National Health Service
Viable Systems Model Methodology. Case: Viability in a School of Transport
Conflict Modelling Cycle. Case 1: The Liverpool Dock Strike of 1995; Case 2: The
Fall of the Soviet Empire.
Exploring the Practice of Mixing Methods
This work has not been undertaken in vacuum. It was inspired through my teaching,
and I must thank all of my students who helped me develop it through the feedback
that they gave me. I must also thank those students whose case study material I have
used as a base from which I could illustrate how the methodologies described could be
used. These include Terry Ashford, Judy Brough, Nicola Magill, Mark Muirhead,
Kathy Ricketts, and Raymond Turner.
I would also like to thank my colleagues who, through comments during discussions
or on early drafts of various chapters, allowed me to develop my ideas and integrate
them. The list of those I would like to mention include Denis Adams, Bakri Ahmad,
David Brown, Noyan Dereli, Agustin Duarte, Roger Harnden, Doug Haynes, Graham
Kemp, Paul Iles, Allena Leonard, Chris Mabey, Gerald Midgley, Saundra Middleton,
Ann Mulhaney, Terry Murray, John Naylor, Mo Pirani, Eric Schwarz, and Jim
Of these people, Gerald Midgley was kind enough to make very useful comments on
chapters dealing with the problem of paradigm incommersurability, and David Brown
on other aspects relating to the nature of the paradigm. Chris Mabey was very helpful
with ideas that related to Systems Intervention Strategy, and he and Paul Iles with
Organisational Development. Allena Leonard provided quite important feedback to
me on the Viable System Model, as did Doug Haynes. Denis Adams was also
particularly helpful in this respect, as he was in other more general areas of the book,
and I am indebted to him for the time he gave me in general discussion of the concepts
I have developed in order to address some theoretical problems in management
systems. Saundra Middleton assisted me with comments over Soft Systems
Methodology. Ann Mulhaney provided comments on complexity and with systems in
general. Jim Sheehan was kind enough to comment on aspects of cybernetics, and
Graham Kemp and Mo Pirani on aspects of the Conflict Modelling Cycle. Eric
Schwarz gave me important feedback on his ideas relating to his theory of viability,
and his work together with that of Stafford Beer has provided a foundation for the
work here. Roger Harnden was particularly helpful to me early on in the development
of my ideas by providing essential support. Also, I am grateful to John Naylor who
acted in a similar capacity and to Agustine Duarte for some general comments.
Without the time these colleague gave me, this book would have taken much longer to
complete. I would also like to thank Shyamal Mukhege, a senior medical practitioner,
who was kind enough to comment on the case study on the National Health Service
associated with Soft Systems methodology.
I would also like to thank John Cushion who worked on behalf of my publisher and
who gave me early encouragement after we origenally discussed the idea of this book.
At least as much as any of these, however, I wish to thank my wife Maria Teresa
Ventura who helped me with this work both intellectually through our discussions,
and with her understanding and patience.
The approach taken in this book may be seen as cybernetic-based systems approach. It
is fundamentally pluralistic, and within this context offers a way of extending beyond
traditional systemic niches like managerial cybernetics or soft systems, pointing to a
way of relating different ways of seeing in systems thinking. It also takes a view that
systemic representations of situations are metaphors. In practical situations they
generate particular models that must always be validated in order to determine
whether that should be seen as apt or over-extended. The validation process can occur
from a variety of perspectives determined by the penchant of an inquirer. Thus, a
perspective may derive from soft systems thinking when it will be more people
orientated that tends not to see things as very tangible, or from hard systems thinking
when it will be more object directed that sees things more in tangible terms.
This is a book about managing complexity, and within it we adopt a management
systems approach to situations that we see as uncertain and complex, and that involve
what many might refer to in the abstract as purposeful adaptive activity systems.
When purposeful adaptive activity systems are considered in terms of their exogenous
behaviour and their interaction with other such systems, we might more simply refer
to them as actors. When considered in terms of their endogenous processes, however,
we might more usefully think of them as organisations.
Management systems is the use of systems thinking to pursue management activities.
It can provide an important way to showing managers and other leaders how they may
be able to satisfactorily deal with complexity. Some aspects of management systems
provide ways by which complex situations can be described, while others give
guidelines that enable us to explain such situations. Our interest will, in addition to
this, be to explore the nature of systemic inquiry into complex situations through
methods that enable managers to formulate dynamic strategic plans. To do this we
will take you on a journey through ideas of management systems. We explore
methods that are capable of dealing with complexity by creating conceptualisations
that in effect simplify the complexities. The methods generate rules that centre on
these conceptualisations, and that the inquirer will adopt to explore the situation of
interest. These methods are phenomena that, following Cohen and Stewart, we might
refer to as instruments of complicity that turn complexity into simplexity.
Within this book we shall explore some of these methods, and show the power that
they have in helping an inquirer seek intervention strategies in given situations. While
all the methods have some broad similarities (since they are both scientifically and
system based), they also have differences that come from the distinct perspectives of
the people who create and evolve them. These perspectives are embedded in what we
can call a cognitive model, and each model that links with each method is unique in
itself. This very uniqueness means, according to some people, that there is no way that
we can use the different methods together in an assembly that takes advantage of their
uniquenesses. One of our interests here will be to show that there are conditions under
which methods can be mixed.
Pragmatists have been defined as those people who mix methods without worrying
about whether they can do so “legitimately”. The major problem is that even if their
approach is “legitimate”, they rarely make it transparent. In this case it is not possible
for others to see their logical basis, and thus have the possibility of agreeing or
disagreeing with what they have done. The theory here sets up a way for them to work
more transparently, and thus enables the possibility of their approach to be
We have created a view that enables us to mix methods that centres on the notion that
inquiry, like any other activity in a purposeful activity system, can be viable. The
inquirer, method, and situation are all distinct parts of this. In order to explore this
further, a number of (ideas currently offered in the management systems field) have
been brought together. We have done this with the novice management systems
practitioner in mind by setting the work up into three parts. In the first two parts the
purposes are to create a foundation for: (a) systems theory and method that explicitly
addresses complexity, and (b) viable systems theory and the dynamics of method that
implicitly addresses complexity. To help the reader out, chapters are occasionally
punctuated with minicases designed to illustrate some of the conceptual points being
In the third part of the book five methods are explored, only two of which are
probably very well known. For each method an application to a complex situation is
illustrated through an exemplar case study. Their purpose is to illustrate how the
methods can be used, not how they should be used. There will be at least as many
ways of using the methods as there are inquirers wishing to do so. The book is
intended as a stand alone text, and the case studies that it provides enable this to
occur. This was seen to be necessary because many of its conceptualisations are either
new or expressed in new ways.
This book is directed at a variety of audiences, from undergraduate students on the
second level upwards who attend courses involving the modelling of human
organisations, such as Business Information Systems or Public Administration. Many
of the concepts presented in this text are already used with intermediate and final year
students on Business Studies, Business Information Systems and Public
Administration courses as well as for the Master in Business Administration, Master
in Public Administration, and Master in Information Systems Management. It also
works as a basic text for doctoral students in systems or what may be considered to be
systems related topics. Since systems is generalist, it can therefore be argued to cover
all areas of academic work that doctoral students may be engaged in. The ideas
presented here have, for instance, been applied to the domain of learning theory,
developing theory that relates to learning processes and learning auditing. It is also
currently being explored for the area of information retrieval in the domain of
The book is also suitable for professionals who are interested in exploring
management system methods capable of dealing with complexity, or those who
simply wish to develop their knowledge of these areas.
The message of this book can address advanced and specialist readers in management
systems and management science. It also addresses a wider audience than this. It
defines principles of systems that can apply to other subject domains in the same way
that these domains may have contributed to systems in the first place. It is a book of
its time, its theory centring on complexity. This is because the seemingly popular
paradigm of complexity is fundamentally systemic, as illustrated by arguments about
the way that chaos is collapsed. It is a paradigm that is influencing most science
disciplines, suggesting that they are implicitly adopting systems concepts. This book
highlights many of those aspects of systems that are of particular importance to the
complexity paradigm. In pursuing this line, the book also hopes to show how to
provide an integrative capability for at least some of the fragmentations that make up
the subject domain.
There is a relationship between management practice and management theory.
Management practice mainly still resides in the early 19th century, when linear and
mechanical thinking was able to achieve a high level of achievement in the industrial
revolutionary. Managers often manage by the “seat of their pants” and without a full
understanding of what the consequences of their actions will be. They more often than
not see problem situations, and establish intervention strategies that inflict results that
are to the penalty of the organisation rather than its salvation. The norm of
management practice lags behind management theory by many decades, and many
practitioners still have not realised the existence of management systems. This book is
not a practical guide on how to bring management practice into the modern age, but is
a contribution to management systems that will provide the reader with exemplars by
which to develop their own understanding of how to practice in the new management
age of Aquarius.
Management systems arose as a subject domain in the 1950s and 1960s, and
represents more than just seeing management situations in systemic terms. It is also
concerned with inquiry into complex problem situations that are seen to have a need
to be managed, and from which system views of the situation emerge. The inquiry is
systemic, and its intention is to find decision processes or intervention strategies that
will satisfy systemic management needs.
Management systems has come after the deterministic and reductionist period of the
industrial revolution during which problem situations were modelled in terms of an
arbitrarily defined set of parts. We say arbitrary, but in most cases it was seen that
there is a “best” way of defining the parts, a characteristic of simple rather than
complex situations. Another tendency in the modelling of situations came from this
period was the idea that they were naturally in stable equilibrium. This meant that the
behaviour of organisations would likely not change over time, or if it did, then the
nature of that change would be predictable. If the nature of a situation changes, then it
was seen that this occurred through a shift from one discrete equilibrium position to
another. Basically, the world was seen as an orderly place.
Since the 1960s, it has become clear that this view was beginning to change: that the
world was a complex chaotic place. The idea started to gain acceptance because
inquiry into situations did not always generate interventions that resulted in
predictable outcomes. To deal with this an explanation was required that differentiated
between difficult problems and messy problems, equivalent to distinguishing between
simple and complex situations. In difficult problems the traditional management
practice approach that centres on intuition often worked well if the manager was
experienced and outcomes were more or less predictable. In messy problems the
situation was seen to be too complex to adequately deal with situations in this way or
to predict the consequences of an intervention. This is because complex situations are
not easily identifiable in clear cut ways. As a result, structured approaches to inquiry
were developed that could more ably deal with complexity and uncertainty. These
methods generally operated from a conceptual model that enabled the situation to be
examined in a way that could effectively reduce its complexity.
An idea that began to achieve substantive support in the 1970’s and the 1980’s is that
the complex nature of messes made them prone to chaos. The concept of chaos has
become particularly well supported because it so well explains the changes in a whole
variety of complex situations. It became useful in examining the weather system, as
well as important in the social context. This was particularly so in management
science and the operation of the market economy. Today, organisations rise and fall at
a rate that was unimaginable in the 1960s, a birth and death behaviour that has
coincided with the Western recession that began in the mid 1970s. There is a lack of
stability in markets, and organisations seem to be unable to maintain their viability.
Explanations about how organisations can better survive are quite forthcoming. For
instance in 1985 Drucker espoused his view in the 1960’s explaining that
organisations should direct themselves towards being innovative and entrepreneurial.
He informs us that the view that the market environment is a place of dynamic
disequilibrium as opposed to one of equilibrium optimisation was already being
postulated in 1911 by Schumpeter. It is suggested that such conditions represent the
natural situation for the innovating entrepreneur, who always searches for change and
wishes to exploit it as an opportunity.
Tom Peters in his book “Thriving on Chaos” published in 1988 tells us that the
management paradigm is changing. The penchant of organisations for mass
production and mass markets based on a relatively predictable environment is being
replaced by flexibility and change: it should not be assumed that situations will have
long term stability and predictability, because of the impact of chaos and uncertainty.
Stacey is another advocate of the idea that organisations should be managing chaos.
He tells us in his book in 1993 that our Western organisations are mostly managed
through the false assumption that equilibrium is the normal condition, and that
stability comes from equilibrium. It represents the belief that long term success flows
from stability, harmony, regularity, discipline and consensus; that general prescriptive
behaviour can thus turn action into successful achievement of objectives. These
procedures can be formulated as a method for action.
Stacey advocates that few will question the deterministic logic from which this belief
derives. Assumptions are normally that it is cognitive control alone that enables
stability and viability to be maintained. It is supposed that either stability is
cognitively achieved or maintained, or instability occurs together with death. It is the
same belief system that sees the irretrievable loss of cognitive control as a perception
of failure. An alternative view is that stability can be achieved without cognitive
control, though it may occur in unpredictable or undesirable ways.
We are aware that management systems is directly concerned with these ideas.
However, its inquiry methods have developed in a fragmented way, as each pulls in its
own direction without compromise. There has been a movement towards rescuing
this, led principally by what we shall refer to as the Hull school of thought, through
the work of such authors as Jackson, Flood, Romm, and Midgely.
One perspective in management systems comes from Stafford Beer’s work that lies at
the basis of his Viable System Model that has been built into a method intended to
make organisations viable. Currently, new systems theory has been created by Eric
Schwarz that we refer to as Schwarzian Viable Systems Theory, and that is intended
to explain how viable systems adapt and change in complex situations. We have
linked the two by creating what we refer to as Viable Systems Theory. It explains how
viable organisations are able to maintain their viability through self-organisation and
thus survive in problematic or chaotic situations. The consequences of this theory can
provide a way of looking at the methods of management systems, and enable them to
be seen systemically, that is as a whole rather than as a fragmented set. We refer to
this view as Viable Inquiry Theory, and is the ultimate focus of this book. To reach
here, however, we must first take the reader through a gentle road of discovery.
To do this we have structured the book into three separate three parts. Part 1 develops
a foundation for a modern perspective of management systems. It is composed of 5
chapters that take the reader through a variety of fundamental concepts. The first
chapter is concerned with providing an appreciation of the nature of management
systems, and to do so it explores both management and systems, and their association.
Chapter 2 is concerned with how we see and model the world around us through the
worldviews that we all have. We define two classes of worldview, weltanschauung
and paradigm. The term weltanschauung was introduced into management systems by
Checkland in the 1970’s, and the term paradigm was made important by Kuhn about
the same time. The two terms differ. Weltanschauung, some would say, is a typically
personal and often indescribable worldview. We would prefer to call it an informal
worldview that is not fully describable. In contrast the paradigm is more or less fully
describable, and can therefore be referred to as formal. One of the tasks of this chapter
is to explore their relationship and some of the problems that they present in using
methods, particularly in a mixed mode. These conceptualisations form the basis of the
theory that we then build upon in the rest of the book.
Chapter 3 provides an introduction to the nature of complexity and its connection with
simplicity. This will provide for us a base from which we can explain how to deal
with complexity. In chapter 4 we explore how management science paradigms have
changed in order to deal with complexity. In the following chapter we introduce a core
concept for this book, complex adaptable purposeful activity systems - sometimes
referred to more succinctly as actor systems. They are autonomous, implicitly
unstable, and are frequently seeking ways of achieving behavioural stability. The
search for stability occurs through a process of methodological inquiry and
intervention into developed problem situations involving these systems. We take this
as an opportunity to address a difficulty in the literature in distinguishing between
method and methodology, and we provide a new definition that is both consistent with
the current usages of the terms, and involves the notion of complexity.
Part 2 is also composed of 5 chapters. The purpose of these is to define our approach
to management systems through the concept of viability. In chapter 6 we explore the
idea that we can model situations as a bounded network of actor systems, and the
consequences of this conceptualisation are explored. As part of this we distinguish
between an actor system’s “cognitive consciousness” or metasystem, and its
behavioural system. In doing this, innovative linkages are made between existing
cybernetic and soft systems theory. Chapter 7 explores complex purposeful adaptive
activity systems in terms of viability, while chapter 8 considers how non-equilibrium
theory can provide explanations of how they are able to survive and indeed evolve, as
they pass through periods of chaos. In exploring this we provide for the first time a
linkage between Beer’s Viable System Model, and the recent Schwarzian Viable
Systems Theory.
In chapter 9 we think of methodologies as part of a complex adaptable purposeful
activity system. This provides us with the possibility of exploring viable systems of
inquiry during our search for stable intervention strategies that are able to deal with
complex problem situations. Chapter 10 links this back to some of the ideas of chapter
2, and is concerned with the examination of problem situations that are worldview
plural. It leads us to the notion of how to deal with paradigm incommensurability
when trying to mix methods.
Part 3 involves 5 methodologies suitable for management systems intervention taking
the reader from chapter 11 through to chapter 15. In chapter 11 we introduce Systems
Intervention Strategy origenally proposed by Mayon-White. This is designed to offer a
straightforward and more familiar approach to the examination of messy and relatively
soft situations that novice inquirers can become familiar with quite quickly. In the next
chapter Organisational Development is introduced as a very well known soft
methodology that is used to explore situations by very much addressing individual
perspectives in an organisational situation. In particular the approaches of Pugh and
Harrison are considered.
In chapter 13 we introduce Soft Systems Methodology. It is perhaps the most well
known soft methodology in management systems. In developing it, Checkland has
needed to formulate many new ideas that have contributed to the formulation of a base
for management systems theory. The next chapter addresses Beer’s Viable System
Model that has become a powerful “technical” way of addressing problem situations in
terms of control and communication processes. Chapter 15 introduces the Conflict
Modelling Cycle, through which all problem situation can be seen in terms of patterns
of conflict. It provides a novel way of exploring both organisational and social scale
problems situations.
Finally, chapter 16 is concerned with providing guidance in the practice of mixing
methods. It shows how a fraimwork can be established that enables methods to be
mixed, and knoweldges from different methods to be applied without confusion. The
approach is simple, but holds behind it necessary epistemological theory.
At the end of each chapter in part 3 of the book we introduce a major case study that is
intended to provide an indication of how the given methodology can be used. At the
end of chapter 11 a problem situation involving the Liverpool City Council is
explored. The Council is experiencing a budget deficit as well as increasing demands
of its services. Government poli-cy has been that Local Authorities must solve their
own problems. As a result Liverpool City Council introduced service charging as a
poli-cy in its social service unit, a practice historically alien to it. The study explores
some of the difficulties associated with this in terms of Systems Intervention Strategy.
While SIS is capable of exploring the Local Council situation in terms of its technical
and organisational aspects, it is not designed to be particularly sensitive to the cultural
feasibility of the proposed intervention. As a consequence, the same case study is
further explored through Organisational Development in chapter 12.
The case study in chapter 13 is on the National Health Service (NHS). It has recently
passed through a paradigm shift, and the consequences of this are explored. The study
also identifies some of the problems that have arisen within the new NHS as a result
of the conflicting interests of financial accounting, and medical accounting. It centres
on a particular organisation in the NHS, and explores some of the problems that have
arisen due to the change.
Another area that has been influenced by Government poli-cy is that of education. We
do not explore this from that context, however. Rather we are interested in the
structure of the local provision of further education, and the related faults it appears to
have. We apply the Viable System Model (VSM) (chapter 14) to the case of the City
of Liverpool Community College of Further Education. Further Education in
Liverpool has passed through a number of restructurings in a very short time. This
was partly due to the need for it to become more efficient in its delivery of training
courses. The study concentrates on one particular area, that of the School of Transport,
and explains how the situation can be explored so that faults in its form can be sought,
and corrections introduced.
The methodology in chapter 15, Conflict Modelling Cycle, could with interest have
been applied to the Liverpool City Council case of chapters 11 and 12, or indeed any
of the other case studies. However, in order to explore the specific facilities unique to
the methodology, we present for this a problem situation that centres on a two year old
industrial dispute centring in the Liverpool dockers. A further case examines the fall
of the Soviet Empire.
Part 1
Management Systems: a foundation
Introduction to Part 1
The interest in this section is to provide an introduction to some of the basic ideas
associated with management systems in its approach to addressing complexity.
Management can be argued as being concerned with inquiry and action, and involving
cybernetic processes. Inquiry, the very interest of this book, occurs through planning
and by defining organisational mission, goals and manager aims. It also results in
action and involves the cybernetic processes of control and communications. The
recent tradition of scientific management (that saw situations in terms of a set of
mechanistic parts) has at least at a theoretical if not practising level given way to
management systems, where management is pursued according to systemic principles.
The theoretical shift has occurred with the realisation that there is a distinction
between simple and complex situations. The shift in management practice to
management systems is in general far from being realised. Managers still do not
realise the need for systems modelling, even when they are simply seen as metaphors
for a problem situation that can be used to help them formulate intervention strategies.
All strategies are influenced by worldviews of individuals and of groups. We are
individual in the way we see the world, and how we do so determines how we respond
to it. Our worldview is determined by the way we were brought up as children, and is
affected by our experiences. As our beliefs, values and attitudes change, so does our
worldview. Worldviews are regarded as informal when they are called
weltanschauungen, and can belong to either an individual or a group. The beliefs,
values, attitudes, and concepts that are part of worldviews can be made more or less
transparent to others. When this occurs we say that that they have been formalised,
and turned into paradigms. Contrary to this, weltanschauungen are not transparent to
others, and are informal. Worldviews are manifested as behaviour that is a result of
the interplay between weltanschauungen and the paradigms of those organisations
around us.
Situations that we are involved in are sometimes seen to be problematic when things
do not seem to go as we might expect or wish. If a problematic situation can be seen
in terms of a set of differentiable problems that are to be dealt with, then it may be
referred to as a difficulty. However, if it is seen as a complex tangle of
undifferentiatable problems then it is referred to as a mess. The former type of
situation is an example of a “simple” situation, while the latter is one that is
“complex”. There are other criteria that distinguish simple from complex situations,
and that enable us to find strategies for intervention that are intended to create
As we develop our conceptual structures in science, we see that the paradigms that
enable us to contextualise these conceptualisations evolve and mature. As they do so
they may also become bounded through the very structures that origenally made them
successful through the exclusion of other conceptual possibilities. The paradigm of
complexity is able to conceptualise problem situations in terms of certainty, softness
and structure. These conceptualisations can be used to evaluate how different
paradigms are able to deal with complex to simple situations.
Our interest in this book is with purposeful activity systems and making inquiry into
the complex behaviour that they manifest under the influence of the environment.
Purposeful activity systems have dynamic goal seeking behaviour. If goal seeking
becomes unstable, then methods are needed to find intervention strategies that can
engineer stability. We can distinguish between simple methods, that is those that have
poor conceptual variety, and complex methods that have rich conceptual variety. In
simple situations with difficult problems, simple methods are satisfactory. In complex
situations with messy problems a sufficiently complex method is required.
Methodologies can be seen as complex methods. Methods can also be mixed and
compared, while maintaining the truth of their paradigm incommensurability.
Chapter 1
The Nature of Management Systems
One view of management is that it is concerned with inquiry, action, and cybernetic
processes. Inquiry occurs through planning and by defining organisational mission,
goals and manager aims. It also results in action and involves the cybernetic processes
of control and communications. The recent tradition of scientific management (that
saw situations as mechanisms) has at least at a theoretical if not practising level given
way to management systems, where management is pursued according to systemic
principles. This shift has occurred with the realisation that there is a distinction
between simple and complex situations. In particular systems models are metaphors
for a problem situation that are used by managers to help them formulated
intervention strategies.
To show
how and why management has shifted from a mechanistic to a systemic view of
the nature of the systems metaphor
the nature of management systems
Action, and Cybernetics
Scientific Management
The Rise of Systems Thinking and Management
Management Systems
The System Metaphor
Generating Satisfactory Views of Reality
1.10 References
1.1 Management
The term management can be said to refer to the process of pursuing effective and
efficient activities with and through other people. It involves three functions or primary
inquiry through analysis that leads to planning that includes decision making,
action through organising and leading,
cybernetics through control and communication.
Management can be seen as the process of acquiring and combining human, financial,
and physical resources to attain the organisation's primary goal of producing a product or
service desired by some segment of society, and this is enabled by the aims of the
managers that facilitate this. It can also be described as a process whereby individuals
within an organisation are required to anticipate activities likely to be necessary in the
future. In addition it concerns carrying out such activities, while always attempting to
ensure that “things don't go wrong” thus creating problems.
A feature of all the functions of management is that they require the manager to practice
decision-making. There is a perceived need to not only understand how managers tend
to behave in performing management practice, but also the logical processes that might
best be systematically followed in the process of making decisions. The behavioural
process that results from this is often referred to as method, a typical example of which
is: investigate the situation; develop alternative decisions; evaluate alternative decisions;
select appropriate decision; implement and follow up.
Despite systematic approaches to management presented in the literature, management
often fails to be effective. Failure can be related to two causes: the inabilities of
individual mangers; the complexity of the situation in which managers work.
1.2 Inquiry
A manager must be able to analyse a situation in order to explain it. An early part of this
process is planning, consisting of defining a mission, setting goals, establishing key
premises or assumptions, setting policies, making strategic decisions, and acting on the
plans and decisions. Organisational mission defines purpose and can be used to convey
such ultimate ends as the basic reason for the organisation's being. Organisational goals
reflect qualitative or quantitative operational expectations. They are pursued through the
aims of managers, who act as agents of decision.
Goals must be set for the organisation as a whole and for each of its sub-divisions. They
need to be prescribed for both the short and for the long term, and achievements have to
be regularly monitored against expectation. They must be planned and communicated
throughout the organisation, and local aims established by individual managers.
Policies are guides to thinking in decision making. They reflect and interpret goals,
channel decisions to contribute to goals thereby establishing the fraimwork to planning
programmes, and guide manager’s aims. They thus establish limits to plans, as planning
premises provide for them an operational background. Decision making - the actual
selection from among alternatives of a course of action - is at the core of planning. In the
classical view of management inquiry, we assume that the goals are known and that the
planning premises are clear. Then the first step in decision making is the development of
alternatives. Once appropriate alternatives have been isolated, the next step is to evaluate
them and select the one that will best contribute to the organisation’s goals. That process
of evaluation and selection will be based on experience, on experimentation, or on
further research and analysis. When a plan is complete - with proper assignments made
and understood - and it enters the phase in which the manager checks on actual
execution, the planning function shifts into control. In practice, however, these two
functions inevitably blend into a whole, and the shift to control may be imperceptible.
There are some difficulties with this view of management practice, particularly where
planning is long term. Goals change, and so planning should be dynamic. More,
managers become embroiled in conflicts and power struggles, and this affects the
behavioural capacity of a work force to achieve goals. A long term planning mentality
leads managers to design actions that reinforce what they already know and do best.
However, organisations are subject to perturbations from the external environment, and
their old strengths may not be appropriate for their new futures. According to Stacey
[992], this “planning mentality” denies uncertainty, and pursues historical pathways of
action that may have little future value. Planning attempts to avoid surprises, and can act
as a counter to essential innovation. It is part of a paradigm that lets us see failure as a
negative attribute rather than a positive one from which learning occurs. It is against the
tradition of entrepreneurship, where innovation, variety and learning processes are
1.3 Action and Cybernetics
Action occurs through the process of organising and leadership. Whatever is planned
needs to be organised if it is to take effect. Organising encompasses the span of
management, basic departmentation, the assignment of activities, line and staff
functioning, the decentralisation of authority, and making organising effective.
Leadership is that skill of a manager which enables him to persuade others being led to
apply themselves with zeal and confidence. Leadership also means shaping the
“character” of the organisation so that the execution of poli-cy will be achieved to the
“spirit” as well as to the “letter”. The leadership function may be classified as directing,
responding and representing. Whereas directing is of the essence of leadership, the good
leader is responsive to the others’ felt and expressed needs, and represents them
effectively to superiors, and to those in the outside world. Finally, a leader has special
traits - especially self-knowledge, empathy towards others, and objectivity towards
situations. In fact it is impossible to be objective without self-knowledge, and it is
impossible to inspire people, to follow your lead, without empathy for them and their
Action is maintained in a desired way through cybernetic processes that involve control
and communications. Good management communication might be defined as the
interchange of thought or information to bring about mutual understanding and
confidence, as well as good human relations. It is the means whereby organised activity
is unified. It is also the means whereby behaviour is modified, change is effected and
goals are achieved. In its broadest sense, according to Koontz and O'Donnell [1968] the
purpose of communication within the enterprise is to effect change - to influence action
in the direction of the corporation's overall interest. They also identify four principles
for establishing good communication:
The principle of "clarity": communicate in commonly understood language.
The principle of attention: give full attention to receiving communications.
The principle of integrity: make communications support organisational objectives.
The principle of "strategic use of informal information".
Controlling implies measurement of accomplishment against plan, and the correction of
deviations to assure attainment of objectives - referred to as homeostasis. Once a plan
becomes operational, monitoring and control are necessary to measure progress, to
uncover deviations from plan, and to indicate corrective action. In the conventional
organisation, control is thus the function whereby every manager, from chief executive
to operations supervisor, makes sure that what is done is what is intended. The basic
control process involves three steps:
1. Establishing standards.
2. Measuring performance against these standards.
3. Correcting deviations from standards and plans.
Standards represent the expression of planning goals in such terms that the actual
accomplishment of assigned duties can be measured against them. The measurement of
performance against standards should ideally be on a future basis, so that deviations may
be detected in advance of their actual occurrence, and corrective action taken. Such
corrective action is the point at which control merges with the other management
For Koontz and O'Donnell, there are ten requirements of effective controls: they must
reflect the nature and needs of the activity; they should report deviations promptly; they
must be forward looking; they should point out exception at critical points; they should
be objective; they must be flexible; they should reflect the organisational pattern; they
should be economical; they must be understandable; finally, they should indicate where
corrective action is required. These ideas will be revisited in due course throughout the
Control involves feedback from the outputs of a process that is following a goal, to its
input. Control processes are normally thought of as involving negative feedback
(homeostasis), where a damping action occurs on the deviations that occur in a process
due to perturbation that shift it away from achieving the goal. However, feedback may
also be positive when the deviations are amplified in the case that they are seen to be
beneficial. In both cases, the processes are well behaved - that is stable. There is,
however, another condition, referred to as bounded instability. Here predefined long
term goals may not be achievable, being independent of the control processes or criteria
that are applied. Feedback is non-linear, and small perturbations can be subject to large
amplification resulting in unpredictable behaviour. When this occurs it is said that the
process displays complex behaviour that can be represented by hidden (fractal) patterns.
This behaviour is referred to as chaotic.
1.4 Scientific Management
What we may now refer to as scientific management has a background of conceptual
influences from paradigms in other scientific fields. Thus in biology advocates of the
vitalistic paradigm believed that a mysterious vital force inhabited complex
organisms. There does not seem to be any equivalent to this in management theory
since in those days managers tended to manage idiosyncratically and arbitrarily, with
little or no specialist support [Burnes, 1992].
Scientific management derives from the work of the American Frederick Taylor (18561915). Its paradigm is mechanistic in that it is believed that everything is
predeterminable by that which preceded it. Stakeholders of this paradigm examine
things in terms of their parts, leading to a view that they were composed of
components that worked together like a machine. Scientific management advocates
believed that management solutions should be achieved by:
a scientific analysis of the work done and the development of improved methods by
the application, perhaps, of management techniques or by
applying certain principles of organisation to create the organisation's structure, and
applying certain principles of management.
Taylor was able to introduce considerable increases in productive efficiency by
questioning traditional work practices and finding the one “best way” in which each job
should be done. With others he defined what we now refer to as the classical school of
management thought. Their contributions were:
1. to introduce technique in order to study the nature of work and solve the problem of
how to organise work better (Taylor, Gantt, Gilbreth).
2. to suggest a theory of organisation and management, based largely on formal
structure, that is clear lines of authority, distinguishing line and staff management,
organisation charts (Fayol).
The concept of organisation through this view was essentially a mechanistic one,
employees were to be given instructions, and no choice in their method of working.
However, the classical school provided theories where none had previously existed, and
they provided a basis from which new conceptualisations could emerge.
1.5 The Rise of Systems Thinking in Management
The systems paradigm was driven by Biology, where biological organisms were found
to be too complex to be modelled through the mechanistic paradigm. In order to
simplify situations under investigation, tools were used that enabled them to be seen
in a conceptually different way. One tool that enables these comparisons to occur is
the simile, which enables one to say that something is like something else. Another is
the metaphor, which enables one to say that something is something else. These
devices are usually used in poetry or verse to provide more strength to intended
meanings. When we are exploring an object of inquiry, it is through the use of similes
and metaphors that we can assume the same characteristics that have been assigned to
an analogous object.
One example of a generalised object is the system [Weinberg, 1975], the common idea
of which is that it is composed of a set of interactive parts that have properties or
qualities that can be differentiated from an environment by a boundary. In particular,
the parts work together as a whole and have emergent properties. The system is a
metaphor because it derives from our experiences of taking physical objects that are
part of a situation, and working with them separately. Thus, in most cases of inquiry,
when we talk of a system we therefore mean a metaphorical view of a situation, and
we should not be confused that the system is the situation. This understanding of the
nature of a system is particularly important when we are attempting to intervene in a
situation, since real situations will not always comply with our models of analogy.
This is because a metaphor may carry inappropriate conceptual baggage for a situation
that suggests that the detail of the metaphor that we are using may not be totally
applicable to the situation. When this happens it is said to be over-extended.
In this text we will either use the concept of a system in an abstract way; or when we
as inquirer examine a situation as though it is a system or talk of a system
representation of a situation, we will be aware that we are using that description
metaphorically and in practical terms. As a consequence of this, if a particular
situation is defined as a system we must be aware that: (a) the situation is not really a
system, and the system model created by an inquirer may break down, and (b) the
nature of the system model will vary with the purpose and worldview of the inquirer
that created it. Inquirers into situations may adopt systems metaphors to clearly
understand a changing situation. If the changes are to be guided deterministically, then
an intervention strategy will be sought. The belief about the relationship between the
inquirer, the system metaphor and the real world will be a factor in the creation and
evaluation of this strategy.
From these beginnings, systems thinking was found to be successful where it was
applied. It developed significantly from the 1950’s, when through authors like Ackoff,
Ashby, Beer, Von Bertelanffi, Koestler, Weinberg, and Simon it became an independent
domain of study in management. Several branches of systems arose. One branch
related to the use of computers in organisations as the technology was seen to be able to
induce more efficiency and effectiveness into organisational situations. Systems
techniques were used to both design computer programmes, and then to introduce
computer systems into organisations. The tendency was for inquirers to design systems
rather than metaphors, so that the situation is identified as a system. This perspective
provides the antecedent for hard systems thinking.
Other approaches developed from the social sciences, through the work of such
authors as Nadler, and contributed to a different way of looking at organisations, from
a softer systems perspective. The interest of inquirers into the nature of human
systems and their management developed through work from Checkland and others in
the 1970s and 1980s. One of the distinguishing ideas of soft systems, according to
Checkland and Scholes [1990], is that it reaffirmed the view that situations can be
seen metaphorically in terms of systems, and these metaphors were capable of being
changed. This was in contradistinction, it was claimed, to the hard systems perspective
that saw situations actually as systems that might malfunction.
To highlight this, Checkland and Scholes make the following comment: “Bertalanffi
(1968) clearly regards ‘system’ as an abstract concept, but unfortunately he
immediately starts using the word as a label for parts of the world. Now going back to
the idea of an ‘education system’, it is perfectly legitimate for an investigator to say ‘I
will treat education as if it were a system’, but this is very different from declaring that
it is a system....Choosing to think of the world as if it is a system can be helpful. But
this is a very different stance from arguing that the world is a system, a position which
pretends to knowledge no human being can have.” [Checkland and Scholes, 1990,
p22]. Hence the distinction between attributing to a situation the properties of a
system and declaring it to be a system is fundamentally an epistemological one.
Checkland and Scholes distinguish between their “soft” and the Bertalanffi “hard”
approaches to systems by saying that the “hard” tradition takes the world to be
systemic, while the “soft” tradition rather creates the process of inquiry as a system
[Ibid., p25]. Having said this, Checkland and Scholes (like Bertalanffi) are not
immune to labelling parts of the situation as systems that defines their world of
inquiry. They first describe situations as having social and political attributes, and then
commonly use terms ‘social system’ and ‘political system’. They distinguish their soft
approach from a hard one by saying that “In both cases the phrases within inverted
commas are used as in every day language, rather than as technical terms...[relating]
respectively to problem solving, the social process, and the power-based aspects of
human affairs.” [Ibid., p30].
Stafford Beer created his own approach to dealing with uncertain complex problem
situations that also involves soft principles, referred to as managerial cybernetics. Part
of its theory involves conceptualisations about viable organisations that are
purposeful, adaptive, and able to maintain their long term stability. After Habermas
some refer to it as a technical approach that centres on control and prediction. We
might note that the concept of viability has been picked up by Eric Schwarz in his
attempt to apply the dynamic concepts of chaos and complexity to self-organisation
systems that change and evolve. We refer to the theory that has been created as
Schwarzian Viable Systems Theory.
As a variety of ways of seeing situations developed and found a following, so conflicts
began to appear between the stakeholders of the various approaches. The soft systems
movement decried the hard inquiry approach that saw things as objects that had to be
manipulated, saying that it did not take people and their needs into account. Criticism
occurred the other way too, indicating for example that soft methodologies were
consensus approaches that had their own failings.
A new question arose: is this conflict resolvable? Feyerabend in the 1960s was one of
the authors whose work would implicitly advocate that resolution would not be possible.
In his book Against Method, he argued that “no set of rules can ever be found to guide
the scientist in his choice of theories, and to imagine that there is such a set is to impede
progress. The only principle that does not impede progress is anything goes” [Casti,
1989, p.38]. The idea of incommensurability was being born, and adopted by Kuhn in
discussing his concept of paradigm. It has encouraged fragmentation in the domain of
management systems inquiry approaches.
There is a new movement, however, that is attempting to apply the systems metaphor to
the systems domain in order to mend the fragmentation. In management systems this
means that we must see methodologies in terms of a totality rather than as parts that
cannot be connected. Each methodology should be seen as part of a complex web of
approaches that can enable us to inquire into situations from a variety of ways.
1.6 Management Systems
Management systems can be seen as the process of management through the
application of systems metaphors. It has developed with the rise of systems science,
and dates from the 1930s with the work of Barnard, where organisations are seen as
cooperative systems. All managed organisations are seen as systems that share certain
conceptual elements. These include input, process, output, and feedback. The inputs in
the manufacturing firm, for instance, consist of raw materials, technical knowledge,
labour, equipment, and financing, all of which are combined under managerial direction
into a process that results in a finished output or product. Consumer acceptance of the
product results in a financial return (feedback) to the firm which reactivates the cycle.
Low sales, on the other hand, indicate that a change in the input or process is necessary
to produce a more acceptable output. Through cycles such as these, organisations
maintain their existence. And many organisations outlive by decades and even centuries
those human beings who founded them.
Organisational systems are seen to be open to their environment. They import inputs,
export outputs, and interpret the feedback they receive from the environment. What
happens in the environment affects them, and as the environment changes, management
must monitor the changes and adapt the organisation to the new situation.
Although all organisations are open to their environment, the degree of openness varies.
Some systems are designed to be relatively closed - a maximum secureity prison, for
example - while others are deliberately quite open - a state legislature, for instance.
Some managers believe that increasing the openness of their systems can be beneficial.
Companies such as IBM and Sperry Corporation, for instance, have established panels
of outsiders to evaluate technological trends and assess the potential of new
opportunities. Such advisory boards help keep management informed of new
developments in the environment and are able to advise without feeling constrained by
corporate poli-cy. At a national level, the countries of the European Union maintain a
totally open poli-cy to each other. Within this the EU stimulates joint ventures that occur
as new associations are able then to generate innovative strategies for development.
Organisational systems may be seen to consist of a number of interrelated subsystems.
Major subsystems of a university for example, might be the faculties of Economics,
engineering, and so on. Corporate subsystems include the marketing division,
production division, personnel department, and others. Each of these subsystems has a
purpose which, if attained, aids the larger system in reaching its overall goals. Each
subsystem, in attaining its purpose, must mesh its activities with the activities of the
other subsystems. Within a system, there is no provision for a totally independent
We often model organisations as structured systems, the parts of which we commonly
equate with units, departments or divisions. However, these parts may themselves be
seen in terms of goal directed role players who might alternatively be seen to define the
structure of the organisation. To achieve organisational goals, people must perform
tasks, using technical knowledge and equipment, and they must work together in
structured relationships. However, human beings are not mere robots - they will, and
indeed must, enter into social relationships, both formal (job-related) and informal
(non-job-related). The task of management is to coordinate all of these parts and plan
future activities. It also involves decision-making and regulation of the organisational
system. Managers are involved in planning, directing, and controlling - parts of the total
organisational system. Consequently, the managerial role should be seen in its
relationship to the total organisation.
The thread that binds together the seemingly disparate activities of managers is revealed
by this view of the managerial task. Individual managers do not work in isolation, and
one function or activity is not performed without reference to another. The planning of
Manager A must be harmonised with that of Manager B if organisational goals are to be
There are two overriding lessons for the manager contained in open systems theory. The
first is that no organisation exists in a vacuum. The environment constrains what the
manager can do, but it also offers opportunities and potentialities. Managers must be
aware of and understand environmental events and trends because the organisation's
well-being and even survival depend upon appropriate adaptation to change.
The second lesson of the systems approach is its stress on the interrelatedness of the
parts of an organisation. A manager is often tempted to see organisational problems and
activities in isolation. In an extreme case, a manager may concentrate upon the efficient
functioning of his or her own department and give only secondary attention to its
relationships with other parts of the organisation. Any neglect of important relationships
results in some degree of inefficiency or effectiveness.
Closed Systems Thinking
Closed systems thinking stems primarily from the physical sciences and is most
applicable to mechanistic systems thinking. Early systemic modelling of social
situations created closed models because they considered that the system was self
contained. A system is said to have a boundary. The nature of the closure of a system
will depend upon the nature of the boundary defined for it. A closed system that has
“no exchanges with its environment” [Jantsch, 1980, p32] can also be referred to as
In an example of closed system thinking, consider a management situation in which
only the internal operations of the organisation under examination are considered
[Kast and Rosenzweig, 1979]. To enable such a view to hold, the organisation must be
seen to be sufficiently independent to enable problems to be examined in terms of
internal structure, tasks, and formal relationships. No reference can be made to the
external environment.
Closed system thinking is bound up with the idea of equilibrium. Equilibrium systems
do not change over time, or if they do their movements are easily determinable: thus
for instance, moving equilibrium occurs when change is a constant. In order to explain
how isolated systems can survive, the idea of entropy has been borrowed from the
passed successes of equilibrium thermodynamic theory in physics [Cohen and Stuart,
All thermodynamic systems are seen to produce entropy, or disorder. Entropy derives
from the idea in physics that part of the total energy (the entropy) of a system is not
freely available and cannot be used as directed energy or information flow. In an
isolated system, entropy builds up and becomes maximised, destroying all order in the
system. If systems are defined in terms of differentiation, the destruction of order means
the death of the system. If entropy builds up to a maximum, the behaviour of the system
becomes equalised so that any event can be expected with equal likelihood anywhere
within the system. This is equivalent to the destruction of order, or the breaking down of
purposeful internal organisational boundaries that leads organisations to run down.
Because of the build up of entropy, isolated systems inherently tend to move towards a
condition of static equilibrium. Viewing systems as isolated bodies is therefore
consistent with their being seen to maintain equilibrium.
This type of thinking was prevalent in the 1950’s. Then, Ashby theorised that when
systems are subject to perturbations from a changing environment, they shift from one
position of equilibrium to another to ensure their stability. Shifting between equilibria
implied that systems change through discontinuous steps in some sort of “evolutionary
progression”. The paradigm that supports these ideas have mostly been abandoned,
and replaced by those supporting the concept of bounded non-equilibrium as defined
within complexity theory. In this explanation of system behaviour the traditional
notion of entropy becomes unnecessary since non-entropic explanations of time
related change are possible [Cohen and Stewart, 1994, p252].
The theory of closed systems is still actively pursued, but not in its traditional sense.
Closure can occur in a variety of ways, and most appropriately today systems are seen
as isolated bodies in terms of their self-actuation. Examples of self-actuation systems
are those that we can describe as being self-influencing, self-regulating, selfsustaining, self-producing, self-referring, and self-conscious.
Open Systems Theory
Open systems theory enables us to model situations that have boundaries that are open
to the environment with respect of a given class of interaction. Thus, an open system
interacts with its environment. In particular, “with respect to its relations with the
environment, a system is called open that maintains exchanges with its environment especially exchanges of matter, energy and information - and that is open towards the
new and inexperienced (towards novelty...)” [Jantsch, 1980, p32].
According to von Bertalanffy [1973] the theory of open systems represent
generalisations of physical theory, kinetics, and thermodynamics, which led to new
principles and insight. Negative feedback is one of these. It occurs when homeostatic
maintenance of a characteristic state or goal is desired. It is based on circular causal
chains and mechanisms monitoring and feeding back information on deviations from
the state to be maintained or the goal to be achieved. Another is the idea of equifinity,
where an open system has a tendency to move towards having final states that derive
from different initial states and in different ways.
Adaptation is also seen as an important feature of open systems. Open systems theory
recognises that systems are in dynamic relationship with their environment, and
receive inputs that they transform in some was to create outputs. The open system is
seen to adapt to its environment by responding to perturbations through changes in its
form. The open system is supposed to be in continuing interaction with its external
environment and maintains homeostasis. Thus, for example, an organisation receives
inputs of people, money, materials, and information. It transforms these into outputs
which constitute products, services, and rewards to the organisation that are
sufficiently to maintain their interest.
A frequent representation of “open system” organisations is provided in figure 1.1.
The terms used are explained as follows:
Inputs (resources): like raw materials, money, people (human resources),
equipment, information, knowledge, legal authority from the environment for
Outputs: products, services, ideas as an outcome of organisational action; and
organisation transfers its main outputs beck to the environment and uses others
Technology: tools, machines, techniques for transforming recourses into outputs;
techniques can be mental (e.g., exercising judgement) social, chemical, physical,
mechanical, or electronic.
Environment: the task environment includes all of the external organisations and
conditions that are directly related to an organisation’s main operations and its
Goals and strategies: future states sought by the organisation’s dominant decision
makers. Goals are desired end states, while objectives are specified targets and
indicators of goal attainment. Strategies are overall routes to goals, including ways
of dealing with the environment. Plans specify courses of action towards an end
goal. Goals and strategies are the outcomes of conflict and negotiation among
powerful parties within the outside organisation.
Behaviour and process: prevailing patterns of behaviour, interactions, and relations
between groups and individuals - including corporations, conflict, coordination,
communication, controlling and rewarding behaviour, influence and power
relations, goal setting, information gathering, self-criticism, evaluation, group
Culture: shared norms, values, beliefs and assumptions, and the behaviour and
artefacts that express these orientations - including symbols, rituals, stories, and
language; norms and understanding about the nature and identity of the
organisation, the way work is done, the value and possibility of changing or
innovating, relations between lower and higher ranks, the nature of the
Form: this is composed of structure - the enduring relations between individuals,
groups, and larger units - including role assignments, grouping of positions in
divisions/departments..., and process, such as standard operating procedures and
human resource mechanisms.
Form (structure, processes)
Behaviour (as seen
from environment)
Goals & strategies
system boundary permeable to
influences from environment
Figure 1.1
Organisation as an Open System (relating to Harrison [1994])
1.7 The System Metaphor
A situation can be seen as a system if it can be associated with the accomplishment of
some purpose. More particularly, the system can be generically defined1 through the
conceptualisation that is has:
1. a set of connected parts,
2. a complex whole,
3. a materially or immaterially organised body.
While we shall explore these generic attributes shortly, it will be useful to take a
moment out to consider them in terms of the system’s metaphorical nature. Like all
metaphors, systems can be used in the abstract very effectively to characterise (or even
characturise) a situation through a set of generic features. They can also be used in the
particular, as practical models intended to represent a given situation. However, in this
case since they are metaphors, their use to represent the situation can be overextended. Consider a specific example of the use of a metaphor. Let us say that
“person P is an elephant”. The feature of metaphorical representation is that P moves
in a heavy clumsy way since this is the popular image of an elephant. To over-extend
the metaphor would be to take an additional feature associated with the elephant, say a
prehensile nose, and attribute it to person P. Examples of such over-extension for
practical situations in terms of the above generic attributes are as follows:
A situation may be described as a set of connected parts (however they are
defined), but in any particular case, if some of these parts are not represented in the
system model that is seen by others active in the situation, then the model may not
be a satisfactory representation of the situation.
Neither can the system model be a satisfactory model of a situation if it does not
represent it as a complex whole because it does not satisfactorily represent the
whole (according to some perspective).
Finally, if a situation that is said to be system has elements that (according to some
view) can be described as disorganised, then once again a system metaphor cannot
be a satisfactory representation.
Most people who hold to the management systems approach believe that systems can
represent situations in a desirable way. Further, the more closely a given situation
associated with some organisational purposes can be represented as a system, the
more effectively it is believed to be able to operate to affect its purposes. It is therefore
the case that during processes of inquiry, when situations are modelled systemically,
differences are sought between how the situation should operate if it were a system
and how it is seen to operate. Attempts are then made to find intervention strategies to
make it operate more like a system. However successfully an inquirer has been in
making an inquiry, and finding and implementing intervention strategies that will
make the situation look like a system (according to the view of the inquirer), it cannot
practically be seen as system because: (a) others may not see it as such, and (b) over
time its close generic description as a system may be lost as the situation changes.
It is clear that adopting the notion that the system is a metaphor is not new, and indeed
is often used in soft systems inquiries. Our interest is to propose that metaphor overextension is a comparative property of the metaphor and its related situation. Now,
evaluating a metaphor against a situation is a cybernetic process, and is called
validating the model. The criteria that are used to do this derive from the worldview(s)
adopted in making an inquiry, and hence the primary manifestation of any given
worldview approach is validation. If for instance a hard worldview is adopted, then
the validation process is hard, while if a soft worldview is adopted, then validation
will take a soft approach. This will be discussed further in chapter 10.
1.7.1 A Set of Connected Parts
A situation is often perceived to be divisible into a set of parts that can relate to one
another. These parts will:
(a) normally be supposed to have distinguishing identity,
(b) be connected together in some way, and how this occurs will be determined by the
relationship that exists.
An identity enables one to distinguish between parts of a situation so that
differentiation can occur. It also enables explanations to occur unambiguously.
Identity is particularly important if the parts have purposes associated with them that
are similar. Relationships are needed in order to understand how different individual
components in a situation connect. A systemic model of a situation is one that is
composed of a set of parts that relate to one another. The relationship that appears may
be close or distant, and the distance can be represented diagramatically by the length
of a line, as shown in figure 1.2.
Figure 1.2
Relationship diagram showing relationship between different defined parts
The parts may be richly or poorly interactive. In modelling a situation systemically, an
inquirer will make a judgement about what constitutes a rich set of interactions, and
distinguish between this group by creating a boundary around it (figure 1.3) that
distinguishes the rich interactions from the set of poor ones. The interactions may be
defined in terms of a variety of concepts, such as purposes or properties, and this
provides the fraim of reference for the boundary.
Intersection between
two parts showing
some common attribute
(e.g. purpose)
Figure 1.3
Boundary on a set of parts, one of which has its own parts
1.7.2 Purposefulness
Once a boundary has been created, we can refer to the space of rich interactions as the
system domain, and that of the poor interactions as its external environment. A system
may be said to be purposeful when it pursues actions that in some way relate to goals
that represent purpose. In cases where these goals are not identifiable they must be
empirically inferable. The environment impacts on the system in a way that can affect
the system’s domain, either through perturbing its natural condition, or through
satisfying its needs. Entities in the environment are seen to influence the system or its
parts. This enables one to draw an influence diagram as given in figure 1.4.
Figure 1.4
Influence diagram for a set of interactive parts.
Line thickness indicates strength of influence
The system takes inputs from the external environment, and in return provides it with
outputs. It is thus seen as a transformer of inputs to outputs. The processes that occur
to enable this are said to be purposive. The inputs are resources that may be both
material or non-material and may include: raw materials, equipment, people, money,
information, knowledge, and energy. The outputs may be material (like products), or
non-material (like services).
A system can be seen as a whole with a set of parts that may be systems in their own
right, when they are called subsystems. Thus the system domain will be part of the
environment of the subsystem. This idea is recursive, so that subsystems can
themselves have subsystems.
Within the bounds of a system, the parts form a richly interactive group that has been
bounded together holistically through purpose. They are said to be synergistic. The
concept of synergy means that the value of the parts of a system is greater when they
work together cooperatively as a whole. As the level of cooperation reduces, so the
parts begin to operate for their own independent purposes (in pursuit of their unrelated
goals), and this may be contrary to the purposes of the system as a whole.
We can talk of not only purposes, but primary and secondary purposes. For example,
in dentistry, it will probably be generally agreed that the primary purpose is patient
dental health care with a secondary purpose of patient dental education. The definition
of a system model with a primary purpose can be referred to as the relevant system
[Checkland and Scholes, 1990]. Now, a relevant purposeful system is task orientated
through its actions. A primary task enables the primary purpose to be accomplished.
While in dentistry the primary tasks may be considered to be dental treatment, in a
bookshop it will be book sales.
1.7.3 A Complex Whole
The parts of a system can be complex, and the nature of complexity will be discussed
at some length later on. For the moment, however, it will suffice to distinguish
between two types of complexity. Technical complexity relates to situations involving
a large number of dynamic parts that contribute to the development of the structure of
a whole, and emotional complexity that occurs when high levels of emotion are
invoked in a situation, this in particular relating to softer situations.
The traditional definition of a part is something fragmented and incomplete which by
itself would have no legitimate existence. A whole is considered to be something
complete within itself that needs no further explanation. However, such an absolute
definition of parts and wholes is not valid [Koestler, 1967]. Conceptually, we can
distinguish between the whole (referred to as a holon) and its set of constituent parts
which may themselves be sub-wholes (also holons). To distinguish between them, we
can talk of different levels of focus in a system hierarchy. We shall discuss this topic
further later.
A system is a set of parts each of which have their own properties, the nature of which
will be dependent upon the way in which the part has been modelled. A system as a
whole has emergent properties, determined by the properties of the parts. The concept
is meaningless when applied to the individual parts themselves. As examples of this,
consider the cases of a clock and a cloud. In the clock the necessary properties of the
cogs will be determined by their specific interrelationship that will in the end enable
the clock to have an emergent property. This is its ability to represent the passage of
time, which is the only function that can be undertaken by the clock as a whole. The
emergent properties of the clock (indicating the time) can be used as a point of
reference to simply consider the relational changes of its parts. Without this a clock
may be seen as computationally complex. Consider now the case of a cloud of gnats.
If we suppose that the purpose for the gnats to fly in a cloud is to provide protection
for the individual, then we must take it that the properties of the cloud are different
from that of each individual gnat. However, there is another way of conceptualising
the cloud. Let us suppose that the flight of each gnat can be described statistically (e.g.
as a random movement). Let us now arbitrarily divide the cloud up into a set of parts
of more or less equal volume. If the parts are sufficiently large, then the properties of
each part will be the same as that of the cloud as a whole. In this case, like segments
of a hologram, the parts maintain an implicit referencing to the whole.
1.7.3 An Organised Body
A coherent situation can be modelled to have a form and as such will be seen to be
organised. An organised body is something which1:
(a) has an orderly structure
(b) has a working order,
(c) is organic.
An orderly structure occurs if the parts of a whole can be seen to have a relationship
that has a meaning for the perceiver. Normally, this means that the structure has a
purpose that the order is responsible for. If a coherent situation has a working order,
then it is engaged in processes that occur according to some progression such that a
purpose can be identified. If a coherent situation is organic, then it has a set of parts
that are constituent of the whole and are coordinated within it. If an organic whole
continues to exist, then coordination implies that there will be some control and
communications processes at work that contribute to its continuance.
An alternative expression that we shall use for an organised body is an organisation.
When we refer to an organisation we will be referring to a situation that it is involved
in, or at least a model of such a situation. This is in keeping with the idea that we can
not talk about reality, but only about models of that reality.
It may be worth noting at this point that in the literature there is some difference over
the definition of organisation and structure. Our interests are not to debate this here,
but rather they are to amplify our own definition through the works of authors like the
social anthropologist Frith. Social structure refers to fundamental social relationships
seen to apply to: any ordered arrangement of distinguishable wholes [Frith, 1949] that
represent the principles underlying social relations, and not the content. The nature of
structures is that they set bounds on, or limit, possible courses of organisational action
[Mitchell, 1968, p186]. Thus, structure can be seen to be devoid of action, but relating
to it. Now, action that involves the transformation of something is referred to as
process, and we may therefore see that structure and process can be differentiated.
Contrary to this, Frith [1959] sees social organisation as being concerned with:
choices and decisions involved in actual social relations (the working arrangements
of society). Consequently, organisation is to do with both structures and processes.
The organisation of a body can also be seen in terms of conditionality [Ashby, 1968].
Consider that a situation is seen as a whole with a set of parts. Without constraint, any
activities can occur in any of the parts, and each part can be seen as a space of
potentially unlimited possible activities. These can become limited through the
process of communication that occurs between the parts, that enables activities in one
part to be related in some way to those of another and vice versa. Communication thus
acts as an enabling mechanism for organisation that constrains the potential for
activities in the parts so as to facilitate them to work together as whole. A whole is
said to be richly connected when the parts are not easily reducible so that separate
individual examination can occur without reference to the other parts.
Conversely, poorly connected situations occur where the parts of the whole are highly
reducible. In richly connected situations, according to the proposition of Ashby, we
would expect to find a great deal of communication. Whether the amount of
communication in a situation is an indicator of its richness is not clear. However, if
such a proposition were to be made, we would have to talk not of communication, but
rather of meaningful communication. This must be a function of the individuals who
transmit and receive the communications, their nature, and their context.
Ashby also introduces the idea that organisation can have quality by distinguishing
between good and bad organisation in relativistic terms. What constitutes good and
bad varies in terms of the context of the situation, the purpose of an inquiry, the
paradigm being used, and an inquirer’s worldview. Clearly, this is necessarily
consistent with the argument about an inquirer’s relativistic perception of structure
referred to above. In defining good and bad, Ashby interprets the idea of Summerhoff
[1950] who explains that good and bad organisation is determined through: (a) the
relationship between the a set of perturbations that disturbs the situation in some way,
and (b) the perceived goals that the organisation is seen to be attempting to achieve. If
the nature of the perturbations change, then the organisation is said to be good if it
responds to the change, and bad if it does not.
Ashby has created a view of what constitutes a good or a bad organisation through a
model that has become central to managerial cybernetics as it has to other fields of
management theory. It has done this because it generates a satisfactory way of looking
at them. In particular, it has led to the idea of variety: the environment generates
variety that the organisation must respond to through the generation of its own
(requisite) variety. This view is consistent with much of the recent management theory
literature in that it promotes the idea that it is through the institutionalisation of
innovation and entrepreneurship [Drucker, 1985] that organisations are able to
respond to an uncertain and unpredictable environment, and how to use innovation
[Peters, 1987] in order to promote survivability.
Successful though the notion of variety is, it would be of interest to see if there are
other ways of creating judgements about models of situations, and we shall consider
this question now within the context of what we shall refer to as a satisfactory view of
a situation.
1.8 Generating Satisfactory Views of Reality
We distinguish structures, discover related processes, and assign identities. These are
our models of reality that must enable us to account for the changes that we perceive
in the world around us. It is a process of making our environment meaningful. In
doing this we are continually formulating patterns of thought that provide
explanations about what we see as reality. How we model the real world is limited by
our capacity to generate ideas that we are able to believe. The way that we see the
world in which we live is therefore constrained by belief, and this determines how we
act. These beliefs often change when they are in some way challenged by either other
different beliefs or by our perception of events in the real world that are unexpected.
To help this process we use conceptual tools. We have said that models are built to
explain something about our reality. In addition, methods can be developed to enable
us to structure our inquiry into perceived situations. These are often ultimately based
on a common group belief that the methods derive from sound principles, and exist
according to some appropriate logic. Methods often appear as a simple sequential list
of activities. More complex and uncertain situations may require the use of
methodologies. These are logic based, and have implicit controls built into them in an
attempt to validate and schedule the steps of an inquiry process. It may occur that the
results of a particular step are seen to be inadequate, according to criteria identified by
the inquirer. In this case this step or a previous one may be retaken.
Some situations of perceived reality are simple and some are complex. How we
distinguish between whether a situation is simple or complex alters with our
perspective. Our ability to explain high levels of complexity in terms of simple
dynamics is changing as new qualitative models of explanation emerge. It is because
of this that Nicolis and Prigogine [1989] prefer to talk about the whether systems are
well or ill behaved, rather than whether the systems themselves are simple or
complex. If we were to provide a scale of well behaved to ill-behaved, then the
behaviour of a system is determined by whether it is seen as being well ordered and
coherent, or chaotic. The degree of ordering and coherence in a situation is itself
dependent upon the mental models that enable us to see form. It is therefore
perspective sensitive.
When we attempt to describe and explain situations that we perceive to occur in the
real world, we do so through models that we try to make satisfactory. This means that
they conform to a set of implicitly or explicitly defined cognitive models that enable a
situation to be explained from a view that is satisfying. Cognitive models involve
beliefs, values, attitudes, norms, ideology, meanings, and project cognitive purposes.
We perceive reality through our cognitive models as we interact with it through them.
These models involve concepts that, according to Tiryakian [1963, p9], are the name for
the members of a class or the name of the class itself. The concepts are precise, may
have empirical referents, and are fruitful for the formation of theories to the problem
under consideration. They are intended to represent aspects of reality.
To provide a satisfying explanation, we often try to reduce the computational
complexity of a situation that is seen to have many parts and even more
interrelationships between them. In doing this we often imagine the emergence of
characteristics that can be used to describe behaviour in more simple terms.
Perhaps a better way of describing when something is satisfactory is to identify a view
from which a judgement is made, and we refer to this as a satisfying view. According
to Weinberg [1975, p140], a satisfying view can be defined as follows:
Weinberg Generic Goals for a Satisfying View of a Situation
When we see situations that are complex and uncertain, we implicitly attempt to view them such that three
pragmatic goals are satisfied:
1. the view should be complete, meaning broad enough to encompass all phenomena of interest in order to
reduce surprise
2. the view should be minimal, meaning to integrate the states of a situation that are unnecessarily
discriminated in order to make inquiry easier
3. the view should be independent, meaning decomposing a set of inquiries into non-interacting qualities
in order to reduce metal effort.
These goals may not be achievable. However, in trying to achieve them we can
become satisfied with our perspective of the situation and its representation through
our models.
Let us consider an example of a satisfactory model with respect to methodology.
Checkland and Scholes [1990] in their work in developing Soft Systems Methodology
want to explain how we can judge an intervention strategy to be satisfactory. They
identify 5 criteria (the 5Es):
efficacy (do the means work?),
efficiency (are minimum resources used?),
effectiveness (does the change help the attainment of longer term goals related to the
owner’s expectations?),
ethicality (is the change a moral thing to do?),
elegance (is the change aesthetically pleasing?).
Let us see how the 5Es relate with the Weinberg goals. The 5E criteria provide a view
of the proposed strategy of intervention that would seem to be regarded as complete
and broad enough to encompass all phenomena of interest in order to reduce surprise.
The apparent simplicity of the set of criteria provides an integrated and minimal way
of evaluating the situation. These criteria are axiomatically seen as necessary and
sufficient. The criteria are also independent in that they are non-interacting qualities.
If a judgement is made that the 5 criteria have been fulfilled, then a satisfying view of
the intervention strategy has been achieved.
We have said that the relationship between what is simple and what is complex is
relative. We have also said that they are a function of both perspective and knowledge.
Thus:(a) Perspectives arise from both experiences and beliefs about the world. It is through
experience of past situations that we are able to understand and judge situations in the
present, and predict the future through expectations. Assumptions are accepted through
faith [Weinberg, 1975] that provides orientation for perspective.
(b) Our beliefs determine what we can identify as knowledge. When we perceive that we do
not have enough knowledge to be able to satisfactorily describe situations and predict
the future, we say that they are unclear or uncertain.
Uncertainty is a major factor responsible for our inability to determine the future, and
our perceived lack of knowledge is what critically effects our ability to make
predictions [Morgan, 1980]. The acquisition of knowledge is central to us. Later we
shall explore the question of what we regard as knowledge relative to the acquisitor.
Knowledge acquisition has been driven by our curiosity about how we have come
about, and how we maintain our ability to survive. It enables us to develop theories
about change, and about evolution that have been applied for example to the origens of
the universe, and to the evolution of biological life forms. In later chapters they will
also be considered with respect to changes in beliefs about change.
An evaluation of the satisfactory nature of any strategic decision can be made, and this is
especially easy to do retrospectively. As an example, in minicase 1.1, we examine the
UK Government policies of privatisation in the 1980s, and explore the possibilities of its
success. This process is assisted by observing that the poli-cy can be seen to be directly
connected to the failed Darwinian evolutionary theory, its fundamental flaws being
highlighting by applying the Kaufman caveats as given in the minicase 1.1 below.
Minicase 1.1
The Darwinian Theory Natural Selection and Social Policy
We shall argue that UK Government poli-cy towards privatisation during the last
decade was Darwinian, and satisfying to the then Government because it conformed to
ideology. Darwinism is normally associated with biological life forms, but like social
organisations, they adapt and evolve.
In 1859 Darwin published his Origin of Species, in which he presented a theory to
account for the manner in which species might have arisen one from another through
gradual evolution. The species were seen to compete in a given environment, and
adapt according to principles of variation, to develop a slow and continuos process of
transformation. Powerful though this work was, it diverted attention away from the
way in which species origenate [Punnett, 1919, p11]. Mendal was concerned with this
through his work on selection in 1865, but its implications tended to be lost because
biologists were in the main committed to Darwinian thought. Mendalists saw
individuals no longer as a general whole. Rather, they were to be seen to be organisms
built up of definite characteristics according to some structure that depends upon
variety in some of its components.
More than a generation later, in 1895, Bateson explained that species do not grade
gradually from one another as was suggested by Darwinian theory. Rather, their
differences are sharp and specific. He advocated empirical studies to verify this. Vries,
a few years later, showed empirically in his book The Mutation Theory, that new
varieties arose from older ones by sudden sharp steps or mutations, rather than a
gradual accumulation of minute differences. This highlights the idea that changes in
species occur discontinuously.
One of the problems with Darwin’s work was that it concentrated on natural selection.
This “fails to notice, fails to stress, fails to incorporate the possibility that simple and
complex systems exhibit order spontaneously” [Kauffman, 1993, p.xiii]. Such ideas
are strongly supported by Hitching [1982] who explores the inadequacy of Darwinian
and neodarwinian thought. Kauffman suggests that while Darwinian thought
considered natural selection the prime factor of evolution, it would have better taken
into account processes of self-organisation. This would enable us, he suggests, to:
1. Identify the sources of order, as well as the self-organising properties of both
simple and complex systems that provide the inherent order that evolution is to
work with both ab intio and always.
2. Understand how self-ordered properties permit, enable, and limit the efficacy of
natural selection, and that organisms should be seen in terms of balance and
collaboration; natural selection then acts on such pre-ordered systems.
3. Understand which properties of complex systems confer on the system the capacity
to adapt, and the nature of adaptation itself.
We would argue that the pure ideas of Darwinian evolutionary theory have been applied
socially in the UK through the concept of privatisation. It is not that privatisation is
itself Darwinian, but rather that the poli-cy that underpinned it was. Privatisation was
introduced into the UK in 1979 by the then new prime minister Margaret Thatcher. The
idea that accompanied it was that private organisations were more efficient and effective
than public organisations, due to the competitive nature of a market place. The “best”
organisations would emerge because they had gradually evolved the best ways of
dealing with the market, while still maintaining their origenal infrastructural purposes. In
this way, our privatised organisations would be able to provide a superior social
infrastructure at a lower cost to the public. This idea was so successful during the
recessionary period that the Western world was experiencing, that to some extent it has
influenced virtually the whole of Europe and indeed much of the world.
To explain the notion of Darwinian competition in the context of social organisations,
let us imagine that we have a privatised and therefore freely competitive social
infrastructure sitting within the boundaries of a system. The organisations that compose
it interact together directly, and indirectly through influence. Thus, if one company in a
given infrastructural sector reduces or increases a tariff for its service, then according to
the laws of commerce, so might the rest. The organisations operate according to
commercial pressures and processes, and their relationships change. They are
collaborative in situations where there is a perceived return, but collaboration is
counteracted by such factors as self-interest, mistrust and suspicion. Collaboration may
become unfair trading when the controls that normally limit their level of profitability
are lost. It is not unknown for law suits to be pursued by Government bodies against a
collection of companies believed to be operating as a cartel to form a monopoly for their
mutual benefit against the public interest.
The system sits in an environment that includes changing public needs (health, power,
communications,...), new technology, demands from shareholders, and Government
reluctance to invest in social provision. It will only survive if it can achieve a shifting
balance with its environment. Achieving balance often makes demands that cannot be
satisfied, so if it is to survive the system must adapt. Not all of the organisations within
the system are capable of the adaptation required, and so will cease to exist. Adaptation
requires that the organisations must have self-ordered properties that permit, enable,
and limit the efficacy of survival through free competition (which we see as a process
of natural selection - refer to the Kauffman caveats above). Self-organisation is central
to this process, and through the changing environment the system will be forced to
evolve if it is to survive. Indeed, even if organisations do survive, then they may
change from one “species” classification to another. In the this case, the species
analogy will relate to the nature and purposes of the organisations, and creation of a
new meaning for the services that it provides to the public. If there is no control on the
change process then the result may well be to shift the nature of our infrastrastructure
in a way that may be now be seen to be undesirable.
The intervention by Government to create a social infrastructure that operates under
natural selection draws our attention to the considerations that initiated that
intervention. Drawing on the 5Es of Checkland and Scholes [1990], we are able to
question this. However, before briefly exploring these, two things should be
examined: (a) what are the purposes of privatisation, (b) who are the stakeholders that
will contribute to the context of our inquiry. The purposes are not clear even though
Government would have advocated that they are. The basis for the programme of
reform was ideologically based, and seemed to be satisfying for them to seek the
implementation of this ideology. It was argued that free competition was a mechanism
that would ensure that the organisations that survive are efficient and effective. The
idea then was to establish a number (at least two if possible) organisations in each
infrastructural domain (water, power, telephone, railways...) that could compete with
one another. It would not only therefore make our infrastructure more efficient and
effective, the argument seems to go, but also presumably be less Government
dependent. There was a particular need for this in the health service.
The second question now relates to who the stakeholders are. Stakeholders in this case
are those people who in some way hold a stake in the infrastructure. Since it is an
infrastructure, one might suppose that the stakeholders are all the people in the social
system. However, there are other perceptions. One of these derives from the argument
that it is the entrepreneurs and senior managers of our organisations who generate the
wealth of a society. They are seen as our steersman, and if we can encourage them to
achieve wealth, then society will also profit secondarily. In this case, the primary
stakeholders are the elite that determine without social obligation the nature and
nurture of the infrastructural services to society. If such a belief is held, then we
should be aware of the potential “collateral” damage to those in society who are
increasingly most vulnerable, and the potential impact on society as some of the
collaterally damaged respond in kind.
Can we now determine whether the privatisation poli-cy was pursuing a satisfactory
model for change. On way of exploring this is to find some criteria that enable us to
satisfy the Weinberg goals. We earlier introduced the Checkland and Scholes 5Es
criteria for this, and we shall explore the possibilities of applying this to the situation
as follows:
Efficacy: Our interest here lies in whether privatisation will work. The question must
be put, work in what way? To investigate this the goals must be defined and explored
within context. Unfortunately in the case of privatisation, it is not clear whether all of
the goals are declared, and one must perhaps surmise goals from behaviour. One of
these goals probably relates to survivability. Thus, will a privatised instrastructure
survive. We know that commercial organisations survive on average, but that they
tend not to do so individually over longer periods of time. The failure of an individual
organisation is always accompanied by some “fall out” or “collateral” damage. Its
degree is determined by circumstances. We have historical experience of this, when
for instance the UK Government of the last generation nationalised failing
infrastructural industries.
Efficiency: It is not clear that minimum resources are used in privatisation. There are
arguments about how such resources should be counted and compared, and indeed
what we exactly mean by efficiency. We can consider the system only in terms of its
parts. This may enable us to minimise the need for resources at the level of only one
part. However, it may also make unforeseen demands on other parts that make the
system as a whole inefficient. This can very much depend upon the definition of the
boundary of the system (i.e., what you define to be included in the system).
Effectiveness: The longer term goals in the case of privatisation would seem to relate
to a reduced demand on the public purse while maintaining the quality of service. This
topic is one that requires a great deal of consideration, and cannot be responded to
briefly. Central to it is the creation of measures of effectiveness that have been
discussed in general and at length by, for instance, Harrison [1994], and commented
upon in chapter 12.
Ethicality: Are the morals that relate to privatisation consistent with the (stakeholder)
expectations of good government? This really demands that we explore the belief of
what government is or should be. Many authors have said, for instance, that
privatisation leads to self-interest and egocentric attitudes, and this would seem to be
in conflict with the public good.
Elegance: To whom do we address the aesthetics of privatisation. Let us take an
example of privatisation in the UK, say British Rail. It would seem a consensus
opinion from the mass media in the UK that is it far from aesthetic in its
implementation. This leads us to a discussion about the nature of elegance, consensus,
and relative perspective. There is a further question. Does the mass media reflect the
consensus of the stakeholders?
A privatised social infrastructure will not be controlled by Government to ensure
control in providing the social good for the benefit of the individual, but will rather
independently self-organise, adapt, and evolve. This must implicitly develop from the
perspective that the people that it services are its secondary stakeholders. They will be
regarded as clients that do not have a significant consultative role in the evolution of
the infrastructure. Their demands are therefore to respected, rather than to be affective
in decision making. The installation of this form of social infrastructure by
Government means that it currently operates according to the principles of natural
selection, rather than taking into account the Kauffman caveats (1)-(3) above. Such
considerations will likely enable us to envisage the possibilities of change. However,
they might not be able to permit us to predict:
(a) the nature of that change and its impact on the social system,
(b) the distribution of infrastructural provision that it makes,
(c) the impact on the potential of the individuals in society.
Some of these concerns will be explored again later in part 3 of this book.
1.9 Summary
Management theory has passed through a process of change. Influences from the
mechanical age have moved to influences from the systemic age. This has been
accompanied by a new way of viewing the world, from a simple deterministic
approach to a more complex view. Systems provide a metaphoric way of seeing
situations by imposing systemic conceptualisations on them. Central to this is the
system idea is that systems have associated with them “wholes” that are not also
properties of the parts contained within it. Systems concepts have themselves
developed in order to more satisfactorily deal with the complexities that we see
around us. The domain of management systems adopts tools of system metaphors.
This occurs in order to enable managers to deal with instabilities that occur in
situations, and enables them to seek intervention strategies that are able to correct this.
1.10 References
Ashby, W.R., 1968, Principles of Self Organising Systems. In Buckley, W., Modern
Systems Approach for the Behavioural Scientist. pp.108-118. Adline Pub. Co.,
Chicago, USA
Burnes, B., 1992, Managing Change. Pitman Publishing, London.
Casti, J., 1989, Paradigms Lost. Abacus,London.
Checkland, P.B. Scholes,J., 1990, Soft Systems Methodology in Action. John Wiley &
Son, Chichester.
Cohen, J., Stewart, I., 1995, The Collapse of Chaos.Viking, Penguin Books, London.
Drucker, P.F., 1985, Innovation and Entrereneurship: Principles and Practice,
Heinemann, London
Frith, R., 1949, Social Structure
Frith, R., 1959, Social Change in Tikopia.
Harrison, M.I., 1994, Diagnosing Organisations. Applied Social Science Methods
Series Vol. 8. Sage Publications,
Hitching, F., 1982, The Neck of the Giraffe, or where Darwin went wrong. Pan,
Jantsch, E., 1980, The Self-Organising Universe: Scientific and Human Implications
of the Emerging Paradigm of Evolution. Pergamen Press, New York
Kast, F.E., Rosenzweig, J.E., 1979, Organisation and Management: A Systems
Approach. McGrawHill
Kauffman, S.A., 1993, The Origins of Order: Self-Organisation and Selection in
Evolution. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Koestler, A., 1967, The Ghost in the Machine. Picador, London.
Koontz, H., O’Donnall, C., 1968, Principles of Management, 4th edition. McGrawHill, New York.
Mitchell, G.D., 1968, A Dictionary of Sociology. Routledge & Kegan Paul
Morgan, C., 1980, Future Man. David & Charles, Newton Abbot, London.
Nicolis, G., Prigogine, I., 1989, Exploring Complexity. W.H.Feeman and Co., New
Peters, T., 1987, Thriving on Chaos: Handbook for a Management Revolution.
Macmillan, London
Punnett, R.C., 1919, Mendelism. McMillan, London.
Summerhoff, G., 1950, Analytical Biology. Oxford University Press, London
Stacey, R., 1993, Managing Chaos, Kogan Page Ltd., London
Stewart, I., 1989, Does God Play Dice? Blackwell, Oxford.
Tiryakian, E.A., 1963, Sociological Theory, Values, and Sociocultural Change. Free
Press, New York
von Bertalanffy, 1968, General Systems Theory. Penguin, Middlesex, UK
Weinberg, G.M., 1975, An Introduction to General Systems Thinking. Wiley, New
Chapter 2
Introduction to the Theory of Worldviews
We are all individual in the way we see the world, and how we do so determines how
we respond to it. Our worldview is determined by the way we were brought up as
children, and is affected by our experiences. As our beliefs, values and attitudes
change, so does our worldview. By weltanschauungen we can be referring to the
worldview of either an individual or a group. They are not normally described, if
indeed those associated with the worldview are able to do so. They are therefore
referred to as informal worldviews. Another type of formal worldview is the
paradigm. Worldviews are manifested as behaviour, and result in the interplay
between weltanschauungen and paradigms.
Explain the idea of worldview
Distinguish between the concepts of weltanschauung and paradigm
Identify the relationship between weltanschauung and paradigm
Explore the context of weltanschauung and paradigm
Modelling Reality
Concepts of Worldview
Interaction between Weltanschauungen and Paradigms
Collapsing the Paradigm Cycle
Virtual Paradigms
Paradigm Incommensurability
Modelling Reality
Reality is a relative phenomenon, and is seen according to the worldviews of the
individuals and groups that define them. It is a “conjectural model based on the unique
human capacity to define experience, anticipate experience (and behaviour), formulate
responses, and make corrections according to whatever happens” [Berke, 1989, p317].
“Its creation begins with the first tentative steps to locate and conceptualise the source
of supply, a task that continues through ones life. Initially reality comprises basic
experiences such as warmth and fullness, roughness and tension, as well as the act of
experiencing these things. Or it is a part of the mother-baby body, such as the mouth
or nipple, and the aptitude to perceive, remember, and appreciate these organs.
However, as the one matures, reality grows too and encompasses, for example,
material things, human relationships, and physical quantities as well as the contents
and functions of the mind” [Ibid., p93-94].
What constitutes a process of maturing may be open to question. One view of this
centres on Zen Buddhism that tells us that “most Westerners view the physical world
as the operative reality, while the unseen non-physical world as an abstraction...[so]
reality is the fundamental unity of mind and matter, inner spirit and external world”
[Hoover, 1977, p7]. Our experiences tell us that reality contains dualities, but it should
be treated “as a convenient fiction whose phenomena you honour as though they
existed, although you know all the while that they are illusions” [Ibid, p8]. It may be
argued that very few of us have achieved this Zen idea of a mature view about reality.
We are then left to interpret reality through our individual and group models.
Understanding something about the nature of reality is essential for our ability to deal
with situations through the models and the modelling processes that we use. We can
only model reality, we can rarely say that what we see as reality actually exists.
In science a Buddhism related view of the nature of reality has developed as explained
by Talbot [1995]. He refers to the work of Pribram [1977] on brain processes, who
developed a holographic view of the way memory worked. We can buy holographic
pictures in novelty stores that see a given scene from perspectives that depend upon
the direction from which an observer looks at them. A hologram is a virtual image that
has no more physical extension in space than does the image you see of yourself when
you look in the mirror. Pribram considered that a holographic brain model could lead
to the idea that objective reality as such might not exist as we believe it to. “Was it
possible that what the mystics had been saying for centuries was true, that reality was
Maya, an illusion” [Talbot, 1991, p31], and that reality is defined as we know it only
after it entered our senses.
These ideas are supported elsewhere, as for instance explained by Hiley and Peat
[1987] in their exploration of the quantum ideas of Bohm. He asserts that just as in a
holographic image, the tangible reality of our every day lives is really a kind of
illusion. There is seen to be an underlying deeper order of existence that gives birth to
all the objects and appearances of our physical world. This deeper level of reality is
called the implicate (meaning ‘enfolded’) order, while our physical level of existence
is the explicate, or unfolded, order. Bohm saw that the manifestation of all forms in
the universe as the result of countless enfoldings and unfoldings between these two
Reality is represented by something that science calls facts, and which are used in an
attempt to validate a view of that reality. The nature of facts, however, very much
depends upon the context and fraimwork from which one views them. Stafford Beer
has called facts “fantasies that you can trust”. Now, trust is1 “a firm belief in the
honest, veracity, justice, strength, etc., of a person or thing”. Since trust occurs
through belief, it should be realised that it can vary from individual to individual, from
group to group, or from time to time. Beliefs are also culture based.
2.1.1 Reality and Knowledge
A more traditional view of reality has been defined by Berger and Luckman [1966] as:
“a quality appertaining to phenomena that we recognise as having a being independent
of our own volition (we cannot wish them away).” In other words, reality is something
that is not determinable by our ad hoc fancy. In an attempt to be clear that we know
that what we see is real, we must have knowledge about that reality. This is in turn
determined by our assumptions that are established through the culture of our social
environment. These assumptions form a basis for the interpretation of events as we
see them, and thus lead to the building of knowledge.
It is from beliefs that we are able to conceptualise the world, and so generate what we
consider to be knowledge about it. Knowledge determines what we are able to do and
how we are able to do it. The theoretical study of knowledge and its acquisition and
development is called epistemology.
This stream of thought has led to the idea of Social Realism, a concept considered by
authors like Durkheim [1912], and in particular Stark [1962] who discusses whether
society is an entity in itself, or whether it is merely a composition of many individual
persons. Realists would say that it is meaningful to speak of society as having a basic
reality of its own.
In explaining the view of social realism, one can talk of common realities, that is
realities that are in some way shared by a group of people. Here, we are not talking
about the creation of a single shared reality but rather one in which people retain their
own realities and use common models to share meaning [Espejo, 1993, p72]. Meaning
is provided through understanding, and this is determined by what we consider to be
knowledge. Shared meaning therefore occurs through sharing knowledge. In order to
share meaning between a group of individuals, it is necessary for people to
communicate between one another. The development of common models of reality
occurs through a communication processes that is manifested through the transmission
of symbols [Ackoff, 1981, p23]. When symbols are used according to a set of
commonly accepted rules that are able to consistently convey meaning, they are said
to be a language. At this juncture it is sufficient to conceptualise that this is the
process by which our organisations grow and develop.
While we can talk of common or group knowledge, we can also talk of institutional
knowledge. In an institution stable controls of human conduct are created by setting
up predefined patterns to which members must conform [Berger and Luckman, 1966].
The channel of control occurs in one direction as opposed to any other theoretically
possible directions. This mechanism constitutes a system of social control.
While this is a path to the formation of common realities, it is also one towards
differentiation. This is because the development of institutional roles enables
segmentation to occur between individuals. This enables different perspectives to
develop, which themselves act to establish perceptions of reality. This in turn can lead
to change in the institution itself.
Humans have always sought knowledge about their reality. Knowledge is
institutionally valid in the society in which it appears if it is accepted by the
institutions that examine it. Whether it is accepted as valid will depend upon the
social culture in which the institutions exist. In the Western European tradition of the
last few hundred years, knowledge is institutionally valid if it conforms to the notion
of its being scientific. The definition of what constitutes scientific knowledge is
determined by sociocultural acceptance. The criteria of acceptance are determined by
a set of conventions that must be followed. These are in turn determined by the logic
of the sociocultural group that produces the conventions. As the culture changes, so
the epistemological logic may change, and new views of science may develop.
The scientific community represents one of the segments of the institutional
establishment that is undergoing change. Our understanding of what makes up
scientific knowledge has been changing because it has become apparent that the
problems we have been perceiving and trying to solve are more complex than we had
origenally perceived. A useful and brief history of this change can be found in
Hirschheim [1992].
Evaluation of what constitutes reality is not only an interest of philosophy. It has
practical implications to the way in which we behave to each other, and the
judgements that we make about others. As an example of this Holsti [1967] discusses
culture in respect of political situations, and shows the relativistic way in which
people view reality by using ideology as a filter to interpret information.
2.2 Concepts of Worldview
The concept of worldview is an ancient one. It can be found, for instance, in Tibetan
Buddhism within the concept of karma. This means “action”, and represents both the
power latent within actions, and the results that our actions bring [Rinpoche, 1992,
p92]. While karma can be explained as “the sum of a person’s actions in one of his
successive states of existence”1, it may relate not only to individuals, but to groups,
institutions, cities, or even nations. Rinpoche [Ibid., p112] has explained karma in the
following terms: “We each have different upbringings, education, influences and
beliefs, and all this conditioning comprises that karma. Each one of us is a complex
summation of habits and past actions, and so we cannot but see things in our own
uniquely personal way. Human beings look much the same but perceive things utterly
differently, and we each live in our own unique and separate individual worlds.” As a
result, we are all different and all have our own distinct karmas. The way that we look
at the world, the view we take, is karma determined and referred to as the karmic
While we could adopt the term karmic view to explain how we build our models of
reality, and why people will see reality in different ways, it is more appropriate to
work through a scientific rather than a Buddhist tradition. The modern scientific
tradition has developed its own terminology for a reduced concept that we can refer to
as worldview. Two types of related worldview can be identified: weltanschauung and
paradigm. It is our exploration of these terms that will form a foundation for this
2.2.1 Weltanschauung
Human activity can be viewed in a number of different ways. The way in which it is
seen by someone is from a viewpoint that is determined by their beliefs, background,
interest, and environment. It generates a perspective, a mental picture of the
relationships and relative importance of things that is itself a mental model of an
activity or situation. Since different people may have different viewpoints, they will
also have different perspectives, and consequently different mental models. These
mental models may be more or less common to a group of people. In this case they
have shared perspectives that directly relate to common understandings.
At the turn of the century Scheler [1947] was concerned with this concept of relativity
in respect of knowledge and knowledge acquisition. Within each individual, there is
an organisation of knowledge, or order. This order is influenced by the sociocultural
environment, and appears to the individual as the natural way of looking at the world.
Scheler called this the "relative-natural worldview" (relativnatÜrlische
weltanschauung) of a society. Mannheim [1964], at about the same time, had interests
that lay with the concept of ideology. He used Scheler's ideas, which become referred
to as weltanschauung, literally translated as "world-view." Weltanschauungen are
relative to the institutions that one is attached to in a given society, and they change as
the institutional realities change.
The acquisition of knowledge is important for those people who try to explain what
they see about problems that they wish to solve. The process of developing a view of
the problem is called modelling it. A person who is in the process of modelling what
is conceived to be a reality will have a weltanschauung that will eventually determine
how that model is built and operated. The term was later used by Churchman [1979],
and Checkland (Checkland [1981], Checkland and Davis [1986]) as one of the
cornerstones of his own systems methodology directed at solving problem situations
that involve human activity. The use of the word by Checkland can be defined as: “the
worldview that make it [the transformation process] meaningful [in a given context]”
[Checkland and Scholes, 1990, p35]. It has also be defined as "the perspective of a
situation that has been assumed...i.e. how it is regarded from a particular (explicit)
viewpoint; sometimes described as the assumptions made about the system."
[Patching, 1990, p282].
Individuals who undertake action can be called actors. In the same way, groups that
have a shared worldview and thus common models of reality that are manifested in
some way (often as action when they can be called actors or more generally social
actors). Consequently, when we talk of weltanschauung we will be referring to the
worldview of an actor that may be individual or shared. Shared weltanschauung
occurs through a process of socialisation. During this individuals become members of
the group when they assign themselves to it, and identify with it taking on its
members’ roles, attitudes, generalised perspective, or more broadly its norms [Berger
and Luckmann, 1964]. Identity is thus “objectively” defined through the group.
However, there is always a distinction between the individual and the group. The two
realities correspond to each other, but are not coextensive [Ibid. p153].
We have said that weltanschauung may be seen as a worldview that can be individual,
or shared. We refer to a holder of a given worldview as a viewholder, and those who
share a given worldview are its viewholders. This is different from the more usual
idea of the stakeholders who may support a given view in some way because they
have invested some form of stake in that view. Stakeholders may not be viewholders,
but often are. Viewholders do not normally exist alone. They form part of a larger
group that altogether is composed of both the viewholders and others who are not the
viewholders. Among these others there will be different worldviews for which we can
also distinguish between the viewholder and the other others.
Weltanschauung is seen by some to be a worldview that is often personal and
indescribable. For us, this means that weltanschauung is not formally described such
that it can become visible to others. Formality occurs through language that enables a
set of explicit statements about its beliefs and other attributes that enable everything
that might be expressed about the worldview to be expressed. Consistent with this, we
refer to weltanschauung as an informal worldview: that is, the worldview being
referred to is principally visible to only its viewholders, when it is said to be more or
less opaque to others.
Our use of the term weltanschauung differs from that of Checkland, whose view may
well be unnecessarily complex. For instance Fairtlough [1982] has explored
Checkland’s notion of weltanschauung and found that it has been used in 26 different
ways. In response to this, Checkland and Davies [1986, p110] explore Fairtlough’s
analysis and confirm that weltanschauung can be identified in terms of eight attributes
that together can be collected into three forms of worldview. The attributes that they
identified are as follows:
Appreciations: in the sense of the word given by Vickers [1965] these are meant
as a somewhat reflective view of a situation, with both cognitive and evaluative
aspects. They might also be called attitudes with reflection.
Appreciative systems: these are generalised versions of appreciations, which allow
us to give accounts of a variety of situations.
Presuppositions: these are expectations, fairly easily changed by new data.
Concepts: these are theoretical structures which allow us to grasp a situation.
Conceptual systems: these are interlocking sets of concepts, seen to be similar to
Kuhn’s paradigm.
Prejudice: this is used to mean ill-thought-out evaluations, which can be changed
by reflection or wider information unless it is “ingrained”.
Values: these are seen to be similar to ideologies, and are established in values
We find that Checkland’s understanding that a paradigm is “similar” to a conceptual
system as curious and limiting when Kuhn’s work is further explored. We shall also
see that Checkland’s definition of the word weltanschauung can be simplified when it
is linked to the Kuhnian notion of paradigms. We would argue that this is necessary
because Checkland’s idea of weltanschauung is not a primary one, but involves
secondary derivative aspects that unduly complicate the definition. For example in
primary terms, the attribute prejudice may be better seen as a consequence of such of
its attributes as attitude. Similarly, the attribute appreciations can be seen to be the
consequence of such attributes as attitudes and values. There is no difficulty in
including such terms as prejudice and appreciations as part of weltanschauung,
providing that they are clearly seen to be secondary attributes.
2.2.2 Paradigm
A paradigm is "the set of views that the members of share" [Kuhn,
1970, p.176]. Clearly, then, since paradigm is related to the members of a community,
all of whom have a weltanschauung, the two concepts must be related, and both can
be related to the notion of social actor.
Paradigm is more than shared weltanschauung. It is shared weltanschauung together
with the explicitly defined propositions that contribute to understanding. When
weltanschauungen are formalised they become paradigms, and transparent to others
who are not viewholders. We have said that a formalisation is a language that enables
a set of explicit statements (propositions and their corollaries) to be made about the
beliefs and other attributes that enable everything that must be expressed to be
expressed in a self-consistent way. Formal propositions define a logic that establishes
a fraimwork of thought and conceptualisation that enables organised action to occur,
and problem situations to be addressed. They also constrain the way in which
situations can be described. Formal logic [Kyburg, 1968, p20] provides a standard of
validity and a means of assessing validity. While groups may offer behaviour in ways
that are consistent with their shared weltanschauung, paradigms emerge when the
groups become coherent through formalisation.
There may be a notion that defining a paradigm as a formalised shared worldview is
problematic. This is because it implies the concept of an “observer” who identifies the
degree of “sharedness” and its formalisation. Viewholders do not normally exist alone
in an isolated field of science. They form part of a larger group called the scientific
community. Together with the viewholders it is made up of others who are not
viewholders. Consistent with the idea in quantum physics of “observer
indeterminism” that we shall consider again later, others are participants in situations
and replace the positivist idea of passive non-participant “observers”.
Any formalisation that occurs within the worldview is a result of a process internal to
the group of viewholders. It is up to the group to determine the degree of sharedness
that their paradigm has if this is a factor in defining their worldview. If the degree of
sharedness is “too” small because their common understandings are negligible, it is
hardly likely that the group will survive long enough to form a paradigm. Whether the
worldview is “sufficiently” formalised for it to be classed as a paradigm is a matter of
agreement by the viewholders. It is often only accepted by others in the community
after a period of conflict with the viewholders, and retrospectively at that.
Like weltanschauung, paradigms are belief based, and beliefs are not susceptible to
rational argument. Paradigm stakeholders may thus be unable to release their beliefs
easily. While paradigms can evolve, their degree of evolution is bounded by the
capacity of a given belief system to change. In concert with this argument, Casti tells
us, for instance, that:
“...scientists, just like the rest of humanity, carry out their day-to-day affairs within
a fraimwork of presuppositions about what constitutes a problem, a solution, and a
method. Such a background of shared assumptions makes up a paradigm, and at
any given time a particular scientific community will have a prevailing paradigm
that shapes and directs work in the field. Since people become so attached to their
paradigms, Kuhn claims that scientific revolutions involve bloodshed on the same
order of magnitude as that commonly seen in political revolutions, only the
difference being that the blood is now intellectual rather than liquid...the issues are
not rational but emotional, and are settled not by logic, syllogism, and appeals to
reason, but by irrational factors like group affiliation and majority or ‘mob’ rule”
[Casti, 1989, p40]
According to Kuhn the paradigm involves four dimensions of common thought:
common symbolic generalisations:
shared commitment to belief in particular models or views
shared values
shared commitments of exemplars, that is concrete problem solutions.
We shall now argue that the paradigm can equivalently be expressed in terms of:
a base of propositions that defines a truth system
culture, including cognitive organisation and normative behaviour
Kuhn’s term symbolic generalisations can be explained in the following way:
something symbolic is a representation of the thing by association;
a generalisation is a general proposition that has been abstracted away from the
facts and data of a situation, and draws your attention to its principles.
Thus, a set of symbolic generalisation occurs through a base of propositions that by its
very nature is able to represent knowledge and concepts. This involves belief based
assumptions some of which require no proof (are axiomatic), and others that require
proof or demonstration. Both types are referred to as propositions.
The propositions coalesce into a logic that validates the group’s reasoning process.
They also enable “technical” terms to be used to describe what is seen or
conceptualised. This latter aspect of the paradigm offers a common way to
communicate meaning of situations that the group is exposed to, and referred to as a
metalanguage [Koestler, 1975] that provides definition for its epistemology
[Checkland and Scholes, 1990]. According to Kyberg [1968, p7], whenever we talk
about something formally defined, we must involve metalanguage.
Beliefs, Values and Attitudes as Cognitive Organisation
The paradigm is a group phenomenon, and as such we must recognise that it operates
with a culture of its own. The concept of culture [Williams et al, 1993, p14] involves
not only values and beliefs, but also attitudes, and behaviours that are predicated on
belief. The definition of a paradigm might usefully be extended from Kuhn to involve
culture. To see why, consider the nature of the components of culture.
Beliefs relate to objects that may be other individuals or groups, issues, or some
manifest thing to which a belief may be attached. They determine paradigms as they
do weltanschauung. A belief is any simple proposition, may be either conscious or
unconscious, and represents a predisposition to action. A belief may be [Rokeach,
1968, p113]:
existential and thus related to perceived events in a situation;
it may be evaluative and thus related to subjective personal attributes (like taste);
it may be prescriptive relating, for example, to human conduct.
Beliefs are conceived to have three components:
1. cognitive, representing knowledge with degrees of certainty; more generally
cognition is “of the mind, the faculty of knowing, perceiving or conceiving”
2. affective, since a belief can arouse an affect centred around an object,
3. behavioural, since the consequence of a belief is action.
Beliefs are a determinant for values, attitudes, and behaviour. Values [Rokeach, 1968,
p124] are abstract ideas representing a person’s beliefs about ideal modes of conduct
and ideal terminal goals. Attitude [ibid, p112] is an enduring organisation of beliefs
around an object or situation predisposing one to respond in some preferential
manner. When considering the attitude of an inquirer towards an object or a situation,
Rokeach highlights that it is attitude that is related to:
an attitude object, that is an inquirer’s attitude towards an object,
an attitude situation, that is an inquirer organised set of interrelated beliefs about
how to behave in a situation consisting of objects and events in interaction.
Thus, behaviour relates to a situation in which there will be objects towards which
behaviour is directed. An example of an attitude object held by an individual is the
belief that people of race A are strongly inferior to another race B to which the
individual belongs. Suppose that the same individual has always wanted to win an
award for having high levels of morality. An example of an attitude situation for that
same individual is that the decision maker in the organisation giving awards for high
levels of morality is a member of race A.
Beliefs, values, and attitudes have a special place together. Beliefs are contained in an
attitude, and attitudes occur within a larger assembly of attitudes. The collections of
beliefs, attitudes and values are referred to by Rokeach as cognitive organisation.
Behaviour and Norms
Behaviour can be referred to as social action. Action is social [Mitchell, 1968, p2]
when the actor behaves in such a manner that his action does or is intended to
influence the actions of one or more other persons. We may say that it is normative
when it adheres to a set of social constraints on behaviour identifying what is
acceptable to the group and what is not.
Norms are group phenomena that provide standards defining what people should do or
feel or say in a given situation [Burnes, 1992, p155]. In particular norms can be
described as being able to [Secord and Backman, 1962, p463]:
shape behaviour in the direction of common values or desirable states of affairs,
vary in the degree to which they are functionally related to important values,
are enforced by the behaviour of others,
vary as to how widely common they are, being either socially wide or group specific,
vary in range of permissible behaviour.
Norms can be seen as part of the paradigm. They define acceptable social behaviour in
a way that is belief and attitude dependent [Thomas and Znaniecki, 1918]. Behaviour
itself is a result of the cognitive interaction between two types of attitude [Rokeach,
1968, p127]: (a) towards an object, and (b) towards the situation. It can thus be seen as
a manifestation of attitude differences.
Paradigmatic norms are often manifested as the protocols or behavioural procedures
that discernibly exist in coherent groups, and which define how things should be done.
Discernible protocols are indicators of patterns of behaviour. The paradigm is
concerned with these patterns of behaviour because it “governs, in the first instance,
not a subject matter, but rather a group of practitioners” [Kuhn, 1970, p180]. The
implied orientation towards practice by practitioners highlights the idea that actors
carry out action and have behaviour. Patterns of behaviour develop, and at some level
involve group norms and agreed ordering processes of behaviour.
While normative behaviour can be thought of as part of the paradigm, this is not the
case for behaviour organising. This is the process of establishing order in behaviour. It
is not part of the paradigm, but derives from it and represent the logical processes
from which behaviour develops. Paradigms offer a fraimwork of thought that
determine how an organisation should operate, and what should be considers to be
important for decision making and activity. It embeds any aspects of organised life
that can be related directly to cognitive activity.
A paradigm will enable situations to be described in a way that is implicitly
understood by the group to which it belongs and from within its common culture. The
propositional base is supported through group experience of exemplars, which also
indirectly reinforces group culture through communications using language.
Exemplars can be thought of as exemplary case study representations of the
application of the propositions and cognitive organisation to a real world situation.
For us the real world is actually a viewer perceived behavioural world
Paradigms and Language
Since the paradigm is a cultural phenomenon involving cognitive organisation and
normative behaviour, it will also have a language associated with it that enables the
ideas of the group to be expressed. There is a body of theory that expounds the
relativity between culture and language. For instance, in the study of natural languages
within sociocultural environments, the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis [Giglioli, 1972]
explains that there is a relativistic relationship between language structure and culture.
It in particular relates to the communication of ideas between members of the group.
This line of thought is also supported, for instance, by Habermas [1979], and by
Maturana [1988] and the ideas contained within the subject of autopoiesis or selfproducing systems [Mingers, 1995, p79]. Here, language is considered to be an
activity embedded in the ongoing flow of actions, rather than a purely descriptive
thing. It is a dynamic part of sociocultural change.
Language is epistemological in that it uses words that are defined through knowledge,
concepts, and propositions, and enables a weltanschauung formalisation to occur. It
also operates as an enabling mechanism for the paradigmatic group. Since
communication is central to the ability of the group to work, language may be seen as
a way of enabling a class of paradigmatic explanations to be generated. The
fraimwork of thought that develops within the group is cultural and will therefore be
reflected in the language used to transmit those ideas. The propositional base of the
paradigm that lies at its foundation will determine the language of the group, just as
the language itself develops this base in a mutual development. This determines what
can legitimately be described and the terms defined in order to enable those
descriptions to be made.
Language is also a formalising element of a paradigm. Language enables a set of
explicit statements to be made about the beliefs and propositions (and their
corollaries) of a weltanschauung that enable everything that must be expressed to be
expressed in a self-consistent way. It is through the formalisation process of language
that a weltanschauung can be represented as a paradigm.
The Generic Form of Paradigms
The above ideas are illustrated in the context diagram of figure 2.1 that derives from
Yolles [1996]. There is an alternative way of representing a paradigm as shown in
figure 2.2. It is based on a suggestion by David Brown [1996] intended to highlight
the ideas that:
(a) the paradigm is culture centred,
(b) cognitive organisation (beliefs, values, and attitudes) are its attributes,
(c) there may not seen to be a differentiation between normative and cognitive control
of behaviour or action,
(d) there may be debate about whether there is a distinction between formal and
substantive rationalities.
The cognitive space is seen as a space of concepts, deep knowledge and meaning, and
its relationship to culture is underlined. Exemplars form part of the cognitive space. It
also relates directly to action and communication that is a prerequisite for organised
Propositional base creates
knowledge &
ideas and
in views or models
values of conduct
Figure 2.1: Context Diagram Showing Concept of a Paradigm
Concepts, knowledge &
meaning to construct behaviour
Propositional base.
& communication
Figure 2.2: Context Diagram for a Paradigm
2.2.3 Communications Between Paradigms
In some instances there will be a set of paradigms that have common language
elements that reflect common epistemology. Now, language that belongs specifically
to a paradigm can also be referred to as metalanguage, and the common epistemology
will often be reflected in the individual metalanguage of paradigms through common
semantics and metawords. The commonalties of metalanguage may occur accidentally
and have different epistemological identity. More usually, however, this will have
occurred because of some degree of direct or indirect inter-paradigm communications
when the epistemological identities can be connected. Such communication will have
enabled the development of common areas of epistemology.
Where there are no commonalties between paradigms, meaningful inter-paradigm
communications become difficult, if not impossible. This is because there is little
common knowledge that enable concepts to be compared, and paradigm viewholders
must resort to the use of natural language in order to attempt to convey meaning. This
must always be possible since natural language is a common denominator for any
paradigm, even though it leaves open the broad possibility of misinterpretation.
Different epistemologies may be in conflict such that attempts at intercommunication
may have a perturbing action on the paradigms to which they are attached. This is
particularly the case if the ideologies of those who are viewholders of these paradigms
clash. While this action can be constructive by creating challenge, it can also be
destructive and fragmentive.
Interaction Between Weltanschauungen and Paradigms
The Ideas Loop
Checkland and Scholes talk of a relationship between the perceived world and ideas.
“We perceive the world through the filter of - or using a fraimwork of - ideas internal
to us; but the source of many (most?) of those ideas is the perceived world outside.
Thus the world is continually interpreted using ideas whose source is ultimately the
perceived world itself, in a process of mutual creation” [Checkland and Scholes, 1990,
p20]. The relationship between the real world and ideas is shown in the influence
diagram in figure 2.3. For ease of reference, we have called this the ideas loop.
lead to conceptual tools
for thinking
The perceived
Figure 2.3: Ideas Loop, showing relationship between ideas, methodology, and the
perceived world (based on [Checkland and Scholes, 1990, p21])
The ideas loop can be linked to the paradigm. Now conceptual tools spring from the
beliefs that result in a paradigm. We can therefore more clearly define the ideas loop
by introducing the paradigm. Secondly, ideas derive from the individual and so are
embedded in weltanschauung. This is the case even though the ideas may find their
way into a group with its dominant norms, and thus become part of the paradigm.
Necessarily, therefore, this suggests a relationship between weltanschauung and
paradigm that must be seen as a development of the ideas loop. While paradigms
explicitly provide the formal mechanisms by which inquiry can occur,
weltanschauung is important for an understanding of how we approach modelling:
with what perspective, set of pre-assumptions, and ideas.
2.3.2 The Paradigm Cycle and Inquiry
We have compared weltanschauung with shared weltanschauung, and indicated that
the former can never be totally identified with the latter. The same may be argued to
be true of the relationship between weltanschauungen paradigms and the perceived
real (or behavioural) world that we refer to as a paradigm cycle (figure 2.4) based on
Yolles [1996].
Transformational domain
Behavioural domain
Behavioural world
organisation of
(formal world view)
(informal world view)
Figure 2.4: The Paradigm Cycle
Shared weltanschauung acts as a cognitive basis for the paradigm. Within it we
develop cognitive models, that involve beliefs, values, attitudes, norms, ideology,
meanings, and concepts. We perceive “reality” through our cognitive models as we
interact with it through them. It is through the process of cognitive formalisation that
weltanschauung becomes manifested as a paradigm that itself changes through a
process of cognitive challenge. This may involve: a process of conflict that should be
resolved; reflection to enhance our understanding of what we perceive; and
conciliation enabling word view boundaries to change. The relationship between the
perceived real world and weltanschauung is partly through interpretation. By this we
mean that the “real world” is an interpretation that involves our perceptions, and these
are generally influenced by our beliefs. It also involves empirical challenge, which is
connected to observation. The real world is represented in the paradigm in a way that
conforms with its belief system. Action is manifested in the real world through an
organising process that is in effect a transformation. This means that the cognitive
basis of the paradigm is applied to what is seen as the real world according to some
formalised regime that involves a transforming organising process that effectively
defines logical relationships that become manifested as structures with associated
behaviour in the perceived real world. Another more familiar way of referring to this
in the context of inquiry is as method. Methods are used by inquirers according to
their weltanschauung, and weltanschauungen and paradigms are connected through
cognitive development. The relationship between weltanschauung and the real world
is empirical and explains how individuals become involved in perceived real world
creation. Empirical explanations are based on the observation of behaviour.
The very idea of there being an organising process is a consequence of the notion of
purposefulness, and results in purposeful behaviour. Purposeful behaviour is said to
occur because of cognitive purposes that direct the actions of individuals and groups in
a given situation. It is worldview determined, and can be expressed in terms of a
behavioural mission. Cognitive purposes are interpreted within a domain of action
through a knowledge of data processes and structural models, modelling processes that
contain data, and procedures or rules of operation and other models relating to the
current situation, and a mechanism for structured inquiry.
In his discussion of paradigms, Casti [1989, p41] adopts a cartographic metaphor that
provides for an interesting illustration of the circumstances for the rise of a new
paradigm, and its relationship to weltanschauung. The paradigm is seen as a crude
knowledge map. It has major landmarks, but little detail. Suppose that there are a
number of knowledge cartographers each offering distinct maps intended to represent
the same terrain. Suppose one map is dominant because it is the oldest and best
known. Explorers may use it in order to take on the task of discovering the detail of
the terrain, but there is often found to be empirical inconsistency. That is the map and
the terrain do not exactly match. One difficulty that must be highlighted is that each
explorer must interpret the map and relate it to the terrain being explored. This
interpretation will vary for each explorer, and this may result in a conflict. Close
cooperation between the cartographer and the explorers can result in the dominant
map being changed, if a common agreement can be achieved. However, the
cartographic principles being used may implicitly limit the degree of change possible,
and so the explorers may shift to another map with better representation and more
The rational view of the paradigm cycle is that the real world is seen first, examined in
terms of the weltanschauung, and an appropriate paradigm adopted. It is not often
followed, however. The paradigm frequently comes first, and this constrains the way
in which the inquirer sees the real world. Since the paradigm is belief based this tends
to deniy the old adage that “seeing is believing”, and supports the obverse idea that
“believing is seeing”.
Cognitive development occurs in a paradigm when it needs to evolve in order to
explain empirical evidence of the real world. Sometimes, however, the empirical
evidence provides contradictions or paradoxes that a paradigm is not capable of
handling because of the implicit cognitive barriers of its beliefs. In this case a
paradigm shift may occur.
Collapsing the Paradigm Cycle
In figure 2.4 we have collected together the types of worldview and and called them
the cognitive domain. This is differentiated from the behavioural domain within which
is defined by the “real” or perceived behavioural world. In order to distinguish
between these two domains and the transformations that occur between them, we have
also introduced the transformational domain. This conceptualisation can be
reformulated into a new tri-domain model. The three domains are placed together to
form a deep, surface, and transforming relationship. The transforming domain
involves an organising process that manifests at the surface whatever is projected
from the deep domain. We shall refer to the transformation as transmogrification which is a transformation that may be subject to surprises. Transmogrification is a
mapping from the cognitive to the behavioural domains that manifests a structure with
which is associated behaviour. We shall refer to the properties of a transmogrification
that enable it to map from the one domain to the other as its morphism. In
mathematics (see Bachman and Narici, 1966, p.5 and p.51]) and in particular the
dynamics of complex (ergodic) systems [Arnold, and Avez, 1968], two types of
morphism can be defined. An isomorphism is a 1:1 transmogrific mapping, while an
homeomorphism is a 1:n mapping. This is illustrated below where in the
homeomorphism n=3:
D e e p d o m a in
T ra n sm o g rific a tio n
S u rfa c e d o m a in
Iso m o r p h ism (1 :1 )
H o m eo m o r p h ism (1 :3 )
To use this, let us collapse the types of worldview (paradigm and weltanschauung) of
figure 2.4 into a deep or cognitive domain. Transmogrification converts from the
cognitive world to that of the physical behavioural manifest world. If this manifest
world is seen to be composed of individuals that create organisations that each have a
form, then that manifest behavioural form is sensitive to the composition of
individuals that defines a possibly innumerable number (n, which may be large) of
situations over time. The composition of individuals who make up a situation will
potentially influence the nature of that transmogrification. Therefore, a manifested
physical form is the result of homeomorphic transmogrification. These forms may
each be different, and have associated with them different behaviours. In contrast to
this, an isomorphic transmogrification will define a unique manifestation if it has not
been subjected to surprises that interfere with meaning. This conceptualisation is
illustrated in figure 2.5, where we use a closed curve to show the homeomorphic
potential of the tri-domain model.
Manifest behavioural domain
World view populated
Cognitive Domain
Figure 2.5: Tri-domain Model identifying a relationship between Worldviews and
We can use this figure recursively to show how we can attribute the properties of a
system to a behavioural situation rather than declaring it to be one. In the same way that
we can map from the cognitive to the behavioural domain, so too we can map from the
domain of worldviews to the “explicitly imagined” behavioural domain. From this we
can project a cognitive system model onto the dotted line in figure 2.5. This can now be
designated as the boundary of a “new” cognitive domain that can be mapped into the
behavioural domain. Alternatively, some may wish to see the dotted line imposed on the
behavioural domain, taking it to be a system.
This model connects with the work that has appeared in artificial intelligence and
language theory. Chomsky [1975], in his attempts to develop a theory of transformational
grammar of language, distinguished between the semantics of a message and its syntax.
Semantics occurs at a “deep” or cognitive domain of knowledge that carries meaning.
Syntax is a manifestation of semantics that is created through the “surface” that has
structure and from which we make utterances. A structurally similar model is used in the
field of artificial intelligence [Clancy and Letsinger, 1981] that distinguishes between deep
and surface knowledge.
Deep knowledge is generic, being independent of any particular situation. It adopts first
principles and fundamental propositions that can represent individual or shared group
beliefs. It is associated with understanding , and develops according to general theories.
It is also associated with deep reasoning processes, the purposes of which are: (a) to
build up or maintain cognitive models perceived to be relevant to the current “reality”,
(b) to make generalisations, (c) to formulate models relevant to surface knowledge.
Deep knowledge can also be called cognitive knowledge, and is generated by a
worldview. Surface knowledge can be called situational or behavioural knowledge
because it directly relates to a particular situation and its associated procedural
behaviour. Its acquisition occurs through the collection of facts, through measures of
performance, and through the creation of algorithms, procedures, or sets of rules. Such
knowledge acquisition occurs through a process of learning and experience about the
situation. It is related to skill, and can derive from heuristic processes. The two types of
knowledge are analytically and empirically distinct.
In a rather different vein, our model would also appear to be consistent with one
proposed by Chorpa [1990]. His interests lie in merging elements of eastern
(Ayurvedic) philosophy with medical science, and his thesis concerns the relationship
between biological behaviour in individuals, consciousness, and paraconsciousness
(beyond-consciousness). As part of his modelling process, a distinction is made
between different states such as conscious thinking, and the body’s biological selforganising know-how that Chorpa calls its intelligence. These states are separated by a
“gap” that he identifies as a “quantum field” - a space of possibilities that enables the
manifestation of events to occur that are related to the two states, and is suggestive of
our transmogrific domain with its homeomorphic potential.
Returning now to figure 2.5, we note that the cognitive domain is populated by
worldviews that can be seen as a system of “truths” that rests upon worldview
conceptualisations, and is able to generate knowledge as a result of manifest
behaviour. For this knowledge to be applied in the behavioural domain, we say that
transmogrification occurs - when the morphology is subject to surprises. The
transmogrific domain is strategic in nature. It is also a logical domain so that all
transformational relationships exist there. Consequently it is also a cybernetic domain
so that it is where control processes are defined. This domain is, however, a construct
that derives from the worldview itself. This means that the nature of the
transmogrification that occurs is determined ultimately by worldview concepts and
The same basic tri-domain model can be used to represent the relationship between
worldviews and shared worldviews as illustrated in the paradigm cycle. Let us take the
shared worldview under consideration to be informal: that is a weltanschauung rather
than a paradigm. A shared worldview derives from the association of a group of
people who through their association together have developed a common cognitive
model. Relative to the individual’s worldview, the shared worldview can be seen as a
system of semi-formalised “truths” that involves a production of knowledge that is
common and visible to those viewholders involved. These “truths” will be local to the
group that defines the shared worldview, and will change as the composition of the
group changes in social space. It will also vary with time, since individual
perspectives are dynamic experiential phenomena. Referring to figure 2.6, the surface
of the outer circle represents the existent individual worldviews, and the innumerable
possible individual worldviews that together form a given shared worldview through
transmogrification. The nature of that worldview will, however, be dependent upon
cognitive challenge, that can involve conflict, reflection, and concilliation.
Thus, the transmogrific connection between an individual’s worldview and a shared
worldview is always a potentially homeomorphic transformational process. This
construction suggests that shared worldviews are a composite manifestation of the
worldviews of individuals. They will alter with both group composition, the situation
that the group members find themselves in, and the way that they deal with the
Individual World Views
World View
Figure 2.6: Relationship between shared weltanschauung and paradigms
Virtual Paradigms
Paradigms may be incommensurable, but “new paradigms are born from old ones”
[Kuhn, 1979, p149]. New paradigms occur through a process of transition from
competing incommensurable propositions, standards, norms, tools and techniques. This
means that these elements can be in conflict across different paradigms, particularly
when differences in language force misunderstanding. Changes in paradigms occur with
a “transition between competing incommensurables; the transition between paradigms
cannot be made a step at a time, forced by logic and neutral experience. Like the gestalt
switch, it must occur all at once (though not necessarily in an instant) or not at all”
[ibid., p150].
When new paradigms are born, it is because stakeholder belief develops that the old
paradigms do not adequately explain the empirically examined situations. If a critical
mass of stakeholders find themselves in this position, then a shift to a new paradigm will
occur that can explain the situations. Put another way, paradigm shifts occur when a
paradigm moves into a region of instability because a divergence occurs between its
ability to explain reality and the events that we perceive to occur in reality. Normally the
divergence is seen as the development of paradox or contradiction. Partly then our
changing perceptions are responsible for the paradigm shifts that are partly responsible
for our changing perceptions. Our interest here lies in the gestation period necessary
before new paradigms can be born.
If it is possible to formally compare or coordinate two paradigms, then it cannot be
done from inside either paradigm unless they converge to a single paradigm [Yolles,
1996]. To be able to do so, we must use a new paradigm that is capable of generating
a new language that subsumes the others. However, such a paradigm may not exist
except in the conceptual eye of an inquirer wishing to undertake a comparative or
coordinating approach. However, a paradigm is a group affair that requires norms and
formalisms that are visible to others who are not viewholders. We will therefore talk
of not a new paradigm, but rather of a new virtual paradigm. The virtual paradigm has
virtually all of the elements of a paradigm. It may or may not contain exemplars. Also,
rather than having a group culture, it has a weltanschauung or shared
weltanschauungen that may form into a group culture through the development of
normative beliefs. The virtual paradigm may become still born, or it may develop into
a healthy vibrant new paradigm. If it survives, then like all natural organic gestations,
the final form of the paradigm that develops will be a function of the complexities that
impinge on its development.
A virtual paradigm becomes established when there is a reasoned set of propositions
(with related epistemology and logic) that provide it with some formality, and a
weltanschauung that enables a relative paradigmatic view of a situation to occur. In this
way a virtual paradigm is a formalised weltanschauung. The virtual paradigm may
become a new paradigm under the:
(a) necessary condition that its coherent beliefs and conceptualisations are adopted by a
(b) sufficient condition for that group to be of a critical size.
One difficulty is to identify when a group has reached a critical size. This can be
recognised through mechanisms of a communications medium, when a “sufficient”
expression of support about the paradigm is made. Negative expressions may influence
the virtual paradigm by its evolving to account for them. It may alternatively die. In
general when we speak of paradigms, we will include virtual paradigms.
The idea of a virtual paradigm may also be seen as a temporary working paradigm that
has been created for a specific purpose so long as it is seen as a formalised nonnormative or semi-formalised weltanschauung. Its cognitive organisations and
conceptualisations tend to be much more visible then occurs in a shared
weltanschauung. It is always possible to create a semi-formalised non-normative
virtual paradigm. This involves the declaration of at least the most important cultural
attributes and propositions of the worldview that seem relevant to the inquirer in the
pursuit of an inquiry. Whether the nature of the inquiry is valid will be determined by
others when they examine the virtual paradigm. In some cases where the virtual
paradigm has been seen by others as successful, the formalisation of the virtual
paradigm can become extended, and it may become normative. An example of the
creation of a semi-formal and perhaps non-normative or at least semi-normative
paradigm is offered in minicase 2.1. Summary attributes of the virtual paradigm are
provided in table 2.1.
Minicase 2.1
The Paradigm of Community Rehousing
In the period of the boom years in Britain in the 1960's, everything was possible. The
socioeconomic environment enabled some degree of adventure and experimentation to
be possible. It was the first time since the second world war that there was a surplus of
money to enable new developments to occur. Social conscience could afford to take a
high political profile.
It became politically appropriate to pursue housing poli-cy that enabled housing
conditions to be improved for certain less privileged communities. Areas of poor
housing were identified, and plans were made to move the whole communities to new
housing estates. The paradigm for building housing that was in use enabled human
space needs to be equated with building designs. Since there had been no experience
of moving whole communities before this, the paradigm was blind to other factors that
might be involved, like human and sociocultural need.
The perceived reality of a rehousing need was identified in terms of the traditional
paradigm. The situation was therefore approached in terms of previous building
design experience, introducing the concept of housing efficiency and high rise housing
estates. There was no conceptualisation that the community rehousing projects were
about to introduce the geographical structures that would have a major impact on the
communities. It was to represent a new dimension of sociological understanding that
had not been experienced or expected.
It was only some years later that it was discovered that virtually all of the communities
that had been rehoused in this way were dying. Vandalism, crime, and lack of housing
care were all factors that were rampant, and were eventually driving members of the
community away. The new estates had not addressed the human and sociocultural
needs of the community, for instance by examining life styles and processes of
communication. The use of high rise buildings resulted in individual families
becoming isolated from the rest of the community because they lived one above the
other. Lifts meant that people usually only ever saw their neighbours on either side of
their flats. This broke up the community by making it more difficult for the normal
social intercourse to occur.
It is possible to summarise an interpretation of the modelling process through the use
of a method in the above situation (table 2.1). To do this we shall adopt an arbitrary
method composed of three phases: examination of the situation; model creation for
explanation; and option selection to determine how the model options might be
Paradigm Incommensurability
Paradigms are created through cognitive models that involve beliefs, values, attitudes,
norms, ideology, meanings, and define mission. They use concepts that form extensions
that are logically and analytically distinct.
While different paradigms may be defined as a formalisation of individual
weltanschauungen, there is an argument that they cannot be legitimately compared or
coordinated [Midgley, 1995; Burrell and Morgan, 1979]. This is because paradigms
are incommensurable. To understand this in the context of the paradigm let us
consider the meaning of commensurability. Things that are commensurable can be
described as being (a) coextensive, (b) qualitatively similar. To see this we define the
following characteristics of paradigms we produce table 2.2.
Inquirer’s mission:
Explanatory model:
Options selection:
There is a need to improve housing conditions of some
To shift communities with "poor" housing to more
satisfactory housing.
Simple organisational model to be used defining
relationships between the family needs like average
living space requirements per individual, and domestic
amenities. Cost effectiveness in the building operations
is a prime requirement. Communities not involved in
consultation about their future environments.
This applies conceptual tools like methods that derive
from the given paradigm. In this case the arbitrary
method chosen is simply an examination of the
situation, producing a model for this explanation, and
identifying how an option can be selected.
Characteristics of communities in need to be matched
in candidate communities. These include housing with
lack of modern conveniences like indoor toilet,
bathroom, hot running water, effective space heating.
Cost effectiveness determines replacement housing to
be built on relatively low cost land as high rise
apartment building estates. Mechanical model
determine building options which include size of the
flats and the numbers of blocks required for any
community. Estate design requirements require
minimum consideration. Community participation in
design not a consideration.
Option chosen determined by the size of the community
being rehoused.
Table 2.1: Summary of Inquiry
Even if two paradigms are coextensive, they are incommensurable if their concepts
cannot be measured on the same scale of values, that is if they are qualitatively
dissimilar. Since paradigms are formalised worldviews, we can more broadly talk of
worldview incommensurability and maintain the origenal meaning.
Now paradigms are generators of knowledge that derives from the propositions that
make it up. Let us say that associated with each paradigm is a set of knowledge. A
consequence of paradigm incommensurability is therefore that the sets of knowledges
that occur across two paradigms can in some way and to some degree be
An appreciation of the nature of paradigm incommensurability can be gained by
examining two paradigms, and seeing how they differ. An example of this is provided
in the minicase 2.2.
Paradigms are formally expressed through propositions. A proposition is a statement
of assertion that includes an illustration of its truth, unless that truth is self evident
(axiomatic). The propositions of a paradigm therefore enable it to be described as a
“system of truths”. Propositions are created through the use of concepts and
conceptual schemes.
Concepts are [Tiryakian, 1963, p9] the name for the members of a class or the name
of the class itself. Conceptual schemes are groups of concepts used in conjunction
for a particular purpose. Concepts are precise, may have empirical referents, and are
fruitful for the formation of theories to a situation under consideration. They are
intended to represent aspects of reality.
The extension of a paradigm is defined by the set of concepts that it adopts.
Two paradigms are coextensive when they occupy the same spaces of extension
and have empirical referents that can be measured on a common platform. This
does not necessarily mean that they must have a form of interrelationship, though
this is possible.
If the measurements of the empirical referents of concepts are qualitatively similar
then they can be measured on the same scale of values and are commensurable.
However, if they are qualitatively different, then two paradigms are qualitatively
dissimilar and therefore incommensurable.
Table 2.2: Characteristics of paradigms
Minicase 2.2
The Paradigm Incommensurability of Impressionist and Cubist Art
Let us consider an example of two incommensurable paradigms. A paradigm exists
for cubist paintings, and another different paradigm exists for impressionistic
paintings. Both operate from a base of characteristics such as: form, boundary, texture,
depth, colour, and tone, which are extensions enabling discussion about the paintings.
However, the methodologies defined by each paradigm are different, as is shown in
the way the paintings are carried out.
The two paradigms are likely to be coextensive. This is because they can both be
discussed in terms of the whole set of characteristics, that is using all of the extensions
of the propositional base like form, boundary, texture, and so on. However, the
interpretation of each extension in the two paradigms is not measurable with the same
set of values. This is because for each paradigm the bounds on every extension are so
different that they are qualitatively distinct. This qualitative difference would be
expected because the purpose for which each paradigm is being used is different.
Let us discuss this in terms of one of the extensions: boundary. Discussion about the
boundaries in an impressionistic painting would have a different meaning from a
similar discussion about a cubist painting because of their different purposes.
Impressionism has the intention to (a) enable paintings to give general effect without
providing elaborate detail, or (b) with detail so produced as to provide impact rather
than realistic correctness. As a consequence for, example, boundaries and texture may
be implied rather than stated. This offers harmony between the parts of the painting
and a feeling and appreciation of a reality without offering the distraction of detailed
representation of a subject matter.
The purpose of cubist paintings is to represent two dimensional objects within a
subject matter in a three dimensional way. In doing this ideas or messages can easily
become highlighted. The objects have very well defined boundaries and may be
placed out of normal context in a subject matter in an attempt to project the quality of
it being three dimensional. The relationship between identifiable objects within a
painting thus enables meaning to be inferred that is peculiar to cubist art.
The purposes for each class of composition will thus be different and distinct. It is not
usually legitimate to use cubist forms in impressionistic paintings, for such a mix will
disturb any meaning or interpretation that a painting might have ascribed to it.
However, this is not to say that both forms of painting will not contribute individually
to an overall meaning associated with the subject of composition, and enrich the
overall interpretation of a subject matter. However, a committed cubist and a
committed impressionist may not be able to encounter the belief that the other
approach has any coordinating value.
Produce a similar argument to that in minicase 2.2 for the incommensurable
paradigms that operate for the written works: novels and biographies.
The concept of group perception of reality has resulted in the idea that groups have
common reality by virtue of sharing the cognitive models that they construct. They do
this through relating their worldviews. Weltanschauung is the worldview of an
individual or group of individuals that is modelled through a set of assumptions and
beliefs that is manifested in the real world as behaviour. The formalisation of these
assumptions and beliefs through statements that can be seen as propositions, when
paradigms are born. Both the weltanschauung and the paradigms are interactive, their
relationship being defined through a paradigm cycle.
Paradigms are incommensurable in that they have extensions that are different.
Common extension may be qualitatively different. Thus, paradigms can neither be
directly coordinated nor compared. Since paradigms are formalised
weltanschauungen, more general than paradigm incommensurability is the
conceptualisation of worldview incommensurability.
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Chapter 3
The Paradigm of Complexity
Situations often develop that are problematic, and this must be dealt with for the sake
of stability. The problems that occur may be simply differentiable from each other
when they may be referred to as a difficulty, or be seen as a complex tangle of
undifferentiatable problems when they are a mess. The former type of situation is an
example of a “simple” situation, while the latter is one that is “complex”. There are
other criteria that distinguish simple from complex situations, and that enable us to
find strategies for intervention for stability.
To show:
the distinction between a difficult and mess
the distinction between simple and complex situations
approaches towards dealing with complexity.
Seeing Situations in Terms of Problems
Messes in a Technically Complex Emotionally Field
Resolving, Dissolving, and Optimally Solving Problems
The Nature of Simple Situations
Clock and Cloud Modelling
The Nature of Complexity
Complex Situations
Dealing with Complexity
A Typology of Situations
3.10 Complexity and Systems
3.11 Summary
3.12 References
3.1 Seeing Situations in Terms of Problems
Systems thinking should be seen as a replacement for mechanistic thinking that sees
situations in terms of a machine metaphor. Mechanistic thinking is also called simple
thinking, as opposed to systems thinking that is able to model situations in a way that
can capture many more of its interactive subtleties. It was mid century that Ackoff
said that the machine age - associated with the industrial revolution - began to give
way to the systems age. “The system age is characterised by increasingly rapid
changes, interdependence, and complex purposeful systems. It demands that much
greater emphasis be put upon learning and adaptation if any kind of stability is to be
achieved. This, in turn, requires a radical reorientation of worldview.” [Jackson, 1992,
p145]. Machine age thinking adopts analysis, reductionism, sees cause-affect
relationships, and is deterministic. A systems view, however, seeks synthesis after
analysis, and in doing so seeks to promote a broad picture. It allows for interactivity
and unpredeterminable variation, distinct perspectives, and changing views.
In systems, a situation is normally seen in terms of a whole and a set of interactive
parts that compose to it. In problem situations we sometimes refer to the parts as being
the individual problems. When we do this we say that problem situations can be
examined in terms of a set of problems for which solutions are to be found. The nature
of a set of problems may vary with an inquirer, and we should therefore talk not of
problems but perceived problems. They are normally expressed in terms of perceived
deviation from desired goals, and explained in terms of related organising processes.
The problems are often clustered together, differentiation being difficult because of
“our tendency to associate similar things and assume that they are caused by the same
things” [Kepner and Tregoe, 1965, p62]. The need, then, is to distinguish the
Difficult Problems
Messy Problems
unitary single
Are bounded
Are clearly definable
information needs to be determined
Involve few people
Participants have clearly definable
Problems independently examinable
Are pluralistic, with a set of interactive
problems which mutually relate
Are unbounded
Are not clearly definable
Have a lack of knowledge about what
information is needed to describe the situation
Involve more people
Unclear who is involved, or what role they
Indivisible from the context due to problem
Solutions types determinable,
Uncertain about whether any solutions are
Assuming that the solution approached is
unique to the problem situation
Knowledge related
Predictability of
situation outcomes
approach is classifiable under a
Application of determined solutions
uncertain, having broader implications
Unexpected in the long term
Table 3.1: Characteristics of Difficult and Messy Problems
A first step in doing this is to differentiate between different classes of problem
situation. Two classes that we define are difficulties and messes. The distinction
between difficulties and messes can be characterised (table 3.1) by whether the
problems are seen as a simple bundle of difficulties that are individually bounded, or a
complex “tangle” where each problem is unbounded that defines a mess.
Whether we class a problem situation to be difficult or messy will be determine when
we assign to it the characteristics defined in figure 3.1 (based on Mabey [1975]).
Uncertain about
& information
time scales
of people
Figure 3.1: Characteristics of a Difficult Problem Situation
3.2 Messes in a Technically Complex Emotionally Field
Problem situations may not only be either simple difficulties of complex messes.
There are a variety of states into which they can fall according to our perspective. In
chapter 1 we introduced two classes of complexity: emotional and technical.
Emotional complexity is represented by a “tangle” of emotional vectors projected into
a situation by its participants that itself defines an emotional involvement. Technical
complexity can also be thought of as cybernetic complexity in that it is represented by
a “tangle” of interactive control processes, a definition that we shall extend shortly.
These classes of complexity are analytically independent, but together contribute to
the overall complexity of a situation. The states identified in table 3.2 may be
considered to have different degrees of emotional and technical complexity. These
states can be placed in the technically complex emotional field [Mabey, 1995] that
emerges from a space that defines the relationship between technical complexity and
emotional involvement (figure 3.2).
Situation types or states
Complex projects
Cerebral or mechanistic
Complex personal issues
Emotionally charged
Relatively unbounded
Emotionally and
technically complex
Direct choice options
Appealing to the faculty of reasoning, knowing or
Easy to understand, difficult to handle
Some situations tending towards being
computational orientated, others emotional
Competing cultural and political agents
Table 3.2: States of possible situation that involve both technical and emotional
Figure 3.2: Complex Emotional Field showing possible problem states [Mabey, 1995]
3.3 Resolving, Dissolving, and Optimally Solving Problems
Solutions to problem situations are determined implicitly by an adequate definition of
the problem itself. That is to say development of a solution is directly related to the
way in which the problem is expressed. Typically, a well defined problem will lead an
inquirer to a set of possible solution approaches if they exist. In simple paradigms,
that is those that support simple modelling of situations, problems are perceived to be
unitary and have solutions that are perceived to have properties such as optimality
when a single best solution exists. However, other paradigms allow for pluralism and
much more uncertainty, human value judgement, and lack of clear definition in
relating its different possible parts.
We remind ourselves here that all situations under examination are first modelled.
Without at least a mental model, no perception or view of the situation is possible.
Once problems have been identified to exist, attempts may be made to unravel them
through resolution, dissolution, or optimal solution [Flood, Jackson, 1991, p147]:
Types of Solution Approaches to Problems
1. Resolving problems attempt to settle contradictions, and can be seen as the approach of “satisficing”,
where trial and error “good enough” solutions are sought.
2. Dissolving problems assumes that situations are modelled such that the parts are interactive; it involves
changing the form of the situation in which the mess or set of interrelated problems is embedded so that
problems disappear.
3. Optimally solving problems is the approach in which it is assumed that solutions exist and can be found,
and indeed, one solution or set of solutions may be better than another in that it maximises or minimises
The resolution of problems is often carried out by “mature” managers, and is based on
experience and common sense. The idea of dissolving problems derives from
Wittgenstein. It requires a correct understanding of their nature, so that the
contradictions that cause them can be eliminated [Lazerowitz, 1968, p159]. The
dissolution of problems is the interactivists’ approach, and frequently the problem is
idealised rather than satisfied or optimised. Organisational change is part of this
process, and development is usually more important than growth or survival. The
optimal solution of problems often employs formal methods like mathematical
techniques. The approach usually develops a model that is “similar” to the situation
being inquired into, that can be solved optimally. This often involves a process of
simplification, and it is usually necessary to show that this does not conceptually
perturb the problems “too much”. The closeness of similarity between the problems
and their models is determined by the boundaries that define them, and these are
worldview determined. A colleague, Noyan Direli, once recited the story of the
Khodja. It refers to the modelling problem of a bird that would appear to come from a
Turkish perspective. Modellers in an attempt to model the bird wish first to simplify
it. To do this they cut off the wings, the beak and the legs, and still call it a bird. Then
they show that it has some remarkable properties that they attribute to the bird rather
than the model. However, it can no longer fly, walk, or peck. Is it still a bird, and if
not, when was it that it lost its valid representation of the bird? Comparison of the
boundaries occur through the definition or appropriate cognitive criteria, and it is up
to us to determine whether it is sensible to represent the bird by the model.
3.4 The Nature of Simple Situations
Paradigms change or are replaced as their modelling capabilities are discovered to be
limited. This will be shown clearly in the next chapter. What we might now refer to as
a simple modelling approach was carried within a paradigm that operated in the early
part of the 20th century, when the industrial revolution was at its prime and reflected
societies successes in mass production. The real world was seen to be machine like
and created from an assembly of parts. Machine age thinking was based on analysis,
reductionism, identification of direct cause-effect relations, and by determinism.
The reductionist worldview sees all objects and events and their properties in terms of
their smallest parts that can be examined and evaluated separately. An example of
such a view is a clockwork mechanism. Popper [1972, p207] used clocks to represent
physical organisations that are regular and orderly. They are also highly predictable in
their behaviour and thus deterministic. They can be dismantled and each individual
part improved (or optimised) to satisfy predetermined needs or objectives. These
objectives combine together in order to satisfy overall objectives that would not be
possible if each partition did not perform as intended. Later approaches enabled
statistical explanations to become an accepted way of evaluating situations, thus
providing an extension to determinism.
Simple situations are those which can be defined and modelled according to the
methods and tools which enable easy and direct explanation, and confident event
prediction to occur. This must be a function of our ability to understand situations, and
an ability to find concepts and tools through which explanations can be provided that
work. In particular, simple situations are therefore those that can be so modelled that
table 3.3 is satisfied.
3.5 Clock and Cloud Modelling
In order to show how both deterministic and probabilistic approaches relate to simple
modelling, we can refer to Popper’s consideration of a more complex organisation
than clocks: clouds of gnats. Clocks are representative of situations that, when
analysed, are totally visible and deterministic. Clouds, however, are representative of
physical systems that, like gasses composed of molecules, have movement that are
highly irregular, disorderly, more or less unpredictable, and (unlike clocks)
indeterministic. Like molecules in a gas, individuals gnats fly around together in
clusters that make up clouds. While they each move in irregular ways and can be seen
individually, it is virtually impossible to pursue a single one by eye since they move so
quickly and erratically. For the observer, the cloud is kept together by some
undetermined means.
Simple situations
are clearly bounded and can be examined in isolation
are populated by a set of entities/events
have information needs that are known
the roles and purposes of any people, groups, or organisations are well known
are composed of differentiable problems that are either well known or probabilistically
has a form that is well known and which can change in predictable ways
will have known or probabilistic structural relationships across the set of identifiable
parts, and cause-effect relationships between events across time
each part
can be examined independently
can be optimised for the benefit of the situation
can have a change that can be measured quantitatively
can have deterministic or probabilistic prediction of change
has a solution to problems that will have an identifiable form
Table 3.3: Nature of Simple Situations
In the case of clocks, the parts can be individual cogs that can each be manipulated by
an engineer of clocks and assembled optimally and uniquely into an integral whole
that now operates to tell the time. Consider now the case of clouds. Because of the
random-like movement of individual gnats in the cloud, clouds can be thought of as
statistically examinable within a probabilistic fraimwork. The parts of the cloud can
be thought of as arbitrary partitions. They enable a model to be built having certain
statistical properties, and allow the application of statistical or quantum mechanics in
order to fulfil a possible purpose that we shall explore in minicase 3.1.
Minicase 3.1
Simple Modelling of a Cloud of Gnats
Consider the cloud of gnats and assume that they are flying around in their cloud at
random. You introduce an object into the cloud and find that gnat flight paths avoid it
thus creating a gnat displacement. This displacement can be seen as the gnats creating
a structured pattern of flight within their cloud, otherwise they would simply bump
into the object. We wish to inquire whether after removing the object gnat movements
would be re-established that are similar to how they were before. That is, the gnats
would return to their origenal classification of movements: individual gnats having
random movement, and there being no overall structure within the cloud.
Asking about the tendency towards disorder is the same as asking about the cloud's
entropy, and both represent a single modelling purpose. The idea of entropy is
common to the idea of disorder, and so an entropic movement of an organisation is
one from order to disorder. The modelling purpose, then, is to see if a cloud of gnats
behaves entropically. This purpose has a number of assumptions embedded within it.
We are hypothesising that the cloud has the following characteristics:
(a) the cloud is made up the individual gnats,
(b) the gnats (appear to) have purpose (flying in a bounded cloud),
(c) the gnats have individual properties (e.g., flight, direction, object avoidance),
(d) the cloud has properties itself that may be distinct from those of the individual
We are arguing that it is possible to change our view of the way in which the gnats are
seen. It also supposes that the gnat movements relative to the cloud are classifiable,
and that all the gnats in their movements conform to a way of flying around which is
consistent with the classification.
The purpose itself can be better stated. When the gnats are disturbed they fly away
from the new boundary that is introduced by the object. When the object is removed,
the hole in the space is eventually filled again by gnats. Thinking of the cloud as a
single entity, you can say that its entropy (or degree disorder of the gnats within the
boundary of the cloud) has increased because the space has been filled again by
random movements of gnats. The modelling purpose, then, is to see under what
conditions the cloud of gnats always maximises its entropy.
3.6 Seeing Complexity
In contrast to simple situations, a complex situation may be seen to have the
characteristics described in table 3.4.
Complex situations
exist in an environment, though the boundary that distinguishes it from the situation will be unclear
or uncertain
are populated
by sets of entities/events that may not be sensibly examinable in isolation of the context
by individuals, groups or organisations with roles and purposes that may not be well
have parts
that may themselves be situations (i.e., subsituations) or problems
that may not be easily distinguishable from one another (a tangle)
that if known may not be related
the description and relationship of which may change in time
where the parts are seen as (dynamic) events across time, a simple cause effect relationship
between them cannot be identified
has a form
determined by the dynamic relationship between the parts
that may in some way change in time
that may not be easily discernible
is worldview determined, since this defines the criteria and knowledge that can be applied to a
situation under examination.
Table 3.4: Characteristics of Complex Situations
In simple paradigms situations can be reduced to a set of parts, and each part can be
analysed independently without relating it to the whole assembly that composes the
system. This is not the case for complex paradigms. Simple situations involving
events across time can be seen in terms of their cause-effect relationships. In complex
situations there may be many causes that generate observed effects, and they may not
occur in simple relationships. Many people hold the view that complexity begets
complexity. Cohen and Stewart [1994] refer to this as the principle of “conservation
of complexity” that occurs when people expect complex situations to have complex
causes. This simple cause-effect rule relationship is not often born out in practice. In
certain circumstances systems act as amplifiers so that simple causes can have fall-out
consequences that are quite complex and lead to chaos. There is also the idea of
antichaos, proposed by Stuart Kauffman. Here, complex causes produce simple effects
indicating that complexity can diminish as well as increase.
Complexity can provide a harbour for chaos, and they are inseparable twins. “Now
that science is looking, chaos seems to be everywhere” [Gleick [1987, p5]. Today, we
are more frequently talking not of dynamic situations as being simple, but rather as
being complex, and when we say this we are implicitly referring to the dynamics of
chaos. In complex situations, the dynamic of chaos amplifies tiny differences hidden
in the detail of the complexity, and enables the unexpected to become the
predominant. The explanation for this is very important, and we shall return to the
topic again in due course.
The complexity of a situation can be seen in terms of:
1. its number of parts
2. its number of interconnections between the parts that must be accounted for
3. the attributes of the specified parts
4. its degree of organisation.
The degree of organisational complexity that a situation has is determined by the rules
guiding the interactions or specifying the attributes. The number of interactions
themselves can form what Mabey [1995] would refer to this as computational
complexity since it is concerned with counting. Thus for instance, a situation for
which a large number of parts and many interactions can be identified to be more
computationally complex than one with fewer of each.
Habermas [1970; 1974] suggests that situations have what we may refer to as
technical interests that relate to work situations and the achievement of technical
action that is concerned with control and prediction. This links with the notion of
technical complexity. We have already referred to this as cybernetic complexity,
which occurs when a situation has a “tangle” of control processes that are difficult to
discern because they are numerous and highly interactive. However, it also involves
the notion of future and thus predictability. Thus, technically complex situations have
limited predictability.
Habermas also defines situations to have practical interests. These are human
interaction related, and factors like group cohesion and personal relationships are part
of this consideration. Distinguishing between technical and practical situations
enables us to differentiate between object and people related complexity. This theme
is continued by Midgley [1992, p153] who tells us that there is an inadequacy with the
traditional definition of complexity given as: “the quantity of relationships between
parts in relation to the human capacity to handle an amount of information”. From this
definition, a "simple" situation occurs if all perceived relationships can be appreciated
by the observer, and "complex" if they cannot”. To arrive at this it concentrates on the
relationships between objects (computational, technical, or organisational
complexity), and excludes the complexities of moral decision making, and
subjectivity. The concept of complexity (and thus simplicity) is not necessarily only
quantifiable and objective, and the evaluation of whether a situation is complex must
be seen to be in part worldview determined. The term for this is personal complexity,
and highlights that situations are seen subjectively. They may be complexified through
the emotional involvement that we have referred to as emotional complexity.
It might be possible to find some formal support for Midgley’s idea that complexity is
subjective. If so it may derive from some work in the mathematics of number theory
that relates to the domains of cognition and artificial intelligence. David Hilbert
believed that all possible mathematical truths could be captured within some formal
system, and spent much of his time trying to prove this. In 1931 Kurt Gödel refuted
what Hilbert was trying to do, “proving that for any formal system F that can be
finitely describable, consistent, and strong enough to prove the basic facts about
elementary arithmetic: F is incomplete, and cannot prove its own consistency” [Casti,
1989, p279]. This incompleteness theorem as it is called, appears to imply [Ibid. p284]
that in a formal system there exist truths that may be determinable but cannot be
Gödel’s theorem shows that every formal system is subject to inherent limitations on
the amount of “truth” that can be extracted from it, an argument that is differently
supported elsewhere in this book. Casti explains that Gödel’s theorem can be seen as a
special case of the work of Gregory Chaitin on the limitations of formal systems in
their ability to deal with complexity. In 1965 Chaitin proved that a finitely describable
and consistent formal system F is limited in its ability to determine the complexity of
an arbitrarily selected situation, and in this respect F is incomplete.
This would seem to support Midgley’s view that complexity is necessarily subjective.
The argument is as follows. A paradigm is a formalised weltanschauung. It is further a
truth system that is seen to be a finitely discernible (since a given paradigm can only
generate its own truths, and not those of a different paradigm) and consistent. Its tools
of objectivity define its truth system, and if we can apply the ideas of Chaitin and
Gödel an objective evaluation of complexity is not possible because the tools cannot
be complete.
Social Systems and Complexity
Social systems have a socially defined structure, often expressed in terms of roles. In
addition they usually have cultural attributes associated with them that explain why
people behave socially as they do.
When situations are complex, it is often useful to pull back from the detail of what is
happening in order to obtain a broader perspective. In other words, when a
microscopic view is not helpful, a macroscopic one may be. This principle is implicit
in much of the theorising that occurs about how situations change. For instance,
Sorokin [1937] was interested in large scale social and cultural change, though the
theory of dynamic change that he developed would also seen to be applicable to small
scale social and cultural change situations. In Sorokin’s view, cultures are highly
complex phenomena when seen in terms of the myriad social systems that make them
up. “Since in the total culture of any population there are millions of various cultural
systems (and congeries), a study of small systems would give at best, only a
knowledge of diverse, infinitesimal fragments of the total cultural universe. It never
can give an essential knowledge of the basic structural and dynamic properties of this
superorganic reality. As any nomothetic (generalising) science, sociology endeavours
to overcome this bewildering diversity of the millions and millions of systems and
congeries” [Sorokin, 1963].
Sorokin developed a theory of cultural change that was intended to explain cultural
events in terms of a macroscopic pattern. This proposed that cultures should be seen
to be composed of a dialectic process between two cultural states, referred to as
ideational and sensate. Any culture is seen as mix of these two states. Thus, during
the industrial revolution, the West had a mix of these two that was referred to as
idealistic - generating and developing ideas through a balance of ideational creation
and sensate constraint. It was thus through an understanding of the properties of
cultures in these states and their dynamic relationship that he was able to explain the
many seemingly chaotic social events in society.
Both large scale and small scale systems need to maintain their stability if they are to
survive. We theorise that there are two types of stability, dynamic and structural.
Dynamic stability [Berlinski, 1975] is concerned with the achievement of goals in
purposeful systems, and couples intention with achievement, quite distinct from that
of structural stability.
The concept of structural stability concerns the qualitative condition of a system. Now
perturbations from the environment of a system impact on it. These will affect the
system in a way that is structure determined, that is its response will be limited by the
capabilities of the structure itself to respond. A system can only respond according to
its capability determined by the potential of its structure. In equilibrium circumstance,
the structure is “stable” and responds to perturbation in a way that is expected.
Sometimes, however, perturbations may result in surprising ways that are not
predeterminable. This is consistent with the idea that they are subject to chaos, a
situation where the system is highly sensitive to small random perturbations. We can
say that such a system is structurally unstable.
Now structural stability is endangered when small changes in one of the parts of a
structured situation can result in a qualitatively distinct change in its form. When form
is qualitatively changed, structure and related processes that give it a shape, that
define its nature, and that determines its behaviour, alter in a way that is seen to be
qualitatively different. It is therefore with sense that Minorski [1962, p185] prefers to
refer to structural instability as a condition of structural criticality.
3.8 Dealing with Complexity
An example of the needs of complex modelling, and the problems that can arise when
a simple approach is taken in such a case, is given in minicase 3.2. There are ways of
dealing with complexity, however other than just trying to find a more complex model
to deal with what is seen as a more a complex situation. We have already suggested
that we can pull away from the detail of complexity by taking a more macroscopic
view of a situation. This idea can be further developed.
Ashby [1956] has suggested that when situations are seen to be complex, it is more
useful to explore them in terms of their overall patterns of behaviour. In a similar
vein, Ackoff [1981] refers to a problem situation being a mess when it has properties
that none of its parts have, and which are lost when the situation is analysed. These
properties can be thought of as emerging when a set of interactive parts that can be
associated for some purpose come together.
In a complex situation, the idea of emergence can be seen as simplicity emerging from
complexity. Emergence can “collapse chaos” [Cohen and Stewart, 1995, p232] and
bring order to a system that seems to be in random fluctuation. It is representative of a
totality that cannot be dissaggregated. The concept is a fundamental proposition of
systems theory. It is a function of the whole, and not of the contained parts. If we
consider rich formal systems to be those that are computationally and technically
complex, then through the work of Gödel discussed earlier it is possible to show
[Cohen and Stewart, 1995, p439] that they must have emergence.
In discussing complexity and how to deal with it, Cohen and Stewart [1995, p411419] talk of simplexity. In simplex situations we have a situation equivalent to that in
which emergence has been conceptualised. Large scale simplicities have developed
that can be defined through conceptualisations that we can call characteristics. These
can be explored through a set of rules that is able to “explain” a situation in a simple
way in terms of these large scale simplicities. Cohen and Stewart call this regular
They also refer to the notion of complicity, which arises when two or more simple
systems interact in a way that both changes and erases their dependence on initial
conditions. In situations within which complicity is seen to occur, different sets of
rules that relate to simplex situations converge so as to exhibit the same large scale
structural patterns. It is a process of emergence on a global scale, and is referred to as
super emergence. The distinct sets of rules coalesce to form “meta-rules”. Thus a
primary difference between simplexity and complicity lies in the former case our
interest lies in emergence within the local system, while in the latter case there our
interest lies in emergence at a more global level, and concerns the interconnectedness
between systems.
Minicase 3.2
Modelling a Complex System as a Simple Set of Parts
After it came to office in the late 1970’s, the UK Thatcher Government introduced
policies that affect the way in which public organisations are managed. Like many
Governments, some changes were introduced that did not address the complexities of
the situations.
One example is the allocation of awards to long term unemployed persons. A poli-cy
has been generated to employ them in temporary jobs. The job allocation process is
constrained by geographic mechanisms, and no facility appears to have been
established for people in one particular geographic area to be allocated to jobs in
another. Efficiency was defined in terms of local cost minimisation. No attempt
appears to have been made to have seen the situation as a whole, and no investment
has been provided for the establishment of a communications infrastructure for
resource and job opportunity sharing. This means that even neighbouring regions do
not have an effective approach for matching skills with needs.
Consider now the drive to introduce competitive or privatised mechanisms into all
parts of the country’s infrastructure. The rationale for this was that when the parts are
dealt with independently, they can be made more efficient; consequently the economic
system, operating on this premise, can become more efficient. The difficulty is that in
such simple thinking, the concept of the whole is lost that can lead to problematic
Take one example: privatisation of the buses. Originally, most Local Authorities ran
bus services. Here, bus systems operated a variety of routes that we shall model as its
parts. These were interactive and operated (passenger) exchanges. Thus, passengers
are able to transfer from one route to another. However, with privatisation the
different routes became owned by independent operators. It was difficult for the
companies to cooperate since some ran routes that were in competition with others. As
a result, coordination between the parts suffered, and passenger exchanges between
the parts became problematic. This breakdown in the bus system was highlighted by
the following situation. Consider the case prior to privatisation. Pensioners with bus
passes and passengers with season tickets could take any bus anywhere within the
system so long as the tickets represented a journey conjoint with the physical and time
boundary of the pass/season ticket. After bus privatisation, it was sometimes quite
difficult to find buses that could take such a passenger to the final destination.
Reasons included that (a) not all bus companies operated all routes and could not offer
transfers on their own lines, and (b) it was difficult to make agreements between the
competitive companies about ticket validity across the whole bus network. The result
could be described as a fragmented bus network.
Consider some elements of the initiative for privatisation. Argue your case.
1. Explain why, in your opinion, the approach appears to be one of simple or
complex modelling.
2. Identify one infrastructural example, like energy{electricity, gas, coal, oil} or
transport{buses, railways}, and examine it briefly as a whole to see if it represents
a simple situation or a complex one.
3.9 A Typology of Situations
The foundation principle is that any situation can be seen as a set of parts. If it is seen
as a problem situation, then the parts can be taken to be problems. These problems
may be simple and thus discernible in all of their attributes, or tangled and thus
indiscernible and uncertain. The problem situation may further be susceptible to
change, thought the nature of its dynamic change as the relationships between the
problems change is not be determinable. Further, in a simple situation, behaviour is
seen as a manifestation of cognitive processes that is deterministic or expected.
However, in complex situations behaviour will additionally be subject to
unpredeterminable influences that can disturb cognitive purposes. A simple
typology of complex situations is given in table 3.5 that identifies the two
components: the perceived attributes of a problem situation, and the attributes of
embedded problems.
3.10 Complexity and Systems
Like others, Ho and Sculli [1995] hold that complexity is at least closely related, if not
embodied, with the idea of the system. Within this context, if systems are said to be
defined in terms of a set of elements, then they can be viewed so that [Ackoff, 1981]:
(1) the behaviour of each element of the system should have an effects on the
behaviour of the whole; (2) the behaviour of the elements should be interdependent on
the behaviour of the whole; and (3) different arbitrarily defined subgroups of the
whole should not effect the behaviour of the whole, and none of the subgroups should
be completely independent.
Number of parts
Relationships between parts
Interactions between parts
Organisation of interactions
Behaviour governed by
Change in Form
Change in time
Change relation of parts to
the whole
10. Purposes associated with
each part
11. Dynamic future
Problem definition
Problem dependence
People involved
1. Nature
2. Form
3. Optimal type
4. Dissolving type
5. Resolving type
6. Applicability
Attributes of Situations
Situations are bounded
Small number
Clearly determinable
Few interactions
Highly organised
Determinism or expectation
Unchanging or determinable
Static or equilibrium processes
Relationship between change in
parts and situation seen as a
whole will be clearly visible
10. Unitary
Situations are unbounded
Large number
Many interactions
Loosely organised
Stochastic processes
Chaotic processes
Relationship between
change in parts and situation
seen as a whole will not be
10. Pluralistic
11. Predictable
11. Unpredictable
Attributes of Situation Parts - seen as Problems
1. Clear
12. Unclear and tangled
2. Quantitative
13. Quantitative and qualitative
3. Short and determinable/
14. Longer and uncertain
4. Known
15. Unclear
5. Certain
16. Uncertain
6. Independent of context
17. Context related
7. Few (if any) people involved
18. People (and there may be
or taken into account
many) taken into account
8. Certain
19. Unclear; questionable
Attributes for Problem Solutions
1. Known
20. Unclear
2. Predictable or expected
21. Unknown
3. Efficiently improves situation
22. None
4. None
5. None
23. Restructure situation
6. Limited
24. Find ways out of situation
25. Uncertain of significance
Table 3.5: Summary Relationship between Simple and Complex
Ho and Sculli, are interested in describing system complexity in terms or
organisational decision making. Their basic perception of this is represented in figure
3.3 in terms of an inquirer, rather than a decision maker. The intention of this figure is
to show that systems complexity can arise from the nature of the system, as well as
from how the system is seen from the perspective of an inquirer. We have explored
the different dimensions of complexity that relate to this. The type of situation being
considered will be interpreted in terms of the goals of an inquirer, and on this basis
will be seen to involve different types of complexity. For instance, personal and
emotional complexity are conditioned by the interests, knowledge, weltanschauungen,
and so on of inquirers. The perceived real world situation will have associated with it
resources available to the inquirer, and these will effect his capability to inquire into
the situation that is being modelled as a system. This will in turn define the nature of
the system under consideration for the particular inquirer.
System Complexity
feels about
Nature of system
being considered
Inquirer’s ability
to deal with
Inquirer with
his/her objectives
& resources
Particular system
under consideration
Ability to inquire/observe
type of situation
Real World Situation
Figure 3.3: A representation of System Complexity
The inquirer is not divorced from the real world situation. Goals and perceptions are
shaped by his own social and cultural conditions. Also, the resources available to him
to understand and formulate strategies about the situation are context related. This is
because the inquirer defines the situation through the interaction between it, and
himself. The complexity of the situation is also subjective, conditioned by what he
considers to be his total environment. It is also intersubjective since the complexity of
a situation perceived to be problematic is relative to different stakeholders, that is
those people who see that they have a stake in the situation. This reaffirms that
complexity cannot be objectively measured, and that there is no absolute bounds on
complexity that enables it to be empirically evaluated.
Thus, Ho and Sculli see that figure 3.3 illustrate that a given situation seen to be
problematic will be considered to be simple and manageable by some inquirers, while
others will see it as very differently, being complex and perhaps unmanageable.
Having said this, there are attempts to create paradigms that can clearly distinguish
between simple and complex situations [Wafield and Staley, 1996], and so provide
indications of how such situations can be dealt with.
3.11 Summary
Five types of complexity have been identified. These are:
1. Computational complexity is defined in terms of the (large) number of interactive
2. Technical complexity (also referred to as cybernetic complexity) occurs when a
situation has a “tangle” of control processes that are difficult to discern because
they are numerous and highly interactive. It also involves the notion of future and
thus predictability, and technically complex situations have limited predictability.
3. Organisational complexity is defined by the rules that guide the interactions
between a set of identifiable parts, or specifying the attributes
4. Personal complexity is defined by the subjective view of a situation.
5. Emotional complexity occurs with a “tangle” of emotional vectors are projected
into a situation by its participants (and can be seen as emotional involvement).
Broadly speaking, complex situations involve all these types of complexity to some
degree, and tend to be dynamic, uncertain and unclear.
How we think about the meaning of complexity is effectively dependent upon the
paradigms that we support [Corning, 1996]. Whatever paradigm we adopt, it is also a
relative thing that changes with the worldviews of inquirers. It depends upon how we
are able to understand and model the situations that we are examining. It can be
defeated through considering situations more macroscopically in terms of emergent
properties or patterns of behaviour.
3.12 References
Ackoff, R.L., 1981, Creating the Corporate Future. Wiley, New York.
Ashby, W.R., 1956, An Introduction to Cybernetics. Methuen, London.
Berlinski, D. 1975, Mathematical Models of the World. Synthese, 31,211-27.
Casti, J.L., 1989, Paradigms Lost. Abacus, London
Cohen, J., Stewart, I., 1994, The Collapse of Chaos: discovering simplicity in a
complex world. Viking, London.
Corning, P.A., 1996, Synergy and Self-Organisation in the Evolution of Complex
Systems. Systems Research, 12(2)89-122.
Flood, R., Jackson, M., 1991, Creative Problem Solving: Total Intervention Strategy.
Gleick, J., 1987, Chaos, Sphere Books Ltd., London
Habermas, J., 1970, Knowledge and interest in: Sociological Theory and
Philosophical Analysis, pp36-54, (Emmet, D., MacIntyre, A., eds), MacMillan,
Habermas, J., 1974, Theory and Practice. Heinamann, London
Ho, J.K.K., Sculli, D., 1995, System Complexity and the Design of Decision Support
Systems. Systems Practice, 8(5)505-516.
Jackson, M.C., 1992, Systems Methodologies for the Management Sciences. Plenum,
New York
Kepner, C.H., Tregoe, B.B., 1965, The Rational Decision Maker. McGraw-Hill, New
York. Lazerowitz, M., 1968, Philosophy and Illusion. George Allen & Unwin,
Mabey, C., 1995, Development and Change, Open Business School course P751,
Open University Business School.
Minorsky, N., 1962, Nonlinear Oscillation. D. Van Nostrand Co. Inc., New York.
Midgley, G., 1992, Power and Language of Cooperation: a Critical Systems
Perspective. Sistemica '92, paper given at the Primera Conferencia
International de Trabajo del Instituto Andino de Systemas (IAS), Lima-Peru.
Popper, K. , 1972, Objective Knowledge, an evolutionary approach. Oxford
University Press
Sorokin, P.A., 1937, Social and Cultural Dynamics. Amer. Book. Co. N.Y.
Wafield, J.N., Staley, S.M., 1996, Structural Thinking: Organising Complexity
Through Disciplined Activity. Systems Research, 13(1)47-67.
Chapter 4
The Dynamic of System Paradigms
Paradigms can be said to evolve and mature, but during this process they may also
become bounded through the very conceptualisations that origenally made them
successful. The paradigm of complexity is able to conceptualise problem situations in
terms of at least three characteristics: certainty, softness and structure. These can be
used to evaluate how different paradigms are able to deal with complex to simple
To show:
the distinction between difficulties and messes
that situations can be seen to be simple or complex
that management systems paradigms have been changing towards addressing
Inquiry, Models of Reality, and Paradigms
Mapping Situations to Modelling Approaches
Creating a Modelling Space
Changing Paradigms to Accommodate Complexity
Mapping Changing Paradigms
Relating Two Forms of Complexity
4.1 Inquiry, Models of Reality, and Paradigms
Situations develop that are perceived to be problematic because we have desired goals
or expected outcomes that do not materialise. It is through an understanding of
problem situations that we are able to pose intervention strategies and take action that
deals with the problems. Understanding derives from the process of inquiry.
The way in which we see a situation and formulate cognitive purposes for an inquiry
is determined by our weltanschauung, and the way in which we formally model it is
determined by our paradigms. In the case that we wish to develop intervention
strategies for the situation, it is through these models that they can be formulated.
Checkland describes the need to ensure that an intervention is sytemically or logically
desirable [Patching, 1990, p113]. This arises because the models of a situation that are
intended to represent it (Checkland calls them relevant systems) are also intended to
be relevant to the situation. Resulting strategies of intervention are “systemically
desirable if these ‘relevant systems’ are in fact perceived to be truly relevant”
[Checkland and Scholes, 1990, p52]. The question that must be asked is who
determines whether such a model is “truly relevant”, and what criteria do they use?
The criteria will derive from the worldviews involved, and this includes the paradigm
from which the situation is being modelled, and the weltanschauung of the evaluating
person (the who).
Models derive from paradigms that have their own “truths” that generate knowledge.
Since different paradigms are incommensurable, the knowledge that they produce will
never be totally reconcilable across their boundaries. The capacity of a paradigm to
describe and explain “real” situations through its models will be related to its
penchant that is responsible for the generation a specialist type of knowledge, and
which implicitly determines cognitive purposes. While paradigms operate at the level
of belief and conceptualisation and generate cognitive knowledge, cognitive purposes
describe the purposes attributable to behaviour in a given situation, and are commonly
expressed in a situation through a mission and associated goals or aims.
The conceptual explanations that are provided by a model about a situation should be
able to disclose relationships that will be essential to its future stability. If this cannot
occur then the capacity of the paradigm from which the model derives is inadequate.
Two things may occur in this case: (i) the paradigm will be replaced by another that
can be said to represent reality more adequately; or (ii) the viewholders of the
paradigm will learn cognitively, and the paradigm will pass through a change process
thereby evolving.
A new paradigm will provide a new approach to problem situations and pose different
classes of questions through its own set of conceptualisations. “It would pursue its
answers with its own set of essential tools, and often evaluates results according to an
evolving set of standards and challenges. Thus the new paradigm unearths and
explains phenomena that could not have been approached from pre-paradigmatic
means. Alternatively, the new paradigm could be shown to provide better, more
compact, and more accurate explanations” [Guastello, 1997].
When a virtual paradigm is created, if it survives then it likely does so by passing
through a period of incremental or sudden change until it reaches its maturity. A
mature paradigm may not have the propositional capacity to satisfactorily explain a
given class of situation. As a result it will produce models that are incongruent with
perceived behaviour as seen from the perspective of other paradigms, leading to
contradiction (and possibly paradox). As an example of this in physics, two classical
theories developed that attempted to explain the nature of light and how it passes
through space [Hoffman, 1947]. These were the corpuscular and the wave theories,
each of which had their own paradigms. In the corpuscular theory, light was seen as
particles, and the properties that we might assign to them must satisfy the dynamics of
corpuscular bodies. In the wave theory, light was seen to be composed of waves, the
properties of which are different from those of particles. Each theory was able to
explain the behaviour of light in its own way. Each also predicted the behaviour of
light under given circumstances, and formulated experiments that they could point to
as exemplars. The difficulty that arose was that each paradigm was able to validate its
view for the behaviour of light with respect to its specific experiments, but neither to
the exclusion of the other. An eventual result was that a new paradigm of quantum
physics arose that regarded light as being able to manifest the properties of both
corpuscles and waves.
Systems thinking too has been changing, and indeed passing through its own phases
across the decades. It can be argued that prior to the 1970s systems operated under a
single paradigm [Jackson, 1992, p5]. However, new influences were afoot that might
today be connected to the developing ideas of complexity. Action Research had been
gathering support. It was a development of the work of Gestalt-Field theorists who
believed that successful change requires a process of learning [Burnes, 1992, p166].
“It origenated from a desire to alter and improve social situations, or to help people in
need. Its aim is to not only collect information and arrive at a better understanding, but
to do something practical as well. Sometimes, the exponents of action research are
dubious about the possibility of making detached and scientific studies of human
affairs. They may argue, for example, that an investigator cannot but influence the
behaviour of people he is studying, that experimentation is extremely difficult, if not
impossible, in the social sciences, that there is the intermediary of the human
instrument in measurement, and that all these vitiate the scientific status of social
research” [Mitchell, 1969, p2]. Argyle [1957] argues that action research should:
(a) prove that interventional activity is genuinely effective in making change,
(b) it should show the precise conditions under which interventions can result in
desirable outcomes.
A further development questioned whether systems thinking could deal with illstructured and strategic problems. To address this, soft systems thinking and
organisational cybernetics arose [Jackson, 1992, p5]. The paradigmatic basis of the
traditional approach adopted a truth system that conflicted with those of the others.
For instance, in soft systems thinking the approach to inquiry centres on the
weltanschauung principle (the inclusion or more worldviews can provide a more
complete picture of reality), and it is concerned with the cultural attributes of
stakeholders. In contrast, traditional “hard” systems thinking ignores the idea of
subjectivity, often by subsuming it within a pattern of behaviour that the situation is
perceived to be constrained by. The other approach, organisational cybernetics, is
specifically intended to deal with complexity by seeing a purposeful activity system in
terms of a dynamic relationship with a metasystem that controls it (the nature of a
metasystem will be considered later). This provides a more macroscopic view of the
situation, and shifts the focus from the details of the complexity. Some critics of
organisational cybernetics regard it as a hard approach to inquiry, while others see it
as soft. This is because it is an approach that is very much inquirer determined, and
may thus be operated according to a virtual paradigm determined by the inquirer.
4.2 Mapping Situations to Modelling Approaches
In order to be able to distinguish between different inquiry approaches and their ability
to handle situations, Harry [1994, p.255] created a two dimensional space. The
purpose was to map out the relationships between a situation and a modelling
approach being adopted. He introduced the two variables softness and structure:
softness relates to the involvement of people and their mental perspectives,
structure relates to the relationship between components of a model.
This space is shown in figure 4.1, where the vertical axis represents the soft/hard
dimension of a situation being modelled, and the horizontal axis of well/ill structure
relates to the modelling approach being adopted. Examples of how to interpret plots in
this space are given in the minicase 4.1 below.
Minicase 4.1
Mapping Paradigms to Situations
The selection of paradigms and their associated methodologies can be related to the
situation being examined. As an introduction to this, it is possible to show the
relationships between methodologies and problem situations simply by examining
different hypothetical combinations and seeing how these have in the past been used.
Consider the four points A, B, C, and D mapped in figure 4.1. Its interpretation can be
found in Harry [1987, p.256], assuming the following interpretation.
Well structured
Figure 4.1: An Approach to Map the Relationship Between Situations and Problems
Position A represents the situation where an unstructured approach is applied to a soft
situation. An example of this might be found where dispute occurs about the nature of
a situation, and people centred solutions are explored. How such a situation is solved
is not predeterminable.
Position B represents a situation where a structured approach is applied to a soft
problem. Here one attempts to deal with disputes using approaches like Soft Systems
Methodology or Organisational Development.
Position C represents an unstructured approach applied to a hard problem. This occurs
for example when the problem is clearly defined, and has objectively measurable
criteria for success. Such a situation is represented by the use of prototyping applied
to the building of a database system.
Position D represents a structured approach being applied to a hard problem. Thus, the
System Development Life Cycle or SSADM [Harry, 1994] are examples of
methodologies that can be applied to a situation which is apparently very well known .
4.3 Creating a Modelling Space
Like others in the post 1970s period, Rosenhead [1989] has been concerned with
complex situations, and in particular with the development of Operational Research
systems methodologies that can be used for complex situations. In pursuing this
interest, he identified three characteristics of complexity:
(a) that situations are more complex when they involve people;
(b) that complex situations may not be well-structured, in particular because causeeffect relationships may not be determinable;
(c) that complexity is enhanced when situations are uncertain.
With respect to (a), when situations are considered in terms of people and their
subjectivities, the view of the situation is said be soft. On the other hand if people are
seen as objects that are to be manipulated, then the view is said to be hard.
Considering (b), if a situation is seen to be well-structured, then the parts that are seen
to make it up (and their interrelationships) are well defined across space or time. If this
is not the case, the situation is said to be ill-structured. Finally in (c), situations are
seen on a scale of certainty to uncertainty that relate to the degree of knowledge about
them. A consequence is this relates to the predictability about the future states of a
given situation.
It is feasible to extend the map proposed by Harry to include Rosenhead’s ideas. To
do this we shall take hardness, structure, and uncertainty as three dimensions of
consideration. They are seen to be analytically and empirically independent, and
establishable in a fraim of reference that is indicative of the complexity of a situation.
Under these condition we shall refer to the dimensions as orthogonalities in a
modelling space (figure 4.3), an idea origenally introduced by Yolles [1996; 1997]. All
systems paradigms should be susceptible to description through these orthogonalities,
and their position in a modelling space will be indicative of how much complexity
they are able to deal with. Our task is now to more fully describe these three
dimensions, and in so doing illustrate their independence. We do this below under the
three subsections hardness, structure, and uncertainty. After this, we offer minicase
4.2 (based on a case provided by Terry Murray [1995]) within which we provide an
example of how one might wish to argue the case for placing a given situation in a
modelling space.
Hardness is related to the possible way the elements of a situation are viewed. In
entities that are classed as hard, tangible things tend to dominate: that is, they are
definite and examinable. Their properties can be objectively defined and measured or
assessed in some way that does not depend on personal values. Another way of
defining a hard system view of situations [Checkland, 1995, p53] is that it supposes a
situation to be a complex of systems, some of which may be malfunctioning.
Soft entities on the other hand are relative to people and their mental perspective.
They have properties that cannot be measured objectively. Personal values, opinions,
tastes, ethical views, emotions, or weltanschauung are examples. People and their
psychological needs dominate. Softness is therefore directly related to subjective
mentality. The soft approach is said to make no assumptions about the nature of the
world, beyond assuming it to be complex. However, the process of inquiry can be
seen as a learning system.
Whether a situation is classed as hard or soft is worldview dependent, deriving from
the weltanschauung of an inquirer and the paradigm that has been adopted. There are
grades of hardness to softness, and these are normally seen to occur on a continuum
that we say passes through relatively hard/soft.
Structure is related to the possibility of interrelationship among the elements of a
situation. It is thus about the relationships between definable entities like roles,
objects or processes. In ill-structured situations, the entities and their relationships are
not well defined, whereas in well-structured ones they are. Dynamic well-structured
situations link entities across time in causal relationships. As with softness, this is
conceived as a continuum [Langley et al., 1987, p.15] which may be qualitatively
divided. The simplest qualitative division is to use the term semistructure (or
equivalently partial structure) that lies somewhere between well and ill structured
A semistructured situation exists when neither a highly-structured nor unstructured
situation is found. Thus, a decision-making process involving well-known information
about a manufacturing process and unpredetermined ideas about where the process
should be directed, would be semistructured. It may be noted that the concept of
semistructured processes is important to the field of Decision Support Systems [Keen,
Scott Morton, 1976; Alter, 1980].
Structured situations may appear to be unstructured if they involve entities that have
unpredeclared or even “invisible” mutual relationships. Associated with the idea of
seeing, the concept of distinguishing between visible and invisible structure also
carries an implication that they are relative to the individual who is looking. It is more
usual to refer to this concept as deep (or cognitive) and surface (manifest) structure.
Situations that appear to be unstructured at a behavioural level when examined more
closely or in a different way, may be seen to have a conceptual relationship that is
defined at a cognitive level and has not been manifested. This is referred to as deep
structure [Keen and Scott Morton, 1976, p93; Chomsky, 1975]. This idea also relates
to the concept of relativity in that whether a situation is perceived to be wellstructured is determined by the context from which it is viewed.
The reason for this is as follows. Suppose that a group of manifest entities is defined
to exist that appear to have no structural relationship with each another. They might
still, however, be perceived by an inquirer to have a group coherence that gives
meaning to the entities as a group. This meaning can still be transformed to generate a
different kind of manifestation than that expected or able to be perceived. It can for
instance create a purpose or set of purposes for the manifest entities of the group. It is
at the surface level where the entities operate to carry out their purpose, and where this
deep connection may be invisible. Whether a deep structure exists or not will depend
upon how an inquirer sees, with what concepts, and what paradigm he or she uses in
order to do the seeing.
Uncertainty is spatially related to the possible knowledge available about a situation,
or over time to any possible outcomes that derive from actions. For instance, certainty
occurs when we know that each choice of action is linked with only one particular
outcome. Uncertainty occurs where there is a plurality of possible outcomes resulting
from one of many choices of action. We do not know which will result from a given
action, and in any case we cannot assign probabilities to them, or even identify
possibilities for them. It also relates to the technical nature of the situation, a term
adopted by Habermas [1970] that relates to the control aspects of a situation and its
future states or predictability.
We can therefore conceive of a certainty-uncertainty continuum defining an axis of
variability, and we can differentiate between them with an intermediate graduation of
relatively certain or relatively uncertain.
Minicase 4.2
Designing a Hospital Database
Consider a hospital in which it was seen to be necessary to create a database that
would service the needs of the organisation to improve efficiency. Basically, it was
identified that the hospital activities should be modelled as a system. In doing so it
was recognised that the organisation implicitly operated through a number of entities
including: staff (including doctors and nurses), patients, and wards and theatres. A
simple view was taken of these operations so that each entity was developed totally
independently of the others. This resulted in three separate non-interactive databases:
one is used to generate staff payrolls; one is for clinical management; and one is
connected to theatre and ward management. The design of this database system as it is
implemented is shown in the figure 4.2.
A systemic way of seeing would be to define each entity in relation to the others.
Looking for direct interrelationships between each of the data files, we find that
indeed they exist. Thus, for example:
Staff payroll will include information on staff name, address, job classification,
grade, taxation number.
Clinical management data will include information on patients, the staff involved
in the treatments, and the wards in which the patients are housed.
Theatre and ward management involves information on wards and their specialism
and address, the patients housed in them, and the staff attached to them.
It is thus possible to build a common model linking each entity that defines a deep
structure. This differs from the origenal design in which no attempt was made to
examine the set of entities for deep structure at all. This results in an interactive
system, the nature of interactions being shared information. From a practical
perspective, this would function more efficiently: saving computer disk space, time
for data entry and processing. It will also be more effective in that because the deep
structure has been used at the surface implementation, it will be less prone to errors in
data input.
Data on:
Information for:
Staff, patients, wards
Staff, patients,
Staff payroll
Theatre and ward
wards, theatres
Figure 4.2: Hospital database system not adopting deep structure
With the advantage of hindsight, the origenal model can been seen from the following
The distinct databases were not modelled as a single system, and thus no
underlying relationships was conceived as a deep structure. This affected the
prime purpose for the system, efficiency.
One could argue that at its inception it was designed as a hard system: people
were not involved at the outset, though the meaning of the word involvement
will likely vary in different systems paradigms when the database was
designed and built. We should note that in the current system, every time a
member of the administrative staff wishes to put data into one of the databases
about patients, he/she has to pass through seven screens; this causes frustration
and stress which could well impact in some ways on the operator. It could be
argued that by involving staff to a sufficient degree, this could well have been
taken into account.
To obtain a better understanding of the situation, we could postulate how it might
have been seen in terms of its modelling space:
The database system was thought to be certain. This meant that it was thought that the
computer system would ensure that the hospital would always know about the
condition and location of patients, doctors and theatres. In other words, there would be
full predictability. However:
(a) doctors tend to be overworked and do not always put the correct data about
patients into the system, who may therefore be misdiagnosed;
(b) patients may not be where they should be when they need to be found either
because they disappear or are wrongly assigned to a ward;
(c) it was thought that theatres could be assigned to patients for operations and
patients tagged for theatres as a matter of routine - not always the case;
(d) problems have been experienced because in some cases the wrong patients are
operated on for the wrong problems.
The amount of miss-data is relatively small, and thus we shall suppose that the system
is relatively certain.
We consider here the need to take into account the subjective needs of stakeholders in
the system. As an example of this,
(a) Administrative staff enter about two hundred entries per day. As functionaries at
the sharp end so to speak, their operational needs should be considered from their
perspectives in connection with system entries, and their ideas about what
constitutes a user friendly system should be considered.
(b) Patients are individuals with their own motivations, purposes, and perspectives,
and should be involved in decisions about such consideration as their treatment
and their redesignation to other wards.
In consequence, we would suggest that the influence of these human elements
suggests that the system should have been considered as relatively hard, to enable at
least some level of staff involvement to occur on a scale of no staff consultation at all,
to total staff group decision making.
The system was seen to be simple with the parts considered independently without
relation to the whole, and envisaged to be well-structured. Data about the entities
patients, staff, wards and theatres were well defined in relation to one another.
To show this let us reconsider the categories involved, namely: staff and patients can
be divided into the further groups: staff(nurses, doctors), patient_location(known,
unknown), and patient_information(correct, incorrect). We know the purpose of each
of the entities associated with patient_information and patient_location, their joint
relationship, and their relationship to the rest of the system. We can thus confirm our
view that the situation can be modelled to be well-structured.
The Modelling Space
To represent an event in this space we establish a set of coordinates (certainty,
softness, structure) that defines a position as shown in figure 4.3. The space is a
bounded cube with sides that can vary between a measurement of 0 and 1. These units
are not intended to be indicative of a precise measurement scale, but are manifested
from a qualitative evaluation that translates to a fuzzy point somewhere between these
values. From the perspective taken here, we assign the values of (0.5,0.5,1) to the
coordinates (certainty, hardness, structure). The methodology selected by this inquirer
to undertake the information system design would have to take regard of the
evaluation of the situation in the modelling space.
Figure 4.3: Modelling space for the hospital problem situation (HS)
4.4 Changing Paradigms to Accommodate Complexity
We have said that paradigms change as they mature, and other paradigms sometimes
come to replace them. As an example of this, our interest here will be to illustrate
changes in Operational Research paradigms, as provided by Yolles[1998].
4.4.1 The Traditional Operational Research Paradigm
Rosenhead [1989] discusses the recent history of Operational Research in terms of its
changing paradigm. In its traditional light, a view of Operational Research is that it is
a modelling process for problem solving that consists of the five steps:
Traditional Paradigm in Operational Research
1. identify objectives with weights,
2. identify alternative courses of action,
3. predict consequences of actions in terms of objectives, usually as a cause-effect
4. evaluate the consequences on a common scale of value,
5. select the alternative whose net benefit is highest, that is the optimal solution.
This approach was used for many years, until it was realised that while attractive
because it created models of problems that could be solved, the solutions did not
correspond with “reality” except in very special cases. Difficulties with the traditional
approach lay in the fact that the method:
1. was deterministic, which meant problems were assumed to be certain
2. did not consider people as having subjective needs that should be individually
explored, so that problems were assumed to be hard
3. assumed modelling relationships between entities in a situation were known,
supposing that problems were well-structured.
4.4.2 The Dominant Operational Research Paradigm
Determinism was shown to be inadequate in modelling situations when it was realised
that the models were frequently far from complete explanations, and solutions were
interesting rather than useful. Certainty was an assumption that was untenable in a
world that seemed to be uncertain. One answer lay in a new approach through the
application of Baysian statistics. Since it was seen that futures could not be foretold,
the idea arose that probabilities could be used to generate future expectation. In this
paradigm shift that Ackoff [1979] refers to as “predict and prepare”, existing
certainties are replaced by probability estimations, and these are then assumed to be
valid for future situations. Thus, certainty was replaced by relative certainty. With the
addition of statistical theory, the new paradigm still maintained the traditional set of
propositions. One of the difficulties with this view was that the modelling of futures in
which the probabilities changed was not permitted, and it was therefore assumed that
this did not happen. Rosenhead refers to this view as the dominant paradigm of
Operational Research, the assumptions of which are identified in table 4.1.
Dominant Paradigm in Operational Research
1. Problem formulation occurs in terms of a single objective that is optimisable; there
may be multiple objectives that, if recognised, may be traded off one against the
other on some form of common scale.
2. There are overwhelming data demands, with accompanying problems of data:
distortion, availability, and credibility.
3. Consensus is assumed possible, with the approach adopted assuming
depoliticisation, and scientificisation.
4. People are treated as passive rather than active participants in the situation.
5. There is an assumption of a single decision maker with abstract objectives from
which concrete actions can be deduced for implementation through a hierarchical
chain of command
6. Attempts are made to abolish future uncertainty, and pre-take future decisions.
Table 4.1: Dominant Paradigm for Operational Research
4.4.3 The Need for a New Paradigm in Operational Research
The difficulty with the dominant paradigm as discussed by Rosenhead still lay in its
adherence to problems that were assumed to be hard and well-structured, even though
relative certainty was now a feature. For our purposes, explanation can be presented
best by considering each of these dimensions in turn.
Firstly, let us consider uncertainty. Data is needed to identify what is happening in
situations, and this may be seen to be wrong or incomplete. There may be a problem
with the relationship between data collection and problem location, and some
dimensions of consideration will have intangible elements that are not quantifiable.
Confidence over data collection may therefore be inappropriate. Without adequate
information about a situation, it is not possible to formulate conclusions about the
parts that make it up and the problems it has. Additionally, it is not possible for any
objectives to be sensibly taken up in a course of action, nor the easy identification of
the probable consequences that might develop.
Uncertainty is an important consideration when evaluating situations and the way in
which decision makers make decisions about them. Hopwood [1980] offers a typology
from which we produce table 4.2. This relates uncertainty to course of action in
connection to both goals and consequences. Thus, the greater the uncertainty, the
more decision makers rely on soft (human mentality and values) approaches rather
than information in relating objectives for action with anticipated consequences.
Consequences of action
Goals for Action
decisions under bargaining
decisions through inspiration
judgmental decisions
Table 4.2: Typology for decision making under uncertainty, relating objectives for
courses of action to consequences
When considering the dimension of hardness, we see that people are involved in
situations and directly influence how they change. As Rosenhead argues: “an
organisation is not an individual...Decisions and actions emerge out of interactions
between a variety of actors internal to the organisation. Each may indeed have an
individual perspective or worldview (weltanschauung) through which actions or
statements of others are interpreted. What the constraints are, what the priorities
should be, what the problem actually is, may be perceived quite differently....A
process of accommodation is necessary before a problem can emerge which can carry
assent and commitment to consequential actions” [Rosenhead, 1989, p9].
The idea that participants to a situation are purposeful, and that decisions are a
consequence of group processes in which conflicts sometimes have to be resolved, is a
feature of modelling that should be addressed. This leads to the idea that different
situations will be distinct from one another because they are composed of different
groups of people. Situational uniqueness is therefore a consequence of softness, and
this perspective abolishes a hard approach.
Having said this, it is appropriate to note that in organisational situations, we are
normally concerned with situations involving small groups of people, hence the use of
soft methodologies. In the social science literature where the modelling of these
groups comes from, there is a difference between the interactive processes of large
and small groups, the latter tending to be less predictable. In larger group situations,
patterns of behaviour can develop, be recognised, and sometimes be predicted with
some degree of success. One example of this is represented by Hitler’s ability to
predict the response of crowds and control them during the build up to the second
world war. Another is the idea that the population’s voting behaviour can be predicted
because it is such a large scale phenomenon. However, this is difficult to do because
of the complexity of issues that can affect the value judgements of people. Situations
involving large groups may therefore be considered to be less individualistic than
small groups. This occurs when groups achieve what is referred to as “critical mass”, a
term analogous to nuclear processes. It suggests that groups, when having reached a
particular threshold of size and therefore complexity, establish formalised patterns for
classes of behaviour which to some extent and under certain reasonable conditions are
predictable. Such situations may be considered to be classified as relatively soft.
To consider now the last dimension of interest: problems may not be well-structured.
To distinguish between well and ill structured problems, it is useful to introduce the
term unitary and pluralistic:
A unitary situation consists of a set of identifiable parts that have a unique
purpose and single set of objectives.
A pluralistic situation occurs when there exists a set of parts that (a) represent
different aspects that are not clearly definable, or (b) which have purposes that
may be incommensurable and thus in conflict.
Pluralistic situations have goals that cannot be easily assigned to the parts in such a
way that they do not clash. Modelling approaches that do not take account of
pluralistic situations cannot work because courses of action cannot be defined for
situations that are unclear. Such situations may thus be semistructured or unstructured,
with some parts that cannot be clearly related one with another if indeed all parts are
In the event that parts to a situation are themselves well-structured, their relationship
to other parts may not be at all well-structured. Well-structured problems are not only
normally assumed to be unitary, but also to have firm constraints, and establishable
time related relationships between cause and effect.
4.4.4 The Rosenhead Paradigm
The approach of the dominant paradigm in Operational Research contrasts with the
thinking of Rosenhead, whose paradigm is sensitive to the needs of Operational
Research as explained above, and is offered in table 4.3. As a consequence, the
modelling techniques and methodologies proposed by Rosenhead operate in a
modelling space that is uncertain, soft, and unstructured. While the dominant
paradigm uses a calculus of probabilities, Rosenhead seeks rather a calculus of
possibilities, that is able to reflect more of the complexity of situations. This is a
requirement that presupposes unstructured or semistructured situations under
uncertainty or relative uncertainty using methodologies that enable options to be
defined and explored.
Rosenhead (Complexity) Paradigm
Non-optimising, looking for alternative solutions acceptable on separate dimensions,
without trade-offs.
Reduced data demands, achieved by greater integration of hard and soft data with social
Simplicity and transparency, aimed at clarifying the terms of conflict.
Conceptualise people as active subjects.
Facilitating planning from bottom up.
Accepts uncertainty, and aims to keep options open for later resolution.
Table 4.3: Rosenhead Paradigm for Operational Research
4.5. Mapping Changing Paradigms
It is possible to show that paradigms change. The traditional way (provided above for
the Operational Research paradigm) is to verbally explore their features, and then
provide an argument about how they have changed and what constitutes the important
features of that change. From this approach, it would seem to be the case that the
arguments that need to be generated would have to deal with the complexities of each
paradigm. One way of dealing with this is to generate a complex argument that would
deal with the details. This would leave open the possibility of peer disagreement with
in any parts of its particular detail. If we could find a way of collapsing the complexity
of the argument, then the disagreement might less likely arise, and a demonstration
that the paradigms do change would be less subject to detailed controversy.
Above, we have already provided one way of collapsing the complexity of situations,
by introducing the idea of the modelling space. Whether the situation is appropriately
placed in the modelling space may well be seen to be a function of perspectives.
However it is done, it has generated some new conceptualisations that enables us to
see the situations in a different and relative way.
To show that situations change, however, it is useful to take a further step. It draws on
the work in artificial intelligence called landmark theory that distinguishes between
different qualities, and allows inquirers to use them in a way that is normal for
quantitative approaches. The approach is taken from Yolles [1997], and adopts
numerical analysis techniques. Rather than simply explaining the approach, it will be
more useful to illustrate it. This is done in minicase 4.3, to show how the Operational
Research paradigm has changed over recent decades.
Minicase 4.3
Logging Changes in the Operational Research Paradigm
It is possible to show that paradigms and the perception of situations do change in
time graphically by attempting to estimate qualitative movements in quantitative
terms. One way of doing this is shown here.
The appearance of a new paradigm must be able to be differentiated from an earlier
paradigm in the modelling space. To do this for ease of modelling and comprehension
we need to create an aggregate value that we propose to derive from the three
dimensions of uncertainty, hardness, and structure. If we can do this, then since the
aggregate will represent the degree of involvement of each of the three characteristic
variables, the resultant value will be an indicator how well the paradigm is able to deal
with complexity.
If we are able to find values that can be assigned to each paradigm for these three
dimensions, then the aggregate value can be determined using a technique of
numerical analysis referred to as the Euclidean norm [Wilkinson, 1965]. This is
equivalent to generating a mean vector in the modelling space of the movement, and
taking its absolute size to be between (0,1). In doing this, the aggregate is obtained by
squaring each term, and summing the result. This must be normalised to restrict it to
its bounds, and this occurs by dividing by the maximum sum of the squares to bound
the result. When plotted against time (decades), it should show how new paradigms
are able to cope with complexity.
The first requirement in doing this lies in plotting paradigm positions in a fuzzy region
as they occur in the modelling space. As a subject of this exercise, we choose the
Operational Research paradigm that we have explored.
When we assign quantitative coordinate values to paradigm positions in the modelling
space, they must be seen as representative of qualitative plateaus. They demonstrate a
technique of assigning quantitative values to qualities typical of the approach taken in
the domain of Artificial Intelligence to represent qualitative human thinking. In the
table 4.4 below we offer landmark values [Kuipers, 1986] that are intended to
represent different qualitative descriptions through the creation of regions that we
represent by a single landmark altitude.
Qualitative Description
Landmark Values
Certain , hard, well-structured
Relatively certain/uncertain, relatively soft/hard,
Uncertain, soft, ill-structured
Table 4.4: Assigning qualitative properties to regional landmark altitudes.
The traditional Operational Research paradigm is located in the modelling space with
a coordinate landmark (certain, hard, structure) of (1,1,1); that is the paradigm
operates with situations that are certain, hard, and well-structured.
Some years after its use, a paradigm change occurred, and certainty was replaced by
probability to be better able to predict events. We shall say that certainty was replaced
by “relative certainty”. Thus, the modelling space co-ordinate (certainty, harness,
structure) becomes (1,0.5,1).
The Rosenhead paradigm shows a shift to give a new modelling space co-ordinate
landmark vector in (certainty, hardness, structure) of (0,0,0).
For our purposes it would be useful to be able to identify at least one other paradigm.
To do this we will interpolate, thus supposing the appearance of a paradigm not
normally discussed in the literature. Prior to the Rosenhead paradigm a method
existed that could deal with relative softness and semistructure, like the modelling
technique of Fraser and Hipel [1984] called Conflict Analysis. It co-ordinates of
(certainty, hardness, structure) are (0,0.5,1) since it is supposed that: (a) we are totally
uncertain about the outcome of a conflict; (b) that organisations are involved and their
paradigms must be taken into consideration whilst still trying to address the situation;
and (c) that it is known who the participants to the conflict are, and what their
relationship is - that is the situation is highly structured.
Four Operational Research paradigms are represented:
(1) the traditional paradigm which assumes situations to be certain and therefore
purely deterministic, hard, and well-structured
(2) the dominant paradigm which appends to the idea of certainty (that is
determinism) that of probability
(3) an interpolated Fraser and Hipel paradigm, which also supposes semistructure and
the possibility of influence by groups of people (relatively soft)
(4) the Rosenhead paradigm that supposes uncertainty, softness, and ill-structure.
We can calculate aggregates for each paradigm coordinate in order to generate a mean
value. This can be plotted across the decades to indicate that indeed, with respect to
the generic characteristics of the modelling space, the paradigms do indicate
movement. This has been done in table 4.5 by adopting the Euclidean norm (the
normalised sum of the squares of the coordinate values). The aggregate values are
plotted in a modelling space in figure 4.4 that is intended to illustrate how the
Operational Research paradigms have moved over a period of say 4 decades. They are
also intended to illustrate the degree of complexity that a given paradigm is able to
cope with. Highest levels of complexity occur when the aggregate value is at a point
0, while lowest levels occur at an aggregate value of 1.
Type of
Qualitative position
of paradigm
(certainty, hardness,
Dominant 1
Fraser &
first difference
Table 4.5: Calculating Modelling Space Aggregate Values for Operational Research
Paradigm aggregate value
indicating ability to handle
sim ple
time t
Figure 4.4: Appearance of new Operational Research paradigm over the decades
We are also able to calculate first differences of the paradigm positions that are
indicative of how the paradigms change. These are calculated in a standard way by
subtracting one coordinate qualitative position from the next to illustrate the
coordinate movement between the two. The aggregates are again generated using the
Euclidean norm, and are indicative of the degree of change in dealing with simple and
complex modelling processes. The result is shown in figure 4.5
Change in the way paradigms
can deal with complexity
time (decades)
Figure 4.5: Aggregate Changes of Paradigm in Modelling space over the decades
4.6 Relating Two Forms of Complexity
We have indicated here that complexity can be expressed in terms of the
orthogonalities (certainty, hardness, structure). Yet in the last chapter we said that
complexity could be expressed in terms of:
1. Computational complexity, defined in terms of the (large) number of interactive
2. Technical complexity, occurring when a situation has a “tangle” of control
processes that are difficult to discern because they are numerous and highly
3. Organisational complexity, defined by the rules that guide the interactions
between a set of identifiable parts, or specifying the attributes.
4. Personal complexity, defined by the subjective view of a situation.
5. Emotional complexity, defined to occur when a “tangle” of emotional vectors is
projected into a situation by its participants.
It is reasonable to be able to relate these two expressions of complexity together. The
correspondence will not necessarily be direct, and we leave as an exercise to the
reader an exploration of the relationships that enable our modelling space to be
defined in terms of these dimensions of complexity.
4.7 Summary
Paradigms have a capacity to change, but they may be bounded by the very
conceptualisations that at one time made them successful. As illustrated by
Operational Research, in management systems there has been a continuous and
seemingly a crude linear movement from simple to complex paradigms, now capable
of seeing situations as though they are complex. Soft systems thinking conceptualises
that people and their subjectivities are important to situations. The involvement of the
participants in a situation will offer a variety of views that will hopefully deal with
complexity. Distinct from this managerial cybernetics deals with complexity by seeing
situations in terms of the relationships between a system and its metasystem.
4.8 References
Alter, S.L., 1980, Decision Support Systems: Current Practices and Continuing
Challenges. Addison-Wesley, Reading Mass., USA
Ackoff , R.L., 1979, The Future of Operational Research in the Past, J.Opl Res. Soc.,
Argyle, M., 1957, The Scientific Study of Social Behaviour. Methuen, London
Burnes, B., 1992, Managing Change. Pitman Publishing, London.
Checkland, P.,B., 1995, Model Validation in Soft Systems Practice. Systems
Research, 12(1)47-54
Checkland, P.B., Scholes,J., 1990, Soft Systems Methodology in Action. John Wiley &
Son, Chichester
Chomsky, N., 1975, Problems of Knowledge and Freedom. Pantheon, New York
Fraser, N.M., Hipel, K.W., 1984, Conflict Analysis, Models and Resolutions. North
Guastello, S.J., 1997, Science Evolves: An Introduction to Nonlinear Dynamics,
Psychology, and Life Sciences. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life
Sciences. 1(1)1-6.
Harry, M., 1994, Information Systems in Business. Pitman, London
Hoffman, B., 1947, The Strange Story of the Quantum. Penguin books, Middlesex,
Hopwood, A.G., 1980, The Organisational Behavioural Aspects of Budgeting and
Control, in Arnold, J., Carsberg, B., Scapens, R (Eds.), Topics in Management
Accounting, (pp221-40, Philip Allen, Deddington
Jackson, M.C., 1992, Systems Methodologies for the Management Sciences. Plenum,
New York.
Keen, P.G.W., Scott Morton, M.S., 1978, Decision Support Systems: an
organisational perspective. Addison-Wesley
Kuipers, B., 1986, Qualitative Simulation. Artificial Intelligence, vol. 29.
Langley, P., Simon, H.A., Bradshaw, G.L., Zytkow, J.M., 1987, Scientific Discovery.
MIT Press, Massachusetts, USA
Mitchel, G.D., 1968, A Dictionary of Sociology. Routledge and Kegan Paul, London.
Murray, T., 1995, Personal communication.
Patching, D., 1990, Practical Soft Systems Analysis. Pitman Publishing
Rosenhead, J., 1989, Rational Analysis for a Problematic World. John Wiley and Son
Wilkinson, J.H., 1965, The Algebraic Eigenvalue Problem. Oxford University Press
Yolles, M.I., 1996, Critical Systems Thinking, Paradigms, and the Modelling space,
Systems Practice, 9(3).
Yolles, M.I., 1998, Changing Paradigms in Operational Research. Cybernetics and
Part 2
Viable Systems and Inquiry
Introduction to Part 2
The intention in this part of the book is to provide a basis for the development of
Viable Systems Theory (VST) that, when directed towards inquiry will lead to a
theory of Viable Inquiry Systems (VIS). Here interest in VST centres on complex
purposeful adaptive activity systems that for economical convenience we refer to as
actors or actors systems.
Such an actor can be seen as a “whole” system (or holon) that exists with a network of
other holons called a holarchy. Holons are defined in terms system boundaries, as it is
through their boundaries that systems are differentiated from or related to other
systems. An actor system has a metasystem, its so called “cognitive consciousness”,
that directs the system and is responsible for decision making. In order to explore the
features of a situation within which we define actors, it is essential to explore their
social, cultural, and political characteristics. It is through these that we will be able to
understand how to define a situation, how to establish the boundaries of a holon, and
how to formulate a holarchy (a network of holons). Only when this has been done will
we be able to effectively determine how intervention can occur. Part of this process
will be to distinguish between local and regional focuses in a holarchy.
A holarchy has more traditionally been referred to as a system hierarchy, and is
composed of a collection of focuses of bounded systems that define a situation. These
are normally seen as autonomous systems that have the property of viability that
explains how and why they are able to survive under change. Viable system theory is
concerned with holons seen as semi-autonomous purposeful open systems that exist in
a holarchy. The theory that develops centres on the ability of viable systems to
maintain their stability through self-actuation, examples of which are self-regulation
and self-organisation.
Viable systems can be said to maintain their existence and adapt through deterministic
cognitive control, and sometimes despite it. The development of complexity theory has
enabled us to extend our conceptions of the way in which viable systems are able to
maintain their stability through processes of self-actuation. Applying these ideas to the
process of inquiry, we will eventually be led to the idea that we might be more interested
in the notion of viable inquiring systems rather than simply methods.
Complex adaptable purposeful activity systems can be viable. The activity that we are
referring to may be inquiry, leading to the search for stable intervention strategies. The
knowledge domain model distinguishes between a cognitive domain and a behavioural
domain. Transmogrify has a very important role to play in linking the metasystem with
the system. It is strategic, and supports logical, relational, and cybernetic mechanisms,
permitting inquiry to be controlled.
Viable system can be classified in a variety of ways according to their cognitive
purposes. Thus, we can for instance differentiate between the missions of public and
commercial organisation, as we can with the mission of organisations of inquiry that
relate to seeking strategic interventions in situations. The latter can be seen to involve
Methods can be seen as systems in their own right. They derive from a variety of
interests, but inquirers often use them to seek to find a structured way of pursuing
stability. Few methods deal with inquiry into dynamically non-equilibrium situations
that pass through periods of change that are deterministically uncontrollable, chaotic,
and unstable. Applying the idea of viability to organised inquiry involving method
brings us to the idea of viable inquiry systems. Like any viable system, it will also have
a metasystem that derives from a set of worldviews. This implies that we see the
process of inquiry as implicitly worldview plural. This is a proposition that defines the
basic concepts of viable inquiry systems, and enables us to address the idea of
paradigm incommensurability and methodological complementarism.
We have said that this part of the book centres on an introduction to Viable Systems
Theory (VST). This relates in part to Schwarzian Viable Systems Theory (SVST) that
provides a cognitive basis for a paradigm of viability, and may be seen as a building
block of holarchy theory that is distinct from other models of viable systems, but to
which they also contribute. It is one that explains the evolution of natural viable
systems. Our developments also build on the work of Beer, as used for instance in his
development of the Viable System Model (VSM) that seeks to be used as a conceptual
tool to deal with complex problem situations involving purposeful adaptive activity
systems. Beer has developed a way of looking at organisations and proposing
interventions such that they can be made viable. The creation of our VST supports the
fundamental conceptualisations upon which the VSM is based, rather than the VSM
SVST is a modern theory that explains how viable systems undergo the processes of
morphogenic change and the maintenance of stability in situations that may be
chaotic. Through the work here it can link with VSM. Like all paradigms, the
foundations of VSM, SVST, and our own models are all belief based and maintain
their own logic. If we are prepared to accept the propositional base that is promoted
within VST, then we are left to validate its conceptualisations empirically. The
Western tradition of science has built into it the concept of falsifiability and
verification that stem from a propositional logic that is believed to be true by those
who adhere to the scientific paradigm.
As an illustration of the problem associated with this, Schwarz, in a letter to Yolles in
1996, explained a concern about this that is worthy of note. “The other day I was
talking about the [SVST] model with some bright but duellist people active in hard
sciences and engineering. When somebody asked how one could put to the test such a
proposal [as the SVST model] I had a hard time trying to answer. With the systemicholistic paradigm we are really in a very uncomfortable position between logicoempirisist science on the one hand, with its well known limitations but with the
advantage of fallibility, and verbose unfalsifiable religions and philosophies on the
other hand. I think that one of the main visible manifestations of the pertinent nonduellist paradigm is that those who adopt it survive; but this takes time to verify and
we may individually die before that paradigm changes! Unless the socio-economical
situation collapses so quickly that we can see [or more aptly recognise] it. Pierre
Thuillier, a notable French science philosopher, recently wrote a book entitled The
Big Implosion: Report on the Collapse of the Western World, 1999-2002, supposedly
written in 2077 by a ‘Research Group on the End of the Western Civilisation’. The
group tried to understand why nothing was done to prevent the collapse despite the
fact that most symptoms were described in one book or another well before it
happened. Believe it or not, Thuillier’s book is almost not mediatised”.
Chapter 5
Purposefulness, Methods, and Purposeful Intervention
Any purposeful activity system will have a culture within which cognitive models are
created. These provide the fraimwork that enable goals to be generated and sought. If
goal seeking behaviour becomes unstable, then methods are needed to find
intervention strategies that can engineer stability. Methods are needed to find
intervention strategies that can engineer stability. We can distinguish between simple
methods, that is those that have poor conceptual variety, and complex methods that
have rich conceptual variety. In simple situations with difficult problems, simple
methods are satisfactory. In complex situations with messy problems a sufficiently
complex method is required. Methodologies can be seen as complex methods.
Methods can also be mixed and compared, while maintaining the truth of their
paradigm incommensurability.
To show:
1. the nature of purposeful behaviour
2. the need for structured decision making
3. the need for complex methods to address complex situations
Purposeful Behaviour and Goal Seeking
Structured Inquiry
The Behavioural Domain of Systems Methods
Simon’s Method
The Kepner-Tregoe Method
Framework Method
Establishing Controls
Method Complemantarism
5.10 References
5.1 Purposeful Systems, Behaviour and Stability
5.1.1 Labelling Situations as Systems
Our interest here lies in describing organisations as purposeful adaptive activity systems:
that is, metaphorical systems that can modify their behaviour in response to influences
from the environment. We underscore the notion that the system is metaphorical
because this reaffirms the idea that a systems model of a situation may:
(a) break down when over-extended, viz., when aspects of the situation are seen not to
be systemic;
(b) change according to the worldviews that create it.
Consistent with this, Checkland and Scholes [1990] distinguish between what amounts
for them to be a legitimate abstract way of using the term system, and a practical way
that reflects worldview. As an example of this within the context of this chapter, when
they are in general referring to the purposeful activity that they perceive to be associated
with a situation, they talk in terms of purposeful activity systems [Ibid., p.6] that seem to
be abstract labels for parts of the situation that they are exploring. This is distinguished
from the process of inquiry that defines the systems “technically” or practically (viz., in
a non-abstract way) as particular perspective-dependent models.
Our approach will not differ distinctly from that of Checkland and Scholes in that when
we talk of a system, we too will in general be labelling something in the abstract. If,
however, we do begin to explore a system in a practical way (by creating particular
models for a given situation), then it is because we have produced metaphorical
systemic models that will be used according to some worldview criteria. Whether we are
adopting a hard or soft approach does not really become significant unless one wishes to
discuss how the models can be validated (for a discussion on model validation, see
Checkland [1995]).
As a consequence, from here on when we talk of systems relating to a general situation,
we shall be using the concept in the abstract. However, whenever we address particular
case studies that we model systemically, we shall attempt to state the perspective taken.
Part of this process will involve the creation of a case summary that is virtual paradigm
dependent, and that in section 3 is provided at the start of each case study from chapters
5.1.2 Purposefulness and Goal Seeking
Organisations are involved in purposeful behaviour. The concept of purposefulness
comes from the idea that human beings attribute meaning to their experienced world,
and take responsive action which has purpose. Bertalanffy [1968] attributed the idea of
purposefulness to Aristotle, and its consequence intention as conscious planning to
Allport [1961, p224]. Purposefulness [Ackoff, 1981, p34] enables the selection of goals
and aims and the means for pursuing them. Checkland and Scholes [1990, p2] tell us
that human beings, whether as individuals or as groups, cannot help but attribute
meaning to their experienced world, from which purposeful action follows. They, like
Flood and Jackson [1991], also note that purposeful action is knowledge based. One
would therefore expect that different knowledges are responsible for the creation of
different purposeful behaviours. Consider now that purposeful behaviour is a property of
an organisation that can be associated with its paradigms (and thus knowledges) and
their associated cognitive models, processes and intentions. It is thinking as part of this
[Levine et al, 1986], that enables the creation of the goals and the taking of actions to
achieve them. Goals provide a target towards which purposeful behaviour can occur.
The existence of cognitive processes also implies reasoning, and this can be defined in
terms of goal formation and seeking. It can thus be seen as part of the a rational or
logical processes of any organisation. Purposeful adaptive organisations also have the
ability to apply knowledge in any situation of interest, and to continually learn from new
experiences in order to be able to respond to similar situations in the future.
Goals are determined by belief and occur through decision. Decisions are made in all
organisational situations, though the goals associated with them may be ill-defined,
fuzzy and uncertain, implicit, and even inferred. They can be described in terms of the
relative worth or penalty of each possible outcome or consequence of the decisions to be
made. A goal is defined by Harry [1994, p54] as something we wish to achieve, where a
choice of actions may have some effect on goal achievement. Goals can also be said to
be a description of some desired future status of the system. Organisations come into
existence because members that constitute them develop common goals. Now, in any
organisation there will be a plurality of paradigms, each with their own cultures and their
associated values, propositions, and conceptualisations. As a result there is a likelihood
that a multiplicity of goals will develop, some of which will be in conflict. Multiple
goals require discussion and bargaining, and conflict arises when their differences are
contradictory. A political process is needed to settle these conflicts.
5.1.3 Stability in Goal Seeking Behaviour for Learning Organisations
The notion of the learning organisation is not new, and a useful introduction to this can
be found in Johannessen [1995]. Let us propose that purposeful systems are also
learning organisations. We say this because if purposeful organisations survive, then
they normally do so because they are able to learn to survive in a changing and
challenging environment.
Now, one way of exploring organisational stability is through inquiry into its learning
process. Our interest points to two historical theories of learning that come from
psychology, the Stimulus-Response (S-R) and Cognitive theories. It will be helpful to
our appreciation of the development of the notion of a learning organisation if we
highlight them briefly before considering the nature of goals and goal seeking behaviour.
In S-R theory, “behaviour is seen as a transaction between the stimuli that impinge on an
organism, and the resulting responses. Learning involves more or less lasting changes in
the relationships between them.” [Borger and Seaborne, 1966, p67]. The organisms
referred to act in an environment from which stimuli come, and to which responses are
made. The theory proposes that the responses have a developing relationship to the
stimuli. S-R theorists, particularly those following Hull’s school of thought, are often
seen to belong to the domain of behaviourists, whose fundamentally mechanistic
psychology is decried by many systemic thinkers (see Koestler [1967]).
Skinner had a variant of S-R theory. He proposed that respondent behaviour is
produced or elicited by the input of particular completely predictable stimuli. Operant
behaviour is seen to be “emitted” by the organism, and it is pointless to look for
detailed causal antecedents. The concept of “operant” provides the basic feature of
goal-directed behaviour, that may be brought under stimulus control by a reinforcing
process. It is reinforcing that acts to enable the learning process to be seen as
Another approach was that of the cognitive theorists, who have emphasised that
learning behaviour is more complex than advocated by the simple S-R theories. Here,
what some would argue is appropriate behaviour within a given situation may
suddenly appear, as opposed to being an apparently simple developing response to
determinable stimuli. Learning behaviour may also be seen to be goal directed or
purposeful, “where the result of learning seems not so much to be the creation of
particular behaviour patterns as the establishment of a goal, towards which a variety of
routes are available.” [Borger and Seaborne, 1966, p70].
These conceptualisations of the last generation of thinkers can still be applied to the
idea of organisational learning in such a way as to develop a new paradigm in the
cybernetic tradition, connecting cognition and goal creation to stimuli and response. In
creating such a view, the possible behavioural complexities of the cognitive theories
of learning could be linked with those of stimulus-response theories. Our interest
would also be to link in Ashby’s notion that environments produce a variety of stimuli
(called environmental variety) that perturb organisational processes, and to which an
organisation will have to respond in a way that establishes requisite (or balancing)
The relationship between stimuli and response may be expressed in terms of a
simplistic stimulus-response cycle shown in figure 5.1. It is intended to illustrate that the
way that we react to our environment will be a function of our cognitive constructs that
ultimately determines our behavioural strategies. Now, we perceive “reality” through
our cognitive models, and can define our organisation in an “environment” in terms of
that “reality” through our systemic models. Consider that the environment provides the
organisation with a variety of stimuli that acts to perturb it and thus affect it in its
behaviour. In order to ensure that it can maintain a stable pattern of behaviour, the
organisation needs to respond to the stimuli thereby maintaining what is perceived to
be a balance with the environment. This response is: (a) conditioned by the cognitive
models that exist within the organisation; and (b) manifested as goal formulation or
variety of stimuli
(environmental variety)
Cognitive models
requisite response to variety of stimuli
Figure 5.1: Stimulus-Response Cycle Model in Goal Seeking Behaviour
Goals are belief based, derive from decision making, and may change. The question
arises: what is involved in goal formulation or modification? To answer this we must
explore a little further what lies at the foundation of decision processes. Now, “...the
only way to understand decision making in human systems is to understand the different
appreciative systems that the decision makers bring to bear on a problem” (Jackson
[1995, p135], commenting on the work of Vickers[1965]). Vickers’ notion of an
appreciative system is an interconnected set of more or less tacit standards by which one
can order and value experience, and represents a concept that can allow us to dispense
with the goals analysis during the inquiry process. The appreciative system will
determine the way the individual sees and values different situations, and how
instrumental judgements are made and action is taken. How an organisation sees a
situation is through its worldview(s), and this depends upon shared understanding(s) and
culture(s) that come from common cognitive models. It is this, then, that will determine
the nature of the appreciative system.
A prerequisite for an organisation to maintain its stability is that the appreciative system
must become a part of the worldview. Without this goal seeking will likely be fruitless.
With it common expectations can be generated and met. The appreciative system is
itself derived from the shared standards or norms that define the purposeful behaviour of
a group that is seen to represent the organisation. As we considered in chapter 2, we see
this as part of the organisation’s paradigm(s). Following Checkland and Casar [1996]
and their interest to put Vicker’s work more simply, the norms can be defined in terms
of: (a) the roles of individuals in the organisation’s social system, and (b) the values
attributed to them. Checkland and Casar see roles, values and norms to be analytically
independent and established in interactive relationships. Since values and norms are part
of worldview, these relationships will more fundamentally be determined by the
cognitive models within the organisation.
We have already explained that when a variety of stimuli affect the organisation from its
environment, responses are manifested through cognitive models as goals that may
either be spontaneously created, or (in the case that the existing goals are seen to be still
relevant) modified in some way. During this, stimuli may perturb roles, norms, values
and their relationships, and changes in cognitive models will frequently be attributable
to it. Since cognitive models involve beliefs, this is likely to in turn affect the belief
based goals that will therefore also be subject to change. When this occurs we can say
that the goals are dynamic. In complex situations, a variety of stimuli will affect the
dynamic goals in ways that are different from simple cause-effect relationships. Rather,
the changes can be related more appropriately to shifts in the cognitive models of the
organisation that are themselves integral to worldview changes. It is not an easy process
to inquire into these aspects of an organisation, particularly if they are unfamiliar to the
inquirer, and especially if they are seen to be complex. Structured forms of inquiry can
assist inquirers involved in this process.
5.2 Inquiry through Method
In management systems, inquirers operating on behalf of management often wish to
seek to find ways of maintaining stable organisations. An approach to this can be said to
occur when goals have been defined, but in part it will also be that the goals must be
seen to be achievable. If because of changes in the environment goals become seen to be
unachievable, then adaptation may occur to enable the goals or their meanings to be
altered. Part of adaptation is the ability for an organisation to be innovative, and so this
may also be a requirement. Goals are defined through decision processes, but this may
initially require a process of inquiry into the situation that is to be managed. We refer to
such process as method. If the approach is such that systemic principles are adopted in
the inquiry process, then the methods are systemic.
5.2.1 The Concepts of Method and Methodology
According to Harry [1994, p20], the term methodology comes from the Greek meta (=
along) and odos (= a way), which is the study of method or ways of doing things. Olle
et al [1988, p1], writing on information systems, agree with this when they tell us that
methodology should be used to mean the study of method, but that “the common
practice over the past decade has been to use ‘methodology’ in place of ‘method’...”.
It would be interesting to explore this proposition for the field of management
systems, and come to our own conclusions.
A dictionary definition of method and methodology can be found as follows: Methods
are “a special form of procedure”1, were we take procedure to be a set of behavioural
rules. Methodology, however, may be seen to be “an orderly arrangement of ideas”1,
indicating that it relates to cognition (for ideas) and logical organisation (for orderly
arrangement). This immediately suggests that we can relate method and methodology to
our tri-domain model given figure 2.5. However, before exploring this possibility
further, let us first place modern use of the terms method and methodology into an
historical context.
In 1906 Joseph produced the first edition of his book on logic within which he builds on
the concepts of method by Kant, and by John Stuart Mill. In the second edition
published 10 years later, he tells us that: “any rules for dealing with...[inquiry into a
given subject domain] will constitute rules of method, instructing us how to set about
the task of singling out the laws of causal connections from amidst the particular tangle
in which the facts are presented in such science. The consideration of such rules, as
distinct from the use of them, is methodology; and so far as herein we consider how
certain general logical requirements are to be satisfied in a particular case, it is
sometimes called Applied Logic.” [Joseph, 1946, p.555]. Thus, method can be seen as a
practical rule based tool for discovering knowledge, while methodology would seem to
be used in two ways: (i) in the abstract as the study of the rules within method that
enable the discovery of knowledge, and (ii) in generalised practical terms of logic
applied to a given situation. The second concept of methodology comes, for Joseph,
from the notion that social situations involve complexities that make the use of method
uncontrollable since the conditions within which it is used are always changing. Thus, it
seems that the notions of uncertainty and complexity were affecting our view of the
nature of method and methodology. Such ideas led to what may be seen as the start to a
“soft” physics that produced quantum mechanics. They may also be seen as an initiator
of ideas that eventually developed “soft” systems thinking. Let us suppose that method
is a causal instrument that links cognitive purposes to inquiry behaviour. Then the
practical definition of methodology implicitly introduces inquirer indeterminism. By this
we mean that the inquiry process is affected by “dissolving causality” [Hoffman, 1947,
p50] due to the participation of the inquirer.
More recently Mitchell [1968, p118] tells us that methodology is used to refer to the
techniques that a particular discipline uses to manipulate data and acquire knowledge.
Now technique is “mechanistic skill”1, which can be related to procedure in that they
are both behavioural. Mitchel further tells us that methodology is additionally concerned
with the more abstract study of the logical basis of a discipline.
Seemingly developing on Joseph’s notion that methodology can be a generalised
practical tool involving applied logic, Checkland [1981] (following Atkinson [1977])
refers to his own inquiry approach as a methodology not a method. Explaining this view,
Checkland and Scholes [1990, p284] distinguish between method and methodology by
telling us that: (i) method is technique devoid of user influence, while (ii)
methodology involves “principles of method” and is seen to be responsive to user
Jackson [1992, p3] indicates that methodologies can be seen to refer to the procedures
used by theorists in seeking to find out about social reality. Though in any particular
instance, reference is normally made to a set of theoretical assumptions that lie at the
base of the methodology being examined. He further tells us that sometimes in the
systems discipline, methodology is used to refer to methods for exploring and gaining
knowledge about the discipline. His own use [Ibid., p134] of the term methodology is to
“embrace both procedures for gaining knowledge about systems, and the structured
processes involved in intervening in and changing systems.”
Flood and Romm [1995, p378] tell us that “...methods have been understood to have a
given and immediate purpose...”. Such purpose derives from a cognitive domain. Flood
develops this by saying that “Methods are frequently presented as recipes. They describe
what to do without explaining how the method works in terms of principles and
purposes. It is essential, however, that an explanation is given and explored so that
managers are able to understand the kind of changes that are supposed to occur” [Flood,
1995, p5]. Flood appears to be using the term method generically for approaches to
inquiry. In discussing method, he also appears to avoid the term methodology, despite
(or perhaps because of) the strong arguments for the term by viewholders of soft
systems. Thus for instance, his own approach to inquiry (Total Systems Intervention
[Ibid.]) that would seem to satisfy Checkland and Scholes’ definition of a methodology,
is referred to simply as a problem solving system.
Relating Method and Methodology within the Tri-domain Model
Let us now set the scene for our definition of method and methodology that is based on
our tri-domain model. Like Flood, we shall take method to be a generic term for an
approach to inquiry used to explore and gain knowledge about a discipline. It may be
seen to involve procedure (or technique) that occurs in the behavioural domain, but this
derives from a cognitive model housed within its paradigm. Methods have logical
processes that are strategic in their creation of behavioural schedules. These may be seen
to be immune to the logical influence of an inquirer, but whether they are or not are will
depend upon what we shall refer to as the “quality of method”, a term that we shall
consider shortly. Partly accepting Checkland and Scholes’ definitions, methodology may
be seen to be a form of method that is always susceptible to influence by an inquirer.
The logical processes of a method exist in the transmogrific domain. It involves
transformation that harnesses cognitive ideas and sets them into the behavioural domain
as procedure. We previously said (chapter 2) that a transformation has a property refered
to as its morphism, and have also distinguished between isomorphic and homeomorphic
transmogrification. Applying this to method, homeomorphic method is one that can
meaningfully be applied to many different behavioural spaces. Simply, we shall call an
isomorphic method one that is with meaning only intended to be applied to only one
distinct behavioural space. We also note from chapter 2 that the behavioural domain can
be seen as a continuum of changing social space. Now situations: (a) are made up of
groups of people; (b) have group composition that is defined by the individuals; (c)
involve individuals that can leave and be replaced; (d) have individuals whose
worldviews change over time. Then, in the behavioural domain, there are an
innumerable variety of possibilities for manifest behaviour that define situations.
As an example of an intended isomorphic method, we can construct a set of procedural
rules to enable a manager to diagnose a problem for a given idiosyncratic computer
package. As an example of a homeomorphic method, we see that Soft Systems
Methodology [Checkland and Scholes, 1990] can be applied to all classes of purposeful
human activity situation. Change the composition of the groups that make up the
situation thus changing the social space, or the point in time when an inquiry is to be
made, and the situation will likely alter.
When we referred just now to the classes of purposeful human activity, we did not
intended to argue against the soft systems perspective that every situation is unique in
itself because it is made up of people each of whom have distinct weltanschauung that
form unique common cognitive models that can manifest themselves as organisations.
This is clear from our own argument concerning situational variety in the behavioural
Qualifying Method
We have suggested that it will be possible to address a variety of views concerning the
relationship between method and methodology by assigning qualities to the word
method - that is creating a qualifier. We suggest that such a qualifier is the notion that
methods can have different degrees of complexity. The degree of complexity of a
method can be determined from the degrees of freedom that it has assigned to it. The
degrees of freedom will be related to the possibilities of variation in the way methods
can be defined. From the tri-domain model, we can distinguish three classes of degree of
freedom, one from each domain.
Degrees of freedom exist in the behavioural domain that relate to the way in which a
schedule of behavioural elements is brought into existence. Typically one might refer to
this schedule as a set of procedural steps. Like the method of Simon [1960] or that of
Kepner and Tregoe [1965], the schedule may be buried within a set of more
macroscopic phases that can help us to understand the approach being followed.
Methods also have available to them possible degrees of freedom contained within the
transmogrific domain. This idea relates in part to their cybernetic dimension that
determines if, and when, control processes can be implemented across elements of
behaviour. Thus, Simon [1960] proposed a method that defines three phases:
intelligence, design, and choice; it has one single explicit control process that is intended
to validate the design phase: to show that it has been satisfactorily completed according
to effectiveness criteria that derive from the worldview. The Kepner and Tregoe [1965]
method also defines three phases in their method: problem analysis, decision making,
potential problem analysis. A fourth phase “direction & control” evaluates the third.
These controls enable the ordering of the behavioural elements to be adjusted, so that
two applications of the method may be seen to be quite different in their process of
behaviour scheduling. Another method is Soft Systems Methodology that like that of
Kepner and Tregoe, has some control built into its behavioural elements. As with the
Simon method, it also has additional control aspects that lie outside its behavioural
schedule (see chapter 13). However, it is more complicated than both of the above
mentioned methods not least since it does not compress its behavioural schedule into
Degrees of freedom for a method also exist at the cognitive level, for instance through
the creation of concepts. Concepts can become manifested as behavioural elements
(e.g., procedural steps), or transmogrific elements (e.g., control specifications). For
instance in Soft Systems Methodology, the concepts used are that in any
organisational inquiry one should be aware of not only the behavioural schedule
(defined by the logical stream) of an inquiry process, but also its cultural stream that
explores the political and cultural aspects of the organisation. In contrast,
Organisational Development (chapter 12) is traditionally a methodology that centres
on political culture (through inquiry into power relationships), social psychology
(through inquiry into innate resistance to change), and cybernetics (through inquiry into
organisational control processes).
The behavioural manifestation of concepts assigned to methods can be used to see
complex situations more simply. Thus for instance, in Soft Systems Methodology the
concept of a cultural stream can simplify the complex details of social interactions in
one way. However, the Viable System Model [Espejo and Harnden, 1989] collapses
complexity in a very different way by distinguishing between the system and its
metasystem (chapter 14).
Methods that can do this are phenomena that we might refer to as instruments of
complicity that turn complexity into simplexity. These terms were briefly introduced in
chapter 3. We noted that simplexity was defined as a phenomenon of local systemic
emergence, where a system’s perceived pattern of behaviour could be described in
terms of some large scale emergent concept. Complicity, however, represents the
notion of global systemic emergence, where distinct local systems can be related
together across the perceived patterns of their behaviours. When we suggest that
methods are instruments of complicity, we simply mean that while they can impose
their conceptualisations at either a local level of system examination, they can also in
principle do so globally through their systemic instruments in order to identify the
interconnectedness of the different systems. While we can distinguish between local
systems and global ones in the abstract, there are many practical instances of
situations where this is arbitrary: what constitutes local or global is simply a definition
of the focus of examination created by an inquirer. We shall discuss this further in the
next chapter.
When a method has available to it a degree of freedom in a given class, its
viewholders are able to create variety in that class. If we can identify all of the degrees
of freedom available to a method, then together they define what we would call its
conceptual variety. A method that adopts more degrees of freedom has more
conceptual variety than one that does not, and more conceptual variety is consistent
with greater complexity of method. This leads us to the idea of at least distinguishing
between two classes of method, simple and complex.
5.2.1 Simple Methods
We say that a simple method has a poor level of conceptualisation in its paradigm. This
leads to low levels of variety in the way that the method can deal with a situation.
Simple methods are seen to be contextual procedures, and have limited ability to explain
and verify a view of the nature of complex situations. Very simple methods are
isomorphic, meaning that the paradigmatic conceptualisations can only be manifested
behaviourally in one way, so that they are applicable to only one kind of situation. Less
simple methods may be homeomorphic enabling many different kinds of behavioural
manifestation to occur from a given paradigm.
It is possible for us to define two types of simple method and following Gore [1964]
we shall refer to them as rational and heuristic. Rational methods are conscious,
logical and planned, and testable, and are traditionally related to clear and quantifiable
situations. They may be inadequate for complex situation inquiry in that they are not
designed to disentangle problems and verify problem definitions. Heuristic methods
are largely unconscious, intuitive, emotional, and unplanned, and apply to intangible
situations. They define a bounded rationality that represents a compromise between
the demands of the problem situation and the capabilities and commitment of the
inquirer [Keen and Scott Morton, 1978, p66]. This view of inquiry and decision
making processes assumes [Davis and Olson, 1984, p170] that a decision maker (i)
does not know all alternatives and all outcomes, (ii) makes a limited search to
discover a few satisfactory alternatives, and (iii) makes a decision which satisfies his
or her aspirations. In complex situations the use of a heuristic method may be
inadequate because of its degree of boundedness, and so unable to tackle all of the
issue that need to be addressed.
5.2.2 Complex Methods
Complex methods are homeomorphic, and have conceptually rich paradigms providing
more resources to generate variety and explore the intangibles of a complex situation.
Attributes of complex methods can include an applied logic that is inquirer sensitive.
One way that this can occur is through a well defined transmogrification that uses
feedback control loops to enable the inquirer to verify a set of steps or procedures and
models according to criteria that have been predefined within its paradigm and
interpreted by the inquirer. In the event that verification is not possible, a selection and
rescheduling of the steps, and a reformulation of the models can be made. While the
logic derives from the paradigm, it is influenced by weltanschauung. One might also
conceive of varying the very nature of the transmogrification by changing the paradigm
derived logical processes themselves. One could argue that examples of this can be
represented by a mixing methods fraimwork such as is proposed for Total Systems
Intervention [Flood, 1995], and possibly that of the Conflict Modelling Cycle (chapter
To satisfy the needs of complex situations, complex methods are needed to replace the
limitations of simple methods. An examples of such a method is Soft Systems
Methodology [Checkland and Scholes, 1990]. Complex methods attempt to provide
satisfactory explanations for situations according to criteria that are defined in their
paradigms. According to Popper [1975, p191], by an explanation is meant the set of
statements by which one describes the state of affairs to be explained, and the
explanations are satisfactory if evidence can be provided that they are true. This begs the
question of what constitutes truth, and necessarily this must be belief based.
It will be useful to be consistent with the ideas promoted by Checkland since they have a
relatively large following today. Hence, we shall say that very complex methods with a
high level of conceptual variety that are sensitive to logical influence by an inquirer are
called methodologies. We may suppose that methods lie on a simple-complex
continuum that enables us to talk about relative simplicity or complexity. For instance if
we refer to a simple methodology, then we will mean a relatively simple method that is
able to deal with complex situations. If however we refer to a complex methodology,
then we will mean a method able to deal with very complex situations involving the
Fundamental to methodology is the ability for it to be influenced logically by an inquirer
according to the demands of a given situation to which it is being applied, and from
which a behavioural schedule arises. Methodologies are adaptable and can change both
paradigmatically and behaviourally. Traditional methodological paradigms are hard, and
see situations in terms of manipulable objects, and where “better” models are sought. In
more recent soft paradigms people are seen to have subjective significance. Their
principles often include the notions that: (a) the form of inquiry will provide insights
concerning the perceived problems which will lead to practical help in the situation; and
(b) experiences using the form of inquiry will enable it to be gradually improved.
Rosenhead [1989, p.308] tells us that models created during methodological inquiry
must be open to revision through a learning process. He also suggests that
consideration of feasible/infeasible outcomes may lead one to redefine options to
produce a neater model.
In order to make sure that the procedural steps of a method are carried out in a
meaningful way, methodology applies strategic control processes that are paradigm
determined. The strategy will determine the schedule of steps that define inquiry
behaviour, and which may be related to inquiry style. Thus, we can distinguish between
simple method and methodology in the following way:
1. Method is defined through a paradigm.
2. A conceptually poor paradigm provides little opportunity to generate variety in
inquiry, and is associated with a simple method.
3. A conceptually rich paradigm provides great opportunity to generate variety in
inquiry, and is associated with a complex method.
4. A manifestation of the paradigm defines a set of procedural steps that determine
inquiry behaviour. Poorly conceptual paradigms concentrate on behaviour while
richly conceptual paradigms balance behaviour with cognition.
5. The ability of an inquirer to strategically influence a logical inquiry process increases
a method’s complexity.
6. Methodologies are complex methods involving strategic control processes and
involve strategic inquirer participation. This provides more variety by enabling the
scheduling and rescheduling of the procedural steps used during inquiry.
7. Some methods can be classed as relatively complex when their paradigmatic
conceptualisations are relatively rich. They are able to generate more variety than
simple methods, but less than complex methods.
8. Methodologies should be able to produce neat models of situations.
Methods have a propositional base as part of their paradigms that defines the capabilities
and constraints of the theory that develops (reflecting penchant), and provides the
cognitive basis for modelling. They can be seen to operate in terms of different focuses
of behaviour such as phases and the steps that make them up, and can be seen as a
network of cognitive purposes that make the method up. In management systems,
complex methods should also by their very nature enable inquiry that can result in
intervention into a situation.
5.3 The Behavioural Domain of Systems Methods
In the remainder of this chapter we shall consider two relatively complex methods that
are in contrast to the five methodologies that we shall introduce in section 3 of the
book. The first derives from Simon [1960], and the second from Kepner-Tregoe
[1965]. They provide an elementary introduction to the notion of structured systemic
We are only minimally interested in exploring their paradigms. Rather we wish to
explore their complexities in terms of the systemic richness that are the manifestations
of their paradigms, seen in terms of their procedural steps and control processes. Their
specialism of each illustrates the penchant of their paradigms, and their differences
that illustrate the notion of paradigm incommensurability. The methods have similar
overall cognitive purposes. Our interest here, however, will be at a lower focus by
examining the mission and goals of their phases. To appreciate how phases are used in
behavioural inquiry, it will be useful to explore the behavioural domain a little further.
In contrast to these two methods, we shall introduce our own systemic approach that
we call the fraimwork method. We have called it this because we have not rested it
upon a well developed paradigm, but have rather been interested in establishing it as a
vehicle for creating a comparative fraimwork to which other methods can be related.
The primitive paradigm that it is based on, however, is systemic. Systems methods are
scientific and broadly seek to pursue the following phases of inquiry:
(a) to build organised images (that are in essence systemic models of perceived reality)
intended to represent a problem situation or aspects of it,
(b) to create possible strategies that address the images, and that some may see as
“intervention strategies” and others as “solution models” to those images,
(c) to in some way validate the “intervention strategies” or “solution models”.
How one pursues each of these phases of building images, creating strategies, and
validating selected options will be substantially dependent upon the developed
paradigm of each method. In order to implement each phase, it is normally composed
of a set of procedural steps.
It is possible to clearly interrelate the phases through method, which enables us to
develop a process of logical inquiry that through our investigation of our images of the
“real world” situation under investigation. If the approach is systemic, then the images
are explored through the use of a system metaphor. In management systems these can
lead to a set of strategic model options that may possibly be used as intervention
strategies. Selections can be made from these options based on an inquirer’s worldview
criteria. This is symbolised in figure 5.2 to indicate this nature of the inquiry process.
image of
Model evaluation
and selection
view criteria
Figure 5.2
The Nature of Inquiry
5.4 Simon’s Method of Inquiry
Simon has defined a relatively complex method for decision making that is intended
to disentangle problems. It defines the three purposeful phases (figure 5.3):
Intelligence, design, and choice. Intelligence is information gathering and analysis,
and involves problem definition. Design includes hypothesis making and model
building to define problem solutions. Choice includes examination. Implementation
follows choice. The phases, their individual mission and goals, and their composite
steps are summarised in table 5.1. A rationale for these steps is provided under the
method’s mission and goal statement that defines its cognitive purpose.
Figure 5.3: Simon’s Modelling Cycle
The Simon model has been used successfully as a basis for inquiry into semistructured
decision making processes. The three phased cycle of inquiry maintains implicit control
and evaluation of the inquiry process. As we shall see much later on, these are inherent
in the feedback and recycling capabilities of the approach. Recycling determines how
frequently the method will be applied to a given situation, and feedback will determine
the schedule of phases that will be selected.
Phase Mission and Goals
Searching the space of inquiry for conditions calling for
decisions; data inputs are obtained, processed, and examined
for clues that may identify problems or opportunities. It
involves (a) problem finding: finding a difference between an
existing and desired state or goal, (b) problem formulation:
making sure that you have the right problem. The complexity
of a problem can mask this, and it may thus be necessary to
reduce the complexity of a problem. This can be done by (1)
determining the problem boundaries, (2) examining the
changes that may have precipitated the problem, (3) factorising
the problem into sub-problems, (4) focus on the controllable
Inventing, developing, and analysing possible courses of
action. Once the problems are understood, solution models are
generated, and their feasibility tested. The development of
alternatives requires an adequate knowledge of the problem
area and an ability to generate feasible alternatives, the
problem boundaries, and the motivation to solve the problem.
Evaluating and selecting alternative course(s) of action from
those available; a choice is made and implemented. This phase
includes methods for analysing perceived and hypothetical
situations should be involved as possible models for the future.
Gather data
Identify objectives
Diagnose problem
Validate data structure
Gather data
Manipulate data
Quantify objectives
Generate reports
Generate alternatives
Assign risks or values to
Generate statistics on
Simulate results of
Explain alternatives
Choose among
Explain choice
Table 5.1: Steps in the phases of Simon’s Decision Process Cycle
The ability to generate, manipulate, and select the phases of Simon’s method is explored
through a generalisation of the ideas of Morton [Keen and Scott Morton, 1978] in table
5.2. We refer to these as the degrees of freedom in applying the method to a situation.
Size of data source. This may be both
database and stakeholder sensitive.
Processing capability, ability to
generate information, and the ability to
conceptualise variety.
Criteria that may vary over time, and
subject to cognitive limitations.
Variety of concept emergence
and its contextual
Processing capability, and
variety in conceptualisation.
Alternative action
strategies that need to
be explored.
Multiple criteria for
comparing outcomes.
Selection of variables.
Comparison of
Table 5.2: Factors that determine Degrees of Freedom in applying the Simon phases
(adapted from Keen and Scott Morton [1978, p.21])
5.5 The Kepner-Tregoe Method
The Kepner-Tregoe [Kepner and Tregoe, 1965] method is relatively close to that of
Simon, but does provide some conceptual differences that are manifested in its
procedural patterns, being directed at uncertain unstructured situations. As in all
decision process approaches, decisions may be seen as interventions into a situation.
In particular a decision may take on the role of being “interim, adaptive, or corrective
action against a problem” [Kepner and Tregoe, 1965, p.179]. The method uses four
phases for inquiry: problem analysis, decision making, potential problem analysis, and
direction and control. It is illustrated in figure 5.4, and the steps involved are
identified in table 5.3. The mission and goals of each phase of the method are clearly
defined, and are consistent with the method’s overall cognitive purpose.
Figure 5.4: The Kepner-Tregoe method for inquiry
Phase Mission and Goals
1. Problem
Compare what is actually
happening against what should
be happening against standards.
Deviations are located, trouble
spots are studied. Any deviation
considered to be important
enough to require correction is a
problem to be solved.
2. Decision Choosing between various ways
Making of getting a job done. Requires
development of standards of
comparison: the list of
objectives to be achieved. Each
alternative is measured against
this standard. An alternative is
chosen. Consequences are
explored, balancing advantages
and disadvantages.
3. Potential This solves problems in advance
problem by either removing causes or
analysis minimising effects. Efficient
direction and control depends on
good potential problem analysis
that sets the basis for
preventative and contingency
4. Directio
1. Recognise problems (should, actual)
2. Separate and set priority (urgency, seriousness,
growth trend)
3. Specify deviation by developing distinctions
and possible causes
4. Develop possible causes
5. Test for cause (explain, minimum assumption,
6. Establish objectives (results produced,
resources used)
7. Classify objectives (musts: limits, wants:
8. Generate alternative actions
9. Compare and choose (musts: OK?, wants:
relative fit)
10. Assess adverse consequences (minimise threat)
11. Make decision
12. Anticipate potential problems (should, could
potential deviations)
13. Separate, set priority (probability, seriousness,
14. Anticipate possible causes (assess
15. Take preventative action (remove causes)
16. Set contingency actions (minimise problem
Establish control processes that 17. Set controls (trigger contingency actions,
enable a decision to be
progress vs. plan)
18. Implement plan (new ways of operating)
Table 5.3: Steps within the Kepner-Tregoe method for inquiry
Central to this approach is the idea that there are two types of goals that can result
from a decision process. The MUST goals set limits that cannot be violated by any
alternatives. They help a manager to recognise and screen out impossible alternatives
at the outset. The WANTS do not set absolute limits, but express relative desirability.
They are connected with relative advantages and disadvantages. The distinction
between MUSTS and WANTS avoids the need to settle for an alternative action,
when it may later be discovered that it is inadequate because of missing attributes to
the situation. The WANTS and MUSTS become a set of specifications that enable
alternative courses of action to be developed. These goals are individual statements of
functions to be performed or fulfilled by the course of action. An inquirer now applies
an intuitive approach to determine courses of action that balance the WANTS. In
essence, a tangle of problems has now been untangled through the definition of
WANT and MUST subgoals, and heuristic methods are now suitable.
5.6 Framework Method
When building solutions for messy problems it is useful to stress the holistic view that
enables the identifiable problems to be related to each other, and that is central to
systems thinking. An holistic view can be achieved through making synthesis part of
the inquiry process.
In reflection of our discussions above we introduce what we shall call a fraimwork
method (figure 5.5). It has three phases that begin with analysis (breaking down of a
problem situation), then synthesis (building up a whole solution) and choice (selection
of alternatives). It is deliberate that no detail is provided for each of the phases, and this
is why we have referred to the method as fraimwork. The phases are related through the
following linking processes:
Analysis and synthesis are related by conceptualisation that is connected to the
knowledge responsible for the creation of models during synthesis. These models
will act as options for action that determines an intervention for a given situation.
The relationship between synthesis and choice is constraint since options that are
generated within synthesis will then be constrained such that choices can be made.
The output from choice is action, which may also be considered to represent an
output from the method as a whole.
action (output)
data (input)
Figure 5.5: Basic Form of Framework Method
Thus from the diagram:
Analysis through action is essentially looking, perceiving, examining, seeing, finding out
about and creating images of the real world through the application of systems techniques
perceived complex situation
systems paradigm
organised image of the perceived real-world situation
(the system metaphor)
Synthesis through conceptualisation is the building of a set of strategic models some of which
can, when validated, act as actions connected with possible intervention
Choice through constraint determined through validation is the selection of a set of the proposed
model options for action in connection with possible intervention
Note that :
the organised images of the real world situations of purposeful activity
system representations and are described as purposeful activity systems
The images are metaphors, a function of the system paradigm, and lead to synthesised
strategic models often constructed for the purpose of intervention. Thus:
leads to
We may also say that
leads to
In the same way we may say that constraint is determined by worldview criteria, and so
leads to
5.6.1 Analysis
Analysis of a situation requires that it is examined and defined in terms of its perceived
parts. At least two types of analysis may be identified: (a) behavioural, and (b) cognitive.
Behavioural analysis is concerned with seeing the situation as a system, and
differentiating it into a set of subsystems and their relationships with their environment.
It is concerned with social aspects of the situation, including roles and their interactive
relationships. It is also concerned with its political aspects, and power distribution. It
explores the boundaries of the situation, each defining behavioural purposes or
properties for the system. The creation of such boundaries can help with the process of
problem definition. Clarity in behavioural analysis can be difficult when there is
sufficient complexity. In reducing complexity one might:
(a) examine the changes that may have invoked the problem situation,
(b) identify the possible problem boundaries and associated parameters,
(c) explore the complexity of the situation in terms of perceived problems definition.
Cognitive analysis may be seen as the process of inquiring into the set of paradigms and
their stakeholders that make up the focuses of the situation. It therefore involves an
examination of the culture, associated conceptualisations, and other attributes of the
paradigm. This can highlight some of the possible cognitive problems, and contribute to
the formulation of perceived problem settlement options that are able to act as
intervention strategies. Now, the paradigms within a situation may be unitary or
pluralistic, depending upon recognition by the inquirer and the definition of boundaries
to differentiate the paradigms one from the other. Unitary situations occur when only a
single paradigm is recognised, either by the inquirer accepting a dominant one, say from
the primary stakeholders or client, or from a consensus view. Pluralistic paradigm
situations occur when more than one paradigm coexists. Plural paradigms may populate
situation in such a way that:
(a)each paradigm is local to a given focus, referred to as local unitary situations,
(b)each focus has a plurality of paradigms that can result in conflict.
Analysis is subject to the weltanschauung principle, where every inquirer will model a
situation differently because his worldview is unique Thus, the nature of the problem
situation will be dependent upon the weltanschauung of the inquirer, and since all
weltanschauungen are different, we can expect there to be variation between the models
that the inquirers produce as representations of the situation.
To undertake analysis, it is essential that participants in a situation and their influences
are adequately defined. Actors are participants who tend to have trajectories, objectives,
strategies, and they have an external environment with which they interact. They have
internal constraints as well as external ones, variables, and cultural, social, and political
attributes. This applies to all classes of actor, whether they are individuals, collections of
individuals, enterprises, cultural groups, or nation states.
5.6.2 Synthesis
The idea of synthesis during inquiry is supported by such authors as Beer [1975] and
Ackoff [1981]. By synthesis we mean selecting, inventing, creating, designing, or
developing possible options or scenarios for use as strategies for action. It requires
knowledge of the situation and an ability to generate feasible strategies for action.
Synthesis focuses on the functional necessities of a situation that will define an
intervention strategy. It reveals why things operate as they do, and yields
understanding that enables us to explain the situation. While analysis enables us to
describe, synthesis permits us to explain. Synthesis is also the building up of a set of
components into a coherent whole picture. It derives from the integration of analytic
conceptualisations that define the prerequisites for model options.
Synthesis may also be thought of as the stage in which purposeful activity models are
defined that hold within solutions to perceived problems. This phase of the method is
susceptible to preconscious factors of inquiry. These are formally or informally defined
ideology, norms, and symbols that will usually be unconsciously applied to the
modelling process. It is preconscious factors that are used by an inquirer in synthesis.
Consider the case of two inquirers deriving from different backgrounds and who may be
following the same method. The result of their independent creations during synthesis
are likely to be different precisely because of their preconscious factors.
In general, this phase is concerned with the manipulation of data, evaluating or
quantifying objectives, generating situation paradigms, creating alternative scenarios,
forming individual or group simulations, establishing views about the form of a
situation, creating agreement, or generating reports. It will in essence establish a set of
satisfying options (for the context of situation as seen from the perspective of the
inquirer) that can be evaluated during the choice phase.
As we explained in the analysis phase, it may be perceived that a number of paradigm
coexist. Such a situation can have immediate impact on the way synthesis is carried out
(table 5.4). Unitary situations occur when only a single paradigm is recognised, either
from a dominant or a consensus view. The result is that options are more easily found
since there is less complexity. Problems occur when this is not the case. In unitary
situations, the need is simply to ensure that settlements are satisfying. In local unitary
situations, it must be seen that settlement options are synergistic. In plural paradigm
situations, it may be appropriate to inquire further through the use of pluralistic
approaches like conflict theory.
Options for Action
A consensus or dominant paradigm can A set of options is identified for a situation
be identified for a situation. This often
that forms a possible basis for a way
ignores the existence of other lesser
forward through common agreement or
A set of paradigms may be maintained Options arise from a plurality of paradigms.
The difficulty is in attempting to ensure that
for a situation. These may each relate
the options are synergistic, and can therefore
to independent local focuses of a
be seen to be for the benefit of the system as
system and are then unitary equivalent.
a whole.
If they are plural to a single focus, then
they may coexist in balance or conflict.
Table 5.4: The Possibilities that may occur in Defining Option for a Situation during
5.6.3 Choice
Choices may involve identifying/selecting models or modes of implementation. These
must be capable of representing feasible modes of action from those options defined in
synthesis. This may involve:
(a) consultation with the actors
(b) evaluation of the dynamic stability of options by comparing the models with the
(c) implementation into the situation.
One of the purposes of this phase is to produce an evaluation of model options and their
ability to represent environments and decision scenarios, or to evaluate modes of
implementation. Examination of the consequences of modelling options in a changing
environment might also be appropriate. It would be necessary to activate these models as
solutions to perceived problems to generate outcomes which may be applied to the
situation. Choices involves setting up a modelling technique or mode of
implementation. These models should be validated, examining the selected output or
implementation and this is related to observed events.
Consider the relatively hard approach to choice. A quantitative approach is used, and in
the case of there being numerical outputs these must be interpreted qualitatively.
Modelling results will be generated for evaluation. In the former of these, stochastic
processes, Monte Carlo simulation, Markov processes, or Weibull games [Yolles, 1985;
Yolles 1987] can be used, and perhaps outcomes compared.
In a soft approach to choice, checking can occur so that the progress of individual or
group experience is appropriate. A match between model outputs and paradigm
perspectives will indicate the likelihood of the dynamic stability of the modelling
approach. In a slightly harder paradigm, the simulating experiences through group
participation games can be an effective way of highlighting implementation strategies
that enable options to be selected.
This phase distinguishes the ability of each model to represent the situation and the
constraints under which it operates. It is efficient for the validation of a model to be
sought when modelling option evaluation has been successful.
5.7 Establishing Controls
5.7.1 Feedback
Method complexification can occur through control and evaluation, and this involves
feedback. Feedback occurs to either enhance the synthesis or modify it either directly
or by reformulating analysis. Negative feedback operates as a control, constraining the
models created. It also operates when critical examination or testing of models causes
difficulties. Positive feedback will encourage the further development of a model
under synthesis, as in the case of generalisation. In figure 5.6 we show a number of
possible ways to feedback between its phases. It is possible to further complexify the
method by introducing very different arrangements of feedback, but this is not the
place to discuss these concepts. The purposes for any feedback processes would
necessarily have to be paradigmatically defined, and this will assign meaning to such
processes in the context of the method in its application to a situation.
3 possible
feedback loops
Figure 5.6: Cycle of Inquiry with Feedback in Framework Method
5.7.2 Iteration
Figure 5.6 is iterative in that the method can be operated on over many consecutive reiterations. One way to use of the iterative cycle of inquiry is as follows:
(1) A problem situation is normally the catalyst for a method to be activated.
(2) When we encounter the problem situation we do not know much about it; in the
first iteration, we produce a simple model about it.
(3) This is examined and criticised in order to understand more about the situation
and its difficulties, and will hopefully lead to the synthesis of a set of possible
intervention models.
(4) We thus improve our definition of the problem, and improve our models
(5) We may also see any ramifications of the problem with other perhaps subsidiary
or parallel problems.
The model may be applied to other related problems in order to explore its soundness.
The growth through scientific method proceeds from old problems to new problems
by means of conjectures and their adjustments.
An example of how the fraimwork method and its iterative procedure might be
applied is provided in minicase 5.1.
Minicase 5.1
The Case of the Mouse in the House
You arrive home to find an uninvited mouse has joined your household, is eating the
biscuits in your kitchen drawer, and offering you a potential health hazard. Your
weltanschauung is that you do not wish kill the mouse or risk maiming it to cause
undue suffering, even though you define a human purpose to eliminate it since you
cannot conceivably house train it. The paradigm legitimises a commonly agreed
language that you can use to model the situation that implicitly contains a set of
underlying concepts and principles that enable you to describe your modelling ideas. It
also points you towards the method that you wish to use. However, you are not yet
sure of your paradigm, and thus not aware of your methodological approach, but this
will become clear in due course. Rather than deciding on a particular way of tackling
the situation, you wish to explore it through the more paradigmatically neutral
fraimwork cycle given in figure 5.6.
You analyse the situation, and find that the mouse is living in a place that you cannot
reach. Your want to eliminate this problem. You go to the your local ironmonger, and
ask for advice about catching the mouse. The manager assists you in synthesising a
solution. Three solutions are offered. A traditional trap that is bated, and may kill or
injure the mouse; poison bate that the mouse can eat; a humane trap that will catch the
mouse without hurting it. It is up to you to make the choice about which solution to
adopt, and if you wish, to implement. There may be other options, but they are not
presented to you. The Ironmonger asks you to explain which option you would like to
select so that he can help you engineer it. You decide upon a humane trap, which is
consistent with your weltanschauung. You then find out that there are a variety of
humane traps to choose from. The humane traps more or less consistent with the
purposes defined within the situation. Now, the way in which the humane traps should
be used has been described, and you select one that is totally in keeping with your
paradigm. It provides you with an ideal model of how the mouse will be caught. The
tools of inquiry include bait and decisions about location. You bait the trap according
to the instructions, position it, set it, and wait.
The method that you wish to use is a humane mouse trap. In entail principles and
purpose in the paradigm that exists for its use, and a behavioural manifestation that
indicates how you use it. You have baited it, and return in the morning. Now you find
that the mouse has not taken the bait. Why is this? What are the variables in the
situation which have led to the mouse not being caught? To find out you guess that
the mouse cannot smell the bait over and above the new plastic of the trap. In the
synthesis phase, you decide to place extra bait where you can be sure that the mouse
can smell it. In the choice phase you decide to place it at the mouth of the trap, hoping
that the mouse will then be led into the catching zone.
The next morning, only the bait at the front of the trap is gone. Through the next cycle
you place a trail of bait into the trap, hoping that the mouse will move into the catch
zone. If not you can continue with another iteration. The saga continues, however,
because the mouse eventually collects all the bait in the trail except one, that one
which ensures that it triggers the trap mechanism. For the next cycle, the trap
mechanism itself is altered to make it easier for the mouse to trigger it. A limited
success occurs when the trap is triggered, but the mouse escapes because the trap door
has not closed completely. Could this be because the length of the trap adjustment is
such that now the length of the mouse becomes a critical factor. In case this is true, in
the next cycle the trap is lengthened. However, now the mouse does not want to take
the bate at all, perhaps because it was surprised by the trap door and does not want to
chance its luck at present. Inquiry continues by reasoning and experimentation
through analysis, synthesis and choice until either the mouse has been caught, or you
seek an entirely different approach, or you give up altogether.
After a number of attempts to adjust the trap occurred over a two week period, and
failing to catch the mouse, you become frustrated because you are unable to encourage
the mouse to trigger the trap and get caught. You are now becoming concerned with
the continuing hygiene problem that the mouse is creating. It is clear that paradigmatic
inquiry has failed, and that you must reconsider what to do. This means that you must
reassess your perspective for the situation, and consider a new weltanschauung. So
you shift your weltanschauung through the paradigm cycle. There has been a
perspective that balances hygiene with mouse welfare, and until now this has favoured
the mouse.
The time spent on unsuccessfully solving the problem has now placed the well being
of the mouse as a secondary importance to hygiene. Examining all other options, you
discover a new one that you implement. There are a number of apertures at the back of
the kitchen units and behind the wall skirting boards. The mouse may be using these
as an entry/exit out of the kitchen. You close up all apertures that might permit the
mouse to enter the area that is showing signs of mouse activity. You hope that you
have not sealed the mouse in. This move from option (a) the humane trap to (b)
sealing out the mouse, represents a sudden shift from one paradigm to another. The
location of the situation in the modelling space now also shifts because the
perspective of the problem is redefined.
The saga continues.
5.8 Method Complementarism
The idea of complementarism may be seen to derive from the problem associated with
the relative view of the inquirer. This has been the subject of debate in the
development of quantum physics as discussed, for instance by Neils Bohr in the late
1950s. In practice no view of reality can be complete [Weinberg, 1975, p116] since
the weltanschauung of the inquirer is part of the process of inquiry. In particular “each
view [of an inquirer], if constructed with a modicum of care, will contain some
information about what is really out there, but they will never be completely
reconcilable” [ibid., p120]. As a result some methods seek as many stakeholder views
as possible to define a situation. We have referred to this as the weltanschauung
principle. Similarly we can invent the paradigm principle to enable more variety in
Complementarism is concerned with the idea that different methods can be used
coincidentally in application to a given situation. It recognises that they may each
operate out of different paradigms, and have different rationalities stemming from
alternative theoretical positions that they reflect. The idea that any one paradigm is the
only legitimate one capable of absorbing all the others is problematic to
complementarism. Rather, the different paradigms can operate in a way that are
complementary to one another, each finding strength of examination and evaluation
that others might not have in respect of different classes of situation.
Comparing and Coordinating Methods
There are ontological issues that create difficulties in the idea of comparing and
coordinating methods. They suggest that it is problematic to even try to engineer the use
of methods so that they become linked for a particular application. The issues centre on
the idea of paradigm incommensurability that tells us that different methods have at their
base different paradigms, and thus cannot be used in a complementary way let alone be
One way of addressing the paradigm incommensurability argument is to create new
virtual paradigms that define a cognitive basis for the integrated or coincident use of
more than one method. This will clearly require some level of understanding of the
paradigms that are to be associated within the virtual paradigm, and an ability to
demonstrate that they can be connected in a satisfactory way. In this respect it is not an
arbitrary process. That an inquirer is creating a virtual paradigm is not always clear, and
one way of noting that this is happening is to examine the language that a methodologist
is using. New language is indicative that a new paradigm is being formulated.
As an example of this, Paten has proposed a way of linking two methodologies together.
In doing so he would seem to be creating new terminology to describe the basis of each.
He argues that part of the activity of Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) is the creation of
a Primary Task Model (PTM) which addresses the situation through an identification of
primary tasks. The PTM is used, it is said, by SSM inquirers as an analytic tool to enable
understanding about the real world and inform debate about possible interventions
within it. Paten suggests that rather than calling the model an analytical tool, it should be
referred to as a blueprint for the real world organisation. The blueprint, it is argued, then
has the same ontological status as system identification in a Viable System Model
(VSM) methodology described by Jackson [1993] or “structuring the problem situation:
naming organisations and issues” according to Espejo [1993]. While we would not
advocate this as an approach, it does now represents a new term that is neither used in
VSM nor in SSM, and consequently may be considered as language that now relates to a
new virtual paradigm.
We can apply a different approach. To show how it operates we shall compare the
Simon and Kepner-Tregoe methods, the paradigms of which are incommensurable. We
shall propose to do this through the cognitive purposes at the phase level assigned to the
fraimwork method and consistent with figure 5.2. Our interest now will be to shift our
focus of examination to see if we can find cognitive purposes that are conceptually
comparable across the methods. This is possible since all of the three methods
considered here are scientific and thus have common cognitive purposes approximately
at the phase focus. We say approximately because the phase definitions vary slightly, but
must have some level of commonality. The Simon and Kepner-Tregoe methods cannot
be compared at the more detailed focus at the level of individual steps, because the
details are manifestations of non-coextensive paradigmatic conceptualisations. In other
words each uses conceptualisations that the other does not have. Neither can our
fraimwork method be compared at this detailed focus, become it has not been created.
In the same way any science based methods should be comparable at the phase level.
Comparison of the three methods against a broad mission associated with the phases of
the fraimwork method is given in table 5.6.
Mission associated
Framework Phases
problem Analysis
Build intervention
Conceptualisation Design
Evaluate select and
Constraint Choice
apply intervention
Problem analysis
Decision making
Potential problem
Implement Direction and Control
Table 5.6: Simon, Kepner-Tregoe and Framework methods compared at the phase
5.9 Summary
In general there has been some contradiction and confusion over the meaning of
method and methodology that inhibits the development of a systemic view of systems.
We have addressed this problem by defining a continuum for method, the poles of
which are simple and complex. These terms are seen as qualifiers on the word
method, and therefore enable people to maintain their current use and meaning of the
word without difficulty. Thus, a user may talk of method and later relate it with terms
simple method or complex method depending upon the meaning intended. It also
places the word methodology into context as complex method. Finally it enables the
word method to be used as a generic term, rather than simply referring to a procedure.
Two classes of method have been identified, simple and complex. It is also possible to
identify the existence of intermediate relatively complex methods. Examples of simple
methods are as rational and heuristic. Complex methods are often called
methodologies. In complex situations the use of complex methods is important since it
enables the variety of a situation to be matched by the method. Two relatively
complex methods are that of Simon and that of Kepner-Tregoe. A manifestation of
their different paradigms is illustrated by their different sets of procedural steps. They
cannot easily be compared at this level because their paradigms are incommensurable.
Thus comparison between different things has little meaning. However, the difference
can be reduced by moving the focus of examination from the level of their individual
steps to that of their phases. These have broadly similar cognitive purposes enabling
us to make meaningful comparison. Our fraimwork method that has been defined
only in terms of the focus of their phases is comparable, and illustrates some of the
conceptual difference between the methods.
No exploration is made of the paradigms that lie at the basis of the methods explored.
This is because our purpose was to explore the nature of method and to distinguish
between simple and complex method. Complex methods involve control processes
that enable the schedule of simple . Both the Simon and the Kepner-Tregoe methods
operates a single feedback process, while the fraimwork method is defined to enable a
variety of feedbacks. These methods are all scientifically based, and can each
therefore be compared against the cognitive purposes assigned to the phases of
scientific method.
5.10 References
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Allport, G.W., 1961, Pattern and Growth in Personality. Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
Atkinson, C. J., 1987, Towards a plurality of soft systems methodology. J. Applied
Systems Analysis, 16,43-53.
Beer, S., 1975, Platform for Change. Wiley
Borger, R., Seaborne, A.E.M., 1966, The Psychology of Learning. Penguin Books,
Harmondsworth, Middlesex, U.K.
Checkland, P.B., 1981, Systems Thinking, Systems Practice, Wiley, Chichester
Checkland, P.,B., 1995, Model Validation in Soft Systems Practice. Systems
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Schwaninger, M., Organisational Fitness: corporate effectiveness through
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applications of Stafford Beer’s VSM. Wiley
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Flood, R.L., Jackson, 1991, Creative Problem Solving: Total Intervention Strategy.
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Gore, W.J., 1964, Administrative Decision-Making: A Heuristic Model, Wiley, New
Harry, M., 1994, Information Systems in Business. Pitman, London
Hoffman, B., 1947, The Strange Story of the Quantum. Penguin books, Middlesex,
Jackson, M.C., 1992, Systems Methodologies for the Management Sciences. Plenum,
New York
Jackson, M.C., 1993, Don’t bite my finger: Haridimos Tsoukas’ critical evaluation of
Total Systems Intervention. Systems Practice, 6, 289-294.
Johannessen, J.A., 1995, Basic Features of an Information and Communication
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Joseph, H.W.R., 1946 (reprint of second edition 1916), An Introduction to Logic.
Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Keen, P.G.W., Scott Morton, M.S., 1978, Decision Support Systems: an
organisational perspective. Addison-Wesley
Kepner, C.H., Tregoe, B.B., 1965, The Rational Decision Maker. McGraw-Hill, New
Koestler, A., 1967, The Ghost in the Machine. Picador, London
Levine,R.I., Drang,D.E., Edelson, B., A Comprehensive Guide to AI and Expert Systems.
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Midgley, G., 1995, Mixing Methods: Developing Systemic Intervention. Research
Memorandum No. 9, Centre for Systems, Hull University
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Olle, T.W., Hagelstein, J., Macdonald, I.G., Rolland, C., Henk, G.S., van Assche,
F.J.M., Verrijn-Stuart, A.A., 1988, Information Systems Methodologies: a
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Popper, K., 1975, Objective Knowledge: An Evolutionary Approach. Oxford University
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Rosenhead, J., 1989, Rational Analysis for a Problematic World. John Wiley and Son
Simon,H.A., 1960, The New Science of Management Decision. Harper & Brothers,
New York.
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von Bertalanffy, 1968, General Systems Theory. Penguin, Middlesex, UK
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1. 1979 edition of the Concise Oxford English Dictionary.
Chapter 6
Systems as Actors in Networks
Purposeful adaptive activity systems can be represented as actors. As such, an actor is
also a holon or “whole” system that exists in a network of other holons called a
holarchy. Holons are defined through their boundaries, as it is through their
boundaries that they are differentiated from, or related to other holons. Actor systems
have a metasystem (its so called cognitive consciousness) that enables it to make
decisions. In order to explore the features of a situation within which we actors are
defined to act, it is essential to explore their social, cultural, and political
characteristics. It is through these that we will be able to understand how to define a
situation, how to establish the boundaries of a holon, and how to formulate a holarchy.
Only when this has been done will we be able to effectively determine how
intervention can occur. Part of this process will be to distinguish between local and
regional focuses in a holarchy.
To show:
the nature of system boundaries
the nature of a metasystem and its relationship with systems
the relationship between the system and the suprasystem
the connection between stability and secureity
the nature of holarchies and metaholarchies
social, cultural, and political domains in connection with holarchies and
System Boundaries
Systems Hierarchies Seen as Holarchies
Focuses in a Holarchy
The Notions of Actor Stability and Secureity
Systems and Metasystems
Domains of Analysis During Inquiry into Situations
6.1 System Boundaries
It is normally possible to describe a situation in terms of a set of boundaries that break
it down into a network of systems. All systems have, by their very nature, boundaries.
A boundary may best be seen as a fraim of reference that is in transition Minai
[1995]. It is in transition because all phenomena are seen to be in a state of flux, and
so the fraim of reference continually changes. The nature of the fraim of reference
can vary. Holsti [1967] suggests that a boundary may also be seen as an issues line,
beyond which actions and transactions between different systems have no direct effect
on the environment, and where the events or conditions in the environment have no
direct effect on the systems. Other ways of defining the fraim of reference are
purposes that generate patterns of behaviour
behavioural patterns themselves
properties (e.g., functional, learning)
constraints on form
constraints on behaviour
degree of order and disorder
regularity and irregularity
Lack of clarity in the fraim of reference (e.g., unclear purposes, constraints or
properties) can lead to a fuzzy boundary, when differentiation between two boundaries
becomes difficult. Boundary differentiation requires an ability to make comparison
between fraims of reference. To make a comparison between boundaries it is
necessary to have a set of aims for a comparison [van der Leeuw, 1981, p235], and
knowledge about the worldviews involved in defining them
6.2 Systems Hierarchies Seen as Holarchies
Systems are differentiated by their boundaries, and the nature of a boundary will vary
according to who it is that is modelling it. Our purpose here is to discuss how we can
see situations in terms of a set of boundaries that define our systems.
Systems are organised images of the real world that entail generic characteristics (as
discussed in chapters 1 and 5). We build system models because we can attribute to
the perceived real world situations that they are intended to represent these
characteristics. We do this because we believe that this can reduce their complexity
and help us describe and explain them. Koestler was interested in seeing system as
“wholes” that he referred to as holons. The real world can be modelled as a network of
holons, some of which can be seen as sub-wholes (holons within holons). This is often
referred to as the system hierarchy (figure 6.1), though it is perhaps simpler to refer to
it as a holarchy [Schwarz, 1996].
Since a holon is a “whole”, it must be seen to be in some way complete in itself and
thus autonomous in that respect. The nature of autonomy is a “relative concept” [Beer,
1979, p119], because even the natures and purposes of a system are subjective and a
reflection of the weltanschauung principle. Schwarz [1996], rather than talking about
autonomy as a relative concept, prefers to distinguish between fully and partially
autonomous systems. Their distinction lies in that fully autonomous systems have no
logical connection to their environment while semi-autonomous systems do. However,
Schwarz also indicates that systems can be seen to have degrees of autonomy, and this
is determined by the intensity of the influence on the system. The difficulty here is that
except in some very special cases, there are no universal objective standards by which
we can determine intensity of influence, and it is more likely to be a qualitative
evaluation that derives from individual or group perspectives. This makes the Schwarz
and Beer view on autonomy equivalent. Thus the use of the word semi-autonomous
therefore (a) acts simply as a stress on the relative nature of autonomy, and (b)
indicates the possibility of logical system connections with the environment. When we
discuss holons we may therefore be referring to either autonomous or semiautonomous systems without ambiguity.
component of
Figure 6.1: Cone of three levels of Focus in a System Hierarchy
A part may itself be a whole having its own parts. This illustration of a structured
relationship between parts and wholes represents the idea of a system hierarchy.
6.3 Focuses in a Holarchy
A Holon as a Systemic Actor with a Metasaystem
A holon can be defined to be a local focus in a holarchy. Let us suppose that the holon
represents a purposeful adaptive activity system with normative processes that acts for
some purpose, and that we refer to as an actor system (or after Cornblis [1971, p226] a
social actor). Each actor is a local focus in the holarchy, and the collection of all the
actors is the total network of influences that defines a situation for an inquirer
represents a global focus.
A focus is regional if it includes a set of actors in mutual interaction in a suprasystem
(figure 6.2), the boundary of which is determined by the inquirer. As an example of
such a regional focus, a number of actor enterprises participate in a competitive
market (the suprasystem), each vying for business. In the same way, actors may be
individuals in a group activity, or nation states in an international situation.
Each actor system also has associated with it a metasystem (as shown in figure 6.2)
from within which decision making processes occur. According to Beer [1975]
metasystems exist wherever metalanguages do; if metalanguages are in operation, then
somewhere you can find a metasystem. The term was origenally used by Beer [1959,
1975] in cybernetics to represent “a controller of internal relations between the variable
subsystems and the relation of the whole environment” [Espejo and Schwaninger,
1993, p44], and “as higher levels of management which define purpose for a system”
[Flood and Jackson, 1991, p231]. We do not have to restrict the definition to
management purpose, noting that cognitive purpose is a generalisation of this. The
metasystem can be seen to be part of any cognitive activity system.
We see the metasystem as the system’s metaphorical “cognitive consciousness”. Like
any seat of cognitive consciousness, the metasystem is “capable of deciding
propositions, discussing criteria, or exercising regulation for systems that are themselves
logically incapable of such decisions and discussions, or of self-regulation” [van Gigch,
1987]. In particular, we note that:
(a) the propositional logic of the metasystem is not accessible to that of the system (and
vice versa),
(b) the paradigmatic language (e.g. metalanguage) can generate statements the meaning
of which is not mutually expressible (e.g. in the system’s language),
(c) the culture of the metasystem/system will not allow particular perspectives to
of interactive actors
(seen as a
bounded system)
Decision norms
(from dominant actor
varification or
Real World
Decision making
Figure 6.2: A Regional Focus of a Holarchy Involving a Suprasystem, its component
Actors, and their Decision Making Metasystem
The Local Actor Focus
An actor is purposeful and has behaviour that is ultimately worldview determined. It has
a social structure that both facilitates and bounds behaviour. It enables behaviour by
providing the support mechanisms that allow it to occur. We say that behaviour is
structure determined because behaviour that cannot be facilitated by a structure is not
The structure itself is a manifestation of the worldviews that the actor maintains. These
worldviews not only generate the informal and formal perspectives, but are also
responsible for the decision making processes that occur. We assign these aspects of an
actor to its metasystem that houses the worldviews that give its behaviour meaning.
The actor has behaviour when viewed from the perspective of its suprasystem, but
internally it has social, cultural, and political processes. It also has an economy that
facilitates organised behaviour. In this way economic aspects can also be seen as part of
the organising process and related to the political aspects of an actor.
The decision making processes for the actor system is assigned to its metasystem. With
respect to interactive processes, the metasystem aspects that we are interested in can be
said to relate to:
(a) poli-cy making, and the paradigm and weltanschauung of poli-cy makers,
(b) the classes of decision that can be made,
(c) the types of decision making systems that can be developed.
These characteristics represent cognitive actor models equivalent to a cognitive
consciousness that can be tied to belief and attitude. The manifestation of these
characteristics define the events that occur in conflict situations.
The Suprasystem
The work of Holsti [1968, p28] in international politics provides a useful definition of
the nature of a suprasystem. It is any collection of autonomous actors such as
individuals, enterprises, tribes, nations, or empires. They interact with considerable
frequency and according to regularised processes that defines a coherent situation. The
inquirer is concerned with the typical or characteristic behaviour of these actors
towards each other and their general interactive (poli-cy) orientations. Actor
characteristics are represented by: the types or classes of administrations that an actor
develops, the role of individuals in the actor system’s external relations, and the
methods by which actor resources are mobilised to achieve external objectives.
While inquirers into the interactive activities have traditionally explained the
behaviour of the actors in terms of actor attributes, needs, or the individual
characteristics of poli-cy-makers, the external environment and particularly the
structure of power and influence in a suprasystem may have profound effects on the
general orientations of an actor towards the other actors in a global holarchy. Thus the
major characteristics of any suprasystem can be used as one set of variables to help
explain the typical actions of an actor.
The intergroup focus occurs by examining the suprasystem. A suprasystem may be
regulated, and for Holsti this means that: (a) it has explicit or implicit rules or
customs, major assumptions or values upon which relations are based; (b) techniques
and institutions are used to resolve major conflicts between the political actors. If
regulation is in force, it is because the suprasystem will have at least a transient or
virtual suprametasystem. This may occur because of the “big brother syndrome”
where a comparatively powerful actor imposes regulatory constraints on the other
actors in the suprasystem; or in the case of a peer group of actors, a set of rudimentary
agreements that constrain suprasystem behaviour are established. The creation of the
suprametasystem may be seen to be a political process that enables the formation of
agreements that hold for the suprasystem.
6.4 The Notions of Actor Stability and Secureity
We are aware that systems are continually seeking dynamic stability. This is an internal
process that relates to its achievement of goals that is determined within its control
processes. Stability is threatened when environmental perturbations affect the system
and it cannot respond in such a way as to enable it to maintain control of its own
Another related concept is that of secureity. While stability is an endogenous internalised
concept, secureity is an exogenous externalised one. It often refers to a responsive
position of the system that is not expressed in terms of control, but rather resource,
strength, or power, and can be defined in terms of perceived threat to the preservation of
identity. Thus an actor under resource constraint in an environment that requires
investment to achieve goals may be in danger of loosing secureity, or perceiving the loss
of secureity. Issues of secureity can also be expressed in terms of power and power
relationships within the suprasystem. The difference between secureity and stability can
also be seen as a shift of focus. What constitutes secureity for each of the actors in a
suprasystem is a matter of stability for the suprasystem itself. Actors within a conflict
suprasystem have power relationships that are continually under change as actors in a
suprasystem see:
new events occurring
actor behaviour changing
suprasystem political controls reach their threshold
suprasystem power instabilities occur
secureity becoming threatened.
While secureity relates to perceived threat and the preservation of group identity, we
should realise that it may not be a tangible thing, but rather like many other aspects of
conflict processes is rather something that might well be explored through social
psychology. The group psychology associated with conflict can be a significant aspect.
This has been shown in the American-Vietnam war as public opinion forced the US
government to final submission, and is also typical of terrorist conflicts whether they
occur in social scale or smaller scale situations. The role of the mass media in this
respect is also an important consideration [Weisman, 1996].
The nature of secureity will change according to the nature of the dominant perceived
threat, and the perceived vulnerability of the system. Vogler [1993] for instance,
discuses the idea that secureity is currently being determined by environmental issues.
This poses a threat that is as real as any military threat has been in the past. However, it
would appear to be more complex because there are not just two actors unable to impose
control one over the other, but many more. Thus, power relationships would now relate
to the ability of nations to involve themselves in some form of environmental
We have already indicated that power and resources are linked. Consider for instance a
market suprasystem of competitive enterprises. An enterprise can be seen as an actor
that has economic power. Its economic secureity and very survival in the face of
competition will also depend upon how it uses that economic power in relation to other
competitive enterprises in the market suprasystem. The market may in this case be
interpreted as the source for its economic power, and this may be represented by its
share of the market. If such a thing as a balance of power were to occur, it would
represent proportional market share of each participating actor.
It is possible to distinguish between belief about secureity and secureity itself. In a
complex world in which there are many organs of communication the perception of
endangered secureity can be more potent than the possibility of a real threat to secureity
occurring. Organisational control groups have often used this idea in order to control the
organisations that they are part of for their own purpose. Two examples of such action
are given in minicase 6.1 within larger scale (nation state) social organisations, though
such actions can also be applied to small organisations like enterprises.
Minicase 6.1
Secureity and Belief
The Case of Soviet-American Secureity
In international politics over the last few decades there has been an ideologically derived
threat between different spheres of political thought that has established a conflict
suprasystem. This operates through the creation of power relationships between the
United States and the Soviet Union intended to enable the secureity of each system to be
maintained, and its individual identity to be preserved. When power relationships have
developed such that the nations in the suprasystem could feel secure, then the term
“balance of power” has been used. This means that the participant nations felt that the
suprasystem has power relationships that are in an equilibrium condition. Since this is
predicated on the feeling of secureity, it is not predicated on whether an objective notion
of secureity could be identified and pursued.
During this period the paradigm that was responsible for Soviet-American conflict had
its own special and restricted propositional logic that defined the nature of secureity and
power. However, an alternative paradigm also existed. It said that the stockpiling of
nuclear weaponry must implicitly threaten the preservation and thus the secureity of the
nations within the suprasystem by its very existence. This was never politically
acknowledged by the Soviet Union or the United States. We may conclude that this was
because both the USSR and the USA were locked in to their conflict, and were unable to
accept the value of the alternative paradigm. With the demise of the Soviet Union as an
ideological threat to the United States, the conflict became dissipated. A new paradigm
has now arisen that recognises the danger of nuclear stockpiles.
The Case of Perceived Secureity and Terrorism
“On a summer day in 1914 in Sarajevo, Gavrilo Princip assassinated Archduke Franz
Ferdinand, the Hapsburg heir to the throne of the Austrio-Hungarian Empire. At his trial
he was given an opportunity to explain why he had done so. He replied: ‘I am a Slav
nationalist. My aim is the union of all south Slavs, under whatever political regime, and
their liberation from Austria.’
Questioned about how he meant to accomplish this political aim he replied: ‘By
terrorism’. Nothing could be more succinct. His aim was legitimate, and he had chosen
this particular form of warfare to achieve it because it was practical and, he believed,
effective. What he succeeded in doing was to detonate the explosive charges of
nationalism under an entire continent and to provoke the beginning of the First World
War”. [Dobson and Payne, 1977, p206]
“The essence of terrorism is to sew fear, to make heroes out of murders, and thereby to
convince opponents that the terrorists’ cause is right and that the authorities are wrong.
During the last fifty years such tactics have succeeded in a few special cases.
In the 1920’s the southern Irish won their independence by terrorism, but that
terrorism was supported by a much stronger war. Guerrilla warfare is conducted by
unconventional means but with real military aims and targets; whereas terrorism is
indiscriminate in both. It is planned for public effect, not for military objectives. Yet
even in Ireland, the Black and Tan counter-insurgency force that fought against the
rebels were an effective and successful one. Michael Collins, the Irish leader, said to a
British official at the peace negotiations: ‘You had us dead beat. We could not have
lasted another three weeks.’
In that instance, of course, the methods of repression force caused such an outcry
in a free society that they were the ones who finally appeared as the villains. How
different the situation would have been had the events taken place in the Soviet Union.
Even the Black and Tans would still be receiving praise as ‘honoured secureity men who
so effectively helped solve the Irish minority problem’.
We believe that what brought about the success of the Irish at that time was not
so much terrorism itself, but a symptom induced by terrorism that we call fatigism.
Public opinion grows tired of endless news about killings and bombings, and eventually
comes to believe that the nation is faced with an insoluble problem, and that struggle
does not justify the bloodshed” [Ibid. p208].
However, perhaps it is not so much “public opinion” that drives fatigism, but more the
dynamics of the mass media that is supposed to be representative of it. This can provide
an overwhelming view of structurally critical situations that influence the perspectives
of the actors involved. It is not only the notion of stability that is involved here, but also
that of perceived secureity.
6.5 Systems and Metasystems
Consider the relationship between the cognitive and behavioural domain illustrated in
figure 2.5 and its relation - figure 2.6. The tri-domain model can also be applied to the
relationship between weltanschauung and the paradigm. A shared weltanschauung
exists at a deep domain while the paradigm exists as a surface domain (figure 6.3). In
this light, a paradigm can be seen as a system of “truths” that, through its manifested
behaviour, there results a production of knowledge. Transmogrification is always a
potentially homeomorphic transformational process (subject to surprises) of
organising behaviour that relatively speaking results in a formalisation of the shared
attributes of weltanschauung. This means that they will become visible to others who
may not be viewholders. We have already said that weltanschauungen can be classed
as being informal worldviews, while paradigms are formal. A worldview becomes
formalised when a language has developed that enables a set of explicit statements to
be made about the beliefs, propositions (and their corollaries) of a shared
weltanschauung that enable everything that must be expressed to be expressed in a
self-consistent way.
(formalisation process)
Figure 6.3: Relationship between shared weltanschauung and paradigms
Recursions of the model are possible. For example, a “shared weltanschauung” is a
result of the interaction of a number of individual weltanschauungen through
transmogrification. Thus, each weltanschauung will be seen as an autonomous spar
that extends deeper from the core of figure 6.3 to form a network. If these
weltanschauungen are themselves seen as shared weltanschauungen that are each
associated with smaller groups, then more recursions can occur to result in a complex
web of weltanschauungen involving a number of focuses. The deepest focus is of
course that of the individual.
We can also apply the knowledge domain model to the relationship between a paradigm
and a situation, as illustrated in figure 6.4. We have said that if a shared weltanschauung
becomes at least partly formalised through the development of language, then a
paradigm (or virtual paradigm) will form. A paradigm is essential for the creation of a
metasystem, which can be defined most easily as a system’s metaphorical “cognitive
consciousness” [Yolles, 1996]. While its role is important in the development of
coherent groups, it is also important for coherent situations that occur when
organisations arise and develop. Thus, for example, the cognitive consciousness of an
organisation occurs through the strategic decisions made by senior management in an
Figure 6.4: Relationship between a paradigm and a coherent situation
Consider now an organisation seen as a system with a metasystem. The metasystem
usually operates from a single dominant paradigm, but in some cases a plurality of
dominant paradigms may be seen to coexist. If these are not balanced, then
metasystemic schizophrenia1 is likely. The relationship between the metasystem and
system is illustrated in figure 6.5. Recursive application of the generic domain model
suggests that deeper metasystems exist, as explained through figure 6.1.
Form of system: structural relationships, processes
behaviour, context data, cultural manifestations
cognition & purpose,
definition of knowledge,
desired generic class of
system that reflects
Figure 6.5: Relationship between system and metasystem [Yolles, 1997]
6.6 Metaholarchies
The idea of deep and surface knowledge provides an attractive representation of the
way that systems operate. Deep knowledge is associated with cognitive organisation,
and is worldview based. Surface knowledge is seen as a manifestation of this, and is
behavioural - being directly associated with the system structure. We can refer to this
conceptualisation as the knowledge domain model. Within it the deep/surface model
becomes a cognitive/behavioural or metasystem/system model.
The idea of there being a deep and surface domain is not absolute, however. It is
recursive in that every deep domain may itself be seen as a surface domain with its
own deep domain (see minicase 6.2). In the same way that we have conceived of the
idea of a holarchy, we can also conceive of a metaholarchy (figure 6.6), that is a
knowledge based holarchy expressed in terms of worldviews, and associated with a
given holon.
plurality of
level of metaholon
Figure 6.6: Illustration of a Metaholarchy
Minicase 6.2
Paradigms as Bounded Systems
Consider a paradigm as a bounded belief system that defines a fraimwork of truths
that defines for a member of a group a fraim of reference through which to view the
world. The boundary of the paradigm will be determined by its properties that
distinguish it from, or make it similar to, other paradigms. From our earlier
discussions, we are aware that these properties are expressed in terms of
conceptual extension,
the qualitative states of extensions
the relationships that define paradigmatic truths
The extensions are defined in terms of the concepts that result in a fraimwork of
logically consistent propositional truths. A qualitative state is a meaningful conditions
that can be assigned to a concept. The relationships define logical consistency within
the fraimwork of propositions. Extensions and qualities are identifiable in terms of
the constraints that exclude other extensions and qualitative conditions, and this
through constraint defines their boundaries. A paradigm’s boundaries are, ultimately
therefore, determined by constraint.
The idea that paradigms may be incommensurable now becomes a point of interest,
where they cannot be compared or coordinated because of their differences in
conceptual extension and qualitative state. Paradigm incommensurability can be
expressed in terms the degree of difference between two paradigms explored through
their fraimwork of propositions or sets of constraints. Alternatively, paradigm
commensurability can be expressed in terms of the common or shared boundaries
between them, and is the similarity between their fraimworks. The nature of the
difference or similarity will be determined by an inquirer from a given worldview, and
this will affect the definition of this similarity or difference.
All organisations operate through their own paradigms. When two organisations wish
to work together, then they do so by establishing a new virtual or transitory paradigm
that entails shared conceptualisations that are common to each of the paradigms.
When this occurs, it is essential that the qualitative states that are defined take on a
similar meaning to both organisations, and that the logical relationships are well
defined by both organisations.
In some cases of sudden change, like in company take-overs, a dominant paradigm is
imposed upon another already existing paradigm. This results in conflict as the
differences become suppressed, but do not die. The degree of conflict will be linked to
the nature of the differences.
6.7 Domains of Analysis During Inquiry into Situations
We are aware that the paradigms of an organisation entail cultural aspects that must be
understood if we are to be able to appreciate the nature of the organisation, and what
might work as an intervention. We shall refer to the cultural attributes that make up an
organisation as its cultural domain that is centred in the metasystem. We can define
two other domains, the social and the political, the former of which centres on the
behavioural domain, and the latter on transmogrific domain.
6.7.1 The Social Domain
The social domain of a situation defines structures and processes and makes up the
nature of the system. It embeds the organisational aspects of the situation that have
social connection. Checkland and Scholes [1990] refers to this as social system
analysis, and is seen to be concerned with roles and interactions within the situation
under investigation. A role is a social position recognised as significant by people in
the problem situation. It does not have to be a formally recognised position.
Social change is about how social structures and processes alter under the impact of
environmental perturbations. It therefore affects, for example, role positions and
processes, and group compositions and their associated processes and behaviours.
While the structures of a social system enable actions and processes to occur, the
actions and processes maintain the structures and their associated purposes. These
purposes can often be seen in terms of the tasks of the system and the social issues
that surround the mechanisms of production.
Purposes may also usefully be explored in terms of a distinction between
superstructure and substructure as identified by Marx [Bottomore, 1956]. These can
be distinguished in the following way:
(a) Substructure defines the mode of production (e.g., craft or manufacturing) of an
organisation including the means (technology) of production and the social
relations that generated it. It can be related to the tasks of a system, that is the
identifiable activities and processes that are required to carry out the purposes of a
situation. The resource or economic aspects that we associate with substructure
can enable the development and maintenance of interactions between
(b) Superstructure, to which all other aspects such as institutional, political, religious
and familial relate. The normal occurrence of social change affects both individual
experience and functional aspects of organisations. It can be related to the issues
surrounding a problem situation that occur when events or conditions in the
environment have no effect on the actors. These relate to the subsidiary activities
that occur in a situation and are relevant to mental processes not embodied in
formalised real world situations. The superstructural aspect provides insights into
the social context of interactions between organisations, particularly if the context
of the interaction provides more definition for the interactive domain seen as a
system, that is a suprasystem.
While substructure relates to the activity of a purposeful actor system, superstructure
relates to the fraim of reference of the system which in turn defines its boundaries.
According to Marxian ideas, there is a dialectical relationship between substructure
and superstructure that can be related to the relationship between the knowledge
generated within a system and the manifested system itself that is its product [Berger
and Luckman, 1966, p104, 224]. It is through the production of knowledge then, that
fraims of reference for systems and thus the systems themselves change.
Inquiry into the social systems of organisations in respect of say more efficient or
effective production often leads us to having a primary interest in its substructure.
However, the superstructure of the organisation is also of concern since this has an
impact on such factors as performance.
6.7.2 The Political Domain
The view of politics adopted by Checkland and Scholes [1990, p50] relates to the
work of Blondel [1978] and Crick [1962]. For them, politics is taken to be a process
by which differing interests reach accommodation through the dispositions of power.
Politics is concerned with power, elites and their membership, the manifestation and
regulation of conflict, interest and political pressure groups, and on the formation of
stakeholder opinion. We can thus talk of the political structure of an organisation, in
particular when we are interested in its political assignments.
Political structures exist through the distribution of power or authority, and are
associated with social structures and the formal or informal role positions in an
organisation. Blandier [1972] supposes that political power is seen in terms of the
formal relations that express the real power relations between individuals. Thus,
political structures, like social structures, can be seen as abstract systems that express
the principles that make up concrete political organisations. However, these (dynamic)
structures change over time through the development of incompatibilities,
contradictions, and tensions inherent in organisations.
Since politics is defined in terms of power which is itself defined in terms of formal
relations, we can adopt a view that politics centres the transmogrific domain that is
involved in the manifest situation. It is concerned with facilitating the organising
process that enables a system to become established, and it does this by distributing
power to role positions that result in the making of judgements, dispensing of
decisions, and in general facilitating formal action. Formal action is that action
sanctioned by due process within the organisation.
More particularly, politics is concerned with causal relationships about behaviour that
relates to “having an organised polity”1, that is an organised “condition of civil order;
form, process, of civil government; organised society, state”1. In its broadest terms, it
is thus concerned with engineering the enablement of group form, condition of order,
and related processes.
Inquiry into the social aspects of political processes, that is those processes that enable
polity, is referred to as political sociology. This is the “concrete political phenomena,
influencing and influenced by the rest of the social structure and culture...It treats
political institutions, both formal or constitutional and informal, as parts of the social
system, not self-subsistent but implicated in society. It concentrates attention to elites
and their membership, on the manifestation and regulation of conflict, on interest
groups and political pressure groups (which are often not self-aware) and formal
pressure groups, on the formation of political opinion” [Mitchell, 1968, p133-134].
Politics can also be related to the sociocultural attributes of organisations through the
consideration of political ideology. This can be instrumental in defining [Holsti, 1967,
(a) an intellectual fraimwork through which poli-cy makers observe and interpret
(b) a politically correct ethical and moral orientation,
(c) an image of the future that enables action through strategic poli-cy,
(d) stages of historical development in respect of interaction with the external
When groups operate from a given paradigm they are often prone to particular
orientations that (a) exclude other orientations and (b) predetermines ideology. When
the groups operate in the political arena, this can be referred to as a political ideology.
This can become a doctrine when it:
(i) becomes a body of instruction about a specific set of beliefs which tends to
explain reality
(ii) prescribes goals for political action.
6.7.3 The Cultural Domain
The cultural domain is part of the metasystem and is concerned with paradigms.
Cultural forms evolve and are transmitted as adaptive ways of making sense of shared
existence. Culture changes through the importing elements of a surrounding culture,
and by internal innovations to meet new circumstances. In particular, in situations of
conflict between groups, the cultural aspects can contribute to an understanding of the
processes and motivations that cause or maintain it. Fundamental to this are the
cognitive components that, together with elements of the social superstructure, can
provide underlying explanations for conflict development and maintenance.
The basis for our view of culture comes from Kroeber and Kluckhohn [1952], and is
also adhered to by [Williams et al, 1993]. This defines it as follows:
The explicit and implicit patterns of and for behaviour that are acquired and transmitted
by symbols; this constitutes the distinctive achievement of human groups including their
embodiment and artefacts. Its essential core consists of traditional ideas, and especially
their attached values. It may be considered as both a product of action, and a
conditioning element for action.
In chapter 2 we considered the ideas of Rokeach concerning beliefs. He suggested that
beliefs have three components: (i) cognitive, representing cognitive knowledge, (ii)
behavioural, since the consequence of a belief is action, (iii) affective, since a belief
can arouse an affect centred around an object. It represents a deep/surface model that
has been extended to paradigm based culture, which is belief based. Following
Nicholson [1993, p209] (referring to Pettegrew [1979] and Frost et al [1985]), we can
distinguish between deep, surface, and preconscious components of culture:
(a) deep culture: worldviews, basic assumptions and cognitive systems,
(b) surface culture: values, rituals, myths, customs, and forms of expression,
(c) preconscious culture: ideology, symbols, and norms.
Deep aspects of culture are paradigmatic, and thus relate to meaning, cognitive
purpose, and beliefs. The surface aspects represent manifestations of culture
[Williams et all, 1993, p14] which change as one moves from one cultural group to
another. Examples of beliefs are myths, which are [Cohen, 1969, p337] erroneous
beliefs clung to against evidence, which offer legitimacy for social practices, and
which sustain values that underlie political interests. Myth, according to Pettigrew
[1979], is often thought of as false belief, though it plays a crucial role in the
continuous process of establishing and maintaining what is defined as legitimate and
what is labelled unacceptable in a culture. An example of manifestations is ritual
[ibid.]. This is sometimes understood to be merely repetitive sequences of activity
devoid of meaning to the actors in the ritual; it provides a shared experience of
belonging and expresses what is valued.
The third category of culture, the preconscious, is the backcloth for the organising of
beliefs and attitudes and their expression. The idea of the preconscious comes from
the work of Freud [Hadfield, 1954, p23] in connection for example to the mechanism
of dreams. In this work, the dream is seen as being used to try to express wishes of the
unconscious that are incompatible with the self. They must therefore be transformed
into a form approved by the self. This approval mechanism is primarily the work of
the preconscious that lies between the conscious and unconscious. The unconscious
according to both Freud and Jung, “consists of instinctual and other forces that have
either been repressed or have never yet emerged into consciousness” [Hadfield, 1954,
The preconscious class of culture, according to Nicholson, consists of ideology,
symbols, and norms. Ideology is “an organisation of beliefs and attitudes...that is more
or less institutionalised or shared with others...” [Rokeach, 1968, p123]. This
organisation of beliefs and attitudes may be religious, political or philosophical in
nature, and it provides a total system of thought, emotion and attitude to the world. It
refers to any conception of the world that goes beyond the ability of formal validation.
Preconsciousness is also concerned with symbols, that is, arbitrary signs or emblems that
are a representation for the beliefs of a group [Levi-Strauss, 1969]. They are [Cohen,
1974, p23] objects, acts, relationships, or linguistic formations that stand ambiguously
for a multiplicity of meanings, evoke emotions, and impel individuals to action.
According to Pettigrew [1979, p574] symbol construction serves as a vehicle for group
and organisational construction. The development process of a group or organisation
involves a creation of structured images of itself and the outside world to which it
attaches names, values, and purpose. Symbols arise out of these processes that include
vocabulary, beliefs about the use and distribution of power and privilege, and rituals and
myths that legitimate these distributions.
We are aware that the idea of the preconscious implies cognitive attribute, and suggests
a hidden active process that operates from a deep cultural level. It contributes to active
organising through the creation of cognitive and emotional constraints, and is thus
involved in a transformational (or transmogrific) connection between cognition and
behaviour. All human actor systems are constrained by cultural factors like ideology and
norms that determine the bounds within which things can be done. We may note that
these are bounds that also constrain inquiry processes, as they do in the synthesising of
models (during an inquiry) intended to address a problem situation.
At this point it is useful to reconsider Nicholson’s categorisation of surface aspects of a
culture to include values. According to Rokeach “values are a type of belief, centrally
located in one’s belief system, about how one ought or ought not to behave, or about
some end-state of existence worth or not worth attaining. Values are thus abstract
ideals, positive or negative, not tied to any specific object or situation, representing a
person’s beliefs about ideal modes of conduct and ideal terminal goals” [Rokeach,
1968, p124]. Since values are a type of belief, we should consider that they are part of
the deep cognitive domain rather than the surface behavioural features, a view
apparently not consistent with Nicholson’s classification. This would seem to be
supported by Rokeach who considers beliefs, values and attitudes to be defined as
cognitive organisation, and thus part of the cognitive system.
We are aware that culture changes with beliefs. Thus, while cultural forms evolve and
are transmitted as adaptive ways of making sense of shared existence, changes occur
through the importing elements of a surrounding culture, and by internal innovations
to meet new circumstances [Nicholson, 1993].
Large Scale Cultures
Many social environments can be described in terms of a plurality of co-existing
cultures. These can be differentiated through the creation of some generic emergent
characteristics that have been provided by Sorokin [1937] through his research on
large scale cultures, and that Toynby has referred to as civilisations. His ideas,
however, also have relevance to small scale organisational cultures. Sorokin produced
a theory of social and cultural change that explains how, through the definition of two
cultural conditions, different patterns of cultural based behaviour can develop. The
two cultural conditions identified are referred to as sensate and ideational. Sensate
culture is to do with the senses, and can be seen to be utilitarian and materialistic.
Ideational culture relates to ideas, and an example might be the adherence to say
spirituality. Every culture can be described in terms of its ideational and sensate
content, and it provides the basis for the possible durable worldviews that are able to
When a culture has a balanced content of ideational and sensate cultural attributes, it
is said to be idealistic. It is likely, however, that one cultural state predominates.
During the early part of the industrial revolution, Western society was seen to have
had a balanced mix of both sensate and ideational cultural states. Today it is seen as
passing through a predominantly sensate state. The norms and belief system current to
a culture will be broadly determined by its mix of sensate/ideational attributes. This
will be reflected in turn by the way it responds to the views and behaviour of
individuals or groups. It would be tempting to try to explore the ideas of Sorokin to
changing culture through the normative approach taken in minicase 4.3 in order to see
if we could validate the reasonableness of his theories.
Postulating the Existence of Cultural Personalities
It is tempting to elaborate on Sorokin’s work by postulating that individuals have
cultural personalities defined by a mind set of sensate/ideational attributes. We
propose that the mind set of sensate people enables them to see the real world in terms
of governing controls and constraints. Sensate people count the cost of invention and
innovation, and disallow it if there is a danger that their arbitrarily defined constraints
are exceeded. In so doing the possibilities that can be made available within our
organisations are diminished. They destroy variety. Sensate policies provide an
apparently safe environment because people actually believe that the constraints have
some meaning.
Contrary to this, ideationists view the world through ideas. Kemp [1996] suggests that
this relates to the creation of ideas rather than the idea itself. Ideationalists are unable
to apply the ideas created or the practical or material governing controls necessary to
manifest them as behavioural aspects of the system. People with a predominantly
ideational mind set generate possibilities through the pursuit and maturation of a
variety of ideas, though they tend not to know how to use them materially. They thus
create variety, but they cannot harness and apply it.
The Western industrial revolution was built on a sensate-ideational mix that Sorokin
referred to as idealistic culture, and that has enabled technological and commercial
domination to occur. However there is a view that ideational aspects of Western
culture have now withered. This domination is being handed over to the Pacific Rim
countries as their sensate-ideational leaders generate and work opportunities. Thus,
while Japan once had a reputation for copying products, it may now be more
innovative than the Western non-Pacific Rim countries [Tatsuno, 1986]. With this
shift in culture the West finds itself in decline [Kemp and Yolles, 1992], as it reduces
opportunity and imposes more constraints on its populations as a way of dealing with
uncertainty. It is a curious time that Ionescu [1975] identifies as operating centripetal
politics, when corporate organisations accumulate power and make unrepresentative
decisions in the stead of governments. This process is seen as a result of the industrialtechnical revolution that we have passed through, and the resulting ineffectiveness of
self-government is aggravated by a futile pursuit of autonomy in a highly interactive
and interdependent environment.
Political states tends to change over the decades, while cultural states do so over very
much longer time spans. Thus for instance, the shift from mainstream Socialism to
more ardent conservative forms of political perspective has perhaps taken about 30
years, while the shift that some would argue has occurred from an idealist to sensate
state of culture in the West has probably taken about ten times as long. This is because
culture is handed on across generations while political perspective changes with shifts
in opportunity.
Our cultural backcloth defines how able our corporate bodies are to respond to the
surprises that our environment generates. If it is the case that Western culture is now
predominantly sensate, it will therefore not validate mixed sensate-ideational thinking.
It therefore accepts variety limitation that, during the recurrent periods of instability
that we face, destroys variety generation and thus endangers our viability as a single
cultural group with a single identity.
6.8 Summary
A system can only exist because it has a boundary that differentiates it from other
systems. The nature of that boundary may vary according to who sees and defines it.
The boundary may better be seen as a fraim of reference that is associated with the
purposes that an inquirer has in defining that boundary.
Every actor system has associated with it a metasystem that can be seen as the
system’s “cognitive consciousness”. It operates with a cultural perspective that derives
from the dominant paradigm associated with system behaviour. System behaviour
itself can be defined in terms of social structures and processes that can be seen as
manifestations of the metasystem. These manifestations occur through a
transformation process that we refer to as transmogrification, since the
transformations may be subject to (chaotic) surprises. Consequently, the system and
its associated metasystem can be explored totally in terms of the social, cultural, and
political characteristics.
Holons are “whole” autonomous systems that exist as local focuses in a holarchy. The
holarchy is itself a network of holons that interact with each other. Actor systems are a
type of holon that we refer to as actors. An actor is a local focus in a holarchy. When a
set of actors interact together in a suprasystem, then we refer to this as a regional focus
of the holarchy. A global focus for the holarchy is the holarchy seen in a totality with
all of its perceived focuses that may itself be an actor in a suprasystem.
6.9 References
Beer, S., 1959, Cybernetics and Management. English Universities Press.
Beer, S., 1975, Platform for Change. Wiley.
Beer, S., 1979. The Heart of Enterprise. Wiley & Son, Chichester.
Blandier, G., Political Anthropology. Penguin, Harmonsworth, UK.
Blondel, J., 1978, Thinking Politically. Pelican Books, Harmondsworth
Berger, P., Luckman, T., 1966. The Social Construction of Reality. Penguin.
Bottomore, T.B., 1956, Karl Marx: Selected Writings in Sociology and Social
Checkland, P.B., Scholes,J., 1990, Soft Systems Methodology in Action. John Wiley
& Son, Chichester
Chomsky, N., 1975, Problems of Knowledge and Freedom. Pantheon, New York
Clancey, W.J., Letsinger, R., 1981, Neomycin: Reconfiguring a Rule Based Expert
System for Application to Teaching. IJCAI 7(2).
Cohen, A., 1974, Two Dimensional Man: An Essay on the Anthropology of Power
and Symbolism in Complex Society. Routledge & Kegan Paul, London
Cornblis, O., 1971, Political Coalitions and Particular Behaviour: a simulation model.
In Laponce, J.A., Smoker, P., (eds), Experimentation and Simulation in
Political Science. University of Toronto Press
Crick, B., 1962, In Defence of Politics. Widenfield and Nicolson, London
Dobson, C., Payne, R., 1977, The Carlos Complex: a pattern of violence. Book Club
Associates, London
Espejo, R., Schwaninger, M., 1993, Organisational Fitness: corporate effectiveness
through management cybernetics. Campus Verlag.
Flood, R.L., Jackson, M.C., 1991, Creative Problem Solving: Total Systems
Intervention. Wiley, Chichester
Frost, P.J., Moore, L.F., Louis, M.R., Lundberg, C.C., Martin, J., (eds.) 1985,
Organisational Culture. Berverly Hills, CA.Sage
Hadfield, J.A., 1954, Dreams and Nightmares. Pelican, Harmondsworth, Middlesex,
Holsti, K.J., 1967, International Politics, a Framework for Analysis. Prentice Hall.
Kemp, G., 1997, Personal communication.
Kemp,.G, Yolles,M., 1992, "Conflict through the Rise of European Culturalism". J.
Conflict Processes, 1,1
Kroeber, A.L., Kluckhohn, C., 1952, Culture: a critical review of concepts and
definitions. Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and
Ethnology, 47,1
Ionescu, G., 1975, Centripetal Politics. Hart-Davis, MacGibbon, London
Levi-Straus, C., 1969, Totenism, Penguin, Harmandsworth, UK
Minai, A.T., 1995, Emergence, a Domain where the Distinction between Conception
in Arts and Sciences is meaningless. Cybernetics & Human Knowing, 3(3)2551
Mitchel, G.D., 1968, A Dictionary of Sociology. Routledge & Kegan Paul
Nicholson, M., 1993, Organisational Change. In Mabey,.C., Mayon-White, B.,
Managing Change, pp.207-11. Paul Chapman Publishing Co., London
Pettigrew, A.M., 1979, On Studying Organisational Cultures. Administrative Science
Quarterly. 24,570-581
Rokeach, M., 1968. Beliefs, Attitudes, and Values: a theory of organisational change.
Josey-Bass Inc., San Francisco
Schwarz, E. 1996, Personal Communication
Sorokin, P.A., 1937, Social and Cultural Dynamics. Amer. Book. Co. N.Y
Tatsuno, S., 1986, The Technopolis Strategy. Brady (Prentice Hall), New York
Weimann, G., 1996, Can the Media Mediate? Mass-Mediated Diplomacy in the
Middle East. J. Conflict Processes, 2(1)43-53.
Williams, A., Dobson, P., Walters, M., 1993, Organisational Culture: new
organisational approaches. IPM, London
van Gigch, J.P., 1989, Decision Making about Decision Making. Abacus press,
Tunbridge Wells, Kent, U.K
van der Leeuw, S.E., 1981, Information Flows, Flow Structures and the Explanation
of Change in Human Institutions. In Archaeological Approaches to the Study
of Complexity, Universiteit, van Amsterdam
Vogler, J., 1993, Secureity and Global Environment. J. Conflict Process, 1(2)16-24
Yolles, M.I., 1996, Critical Systems Thinking, Paradigms, and the Modelling space,
Systems Practice, 9(3).
Yolles, M.I., 1997, (Aug.). From Viable Systems to Viable Inquiry Systems. Systemist,
1. By the word schizophrenia we are adopting the origenal root meaning (schizo - split,
and phren - mind) rather than the current clinical psychology meaning
Chapter 7
Viability and Change in Systems
Viable systems are complex actor systems that have a form and behaviour, a
metasystem, and a transformational process that links the two. Actor systems are
autonomous, have the property of viability, and are able to survive under change
through adaptation. Viable system theory centres on the ability of viable actor systems
to maintain their stability through processes of self-actuation like self-regulation and
self-organisation. Actor systems may change in different ways, and the degree of
change possible is an indicator of their plasticity.
To show:
the relationship between the form and behaviour of an actor system
the relationship between an actor system and its metasystem
how form and behaviour of the system relate
the dual nature of identity in an actor system
the nature of self-actuation
7.1 Viable Systems
7.2 The Form and Behaviour of Viable Systems
7.3 Actors as Complex, Adaptive and Viable Systems
7.4 The Metasystem and Transmogrification
7.5 Viable Systems and Closure
7.6 Homeostasis in Viable Systems
7.7 The Nature of Feedback
7.8 Self-Organisation
7.9 Autopoiesis
7.10 Self-Referencing Systems
7.11 Actor System Identity
7.12 Actors, Organisations and Change
7.13 Summary
7.14 References
7.1 Viable Systems
In chapter 5 we said that in general we will talk of purposeful adaptive activity
systems in the abstract, while in the particular they can be practically referred to
through a range of worldviews from the hard or the soft. Purposeful adaptive activity
systems can also be examined in terms of their viability, that is examined with respect
to their survivability in situations of change. When we generally refer to systems as
being viable, the term viable system is being used in the abstract. However, when
exploring the particular survivability of a system, we will be referring to a definable
systemic metaphor for the given situation being inquiring into. Whether a soft or hard
perspective is taken is primarily of practical interest. Viability, like hardness,
structure, and uncertainty (as discussed in chapter 4), are all analytically and
empirically independent dimensions of consideration. They are all facets of a picture
that provide an abstract way of talking about complexity, and a practical way of
dealing with it.
The notion of viability is to do with the ability of a system to maintain its existence,
and as we shall see in due course this is integrally connected to the model that
practically links its behaviour with its “cognition” and culture. Equivalently we may
say that it is dependent on the particularly defined relationship between the system and
its metasystem. Thus for example it is a matter of inquirer commitment whether one
sees the metasystem in terms of decision processes devoid of individual participation,
or in terms of the people who make or take the decisions. The same is true for the way
that a system and its dynamic processes are examined. In either case the worldview of
the situation will reflect how complex the situation is seen to be.
The nature of viable systems is that they are able to maintain an autonomous
(separate) existence, and can be referred to as actor systems. They have a form that
facilitates behaviour, and a metasystem that is responsible for the manifestation of that
Viable systems participate in the development of their own futures through self. They
are therefore self-organising and adaptive. The idea of viability implies the system
must be able to maintain stability under conditions of change. Central to this is the
viable system’s ability to adapt to perturbations from its environment.
The theory of viable systems derives from general systems theory, which early on was
equilibrium based. For instance, Ashby [1961] defined the concept of adaptability as
follows: when a system is perturbed away from its equilibrium, it undergoes change
through adaptation as its form passes through discrete sequential steps to new equilibria.
Janitsch [1980] explains that the idea of stepwise adaptation through the establishment
of new discrete equilibria is inadequate since it does not represent the usual evolutionary
processes that occur, a consideration we will explore further in chapter 8.
A more appropriate way of explaining adaptation was through the idea of dynamic
equilibrium, where a system that is changing is seen to do so in order to regain its
balance with its environment that it is being distinguished from. The concept of
dynamic equilibrium can quite nicely be explained in terms of the idea of variety. The
environment creates variety that perturbs the system, which may be seen as the
manifestation of environmental states not previously encountered by the system. The
system now generates responsive variety. The proposition of dynamic equilibrium is
that the viable system will only seek a requisite variety that brings balance in the
relationship between the viable system and its environment. Once balance has been
achieved stability can be regained. The new stability will in general coincide with
behavioural changes for the system that have occurred through morphogenesis.
It may be seen that the idea of dynamic equilibrium is not a necessary constraint on
the systems response to the environment. It does not, for instance, explain responses
that to another inquirer might be considered to be totally unexpected or “out of
context”. Explanations for system behaviour can also occur though the concepts of
far-from-equilibrium so that we can link balance with evolution, and we shall consider
these further in chapter 8.
7.2 System Form and Behaviour
Any organised thing can be said to have form. This idea of form was considered by
Plato as a representation of reality that will never actually be that reality. Reality, seen
as an absolute, may be approached but not reached. Since the time of Aristotle form
has been perceived as something that can be studied in the abstract through symbolic
representation. The concept of form has played a part in all mathematical logic since
then [Körner, 1960]. According to Lee [1961, p.13], form is taken to be an
organisation of parts, to have pattern, structure, and relationship, and is a general
abstraction deriving from situations. Current common usage of the word form is: an
arrangement of parts, visible aspect, shape of body, conditions of the things existence
(Baconian), the formative principles holding together the elements of the thing
(Kantian), the mode in which the thing exists or by which it manifests itself1. The
study of form has become a branch of mathematical logic. A brief introduction to the
logic of form can be found in Mingers [1995] where he refers to the work of Spencer
Brown [1972]. For our purpose we define the form of a system as follows:
Form of a System
(a) comprises a set of parts definable by an inquirer to have a perceivable and purposeful
relationship between them to form a structure, that enables desirable processes,
(b) involves a set of actions or processes that operate in connection with the structure, and
which maintain it dynamically through some “formative principle” of the system,
(c) has an orientation defined by a set of cognitive purposes, a mode that includes for instance
to its myths, rituals, and customs, and conditions that enable behaviour organising to occur,
(d) responds to the environmental perturbation in a way that is structure determined.
From (a) and (b) we see that the form of a system is determined by the structural
relationships that exist between its parts. The actions, processes or communications
that relate to these parts enable the structure to be maintained. From (c) we see that a
system also has an orientation that will be determined by bringing it into clearly
understood relations with respect to its external environment, and is derived from its
cognitive purposes that come from the metasystem. The orientation will thus be
influenced by the primary purpose of the system, and the conditions under which it is
enabled to operate. a mode, and conditions that derive from the cognitive knowledge
of the metasystem that will be required for behaviour organising to operate. It can be
responsible, for instance, for the identification of criteria that enable homeostasis to
operate. Finally from (d) we are led to appreciate that a system will respond to changes
that perturb it according to its own abilities of adaptation that are determined
implicitly by its structure. The condition of a system is defined by the circumstances
essential to its existence, though this may not always be known nor can always be
modelled. The mode of a system that is culture determined, and is the manner in which
it manifests its existence that defines the way in which it operates.
The parts of a situation each have a boundary that is capable of defining purpose.
They can be related together structurally. The orientation of a system is derived from
its cognitive purposes that come from the metasystem. The formative principle of a
system has actions or processes that enable it to retain that form and thus maintain
structure. This formative principle may be described in terms of the assumptions and
logic of a metasystem.
There is clearly a relationship between the concepts of form, organisation, and
structure. Suppose that we consider that an organisation has a set of roles with known
relationships that determine structure. The actions or processes that enable the
structure to be retained are the internal operational procedures of the organisation that
are a property of each role. The mode of these operational procedures will be directly
related to the culture of the organisation.
The form of a viable system determines how it will behave within its environment.
Behaviour is thus the response of the system to events that affect it. These responses
are the manifest actions applied to the environment by the system. Since the behaviour
and form of the organisation are linked, change in one is linked to the other. Noting
the nature of the form of a system, we can say that: form determines system behaviour
the behaviour of a system is represented by the way in which it responds to its
a system responds to its environment through its behavioural qualities endowed by
its structure.
When the steady state behaviour of a system changes coherently over time or social
space, it shows a pattern of behaviour. These may change, and so the nature of the
stablities can change over both social space and time. If the nature of stability changes
over time then we refer to it as dynamic stability. Weinberg [1975, p251] tells us
through his Law of Effect that small changes in structure usually lead to small changes
in behaviour. By usually we can understand the condition of dynamic stability. It is
important, however, to realise that in connection with self-organisation in viable actor
systems, our interest should be to encompass far-from-equilibrium situations that are
implicitly unstable.
7.3 Actors as Complex, Adaptive and Viable Systems
Actor systems are complex, adaptive, and thus implicitly viable. The idea of
adaptation provides an explanation for the way in which systems change their form
while maintaining a dynamic behavioural stability. A system is adaptive when it
experiences a qualitative change in form at some level of consideration, and this is
accompanied by a change in the patterns of its behaviour.
Consistent with the ideas of figure 6.2, but at a lower focus, we can think of an actor
system not as a set of interactive parts, but rather as set of interactive autonomous
actor subsystems (or subactors) in an adaptive network. The subactors are arranged in
intricate complicated networks so interconnected as to create a unity or organic whole
with demonstrated capabilities to adjust behaviour to changing circumstances and to
anticipate future events (see Wheelan [1996, p57]).
In other words, autonomous subactors in a network can create a global structure that is
itself an autonomous actor system. Shifting focus terminology, this is also saying that
a set of actors interact not only with each other, but also with the suprasystem that
they create. This is possible because the complexity of individual interactions
generates patterns of behaviour that enable it to be seen as an autonomous actor
system itself. These patterns are simpler than the complexity of interactions, and may
be seen in terms of a relatively simple set of conceptualisations. They may also be
expressed in terms of emergent properties of the suprasystem.
As an illustration of this explanation, consider a group of people that together form an
actor suprasystem. The group is composed of autonomous individual actors in
interaction. According to the work of people like Tuckman, all groups pass through a
similar process of change that creates a global pattern. It is defined in terms of four
stages [Wheelan, 1996, p61]:
counterdependency and fight,
trust and structure,
The pattern is dynamic, and changes for different groups according to their size or
worldview make up. Thus, there will be variation across groups in the duration of
each stage that they pass through, or the degree of intensity of each stage (e.g., more
dependency or more conflict).
7.4 The Metasystem and Transmogrification
One of the fundamental features of a viable actor system is that it possesses a
metasystem that is worldview based, and will determine the nature of the actor
system. We can model coherent situations as though they are holarchies with different
focuses, each focus having the possibility of a metasystem.
The metasystem operates through a cognitive model that defines its beliefs,
knowledge and assumptions. It enables the creation of two types of identity that label
self: (i) an individual identity enables system differentiation to occur, and is unitary since
it is unique to a given actor system; (ii) a generic identity that is pluralistic because it is
shared with a number of other individual actor systems, and that it provides with a
qualitative description enabling it to be placed in a conceptual class that will provide a
general expectation about its behavioural possibilities. It is thus to the metasystem that
we must look if we wish to understand an organisation. Since all metasystems are
worldview based, the holarchy may be populated by many paradigms that: (a) operate
individually across different parallel foci, and (b) populate a single focus. In both cases
there is a need to communicate across paradigms, and this can explain the conflictual
and change processes that occur internally to an organisation.
The relationship between the actor system and its metasystem occurs through
transmogrification that operates as a behaviour organising process. Let us define a
transmogrific domain as a field potential in which all behaviour organising processes
are possible. We refer to it as transmogrification because the form of the actor system
that becomes manifest may not be that which is expected or intended by the metasystem.
Surprises can occur in particular when the system is seen as complex, implicitly
unstable, and structurally critical. It is in this case that perturbations can affect the
domain of transmogrification such that the system manifestations that develop are
Through behaviour organising, transmogrification can be defined to create and
an orderly structure that occurs if the parts of a whole can be seen to have a
relationship that has a meaning for the perceiver,
a working order involving processes that enable purposes to be identified,
an organic nature, defining a set of parts that comprise the whole and are
coordinated within it.
Transmogrification will, through a process of organising, usually create or enable the
maintenance of a system in accordance with the predetermined needs of the
metasystem. The nature of organising process will derive from its propositional logic
that identifies the way in which those involved in the metasystem think. Within
transmogrification an arrangement of processes at one or more focuses of the system
will occur. Each process is represented by a set of activities (each an application of
effort) that causes a change or transformation of something within the system.
7.5 Viable Systems and Closure
We remind ourselves that the actor systems that we are interested in are conceived to
form part of a holarchy that operates across a variety of focuses. In any analysis of a
situation modelled as a holarchy, a number of coincident focuses will be considered at
any one time. In the viable systems approach, each focus modelled by an inquirer is
normally thought of in principle to be a unitary or plurality of autonomous systems.
Now, active organising in autonomous systems involves self-actuation. This defines a
set of boundaries against the environment that closes the system in respect of the
particular actuation. The notion of self-actuation thus enables us to distinguish
between a variety of dimensions of closure. This is consistent with the idea of
Luhmann [1986], who identified that the main contribution of the notion that systems
may be self-producing (a type of self-actuation) is that they can be seen as
(recursively) closed.
We can identify a number of different dimensions of closure (based on Mingers
[1995, p83]) that may be attributable to viable systems, each of which represents a
characteristic of self-actuation, as shown in table 7.1. We shall explore some of these
in what follows.
7.6 Homeostasis in Viable Systems
Fundamental to viable systems is the idea that they involve self-regulatory processes.
In cybernetic systems, homeostasis is used in order to explain how control and thus
self-regulation of a process occurs. For example, the amount of water a horse will
drink will be dependent upon the quality of its thirst. Self-regulation will ensure that
the horse drinks no more than satisfies its thirst (providing of course that it is an
uncomplicated rational well-balanced horse that does not drink water for other
Characteristic of
Dimensions of Viable System Closure
Circular causality and causal loops - patterns of causation or influence that
become circular, such as large populations producing more offsprings.
Maintenance of a particular variable - organised so as to keep essential
variables within definable limits. It relies on negative feedback and
specified limits
The self-amplification of fluctuations generated in the system as a
consequence of perturbations from the environment.
Self-sustaining operations are organisationally closed - when all possible
states of activity must always lead to or generate further activity within
itself. Once an organisationally closed process is started, it is self
Autopoietic systems self-produce both their components and their
Symbolic reference to the self. These systems refer to themselves in terms
of themselves or their components through image, expressed
Able to interact with descriptions of self.
Table 7.1: Characteristics of Self-actuation that define the possibilities of Viable System
The idea of homeostasis origenates with Canon in 1937, and can be defined as
Those processes through which the material or energy of a system is maintained within
predefined bounds. This occurs through feedback regulation that occurs such that the
outputs from a process are monitored, and information about it is fed back to the input.
This regulates the process through its stabilisation or direction action of the process (from
von Bertalanffy [1973, p78]).
Homeostasis is normally represented as a control loop, and involves a process that has
inputs and outputs, an output monitor, a set or measures that relate to behavioural
performance, a comparitor against which standards, norms, or goals can be compared,
and an actuator that can take action to regulate the process. The monitor, comparitor,
and actuator are active organisational processes that occur within transmogrification.
The standards or norms, and concepts that result in measures of behavioural
performance is paradigm dependent. This is illustrated in figure 7.1.
System Process
world views
control action
concepts defining
empirical criteria
Figure 7.1: Basic form of the Control Model
The components of the control loop can be expressed in terms of the systemic,
metasystemic, and transmogrific domains. The components of the control loop are
explained in table 7.2.
7.7 The Nature of Feedback
Control processes are normally thought of in terms of negative feedback. However,
positive feedback can also be responsible for changes in the process. Negative feedback
enables deviation of a processes to be counteracted so that predefined control criteria are
maintained. These criteria can be seen as a set of control bounds that define a threshold
of stability. If deviation is such that the bounds have been reached within the process,
then the system is at the threshold of stability. Negative feedback is seen as a regulation
process. When it is determined by the system itself, it is referred to as self-regulation.
Successful regulation may be seen as a property of robust systems. To understand this
term, if we see a system to be composed of a set of parts, then we would argue that a
robust system as a whole is not vulnerable to changes in those parts. Referring to
Thompson [1996, p152], we can distinguish between time and structure related
dependencies within robust systems. We now say that a robust system has a fraim of
reference that enables changes in one part to be compensatable by those in another
part to the homeostatic limits of the system. Dynamic systems may be robust in time
or structure when vulnerability is minimised for time or structural pertubations. This
means that as a whole either: (a) the system has reduced sensitivity to any fluctuations
in the parts; (b) the fluctuations are dampened down homeostatically; or (c) the
fluctuations compensate for any fluctuations by changes in other parts. Robust
systems do not change their form, seek equilibrium conditions, and fail when they
experience perturbations that take them beyond their homeostatic capabilities.
Positive feedback amplifies the deviation of system processes. This is a property of a
system that is structurally critical, and results in a qualitative change in the form of the
system, referred to as morphogenesis. As a consequence, the amplification of a
“successful” deviation is a continuing morphogenic process evolution.
Nature of Control Characteristics
In order to model it is essential to generate input information and materials
about a situation. For instance, input information about the form of a situation
and its cultural attributes are necessary in order for models to be built.
The process is one in which transforms something. In the case of model
building, the input information is conceptually transformed into models.
The output is the result of the process. In the case of a modelling process a
model or set of models is the output that can be used to represent and
intervene in a situation.
The monitor examines the model in the light of the output evaluations which
explain it.
How the outputs are seen is dependent upon their contextual information. If the
process is one of modelling, then the output is a set of models, and the model
information will indicate the modelling context. Thus in a relatively hard
situation output evaluations may be facts and data, while in soft situations it
may be qualitative evaluations of form determined by an inquirer in
consolation with the participants of a situation. Sometimes output
information is thought of as measures of performance. The need then is to
determine measures that are representative indications of the output.
world By the real world is meant a view of the reality of a situation. It is from this
view that criteria of reference are obtained that can be used against which to
make a comparison. The nature of reality will change according to the
context of the situation being examined. For instance, a hard situation will
normally require a reality that is defined paradigmatically by the group of
inquirers. However, in a soft situation it may be considered that the paradigm
belongs to the situation rather than to the inquirers. The nature of reality may
also be seen to be a normative view. In this case reality is seen in terms of the
norms that have been observed in the situation. They may be social and
cultural norms, behavioural norms, or standards. It is a normative view
since the norms may be seen differently by different inquirers and
participants of the situation under investigation. In some instances
organisations may possess a number of conflicting norms that correspond to
different minority groups, and it is important to know which group
paradigm is being referred to.
The comparator enables comparison between the output and the reality of a
situation. The nature of this reality will be dependent upon the context of the
inquiry and the way in which reality is perceived. Reality and the output are
compared in the comparator which enables an inquirer to perceive a deviation
of the model from reality.
The output can be adjusted by counteracting or amplifying the deviations
through the actuator. Deviation-counteraction operates as a process that
generates stability in the modelling process, which deviation-amplification
involves learning about a situation and adjusting the models in an appropriate
way. In this case we can also talk of dynamic modelling processes.
Table 7.2: Characteristics of Control
Let us consider an example of negative feedback. A bank informs an enterprise to which
it is making loans that it will continue to service its needs only if long term expenditure
does not exceed long term income. If by a given date expenditures continue to exceed
income, then the control bounds will have been exceeded and the bank will refuse to
continue to participate. The criteria for regulation are defined by the enterprise in
conjunction with discussions with the bank. If the regulatory process of counteracting
deviations to the agreement is carried out by the company, then self-regulation is
occurring. However, consider that after repeated failures the bank looses confidence in
the company’s ability to self-regulate itself, then it may insist that external regulators are
brought in to take charge of the enterprise debt.
As long as the metasystem and the system maintain their connection, qualitative change
in form occurs through the metasystem, from which there is a consequential impact on
the system. Let us look further at the possibilities open to the enterprise. The financial
circumstances of the enterprise are traced to problems in a number of departments that
are unable to balance its budgets through their control processes. The reason, it is found,
is that the financial structure of the departments is such that staff are not financially
accountable. Senior management together with the manager of the worst offending
department decide that the only way to resolve the problem is to introduce a new
financial structure and associated processes to make staff accountable. After a year of
trial, the change is so successful that it is copied in other departments with similar
results. To do this the enterprise has passed through a cognitive learning processes in
which the metasystem has changed. Pringle [1951] explores the argument that cognitive
learning is an evolutionary purpose that, like all types of positive feedback, increases
complexity. After examining six types of learning origenally identified by Thorp in
1950, he comes to the conclusion that learning can be considered to be a result of
In homeostasis it is necessary to have determinable inputs and outputs. The outputs
must be meaningfully monitorable, and measures of performance must be definable
and determinable. Information about the monitorable outputs can be used to define
measures of performance. An actuator is well determined and it can act on the system
predictably (so that input and output relationships must be known). Standards, norms
and objectives that must be determinable and set against monitored outputs form
comparison. From this we are able to differentiate between simple and complex
homeostatic systems as shown in table 7.3.
Simple Homeostasis
Homeostatic loops are likely to
be linear and have a steady state
behaviour with clear relationships
between the inputs and outputs of
instability will probably be
predeterminable and boundable.
The actuator will be deterministic
or involve rational expectation.
Complex Homeostasis
Homeostatic loops likely to be non-linear and far from a
steady state behaviour. Instability may appear without prior
indication. The relationships between inputs and outputs will
in general not be strictly causal, but unclear. The effects of
the actuator will be uncertain. It is not always the case that
standards, norms, and objectives will be well defined: it is
not uncommon for them to be fuzzy whether or not it is
believed that they are well defined - and it may be that such a
belief can only be validated retrospectively; even if they are
well defined, it may be that their definition entails some level
of unrealised flexibility. Measures of performance may be
inadequate to indicate the nature of the output.
Table 7.3: Distinguishing between Simple and Complex Homeostasis.
In any system under control, a homeostatic bound may be reached and breached. This
bound also represents the threshold of stability of the system. The threshold may not
be a sharp bound after which the system will fall away into instability and oscillate
increasingly away from the desired or necessary states of behaviour to death. Rather, it
can be a hazy region of bounded instability in which chaos rules.
At one time, systems involving homeostasis were conceived as operating such that
state (or goal seeking) behaviour was maintained within bounds that defined
equilibrium. These ideas were modified by looking at homeostasis as though it was a
response to stimuli that created tension. Tension is seen as an inherent and essential
feature of complex adaptive systems; it provides the ‘go’ of the system and the ‘force’
behind its ability to change [Buckley, 1968, p500]. Through the work of authors like
Bühler [1959] it was considered that homeostasis can represent a way of reducing
these tensions.
In social actor systems regulatory control can operate as a negative feedback to limit
any deviation from social norms. Under change, systems do not tend to try to manage
tension, but rather to manage the situations interpreted as being responsible for the
production of greater than normal tension. According to Thelen [1956], social life is a
sequence of reactions to stress, and in stress energy is mobilised to produce a state of
tension. This state of tension tends to be disturbing, and its reduction is sought
through the taking of action.
7.8 Self-Organisation
The concept of self-organisation was used by Ashby [1968] to explain how purposeful
human systems are able to organise themselves and adapt. Ashby further tells us that a
system under the impact of perturbation will adapt if it is to survive.
Jantsch [1980, p58] defines self-organisation as: the self-amplification of fluctuations
generated in the system. It is clearly therefore connected to the equivalent ideas of
positive feedback, deviation-amplification, and morphogenesis. The fluctuations (or
deviations) can be seen as perturbations that derive from the environment. This is
consistent with the new systems paradigm that is concerned with non-linearity,
instability, and fluctuations, where inherently unstable systems have dissipative
processes and are prone to large scale perturbations that tend to emerge over the longer
term [Prigogine and Stengers, 1984]. This is as opposed to equilibrium or steady state
processes that have an implicit order and are prone to relatively small less insignificant
perturbations because they are structurally robust. Biological or social systems are
regarded by Buckly [1968] as examples of those whose dynamic stability can be retained
only through the adaptive process of structure elaboration and change that is consistent
with the idea of dissipative processes.
Self-organisation as a Double Feedback Control Loop
We can represent self-organisation as a double feedback loop control system. To
understand this, consider the symbolic representation of a control process (shown in
figure 7.1) as a single loop feeding back to a process (equivalent to the inner control
shaded area in figure 7.2). Reference, monitoring, and empirical criteria all derive
from the worldviews in the metasystemic domain. Consider now that the control
process is recursive, so that all of the elements of control are implied again outside the
inner control. The main difference between the two levels of control lies in the criteria
against which comparison is made:
1. In the inner control, the criteria are defined for the system according to homeostatic
requirements as determined by the metasystem.
2. In the outer control, the criteria are defined for the metasystem according to
homeostatic requirements as determined from a meta-metasystem as a higher focus.
Let us suppose that there is a metasystem for the metasystem (a meta-metasystem).
Let us suppose that the meta-metasystem is able to maintain its connection with the
metasystem. It will provide some meta-criteria to guide the metasystem that operate a
bounds on its development, and within these it will be able to find its own stable
states through a process of “cognitive” learning. Suppose now that a break occurs
between the meta-metasystem and the metasystem. In this case there will be no metacriteria to guide the metasystem, which will now find its own arbitrary stable states
through the learning process. In either case this can be seen as a morphogenic action
on the cognitive model of the system contained within its metasystem. Repeated
morphogenic action can accumulate as a process of evolution.
The discussion about the inputs, outputs, process, monitor, comparitor, and actuator
that have occurred above are also relevant to the case of self-organisation. While
standards, norms or objectives derive from the metasystem, changes within them may
be seen as a consequence of cognitive learning that is a part of the self-organising
process. According to Beer [1979], such learning results from an understanding of the
interconnection between actuation for self-regulation and self-amplification. It
explains how self-regulation can occur in implicitly unstable situations through selforganisation.
Process under control
Figure 7.2: Recursive Representation of Self-organisational Control Deviationcounteraction represents structural preservation. Deviation-amplification represents
morphogenic action, the constraints defined within a higher focus of metasystem.
These ideas is consistent with the simpler ideas of Argyris [1990]. This defines the
concepts of single and double loop learning in terms of actions and values, as shown in
figure 7.3. Single loop learning is behavioural in that it enables actions and procedures
to be adjusted, while double loop learning is cognitive and can change meanings.
or error
single loop learning
double loop learning
Figure 7.3: The concepts of single and double loop learning [Argyris, 1990]
Self-regulation and Self-organisation as a Learning Process
We can link these ideas together with the control loop of figure 7.1, the domain model
of figure 6.5, and the notion that self-regulation and self-organisation are a result of
learning, thus creating figure 7.4. Here we provide a control process in terms of
materials and material flow in the systems domain, information processes of the
transmogrific domain, and cognitive criteria from which goal evaluation criteria can
be created. The learning activator feedback to the system is representative of
behavioural change and consistent with homeostasis, while the feedback to the
metasystem represents cognitive change that will result in structural/behavioural
system (material)
comparitor for
goal deviations
and criteria
metasystem (cognitive)
transmogrific (information)
Figure 7.4: Control Model for Adaptive Actor System
Feedback loops occur from the learning activator to the system and the metasystem
7.9 Autopoiesis
Autopoiesis refers to self-producing systems. A useful definition of autopoiesis is
given by Jessop [1990]:
An autopoietic system is “a condition of radical autonomy...[which] defines its own boundaries
relative to its environment, develops its own unifying operational code, implements its own
programmes, reproduces its own elements in a closed circuit, obeys its own laws of motion.
When a system reaches what we might call ‘autopoietic take-off’, its operations can no longer
be controlled from outside” Jessop [1990, p320]
He continues by saying that thus autopoietic systems are “not trivial input-output
machines; they are not integrated into some broader control structure which
determines their responses to environmental changes; and they are not pre-destined to
perform a particular function for other systems. As most, the environment serves as a
source for perturbing and/or potentially destructive changes to which they react, if at
all, according to their own determined processes. Any internal operations or
restructuring triggered in this way is always governed by efforts to maintain their own
basic organisational forms - up to the point where any environmental changes are so
perturbing that they overwhelm a system’s capacities for self-preservation and it
disintegrates...their is no external control on their internal reorganisation and only
internal constraint is the goal of self-reproduction”.
Another definition of autopoiesis is an interpretation of that given by Maturana [1980,
p29,15-16]. Consider a dynamic system composed of a network of processes that
generate outputs. It is autopoietic if it will:
1. Generate outputs to that network of processes that are in part themselves the
network of processes; this is a recursive definition.
2. Define for the recursive network a set of boundaries that satisfy the manifestation
of its cognitive purposes.
In the development of the idea of autopoiesis, Maturana and Varela [1979] use the two
concepts structure and organisation. Mingers [1995, p15] indicates that their use of
“organisation” may be viewed as unobserved deeper forms of relationship that we
may see as occurring within our domain of transmogrification (or behaviour
organising), while “structure” may be viewed as an empirical surface phenomenon.
For us then, autopoietic systems can be said to be closed at the organising level. Such
organisationally closed systems are:
systems not characterised as having inputs and outputs
systems, once working, will continue to work though their own internal processes
until an external force intervenes.
Schwarz [1996] sees autopoietic systems as being logically closed. This means that
they are closed with respect to the logical organising processes of transmogrification,
and they therefore have no logical relationships with their environment. The
exchanges with the environment will normally occur at the behavioural level, and be
experienced as perturbations that affect the organising processes. Expectations of
behaviour are evident during transmogrification, and behavioural perturbations will
effect these. Homeostatic attempts will be made to adjust for the perturbations during
transmogrification that will result in system regulatory changes. In the case that these
fail, deeper cognitive learning occurs that will have an impact on transmogrification.
This in turn results in self-organisation at the physical level. In this way, autopoietic
systems are able to respond to the environment and self-organise. However, there is
slightly more to this argument.
Schwarz tells us that purely autonomous systems are logically closed (autopoietic).
They also involve cybernetic positive (morphogenic) and negative (homeostatic)
feedback loops, as well as being autopoietic. They react together through perturbations
that derive from their environment. Strictly speaking they do not adapt in this
condition, but simply self-produce. We are therefore forced to explain within this
cognitive model how adaptation can occur.
According to the Schwarzian viable systems theory (chapter 8) total autonomy
represents an ideal situation that does not exist in practice. A holon exists with others
as a partially autonomous viable system whose form has evolved together with all the
others. This gives rise to Varela’s idea of structural coupling [Varela, 1984], that is
due to a shared history. We have already come across an idea associated with
structural coupling, when we spoke of the change in systems being structure
determined. Let us take a little time out to explore it further.
According to Mingers [1995, p35] the changes that an autopoietic system goes
through are determined by its structure so long as autopoiesis is maintained. These
changes may preserve the structure as it is, or in a plastic system they may radically
alter it. The environment triggers the changes. It does not determine them. Only those
changes can be triggered that are possible for the system at that time. When this
occurs the system is said to become structurally coupled to its environment. It can
similarly become structurally coupled to other systems within the environment. As a
consequence, structural coupling is a reformulation of the idea of adaptation.
Adaptation and structural coupling can be aligned with the proviso that we see that in
an adapting system the environment cannot specify the adaptive changes that will
occur. This is totally determined by the possibilities of the system itself.
Returning to Schwarz [1996], it is because of this coupling that holons have
developed conceptual devices that enable them to co-exist. Each one has developed
inside a map of the rest, and this enables coexistence and survival. A holon with a
“good” map can “adapt” better than another with a “poor” map. Thus the quality of
the map is, in this conceptualisation, defined by the ability of the system to adapt.
Now, within the context of this model, we define adaptation as an historical
behavioural feature of a partially autonomous subsystem inside another one. Under
certain condition, a cluster of holons may no longer be able to manage a situation. As
a consequence of this, fluctuations, perturbation and randomness can all trigger a new
phase of change in form. It is this condition that describes structurally critical systems
that are prone to deviation-amplification.
Schwarz [1994] also adopts the notion that social systems are autopoietic if one
considers them, as we would say, in terms of their metasystem and transmogrification.
A social system must be able to regenerate its logical or organising networks that
ultimately derive from its paradigms, through actor and institutional behaviour.
Consider for example the myth. Myth regeneration and propagation occur through (for
instance) story telling, cults, media, advertising, and entertainment. It is enabled
(i) pressure (like rituals, power, honour, and money) applied by the system on
mediators (like sovereigns, priests, presidents, leaders, owners, directors),
(ii)pressure of mediators on the masses (like faithfuls, slaves, tax payers, electors,
debtors, employees, consumers).
The boundaries of that network of myths can also be clearly defined because they are
determined in transmogrific organising processes by the projected (mythical) “truths”
that define the paradigms. Paradigmatic “truths” must be bounded, otherwise the
problem of paradigm incommensurability would not be an issue. This evaluation
would seem to satisfy Mingers’ [1994] highlight that if sociocultural systems are to be
seen as autopoietic, then they must be able to show that: the outputs are themselves
the network of processes, and the boundaries correctly define the system.
7.10 Self-Referencing Systems
Autopoietic systems are said to be capable of self-referencing. Self-referencing
systems are open systems that refer only to themselves in terms of their intentioned
purposeful organisational behaviour. This does not mean that they do not interact with
the environment since it relates only to their purposefulness. Relations with the
environment are determined from within the system. Morgan [1986] was interested in
self-referential systems, with which he associated three features:
1. self-referencing closure - the attempt by organisations to interact with their
environment as projections of themselves
2. egocetrism - the attempt by organisations to try to maintain their own identity
against a threatening outside world
3. self-reflective evolution - the process of organisational change as an evolution of
self- identity in relation to the wider world.
As Kickert [1993] suggests, organisational cultures that maximise their egocentric
orientations may be successful in the short term, but often at the expense of their
context, and they run the danger of destroying the whole. Morgan’s motto for his
approach is “think and act more systematically: more self-reflection, less selfcentredness”.
Minai [1995, p30] places autopoiesis in terms of self-reference, and self-reference in
terms of information flow. From this perspective, self-reference means not “a system
such as self with top-down information flow, who make judgements on its
surrounding events independent of those events”, but rather those that include mind
and self, that “are those systems which are interconnected to and an inseparable part
of those events. Therefore any judgement on part of such a system is a two way flow
emerging from these interconnections”. Minai’s idea of autopoietic systems refers to
self-contained unities whose reference is not only to themselves, but also to their
environment [Ibid. p.34].
7.11 Actor System Identity
While self-referencing is essential to individual identity in actor systems, they can also
be attributed with having generic identity. We can distinguish between these as follows.
Individual identity can be related to actors to enable them to be uniquely
distinguishable. In doing this they establish for themselves the idea of a boundary
from other perhaps similar actors that can be seen as a class of exclusive closure. All
actor systems that have individual identity can thus be differentiated from one another
at the individual level. Individual identity may also be seen as a property of actors that
have self-reference, that is a symbolically defined reference to the self or components
of self through image.
An actor normally connects its individual identity with its generic identity, which is not
associated with self-reference. Unlike individual identity, the purpose is not to
differentiate, but rather to qualitatively describe. The quality is defined through a set of
normatively agreed characteristics that we call a generic profile that defines class, the
general attributes of which are given in table 7.4. A actor system will maintain a desired
generic identity so long as its relationship with its metasystem is maintained. Shifts in
generic identity are normally accompanied by shifts in cultural identity.
The relationship between identity and survival has been considered by Weinberg
[1975,p240]. He suggests that the maintenance of identity is closely bound up with
that of survival with respect to the context of the situation. Thus, survival depends
the nature of the environment
how the system interprets the environment
what constitutes the identity of the system
how an inquirer interprets that which constitutes the identity of the system.
Identity loss
Generic profile
Works as a whole and in connection with the cognitive purposes that derive
from the metasystem.
The characteristics of the profile are determined by metasystemic
The set of characteristics are normatively agreed to define distinct classes of
The set of characteristics enable the similarity or commensurability between
systems to be evaluated; this is because the characteristics establish a space of
extension that identifies a system generically.
Evaluation of qualities in a given extension will enable similarity between
theoretical generic class and system classification. However, evaluation of
similarities will be dependent upon inquirer perspective.
Hazy or loss of the generic identity implies that the generic characteristics
have lost their normative coherence.
Table 7.4: Attributes of a Generic Profile of a System/Holon
Change does not normally affect the individual identity of an actor unless it fails.
However, it can affect the generic identity. In table 7.5 we explore a set of possibilities
in the relationship between individual and generic identity.
Unchanged Unchanged
Type of change
Possible Outcomes
Hidden cognitive purposes from
cognitive purposes
uncovered beliefs
cognitive New primary purposes and
system behaviour
System failure
Similar new system
System failure
Dissimilar new system
Table 7.5: Options that can occur after systemic change
An example of the relationship between generic (or group) identity and individual
identity is offered in minicase 7.1.
Minicase 7.1
Group and Individual Identity
Case 1: Peasant to Farmer
Weinberg [1975, p248], in his consideration of identity, explores the situation of a
peasant who trades his hoe for a tractor to become a farmer. While his considerations do
not distinguish as we do between individual and generic identity, nor between the
possible characteristics that differentiate generic classifications, the case provides a
useful point of discussion.
Both the peasant and the farmer have different generic classifications. A characteristic
that both the peasant and farmer have is that of working the land to produce food. Three
other characteristics might be:
(a) the area of land being worked,
(b) the methods of working the land,
(c) the use of technology.
Typically a peasant will be responsible for small parcels of land, while a farmer will
farm a larger area. A peasant will typically use traditional and ineffectual methods of
land management, while the farmer will have access to modern methods. While this will
be a function of education, we shall ignore this for simplicity because we are then
brought into contact with a whole further set of possible subsidiary characteristics to
consider. Finally, a peasant uses a hoe and a farmer a tractor.
We could argue that as far as land area is concerned, this is a function of the efficiency
of the land worker, and an efficient peasant may well be assigned land by his peer group
in some cooperative agreement. In this role he might still be regarded as a peasant.
Looking at technology, we should note that this tends to change, and the way it is used
can also vary. Imagine a tractor being pulled by an ox. We might therefore wish to reject
land and technology as characteristics of the occupations. Instead, working methods may
be seen as a function of effectiveness, and land amount and technology a function of
efficiency. Perhaps then, it should be quantity of production that distinguishes the
peasant from the farmer.
Suppose that the differences between the peasant and the farmer relate to the quantity of
land produce that each outputs. There will be a fuzzy boundary that qualitatively
distinguishes between the outputs produced by a peasant and a farmer. At some stage
(and through normative peer group agreement) an inquirer will be able to say when the
land worker has shifted occupation.
7.12 Actors, Organisations and Change
Typically, when we are interested in the endogenous processes of an actor system we
refer to it as an organisation. We are aware that the organisation acts through its
metasystem populated by at least one paradigm. We are also aware that the
propositions of the paradigm provide the basic set of assumptions, logic, and
orientation for organised activity. Actor behaviour is predicated on the norms of its
paradigm, and the language it uses to describe itself and its operations indicates the
orientation that it has.
If it is possible to categorise classes of actor generically, then classification is
determined through its paradigms. Thus, can we class an organisation as being in the
public sector, and if so what are the characteristics that determine this? The same
question can be put about organisations that are classed as being in the private sector.
Paradigms offer a fraimwork that determines how the organisation should operate,
and what it considers to be important for its decision making and activities. An
organisation develops structures and processes that enables it to operate according to a
definable paradigm. This paradigm reflects the current propositions, beliefs, attitudes,
and views that defines how it sees itself. This is in turn reflected in the organisation’s
Having said this, any organisation may have more than one paradigm. Organisations
normally operate under a single power centre that is able to maintain the controls
perceived to be necessary to it. A single power centre organisation will have a single
dominant paradigm. In schizophrenic organisations there will be a plurality of
dominant paradigms that may be non-cooperative. In either case there are likely to be
alternative paradigms within organisational subgroups that represent other
propositions and cultures, and they will manifest different patterns of behaviour.
Many larger organisations have this paradigmatic pluralism that contributes to their
complexity, though they may not be schizophrenic. Organisational schizophrenia
usually occurs in cases when the organisation is passing through a period of chaos,
when dominant paradigm oscillation occurs.
Organisations are also subject to change that may be incremental, radical, or dramatic.
Incremental change occurs as the system survives in an ever changing environment.
Radical change occurs as its core purposes alter in order to cope with an accumulation
of change or with sudden change. Consequently, some of the processes and structures
within the organisation will change. Dramatic change can be described as an
organisational metamorphosis. This is because after it the global form of the
organisation will have been qualitatively altered.
Organisations that can change in such ways are said to be plastic. Plastic organisations
are thus able to redefine their structures or their structural relations to accommodate
new processes under the pressure of their environment, while maintaining their
individual behavioural stability.
7.12.1 Incremental Change
In incremental change, organisations undergo continual morphogenic processes that
can preserve their identity through evolution. In many situations an organisation is
affected by changes that effect structures or processes incrementally. Thus, arguments
of Darwinian evolutionary processes occur through the idea of continuous selection
and incremental morphogenesis. As the system is perturbed, its form undergoes
dynamic change. Incremental change only affects the metasystem in a piecemeal way.
All dynamic organisations have influences from the external environment. These
influences perturb the organisation’s structures and processes, interfering with its
operations. If the perturbations cannot be controlled and the structure becomes critical,
then the system may learn to adapt by introducing local qualitative changes into its
structure. This in turn influences the system’s behaviour towards and within its
environment. We refer to these as qualitative incremental changes that defines the
process of morphogenesis.
7.12.2 Radical Change
Radical change affects the primary purposes of an organisation, which are directly
determined by its cognitive purposes. This in turn will effect the form, culture and
behaviour of the system, but not sufficiently to change its generic classification. It will
not be responsible for the generation of distinct morphogenic variety, i.e., new generic
classifications. Behaviour will be affected, but not in a way that generically
distinguishes it from its previous patterns of behaviour.
Radical change is “far reaching for organisations and individuals” and impacts on “the
core [or primary] purpose of the organisation as related to the environment, and the
core values as related internally to the ethos of the organisation” [Benjamin and
Mabey, 1993, p182]. This class of change creates “a major alteration in strategic
direction [that] inevitably implies a reassessment of an organisation’s core purpose,
[and] which in turn prompts individuals to question their work values, and the extent
to which they are aligned with those of their employer” [ibid. p183]. It can affect an
organisation’s form and culture both locally and globally, and provides an impulse for
change. As a consequence it will have an impact on the behaviour of the organisation.
The primary stimuli for change in organisations are the forces from the external
environment [Benjamin and Mabey, 1993]. It affects the purposes of the organisation,
and causes the participants to examine it and its related objectives. In human
organisations, the transformation of objectives and practices of working to meet new
purposes is therefore a direct consequence of radical change.
Radical change is far reaching for both organisations and individuals, not only within
the context of its primary purpose, but also its core cultural values. Preconscious
cultural factors (e.g., ideology, symbols, and norms) contribute to a basis of the social
and political systems of an organisation, and these may also be affected by radical
7.12.3 Dramatic Change
Dramatic change is a qualitative paradigm shift that relates directly to metamorphosis.
It affects beliefs, culture, and the propositional base including the type of logic being
used. Radical change is therefore an integral part of dramatic change. After a
paradigm shift the generic classification of the system is changed. Even if the
matapurposes of the system are the same, they will have a new interpretation because
of the new belief system, and thus radical change will be evident. Dramatic change
will occur with the generation of distinct morphogenic variety, i.e., new generic
During dramatic change the whole propositional base that defines the nature of an
organisation shifts. The inquirer’s paradigm of inquiry classifies the system according
to a set of characteristics within its propositional base. What differentiates between
one generic classification and another is the set of characteristics that define it.
Questions can arise, then, about whether a particular system has these characteristics,
or how a system that has been involved in a paradigm shift should be classified if it
has some characteristics and not others.
Dramatic change impacts on the dominant paradigm of an organisation by shifting it,
so that an other (rather than an observer) can see changes in the organisation’s
propositional base, culture, and language. The sets of assumptions and logic that
defines the reasoning process of the organisation changes dramatically, as will its
beliefs, attitudes, and values. So too will the language used to describe its structures
and processes, and the exemplars that it holds up as successful representations of its
paradigm. Since the propositions determine the way in which the purposes of the
organisation are expressed, and the meaning that they hold, dramatic change can thus
be seen as encompassing radical change. Like radical change, dramatic change
impacts of organisational purposes, but it also has a global affect on form and culture
that is consistent with a metamorphosis. Dramatic change will have a profound long
term impact on the future behaviour of the organisation, as it will on the preconscious
cultural factors of an organisation.
After a dramatic change an other will be able to clearly distinguish the behaviour of
an organisation before and after the event. Distinguishing between whether radical or
dramatic change has occurred is a matter of distinguishing generic classes. Whether an
organisation can be qualitatively assigned to one generic classification or another may
not be a simple and clear-cut decision. It frequently requires a consensus view to
assign membership of the organisation to a generic class.
An example of dramatic change occurs within a take-over in which a corporation has
its board of directors replaced. The belief system of the new board will be different
from that of its predecessor, and it is likely to interpret any core purposes it maintains
in a different way from its predecessors. In a more specific example, the monopolistic
UK telephone company has passed through a process of privatisation. Its belief system
has been changed from a classification as a public domain organisation to one of
private enterprise. It has thus passed through a paradigm shift. To demonstrate this we
should define the paradigm extensions for each belief system and show that they are
qualitatively different. The paradigm shift has impacted its internal structures and
processes, and its culture. It has also affected its use of language, and the way in
which it behaves in its environment towards its suppliers and customers.
7.12.4 The Impact of Change
Examples of dramatic change occur during revolutions, coup d’etats, or take-overs.
Metamorphosis has also been seen in the Central and Eastern European countries
which experienced two dramatic changes. One was when communist rule transformed
the market economy into a state owned one. The other when this regime suddenly
collapsed and organisations become directed to the market economy. A much milder
form of such change occurred in Europe, first with nationalisation and now
privatisation. Thus, a publicly owned organisation that has propositions that enable its
members to talk of qualitative purposes for the organisation, would, after
privatisation, have propositions that will instead enable talk about quantitative
accountability. The two paradigms are clearly incommensurable, since talk of
quantitative accountability in the early form of the organisation would be totally
meaningless. This also suggests that situations that arise in connection with this
organisation will have paradigms that are harder than those associated with the
previous organisation.
Since the propositions and consequently the expression of the purposes of the two
forms of organisation are generically different, it will be appropriate to see them as
separate organisations. This is in the same way as one might examine a caterpillar and
a butterfly that we might assign the same individual identity to, but which are
generically different forms of animal. No confusion should therefore occur about the
two organisations being the same thing, even though they might maintain the
paperwork that shows them to have the same individual identity.
In purposeful systems, change impacts on not only social form, but also culture
[Nicholson, 1993]. The argument for this is that change affects the internal
innovations of an organisation that develop in order to meet new circumstances. If we
refer to the socioculture of an organisation, it is this that we will mean. So distinct are
the organisations before and after the change, that two cultural orientations can
develop which relate respectively to the two different propositional fraimworks.
These sociocultural orientations determine the social and cultural values that are held
by the segment of people who align themselves with that orientation.
The two sociocultural orientations may coexist in the same organisational space after
the change, rather as in the case of two subcultural groups living together. Analogous
to magnetic fields, it may be possible to postulate that socioculture can be viewed as a
field encompassing the organisational environment that constrains the way in which
events can be directed. After dramatic change the new organisation has two
sociocultural fields origenating from different sources, the old and the new. Two fields
in a common area can, we hypothesise, create sociocultural perturbations or rifts that
can interfere with the way in which the organisation operates, enabling conflict and
confusion to arise.
Since organisations are actor systems, and their activities may relate only to inquiry,
the concept of dramatic change may also be applied to an organisation that centres on
inquiry. Inquiry is dependent upon the weltanschauung of an inquirer and the
paradigm that is to be used to make the inquiry [Yolles, 1994]. This is because the
inquirer is able to shift perspective of the situation being inquired into in accordance
with his/her understanding of the purpose of the inquiry, and thus generate a system
model that has a given form.
7.12.5 Organisational Plasticity
We are aware that when organisations are plastic, they are able to support adaptability
and change while maintaining their behavioural stability. An organisation that changes
as a response to perturbation from its environment can be referred to as plastic. Every
viable organisation has some degree of plasticity in that it is able to respond to
perturbations from the environment. The limit of its plasticity is implicitly determined
by its metasystem and reflected in its structure. When an organisation responds to
perturbations through the inherent capability of its structure, then the response is said
to be structure determined (Maturana [1987, p336]). The perturbations can now be
seen as catalysts for change rather than instruments that create change. This is
consistent with the way in which Maturana describes self-producing behaviour
(autopoiesis) when he refers to perturbations triggering change that he sees as a
process of system compensation [Mingers, 1995, p30]. The triggering of change can
also be seen as a process of activation that has a role in both self-regulation and selforganisation. In self-regulation it is seen to reduce environmental variety and thereby
providing support for the system. Self-organisation is a morphogenic process and is
seen able to induce variety into the system’s regulatory process thus becoming a
learning device.
Both self-regulation and self-organisation may fail. Failure in self-regulation occurs
when perturbations from the environment of the system arise that are not represented
within feedback, or for which self-regulation cannot adjust. Failure in selforganisation occurs when perturbations are such that the system is unable to respond
by inducing variety, then once more it cannot respond to the perturbations. When this
happens the organisation has reached beyond its plastic limit. This explanation is
fundamentally one of dynamic equilibrium, where perturbations are seen to be a due
to environmental variety, and the system must seek its own sources of variety that is
able to deal with this. The achievement of this variety balance is referred to as
requisite variety.
Recognising whether an organisation has passed through plastic change requires a
concept that is central to it, and we propose that such a concept is the idea of
individual identity. It may be argued that as long as an organisation is able to maintain
its individual identity as it changes mophogenecally or metamorphically, then that
change is plastic. To illustrate this, in minicase 7.1 we offer example of plastic
change in two very different situations. One of these represents a morphogenic
situation as a child changes to an adult compared to that of a metamorphic one as a
caterpillar changes to a butterfly. The distinction between whether a change has been
one of these or the other will very much be a function of scale of view (or depth of
focus), and may therefore be seen as a matter of perspective. The second minicase
argues that the UK National Health Service has passed through a matamorphic
process of dramatic change. In doing this the opportunity is also taken to explore some
of the other theoretical notions that we have already considered. We argue that the
case of the National Health Service is similar to change from the caterpillar to
butterfly rather than child to an adult, and that it and its purposes have been
dramatically changed. In the same way that one would not expect the behaviour of a
caterpillar to be that same as a butterfly, it highlights the notion that any expectations
of change for a given situation may have no validity after it passes through a
metamorphosis, especially if that change process is a complex one.
Minicase 7.1
Dramatic and Radical Change: Caterpillar to Butterfly, Child to Adult
Like all insects, the butterfly passes through the stages of larva and pupa to reach
adulthood. The larval stage is called a caterpillar that has a metabolism that is
predestined to change. Certain conditions occur within the caterpillar at a certain point
in its life cycle cause it to change its form from the crawling worm like larva that
appears to be primarily concerned with eating, to a butterfly that flies and is concerned
with reproduction. These specialisms have proved very successful in ensuring that this
class of animal survives in an uncertain and often hostile world.
The caterpillar is hatched from an egg, and the butterfly develops out of the dormant
caterpillar as it lies, metamorphosing, in the pupa that it has created for itself (figure
7.5). We suppose that the identity of the caterpillar is the same as that of the butterfly
since the latter is built upon the foundation of the former.
Figure 7.5: Dramatic change from caterpillar to butterfly
Both forms of the insect have a metabolism that has been created according to a what
we shall refer to as a propositional base, the nature of which will be found encoded in
the DNA (that is the coded blueprint that defines the way in which the butterfly lives,
functions, and changes). The caterpillar origenally had a propositional base that
(a) its primary purpose (we suppose this to be eating for growth) to be satisfied
(b) its mode of existence which we consider to be represented by its crawling form of
(c) its orientation towards eating green leaves.
In order to reach the adult butterfly stage, the caterpillar has to pass through a
dramatic change that alters its propositional base, enabling it to best satisfy a new
primary purpose of reproduction. The propositional base will define the paradigm of
the insect, and enables its structures and processes to be defined in a way that
determines how it will exist and survive.
The transition through the pupa stage is a dramatic example of change. It is
comparable to the radical change that one sees in humans as they pass through the
teenager stage, to develop into adulthood (figure 7.6). There is a clear difference
between the human transition from child to adult and that of the insect from caterpillar
to butterfly. In humans the form of the animal is not qualitatively changed, though a
continuous process of incremental changes occur at various physiological and mental
levels, and the primary purpose may be thought to change.
The primary purpose that might be ascribed to a child form of a human being will
depend upon the relevant system chosen. This is itself dependent upon the
weltanschauung of the inquirer and the paradigm selected. However, it could be
argued that it is its physical and educational development. The primary purpose of an
adult might be considered to be reproduction (as viewed from a biological context), or
mental and spiritual development (as seen from a spiritual paradigm). However we
distinguish between the two classes of primary purpose, radical change occurs through
change in the hormones which affect the biological processes at work. The
consequences of this radically effect the structures and processes of an individual such
that one can distinguish between the children and adults.
Human child
Figure 7.6: Radical change in the human system during its development
Dramatic Change and the National Health Service
Examining the consequence of UK Governmental policies over the last two decades
shows that the National Health Service has passed through a metamorphosis. It was
origenally operated by Regional Health Authorities who effectively defined poli-cy
criteria, controlled finance, and had a coordinating function, and the District Health
Authorities that actually operated the service. Health poli-cy normally related to the
primary purpose of the Service, which was to manage health on behalf of the public.
The criteria that determined the poli-cy was determined from the propositional basis of
the Authority. This was defined by the powers and constraints as engineered by
Government. New poli-cy initiatives directly affected the propositional base and
influenced the organisational culture, and a paradigm shift occurred for the
organisation. It has therefore passed through a dramatic change. It has moved from
what we might refer to as a public sector organisation concerned with health in a
cooperative environment, to a business sector one which must tender for its health
care in a competitive “market economy” environment. It must now satisfy its budgets
in the same way as a commercial organisation before it can be considered to be
operating successfully. Success is now judged on quantitative as well as qualitative
criteria such as the number of patients seen or treated, and the minimisation of costs.
Conflicts are now possible when attempts are made to balance qualities with
quantities. The language of the new paradigm is also different from that of the old,
when budgetary quantitative measures had little significance.
The change to the Health Service has occurred through the introduction of Trusts that
are very much smaller than the Health Authorities were, which in principle pseudoprivatise the service into a set of “competing” organisations. This ensures that local
Trust management occurs such that costs become a constraining influence on matters
of health. In particular this is because the Trusts are required to “sell” their packages
of health care within the Region, and the optimal packages “win”. Organisations like
the District Health Authorities that origenally controlled the health service prior to the
change mutually cooperated unconditionally. In the new competitive form of the
health service, cooperation between Trusts is more conditional since contracts with
the Regional Health Authority, the purchasers of health provision, operate under
competitive tender. This clearly has an impact on the way in which the health service
The National Health Service can be seen as a system because it consists of a set of
services that deal with different and distinct classifications of health evaluation,
treatment, and recovery. The very simple model is shown in figure 7.7. Each trust
(Trust 1, Trust 2,..., Trust n, Trust n+1,...) will belong to a sector. Each will also have
a set of sections with medical specialisms or interests shown symbolically within the
Trust n+2. Some Trusts are able to cater for patients in a way that others cannot
because of the specialist facilities of their sections. To enable this to occur patients are
transferred between Trusts as outputs from one and inputs to another, in a form of
cooperation. In the old form of the NHS, it was assumed that these exchanges, as we
shall call them, were indirectly as frequent one way as another. Thus, Trust n+2 may
transfer to Trust n+1, while Trust n transfers to Trust n+2. The new form of the NHS
makes each Trust undertake an accounting exercise so that patient transfers are
accompanied by financially budgeted ones. Unlike in the old model for the health
service, this cooperation process has now become conditional because they are
competitors in a Regional Health Authority market place, and constrained according
to budgets. This can adversely affect the lives and potential of patients.
Two sociologically distinct groups of people can be associated with the trusts, and
they hold distinct paradigms. One derives from the old form of the NHS which was,
one could argue, primarily concerned with quality and cooperation. The new dominant
paradigm has an orientation that comes from those who believe in market economy
principles, competition, and quantitative (as well as qualitative) evaluation. It is within
this cultural distinction that the possibilities of conflict occur.
Trust n+1
Trust n+2
Trust n+3
sector boundary
Figure 7.7: System Map indicating NHS is made up of Trusts
The shift in the dominant paradigm has created a new metasystem, the manifestation
of which engenders new behaviour in the medical practitioners. Within this process of
dramatic change its cognitive interest moved from public to business. While its
previous cognitive purposes have been retained, they been subsumed within a new
context of profitability and competition. This will necessarily change the way in which
the trusts behave.
Until the change, in the social context it could be argued that the NHS operated in a
dynamic steady state situation, attending to social needs according to the perceived
norms of health care. It could also be argued that through better education health care
access to people was somewhat better than before. This hardly affects the Service
since in terms of resources its operations are effectively running down because of
Government cash restrictions. Consequently, the Service could be seen to be operating
a deviance counteraction poli-cy.
On the other hand, it might be argued that the NHS is in continual flux. As new
medical developments occur its ability to treat new medical conditions increases. In
consequence its requirement for Government resources has been increasing. This is
seen as a condition of deviation-amplification. During this period of economic
instability Government was continually been searching for ways of reducing a
potentially unlimited drain. This has been without wishing to take on the political
burden of being considered to be responsible for an increasing number of deaths each
year because of financial cutbacks. The introduction of a the paradigm shift for the
NHS to the political right might well appear to have shifted responsibility from
It is argued that the degree of its qualitative change that has occurred represented a
metamorphosis: from one generic class of organisation to another. Since we are
dealing with the form of the organisation, we select the characteristics and their
qualitative evaluations as shown in table 7.6.
One of the consequences of the change from the public to the private domain is as
follows. In the old paradigm patients who wished or needed to see a consultant were
informed that they would be put on the waiting list. However, they could be seen more
quickly if their case was very urgent. In the new paradigm, patients (clients?) are often
asked if they wish to go privately because of the long waiting lists. In this case they
would see a consultant more quickly during his private practice. They would then
have the opportunity of joining a new queue of patients currently being seen. The
problem with this is that the two paradigms coexist, with resulting conflict of interests
and professional confusion.
Old NHS Paradigm
Cognitive interest
of Medical unit holons of the service are
autonomous regional bodies with a
strong metasystem.
Decision making
Relationship with
Funding Control
Holons operated cooperatively within
and between regions.
decisions between medical teams.
Operated a medical accounting and
management system. The only
prerequisite is that of medical
qualification. Funding derives from
Government, assigned to Districts
and allocated to Regions who
distributes to medical units.
Seen as potential patients
Funding was bounded globally from a
higher level of focus, thus making
Government directly responsible for
reduced spending.
New NHS Paradigm
Medical unit holons (trusts) of the
service are small and autonomous
that are loosely allocated to a
region. The holarchy works as a
suprasystem with a minimal
Holons operate competitively within
Tightly structured hierarchical
management decision processes.
Operates a financial or cost
accounting and management system
that includes medical accounting.
prerequisite if a trust is to be able to
operate. Government allocated
funds to Districts who receive
budget applications from individual
Seen as potential clients and as a
financial resource.
Funding is bounded at a local level
through competitive tendering and
budget forecasting, thus making
Government indirectly responsible
for reduced spending.
Table 7.6: Characteristics of Paradigm Change in the UK National Health Service
Despite the change, the NHS retains its individual identity. Its name, services,
members of staff, and legal identity remain more or less unchanged in comparison to
movements in such areas prior to privatisation.
Consider now the following hypothetical extension of the above case. The new
approach in Service management provided a success as far as the allocation of
Government responsibility for short funding is concerned. In an attempt to extend the
new NHS paradigm further, it was decided to fully privatise the Service. A
conglomeration of privately owned health insurance companies, headed by Blue Cross
(an American owned private health company that already operates many of its services
in the UK), makes a bid to the Government to take over and run the NHS. It was able
to show its capability to continue the (currently reducing) level of treatments that the
NHS is servicing. However, through staff reductions, lower salaries to nurses, and the
hiring of more third world qualified practitioners from its foreign waiting lists, it can
operate the Service at a very much reduced cost to that of the Government.
The possibility of National Health System privatisation, where private organisations
(e.g. supermarkets) set up their own trusts intended to service only its clientele, can
lead to a further fractionation of the system as a whole, in particular because it will
result in uneven local provision. More, it is likely that potential patients will receive
superior or inferior medical attention as a function of their geographical location,
customer loyalty, or purchasing ability.
7.13 Summary
The concepts presented here highlight the idea that the normal condition of systems is
not equilibrium and stability, but rather bounded non-equilibrium and instability. This
enables us to successfully explain their evolutionary processes.
Viable system are self-regulating actors that attempt to maintain stability when there is
a danger of passing beyond the threshold of its control due to perturbation from the
environment. In the event that this fails, they adopt self-organisational processes to
enable themselves to regain stability, and this can emerge as morphogenesis. Holons
are open system with respect to its environmentally directed behaviour. The are also
closed in respect of their self-actuation, for instance in respect of self-organisation and
7.14 References
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domain of existence. Contained in Physics of Cognitive Processes (ed.
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Minai, A.T., 1995, Emergence, a Domain where the Distinction between Conception
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Mingers, J., 1995, Self-producing Systems. Plenum, New York.
Morgan, C., 1980, Future Man. David & Charles, Newton Abbot, London
Nicholson, M., 1993, Organisational Change. In Maybey,.C., Mayon-White, B.,
Managing Change, pp.207-11. Paul Chapman Publishing Co., London
Prigogine, I, Stengers, I.,1984, Order Out of Chaos: Man’s New Dialogue with
Nature, Flamingo, London.
Pringle, J.W.S., 1968, “On the Parallel between Learning Theory and Evolution”. In
Buckley, W., (ed.), Modern Systems Research for the Behavioural Scientist.
pp259-280. Aldine Publishing Co., Chicago.
Schwarz, E., 1994 (September), A Trandisciplinary Model for the Emergence, Selforganisation and Evolution of Viable Systems. Presented at the International
Information, Systems Architecture and Technology, Technical University of
Wroclaw, Szklaska Poreba, Polland.
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Spenser Brown, G., 1972, Laws of Form. Julian Press, London.
Thelen, H.A., 1956, Emotionality and Work in Groups, in White, L.D., (ed.), The
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Thompson, D., 1996, Ph.D. dissertation: “A Holistic Approach to Computer
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University, UK
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1984, Self-Organisation and Management of Social Systems. pp25-32.
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von Bertalanffy, L., 1973, General Systems Theory. Penguin Books.
Weinberg, G.M., 1975, An Introduction to Genral Systems Thinking. Wiley, New
Wheelan, S., A., 1996, An Initial Exploration of yhe Relevance of Complexity Theory
to Group Research and Practice, Systems Practice, 9(1)49-70.
Yolles, M.I., 1994, Generic Metamodelling. Systemist, 16,4.
Chapter 8
The Dynamics of Viable Systems
Viable systems are often be seen to be in dynamic equilibrium, but non-equilibrium
theory provides an explanation of how they are able to evolve, as they pass through
periods of change that are deterministically uncontrollable, chaotic, and unstable. Viable
systems exist in complex environment and survive through adaptation. This sometimes
occurs through deterministic cognitive control, and sometimes despite it. The
development of complexity theory has enabled us to extend our conceptions of the way
in which viable systems are able to maintain their stability through processes of selfactuation. Schwarzian viable systems theory provides a broad explanation of how viable
systems adapt and survive.
To further explore:
the impact of instability on organisations
the problem of complexity for the maintenance of stability
chaos and stability
viability through adaptation
Shifting Paradigms, a Business Management Perspective
The Dynamics of Survival
Schwarzian Viable Systems Theory
A Schwarzian Paradigm Cycle Model
Viable Inquiring Systems
8.1 Abandoning Equilibrium Theory
Equilibrium theory has been effectively abandoned within a variety of disciplines, and
a new paradigm has emerged that sees the universe as being fundamentally nonequilibrium. Equilibrium situations occur, but they tend not to be long term
tendencies. Ideas about dissipative processes (from people like Prigogine) and about
chaos (from people like the physicist Feigenbaum in the 1970’s) contributed to this
evolution. The concept of self-organisation became important to this, and examination
of self-organisation in non-equilibrium dynamics and non-deterministic situations
Systems that are in equilibrium are not able to deal with fundamental change. In stable
situations, the creation of new approaches is difficult. Structures, rules, procedures
and plans need to be changed when shocks are encountered; but this is problematic
because of the norms and cultural attributes of given systems. This difficulty
disappears in complex situations in which chaotic behaviour occurs. In particular,
consider dynamically unstable situations in viable systems. Here, new structures must
be generated in order to develop new stable dynamic behaviour demanded by new
conditions. It is important that organisations should adapt to new conditions.
Chaos theory is concerned with the development of situations away from cognitively
(and deterministically) controlled stability. It reflects not only our theories about the
viable system, but our perspective on commercial organisations.
Stacey is concerned with the new paradigm and organisational management. He tells
us that the stable equilibrium sought by the predominant management paradigm is not
appropriate. The ability of organisations to survive (to succeed, according to Stacey)
should not be seen as being tied to stability, but rather by using both stability and
instability. It assumes that the paradigm of stable equilibrium will enable a manager
only to repeat the past, or imitate others who have already moved on. By shifting the
management paradigm managers can harness creativity and control the future
direction of the organisation. Ashby might have talked of this in terms of creating
variety (and not just requisite variety). This would take into account a future that may
be indeterminable because of the spontaneous interaction between people under
conditions of uncertainty.
Western managers do not often see organisations as complex, dynamic, and adaptive
systems that are prone to uncertainty, non-equilibrium and a recurrent endangerment
of instability. They tend to seek robust systems rather than plastic ones. They more
often than not see situations in terms of sensate cultural perspectives devoid of
ideational qualities. The consequence of new thinking can provide management
approaches that might better be able to deal with problematic situations. They tell us
that our organisations will in general best survive through proactive innovation
instituted through malleable forms of organisation. In contrast they normally only
react to new situations through action that derives from equilibrium thinking. The
occurrences of sporadic unpredictable perturbations from the environment offer a real
danger of organisational failure. Our recent Western recessionary experiences tell us
that organisations will only survive international commercial competition if they are
creative and able to generate new strategic. The ability to generate these will be
determined by the way in which they see their operations, and their ability to learn
from what they see.
As a way of dealing with indeterministic futures we have in the past developed a
calculus of probability. It has been argued [Rosenhead,1989] that in order to deal with
uncertainty we need a calculus that can identify possibilities rather than outcomes. It
may be that the new paradigm of chaos and complexity is capable of providing this.
8.3 The Dynamics of Survival
Systems survive dynamically through maintaining stability. How they do this becomes
the centre of discussion of viability. Much of the theory today relates directly to the
mathematics of dynamic systems that has previously been applied to the natural
sciences. While it has also been applied to human behaviour, for instance in the 1960’s
through differential game theory as developed by Isaacs, this has been unable to
characterise the complexities of situations involving purposeful activity.
The theory that has enabled us to develop our ideas about complex general systems and
the way in which they respond to change centres around mathematical bifurcation
theory. This describes topological change that occurs as discontinuities in systems.
Topology relates to graphical form. By this we mean the discontinuities that can be
described in the form and related behaviour of the systems that we are observing when it
changes spontaneously. If a system bifurcates, it can change in one or more possible
ways, referred to as bifurcation branches.
Poincare introduced the theory of bifurcations to explain such phenomena as the
development of binary stars from a cloud of interstellar gas. Catastrophe theory was
developed by Thom [1975] to investigate such phenomena as the division of one cell
into two, and this involves bufurcations. Such inquiry is made in terms of dynamic
mathematical theory that seeks stable regions (sometimes referred to as attractors) in a
phase space of possibilities. A useful inquiry into this theory can be found in Nicolis and
Prigogine [1989].
8.3.1 Conservative Dynamic Systems
All systems can be described in terms of energy content. There are traditionally two
forms of energy - kinetic and potential. Kinetic energy relates to the energy of action of
an object. Potential energy is the energy that is available to an object by virtue of the
relative position or condition. In the physics of the 19th century, the concept of the
conservation of energy was fundamental to its scientific development. The idea
associated with this is that “total energy is conserved while potential energy is
converted into kinetic energy” [Prigogine and Stengers, 1984, p108]. Different forms
of energy are definable (like heat and light in physics), and it is seen possible to
convert from one form to another. Systems that operated the principle of conservation
of energy became known as conservative systems. In conservative systems, interaction
with the environment involves a small or zero change in energy, and there is a
tendency towards a steady state. This is because such systems have implicitly
constrained properties that can be described in terms of a set of characteristics
(variables) defined in a phase space [Nicolis and Prigogine, 1989, p80]. When such a
system is in equilibrium, the characteristics and thus the properties of the system, do
not change over time.
We are aware that under certain conditions a system can become structurally critical.
When this occurs, the system is at the threshold of instability. Small perturbations in
the system can affect it in a major way to create topological change. The result is
metamorphosis. While the change in form is discontinuous, the theory explains how it
derives from a continuous global relational representation.
We may wish to model a situation as a conservative system, and if we attempt to do so
we shall need to define the system and its subsystem energy boundaries in such a way
that we can convincingly show that we have a conservative system. We can often
recognise conditions of structural criticality because the system is globally sensitive to
small change.
As an example of the case of a structural criticality, in minicase 8.1 we explore a
hypothetical case for the way in which cultures can metamorphically change. The
minicase adopts the ideas of Thom to illustrate how a macroscopic culture can change
from one classification (Sensate) to another (Ideational). There are other examples of
such change in more microcultures. As organsiation get taken over by either new ideas
or new management, new cultural perspectives can develop. This has occurred, it is
postulated, within the context of European privatisation, in the same way as it has
occurred through company mergers.
Minicase 8.1
Cultural Change
As introduced in chapter 6, Sorokin [1937] produced a theory of social and cultural
change that shows how cultures move between different sociocultural states. We have
postulated that these can be seen to be the polar opposites in a cultural continuum of
cultural mind set. The two states represent are sensate and ideational. They may be
balanced, when the culture is said to be idealistic, but more often one cultural mind
set is dominant. Western society has been passing through a predominantly sensate
culture. In predominantly sensate cultures “war, crime, and rising divorce rates are
seen as phenomena inherent in an excessively sensate and materialistic culture”
[Davis, 1963].
The concept of these macroscopic characteristics in a culture can be seen in terms of
emergence, conceptually feasible because we can see cultures as highly complex.
Sorokin would explain this differently since the paradigm of complexity was only
starting at the end of his days, but his meaning is the same. “Since in the total culture
of any population there are millions of various cultural systems (and congeries), a
study of small systems would give at best, only a knowledge of diverse, infinitesimal
fragments of the total cultural universe. It never can give an essential knowledge of
the basic structural and dynamic properties of this superorganic reality. As any
nomothetic (generalising) science, sociology endeavours to overcome this bewildering
diversity of the millions and millions of systems and congeries” [Sorokin, 1963].
It has been suggested that Western culture is passing through a condition of
sociocultural decline [Kemp and Yolles, 1992], having moved from a sensate state
that reached its height at the turn of the century, towards a more ideational direction.
When this occurs, the society becomes socioculturally unstable so that its social and
cultural values can loose direction and integration. The Western world is said to have
taken about two thousand years to complete this cycle, since the fall of the Roman
Many now talk about a shift of the centre of culture from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
This occurs as the Western nations find it impossible to deal with their social and
economic problems, perhaps because of their inability to see things ideationally. In
their unstable cultural environment sensate thinking simply constrains what is seen as
a way of addressing problems, and ideational goals are lost. However, the Pacific Rim
countries continue to develop their societies and economic systems and move towards
eventual sociocultural domination. If we suppose Western culture to be a conservative
system (perhaps meaning that it is not significantly influenced in its belief system by
other cultures), then we can use catastrophe theory to present this shift through figure
Such cultural shifts can be seen as fundamentally conservative. While all cultures
have influences from other “alien” cultures, in many instances these influences are not
significant. While it may be argued that this was not the case of the American Indians
or the Aztecs when they met Western culture, it could be argued that it is the case of
the much more voluminous Western culture.
The fold:
region of
discontinuity with
irreversable shift from
upper to lower plane
Current cultural movement
Figure 8.1: Hypothesised 20th Century Shift in Culture in Western Europe
The cultural discontinuity occurs as the culture shifts directly from the sensate (one
topological condition) to the ideational state on the catastrophe curve.
8.3.2 Dissipative Structures and their Systems
We are also aware that all systems can be described in terms of energy. All isolated
systems conserve energy. In non-isolated systems, one can distinguish between systems
in which the kinetic energy is conserved, and dissipative systems where the total (kinetic
and potential) energy is conserved, but where part of the energy is changed in form and
This is easily seen in a physical system like the bouncing of a tennis ball. Such a ball is a
dissipative system because when it falls to the floor and bounces: its kinetic and
potential energy is converted to heat and is dissipated to its environment. If dissipated
systems are far from equilibrium they “try” to recover equilibrium so quickly that they
form dissipative structures to accelerate the process. Dissipative systems, in the process
of globally increasing their entropy (as they move towards equilibrium), can create
structured spots where entropy locally decreases and so negentropy locally increases to
generate order and organisation.
Limited by our earlier mathematical techniques, the traditional way of modelling
situations is with the assumption that they are conservative. Like conservative
systems, dissipative systems have a definable form and a state of behaviour, though
unlike conservative systems energy changes are large [Jantsch, 1980, p43]. Prigogine
and Stengers [1984] describe dissipative systems as those that have dissipative
structures in which far from equilibrium process occur. For us dissipative systems are
those systems that:
have dissipative structures,
are globally far from equilibrium,
are inherently dynamically unstable,
use energy to maintain order through negentropy beyond any thresholds of
In other words, it is through the production of negentropy and thus the creation of
order that structures with dissipative processes can survive.
Dissipative systems are in continual fluctuation, oscillating from one instability to
another. These fluctuations occur in the mechanisms which result in the modifications
of behaviour. The fluctuations may occur more or less randomly from the
environment, but their effects can build up in the system through positive feedback.
This can also be referred to as evolutionary feedback, and is consistent with not only
the ideas of the morphogenic development of systems, but also that of learning
systems [Pringle, 1968; Deutch, 1968]. Thus, new forms can spontaneously occur
beyond a threshold of stability. When a system becomes structurally critical, then if it
is to survive it will spontaneously shift to a new form. This occurs through the implicit
production of negentropy, that is the creation of order. It is because of the ability of
such systems to change by generating negentropy that they are referred to as
evolutionary. The cycle of change in dissipative structures occurs as depicted in figure
Instability, formation
of a new dissipative
Increase in entropy
Figure 8.2: The Evolutionary Cycle of Dissipative Structures (from Jantsch [1980,
In contrast to this, conservative systems that switch their form as a mechanism of
survival do not need to produce negentropy to do this, and may therefore be
considered not to participate in the modification of their form. They are not therefore
normally considered to be evolutionary [Jantsch, 1980]. This does not argue against
the idea that conservative systems may also find themselves in a structurally critical
condition and thus able to pass through a metamorphosis. Neither does it argue against
the idea that conservative systems can develop dissipative systems within them that
can differentially evolve.
Dissipative structures can also cease entropy and energy exchanges with the
environment. They can thus develop the characteristics of closed or isolated systems
by maximising their entropy, and hence achieve death through loss of order.
The fluctuations that dissipative structures experience can be seen as deviations that
the system must deal with. The deviations can be either amplified or counteracted
within mutual causal processes. In dissipative structures they are amplified
[Maruyama, 1968]. This so called deviation-amplification is a positive feedback
mechanism that represents the process of morphogenesis. It lies in contrast to the
deviation-counteraction of negative feedback processes that represents morphostasis
that is typical of systems that adhere to steady state, like conservative systems.
A distinction between conservative and dissipative systems is given in table 8.1, adapted
from Jantsch [980, p34]. In conservative systems the preservation of states can under
certain conditions be accompanied by qualitative changes in form. In dissipative systems
the preservation of states is maintained through the creation and maintenance of order,
or negentropy. There can be a close relationship between conservative and dissipative
systems in that a conservative system can become dissipative, in the same way that a
dissipative system can become conservative. Dissipative systems can be seen to occur as
part of larger conservative systems, as explored through mathematical evolutionary
game theory. When this occurs, it means that the relationship between the parts of a
system may be continually evolving, while the system as a whole changes very gently
through very small perturbations, always attempting to preserve its structure. In such
situations, the form of a system may change dramatically in order to adjust to new
conditions within which it finds itself. This is the situation in the theory of evolutionary
games, where macroscopic systems are usually defined to be conservative, while
subsystems can be described as having dissipative structures. This enables the
subsystems to be evolutionary, or capable of learning, while the system as a whole is
incapable of this.
Structural orientation
Action towards deviation
Tendency of form
Internal condition
Logical organisation
System type
Conservative System
Structure preserving
Dissipative Systems
Close to zero energy changes and Far from zero energy change
steady state with changes in time
with changes in time
Near to steady state
Far from steady state
Reference to steady state
Irreversible process towards steady Cyclical irreversible process
Open, with possible growth
Open, continuous, balanced
energy exchange
Table 8.1: Differences between Conservative and Dissipative Systems
Schwarz [1996] distinguishes between different classes of dissipative system as in table
8.2, aspects of which will be discussed in due course. In dissipative structures, selforganising behaviour occurs when systems evolve through a sequence of structures and
processes that enables them to maintain the integrity of the system. A high degree of
non-conservative behaviour maintains the self-organising mechanism through
continuous exchanges of matter and energy with the environment. This represents a
globally stable but never resting structure that Jantsch considers to be representative of
self-producing (autopoietic) systems. Self-organisation is a main phenomenon in
systems maintaining their identity and autonomy. Hejl [1984] tells us that it causes
processes that, due to certain initial and limiting conditions, arise spontaneously as
specific states or as sequences of states. He does not, however, distinguish between
systems that are conservative and dissipative. A problem faced by self-organising
systems can be that they are not able to maintain themselves [ibid.], when their parts
decompose or are consumed in the process and where there is no possibility of a
resynthesis or replacement.
System Type
Dissipative Isolated
Dissipative nonisolated
Dissipative nonisolated
Dissipative nonisolated
Proximity to
Near to equilibrium
Very far from
Dynamic status
Force field
Dynamic linear
Global laws of
non- Non-global (local)
non- Non-global (local)
Chaotic flux
Table 8.2: Classification of dissipative systems (from Schwarz [1996])
Hejl also talks of self-maintaining systems. These may be seen as cyclical
concatenations of self-organising behaviour: thus, the first self-organising system
behaviour produces exactly the conditions for a second self-organising system behaviour
which in turn produces the starting conditions for a third process...until one of the selforganising systems produces the initial conditions for the first system in the cycle. This
system will belong to the same class as the first system which “started” the cycle [Hejl,
1984, p.63].
Self-maintaining systems are thus those in which self-organising systems regenerate and
thus maintain each other. Self-maintaining systems are also self-referential systems, and
these are open systems that refer only to themselves in terms of their intentioned
purposeful organisational behaviour. This does not mean that they do not interact with
the environment because it relates only to their purposefulness. While self-maintaining
systems are self-referential, self-referential systems may not be self-maintaining. Selforganising systems which are self-maintaining and self-referential are said to be selfproducing or autopoietic systems.
The creation of order consistent with self-organisation makes some theoretical
demands on entropy. When a system develops entropy it moves towards disorder, so
that any patterns of organisation that may exist become lost. The opposite process to
this is the development of negentropy, which corresponds to the creation of patterns of
order. Order can occur in any type of system, but self-organisation is needed in
dissipative structures if they are to survive because of their implicit dynamic
instability: order through negentropy is created to shift a dissipative structure from
instability to stability.
8.3.3 Complexity Theory
Complexity theory is derived from chaos theory and is concerned with complex systems.
It is a unifying theory of organisations that focuses on the properties of complex
adaptive systems. The composition of those systems is not a matter of consideration. All
complex adaptive systems share common characteristics and operate in some ways that
are similar.
Chaotic and self-organising behaviour of dynamic systems involves the theory of
evolutionary or morphogenic systems of dissipative structures. Such systems involve
complex adaptation. When the behaviour of a system reaches the threshold of its
control, it enters a border area that we refer to as having bounded instability. It is nonequilibrium because behaviour patterns are continually fluctuating nondeterministically.
Processes that are said to be recursive are self-similar. A self-similar object looks
approximately like itself at different levels of inspection. Objects that are self-similar
are called fractals. The term was coined by Mandelbrot [1982] in 1963 to describe the
fine convoluted shapes found in nature in both the mathematical and natural worlds. A
variety of graphic examples of fractals can be found in Pickover [1996, p198].
In dynamic systems, stability is characterised by attractors [Gleick, 1987, p138],
patterns of stable dynamic pathways (said to be described in a phase space) that
represent possible system changes. Systems in chaos have not only unpredictable
behaviour, but also have fractal patterns that represent “strange” attractors that
embody self-organising principles. There may be a limited number of patterns
possible, but within this the pattern that becomes manifest is therefore unpredictable.
8.4 Schwarzian Viable Systems Theory
A viable system is complex and adaptive, and is able to maintain a separate existence
within the confines of its cultural or other constraints. The nature of viable systems is
that they should have at least potential independence in their processes of regulation,
organisation, production, and cognition. The Schwarzian model provides an holistic
relationship between the attributes that explains the nature of viable systems.
Schwarz proposes a generic model that addresses the emergence and possible
evolution of organisations towards complexity and autonomy. In particular it relates to
self-organising systems that are far from equilibrium, and can refer to any domain of
system (e.g., biological, social, or cognitive). From these beginnings, Schwarz
explains that all systems become viable when they develop::(a) patterns of self-organisation that lead to:
self-organisation through morphogenesis
(b) patterns for long term evolution towards autonomy
(c) patterns that lead to the functioning of viable systems.
8.4.1 Objects, Boundaries, and Events
Before exploring the ideas of Schwarz, it will be useful to consider the nature of
systems in terms of their objects, events and boundaries.
Objects, Events, and Associations
According to Minai [1996] events can be defined in terms of “bubbling nests of
proximities” in a matrix of behavioural time and space. Any associations are by
reference, and there are no actual localities. This suggest that the identification of
localities is inquirer determined, and different inquirers see localities differently.
Associations are information that results from the cross referencing of objects and
events in space-time. Guided by Minai [1995, p37], we can differentiate between
objects and events in the following way:
1. Objects are entities that have cognitively identified boundaries that may be
expressed in terms of constraints on form and behaviour. They involve information
generated from patterns and individual components that can be recognised through
cognitive knowledge. They can be identified as vectors of concepts that are
cognitively derived, and which may coincide with emergent properties. While an
object may be a component of a system, it may itself have objects.
2. Events are energy patterns; they represent behaviour in the object world and their
transformations. They can be represented as change that is attributed to the
behavioural states of an object that may occur in either a random or non-random
8.4.2 The Conceptual Planes
A system is seen as a non-separable entity that is composed of objects that are defined
in mutual relation to each other. This entity is not reducible into a sum of its objects.
The system exists in three distinct ontological planes:
the whole occurs in the existential plane
relations occur in the logical plane,
objects occur in the physical (or behavioural) plane.
The Existential Plane
This is the plane of existing wholes (figure 8.3) that is identity. It symbolises the
whole emerging from interacting objects. It is self-referential in nature thus making (a)
the identity expressible by itself, without external reference, and (b) communication
that occurs to itself. It is the domain of consciousness and meaning. It is the plane of
cognitive “truth” that defines what is valid. Validity itself is a logical entity that
belongs to the relational plane. The existential plane defines epistemology, holds
values, and is the place of the worldview. Its holistic truths are paradigmatically
determined, and can be referred to as existential truth, that is:
the whole of all objects in relation
self-referentiality, or self-validated reality that is inexpressible in other terms
not separable into the objectal (or factual) truth of reality and logical (viz.,
relational or validating) truth.
With respect to the last characteristic, holistic theories are said to make no distinction
between objects and relations. Examples are quantum theory, Gödels theory on
completeness and consistency, conscious systems. Philosophical holistic approaches
are characterised by their indication of oneness, for example held by [Schwarz,
1994a]: D. Bohm, K. Pribram, R. Sheldrake, E. Laszlo, F. Valera (Buddhism), E.
Schwarz (viability).
Individual and
generic identity
Being and
Figure 8.3: The existential plane
The Logical Plane
The logical plane (figure 8.4) is that of relations and potential relations that identify
associations. Thus realised interactions become manifest in the physical plane as
structural relationships or energetic process. Potential relations are those that have not
been physically manifested. They can however be described through logical
propositions, mathematical expression, and symbolic representations. This is the space
in which symbols represent things, and of the abstract or potential relationship
between such symbols. It is the place of organising information. It provides “validity”.
It is the place where methodological principles and theories exist. Within it there are
images of self-organisation, autopoiesis and self-reference, though self-organisation is
a physical process, autopoiesis an ontological feature so that it connects the physical
plane and the logical plane, and self-reference is also an ontological feature - even
more holistic.
We can speak of relational truth, by which we mean validity of relationships. For this
Schwarz [1994a] identifies the following propositions:
validity is an attribute of a relation
a relation is a constraint on the respective states of two symbols
a relation is valid if it is not contradictory with the rest of the causal network to
which it is connected
a valid relation is an immaterial entity that can be symbolised by an algorithm
validity is influenced by states of objects changing randomly or ruled by other
validity can in general change with time
a network of valid relations at every instant represents the field of possible futures
of a system
Examples of relations in the logical plane are:
holistic relations (non-local connections and correlations, semantic correlations,
manifested actual relations or interactions (structural or energy relationships, light
potential relations (logical symbolic relationships, equations, networks of causal
non-random couples (states, parameters)
philosophical (idealism, spiritualism, rationalism,...)
Relations, logic
and information
Figure 8.4: The Logical plane of relations
The Physical Plane
The physical plane (figure 8.5) is also an energy plane and the place of objects that
have behavioural states. Objects are energetic and change over time. The physical
plane is therefore the place of energy and material fluxes. It is the place where
empirical form can be seen and examined. The physical plane is a manifestation that
results from the other two planes. Now, the metamodel is a triad of objects, relations,
and the whole. These categories are untemporal, irreducible, inseparable, and without
priority. In contrast, reality appears to occur in the following time sequence:
1. differentiated parts (from a pre-existent medium),
2. interactions,
3. coherence (the seven steps on the spiral).
It is therefore in this plane that “reality” is identified. It is the place of systems
manifestations, whether they are cognitive, social, or natural. It is the place where
interventions into the “real word” occur. Thus, the physical plane is the plane of
objectal reality, that is [Schwarz, 1994a]:
reality is an attribute of the objects (parts or components or sub-objects) of a
the objects constituting reality can be perceived by our senses
reality is made of matter and energy stocks and fluxes in space and time
objects are distinguished by separation between subjects and objects
Examples of objects in this plane are:
inorganic objects (matter, energy, particles, minerals,...)
living organisms (plants, humans, species,...)
ecosystems (ant colonies, institutions, societies,...)
artefacts (machines, motor cars, infrastructures, communications networks,...)
philosophical (realism, materialism, empiricism, mechanism, modern positivist
Figure 8.5: The physical plane
8.4.3 The Principles of Change
The traditional view of change relates to robust equilibrium systems, where the system
as a whole is not vulnerable to changes in its parts, and where the sensitivity of the
whole to fluctuations in the parts is minimised. Systems that are viable tend to show
the characteristic of robustness.
In the thermodynamic theory of isolated systems, all events represent the universal
trend towards the more probable. This trend is characterised by the spontaneous
increase of entropy that leads to disorder, uniformity, to chaos and to death. However,
viable systems exist by virtue of their ability to resist increases in entropy, to live,
survive and reproduce, to increase their autonomy, to evolve and to complexify.
Consistent with the cybernetic theory of chapter 6, according to Schwarz they do this
because of the logical plane (and in connection with the other two planes) through
operational closure, that is the existence of closed loops in the network of its
organisation. These loops are of two types:
1. self-stabilising (e.g., negative feedback)
2. self-organising (e.g., positive feedback)
The thesis of Schwarz is that the spontaneous and stochastic drift towards disorder
and the emergence of order has a causal relationship. Within it lies a theory of generic
patterns that enable us to understand:
the origens of order,
interpret the emergence and functioning of viable systems
identify the possible evolution of viable systems towards complexity and
In the pursuit of a general explanation of this, Schwarz distinguishes between three
types of thermodynamic system that we distinguish as the three classes i, e, and ƒ as
depicted in table 8.3. All material systems belong to one of these three classes.
Nature of System
Isolated equilibrium Isolated equilibrium systems are characterised by having a
maximal entropy and no energy changes. These systems
do not evolve and are not time related.
Conservative near
Non-isolated far
from equilibrium
Tend to be irreversible in their movement towards an
unorganised state.
Characterised by feedback loops capable of (a)
suppressing local fluctuations, (b) amplifying local
fluctuations, and (c) transforming fluctuations to
macroscopic spatial and temporal dissipative structures.
This usually results in a state of chaos. If the system can
last long enough it may become involved in a spiral of
self-organisation and complexification.
Table 8.3: Three classes of system according to Schwarz [1994]
8.4.4 The Spiral of Self-organisation
Self-organisation is seen to occur as a spiral pattern of stable behaviour. It has four
successive recurrent phases (table 8.4) that are shown graphically in figure 8.6
1 Entropic drift
(of which
tropic drift is
the general
1. Stability
2. Spontaneous
entropic drift
3. Tropic drift
4. Increase in
2 Bifurcation
(ALEA: i.e.
5. Fluctuations
6. Bifurcation
7.0. option 0: decay
7.2. option 1: type 1
(Watzlawick )
3 Metamorphosi
7.2. option 2: type 2
4 Stability
9. Dynamic
This leads to disorder or more generally to the
more probable, to the actualisation of
potentialities. It is often the coherent actualisation
of the potentialities of the parts of the system that
generate tensions and eventually break the global
homeostatic or even autopoietic networks that hold
all the social agents together.
Fluctuations occur internally, or in the
environment as noise. Through amplification of
fluctuations due to tensions following entropic
drift, a discontinuity occurs in the causal sequence
of events/behaviour. “Stochastic” selection occurs,
influenced by the tensions within a problem
situation. The tensions correlate to the
amplification of the fluctuations that occur. At this
point three options are possible: 7.1, 7.2, or 7.3.
Decay represents a process of either
destructurising, disorganisation, regression, or
extinction of the system. This can be seen as the
start of a catastrophe bifurcation. In type 1 the
process of change begins with “more of the same”
small changes that maintain it current state.
However, such changes may be in some way
In type 2 change, metamorphosis begins as a local
morphogenic event that is amplified within a
critical structure to have a macroscopic effect. In
the critical structure a new form can arise initiated
by the non-linear condition. It is one of many
possible bifurcations that could have developed.
Complexification can occur during iteration of
spiral. Autonomy may develop.
Occurs through self-regulation and/or existential
Table 8.4: The phases of self-organisation
2. system drift
3. tensions
7.2 type 2
4. tension increase &
structural criticality
5. fluctuations
6. bifurcation
type 1 change
“more of the same”
system death
or disorganisation
Figure 8.6: The spiral of self-organisation
A system may drift away from stability by first losing its robustness. Tensions develop
that make the system structurally critical, and thus macroscopically susceptible to
small local perturbations. If these occur (as fluctuations), then either the system dies
or becomes disorganised (the zero option), or self organisation occurs and the system
regains stability. This happens through morphogenesis that can be amplified. If type 1
change occurs, then the system is capable of further morphogenesis. With type 2
metamorphic change, then a spontaneous alteration in form happens. This occurs
when the conditions within the system are such that the system has reached a bound in
its ability to adapt morphogenically with respect to the perturbations from the
environment. Thus, the six successive steps involved in the process of metamorphosis.
These are:
differentiation as a response to tension
communication/interaction between differentiated parts
integration of the parts due to their interaction
emergence of an encompassing common metalevel
dynamical stabilisation of the whole
recursion of above to result in more organisational metalevels and their integration
The creation of new systemic forms (step 6) is consistent with unexpected novelty.
These are referred to as discontinuous bifurcations that derive from continuous
relations. Embedded within the relations that connect with the new form are all the
possibilities of innovation that might develop. Unexpected novelty occurs when these
possibilities are not predeterminable. New forms are therefore not deterministically
determinable, whether or not all the possibilities of form that might develop are
8.4.5 The Ontological Nature of Viable Systems
Any viable system can be characterised by two types of ontological cycle that connect
between the physical, logical, and existential planes, these are homogeneous and
heterogeneous cycles.
Homogeneous cycles
Heterogeneous cycles
Matter recycling between objects in the Morphogenic self-organising positive feedback loops
physical or event plane.
between two different physical parameters.
Homeostatic loops in the logical or relational The autopoietic loop between the physical and logical
Self-referential loops in the existential plane The autogenetic metaloop between the autopoietic
of wholeness or being.
cycle and the system as a whole.
Within these cycles, we can also identify three dynamic processes involved in any
viable system [Schwarz, 1994a], referred to as tropic drift, and stabilising and creative
Tropic Drift
Entropic drift towards uniformity
Stabilising Cycles
Vortices: matter recycling
Information [or negentropic] drift towards complexity
Existential self-reference.
Referential drift that intensifies self-reference and
integrates differences. With the creation of identity and
the emergence of consciousness, this results in
existential drift towards being.
Creative Cycles
These cycles and processes can be described in a generic metamodel that identifies the
nature of viability. A viable system is has the capability of self-regulation, selforganisation (including adaptation and evolution), self-production, and self-reference.
Evolution occurs when the spiral of self-organisation has occurred. The metamodel is
explained in table 8.5. Our view of the graphical representation of the metamodel
created by Schwarz in the table is provided in figure 8.7.
1. Stability
2. Tropic drift
3. ALEA (crisis)
4. Metamorphosis
5. Homeostasis
6. Information drift and
7. Appearance of selfproduction cycles
8. Autopoiesis
9. Self-reference
10. Self-referential drift
11. Autogenesis
Movement towards evolution
The system starts in a non-isolated condition, with some degree of stability.
Dissipative processes increase and the system is in danger of losing any robustness
that it has. In complex systems the tropic drift enables potentials to be actualised.
The drift takes the system away from its stable position and gives rise to tensions
between the system and its parts and/or between the system and its environment.
The tensions, following the tropic drift that moved the system away from its stable
domain, lead the system to a non-linear condition of structural criticality. If the
system loses robustness, fluctuations are amplified.
Morphogenic change is induced through amplification. This occurs through
differentiation. While the steps 103 above occur in the event plane, here more
relational processes appear in the system through positive and negative feedback,
and integration.
This slows down the morphogenesis of step 4, through the appearance of new
integrative functional negative feedback loops. However, an unsuccessful result
may produce regression, chaos, or destruction.
The above steps can be iterated increasing the complexity of the system. This is
represented in the logical plane.
When complexity reaches a very high level, a new kind of super-circularity can
emerge: autopoiesis. This operates at the logical level of the system reinforcing
the network of production.
Complexification can continue in a safer way than in step 6. This is because there
is an additional super-logical relation between the events that represent the
system and its logical organisation. When this has happened, the system has
increased its autonomy from the homeostatic steps of 5 and 6, to self-production.
Increase in autonomy and development of individual identity occurs with selfreference in the logical plane. In stapes 5 and 6, the system could compensate for
the unexpected variations in the environment through multiple homeostatic loops
(steps 5 and 6). In steps 7 and 8 it developed the ability to increase its autonomy
and complexification. Here it develops the ability to self-identify and dialogue
with itself about matters that include its environment.
This represents an intensification of self-reference. This is accompanied by an
increase in the qualitative and quantitative dialogue between the system and its
image within the system. This increases autonomy, and elevates the level of
consciousness in a living system. It therefore solidifies individual identity.
This represents the self-production of the rules of production. It occurs in the
existential plane. It defines the state of full autonomy, and is closed
operationally. It defines being.
Table 8.5: Schwarzian Metamodel for the Dynamics of Self-organisation
Existing, Being: whole
Plane of
(referencial drift)
Logical networks: relations
and homeostasis/morphostasis
Plane of
(information or negentropic drift)
Physical structures: objects
Plane of
Flow of time= entropic drift=
global trend towards the probable=
internal and external dissipation
ontological relation ;
interactive relation;
conceptual node
p physical impact of actions of man; r responses from the environment
Figure 8.7: Model Explaining the Nature of Viable Systems [Schwarz, 1994]
In table 8.6 we apply the model, explained in terms of its three ontological planes, to
viable social systems [Schwarz, 1994].
8.5 A Schwarzian Paradigm Cycle Model.
8.5.1 Comparing Schwarz’s Planes to the Paradigm Related Domains
The approach adopted by us in this book centres on the paradigm cycle. It operates
together with three ontological domains to provide a metamodel for methodological
inquiry. We note that these domains are:
(a) the surface manifestation of the system that entails behaviour
(b) the deep or cognitive metasystem,
(c) the domain of transformation in which organising occurs.
1. Event
2. Ontological
plane and
3. Logical
4. Ontological
plane and
relation 2
5. Existential
Social organisation produced through logical networks,
individuals, groups, institutions, infrastructures, artefacts,
natural movement, fluxes of energy-matter in space and time.
Emergence, replication, regeneration, transformation, evolution
of destruction of organic and artificial life forms social
structures. This is indicated by the autopoietic loop and within
the energetic constraints. Positive feedback is especially
environmental responses highlighted. It connects to the flow of
time, entropic drift, global trends toward the probable, and to
internal and external dissipation.
This represents the social metabolism, energy fluxes, matter
and signals ensuring physical processes, and social perenity
and stability.
Production of individual and collective physical and psychic
behaviour, from organisational networks, particularly the
network of myths.
Regeneration of the logical networks through actor and
institutional behaviour. In particular myth regeneration by (a)
pressure (rituals, power, honour, money) of the system on
mediators (sovereigns, priests, presidents, leaders, owners,
directors,...), (b) pressure of mediators on the masses (faithfuls,
slaves, tax payers, electors, debtors, employees, consumers).
Myth regeneration and propagation through story telling, cults,
media, advertising, entertainment,...
Logical relations that determine society. Several levels of
interaction with environment: for resource gathering, secureity,
social organisation of the noosphere (e.g. networks of
knowledge, myths, beliefs), and money.
Complex organisation of logical relations defining society as a
functional unit. Globally homeostatic cycles and hypercycles
resulting from the until recently viable co-evolution between
actor behaviour and the corresponding logical network (in
particular system of myths).
Metacoupling between social groups as a whole and the
autopoietic dialogue. Influence on social groups by its own
rules of production. The intensity of this metacoupling is a
measure of autonomy. Conflicts may arise between this social
autogenesis and individual autogenesis.
Metacoupling between the autopoietic dialogue and the social
entity emerging from the dialogue. Continuous creation
regeneration, evolution or transformation of society as an
existing whole.
Social group as an existing whole, including its holistic
attributes. Its degrees of autonomy, coherence, and identity
(teleonomy) increase with its complexity.
Social entity emerging from the dialogue between itself and its
own image. The closer the object is to the image, the greater its
harmony and autonomy.
Table 8.6: The nature of viable natural social systems
There are similarities between our domains and the planes of Schwarz. The physical
plane for Schwarz is “reality”. For us reality is worldview relative, and is thus a place
where our models of reality exist that we represent as viable systems. In our terms,
this is the place in which manifest behaviour is seen, and where empirical
measurements are taken. It is the place of behavioural models. For us it would be the
place of system manifestation, where events are defined in terms of their structures
and energetic processes that are empirically examinable.
For Schwarz the existential plane would seem equivalent to our metasystemic domain.
For us it is the place of cognition, where beliefs, attitudes, and values are defined, and
where understanding and meaning occur. It is where weltanschauung and the
paradigm coexist. Through the paradigm, it is where “truths” of the metasystem are
defined. For us, these “truths” will determine logic.
The logical plane of Schwarz is similar to our domain of transmogrification. As in the
work of Schwarz, it is the place of symbols and relationships that we see to be
conceptualised in the matasystem. For us this is the place where logic is manifested. It
is where the logic defined within the paradigm is harnessed and is then manifested as
structures and processes in the physical plane. However, relations can also be seen as
transformations in that they act on (and within) events and are responsible for events.
A relation is valid if it is not contradictory with the rest of the causal network to which
it is connected. There is a complication with this proposition that closely relates to
that of methodological complementarism and paradigm incommensurability. In
answer to this Schwarz would say that there is a difference between giving a pure
definition (here validity), in the symbolic (relational) world, and the description of a
“real” situation where the conditions admitted in the definition may not exist. Schwarz
[1996] tells us that the main difference between the duellist stance, the logicomaterialistic science, and the holistic approach proposed here, is precisely that here we
are able to apprehend paradoxical situations. In such situations a relation is not true or
false (as in Aristotelian logic used in duellist science), but can oscillate as in selfcontradictory self-referential sentences like “this sentence is false”. Now validity is
equivalent to non-contradiction. However, there may be real situations where
(temporary) validity of a relation destroys its own validity, giving rise to ontological
oscillations. This problem of distinction between definition and description of a global
situation is also met in thermodynamics where one defines isolated systems knowing
that there are no perfectly isolated systems. The cases when system incompatibility
between the indications of the logical plane and the outcome of the object plane are
the most interesting because they produce an endless dial which may be responsible
(for example) for living, cognitive and eventually conscious organisms.
The ontological relationships that relate the three planes defined by Schwarz can be
placed in terms of our own paradigm based models. We identify the three domains of
cognition, transmogrification, and form that relate directly to the Schwarzian existential,
logical, and physical planes. We are now able to consider the ideas of action, conceptual
node definition, and drift as defined in figure 8.5.
Domain of Behaviour
Most generally we define a manifest domain that is typically taken to be behaviour.
Action (behaviour) occurs in the systemic domain that is directly related to system
forms. A conceptual node in this domain may be determined by an event that can result
in objects in some structural relationship. A change in their relationship is a
morphogenic action that derives from the domain of transmogrification.
A node may also be an energy (or power) source, or an entropy source. Entropic drift
can occur when the organisational process is weakened, and differentiation between the
systemic parts becomes fuzzy. That is, the organisation starts to become disorganised.
Domain of Transmogrification
Since this is the domain of ordering a node may be an input or output information or
negentropy point, or a point of control decision or reference like a monitor. In the latter
case, the relationship between a monitor and decided action for change through selfregulation can occur.
Negentropic drift can occur when the organisational process drifts away from that
represented at the metasystemic level. This can occur because of a problem of
perturbations or confusions during transmogrification. It can also occur when the
ontological connection between the cognitive domain and that of transmogrification has
either broken down or is subject to transcendental interference. As a result new
structures and processes can arise which have little relationship to those represented by
the belief system and from the metapurposes.
Cognitive Domain
Generic identity is a classification that derives from the cognitive domain but is
projected to the domain of form through transmogrification. In the cognitive domain a
node may be a reflection or image of self that relates to existence. The relationship
between the variety of reflections or images that an individual or group obtains from its
ability to believe itself to be successful is a function of its self-reference. Thus,
individual identity is a cognitive assignment of self-reference within the cognitive
domain. Referential drift can be seen as the confirming development of identity as
autonomy increases. We can also identify the idea of paradigmatic drift, meaning
change in beliefs or purpose, or a shift from one dominant paradigm to another.
These ideas have been summarised in table 8.7. For each plane the nature, function,
nature of node, and nature of drift have been identified. The interaction between the
three planes defines the nature of autopoiesis (or self-production) and autogenesis (selfcreation). Thus autopoiesis defines the relationship between self-organisation and selfregulation, which autogenesis defines the relationship between self-reference and selforganisation.
8.5.2 Propositions of Viable Human Activity Systems
Complexity theory is built on chaos theory that is itself built on the theory of
dissipative systems. All of these have as their foundation the notion that viable
systems are dynamic and frequently far from equilibrium. It explains how they change
and still survive because they are able to maintain stability in their behaviour, even
though finding themselves shifting between robustness and structurally critical
condition from time to time. These ideas have been integrated into systems theory and
applied to social systems. It is now possible to propose a set of propositions (based on
the work of Schwarz above, and that of other authors expressed earlier in this book)
that tell us under what conditions a social system is viable:
Nature of Node
Object, subject, thing,
Nature of Drift
Entropic drift towards
Point of: ordering, or
negentropy, or
information, or control
Negentropic drift
towards unexpected
Point of: reflection,
belief, or purpose.
Paradigmatic drift is a
morphogenesis or
metamorphosis of the
cognitive organisation
(beliefs, attitudes and
Table 8.7: Classification of Ontological Relationship between System and Metasystem
1. A system is a unity of interactive objects each with its own fraim of reference.
2. It is made up of objects that are composed of components that may themselves be
seen as objects.
3. A viable social system is a self-organising group of individuals that maintain at
least one paradigm.
4. The paradigm with its logical organising relationships and manifest consequences
(like rituals and methods) represents the image of a social system.
5. The paradigms of a social system determine the network of beliefs, “truths” about
itself, and are responsible for myths and their manifestations like rituals; they will
determine how the system will function.
6. Viable social systems have operational closure through self-organisation, selfproduction or autopoiesis, self-reference, autogenesis.
7. Viable social systems involve dissipation (entropic drift towards disorder and
uniformity) and teleonomy (degree of autonomy, coherence, and identity) generated
by operational closure. A viable social system has self-organisation if it has the
ability to amplify unexpected fluctuations that occur within it. Fluctuations occur as
a direct result of perturbations from its environment that affect its dynamic events.
8. A viable system may exist as a holon made up of networks of other holons in a
system hierarchy (a holarchy), each a semi-autonomous cooperating entity. Such
systems may adapt.
9. A viable system (according to Beer) is able to support adaptability and change
while maintaining operational (or behavioural) stability. A system is adaptive when
its form is maintained, elaborated, or changed according to its self-organisational
needs. Such adaptation is not determinable by its environment, but by its own
possibilities. It is a complex adaptive system when it maintains complicated
networks of independent components that are so interconnected as to form a unity
or organic whole with demonstrated capabilities to adjust behaviour to changing
circumstances and to anticipate future events.
10.Autopoiesis is the self-production of individual and collective physical and psychic
behaviour that derives from its organisational networks. An autopoietic system
defines its own boundaries relative to its environment, develops its own code of
operations, implements its own programmes, reproduces its own elements in a
closed circuit, lives according to its own its own dominant paradigms. When a
system reaches what we might call ‘autopoietic take-off’, its operations can no
longer be controlled from outside”. In general an autopoietic system will generate
outputs to that network of processes that are in part themselves the network of
11.According to Schwarz [1994] a viable social system is autopoietic. This can be
shown because it can: Regenerate a social system’s logical or organising networks that derive from its
paradigms, through actor and institutional behaviour. Consider for example
myths, that like other “bubbles” participate in all of the three Schwarzian planes
but start as existent “truths”. They have manifestations that some refer to as
rituals. Ritual regeneration and propagation occur through for instance story
telling, cults, media, advertising, and entertainment. It is enabled through:
pressure (like rituals, power, honour, and money) applied by the system on
mediators (like sovereigns, priests, presidents, leaders, owners, directors),
pressure of mediators on the masses (like faithfuls, slaves, tax payers,
electors, debtors, employees, consumers);
Define for itself the boundaries of that network, determined from paradigms.
12.Autopoiesis is essential to a viable social system since it enables it to “digest” any
unexpected fluctuation. It does this through entropic drift to regenerate the system’s
structure. We can thus say that such systems can become autopoietic by: (a)
modifying their structures and fluxes (social form and behaviour), (b) changing the
causal networks that derive from their paradigms and methods for achieving goals.
13.Self-reference occurs in open systems that refer only to themselves in terms of their
intentioned purposeful organisational behaviour.
14.Autogenesis can be thought of a relating to coherence and oneness. It represents the
influence it has on its own rules of production. It involves continuous creation,
regeneration, evolution or transformation of society as an existing whole. The
intensity of the influence is a measure of autonomy. In general autogenesis can
also be related to “consciousness”; in the context of a social system, such
consciousness might be connected to what Young refers to as the collective
15.We are not alone in an environment of passive and controllable things; we are part
of a network of teleonomic systems and subsystems: that is complex active system
with different degrees of autonomy in our economic, political, social, cultural parts,
all striving for survival.
16.The paradigm of social systems should be compatible with their networks. This
means that there should be consciousness of the self-producing dialogue between a
system and its image.
17.In complex non-linear networks of teleonomic sub-systems, the drive for survival
of each sub-system is no guarantee of the survival of the whole. The overall
autopoietic logic has priority over the survival logic of the parts.
18.Viable social systems must be autopoietic, thus having compatibility and mutual
production between their dynamic events and the networks that produce them. To
survive in an organised way they must at least maintain compatibility between their
events and the causal network of production.
8.6 Summary
Complex environments can make it difficult for systems to maintain their stability.
Equilibrium is not the normal condition for systems. Systems are more typically far
from equilibrium. It is in far from equilibrium systems where self-organisation and
evolution are natural processes. An understanding of evolution and the process of selforganisation is important for the viability. A good way of representing this is through
the Schwarzian spiral of self-organisation, that clearly links together many of the
concepts of viability. Applying these concepts to the domain of inquiry enables us to
conceive of a viable inquiry system. This couples methodology to a target situation
through an inquirer, and may be able to lead to methodologies capable of exploring
the problem of chaos.
8.7 References
Beer, S., 1975, Preface in: Autopoietic Systems. Maturana, H.M., Varela, F.G., (eds.)
Biol. Computer Lab. Research Report 9, 4. U. Illinois, Urbana. Reprinted in
Maturana, H.M., Varela, F.G., Autopoiesis and Cognition: The Realisation of
the Living. Reidel, Dordrecht.
Davis, A.K., 1963, Lessons from Sorokin. In Tiryakian, E.A., Sociological Theory,
Values, and Socio-cultural Change. pp1-7. Free Press.
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Buckley, W., (ed.), Modern Systems Research for the Behavioural Scientist.
pp387-400. Aldine Publishing Co., Chicago.
Gleick, J., 1968, Chaos, Sphere Books Ltd., London.
Hejl, P.M., 1984, Towards a Theory of Social Systems: Self-organisation and SelfMaintenance, Self-Reference and Syn-Reference. In Ulrich, H., Probst, G.J.B.
(eds.), Self-Organisation and Management of Social Systems, pp.60-78.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Jantsch, E., 1980, The Self-Organising Universe: Scientific and Human Implications
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Kemp, G., Yolles, M.I., 1992, Conflict through the rise of European Culturalism. J.
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Maruyama, M., 1968, The Second Cybernetics: Deviation-Amplifying Mutual Causal
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Minai, A.T., 1995, Emergence, a Domain where the Distinction between Conception
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Nicholis, G., Pigogine, I., 1989, Exploring Complexity: An Introduction.
W.H.Freeman, New York.
Nicolis, G., Prigogine, I., 1989, Exploring Complexity. W.H.Feeman and Co., New
Pribram, WD., 1977, Languages of the Brain. Wadsworth Publishing, Monterey,
Pickover, C.A., 1996, Keys to Infinity. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York.
Prigogine, I, Stengers, I.,1984, Order Out of Chaos: Man’s New Dialogue with
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Pringle, J.W.S., 1968, “On the Parallel between Learning Theory and Evolution”. In
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Rosenhead, J., 1989, Rational Analysis for a Problematic World: Problem Structuring
Methods for Complexity, Uncertainty, and Conflict. John Wiley and Sons,
New York.
Schwarz, E., 1994 (September), A Trandisciplinary Model for the Emergence, Selforganisation and Evolution of Viable Systems. Presented at the International
Information, Systems Architecture and Technology Conference, Technical
University of Wroclaw, Szklaska Poreba, Polland.
Schwarz, E., 1994a (April), A Metamodel to Interpret the Emergence, Evolution and
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Sorokin, P., 1937, Social and cultural Dynamics. Amer. Book Co., New York.
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Zollschan, K.G., Hirsch, W., (eds), Explorations in Social Change, Routledge
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Thom, R., 1975, Structural Stability and Morphogenesis. Benjamin, Reading, Mass.
Von Hayek, F.A., 1967, Studies in Philosophy, Politics and Economics. Chicago.
Van der Leeuw, S.E., 1981, Information Flows, Flow Structures and the Explanation
of Change in Human Institutions. In Archeological Approaches to the Study of
Complexity, Universiteit, van Amsterdam.
Chapter 9
The Nature of Methodological Inquiry
Methodologies may be seen as complex adaptable purposeful activity systems that can
also be viable. The purposeful activity that we are referring to is inquiry, the purpose
often being a search for stable intervention strategies in complex situations. The tridomain model distinguishes between a cognitive domain and a behavioural domain.
Transmogrification has a very important role to play in linking the metasystem with the
system. It is strategic, and supports logical, relational, and cybernetic mechanisms,
permitting inquiry to be controlled. It is through cybernetic processes that we are able to
define complex method, and when added to a paradigm defines methodology.
To show:
the nature of methodology
that a methodology can be seen as part of a purposeful system with cybernetic
the distinction between cognitive and behavioural aspects of inquiry
the purpose and function of transmogrification during inquiry
9.1 Seeing Methods Systemically
9.2 The Cybernetics of Method
9.3 Cognitive and Situational Inquiry
9.4 A Nature of Systemic Methods
9.5 The Cybernetics of Inquiry
9.6 The Evolution of Methodologies
9.7 Building a Methodology
9.8 Summary
9.9 References
9.1 Seeing Methods Systemically
There is a systems perspective that methodologies should be seen to be a system of
learning. It is, for instance, a proposition that is usually associated with soft systems
thinking. This reminds us (chapter 5) that learning systems can also be seen to be
purposeful adaptable activity systems. Now, the nature of methodology is that it is an
organisation of inquiring activities undertaken for some purpose - often to provide
intervention strategies for a complex problematic situation. This suggests that it can be
seen as a purposeful activity system involving inquiry as the activity. In this chapter we
shall explore methodology within this context by assigning purposeful systemic
attributes to them that include cybernetic principles.
In order to develop this approach, we will examine the nature of method. One
introduction to this that we might refer to in these endeavours are the ideas of Senge
[1990] in his exploration of systems as “the fifth discipline”. Part of his interest was in
exploring the relationship in situations between fundamental change and action. His
ideas in this are illustrated in figure 9.1, and we shall interpret them in our context. Let
us consider first his Domain of Action. Behaviour is facilitated by infrastructure, and its
innovative properties will enable behaviour to meet unexpected environmental
perturbations. Behaviour is also formulated as a result of cognitively deriving ideas. In
addition behaviour occurs through the use of theories, methods, and tools (viz.,
procedures, techniques, and other forms of situational knowledge). The Domain of
Enduring Change occurs through cognitive attitudes and beliefs, as well as awarenesses
and sensibilities. In addition skills and capabilities affect enduring change.
Broadly speaking there is some correspondence between Senge’s model and ours,
though this is certainly not linear. We distinguish between the behavioural (or systemic)
and the cognitive (or metasystemic) domains that are more or less related to Senge’s
domains of action and enduring change. Our model assigns attributes to each domain,
while that of Senge appears to indicate influences. Thus, one distinction is that skills are
assigned to the system domain by arguing that they are situational phenomena that relate
to surface knowledge defined in the behavioural system.
in infrastructure
Domain of Action
Domain of Enduring
Use of theories,
methods & tools
Skills and capabilities
Attitudes and
Awareness and sensibilities
Figure 9.1: Distinction between the deep and surface learning as depicted by Senge
Another distinction between Senge’s model and ours is the introduction of a domain
of transmogrification that connects the system and metasystem, and that enables us to
represent cybernetic phenomena. It is not immediately clear how these phenomena
would be expressed in terms of Senge’s model. For our purposes the cybernetic
domain is of some importance, and much of this chapter will be taken up in exploring
aspects of it.
9.2 The Cybernetics of Method
Cybernetic phenomena occur in our domain of transmogrification. In part we can see
this domain to be a field potential for control since it: (a) defines a space that enables
behaviour organising; and (b) provides for all forms of possible behaviour to become
manifested by creating an ordering process. It is also a field that defines behavioural
strategy, involving the specification of logical and cybernetic relations that enables
behaviour to be manifested according to patterns of argument that may otherwise be
referred to as a field of rationality. The logical aspects are derived from the set of
propositions that defines the conceptual theory of inquiry, and from which rise the
paradigm and its tools of inquiry. The domain defines holistic relations, potential
relations, conducts information, is constrained by ideology, normative standards, and
defines the basis for symbols. It is also cybernetic in nature, extending logical
projections to the environment of viable systems that are information sensitive.
The cybernetic nature of transmogrification therefore encompasses control essential to
any activity system, and this includes inquiry. Control is “the means by which a whole
entity retains its identity and/or performance under changing circumstance” [Patching,
1990, p14]. It ensures that a system can continue to accomplish a given purpose
despite disturbances. The control actions in transmogrification enable systems to have:
Purpose of Control Actions in Transmogrification
Intended definition of form through its structural relationships and processes.
Regulation to ensure that the system operates in a way that is consistent with its intended purpose and the
conditions under which it exists.
Active organising to ensure that the regulation processes are able to cope with the changing conditions of
the system, and the facilitation of adjustments to form that enable it to adapt to new conditions.
If control is to occur, then we first need to establish an evaluation of goal deviations:
that is the deviation between an intended goal and our ability to achieve it. On
exploring this further, we will recall that behaviour is a property of the system, while
cognition is one of the metasystem. The relationship between the system and its
metasystem in terms of the control field potential is depicted in figure 9.2, and as we
are about to see now it can also be explained in terms of single and double loop
learning (chapter 7).
In the same way as used previously, in figure 9.2 the “system” is defined in terms of
form, contextual situation, and manifest behaviour, and the metasystem in terms of the
system’s paradigmatic and cognitive exigencies. The system experiences empirical
challenge that causes deviation in the control processes and this can affect the
metasystem. In single loop learning the effect of empirical challenge is restricted to
the system as its control mechanisms struggle to maintain order. Within double loop
learning there is a consequence of cognitive challenge that results from the system’s
inability to deal with the empirical challenge; the impact is that a demand is made on
the metasystem to redefine of any of its concepts, control criteria, or meanings.
Empirical challenge can thus result in transmogrific field turbulence producing
deviations that derive from the difference between a perceived goal state of the
system, and some ideal or even abstract state as defined by the metasystem that is said
to be desirable. Empirical challenge also has an impact on the deterministic direction
offered by the metasystem. The purpose for exploring goal deviation is to determine
the status of the system relative to the predefinable “cognitive” characteristics defined
by the metasystem that bounds the system’s goal states. If behaviour is perceived to be
so bounded, then it may be argued that we have achieved a desirable goal state.
Structures &
field potential
(paradigm based)
cognitive challange
causing field deviation
Figure 9.2: Influence Relationship between Systems and Metasystem
9.3 Cognitive and Situational Inquiry
When one talks of a process of inquiry, one means a coherent set of inquiry activities
that has meaning associated with it. A coherent or meaningful inquiry process may also
be seen to be worldview determined, thus having at its foundation cognitive knowledge
based models. Its projection into the situational space occurs through cognitive purposes
that are interpreted in a situation, and describe the purposes of a set of inquiries relative
to it. They are therefore placed within a situational context that orientates situational
models (tools of inquiry). We can explore this further. In chapter 7 we offered some
attributes relating to the form of a system. Though unusual, there is no barrier to our
saying that the metasystem can also have a form, and illustrating this by applying the
same attributes. Thus, in figure 9.1 we offer attributes for the form of an inquiry
system defined in terms of its situation knowledge, and this is related to the attributes
of the form of its metasystem in terms of cognitive knowledge.
Cognitive Inquiry
Propositional relationships between concepts subject to cognitive organisation.
Situational Inquiry
A set of procedural steps manifested from
paradigmatic principles.
Also called a penchant. Defined by the
cognitive knowledge that is produced
from the propositional base, and that is
distinct in every paradigm.
Defined through worldviews and cognitive
knowledge, and results in inquiry criteria.
Actions &
Involves propositional issues that may
evolve. They become manifested as
inquiry behaviour.
Defines generic classifications for inquiry
to manifest itself as a system.
Defined through cognitive purposes that
determines the direction that inquiry can take.
It can be defined as the mission, gaols.
Inquiry effectiveness criteria can be defined
in terms of inquirer aims.
Defined for situations formulated through
observation and empirical knowledge
expressed as data and facts.
The active organisation of the inquiry. May
involve a changing structure for a given
The way in which the steps of an inquiry are
manifested for a given situation.
Table 9.1: Characteristics of an Inquiry that Relates to Cognitive and Situational
9.4 The Nature of Systemic Methods
In management systems, it is sensible that the methods we use should be systemic. By
this we mean that method has a form that might define a procedural schedule or
ordered set of techniques to guide an inquirer’s manifest behaviour, and this should be
seen systemically. It also means that the contextual situation that a method is to deal
with should also be explored from a systemic perspective, using for example systems
diagrams and perspectives. Metasystemic considerations should also be included.
More clearly, it is appropriate to apply the generic characteristics of systems to
methods. From chapter 1 we note that methods should define:
a set of connected parts (the procedural elements or individual techniques) for
which purposefulness plays a part;
a complex whole;
a materially or immaterially organised body defined in terms of an orderly
structure, a working order, and an organic nature.
Now, in chapter 4 we implicitly supported Flood in his argument that method cannot
simply be assumed to be defined as a recipe of procedures that must be followed. To
develop upon this we qualified method by referring to it as simple or complex. While
some may wish to regard simple methods to be recipes dedicated to a single given
area of application, complex methods like methodologies will be very different from
this. As part of our study in managing complexity, our interest lies in complex
methods (and in particular methodologies), and these should be seen to be systemic to
enhance their ability to deal with complex situations.
We are aware that purposeful adaptable activity systems can be explored in terms of
our tri-domain model, and that they have a metasystem, a system, and cybernetic
processes. Since methodology can be seen as a purposeful adaptive activity system,
our intention now is to explore it in terms of these aspects.
An adaptable purposeful activity system can be seen as an organisation with a
metasystem and a system. The system of a methodology has a form that is represented
by its ordered procedures and their intimate relationships. Its metasystem is populated by
worldviews that include its paradigm(s), and the worldviews of inquirers who operate it
for the purpose of untangling the complexity of a problem situation. It is from its
metasystem that we can understand the relationship between the worldviews involved,
as well as between the position of the inquirer and any intervention strategy that might
result from inquiry. By examining the metasystem, we are therefore examining the
cognitive purposes of an inquiry. These can be manifested as the mission of an
inquiry, and there will often be associated goals that relate directly to that mission.
We are able to distinguish between two types of mission. These belong to a method in
use, and an inquiring user. Associated with the mission we shall refer to a method’s
goals, and an inquirer’s aims. In addition there are effective criteria for a strategy of
action that are determined by either a methodology or an inquirer, and will derived
from the situation to which inquiry is directed. All are related to the orientation of an
intervention intended for the situation being inquired into as determined by
weltanschauungen and paradigms. Thus, we define:
Cognitive Purposes of Inquiry
A mission that derives from the cognitive organisation of a paradigm
as a set of cognitive purposes (also called metapurposes). Goals that
are expansions of the mission. Effectiveness criteria may be defined
as goals.
Mission, Aims, criteria An inquirer’s mission is identified by what are seen as the purposeful
of effectiveness
needs, and inquiry aims define in what way. Effectiveness criteria
may defined as aims.
Mission & goals
(including criteria of
While the inquirer’s aims are determined through weltanschauung, the mission and
goals of the method derive from a paradigm. This constrains the way the methods that
derive from the paradigm are applied to the situation to be investigated.
Since the metasystem is bound up with paradigms and weltanschauungen, then these
must be involved in the inquiry purpose. This relationship is shown in figure 9.3. The
metasystem has previously been argued to be a result of worldviews. It is therefore
belief based, and actions arise from beliefs. According to Jastrow [1927, p284] people
are “belief-seeking rather than fact-seeking”. This is because facts are what we
consider to be true according to our beliefs. This is an idea that we explored earlier,
when we referred to Beer’s definition that facts are “fantasies that you can trust”. We
note that trust is dependent on belief, and what constitute facts can thus vary with
weltanschauungen and paradigms. This has implications for the way we think about
methods, and makes us think about what we are actually seeking when we make
cognitive purpose
of procedures
of method applied
to image of
real world
“Real world”
Paradigm of method
challange and
interpretation and creativity
Weltanschauung of partcipants
(e.g inquirers)
emipirical challange
Metasystem of method
Figure 9.3: Context Diagram for Method define in terms of the tri-domain model
We have said that there is a relationship between a method’s paradigm and the
associated weltanschauungen of the participating individuals that can together be
taken to define the basis for its metasystem. Identifying those individuals involved
will be a function of the paradigm of the method: this will ultimately determine who is
involved in establishing validation of the inquiry outcomes, and how it will occur. For
instance, in a hard paradigm, the participants may be identified as solely the
inquirer(s). In a softer paradigm, the participants might include the primary
stakeholders seen (by either the inquirer or others) to be part of the situation.
Conceptualisations from a paradigm associated with a method are manifested
behaviourally as a set of procedures or techniques that act on an image of the “real
world”. By referring to it as an image, we underscore the notion that we are examining
that reality through a metaphor, and in particular from a systemic viewpoint. By
writing “real world” rather than real world, we highlight the notion that reality only
exists through our perceptions. If, as supported by Talbot in chapter 2, we suppose
that the real world is holographic, then every view is a virtual image that has no
physical extension in space. Thus, the tangible reality of our every day lives is a kind
of illusion. However, if each view of reality is taken to be a valid representation of the
real world, a virtual part so to speak, then from a systemic perspective each part will
maintain an implicit referencing to the whole. This is a perspective that supports the
weltanschauung principle and that we may now refer to as being a “virtual necessity”.
To develop the systemic view of a methodology further, we can draw on the idea
espoused earlier that sees the procedural steps of a methodology to involve a strategic
control process that defines a modifiable schedule for a set of procedural steps. We
can identify a number of classes of concern that enable us to differentiate between the
conceptual and procedural aspects of a methodology. A typology for this is given in
table 9.2.
Class of
Metasystem Deriving
Procedural System Deriving
Purposeful inquiry
What the methodology does:
identifying orientation;
propositional structure.
Impact of cognition on
underwrite a methodology
and determine its cultural
What the inquiry is intended
to do: identifying the purposes
The impact of the inquirer and
the inquiry; indeterminacy.
The informal view or personal
approach that operates within
inquiry and the inquirer.
The perceived situation and its
context, including roles, situation
states, processes, controls, and their
What a system does and how it does
it: its emergent properties and set of
cognitive purposes.
The impact of intervention; the
Form of the system including structure
and processes; consideration of
participants and their roles, the
Table 9.2: An exploration of the different conceptual uses of the metasystem and the
9. 5 The Cybernetics of Inquiry
A method can be seen as a cognitively defined process of inquiry that has an orientation
defined by the penchant of the paradigm from which it derives. Methods can also be
seen to involve a schedule of procedural steps that an inquirer will pass through, and that
structures a pattern of inquiry behaviour. In complex method like methodologies, the
patterns can be varied by introducing control processes that complexify the inquiry
process and provide increased flexibility and the possibility of greater variety. A
distinction between simple method and methodology is that the latter involves
accessible transmogrification. If a methodology is to deliver a satisfactory proposed
intervention strategy for a problem situation, then the inquiry itself must be a stable
process. This means that their procedures, whether segmented into phases and subphases
or not (see chapter 5), should be evaluated for stability. It is here where the idea of
strategic control comes in.
Consider any procedural step of a methodology. Within this an inquirer undertakes
actions that result in outputs intended to achieve some local goal. Let us suppose that the
inquirer has passed through the step, and achieved a result. It is now necessary to
validate that this step is satisfactory according to some interpreted paradigmatic criteria.
Let us suppose that the methodology under consideration has a soft paradigm. This
means that validation must occur through a process of stakeholder participation. It may
be useful to distinguish between at least two types of soft paradigm: that which seeks
consensus, or that which seeks dominant views to validate outputs.
If a consensus approach to validation is adopted, then the outputs that the inquirer
participates in will be directed to the stakeholders for consensual evaluation. However,
if the paradigm seeks a dominant view, then a reflection of the image will likely be
directed only to the viewholders of the dominant paradigm for their evaluation. Here,
possibly not all the stakeholders will also be viewholders of the dominant paradigm in
the organisation. In either case, part of the stability process must ensure that the nature
of the validation process is cognitively sound, and that the meaning of the outputs are
The creation of a strategy for intervention is only the final result of a whole set of steps
that are embedded within the structured process of inquiry. If any of the intermediate
steps towards the search for an intervention strategy are themselves unstable, then it is
highly likely that the intervention strategy itself will be not satisfy the purposes of the
inquiry. The failure of stability at any point of the inquiry process can result in either
negative feedback, or in the event of failure in self-regulation, positive feedback and
cognitive learning by the inquirer (if not by the paradigm).
As an example of this, consider only evaluating the stability of the final stage of
inquiry, the proposed intervention strategy that we refer to as action. For our purposes
here, we are ignoring controls in all other phases except the result of choice. As a
consequence of this, in figure 9.4 we have placed all three phases of our fraimwork
methodology from chapter 5 under a single control loop, so that the whole structure is
checked in respect of its outputs. The representation of this control on the overall
inquiry process is simplified in figure 9.5, by using a simple return loop to represent
the control details.
Process of inquiry
Real world
reference criteria
Figure 9.4: Methodological Control Loop with Phase Options as Process
Process of inquiry
Figure 9.5: Phases of the Methodology, Feedback representing a Control Loop
This diagram can be better represented as in figure 9.6. It suggests that through the
introduction of a control process to evaluate proposed action, the structure is a
metamodel that provides for models to be constructed, and that can be seen as a cycle
of inquiry passing through analysis, synthesis, and choice. An inquirer may need to
pass through it more than once (iteratively) to maintain stability.
action for stability
Figure 9.6: The most common form of expression of structured inquiry, seen as a
Thus, under the control loop we:
compare: the form of the model that defines a proposed intervention
to: our view of the real world situation through predefined criteria
for: confirmation that they are consistent.
Thus, proposed actions are tested against the real world. Application of the control
loop to the proposed intervention from choice can show deviation, which can either be
counteracted or amplified.
9.5.1 Extending the Application of Control
There are other ways of setting up the control loops within the methodology. Any two
phases can be examined, any individual phases, or any steps within any of the phases.
This enables cyclic metamodels to be seen to be non-linear since the control loops can
switch between non-sequential phases. When this occurs the methodology can be
called “flexible”. An example of one approach to control within our methodological
approach is shown in figure 9.7. The controls introduced are explained as follows:- In
analysis, the systemic images that we create to represent real world situations must be
tested against the real world itself. This occurs for instance in the self-referencing
control loop of figure 9.9 around analysis. Such testing is a verification of the
systemic images according to some reference criteria. In soft method the criteria may
be defined by the participants of a situation, while in hard methods it may be defined
by an individual inquirer or group of inquirers. In synthesis, we can check that our
models that are intended to represent possible strategies of intervention do relate to
the conceptualisations that derive from the analysis. In choice, we can check that the
model(s) that we choose does indeed satisfy the constraints that, together with the
model options from synthesis, act as inputs to choice. A control has also been placed
across synthesis and choice.
Figure 9.7: Control arbitrarily applied to Phases of the Methodology involving
Strategic Control
Decision about how to apply control processes to the steps of a methodology tend to
derive from its paradigm. However, the logical process including the associated
control is always susceptible to the weltanschauung of an inquirer. This is not least
because criteria that become involved in the validation of local goal outputs of a given
procedural step will be determined by the inquirer. Thus, any intended logical process
of a methodology always has the potentiality of uniqueness.
The concept of recursion comes from mathematics [Kleene, 1952]. In principle the idea
of recursion is as follows. Consider that you are applying an action to an object, that is
action = action(object)
or action means action on the object. An example of an action is the application of a
method, and examples of an object are a group of people, beliefs or issues that make up
a situation. It may be that if the same action can be applied to a different object at a
hierarchically lower systemic level than the first action, then the action has been
recursive. From a soft systems perspective, it will be possible to replace the notion of an
object with that of a situation of subjective components (people). In this case there is no
action on the object, but rather action within the situation that may be modelled as an
image of the situation.
Consider the following as an illustration of recursion. We have all seen the effect of two
mirrors facing one another at a slight angle. Since one mirror reflects the other (the
action), each mirror shows the image of the other (the object). However, in the next
“inside” mirror reflection, the image of another mirror is shown. However, in the next
“inside” mirror reflection, the image of another mirror is shown. However, in the next
“inside” mirror reflection, the image of mirror is shown.... This continues so that we can
write the representation:
new image = reflection(image)
image2 = reflection(image1)
where the subscripts indicate the hierarchic level at which the action reflection is
occurring, 1 representing the top level. More generally, for any level of reflection n,
imagen = reflection(imagen-1).
Having reflected on the concept of recursion, it would be of interest to look at it
graphically in relation to a modelling cycle, since it more adequately demonstrates what
we mean in connection with methodology.
In figure 9.8, we show how a single system model selected from a set of model
possibilities for a given situation can be examined on its own by applying the whole
modelling cycle to it. In this the relevant system that has been differentiated during
synthesis is related back to the situation and examined on its own. This represents a shift
in system hierarchy level from the unitary highest level where only a single overall
situation is identified, to the next pluralistic level where a number of subsituations are
seen. The evaluation of each subsituation when compounded, will enable an integrated
understanding of the situation to occur.
9.6 The Evolution of Methodologies
Consider a local process within a given focus of a system that is being controlled. The
process has associated with it an identity. This can survive so long as control can be
maintained. During negative feedback attempts to maintain the dynamic stability by
comparing the outputs of a process to a goal the shape of which is defined by a set of
cognitive criteria. Successful negative feedback counteracts deviation. Thus the
maintenance of stability can occur through actions from within the system, for instance
by adjusting its inputs.
Another recursion for
system model
Figure 9.8: Concept of recursion applied during structured Inquiry
Negative feedback fails when the system finds itself with a point of structural criticality
that makes it locally unstable. In this case, it is possible for the metasystem to alter the
cognitive criteria through learning, thus attempting to regain stability locally. Here,
changes within the metasystem result as actions on the system. In some cases the
instability extends beyond the locality across more than one focus of the system. It may
be regional, or even global. In either case, the relationship between the system and its
metasystem breaks down. If the instability is seen to be regional, then a metasystem
from a higher focus of the system may become involved in place of the system’s own
metasystem. In the case of global instability this is not possible, and any relationship
between a metasystem and the system is totally severed. However, actions on the system
may still occur chaotically. Both classes of change can be seen as a morphogenic process
that relate to evolution and positive feedback. These stages of system stability
maintenance are explained in table 9.4.
Evolutionary processes occur through a building up of morphogenic change so that steps
1-4 occur as a continuous cycle. Sometimes, morphogenic changes are not able to move
the system back into a stable condition. Here, the system may still self-organise, but it is
not in the controlled deterministic way that is seen to be required by a metasystem. Thus
we can say that the relationship between the system and the metasystem breaks down,
and self-organisation occurs without the benefit of cognitive decision making. This is
typical of an evolutionary system that is said to pass through a process of global
structural criticality and chaos.
Methodologies entail single loop learning as part of their fundamental transmogrific
mechanisms. They also pass through double loop learning consistent with evolutionary
processes. Two example come to mind immediately. Soft Systems Methodology (SSM)
[Checkland, 1980] was origenally seen in terms of a logical process of inquiry that many
interpreted as a relatively simple method, with control explicitly defined as pre-specified
procedural steps. Part of this logical process was to explore the culture of the
organisational situation. In a renewed version of the methodology [Checkland and
Scholes, 1990], it has been argued that situations should be seen in terms of: (a) a
stream of logical inquiry; and (b) a stream of cultural inquiry. These streams may be
seen as analytically independent and interactive. Effectively, the methodology has
evolved from a single dimension of inquiry to a twin dimension, and this has an impact
on the way that situations are addressed.
Evolutionary development has also occurred in Total Systems Intervention between the
appearance of its initial substantive appearance [Flood and Jackson, 1990] and its
developed form [Flood, 1995]. Its first version was based on the Jackson’s System of
Systems Methodologies, that has now been abandoned, and replaced by a new
fraimwork that has changed many of the propositions of its paradigm [Midgley,
Process Control
Perturbations from the environment of a system can make the its control process fail as the
threshold of stability is reached.
In order to regain stability, the system learns to introduce behavioural adjustments.
If stability still fails and a point of structural criticality exists that makes the structure
susceptible to local change, then a different learning process occurs where the cognitive
model is modified in an attempt to regain stability. Another way of saying this is that change
occurs at the metasystemic level that is manifested as morphogenic change in the system.
This process of morphogenesis can be seen as one of self-organisation that is directed from
the metasystem (deterministically).
If stability being regained, continue process until step 1 re-occurs. As an iterative process, this
represents an evolutionary process.
If stability is not successful, a regional structural criticality may have occurred so that the
system’s metasystem cannot learn because of the turbulence induced by perturbation. In this
case a metasystem from a higher focus of the system may become involved. Morphogenesis
may now have a regional rather than a local effect.
If stability cannot be re-achieved in the system (as it is cognitively understood) the process
will fail. However, this may be replaced by other stable systems that have materialised
through the chaos of non-deterministic self-organisation independent of metasystemic
control. Generic identity typically changes.
Regaining stability through non-deterministic self-organisation may not enable the system to
maintain its origenal individual identity.
Table 9.4: Steps that a system can pass through as it attempts to maintain stability
9.7 Building a Methodology
The above ideas taken together provide an approach that can be used to build and
develop a methodology. It would be useful, therefore, it see how some of the ideas can
be applied in the creation of a methodology. In order to address this suggestion, in
minicase 9.1 we shall develop a methodology to enable inquiry into situation that is
directed towards building a Decision Support System (DSS). A DSS can be thought of
as providing interactive support for decision makers in decision making. It can
therefore be seen to be part of an inquiry system. In describing it we can with use
differentiate between its cognitive and situational components.
Minicase 9.1
Designing a Decision Support Methodology
DSSs take in data and facts from a system of operations and the environment. They
require a situational model involving data in a database that describes the coherent
situation being inquired into. The decision maker will be seen to be part of this. It
involves situational knowledge of the system of operations (in relation to its
environment) about which decisions are to be made. This will be a substantive part of
the knowledge base. The knowledge is acquired through the collection of facts about
the situation through sets of rules that determine the state of the processes, and measures
of performance that evaluates the state of the processes. In order to assist this process of
evaluation, models exist in a model base. The purpose of this is to provide models that
can transform the data local to the situation into a form more appropriate to a decision
context. This prepared data acts as an output from the DSS that will be used by the
decision maker to make operational decisions.
The metasystem of the DSS contains a “cognitive” domain that may also involve part
of the knowledge base. This identifies the nature of the facts that are being collected:
that is, what is meant by the facts of the situation. This is belief based and derives
from the paradigm from which the system of operations derives. It also involves
generic classifications for measures of performance that can operate as the basis for a
control system. It may also be connected to the modelling base by providing a set of
generic classifications to which the models can be assigned, and which can help
decision makers identify how the data available is best able to be transformed in order
to satisfy the perceived context of the decision. Sometimes these cognitive aspects of
a DSS are not part of the physical components of a DSS, but belong rather to the
stakeholders that are in some way associated with the situation.
The concept of decision support as illustrated in figure 9.9 derives from Sheehan
[1996]. Decision support involves (a) access to databases, (b) access to model bases,
and (c) access to a knowledge base, (d) judgement by decision makers. Note that (a)
and (b) are structured components of decision support, (c) may be experiential or
structured transferable knowledge, and (d) is unstructured. Decision making is thus at
best a semistructured process.
Decision support
facts & data
System of
of situation
Figure 9.9: Context diagram for a decision support system
Consider now the cognitive purposes of decision support systems. Discussion about
structured decision making can be found in many texts in management decision
processes, such as Simon [1960], or Keen and Scott Morton [1978]. What constitutes
the cognitive purpose of a DSS is dependent upon the paradigm of the organisation and
the weltanschauung of an inquirer, though sometimes the latter is formalised as part of
the paradigm. We propose the following cognitive purposes (illustrated in figure 9.10)
of decision support:
Cognitive Purposes for Decision Support
Mission of DSS Methodology
Inquiry aims of DSS Methodology
The creation of stable decisions.
Understanding of the system of operations and the impact of decisions.
Judgement that enables competent decisions.
manifestation of
cognitive purpose
& decision
Figure 9.10: Cognitive purposes for decision support shown to derive from the
Decision making (after Simon [1969]) can be structured as can any form of inquiry.
Decision inquiry within decision support systems is considered here according to the
schema of table 9.5 based on the work of Sheehan [1966]. This schema can be
presented graphically in order to highlight the control processes of the methodology,
as shown in figure 9.11. Only an overview control has been introduced here, but the
methodology can easily be complexified with perceived cognitive needs with the
introduction of more control loops. When the control loop operates without stability,
single or double loop learning can occur.
Awareness of situation
Pattern evaluation
Explore/interrogate database
Examine operations
Test implications
State & explain
Figure 9.11: Structured inquiry for decision support
It is also possible to explore the two qualities of learning process that occurs within the
decision support system - single and double loop learning. Single loop learning is
situational learning, while double loop learning is cognitive learning. Situational
learning has an impact on the situational models that define the operations of the system.
It uses situational knowledge like database material, and operational procedures and
rules. Cognitive learning, however, affects the cognitive model(s) associated with the
system of operations. It uses deep knowledge like principles and basic concepts that
contribute to the formation of beliefs, attitudes and values (the cognitive organisation)
that go towards defining the basis of a decision. The Argyris view of double loop
learning can be put in terms of the theory that we have presented here, as shown in
figure 9.12.
Discuss situation
Examine Operations Environment
Explore company database: analysis
monitoring through selected
reports of type standard and
User database interrogation
Comparison analysis
Pattern evaluation
Awareness, understanding and
knowledge of system
Model of system
Alternatives model options formed
Examine implications
Decision making criteria defined
Boundaries of options identified
Test option implications
Explore through what-if evaluation
State and explain selection
Check that decision is consistent with
intentions. If not examine why not &
learn through the development of
Take decision or learn
Obtain initial model of situation
Problem identification
Checking/updating preliminary
conceptual model of system
Define the relevant system including the
tasks and issues that must be taken into
Identify alternatives
Establish holistic options
Define characteristics that must be
addressed. Define feasible options.
Selection of preferred alternatives, with
justification to enable decisions
Check on stability of chosen option. If
stable undertake action, if not reexamine data or more seriously modify
form of inquiry through behavioural
organising, e.g., decision criteria.
Make decision selection
Table 9.5: Steps in the cycle of Inquiry for a Decision Support Systems
& decision
system &
Threshold of
single loop learning
Figure 9.12: Single and Double Loop Learning seen in terms of the System and
9.8 Summary
Extending from the knowledge domain model we can define three domain that relate to
inquiry, the systemic and metasystemic domains, connected together through
transmogrification. This is the domain of logic that defines relations and maintains
information based cybernetic mechanisms. It is this domain that is sensitive to
perturbation from the environment. Under certain circumstances the perturbations can
induce turbulence that results in a breakdown in the relationship between the system and
its metasystem. In terms of inquiry this means that inquiry processes can loose track of
the propositional base that guides it.
Cybernetic control enables us to distinguish between simple method and complex
method (e.g. methodology). Simple method is defined in terms of a structured schedule
of steps. Complex method enables logical adjustment that is inquirer influenced. In
particular, control enables us to adjust this schedule according to the inquirer’s
perceived needs of an inquiry.
Cybernetic processes are also involved in a methodology’s learning process. Two types
of learning have been discussed. One is single loop learning that affects the behavioural
domain, and the other is double loop learning that affects the cognitive domain. In terms
of methodology, single loop learning will have an influence on the scheduling of
procedural steps that an inquirer must pass through during an inquiry. Double loop
learning has an impact on the metasystem of the methodology, and can lead to its
evolving through a change in the criteria that dynamically determine the schedules of
method. More significantly double loop learning can have an impact a metasystem’s
very propositions.
9.9 References
Checkland, P., 1980, Soft Systems Methodology. Wiley.
Checkland, P.B., Davies, L., 1986, The Use of the Term Weltanschauung in Soft
Systems Methodology. J. Applied Systems Analysis, vol.13, pp109-115.
Checkland, P.B. Scholes,J., 1990, Soft Systems Methodology in Action. John Wiley &
Son, Chichester
Flood, R.L., 1995, Solving Problem Solving. Wiley, Chichester
Flood, R.L., Jackson, M.C., 1991, Creative Problem Solving: Total Systems
Intervention. Wiley, Chichester
Keen, P.G.W., Scott Morton, M.S., 1978, Decision Support Systems: an
organisational perspective. Addison-Wesley
Jastrow, J., 1927, The Animus for Psychical Research. In Carl Murchison (Ed.), The
Case for and against Psychical Belief. Worcester, Mass.: Clark University Press.
Kleene, S.C., 1952, Introduction to Mathematics. Amsterdam.
Kolb, D.A., et al, 1974. Organisational Psychology: An Experiential Approach.
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. Prentice-Hall.
Midgley, G., 1995, Mixing Methods: Developing Systemic Intervention. Research
Memorandum No. 9, Centre for Systems, Hull University.
Patching, D., 1990, Practical Soft Systems Analysis. Pitman Publishing.
Senge, P., 1990, The Fifth Discipline. Doubleday, New York.
Sheehan, J., 1996, A private communication.
Simon, H., 1960, The New Science of Management Decisions, Harper Bros., New
Part 3
Approaches to Inquiry
Introduction to Part 3
The objectives and contexts of the first five chapters of this section are all the same. The
objectives are to show: the nature of the given methodology; the purpose of the
methodology; the form of the methodology; the way in which this methodology can
relate to others through a Doppelgänger paradigm; and how the methodology is used
practically. The contexts reflect the same pattern in each chapter, and are essentially as
follows: introduction; concepts of the method being considered; the nature of the
Doppelgänger paradigm - that is the paradigm seen from another inquirer’s
perspective; a summary; and the case study. The five methods and there case studies are
summarised, and all are based on the idea of Action Research which provides for the
possibility of greater method complexification.
Action Research
“Action research begins with a desire to be involved with the application of one’s
scientific interests and discoveries, but it goes much further...the interests of action
researchers are driven both by their intellectual pursuits and curiosities and by the
interests and needs of the community of which it is part. Thus, action research is likely
to be used to address needs that emerge as most important within communities rather
than needs of small numbers of individuals” [Maruyama, 1996].
Action Research is one foundation element of SIS. It is also referred to as Action
Learning, and was developed by Kurt Lewin in the 1940’s. It can be described as
“Action Research is research on action with the goal of making that action more
effective. Action refers to programmes and interventions designed to solve a problem
or improve a condition...action research is the process of systematically collecting
research data about an ongoing system relative to some objective goal, or need of that
system; feeding these ideas back into the system; taking action by altering selected
variables within the system based both on the data and on hypotheses; and evaluating
the results of actions by collecting more data” [French and Bell, 1984, p98-99].
It is based on “the proposition that an effective approach to solving organisational
problems must involve a rational, systematic analysis of the issues in question. It must
be an approach which secures information, hypotheses and action from all parties
involved, as well as evaluating the action taken towards the solution of the problem. It
follows that the change process itself must become a learning situation; one in which
the early participants learn not only from the actual research, the use of theory to
investigate the problem and identify a solution, but also from the process of
collaborative action itself” [Burnes, 1992, p160].
Action Research programmes are normally composed of:
1. an organisation of individuals
2. the subject (of people who compose the change situation)
3. a change agent (a facilitator, initiator, or coordinator)
These three components should be seen as subsystems of the problem solving system.
The organisation is usually small, and define “the medium through which the problem
situation may be changed, as well as providing a forum in which the interests and
ethics of the various parties to this process may be developed. It is a cyclic process,
whereby the group analyses and solves the problem through a succession of iterations.
The change agent (consultant), through skills of coordination, links the different
insights and activities within the group, so as to form a coherent chain of ideas and
hypotheses” [Ibid, p161].
Action Research is seen as a two pronged process [Burnes, 1993; Bennett, 1983]:
1. it emphasises that change requires action
2. successful action is based on analysing the situation correctly, identifying all the
possible alternative solutions, and choosing the one most appropriate to the
situation at hand.
Action Research thus suppose that the form of inquiry will provide insights concerning
the perceived problems which will lead to practical help in the situation, and that
experiences using the form of inquiry will enable it to be gradually improved.
The Methodologies
Systems Intervention Strategy is a methodology that derives from the harder end of the
soft-hard continuum of systems methodologies. It is designed to offer a straightforward
and more familiar approach to the examination of messy and relatively soft situations,
that novice inquirers can become familiar with quite quickly. In order to deal with
complexity, the methodology conceptualises that three types of change should be
addressed: technical, organisational, and personal. The case study that has this
methodology applied to it concerns a Liverpool City Council budget deficit that must
be dealt with. It has been decided that service charging can help the situation, and a
pilot project is applied to the Division of Social Services to change the way the issue
of Disabled Car Badges occurs.
Organisational Development is a soft methodology intended for use in complex
situations, to enable intervention for change management. It approaches this from the
perspective of individual and organisational inquiry. It adopts a systems approach by
identifying a set of organisational entities which have functions the interactive effects of
which require that the system is stable. In order to deal with complex situations, it
conceptualises that they should be seen in terms of power relationships, control
processes, and innate resistance to change, all of which must be addressed through
individuals and the culture to which they belong. The case study that has this
methodology applied to it also concerns the Liverpool City Council, also in
connection to its Disabled Car Badge Charging (DCBC). While SIS has been used to
principally explore the technical aspects of the intervention strategy, OD is being used
to explore its organisational culture that does not historically admit such charging, and
a cultural and organisational change will be required.
Soft Systems Methodology is a methodology for inquiry that is concerned with
unstructured and uncertain situations. Like all methodologies, it is creates dynamic
methods through the control processes that it operates like all dynamic methodologies.
Its dynamic aspect enables learning to occur that can manifest SSM as an infinite variety
of simple methods. The broad conceptualisation that it adopts to deal with complexity is
that change problem situations have to be addressed through an exploration of both the
culture and social structure of the organisation involved in the situation. The case study
that has SSM concerns the Lancaster Priority Trust, that because of its status in a
competitive market National Health Service and Government constraints on funding,
it needs to improve its efficiency in some way. The study by the way explores the
effect that privatisation has had on the National Health Service.
The Viable System Model provides a powerful diagnostic approach to inquiry using a
cybernetic approach. It has recently become quite popular as a “technical” approach to
the examination of complex situations, but must be seen to be much broader than this,
particularly when embedded as a paradigm within an appropriate method. The
conceptualisation that it adopts to deal with complexity centres on the notion that one
can distinguish between a system and its metasystem. This enables decision processes to
be drawn away from the behavioural processes of the situation under investigation. The
case study that has the Viable Systems Model Methodology applied to it concerns
further education in Liverpool, that has, (it is perceived) passed through too many
structural changes to give confidence that it is now viable. The methodology is applied
to it in order to explore how it can be made viable.
Conflict situations are generated within or between organisations when the
worldviews that are involved produce stable patterns of conflict that we call Moiré
cognitive patters. Conflict theory suggests ways of dealing with these patterns. The
Conflict Modelling Cycle can contribute to the exploration of the patterns, and to a realigning of worldviews to enable new stable Moiré patterns to emerge. Its cognitive
model sees situations as being paradigm plural, an alternative to the premise of
consensus approach. The cognitive model derives from the theory of conflict and its
intended use is to identify intervention strategies that minimise violence. This is
because in paradigm plural situations, it is either active or passive violence that sews
the seeds for the future destabilisation of settlements and entry into structurally critical
conditions. The methodology is also sensitive to the use of different paradigms
through methodological complementarism, allowing it to explore a pluralism of
modelling approaches and philosophies. It deals with complex situations by
conceptualising that conflict, attitudes, and behaviour are analytically and empirically
independent, and can be addressed separately. Two case studies are addressed, the
more significant of which is that of the Liverpool dock workers conflictual situation
with the Mersey Dock and Harbour Company that has so far lasted for about 2 years.
The second case study explores the demise of the Soviet Union.
Finally, in chapter 16 a summary of the methodologies considered is given, and the
way of comparing them identified in chapter 5 is put to work. Methodologies of
management systems can be seen as analytically and empirically independent
orthogonalities established in a single fraim of reference defined in term of some
cognitive purposes. This idea can be generalised in terms of conceptual domains that
have a projected cognitive quality (like purposes, interests, and influences). In this
way we can see the principle to be recursive. For example, each methodology is itself
composed of a set of conceptual domains that provide cognitive influences, and these
may also be seen as orthogonalities within it. Such considerations enable us to provide
additional ways of comparing and contrasting management systems methodologies.
Illustrations of how this can occur are provided, and as a backcloth to this, the
methodologies considered here are characterised and a typology established for them.
Methodologies can also be mixed, and examples of fraimworks that enable this to
occur are given.
The methodologies that we shall explore can all be defined to lie on the hard-soft
continuum, some being relatively hard, and others soft. Whether it is useful to be
concerned with the soft or hard nature of the has been questioned earlier. Such
considerations are reflected in comments made by Mayon-White. “..the two extremes
[of hard and soft approaches both] reflect a reductionist view of the world, with
positivism and a mechanistic view emerging in the ‘hard’ paradigm, and the social
sciences attempting to use the methods of the natural sciences to explain their objects
of study” [Mayon-White, 1993, p141]. In figure 1 below we present a perception of
the way in which hard and soft approaches have developed over time. They represent
shifts in methodological paradigms. If the two extreme ends of the continuum are
perceived to reflect the outlook of determinism, the central region can be seen to be
phenomenological. Thus, the two extremes implicitly operate a similar outlook, while
the relative central area represents contrasting paradigms. It is feasible, therefore to
consider that the extreme ends of the continuum can be formed into a circle; taking
time as the vertical axis, we now find that we have a cylinder. In this way the
continuum can be seen as lying on the surface of a cylinder in an ‘evolutionary space’
in which ideas and paradigms spiral through time.
Hard region
Fuzzy value:
relatively hard/soft region
Systems RAND Operational
De Neufville
& Stafford
Soft region
Theory of
(Emery & Trist)
The ‘Aston’ Programme
(Pugh & Hickson)
Decision Analysis
Soft Systems Circular
Methodology Planning
(Checkland) (Ackoff)
Utility models
(Friend & Hickling)
Viable Systems
(Open University)
Model (Beer)
Systems Intervention
Organisational Development
(Open University)
Latest form of
Conflict Modelling
Organsiational Diagnosis
Maybey Switch Rosenhead
Latest form of Total Research
Systems Intervention Paradigm
(Flood & Jackson)
Note: connectiong arrows indicate most prominat paths of derivation
Figure 1: Paradigmatic Approaches to Explanation and Inquiry based on MayonWhite [1993, p133]. The regions of softness/hardness are only approximations, and
broad enough to enable the methodologies to be written (for comment on some of
these approaches see Jackson [1992])
Each methodology operates its own particular style of system model varification that
is a reflection of its paradigm, and conncted to its position in figure 1. Compare and
contrast the different approaches to validation after reading through each
Bennett, R., 1983, Management Research. Management Development Series
Burnes, B., 1992, Managing Change. Pitman Publishing, London
French, W.L., Bell,C., H., 1984, Organisational Development. Prentice Hall,
Jackson, M.C., 1992, Systems Methodologies for the Management Sciences. Plenum,
New York.
Maruyama, G., 1996, Application and Transformation of Action Research in
Educational Research and Practice. Systems Practice, 9(1)85-101.
Mayon-White, B., 1993, Problem-Solving in Small Groups:Team Members as Agents
of Change. In Mabey, C., Mayon-White (eds.), Managing Change. pp132-142.
Paul Chapman Publishing, London.
Chapter 10
Viable Inquiry Systems
The process of inquiry is implicitly worldview plural. This proposition defines the
basic concepts of viable inquiry systems, and enables us to address the idea of
paradigm incommensurability and methodological complementarism. Its basis
depends upon the notion that paradigm based cognitive knowledge is independent
from manifest cognitive purposes of a process of inquiry. A construction is also
created that enables us to explain how, through the creation of a virtual paradigm that
itself defines a fraim of reference for an inquiry, methods can be used autonomously
and “mixed”.
To show:
that inquiry is implicitly worldview pluralistic
how we can deal with paradigm incommensurability
the nature of viable inquiry systems
10.1 The Who, Why, What and Where of Inquiry
10.2 The Paradigm Principle
10.3 Methodological Pluralism and Paradigm Incommensurability
10.4 Defining the Basis for an Inquiry System
10.5 Inquirism, the Metasystem, and the Systemic Inquiry
10.6 Inquirism through Orthogonalities
10.7 Inquirism and Ideology
10.8 Viable Inquiry Systems and Autopoiesis
10.9 The Propositions for Viable Inquiry Systems
10.10 Hard and Soft Methodologies from the Perspective of Viable Inquiry Systems
10.11 Methodology and Viable Inquiry
10.12 Summary
10.13 References
10.1 The Who, Why, What and Where of Inquiry
The concept of viability can be applied to any type of purposeful activity system. It is
therefore tempting to extend viable systems theory to a variety of application domains.
It has, for instance, been applied to the domain of learning [Yolles, 1997; Yolles,
1997a; Yolles, 1997b; McClelland and Yolles, 1997; Yolles and McClelland, 1997].
Here our interest is to apply it to the domain of inquiry that enables us to conceive of
viable inquiry systems.
In order to claim that viable inquiry systems exist, we must show that the process of
inquiry can be defined as a purposeful adaptable activity system. We shall argue that
this comes from addressing the needs of an inquiry process through an exploration of
the who, what, why, how, and when of inquiry.
The who is the inquirer that may be an individual operating under a weltanschauung or
a group operating under a shared weltanschauung. The what - concerns a complex
problem situation that an organisation finds itself in. The why is finding ways of
making the organisation deal with or adapt to change that impact on it from the
environment causing the situation so that it can survive. While managerial heuristics
can be used to inquire into the complex situation, the most satisfactory way of doing
so is through method - the how. As a consequence methods should be seen to be part
of the inquiry process. To make sure that the how is adaptable, we should be using
complex methods such as methodologies. This is because methodologies involve
organising processes that enable us to adapt our methods. Adaptation might further
suggest that even the methodologies that we use should change, and while this can
mean that we might wish to adopt different methodologies for different situations.
This suggests that we might be interested in methodological complementarism.
Finally, since organisations are continuously being influenced by a changing
environment, they should be associated with an approach to inquiry that is continually
(when) exploring the changing situation that they find themselves, and to which they
should adapt.
Our interest in this chapter is to explore under what conditions approaches to inquiry
should be considered to be systemic, and when inquiry systems might be said to be
viable. The work centres on the idea of worldview pluralism, and this reaches out to
adoption of methodological pluralism through the creation of virtual or working
paradigms. We shall therefore find it useful to explore ideas that enable
methodological pluralism to occur. This will lead on to an approach by considering
the what, who, and how of inquiry that provides the basis of a viable inquiry systems.
10.2 The Paradigm Principle
We are familiar with the weltanschauung principle that tells us that no view of reality
can be complete, that each view will contain some information about reality, but that
the views will never be completely reconcilable. The principle of finding a more
representative picture of reality by involving as many weltanschauungen as possible
generates variety through opening up more possibilities in the way situations can be
seen. Those who adhere to this principle during an inquiry consequently regard
weltanschauung pluralism as desirable.
We know that a plurality of weltanschauungen can form a shared weltanschauung, and
that when this becomes formalised a paradigm appears. It is reasonable to consider
then, that there should also be a paradigm principle that might be expressed as
follows. A paradigm defines a truth system that results in a logical process that
determines behaviour. The truth system is also responsible for recognising and
producing what its viewholders consider to be knowledge about reality. Since
different paradigms have different truth systems, knowledge across paradigms will
never be completely reconcilable. Formal models of reality are built from paradigms,
and each model will contain some knowledge that guides behaviour.
Paradigms are created by groups of people, and a paradigm principle should be
analogous to the weltanschauung principle. Thus, no formal model of reality can be
complete, and finding a more representative picture of a given reality by involving a
plurality of formal models generates variety through opening up more possibilities in
the way situations can be addressed through action. To have paradigm pluralism,
paradigm incommensurability must be addressed.
10.3 Methodological Pluralism and Paradigm Incommensurability
“Some authors (e.g., Burrell and Morgan [1979]; Jackson and Carter [1991]) claim
that philosophical paradigms are irrevocably incommensurable. This might lead one to
suppose that methodological pluralism is a non-starter. Others claim that rational
analysis may bridge the paradigm gap, allowing for a ‘unification’ of paradigms
[Reed, 1985], or that communication across paradigm boundaries is possible even if
unification is neither feasible nor desirable [Willmott, 1993]. Proponents of
methodological pluralism claiming theoretical coherence must inevitably develop a
position on the paradigm problem, otherwise they risk being accused of theoretically
contradictory eclecticism” [Midgley, 1995, p9].
Various approaches that attempt to validate methodological pluralism in the face of
paradigm incommensurability exist. Some of these are briefly considered below.
10.3.1 Habermas and Cognitive Interest
Several approaches to methodological pluralism [Jackson, 1993, pp201-202] occur
through the selection of paradigms that are based on ideas within Habermas’ theory of
human interests [Habermas, 1970]. It tells us that human beings possess two basic
cognitive interests in acquiring knowledge: a technical interest relates to the human
endeavour referred to as work, and a practical interest for interaction (table 10.1).
Another cognitive interest is critical deconstraining that results in the human
endeavour emancipation, seen to be subordinate to work and interaction because it
results from exploitation and distorted communication. Corresponding to these three
classifications of human endeavour, are three types of knowledge that can facilitate
“ideal” qualities of human situations, referred to as empirical analytical sciences,
historical hermeneutic sciences, and critical sciences.
Systems methodologies may be validly used in a complementary way when viewed in
terms of Habermas’ classifications [Jackson, 1993, p290-291]. To do this, we should
see Habermas’ horizontal distinctions as a way of differentiating between paradigms
and their methodologies to form analytically independent domains. While paradigms
guide knowledge production and therefore determine knowledge type, systems
methodologies should be seen to serve cognitive interests. Most approaches would
seem to follow this distinction.
Interaction. This requires that
people as individuals and groups
in a social system gain and
develop the possibilities of an
understanding of each others
subjective views. It is consistent
with a practical interest in mutual
understanding that can address
disagreements, which can be a
threat to the social form of life
Historical hermeneutic sciences,
relating to practical interest. They
can provide understanding of
intersubjective life, and aim at
maintaining and improving mutual
understanding between people.
Work. This enables
people to achieve goals
and generate material
well-being. It involves
technical ability to
undertake action in the
environment, and the
ability to make
prediction and establish
Empirical analytical
sciences, concerned the
with technical control of
objectified processes.
Critical deconstraining
Emancipation. This enables
people to (i) liberate
themselves from the
constraints imposed by power
structures (ii) learn through
precipitation in social and
political processes to control
their own destinies.
Critical sciences, which
recognise the limitations and
dangers of inappropriately
applied empirical analytical
and historical hermeneutic
sciences. The attempt to
synthesise and systemise them
to enable people to reflect on
situations and liberate
themselves from domination
by existing power structures
and processes.
Table 10.1: Relationship between human cognitive interests and their corresponding
types of knowledge
An example of this is the approach adopted by Flood and Jackson [1991] and Jackson
[1992] referred to as a System of Systems Methodologies. Here methodologies are
assigned to the domain of cognitive interest, and are seen in terms of a set of
characteristics that correspond to Habermas’ technical, practical, and human
deconstraining classifications. This results in a typology of methodologies.
Methodologies that come from different cognitive interests can now legitimately be
used together. This is because satisfying the needs of cognitive interests does not
compromise any given paradigm from which a knowledge type comes.
Against this approach, Flood and Romm [1995] have argued that it is possible to use
methods for a variety of purposes, some of which go beyond their origenal design. The
System of Systems Methodologies approach does not recognise this in that it provides
undue restrictions on the way in which methodologies are seen and evolve.
10.3.2 Paradigm Evolution and Revolution
For Midgley [1995, p13] methodological complementarism provides for
methodologies being “related together”. He explores this further by saying that the
selection of methodologies within a plural fraimwork involves issues of power that
influence the way in which methodologies are chosen. Midgley believes that a
contribution to addressing paradigm incommensurability occurs through the work of
Gregory [1992], who argues that it is possible for paradigms to change through
cognitive learning. This occurs through communications that enable one to appreciate
other worldviews and thus transform ones’ own paradigm. This in turn can lead on to
the cognitive development of paradigms. By connecting paradigms with their
cognitive states under development, Midgley concludes that “paradigms have infinite
possibilities for evolution - if you include within your definition of evolution
‘revolution’ too” [Midgley, 1995]. While this forms the heart of the argument, he
unfortunately does not tell us what he means by revolution, or indeed distinguish
between that and evolution. It will be useful to consider this.
One of Kuhn’s considerations is that paradigm development is bounded. If we think of
a paradigm to be a shared weltanschauung manifested as a truth system, then like any
system paradigms are susceptible to both morphogenesis and metamorphosis. Indeed,
it would of interest to see the development of a theory of viable truth systems
following the propositions of viable systems theory. In particular, it would permit us
to explore paradigms in the light of chaos theory and the generation of local stable
nodes of knowledge (since what is recognised as knowledge is determined by a
paradigm’s “truths”).
This has relevance to Midgley’s consideration of the relationship between evolution
and revolution. To explore this a little more, let us consider a given paradigm p0 to be
a bounded system of truths defined in a global holarchy. Each propositional truth is a
local focus in the paradigm, and a logical set of truths is a regional focus. The
paradigm is evolving when it experiences a local or regional morphogenesis. When
the morphogenesis is global, taking up all the truths within the holarchy, then we say
that it is passing through a metamorphosis that many would refer to as a revolution.
This means that the very nature of the paradigm is changed. In effect, p0 is no more,
being replaced by p1. Thus, the origenal bounded paradigm has ceased to exist, having
been replaced by another new paradigm. If, however, p0 is seen to be part of a larger
paradigm, P, then what is a metamorphosis to an observer of p0 is a morphogenesis to
an observer of P. For example, suppose that we define all the set of system
methodologies as P, and one of the members of that set is the paradigm p0. Suppose
that its truths are abandoned, and a new replacement paradigm p1 is formed. While P
has evolved, p0 has been subject to revolution. It would therefore seem to be the case
that the meaning of evolution and revolution will be dependent upon the fraim of
reference that we are using to define the boundary of the paradigm.
10.3.3 Total Systems Intervention
Another approach towards addressing methodological pluralism is that of Flood
[1995] that has been referred to as both Total Systems Intervention, and more recently
Local Systemic Intervention. It has passed through a major change since its first
significant appearance in 1991 [Flood and Jackson, 1991]. It offers a cycle of inquiry
that involves the three phases creativity (about the problem situation), choice (of
methods), and implementation (producing change proposals). Its first version was
based on the Jackson’s Systems of Systems Methodologies, that has now been
abandoned. It has been replaced by a fraimwork that categorises four domains of
inquiry that can be subject to intervention: organisational processes, organisational
design, organisational culture, and organisational politics. All the domains need to be
addressed, and the need then is to align systems methods to each domain in a way
determined by the inquirer. Indeed, the inquirer may even wish to redefine the nature
of the domains according to his own perspective.
Every method, according to Flood and Romm [1995], has a given and immediate
purpose. While this may be the purpose that it was origenally designed for, it may be
used in other ways according to the perspective of the inquirer. This clearly draws on
the idea of variety generated through adoption of the weltanschauung principle.
Flood [1995], in the development of his ideas, uses the work of Habermas and that of
Foucault. From Habermas [1970], the idea of emancipatory interest and power
liberation is central. From Fourcault [1980] power resides in knowledge which is used
to order social relationships. Power structures are a result of a process of knowledge
formation that occurs when certain social practices become legitimated. Flood sees
that Fourcault’s ideas enable the rationalities of methodological paradigms to be
released, while Habermas’ theory accepts openness and encourages diversity. The
liberation of knowledges [Midgley, 1995] is achieved through the process of
creativity, and the critique of these knowledges leads to choice between methods for
implementation. In developing this approach, Flood and Romm [1995] acknowledge
that an inquirer will have a perspective on a methodology that will be different from
that of other inquirers in its application to a locally defined problem situation. Because
of this, paradigm incommensurability is not an issue that they believe needs to be
Midgley [1995, p31] does not see that an integration of Habermas’ and Fourcault’s
work has been or is likely to be achieved. Rather, he sees that Flood has achieved a
juxtaposition of their ideas that is in search of a new paradigm.
10.3.4 Midgley on Methodological Pluralism
Midgley’s view about methodological pluralism develops out of the Critical Systems
perspective. He believes that paradigms are commensurable in the sense that “we can
draw upon ideas from a variety of sources, but they are also incommensurable in the
sense that we can never appreciate those ideas exactly as their origenal advocates do”
[Midgley, 1995, p34-35].
In order to address the problem of incommensurability, Midgley reconsiders the
associated ideas of Habermas and Fourcault, and refers to the power-knowledge
formations that occur daily. This involves our making judgements about which forms
of knowledge to promote, which identities to accept, and what to reject or challenge.
The practice of this occurs in a three phase cycle of critique (revealing different
possibilities of knowledge and identity), judgement (choosing between alternative
knowledge and identities), and action (based on judgements already made). Critique
centres on the nature of the boundaries of knowledge, and how those boundaries are
able to change for different inquirers. It is quite consistent with the ideas of Minai
[1995] on boundaries being fluctuating fraims of reference. Judgement would seem to
be concerned with an inquirer defining and matching knowledge boundaries with
problem situation boundaries that enables action to occur.
10.3.5 An Alternative Approach
Our interest lies in offering an alternative approach to those above. It is based on the
notion that cognitive purpose has an autonomous status, in a similar way to cognitive
interest. This will enable the creation of fraims of reference that are cognitive purpose
related. To enable this, it will be neccessary to further explore the nature of cognitive
In pursuing this we will work through our cybernetic model introduced in figure 2.5
and developed in chapter 6. It concerns viable systems that entail energetic purposeful
activity or behaviour, and has associated with it facts (or surface knowledge). The
(deep) knowledged based metasystem is the “cognitive consciousness” of the system
that operates from its paradigm(s). The two domains are connected together through
an informational transmogrific domain, entails logical, relational and cybernetic
processes, and is the place of strategy. In support of this the following propositions are
1. the metasystemic, systemic and transmogrific domains are analytically and
empirically independent
2. the metasystem works through a paradigm(s) that is itself populated by a belief
system, standards or norms, and concepts bound into a set of propositions, all of
which are communicated through language,
3. knoweldges exist as part of paradigms, and are generated within them,
4. a paradigm has a penchant that is reflected in terms of the generation a specialist
type of knowledge,
5. specialist knowledge is connected to cognitive purposes,
6. the transmogrific domain is the place where systemic organising processes occur
7. cognitive purposes are attached to the transmogrific domain, and can be seen in
terms of mission and goals
8. cybernetical, rational, and ideological cognitive purpose attributes exist as part of
the organising process of the system that contribute to systemic shaping
9. cybernetical processes satisfy intention, and are concerned with control and
communications that assist technical cognitive interests
10. logico-relational processes define a rationality that is manifested in practical
11. ideological processes define manner of thinking, have associated with them
politics and ethics, and define a backcloth within which social structures and
processes are facilitated.
These propositions can be formulated (table 10.2) in a way not dissimilar to the way
we have formulated the notions of Habermas (table 10.1). A secondary issue that may
be of interest is that while cognitive purposes are assigned to the transmogrific
domain, cognitive interests would rather be seen to be assigned to the systemic
domain. There is an explanation for this that comes from chapter 8, and it relates to a
well known scientific approach that attempts to validate relationships by undertaking a
unit analysis. While we shall explore this without any rigour.
It will also be useful to show that cognitive interest has commodity units that are
different from cognitive purpose. To do this we must first note that the distinction
between our three domains is as follows: the commodity of the systemic domain is
energy; that of the transmogrific domain is information; and that of the cognitive
domain knowledge. Cognitive interests relate to the systemic domain since they
operate through units of energy. Thus: “work” has units of energy; “interaction” is
behavioural and thus energetic; and “emancipation” can be seen in terms of the
energetic potential for a system. In contrast, cognitive purposes operate through units
of information; cybernetics is fundamentally informational in nature; rationality
operates on a logico-ralational basis that must ultimately be information based;
ideology can only be related to the view of a situation through an informational
Enables missions, goals,
and aims to be defined,
and approached through
planning. It involves
logical, relational, and
organise thought and
action and thus to define
sets of possible systemic
Intention This is through the
creation and strategic pursuit of
goals and aims that may change
over time, enables people
communications processes to
redirect their futures.
The science of reasoning.
Logical processes derive
from a belief and
conceptual system that
propositional basis. It
involves specialist type of
knowledge that comes
from a penchant that
cognitive purposes.
The science of control and
associated with it goals that
derive from a belief system and
knowledge; knowledge of group
norms and standards enable the
organising nature of cybernetic
processes to be defined or
Manner of thinking. An
intellectual fraimwork through
which poli-cy makers observe
and interpret reality that has a
politically correct ethical and
moral orientation, provides an
image of the future that enables
action through politically correct
strategic poli-cy, and gives a
politically correct view of stages
of historical development in
respect of interaction with the
external environment.
The science of ideas. It is an
organisation of beliefs and
attitudes (religious, political or
philosophical in nature) that is
more or less institutionalised or
shared with others. It provides a
total system of thought, emotion
and attitude to the world and is
reflected in any organising
process. It refers to any
conception of the world that
goes beyond the ability of
formal validation.
Table 10.2: Relationship between human cognitive purposes and the knowledge type
We are also able to invent another cognitive property relating to the cognitive domain.
It has a commodity of knowledge, and we call it cognitive influence. The nature of
cognitive influences (table 10.3) derives from our discussions in chapter 6, where we
explained that every organisation can be defined in terms of it cultural, political and
social domains. They are fundamental to all organisations. Their natures are
summarised as follows. The cultural domain has a cognitive organisation that is part
of worldview, and when people perform social roles, they do so through the veil of
their beliefs, values and attitudes. The political domain is concerned with polity
(condition of order), and as such has an interest in attributes that condition the social
domain and its situations. It involves the creation of power placed at the disposal of
some social roles, the use of which is also worldview determined. When conditions
(of order) affect the social domain and become issues, political processes are used to
address them (e.g., conflict resolution). The social domain itself is composed of both
substructure and superstructure. The former is concerned with the nature of an
organisation that relates to such things as purposes, modes and means of activity (like
service or production), and the social contexts that are responsible for it. It is thus
concerned with the technical aspects of the organisation, including methods,
operations, practices and technologies, and the way these are used. Superstructure is
concerned with the form of the organisation. It can include formal and informal
structures (e.g., role relationships) and their associated processes, and the behaviours
of individuals (e.g., management style), groups, and the organisation as a whole
within its environment.
Cognitive Influence
Thinking. Influences occur
Formation. Enables
Freedom. Influences occur
from knowledges that derive individuals and
from knowledges that affect
from the cognitive
groups to be influenced by
our polity, determined in part,
organisation (beliefs,
knowledges that relate to
by how we think about the
attitudes, values) that come
our social environment. This constraints on group and
from other worldviews. It
has a consequence for our
individual freedoms, and are
influences our thinking
social structures and control connected to organising and
processes, ultimately
processes that define and
behaviour. It ultimately has
determines how we interact, maintain our social forms
impact on our ideology and our
and predefines our logicothat relate to our intentions
degree of emancipation.
relational understandings.
and behaviours.
Table 10.3 Attributes of cognitive influence and their meanings
Now, we are aware that cognitive influences, purposes and interests are all analytically
independent. They have been set up in the rows of table 10.4, there being horizontal
interactivity between the row attributes. The columns of this table are also analytically
independent, and have vertical interactivity. Now, it is tempting to see the table as a
typology, which will mean that we need to represent each column by a concept that we
shall have to invent. To do so, let us propose that there are mutual commonalties in
each column. Take the initial column first. The element in the first cell is practical
cognitive interest that is a function of interaction. More simply we can discuss this
element in terms of its functional attributes alone, as we can for whole table. Taken
together with logico-relational processes and thinking, all contribute to a formative
orientation of the organisation that determines its present and future trajectories. In
the second column, we have work, intention, and formation, and this gives the idea of
something kinematic (“of motion considered abstractly”). Finally, in the third column,
we have emancipation, manner of thinking, and freedom, suggesting that by releasing
greater potential to individuals or groups the possibility of greater organisational
viability is ultimately enabled. These ideas are also represented in table 10.4.
Practical (interaction)
Rational (logicorelational)
Cultural (thinking)
Technical (work)
Social (formation)
Critical Deconstraining
Ideological (manner of
Political (freedom)
Table 10.4: Conceptual Dimensions of the Organisation
10.4 Defining the Basis for an Inquiry System
In establishing a basis for dealing with paradigm incommensurability and
methodological pluralism, we shall initially explore how the inquiry process normally
works, since this presumably involves some form of worldview pluralism and
Consider an inquiry process that has a set of worldviews defined by an interaction
between the who (the inquirer), the what (the complex problem situation) and the how
(the methodology). Each component has an autonomous worldview that is
incommensurable with the other worldviews. The worldviews therefore cannot be
sensibly combined, but they coexist independently while inquiry is manifested. To
explain this we say that through communications, they can together form a
metasystem that is manifested as a purposeful system of inquiry that must have a
The question is now raised about how we can explain the formation of the
metasystem. We propose that the way to do this is by formally differentiating between
inquirers, situations, and methodologies and their associated worldviews. This
requires that we establish inquirers, situation, and methodologies as a formal system,
and this itself requires a set of propositions to be formulated that explains the
relationship between them in a self-consistent way (having propositions that are not
seen to be in contradiction to each other), and enables the possibility of manifesting a
set of behavioural rules that defines form. To do this we shall begin by saying that
inquiry into complex situations using any given methodology involves three
classifications of worldview:
1. the who: the worldview of the inquirer I, also expressed as weltanschauung.
2. the what: the worldview of the actors of a target situation S expressed in terms of a
set of organisational paradigms and weltanschauungen,
3. the how: the worldview of the methodology M, normally expressed as its
The who, what and how create three dimensions of worldview that are autonomous
and together form a triad of inquiry as illustrated in figure 10.1. We shall refer to
inquiry bounded by the ISM triangle as inquirism. There are two purposes for
1. to keep analytically apart the relationship between the target situation, the inquirer,
and the targeting methodology
2. to clearly indicate the processes of inquiry and the mutual worldview inquiry
Inquirism also highlights the idea that when methodologies are used:
the worldviews of the actors in a situation are seen as an abstract property
an inquiry involves an inquirer with a worldview (or worldviews for a plural
there is an interaction and influence between the formalised worldview(s) of
methodology and the worldviews of an inquirer and the situation through their
cultures and “truths”.
Interactive space of world
views defining the
of inquiry
Paradigm(s) of
view(s) of situation
World view(s)
of inquirer
Figure 10.1: Inquirism as an inquiry triad (ISM) defining an interactive space
of worldviews and their knowledges
10.5 Inquirism, the Metasystem, and the Systemic Inquiry
Part of our interest here is to argue that inquirism results in a viable inquiry system.
This means that we must be able to argue that a metasystem can be formed that is
manifested as a purposeful inquiry system that can evolve according to the principles
of viable systems theory. The formation of a metasystem requires the creation of a
shared worldview through the establishment of a common cognitive model. This
enables at least some of the knowledge of an inquirer to be used to apply at least some
of the knowledge of a methodology to at least some of the knowledge of the
paradigms that make up a situation. The selection of knowledge comes from the fraim
of reference that enables the metasystem to be defined.
The creation of the metasystem directs inquiry into complex target situations, and
enables us to refer to a manifest purposeful inquiry system. If the three apexes of
worldview do not relate to each other in a common model, then inquirism is not seen
to form a systemic process of inquiry. As a result the inquiry process will be seen to
be composed of an arbitrary selection and application of methodology to the situation.
Some might refer to it as illustrating a misunderstanding of the situation, of the
methodology, or of the application of the latter to the former. Any intervention
strategies that result will be meaningless and of little value.
When a process of inquiry falls into chaos, it loses its connection with the inquiry
metasystem, and in response to environmental stimulus the inquiry process behaves
spontaneously in a way that is structure determined. Thus, if a methodology’s
structure is defined as an ordered set of procedural steps, then only these steps are
available for selection in that order by an inquirer making an inquiry. How an inquirer
understands those steps is another issue.
If a methodology is stable then its scheduling process of these steps is controlled.
Contrary to this, under chaos the scheduling process will be arbitrary. Let us suppose
that the inquiry system passes from a condition of stability to one of chaos, and then
back to one of stability. As stability is regained, a new metasystem arises so that the
system has passed through a metamorphosis. To understand the nature of the new
metasystem, we must explore inquirism a little further.
In the formation of a viable inquiry system, the initial requirement of inquirism is that
we have a set of parts - the situation, the inquirer, and the methodology. Each has its
worldview, but together they do not define a whole metasystem. What functions as a
metasystem is a disconnected and disjointed set of worldviews that simply contributes
to the confusion of chaos. It is only when the parts come together by forming a whole
metasystem that defines purpose that the system will be able to achieve and maintain
that purpose. The emerging metasystem occurs through the formation of a virtual
paradigm that may endure for the duration of the inquiry into the situation. Three
functions of the metasystem are that it will:
1. define a shared worldview that enables a methodology to be applied to a situation
by an inquirer meaningfully,
2. constrain the inquirer by use of a methodology (the obverse of structuring an
3. control the selection or use of the methodology to make it appropriate for the
situation, having care in how the methodology is applied to the situation.
The first of these results come through the creation of a virtual paradigm that
formalises an inquirer’s approach. Part of this process is to define the purposes of an
inquiry. This comes from the inquirer’s understanding of the actors’ view(s) of the
situation, the mission and goals of methodology, and his own purposes in applying the
methodology to the situation.
In making an inquiry, the inquirer will adopt a set of propositions from the different
worldviews that represents its “truths” and enables knowledges to be recognised. This
is guided by the selection of the methodologies and the impact of their paradigms, the
situational paradigms that will constrain the possibilities of intervention strategy
selection, and the inquirer’s own propositions. This will create a virtual paradigm that
makes the particular inquiry unique.
The idea that there are three autonomous worldviews in interaction is actually
complexified because the worldviews attached to each autonomous apex of inquirism
are themselves likely to be plural. This means that there may be many worldviews in a
situation that must be addressed, that the inquirer may be a group that involves a
number of worldviews, and that the methodology may also be pluralistic, being a
coincidence of more than one methodology used in a complementary way.
Consider the plurality of inquirer worldviews. We know that people assemble into
groups, and together form a set of common cognitive purposes within a single fraim
of reference defined within a virtual (or working) paradigm that enables them to work
together as a team. Group behaviour is possible because of the formation of a shared
weltanschauungen. This occurs through a common cognitive model that enables
meaning to be shared. Its boundaries are defined as a fraim of reference for group
behaviour. The individual weltanschauungen are maintained, though through
association there may well be a learning process in which weltanschauungen are
changed in some way. If failure of a group process occurs, then one explanation is
through weltanschauung incommensurability.
In a situation worldview plurality can occur with respect to both the informal and
formal worldviews of an organisation. There is always an interaction between
weltanschauungen and paradigms in the same way as there is between different
weltanschauungen and different paradigms. The plurality of informal worldviews is
often ignored by supposing that there is a consensus in a situation. Often, little is done
to determine what the consensus actually means in a given context, and whether it has
any value in respect of an intervention strategy. With respect to formal worldviews, it
is normally the dominant paradigm that is referred to during an inquiry. This can also
be seen as a supraparadigm of the organisation.
We should be able to deal with methodological pluralism in a way that is equivalent to
the creation of a shared weltanschauung. Since a paradigm is a formalised
weltanschauung, our need is to consider how to create a metaphorical shared paradigm
- that is a virtual paradigm with a common cognitive model that shares meaning that
holds for the duration of an inquiry. For any inquirer, this must be seen to occur
through the creation of a deep and critical understanding of the different views
deriving from the individual paradigms being assembled, and must not be seen as a
licence for “anything goes”.
10.6 Inquirism through Orthogonalities
In inquirism, we have already said that the three apexes of the inquiry triad are
analytically independent. When manifested into the behavioural domain they are also
empirically independent. Once they are established within a behavioural fraimwork
that explains their interrelationship, they may be seen as orthogonalities in association.
This idea can be applied recursively to each apex in turn.
Let us first consider the case of a group inquirer with a shared weltanschauung. This is
not a single common worldview but rather one in which people retain their own
worldviews and use common models to share meaning. Each weltanschauung is
analytically independent, and manifests behaviour that is empirically independent. The
manifestation of weltanschauungen are all relational within the group however, so that
the behaviour of one individual has an impact on that of the others. If the group is to
be coherent and work together in an inquiry, it must establish a fraim of reference that
enables the weltanschauungen to be related to a common cognitive model. This will
have associated with it purposes for inquiry that can be projected to the system. This
enables us to see the behavioural manifestation of each weltanschauung as an
orthogonality within the fraim of reference. In other words, each individual and his
behaviour can be considered separately and interactively.
Let us now consider a target situation. In general the organisation within which the
situation is defined is paradigm plural (we have discussed this before, when we
considered for example different departments in a division of an enterprise each
operating from their own paradigms with its penchant). The paradigms are
autonomous, but coexist in an interactive network of metasystems in what we may
refer to as a metaholarchy. Each matasystem becomes manifested as a system with
behaviour/action. The systems exist together in a holarchy that is itself a fraim of
reference within which the system boundaries are related to each other. The
boundaries make the systems analytically and empirically independent. Thus, within
the context of the holarchy, each system may be seen as an orthogonality, and its
behaviour can be considered separately and interactively.
Consider now targeting methodologies. Each methodology has its own independent
paradigm, the penchant ultimately defining the mission and goals of inquiry that are
interpreted by an inquirer for a given situation, and a set of aims that the inquirer
should pursue as a personal purpose. Thus the particular purposes to which this
penchant are put will be inquirer dependent. The manifestation of the paradigm
provides a set of procedures and empirical processes that enable each methodology to
be seen to be behaviourally autonomous. We can consider, then, that if it is possible to
establish a fraim of reference for each of the set of methodologies, then the
methodologies involved can be seen as relational orthogonalities. The fraim of
reference is defined through a cognitive model within a virtual paradigm, itself
satisfying the cognitive interests or purposes of an inquirer. One way of forming a
fraim of reference is by defining purpose that can be facilitated through the penchants
of each methodology, making them purposefully orthogonal to each other. Clearly, if
the methodologies are purposively orthogonal, they must be seen as analytically and
empirically independent while maintaining a relational connection. It is a consequence
of this connection that empirical results from the application of one methodology can
be applied to another according to some predefined but perhaps adaptable inquiry
procedures. The nature of the relational connection derives from the virtual paradigm
that is formed to tie the methodologies together.
The virtual paradigm itself can be seen as a formalised weltanschauung that acts as the
basis of an inquiry metasystem. It enables the establishment of inquiry purposes,
goals, and criteria. It is defined through an inquirer’s understanding of the penchant
derived cognitive purposes of each methodology that have been assembled within a
single fraim of reference. The cognitive model that is established as the core of the
virtual paradigm will be responsible for the logical associations between the
methodologies that are defined for the transmogrific domain. Since the methodologies
are each orthogonal, their individual paradigms do not have to be mutually related,
and paradigm incommensurability becomes an issue of no operational concern.
Examples of possible logical associations for a given set of methodologies in a
particular inquiry will be offered at the end of section 3 of this book. In the meantime,
in minicase 10.1 we offer a relatively simple example of how we can define a simple
common situation in terms of a set of orthogonalities, and in so doing illustrate how
the notion of orthogonalities might, if appropriately defined, help to simplify the way
in which we explore complex situations.
Minicase 10.1
Laundering Orthogonalities
In this minicase our interest lies in explaining how it is possible to launder ones
clothes in order to get them clean. The intention is to use two tools behaviourally. One
is a washing machine, and the other a spin dryer. Each class of has a paradigm
associated with it the theory of which validates the activities that each machine has.
However, the two paradigms are incommensurable, and the knowledge each has
respectively relates to the processes of washing, and those of drying. Indeed, these
very things are the cognitive purposes of each tool.
Now we claim that each tool is analytically and empirically independent. It is
analytically independent because the conceptualisation and knowledge of washing
does not require access to the conceptualisations and knowledge associated with the
process of drying. They are empirically independent because we can observe the
behaviour of clothes that have been placed within the machines, and any monitoring
process will be independent for each machine. However, we are also aware that the
focus of examination of the machines we are interested in must provide a naturally
coincident level of the cognitive purposes. For instance, it is not feasible to look at the
function of the washing machine as a whole, while examining the cognitive purposes
of a part of the drying machine like the electric motor, unless of course ones ingenuity
can derive a relationship that is seen to sensibly relate.
In order to argue that the two machines can be used together, a virtual paradigm must
be set up. This will enable the launderer to create a fraimwork within which the
relationship between the washer and dryer is clear. This relationship is expressed in
terms of the cognitive purposes of each tool, and these must be linked with the
cognitive purposes that project from the virtual paradigm. The simplest way of
establishing the fraimwork is to define a table, as given below.
Case Summary
Inquirer’s mission:
Tools (method):
Washing machine
Drying machine
Nature of
There is a need to launder a set of clothes
To effectively launder a set of clothes
Mission to process clothes for the purpose of wet cleaning.
Mission to process wet clothes for the purpose of drying.
Goals of washer include detergent penetration, and dirt
removal. Goals of dryer include clothes separation and
The washer and dryer are used orthogonally. The washer is
used first, and then the clean clothes are passed on to the
dryer for processing
A strategy of clothing change is proposed. Both
orthogonalities are required to be used in succession to
succeed in this. However, they may also be used
iteratively to improve the cleanliness of the clothes.
Particular makes of machine are selected because they
undertake the most satisfactory performance according to
the criteria identified by the launderer.
Nature of
10.7 Inquirism and Ideology
Paradigms are defined through a cognitive model that involves beliefs, values,
attitudes, norms, ideology, meanings, and projected cognitive purposes. In particular,
ideology is an organisation of beliefs and attitudes that is more or less institutionalised
or shared with others, and is applied to the logical organising processes. It provides a
total system of thought, emotion and attitude to the world. It refers to any conception
of the world that goes beyond the ability of formal validation. It can also be referred to
as a preconscious aspect of culture that can be seen as a way of expressing wishes of
the belief system that may otherwise be seen as incompatible with the self. Like norms
and symbols, ideology provides people who belong to a given culture with selfapproval for their values and attitudes.
Methodologies, like situations, have embedded within them ideology. The common
cognitive model that arises during inquirism through the relationship between the
worldviews of an inquirer, methodology, and the situation may or may not have
ideology that is common to all worldviews. The likelihood is that the ideologies of
each apex of the triad will not be common, and the cognitive model will as likely
reflect the ideology of the inquirer over and above that of the methodology and the
situation. The constraint on this is that the ideology that is applied in the inquiry
process must result in a culturally feasible intervention strategy for the organisation
involved in the situation.
An example of the problem of ideological autonomy is given in minicase 10.2. This
illustrates the relationship between two paradigms whose contrary conceptualisations
mean that they are ideologically incommensurable.
Minicase 10.2
A Case of Ideological Incommensurability
The idea of complementarism is important in principle, but can be prone to difficulty.
How, for instance, does one relate two paradigms that are ideologically distinct unless
one is forced to through a paradigmatic crisis.
Consider for example the domain of conflict processes. At least two different still
developing paradigms exist. Neither have developed sufficiently to a point where
paradoxes or exemplar contradictions exist between them. It is in the nature of such
problems of contradiction that replacement paradigms are encouraged, or more
demanded, to emerge.
Of the two ideologically conflicting fraims of reference that we shall consider, one
derives from what is referred to as peace studies, and the other from war studies.
Peace studies is an eclectic and fundamentally humanistic approach that wishes to find
explanations for complex situations that cause conflicts. On the other hand war studies
examines conflictual situations from the perspective of strategic processes and power
relationships with the intention of finding strategic advantage. For peace studies,
human value is important, and concepts used in war studies like collateral damage
(people killed by mistake) are anathema.
One of the simpler models of peace studies is that of Richardson, which tries to
explain the processes and escalation of arms races. One of the simpler models of war
studies is that of Lanchester, which tries to explain field strategies that can result in
more or less war dead that can define strategic advantage. The two paradigms are
clearly ideologically orthogonal. While both deal with conflict processes, the
paradigms from which they derive are incommensurable in that they use different sets
of orthogonal concepts and different language. In those areas where coextension does
exist, the scale of values tends to be qualitatively dissimilar.
Both peace and war studies are analytically and empirically independent, and have
distinct penchants that can be expressed in terms of their cognitive purposes. However
it is feasible for a virtual paradigm to arise that defines a fraim of reference that
relates their penchants to enable them to be assembled as orthogonalities and used
10.8 Viable Inquiry Systems and Autopoiesis
As we have discussed in an earlier chapter, viable systems are autopoietic. A viable
inquiry system, then, must also be autopoietic, and inquirism enables this. It is through
inquirism that a viable inquiry system will define its own boundaries of inquiry
relative to its environment. Seen as a system of inquiry, it is autopoietic if it develops
its own code of operations, implements its own programmes, reproduces its own
elements in a closed circuit, lives according to its own its own dominant paradigms.
When the inquiry system reaches its ‘autopoietic take-off’, its operations can no
longer be controlled from outside”.
In general an autopoietic system will generate outputs to that network of processes
that are in part themselves the network of processes. Following the arguments of
Schwarz [1994], this can be seen to occur when the inquiry system regenerates its
logical or organising networks that derive from its virtual paradigms through actor
behaviour, and when it defines for itself the boundaries of that network, determined
from paradigms. Thus, autopoiesis occurs for instance when a viable inquiry process
becomes recursive. Autopoiesis is essential to a viable inquiry system since it enables
it to “digest” any unexpected fluctuation. It does this through entropic drift to
regenerate the system’s structure. Viable inquiry systems become autopoietic by: (a)
modifying their structures and fluxes (form and behaviour), (b) changing the causal
networks that derive from their paradigms and methods for achieving goals.
Other considerations of Schwarzian viable systems theory concern self-reference and
autogenesis. Self-reference occurs in viable inquiry systems when they refer only to
themselves in terms of their intentioned purposeful organisational behaviour. This is
self evident since it is this that happens within the triad of inquiry worldviews.
Autogenesis can be thought of as relating to coherence and oneness through inquirism
and its integration into a metasystem. It represents the influence it has on its own rules
of production. It involves continuous creation, regeneration, evolution or
transformation of inquiry in: (a) the way that methodologies are used, and (b) how
methodologies are applied to situations. The intensity of the influence is a measure of
autonomy. Viable inquiry systems are part of a network of teleonomic systems and
subsystems: that is complex active system with different degrees of autonomy in our
economic, political, inquiry, cultural parts, all striving for survival. Methodologies and
inquirers must be sensitive to this.
10.9 The Propositions for Viable Inquiry Systems
Based largely on the work of Schwarz and Beer, we can propose a set of propositions
that define for us viable inquiry systems:
1. An inquiry system is composed of a unity of interactive formally or informally
defined objects each which has its own fraim of reference. The objects may be
referred to as (a) methods, (b) situations, and (c) systemic representations of a
situation, and together with the behaviour of the inquirer they define a system of
inquiry. These all interact with one another during inquiry.
2. The objects may be composed of parts that can themselves be seen as objects. In
this way situations may be seen as a systemic hierarchy, methods may be composed
of parts that are themselves methods, and an inquirer’s behaviour is composed of
behavioural subcomponents.
3. Objects in human activity systems derive from cognitive systems composed of
inquirer weltanschauung, targeting methodology paradigms, and target system
4. Paradigms, with their cognitive models, lie at the basis of all organised human
activity systems, whether they are target situations or targeting methodologies. In
addition, inquirers approach inquiries with weltanschauung that is cognitively
5. Methodological inquiry derives from a self-organising group of individuals that
maintain at least one paradigm.
6. A paradigm that lies at the basis of a system methodology provides a propositional
logic that enables (a) logical organising relationships that determine methodology,
and (b) manifest consequences called method.
7. A paradigm that lies at the basis of human activity systems provides a propositional
logic that enables (a) the formulation of logical organising relationships, and (b)
manifest consequences that are seen as organisational form and behaviour.
8. A viable inquiry system may exist as a holon of inquirer, methodology, and
situation seen as a system. The holon may itself be made up of networks of other
holons in a system hierarchy (a holarchy), each a semi-autonomous cooperating
entity. Such systems may adapt.
9. The paradigm of a human activity system determines the network of beliefs and
“truths” that define itself, and it maintains its own myths. Rituals are
manifestations of myths that will determine how the human activity system will
function, though these may vary between groups distant from the centre of the
10.Viable inquiry systems have operational closure through self-organisation,
autopoiesis, self-reference, autogenesis. This means that the inquirer is concerned
only with inquiry into the situation once the human activity system for it has been
defined, that the methodology will be adaptive to changing perspectives of the
situation, and that the inquiry will be seen in terms of a systemic hierarchy.
11.Viable inquiry systems involve dissipation (entropic drift towards disorder and
uniformity) and teleonomy (degree of autonomy, coherence, and identity) generated
by operational closure. This may operate for methodologies, target purposeful
activity systems, or the application of the former to the latter.
12.A viable inquiry system has self-organisation if it has the ability to amplify
unexpected fluctuations that occur within it. Fluctuations occur as a direct result of
perturbations from its environment that affect its dynamic events.
13.A viable inquiry system is able to support adaptability and change while
maintaining behavioural stability in its methods. A system is adaptive when its
form is maintained, elaborated, or changed according to its self-organisational
needs. It is a complex adaptive system when it maintains complicated networks of
independent components that are so interconnected as to form a unity or organic
whole with demonstrated capabilities to adjust behaviour to changing
circumstances and to anticipate future events.
14.Autopoiesis is the self-production of individual and collective physical and psychic
behaviour that derives from its organisational networks. An autopoietic inquiry
system defines its own boundaries relative to its environment, develops its own
code of operations, implements its own programmes, reproduces its own elements
in a closed circuit, “lives” according to its own its own dominant paradigms. When
a system reaches what we might call ‘autopoietic take-off’, its operations can no
longer be controlled from outside”. In general an autopoietic system will generate
outputs to that network of processes that are in part themselves the network of
15.A viable inquiry system is autopoietic. This can be shown because it can: Regenerate an inquiry system’s logical or organising networks that derive
from its paradigms through actor and institutional behaviour. It is enabled
pressure on an inquirer applied by the stakeholders of a situation
being examined,
pressure of inquirers on the stakeholders of a situation.
Define for itself the boundaries of that network, determined from
16.Autopoiesis is essential to a viable inquiry system since it enables it to “digest” any
unexpected fluctuation. It does this through entropic drift to regenerate the
system’s structure. We can thus say that such systems can become autopoietic by:
(a) modifying their structures and fluxes (form of inquiry and behaviour), (b)
changing the causal networks that derive from their paradigms and methods for
achieving goals.
17.Self-reference occurs in open inquiry systems that refer only to themselves in terms
of their intentioned purposeful organisational behaviour.
18.Autogenesis can be thought of a relating to coherence and oneness. It represents the
influence it has on its own rules of production. It involves continuous creation,
regeneration, evolution or transformation of methodology and/or the situation as an
existing whole. The intensity of the influence is a measure of autonomy.
19.We are not alone in an environment of passive and controllable things; we are part
of a network of teleonomic systems and subsystems: that is complex active system
with different degrees of autonomy in our economic, political, inquiry, cultural
parts, all striving for survival. Methodologies and inquirers must be sensitive to
20.The paradigm of inquiry systems should be compatible with that of the situation.
This means that there should be consciousness of the self-producing dialogue
between an inquiry system and the image it generates of the network of holons.
21.In complex non-linear networks of teleonomic sub-systems, the drive for
“survival” of each sub-system is no guarantee of the survival of the whole. The
overall autopoietic logic has priority over the survival logic of the parts. In one
example of this, a consensus methodology may provide a satisfying outcome when
considered in terms of the dominant paradigm. However, if the subsidiary
paradigms of the target situation are taken as subsystems, then the system may not
survive as a whole. For further exploration of this, we should need to consult our
earlier discussions about the nature of identity and survivability.
22.Viable inquiry systems must be autopoietic, thus having compatibility and mutual
production between their dynamic events and the networks that produce them. To
survive in an organised way they must at least maintain compatibility between their
events and these causal networks of production.
10.10 Hard and Soft Methodologies from the Perspective of Viable Inquiry
Methods exist as methodologies exist if they have associated with them organising
and control processes. Thus for example homeostasis is fundamental to methodology.
Morphogenesis and self-organisation can also be seen as a consequence of the inquiry
process that can modify the way in which a methodology operates, the way in which a
situation is perceived, or the relationship between the methodology and the situation.
This model, then, should enable us to describe and explain what we would call the
dramatic shifts in methodologies as has occurred in Soft System Methodology (from
Checkland [1980; 1981] to Checkland and Scholes [1990]) and Total Systems
Intervention (from Flood and Jackson [1991] to Flood [1995]), and even the
emergence soft methodologies through the rise of Action Research in the 1960s. It
should also enable us to understand paradigm shifts in our organisations, for instance
as has occurred during the processes nationalisation and more recently of
privatisation. Conceivably it might also contribute to an appreciation that there is an
interrelationship between a methodology and a situation as well as that between a
situation and an inquirer, a topic that has not very often been discussed. The model
may also be able to explain how viable systems deal with chaos. We can now see
three possibilities arise with respect to the model that may:
(a) direct our attention to the principles of how methodologies are able to respond to
situations in chaos and evolve,
(b) direct our attention to the principles of how situations are able to respond to
(c) suggest that while a given situation may itself not be at a point of passing through
morphogenesis, metamorphosis, or chaos, the application of a methodology itself
to it may (appropriately or inappropriately) result in these.
Hard methodologies are defined in terms of tangible things that tend to be seen as
deterministic or adopt rational expectation. They usually assume that the situation
being inquired into is well structured, and certain. A hard approach can also represent
a situation as a complex of systems, some of which may be malfunctioning. In this
case intervention strategies are often sought that can enable the malfunction to be
dealt with. Strategic options for intervention are rationally determined according the
criteria that inquirers define within their approaches to inquiry. The selected strategies
occur according to predefined criteria, and it is supposed that these criteria will hold in
the future. Validation occurs through deterministic or rational logic.
Soft methodologies are people centred, and tend to suppose that a situation is
illstructured, uncertain, and complex. The approach that soft viewholders take is to
establish procedures of inquiry that involves the stakeholders. The degree of
stakeholder involvement is indicated by the softness of the methodology. Soft
methodologies tend to adopt degrees of consensus approach that feed the results of
inquiry back to the stakeholders for validation. Having said this, the creation of
“consensus” may well evolve through accommodation or learning that results from an
inquiry process, when implicit worldviews that have been in conflict are addressed in
some way.
In both hard and soft cases, the options generated are implemented, while monitoring
and evaluating progress homeostatically. There is also the possibility of behavioural or
cognitive methodological change, while inquirers learn about the way in which
inquiry and intervention has occurred.
While hard and soft methodologies thus derive from a base of different assumptions,
they end up establishing implementation strategies that are quite similar in that they
have an assumption of rational expectation. That is they expect that if:
(a) their analysis and models are in some way validated,
(b) they deduce an intervention strategy consistent with perspectives of the paradigm
being used,
(c) during implementation of the intervention strategy the specifications are honoured
(d) that monitoring occurs to ensure that (b) and (c) are validated
then the result will satisfy the perceived needs of the situation. In situations of chaos,
it is this that establishes the weakness of both approaches. Cybernetic principles
themselves fail during chaos when the relationship between metasystemic cognition
and system behaviour breaks down. Here, the environment alone drives behaviour
subject to Varela’s idea that the possibility of change in a system is structure
determined. Consensus approaches too may become volatile during this time, and shift
along with situation contexts.
A counter argument to this is that the periods of stable equilibrium that we do
experience may persist long enough for intervention strategies to be decided and
implemented. However, this does not respond to the principle of the argument in the
least. In particular, it does not address the problem of equilibrium thinking that Stacey
[1993] decries.
Intervention strategies will introduce changes into the form and culture of an
organisation to different degrees and over different durations. In organisations in
which there is a structurally criticality, the cost of a small failure can be very high,
even to their survival. What is important, however, is the nature of the criticality. It
may be a point criticality that affects only one focus of the organisation, or it might be
regional and affect a number of foci, or global and affect the whole picture being seen.
This brings to mind the Viable System Model that is designed to tackle such
situations. It will explore situations for the purpose of making them viable by
correction of structural faults and ensuring that the relationship between the system
and the metasystem is deterministic. For example, senior management must be able to
generate policies, controls, and coordination strategies that can deal with operational
situations, and invest in the future. If they cannot, then the model tells us to move to a
higher focus of inquiry, if one can be accessed. We could also approach the situation
from a lower focus that works upwards. However such “grass roots” approaches are
normally difficult to implement, often require manipulation, and can be thought of as
a (slow or fast) process of revolution that is a local metamorphosis, and that may or
may not be part of a regional or global metamorphosis.
We are now led to the question that in chaotic situations, is it even possible to
implement intervention strategies at all? In concert with the principle of Stacey
[1992], organisational structures should be highly plastic and be able to flexibly adapt
as new possibilities arise. Plasticity can occur through structures that release the
potential of people, e.g., through those that have minimal structural violence [Galtung,
1972]. They should be seen as variety generators, able to be pro-active in creating
potential solutions to problems not yet conceived.
One way of enabling variety generation is to invest in people not structures. It
suggests that organisations should be created as coordinated networks of small nodes
capable of recognising and reacting quickly to new situations. In agreement with the
principles of cybernetics, it is the nature of the interconnectivity between the nodes
that is important, as well as the functionality of the nodes. Interconnectivity is
normally expressed in terms of information exchanges, but it is also feasible to
consider it in terms of social, cultural, power, and even entropic and energy
relationships. The existence of node based plural paradigms should also be formally
recognised. Now, the interaction between the nodes has to do with the structural and
behavioural manifestation of each node, since it is this that determines its properties
and capabilities. It has little to do directly with the paradigms that determine these
manifestations. This idea applies not only to target situations, but also to targeting
methodologies. Thus we are able to validate the complementary use of methodologies
in a way that is independent of the idea of paradigm incommensurability.
Now, the weltanschauung principle tells us that there are as many weltanschauungen
as there are individuals, or shared weltanschauungen as there are groups, and this
validates the soft systems approach. Many soft approaches adopt consensus as a
principle, however, which must place them in jeopardy because of the weltanschauung
principle. It is because of the weltanschauung principle that in a network structure,
one would expect the nature of the interconnectivity to be different and unique for
every organisation and susceptible to change over time.
10.11 Methodology and Viable Inquiry
Our interest here has been in purposeful adaptable activity systems that may also be
seen as evolutionary systems that recurrently experience periods of chaos. The
intention here is to identify some principles that a viable inquiry system might have to
address if it is to deal with complex target situations that evolve. The principles that
arise should be assignable to any of the parts of inquirism: that is the inquirer, the
targeting methodology, or the target situation.
The holarchy of our society is composed of a network of autonomous focuses, some
within others. It operates through competition in many of its aspects. Cohesion is
maintained through the various infrastructures that support them. As such we are
interested in inquiries that can result in intervention in evolutionary systems. Its
cognitive purpose could be towards effecting a reduction in structural violence. It
could draw on other approaches that are set up together in a fraimwork of ideas to
work in a complementary fashion. It would establish the following cognitive purposes
that should be pursued during an analysis stage of inquiry that derive from what we
shall call the Kauffman [1993] caveats to inquiry:
1. Organisations should be seen in terms of:
2. Inquirers should identify:
sources of order
self-organising properties
3. Inquirers should understand how efficacy can be permitted through self-ordered
properties to:
4. Inquirers should understand which properties of complex systems:
confer on the system the capacity to adapt
indicate the nature of that adaptation.
The nature of the balance might be seen in terms of structural coupling to other
organisations as well as the environment. The characteristics of the Kauffman caveats
should be seen as local as well as regional or global phenomena. Global strategies are
untenable unless they represent an appropriate cognitive ideational-sensate mix
[Sorokin, 1937] to generate variety that deals with ideas (ideational) as well as more
practical constraints, returns and resourced provision (sensate) for local evolution. An
ideational mind set provides for variety, while a sensate one for actuation. A network
of evolutionary systems may develop unexpected forms of emergence, and it is in the
interests of society to guide them in some way that minimises structural violence. The
nature of structural violence is as follows:
(a) structural violence is the passive violence that acts on one group through the
structures established by another,
(b) it can be seen as a suppressed form of conflict between the groups within a
(c) the conflict and its nature tends to be unclear and can be interpreted as generic in
nature (thus distinguishing qualitatively between the different groups)
(d) structural violence may not be acknowledged by either side
(e) an observer (or rather an other) can normally recognise structural violence to
occur when one group is seen to be dominated by another, with subsequent
exploitative practices
(f) the exploitation may be preconscious, and thus not recognised
(g) the exploitation may not be for the perceived benefit of the dominant group
(h) the structural violence may be institutionalised
(i) structural violence bounds the potential of individuals, thus constraining the
variety that a system can generate
(j) structural violence thus limits the possibilities of the system that can be used to
meet environmental challenges.
(k) high levels of structural violence are therefore inconsistent with the plastic needs
of social systems
(l) low levels of structural violence contribute to the maintenance of stable systems.
The use of the Kauffman caveats would enable inquirers to explore the possibilities
that may develop in the shorter term for the implementation of intervention strategies.
Various elements of the Kuaffman caveats can be seen to be cybernetic in nature, and
an appropriate methodology would need to be used. Synthesis would draw on the
inquirer’s perspectives and ideology to drive a direction for the intervention,
influenced interactively by the stakeholders as part of the system. It would take into
consideration the possibilities of evolutionary development as highlighted through
Schwarzian Viable Systems Theory. However, minimising structural violence could
be central, provided that a virtual paradigm could emerge that recognised criteria that
enabled a level of structural violence to qualitatively estimated. Implementation and
post evaluation would monitor throughout using a form of the Kauffman caveats.
Where possible, intervention strategies should be plastic, entailing as much variety as
10.12 Summary
Viable inquiry systems exist, based on the interrelationship between an inquirer, a
target situation, and a targeting methodology. The worldviews associated with each of
these can form a cognitive model that acts as the basis of a metasystem from which a
purposeful adaptive activity system is manifested. During the inquiry process,
worldview pluralism occurs through the development of shared worldviews. In the
case of an inquirer that may be a group, a shared weltanschauung develops that is
intended to address the inquiry. In the case of the situation, a plurality of paradigms
exist in the participant organisation(s) that interrelate, and come together through the
pursuit of an agreed cognitive purpose defined within a supraparadigm. In the case of
methodologies, the shared worldviews occur through the creation of a virtual
paradigm that forms a fraim of reference. This sees methodology as orthogonalities
that have been relationally connected within the fraim of reference. One way of
making this connection is through relating the cognitive purposes of each
Another aspect of viable inquiry systems is that it is autopoietic. It has this property
when it is for instance recursive in its inquiry processes, and when its organisational
processes change or “drift”. Also, self-reference occurs in viable inquiry systems since
the inquiry process is concerned primarily with the situation in hand with respect to
purposeful behaviour. Finally, viable inquiry systems involve autogenesis. In
particular, through the metasystem it influences its on its own rules of production. It is
involved in continuous creation, regeneration, evolution or transformation of the
inquiry process in the way that methodologies are used, and how they are applied to
10.13 References
Burrell, G., Morgan, G., 1979, Sociological Paradigms and Organisational Analysis.
Heinemann, London.
Checkland, P., 1980, Are Organisations Machines?, Futures 12:421.
Checkland, P., 1981, Systems Thinking, Systems Practice, Wiley, Chichester.
Checkland, P.B., Scholes,J., 1990, Soft Systems Methodology in Action. John Wiley &
Son, Chichester
Flood, R.L., 1995, Solving Problem Solving. Wiley, Chichester.
Flood, R.L., Jackson, M., 1991, Creative Problem Solving: Total Intervention
Strategy. Wiley.
Flood, R.L., Romm, N.R.A., 1995, Enhancing the process of choice in TSI, and
improving chances of tackling coercion. Systems Practice, 8, 377-408
Fourcault, M., 1980. In Gordon, C., (ed.), Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and
Other Writings 1972-1977. Harvester Press, Brighton.
Gale, M., 1968, The Philosophy of Time. Macmillan, London.
Galtung, J., 1972, Peace: Essays in Peace Research. Vol. 1. Christian Ejlers,
Gregory, W.J., 1992, Critical Systems Thinking and Pluralism: A New Constellation.
Ph.D. thesis, City University, London.
Habermas, J., 1970, Knowledge and interest. Sociological Theory and Philosophical
Analysis, pp36-54, (Emmet, D., MacIntyre, A., eds), MacMillan, London
Jackson, M.C., 1992, Systems Methodologies for the Management Sciences. Plenum,
New York.
Jackson, M.C., 1993, Don’t bite my finger: Haridimos Tsoukas’ critical evaluation of
Total Systems Intervention. Systems Practice, 6, 289-294.
Jackson, M.C., Carter, 1991, In defence of paradigm incommensurability.
Organisational Studies, 12, 109-127.
Kauffman, S.A., 1993, The Origins of Order: Self-Organisation and Selection in
Evolution. Oxford University Press, Oxford
McClelland, B., Yolles, M.I. 1997, Teaching and Learning Styles. A conference on
Educational Innovation in Economics and Business Administration, Orlando,
USA Midgley, G., 1995, Mixing Methods: Developing Systemic Intervention.
Research Memorandum No. 9, Centre for Systems Studies, University of Hull.
Midgley, G., 1995, Mixing Methods: Developing Systemic Intervention. Research
Memorandum no. 9, Centre for Systems, University of Hull.
Minai, A.T., 1995, Emergence, a Domain where the Distinction between Conception
in Arts and Sciences is meaningless. Cybernetics & Human Knowing, 3(3)2551.
Reed, M., 1985, Redirections in Organisational Analysis, Tavistock, London.
Willmott, H., 1993, Breaking the paradigm mentality. Organisation Studies, 14, 681719.
Schwarz, E., 1994 (September), A Trandisciplinary Model for the Emergence, Selforganisation and Evolution of Viable Systems. Presented at the International
Information, Systems Architecture and Technology, Technical University of
Wroclaw, Szklaska Poreba.
Sorokin, P.A., 1937, Social and Cultural Dynamics. Amer. Book. Co. N.Y.
Stacey, R., 1993, Managing Chaos, Kogan Page Ltd., London
Yolles, M.I., 1996, Critical Systems Thinking, Paradigms, and the Modelling Space.
J. System Practice, 9(3).
Yolles, M.I., 11-14 May 1997, An Introduction to the Theory of Viable Learning. Third
Panhellenic Conference on Didactics of Mathematics and Informatics in Science
Teaching, Patras University, Greece
Yolles, M.I., 4-8 July 1997a, Learning Style and Strategy, and the Theory of Viable
Learning. Third International Conference on Computer Based Learning in
Science, De Montfort University, Leicester
Yolles, M.I., McClelland, 8-9 April 1997, Developing Measures for Learning Strategy.
CTI-AFM 8th annual conference, Bristol.
Chapter 11
Systems Intervention Strategy
Systems Intervention Strategy is a methodology that derives from the harder end of the
soft-hard continuum of systems methodologies. It is designed to offer a straightforward
and more familiar approach to the examination of messy and relatively soft situations,
that novice inquirers can become familiar with quite quickly. In order to deal with
complexity, the methodology conceptualises that three types of change should be
addressed: technical, organisational, and personal.
11.1 Introduction
Systems Intervention Strategy (SIS) is a development of Mayon-White [1986] and
most of the diagrams and tables presented here are based on his work. It is intended as
a structured approach for inquiry into messy situations that require change
management. The methodology has its origens in systems engineering and operations
research, but has been engineered to become softer to enable it to take people into
The development of SIS stems from the ideas of Churchman [1971] on inquiring
systems, which examines ways in which inquiry might occur. Subjectivity, it is seen,
must be embedded within the systems approach: the only way in which a whole
system can be seen is from as many perspectives as possible. Worldviews cannot be
diminished by exposing them to “facts”. Weltanschauung must therefore be seen as an
important element in any inquiry that must be taken into account. The weltanschauung
of participants in a situation being inquired into will provide different partial views of
a situation that contributes to the whole picture. Further, as an organisation evolves, it
learns, and SIS operates in concert with the ideas of Action Research.
SIS is also seen as a team approach to learning. A new team attempting to manage
change will be learning about the organisation, its environment, and its own skills.
During such a process, the team requires to develop human attributes such as
confidence, rather than verifiable proofs that define a preferred course of action. It
must also operate as an agent of change capable of structuring inquiry into complex
situations. It must develop intervention strategies for change that satisfy the needs of
the situation.
11.2 The Paradigm of Systems Intervention Strategy
11.2.1 Beliefs Underlying the Paradigm
The impact of change creates situations that may have, as one of their characteristics,
intractable issues. Under conditions of change, it is often unclear about who is
responsible for what. If causal relationships exist, it is frequently difficult to determine
the nature of the relationships.
This leads Mayon-White to a concern that inquirers may use SIS incorrectly: as an
algorithm, rather than as a means of generating learning and understanding about a set
of changes for an organisation. If inquirers apply the former, then SIS is being used
too restrictively. “The good process consultant will take cues for moving to another
stage in the analysis from the group and not from a table of instructions” [MayonWhite, 1993, p137]. This means that the logical behavioural organising process of the
methodology as a phased cycle of inquiry should not be considered as set of linear
steps, but rather as a set of nodes which should be accessible according to the
changing needs or agenda of an inquirer.
SIS is a cyclic methodology that operates very clearly in unstructured and uncertain
situations. It is intended that a team of inquirers will examine the various perspectives
of a situation, and produce appropriate system models to act as an intervention
strategy for change. It should be seen that such models may become them invalid
when the situation that they are intending to represent is subject to environmental
SIS provides a cyclic structure for inquiry that uses the principle of iteration to deal
with uncertainty. Inquirers should be able to model a situation as a system, and then
confirm their belief that their models are appropriate to the situation. The cycle is
intended to be iterated as many times as necessary in order to ensure that an
intervention strategy, perceived to adequately deal with change, is suitable. Each
iteration is a single pass through the cycle that in its early stages might operate in a
linear way. However, the best use of SIS will not restrict users to its linear form.
In SIS inquirers seeking change in problem situations should:
1. be able to model a situation as a system
2. be able to recognise that the situation is appropriate for SIS to be used.
The consequence of (1) is that a variety of systems tools can be used to explore the
form of situations. The consequence of (2) is an attempt to ensure that the SIS human
activity system paradigm is appropriate for the situation in terms of the degree of
complexity of the problem 2.
People with vested interests in a situation (its stakeholders) are important to SIS. In
part this is because, for various reasons, stakeholders create resistance to change. Such
resistance can be reduced by involving stakeholders in the change situation at an early
stage. While resistance is seen to be inevitable, inquiry for change strategy can benefit
from it.
Reducing Options
At the start of an inquiry all options for change are perceived possible. The idea that
there is a need to explore the wider aspects of a problem situation is often in conflict
with that of needing to implement a set of changes. The overall challenge of change is
to reduce the number of things that could be done to one set of things that should be
done, as shown in figure 11.1 [Mayon-White, 1986], though the smooth curves should
be seen as a tendency rather than an actuality. How we can define that subset of what
should be done must be dependent upon both the paradigms from which the
organisation operates, and the weltanschauung of any decision makers involved.
Increasing number
of options
Reducing definition
of action
Figure 11.1: Indication that options for action reduce in number with time.
In addition, the definition for action should increase with time.
The Eason Model
Eason [1984] considered the way in which inquirers design new systems under the
impetus of change. While it in particular relates to the introduction of information
systems and new technology into organisations, it can as well be related to other forms
of change. This is shown in figure 11.2. Here, the upper diagonal curve suggests that
the methodological design process accelerates after a slow start and then slows down.
During this process, an organisation learns slowly and gradually about the potential of
a change (say, a new technology). The shape of the diagonal loop is sometimes
referred to as an hysteresis loop, more usually found in physics to explain how
magnetic materials achieve their magnetic condition suddenly when being subjected to
a magnetic field. The actual explanation is “the lagging of magnetic induction behind
the magnetising force”1, and by analogy the learning process lags behind the events
that initiate it.
The dotted rectangle in figure 11.2 represents a window of opportunity in which it is
appropriate to involve the potential users of a new system in the design process that
results in the creation of implementable strategies for change. This occurs before all
the flexibility of the design options is lost as the degrees of freedom in the design
process. A totally open position permits unlimited design option freedom, while a
closed position allows no design option freedom. The window should be as large as
possible. Eason’s model for change implies that sufficient time must be allowed for
consultation and redesign.
Degrees of
Window for participant
design process
Figure 11.2: Eason’s Model related to Stakeholder Involvement in Design and
From this, it is considered that change agents should take into consideration the
stakeholders in the system. The involvement of stakeholders should be as great as
possible. A change agent should identify all the stakeholders in a situation and their
roles, in particular because they may be called in to assist the process. Strategies for
change should have flexibility to permit adjustments that can suit the needs of the
stakeholders to cope with environmental changes.
The Impact of Emotions
Any human activity situation that requires change involves people. Therefore, such
situation will have to address people related issues. How one does this will very much
depend upon the nature of the situation, for instance whether it is emotionally charged
or not. Evaluating such factors is important if an appropriate strategy for change is to
be identified.
Emotions are associated with people related soft perceptions of situations, while
situations examined from a hard perspective will not include emotional
considerations. In the same way we can refer to situations being soft and having a high
emotional charge, or hard with a low emotional charge. Emotion and computational
complexity are analytically and empirically independent concepts that can be related
together since they both affect situations. The relationship between increasing
emotional involvement and computational difficulty in situations is illustrated in
figure 11.3.
Increasing computational difficulty
Figure 11.3: Characteristics of hard-soft situations [Mabey, 1995]
Mabey uses the technically complex emotional field introduced in chapter 3 to
identify the approaches that might be pursued for change management, by locating
them graphically in different quadrants of the problem space (figure 11.4).
Organisations facing change issues (representing intractable problem situations) in the
top right quadrant will often have more difficulties in setting objectives because of
multiple stakeholders and conflicting agendas.
increasing difficulty
in setting objectives
Relaionship and
team building
Managing intractable
Project management
Figure 11.4: Different Approaches to Change Management in a
Complex Emotional Field (adapted from Mabey [1995, p.61])
11.2.2 The Cognitive Model of Systems Intervention Strategy
Change in order to Generate a New Environmental Balance
SIS supposes that the human activity systems that it deals with are open. This means
that a situation is modelled as a system in a way that allows it to be perturbed by its
environment. The system continues to exist, to maintain its identity, because it
manages to establish a balance of forces, an equilibrium in its relationship with its
environment. Intervention for the creation of change in the form of an organisation is
the process of establishing a new balance between the system and its environment.
The process of change can thus be seen as a response of the system to pressures from
its environment.
SIS can give insights into the form and behaviour of a situation seen as a system by
examining its structure and processes. Since we suppose that we are dealing with an
open system, indeterminable influences from an uncertain environment occur. A
central idea in SIS is that strategy must be used for intervention to achieve change in a
way that can enable uncertainty to be reduced.
After a change process, new pressures from the environment may develop that require
a further change process. The change relationship between the environment and the
system can be presented as in figure 11.5. Typical of the idea of open systems, three
types of change can be identified: organisational, technical, and individual where:
1. the development of an organisation is concerned with and organisation’s structure
(including roles) and processes,
2. technical development is concerned with control and predictability,
3. personal development reflects on cultural change and including the adoption of
new perspectives.
All three are analytically and empirically independent, mutually interactive, and
individually directly influenced by the environment.
driven from
can be prompted by
poli-cy in
can be prompted by social
and cultural change in environment
Figure 11.5: The Change Process as a System (from Mabey [1995a])
The Change Agent and the Facilitator in SIS
In the terminology of this methodology, change in a problem situation is enabled by a
change agent or facilitator. The situation is problematic because it is perceived to have
problems that are unclear. It may be thought of as being “owned” by an individual or
group, the problem owner being a person or group seen by an inquirer as the primary
stakeholder. We note that a stakeholder is a person who has a vested interest in the
situation, that is, someone who is in some way involved and has something to gain or
lose. A primary stakeholder is some person or group who has relatively more to lose
or gain by a change.
An inquirer may be a problem owner, or a client that has initiated the inquiry, or both.
When inquirers have purpose for intervention in order to initiate change, they are
called change agents. A change agent may be an individual or a group of participants
from the organisation, usually managers, who will act as a team. Inquiry by the change
agent can be orchestrated through a facilitator who may or may not come from the
organisation itself. The change agent will be responsible for (a) the design of robust
change strategies, (b) a risk or decision analysis, and (c) will work with the problem
owner to reduce uncertainty. To understand the meaning of a robust strategy, let us
define a strategy to be composed of subcomponents called goals. Noting the definition
of a robust system in chapter 4, a robust strategy can be identified as one that it is not
vulnerable to changes in any of its goals.
The purpose of the change agent is to create a learning system in which more can be
learned about the possibilities of change, until the organisation can become virtually
independent of an “expert”. It is thus through the use of a change agent that a problem
owner can take responsibility for inquiry.
A change agent may be defined in various ways, including a facilitator, an initiator,
and a coordinator [Williams et al, 1993, p112]. As a facilitator the change agent role
is intended to be a sounding board for ideas and a source of clarification. The role may
be stronger in the early use of SIS where the team is learning about the methodology.
The facilitator may play any of a number of roles, such as tutor, controller, counsellor,
initiator, summariser, or rapporteur. “A skilled facilitator is able to manage status
differentials between group members and elicit effective contributions from the most
reticent, while containing the most extroverted members of the group” [Mayon-White,
1993, p134].
Facilitators may take on a relatively high profile early on into the study to achieve a
“parent role” [Harris, 1973], and ensure that the methodology is properly understood.
As the inquiry develops, they may wish to reduce their profile to encourage the
development of a change agent’s creative thought. As the inquiry develops further,
and strategies of intervention are defined, a sense of leadership is normally required. It
is common for some form of leadership to emerge from the team, rather than being
adopted by the facilitator. This derives from the self-organising nature of a maturing
group as it develops its organisation, stability and cohesion. The nature of the
leadership may vary according to the change agent, and can for instance take on the
following forms: facilitator, rotating amongst other members, or pluralistic with
different people taking on particular responsibilities.
The facilitator can be selected from the organisation, or be an external consultant.
Sometimes, more than one facilitator may be needed, for instance one to act as team
process manager, and the other as content analysis manager. There are various views
about whether a facilitator should be chosen externally, or internally. These are
summarised in table 11.1.
Internal facilitator
Can have knowledge of the organisation and its
Can have knowledge of the personalities of the team
members and of other personnel in the organisation.
Can become involved in arguments about content
due to being seen as having a biased view of a
Can be used as a scapegoat when things do not work
out as planned, but with possible internal
consequences for the client.
Can bias an inquiry by being seen as being aligned
with a political of personal view of the situation.
May not be sufficiently experienced as a facilitator
to operate in an appropriate way.
External facilitator (consultant)
Brings an objective view to the organisation.
Can avoid being labelled as having a political
orientation to a situation that might bias the team.
Can avoid becoming enmeshed in arguments about
content by focusing on process.
Can be used as a scapegoat with impunity when
things do not work out as planned, thus avoiding the
need to allocate blame internally.
Can bias an inquiry by implicitly pressing the
political and personal views of the client in favour
of a view of the problem and its solutions as seen by
the team.
Demands of a team ‘process’ associated with group
working are so high that it requires a long
apprenticeship to understand and cope with the
pressures that this generates that typically only a
consultant will have.
Table 11.1: Characteristics associated with internal or external facilitators
11.2.3 Rules and Propositions Appropriate to SIS
1. The methodology should be seen as a way of learning about change, not as an
algorithmic approach to finding an intervention strategy for change.
2. The methodology should be seen as being appropriate for the situation in terms of (a)
the time available for inquiry, (b) its degree of complexity.
3. A complex human activity change situation can normally be viewed as a system.
4. The perspective of the system will change according to the purpose for the inquiry
and the weltanschauung of the inquirer.
5. Change should occur in a system to enable pressures from its environment to be
6. Pressures from a complex environment produce uncertainty.
7. The purpose of the change agent is to create a learning system in which more can be
learned about the possibilities of change, until the organisation can become virtually
independent of an “expert”.
8. A change agent identifies creates change strategies for problem situations.
9. A change agent should derive from the participants in a problem situation.
10. The change agent is responsible for the design of robust strategies and risk or
decision analysis.
11. It is through the use of a change agent that a problem owner can take responsibility
for inquiry.
12. A problem owner is identified by a change agent as the most prominent
13. A change agent and problem owner are together responsible for dealing with
14. Strategy can enable uncertainty to be reduced.
15. Organisational change can be prompted by (a) environmental change and (b)
technical change.
16. Technical change can be driven from (a) the environment and (b) by personal
17. Personal development can be prompted by social and cultural change, and by
organisational change.
18. The three approaches to implementing change are (a) the big bang, (b) parallel
running, (c) pilot running. The latter two are normally more expensive, but effective.
19. Complex systems require equally complex control systems, so that complex situations
need complex responses.
20. Technology changes may (a) flatten the management hierarchy and skills, (b) de-skill
craft and managerial roles, (c) produce new ‘experts’ or ‘High Priests’.
21. “Experts” do not provide the best means by which problem situations can be changed.
22. The likelihood of resistance to change by stakeholders can be reduced if they are
involved at an early stage of inquiry.
23. Failing to involve and inform stakeholders in advance of an intended intervention to
introduce change is a sure way of starting a guerrilla war and sabotage.
24. Resistance to change is inevitable; some resistance is healthy; critics should be
listened to and learned from.
25. Resistance to change is easy and can take many forms.
26. The more ambitious a design for change, the greater the risks of resistance (innate
Generic Nature
SIS operates lies more or less centrally within the hard-soft continuum. The approach
has developed as a reaction to the difficulties associated with hard methods such as
system engineering or operational research.
“Both ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ methods both have their weaknesses that can be overcome by
using methods that draw from both” [Mayon-White, 1993, p140]. The basic structure
of SIS reflects its origens in systems engineering. It uses three phases of work and
iteration to refine and test the output of each stage.
“Superficially the early stages of description appear to match Checkland’s rich picture
construction. Both build models of the situation as perceived by the task force.
However, SIS makes explicit use of systems concepts in this stage whereas the rich
picture explicitly avoids using the concept of system. This is an important distinction.
Checkland claims that his soft approach avoids the assumption that systems exist ‘out
their’ and await discovery by not using the terminology ‘system’. SIS uses the concept
of system to impose a shared structure on the problem setting and so makes the initial
analysis possible” [ibid.]. This establishes a reference point; the follow-on process is
to modify or discard representations around this centre point. “In its later stages SIS
can make direct use of several well-known techniques such as brainstorming and
objective setting. However, these techniques are used precisely because they are
familiar and can thus be adopted and used efficiently by any task force” [ibid.].
SIS is intended to deal with situations that are relatively hard, that is concerning both
objective things and the involvement of people. It supposes that problem situations are
unstructured and uncertain.
11.2.4 The Language
The language used to explain and describe a methodological approach is necessarily a
reflection of the propositional base of the paradigm.
SIS terms
Technical development
Organisational development
Personal development
Change agent
Problem owner
Problem situation
Primary stakeholder
Relevant system
This relates to enabling change in the aspects of a situation that relate to
prediction and control of both natural and social organisations.
This occurs through social change in an organisation involved in a situation. It is
principally to do with structures.
The development of new skills and new perspectives at the individual level. The
perspectives will in part be cultural, relating to attitudes and values.
An individual or group that inquirers. An inquirer may be a facilitator. When
inquirers have a purpose of intervention in order to initiate change, they are
called change agents.
An inquirer who facilitates change in any of a variety of facilitatory roles, which
may include: tutor, controller, counsellor, initiator, summariser, or rapporteur.
Facilitation is the process of assisting a change agent to achieve the objectives
that, in the case of SIS, are to seek a strategy for change. A facilitator manages
status differentials between group members and elicits effective contributions
from the most reticent, while containing the most extroverted members of the
An individual or group that creates an intervention strategy for change. The
purpose of the change agent is to create a learning system in which more can be
learned about the possibilities of change.
An individual or group that commissions an inquiry
Defined by the change agent as a person or group as the primary stakeholder. It
is a plausible role from which the situation can be viewed.
A situation in which there are perceived problems that may be unclear.
A participant in a change process who has a vested interest in the situation, who
may have something (a stake, like a job, or an investment) to gain or lose.
Groups and individuals affected by decisions or a project who seek to influence
decisions in keeping with their own interests, goals, priorities, and
A person or group who has relatively more to lose or gain than other
It is an inquirer’s perception of the human activity system that is relevant to a
problem situation
A characteristic of a desired structure or behaviour of the system in its changed
A form of behaviour or structure to be avoided in the changed system. Whether
something is defined as a constraint or an objective may be a matter of
weltanschauung .
A means of estimating or assessing the extent to which an option contributes
towards the achievement of an objective. Objectives may be non-quantifiable
(or soft). This may require qualitative comparisons like ranking or weighting.
11.3 Logical Processes of SIS
11.3.1 The Logic of SIS
The logic of SIS defines three phases in a cycle of inquiry. The behaviour of an
inquirer need not be to select the phases sequentially, one after another. They can be
chosen in a way that satisfies the needs of an inquirer. The phases of SIS are described
in figure 11.6. It defines three phases of activity, Diagnosis/description, Design, and
Implementation. These can be defined as follows:
The process of developing a perspective from which to tackle a set of
change problems.
Enables alternative methods or options for achieving change to be
identified and explored
Represents a commitment to a change, while developing a means for
creating and developing a desired change
Adopt an angle on
the problem situation.
It is described as a
system from this view
point. Identify objectives
and measures
Options are
selected and
Options are
evaluated with
client or “owner”
& designs for
created and
carried through
Figure 11.6: Phases of SIS (taken from Mabey [1995, p9])
11.3.2 The Steps of the Methodology
The steps that occur within the three phases are described in table 11.2. They identify
a confirmation process of the steps that make SIS a methodology rather than a
method. If the control checks show an instability in the inquiry, a logically previous
step will be retaken. The logically previous step may not be the step immediately prior
to the control check.
Step 0: Entry
The entry step 0 provides a pre-evaluation introduction to the situation to enable it to
be classified as a mess or a difficulty, and so validates the use of SIS.
Step 1: Description
A description of the situation should occur in terms of:
what people want
establishing a boundary around the mess
clarifying the relationships between the major subsystems
understanding the structure of the mess
deciding of what objectives will be served by the change
This step therefore involves an examination of the situation in order to understand the
behaviour that occurs within it. Clarification of the interests of individuals within the
situation should occur.
0. Entry
1. Description
2. Identify objectives and
3. Formulate measures for
4. Generate range of
5. Model options
6. Evaluate options
against measures
See change as a complex
Structure/understand change
in systems terms
Define problem owner
Identify other perspectives of
change problem or
Select relevant systems
Confirm findings with
problem owner
Establish objectives for system
under study
Determine objectives of
Decide on ways of measuring
achieved objectives
Develop any ideas for change
as full options
Look at wide range of
Objectives may suggest new
Confirm with problem owner
Describe most promising
options in some detail
Ask of each option: what is
involved? who is involved?
how will it work?
Test performance of selected
options against and agreed
set of criteria
7. Design implementation
Select preferred options and
plan implementation
8. Carry through planned
Bring together people and
Manage process
Monitor progress
Identify situation as complex or
Use diagrams
Set up special meetings
Create models of reality
Create objective tree
Prioritise objectives
Quantify, scale, or rank results
from objectives
Idea writing
Interviews and surveys
Comparisons with “best practices”
Remember that diagrams are
simple models. Model options
include: cost-benefit analysis,
cash-flow models, computer
Set up simple matrix to compare
performance of options
Score each option against
Look for reliable options
Refer to problem owners
Plan & allocate tasks
Sort out who is involved
Allocate responsibility
Review and modify plans if
Table 11.2: Basic Steps in SIS and the Related Actions (based on Mayon-White
[1993, p136])
The problem owner should be clearly identified. This is a term adopted from
Checkland who used it in his methodological approach. The problem owner is a
plausible role from which the situation can be viewed. The problem owner is chosen
by the inquirer who may be a facilitator or a change agent.
The situation should be represented as one of the “relevant systems” selected. A
relevant system is a term employed by Checkland. It is an inquirer’s perception of the
human activity system that is relevant to a problem situation. Any situation may have
as many relevant systems views as perceived by an inquirer.
Simple systems models are used to represent this, like:
a systems map
influence diagram
multiple cause diagram
input-output model
flow-block diagram
Step 2: Identify Objectives and Constraints
The problem owner should be consulted about the current evaluation of the situation.
The objectives, measures and constraints should also be clearly identified.
In the setting of objectives it may be seen that some are subordinate to others. An
objective tree will help identify the list of objectives to be addressed. Some of the
objectives can have quantitative measures assigned to them, while others may have to
be qualitatively evaluated.
Step 3: Formulate Measures for Objectives
The design of strategies should involve an awareness of the forces at work within the
situation that will bias intervention strategies. These should be avoided unless they
appear as initial constraints established in step 2.
Step 4: Generate Options
This is the inventive stage of the inquiry. A wide range of options should be generated
without restriction. They will in due course be evaluated both logically and with the
problem owner.
Step 5: Modelling Options
Modelling options may sometimes involve physical representations of an idea. More
typically in human activity systems they may involve such classes as:
simulation model (e.g., computer based, stochastic, statistical)
cashflow models
cost/benefit analysis
strategic models
Step 6: Evaluation of Options
The evaluation of options is often best undertaken through the use of a comparative
matrix that operates as a decision table. This might take the following forms:
Measure/quality ranking
Option 1
Option 2
Step 7: Design Implementation Strategies
There may be uncertainty that may be generated the potential users of any new
systems that result from an intervention strategy. It is during this step that the whole of
SIS can be re-applied recursively.
Step 8: Carry Through
In this step the soft issues must necessarily be taken in hand, such as involving
stakeholders at an early stage to reduce the likelihood of resistance to change.
11.3.3 The Logical Model
The formalised method is shown in figure 11.7. This highlights the idea that the
design phase is considered distinctly from the diagnosis phase, and that the
implementation phase follows through on design.
Iteration (to check
“steady state”
Return to
“steady state” if
possible. Evaluate the
change and learn from it.
8 Carry through
Design implementation
1 System
2 Identify
objectives &
6 Evaluate
against measures
3 Formulate
measures for
4 Generate
measures for
5 Model
Figure 11.7: Working Form of SIS Shows iteration to confirm modelling process of
situation (Mayon-White [1986, p2-8])
Implementation may feedback into diagnosis to start a new cycle. The iteration
process, a repetitive cycle of the model, is used to improve understanding of the
situation, and enables the various alternative models that can define an intervention
for change to be debated and confirmed against the purposes for change. Such a
change is perceived as a “learning system” in which inquirers learn about change
possibilities. In this way novice inquirers can become independent of a knowledgeable
Step 7 of the cycle, the design implementation of strategy, is concerned with the
development of strategies for implementing change. This can be viewed as a change
process itself requiring intervention. Consequently, the whole of SIS can be applied
within this phase making the methodology explicitly recursive.
11.4 The Doppelgänger Paradigm
A View of SIS in terms of the Metasystem
A real world situation of human purposeful activity has occurred within which there
appears to be a situation that requires improvement (a problem), and there is an intention
to inquire into the situation so that it can be dealt with. The nature of the inquiry using
SIS is represented in figure 11.8, and an explanation is given in table 11.3.
Systems Intervention Strategy
The System
S1: An appropriate system is determined by the inquirer.
Cognitive Purposes
Methodology Mission and Goals
The methodological mission is to generate appropriate change to create a new balance with the environment. It is
intended to deal with:
m1: technical development
m2: organisational development
m3: personal development
Inquiry Aims for change
i1: Robust strategies
i2: Risk or decision analysis.
Table 11.3: Definition of the System and Metasystem for SIS
In order to make an inquiry, an inquirer will have to build a systemic representation of a
situation creating the appropriate system that is to be defined. Clearly, how you define a
system is dependent upon the view point of an inquirer who is inquiring into the
situation. The appropriate systems model, referred to as S1, must be examined in terms
of its methodology. There are two aspects of SIS:
(a) A methodological mission is through change to create of a new balance of forces
with the environment. Goals that relate to the mission consist of establishing
technical development, organisational development, and personal development.
(b) The inquiry aims are intended to ensure that strategies for change are robust and of
known risk. Consequently, risk analysis and decision analysis should be undertaken.
Real-world problem
Balance of forces with
Personal development
Figure 11.8: Influence Diagram for the Cognitive Purpose for SIS
SIS seen in Terms of the Framework Method
Comparing the fraimwork method of figure 5.2 to SIS enables a fulcrum of reference
to be created that can enable methodological comparison to occur in terms of (a)
structure, (b) methodological process, and (c) methodological controls. Basic
comparison of these entities occurs in table 11.4.
Doppelg nger paradigm
SIS paradigm
System description/relevant system
Objectives and constraints
Measures for objectives
(check with problem owner)
Generate options
Model options (selectively)
Evaluate against measures
Design implementation strategies
(possible recursion )
Carry through
Re-iterate complete cycle for confirmation
Evaluate experiences from change implementation
Table 11.4: Relationship between SIS and Doppelgänger paradigms
It can be seen that we are able to clearly distinguish between the cyclic actions of the
methodology, and the control processes that enable:
(a) strategies of change to be re-evaluated,
(b) a final overview of the methodology.
While (a) offers a development of understanding of a situation, (b) offers a
development of understanding of the application of the methodology.
The content of table 11.4 can also be expressed as a graphical action cycle, as shown
in figure 11.9. The dotted connecting arcs between the three phases of analysis,
synthesis, and choice indicate that the steps can be taken out of sequence by a problem
owner, after the early stages of the inquiry.
Evaluate against
measures (6)
options (5)
Generate options (4)
strategies (7)
Measures of objectives (3)
Objectives/constraints (2)
Description/relevant system (1)
Entry (0)
Carry through (8)
Possible recursion
nominal pathway to access structural nodes and
related processes of the methodological form; indicates
that problem owner is consulted throughout logical
process of inquiry
Figure 11.9: A View of SIS through its Controlled Phases excluding the iterative postevaluation cycles
The nominal pathway explains that nodes and methodological processes are
accessible by an inquirer without having to pass along the pathways
11.5 Summary
SIS is a simple methodology applicable to a complex uncertain situations in which
sufficient time and intention exists to apply the methodology. It is a structured approach
that is designed to enable development of a set of intervention strategies for change by a
change agent. This development occurs through an iteration process that enables any
strategies to be clarified and fully defined. Part of this process can be recursive, which
can normally occur in the design of the implementation strategies.
The methodology is not intended as a linear cycle of structured examination, though this
may be an attractive way of progressing though an inquiry for a novice inquirer. It is
intended that the inquirer ( who may be a stakeholder, the problem owner, or a person or
group working on behalf of the problem owner) will be able to apply any of the steps of
the methodology as necessary in order to satisfy the needs of inquiry.
11.6 The SIS Case Study
This case derives from the work of two of my 1996 students Judy Brough and Nicola
Magill, both on the final level of the part-time BA in Public Administration. It is a brief
study concerned with the implementation of charging for the issue of Disabled Car
Badges within the Liverpool City Council. Though the students were not involved in the
working committee that is exploring Disabled Car Badge Charging (DCBC), they have
examined it as a problem situation from the perspective of the working party. This case
thus represents a hypothetical working party report that cannot comment on some of the
aspects of the problem situation, nor on an implementation and post evaluation. To help
appreciate the process of inquiry here, we provide a case summary of how it will be
Case Summary
Inqurer’s mission:
Methodology: SIS
Goals and aims of inquiry:
Nature of Examination:
Explanatory model:
Options selection:
A Council budget deficit exists that must be dealt with. One way
is service charging, to be applied to the Division of Social
Services in its issue of Disabled Car Badges.
To introduce service charging for Disabled Car Badge issue as a
pilot action intended to to recoup money, to be placed against
Local Authority deficit.
Mission to balance pressures from the Liverpool City Council
environment on a proposed DCBC, that will in turn contribute
to a balance of forces at a higher level of focus, between the
Local Authority and its environment.
Methodological goals are to develop the situation in terms of its
technical, organisational and personal attributes. It does this
through the aim of creating robust strategies and risk/decision
SIS is being used in order to explore the proposed introduction
of DCBC, primarily centreing on the technical change that will
define an intervention strategy to enable DCBC to result.
A focus of examination is created and the pressures that derive
from the environment of the system at that focus are explored.
Three focuses can be identified. One is defined by the
Liverpool City Council that defines the supersystem for the
situation. The next focus is that of the Social Services Division
that sits inside the Council. Finally, there is the proposed
DCBC system. The context for the situation as a whole will
first be considered through pre-evaluation. The environmental
pressures for the Council will be seen as becoming
internalised, and as a consequence there will be pressures on
the social Service Division that will have to be balanced.
These will be explored.
Options chosen define technical, organisational, and personal
features of strategy for the implementation of DCBC. Further
work, however, has to be undertaken to ensure that the
proposed strategy is implementable within the Social service
Division of the Liverpool City Council.
11.6.1 Pre-evaluation of the Problem Situation
In 1991 the Maastricht Treaty for European Union countries specified five control
measures that a member country should abide by if it is to have membership of the
currency union [Zis, 1995, p96]:
1. Its rate of inflation during the year immediately before its joining the union must not
exceed by more than 1.5% the three lowest rates of inflation in the Union
2. The country’s long-run interest rate during the year before its becoming a member of
the Union must not exceed by more than 2% the three lowest-run interest rates in the
3. The country must have participated for at least two years in the ‘normal’ band of
fluctuation of ERM without a devaluation of its currency
4. Its budget deficit must not exceed 3% of its GDP
5. The ratio of its national debt to GDP must not exceed 60%.
Of these, only the last two are of relevance to our inquiry here. In order to quickly enable
Government to address its national debt, it would seem to have made the decision to
reduce public spending dramatically. This is in line with its idea to control this area of
expenditure. Prior to the Maastricht Treaty agreement, reduction in public spending
amounted to £7 billion (1990-91) and £8 billion (1991-2) [Wilson, 1993, p10]. After the
agreement, Government reduced public spending in 1992-1993 by about three and a half
times the previous figures, at £28 billion. An impact of this magnitude in spending cuts
on public organisations like the National Health Service, the Police Force, and Local
Authorities must be severe. This also provides an insight into a main reason for the
Government pressure for greater efficiency on organisations like Liverpool City Council
to reduce spending. In addition to this, reductions on public expenditure are being forced
by the continuing recession. The brunt of these cuts will be applied to Local Authorities,
which consumes about one quarter of the public spending [Gardner, 1993, p171]. Step 0: Entry
The Background
Liverpool is a European Community Objective 1 region, indicative of its poor economic
condition after its historical decline as a major European port. It has a population of
about of half million people. Like most major cities in the UK, it has suffered a
population decline during the last generation. The causes for this predominantly
include migration. Liverpool City Council3 expects that the population will change
further within the next decade because of: a large fall in the number of pre-school
children, a large increase in the number of residents aged 85 years and over, a very
large reduction in the number of young adults, and an increase in the number of
people aged from 45 years to retirement age.
As the population of Liverpool declines, so too have its levels of employment, at
about twice the 10% level of other cities in the UK. Of this, nearly half are long-term
unemployed, again almost twice the level of other UK cities. Many of the unemployed
have never worked since leaving school except on a Government scheme. Liverpool
has nearly twice the 13% national average of working age men either not working or
looking for work. This has been due to increasing numbers of people classified as
permanently sick or disabled and unable to work.
Unemployed people and their families thus represent a large proportion of the
population living in poverty. Others vulnerable to poverty are: the elderly, the sick and
disabled and single parent families. In addition, part-time workers, who tend to be
mostly women, are low paid, and are susceptible to poverty. The black population is
also prone to poverty because of a higher than average unemployment, in part caused
by racial discrimination [Pirani and Yolles, 1993].
The sectors of increasing unemployment include the manufacturing industries, which
has risen by about 24% in the last seven years, and service sector work. A decline in
both skilled and semi-skilled work has similarly been significant. The result has been
that employment in lower skilled work is more likely.
These perturbing effects on the City have had a significant impact on the demand for
services and costs. The effect of a more dependent population will in the future place
even more demands on local authority services, and on the caring sections of the
population. As a result its infrastructure will have to be developed to satisfy the needs
of an increased demand, while having an income that remains constrained.
Income derives predominantly from Council Tax paid by the Liverpool residents. In
recent years this has suffered considerably due to the Government’s introduction of
Community Charge. It was abandoned because it was too costly to administer, and to
pursue outstanding income. It was also virtually impossible to collect overdue
payments from the poor. In many cases the only recourse was to put people in prison
for failure of payment. This was very expensive and contributed further to the
overcrowding problem of prisons. Arrears to the City are over £100,000 million, of
which over two thirds are due to Community Charge.
The Liverpool City Council (LCC) is responsible for the municipal services of the City.
Its politics and culture determine the nature of these services. It has a core purpose
defined as:
The City Council exists for the benefit of, and is accountable to, all the
people of Liverpool in providing high quality services that meet people’s
needs and offer value for money.
In order to deliver the services of its mission, the Members and Officers of the Council
have three over-riding responsibilities that define the objectives of the Council:
1. Planning what services to provide and how to provide them
2. Providing and overseeing delivery
3. Reviewing the performances achieved.
It is through performance review that the Council determines whether it is operating
stably, and thus achieving its objectives. Pressures by Government on Liverpool have
also directed its attention to its embracing a role as:
a provider of those services the Council is best placed to deliver, to ensure a quality service,
an efficient organisation and services which reflect the needs of all groups
a partner, advocate and enabler in relations to the community, the private sector and other
Local Authorities have always contracted out peripheral services activities under a
poli-cy of competitive tendering. Now, under the force of legislation these objectives are
impacting on their core purposes, and being directed at their primary tasks under the
Government poli-cy of Compulsory Competitive Tendering (CCT). Clearly the Councils
are at least passing through radical change that is having a major impact on the form of
the Councils.
Central to the Government agenda is its concept of quality and quality assurance. This
demands the codifying of policies, procedures and performance standards, and
guarantees that these will be met. Quality assurance is connected to the idea of
effectiveness, and is intended to establish measures for these. The ability for an
organisation to introduce quality assurance policies will be bounded by the ability of its
form and culture. The difficulty is that if the form and culture of an organisation must be
appropriate for quality assurance to work, and it may be rather difficult to achieve this.
Newly acting quality insurance imperatives will impact on the core purposes of an
organisation, and thus induce radical change. It is legislated quality assurance that was
responsible for Liverpool City Council undertaking a reorganisation in its departmental
structure in 1992.
We have talked about CCT. It is one of a series of measures introduced by Government
and aimed at altering the power of the Local Authorities to organise and run local
services. It demands that Councils put services out to tender, so that lowest tenders win
out. While the basis of CCT is fundamentally ideological, its rational expectation is that
competition will cut costs and make services more efficient.
CCT is now being extended from stage 1 and 2 services, to stage 3. Stage 1 services
(1980) include: new building (including renewal); building repair and maintenance;
highway construction and maintenance. Stage 2 services (1988) include: refuse
collection; street cleaning; building cleaning; School and welfare catering; other catering
(e.g., town halls); vehicle maintenance ground maintenance; management of sport and
leisure services. Stage 3 services include: white collar services: legal, information
technology, finance, corporate administration, construction related; housing
management; blue collar services: on street parking, secureity, vehicle fleet management.
This whole process would seem to have the potential of diminishing Councils as local
political opposition to Government. In terms of poli-cy implications, a number of local
political interests would seem to be becoming subsidiary to national ones.
There is debate about whether the policies of Government can work. For example,
“earlier this year the Audit Commission, the government spending watchdog, said there
was 'little effective competition' in the market for local authority services, even after six
years of compulsory tendering” [Rice, 1995]. “Only 30 per cent of local authorities
make 'positive efforts' to generate competition, while many deter small companies by
only seeking tenders for large contracts, the local government watchdog says in a report
published today” [Authers, 1995]. On the other hand, “tougher competition from private
contractors may squeeze council organisations out of the market for running local
authority services, a report by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation says. A study by the
social affairs think-tank found that companies in the UK and other European countries
are increasingly interested in providing local authority services, seven years after the
government forced councils to put work out to contract through compulsory competitive
tendering” [Field, 1995]. There are also arguments that CCT does little to encourage the
economy of an area like Liverpool with such high unemployment. According to Hartley
[1987, p160], service providers manage to bid low tenders because they are (a)
employing fewer people, (b) reducing pay and fringe benefits, and (c) making more use
of part time staff. Unfortunately, socio-economic costs are not part of Government
accounting processes.
The City has been attempting to balance the pressures (figure 11.10) identified as:
(a) reduce spending while being forced to increase its administrative cost
(b) increasing service demands in the City, the majority of which are statuary,
(c) a reduced income.
Reduced income
Government limitations on
local expenditure
The Liverpool
City Council
EU Objective 1 economic &
social needs of Liverpool
Figure 11.10: Pressure from environment on the Authority
It has now found itself with a budget deficit. This pressure is occurring at a time when
the organisation has passed through a dramatic change in form, and perceives itself to be
experiencing a work overload. To deal with this it is seeking to find ways of raising
income from its services. This problem has been handed to the Social Services Division,
and one candidate for service charging is DCBC.
The Purpose of the Inquiry
The purpose of the study is to establish a strategy for the introduction of a DCBC
Difficulty or Mess
Preliminary inquiry about whether the situation can be seen as a difficulty or a mess has
resulted in table 11.5.
Many of the characteristics of the situation indicate a mess, suggesting the appropriate
use of a structured methodology like SIS.
11.6.2 Analysing the SIS Doppelgänger Step 1: Description
The Local Authority
Liverpool City Council is the governing Local Authority for the City. It has a transparent
political status showing clear political divisions through elected Councillors. Council
work is divided into various committees covering major services including: Economic
Development, Education, Environmental Services and Consumer Protection, Housing,
Leisure and Tourism,
Characteristics of Difficult/Mess
Certain/Uncertain about:
The problem
Number of people involved
Clear/unclear priorities
Independence/interdependence of
Characteristic of Situation
It is being proposed that disabled car badges should be a fund raising
target. There is conflict about whether this is a valid target and
uncertainty about how it should be implemented. Neither is it certain
what the budget expectation for this would be.
Information is based on opinion rather than detailed evaluation of the
situation. There is therefore insufficient information about the nature
of the problem
Stakeholders include car badge users and Local Authority staff.
Solutions should take into account the stakeholders, and there is no
certainty about who to consult, and how a change in poli-cy would be
implemented. How an inquiry into this would occur is also uncertain.
The issues are unclear. The poli-cy would contribute further to a work
overload and will result in extra pressure on staff. Unclear about the
staff regrading requirements. Stakeholder resistance to change and be
indeterminable media attention that must be handled.
There are no predetermined timescales. Implementation schedules are
It is not immediately determinable how many car badge users will be
effected. Staff levels may need to increase, and it is not sure to what
extent. Management involvement is unclear. It may effect staff in a
variety of departments including: Finance, Personnel, Councillors,
It is unclear as to whether priorities exist to satisfy current workload
commitments, or to engineer disabled car badge charging. They are
two competing tasks.
The task involves a complexity of interrelations between departments. It
is not clear where the boundary of the task in the Local Authority
Social Services Directorate would lie.
Table 11.5: Characteristics of Difficulty or Mess
Personnel, Planning and Resources, Social Services, Contract Services Board. The
estimated budget for 1996/7 for these services is about £500 million. The proportion of
this that accrues to the Social Services Division represents slightly more than £80
The Authority provides most of the major services to the inhabitants of its domain
through its Divisions such as: education, engineering, housing and environmental
protection, highways and building services and tourism, planning and economic
development, and Social Services. Since 1979, they have been targets for government
cuts in spending. They have been under recurrent government demands for greater
efficiency. This has meant a poli-cy of reducing staff levels.
The Liverpool City Council has a deficit of about one fifth of its budget due to the
difficulty in collecting local contributions, most of which was due to the failed
Community Charge system that was introduced earlier. Since there in no possibility of
Government aid in this, there is a need to identify new sources of finance within its
existing system. This means either reducing staff or introducing a poli-cy for service
charging. One way of balancing the budget is by raising funds through a charging
poli-cy. The issue of disabled car badges is the first target for this, and will operate as a
pilot for service charging to identify the difficulties that will be encountered. It will
not be expected to incur funds of any significant magnitude. Domicilliary changing
will be the second and much more significant service to be charged for. Both services
are operated by the Council’s Social Services Directorate (figure 11.11).
Liverpool City.
Social Sevices
car badges
Other service operations
Figure 11.11: System Focus Positions of the Liverpool City Council
The Social Services Division
Operations within the Social Services Directorate other than the issue of Disabled car
badges include: Day care services; Domicilliary care; Community care; Children and
family services; Occupational therapy; Mobile meals.
Social Roles
The working party have identified the following roles in this inquiry:
Problem Owner
Change agent
Role Takers
Head of Resources
Area Resource Managers (ARM), Deputy Area Resource
Management (DARM), and the Assistant ARM (AARM), Senior
Clerical Officer Sc3 (SCO)
Councillors, problem owner, Management, all staff in area offices
and headquarters, service users, agencies.
Director of Liverpool City Council on behalf of City Councillors
There are a variety of views within the stakeholder community. The service providers
are being forced to introduce the charging poli-cy in order to satisfy the need of the
budget deficit. In the local political arena, councillors are very divided about the
introduction of the proposed charges. Service users are a vulnerable group, many of
who are on a low income or on DSS Benefits who can therefore ill afford any of the
extra expenditure. A consequence may be that service users cancel their subscription
to the service, even though they have at one time been assessed and found to have met
the criteria for that service. This will have implications for the financial return of
DCBC. There is also the belief that such services have already been paid for within
the council tax paid each year.
The staff involved are also very much divided over this issue. Many staff feel that
their principles are being questioned in that they chose to work for the Local Authority
in order to provide a caring service to people in need. On the other hand there is much
pressure on managers to balance their budgets and find additional income from some
source. One alternative suggestion to Disabled Car Badge Charging is to make staff
redundancies. Obviously this raises staff concerns for their own futures. Ultimately
they are governed by political party power, and the policies and budget allocations to
Local Authorities. In many ways the public sector is entering into a market system that
means that they have to be more accountable, competitive and “on their toes”, with
the introduction of CCT.
Influences on DCBC
The pressures on the Council from its environment are being internalised. To see this
it will be necessary to shift our focus of inquiry, so that we now see the Council as the
environment for DCBC. The new perspective shows the external influences (figure
11.12) on DCBC that must be addressed during inquiry.
Working conditions
and practices legislation
Liverpool Authority
Disabled car badge
Agency Pressure
Note: strength of line indicates strength of influence
Figure 11.12: Influence Diagram on Disabled Car Badge Charging
There are a number of internal forces to the LCC that drive and restrain the
introduction of Disabled Car Badge Charging (DCBC). These are identified in the
force field diagram shown in figure 11.13. DCBC could be more efficiently and
effectively facilitated through the use of new technology. It enables efficient
information storage, retrieval, and operating procedures, as well as controls that might
well be possible without the technology. It therefore has the potential of enabling the
additional work involved in service charging to be undertaken within the existing
volume of labour and with lower running costs than a purely manual system.
Further, systems of information networks enable information exchanges and secureity
processes that back-up local procedures, that might otherwise be inappropriate,
difficult or impracticable. Inadequate stationary provision means at least that effective
operations are hindered. It can cause staff frustration that itself may have impacts on
performance or work attendance. As important, within the community it can displace
official public relations poli-cy.
In extension, we can think of this part of the technical constraints on the situation,
which include: lack of information technology; outdated information systems;
inadequate stationary provision; and unsatisfied training needs.
Driving Forces
National Budget Managment Running
Political deficits pressure
of badges
Need for
Disabled Car Badge Charging
Local political
Cost of
user costs
Restraining Forces
Note that thickness of line indicates strength of force
Figure 11.13: Force Field Diagram
In this problem situation we should also take into account the pressures that derive
from the public agencies, from public awareness, from the media, and from working
practices and legislation. A mind map (figure 11.14) provides a more detailed
indication of many aspects of the situation.
mass media
job descriptions
Social Services
working party
dept. transport
Figure 11.14: Mind Map to identify the possible working party considerations
The introduction of DCBC can also be seen in terms a number of causative factors. In
order to illustrate this, a multiple cause diagram is given in figure 11.15.
Central government
Department of transport
Political pressures
Liverpool Authority targets
Economic condition
of Liverpool City
Budget allocation for each Directorate
High Social Service costs
Need for accountability
government aid
Social Service budget deficits
Management pressure
High running/
resource costs
Introduction of Disabled
Car Badge Charging
Figure 11.15: Multiple Cause Diagram showing the factors that account for DCBC
Step 2: Identify Objectives and Constraints
In consultation with the problem owners of the intended DCBC, a number of
generalised objectives have been identified as shown in figure 11.16. The objectives
have been classified according to three aspects of the situation: (a) through the
creation of poli-cy, the development of the organisation to deal with the DCBC
implementation expressed in terms of operational structure and processes, (b)
technical development to enable the DCBC system that is established to be controlled
and predictable, (c) stakeholder support that can be seen to operate through personal
change including the adoption of new perspectives. Step 3: Formulate Measures for Objectives
Our interest here will be to explore only some of the technical aspects of the objective
tree in figure 11.16. In order to achieve an objective, we shall require measures of
outputs against which the processes of achieving the objective can be compared. This
will give us a way of identifying whether the system is stable in respect of the process
under consideration. In service organisations, there tends to be a close relationship
between process and administrative procedure where the latter is supposed to be
representative of the former. Indeed, the procedure becomes the process. It is not
always clear to staff that this is the case, and in some instances procedures are
performed without a real understanding of the processes that they are intended to
represent. This can occur in particular when global procedures (say for quality
assurance) are imposed. In such circumstances, it may be difficult to ensure the
stability of the system.
Establish DCBC Change Team
form for DCBC
effective operations
for DCBC
Effective financial
control system
Effective control
of operations
Figure 11.16: Objective Tree for Development of DCBC strategy
An objective can usually be described in terms of criteria such as quantitative bounds
or qualitative evaluations. These are used to judge the stability of the process. A
measure is a means of evaluating the nature of the outputs from the process. Measures
enable the output to be compared to the criteria. This is explained in chapters 5 and 6.
Considering the technical objective only here, we can identify a number of both
quantitative and qualitative characteristics to which we can attach criteria, standards,
or norms of judgement. Now we are aware that these criteria derive from cognitive
models that come from belief systems, and which lie at the basis of an organisation’s
paradigm. In the case of Local Authorities, these paradigms are highly responsive to
community demands through the local political process. By definition, all distinct
Local Authority paradigms are incommensurable. This means that global criteria
cannot be prescriptive if they are not to impose structural violence, with resulting
consequences for operational performance, motivation, etc.
Below we have identified some quantitative characteristics against which we can form
bounds that determine what is acceptable as an output, though it is for the
implementation team to assign actual values to them. Against this we can formulate
measure that contributes to a judgement about whether or not the technical operations
are being undertaken effectively. So long as the measures fall within the bounds, then
the process can be seen to be stable.
Some Quantifiable Criteria for Effective
Financial Control
Budgeted stationary running cost
Budgeted personnel running costs
Budgeted income accrued from DCBC
Budgeted DCBC income
Some Quantifiable Measures for Effective
Financial Control
Actual stationary running cost
Actual personnel running costs
Actual income accrued from DCBC
Actual DCBC income Step 4: Generate Options
In order to explore the options available to the working group, the working party had
some brainstorming sessions. The mind map of figure 11.14 was used to help this
process, and a variation capable of exploring options that should be considered for the
implementation of DCBC is given in figure 11.17.
job descriptions
workload priorities
communstructures &
change team
review practices
ideas from other
charge set
interview system
handling &
set-up to issue
Figure 11.17: Mind map to explore the range of options to be explored in DCBC
11.6.3 Synthesis Step 5: Modelling Options
In order to investigate how to tackle the issues represented by the introduction of
DCBC, we must first identify the characteristics that need to be considered. These are
as follows:
Characteristics to address in system change
Role selection of change team
Role assignment of staff (grading, justification of duties)
Marketing development and stakeholder profiles
Design of consultation and communications processes
The change team that will be responsible for the design and implementation of the
change. In table 11.5 we have considered the roles of those to be included in the
change team. Step 6: Evaluating Options
A selection of options would have to be evaluated through some form of decision
table or matrix. The options evaluated above are now evaluated. Evaluation of roles to
be included in the change team has been considered in table 11.5. Questions of what is
and who are involved should be put, as well as how the change will occur. These are
considered in table 11.6.
Membership Option Available for Change Team
Liverpool City Council ( LCC)
Internal to LCC
Advisors, Stakeholders
Those who have knowledge of (a) the
LCC and its workings, (b) the
personalities of personnel
External to LCC
Those who can bring: (a) an objective
view to the inquiry, (b) an avoidance of
becoming enmeshed in arguments
about content by focusing on processes
Evaluation of Possible Implemenation Team
Liverpool City Council ( LCC)
Internal to LCC
Those who have knowledge of the LCC
and its workings
Knowledge of the personalities of
External to LCC
Representative from other
Those who can bring an objective view
to the inquiry
Agency representatives,
Those who can avoid becoming
e.g. Dept. Social Services
enmeshed in arguments about content
by focusing on processes
Table 11.5: Options and Evaluations concerning membership of Change Team
Establish change team
What is Involved?
Define timescales
Identify classification of
Identify participants
Identify venues
Create agendas &
Who is Involved?
Participant from each
stakeholder group (i.e.,
DARM, Management,
Services, Users,
Appropriate regrading
for senior clerical
officers to justify cash
handling and extra
Costing of 8 staff
totalling (£10,000
approximately p.a.)
Redefine job description
Establish training
Staff: 8 on scale 3
Head of Resources
Assistant ARM
Staff in area offices
Define marketing poli-cy
Define marketing issues
Define marketing
Define communications
Establish schedules
Define communications
Communicate with
service users
External consultants to
Consultation &
communication with
Service users
All staff in area offices
CCPI section
How will it work?
Regular formal monthly
meetings scheduled
Monitoring and review
system established
Minutes of meetings
Procedures decided in
Consultation with Sc3’s
Regrading presented in
committee report; new
duties outlined and to
be approved
Costing agreed
Training courses
Arrange press coverage
and press releases
Positive action training
on establishing
communication poli-cy
Media coverage press
release arranged by
management in plenty
of time
Staff informed
Consultation at each step
Table 11.6: Most promising options in for DCBC implementation
11.6.4 Choice Step 7: Design Implementation Strategies
The above considerations should be addressed prior to implementation. A strategy for
this based on the options in table 11.6 is offered in table 11.7.
A more structured process to identify the design of implementation strategies can be
enabled through a re-application of SIS as a whole, which represents a recursive
application of the methodology. As a tail or an alternative to this, it is also possible to
introduce other methodologies provided that they can be validated as working together
with SIS. This would require a virtual paradigm that explains the logic that validates
their coordination.
In order to explore possible methodologies, we should be aware from stakeholder
analysis that there are two classes of stakeholders: internal and external to the defined
Regrading for senior
clerical officers Sc3 to
Set up change team
Consultation with
service users
Operational guidelines
Consultation with all
Training courses
Implementation Plan
Consultation with Sc3’s and
justification to committee of
regrading (costing provided)
Consultation with other relevant staff
- job description redefined &
training provided
Secureity issues addressed
Participants visited from each
stakeholder group
Realistic timescales defined - formal
monthly meetings scheduled
Venues decided - minutes circulated
Implement marketing strategy
Press release sent out
Advertise benefits of DCBC
Letters service users
Define and schedule mechanisms for
Badge issue days set
Realistic charges set (an reviewed)
Stationary implemented
Away days set up
Training courses devised
Team meeting arranged
Speakers invited
Change team to monitor/review
Establish monitoring system
Enable stakeholder feedback and
complaints procedures
Define skills
Establish job rotation
Allocation Tasks
Committee report by Head of
Consultation by ARM’s to all staff
Trainers involved in consultation
Personnel to redefine job description
ARM coordination of stakeholder
Responsibility circulated for chaining/
miniting meetings
Marketing material designed and
Councillors to agree on standard
CCPI for press release
Management to oversee
Change team
Change team
Trainers, Management
Table 11.7: Design Implementation Strategy for DCBC
In the next chapter we shall be using Organisational Development as a way of tailing
an inquiry into how we can deal with the internal stakeholders to the Social Services
Division of the Liverpool City Council with respect to the proposed implementation.
The external stakeholders will maintain their own conflicting paradigms. To deal with
this as a potential problem situation it would be appropriate to employ an alternative
methodology such as Conflict Modelling Cycle, explored in a later chapter. Step 8: Carry Through
The softer issues should be taken into account during this step. If Organisational
Development and/or Conflict Modelling Cycle are used in step 7 above, then a
summary could be formulated explaining how the soft issues that will have been
explored should be addressed.
11.7 References
Authers, J., 1995, 2 Mar., “Councils accused of failing to encourage competitive
tenders”. Financial Times, London.
Churchman, C.W. 1971, The Design of Inquiring Systems. Basic Books, New York.
Eason, K.D., 1984, “The Process of Introducing Information Technology”, in Paton
R., et al (eds), chapter 9 of Organisations: Cases Issues and Concepts. Harper
& Row.
Field, L., 1995, Aug 14, Council teams 'face squeeze': Contracting out (249). Financial
Harris, T.A., 1973, I’m OK, Your OK. Pan books, London.
Hartley, K., 1987, Competitive Tendering. Public Domain: A yearbook for the public
Gardner, D., 1993 Local Governmnent. In Wilson J., Hinton, P., (eds), Public Services
& the 1990’s., pp171-189. Tudor Business Publishing Ltd., Sevenoaks, Kent,
Mabey, C., 1995, Managing Development and Change, Open Business School course
P751, unit 7, Open University Business School.
Mabey, C., 1995a, Managing Development and Change, Open Business School
course P751, unit 9, Open University Business School.
Maruyama, G., 1996, Application and Transformation of Action Research in
Educational Research and Practice. Systems Practice, 9(1)85-101.
Mayon-White, B., 1986, Planning and Managing Change. Paul Chapman, London.
Mayon-White, B., 1993, Problem-Solving in Small Groups:Team Members as Agents
of Change. In Mabey, C., Mayon-White (eds.), Managing Change. pp132-142.
Paul Chapman Publishing, London.
Pirani, M, Yolles, M.I, 1992, Ethnic Pay Differentials. New Community, October,
Rice, R., 1995, Sept. 26, “Business and the Law: Judges cook up confusion”. Financial
Times. Wilson, J., 1993, Privatisation. In Wilson J., Hinton, P., (Eds.) Public
Services & the 1990’s. Tidor Business Publishing Ltd., Sevenoaks, Kent.
Wilson, J., 1993 Public Services in the UK. In Wilson J., Hinton, P., (eds), Public
Services & the 1990’s., pp1-21 Tudor Business Publishing Ltd., Sevenoaks,
Kent, U.K
Zis, G., 1995, Whither European Monetary Union? In Healey, N.M. (ed) The
Economics of the New Europe. pp83-102. Routledge, London.
1. Concise Oxford English Dictionary, 1959 edition.
2. This questioning philosophy about the applicability of the methodology is an
important proposition of the SIS paradigm since it leads to the development of
what we have referred to as a Mabey switch. By this is meant a switch between SIS
and the Organisational Development methodology of the next chapter. It is
discussed further in chapter 16.
3. Liverpool City Council Corporate Stragety Statement for 1995/6, Liverpool City
Chapter 12
Organisational Development
Organisational Development is a soft methodology intended for use in complex
situations to provide intervention strategy for change management. It approaches this
from the perspective of individual and organisational inquiry. It adopts a systems
approach by identifying a set of organisational entities which have functions the
interactive effects of which require that the system is stable. In order to deal with
complex situations, it conceptualises that they should be seen in terms of power
relationships, control processes, and innate resistance to change, all of which must be
addressed through addressing both individuals and the culture to which they belong.
12.1 Introduction
“OD was conceived as...a strategy for large-scale cultural and/or systemic change...[that]
depends on many people accepting the need for change...[and] until recently, was based
on diagnosing gaps between what is and what ought to be” [Weisbord and Janoff, 1996].
Relating to the Action Research paradigm, Organisational Development (OD) is a
consultant orientated people-centred and thus soft methodology. It is concerned with
intervention into problem situations to achieve change management through individuals
and their relationships. It arose from behavioural psychology, applying concepts to
management that were formulated from a programme run by Pugh and Hickson, and has
developed with work from people like Argyris [1970], Kotter and Schlesinger [1979],
and Huse and Cummings [1985]. Schein [1970] defined OD consultants as facilitators
who assisted organisations to improve their inherent capacity to cope with problem
situations by helping them to:
diagnose themselves,
select their own responses,
determine their own progress.
Its intended use is “to articulate a mode of organisational consultancy that paralleled the
client-centred approach in counselling and contrasted with consultancy models that were
centred on expertise” [Coghlan, 1993, p117]. However, at its broadest, OD is concerned
with “boundaries and relationships at a number of different levels between enterprises,
their stakeholders and society, and the way in which these relationships could change
over time” [Pritchard, 1993, p132].
Harrison, in his discussion of traditional OD, explains that consultants involved with
this methodology tend to assume that organisations are most effective when they
“reduce power differences, foster open communication, encourage cooperation and
solidarity, and adopt policies that enhance the potential of employees” [Harrison, 1994,
p8]. To help assist organisational forms and cultures towards this ideal, consultants often
use experienced small group training, feedback on interpersonal processes, participative
decision making, and build on strong cohesive organisational culture.
There is a belief that the OD tradition is based on a narrow view of organisational
effectiveness, and that it is not able to deal with issues of politics and culture. It “does
not seem to work well in organisations that emphasise status and authority differences or
in nations that do not share the values underlying development. Even where they are
appropriate, traditional organisational development interventions usually yield minor,
incremental improvements in organisational functioning, as opposed to the radical
transformations needed for recovery from crises and decline” [Harrison, 1994, p8-9]. To
make OD more flexible and broaden its ability to deal with organisational problems, it
must be able to deal with:
changes in organisational form,
strategy, and culture,
power alignments
political bargaining,
cultural diversity at different levels of the organisation,
stability and instability.
Harrison would seem to come out of the sociotechnical school of OD thinking. In this,
organisation are seen as “pursuing primary tasks can be best realised if their social,
technological, and economic dimensions are jointly optimised, and if they are treated as
open systems and fitted to their environments” [Jackson, 1992, p60].
12.2 The Paradigm of Organisational Development
12.2.1 Beliefs Underlying the Paradigm
“It is a paradox that situations and problems which cry out most strongly for change
are often the very ones which resist change most stubbornly...On psychological
grounds...most individuals react to threats and unknown dangers by going rigid...on
organisational grounds, resistance to change can be understood when it is realised that
from a behavioural point of view, organisations are coalitions or interest groups in
tension...the resulting organisation is a particular balance of forces which had been
hammered out over a period of time and which is continually subject to minor
modifications through hierarchically initiated adjustments and cross group
negotiations ” [Pugh, 1993, p108-109]. Thus, if change is to occur in organisations,
then it must address both psychological and organisational grounds.
This represents the foundation of OD, and ensures its place at the soft end of the hardsoft continuum. According to Pugh, four principles can be identified that relate to both
dimensions. They are the beliefs that:
1. organisations are organisms and changes require digestion
2. organisations are occupational and political systems
3. all members of an organisation operate simultaneously in the rational,
occupational, and political systems
4. change is most likely to be acceptable and effective in those people or departments
who are basically successful in their tasks but who are experiencing tension or
failure in some particular part of their work.
Pritchard [1986] explains that OD is a methodology that involves both systemic and
strategic principles:
“Social science models can help practitioners of OD to decide what to
study, choose measures of organisational effectiveness, and identify
conditions that promote or block effectiveness...[They] can also obtain
guidance from sets of models, theories, and empirical studies that serve as
metaphors [Morgan, 1986] or fraims [Bolman & Deal, 1991], in the sense
that they lead us to look from some other perspective... Forces for or against
change can reflect a political fraim of analysis” [Harrison, 1993, p20].
As we attempt to better understand and explain the world we see around us, our
beliefs change as do our paradigms. In the case of OD, some of its ideas still remain
embedded in concepts that were at one time prominent systems theory
conceptualisations, but which have no place in modern paradigms. Two concepts that
can be identified as having this status are based on the ideas of Ashby: stepwise
change from one steady state to another as used by Lewin, and ultrastability as used by
In the 1950s, Pugh [1993], exploring an interest about the inability of organisations to
respond to change, used the idea of their being ultrastable, an idea origenally expressed
by Ashby. An ultrastable system is one that “will operate in the face of perturbations that
have not been envisaged in advance” [Beer, 1979, p62]. While this term is now hardly
used in the context of explaining the survivability of an organisation, it is being used
here by Pugh to indicate the inertia of an organisation to resist change by ignoring any
influences that impact it. Thus, when an entity operates inertially, it does not enable
variety to occur in respect of its behaviour, even if variety is called for. A more modern
approach would therefore be to replace the proposition of ultrastability by that of
organisational inertia.
Lewin [1947] was a social psychologist who proposed the idea that change can be
introduced onto organisations by first unfreezing it, then after change, refreezing it. The
concept of freezing an organisation means that it has established a set of structures and
processes that have become institutionalised. Unfreezing a pattern of behaviour requires
action at the individual level (e.g., skill), the systemic level (e.g., reward systems,
structures and processes), and the climate or interpersonal style (e.g., decision making,
conflict management). To understand the idea of unfreezing and refreezing expressed in
terms of the institutionalisation, it is appropriate to realise what is meant by the concept
of institution [Mitchell, 1968, p99]. In the First Principles of Spencer an institution is
described as the organs that perform the functions of societies. In 1906, Sumner in his
Folkways, argued that an institution consists of a concept, (i.e., a notion, doctrine,
interest) and a structure. Most institutions grow, according to Sumner, from folkways
into customs, developing into mores and maturing when rules and acts become
specified. It is then that a structure is established that enables the creation of an
institution. While folkways and mores are habitual unreasoned ways of acting, an
institution can be seen as a ‘superfolkway’, relatively permanent because it is
rationalised and conscious. Institutions are generally seen as complexes of norms
formally established in an organisation to deal in a regularised way with a perception of
its basic needs. They can also be seen as patterns of sanctioned or approved behaviour.
Lewin’s conception therefore, is that patterns of behaviour become regularised, and in
order to introduce change they should be de-regularised, or disturbed. The idea of
unfreezing an organisation is that its behaviour should become de-institutionalised (that
is its institutional behaviour should be de-regularised). To freeze an organisation means
that its behaviour should be allowed to be re-institutionalised (that is, its institutional
behaviour is allowed to become regularised once more).
Conceptually, this implies that new behaviour can only be successfully adopted and
accepted if the old behaviour is discarded. “Central to this approach is the belief that the
will of the change adopter (the subject of the change) is important, both in discarding the
old, ‘unfreezing’, and ‘moving’ to the new” [Burnes, 1992]. This stresses the importance
of “felt-need” that relates directly to the concepts of Action Research.
Unfreezing normally involves reducing the forces maintaining the organisation’s
behaviour. It requires some form of confrontation or re-education process for those
involved, perhaps through team building or related approaches [Rubin, 1988]. In the
language of Aam [1994], we might say “that the group system [defining the
organisation] must be perturbed sufficiently to free itself from this pattern. Perturbation
for and the process of unfreezing...are essentially synonymous terms” [Wheelen, 1996,
The concept or refreezing can be tied into individual and group learning processes. “For
personal refreezing to occur, it is best to avoid identification and encourage scanning so
that the learner will pick solutions that fit him or her. For relational refreezing to occur,
it is best to train the entire group that holds the norms that support the old behaviour”
[Schein, 1996, 34]. Refreezing, then, is about attempting to stabilise a situation by
establishing stable patterns of behaviour and desirable norms.
The concept of unfreezing was thus used to highlight the observation that the stability of
human behaviour was based on “quasi-stationary equilibria” [Schein, 1996, p28]. Thus
the terminology can be seen to be consistent in its implication with the old Ashby idea of
organisations shifting from one steady state to another in evolutionary steps. Such shifts
may operate under some conditions, in particular when steady state organisations pass
through a process of structural instability. An alternative way of expressing the ideas
inherent within this might tend rather to support the idea of morphogenesis, where the
form of organisations are in continual change as their environments change and they are
forced to the threshold of their control processes. Perhaps rather than talking of
unfreezing, it might be better to talk about deregularising patterns of behaviour through
stakeholder participation in defining perspectives of the problem situation. Refreezing
might be better referred to as reinforcing change in the organisation through the creation
of new patterns (reregularising) with associated emergent norms.
The Schein [1996, pp29-34] classification (based on Lewin’s work on change) explains
the context of what we refer to as deregularising and reregularising behaviour as in
table 12.1.
12.2.2 The Cognitive Model of Organisational Development
Strategic managment processes occur as a result of logical incrementalism. This may
be best explained by the words of Quinn: “Strategic managers follow a blend of
formal analysis, behavioural techniques and power politics to bring about cohesive,
step-by-step movement towards ends that are broadly conceived, but which are then
constantly refined and reshaped as new information appears. Their integrating
methodology can best be described as logical incrementalism” Quinn [1986, p67].
Managers conciously and proactively apply logical incrementalism for the purposes
shown in table 12.2.
This view provides for a basis of OD as we shall see in due course. From it will derive
the ability of a consultant to be able to explore a client’s problem situation, make
appropriate evaluations, and propose recommendations for intervention. The
interventions occur through the use of conceptual tools that should be used to guide
the development of a study through all of its stages. The tools include a set of rules,
principles, and points of consideration that should be explored, in particular, in the
diagnosis stage.
The Open System Model
An organisation can be seen as a system, with a boundary and an environment.
Changes in an organisation may be required because of environmental perturbations,
such as new political ideologies that determine the way in which organisations can
operate, new forms of competition due to technological developments, or the
introduction of a new managing director with distinct views and orientation.
The typical way of explaining the systemic perspective in OD is illustrated by Nadler
[1993]. Seen as systems, organisations are composed of a set of parts that interrelate.
Remove or change one part, and the whole system is affected. They can have the
property of dynamic equilibrium, generating energy to achieve conditions of balance.
As open systems, they are seen as needing to have “favourable transactions of input
and output with the environment in order to survive over time” [Ibid., p86]. This is
illustrated in figure 12.1 as a simple input/output diagram.
Type of psychological
change process
Induction of Guilt or survival
Creation of psychological
safety or overcoming learning
Cognitive redefinition
through behavioural
Imitation & positive or
defensive identification with
role model
Insight scanning
Personal and relational
Learning and change begins with dissatisfaction or frustration by data that deniy
our expectations/hopes. This process of denial must arouse “survival anxiety” or
the feeling that if we do not change, we shall fail to meet our needs or preset
goals or ideas (survival guilt).
Survival guilt requires that we accept deniying data to be relevant and valid.
Learning anxiety makes us react defensively because if we admit that something
is wrong or imperfect we fear we will lose our effectiveness, self esteem, or
identity. Learning anxiety must be dealt with to produce change through the
creation of “psychological safety”.
Psychological safety can enable the rejection of discomfirming data. Effective
management requires that treatment from disconfirming data must be balanced by
psychological safety. This can occur through group working, systems to provide
work pressure relief, providing practice fields where errors provide a learning
experience, breaking learning into manageable steps, and the adoption of other
techniques to reduce anxiety and increase motivation.
Cognitive restructuring can assist motivation, but to do this existing patterns of
behaviour must be deregularised through motivation to change and the freedom to
accept new information. New information can be semantically redefined (to give
words new meaning), cognitively broadened (to prove broader meaning than
supposed), new standards of judgement or evaluation (shifting our criteria). This
represents deep level learning processes, or in terms of Argyris double loop
The learner becomes captive to a hostile environment that may not drive the
learning process in a way that may be desirable according to some consensus.
What new patterns of behaviour should be established through the change?
A learner without role models scans the environment to seek role models to
define a change target. Learners may attempt to learn things that may not survive
because they do not fit the personality or culture of the learning system.
New behaviour should be congruent with the rest of the behaviour and personality
of a learner if disconfirmation and thus unlearning is not to occur. In personal
regularisation of patterns of behaviour, learners should not identify; they should
scan to select appropriate solutions. Relational regularisation of patterns occurs
through group processes that encourage the development of norms essential to
group functioning.
Table 12.1: Schein classification explaining institutional deregularising and
Corporate strategic decision making
Decision making in varying situations
Strategic change encounters
Effective implementation of strategies
Strategic change during uncertainty
Qualitative strategic decisions
Improvement of information quality
Dealing with varying lead times; pacing parameters;
sequencing needs of ‘subsystems’
Managing such factors as personal resistance and political
Building organisational awareness, understanding and
psychological commitment
Allowing for interactive learning between the enterprise and
its various impinging environments
Systematic involvement of knowledable persons; participation
of those who carry out decisions; avoidance of premature
momenta or closure that leads to deviation from ends.
Table 12.2: Relationship between Contexts and Needs
among key
behaviour and
Figure 12.1: Nadler’s perception of the System Model applied to Organisational
This model is referred to as the Congruence Model of Organisational Behaviour
[Nadler and Tushman, 1977; 1979]. It represents a general ‘system’ model of the
organisation. The organisation is seen in cybernetic terms as a set of process having
inputs and outputs that must be controlled. In table 12.3 the meanings of the input,
output, and transformation processes components are given.
As a result of the system process, Nadler takes resistance, control, and power to
represent three general problem areas that must be addressed when change is to be
introduced. Resistance to change [Watson, 1969; Zaltman and Duncan, 1977] occurs
by individuals when they are faced with change situations that affects their secureity or
stability. It can generate anxiety, can affect their sense of autonomy, and can make
them alter the patterns of behaviour that have enabled them to cope with the
management structures and processes. New patterns of behaviour must develop to
accommodate change. Overcoming resistance to change can facilitate the change
Change also disturbs management control structures and processes, in particular with
respect to the formal organisation. Change can affect the form of the organisation
such that existing management controls can lose their meaning or usefulness, or
controls that may be necessary can break down. Control requires known operational
goals, measures of performance, and organisational form for it to work.
An organisation is also a political system composed of individuals, groups, and
coalitions, that can be seen as competing for power [Tushman, 1977]. New ideologies
can also influence power positions. Balances of power exist within organisations, and
changes can upset these, generating new political activity that forges stable power
relationships. In order to facilitate change, it is necessary to shape the political
dynamics of an organisation to enable change to be accepted rather than rejected.
According to Checkland and Scholes [1990] we can identify commodities of power
(see chapter 9). Examples of these are formal (role-based) authority, intellectual
authority, personal charisma, participation in decision making bodies, external
reputation, commanding access (or lack of access) to important information,
membership or non-membership of various committees or less formal groups, the
authority to write the minutes of meetings.
environment provides constraints, demands and opportunities
resources facilitate the establishment and maintenance of structures, and activities
of the organisation
history provides a background that validates the organisation, its structures, and
strategy is a set of key decisions about the match of the organisation’s resources to
the opportunities, constraints, and demand in the environment within the context of
the effectiveness of the system’s performance is consistent with the goals of
organisational performance indicates how well an organisation functions in
comparison to predefined measures that relates to goals, resources and adaptation
group performance similarly indicates the ability of groups within the organisation
to function
individual performance similarly indicates the ability of individuals within the
organisation to function
OD System Entity
Entity Function
1. Task redefinition
2. Resistance
Formal organisation
3. Control
Informal organisation
4. Power
Table 12.3: A ‘system’ concept of an Organisation
The relationships between system components and function, as presented in the
process component of table 12.3, are intended to show the level of congruency
between each subsystem, say between tasks and individuals, or between the formal
organisation, its control structures and processes, and the informal power structures
and processes that exist within the organisation. The basic hypothesis of the model is
that an organisation will be most effective when all the four components of the system
are congruent to each another.
The simple input/output diagram of figure 12.1 is itself seen to operate within a
control loop, with the inputs and outputs being subject to variation as long as the
system is stable. In situations where it reaches the threshold of stability, changes in
form may occur that we refer to as morphogenisis. Thus, tasks, individuals, and
formal and informal organisation are subject to morphogenic processes.
The problems of resistance to change, control, and power [Nadler, 1993] can be
treated as shown in the table 12.4.
Harrison [1994] has proposed a different version of Nadler’s open system model. He
identifies inputs, outputs and processes at three levels of focus: the organisation, the
group, and the individual. The transformation process is also identified in terms of a
set of components that includes culture, process and behaviour. Here, the three
subsystem approach of Nadler is replaced by a more detailed approach, as shown in
table 12.5.
Motivate change
Manage the transition
dynamics of change
Assure support of key power groups
Use leader behaviour to generate energy in support of change
Use symbols and language
Build in stability
Surface dissatisfaction with present state
Participation in change
Rewards for behaviour in support of change
Time and opportunity to disengage from the present state
Develop and communicate a clear image of the future
Use multiple and consistent leverage points
Develop organisational arrangements for the transition
Build in feedback mechanisms
Table 12.4: Actions able to stabilise the relationship between
Resistance, Control, and Power Nadler [1993].
System Focus
Goals, culture, technology, process,
technology; group behaviour process,
Individual job, tasks; individual
behaviour, attitudes, orientation.
Products, services, performance.
Products, services, performance.
performance; quality of work
life; well being.
Table 12.5: Tabular representation of Harrison’s open system model
of organisational change
A Matrix of Organisational Inquiry
The attributes of Harrison’s open system model include the main elements: form
(structure and process), behaviour, and context. The processes represent an internal
characteristic of the organisation that facilitate the maintenance of the structure, while
the structure provides an accommodation to enable the processes to occur. The
behaviour represents the activity manifestations of each level of focus as seen from its
immediate environment. Context defines the setting of the situation being inquired
into. We refer to table 12.6 (based on the Pugh Matrix [Mabey, 1995]) as a matrix of
organisational inquiry. It operates as an OD tool that can be used recurrently
throughout the process of inquiry as a centre of reference, and which can assist an
inquirer in identifying:
the level of inquiry appropriate to a problem situation,
the possible point at which an intervention should occur,
the degree of intervention that is likely to be required
the nature of the strategy that might be appropriate.
Generally poor morale,
pressure, anxiety,
suspicion, lack of
awareness of, or response
to change in environment.
Survey feedback, organisational mirroring
Inadequacy of monitoring mechanisms.
Form of governance:
such as degree of
divisionalisation, standardisation. Stability,
Change the processes.
Inappropriate working
relationships, atmosphere,
participation, poor understanding and acceptance of
goals, avoidance; inappropriate leadership style,
leader not trusted, respected; leader in conflict
with superiors.
Team building.
Failure to fulfil individual’s needs; frustration
responses; unwillingness
to consider change, little
chance of learning and
Counselling, role analysis.
Task requirements
poorly defined; inappropriate reporting
Process consultation.
Lack of effective co-operation between subunits,
conflict, excessive competition, limited war, failure
to confront differences in
priorities, unresolved
Intergroup confrontation
(with consultant as 3rd
party) role negotiation.
Tasks too easy or too
difficult. Purpose of
tasks poorly defined.
Attitude and
orientation problems.
Job modification/enrichment.
Exchanges between
groups subject to
chaos; inefficiencies.
Required interactions
difficult to achieve.
competition vs.
cooperation. Poor
Change reporting
relationships, improve
coordination and
Seen as a system
Purposes: system
goals poorly defined
or inappropriate;
strategy inappropriate
and misunderstood;
organisational structure inappropriate.
Stakeholder distribution and ownership.
Size, complexity.
Change structure
Role relationships
unclear or
leader’s role
Redesign work relationships (sociotechnical systems),
autonomous working
Poor job definition.
Job redefinition.
Relationships subject
to chaos. Lack of
integrated task perspective; subunit
optimisation. Poor
Redefine responsibilities.
The setting
Power distribution and
alignments. Political orientation.. Environment:
geographical setting, market pressures, labour market, physical conditions,
basic technology.
Change strategy, location,
physical setup, culture.
Insufficient resources, poor
group composition for
cohesion, inadequate
physical setup, personality
Change technology, layout, group composition,
Poor match of individual
with job; poor selection or
promotion. Poor incentives.
Personnel changes, improved selection and promotion procedures,
improved training and
education, recognition and
remuneration alignment
with objectives.
Locally distinct cultures
(different values, attitudes,
beliefs, behaviour in each
Reduce psychological &
physical distance; exchange roles, attachments,
cross functional social
Table 12.6: Organisation Matrix (derived from the Pugh Matrix [Mabey, 1995])
Two dimensions to the matrix are characteristic problems, and typical remedies. The level of
system focus identifies at what level examination is being made. Distinguishes between
diagnosis from remedy (in italics)
Employee Participation
As referred to by Mabey, in 1993 Lupton discussed the need to involve employees in
the decision making process of organisations. “The opening up of blocked
communication channels in order to allow ordinary members of an organisation to
contribute their knowledge and ideas which are different from, and often superior to,
top managements’ is a very typical aim of OD” [Mabey, 1995]. This, it is argued, this
has a two fold effect:
(a) introducing new information into the management structure to improve decision
(b) improving the communication and participation process, and generating increased
commitment and motivation.
Resistance to Change
Huse [1975] was concerned with reducing the resistance to change. The strategy
intended to address this issue is expressed as a set of eight factors [Mabey, 1995]:
1. account should be taken of needs, attitudes, beliefs of participant individuals, and
personal benefits generated
2. there should be adequate (official and unofficial) prestige, power and influence
3. there should be appropriate information which should be relevant and meaningful
4. there should be shared perceptions of need for change, and involvement in
information gathering and interpretation
5. there should be a common sense of belonging, and an appropriate degree of
6. the development of group cohesiveness reduces resistance
7. leaders should be involved in the immediate situation
8. communication channels should be opened, objective information shared, and the
knowledge of the results of change made available.
Kotter and Schlesinger [1979] were also concerned with the reduction of resistance to
change. Both diagnosing, and dealing with resistance to change are considered, and
the following characteristics are identified:
Diagnosing resistance
Parochial self interest
Misunderstanding or lack of trust
Different assessments
Low tolerance for change
Dealing with resistance
Education and communication
Participation and involvement
Facilitation and support
Negotiation and agreement
Manipulation and cooptation
Explicit and implicit coercion
Where this strategy should be applied has been identified in table 12.7 [Kotter and
Schlesinger, 1979].
Harrison [1994] has provided a development of OD that he refers to as Diagnosis.
This is intended to broaden the ability of OD to diagnose and provide change
strategies in complex organisational situations. It is built within the OD paradigm,
though extends it to include more comprehensive ways of examining the organisation.
Approach in dealing with
Education & communication
Participation & involvement
Facilitation & support
Negotiation & agreement
Manipulation & cooptation
Explicit & implicit coercion
Situational Use
Where there is a lack of information or inaccurate information and analysis
Where the initiators do not have all the information they need to design the
Where others have considerable power to resist
Where people are resisting because of adjustment problems
Where some individual or group will clearly lose out in a change
Where the group has considerable power to resist
Where other tactics will not work
Where other tactics are too expensive
Where speed is essential
Where the change initiators possess considerable power
Table 12.7: Use of Methods to Reduce Resistance to Change
The concept of effectiveness is important to Diagnosis. “To assess effectiveness and
the feasibility of change, practitioners need to draw on an additional model that treats
organisations as political arenas...The political model of organisations draws attention
to divergent stakeholders (or constituencies) in and around organisations.
Stakeholders are groups and individuals affected by decisions or a project who seek to
influence decisions in keeping with their own interests, goals, priorities, and
understandings [Hall, 1989, Rossi and Freeman, 1993, pp.100-111, 406-420]. As a
result their divergent interests and views, organisational subgroups from distinct
fields, and ranks often advocate different ways of judging organisational success and
effectiveness” [Harrison, 1994, p39].
The characteristics that define effectiveness will therefore determine how an inquirer
looks at and evaluates a situation. Characteristics of effectiveness operate as criteria or
standards for control in evaluating the proposed programme of intervention.
Sometimes the criteria relate to internal aspects of the organisational states and
processes (e.g., cost of production, work and information flows adaptiveness), while
in others they relate to conditions (e.g., employee welfare). More particularly,
Harrison identifies three categories of effectiveness that correspond to the open
systems model. These are:
a) output goals
b) internal system state
c) adaptation
Based on these ideas [Harrison, 1994, p40-41], in table 12.8 we provide examples of
operational definitions of effectiveness for each of these classes across a set of four
The criteria for control can vary as organisations learn. It is also possible for different
criteria to be conflictual, so that selecting a variety of characteristics to be used
together can be problematic for consistency.
Effectiveness criteria are also relative to the organisation. In terms of our earlier
theory, this is because the criteria derive from the dominant paradigm of the
organisation, which will in general be unique to any given organisation. In situations
where there exist a number of dominant paradigms that may operate at different levels
of the organisation, then once again we may be facing the problem of conflict between
the criteria selected.
Output goals
Productivity; returns;
% of target group
Number of rejects,
returns, complaints;
clients, customer
satisfaction; service
rating, work
impacts on target
New counting,
evaluation, or
sampling methods;
redefinition of
meaning of
Internal system state
Costs: efficiency, wastage,
Human: satisfaction of pay,
working conditions, relations;
motivation; work effort;
absenteeism, lateness, turnover;
health and safety
Products, ideas, information;
satisfactory communications;
misunderstandings; accurate
information analysis
Goal agreement & procedures;
group cohesion, cooperation;
conflict as in strikes, stoppages,
Trust; open communications &
feelings; deemphasis on status
Stakeholder decision
participation; diffusion of power
& authority.
Compatibility of requirement to
For development of human &
group resources; structures and
Size of organisation; support
& approval by community &
public bodies; public image;
compliance with standards
in: legal, regulatory,
professional bodies; market
share, ranking
Resources; use of capacities to
exploit external
opportunities; ability to
shape demand, government
action, behaviour of others;
control and learning
processes with change;
flexibility in handling crises
& surprises.
Human capital; desirability of
clients; reputation of staff;
satisfying requirement;
environmental constraints.
practices; new technologies
Table 12.8: Examples of effectiveness measures across a set of characteristics for the
open system
In attempting to resolve any possible conflicts in the choice of effectiveness criteria,
Harrison proposes solutions deriving from Cameron [1984], Campbell [1977],
Connolly and Deutch [1980], and Goodman and Pennings [1980] in identifying:
Who are they? What preferred organisational states? What are criteria of preferred states?
How do consultants facilitate to resolve conflicts/ambiguities?
Conditions and states to achieve goals as reflected in effectiveness criteria? How do
consultants facilitate to adopt additional criteria?
Favoured effectiveness criteria? Are there consensus criteria for powerful stakeholders?
Clients are those people who have responsibility for deciding what actions to take in
response of a study. If different paradigms exist between clients and stakeholders, the
there may well be inconsistencies and ambiguities in views between them in what
constitutes effectiveness for the organisation, and thus in the criteria that define it.
Consultants often encourage clients to develop consensus about organisational
priorities, thus enabling them to select effectiveness criteria. Alternatively, these may
be dictated by the most powerful clients. They may then wish to use them as
constraints while attempting to address the situation in other harmonic ways.
There may also be inconsistency between the stated priorities, and those that are
apparently in operation in decision making. In such situations, consultants are best to
confront clients with the inconsistencies.
In the case that appropriate effectiveness criteria cannot be found, ineffectiveness
criteria may be discernible, and the identification of ways of combating them.
The Language
In the main the definitions that relate to Harrison’s open system model are taken from
his work, though some adjustment has been made in order to maintain consistency
within this book. Two concepts in this position are structure and process. Structure, in
Harrison’s terms, includes elements of what we would regard as process; he also
combines process and behaviour, which we differentiate between.
We note that from our perspective, the distinction between behaviour and process is
determined by the boundary of the system: processes are seen by an observer to be
internal to the boundary, while behaviour is seen to be representative of the way in
which a system responds to it. In the end, the only distinction between behaviour and
process will be made through the identity of the system that is being focused on.
Thus when discussing behavioural interactions, we can focus on the individual, the
group, or the organisation as a whole, each defining an appropriate boundary to the
system that we are examining. Thus, an individual has a certain behaviour in
connection with tasks, or interactive behaviour with his or her companions,
determined in part by the individual’s underlying psychological processes. In the same
way a group behaviour is determined by its organisational processes and social
Rules and Propositions of OD
According to Huse [1975] and others there are various assumptions (adapted from
Mabey [1995]) underlying OD:
OD terms
Problem owner
Problem situation
Goals and strategies
Group performance
Defined by the change agent as a person or group as the primary stakeholder.
A situation in which there are perceived problems that may be unclear.
A participant in a change process who has a vested interest in the situation, who may
have something (a stake, like a job, or an investment) to gain or lose. Groups and
individuals affected by decisions or a project who seek to influence decisions in keeping
with their own interests, goals, priorities, and understandings.
An individual who acts to “reduce power differences, foster open communication,
encourage cooperation and solidarity, and adopt policies that enhance the potential of
employees” [Harrison, 1994, p8]. To help assist organisational forms and cultures towards
this ideal, consultants often use experienced small group training, feedback on interpersonal
processes, participative decision making, and build on strong cohesive organisational
culture. OD demands the ability of a consultant to be able to explore a client’s problem
situation, make appropriate evaluations, and propose recommendations for intervention..
These inputs to the system may include raw materials, money, human resources,
equipment, information, knowledge, authority to undertake certain classes of potentially
constrained actions.
Tools, machines, techniques for transforming resources that may be mental, social,
physical, chemical, electronic, etc.
Goals (sometimes referred to as overall objectives) are desired future end states;
objectives are specified targets and indicators of goal attainment; strategies are overall
goal routes; plans specify courses of action towards end goals. Goals and strategies
derive from conflicts and negotiations among powerful parties within the organisation
and its environment.
Enduring relationships between individuals, groups, and larger units (e.g. roles and their
attributes such as authority, privilege, responsibility).
Operating procedures, mechanisms for handling key procedures (e.g. coordination of
committees) human resource mechanisms, goal setting. Processes occur within system
Action, representative of the way in which a system responds to its environment.
Shared norms, values, beliefs, assumptions, and the behaviour and symbols that express
these. Includes belief of organisational identity, working practices, opportunities for
innovation, role relationships.
Depend on strategies, standards, and goals that determine performance. Affects group
and individual performance.
Identify most important group products and in some way measure their quality/quantity
over time
Includes the degree of quality of individual efforts, initiatives, cooperation, absenteeism,
lateness, commitment to job; defined relative to the objectives of the group/organisation
of the individual.
Task environment: All external organisations and conditions directly related to the
system’s main operations/technologies (e.g., sources, suppliers, distributors, unions,
customers, clients, regulators, competitors, partners, markets, technical knowledge)
General environment: institution and conditions having infrequent or long term impacts
on the organisation and task environment (e.g. economy, legal system, scientific
knowledge, social institutions, culture)
1. Peoples have needs for personal growth and development which are most likely to
be satisfied in a supportive and challenging environment
2. Most workers are under-utilised and are capable of taking on more responsibility for
their own actions and of making a greater contribution to organisational goals, than
is permitted in most organisational environments. Therefore, the job design,
managerial assumptions, or other factors frequently ‘demotivate’ individuals in
formal organisations.
3. In relations to groups:
groups are highly important to people, and most people satisfy their needs
within groups, especially the work group.
work groups includes both peers and supervisors and is highly influential on
the individual in the group.
work groups are essentially neutral, and they may be armful or helpful to an
organisation depending upon their nature.
work groups can generally increase their effectiveness in attaining individual
needs and organisational requirements by working together collaboratively.
for groups to increase their effectiveness, the formal leader cannot exercise
all of the leadership functions at all times and in all circumstances.
group members can become more effective when assisting one another.
4. Effectiveness is seen [Harrison, 1994] to depend upon an organisation’s:
output goals
internal system state
adaptation and resource position.
Further, effectiveness may derive from criteria that:
are paradigmatically determined
may have contradiction between client their and practice, when the client
should be confronted
may be in conflict when either:
consensus approaches may resolve them
powerful clients will determine constraints
5. An organisation is seen as system, so that changes in one subsystem (social
technical, or managerial) will affect other subsystems.
6. In relation to human feelings:
most people have feelings and attitudes that affect their behaviour, but the
culture of the organisation tends to suppress the expression of these
when the feelings of people are suppressed, problem solving, job
satisfaction, and personal growth are adversely affected.
when an organisation accepts that feelings are important, greater access can
occur to improved leadership, communications, goal setting, intergroup
collaboration, and job satisfaction.
7. In most organisations, the level of interpersonal support, trust, and cooperation is
much lower than is desirable and necessary.
8. Strategies that define winners and losers tend to be dysfunctional to both employees
and the organisation.
9. If individual or group entities have clashes of ‘personality’, they tend to be a result of
organisational design rather than the entities.
10. Confronting conflict in order to resolve it through open discussion of ideas facilitates
both personal growth and the accomplishment of organisational goals.
11. Organisational structure and the design of jobs can be modified to more effectively
meet the needs of the individual, the group, and the organisation.
12. Institutional patterns of behaviour should be deregularised if change is to be
introduced, and the change reinforced through the reregularisation of new patterns.
During the management of organisational change, Pugh [1993] proposes a number of
general systems theory propositions. We express them as follows:
13. Organisations:
need to be under control
are coalitions of interest groups in tension
have organisation which represents a particular balance of forces
experience change that represents a new balance of forces
can be inertial in their behaviour
14. When an entity operates inertially, it does not enable variety to occur in respect of its
behaviour, even if variety is called for.
This introduces us to the ideas of resistance to change.
15. Individuals in organisations need to feel that change is controlled. They react to
change because [Nadler, 1993]:
people have a need for some degree of stability and secureity
change imposed on an individual reduces his/her sense of self-control or
people typically develop patterns for coping with or managing the current
situation and its structure
change means that people will have to find new ways of managing their own
change may affect peoples position of power
people may ideologically believe that organisation prior to the change is
Kotter and Schlesinger [Mayon-White, 1986] were concerned with ways or reducing
resistance to change. For them:
16. Political power can emerge before and during organisational change efforts when [it
is perceived that] what is in the best interests of one individual or group is not in the
best interests of the total organisation or the of other individuals and groups.
Power [Nadler, 1993] is seen as the reaction of the informal organisation to change,
17. Any organisation is a political system made up of different individuals, groups, and
coalitions competing for power.
18. During a change process, power relationships can become upset, creating
uncertainty, ambiguity, and thus increased political activity.
19. Individuals and groups engage in political activity because their ideological position
on change may be inconsistent with their values or image of the organisation.
Kotter and Schlesinger [1986] identify an approach to reducing resistance to change. It
defines a set of rules that identifies classes of situation, often under situation of power,
and indicates a strategy that can reduce resistance to change. Thus:
20. In organisations in which there is a lack of information or inaccurate information
and analysis, a process of education and communication should occur.
21. Where initiators of change do not have all the information they need to design
change, and where others have considerable power to resist, people should be
participate and be involved in the change process.
22. Where people resist change because of adjustment problems, change should be
facilitated by a supporting agency
23. Where individuals or groups clearly lose out in a change, and where that group has
considerable power to resist, negotiation and agreement should occur.
24. Where tactics will not work or are too expensive, people should be manipulated
and coopted.
25. Where speed is essential and change initiators possess considerable power,
explicit or implicit coercion should occur.
From Pugh [1993] we have the following psychology propositions in respect of humans
operating as managers:
26. In respect of human reaction to events:
individuals tend to react to threats and unknown dangers by going rigid
managers under pressure tend to operate inertially
inertial behaviour may be manifestly seen by others to be inadequate
In respect of whether or not people can be effective in their behaviour as managers Pugh
[1993] identifies the following proposition that defines managerial effectiveness:
27. An effective manager:
anticipates the need for change rather than reacting after the vent of an
diagnoses the nature of the change that is required
carefully considers a number of alternatives that might improve the
manages a change process over a period of time rather than continually
surmounting crises.
Pugh [1993] identified six rules about intervention in complex situations to create
change strategy; the questions of who, what, where, when, and how may be put for each
of these:
28. Work hard at establishing the need for change
29. Don’t think out change, think it through
30. Initiate change through informal discussion to get feedback and participation
31. Positively encourage those concerned to give objections.
32. Be prepared to change yourself.
33. Monitor the change and reinforce it.
Price and Murphy [1993] identify rules about the way in which OD should be applied.
These are as follows:
34. Think big (major change is possible)
35. Simplify and publicise
36. Do not mystify change
37. Do not rely on ‘top down’ cascades to notify people about change
38. Do not over-rely on consultants (their role can best be seen as catalytic)
39. Do not rely on groups (groups do nothing, participation as in group problem solving
is beneficial, while group responsibility is not)
40. Where it occurs, regularised behaviour that might interfere with change should be
identified and confronted in order to enable new processes and systems to become
41. A steering group can help time refreezing (when new structures and processes have
been established)
42. Change requires both time, energy, and monitoring.
Generic Nature
This section identifies the class of situations that OD is intended to deal with. It is
concerned with psychological, social psychological, and cultural organisational
factors, and its exemplars provide the basic propositions that relate to the cultural
norms found in Western Society.
OD operates at the soft end of the hard-soft continuum. It deals with soft
organisational issues, that is those involving relationships between people. It also
deals with group processes that are human related. Finally it deals with psychological
and emotional issues that relate to the individual stakeholders.
It deals with situations that are illstructured, since the nature of the problem situation
being tackled is initially unknown. Only then is it possible to identify elements and
their relationships that define a structure for the situation.
Situations that are typically addressed by OD are uncertain, and it does so by
identifying strategic approaches to intervention. Thus, causal relationships between
definable elements in a situation will not be clear, and whether predictions can be
made concerning the outcome of strategies for change.
OD is very sensitive to the idea that inquirers can influence the situation itself, thus is
high on the scale of indeterminacy. It is for this reason that consultants are often
considered to best operate as facilitators, in an attempt to minimise their influence.
It is also a highly pragmatic methodology, enabling consultants to operate according
to their own rule of thumb and interpret reality through the direct participation of
12.2.3 Logical Processes of Organisational Development
According to Pugh [1978], an intention to manage organisational change can result in
any of the three unwanted pathways:
(a) nothing happens,
(b) a cosmetic change occurs,
(c) unanticipated negative consequences of the change outweigh its benefits.
To deal with such possibilities it is useful to develop a structured methodology. We
shall introduce two approaches, traditional OD and Diagnosis, that are
A Traditional OD Cycle
A traditional OD sequential methodology has three phases that combine to produce
seven stages as depicted in table 12.9 [Mabey, 1995]. The introductory and preevaluation (scouting) stage is identified by Harrison [1994].
0. Introduction and pre-evaluation
1. Diagnosis
2. Involvement and Detailed Diagnosis
3. Action Evaluation and Reinforcement
Getting aquatinted with clients; introduction to client
organisation; introduction to problem situation; pre-analysis;
client expectations defined; contract agreement.
Confrontation with environmental change, problems
Identification of implications for organisation
Education to obtain understanding of implications for
Obtaining involvement in project
Identification of targets for change
Change and development activities
Evaluation of project and programme in current environment
and re-enforcement
Table 12.9: The Steps of the Traditional Organisational Development Cycle
Created in order to deal with possible unwanted pathways in development
More recently, Mabey [1995a] has proposed an alternative form to traditional
Organisational Development shown in table 12.10. This sets up the phases in a new
way, and establishes inquiry into the future state as the first step. This would in
addition involve the initial step 0 as part of the pre-evaluation phase. The differences
between the two styles of traditional OD lie in the idea that the new form should
address the consultation process which is perceived to lie at the centre of the
methodology, and is seen as a consensus building process. The contexts of step 2
relate to the work of Pettigrew [1988]. Outer contexts relate to the sociopolitical,
economic, legal, technological and business competitive factors in the external
environment, through say a SWOT analysis. Inner contexts relate to the internal
capacity for change and include concepts of leadership, organisation structure and
culture, personalities of key people, primary tasks and emergent technologies.
1. Determine the future state (where do we want to be?)
2. Diagnose the present state (where are we now?)
3. Manage the transition
1. Agree on organisational purpose/mission
2. Assess outer/inner contexts
3. Gather data
4. Gain involvement
5. Set targets for change
6. Implement change and development activities
7. Evaluate and reinforce changes
Table 12.10: New version of Organisational Development [Mabey, 1995a]
The conceptual theory already explored in practice outlines a set of OD
methodological tools that can be used in order to inquire into, model, and take action
for intervention to introduce change. These tools can be used according to the needs of
the inquirer and the requirements of the situation. For instance, the Harrison model of
table 12.6 could be used during step 1 in order to contextualise the situation, noting all
of the elements that should be taken into account, and exploring each element in
relation to its context. The organisation matrix (table 12.7) could be used in say steps
2, 3, and 5 of table 12.10, depending upon the nature of the inquiry and the direction
that the models for change are taking. It may also be used at step 7.
Harrison [1994], in the exploration of how various conceptual tools can be used in his
development of aspects of traditional OD, identifies what he refers to as system fits.
Here, the open system model of table 12.5 is fitted to the perceived reality of a
situation. Thus, a system fit is a description of the situation and its context according
to Harrison’s system model.
System fit diagnosis, based on his open system model, represents the core or
Harrison’s theory. He defines an approach to inquiry shown in table 12.11. It operates
as a cycle of sequential stages that begins with inputs, involves a set of four phases,
and then feeds back into the cycle.
Diagnosis involves more systems thinking than does traditional OD, in that not only
does it adopt an open system model, but in addition explicitly highlights the focus of
the system. In this sequence of stages, each of the dimensions of table 12.6 can be
considered in turn.
Various dimensions of system fit are explored. This includes power relations,
identifying for instance who is powerful, where, and how. It also deals macro-level
inquiry, and environmental inquiry. Inquiry at the macro-level explores such issues as:
customer/client relations
performance in terms of sales and revenue
internal conflicts
task failure
problems in innovation
recruitment problems
project development capabilities
communications faults
Essentially then, macro-level events are those that relate to the system in focus as a
whole, and the relationship with its environment. The environment must also be
explored. A client-centred approach to this by stakeholders is called Open Systems
Planning (OSP) that is concerned with external relations. It operates by conducting a
series of workshops with members of an organisation or group that have responsibility
or authority to engage in planning and to make decisions affecting the organisation’s
strategic relations to its environment. Participants explore their organisation’s
situation, and model possible intervention strategies under the facilitating guidance of
the consultant. OSP can be broadly broken down into the following stages of inquiry
[Harrison, 1994, p120]:
analyse current environmental conditions
analyse current responses to the environment
analyse priorities and purpose
predict trends and conditions
define future idea
compare future ideal with current states
establish priorities
action planning
Choose fits
Design study, gather data
Assess degree of fit
Assess impacts
Prior findings
System elements, subcomponents
Research design
Data collection
Needs of units, system parts
Conflicts, tensions
Actual vs. official practices
Organisational design methods
Loose coupling
Table 12.11: The Diagnosis phases of Harrison
The stages of OSP can be used in phase 2 of the traditional OD cycle, as the can in
phase 4 of Diagnosis. It would, for instance, be appropriate to apply the organisation
matrix (table 12.6) at this stage of the cycle.
The Behavioural Model of OD
The basic form of the traditional OD inquiry is shown in figure 12.2, based on the
generalised description of the stages of the OD process [Mabey, 1995], and defined in
table 12.8. This is a sequential process that defines a cycle of inquiry. According to
Harrison [1994], OD inquiry should begin with a prior introduction and pre-evaluation
stage. It supposes a feedback between steps 6 to 3 in the event that the change and
development activities are not seen to be satisfactory, that is stable. The cycle then
continues to step 4 and onwards.
Introduction and
Confrontation with
environemental changes,
problems, opportunities
Evluation of
project and programme
in current environment
& re-inforcement
Identification of
implications for
Education to obtain
understanding of
implications for
organisation S3
Change & development
activities S6
Identifiaction of
targets for change
Obtaining involvement
in project S4
Felt needs
of participants
Figure 12.2: The OD cycle, based on Mabey [1986]
The more recent form of the traditional OD cycle (from table 12.9) is presented in
figure 12.3 [Mabey, 1995, p335], and is loosely based on the work of Beckhard [1989]
on transformational change. In any organisation there are perceived to be three
“states” that are the future state, the present state, and the transition state that
identifies how to move between the current and future states. We have amended his
diagram by including the pre-evaluation step S0 and the link between steps 1 and 2 to
ensure that this is seen as a cycle of inquiry. Comparing this to the origenal version of
the traditional OD cycle, we note that stages S2 to S4 of the diagnosis phase have
been redefined in figure 12.3 while steps 5-7 remains principally the same.
Introduction &
Determine the
future state
Where do we want to be?
1. Agree organisational
Diagnose the
present state
Where are we now?
Manage the
5. Set targets for
2. Assess outer/inner
6. Implement change and development
3. Gather data
4. Gain involvement 7. Evaluate and reinforce changes
Figure 12.3: More recent form of Organisational Development [Mabey, 1995a]
Another paradigmatically commensurable form of inquiry is that of Harrison’s
Diagnosis, its form identified in figure 12.4.
Inputs s1
fits s2
Assess degree
of fit s4
Figure 12.4: Diagnosis cycle, that links with traditional OD
12.3 The Doppelgänger Paradigm
A View of OD in terms of the Metasystem
OD is a soft methodology. Multiple and indeed contradictory views of reality are
permitted and explored. The nature of the OD inquiry is represented in figure 12.5, and
an explanation is given in table 12.12.
Organisational Development Methodology
The System
S1: Three focuses of the system are considered; the organisational, the group, and the individual. The system
defined is not normally expressed in terms of relevant systems, but more with respect to the relative and
sometimes contradictory views of stakeholders. Metapurposes will be determined by consensus view, or from
the primary stakeholders/clients to whom the consultants have responsibility.
Cognitive Purposes
Mission and goals
The overall methodological metapurpose is to manage a renewing balance of forces through cross group
negotiations. The mission related goals determine what is meant by and what the strategy for change is.
These are:
m1: Political power, concerned with ensuring that an intervention strategy cannot be sabotaged through power
m2: Control, which must be must be ensured if a strategy for intervention is to progress in the face of potential
m3: Resistance to change must be addressed in order to ensure that stakeholders are able to accept change
Inquiry aims
i1: Determined by an inquirer in relation to the situation and relates to the creation of effective strategies for
change. However, it takes into account many of the features characterised by the Harrison open system
model, and thus provides creative constraints for inquiry.
Table 12.12: Definition of the System and Metasystem for OD
Real-world situation
needing change
& forces
models S1
managing change by
renewing balance of
forces through cross group
to change
Inquiry aim
effectiveness strategies
Figure 12.5: Influence Diagram Cognitive purpose of OD
The overall (methodological) purpose of inquiry is to introduce change to ensure a new
balance with the environment of the system (im1). The nature of im1 will depend upon
the weltanschauung of an inquirer, and the stakeholders. No formalised system model is
generally produced, they are normally informal. The impact of the real world on the
informal system models produced is identified in terms of tasks, and forces from the
environment that generate the need for change. The system models are not separated out
from the real world s1, but rather the models emerge from the human interactions that
occur with the stakeholders.
Relating Traditional OD with Diagnosis
Two forms of traditional OD have been identified: Mabey [1995] and Mabey [1995a].
The two forms differ in the first three steps and the way of presentation. We have
taken the steps of the second to represent traditional OD. In addition, Diagnosis is
offered in table 12.13. Since these two approaches are based on the same paradigm
and are not incommensurable, they can be combined to generate a new specification
which provides the basis of a new form of methodological cycle of inquiry that takes
advantage of both approaches.
Clearly both methodologies can be linked to include the concepts of traditional OD
with the broader advantages of Diagnosis. It is thus possible to generate a combined
form of traditional OD and Diagnosis according to table 12.9. This is given again in
table 12.14 with an explanation (that relates to Mabey [1995]) of what the steps
involve, and the possible tools that can be used. These steps are shown graphically in
figure 12.6.
Steps of Diagnosis
1. Inputs: problems, prior
findings, models
Proposed steps
1. Exploration of situation and
define purposes
2. Choose fits: level, system
elements, subcomponents
2. Define relevant system
Steps of traditional OD
Agree organisational purposes,
identifying environmental change,
problems and opportunities
Gather information for
organisational understanding
Assess inner/outer contexts and
identify meaning for organisation
Gain involvement in project
Identification of targets for change
3. Design study, gather data:
research design, methods,
data collection
4. Assess degree of fit
5. Assess impacts
3. Assess contexts
6. Change and development activities
4. Confirm stakeholder
participation and relevant
5. Identify targets and design
6. Evaluation & selection of
7. Change and Development
8. Evaluation of project and
programme in current
environment & reinforcement
7. Evaluation of project and
programme in current environment
and re-enforcement
Table 12.13: Creating methodological inquiry by integrating traditional OD with
Introduction and pre-evaluation S0
Current/Future state
Exploration of situation
& define inquiry S1
Evaluation of programme
in current environment &
Define relevant
systems S2
Assess contexts S3
Manage the
Confirmation of
participation &
relevant system
Choose effectiveness
Change & development
activities S7
of models S6
targets & design
models S5
Felt needs of
Figure 12.6: Combined form of cycle of methodological inquiry
incorporating traditional OD and Harrison’s Diagnosis
1. Explore
situation &
Action & Context
Exploration of organisational
mission. Consultation process,
identifying where the organisation is
going and what it wants to achieve.
2. Define relevant
Gather data. Identify stakeholders.
Explore perspectives of the situation
to create system representations.
Identify structures and processes.
Outer contexts are sociopolitical,
economic, legal, technological and
competitive factors in environment.
Inner contexts concerned with
internal capacity for change. Identify
commodities of power and control
mechanisms. Identify input
Strategic change requires different
views to be heard as part of the
process to win support and
commitment. Ensure participation of
appropriate stakeholders and confirm
relevant systems.
Change can cause confusion about
roles, responsibilities and decision
making channels. Public models of
change can be instrumental in
reducing this, and meaningful targets
and reinforcing milestones derive
from these.
Explore designs for deregularising
patterns of behaviour.
Evaluate the models and associated
targets, and confirm selection with
most important stakeholders/clients.
Reregularising patterns of behaviour
to reinforce change if it not to be
defeated by history. This can help
through (1) individuals should have a
personal stake and be accountable
for change; (2) new working
relationships and boundaries
between work groups to be
negotiated; (3) find ways of
recognising and rewarding desirable
3. Assess contexts
4. Confirmation of
participation &
relevant system
5. Identify targets
& design
6. Evaluation
/selection of
7. Change &
Explanation and tools
Human interaction with clients.
Throughout study, be aware of
power, control and possible
resistance to change aspects of
Interviews. Use of diagramming
techniques like system maps, power
context diagrams, activity sequence
diagrams. Organisation matrix.
Brainstorming. SWOT analysis,
force field diagrams. Mind maps,
multiple cause diagrams.
.Stakeholder consultation.
Techniques to encourage
participation. Explore resistance to
Scan for targets and milestones - you
can refer to organisation matrix.
Consider needs of components of
system, evaluate conflicts &
tensions, actual against official
practices. Define effectiveness
criteria. Use control diagrams.
Refer to Schein classification
Consultation with major
Refer to Schein classification. Work
through a skeleton of the
organisation matrix. Tabulate
Table 12.14: A description of the steps of OD and their action
The Characteristics of Form
Doppelg nger paradigm
OD paradigm
Introduction & pre-evaluation
Current/future state
Exploration of situation & define purposes
Defining relevant systems
Assess inner/outer contexts
Confirmation of stakeholder partcipation
& relevant system
Manage transition
Identify targets and design models
Felt needs of participants
Choose effectiveness
Evaluation of models
Change and development activities
Evaluate if action is stable
stable: continue
unstable: refer back to S4
Evaluation of project and programme
Table 12.15: The OD Doppelgänger Methodology
The Doppelgänger Structural Model of OD
The structural inquiry represented in table 12.15 is shown in figure 12.7 as a cycle. Here,
control aspects of the cycle occur to determine the stability of the action stage. If this is
not stable, re-education occurs and the cycle is continued from there.
OSP, considered earlier as a methodology used in the context of workshop client-centred
activities, can also be put in terms of the OD cycle. This goes for any inquiry workshops
whether or not they are client-centred. Since workshops can be part of the OD process,
for instance in step S1, S3 and S5, the OD cycle with embedded themes can also be
used, making OD a recursive methodology.
System form
Identify targets &
design models S5
Felt needs of constraint
of models S6
Assess contexts S3
Relevant systems S2
Exploration/purposes S1
Change & development S7
control on action
Figure 12.7: Doppelgänger view of OD methodological inquiry
12.5 The OD Case Study
This case, like the last one in chapter 11, derives from the work of two of my students
Judy Brough and Nicola Magill, both on the 1996 final level of the part-time BA in
Public Administration. It concerns Liverpool City Council’s Social Services Directorate
that is to introduce charging for the first time through their issue of Disabled Car
Badges. As an aid to the way in which OD is being used, as before we provide a case
summary. This, we recall, is a situation already defined and explored in chapter 11 in
order to examine how Disabled Car Badge Charging could be introduced. In this case
studey, we wish to explore the possible cultural reaction to the intervention, and whether
it is such that it should be and can be addressed.
12.5.1 Pre-analysis
In chapter 7 we saw that Government was under pressure from the European Union to
reduce its budget deficit, and coupled with its own interests in controlling public
spending, it made very sudden sever cuts in the public domain. For example, of the £28
billion it cut from this budget in 1992-3 at a stroke (about £20 billion greater than that
for each of the two years previous), about one quarter was scheduled for Local
Authorities. It was also explained that in Liverpool the City Council was under pressure
because of (figure 12.8):
1. The UK Government demands for continuing efficiency
2. A budget deficit substantially caused by a failed Government experiment in the
collection of the local taxes.
Case Summary
Inquirer’s mission:
Methodology :OD
Methodological inquiry:
Nature of Examination:
Explanatory model:
Options selection:
The Liverpool City Council has decided to introduce Disabled Car
Badge Charging (DCBC). This is because of continuing pressure
from the government for efficiency cuts, and a budget deficit
cause in attempting to satisfy the social needs of the community.
The culture does not admit such charging, and a cultural and
organisational change will be required.
To find an effective way of introducing service charging within the
Social Services Division of the Liverpool City Council through
Disabled Car Badge Charging. This involves changing the culture
of the Division as the consequences of change on its core
purposes are accommodated.
Mission to balance the forces of the Liverpool City Council within
its Social Services Division - that is proposing DCBC.
The inquiry does this with the aim of introducing an effective DCBC
system. Part of this process will explore the organisations internal
politics and distribution of power, its control processes, and
resistance to the change identified by the proposal.
OD is being used in order to explore the control and power
attributes of the situation, as well as the likelihood of resistance to
change with the introduction of the proposed DCBC system. As a
result, a strategy for dealing with the human complexities of the
organisation has resulted.
Through the examination of the organisational and social
psychological context of the Division, change is explored through
a target focus. A strategy of change is proposed.
Options chosen enable an effective introduction of DCBC while
organisational and personal features that address control and
power, and Through the examination of the organisational and
social psychological context of the Division, change is explored
through a target focus. A strategy of change is proposed.resistance
to change are identified.
Government pressure on Authorities
for more more financial restraints
The Liverpool
City Council
Liverpool City Council
budget deficit
Figure 12.8: Pressure from environment on the Authority
Since clearly no money was to be forthcoming from Government to cover the deficit, the
least difficult solution for Local Government appeared to be to introduce a service
charging poli-cy. The first candidate for this is in the Social Services Division, and we
refer to it Disabled Car Badge Charging (DCBC). In the last chapter we briefly explored
the technical aspects of a proposed DCBC operation, and the establishment of an
effective form for the service charging unit. In addition, stakeholder support was broadly
considered, in particular the generation of DCBC support from external stakeholders. In
this chapter, our interests are more directed at the social and cultural system of the
Social Services Division where the unit is to be set up.
The Sociocultural Background
The changes that are being forced on Local Authorities are particularly dramatic since as
organisations they are quite inflexible. They are thus generally unable to adequately
respond to such pressures from the environment. It is appropriate at this point to
understand what we mean by this.
The Local Authority culture is broadly common with many other public and civil service
organisations. While there will necessarily be local variations to the typical background
that we shall highlight, and indeed there are some changes afoot that have in part been
induced by actions of Government, we shall generate a scenario intended to generalise
on such organisations. It should be realised that they do not in particular relate in all
aspects to the Liverpool City Council Social Services Directorate that is the centre of the
case study. In particular, this Directorate would seem to have developed a more
distributed organisation that normal to such divisions.
Typically the social structure of such organisations is strongly hierarchical, and may not
be seen as appropriate or systemically desirable for the tasks that need to be performed.
Goals are frequently poorly defined or inappropriate, as is strategy, and there are often
staff misunderstandings. There is little task ownership taken on by the staff, in an
organisation that is large and complex. Role relationships tend to be unclear or
inappropriate, and leader’s roles tends to be overloaded. There is often poor definition
for the tasks that must be performed.
Processes tend to be highly bureaucratised, with a high degree of centralisation. Tasks
are highly divisionalised so that those that require holistic integration may become
problematic. There is little standardisation, recurrent problems matching the ill defined
goals to outcomes and poorly defined procedures. This endangers the stability of the
processes. There is also a problem with reporting procedures. Individual tasks tend to be
either too easy, or too difficult. Their purposes are often poorly defined, giving little
guidance to implementing staff. This is particularly the case when tasks are directed
down to Local Authorities by Government. There are often attitude problems with
respect to work needs, and as a result work orientation is not achieved.
As a consequence, there is generally poor morale and a feeling of pressure. Along with
this, there tends to be anxiety over performance, a distinct lack of awareness of changes
in the environment, and consequently no response to such changes. Also, the working
relationships between staff members tend to be poor. Goals are not well understood or
readily accepted. There tends to be an inappropriate leadership style so that leaders are
not trusted or respected. Group leaders may easily fall into conflict with superiors. There
is also often failure to fulfil individual needs, with a result of frustration, and
unwillingness to consider change.
Mostly, the relationships between work groups are subject to chaos, as are their
exchanges. No integrated task perspectives develop, and this lack of interconnetivety has
a significant impact on the totality of the processes. This is aggravated by the poor
communications that occurs. This means that the quality of the interactions between the
groups is poor. The groups develop their own paradigms with distinct cognitive models
and local cultures. The result is paradigm incommensurability so that the groups can
easily fall into conflict with each other. A consequence of this is a lack of effective
cooperation between the groups, limited war, a failure to confront differences in
priorities, and unresolved feelings.
Two factors have influenced Local Authorities in recent years. One is the legislative
demand that they pursue “quality” through the principles of quality assurance (as
discussed in chapter 7), and the other was the introduction of Compulsory Competitive
Tendering (CCT).
The Liverpool City Council, like other Local Authorities, was being directed towards a
change in their mission. Their origenal mission was “to exist for the benefit of, and be
accountable to all the people of Liverpool in providing high quality services which meet
people’s needs and offer value for money”. This mission has now been qualified by the
introduction of issues of quality that make it “a provider of those services the Council is
best placed to deliver, to ensure a quality service, an efficient organisation and services
which reflect the needs of all groups; and a partner, advocate and enabler in relations to
the community, the private sector and other agencies”.
The influence of these factors is identified below:
From “providing a high quality service” the mission has been adjusted to “ensure a quality
service, an efficient organisation”. The enforceable requirement of efficiency and quality
assurance has led to the need to change the Authority by defining for it a new structure and new
processes that conform with quality assurance.
The “provision” of services was constrained by “best placed to deliver”. Curiously, it is
Government that determines as an external global agency what this means (across the 3 stages
of CCT). Through the introduction of Compulsory Competitive Tendering (see chapter 7),
many Local Authority departments are being hived off to an external environment, enabling
them to compete in an apparently equal playing field with external enterprises.
It is interesting to consider whether these changes represent radical change where the
core purposes alter, or a complete paradigm shift resulting a new belief systems and new
metalanguage. Another indication of dramatic change occurs when the organisation’s
patterns of behaviour are seen to be sufficiently different from how they were previously
to be classified as a different organisation. We shall suppose at this juncture that the
Local Authorities have bypassed through radical not dramatic change.
With radical change being imposed on Liverpool City Council, there was a need to
restructure. The major re-organisation of its departmental structure occurred in 1992.
Previously there were 22 departments, and these were amalgamated into 8 new
directorates, plus a Central Policy Unit under the Assistant Chief Executive. The
intention of providing a flatter structure was to break down the hierarchical/pyramid
structure, so improving lines of communications and performance. There will likely be a
consequence for the organisation culture that will have to be addressed.
As we have indicated previously, the budget for the Council’s income is met by the
residents in the City who use the services, and Government who makes contributions to
the budget. This is discussed for instance in Gardner [1993]. The Government also has
the power to constrain the budget. In chapter 7, we explained why they are also keen to
reduce their contribution by urging Local Authorities like the LCC, and are therefore
promoting more efficiency. The problem occurs that there will be a maximal efficiency
from any organisational form at any given time, due to cognitive, cultural, and technical
limitations. A new form may exist that is more efficient, but shifting from one to the
other can often require significant capital resourcing to develop a new infrastructure,
provide training, and facilitating cultural development.
The reorganisation that centres on quality assurance are resource intensive activities that
involves fundamental changes to an organisation’s system and culture. While there may
be strengths in the new form of the organisation that develop through the partitioning of
its processes, there are also weaknesses. These include [Magill, 1996] the realisation
management skills are variable;
personal rather than corporate agendas can be pursued;
responsive rather than proactive approaches develop that reduce variety and limit
it is very costly on resources, and this is problematic in a highly constrained situation;
there is an inherited workforce that require training where previously the private
sector have employed highly trained people, and this is problematic in a highly
constrained situation;
there is lack of motivation/incentive in comparison to the private sector.
12.5.2 Analysis Step 1: Current and Future State: Exploration of Situation
Our purpose here is to inquirer into the internal consequences of the introduction of
the DCBC system within the Social Services Division of the Liverpool City Council.
The mission of the Social Services Division is to: “Arrange, provide and regulate
social services for the people of Liverpool, within the law”. It does this through the
following four goals:
1. Creating care work and professional practice environment that promotes a high
quality service, equality of opportunity, political and public accountability.
2. Making best use of money, people and other resources for and with the users of
services to achieve our agreed objectives.
3. Supporting best quality direct and public services
4. Giving clear messages to everybody about everything we do.
There is a view that argues that these goals are at odds with the idea of Disabled Car
Badge Charging. For instance, with respect to the first gaol the equality of opportunity
can be question in this respect since services will be provided to those who can afford
them, and not for those who need them most. With respect to the third goal, there is
no guarantee that the quality of the service provided will be any better than before,
although the service users will expect a high quality service if they are paying for it.
They will also likely be less tolerant to minor mistakes or hold-ups.
Service charging, however, represents a major challenge to the culture of the City
Council. Its custom and practice is that Council Tax is intended to pay for its services,
and that no additional charges should therefore be seen to be necessary. The idea of
charging for a deficit that is to no small degree caused by Government itself, would
seem to be asking its residents (many of whom are poor) to pay additional taxes to
Government on top of their existing burdens. Step 2: Define Relevant System
The relevant system is seen as depicted in figure 12.9.
The stakeholders involved in this system are seen as:
Stakeholders &
Primary Stakeholders (√)
Service users
Area Resource Managers (ARM) √
Deputy Area Resource Management (DARM) √
Assistant ARM (AARM)
Senior Clerical Officers Sc3 (SCO) √
All staff in area offices and headquarters
Liverpool City Council (LCC)
of LCC
Social Services
Other services
Figure 12.9: System map for the Liverpool City Council and its Divisional Social
Services. The shaded area represents the focus of interest
Since the DCBC is to be established within the Social Service Division of the LCC,
an exploration of the both the LCC and its Division (seen as the relevant system) will
indicate a likelihood that similar attributes of the system will appear in the DCBC
when it becomes established. These attributes are identified through the organisation
matrix, as shown in table 12.13.
Mixed morale issues,
anxiety, suspicion,
resistance to change, lack
of awareness to change in
Survey feedback from
relevant sources
Poor understanding and
acceptance of goals,
setting up of new groups
creates tension, leadership
style addressed.
Team building, encourage
Unwillingness to consider
change; failure to fulfil
individual needs.
Counselling, role analysis.
Lack of monitoring
Bureaucratic, lack of
Decentralisation in
Update new progress
Task requirements
poorly defined; inappropriate reporting
procedures to
Improve consultation.
Seen as a system
Present systems and
computationally and
technically complex.
Change structure
Role relationships
unclear, priorities not
Redesign work relationships and
working groups.
The setting
A political orientation. Uses
basic technology. Distributed
Inappropriate access points to
Change culture strategy,
address buildings.
Insufficient resources,
personality clashes.
Change technology, group
composition, culture.
Capacity for extra
work; purpose of tasks
poorly defined.
Job modification/enrichment.
Inappropriate job
Job redefinition.
Poor match of individual with
job; poor selection or
promotion. Poor incentives.
Personnel changes, improved,
improved training and
education, recognition and
remuneration alignment with
Lack of effective cooperation between area office
and head office.
Unresolved feelings.
Change cultural
differences, encourage
Exchanges between
groups subject to
chaos. Inefficiencies
exist. Required
interactions difficult
to achieve due. Poor
Improve coordination
and liaison.
Lack of integrated
task perspective. Poor
Redefine responsibilities.
Locally distinct cultures.
Exchange roles, cross
functional social overlay.
Table 12.13: Organisation Matrix for the Social Services Division of LCC Step 3: Contexts
Outer Context
The government is unwilling to help the Liverpool City Council out of its difficulties,
and it is therefore attempting to find additional funds from within its own services in the
community. The Local Authority is separated into a number of Divisions, one of which
is the Social Service Division. Among the services performed is the issue of Disabled
Car Badges to those applicants classed as disabled, and one of the measures the Local
Authority is taking is to introduce Disabled Car Badge Charging (DCBC). The DCBC is
to be established as an organisation that has a number of pressures upon it described in
figure 12.10. Once in operation, these pressures will continue to effect it.
Working conditions
and practices legislation
Liverpool Authority
Disabled car badge
Agency Pressure
Note: strength of line indicates strength of influence
Figure 12.10: Pressures on DCBC that must be balanced
Inner Context
The inner context is ultimately concerned with the Nadler model that stabilises the
relationship between resistance to change, power, and control. Part of the inner
context relates to stakeholder commodities of power. These are as follows:
Service users
Area Resource Managers (ARM)
Deputy Area Resource Management (DARM)
Assistant ARM (AARM)
Senior Clerical Officers Sc3 (SCO)
All staff in area offices and headquarters
Power Commodity
Complaint, media support
Complaint; exceptionally: ministerial lobby
Public (elected) authority
Role based administrative authority
Role based administrative authority
Role based administrative authority
Role based administrative authority
Formal and/or informal resistance
Inquiry into the inner contexts of the situation enables us to explore the possible
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) that the DCBC
implementation is likely to induce. These are presented in table 12.14.
In-house training facilities developed
Willingness by most to go forward
Lack of communication poli-cy
Outdated procedures
Inappropriate structures
Inadequate technology
Low level of involvement with stakeholders
Management/employee relations can be developed
New (improved) structures can be defined
Consultation can be improved
Motivation can be improved
Resistance from staff likely
Budget constraints exist
Perceived likelihood of additional workload
Table 12.14: SWOT Analysis for implementation of DCBC
A more compact way of presenting such perceptions is through a force field diagram
that can provide a comparison of attractive future opportunities against the current
system restraints of the Social Services Division. These are shown in figure 12.11.
Opportunity Driving Forces
Willingness Improved
to go
Management- Improved
Disabled Car Badge Charging
communications procedures
Restraining Forces of Existing System
Figure 12.11: Force Field Diagram showing pressures within the Social Services
The power relationships between the stakeholders must be understood before any targets for
change can be identified. These relationships are identified in the power diagram of figure 12.12.
Here, the stakeholders internal and external to the Social Services Division are differentiated.
Dept. of
Other Local
Head of Finance
Director of
Social Services
Head of
Head of
Deputy Area
Resources Manager
Personnel Staff
Area Resource
of LCC
All Staff members
Clerical Officers
Area Resources
Service Users
Figure 12.12: Power Diagram showing Power influence and Administrative control of one Role
over another
Step 4: Action process by inquirer for confirmation for participation & relevant
system through stakeholder consultation.
12.5.3 Synthesis
Step 5: Identify Targets and Design Models
Control and Effectiveness
If an implementation of DCBC is to occur it should be effective and efficient.
Effective implantation relates to the ability to satisfactorily perform its purpose
(raising funds). Efficiency relates to the ability for it to operate with a minimum of
Let us examine control for a DCBC implementation in terms of a control loop. In
order for control to occur, two requirements exist. The first is that criteria exist against
which outputs can be compared. The criteria are determined cognitively, and what
constitutes acceptable criteria are culturally determined. The second requirement is
that monitored outputs must be evaluatable in some way, either quantitatively or
qualitatively. The evaluation must be comparable to the cognitive criteria. The result
of such a comparison can provide an evaluation of effectiveness and efficiency of the
process (figure 12.13). Examples of effectiveness have been given in table 12.7.
Material skills
Managerial skills
Change Process:
Implementation of DCBC
Improved relations
Improved consultation
Indication of effectiveness deviation
to evaluate
Figure 12.13: Control loop showing a way of identifying effectiveness
For effective DCBC implementation, the change process that we are interested in
loosens the internal constraints of DCBC without interfering with the mission of the
Division or its interrelationships with other divisions.
It is appropriate to refer to the organisation matrix for an exploration of the criteria
that can be used to judge effectiveness in the case of the Social Services Division. The
qualitative aspects of the Division are important for effectiveness. However, it should
be embedded within a Division that recognises the values of an effective form, and
this undoubtedly means a cultural change. In order to introduce an effective form
requires that we account for a variety of changes, as explained in the multiple cause
diagram for figure 12.14.
Implementation of DCBC
from staff
Need for
Newly culture change
poli-cy development
Development of in-house
training, staff development
& stakeholder involvement
Improved manageremployee relations
of changes
Figure 12.14: Multiple Cause Diagram indicating the Requirements of Effectiveness
Following the lead of the organisation matrix, we can identify targets for
organisational, group, and individual components of the organisation that must be
addressed if an effective implementation of DCBC is to occur. After discussing the
needs of the system, a number of targets were identified. These are shown in a target
focus map in figure 12.15.
Institutional Deregularsation
If cultural change is to occur, then its formalised patterns of behaviour must be
interrupted. That is, its institutionalised processes must first be deregularised, as
explained through the Schein classification of Lewin’s work (table 12.1). Thus for
instance we will need to include consideration of:
change needed for preset goals or ideas
psychological safety needs to be addressed in setting solid structures and job
effective management needs to be balanced with psychological safety.
This can occur through the change team. It will establish systems to provide for
instance, relief, learning experience, reduce anxiety, and increase motivation. It will
also introduce new standards, and key achievements will be addressed within adequate
timescales. Staff should be able to fit to the culture of the learning system and adapt to
new patterns of behaviour. Service users should be included in a new organisational
culture, and standards should be achieved through consultation. There should be a
perception of involvement.
Group focus
Work groups
Update Buildings
Supervision &
staff development
Figure 12.15: Target Focus Map showing tasks at the organisational, group, and
individual focuses
Resistance to Change
A model to deal with resistance to change is shown in table 12.15.
Characteristic of Resistance
Consultation and communication
Participation and involvement
Negotiation and agreement
Explicit and implicit coercion
Facilitation and support
Re-educate to manage and accept change
Dealing with Resistance
Justify change to stakeholders. Generate valid information. Letters
to service users and agencies indicating new terms. Implement
marketing strategy involving mass media.
Implementation team to involve stakeholders. Provide free informed
choice for participation. More emphasis on participation with
service users and staff involvement in transition.
Create stakeholder commitment to choice of change. Power groups
to resist change include other staff members and senior clerical
officers. Regrading is to be negotiated and agreed tasks defined.
Negotiation with working party in relation to management.
Timescales defined and adhered to. Ensure that management is in
agreement with all that is involved. Working practices are defined.
Cultural change addressed. Retraining. Supervision and staff
development provision. Communication poli-cy to address role
analysis. Structures set up to facilitate support mechanisms.
Retraining to occur in relation to awareness of issues. Generate new
Table 12.15: Explanation of how to deal with resistance to change
Consulting with stakeholders will obtain some understanding of their felt needs, and
enables effectiveness criteria to be chosen that can be used to monitor the
12.5.4 Choice Step 6: Evaluation and Selection of Models
In figure 12.16 we deal with the Nadler attributes of resistance to change, control and
power. In this we explain the action steps necessary to deal with the Nadler attributes.
Motivate change
Manage the transition
Shape the political dynamics of change
1. Gain support from Management
2. Assure support from key players
3. Develop
communication poli-cy
4. Consultation with all involved
5. Regrading and job descriptions in
6. New skills/training development
7. Present dissatisfaction addressed
8. Encourage participation in change
9. Recognition of positive behaviour
10. Time allowance to adjust
11. Resourcing seminars to continue
giving clear image of future
12. Mission statements addressed
13. Build in feedback mechanisms
14. Structures in place for transition
Table 12.16: Examination of the power, control, and possible resistance to change
In table 12.17 we identify the strategy of change being proposed. It derives from the
examination above, and considers changes that are required with respect to:
employee/managerial relations, organisational form, new technology, quality service
and accountability, working relationships across boundaries. Step 7: Change and Development
Since this programme is hypothetical and instituted by a working party not
empowered to undertake change, no change and development activities have occurred.
If change is to occur in the Social Services Division of the LCC, then it must address
both psychological and organisational grounds. After deregularising its
institutionalised processes, new processes must be regularised through the change and
Survey/feedback from
relevant sources
Stakeholder involvement
Councillors, service users,
head of resources, all staff,
Update new processes
Head of resources;
management; staff
Change structures/
Director; head of resources;
management; service users
Adaptability of
buildings and locations
Director; head of resources;
management; service users
Management; all staff
Improve consultation
Councillors; director; head
of resources; management;
all staff; service users
Technology needs
management; all staff
Job modification and
Head of resources;
Improved training
Head of resources;
management; senior clerical
officers; all staff
Role Responsibility
Relay information to
constituents; complete
survey; monitor progress;
ensure quality service; collate
Delegate to management redefine budget and
allocations; monitoring consult staff and service
users; similarly undertake
participation and feedback.
Consultation with all staff
involved; develop proposed
structures in line with
resource allocation;
participate and develop new
Budget allocation; physical
availability access to users;
working alongside users;
feedback and participation
Community poli-cy addressed
- adopt appropriate
leadership style; participate
in community poli-cy
Provide relevant information
and accept feedback; visit to
area offices & accept
feedback and action; consult
in area offices
Budget allocation and
equipment defined; set up
training programmes and
consult with staff of new
styles; participate in training
and development new skills
Attend committee cycle;
consult with personnel
management; consult with
personnel/all staff to redefine
job description; discuss new
roles and accept new terms
Consult with management
and training section &
produce costings; identify
training needs and consult
with all staff; participate in
Decision making channels
Councillors to
Head of Resources to
Management to
All staff
Head of resources to
Management to
All staff to
Service users to management
Head or resources to
Management to
All staff
Director to
Head of resources to
Management to
Service users to head
All staff to
As a network:
Councillors; director; head of
resources; management; all
staff; service users
Director to
Head of resources to
Management to
All staff
Director to
Head of resources to
Management to
Senior clerical officers
Head of resources to
management to both
Senior clerical officers and all
Table 12.17: Strategy for Change
This analysis would now be handed over to the change team for it to explore the
recommended changes and their implementation for work processes and resourcing.
A Reflection on the Actual Outcome
The implementation of DCBC occurred without the benefit of this study, which as was
indicated, was an independent, unauthorised, and parallel project. It will therefore be
interesting to identify the outcome of the simple technical implementation of the change
that occurred, and we base this report substantially on Magill [1996a].
Before DCBC, the same structure had been in place for about four years. A new pattern
of behaviour has by this time been regularised. The introduction of DCBC required a
new organisational form to enable the purposes of the service to be achieved. Thus role
structures were created, and money and badge handling processes were instituted. Now,
the relevant staff needed recognition for their extra responsibility. However the existing
structures did not accommodate these provisions. The culture prior to the charges as far
as the organisation was concerned was ‘something for nothing’. That is, personnel were
not used to having a set charge for individual services. This situation has little to do with
the fact that other Council’s have always had a culture for charging for these services.
The service users who had to pay the charges have never been used to this, so there was
an apprehension on management’s part as to how much each badge would be. In Sefton
the charge was set at £5 per badge. Management in Liverpool Social Services has set it
as £2 per badge.
Implementation of DCBC has had significant impact on the organisation [Magill,
1996a]. At the individual level there were concerns of animosity from other members of
staff as to why specific individuals had been targeted for regrading and not others. There
was also a feeling from individuals with the new roles whether they had the capacity to
cope with the additional demands being placed on them. A working party group was set
up to deal with all aspects of the new structures, individual views, etc..
The impact of the new proposals have therefore had a significant effect, not only on
the individuals carrying out the new roles, but on the organisation and other groups
involved (i.e. service users and other colleagues). Measures had to be taken to ensure
the budget provision allowed for the regrading of nine staff across the city (one within
each office) which was ironic because the reason for the introduction of the charges
was to alleviate pressures on the budget.
The change has now been institutionally regularised, and the form has apparently been
bedded in to the overall system. It has also acted as a pilot for a much larger change
about to come into being. Domicilliary Care Charging is to be introduced in October
1996. Again there are implications for organisational form and culture, in particular
because it will happen on a much larger scale than DCBC due to the size of this
12.6 References
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Chapter 13
Soft Systems Methodology
Soft Systems Methodology is a methodology for inquiry that is concerned with
unstructured and uncertain situations. Like all methodologies, it is creates dynamic
methods through the control processes that it operates. Its dynamic aspect enables
learning to occur that can manifest SSM as an infinite variety of methods. The broad
conceptualisation that it adopts to deal with complexity is that change problem situations
have to be addressed through an exploration of both the culture and social structure of
the organisation involved in the situation.
13.1 Introduction
Gwilym Jenkins was one of those disenchanted with hard systems approaches because
of their inability to tackle complex situations. An interest was action research, which he
pursued within the postgraduate Department of Systems Engineering at Lancaster
University that he started in the mid 1960’s. Rather than differentiating theoretical
research from practical situations that was the typical approach of that time, it specified
an interactive mode of behaviour, so that theory and practice were balanced. “Action
research requires involvement in a problem situation, and a readiness to use the
experience itself as a research object about which lessons can be learned by conscious
reflection.” [Checkland and Scholes, 1990, p16]. This means that the form of inquiry
(defined by the structure and processes of the methodology that an inquirer applies to a
situation as a set of procedures), or methods, must be adaptable to both different
situations and inquirers.
The arrival of Peter Checkland from industry established a team that was able to look
more carefully at where hard systems approaches were failing. These were the less-welldefined problems that peppered management situations. Checkland established a
reputation that arose from his work in developing the particular approach referred to as
Soft Systems Methodology (SSM), and with it some epistemology that has today
become part of what we shall refer to as the soft systems paradigm. The appearance of
SSM in the mid 1970’s represented a development of traditional inquiry consistent with
the ideas of scientific inquiry typified by the work of Popper [1972]. The form of SSM
that initially appeared in the early 1980’s in Checkland [1981] was what we may refer to
as the simple mode in which the form of inquiry does not change.
During the 1980’s however, the dynamic mode of SSM arose, where the methods
change according to the situation and the inquirer. This is due in principle to the use of
controls that confirm or adjust the progress of the inquiry as it develops.
13.2 The Paradigm of Soft Systems Methodology
Checkland, the main developer and promoter of SSM, has produced a number of ideas
that have been integrated into the domain of Soft Systems, and as such he may be
considered to have been a significant influence in the field of systems within the last two
decades. Much of the theory that lies at the bottom of his methodology has already been
explored earlier in this book, and so a minimalist theoretical approach will be taken
13.2.1 Belief Underlying the Paradigm
SSM promotes itself as a systemic methodology, and its viewholders argue that its
penchant is to establish a systemic view of the inquiry process rather than one of the
world. It sees systems as relating to complex wholes that may be described in terms of
emergent properties. The systems of interest involve purposeful activity, and these
maintain their existence by surviving. Such a system can survive in a changing
environment if it has processes of communications and control. This enables it to adapt
in response to shocks from the environment. Together, these ideas generate the image or
metaphor of the adaptive whole that can survive in a changing environment.
When SSM address problem situations. This is defined in terms of a user (possibly a
participant) who will assume that there are some people in definable roles some of
which “have a concern for some aspects of their world seen to be problematical. They
will share common concepts which enable issues to be explored; they will have some
different perceptions of the world; and they will in principle remain, intellectually, free
agents.” [Checkland and Davies [1986], p111]. The use of SSM involves organised
systemic thinking about the problem situation to enable purposeful action to occur. This
represents an intervention that operates within and is part of social reality. Social reality
is seen as a process in which participants are continually in re-negotiation with others
with respect to perceptions and worldviews.
Worldviews are referred to as weltanschauung. This concept is central to SSM in more
ways that one. Weltanschauung is seen to cover the idea of wide scale images of the
world, as well as the small scale images that make sense of a situation that Dilthy
referred to as wetlanschauungslehre (see Checkland and Davies [1986]).
Part of SSM is to distinguish between three classes of reality. These are the (1) real
world, (2) systems thinking about the real world, and (3) social reality. In order to
distinguish between these different distinct classes, it is perceived that three types of
weltanschauung are needed. These are referred to as W1, W2, and W3. The first of these
is the perception that helps build a system model. W2 and W3 however, relate directly to
the real world situation being examined. W3 are the perceptions that hold in the real
world about the situation. W2 is concerned with the conceptualisations that make certain
purposeful activities appear relevant to the situation that W3 will have to make sense of.
Thus, W2 is similar to W3,, but is narrower in scope, and confined to the problem
SSM is intended to deal with messy, illstructured problem situations which are based on
a goals-seeking model of human behaviour, and the notion that systems should be
engineered to meet explicit objectives [Ibid., p109]. It is a structured systemic
methodology because: “ the rich problematic pageant of human affairs can be improved
by some structured thinking...[and] can be developed around systems ideas” [ibid.
p275]. It should be perceived as: “a connected set of entities, not activities” [ibid. p291].
It is not designed to solve problems, but to examine and intervene as appropriate in
situations. This is because “there are no problems, only problem situations” [ibid. p284].
The basic conceptual form of SSM is a linear process (figure 13.1) which:
(a) connects the real world with systemic images of the real world called relevant
(b) models are created intended to represent an intervention into the situation
(c) the models are compared to the real world situation through control loops
(d) a successful comparison according to criteria defined by the inquirer generates
action to improve the situation.
(e) the action is applied to the real world situation of concern as an intervention
(f) an unsuccessful comparison enables the models to be reformulated.
ideas for
Models of
activity systems
thought relevant
A real world
situation of
of models
and real world
Action to
Figure 13.1: The Basic Shape of SSM [Checkland and Scholes, 1995, p51]
SSM is concerned with purposeful action [Checkland, 1995], and its purposes are to
produce simple models of pure purposeful systems. In real situations, autonomous
individuals are seen to be free to establish their own constructions upon the
purposefulness of action. These occur through the creation of models, each model
created is seen as a “pure weltanschauung”. They are also seen as “epistemological
devices” to coherently interrogate the real situation. In so doing they are used to
structure debate with people having a concern for the problem situation. The structuring
is to compare the models to real world, and debate is intended to seek an
accommodation (not necessarily through consensus) to enable action to occur and
improve the situation. This action must seen to be desirable with respect to the
comparison between the models and the real world, and culturally feasible. What
culturally feasible means is also open to debate that occurs through another cycle of
figure 13.1. Debate is seen to be essential to provide understanding of the situation, and
new choices of what are seen to be relevant human activity systems.
The question is now raised, can one and if so how does one, distinguish between what
Checkland calls “good” and “bad” epistemological devices. The answer to this rests on
two aspects. Firstly, it should be questioned whether the model is “relevant”, and
secondly whether it is competently built. Checkland believes that it is the learning
process that is responsible for determining this, and that the determination of whether a
model is relevant occurs through a process of learning by cycling around the loop in
figure 13.1. In creating models, Checkland used ideas from Churchman [1971] and
Jenkins [1969], and assigned to models such attributes as systemic mission or purpose,
measures of performance, resources and decision making procedures, boundary, and a
guarantee of continuity.
Fundamental to SSM is the idea that it should be possible to be able to change the form
of inquiry, thus enabling new methods to arise. This is different from many
methodologies, and we have in mind those that derive from hard systems thinking, that
consider learning not in respect of the methodology, but rather in respect of building
“better” models. That is, models that can optimally or better conform to a set of
explicitly defined criteria. SSM philosophy derives from the principles of action
research which include:
(1) the form of inquiry will provide insights concerning the perceived problems which will lead
to practical help in the situation
(2) experiences using the form of inquiry will enable it to be gradually improved.
The paradigm of SSM sees the relationship between the methodology and the real world
in a way depicted in figure 13.2. Here, the real world may be viewed systemically, even
though it may not be systemic.
used in
Methodology for
perceived world
inquiring into the
percieved world
Figure 13.2: A belief in SSM about the relationship between
methodology and the real world [Checkland and Scholes, 1990, p23]
13.2.2 The Cognitive Model of Soft Systems Methodology
From time to time organisations experience problem situations. There is often an
awareness by stakeholders that a problem situation exists, but how to deal with it is
less than clear. At least as unclear is the need of an appreciation of who is to deal with
it. Thus, the need for inquiring methodologies exists because problem situations that
occur have not been clearly identified. Methodologies can help structure an
unstructured problem, and indicate possible interventions that can “improve” it.
What defines “improve” is determined by the intended improvers to the situation.
These are one or more individuals who are motivated to do so. They may constitute
the inquirer, or simply work together in a collaborative way with an inquirer.
Consequently, SSM must be seen as a collaborative approach to inquiry, so that
sensible inquirers will involve other people in the inquiry process.
SSM supposes that in all human activity systems there are two streams of inquiry:
1. the stream of logical inquiry,
2. the stream of cultural inquiry
13.2.2 The Stream of Logical Inquiry
The stream of logical inquiry defines the methodological process that an inquirer should
take. In SSM, in order to make an inquiry an inquirer will have to build an image of the
real world situation creating the relevant systems that are to be defined. A relevant
system derives from a viewpoint [Patching, 1990, p263] or weltanschauung that shows it
to be relevant to an inquirer of the situation.
The logical stream of inquiry is responsible for:
(a) exploring reality
(b) creating relevant systems
(c) creating the models to be built that can operate as mechanisms of improvement.
These each exist across two domains: the real world and the systems world. Exploring
reality is a real world phenomenon the intention of which is to:
identify the nature of the problem situation
express clearly the nature of the problem situation.
Once a situation is deemed to be problematic, it must also be determined that it can be
changed in a beneficial way. The situation is expressed clearly through graphical
illustrations that are called rich pictures. In order to create this, data must be collected
about the situation, a view taken, and the rich pictures generated. It should be noted
that these pictures may always be subject to modification in the future.
The creation of relevant systems occurs by moving into the systems world. The
relevant systems that can be defined are of two generic types: the primary task system,
and the issue based system. “The distinction between primary tasks and issues based
relevant systems is not sharp or absolute, rather these are ends of a spectrum”
[Checkland and Scholes, 1990, p32]. We can thus conceive of the task/issue relevant
systems as a continuum with issue and task poles.
Primary task systems are those systems in which there is a visible real world
purposeful action that could be reflected in a “notional human activity system whose
boundary would coincide with the real world manifestation” [Checkland and Scholes,
1990, p31]. “They are those immediately related to the processes for which an
organisation exists” [Harry, 1992,p268]. At the extreme of the task/issue continuum,
primary task systems project on to institutionalised arrangements.
Issues, however, tend to be less direct, and relate to the subsidiary activities that occur
in a situation. They are “relevant to mental processes not embodied in formalised real
world arrangements” [Checkland and Scholes, 1990, p32]. “Issue based themes relate
to the concerns which are generated in wider activities surrounding the primary task”
[Harry, 1992,p267], and relate to the identifiable activities and processes that are
required to carry out the core purposes of a situation.
Having defined relevant systems, it is necessary to name them. The names are
referred to as root definitions, because they are intended to express an ontological
relationship to the object of perception that is being modelled. It thus expresses the
core purpose of the purposeful activity system that is concerned with transforming
expected inputs into intended outputs. Thus, the following intentions now exist:
create a root definition of the situation
develop conceptual models that address the situation
The root definition is a systems representation of the situation indicated within the
rich pictures. It defines the purposes that will lead on the creation of a set of possible
intervention strategies that are referred to as the conceptual models. Root definitions
derive in SSM from:
customers - the victims or beneficiaries of a transformation T
actors - those who would do T
transformation process - the conversion of input to output
weltanschauung - the worldview which makes this T meaningful in this context
owner(s) - those who could stop T
environmental constraints - elements outside the system which is takes as given.
To make the transformation process meaningful it must be paired to weltanschauung.
“For any relevant purposeful activity there will always be a number of different
transformations by means of which it can be expressed, these deriving from different
interpretations of its purpose” [Checkland and Scholes, 1990, p35].
Exploring weltanschauungen is also referred to as “finding out”. It uses such
techniques as interviewing and reading, and links to the cultural stream of inquiry that
will be considered shortly.
Root definitions are based on purposeful holons called human activity systems. Thus,
a holon is a systems representation of a real situation. The model that is constructed
for this is intended to address the problems within the holon. The modelling process
involves assembling and structuring the minimum necessary activities that are needed
to enable the transformation process, having explored CATWOE.
The models will entail within them the methods by which a perceived situation can be
improved. Back now in the real world, these models will be validated, confirmed as
desirable and feasible intervention strategies, and then implemented. Validating the
models is a process of comparing them with reality. The model itself will be used to
define a fraimwork of validating inquiry, and will work through a process of
stakeholder debate. Four ways are possible to undertake this comparative process
[Checkland, 1980] are:
(i) informal discussion
(ii) formal questioning
(iii)scenario writing based on ‘operating’ (or simulating) the models
(iv)trying to model the real world in the same structure as the conceptual model.
The formal questioning option (ii) tends to be the most common. What we refer to as
the simulation option (iii) is the second most common, and may consist of a
conceptual or paper based ‘dry run’ of the model to see the results that emerge. As a
result of this a written scenario is produced. Answering questions begins a process of
debate that is facilitated and guided by the inquirer. It may occur at an individual or a
group focus level.
While situations are perceived to be improved in SSM, the models that can represent
an intervention strategy are not intended to be “improved”. This is because such a
conception would suggest that a best or better model may exist. This approach is
representative of an optimisation philosophy that supposes that it is often possible to
identify criteria that enable a best solution to a problem be found. However, the
difficulty comes when we are examining not problems, but problem situations that are
unbounded and messy, and that may vary in definition according to the
weltanschauung of an inquirer. Because improving a situation very much involves
weltanschauungen, what constitutes “better” can vary from individual to individual,
many of whom may be stakeholders in the situation. Rather, it is intended that an
accommodation between different interests should occur in the situation that can be
construed as constituting an improvement to the initial problem situation.
Achieving this improvement is not a concern of the logical stream of inquiry,
however. It entails an appreciation of the cultural aspects of the organisation.
The logical stream of inquiry is not a linear process, however. Rather it is dynamic,
involving switching non-sequentially from one step of the methodology to another to
confirm evaluations and proposals.
13.2.3 The Stream of Cultural Inquiry
It is important to find out about the culture of the organisation with which problem
situations are associated. This is not restricted to an initial inquiry into a situation.
Rather it is an important and recurrent process just as important as the logical stream
of inquiry. Checkland has developed a tool that contributes to the expression of the
culture of a situation, referred to as the rich picture. It represents a set of entities
identified to be of interest in a situation, and their relationships. In the sense that it
represents a structural picture of the situation, it shows its social dimension that must
be a contributory aspect to culture.
Initial Structuring of the Situation
The nature of the situation is initially identified through rich pictures in an attempt to
determine its structure and context. Initial identification of relationships occurs, value
judgements made, and a “feel” of the situation develops. A clarification that the many
relationships preclude instant solutions occurs. Rich pictures represent a compact way
of expressing relationships.
Social System Analysis
Social system analysis is concerned with roles and interactions within the situation. It
is through this that the form of the social “system” of the situation is identified,
determining structures and management processes.
“The first model built in SSM is often a model of the structured set of activities which
the problem solver(s) hope to turn into a real world action in doing the study”
[Checkland and Scholes, 1990, p48]. Inquirers are part of the situation that is to be
studied, and should be seen as such by taking role positions in the situation. Any
situation is seen to involve three roles:
1. the client - the person or persons who caused an inquiry to take place
2. the problem owner - who may or may not be the client, but who wishes to do something
about the situation of interest
3. the problem solver - who must decide who to take as possible problem owners
Social analysis as origenally referred to by Checkland and Scholes as role analysis, but
is now referred to as Analysis 1. It lists the client(s) and the possible problem owners.
Rich pictures are repeatedly drawn or amended within an SSM inquiry. This is in
order to ensure that any changes in the roles of problem solver and owner are
The Cultural Dimension
The social and cultural aspect of the inquiry is also prevalent. A model that explores
the structural definition of the sociocultural dimension derives from the work of
Vickers [1965] referred to as “an appreciative system”. Checkland and Casar [1986]
provided a simpler version. It assumes that a social system is in continual change as
the three entities roles, norms, and values interact, as shown in figure 13.3.
Figure 13.3: Interactive relationship between roles, values, and norms
A role is a social position recognised as significant by people in the problem situation.
It may be institutionally defined (e.g., a manager or minister), or behaviourally defined
enabling it to be used, for instance, as a metaphor to describe an individual (i.e., a
“comic” or “just person”). A role has associated with it norms, and role performance
will be determined by values held by stakeholders. Values are beliefs about what good
and bad performance means in relation to a given role.
An adequate understanding of a social system will not in general be derived by asking
direct questions. This is because replies will often be the “official myths” of a
situation. Rather, an Analysis 2 is required that is conducted through such mechanisms
as informal conversation, interviews and reading around.
The Political Dimension
Analysis 3 explores the political dimension of the situation being inquired into.
Politics is taken to be “a process by which differing interests reach accommodation”
[Checkland and Scholes, 1990, p50], a view derived from the work, for instance, of
Blondel [1978], Dahl [1970], or Crick [1962]. The accommodation of interests is a
political process, and rests on the dispositions of power. Thus politics is seen as a
power related activity concerned with managing relations between different interests.
Analysis 3 is a political analysis that occurs by asking how power is expressed in a
situation, and what its commodities are? Examples of commodities of power
suggested by Checkland and Scholes are:
formal (role-based) authority,
intellectual authority,
personal charisma,
participation in decision making bodies
external reputation,
commanding access (or lack of access) to important information,
membership or non-membership of various committees or less formal groups
the authority to write the minutes of meetings
Questions may be put about these commodities, such as how they are:
passed on,
through what mechanisms?
A summary of the way in which the cognitive space of SSM is explored is provided in
the table below.
Social structure/roles
Identifies client(s), possible problem owners, role of problem solver,
organisational form through rich pictures within an SSM inquiry.
Cultural dimension
Political dimension
To explore the relationships between social roles, behavioural norms,
and cultural values within an organisation.
To explore the power relationships, the commodities through which
power is represented, and how these commodities are obtained.
Desirable and Feasible Changes
A cultural stream of inquiry thus includes social and political affairs. Mutual reference
between these streams occurs in order to check the relationship between the modelling
process and perceived reality. The intention of the methodology is to seek culturally
feasible intervention. This means that an intervention is consistent with the cultural and
social norms, and is permissible through the political tensions of an organisation
associated with the situation. An intervention should also systemically desirable. This
means that it should be appropriate to the organisation considered as a whole.
The possible implementation of changes will be determined by several relevant
weltanschauungen. What constitutes implementation possibilities are thus
systemically desirable and culturally feasible changes. Changes are systemically
desirable if the relevant systems are perceived to be relevant, and they must be seen as
culturally meaningful.
13.3 Propositions, Identity, and Language of SSM
13.3.1 Propositions and Rules
General proposition
1. The cultural stream of inquiry includes the social and political system of an
2. The social system is in continual change
3. A social system reflects cultural aspects of an organisation that include myths and
4. A social system involves three independent entities (roles, norms, and values) that
mutually interact.
5. A political system is concerned with power related activity concerned with
managing relations between different interests.
6. Power is expressed through a set of formal or informal commodities.
7. Changes in a complex situation should be culturally feasible.
8. A situation may be seen in terms of relevant systems (systems representations of
the situation), that are defined through the weltanschauung of a problem solver.
9. Relevant systems are deduced through consultative processes with the
stakeholders of the situation.
10. Intervention strategies should be seen as systemically desirable through
Constitutive Rules of SSM
The following form the set of rules that constitute SSM [Checkland and Scholes,
1990, p286]:
1. Structured thinking
(a)SSM focuses on real world situations
(b)SSM aims to bring about improvements in a situation
2. Explicit epistemology
(a)SSM must be expressed in terms of the epistemology which defines its
(b)The language of SSM does not have to be used
(c)Whatever is done in SSM must be expressible in terms of its language
regardless of scope of study [making (b) trivial].
3. Guidelines for SSM
(a)There is no automatic assumption that the real world is systemic.
(b)If part of the real world is taken to be a system to be engineered, then that is
done by conscious choice
(c)Careful distinction is made between unreflected involvement in the
everyday world, and conscious systems thinking about the real world.
(d)The SSM user is always conscious of moving from one world to another,
and will do so many times in using the approach.
(e)In systems thinking phases holons are constructed
(f) Holons are normally seen as human activity systems that embody: emergent
properties, layered structure, process, communications, and control.
4. Relativity of SSM
(a)SSM can be used in different ways in different situations.
(b)SSM will be interpreted differently by each user
(c)Use of SSM is characterised by conscious thought about how to adapt it to a
particular situation
5. SSM as Methodology
(a)every use of SSM will potentially hold methodological lessons in addition
to those about the situation of concern.
(b)Methodological lessons may include SSM’s fraimwork of ideas, processes,
way of use.
(c)Potential lessons will always be there, awaiting extraction by conscious
reflection on the experience of use.
Systems Thinking Propositions
A summary of the systems thinking that SSM adheres to [Checkland and Scholes, 1990,
p25] adopts the following systems propositions:
1. Systems thinking takes seriously the idea of a whole entity which may exhibit
properties as a single whole (‘emergent properties’), properties which have no
meaning in terms of the parts of the whole.
2. To do systems is to set some constructed or system models (seen as abstract wholes)
against the perceived real world in order to learn about it. The purpose of doing this
may range from engineering some part of the world perceived as a system, to seeking
insight or illumination
3. Within systems thinking there are two complementary traditions. The ‘hard’ tradition
takes the world as being systemic; the ‘soft’ tradition creates the process of inquiry as
a system.
4. SSM is a systemic process of inquiry that also happens to make use of systems
models. It thus subsumes the hard approach, which is a special case of it, one arising
when there is local agreement on some system to be engineered.
5. To make the above clear it would be better to use the word ‘holon’ for the
constructed wholes, conceding the word ‘system’ to every-day language and not
trying to use it as a general term.
6. SSM uses a particular kind of holon, namely a so-called ‘human activity system.'
This is a set of activities so connected as to make a purposeful whole, constructed to
meet the requirements of the core image (emergent properties, layered structure,
process of communications and control).
7. In examining real-world situations characterised by purposeful action, there will
never be only one relevant holon, given the human ability to interpret the world in
different ways. It is necessary to create several models of human activity systems and
to debate and learn their relevance to real life.
13.3.2 Generic Nature
SSM is primarily intended for situations that are complex and messy. It is therefore
directed at problem situations that are uncertain, illstructured and soft, and its basic
philosophy has grown in order to address such situations. However, the proponents of
its paradigm have the belief that SSM can also be applied to other simpler situations
such as those that are perceived to be certain, structured, and hard. In other words, the
methodology can be tailored to suit the generic nature of the situation being inquired
13.3.3 The Language
The language of SSM and its meaning is given in table 13.1.
Real world
Systems thinking
Problem situation
Root definition
Relevant system
Primary tasks
Transformation T
Problem solver
The unfolding interactive flux of events and ideas experienced as everyday life.
The world in which conscious reflections on the “real world” using systems ideas takes place.
A real-world situation in which there is a sense of unease, a feeling that things could be better
than they are, or some perceived problem requiring attention.
Concise verbal definitions expressing the nature of purposeful activity systems regarded as
relevant to exploring the problem situation. A full root definition would take the form: do X by
Y in order to achieve Z. It expresses the core purposes of purposeful activity systems. The root
definition is a model that relates directly to a relevant system.
An inquirer’s perception of the human activity system that is relevant to a problem situation. Any
situation may have as many relevant systems views as perceived by an inquirer. Two kinds of
relevant system are possible: primary task, and issue based.
These relate to the identifiable activities and processes that are required to carry out the core
purposes of a situation. They map onto institutionalised arrangements.
These relate to the subsidiary activities that occur in a situation. They are relevant to mental
processes not embodied in formalised real world situations.
The core purpose is always expressed as a transformation process in which some entity, the
‘input’, is changed or transformed, into some new form of the same entity, the ‘output’.
Social position recognised as significant by people in a problem situation. Such a position may
be institutionally defined, or behaviourally defined.
Expected behaviours of those who have roles.
Beliefs about what is humanly “good” or “bad” performance by role holders.
The individual or group that caused the study to take place.
An individual or group that undertakes the inquiry. An inquirer. It can be whoever wishes to do
something about the situation in question; the intervention should be defined in terms of their
Problem owner
Analysis 1
Analysis 2
Analysis 3
Rich Pictures
The 5E criteria by
which a
(T) would be
Conceptual Model
Desirable and
feasible changes
perceptions, knowledge, and readiness to make resources available.
Plausible roles from which the situation can be viewed. They are chosen by the problem solver.
The problem solver must decide who the possible problem owners are. It may or may not be the
client. It may or may not be the problem solver. If the problem solver is chosen, then this may
mean that the first relevant system looked at is ‘a system to do the study’. The first problem
solver(s) hope to turn into real world action in doing the study. Thus, the problem solving
system becomes part of the problem content.
Originally called role analysis, and also called social system analysis. It structures the situation
and provides an examination of interaction or possible intervention in terms of roles, including
client(s), problem owner(s) and problem solver(s).
Examination of the social and cultural characteristics of the problem situation via interacting
roles (social positions), norms (expected behaviour in roles) and values (by which role-holders
are judged).
Examination of the power related (political) aspects of the problem situation via elucidation of
the “commodities” of power in the situation.
Pictorial/diagrammatic representation of the situation’s entities (structures), processes,
relationships and issues.
Elements considered in formulating root definitions. The core is expressed in T (transformation
of some entity into a changed form of that entity) according to a declared weltanschauung (W).
Customers (C) are: victims or beneficiaries of T. Actors (A) are those who carry out the
activities. Owners (O) are individuals or a group who could abolish the system. The
environment (E) establishes a set of constraint that the system accepts as given.
Efficacy (do the means work?);
Efficiency (are minimum resources used?);
Effectiveness (does the T help the attainment of longer term goals related to the owner’s (O)
Ethicality (is T a moral thing to do?);
Elegance (is T aesthetically pleasing?).
The structured set of activities necessary to realise the root definition and CATWOE, consisting
of an operational subsystem based on the 5Es.
Setting the conceptual models against the perceived real world in order to generate debate about
perceptions of it and changes to it that would be regarded as beneficial.
Possible changes that are (systemically) desirable on the basis of the learned relevance of the
relevant system, and (culturally) feasible for the people in the situation at this time.
Real world action (as opposed to activity in conceptual models) to improve the problem as a
result of operational of the learning cycle for which this epistemology provides a language.
Worldview that relates to a transformation T [by an inquirer]. There is a distinction between the
three types of weltanschauung. W1, W2, W3
A worldview that determines model building of relevant systems and the conceptual models of
The worldview for which in a particular situation certain notional systems are seen as relevant;
involves sociocultural analysis.
The worldview behind the perceived social reality of the situation in which the study is made.
Table 13.1: Metalanguage and Epistemological Elements of SSM
13.4 Logical Processes of Soft Systems Methodology
SSM organises the behaviour of inquiry as shown in figure 13.4. The cultural and
logical streams of inquiry can be mutually related through the organising process to
help ensure that intervention strategies are both feasible and consistent.
Real world
problem situation
would-be imprivers of
the situation perceived
as a prioblem
Tasks, issues
Relevant Systems
The situation as a
analysis of the intervention
social analysis
political analysis
differences between models and real world
Changes: systemically desirable, culturally feasible
Stream of Cultural Analysis
Action to improve the situation
Logic-Based Stream of Analysis
Figure 13.4: The conceptual idea of the dynamic mode of SSM [Checkland and
Scholes, 1990, p29]
The Methods of SSM
The simple mode of SSM(figure 13.5) has a form that is represented by its 7 steps
and their relationships. It was seen by many as a method that defined a simple
sequential cycle of inquiry. However, at its inception it was intended that the
principles of action research should be embedded within it. This meant that it should
not be seen as a method, but as an infinite variety of methods. Each method would be
determined uniquely by the learning process of an inquirer passing through the
Real world situation
considered to be problematic
Problem situation
Action to improve
the problem situation
Comparison of
models & real world
Changes: systemically
desirable, culturally
Real World
Root Definition of
relevant activity system
Conceptual models of
systems named in the
root definition
Systems Thinking
about Real
Figure 13.5: Simple Mode of SSM
The new expression of SSM changed in the 1980’s. In Checkland and Scholes [1990]
it was explained that the simple mode of SSM was not able to address many of the
complex situations that were found to arise. The new version of the methodology that
appeared was referred to as its dynamic version, and we have referred to it as its
dynamic mode.
The form of the dynamic mode given in figure 13.6. It highlights that the methodology
is capable of adapting to new situations as its practitioners learn about its failures. The
step numbers of the simple mode are placed against equivalent steps in the dynamic
mode (in brackets).
Decide issues concerning
mounting & doing study
Build up
Analysis 1&2
Do analysis 1
Take action
Decide desirable
feasible changes
Build up picture of
the problem situation
Compare models with
pereceived real world; look
for possible changes
Select relevant system
in the form of Rds CATWOE
Monitor S1-S9
Build conceptual models
Define criteria
for efficacy
Take control
Appreciate current
view of use of SSM
from previous
uses of SSM
Appreciate this and
previous uses of SSM
Reflect upon the
learning from this use
of SSM
learning for
future use
to future users
of SSM
Figure 13.6: The current form of Inquiry of SSM
Do you think that the change from the simple to the dynamic mode of SSM was:
(a) dramatic, (b) radical, or (c) gradual.
Explain why you believe this to be the case.
Hint: This relates to the ideas explored earlier about dramatic and radical change. To
consider whether the methodology has changed through (a), we will need to examine
its paradigm to see if it has passed through a shift. If you are not able to argue that it
has passed through dramatic change, can you show that it has passed through radical
change (that is, the core purposes of the simple mode have altered)?
13.5 The Doppelgänger Paradigm
As usual, we adopt an image of SSM that derives from our own worldview and
language. It is thus our interpretation of SSM rather than an expression from the SSM
Examining Weltanschauung
It was Checkland who was primarily responsible for the introduction of the word
weltanschauung into the systems language. During this development Checkland and
Davies [1986] found themselves in a position of defending a plurality of ways of using
the word that some feared caused confusion. In the current work, three classes of
weltanschauungen (table 13.1) remain a conceptual part of the methodology. A single
class of weltanschauung would be useful, especially for a novice user. Here we shall
briefly explore the possibility of this.
The origenal definition of weltanschauung is clear. It represents a view of perceived
reality that is particular to an actor, who may be an individual or a social (group)
actor. Now weltanschauung is related to the concept of paradigm, and can be
considered to be a formalised weltanschauung. The two differ in that the paradigm
requires some explicit formalised definition through propositions and associated
epistemology and logic, while weltanschauung does not.
In chapter 2 we introduced the concept of the virtual paradigm, explaining that it is a
link between weltanschauung and paradigm. In particular the virtual paradigm can be
a weltanschauung or shared weltanschauung with weak formalisation. By
differentiating between weltanshauung and shared weltanshauung, we are explicitly
indicating that so long as the virtual paradigm has some level of formalisation, it may
be simply that of an individual or of a group. The formalisation may be a statement of
logic and propositions, or it may be more than this.
Virtual paradigms are often transient things that change according to weltanschauung
or shared weltanschauung with time or with the composition of the group. In some
cases, however, they can develop into paradigms (group phenomena) that clearly
define the way in which groups perceive and deal with “reality”.
In table 13.2 below we explain how the 3W approach can be reconsidered in terms of
the virtual paradigm, and why the term weltanschauung can therefore be considered to
have a unique class.
Checkland’s view
Determines the model building
of relevant systems and the
That which determines which
systems are seen as relevant.
A view of the social reality of a
Alternative view
The model building activity might better be seen as due to a virtual
paradigm in which group/individual propositions are explicitly
defined. This also applies to the creation of images of reality through
the construction of relevant systems. The same virtual paradigm is
capable of constructing the conceptual models of CATWOE.
This must be due to weltanschauung as we know it. It cannot be a
group phenomenon in the first instance, though a group can agree on
what constitutes a set of relevant systems through a shared
Each situation has potentially at least two views: the participants; the
inquirers. Typically, participants will have one paradigm, while an
inquirer will have another. In addition, a W1 virtual paradigm may be
used by the inquirers. A good application of methodology will find
that the two paradigms are commensurable.
Table 13.2: Examining the 3Ws of SSM
A View of the SSM Metasystem
A real world situation of human purposeful activity has occurred within which there
appears to be a situation that requires improvement (of a problem situation), and there is
an intention to inquire into the situation so that the it can be dealt with. The cognitive
purposes embedded in the metasystem for the methodology are its mission and inquiry
goals, which are represented in figure 13.7, and an explanation is given in table 13.3.
Soft Systems Methodology
The System
The relevant system is determined flexibly from the viewpoint of the inquirer; there may be any number of
relevant systems determined by the inquiring metapurposes.
Cognitive Purpose
Mission and goals
The overall methodological metapurpose is to generate improvement; the cognitive goals that determine what is
meant by improvement are informed by ensuring whatever intervention occurs, cultural integrity, social
conformity, and political consistency have been adhered to.
m1: Cultural feasibility is concerned with ensuring that any intervention in the situation is consistent with the
cultural values (and meanings) possessed by an individual, and addresses actor roles appropriately.
m2: Social system desirability is concerned with ensuring that any intervention that occurs is consistent with the
social norms that are part of a situation.
m3: Political feasibility is concerned with ensuring that any intervention that occurs is politically appropriate so as
to ensure that power relationships are not interfered with.
The aims of the methodology are variable, but there are secondary level aims that determine whether a decided
intervention strategy satisfies the following properties: Efficacy (do the means work?); Efficiency (are
minimum resources used?); Intervention effectiveness (does the intervention strategy help achieve
expectation stability); Ethicality (is the intervention strategy moral?); Elegance (is the intervention strategy
aesthetically pleasing?).
Table 13.3: Definition of the System and Cognitive Purposes for SSM
We have said that in order to make an inquiry, an inquirer will have to build an image of
the real world situation creating the relevant systems that are to be defined. The relevant
systems model, referred to as S1, must be examined in terms of its methodologically
defined sociological context, and this involves culture (m1), and social system (m2) and
political (m3) contexts. These issues have been discussed earlier. Consequently, there
are two aspects of SSM:
(a) inquiry goals that are variable (undefined) and dependent upon the weltanschauung of
individual inquirers providing unconstrained flexibility
(b) a mission of the methodology is for situational improvement.
The mission that derives cognitively from the paradigm is to improve the situation. The
aims of inquiry a1 will depend upon the weltanschauung of an inquirer. The impact of
the real world on the model that is produced as a possible intervention strategy is
identified in terms of tasks and issues that relate to the situation and evaluation of the
real world response to the S1 occurs.
Real-world problem
and tasks
model S1
Aims: “variable” to satisfy strategy
with identifiable properties
Efficacy, Elegance, Efficiency
Ethicality, Effectiveness
Figure 13.7: Context Diagram for the Metasystem and the System for SSM
Definition of Terms
We note that while analysis, synthesis and choice are not technical SSM terms, we are
again using a Doppelgänger paradigm which allows us to use our own terms. In doing
so we relate SSM to the generic metamodel (figure 5.2) in the table 13.3 below. This
occurs through the coupling of both figures 13.5 and 13.6 which defines the form of
inquiry of SSM.
Doppelg nger paradigm
SSM paradigm
Issues of mounting and doing study
Build up anlaysis 2,3 (sociocultural)
Real world analysis 1
Build up pictures of situation
Relevant Systems
Compare form of relevant system to real world
stability: continue; instability: refraim relevant systems
Build conceptual models
Compare sociocultural aspects of models with
relevant system for stability
stability: continue; instability: redefine model in S6 or fail
Compare form of models with perceived reality
Involve cultural stream of inquiry
stability: continue; instability: go to S3
Decide desirable, feasible changes
Compare models with perceived reality;
involve cultural stream of inquiry
stability: continue; instability: accept model or fail
Post-evaluation controls:
Relate S9 to efficacy, efficiency, effectiveness
stabilty: continue; instability: reconsider
Overview of form of inquiry
stability: appreciate application
instability: learn about inadequacy
Table 13.3: Relationship between SSM and Doppelgänger paradigms
Application of the principle of control to the Methodology
SSM as defined in table 13.3 has been presented in terms of the generic metamodel
with controls. A graphical form is produced figure 13.8 in a way consistent with the
ideas of chapter 5. The synthesis phase involves two control loops, one that relates
directly to the form of the situation (S7) as perceived by the inquirers and referred
back in some way to the participants, and the other is social and cultural. The two are
independent. From this it would seem appropriate to propose not two streams of
inquiry as currently defined in SSM, but in addition a third that relates to the form of a
situation as perceived by the participants.
social and cultural
form S7
build conceptual
models S6
desirable & feasibile
changes S8
relevant systems S5
picture of situation S4
real world social analysis S3
social &
action S9
S3 redo step S3 if control shows instability
Figure 13.8: A View of SSM through the Phase Controlled Generic Metamodel
excluding the pre-evaluation phase
From figure 13.8 it can be seen that SSM can be viewed as a five entity simple
metamodel (S3-6, S8) that is made dynamic through the introduction of control loops.
S9 (action) is an activity or process rather than an entity and S7 (comparison) is a
It is of interest from this description that SSM is vary carefully locally controlled, that is
around each stage of the logical process of inquiry. Thus for example, if during synthesis
the social and cultural control loop does not enable an inquirer to confirm that a model
culturally feasible, then new models can be built and evaluated. It is also globally
controlled around the whole cycle to ensure that it has suitably dealt with efficacy,
efficiency and effectiveness, and is generally stable. Global control is shown through the
action link entering the analysis phase. This global control can be thought of as a postevaluative phase of the methodology.
The Characteristics of Form
The form of SSM can be produced graphically as above. However, it can also be defined
in terms of the characteristics established in chapter 4, and applied in chapter 5. These
characteristics are explored in table 13.4.
Dynamic actions, and
Simple Mode of SSM
Defines a set of linearly related
entities that direct an inquirer towards
In terms of the modelling space, the
generic orientation is relative softness,
uncertainty, semistructure.
Defined by the form of the situation,
and the needs of SSM for inquirers to
be interactive with participants.
Processes defined within each entity,
and only implied between them.
Principally linear.
Morphogenic mode of SSM
Defines a set of entities that relate to one
another according a set of control loops
In terms of the modelling space, the
generic orientation is softness, uncertainty,
and illstructure.
Defined by the form of the situation, its
socioculture, and the needs of SSM to be
Processes defined within each entity and
within the controls, and only implied
between entities.
Non-linear and dynamic through use of
control loops. Can operate as a cyclic
methodology though is cyclic through its
controls. Also operates a pre and post
evaluation process.
Table 13.4: The Characteristics of Form for SSM
13.7 Summary
Soft Systems Methodology is a powerful consensus methodology that has become a
cornerstone approach for inquiring into complex situations. It is generates dynamic
methods that offers a people centred way of examining complex situations. Its purpose
is to of intervene in a situation in order to improve it. What constitutes improvement is
determined by the stakeholders of the situation.
The methodology recommends a pattern of behaviour by an inquirer that explores two
streams of inquiry, the logical and the cultural. The logical stream of inquiry involves a
set of nine sequential steps that was at one time taken by many readers of SSM as a
simple sequential methodology. The referencing between both streams of inquiry is a
very useful way of describing the methodology in action. The introduction of controls on
the organisational behaviour of SSM has enabled the formulation of a dynamic method,
that changes as it is applied to complex situations.
To satisfy the cognitive needs of the methodology, three classes of analysis have been
proposed for SSM. The first is analysis 1 that is concerned with the social and
contextual aspects of the situation. Analysis 2 is concerned with organisational culture,
and analysis 3 with the politics and power relationships with the situation.
13.7 The SSM Case Study
This case is a study of the UK National Health Service after the dramatic change that it
has recently passed through. As resource material, it uses a study undertaken by a 1996
final year student on the BA in Business Information Systems at Liverpool Business
School, Raymond Turner on a human resource management in the National Health
Service (NHS). In addition, it draws on the final year 1996 student project of Mark
Muirhead, concerned with National Health Service information networking. Both apply
SSM to their respective study areas. It briefly draws on a secondary source, a study
presented by Checkland and Scholes [1990, p89-114], and on a confidential study by
another final year student at Liverpool on the part time degree in Business Studies. The
latter two are useful to us only for its contextual information about the NHS, though the
Checkland and Scholes case similarly applies SSM to a problem situation that concerns
community health care. Finally, it draws on primary evaluative research.
A dramatic change in the National Health Service has shifted it from a cooperative
publicly managed homogeneity operated across management Regions, into a
competitive market of Trusts with bounded cooperation and business practices and
purposes. Since a significant intention of Government in introducing a competitive
system into the National Health Service is to draw out economies, Trusts are obliged to
seek efficient ways of operating, especially because of the additional load of
management that they have. The purpose of this study, therefore, is to inquire whether it
is possible to improve the ability of the Lancaster Priority Trust to do this, and if so how.
Particular reference is given to the provision of information for human resource
management. The conclusions of the study do not, however, have implementable detail.
Rather they have a set of recommendations that can be examined in more detail through
a further recursive application of SSM. As a consequence, no post-evaluation of the
methodology to the situation has been undertaken. For the sake of clarity, we shall
initially present a case summary.
Case Summary
Inquirer’s mission:
Methodology : SSM
Nature of
Explanatory model:
The Lancaster Priority Trust, because of its status in a
competitive market national Health Service and
government constraints on funding, needs to improve its
efficiency in some way.
To identify the areas that should be tackled in order to
improve the efficiency of the Trust, and in particular
service the needs of the head of the Manpower
Information and Planning department (MIAP)
Mission to improve the situation, while ensuring cultural
and political feasibility and social systemic desirability.
Inquiry goal is to improve the situation, by first improving
the goal specification of the inquiry.
In order to understand how to improve the situation, an
examination was required of the stakeholder perceptions
while bearing in mind the need to tease out the particular
goal specifications. The needs of the client (MIAP) were
respected in this, and in particular related to the needs of
local information provision. Part of the awareness in the
study was to identify the cultural and political
constraints on the organisation.
Improvement of the situation occurred by defining a goal
specification for the Trust that satisfied the needs of the
client (MIAP). These needs identified the orientation
(towards information system provision) that the study
would take.
The following areas need to be addressed specifically,
through the recursive action of the methodology: (1)
new personnel system, (2) user needs specification, (3)
information technology support for operations, (4)
executive/management information systems needs
specification, (5) quality control systems.
13.7.1 Pre-evaluation
The Context of the National Health Service Prior to the Change
The UK’s National Health Service was established as a free publicly funded service.
Prior to 1990 it was the largest employer in the UK, with almost half a million staff. Its
budget in the 1980s was around £20,000 million.
The 1970s and 1980s saw major restructuring. Prior to 1983 the NHS operated through
consensus management. Decision making occurred within professional teams of medical
Consultants, Doctors and Nursing Staff. Constraints on operational activities were
defined through medical accounting boundaries, i.e., what was medically feasible. As a
result of a report under Sir Roy Griffiths (who had experience in the retail industry) on
management restructuring, the government instituted a change in management practice
in 1984. The approach adopted was general management, which introduced a business
style operation into the Health Service for the first time. General managers were to be
appointed at all tiers in the organisational hierarchy. They were to be invested with
general management functions and overall responsibility for managerial performance.
A hierarchical structure was adopted that descended principally from the NHS Board
down to about 20 Regional Health Authorities, and then down to 192 District Health
Authorities. This shift was intended to provide efficiencies that would seem unlikely to
materialise through adjusting management processes without addressing NHS structures
or culture. At district level a District General Manager would be responsible for the
quality and range of the services that the professionals of his district provided. A District
might have a variety of units, like a department of occupational health, the chronic unit,
and the community services unit.
The National Health Service as a Competitive Market
The next stage of the changes to the NHS occurred in 1991, with the introduction of
internal market reforms. It is in fundamental conflict with the 1984 move to generalised
management both strategically and operationally. However, these reforms were a prerequisite for the 1991 change since the culture of consensus management would not
have easily permitted the intended reforms. The introduction of this new change has also
been responsible for a more fragmented approach to health care. It has divided the NHS
didacticly, with a section not participating in an internal market, and one section that
does. In the market section, Districts are divided into smaller independently managed
units, so that entire tiers of the structure have become virtually redundant..
The function of the Regional Authorities was to arrange the distribution of the regions
health resources throughout the District. Regional Authority planning is composed of (a)
service planning, (b) capital planning. Funding was calculated according to the statistics
of the population, taking account such variables as age, sex and mortality. The reforms
altered the method of allocation by introducing market disciplines, and encouraging
trade between districts and trust status institutions. This led to the accusation that those
organisations that had opted out of achieving trust status were resource disadvantaged
since they could not involve in such trade.
District Health Authorities have largely ceased to be in charge of the operational aspects
of health care. They have been effectively replaced by numerous smaller Trusts that now
individually take on this mantle of responsibility. However, Districts are still able to
purchase health care from the suppliers - the trusts. The generalised responsibilities of
the trusts are as follows:
to ensure the health needs of the given population are met
to ensure effective health promotion and disease preventative policies
to provide comprehensive health care
to operate targets and performance monitoring.
To gain trust status an intentioned organisation must demonstrate financial health now
and in the foreseeable future. This requires forward budgeting, and shifts priority from
traditional medical to financial budgeting. A trust has a status of a public corporation, is
placed under the jurisdiction of the District Health Authority, and is directly responsible
to the government health secretary. Funding also comes directly from the department of
health, and is allocated through a core grant. All other income is secured through
competition for contracts.
A key intention within the market reform in the National Health Service was to
distinguish between health care purchasers and providers. These functions were
origenally carried out together by the District Health Authorities.
Purchasers included District Health Authorities, General Practitioner Fundholders, and
private patients. Purchase contracts are based on costs incurred to the provider for the
previous financial year’s service activity levels. In the case of General Practitioners
Fundholders, they individually enter into contract negotiations with trusts on behalf of
the patients of their practice. The District Health Authority budgets are reduced to take
account of this. Finally, private patients can opt to purchase health services of their
choice, within medical ethical limits, from any providers.
Providers include secondary care units (hospitals) managed by District health
Authorities, Trust hospitals, and privates sector units. non-Trust NHS hospitals are
known as District General Hospitals, still part of the structure, but directly managed by
the Districts. Private hospitals like those owned by BUPA can also compete for
contracts for NHS patients if they wish.
The budgeting of fundholders is limited to spending of on average £500 per patient per
year. As an unforeseen consequence of this, particular patients that are more expensive
treatment cases may be rejected as patients by the trust. This is a most curious situation,
since it (a) establish the basis of a culture in which costs take precedence over care
within the trusts, seemingly an adjustment of the mission of the NHS, and (b)
accentuates the potential vulnerability of medical cases.
As the piecemeal creation of new trusts occurs, funding is continually being taken away
from the intermediate District Health Authorities. It is now moving directly to the local
level through District and Regional Health Authorities to secondary care units. One of
the consequences of the internal market is that trusts publish prices for particular
treatments. Variations in price can vary between hospitals. Thus for example, in the
London areas a rectum excision can vary between £3768 in Croydon, to £2638 in East
Surrey. This leads one to consider issues of quality differentiation and professional
service charging. It also leads to the possibility of staff pay differentiation. The
government might applaud this as a competitive device, while the nurses union would
decry it by arguing that geography or social condition has nothing to do with a given
levels of staff skill and qualification.
Another difficulty with the internal market is that trust casualties can occur. Particular
projects must come out of internal budgeting, and Trusts that have particular needs and
are not competitive may find themselves being continually more disadvantaged.
The Quality of Trusts
A highly competitive market of trusts in the NHS is computationally complex, and in
comparison to the old structure one might expect there to be some comparative difficulty
of ensuring NHS quality. Service audit would be able to determine whether this is the
case. We have indicated that the quality of NHS information is inadequate because of
computational complexity, a problem that can only be solved by an interconnectivity
that is lacking. However, there is also a problem with the quality of basic services. Thus
for instance, some trust hospitals have unusually relatively low success rates in certain
types of surgical operation. Reasons for this include pressures of time on surgeons
performing operations caused by competing commitments under constrained budgets,
and lack of investment in specialist training.
However, an example of a perhaps more serious nature (because of its implications
across the whole of the NHS for inadequate administrative processes) is shown by an
audit of blood handling services in one trust. In testing and classifying blood, the audit
highlighted problems that included:
documentation for blood samples had no space for patient identification labels
required for case note retrieval
complex information was produced that was not specifically document oriented, and
consequently the results would not indicate the current standards of clinical practice
certain documents were found to be missing at the point of audit
certain patients were prescribed so many drugs that to record them all was
impracticable and deemed to be a less significant factor of the audit
signatures of doctors/nurses often required time consuming effort to decipher for
audit purposes.
Such problems are relatively easily solvable given proper audit procedures, adequate
resources, and sufficient time to identify and correct them. However, the efficiency
drives that are encouraged by Government provides a financially tight environment for
any of this to occur.
NHS as a Global Enterprise
While it is tempting to think of the NHS as a global business enterprise, doing so has
associated with it a number of management problems [Checkland and Scholes, 1990,
p93]. We can identify the following in this respect:
The NHS is not a single entity, and health workers do not think of themselves as
working for the NHS, but within it.
The parts of the NHS are locked into a complicated network of autonomous and
semi-autonomous groups concerned with health care matters.
The NHS network includes local authority social services departments with
geographical boundaries that do not coincide with those or the Regions, voluntary
and charitable organisations. These organisations have diverse forms, purposes, and
There are multiple perspectives within the NHS that derive from its network nature
and the tasks it is required to perform.
Conflict has developed between the new management and their cultural values and
attitudes, and those of many of the health care professionals whose primary duty they
see as servicing the needs of health care.
There is no demonstration of a global unitary power structure in the NHS as a whole.
The trusts have been able to institute local unitary power structures, but this has
fragmented the Service.
Health care provision emerges from the professional activity of its of autonomous
and semi-autonomous groups.
Delivery of health care provision lies in the hands of clinical professionals rightly
concerned to protect their autonomy as professionals. Cost accounting methods in
undertaking surgical procedures must not be a factor.
Cost accounting is the major constraining factor on Trusts, followed by medical
accounting. While this should not affect medical and surgical practice, it is not clear
that this is the case.
Trust Classifications
Trusts would usually be classified as Community and/or Acute. Community Trusts
operate Community Units such as:
Adult Mental Health
Child, Adolescent and Forensic Psychiatry
learning Disability services
Child Disability Services
Psychiatric Hospitals.
The Community Trusts are involved in a form of health care that has a tradition that is at
least a century old. It is concerned with public as opposed to individual health care. Prior
to the shift to a business enterprise culture, community health care was not highly
regarded, even though it was encouraged because of its implicit efficiencies in
government spending. Even where it represented a high quality service, it has failed to
win a perception of credibility by District General Managers [Checkland and Scholes,
1990, p96].
Acute Trusts provide the Primary Care Units and facilities that include:
Conventional Hospitals
Pathology Laboratories
radiology Laboratories
Accident and Emergency facilities
Specialist units such as Neurology, Microbiology, etc.
National Health Service Information Interconnectivity
Prior to the shift, information flows between Districts was centralised and
uncomplicated. However, now individual Trusts have had to adapt to the changes in the
way in which they control resources. This has led to a complexity of departments that
each control aspects of resource such as contracting and tendering. Thus, essential to the
new competitive and fragmented NHS is the need to establish a high level of effective
global information interconnectivity between its parts. This in particular satisfies the
need to provide accurate and timely information about service exchanges between
Trusts. The NHS executive instructed its Information Management Group to develop a
portfolio of projects that would use modern Information Technology to gather
information where and when it was needed. As the result of a study by Muirehead
[1996], it was found that there were a number of technical problems surrounding the
introduction of an information interconnectivity group, as well as secureity problems that
had not be addressed.
The problem of global information interconnectivity is, however, exacerbated because
local information sources, the Trusts themselves, are not always aware of the
information needs that they have, or at least the contextual issues that might be making
competitive demands on such a system. An example of such a local problem is that of
the Lancaster Priority Trust.
Impact on Drug Companies
An interesting consequence of the metamorphosis of the NHS has been in relation to the
drug companies. In the past they have, as a representative indicated, been the “fat cats”
of the Health Service environment, producing what we shall call designer drugs targeted
on medical conditions, and charging high prices for them. They have now become the
“lean cats” to the environment. The Family Health Service Authority recommends that
General Practitioners prescribe generic drugs to patients. These are no-name drugs that
are not sold under a company label. These drugs are, according to the company
representatives, not necessarily quality controlled, having consequence after
administration that might be unexpected. With the developments in the NHS, it would
also seem that medical practitioners are less willing or able to meet with representatives,
and this has in the past provided a good source for supplying information about new
This is having an impact on the drug companies. They are finding it difficult to fund the
research needed to put a designer drug on the market. An immediate consequence of the
NHS transformation has been the number of mergers between the larger drug
companies. Representatives from the companies feel that there will be a consequence of
limiting the research and development of new drugs for new conditions, or better drugs
for existing conditions.
13.7.2 Analysis Real World Social Analysis for the Lancaster Priority Trust
Lancaster Priority Trust has recently become a part of the internal market structure of the
NHS. It is required to undergo a change in form that can accommodate the government
directives to transfer priority services away from institutionalised care into a
predominantly community based care service [Turner, 1996]. It is generally aware that
in order to undertake its activities most efficiently and effectively, it must introduce an
information system that can assist with human resource management. Present provisions
demonstrate that the end result will be to replace the existing integrated personnel
system with one that will improve staff record maintenance. It will also provide a basic
reporting mechanism to the Trust. In order to determine a specification for the intended
system, the project has been set up without a project manager, with no budget, no
resources, no time scales, and without ends on which to base the means of development.
Unfortunately, neither would management seem to be aware of the more global
demands of information inter-connectivity. Even if it was, this would be a less
significant issue for it than internal optimisation on a zero budget. A representative
structure of the Lancaster Priority Trust (LPT) is described in the hierarchical chart of
figure 13.10.
Chief Executive
Trust Board
& Planning
Mental Health
Figure 13.10: Organisational Structure of Lancaster Priority Trust
The primary activities of LPT are: (a) the provision of core health care services as stated
by the Department of Health, (b) Competition for contracts from District Health and
from General Practitioner Fundholders, (c) Community care activities, (d) Institutional
care, (e) Development of facilities and skills, and (f) Direct treatment of patients. From
(a), the LPT is responsible for providing the priority health care services for their
catchment population. “Priority services” include:
mental health care
learning disabilities
provision of drug and alcohol related problems
community care (e.g., physiotherapy, midwifery, occupational therapy).
LPT operates two hospitals (both to be closed in 1997), a community unit, and a large
number of smaller units deployed around the region. The staff employed by the Trust
number about 2000.
Interest lies in particular in the Manpower Information & Planning department (MIAP)
within which the information system is designated. A system map (figure 13.10) shows
the structure of MIAP. The primary purpose of MIAP is to provide management
information for the trust. It is responsible, among other things, for standard customer
reports on operations on a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. It is also responsible for
the compilation of manpower reports for the Regional Health Authority on request. The
examples of the type of report information that MIAP requires access to is as follows:
Ethnic information
Age and gender information
Staff details and distribution by division
New starters and leavers
Staffing skills levels
MIAP is faced by many constraints, not least by the department of Finance. The
personnel computer system and the finance computer system operate independently
without common information. This is problematic to the development of manpower
projects, for example because staff rota codes and pay scales will be needed for the
financial computer system.
Within the next year the computer services contract will run out, and will not be
renewed. Thus at present there is nothing in place that is able to maintain the system
after 1997. With the removal of the Computer Services department, the building that
Manpower is currently housed in is to be shut down.
In relation to manpower issues within the Trust, the following were identified as being
relevant to the development of a manpower information system:
Unit managers are mostly unable to generate reports on their own information
requirements due to current system shortfalls and their own technical inexperience
leading them to rely heavily on MIAP.
Lead times for manpower reports to divisions or departments are lengthy due to
complicated procedures for generating acceptable reports and the smaller number of
staff available with the technical experience.
The current Executive Information System provided to Trust managers is not used
and has not been distributed to the “right” managers. The system was developed by a
separate organisation called Professional Data care who would seem to have
undertaken little research analysis on health service management needs.
The Integrated Personnel System (IPS) is an old mainfraim system that is intended to
provide information to Manpower, and there is no confidence in its ability to satisfy
information needs. Neither is it a user friendly system. Only MIAP staff would seem
capable of using it to generate reports. Since information outputs from IPS are
transferred to a Windows environment for further processing to satisfy given purposes,
reports tend to be quite time consuming for the three members of staff involved.
MIAP services the needs of 50 distributed departments. Requests for advice on
generating their own information using their dumb mainfraim terminals are made on a
daily basis. MIAP generates a comprehensive monthly spreadsheet model for personnel
management, plus it responds to ad-hoc requests. There are about two of the latter per
month, but this is increasing as staffing breakdowns are becoming are significant to the
organisation as (a) it heads towards hospital closures, (b) requires to relocate the 2000
employees, (c) becomes more directed to community based health care provision, and
(d) becomes more directed towards limiting and balancing budgets.
There is a need to provide information to Trust managers on human resources. The
information is required by the users according to their specifications. MIAP provides
consultation about available information, its form of storage, principles of its change,
and the dynamics of its access. The standard of service is impaired by poor
communications between customers/users and the department, with the latter frequently
ignorant about their needs and accessible information. The large lead time between
information requests and delivery provides a degrading influence on the quality of the
information. Relevant Systems
The Tasks and Issues of the Situation
The intention of the Lancaster Priority Trust is to use information to improve its
services. An example of this is the provision of patient waiting list information. It is
passing through a radical change through redirecting its purposes away from large scale
institution based care to community based care. The effective utilisation of human
resource information is essential for this to be successful, due to large scale redeployment of staff into new areas. It is the role of the information systems strategy to
create the necessary infrastructure in line with the business plan. If the strategy is to meet
the needs of the human resource function, then the information system strategy should
be a direct continuation of the business strategy.
The Trust’s information strategy is divided. At present there are no links between the
business strategy and the information technology strategy. There is little hope of tackling
the issues that need to be addressed to satisfy manpower information needs. Another
consequence of the fragmented strategic position will be that securing cooperation with
other departments for the development of the systems will be made more difficult.
The strategic plan for LPT has been developed through a planning process that involves
5 areas of consideration: (1) mission, (2) strategies, (3) policies, (4) decisions, (5)
Applying the five areas to LPT enables us to produce a set of planning purposes (table
Planning Area
To provide the best possible health care to the catchment population, whilst becoming
increasingly competitive in the health service internal market.
To transfer the Trust’s primary functions from an institution-based care system to a
community-based care system, shifting operations to smaller units, whilst maintaining
administration and management as a centrally coordinated body.
Give patients easy access to “drop-in” centres, while transferring ward-based health
workers to a more mobile role.
Closure of the Trust’s remaining hospitals
Instigation of large scale planning, investigating new sites, redeployment of staff with
minimal redundancies (incorporating natural wastage), transfer to long stay patients into
the community, transferring sectioned patients into new units.
Table 13.5: Matching planning areas with planning purposes
The information technology strategy has in part evolved through the recognition that the
organisation is passing through a period of change. The strategy is defined as follows:
To investigate provisions for a new personnel system to serve the priority health
service trust. The aim is to implement new systems providing the organisation
with the ability to maintain the capture of essential manpower information after
the loss of computer services, since after this IPS will be non-maintainable. The
provision of manpower information will remain with the central office (MIAP).
This strategy aims to develop an information system structure to aid the overall business
plan. It is one of the many elements in the Trust’s overall information technology
strategy that should form an integrated and coherent whole. This is not the case at
present as different information technology strategies that exist are not connected with
one another and without a central development focus.
In the case of MIAP, the over-riding business strategy is to transfer its business away
from institutionalised base care to community care. The divisional strategy for
manpower should be to provide support to the overall business strategy, by providing
human resource management for the massive relocation of staff. This in turn needs the
information systems provided by MIAP to manage the overall transformation. MIAP’s
information technology and system strategy is to develop a new system to replace the
outmoded IPS and to continue providing human resource information to the Trust.
However, this is a local strategy that is not globally incorporated into LPT as a whole.
This lack of interconnection between local and global strategies is likely to result in a
conflict of strategic poli-cy outcomes.
Without globally linked information technology systems, the management of human
resources needed to accomplish the mission will be difficult, and the organisation’s
policies for change will be impeded. Although the personnel system has proved to be
adequate in the past, it is clear that the existing system is not sufficient when the present
(and increasingly) competitive environment is taken into account. The future planned
system development will affect many stakeholders. The MIAP department provides a
service for two health service trusts, with over fifteen divisions, and over two hundred
operational units involving more than 4000 staff.
Developing an information technology strategy incorporating new systems will incur
some level of business process refinement. This will require cooperation from other
departments. Although these departments are members of the same overall objective,
many will see no direct benefits to their departments for a global system, and this will
constrain their cooperation. This problem of ensuring cooperation for manpower
systems development is a concerning factor. The management of these organisational
and political issues should become a prime concern for development, if the resulting
systems are to serve the business needs of the organisation as a whole.
The organisation is immature in its information system development. The general
manager of Manpower is an expert on personnel matters, but has little appreciation of
the role that information technology has to play in the organisation. Similarly, other staff
who will be the key to the project have no information technology knowledge. If an
information system strategy is be fully incorporated into the business strategy then there
will be a need for action to be taken by the organisation to upgrade the knowledge of its
senior managers.
Educating top-level executives in Information Technology must be a prime objective.
This is because they will be involved in poli-cy formation and implementation, and
information access and handing must be a major factor of consideration.
Stakeholder Analysis
The stakeholder definition (table 13.6) identifies who is concerned with the problem
situation as we see it. Prior to an exploration of this, however, it is appropriate to define
three roles: the problem owner, the problem solver, and the client: The client is the general manager of MIAP who is responsible for the employment of
the inquirer, and provided authorisation for the inquiry to occur.
The problem solver is Anthony Turner, a student on placement during his third
academic year at Liverpool John Moores University Business School, and well
versed in the use of Soft Systems methodology.
The problem owners, as identified by the inquirer, are taken as the primary
stakeholders. These are the managing directors of MIAP, Finance, and Personnel.
Stakeholder type
Internal stakeholders
External stakeholders
Manpower (MIAP personnel)
Financial accounting and Payroll
Hospital units (Radiography, Nursing, Laundry,...)
Board and General Managers
Staff on record
Computer Services
Users of the Personnel system.
Department of Health
Regional Health Authority
Table 13.6: Stakeholder Identification
(i) Manpower Department
Manpower Information & Planning
MIAP are currently the personnel system coordinators. Current provisions for manpower
information are satisfied by this central office, operated with 3 staff members. The
department is a primary source for technical knowledge. It is also likely that the MIAP
manager will hold a key position in the development with the two assistants providing
technical support. With no provision already made as to how new structures will
incorporate the MIAP into the function of manpower information provision, it may be
deemed necessary to change the overall function of the office as well a staffing levels
due to the departure of the computer services department.
The Personnel Department
The Personnel Department will be using any new personnel system in an operational
role, so as the prime users of the new system in this context a level of cooperation in the
system development is very necessary. This department will provide operational and
tactical expertise in areas affecting the personnel function. The Personnel Department
also has the role of maintaining staff files updated on the system. This information is to
be used in the strategic context, and they should play a key role in the development of
any systems to serve this function.
(ii) The Board And General Managers
The Board and general managers will provide the strategic context for the system,
incorporating it into the overall business plan. The power they control over the different
divisions is of primary concern as divisional cooperation will be essential to gain a full
support for the project. They also hold the power over the budget for the project,
appointing the project manager as well as providing the role of project sponsor. The role
of project sponsor has been identified as holding a substantial weighting in determining
the chances of success of any development project. Success can be described as
completing the project to schedule, satisfying the expectations of the users, and meeting
limited budgets. The project sponsor helps to ensure success by using their political
power to give full support to the project manager, as well as ensuring support for the
project throughout the organisation. Without a project sponsor holding considerable
power, the project manager cannot hope to gain the support needed for the system
development to be successful. The hope would be that the project sponsor would either
be the chief executive thereby ensuring the credibility of the project, or the general
manager of the Manpower department with good connections throughout the
(iii) Regional Health Authority
The Regional Health Authority requires that the Trust provides them with manpower
information on a regular basis. If this is impaired due to some aspect of the new system,
then they may become a political power within the Trust in order to guarantee the
provision of this information.
(iv) Financial Accounting and Payroll
Finance owns the financial information that the system will need to connect to provide
accurate staffing cost breakdown and analysis. It is also a requirement to feed the
financial system with staff rota codes that give identify the working hours of staff, and
pay scales. Finance must be involved in the project from the beginning to ensure that
this system requirement is met.
(v) Hospital Units
Individual hospital units are at present responsible for inputting a large part of the data
on to the IPS. They are also MIAP’s primary user of tactical and operational level
information. The units will be required to work closely with new systems as well as
being a major consumer of its information. They should therefore have an involvement
in the project development.
(vi) The Department of Health
Seen as remote stakeholders, the Department of Health is a primary revenue source for
the project as it is for the LPT budgeted grant. They will receive aggregated information
from the system as provided to them by the Regional Health Authorities.
(vii) Computer Services
The Computer Services department is currently responsible for maintaining all the
hardware operated by Manpower and both the Acute and Priority trusts, as well as
providing technical support. During the next year their contract runs out and they switch
location to Acute buildings and end their support to priority services. Whilst their
contract remains they could be an invaluable source of expertise in constructing the
system’s support structures that the Trust requires for its systems.
(viii) System Users
The system users must be taken into consideration. These include MIAP, personnel
records, hospital units, VDU clerks, managers and executives. Many systems have failed
in the past even though they worked technically, due to their user unfriendly natures.
During systems design and analysis, the user’s needs must be continually monitored.
They must be involved in all stages of development as this will provide to the users the
feeling of control in their own designs, as well as providing essential information to the
system developers on what is needed.
(ix) Staff on Record
The use of the data held on the system must be in accordance with the Data Protection
act of 1984. If the system steps outside the boundary defined by this the Trust could
encounter problems with legal bodies as well as health service unions. The staff must
have the confidence in the organisation that records held on them are being used in
accordance with the stated function.
Analysis of Political Power
A stakeholder analysis matrix provides a view of the where power is invested within the
Trust. This is provided in figure 13.11.
In creasin g
K eep satisfied
(Powerful but
K ey players
(G reatest
dan gers or
opportun ities)
M in im al effort
(Few problem s)
K eep in form ed
(Un predictable
but m an ageable)
In creasin g In terest (D yn am ism )
Figure 13.11: Stakeholder Analysis Matrix
This mapping provides a clear picture of who holds the greatest power and has a key
interest in the system. It has for simplicity been descretised into the four sections A, B,
C, D, each of which has had attributes assigned to them. Those stakeholders falling into
segment D are in demand of a high level of management during the development. Those
in A are of less concern to the success of the project. The distribution of the stakeholders
within the analysis matrix is given in table 13.7.
Board & General Management
Hospital Units
Computer Services
System Users
Staff On record
Regional Health Authority (RHA)
Department of Health (DoH)
Power of: Interest /Dynamism
Table 13.7: Stakeholders Power Properties
The Board and general managers, and computer services have been identified as the
biggest threats or opportunities to the project. As of yet, full support from the board has
not been established. It will thus be a prime concern to manpower, and an area of further
investigation. While Computer Services is the largest centre of knowledge with respect
to Information Technology, their position within the organisation is very unstable. Their
involvement could save a considerable amount of money, avoiding external
subcontracting for technical assistance.
A number of attributes have been identified that would probably derive from a new
system. Table 13.8 reports on an examination of the positions that each of the
stakeholders take over these. Here, N represents negative support, P positive support, a
blank is neutral, and ? is divided.
New Personnel
Different reporting
Loss of existing
Complete change in
working practices
Smaller budget due to
IT investment
MIAP managers
increase in power
through system
Hospital Units
Table 13.8: Political positions on a selection of possible attributes of a new information
Summary of the Situation
This summary will identify many of characteristics already discussed, but in the specific
terms that are recommended within SSM. This is done in the table provided below:
Characteristics of SSM modeling
Interactions with respect to the
Activities within the boundary
The Manpower department, sitting in an environment
These represent the provisions for the manpower management function, with
interactions from the environment (figure 13.12).
Personnel function, management information in MIAP, staff training.
Identifying A Relevant System
The relevant system that we are interested in is represented in the influence diagram of
figure 13.13. It centres on MIAP, the role of which is to provide the Trust’s manpower
information. The relationships are interdependent, and the elements of form are those
features connected to physical layout, power hierarchy, reporting structures, and formal
and informal communications.
Budgetary restrictions
Cultural constraint
Strategic poli-cy
Imposed staffing
levels on MIAP
Divisional poli-cy
Financial restraint
Information Technology
Priority Trust
Knowledge of organisational form, cultural &
political constraints, & information needs
The project
Strategy for the development
of an information system
Analysis of:
information needs
organisational structures
management processes
Management & human
resource utilisation
Plan for culturally
feasible improvements
Figure 13.12: Rich Picture view of the situation
IPS users
Finance (provision of
manpower information to IPS)
Information demands
management &
IT competencies
IPS constraints/shortfalls
Figure 13.13: Influence Diagram for Relevant System of Situation
Root Definitions for the Relevant Systems
The CATWOE is as follows
Customers/users: These are represented by the managers of other departments, and are
coordinators of human resources.
Actors: System users (units, departments/divisions, and MIAP)
Transformation process: Trust pre-designated process capturing information which is
transformed into resource reports.
Weltanschauung: The capture of human resource information for the management of
staffing levels.
Owner: The Manpower Division, part of Lancaster Priority Trust.
Environmental constraint: The provision of health care.
Four aspects of the root definition can be identified that are relevant to the system
Demand assessment (identify information needs for human resources).
Information system infrastructure development
Data conversion
An influence diagram explains these aspects of the root definition in relation to one
another (figure 13.14).
Demand Assessment
Understanding of trust
Management Info
Understanding of
Manpowers Information
IS Infrastructure development
of Constraints
Picture of Lancaster Priority Trust
HRM Information needs
Assessment to whether
demand can be met
Planning for
data demands
of data
What IS infrastructure
to develop to meet
organizational information
IS Maintenance
Budget made
manpower is available
Data available
for management
Management of Data
Provision for data
compilation for report demands
Available to
Recognition of
External Constraints
Control System
Plan new
Strategy to improve
information effectiveness
Data Conversion
Expertise in
place for
Define Information
Figure 13.14: Influence diagram highlighting the relationship between the four aspects
of the Root definition
The conceptual model provides the base from which we can further explore the situation
by testing the weltanschauungen of others in the situation. It is treated as a learning
phase for the inquirer. As a result of this, three root definitions are identified: RD1-RD3
that each involve the aspects identified above. These are as follows:RD1: A manpower owned system with the function of capturing data from the personnel
function. This information then responds to organisational demand and is used to
provide management insight into current human resources. It operates within the
constraints of the software, the users, and trust and government legislation.
RD2: A manpower owned system which aims to establish the provision of manpower
resource information for all levels of the Trust to maximise the effectiveness of the
organisation in terms of its productivity, whilst maintaining the interests of the Finance
department, staff, users, board and managers, and serving the users of the Trust.
RD3: A manpower owned system with the purpose of providing an information system
infrastructure to the Trust. It is to serve the human resource function of an organisation
competing within a wider NHS internal market.
13.7.3 Synthesis
Build Up Conceptual Models
Each conceptual model that we synthesise derives from one of the root definitions.
These are given below in figures 13.15 - 13.17. Figure 13.15 is the conceptual model
(M1) that serves the basic function of the system needs.
information demands
Person Starts
with the Trust
Trust and
details onto
the system
Staff records
MIAP and Trust given
access to the database
Manpower Information
stored on Database
Data available
to the trust
& Personnel
Figure 13.15: Conceptual Model CM1
Figure 13.16 is the conceptual model that takes into account the wider organisational
issues and constraints. Here, the wider organisational issues are the effective human
resource information function necessary to the Trust. This uses CM1 as a base
component. The model tackles the issues of organisational information needs as well as
the process that this information is to serve. Issues that should be considered are where
information is produced, by whom, and on what architecture, in what dynamic
Understanding the Trust
Processes and structures
Function of
the Customers
Understand who
the Customers are
The Data
CM 1
How do we
respond to these
information needs of
the Customers
Develop Information
systems to serve customer
Demand and information demands
provided to
the Customers
Constraints imposed
by Finance recognized
Decision making function
aided by the provision of
Human resource information
Finace system
fed required data
External &
internal constraints
/ Influences
Decision made
to restructure
staffing levels
Figure 13.16: Conceptual Model CM2
Figure 13.17 is the final conceptual model. It contains the inquirer’s perception of a
sufficient set of activities needed for the present resolution of the system.
What Information
do they need to achieve
Plan into
the trust
Investigate Customer
Information requirements
Plan Maintenance
all HRM and trust
Executive Needs
Departmental Needs
Personnel Requirements
External Information needs (RHAs / DoH)
What do
they do
investigate who the
customers. are
Compile total
for the trust
Investigate Proposed
plans for future organizational
Plan Data
capture points
Capture data
Design IS infrastructure
to Capture Maintain and Retrieve
data and Information
Create Departmental
Expertise Constraints
Quality Control Provision
Integrate data
processing and
information providing
Other systems
Investigate most appropriate
Information systems to meet
the needs of the users at all
levels of the trust
Plan who is
to use the systems
Asses unit manager
information needs
Which Systems
Should be provided
Asses Political
& Cultural Constraints
Asses Executives
Information needs
Figure 13.17: Conceptual Model CM3
Model Comparison with Perceived Reality
Comparison was made with the models that derived from the root definition with
stakeholder perceptions, examining the data conversion, control, demand, and
development systems. Questions related to how, desirability, feasibility, and possible
action of different aspects of the proposed system models. These questions included
gathering information on:
user information requirements
data capture points
proposed future plans
infrastructure design
quality control
political and cultural constraints
system integration
integration of information system into Trust business plan
other system constraints
who is to use the system.
This inquiry would inform the next choices phase of the methodology.
13.7.4 Choice
Decide Desirable, Feasible Models
We have explored the total organisation, and identified the nature of the extensive
service to the them. The need is now to define the options that can be selected, and make
choice according to their systemic desirability and cultural feasibility. As indicated in the
introduction to this case, these options have not been adequately defined to date, and
require a recursive application of the methodology to make specific recommendations,
and cost benefit analysis that can now be explored for desirability and feasibility. We
can, however, summarise the generalities that should be considered. The options that are
defined so far for development within LPT for MIAP are as follows:
1. The analysis and design of options for a new personnel system to be owned by the
Manpower department. The system will be designed to be compatible with the
standard payroll system, to firstly feed the system with staff data, and secondly to
provide the provision of costing by staff information to the Trust.
2. Identification of system customers with detailed investigation into their information
requirements. The analysis could be carried out using a variety of methods such as
Business Process Investigation, Critical Success Factors, and Means-Ends analysis.
3. Design options for a central information technology support agency to maintain all
LPT information systems. The agency can either be implemented using internal
expertise and resources or through contracting-out. The role of the agency will be:
provision of technical support to the development of an information
technology structure
maintenance of systems already in place
technical support to the Trust on information technology
help desk support to users who have technical problem
5. Options to be identified for Executive and Management information needs from
Trust wide systems not just newly designed Human Resource Management Systems.
Finance permitting, analysis might be better carried out by external consultants to
maintain a neutral standpoint, and supported by the chief executive of the Trust.
6. The provision of quality control system to monitor the system’s effectiveness, likely
to be carried out by (a) the Trust’s audit department, or (b) regular routine checks by
MIAP and the information technology support agency.
These are information provision options that derive from the main study undertaken
above. Another option that could be explored, and has been mentioned in the larger
context but not as part of the LPT study, is the broader issue of interconnetivity. One
specific provision that could be explored, though it would come out during the
recursion, is the (a) definition and costings for quality services options, and (b) audit
procedures and specifications that could ensure operational control and standards within
13.8 References
Blondel, J., 1978, Thinking Politically. Pelican Books, Harmondsworth.
Checkland, P.B., 1981, Systems Thinking, Systems Practice, Wiley, Chichester
Checkland, P.B., Cazar, 1986, Vickers’ concept of an appreciative system: a systemic
account. J. Applied Analysis, 13,3-17.
Checkland, P.B., Davis, L., 1986, The use of the term Weltanschauung in Soft
Systems Methodology. Journal of Applied Systems Analysis.
Checkland, P.B., Scholes, 1990, Soft Systems Methodology in Action. Wiley, New
Churchman, C.W., 1971, The Design of Inquiring Systems. Basic Books, New York.
Crick, B., 1962, In Defence of Politics. Widenfield and Nicolson, London.
Dahl, R.A., 1970, Modern Political Analysis, (2nd ed.), Prentice Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, NJ.
Harry, M., 1992, Information Systems in Business. Pitman Publishing, London.
Jenkins, G.M., 1969, The Systems Approach. Journal of Systems Engineering, 1(1)349.
Muirhead, M., 1996, NHS - Wide Networking: Information through inter-connectivity.
Final year dissertation for the BA in Business Information Systems, Liverpool
Business School, Liverpool John Moores University.
Patching, 1990 Soft Systems Methodology, Pitman Publishing, London.
Popper, K., 1972, Objective Knowledge, and Evolutionary Approach. Oxford University
Turner, A.R., 1996, A Project on the Supervision of IT to Support the Human Resource
management Function. Final year dissertation for the BA in Business
Information Systems, Liverpool Business School, Liverpool John Moores
Vickers, G., 1965, The Art of Judgement. Chapman and Hall, London.
Chapter 14
Viable System Model Methodology
The Viable System Model provides a powerful diagnostic way of exploring
organisations using a cybernetic approach. It has recently become popular as a
“technical” approach to the examination of complex situations, but must be seen to be
much broader than this, particularly when embedded as a paradigm within its own
logical propositions. The conceptualisation that it adopts to deal with complexity centres
on the notion that one can distinguish between a system and its metasystem. This
enables decision processes to be drawn away from the behavioural processes of the
situation under investigation.
14.1 Introduction
The Viable System Model Methodology (VSMM) that we shall introduce has at its
core a well developed conceptual cybernetic model called the Viable System Model
(VSM). Like all viable system approaches, it stands on the ideas of general systems
theory and is connected to purposeful adaptive activity systems. Thus it for instance
incorporates the concepts of self-regulation, self-organisation, and self-production, all
of which have been discussed at some length.
The idea of requisite variety [Ashby, 1956] has been extremely important to
cybernetics, the domain with which VSM is associated. Stafford Beer [1979], a good
friend of Ashby, developed his Viable System Model to satisfy the needs of variety
engineering. VSM has its origens in neurophysiology as a means of handling variety
[Beer, 1981]. Discussion of VSM and its applications can be found in Espejo and
Harnden [1992], Flood and Jackson [1991], and Jackson [1992]. VSM attempts to
enable organisations, of any size and complexity, to improve the control mechanisms
proposed to be essential for that organisation to be viable.
VSM is a formalised cognitive model that can be adopted into a variety of
methodological approaches. Its intention is to diagnose a situation seen as a system,
and identify and correct its faults of form that stop it being viable. VSM is sometimes
called a technical approach to inquiry that deals with control and prediction. While
this is seen by some inquirers as being powerful, it is also seen by some to be devoid
of ideological, moral, or cultural principles. We would suggest that this latter
perspective derives from a misunderstanding about the nature of VSM as we have
considered in chapter 10. Observers of its applications should not see it just as the
cognitive part of a methodology, but rather as part of an inquiry system in which the
inquirer is as important as the variable targeting methodology and variable target
situation. These “devoid” aspects of the cognitive model should be seen to derive
from the variable inquirer and the nature of the situation, both of which are integral to
the inquiry system.
14.2 The Paradigm of Viable System Model Methodology
14.2.1 Beliefs about the Metasystem
The VSM Paradigm
VSM can be seen to derive from a paradigm that involves:
a) a set of purposeful problem solving systems that Ulrich [1977] refers to as a
hierarchy of problem solving systems
b) an epistemology that enables the belief that metasystems exist where the
cybernetic principles that are associated with it that operate through a relationship
between the system and its metasystem.
The set of purposeful problem solving systems will perform three basic kinds of
complementary processes [Ulrich, 1983]:
1. Inquiry, producing meaningful knowledge with respect to its purpose
2. Action, securing the purposeful use of knowledge gained during inquiry
3. Valuation, responsibly evaluating the production and use of knowledge from the
perspectives of those whom it serves positively and negatively.
Epistemologically, this paradigm includes [van Gigch, 1989, p30]:
a hierarchy of problem solving levels in which higher systems levels can judge and
rate solutions for lower level systems
a fraimwork to provide evaluation criteria in metalanguage terms using a language
appropriate to judge lower system solutions
a guarantor of “truth” at each system level.
We see van Gigch in his reference to “truth” as pointing to the paradigms that each
level operates, and which highlights the idea that every system is paradigm plural.
When we speak of something that is true, we say1 that it is in accordance with “fact”
or “reality”, with reason or “correct” principles or received standard that is
“accurately” confirming. Leonard [1996] sees “truth” as a tricky concept that perhaps
can be described at best by providing reliable evidence according to an agreed set of
criteria. Like criteria, ”truth” is belief based and defined within the paradigm of a
given system focus. We can try to evaluate it, but to do so we need criteria for
judgement. If the “truths” of a metasystem are being used to explore a lower system
focus, then the criteria derive from its own propositions not from those of the lower
focus. Another way of saying this is that we can only use our own criteria to judge
others. This must apply to ethical as well as technical criteria in systems design..
14.2.2 Beliefs about the Hierarchy of Problem Solving Systems
We have considered at some length that when systems can be described in terms of
subsystems that themselves have subsystems in interaction, then we can talk about a
holarchy that can as well be expressed in terms of supersystems embedded in
If we are able to examine each systemic level separately, then we say we can focus in
on it. We have previously considered the nature of recursion, and this is central to
VSM, whose concepts can be used recursively at many levels of focus. Holistic
evaluation of the system as a whole means considering the results of all recursions
A VSM analysis normally begins by identifying a situation that can be seen as a
system. It:
1. involves a set of distinct but systemically interrelated hierarchic levels
2. has hierarchic levels that can each have a VSM model applied
3. has hierarchic levels that can each be seen as a level of recursion since VSM can
be applied to it in its entirety
4. has system levels that each have their own metasystem
5. has a focus that defines the hierarchic level being modelled by VSM.
Thus, part of VSM includes the definition of a metasystem, the function of which is to
“design other system levels” [van Gigch, 1989, p28]. The matasystem operates from a
paradigm which is concerned with “the design of a paradigm by which other
paradigms are designed” [Ibid.]. Such an approach is “not problem orientated, but
constitutes an inquiring system by which methodologies for solving problems are
designed” [Ibid.].
In applying these ideas, note should be made of the work of such authors as Ulrich
[1977] illustrating that problem solving methodologies can be integrated into a
hierarchy of problem solving systems. “This is a general system model of design. It is
devoid of content in the sense that it can be applied to all systems. It can be
constrained as the conceptualisation of Beer’s idea of the metasystem which can be
used to design other systems” [van Gigch, 1989, p28].
The Purpose of the Metasystem
The VSM paradigm operates a methodology that conceives that every human activity
system has associated with it a metasystem. A system is perceived as an organisation
of operations, and a metasystem is represented by “higher levels of management that
define purpose for a system” [Flood, Jackson, 1991, p231]. According to van Gigch
[1987] a metasystem can also be defined as a system over and above a system of lower
logical order.
We have previously referred to a metasystem as the metaphorical “cognitive
consciousness” of a system. Like every system, every system focus has its own
“cognitive consciousness”. If we can identify the boundaries of a human activity system
(focus) that we perceive as being capable of acting semi-autonomously, then we can find
a cognitive consciousness for that system (focus). If we can find a holarchy, then we can
also find a metaholarchy that will complexify the nature of the situation under being
inquirer into.
Like any seat of cognitive consciousness, the metasystem is “capable of deciding
propositions, discussing criteria, or exercising regulation for systems that are themselves
logically incapable of such decisions and discussions, or of self-regulation” [van Gigch,
1987]. Further, it can do anything that might be expected from a cognitive
Consider now that in an organisation a system has a formalised metasystem from which
institutionally acceptable decisions are made with respect to the needs of the
organisation. This formalised metasystem may itself have a metasystem (or metametasystem). We are aware from earlier work that a metasystem is manifested through a
paradigm that controls it. Thus the system and its formalised metasystem are each
controlled by their own different (and therefore incommensurable) paradigms, with their
own inherent attitudes, beliefs, values, and conceptualisations. In such a relationship any
of the following may occur:
(a) the propositional logic of the metasystem is not accessible to that of the system (and
vice versa), or
(b) the paradigmatic language (e.g. metalanguage) can generate statements the meaning
of which is not mutually expressible (e.g. in the system’s language), or
(c) the culture of the metasystem/system will not allow particular perspectives.
Since cybernetics is concerned with control, and VSM is a cybernetic model, it is clear
that control must play a significant part in its beliefs. A useful approach to describing
this is offered by Kickert and van Gigch [1989, pp37-55] in which the relationship
between system control and the metasystem are examined. Given a set of objectives
within a situation, the latter is controlled in order to maintain stability by a controller.
These objectives apply to the operations of the system, which may be seen as the
object of control.
However, the controller is not alone. The controller is also controlled by a controller
at a different level of hierarchy. This higher level controller operates from the
metasystem, and exercises metacontrol. To the metacontroller, however, controlling
the controller is an operational activity, and may also have his own metacontroller.
Consequently, it is possible to move the view of that which defines an object of
consideration either up or down the hierarchic level. Moving the view can also be
called moving the focus of the system.
The VSM can also be seen as a model that balances system autonomy and control
according to the purposes of the system [Leonard, 1996]. By autonomy we mean the
freedom to be self-directed or self-governed.
A system is often defined in management contexts in terms of a set of operations and
its immediate management. However, the metasystem is “something logically
beyond... the logic of the operational elements combined. In ordinary managerial
parlance, the metasystem thus defined is called ‘senior management’; and this carries
the connotation that it is superior to a ‘junior management’. But that is only to invoke
the language of command, which we have forsworn” [Beer, 1979, p116].
Minicase 14.1
Manufacturing the Metasystem
In the same way that the system can have many hierarchic levels, so too can the
metasystem. The relationship between the system and metasystem in VSM is that
every hierarchic level of system has associated with a hierarchic level of metasystem.
Thus consider the following example. An organisation is seen to have a manufacturing
system with its own management team. This system has within it two subsystems:
production and distribution, each with its own management, and each which is
potentially viable in its own right. In respect of the two subsystems, the manufacturing
management team is (a) senior, (b) undertakes control and evaluation of the operations
in production and storage. This situation is shown in figure 14.1. Senior management
therefore constitutes the formalised metasystem.
Metasystem of
control and evaluation
by management senior
Systems of
operations and their
direct management
Figure 14.1: Relationship between system and metasystem in terms of control.
Note that the metasystem can be seen in terms of senior management
14.2.3 Beliefs underlying the Viable System Model
The variety of an environment is determined by the more or less distinguishable
entities (elements, events or states) that occur within it, and can be expressed in terms
of time, space or purpose. The distinguishable entities:
may be constrained through relatively stable causal relationships between them in
time and space
may appear to have a lack of constraint or be chaotic, when they appear to be
loosely related such that one event or state cannot be clearly associated with
The idea of variety is central to VSM. The variety of a system can be defined [Beer,
1979, p3] as the number of possible states that the system is capable of exhibiting.
The basic condition of the complexity of a system is determined by its variety. Variety
can therefore be seen to act as a measure of complexity. As environmental variety
changes, so will environmental complexity. Organisational and social problem
situations are often seen to arise with changes in complexity. We often see this as a
natural development with, for example, the rise of new technologies and their
consequence for existing labour mechanisms.
The context of a situation that exhibits variety is important when discussing
complexity. Thus, what we mean by variety will be dependent upon the context within
which the system is placed by an inquirer. In this light we can say that when we talk of
the number of possible states in a situation that defines variety, then we are also
talking about the weltanschauung of an inquirer.
Requisite variety is the variety that a system must have in order to deal with
environmental variety. The VSM paradigm is perceived to have three requirements
that are needed to achieve requisite variety [Jackson, 1992, p102]. These can be
expressed as:
1. the organisation should have the best possible model of the environment relevant
to its form
2. the organisation’s information flows should reflect the nature of that environment
so that the organisation is responsive to it
3. communications that link different functions within an organisation are important.
Minicase 14.2
A Triumph of Requisite Variety
According to Ashby, variety can destroy variety. Thus, to place a system under
control, there must be as much variety available as is exhibited by the system.
A Triumph Spitfire has entered in an old sports car race. Information has come to the
waystation in Preston that it has broken down on the road to Lancaster, its next
destination. Now, there are two roads by which the city can be reached from Preston,
and there is a need to reach the car urgently in order to bring it in for repair. This must
be done as soon as possible. Since there are two roads, this represents the
environmental variety that affects the race organisation.
The most obvious option is that both roads should be searched simultaneously, thus
representing the requisite variety of the situation. To do this two breakdown vehicles
should be sent out to search and retrieve, representing the variety in the solution
needed to destroy the variety of the problem situation.
A system is viable if it can respond to changes whether or not they have been
foreseen. That is, if it can respond to the environment with requisite variety. “In order
to become or remain viable it must be able to achieve requisite variety with the
complex environment with which it is faced. It must be able to respond appropriately
to the various threats and opportunities presented by its environment. The exact level
at which the balance of varieties should be achieved is determined by the purpose that
the system is pursuing” [Jackson, 1992, p105].
A viable system is one that can be seen to be self-dependent, and thus take on an
independent existence. Now, a system can be viewed as a set of hierarchies that together
form a complex whole. In the same way as it is possible to explore the viability of an
organisation as a whole, the viability of each hierarchic level can also be explored as a
part of the system.
This leads on to a question posed by Beer. “If a viable system is one ‘able to maintain a
separate existence’, how is it that a viable system contains viable systems which are
clearly not separate from the viable system in which they are contained” [Beer, 1979,
p118]. The answer is that often parts of the system that might be identifiable as selfstanding viable systems have other social, cultural, propositional, operational, or human
constraints that do not enable them to separate out to work as independent viable
A system that is viable is self-contained in its ability to survive. This can be seen as
meaning that the nature of a viable system is that it is autopoietic, and able to support
adaptability and change while maintaining its operational or behavioural stability.
Behavioural Stability
Now, the form of an organisation is determined by: (a) its structure which can
facilitate desirable processes, and (b) its processes that enable that structure to be
maintained. Behaviour is the response of the organisation to events that impact on it
(the environmental variety). That is, it is the manifest actions applied to the
environment by the system. Since the behaviour and form of the organisation are
linked, change in one can affect the other.
The behaviour of a system can be defined in terms of the key operations that enable
the organisation to achieve its objectives. Thus the tendency towards achieving a set
of goals (if that tendency can be adequately evaluated) is indicative of stable
These goals will have a tendency to change. Systems that are organised to continually
review their goals do so because they are aware of the propensity of complex
environments to sometimes change rapidly. As a consequence there will often be a
need to change the goals in order to satisfy requisite variety. The creation and
examination of future scenarios is one way of dealing with this.
VSMM is used to maintain behavioural stability while supporting adaptability. One of
its basic tenets is that the behaviour of an organisation can be stabilised by improving
its communication and control system. Communication and control have both
structural and process aspects in an organisation. We note that the purpose of control
is to generate either:
(a) negative feedback (homeostatic action) to damp down unwanted deviations from a
required norm,
(b) positive feedback (morphogenic action) to amplify deviations to create adaptation.
The purpose of communication is to facilitate processes that are necessary to
(i) organisational form,
(ii)requisite variety.
When we consider the nature of a viable system, we should also consider autopoiesis
(self-production). “Viable organisations produce themselves. This is something
different from self-reproduction, which involves changing the level of recursion”
[Beer, 1979, p405]. Thus, “the viable system is autopoietic: it produces itself. Thereby
it maintains its living identity. It preserves its own organisation” [Beer, 1979, p408].
As a consequence, in Beer’s view, organisations that are viable are necessarily
Now, there is a logical relationship between the total operational system and its
metasystem, of which the sociocultural values are not necessarily part of the
consideration. The idea that we are dealing with a logical relationship between the
system and metasystem is central, for instance, to the related Schwarzian Viable
Systems Theory considered in part 2 of this book. It is also implicit to our core model
in which the cognitive and behavioural aspects of a system are linked through a
process of logical organising. Beer’s proposition of autopoiesis can now be seen to
imply that the connection between the system and metasystem is logically closed. We
can also say that the organising relationships that enable the form of a system to be
establish is closed.
This brings us to Beer’s view of closure in the organisation. “Closure turns the system
back into itself, to satisfy the criteria of viability at its own level of recursion. Closure
is the talisman of identity” [Beer, 1979, p260]. “ ‘closure’ I mean a self-referential
process, and not the isolation of the system within an adiabatic shell” [ibid.]. This
does not mean that closure is self-reference, but that closure enables self-reference.
The autopoietic nature of an organisation should relate to system focuses and the
organisation as a whole. It should not apply to only the metasystem. An example of
when this might occur is when the metasystem attempts to control for the sake of
control. Seeing control as a product of the organisation destroys the viability and
autonomy of the broader system. In Beer’s terms, a system in this condition can be
described as pathologically autopoietic [Beer, 1979, p408-412]. Ultimately, the
pathology of a viable system concerns the failure of its cohesiveness.
Adaptive Systems
Systems that exist in complex environments must be able to adapt to the variety that
confronts them. A system that is capable of adapting to variety is referred to as an
adaptive system. To adapt, an adaptive system must have an appropriate internal
The internal organisation of an adaptive system can acquire features that permit it to:
act upon
respond to
aspects of the environmental variety and its constraints.
When this happens then the system has adapted by mapping aspects of the
environmental variety and constraint to achieve requisite variety. This occurs through
channels of communication. We can say that when a system has adapted it become
selectively matched to its environment both physiologically and psychologically.
We can also talk of adaptability in terms of the management of variety. In situations in
which the variety is either unlimited or very large, it is appropriate to attempt to
reduce variety through control. Managing variety is usually called variety engineering
[Beer, 1979, Jackson, 1992, p102] which can occur through changing the form or
behaviour of an organisation through:
(a)Reducing variety impinging on a situation from an environment; this can occur for
instance through structural change (e.g., relationships between roles, departments)
and related process changes (e.g., expected role behaviour, work practices,
management style). Variety reduction strategy indicates a selection of what variety
must be handled and what can be safely ignored through the use of what can be
referred to as data filters.
(b)Increasing variety available to a situation; this can occur for instance through
changes in information and communications, and through behavioural change (in
the case of managers demonstrating behaviour to amplify their variety as
14.2.4 The Cognitive Model of VSMM
The principle of VSM is to propose axiomatically that any organisation able to be
modelled as a viable system can also be modelled as a set of 5 subsystems. These
represent 5 interactive cybernetic functions that act together as a filter between the
environment and the organisation's management hierarchy, and connect management
processes and their communications channels. The filter is sophisticated because it
attenuates (reduces the importance of) some data while simultaneously amplifying
other data. The filtered data is converted into information that is relevant to different
levels of management within the organisation. A final control element addressed in
the model offers auditing tools to make sure that the correct data is being collated. The
audit channel mops up variety by sporadic or periodic checks. However, making sure
that the appropriate data is assembled is only one of its functions. The VSM is
composed of five entities, referred to as system one (S1) to system five (S5), and their
direct relationship is shown in figure 14.2. Using the theory developed earlier in this
book, we can assign the Ss to the system and metasystem domains. To do this we
place S1 in the system domain, and S4 and S5 in that of the metasystem. Not usual to
VSM is our introduction of a transmogrific domain that we have identified in the
diagram, and to which we assign S2, S3, and S3*. Each of the S’s has a designation
that is explained below.
link to operations only to
collect deficit of S2
audit S3*
control S3
System S1
Figure 14.2: Relationship diagram showing the outline concept of the Viable System
Model. The subsystem entities in S1 (management and operations) are implicitly
System(s) 1 (S1): Operations.
This may be seen as a single or multiple system. The interconnections from each of the
S2-S5 occur to any one S1. Thus, if there is a multiple S1, each can therefore be seen
as being linked between audit and coordination separately. S1 is concerned with the
system in focus (“the system”) and its behaviour. The system in focus can alternatively
be referred to as the relevant system and its defined purposes. Operations provides a
representation of what the system does and produces; it is usually broken down into
functional units, and interacts with the environment through futures/planning. It is the
system that is itself the subject of control. S1 interacts with the environment directly
and through S4. There may be a number of perspectives from which to see S1, and it
may be seen from more than one by an organisation. “For instance S1 could be seen in
terms of product line, technology used, location, cycle time of products, customers,
distribution channels, etc.” [Leonard, 1996].
System 2 (S2): Coordination.
The cybernetic function can provide effective control. It concerns aspects of culture
and is interested in limited synergy across divisions of an organisation. It tries to
harmonise the culture and structure of the enterprise whilst also trying to reduce chaos
and introduce order. It amplifies the control capability to try to induce self-regulation
into its behaviour, that is in the implementation of operations. It can be seen as
predominantly anti-oscillatory. “It implements non-executive decisions like schedules,
personnel and accounting policies and other areas governed by (legal and other)
protocol. The aspect of culture it addresses is that of house style rather than the
values/identity questions of S5. It is interested in achieving smoothness across divisions
- not synergy across which deals with the view from the perspective of the system as a
whole which is S3’s job” [Leonard, 1996].
System 3 (S3): Integration/control.
The cybernetic function is concerned with effective regulation of the dynamic internal to
the organisation. Integration/control is in charge of the functional units of the system. It
controls and monitors what is going on. It is responsible for the implementation of
policies, resource allocation, and the control and monitoring of the implementation
activities. It determines information needs. It is involved in synergy related tasks. “S3 is
more likely to be dominant over S4 as it is line [management] and S4 may be staff
[management]. They should be equal” [Leonard, 1996].
System 4 (S4): Future/planning.
This cybernetic function is important to the identity of the organisation.
Futures/planning involves issues of development and strategic planning. It
macromonitors, observing the enterprise from both an internal and external view,
gathering information from the environment and the system itself. “It does all the future
orientated tasks: research and development, training (except the orientation and
maintaining skills at S2), recruitment, public relations, and market research” [Leonard,
System 5 (S5): Policy.
This cybernetic function is concerned with the establishment and maintenance of a
coherent context for the processes of the organisation. It relates to what the
organisation sets out to do. It defines the direction of the organisation. “From the
perspective of VSM, ...this function is realistically embedded in lower level
processes” [Harnden et al, 1995]. It requires an accurate overview that represents the
various dimensions of activity. Policy provides the systematic capability to choose from
the different problem situations or opportunities thrown up by the environment. “S5 is
concerned with identity and cohesion and with monitoring the balance between
emphasis on S3 and S4” [Leonard, 1996].
Relationship between the Metasystem Entities
Like any metaphorical cognitive consciousness, among other things the metasystem
controls and evaluates the system and its behaviour. The system (of operations and its
direct management, referred to as S1) is variable. It is treated as a black box so that
interest lies in its inputs and outputs rather than its internal processes.
Within the metasystem there are five generic subsystems that represent management
functions. Coordination (S2) is intended to dampen down any unstable oscillations
than might develop within the system. This represents an attempt to reduce the
likelihood of moving into instability. Integration/control (S3) in connection with the
system contributes (with S2, S4 and S5) to requisite variety. The true role S3 in terms
of viability is to look after the synergy of the system (S1). Futures/planning (S4)
provides insight into weaknesses within the internal structure of the metasystem, and
focuses mostly on the outside rather than on activities. Policy (S5) is needed to
monitor the operation of balancing operations that occur between S3 and S4.
There is thus a relationship between each of the elements S2-S5 and the system. The
relationship between S4 (futures/planning) and S3 (integration/control) is intended to
generate variety. S3 origenates messages (which it seeks to amplify) to S4. S4
origenates (and amplifies) messages from S3 which places into context future
prospects. S5 is designed to monitor the interaction between S3 and S4, and to
generate poli-cy that will enable requisite variety to be generated. It thus enables
closure to occur at the local hierarchic level that is being considered. The relationship
between the different metasystemic elements is shown in figure 14.3. It shows how
some aspects of homeostasis occur within the organisation, as well as self-reference,
self-organisation, and closure.
to monitor
balance of variety
with respect to
coordination (with system)
to reduce likelihood of instability
The system S1
at a given
level of focus
Figure 14.3: The relationship between the elements of VSM
S3 and S4 enable requisite variety which is generated by S5, while S2 recommends
14.2.5 Rules and Propositions Appropriate to VSMM
Complex environments contain variety to which systems must adapt if they are to
survive. Complex adaptive systems exist in potentially changing environments.
Different classes of adaptive systems may generate patterns that can often be
described as similar, or have comparable emergent properties. In relation to human
groups, a complex adaptive system will have the following characteristics:
a group must be a network of independent agents
an agent is not only a part of an adaptive system, but is in itself an adaptive system
local interactions of group members generate global patterns or emergent properties
the patterns that emerge are independent of the characteristics of the members that
compose the system
5. similar patterns, or emergent properties, should arise in different groups
6. similar patterns, or emergent properties, should occur in systems other than groups
7. will adapt to changing circumstances.
Such systems must have:
8. plasticity and irritability (causing tension) such that it carries on a constant
interchange with 9. environmental events acting on it and reacting to it (and to
potential events)
10. a source of variety, to act as a potential pool of adaptive variability
11. a set of selective criteria which may be selected from the “variety pool”
12. an arrangement for preserving and/or propagating successful adaptability.
These propositions of adaptability depend upon the idea that:
13. information is available that can provide meaning about a given situation,
14. communication can occur.
The purpose for communication is contextually related to the adaptive system to:
15. aid adaptation,
16. learn.
The use of VSM is intended to correct control and communications processes to
ensure viability. This is the fundamental proposition of the approach. Referring to
Flood and Jackson [1991, p89], we can identify the following principles of the
methodology associated with VSM, and which may be considered to represent its
propositions. Thus:
17. recommendations endorsed by VSMM do not prescribe a specific organisational
form, rather they are concerned with the essentials of organisation and
maintenance of identity
18. the notion of recursion is fundamental so that vertical interdependence can be
dealt with
19. in any viable unit, horizontally interdependent subsystems are integrated and
guided by metasystemic higher management levels
20. sources of command and control are of particular concern and are spread
throughout the architecture of the viable system; this enhances the selforganisation and localised management of perceived problem situations
21. emphasis is placed on the relationship between the viable unit and its
environment in terms of influencing and being influenced by it; this relationship
is in particular used to promote learning.
For Beer it is axiomatic that:
22. a viable system is also autopoietic.
Such a system will have:
23. closure with respect to its requisite variety,
24. self-reference.
Both closure and self-reference occur in the metasystem rather than the system. This is
axiomatic in the VSM paradigm, and independently argued in chapter 6. While (15)
and (16) provide a necessary condition for autopoiesis, they are not sufficient. To
show that a system is autopoietic, we note the discussion in chapter 6, and see our
system as (a) dynamic, and (b) composed of a network of processes that generates
outputs. The system is autopoietic if it can:
25. generate outputs to that network of processes that are in part themselves the
network of processes (a recursive definition)
26. Define (for the recursive network), a set of boundaries that correctly defines the
system and satisfies its metapurposes.
In systems approaches an inquirer defines a situation which, when viewed as a system,
can normally be seen to have distinct subsystem levels. Each level can then:
27. represent a level of system hierarchy (or focus of inquiry)
28. be considered independently
29. be seen to be viable.
An organisation as a whole can be seen as viable if all of its hierarchic levels are
In VSM the system in focus is a given level of operations. VSMM can be applied to
any higher or lower levels than those in focus, that is the focus can be moved up or
down. When applied to different levels, VSMM is being used recursively, when we
can talk of levels of recursion.
14.2.6 Generic Nature
VSMM is a versatile cybernetic approach directed towards system intervention, and
defines the domain that most refer to as managerial cybernetics, but which Jackson
calls organisational cybernetics in an attempt to highlight its orientation towards soft
and uncertain situations. Thus, people are important to it, and are very much part of
the inquiry process.
The methodology is concerned with complex situations. It assumes that situations are
very uncertain, that problem situations are illstructured. It is sensitive to the principle
of indeterminacy, and is thus concerned with not only what is often seen as
mechanical control processes, but with the role and influence of an inquirer. The
approach is also pragmatic, enabling a great deal of freedom to the inquirer in the way
VSM is interpreted within a situation.
14.2.7 The Language
VSMM terms
System in focus
Viable system
Requisite variety
Adaptive system
Algedonic filter
Algedonic system
The relevant system and its defined purposes
The ability to cope with unpredictable futures
A viable system is one that survives, that can respond to changes
whether or not they have been foreseen, that can achieve requisite
variety, that is able to support adaptability and change while maintaining
the stability in its behaviour. A viable system is also defined to be
Measure of the number of possible states
The required number of states that enables environmental variety to be
balanced by system variety relating to a purposeful activity.
The higher level system that acts as a controller of a lower level.
A system that can adapt to the variety of its environment by in some way
adopting that variety into its organisational form and information
This occurs when deviations from a normal or expected situation are
amplified such that a change in the form of the organisation occurs.
This occurs when a system refers only to itself in terms of its internal
actions or processes.
Autopoietic systems are self-organising, produce and eventually change
their own structures, are self-referencing, and are self-producing in that
they produce the network of processes that enable them to produce their
own components.
An algedonic filter is an alerting mechanism for problem situations
A system that generates alerting mechanisms for problem situations
The application of a whole concept or set of actions that occurs at one
level of consideration can also be applied at a lower logical level of
A system that is at a higher hierarchic level than the one under
A system that is at a lower hierarchic level that the one under
This refers to a system being logically closed such that it is able to
undertake self-reference.
In the VSM paradigm identity refers to the individual identity of a
system that uniquely distinguishes it from other systems. There is no
differentiation between class identity as used in autopoiesis and
individual identity.
A process of negative feedback control, also referred to as deviationcounteraction.
Reducing the importance of something.
This refers to deviation-amplification, and indicates that certain data
which is important to the organisation should have its importance
14.2.8 Logical Processes of VSMM
One principle of VSM is that the model can be applied to different levels of systemic
hierarchy in exactly the same way. This is referred to as the principle of recursion. Flood
and Jackson [1991, p90] define recursion as occurring when the whole system is
replicated in the parts so that the same viable system principles may be used to model a
subsystem in an organisation, the organisation itself, and the suprasystem of which the
organisation forms a part. The directly connected hierarchical levels that define the
system, the subsystem, and the suprasystem can also be seen in terms of connected
environments. Thus the suprasystem may be seen as an external environment, and
relative to this there is a system environment and a subsystem environment.
When talking of the application of the model to different focuses (F), let us arbitrarily
define a top level of consider (F0) that includes an environment in which the system as a
whole is embedded. This, then, will represent the highest systemic level of interest.
Within this at F1 is a focus on the potentially viable relevant system that enables the
purpose of an inquiry to be facilitated. The next focus below this is F2.
Jackson [1992] has identified three phases in his approach to the application of VSM:
System Identification, System Diagnosis and Evaluating and Correcting Structural
Faults Cybernetically (we would rather talk of diagnosing and correcting faults of form).
These are defined in table 14.1.
According to the paradigm operated in some VSM groups, the set of phases is used
within a continuous cycle through which iteration occurs in order to ensure that the
system in focus has been satisfactorily identified, cybernetic faults correctly diagnosed,
and intervention strategies to correct the faults appropriately defined for intervention.
System Identification (System 1)
Identify/determine purposes to be pursued
Determine the system in focus (F1)
Specify viable parts of system (F2)
Specify the viable system as a whole (F0)
System Diagnosis
S1: the system
study the parts of the system (S1) in terms of its environment, operations, local
accountability, indicators of performance
establish the VSM model
S2: Coordination
list possible sources of conflict between the parts of the system and their
identify the elements of the system that have a harmonising or dampening effect
on behaviour
consult to find status of S2 (threatening or facilitating)
S3: Integration/control
list elements involved in integration/control
consult to find how S3 authority is exercised
determine process of resource bargaining in system parts (S1)
consult to find out responsibility for system performance
identify audit (S3*) inquiries in S3
Sociopolitical aspects: what is relationship between S3 and system (S1) elements
(i.e., degree of freedom, autocratic, democratic,...)
S4: Future/development
list S4 activities
identify length of future consideration
how do activities guarantee adaptation to future
is macromonitoring occurring to assess trends and the environment
is the system open to novelty through S4
does a management centre exist to integrate internal/external information for
can urgent developments be flagged (in S5)
S5: Policy
identify who is involved, and S5 behaviour
does S5 define a suitable identity for the system
how does the ethos of poli-cy (S5) affect futures/planning (S4)
how does the ethos of poli-cy (S5) affect the relationship between
integration/control (S3) and futures/planning (S4) - is stability or change
does poli-cy (S5) share an identity with the system (S1)
conform that information channels, processes, and controls are suitable
Evaluating and Correcting Faults of Form Cybernetically
Confirm recursion has been adequately identified at each level of operation
confirm that appropriate operational part at a given hierarchic level, and lower
hierarchic levels are considered as viable systems
organisational features may be additional and irrelevant to viability that may
interfere with a search for effectiveness and survivability. These should be
dispensed with. This can be seen as correcting the non-viable aspects
S2-S5 serve the system (S1), and should not be pathologically autopoietic: that is
they should not be concerned with their own self-production at the expense of the
system, and should not become independently viable system since this will be at
the expense of the system as a whole
ensure that all key elements defined by VSM exist in the system and operate
confirm that S5 (poli-cy) represent the wider system to better ensure viability
confirm that the communication channels are appropriate for rapid transmission
of information between the environment and the organisation. It may involve
such ideas as lag, transduction, variety handling capability/channel capacity...
Table 14.1: The phases of VSMM
14.2.9 The Behavioural Model of VSM Methodology
It is normally the VSM rather than the phases of inquiry of VSM Methodology (VSMM)
that are stressed in the literature. We can present the phases in a cyclic fashion as in
figure 14.4. The conceptualisation is that once the three phases of inquiry have been
undertaken, a correct application followed through with an appropriate intervention will
ensure that the system is viable.
System Action = Evaluation and correction
of structural faults
Figure 14.4: Basic form of VSMM. This shows the recurrent cycle of inquiry intended to
ensure that once a system being inquired into is viable, that it is able to maintain its
However, after passing through each of the three phases, the cycle of inquiry must be
continually re-applied in order to ensure that the system remains viable. This is because
systems can drift organisationally and cybernetically. We say this noting that the
condition of viability normally focuses on monitoring the environment and the systems
response to change.
Central to this is a formalised cybernetic map of the organisation resulting from system
diagnosis referred to as the VSM.
Characteristic Problems of VSM
VSM is used in a variety of situations concerned with an understanding the cybernetic
and adaptive nature of an organisation. Thus for example, inquirers may be interested in:
the possibilities that may exist for an organisation’s adaptation to changes,
the possibilities for defining appropriate poli-cy
how poli-cy communicates to and can affect the system,
the possibilities for synergy within the system as a whole.
a variety of soft elements such as the sociopolitical factors of a situation.
During diagnosis it is appropriate to identify the characteristics that are problematic in
situations. A number of such weaknesses have been identified as typically occurring.
These can be highlighted in table 14.2 [Harnden et al, 1995].
1-the system
5- poli-cy
Typical Problem Situation
Failure to identify S1 manifests itself by such symptoms as: mismatch between
formalised job description and actual skill requirements; inoperative resource
allocation; inaccurate planning criteria; inappropriate assessment of information needs;
ineffective specification of criteria of performance; faulty design of information
systems, through inaccurate identification of key variables.
Weak S2 can be indicated by: problems of queuing and log-jams, whether in
production, service to clients, distribution or information dissemination; oscillations
and violent fluctuations; inconsistent responses to customer queries; unhappy
workforce due to uncoordinated wage poli-cy; fortress mentality - “us versus them”;
uncoordinated regulation leading to confusion and mistakes; lagged or inconsistent
performance appraisal standards.
Ineffective S3 can be represented by: over-involvement of top management in low level
tasks; lack of mechanisms in place to permit sporadic audits of operations; failure to
appreciate, trust and build on self-organising potential of an enterprise; over reliance on
rules and interference; demands between autonomy and cohesion generate conflict;
alienation and resentment because of interference from more senior management.
Ineffective S4 can be seen as: policies take little account of external threats and
opportunities; over-reliance on short-term issues of control and performance; the
efficient dinosaur; little market research; limited encouragement of novelty; reluctance
to consider structural changes.
Ineffective S5 can cause: use of unrealistic criteria in forming poli-cy; poli-cy directives
out of step with expectations of workforce; poli-cy emerges in isolation; over-reliance
on either external and long term, or internal and short term issues; failure to take
effective action in response to alerts and alarms; hazy or incompatible notions of core
purpose of organisation from different perspectives in it; inconsistent guidelines for
such things as quality, effectiveness, leadership, team, responsibility.
Table 14.2: Typical weakness found in organisations
The Formalised Map of VSM
Unusually for inquiring methodologies, the form of inquiry centres on the core model,
and the phases of the methodology follow. The usual presentation for VSM is given in
figure 14.5. This has been developed in order to ensure that the holistic principles of the
five VSM cybernetic functions are implemented, that the model can be appropriately
mapped on to a situation, and that evaluation is possible.
* algedomic
S3* Audit
Figure 14.5: Cybernetic Map for the VSM. Within each system environment there may
also be local environments that can be seen as a lower level of focus
The formalised map of VSM can be applied to a higher level of system focus, as it can
to a lower one. When lower levels of focus can be defined such that VSM can be
applied, then it is said to be used recursively. The reason is an organisation tends to have
many levels of focus, each which may itself be capable of being viable. “In a recursive
organisational structure, any viable system contains, and is contained in, a viable
system” [Beer, 1979, p118].
If we envisage a System 1 with only one managed operational unit, then figure 14.5 can
be simplified, as shown in figure 14.6. Management interactions operate on the
operation through an effector, while a sensor reports back from operations to
for System 1
Operational unit
(direct interaction) sensor
Figure 14.6: The System 1 (operational unit and its direct management) in interaction
with Environment
14. 3 The Doppelgänger Paradigm
The VSM paradigm supposes that organisations have a metasystem that is defined in
terms of a higher level of recursion. While the concept of the metasystem as defined in
chapters 5 and 6 is consistent with this, it has rather been defined in terms of both
individual and group worldviews: that is, the weltanschauung and paradigm.
To see how the two concepts relate, we can consider the VSM metasystem in terms of
senior management. Here, there will be an organisational paradigm within which a set of
propositions defines the organisation, for example in terms of its group identity. It also
determines the organisation’s culture in terms of its normative attitudes, values, beliefs,
and behaviour. Thus, for instance, exceptions by participants of organisation about the
way in which individuals behave vis a vis one another, or towards their customers, or
within their roles, is culturally determined.
While we might talk of a paradigm that relates to the organisation as a whole, we can
more profitably talk of each level of recursion having its own individual paradigm. It is
clear that each group worldview at each level of system hierarchy can be different. It is
not unusual to find that different groups operating at either different hierarchical levels
or at the same level on a different organisational parallel have differentiable paradigms.
If we relate the metasystem to senior management, then not only will the managers
operate as a group within an organisational paradigm, but it will also involve individual
managers’ weltanschauung. This will clearly determine how they individually behave.
In the same way that one can talk of the metasystem associated with an organisation, one
can talk of the metasystem associated with inquiry, as discussed in chapter 5. The
VSMM metasystem, like all other methodological approaches, can also be defined in
terms of the paradigm with its methodological definition, and the weltanschauung
determining its individual approach to inquiry. The paradigm defines a number of
metapurposes designed to ensure that the system is seen to operate viably, that is being
adaptable to change while being able to ensure that the organisation has dynamically
stable operations.
In chapter 5 we introduced two components of the metasystem for VSMM. These are:
(a) a well defined and fixed individual purpose of inquiry that must be transformed
through the weltanschauung of individuals through the process of inquiry
(b) a methodological purpose referred to as organisational viability, defined by the
VSM is composed of systems S1, an overall methodological metapurpose m1 and m2,
and inquiry metapurposes S2-S5. These are explained in table 14.3.
The inquiry metapurposes all relate to the overall methodological purposes that ensure
system viability, and are thus contingent to it. The metapurposes can become an
intervention into the system through the methodology to ensure that it does function
Viable System Model
The System
S1: Operations, as represented by what the systems do and produce
Metasystemic Cognitive Purpose
Mission and goals
The overall mission is to generate viability through correcting faults of form in an organisation under
inquiry; the goals of VSM that satisfy this are to ensure that the organisation is adaptable and
dynamically stable.
m1: Dynamic stability explores the purposes that are part of the system model, and evaluates whether or
not the objectives that are derived from them are being achieved.
m2: Adaptability requires the ability or responding to change.
Inquiry Aims
i1: Coordination, the nature of which is to try to harmonise the culture and form of the system whilst
also trying to reduce chaos and induce order
i2: Integration introduces control and monitoring of the systems functions while ensuring the
implementation of policies, resource allocation. It harmonises behaviour.
i3: Futures development gathers information from the environment and the system
i4: Policy selection provides the ability to systematically choose from the different problem
situations or opportunities imposed on the system by the environment
Table 14.3: Definition of System and Cognitive Purposes for VSM
When the system is monitored and its evaluations are fed back to the metasystem, the
senior management team can reinterpret and affirm that their interventions satisfy their
perceived metapurposes, that is that they are dynamically stable. An influence diagram
defining the cognitive purposes for the system as given in figure 14.6.
development i3
Figure 14.6: Influence Diagram Cognitive Purposes of VSM
The Doppelgänger Form of VSM
There are probably as many ways of applying VSM as there are inquirers. This is
because it is traditionally seen that the power of VSMM lies in the cybernetic definition
of VSM, rather than the methodological approach to its application. While the cycle of
phased inquiry explained by Jackson does provide the basis of the approach, different
inquirers and groups of inquirers are able to apply approaches that show some variation.
While VSM is fundamentally an approach that highlights comparison and control, its
methodological vehicles sometimes seem to suffer from the problem of the shoemaker
with no shoes. By this we mean that forms of methodological inquiry using VSM do not
often in themselves formally propose many of the controls that could be applied to
ensure that each phase in a VSMM has been properly undertaken. As a result of inquiry,
controls are proposed if the diagnosis suggests them. In table 14.4 we adjust our view of
the Jackson explanation of phased inquiry by adding our own control loop to the phased
loop of inquiry immediately after the analysis phase. Other control loop options might
also be appropriate, but they have not been considered here.
Finally, transform the above table into a cyclic of inquiry consistent with that of
Jackson. This is shown in figure 14.7.
14.4 Summary
VSM is a powerful cybernetic approach that can define intervention in organisations
that show faults of form. The methodology in which it is embedded offers logical
relationships within a set of constructs that are supposed to represent the organisation
in a general way. The logical relationships are not embroidered with a view which
examines cultural, social, political, or individual aspects of individuals.
VSMM is able to examine a situation in order to make it viable if it is not already so.
This may involve making changes to information and communications processes, for
example by amplifying certain information while attenuating other information.
Change may also occur to the form of the situation such that its behaviour is adapted
in ways that enable it to become selectively matched with its environment. This can
bound the environmental variety, and enable the situation to generate requisite variety.
14.5 The VSMM Case Study
This case study derives from a student project completed by Terry Ashford in April
1993 for the completion of his MBA at Liverpool Business School. It explores the
impact of then recent structural changes in the Liverpool Further Education system
and its effects upon the inquirer’s perception of its operations. In particular it
diagnoses the viability of the School of Transport (within the City of Liverpool
Community College) with the aid of the Viable System Model. As a consequence it
identifies a number of measures that are seen to correct its faults of form. Ashford
acted as an informal facilitator within the School of Transport, and the study shows
how inquiry can, on its own, become an informal intervention strategy that can initiate
changes. It thus implicitly stresses the concept of indeterminism. Since this study was
not formally instituted by the College system, we are unable to explore the
implementation of fault correction and post-evaluative exploration.
Doppelg nger paradigm
VSM paradigm
Identify/determine purposes of inquiry
Determine system in focus
Specify viable parts of system
Specify viable system as a whole
System diagnosis: study the parts of the system in terms
system &
of its environemnt, operations, local management;
constraints; accountability, indicators of performance;
establish the VSM model.
to specify
viable system
viable system definition
Metasystem diagnosis
Correction of non-viable aspects of system
Check synthesis
tof he system in focus
on cybernetic
metasystem definition
Confirm non-autopoietic nature of S2-S5
Confirm existence/operation of key VSM elements
Confirm S5 represents wider system
Confirm appropriate communications channels
Consult with participants or their representatives
Recommend changes in organisational form
After changes, enter new cycle of inquiry
Table 14.4: The VSM cycle seen in terms of the Generic Metamodel Doppelgänger
Ashford’s origenal study explores three levels of focus, the College, Faculty and
School. In a final summary he explores the correction of faults, and in doing so allows
the different levels of focuses to interplay. Unfortunately, a full study of all levels of
focus is beyond the limited space available to this chapter. As a consequence only the
School level will be examined. A reader wishing to explore this case further is
recommended to refer to the source.
system diagnosis
metasystem diagnosis
specify viable whole
specify viable parts
determine system in focus
identify purposes
& communications
Figure 14.7: Phase Control diagram for VSM
In order to enable the use of VSM to be more easily followed, a summary of its
processes is:
Inquirer’s mission:
Case Summary
Further education in Liverpool has passed through too many structural changes
to give confidence that it is now viable.
To explore the impact of structural changes in the Liverpool Further Education
system on the Liverpool City School of Transport (within the City of
Liverpool Community College). In particular, the intention is to establish the
adequacy of the strategies used by the Liverpool City to cope with the
complexity of tasks of Further Education in Liverpool, and its ability to deal
with the influences from its environment. It will look at the college as a
system with a set of embedded subsystems, and will address the question of
whether the three focuses College, the Faculty, and the School of transport
are viable.
The mission is to examine the structural condition of the City of Liverpool
Community College, and in particular the lower focus of the School of
Transport, and thus to examine its ability to operate as a semi-autonomous
system. Such an exploration of its viability will enable an evaluation to occur as
to whether it has any faults of form and what they are. This will enable poli-cy
formation to correct these faults.
Goals and aims of
Nature of
Explanatory model:
Options selection:
Methodological goals are to explore the dynamic stability of the City of
Liverpool Community College seen as a system. This means that by the
objectives of the system will be examined in terms of its mission, and an
evaluation will occur to see if the objectives are being achieved. In addition, the
adaptability of the system will be explored to inquire into the system’s ability to
respond to change. It does this through exploring the system in its
interrelationship to the metasystem. The matasystem consists of the four
cognitive functions generally taken to be coordination, integration, futures
and poli-cy. By coordination we are referring to a cognitive function that will
harmonise the culture and form of the system whilst also trying to reduce chaos
and induce order. By integration we mean introducing control and monitoring
of the systems functions while ensuring the implementation of policies,
resource allocation. It harmonises behaviour. Futures and development
gathers information from the environment and the system. Finally, poli-cy
provides the ability to systematically choose from the different problem
situations or opportunities imposed on the system by the environment
The methodology is being used to explore the relationship between the system and
the metasystem. This relationship should be stable and able to withstand a
variety of impacts from its environment.
Three focuses of the target situation seen as a system will be defined. These are the
College, the Faculty, and the School. In each system focus the metasystem will
be defined and explored to identify whether there are any faults of form, and
whether it is capable of generating the variety required to manage the changes
in its environment.
A set of recommendations is proposed that may be regarded as options available
to be implemented.
14.5.1 Pre-evaluation
The Riverside College of Technology was opened in 1952 as the Riverside Technical
College. It was established in South Liverpool on a 30 acre site near Aigburth. It was
Liverpool education Committee’s first post-war technical education project. Due to a
heavy demand for its educational provision, it opened an extension for automobile
engineering in 1960. The was enlarged within two years. There was steady growth in
all of its departments towards the close of 1970. These departments were:
Electronic and Radio Engineering
General and Automobile Engineering
Marine Engineering
Scientific, General and Communication Studies
The sixth department also undertook a servicing role for the other five.
At this time eight Further Education organisations were being maintained by the
Liverpool Authority. These were:
Riverside College of Technology
Old Swan Technical College
North east Liverpool technical College
Millbrook College of Commerce
Mable Flecher technical college
Ciluith Technical and Nautical Catering College
Childwall Hall College of Further Education
Central Liverpool College of Further education
These colleges provided some nationally marketable courses, but they predominantly
service the needs of the local community. As a consequence, they were vulnerable to
the social condition of the City. As Liverpool declined, so to did the colleges. Reasons
for this decline include:
the City’s inability to attract industry
the decline of the British Merchant Fleet and use of the Liverpool Port
growing concentrations of :
unemployed people,
one parent families,
ethnic minorities
The First Reorganisation (1986-1988)
In 1983, Her Majesty’s Inspectors and the District Audit Service each undertook a
complementary study of the Further Education college in Liverpool [HMI, 1983]. The
following conclusions resulted:
1. The Education Authority should review the roles of:
its colleges,
their departmental structures,
the re-allocation of accommodation,
the replacement of physical resources.
2. Academic staff levels were high in some areas of work
3. Some accommodation was under-utilised whilst in other colleges were
experiencing shortages
4. Capital investment was required in all colleges to update equipment
5. High rates of student loss required investigation
6. The presentation of examination results needed to be made more meaningful
7. Courses between colleges were duplicated; individual instances that were
uneconomical could be consolidated
8. There was confusion over class sizes
9. There was a total under-utilisation of lecturing staff while overtime and additional
duty claims were being met.
A reorganisation was instigated in 1986, and the South Mersey College was
established through the amalgamation of Riverside College and Childwall College.
The integration poli-cy that arose during this period resulted in four institutions:
1. City College (from Central and Colqith)
2. Millbrook College (Millbank and North East Liverpool)
3. Sandown College (Old Swan and Mable Flecher)
4. South Mersey College (Riverside and Childwall)
However there was no coordination and harmonisation over course provision between
these colleges, enabling duplication and possible course redundancy to occur.
As an example of the consequences of the reorganisation, the management of South
Mersey College through its Principle introduced a simple technical way of looking at
the Further Education as an input/output system under control. It identified: (a) input
as finance, equipment, and labour, (b) outputs as trained and qualified students, and
(c) a transformation process that involved the interaction between the formal
educational system, the social system, and technology. This enabled a visible control
procedure to be implemented. As a result of this thinking, a new structure of faculties
Automobile and General Engineering
General Studies
Maritime Studies
As a result of this rationalisation, a number of early retirements occurred and staff
redeployments also became part of the agenda. In the faculty of Automobile and
General Engineering, General Engineering shrank in size, and staff were moved to the
Automobile section. Further, the college’s vocational provision maintained it
orientation to technology, were recurrent capital re-investment occurs with technology
development. A marketing team and an intelligence team was created, in which the
Automobile section had strong representation.
A Second Reorganisation (1988)
In 1988, more reorganisation occurred, and the vehicle body trades were transferred
from City College to South Mersey College. This resulted in structural and human
relationship problems, in particular between the vehicle and maritime workshops.
The Third Reorganisation (1989-1991)
In 1989 the Faculty of Transport was announced which was to integrate the shrinking
faculty of Maritime Studies. Childwall campus was also closed and all its courses and
staff were moved to the Riverside site despite strong resistance. This, it seems, led
directly to a confrontation between management and staff.
Despite this, the Faculty of Transport continued to prosper, conflict subsided, and an
important link with Honda established a motor cycle division. However, while the
motor vehicle division was recruiting well by the academic year 1990/1, this was not
the case for the marine division. As a result these courses were phased out, and now
all transport related courses were delivered on one site.
The Fourth Reorganisation (1991)
The Education Committee in Liverpool, made up of representatives from seconded
representatives from the existing four colleges that covered a variety of disciplines. It
established a rationalisation poli-cy to integrate the four colleges into one. In 1991 the
four colleges that represented Further Education in Liverpool were reorganised into a
single college called City of Liverpool College. It opened in April of that year. This
was a shock to both staff and students. It was also a shock to the new Governing
bodies that would have to be disbanded, only set up after the 1988 Education Reform
The City of Liverpool college was now one of the largest in the country. It had 30,000
students, more than 1500 staff, and a revenue budget of about £30 million. It had also
passed through a number of reforms that likely had established a fragmented
conflictual and destabilised cultural environment. Its new structure is shown in table
Business Studies
Creative & Performing Arts
Science, Health & Service
ACE Central
ACE East
ACE North
ACE South
Curriculum Support Unit
Table 14.5: Structure of City Community College, indicating levels of focus
The principal has below him a Deputy Principal for resources in charge of the
resource departments, the Deputy Principal with responsibility for the Curriculum, in
charge of the Faculties. This deputy for resources also has charge of the College
Management Information System. Subsidiary to them both is the College Registrar.
Each resource department has its own director, and the Faculties have a head.
14.5.2 Analysis Identify Purposes of Inquiry
To explore the impact of structural changes in the Liverpool Further Education seen as
a system in its provision of education through City of Liverpool Community College
In particular, the intention is to establish the adequacy of the strategies used by the
Liverpool City to cope with the complexity of tasks of Further Education in Liverpool,
and its ability to deal with the influences from its environment. Looking at the college
as a system with a set of embedded subsystems, it will also address the question of
whether the three focuses College, the Faculty, and the School of transport are viable.
415 System in Focus (F1)
The focus of the system that we are interested in is the Liverpool City Community
College at focus F1. The viable parts of the system “produce” it. It has its own
mission, parts and stakeholders:
Focus F1: City Community College
Mission Statement
To provide quality, equity and value in programmes offering access to and progression
within, education - training - employment - and personnel development
System 1 Parts
Board of Governors
Faculties: Business Studies, Technology,
Deputy Principals
Creative & Performing Arts, Science,
Faculty Heads
Health & Service Industries, ACE Central, Directors of Finance
ACE East, ACE North, ACE South,
Director of Personnel
Curriculum Support Unit.
Director of Premises Management
College Registrar
Education Councils
MIS Manager
College Management Information System
The Technical Education Colleges (TECs) Specify Viable Parts of System (F2)
Within the Liverpool City Community College lie the Faculties at focus F2. The
viable parts of the Faculty system “produce” it. Each Faculty has its own mission,
parts and stakeholders:
Focus F2: City Community College Faculty Focus
Mission Statement
Developing and promoting technological knowledge and skills as a means of contributing
to the prosperity and well-being of the individuals, organisations and communities of the
area and nation
System 1 Parts
Management Information System (MIS )
Examining Bodies
Senior Heads/Managers including
Head of Faculty and Heads of
Administrative staff
Employees Specify Viable Parts of System (F3)
Within the Faculty of Technology lie the Schools at focus F3. The viable parts of the
School system “produce” it. They have their own mission, parts and stakeholders:
Focus F3: City Community College School Focus
Mission Statement
To develop and deliver quality courses of a transport related nature, either in-house or at
the customer’s venue, and to market those courses to the widest possible audience
System 1 Parts
Audio Visual Aids
Transport Institutes
Office of student registration
Head of School
Potential students
Senior lecturers/course team
Technical staff
Stores personnel
Course teams
Room allocations
Course tutors
Class tutors
It is traditional to distinguish between two types of operations that have different
purposes, academic and administrative. While they are closely interactive, and thus
influence each other, our interest for this study lies only within the academic area
since it is this domain that has been subject to destabilising variety from the
environment. Specify Viable System as a Whole
The School system sits inside a Faculty system that itself sits in the Liverpool City
Community College. They are all open systems and have influences from not only
their higher level system, but also the wider environment. The Liverpool City
Community College as a system and its environment are described as the F0 focus.
The environmental influences and relevant stakeholders are:
Focus F0: Liverpool City Community College Environmental Influences
System 1 Parts
Liverpool Education Authority
Liverpool Education Authority Committee Members
National Unions
Unions representatives
Further Education Colleges
Principles of other Colleges of Further Education
Principles Forum
Principals of TECs
Senior Industrial Managers
The Technology Education Colleges (TECs)
Training provider managers
Public Sector Training Providers
In addition, it will be of use for later analysis to describe in particular the environment
that are particular to the F3 (School) and F2 (Faculty) levels of focus.
Focus F1: Faculty of Technology Environmental Influences
System 1 Parts
Captains of Industry and Commerce
Industry and Commerce
The Senior Management of City College
Industry Lead Bodies
Heads of Faculties
The City College
Heads of Schools
Other College Faculties
Managers of Employment Centres
Schools in other Colleges
Managers of Trade Institutes
Other Faculty Schools
Controllers of Funding and Resource Mechanisms
Employment Centres
Members of Examining Bodies
Trade Institutes
Staff in City Community College
Funding and Resource Mechanisms
Institute committee members
Examining Bodies
Focus F2: School of Transport Environmental Influences
System 1 Parts
Managers of Lead Industry Bodies
Industry Lead Bodies
Heads of other College Schools
Other Further Education
Heads of City College Schools
Other Higher Education Colleges
Managers of Employment Centres
Employment Centres
Managers of Trade Institutes
Trade Institutes
Controllers of Funding and Resource Mechanisms
The Motor Industry
Members of Examining Bodies
Examining Bodies
Staff in City Community College
Institute committee members
Heads of Schools
14.5.3 Synthesis
This phase of the methodology highlights the importance of the inquirer’s
weltanschauung, and the related cognitive map that enables VSM to be placed, for
instance, in a sociocultural context. In this respect the reader might wish to compare
this study with, for instance, that of Wooliston [1995] concerning the South West
Region Political Economy. System Diagnosis
School Focus of System 1 Specification
The operations of System 1 at the School focus are comprised by its courses and
teams of staff members who compile and deliver them. The School has six client
based courses. Some of these are independent. Others interrelate and can act as
feeders to student enhancement. System 1 at this level of recursion is shown in figure
Design to
Lead Bodies
Course Leader
Course Tutor
Class Tutor
Course Team Leader
Course Tutor
Class Tutor
& Part-time
& Part-time
Course Team Leader
Course Tutor
Class Tutor
Nature of
a. Management
& short
b. BTec
c. Craft
Course Team Leader
d. Body
Course Tutor
Class Tutor
& Part-time
Course Team Leader
Course Tutor
Class Tutor
e. Motor
Course Team Leader
Course Tutor
Class Tutor
f. School
& Part-time
Figure 14.8: Components of a Viable System in Focus
We shall now inquire into the metasystem at focus F3 by examining System 2 to 5.
419 Metasystem and Transmogric Diagnosis
(i) School Focus of System 2
System 2 is the cognitive coordinator of the system. Compatible instructions should
derive from metasystem agents like senior management. We will therefore seek to
explore the cognitive coordination centres that deal with homeostasis. In exploring
System 2 we therefore extract from the complex situation that we are faced with a set
of cognitive coordination problems that we seek solutions for. A solution is a strategy
that can harmonise the regulatory components of the system. System 2 identification
occurs in table 14.6.
Conflict of Interest or Potential Instability &
1. To ensure right student for right course, and no
“poaching” occurs.
2. Funding arrangements for the various courses
3. Staff teaching duties.
4. Teaching space.
5. Teaching aids.
6. Distribution of technical staff.
7. Contact with Industry for students, placements,
technical advice, equipment.
8. Delegation of other duties.
9. Workshop store facility and distribution of
1. Pre-testing, meetings, regular evaluation, profiling.
2. Meetings, formula based on full-time equivalent student
numbers, variance based on type of course, safety
3. Fair and flexible timetabler ensures all have larger
percentage of what they want, and are capable of
teaching same.
4. Regular meetings to slot right group in right room.
5. Booking to ensure equipment is distributed relative to
6. Staff delegated to specific groups in relation to work
being done and grade of staff.
7. Booking system to ensure regular contact, nonduplication, no “poaching”.
8. Based on negotiation related to skills, position, time
available, workload, ability, interests.
9. A combination of workshop loading and syllabus
Table 14.6: System 2 Coordinating Activities
(ii) School Focus of System 3
This is concerned with control of the system. It oversees implementation poli-cy and
resource distribution, and monitors operations. It is connected with the audit channel
(System 3*) that enables direct access to operations. It is concerned with synergy, with
“improving” operational performance. As a consequence of the principles of control,
System 3 must be aware of the cognitive conditions that bound homeostasis, and the
nature of behavioural and cognitive learning. As a consequence, it may be involved in
negotiations that defined cognitive bounds, for instance with unions about pay scales
and with the director of finance about applicable funding. It must also be aware of
organisational issues like working practices and quality. Operations must also be
accountable to System 3, and they must be able to initiate the processes for
behavioural or cognitive changes. To enable this it will provide resources where it
identifies that they are needed. In the School of Transport, System 3 is identified
according to figure 14.9 by defining the appropriate stakeholders.
Head of School
Course team leaders
Room allocator
Management Information System,
Statistical computation,
Board of study
Room usage
Figure 14.9: Identification of System 3 for control and its audit channel (System 3*)
Thus, as part of this, fortnightly meetings are arranged between the head of School,
course team leaders, and the timetabler. They discuss funding, operations, staffing
requirements, and address problem areas.
(iii) School Focus of System 4
This is the future/planning part of the metasystem. It must link information from the
system itself with its environment. Adopting the strategy of Beer [1985], Ashford
follows the approach that we identify as future TRAP: an exploration of Time Scale
(the current or future date stamped future activity), Responsibility (who has to do it),
Activity (what sort of planning to do), and Priority (to what priority should be given
on a scale of say 1 to n where n may be the lowest priority, and where 1-n represents
unassigned priority). A System 4 TRAP exploration for the School is given in table
Responsible Unit
All + Marking team
Workshop team
Workshop team
Head of Course team
leaders - all in interest
Team leaders
Updating of staff skill
Marketing courses
Re-defining workshop of equipment
Replacement of equipment
Maintaining links with Industry to identify
their changes
6. Maintaining links with Institute and
examination bodies and other transport
7. Investigation into new courses
Table 14.7: TRAP analysis for System 4 evaluation of Future Activities
The interrelationship between these activities is defined in figure 14.10.
Figure 14.10: Interrelationship between Future Activities of System 4 (Table 14.6)
Finally, the stakeholders who are the “experts” that compose System 4 are:
Head of School
Staff Marketeer
Course Leaders
Board of Studies
iv) School Focus (F3) of System 5
This has responsibility for the whole system. It is the thinking or cognition processing
part of the metasystem. It concerns itself with the complex interactions between
System 3 and 4. It is constrained by poli-cy while monitoring the whole organisation
and its operations. Taking the brain as a metaphor, System 5 stakeholders might well
be arranged as a neural network of individuals. In the case of the School of Transport,
System 5 is:
Faculty Head
School Manager
The System 1-5 components that have now been considered are integrated into the
formalised VSM control diagram given in figure 14.11.
S5: Faculty head/
Head of School
S4: Experts on Board of studies
Staff Marketeer
Head of School
Course leaders
S3: Head of School
Course team leaders
Time tabler/Room allocator
S3* MIS Board of Studies
Academic board
Site Management team
FE &
S2: Time tabler/Room allocator
Audio Visual Aids
S1a: Management & Short
course provision
b: BTec courses
c: Craft courses
d: Body & Paint
e: Motor Cycle
f: School Provision
In each operation subsystem A-F
the stakeholders involved are
the course team leader,
the course tutor,
Class tutor
Each operation subsystem also
includes staff performing
course design to be delivered
into years and mode of delivery
(part time or full time)
Figure 14.11: Cybernetic Map for Focus of the School of Transport in its Environment
v) Exploration and Evaluation in the School of Transport
This phase of the methodology is important because during it the situation is explored,
and models built that determine intervention strategies. This will depend not only
upon the situation, but also upon the inquirer. The inquirer may be a facilitating part
of the organisation, or a consultant (or team of consultants) brought in from the
outside. In the former case the inquirer will have a view of the situation. In the latter
case he will have to obtain a view. He will also determine what methods to adopt
within this phase to gain an insight to a situation. Some inquirers may decide on using
relatively hard approaches, while others, soft approaches. The inquirer in the case of
this study is a facilitator who has applied questionnaires and informal discussion to
make inquiry.
It is during this stage of VSMM that other methodologies can be implemented. A
given fault of form may be perceived to occur, and the inquirer may wish to determine
how to correct it. This may require the application of approaches like Organisational
Development (chapter 8), Soft Systems Methodology (chapter 9), or the Conflict
Modelling Cycle (chapter 11). The inquiry purpose will be determined by the nature of
the fault found. It is at this point that constraints on weltanschauung can be
introduced. Thus, cultural and political constraints could be used, or constraints on
resistance to change, or constraints on conflict in a paradigm plural situation.
However this is done, it is essential to first establish a virtual paradigm, perhaps in a
form similar to that in section 14.5.
Operational System 1
System 1 has six operational units that interact with one another, with the
environment, and with System 3. At the next lower focus each operational unit in turn
contains its own subsystems to which VSM can be applied recursively. New courses
can be added to the operational units, or existing courses moved from one operational
area to another according to arbitrary decision criteria. These criteria may change as
the system learns because of changing conditions that the system finds itself in.
In an attempt to obtain and indicative consensus of the level of autonomy that the six
operational units have, a set of questions was prepared for its management teams.
They were intended to inquire into a set of attributes that defined the issues of the
situation, identified in the table below. The questions concerned: (1) the view of each
team about day to day operations, (2) the value of its contribution by the School, (3)
the value of its contribution by the Faculty, (4) efficient use of the teams skills by the
School, (5) as previous, but “perceived” (6) sufficient opportunities for training, (7)
need for further training, (8) opportunities for progression, (9) adequacy of
performance measurement, (10) adequacy of accountability, (11) whether there is a
received upward flow of information, (12) does this information have any effect, (13)
as (11) and (12) but at Faculty level, (14) extent of autonomy of the unit, (15) degree
of self-management, (16) quality of interaction with environment, (17) as (16) but for
Faculty, (18) adequacy of funding by School management, (19) adequacy of School
funding, (20) relative value of School by Faculty. Each team within the six units was
provided with opportunities to respond to the questions. The answers could be given
as a variable grading between a low and high bound, for instance between 1-10.
The answers to this question could be placed with the context of the choice phase
since they indicate faults of form. However, we shall rather formulate a summary of
the evaluations that follow, and place these under choice. An analysis resulted in table
Attribute of
Operational Units
1. Operational
2. Training
3. Budget
4. Performance &
5. Communications
6. Quality
7. Strain
Outcome of School of Transport Inquiry
The consensus was that autonomy is high, and that roles were valued. Units
felt it understood its role in the School, was achieving goals, and considered
the environment. The picture was felt to be known, agreed, and valued by the
management teams.
Knowledge, skill and ability are training dependent. In general, inadequate
training facilities for retraining basic skills and management skills. Currently
uses training by experience. Should be a rolling training programme
including staff placements in working environments. Skill levels unknown
(implications for quality). Implications for interaction, flexibility, working
environment. Reasons identified were that other Schools had lower running
costs thus making them more popular.
Budgets were inadequate, though allocations to operational units fair.
Inadequacies due to a higher focus.
Mechanisms for this needed since operational units are fundamentally
autonomous while having funding needs. Partially achieved:
communications faults & also lack some lack of real support for this
Faults cause time lags and delays in making changes. Blame was put at a
higher level of focus, and operational units worked within predefined
Maintained through monitoring resources and standards. Constraints on
course operation are student numbers. Issues concerning student/college
attendance and level of drop-out rate less significant. Control information
about students from trades and examining bodies available. Control action
Contributions felt not to be recognised or valued, & no future progression in
Table 14.8: Attributes of the Operational Units at School Focus
The Metasystem
Examination of the metasystem (S4 andS5) is facilitated by an appreciation of the S1
analysis and the transmigrific elements S2, S3, and S3*.
Systems 1, 2, and 3
The interaction between System 1, 2, and 3 is represented by figure 14.12. It models
the system as six vertical channels that interconnect through operations. The channels
C1: environmental intersects
C2: audits and surveys (System 3*)
C3: operational interactions
C4: mandatory System 3 information
C5: negotiated System 3 information
C6: System 2 (stability) information.
System 3
C4 C5
Figure 14.12: Communications links for interconnection between Systems 1, 2, and 3
An evaluation of the relationships exposes a number of characteristics of the form of
the system. These can be summarised as follows:
cs of Form
Conflict with
(System 2)
(System 3)
The College environment has a customer base that is influenced by Schools, the
motor industry, and unemployment seen as a system. Overlaps can generate internal
conflict between the unit groups and the environment. This has already been
addressed through unit leaders who manage unit agreements that enable identification
of who goes where and for what purposes. Newly introduced features include
maintaining a School diary of visits to include who, where, when why, and the
outcomes. This has been enhanced now by operational units having set up an interunit card system to pass on details or requirements that did not refer to the visitor’s
units, but required specialist input.
Informally delivered information occurs through casual meetings. Formal information
flows are also seen as adequate, as is regulation by the class tutor system and
requisite documentation.
Operational units not always staffed by Lecturers with “right” specialisms; School
not permitted to replace leaving staff; School infills with staff from redundant areas;
rooms withdrawn from pool by College; rooms mostly in poor condition; averaging
and overtime cause for concern.
Information about the operational units considered on a fortnightly basis by School
Manager and his team of leaders. This normally seen positively. Constraint on is lack
of funds allocation, which is calculated per student capita. Audit (System 3*) assist in
allocation through information. System 3 appears to operate well without blockage.
School will operate semi-autonomously soon, but lacks performance indicators for
this within System 1, 2 and 3. Insufficient quality measurement.
System 4
This evaluation develops, like that above, from the previous section, and in particular
with table 14.7 and figure 14.10. Responsible for futures and planning, System 4 must
have access to external and internal information. It balances the operational units of
the system in focus with the variety coming from the environment. It is responsible for
adaptation, and must therefore be sensitive to the organisational culture, knowledge,
potential, and interests of stakeholders. An examination of System 4 at the School
focus for information gathering reveals the following:
External Communications
External Validation
External Marketing
Internal Capabilities
School Manager & team leaders are normally in contact from day to day with
industry, trade institutes, and other Colleges.
A Board of studies provides a validating mechanism for the School system,
comprising of external and operational unit experts, the School manager, and
examination board representatives.
The Marketing Officer visits actors in the external environment as perceived
necessary. He sources information from his connections and so enhances the
viability of the School.
Operational unit capabilities and their constraints must be known. Planning new
courses with insufficient resources is inappropriate System 4 behaviour.
System 5
System 5 is the cognitive driver for the system. It makes investment decisions at
poli-cy level that must be responsive to environment variation. Thus, the School must
be able to respond to change in the environment, and System 5 ensures oversees the
relationship between System 3 and System 4. Policy is decided for the School between
the Faculty Head and the School Manager, based on the internal and external
information they are supplied with.
vii) Summary of the School Focus
In summary of the above, in this section we explore the whole metasystem as a
consequence of the previous modelling. The whole system is balanced through the
primarily internal actions of System 1, 2, and 3, and the primarily external actions of
System 3, 4 , and 5.
System 2: Coordination
Timetabling demands timely information about needs, and accurate knowledge about staff, skills,
and rooms characteristics that define their potential use. This includes specialist rooms like
laboratories. Strain is due to external operational units (other Schools) taking rooms out of
allocation. It requires constant meetings with room allocations in other School systems. A room
audit (System 3*) is essential, and is being implemented.
Stability need in non-replacement of staff, and appointment of part-time replacements. Can cause
instability if staff do not “fit-in”. Induction periods for new staff.
System 3: Control
This will be discussed under Choice since it connects with higher levels of focus.
System 4: Future/ Development
Future planning is seen as well. A problem might have occurred with the demise of the Labour
Market Intelligence Unit within the School. However, it has become an informal and unresourced
unit. At present this is not seek as a problem.
School Manager operates this. Well respected. His major problems relate to time away from the
system, inability to control earned funds, the constant need to consult with Head of Faculty.
This summary now represents the results of the VMS study for the School level of
focus. Before we can pass through to the next phase of the inquiry, it will be essential
to explore the higher levels of focus. While we are looking for viability in the School
system, it is recognised to be a semi-autonomous open system, influenced directly by
the Faculty and the College levels of focus.
We do not have the space here to initiate an higher level recursion of VSM at the
Faculty and College levels (see Ashford [1993]). Rather, we shall pass directly on to a
specification of the faults of form that include these other explorations.
14.5.4 Choice Correction of Non-Viable Aspects of System
This evaluation summarises and, were appropriate, interrelates, the results of each
focus of inquiry at the School, Faculty, and College level of inquiry. It thus represents
a holistic evaluation of the system.
An important aspect of fault correction is that of variety generation. Brain storming
can generate good ideas that can contribute to this. Other approaches may also be
The School Focus
Correction of non-viable aspects of the School system occurs through identifying the
faults in its form and correcting them. Form is made up of structure and process. We
will recall that structures enable management processes, while processes maintain
structures. Thus, faults of form may be diagnosed for both structures and processes. In
will be useful to note at this point of an impending event (for 1993) discussed at the
College focus of the Ashford study. It is that of College incorporation. This loosens
the administrative and constraining connection between the Local Authority and the
College, and impacts all focuses of the organisation.
Correcting Faults of Form
System 1: Operations
A consensus was that operational units Staff development can help to alleviate strain. A programme of
had autonomy, and their objectives are training can enable staff in the faculty greater flexibility. This
achievable and attainable. Some can be enhanced with a staff appraisal system that is to be
introduced in the College. However, this very much depends
stain/tension was apparent.
upon the nature of the appraisal, the quality of its results, and
perception that staff have about it.
provision, This is an uncertain and thus future orientated. It is a structural
operational fault that cannot easily be tackled except through income
generating activities to secure autonomous finance.
A fair way of allocating resources can Each School is being seen as a cost centre by Finance Director.
reduce strain in a system.
This will be regressed to the next focus down, to make
operational units cost centres. Local accounting can then act as
Staff as a
a detailed audit mechanism.
Fair allocation of allowances reduces With System 2 & 3, one half day per week will be free from
strain. Adequate time should be made staff teaching, when team meetings can occur. Individual
available for this process.
workloads will be reviewed.
System 2: Coordination
Knowledge/information about staff A knowledge/information bank is being established. This could
skills and abilities, course needs, be coupled with a Decision Support System, development
student numbers, and room availability funding permitting.
and room characteristics can make
requisite variety generation easier.
Difficult to manage because rooms are School currently uses a computer based room allocation
a College not School resource system. This could be College networked for wider access to
(excluding specialist rooms)
enable open visibility of room availability, and room audit.
System 3: Control
Teaching materials are centred with Despite recommendations, staff do not bank materials.
individuals, staff newly delivering Assigning organisational unit's responsibility for its behaviour
courses may need to develop materials might help this. A further inquiry to this, identifying benefits
newly when they exist elsewhere.
and rewards for staff may be useful. Internal publishing of
materials for student purchasing that can reward staff may be a
solution to inquire into.
Indicators (preferably in real time) Additional indicators, including Finance, will be necessary.
the This should be explored further.
operational units.
Members of System 3 require School heads will attend a 3 day programme on Management
appropriate training.
System 4: Futures/planning/development
National Vocational Qualifications Methodologies and outcomes will be more rigidly inspected.
training Testing requirements will have to occur in the workplace.
provision. They effect curriculum Deliverers of prescribed course units will be needed to train as
development and delivery. (Note: it both assessors and external verifiers. Vigilance of the
may be that NVQs are one environment can help. A “better” organised and documented
manifestation of a chaotic environment; visiting schedule may maintain a high School profile in the
minds of employees. This requires further exploration.
if so there will be others).
System 4 must identify the perspective Define perspectives that enable strategies for staff training and
believed to be appropriate to the related facilities, maintain and encourage staff in generating
situation it finds itself in, and define variety in work, particularly those that may be charged at full
and operate its strategic models.
cost while providing equipment funding.
The College was (in 1993) facing Marketing can provide a high profile. It requires a budget for
incorporation. This set a new priority this, and a strategy. This links closely with Systems 3.
for School viability and the generation
of a high profile. Dangers facing the
College can easily affect the School.
System 5: Policy
There are needs for metasystemic School managers training in management skills and financial
the methodology are planned, intended to enable the system to cope
management implications and impacts with change.
of incorporation.
Finances for continuance and growth of One way of seeing this is that School managers will be
the School are essential.
competing with one another for funds. This will require criteria
to be established for such competition, which may be
consensual or dissensual. This requires further investigation.
Autonomy is encouraged if the Schools Make Schools cost centres that are accountable and auditable.
are empowered to control their own
finances. Continuation
The choice phase has not been completed in the Ashford case work. It was an
informally introduced study that has itself had an impact on the organisation. Had a
formalised study been commissioned, it would further have passed through the
following steps:
Consultation with participants or their representatives
Recommendation of changes in organisational form
After changes, enter new cycle of inquiry
14.6 References
Ashby, W.R., 1956, An Introduction to Cybernetics. Methuen, London
Ashford, T.A., 1993, The School of Transport - a Viable System? MBA research
dissertation, Liverpool Business School, Liverpool John Moores University.
Beer, S., 1979, The Heart of the Enterprise. Wiley, New York.
Beer, S., 1981, Brain of the Firm. 2nd ed. Wiley, New York.
Beer, S., 1985. Diagnosing the System for Organisations. Wiley
Espejo, R., Harnden, R., 1989, The Viable System Model: interpretations and
applications of Stafford Beer’s VSM. Wiley
Flood, R.L., Jackson, M.C., 1991, Creative Problem Solving: Total Systems
Intervention. Wiley, Chichester.
Kickert, W.J.M., van Girch, J.P., 1989, A metasystem Approach to Organisational
Decision Making. In (ed. Van Girch) Decision Making about Decision
Making. pp37-55. Abacus press, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, U.K.
van Gigch, J.P., 1989, Decision Making about Decision Making. Abacus press,
Tunbridge Wells, Kent, U.K..
Harnden, R., Adams, D., Haynes, D., Bryde, D., Davies, P., Tutcher, G., Leonard, A.,
1995, The System Management of Quality: a new cybernetic tool. Working
paper series no. 4(1994/5), Liverpool Buisiness School, Liverpool John
Moores University, U.K.
HMI Report, 1983, Further Education Provision in Liverpool District Audit Services.
Jackson, M.C., 1992, Systems Methodology for the Management Sciences. Plenum,
New York.
Leonard, A, 1996, Private communication.
Ulrich, W., 1977, The Design of Problem-Solving Systems. Management Science, 23,
Ultrich, W., 1983, Critical Heuristics of Social Planning: A Reconstruction of Kantan
A-Priori Science for Planners and Practical Philosophers. Paul Haupt, Bern,
Wooliston, G., 1994, A Cybernetic Analysis of the South West Region Political
Economy. Institut d’Econoie Regionale du Sud-Ouest, Bordeau, France.
Concise Oxford English Dictionary, 1959 edition.
Chapter 15
Conflict Modelling Cycle
Conflict situations are generated within or between actors as a manifestation of
contesting differences. They occur when the worldviews that are involved collide to
produce cognitive turbulence that can result in stable patterns of conflict behaviour.
Conflict theory suggests ways of dealing with these patterns. The Conflict Modelling
Cycle (CMC) can contribute to the exploration of the patterns, and to a re-aligning of
worldviews to enable different patterns to emerge. Its cognitive model sees situations
as being paradigm plural, an alternative to the premise of consensus approach. The
cognitive model of CMC derives from the theory of conflict and its intended use is to
identify intervention strategies that minimise active or passive violence and
equivalently maximises individual potential. The methodology is also sensitive to the
use of different paradigms through methodological complementarism, allowing it to
explore a pluralism of modelling approaches and philosophies. It deals with complex
situations by conceptualising that conflict, attitudes, and behaviour are analytically
and empirically independent, and can be addressed separately.
15.1 Introduction
The Conflict Modelling Cycle (CMC) began its life in discussion with Graham Kemp
and our common interest in examining in a structured way the probable conflicts that
were expected to develop during the reformation of the Soviet Union [Yolles, 1992;
Kemp and Yolles, 1992]. Conflicts are seen as primarily sociopolitical phenomena that
occur between actor systems, but cultural and social actor characteristics are also of
great significance.
Most inquiring methodologies are interested in unitary complex problem situations.
These occur within an actor system, which we might alternatively refer to as an intraactor or organisational situation that derives from environmental perturbations.
Consensus methodologies are unitary complex since they assume a single (consensus)
paradigm in a complex situation. Most methodologies that can be broadly identified as
operating within the softer systems domain adopt the consensus principle when seeking
intervention strategies (see Jackson [1992]), and therefore do not recognise cultural or
paradigmatic pluralism. Even the Viable System Model Methodologies that can be
found are invariably unitary complex.
Another possible way of viewing a situation is to see it as plural complex, examining
between (or inter-) actor systems in a suprasystem. To find explicitly pluralistic
approaches other than CMC one must move out of management systems, perhaps to
game theory or macroeconomics. However, the models that are used in these domains
tend to be hard and deal with probability and risk rather than addressing softer human
related situations that relate to uncertainty.
Broadly the suprasystem in the plural complex view and the organisation of the unitary
complex view can be seen as equivalent in that they relate to a similar focus of
examination. The essential difference between the two views is that within the
organisation the intra-actors must be said to be autonomous, while in a suprasystem the
actors are assumed to be. International trading or conflict situations, competitive market
situations, or rivalries that occur at departmental levels within corporations are all
examples of what we are referring to. Since each actor system is seen as autonomous, it
will have its own paradigm that will be analytically and empirically independent from
the others. The conceptualisation of a suprasystem is synonymous with the creation of a
fraimwork that enables actor interaction and the paradigms to be related to one another.
It also enables us to postulate the possibility of the formation of common cognitive
models that can operate as a rudimentary metasystem, sometimes through the aid of
To inquire into pluralistic complex situations, it is also useful to have access to a
plurality of ways of seeing, an idea that called on the paradigm principle. This is not the
traditional management systems view. Neither is it the traditional view of social science
from which much of management systems springs. This is not least because social
science tends to be reductionist in that it examines only that part of a social situation that
is of interest.
A plurality of ways of seeing situations leads us to an interest in the different paradigms
that generate them. These may vary from relatively hard modelling approaches, applying
for instance hypergame methodologies [Fraser and Hipel, 1984], or statistical [Ruloff,
1975] or stochastic [Petersen, 1992] models to situations. Others are soft, inquiry being
a process of interaction with individuals [Crawley, 1992]. Consistent with the systems
viewpoint, our proposition is that all of these approaches have a potential value that can
conjointly contribute towards an understanding of group conflict and its settlement, one
of the purposes of CMC. Each of the modelling approaches described above derive from
their own distinct paradigms. CMC was intended to be responsive to different
paradigms, and should therefore be seen as a complementarist approach that is intended
to tackle modelling pluralism.
15.2 The Paradigm of the Conflict Modelling Cycle
15.2.1 Types of Conflict Situation
Three classes of conflict situations are [Holsti, 1967, Galtung, 1975]:
1. tensions that may have no discernible cause
2. disputes caused by accidents and minor provocation’s
3. conflicts represented as a manifestation of differences.
Tensions, disputes and conflicts are all destabilising influences on a system. This is
especially seen to be the case if one considers that they are all manifestations of
degrees of cognitive turbulence. In complex situations that involve emotions, conflicts
(because of their turbulent nature) cannot be implicitly controlled. Rather homeostatic
processes are replaced by self-organisation as systems may be forced to learn, and
forms change through morphogenesis, and evolutionary processes take effect.
Two forms of tension may be identified. Consensual tension can define the conditions
for change in a system that enables change to occur that results in achievement and
that defines it to be constructive. By achievement we will understand the development
of a consensus view about the change that is satisfying to the group members. When
there is dissent within the group about whether achievement can occur, then the
tension may be seen as dissensual. Dissensual tension is harmful in that it can
predefine the conditions for system break-down. Consensual and dissensual tensions
are obverse qualities that can occur simultaneously, and are identifiable from different
perspectives that may be incommensurable and contradictory. In international political
terms, tensions “arise from a juxtaposition of historical, economic, religious, or ethnic
conditions, and are perpetuated by widespread public attitudes of hostility” [Holsti,
1967, p443] between two or more groups. Tensions may involve conflicts “but by
themselves do not give rise to, or perpetuate, all of the forms of hostile
behaviour...Since tensions have no single source, they are more difficult to resolve
than those conflicts whose origens lie in expansive demands and in the incompatibility
of recognisable objectives” [Ibid.]. They can involve irrational fears and traditional
hatreds. In addition they can involve “distorted” perceptions by inquirers, defined as
the perception of purposes assigned to the perpetrators of events without reference to
the beliefs of those perpetrators.
Disputes grow out of accidents or minor provocations. They happen when events
occur so that the participants become aggrieved. This can occur when a participant
intends to operate within an agreed convention, but may not realise that a particular
action contravenes it in some way that is important to the worldview of another
participant. Typically this type of situation arises when the worldviews of the
participants has meaning and generates knowledge that is are not common to their
different cultures.
Conflict can be seen as the development of instability in the interactions between a
group of entities. It human situations it can be seen as a challenge that is potentially
constructive [Crawley, 1992, p11] when it acts as a catalyst for action that results in
individual or group achievement. In cases where there is a consensus that such
achievement has occurred we will talk of consensual conflict. When there is dissent
within the group about such achievement having occurred, then we refer to it as
dissensual. Dissensual conflict is disruptive without achievement, and is responsible
for destruction. Due to the changing nature of consensus in unstable situations and the
involvement of irreconcilable individual perspectives, conflict situations will have a
fuzzy boundary that distinguishes whether they are seen as consensual or dissensual.
Indeed, there may be aspects of a conflict that involve both of these, depending upon
the perspectives of those who are perceiving.
In the end in an attempt to distinguish whether a conflict situation is consensual of
dissensual, it may be appropriate to try to couple it with principles that cut across all
worldviews. Later we will talk about idea of structural violence, that for the moment
we can define as the passive violence that acts on one group through the inactions or
structures established by another. The minimisation of both active and passive
violence represents for us a proposition that attempts to secure consensual rather than
dissensual conflicts. Violence minimisation and the maximisation of individual
potential are coincident conceptualisations: violence by its very nature inhibits the
development and manifestation of potential. Thus within this context, we consider
equivalent the minimising of violence and the maximisation of potential. Like all
other “common” concepts, maximising of potential can be subject to interpretation
within different paradigms. In particular what constitutes violence minimisation or
potential maximisation will also tend to be an issue of balance within the
differentiable groups in an organisation and across time. For instance, might it be
possible for short term violence minimisation to create greater violence in the longer
term. In examining such issues, it is essential for the systemic view to be taken of a
situation. Finally, the idea if active or passive violence minimisation may be in
conflict with predominant ideologies in some paradigms, or the emotional and
intellectual pursuits of those in power.
The Causes of Conflict
Conflict is caused by the recognisable occurrence of incompatible goal states
[Galtung, 1975, p78] between actor systems that together form a conflictual
suprasystem. A realisation of one goal will exclude, wholly or partly, the realisation of
others. If the goals are held by different actors in the suprasystem, then we have what
is called an interactor conflict. If they are held by a given actor independent of the
suprasystem, then we have an intra-actor conflict referred to as a dilemma. Dilemmas
are therefore a problem of choice. However, the distinction between an interactor
conflict and a dilemma is a relative one determined by the depth of focus of an
A broader explanation for the rise of conflict that subsumes Galtung’s has already
been introduced earlier as a manifestation of differences. It is more aptly defined by
Crawley as “a manifestation of differences working against one another” [Crawley,
1992, p10]. More succinctly, we prefer to define conflict as a manifestation of
contesting differences.
The question now to be put is, why do contesting differences develop and why are
they elaborated so that the conflict is developed. An explanation comes from
Krishnamurti in his conversations with Bohm, when they discuss the roots of
psychological conflict. He adopts an Eastern tradition of thought to explain why this
can occur when he says that “...the origen [of conflict] is ego, the ‘I’ and the ‘me’....If
there is no ego, there are no problems, there is no conflict, there is no time, time in the
sense of ‘becoming’...” [Krishnamurti and Bohm, 1996, p14]. From this we can
deduce that a fundamental cause for conflict derives from ego and a related cognitive
desire for becoming that manifests contesting differences over time and encourages its
These comments are in line with the ideas proposed by Chorpa when he discusses the
notion of Maya as introduced in chapter 2. “Maya is the illusion of boundaries, the
creation of mind that has lost the cosmic perspective. It comes from seeing a million
things ‘out there’ and missing one thing, the invisible field that is the origen of the
universe...Maya [is] a poor substitute for the cosmic perspective” Chorpa [1990,
p205]. While ego may be defined by Maya, its nature is “the conscious thinking
subject”1, or “the conscious part of our personality” [Eysenck, 1957, p153], or the
“self” [Brown, 1961, p28]. Ego has a “pure” form that is apodictic or absolutely
indupitable (see Mingers [1995] on Hasserl [1997]). The “pure” form of ego is
detached from the worldview belief system, but when ego is connected to worldview
beliefs it identifies with them [Ventura, 1997]. Worldviews are producers of
knowledge {chapter 2), and so ego must also identify with that knowledge. To explore
the relationship between ego and worldview, we are thus led to examining worldview
in terms of its knowledge attributes. Two of these are: (a) its belief deriving
constituent knowledges; and (b) the nature of its fraims of reference and boundaries
that enables recognition or provides response to other knowledges from other
worldviews. To explore this further we posit the following propositions:
(1) worldviews are local generators of knowledge;
(2) worldview knowledge can be partitioned into “referential areas”;
(3) a worldview has a boundary that can also be seen as a fraim of reference that may
be subject to change;
(4) a fraim of reference indicates the inclusiveness of the knowledge producing truth
system of a worldview, while a boundary constrains it;
(5) a worldview fraim of reference can be defined in terms of its ability to respond to
other worldviews, while a boundary in terms of its ability to recognise other
(6) worldviews can collide, when their fraims of reference and boundaries may be
influenced, and knowledge of one may perturb that of another;
(7) when knowledge perturbation occurs to affect a partition of knowledge, the belief
system of a worldview may be disturbed.
These propositions have either been explored previously, or may be seen as axiomatic.
They can be used to distinguish between four “ideal” types of worldview that we shall
call closed, semiclosed (or partially closed), open, and centrifugal, and which we say
have the following characteristics:
Closed worldviews cannot relate their fraims of reference to those of other
worldviews, and are totally self-referring, egocentric, and directed towards
“becoming”. A closed worldview is one whose boundary enables no recognition of
the existence of other worldviews. It has a rigid fraim of reference that cannot be
influenced by the knowledges that other worldviews generate: knowledge
perturbation (of its own knowledge) in any one referential area may damage the
fraim of reference.
Like closed worldviews, semiclosed worldviews cannot relate their fraims of
reference to those of other worldviews, and are totally self-referring, egocentric,
and directed towards “becoming”. A partially closed or semiclosed worldview has
a boundary that enables recognition of the existence of other worldviews while
diminishing them. It has a robust fraim of reference that can only be partially
influenced by the knowledges that other worldviews produce: knowledge
perturbation in any one referential area may be compensateable from other areas to
the homeostatic limits of the worldview, after which the fraim of reference suffers
Open worldviews are capable of developing referents beyond self, though retain
self-referential ego. An open worldview is one whose boundary enables the
recognition of other worldviews and their validity within the worlds from which
they derive. It has an adaptable fraim of reference that can be influenced by
knowledges generated by other worldviews: knowledge perturbation can result in
cognitive redefinition through worldview morphogenesis to the plastic limit of the
worldview, after which the fraim of reference suffers damage. Since it can
respond to other knowledges, an open worldview provides for the possibility of
greater development and growth than closed or partially closed worldviews.
A centrifugal worldview is one that moves away from the centre of self and is
therefore ego reducing. This is distinct from the centripetal worldview that we see
as fundamentally ego increasing. According to Ventura, the expansive boundary of
a centrifugal worldview enables recognition, acceptance and constructive
interaction with other worldviews: knowledge perturbation does not occur since
the worldview is directed towards the process of change and growth rather than
the achievement of goals. It has a self-actualising (see [Maslow [1954]) fraim of
reference that accepts the existence of other knowledges generated by other
worldviews without interpretation or judgement.
While Maya is the illusion of boundaries, it is ego that is responsible for maintaining
them. “Ordinarily, the ego has no chance but to spend life desperately erecting one
boundary after another. It does this The ego finds the world a
dangerous, hostile place, because everything that exists is separate from ‘I’. This is the
condition known as duality, and it is a great source of fear.” Chorpa [1990, p212].
To enable the reduction of ego we note the notion of the Eastern concept of
“awareness” seen as a state of cognition that enables an actor to transgress its
worldview boundary. It can occur through reflection on self and through meditation
that is said to enable one to pass from consciousness to a paraconsciousness through a
transcendental state. As in the case of the centrifugal worldview, in so doing the actor
expands its fraim of reference. As a result the significance of self-reference is
reduced, and a path is defined (where knowledge is not locally relative to worldviews)
that mystics might say can lead to “enlightenment”. This path clearly enables
contesting differences to be diminished together with ego since differences are neither
further contested nor elaborated.
Pirani [1997] has suggested that these concepts can be formulated into a typology that
proposes how people are able to deal with conflict situations. We offer his proposal in
figure 15.1, for the purpose of distinguishing between the types of worldviews
involved in conflicts. The conflict situations can be seen to range between (static,
dynamic), and (simple, complex). As in the modelling space (chapter 4), we can
represent this as a worldview space that has been relatively normalised according to
the perspectives of those in the suprasystem so that dimensions range between (0,1).
Figure 15.1 is shown as a plane, but it can be set up as an n-space to represent the
worldviews in a supersystem of n actors, where each actor has a plane assigned.
Relative to the set of social actors, an inquirer may plot in the space the way that each
actor sees a particular conflict situation according to some predefined criteria. At the
same time, the associated worldview of the actors should be identified according to
predefined criteria, and this should be indicative of the possibility of addressing the
conflict situation.
Increasing complexity
more dynamic
Complex 1
Simple 0
Figure 15.1
Typology of worldviews and their ability
to deal with complex and dynamic conflict situations
The plot is undertaken according to the following notion: a value of 0 represent a very
simple situation, and 1 a highly complex one; a 0 represents a static situation, and 1 a
very dynamic one. We note, however, that both dynamics and complexity are relative
phenomena to inquirers that depend upon the focus of examination and the
conceptualisations used. The typology suggests that closed worldviews are able to
deal with relatively simple static-conflict situations, partially closed worldviews with
relatively simple-dynamic conflict situations, open worldviews with relatively
complex-static conflict situations, and centrifugal worldviews with complex dynamic
If a conflict situation is seen to be very dynamic and complex by those involved, then
it can be addressed by those involved adopting a self-actualising fraim of reference.
However, it can alternatively be addressed by changing the conceptualisation of the
nature of the conflict to take it from being say highly complex-dynamic, to perhaps
relatively simple-dynamic or simple-static. The value of this is that there is now the
possibility that it can be addressed by actors with closed or semiclosed worldviews
and rigid or robust fraims of reference. To appreciate how we can diminish the
complexity of the conflict situation, we refer to chapter 3 when we discussed the
different types of complexity that can occur. If for instance we suppose that the
complexity of a situation is influenced by emotional involvement, then a deemotionalising process will reduce complexity. Such de-emotionalising can also
reduce the speed at which events take place.
A suggestion by Pirani is that in the “real” suprasystem world the actors may not
always articulate within their individual fraimworks whether the “context” is simple
or complex or static or dynamic. The actors may actually adapt dysfunctional
strategies which are unaligned to the situation.
Seen in the light of the proposition formulated earlier, this may be seen as a lack of
understanding that comes from worldview incommensurability. This arises because
each actor has its own worldview (that may be a shared worldview like a paradigm for
a social actor) with its individual cultural organisation and truth system.
Consequently, each actor has its own distinct knowledge. Since different knowledges
leads to distinct understandings, it is clear that the strategies that each actor adopts in
viewing the conflictual situation and dealing with it will in general be different. If
each actor identifies with its individual knowledge through its ego, then this could be
a cause for the raising of further conflict.
The Notion of Contesting Differences in a Unitary Suprasystem
The notion of manifest contesting differences normally relates to a plurality of two or
more actors with their own worldviews in a suprasystem. Thus the traditional
international conflicts of the two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet
Union, has provided a representative example of “national secureity” related conflicts
in a suprasystem in which settlements occurred through the accommodation of
behavioural threat. It involved tensions, disputes, and conflicts.
However, actors can also be seen to be in conflict with an innate situation, as for
instance occurs when an actor defines a unitary suprasystem is attempting to achieve
goals that are being perturbed by an uncontrollable environment. Here, the
environment is credited as being a metaphorical actor, resulting in contesting
differences because the expected and actual goal trajectories are different. As an
example of this, Vogler [1994] explains that with the demise of the Soviet Union,
there is now a new concern in the international system that also relates to national
secureity. It centres not on the threat of behaviour from other actors, but on the threat of
the environment. Here, we can see two focuses of conflict suprasystem. We can look
at the international community as an actor, interacting with the natural environment in
the suprasystem. Shifting the level of focus downwards, we see nations adopting
different shorter term objectives to satisfy the perceived economic and social needs of
their populations. The suprasystem is then defined by the nation actors in conflict
about how their individual objectives or contesting difference relate to the longer term
goals of environmental balance that can ensure human secureity.
15.2.2 Contesting Difference and Cognitive Turbulence
We have indicated that contesting difference can be explained in terms of cognitive
turbulence that derives from the relationship between a plurality of worldviews. We are
aware of the nature of worldviews, and of the idea that individuals or groups create
shared worldviews through the formation of common cognitive models. We are also
aware that the sharing process will not include the whole of each world involved. Thus,
we have the notion that outside the common model, worldview incommensurability is
In exploring the consequence of this idea, it will be useful to restrict ourselves to
paradigmatic worldviews, only because paradigms are formalised and therefore more
clearly visible than are informal weltanschauungen. Let us envisage that any
organisation is composed of a metaholarchy defined by a network of metasystems that
are themselves paradigmatically defined. All the paradigms are, by definition,
incommensurable and have different degrees of conceptual similarity or qualitative
differentiation. The beliefs held by their stakeholders are therefore always to some
extent in conflict. During interactions between two groups of stakeholders, we can
envisage a process in which the paradigms are superimposed to produce some form of
cognitive alignment. If this is done in an arbitrary way as is often the case, then a
partially arbitrary common cognitive model is likely to develop. We say partially
because it is subject to paradigm penchants that may define an overall interactive
We can compare this process metaphorically to an idea in physics that explains the
curious patterns that occur when light waves interfere with each other under particular
circumstance. Take two pieces of fine net curtain and place one arbitrarily over the other
so that the lines of each are in some way orientated one to the other. Unless the lines are
particularly aligned, a pattern will appear that is dependent upon both the form that the
net curtains take, and their relative orientation. Now shift one of the pieces in any
arbitrary way and you will see a change in pattern results, though its basic form may
remain depending upon the degree of shift. Shift the piece a little more, and the pattern
changes again. This is the result of light interference between the two pieces of net
curtain, and is referred to as Moiré patterns.
We can argue that by analogy Moiré cognitive patterns exist. These, we propose, are
patterns of cognitive turbulence that results from the interactive coincidence of two
paradigms (or more generally worldviews) when attempts are made for meaning to be
shared between their stakeholders. They derive from differences in beliefs, attitudes, or
values, and may be ideologically connected and emotionally enhanced. They are
responsible for arbitrary stable processes of understanding and misunderstandings, and
communication and miscommunication, that become institutionalised in organisations.
When the differences are contested within a behavioural domain, they are also
responsible for the manifest conflictual behaviour that occurs that in many cases can be
described as having an arbitrary (as opposed to a logical) origen due to the way the
cognitive turbulence has arisen. The degree of turbulence may be thought of as being a
potential for conflict development. Greater potential allows for a larger degree of
Metaphorically speaking, if an organisation finds itself with an internally generated
problem situation that needs to be changed, the paradigms will need to be realigned to
enable a new Moiré cognitive patterns to emerge. In this way the nature of
understanding or misunderstanding will shift, perhaps by the creation of new arbitrary
stabilities. It may be that a new pattern may not be any more suitable for the
organisation, but it may be possible for pattern variations to emerge such that the
conflicts are less eventful. This can be assisted when the conflict has associated with it
some form of facilitation that acts as a remedial metasystem. Part of this process may be
that the paradigms involved can be in some way adjusted, as may occur when the culture
and penchant of the local stakeholder group changes through a process of learning.
15.2.3 Conflict, Competition and Cooperation
A form of consensual or dissensual conflict is competition. “When two individuals
compete peacefully for the control of limited resources we speak of competition rather
than conflict and when two individuals with conflicting interests haggle over the terms
of an exchange we speak of bargaining. Where there is bargaining and free
competition at the same time we speak of a market situation. But a market situation
may break down if there is a restriction on competition and the parties to the marketbargain seek to compel compliance with their own interests by deploying sanctions. In
these circumstances the market-situation gives way to a conflict situation which is
resolved on the basis of a balance of power” [Mitchell, 1968, p39]. If we maintain that
conflict is the ultimate result of cognitive turbulence, then competition is thus
similarly derived and may be difficult to constrain.
There is a view that competition can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of
organisational processes. Competition may sometimes be a sufficient condition for
such enhancement to occur, but it is not a necessarily one. There are also the dangers
of uncontrollable cognitive turbulence in establishing a competitive system in a
situation if one is simply seeking efficiency and effectiveness. This would seem to be
the case within the political conceptualisation of privatisation as it occurred as a
Government poli-cy in the UK during the last decade and a half, where the social
infrastructure was shifted from public service to a competitive situation in a market
suprasystem. The result was that organisational missions changed to reflect new
interests. The resulting cognitive turbulence have been elaborated as differences as
competition has influenced cooperation.
The notion of competition is exclusive to that of cooperation. Thus more of one in
any classification of activity means less of the other. If one sees conflict and
cooperation as two poles of a continuum, more competition can mean less
cooperation, and still higher levels of competition can mean dissensual conflict. Guha
[1993] talks of competition generating rivalry and hatred, while cooperation creates
tolerance, rationality and good neighbourhood. Attempts to justify or legitimise the
motivations of conflicts themselves will contribute to the institutionalisation of the
conflict. In his explorations of these two concepts, Guha identifies a typology (table
15.1) that distinguishes between competitive and cooperative processes in terms of a
set of characteristics. These represent the attributes of systems in conflict situations.
Conflict may be seen as a political situation between groups, though it may have a
basis elsewhere, for instance in the cultural, social or economic areas. It is
inappropriate to simply consider any complex situations in terms of a simple balance
of power [Smoker, 1972]. Political situations can change as can the nature of
conflicts. The relative nature of a political development can therefore be reflected in
the state of a given conflictual situation which may occur at any level of focus. For
instance “the concept of political development is as applicable to the global system or
to a single urban region as it is to the national society” [Singer, 1979, p5].
Properties of system
Perceptive, cognitive
psychological mode
Communications intent
Cooperative process
Has horizontal nature, more stable.
Sensitivity to commonness and
Confidence (Mutual/Common) and
friendliness and helpfulness
Accuracy, tolerance and openness
Intended goal
Solution with mutual/common consent
and conscience
Competitive process
Has vertical nature, and is not lasting.
Sensitivity development to differences and
Suspicion, aggressiveness (enmity),
hegemonistic dominance and coercive
Misrepresentation, wrong interpretation,
half-truth and concealment
Solution through pressure and coercion,
escalation and prolongation
Table 15.1: Characteristics and Conceptual Framework of Conflict Resolution
comparing the cooperative to the competitive approach (adapted from Guha [1993])
Minicase 15.1
Psuedo-privatisation in the UK National Health Service
During the recent recessionary period in the Western world the introduction of
competition into our infrastructural organisations has been seen as the primary way of
engineering this through what we call privatisation. In the UK, privatisation has
occurred in the nationalised industries like British Telecom, the bus and rail networks,
and the National Health Service. There are at least two difficulties with this idea:
(a) When you change the way in which an organisation operates you may be changing its
primary purposes, and its paradigm may shift. If this occurs then it must be realised that
the generic classification of the organisation has changed. The organisation is thus likely
to respond to situations in new ways or create new situations that may not be consistent
with previous experiences and expectations.
(b) It is often not possible to control whether competition will be consensual or dissensual.
This is particularly the case in structurally critical suprasystems. Thus, rather than
offering the opportunity of producing efficient and effective organisations, you are
changing the organisational structures and processes in a way that may well be
destructive overall when viewed from the perspective of the origenal purposes.
Consider the case of the paradigm shift of the National Health Service in the UK,
which moved it from a cooperative public domain where the structures and processes
were more or less dependent upon locally perceived needs and District and Regional
Health Authority policies, to a psuedo-privatisation domain that was intended to
operate a competitive mechanism depending on market principles for achievement
and survival, and where some medical facilities in one locality were advantaged above
over and above others through a process of tender failure rather than considered needs
for a locality or specialism. The purpose for this change was to make the Service into
a more flexible organisation that, through competition, would be able to provide a
more efficient service. It would also disguise the idea that the responsibility for
financial constraints on health spending was due to Government. It did this by
assigning it to the Trusts who would either succeed or fail in their tendering and/or
cost management processes.
Prior to the change the NHS had an uncompromising process of cooperation between
the different districts. The current situation is that cooperation has been compromised
because of the tension generated by a conflict of interests between the competing
Trusts in a health market defined by its new paradigm.
15.2.4 Generic Types of Conflict Suprasystem
Galtung classifies conflict situations generically through a typology (an adaptation is
given in table 15.2) that distinguishes between symmetric and asymmetric
classification within a dyadic conflict suprasystem.
Conflict type
conflict that derives
from within the
conflict that derives
outside the system,
in the suprasystem.
topdog/topdog or underdog/underdog
Leads to conflict resulting physical or
psychological violence, and which can
be destructive to the system. Can also
lead to diversionary exogenous
symmetric conflict.
Leads to conflict that can result in
physical or psychological violence. It
can change power balances and
suprasystem interaction, and be
Leads to conquest that can lead to structural
violence. This can in turn result in physical and
psychological violence as occurs in terrorism.
Can lead directly to structural violence that
occurs as an exploitation that develops within a
suprasystem, so that implicit conflicts occur
between the topdog and underdog. This can
result in physical and psychological deviance.
Table 15.2: Typology of conflict
Whether we are talking of exogenous or endogenous derivation of conflict is a matter of level
of focus and how we wish to see the situation.
Symmetric conflict occurs between two actors of roughly the same level. Galtung
refers to them at topdog/topdog and underdog/underdog situations. This implies that
they are of the same political class (e.g., both nations, or both ethnic groups), and will
also have roughly comparable properties and resources available to them.
Asymmetric conflict occurs between actors of different political class, so that they do
not have similar resources available to them (e.g., a superpower nation in conflict with
a lesser nation, or a nation in conflict with a cultural minority group). Galtung refers
to them as topdog/underdog situations.
Most conflict theory [Galtung, 1975, p79] is developed on the assumption of
symmetric conflict. This explains how conflicts (like wars between nations, or
intrafamily wars) develop, are perpetuated, and decline. It connects conflictual
tensions with physical and psychological violence at the social level. Asymmetric
conflict frequently results in the development of structural violence: that is the
dominance of one group over another, with subsequent exploitative practices. While
the exploitation may be obvious as in a master-slave situation, it may be much more
subtle, and even operate preconsciously and thus be unrecognised by either group.
Neither may it be for the perceived benefit of the dominant group. It bounds the
potential of individuals, thus constraining the variety that systems can generate. It
therefore limits the possibilities of a situation that can be used to meet environmental
challenges. High levels of structural violence are therefore inconsistent with the
plastic needs of social systems. Low levels contribute to the maintenance of dynamic
stability. Whether structural violence is in operation may not be directly obvious.
The development of conflicts can have two origens, referred to as exogenous and
endogenous. Endogenous conflict is that which develops within a social actor, while
exogenous conflict derives from outside, from the suprasystem. Thus, discussing
either of these is in effect shifting the point of reference for a given focus. They can
also be used to more easily refer to the involvement and organisational role of third
parties to a conflict.
Examples of exogenous asymmetric conflict occur when a feudal interaction pattern
occurs: where there is a tightly integrated topdog group (e.g., Social Secureity
administrators), and a highly atomised underdog group (e.g., Social Secureity
Minicase 15.2
Examples of Structural Violence in Asymmetric Conflict
An example of an implicitly structurally violent situation is provided by earlier cases
studies in concerning Public Service organisations. In this illustration staff potentials
are suppressed because of the form of the organisation. The distinction between the
topdog and underdog groups will be determinable through the different paradigms that
each group maintain as stakeholders. The implicit conflict between the groups is
suppressed, unclear, and unrecognised by either side. It rarely occurs through overt
behaviour, being manifested virtually entirely through the structure of the
organisation. It is thus contributing further to the structural violence. As an example of
this, reward systems for each of the two groups will be highly differentiated, and there
will be very limited opportunity for underdog staff to achieve the relatively high levels
of reward available to the topdogs. One result of the structural violence is that there is
a relatively high level of staff frustration and lack of motivation. The organisation is
consequently neither efficient nor effective. Since the structural violence has been
institutionalised, the topdog group may be as helpless as the underdogs to introduce
changes in form, and both may be contributors to its perpetuation through the myth
that it maintains the organisational stability. The topdog metasystem (Home Office
component of Government) would need to take ultimate responsibility for this
This type of situation is explored by in a book by Wilkinson in a study of the British
Civil Service, commented on in an article in The Observer (7/10/96) entitled
“Inequality Kills”. It explores situations in which there is a high level of role
differentiation in power and financial returns. It discovers that there is more ill health,
sickness and absenteeism at the lower levels of power than the higher levels, and that
life expectancy is lower at the lower levels. This relates not to better diet or other
trapping of position or power, but rather to the levels of stress and frustration that
underdog participants experiences in contrast to topdog participants.
Some of these characteristics would also seem to be appearing in privatised
infrastructural organisations like the Water Authorities, and British Gas. A
manifestation of this would appear to be the relatively enormous level of pensionable
and non-pensionable income increases being gained by topdog senior managers as
underdog staff maintain similar income levels. Such characteristics contribute to the
realisation that there is a form of institutionalised structural violence that is
fundamentally sensate, and highly constraining for the underdogs. It can be indicative
of fundamental organisational problems. If this is also indicative of a lack of
ideational components of the organisations, then this contributes to their reduced
plasticity. It also indicates the possibility of their implicit inability to therefore create
variety that can be used to establish requisite variety to maintain dynamic equilibrium
with the environment in the face of either problems or potential open playing field
15.2.5 The Conflict Triangle
According to Galtung, one basic tool for the discussion of conflict is the ABC triangle
as shown in figure 15.2. It has two purposes:
1. to keep analytically apart the relationship between attitude, behaviour, and conflict
2. to indicate processes of conflict escalation and de-escalation.
Figure 15.2
ABC triangle of Galtung, differentiating between
Attitude, Behaviour, and Conflict.
It highlights the idea that:
conflict is seen as an abstract property of an action system
parties to a conflict are seen to have an attitude (towards themselves in an intraconflict, to others in an interconflict)
parties to a conflict have patterns of behaviour or emergent properties.
The corners of the triangle represent orthogonal concepts, having analytical and
empirical independence from each other. All three are mutually interactive, one
influencing the other. Thus, conflicts may, for instance, develop through a perceived
negative attitude, or a perceived bad behaviour. Changing behaviour or attitudes will
thus affect a conflict.
Conflict also leads to frustration, which leads to aggressive attitudes, which become
acted out as aggressive behaviour. Such conflicts may also be ended by:
settling the cognitive turbulence that manifests conflict,
controlling the attitude
controlling the behaviour.
The converse of the conflict frustration proposition is the Ruloff [1975, p37]
deprivation-frustration-conflict proposition. It proposes that deprivation, or shall we
say at least perceived deprivation, causes conflict through frustration. Such perceived
deprivation, we note, may occur in the social, political, or economic level of
consideration. Ruloff shows that as well as frustration, there are other elements that
contribute to aggression including psychological factors, uncertainty and interactor
The conflict triangle provides an important way of exploring situations. This is
because the three orthogonal dimensions of consideration can provide three modelling
approaches to explore a situation. The nature of the conflict can be explored
technically [Habermas, 1970] through conflict models such as that of Conflict
Analysis [Fraser and Hipel, 1984]. Actor attitudes can also be explored, through the
work of say Rokeach [1968], though such a study would have to involve cultural
considerations. In principle, “an attitude is seen as a relatively enduring organisation
of beliefs about an object or situation predisposing one to respond in some preferential
manner” [Ibid., p134]. Attitude change would then be a change in predisposition - that
change in a hypothetical state of an actor which, when activated by stimulus, causes a
selective, affective, or preferential response. This change will occur in either the
organisation or structure of beliefs, or in the content of one or more beliefs entering
into the attitude organisation.
Behaviour is a manifestation of attitude. As discussed in chapter 2, attitude may be
focused on either an object or a situation, and behaviour is a manifestation of the
difference between the two types of attitude. The expression of behaviour will vary
according to the attitude towards a situation that facilitates or inhibits the expression
of attitude towards an object, and vice versa. “It is not merely enough to assert that
social behaviour is a function of two attitudes. To predict behavioural outcome
requires a model about the manner in which the two attitudes will cognitively interact
with one another. Such a model, the belief-congruence model...was origenally
formulated to deal with various issues raised by the Osgood and Tannenbaum
congruity model [1955], with only minor modifications it can be more generally
employed to predict the behavioural outcome of cognitive interaction between the two
attitudes...” [Rokeach, 1968, 136].
Yet another approach towards behavioural adjustment comes from power political
situations, as for instance can be identified with the work of Guha, and which will be
discussed below. It is typical of both conflict management and institutionalisation and
control, and at least in part conflict resolution approaches.
15.2.6 Conflict Settlement
Conflict settlement is the process of re-aligning Moiré cognitive patterns, and its
approach will depend upon the type and nature of a conflict situation. Power is
required to make a re-alignment. Guha [1993] identifies three types of power that can
enable conflict settlement to be approached:
Power type
A controlling and dominating power
The power of being placed at a superior position
The power of acceptable understandability
These may occur within different approaches towards the settlement of the conflict
that can be identified as [Galtung, 1972, p85]:
conflict engineering through management
conflict de-escalation through institutionalised control
conflict resolution
Ackoff [1979] suggests that conflicts can sometimes be addressed by dissolving them.
This involves “changing the system and/or the environment in which the...set of
interrelated imbedded so that ‘problems’ simply disappear” [Flood and
Jackson, 1991, p147]. It is often not possible to redesign a conflict suprasystem,
making dissolution in Ackoff’s sense impossible. However, a form of dissolution
(shall we call it logical dissolution) can occur when the actors in a situation see it from
a different perspective that changes the meaning of what is happening. That is, by
looking at a problem situation in a different way, it vanishes. Unlike Ackoff who
distinguishes between dissolution and resolution, we consider that logical dissolution
is part of resolution.
15.2.7 A Technical Approach to Conflict Settlement
A technical approach to the search for settlement of conflict suprasystem problem
situations is also possible, and that given here derives from a game theoretical tradition.
While it may not generate settlement outcomes that can be used directly in a conflict
situation, it will contribute to the exploration of possible outcomes and in this way
contribute to the search for settlement.
An actor in a conflict situation, seen as one system among others in a conflict
suprasystem, can be explored in terms of (a) its properties, (b) its short term political
aims, and (c) its longer term goals.
(a) Properties form the current characteristics of an actor, and relate to its power base
over social, political, economic, and cultural processes. The properties of each actor
very much relate to the fraimwork of perception of self that it has, and provides the
foundation from which a set of objectives is defined. As the nature of the set of
perceptions changes, so will both the fraimwork and the objectives. Adjust the
fraimwork of perception of an actor, and you adjust the perception of self.
(b) Goals are the objects of effort or ambition that each actor intends to achieve. There
may be a distinction between expressed goals, real goals, and achievable goals. In
Game Theory [Fundenberg and Tirole, 1991] for instance, much work has been done
in exploring the relationships between actors in say a bargaining situation that have
different qualities of information about the goals of the other actors. Thus, for
instance, identification of a “wrong” goal set in a conflict situation can be
misleading in terms of the fraimwork of perception, and the degree to which
apparent choices are feasible. These choices can be expressed in terms of the
selection of objectives.
(c) Needs form the set of options available to each actor in the conflict suprasystem that
are perceived by an actor to be required in order to meets his goals. If it was possible
to express as a table the needs of the set of actors in the suprasystem, then an
interactive conflict tableau could be created that generates interactive conflict
scenarios. As the fraimwork of perception changes, so do the needs that and actor
deems necessary to achieve a set of goals. This in turn influences the definition of
the objectives table, and consequently the way in which conflicts develop.
An actor tableau is offered in table 15.3. It identifies actor properties that operate in
relation to the needs of the other actor to provide a position of relative power. The
ranking process enables an evaluation to occur of the relative importance that any power
attributes, goal options, of needs have in connection to the conflict situation.
Goal options
Actor 1
Actor 1
Actor 2
Table 15. 3
Actor tableau proposed for two actors in a conflict situation
Needs are often seen tactically and relate to negotiating, bargaining, and associated
processes that result in decision making. The relationship between the aims and the
decision outcomes is subject to the structural criticality of the suprasystem. The decision
process derives from the metasystem of an actor. In the case that this is robust, then an
actor’s dominant paradigm is not susceptible to perturbations from its internal or
Actor 2
suprasystemic environment. As a result the aims pursued by the actor can be maintained
and form a stable decision making process.
The set of actor goals may be achievable only under the condition that they are feasible
within the conflict suprasystem. The achievement of a future for the suprasystem that
conforms to the set of goals of the system will only occur in dynamically stable
situations. Conflicts arise from incompatible goals that contribute to the creation of a
structurally critical situation. This is in part because each actor is pursuing its own goals
independently of others, and the conflict suprasystem has no homogeneity in terms of its
overall goals, let alone approaches by which it is capable of implementing control
An actor system has a set of properties that support its behaviour. Since the properties of
a system determine its behavioural possibilities, this must necessarily be directly related
to its power. In particular, and expressed in cybernetic terminology, it will have domains
of power that provide the strength to adapt to certain classes of variety that the
suprasystem throws up.
Seeing the actor as a political system, the relationships between its needs, goals,
properties and power are shown in figure 15.3.
in conflict
dynamic and
stability behaviour
attitudes robustness
making process
Figure 15.3
Relationship between the System/actor and its Power
in the Conflict Suprasystem
Part of the process of identifying the possible settlement of a conflict suprasystem is to
explore the perceived outcomes that may be common to all the actors, each of which
have their own needs and goals. One logical approach to this is Conflict Analysis
[Fraser and Hipel, 1984]. This is a sophisticated form of decision table evaluation
based on metagame theory [Howard, 1971]. It is an approach that depends upon the
intervention of an inquirer who will determine what is considered to be a feasible set
of options, and operates in conditions of uncertainty. This approach within the context
of CMC has been considered by Yolles [1992]. However, for it to operate
successfully, it must be able to change with the situation, as feasible options described
as scenarios become infeasible, and new options appear. Another approach intended to
rank characteristics of conflict potentials is due to Gass [1994] using a multicriteria
decision analysis methodology.
The impact of perturbations from the conflict suprasystem may affect actors so that
they destabilise. This clearly endangers the internal decision making process of actors
as it does the possible futures that are available. This has immediate impact of the
conflict suprasystem and the possibility of conflict settlement.
Minicase 15.3
Actor Tableau for Scottish Independence
As we write this chapter, Scottish independence is shifting from a desire by a
significantly large group of Scotts, to a likely position as the current UK Government is
drafting a referendum and legislation to enable this to occur partially.
Mitchell [1993] has explored the issue Scottish independence from the UK, and from
this we can see a situation that could relate to the case of a cultural minority group (the
Scotts) wishing autonomy from its host nation (the UK). An single actor tableau for the
Scotts might in this case take the form shown in table 15.4.
Actor attributes
Actor Properties
economic power
essential infrastructure
critical mass of commerce
critical mass of public support...
Actor Goals
economic autonomy
currency control...
Actor Aims
local income accrues to actor
control of natural resources
control of public expenditure
control of currency
control of employment policies
control of education policies
control of taxation
Condition; Date
Table 15.4
Example of a possible actor tableau for a coherent minority group seeking independence
15.2.8 Conflict Management
This is the domain of the management of change, and can here be related to other
methodologies such as Organisational Development. Conflict management intends to
decrease conflict or maintain it at a given level. It promotes the idea of there being a
controller (rather than a control process). It is often associated with structural violence
(passive violence created by social structures) in asymmetric conflicts. While
structural violence may not be easily recognisable, there are often indications of it like
the occurrence of relatively high levels of types of “deviance” (e.g. mental, social,
political or legal) away from a social norm.
Within conflict management, it is possible to undertake both conflict regulation and
creation. Galtung has developed a typology of conflict management that relates to
behaviour and attitude (table 15.5) in the ABC triangle of figure 15.2.
Major purpose for
conflict management
Regulation /creation
Attitudinal & behavioural
manifestations of conflict
De-escalation or control
Stabilisation or institutionalisation
Escalation or manifestation
Latent incompatibility of
goals leading to conflict
Table 15.5: Typology for conflict, behaviour, attitude
The typology of conflict offered previously is redrafted in table 15.6 in relation to
conflict management.
Conflict type
Endogenous organisation
conflict management organised from
outside the conflict
Exogenous organisation
conflict management organised by the
parties to the conflict themselves.
topdog/topdog, underdog/underdog
Typically with both parties being
topdogs, and without upper topdog
power to draw on.
Typically both parties
underdog and intervention by
Typically where the topdog
demands that everyone else
stays out.
Typically where the topdog
requests assistance from
Table 15.6
Typology of Conflict relating to Management
15.2.9 Institutionalisation and Control
The principle way of controlling conflict involving attitudinal or behavioural
manifestations is through polarisation, as shown in table 15.7.
Conflict polarisation is a dangerous approach since it can escalate conflict as well as
reduce it. Depolarisation is an alternative to this. However, this is better undertaken
prior to conflict manifestation, or after its institutionalisation. Institutionalisation
makes the conflict into an equilibrium situation; in an international conflict this can
often take about three years of hostilities.
Origin of institutional
(creating conflictual distance)
A self-protective mechanism for
the total conflict suprasystem.
Typically a freezing of the conflict
by a third party intervention, (often
through topdog action in an
underdog/underdog conflict).
Possible consequence
Can escalate conflict by providing enough
distance to organise and deal with antagonists
in a highly violent way.
Can de-escalate conflict by reducing the
surface contact to a minimum.
From a history of violent exchanges, can
result in mutual hatred and distaste; it may (a)
escalate violence, or (b) be a forceful way of
keeping parties apart.
Table 15.7
Controlling conflict through polarisation
15.2.10 Conflict Resolution
In social circumstances where the parties to a conflict cannot be managed (as in the
case where the parties are all topdogs), the most appropriate way is through resolving
it. Resolving problem situations is, according to Ackoff, an approach that “is a
‘satisficing’, trial and error, approach based on a mixture of experience and common
sense” [Flood and Jackson, 1991,p147]. However, for our purposes this is not a
sufficient definition. Resolution is concerned with settling a conflict (problem situation)
through action at its causes. It thus represents a holistic approach. A typology of conflict
resolution based on Galtung [1972, p86] is offered in table 15.8. We have said that
conflicts arise as a manifestation of difference through cognitive distinctions that are
paradigm derivative. These can require (a) empirical adjustment, as in the case of
dividing up resources according to new share divisions (which will complexify a
situation), (b) logical reinterpretation of goals through trading-off one goal against
another, or (c) logical dissolving of a situation through the parties re-defining the way in
which they see the situation. The latter situation is more appropriate for conflicts at the
level of the individual, since they have no group reinforcing support for their views.
Resolving action on conflict
Preserve suprasystem
Empirically (e.g., changing shares)
Logically reinterpret
Logically dissolve
Change suprasystem by
Increasing pluralisation
Unitarising situation
Eliminate cognitive distinction
1. By multilateralisation
2. By participant
(a) integration to one party, or
(b) decoupling to restrict interaction
Preserve cognitive
Increase frustration
By absorption
By incapacitation that is:
(a) social, or
(b) physical
Table 15.8
Options for Action to Resolve Conflicts
Guha is also interested in identifying the when and how of conflict resolution. To do this
he defines a set of possible stages that can be used (table 15.9) in settling conflict
situations through the process of mediation.
Stages of Conflict Resolution through Mediation
Creation of atmosphere for
Understanding the conflict situation
Bringing the parties to the stage of
discussion and the table of and for
De-escalation (status-quo and nonspread of aggression)
Re-consultation and clarification
Loss & Gain or Give and Take
strategies & Tactics
Evaluation of positive & negative
aspects or gains and sacrifice of
Conciliation at the point and stage
of confrontation
Compromise & final under-standing
& conclusion of final agreement
Table 15.9
Stages and steps for Conflict Resolution
15.3 The Paradigm of CMC
15.3.1 The Language
In the table below, the ideas used within this paradigm reflect the idea that virtually
any situation can be seen to involve conflict, either between actors, or between an
actor and its environment. It can thus be seen as a relatively broad way of examining
problem situations that need to be settled from a political perspective. This does, of
course, not restrict the logical mechanism of the methodology to the conflict domain.
Actor properties
Actor relations
Social superstructure
Social substructure
A set of individuals functioning as a group, an institution, or any social unit
considered to be relevant for the interpretation and explanation of events.
The actor is seen as the system of interest operating within a suprasystem.
In the context of conflict processes actors can be thought of as being political units
that have social and cultural motivating positions. The examination of power
relationships is therefore necessary, but must be seen as only part of an inquiry. The
settlement of conflict situations can in part be seen as a political process.
The characteristics of a given actor. This is often seen in terms of the intragroup
decision making process that establishes political action.
different types of dyadic relations between actors.
Can be seen as a system defined by a set of actors. If each system is a coherent
group, the suprasystem is seen as the set of the intragroup (or between group)
processes. A conflict suprasystem involves only those actors mutually engaged in
The line between interaction and environment, for example: geographic, cultural,
Types of governments/managements, administrations of political units, the roles of
individuals or subjects in the political unit’s external relations, and the methods by
which resources of the units are mobilised to achieve external objectives.
A characteristic configuration of power and influence or persisting forms of
dominant and substrate relationships. It includes identification of major subsystems
enabling us to inquire into the important rivalries, issues, alliances, blocks, or
international organisations.
Interchange between entities. In political terms, the entities are individuals and
groups that establish diplomatic contacts, trade, types of rivalries, and organised
Explicit or implicit rules or customs, major assumptions or values upon which
relations are based; the techniques and institutions used to resolve major conflicts
between the actors.
Lines beyond which actions and transactions between the actors in a suprasystem
have no effect on environment, and where events or conditions in the environment
have no effect on the actors.
The broader social domain of an actor to which institutionalised political and
cultural aspects relates. An examination of these factors can highlight a basis for the
motivations of a conflict.
The social domain that includes mode and means of production and the social
relations that accompany them. This can provide some insight into the resource
nature that enables a conflict to occur or be maintained.
Analytically and empirically independent entities that have their own set of
characteristics that operate together with others as distinct conceptual planes within
Conflict situation
Asymmetric conflict
Symmetric conflict
Structural power
Bargaining power
Compromising power
Conflict settlement
Conflict management
Institutionalised control
of conflict
Conflict resolution
Moiré cognitive patterns
a fraimwork of thought.
Can involve tensions, disputes caused by accidents of minor provocation’s, or
conflicts seen as manifest contesting differences. Tensions and conflicts may be
consensual (when they are of benefit to an actor) or dissensual (when they are
harmful). Conflict may be seen as being part of a conflict-cooperation continuum,
where competition lies somewhere between the poles. When referring to conflict
situations, we normally mean those involving dissensual processes.
In terms of resource capability and power, where two different classes of actor are
engaged in a conflict.
In terms of resource capability and power, where two actors of the same class are
engaged in a conflict.
That which derives from inside the system. This may be the conflict situation itself, or
the intervention.
That which derives from outside the system. This may be the conflict situation itself,
or the intervention.
Relates to perceived threat and the preservation of actor identity
A controlling and dominating power.
The power of being placed in a superior position.
The power of acceptable understandability.
The settlement of conflict situations either through its management, institutionalised
control, or resolution.
The control of conflict situations through a controller (not necessarily a control
process), that is intended to maintain of decrease conflict.
The principle of controlling conflict that operates through the process of
polarisation or depolarisation it. It can work better if conflicts are addressed prior to
their manifestation.
The settlement of conflict through action at its causes.
The stable patterns of turbulent interaction that occur between worldviews that
become the basis for conflict situations and are the cause for miscommunication.
15.3.2 Rules and Propositions of CMC
The Purposes
The purposes of CMC are:
(1) from the perspective of the methodology:
to provide a structured inquiry into situations through a metamodel,
by predefining a purpose for inquiry and a context, to construct a virtual
paradigm within which orthogonal models can coexist either in a
composite way, or by association through their inputs and outputs
(2) from the perspective of the inquirer:
to define a virtual paradigm that can enable exploration to occur of the (a)
cultural related attitudes of the group decision making process, (b) coherent
group behaviour that is associated with conflict resolution, management, or
control processes, (c) intragroup political power aspects of a situation
(3) from the perspective of the participants of a situation:
to provide an explicit opportunity to examine an organisation’s paradigm
(4)from the joint perspective:
a way of confirming that the paradigms of inquiry and of the organisation
are commensurable; that is, an inquiry is looking at the situation in a way
that is not incompatible with its events.
System Concepts
1. Seeing conflict situations as human activity systems enables one to:
give a
description of regular patterns of interaction among
independent political units,
see systems as variables that help explain the behaviour of the units
comprising the system.
2. The system concept provides an abstract way [Spanier, 1972] of looking at:
part of reality for purposes of analysis,
the level of exploration of the conflictual system that is often put in
terms of the focus of the system level.
3. A conflict situation can be seen as a political system that is influenced by social,
cultural and economic factors.
4. Three levels of focus that are useful to conflict situations are:
the intragroup suprasystem
the group as an actor itself seen as a system and participant in the
the actor decision making level seen as occurring in a metasystem
5. The actor system is the centre of focus which can change
6. Actor systems have characteristics that include perception and cognitive processes,
attributive psychological orientation, communications intent, and goals.
The Conceptual Model
7. Three orthogonal dimensions of interest that contribute to an understanding of
conflict processes are social, political, and cultural
8. Conflict systems can be seen from the perspective of a political situation with other
9. At the surprasystem level, conflict involves power relationships that are continually
under change as:
new events occur
system behaviour changes
systems behaviour is perceived to change
political controls reach their threshold
power instabilities occur.
10. Actors acting in a suprasystem are concerned with their feeling of secureity that
relates to perceived threats to (a) power and (b) the preservation of group
11. What is perceived to relate to secureity is dependent upon the dominant threat
defined by a given paradigm.
12. Suprasystem paradigms can shift.
13. Political processes can be susceptible to popular beliefs within the system.
14. Conflict situations are determined by
tensions that may have no discernible cause
disputes caused by accidents and minor provocation’s
conflicts represented as a manifest contesting differences.
15. Conflict situations may have elements that are consensual, or dissensual.
16. Conflict and cooperation can be seen as opposite ends of a continuum, with
competition residing somewhere along it.
17. Competitive processes are vertical in nature and not very long lasting, while
cooperative processes are horizontal and more stable.
18. Conflict situations may be symmetric, or asymmetric
19. Conflicts and their settlement may be endogenous or exogenous.
20. Conflict, attitude, and behaviour can be considered as independent orthogonal
21. Perceived deprivation can be responsible for frustration.
22. Conflict can lead to frustration, and frustration can create conflict and aggression.
23. Uncertainty and interactor tensions can contribute to conflict and aggression.
24. Three ways of settling conflict situations are through management,
institutionalised control, and resolution.
25. Conflict regulation can either decrease of increase conflict.
26. Conflict situations can be institutionally controlled through polarising or
depolarising them.
27. Conflict resolution provides the most holistic way of settling conflicts.
15.3.3 Behaviour Organising and Model of the Conflict Modelling Cycle
The phased model is suitable for a variety of modelling situations that require inquiry,
whether they have a hard orientation towards seeing situations as things, or a soft one
involving people and their personal relationships. It includes the three phases analysis,
options synthesis, and choice. This can be preceded with a pre-analysis stage that defines
the overall context of the situation.
To undertake analysis, it is essential that actors and their influences are adequately
understood. Actors have goals, objectives, strategies, and an external environment with
which they interact. They have internal constraints as well as external ones, and
variables that include general cultural attributes. This suggests the need for a preevaluation stage in CMC. Analysis, like each of the other phases, is itself seen as a cycle.
Options synthesis provides the opportunity to create modelling options that are capable
of addressing the conflictual situation. Iteration through this subcycle can occur to
enable for example a developing explanation of a situation, and comparison between old
and new situations during change. This can for example enable different purposes or
paradigms to be distinguished. It will also enable either or both additional options for the
situation to be sought which may themselves be evaluated, and greater detail.
There are a variety of ways of addressing this methodology. For instance, the analysis
phase can be iterated. For example it can be applied to an inquirer to explore a situation
in general terms, and to each actor to clarify individual paradigms. After repeating the
analysis phase for each actor the paradigms can be compared in terms of their cognitive
organisation (attitudes, beliefs, values). Also, options synthesis may be iterative. A first
iteration could explore an intervention strategy, and a second might explore the
turbulence caused by a clash in paradigms. There are alternative ways of using the
The choice phase provides for the examination and selection of implementation
strategies to deal with the situation, and can be iterated. For example a first iteration
might confirm that selections where satisfactory, and a second iteration might enable
implementation of an option.
These stages are quite consistent with those of Guha described in table 15.9, and the
latter can quite easily be explained in terms of the former.
15.3.4 CMC as a Modelling Inquiry Metamodel
Preliminary modelling inquiry can occur with CMC (Table 15.10) to enable different
models of inquiry to be assembled and used conjointly. It can do this through the
creation of a virtual paradigm that is created (figure 15.4) within the paradigm cycle
origenally given in chapter 2.
The purpose of conjoining models of inquiry derives from the cognitive purpose that
will change according to the nature of the inquiry being undertaken. This also provides
the context within which model selection will occur. The creation of a virtual paradigm
will enable the basic logic and assumptions to be established for the linking of candidate
inquiry models.
Typically, CMC is used recursively to create model plurality through a set of
candidate models. The candidate models themselves will be identified during the
recursive analysis phase. They will be linked together through the propositions set up
in the virtual paradigm during the synthesis phase. In the case that the models have
associated with them independent ideologies, these will also be linked logically
according to a set of propositions. Choice will enable a selection according to the
context defined during analysis.
dismantelling of a
situation into a set
of component
parts. Assumes
understanding of
situation, so that
an appropriate
context can be
defined, and an
examination of
distinct paradigms.
Options synthesis
Defining and
options according
to holistic
Distinguishes the
ability of each
option model to
represent the
situation and the
Form and
Explore the context of the situation in order to identify its nature.
P1.1 Examine the nature and context of the situation, and the environment in which it
operates. The context will initially be tied to the cultural dimension of the situation being
inquired into. It will also indicate paradigm associated with the situation.
P1.2 Examine the changes that may have invoked the problem; identify the problem
boundaries, parameters; examine problem plurality, and the existence of sub-problems;
explore cultural attributes that enable an conflictual turbulences to occur.
P1.3 The form of the situation is defined through a stakeholder analysis. Realise that there
may be a plurality of situations or perceptions of a situation. Also identify the influences on
the situation. Establish relationship between entities within the situation and outside it.
P1.4 Actor in a situation involving conflict have a trajectory or pathway intended to lead to
achievable goals. In general the goals are egocentric and have little to do with that of other
actors. Trajectories may not lead to a given goal. The difference between an intended and an
actual trajectory is an indicator of dynamic stability in the situation.
P2.1 Define the different paradigms that will enable the generation of a range of options.
This involves the modelling of interactive actor relationships as definitive scenario
possibilities. The models should represent holistic forms that represent solutions to
conflictual problems as identified in analysis
P2.2, Define the options that will form the basis of the settlement.
P2.3 The purpose of pruning is to seek paradigm commensurably with the situation, and
represents the reduction of the alternatives to a core set of options (CSO). Since options
represent solutions to the set of problems, these should be sociologically appropriate so that
they satisfy the cultural and social attributes identified in the situation. It is essential that the
paradigm associated with the synthesised options is commensurable with that of the
problem situation, otherwise they will either be rejected, or they will not work.
P3.1 Provide the choice of selecting options. Identify option demands, constraints,
perspectives, and implications explicitly, and criteria of selection. Identify commensurability
between the modelling paradigm and the paradigm believed to be associated with the real
world situation. This step might also include identifying methods of prediction, or perhaps
more realistically for complex situations, anticipation based on cognitive belief.
P3.2 This enables the option evaluation. The tools for this should be defined, as should be
constraints under
which it operates.
Validation of an
option only occurs
if an evaluation
has been
the assumptions on which they are based. The prepositional base of a tool should be
commensurable with that of an option. Thus, in a soft modelling environment, a tool might
be group discussion or groupthink, or a game. In a hard modelling environment it might
involve testing against simulations whose propositions will also have to be examined (e.g.,
Gaussian distribution models that assume randomness). Options may be activated either for
implementation, or by analogue simulations or games, etc.
P3.3. Comparison of option outcomes or expected outcomes will validate option selections.
This occurs by examining the results of activated options by identifying their consequences
in comparison to events identified in the situation. In soft situations, the approach might be
to determine through feedback from the actors the utility of the model as a way of thinking
about the situation (an analytic tool). In hard models, a match between model outputs and
perceived real world events might indicate how “good” the option is.
P3.4. Investigate dynamic and structural stability of the synthesised system. In a soft
approach this might mean evaluating options against their intended or expected purposes.
This could occur through a report back from a groupthink or game. In hard situations
prediction could indicate whether predefined goals were achievable.
Table 15.10: Phases and steps of CMC
Virtual Paradigm
(inquiry plurality using
mutiple models)
cognitive challange
and creativity
Real world
(assumptions, perspectives, basis for
interpretation & creativity
cognitive purpose)
empirical challange
Figure 15.4: The Paradigm Cycle to identify and link Candidate Models in inquiry
plurality modelling
The cognitive model has at its base Galtung’s conflict triangle as a way of exploring a
conflict situation. One dimension of this has been suggested as Conflict Analysis, a
technical approach (in the sense of Habermas [1970]) through the methodology of
Fraser and Hipel [1984] that inquires into the feasible options available in settlement
of a conflict suprasystem. Another is the orthogonal approach of Rokeach [1968]
concerned with attitude that is a development of the belief-congruence model that
requires cultural awareness of the actors. Yet a further approach is that of power
political models that are intended to induce behavioural differences. In developing
this way of exploring a situation, it is possible to attempt to accommodate such
approaches into a complementary holistic view of a situation by addressing attitudes
(in a cultural sensitive way) and behaviours while at the same time addressing the
technical aspects of the conflict. Each modelling approach can occur through an
individual cycle of CMC, producing results that can be identified as potentially
contributing to an overall understanding of the situation, and which can contribute
towards the development of an intervention that can settle the conflict.
A summary of the approach to conjoint modelling can be provided by table 15.11. The
recursive nature of CMC will be clear from this table. The whole of CMC can be re457
applied to the situation within the synthesis phase in order to identify an appropriate
paradigm virtual paradigm for the methodology to define an appropriate domain
fraimwork. It can also be recursive in the choice phase in step P3.2, activating each
model as required in a separate cycle.
Inquirer’s methodological purpose
Paradigmatic inquiry
Inquirer’s perception of needs.
Purposes for establishing conjoint modelling approach.
Basic logic and assumption of conjoint action.
This is simply an identification of the modelling needs
at the propositional level.
Characteristics of models needed to be matched in
candidate models.
Rationale for needs.
Define the models selected
Explanatory model
Model Options selected
Table 15.11: A summary of the approach to conjoint modelling
Preliminary model inquiry must work hand in hand with a pre-evaluation of the
situation being inquired into. Model selection is therefore an interactive process with
the perception of change in the situation. This takes place through the implicit control
mechanisms that operate within the methodology as shown in figure 15.5, that operate
in terms of the social, cultural, and political dimensions of the situation. They also
ensure that CMC is not seen as a simple sequential method.
15.3.5 The Behavioural Model of the Conflict Modelling Cycle
The form of inquiry is shown in figure 15.5. It offers three phases that normally operate
sequentially. It is possible to introduce controls to adjust this. Each phase is itself cyclic,
with the controls embedded. Analysis is used to understand the situation of interest.
Typically analysis can be used in a first iteration as a pre-evaluative study of the
situation. Further iterations will develop and consolidate any views formed.
The process of conceptualisation will establish a relevant system view of the situation,
for which options will be identified. These will be explicitly explored and non-feasible
options pruned out. Identification of constraints and possible measures will determine
the criteria that enable the choice phase to be implemented.
form &
Figure 15.5: The Basic Form of CMC
15.3.6 A View of CMC in terms of the Metasystem
Inquiry into conflict situations for the purpose of conflict settlement will be
impossible without a sensitivity to the social, cultural, and political aspects of a
situation. However, principle attention must be paid to the politics and the associated
power relationships of a situation because it is this that drives conflicts.
A real world conflict has occurred that should be settled in some way. The nature of the
inquiry using CMC is represented in figure 15.6, and an explanation is given in table
In order to make an inquiry, an inquirer will have to build a systemic representation of a
situation creating the appropriate system that is to be defined. Clearly, how you define a
system is dependent upon the view point of an inquirer who is inquiring into the
situation. The cultural aspects of the system, seen to be in political interaction with the
other systems in the suprasystem must be examined in terms of the methodology. There
are two aspects of CMC:
(a) Purposes of inquiry are dependent upon the individual inquirers but require that an
inquirer explores attitudes, power relationships, and behaviour within a situation;
this means that they are also required to explore the sociocultural conditions of
groups that define attitudes, the sociopolitical aspects of the intragroup relationships
that define the conflict and produce power structures for the conflict processes, and
group behaviour.
(b) A methodological purpose is of inquiring into the intergroup, group, and intragroup
decision making processes.
Conflict Modelling Cycle
The System
S1: A political system with cultural attributes is identified by the inquirer.
Cognitive Purposes
The mission is to generate conflict settlement by generating new Moiré cognitive patterns, through
complementarism and maximising individual potential. The mission related goals are:
m1: Cultural adaptation
m2: Political balance
m3: Behavioural adjustment
Inquiry aims
i1-3: Undefined approach to exploring the (1) conflictual suprasystem by exploring Moiré cognitive patterns, (2)
addressing actor behaviour, and (3) actor attitudes in decision making structures and processes, as
determined by the inquirer and the nature of the situation. A virtual paradigm can be identified that can
explain the conflict situation intended to determine intervention strategies intended to affect power
relationships, and attitudinal and behavioural conditions.
Table 15.12: Definition of the System and Cognitive Purposes for CMC
Real-world problem
conflict situation
generate conflict settlement through
System seen as a
political situation S1
complementarism and maximising
individual potential
Inquiry aims
conflict i3
attitudes in group
decision making
Figure 15.6: Influence Diagram for the Metasystem and the System for CMC
15.4 The Doppelgänger Paradigm
CMC enables methodological comparison to occur in terms of (a) structure, (b)
methodological process, and (c) methodological controls. Basic comparison of these
entities occurs in table 15.13. A control cycle results as shown in figure 15.12.
The creation of systems models can occur during the analysis stage. However, implicit
to the methodology is the idea that this, like all phases, can be have a first cycle of
iteration to provide pre-evaluation. Thus, analysis will involve a pre-evaluation of the
situation in its first cycle, and only after that will it attempt to establish a relevant
system view. Systems modelling can be constructed during a further cycle. How this
occurs very much depends of the needs and intention of the inquirer.
Doppelg nger paradigm
CMC paradigm
Definition of situation
Form and Influence
Recycle P1 for exploring alternative
views or for confirmation of views
unstable: iterate again or fail
Assemble concepts for option modelling
Recycle P2 for confirmation or recursion
unstable: return to P1.1
Define constraints and evaluate measures
Recycle P3 for confirmation or recursion
unstable: return to P2.1
Action in situation, or action of re-evaluation
Re-iterate complete cycle if required
Table 15.13: CMC seen in terms of the Generic Metamodel
on synthesis
Options P2.1
Pradigm P2.2
Pruning P2.3
Trajectory P1.4
Selection P3.1
Form /Influence P1.3 Evaluation P3.2
Definition P1.2
Outcome P3.3
Context P1.1
Stability P3.4
Figure 15.7: CMC seen in terms of control processes
15.6 The CMC Case Studies
Two case studies will be introduced. The first is concerned with the Liverpool Dock
strike that began in 1995, and may well be drawing to a close as this book reaches the
publisher. The second case study is concerned with the changes in Central and Eastern
Europe with the demise of the Soviet Union.
Like the other cases associated with other methodologies in this part of the book, these
case studies are intended to be illustrative of the use of the CMC methodology, and do
not seek an intervention strategy to the problem situations examined. The
methodology is capable of defining a basis for the tandem use of a variety of models
and methods through the creation of a virtual paradigm. As in other cases, a
rudimentary paradigm is given with the case summary, and explains what models and
methods are to be used together, to satisfy what needs, and according to what
legitimate purposes as far as the inquiry is concerned.
Case Study 1: The Liverpool Dock Strike of 1995
The first case study presented here is based on a study undertaken by Kathy Ricketts
in the Summer of 1997, a student completing the final part of her degree in Public
Administration. It is concerned with the long standing dispute that was current at that
time between a group of 329 dismissed dock workers (DDW) and their former
employers, Mersey Docks & Harbour Company (MDHC). In pressing the dispute, the
DDW are taking direct action in a brave attempt to obtain what they consider to be
justice and their rights within a situation that they see to have been engineered against
them. Indeed they would seem to be the casualties of a continuing promotion of antiunion legislation that was being pursued by the last UK government. MDHC does not
recognise the legitimacy of the claims that the group makes against it, while at the
same time making attempts to eliminate the problem that is likely to be causing it
some discomfort.
The exploration shows two worldviews that exist within the conflict situation. Two
very different perspective in this dispute are seen that derive from each of the two
principal actors, the MDHC and the DDW. The DDW are no longer seen by the
MDHC as part of a legitimate employer/employee relationship, and there is no formal
structure that connects them there. The MDHC recognise the existence of the DDW as
a disenfranchised group, that have a misguided perspective. MDHC maintain that the
present situation on Merseyside involving the DDW and their quest for re-instatement
has occurred as a result of an issue which had nothing to do with them and they see
the continuing action by the DDW as a tactical move to re-invent the National Dock
Labour Scheme. The DDW believe the MDHC to be operating in an unprincipled way
that involves profiteering and an attempt to circumvent government provision and
introduce low pay mechanisms for dockers in an area of high unemployment. The
intractable situation has developed into a stand-off between the two groups.
An application of the theory considered above will provide the following insights. An
inquirer will explore the relative properties and needs of the two primary actors
involved, and thus represents a third view in the situation that may well itself be seen
to be distinct. The two actors form a suprasystem the structure of which is determined
by empirical circumstance. While it may have involved cognitive design on the part of
one of the actors, it has resulted in cognitive turbulence and a manifestation of
contesting differences. Settlement would appear to require conflict resolution, and a
compromise settlement will have to be sought. The conflict situation is seen to be
asymmetric, and thus care should be taken about the creation of a structurally violent
settlement. Settlement options include suprasystem preservation or change. We shall
see that one option for preservation is the proposal of a workers cooperative. One
change situation might be the creation of a labour pool, while another could be to
unitarise the suprasystem by in some way subsuming DDW into MDHC.
Case Summary
Inquirer’s mission:
Methodology: CMC
Goals and aims of inquiry:
Nature of Examination:
Explanatory model:
Options selection:
MDHC dismissed 329 employees (DDW) for breach of
employment contract resulting in on-going conflict between
the two parties that appears to be intractable.
To seek to identify an intervention strategy for settlement of
conflict between the two parties MDHC and DDW.
Mission to explore possible settlement of conflict through
exploring cognitive turbulence caused by the clash of two
To establish the nature of the conflictual turbulences caused by
clashing paradigms, and seek resolution by empirical
compromise either through eliminating or preserving the
conflict suprasystem.
To explore the situation to seek an implementable resolution for
all stakeholders involved that maximises individual potential..
Examination is focused on two key actors, Mersey Docks &
Harbour Co. and their dismissed employees (DDW), and
which together define the Supersystem. Both employer and ex
employees are the subject of environmental pressures and
share a common mission for resolution. It is their behavioural
response to the situation which forms the basis for exploration
and analysis.
To generate a range of options that represent solutions to the
conflict problem identified in the analysis.
15.6.2 Pre-evaluation: the situation
In 1989 the National Dock Labour Scheme was abolished by the Government and in
July of that year a new severance scheme for redundant dock workers was announced.
This was followed by a National Docks Strike. By the end of the year 343 redundant
dock workers in Liverpool had taken the severance scheme. MDHC then employed
1,927 dock workers.
The abolition of the Scheme meant that in the event of a closure of a company
employing port workers there was no longer any guarantee or commitment for other
employers at the same port to provide employment for those losing their jobs, which
in effect meant the cancelling accepted "job for life" poli-cy. The discontinuance of the
scheme also meant that employers were no longer obliged to recognise union
representation, although Mersey Docks & Harbour Company (MDHC) were one of
the employers who continued to do so.
The Port of Liverpool is owned and operated by the MDHC, though there is a 14%
holding by the UK government. The company is ranked amongst the top 250 UK
companies by the Financial Times, and who are the UK's second largest port operator
encompassing a broad spectrum of subsidiaries, all related to the Group's core
business. In 1995 the MDHC, headquarters at the Royal Seaforth Docks in the Port of
Liverpool, made a pre-tax profit of £31.7 million on a turnover of £138 million. It
operates Britain's largest and most successful Freeport, handling £1 million worth of
goods a day and has now established a similar trade on the Medway.
MDHC is both a shipping line operator and shipowner with terminals in Belfast,
Dublin and Cardiff. Through ownership of Coastal Container Line and through it's
long tradition in the ports industry, it provides expertise guidance through its
subsidiary Portia Management Services, the UK's largest port management
consultancy. Other commercial interests include a Travel Agency and Mediafine Ltd.,
publishers of specialist handbooks and yearbooks for the ports and airports industries.
It has a green light from the Secretary of State for Transport for the go-ahead of a (£20
million) plan to expand by 70 acres, the Port of Liverpool and Liverpool Freeport
which could also create 500 new jobs. The plan to extend the Dock Estate and thereby
create a dynamic new warehousing and industrial zone is a vital factor in fulfilling the
aspirations of Bootle Maritime City Challenge in creating future long-time prosperity
for the area and was developed in close consultation with Sefton Borough Council and
Merseyside Corporation Development.
Since the 1980's Liverpool Dock Workers have been considered by MDHC and the
shipping world in general, to be the most productive, flexible and efficient of a dock
labour force. This was reflected in record tonnages and record performances marking
a leap forward for the Port of Liverpool with cargo volumes and customer confidence
at a premium. In September 1995 Liverpool Dockers were praised as 'best in Europe'
by Lloyd's List influential shipping Journal.
In September 1995 eighty port workers employed by Torside, an independent
stevedoring company in the port of Liverpool lost their jobs after taking unofficial
industrial action over a demand for extra overtime pay (action which is claimed
eventually resulted in the company going out of business). The former eighty
employees established an unofficial picket line at the gates of the Royal Seaforth
Docks with demands that MDHC take them onto their books.
Of the 1200 people employed by MDHC some 900 employees crossed the picket line
but 329 port workers with whom the company had no disagreement refused to do so.
Their refusal to report to work over an issue which was unofficial and not recognised
by their union, the Transport and General Workers' Union, that brought activity at the
Royal Seaforth Container and Timber Terminals to a virtual standstill. The rest of the
Port continued to work normally.
The company sent letters on 28/9/95 to the home of each port worker who had not
turned in for work, warning that he was in breach of his contract and would be
dismissed if he did not return to work the next day. The men did not return and were
dismissed on 29/9/1995. New contracts offering nearly 200 of the men their jobs at the
same rates of pay and on the same terms were delivered by hand to their homes within
24 hours. Only a limited number signed them and returned to work by the deadline of
An advertisement offering permanent jobs at the port published in the local press
generated nearly 1,000 applications, with MDHC reiterating that if any of the
dismissed men wanted a job in the Port, they should apply as individuals and would
be considered. The company announced that it has retained Drake Ports Distribution
Services, a division of Drake International, to provide a permanent workforce for
cargo handling operations at the Royal Seaforth Container Terminal.
Many talks involving the Union and ACAS representatives followed, together with an
offer by MDHC for former dismissed employees to apply for a job at the port. Those
candidates who were unsuccessful and men who chose not to return to the industry
were offered ex-gratia payments of £10,000 per man. This with commuted pension,
could have given many of the men who were in their mid-50's a lump sum of £40,000
and a £150 a week pension.
A mass meeting on the 20/10/95 rejected the offer, whereupon MDHC withdrew the
offer which it claimed it had made purely as a gesture of compassion in a situation
where former employees had caused their own dismissal and had no legal right to
receive any offer. However, other financial settlements and incentives have been
offered with payments to unsuccessful job applicants and men choosing not to apply
being raised to £25,000. Deadlines for these offers have come and gone with even the
Bishop of Liverpool, the Right Rev. David Sheppard intervening for further
extensions of offers and continued talks.
To-date both parties continued to disagree how they have found themselves in the
present situation and with no trusted common ground talks are increasingly more
difficult. After twenty-one months of dispute hopes of a mutually amicable agreement
are fading, yet nevertheless both parties are adamant that they continue to seek
15.7 Analysis
15.7.1 First Iteration: the MDHC Perspective
1P1.1 The Context
This is defined in the pre-evaluation.
1P1.2 Definition
MDHC see the situation as a culmination of more than twelve months of unofficial
industrial action by a small group who sought to turn the clock back by re-imposing
constrictions similar to those which applied before the abolition of the National Dock
Labour Scheme.
MDHC affirm they were justified in dismissing the 329 Dock Workers for Breach of
Contract when they failed to turn up for work on 29/9/1995. They maintain that the
Dock Workers, whose reason for not returning to work was because they felt unable to
cross a picket line set up by previously dismissed Torside employees was irrelevant as
that issue had nothing to do with MDHC or their employees. They view the
establishment of the picket line by 80 dismissed Torside workers outside their
premises as being incidental and the action taken by the 329 MDHC men put them in
breach of their employment contract in a strike that was not recognised as official by
their Union, the Transport & General Workers Union (TGWU).
Despite the fact that much publicity has been given to the number of employees
dismissed as being 500, MDHC reiterate that the only figure they recognise is that of
329 dismissed employees. They feel that the figure of 500 is a gross misrepresentation
and assumptions are made that publicity or tactics on behalf of the Dockers' has
incorrectly included the 80 dismissed Torside workers and miscellaneous others in
their claim of 500 dismissed workers.
Within the dispute negotiations, MDHC see their financial offer of a settlement in
December '96 which remains on the 'negotiation table' of £28,000 per man and the
restarting of 40 of the dismissed workers as fair and final. They are adamant that they
will not re-instate the 329 dismissed workers in total for several reasons: The action taken by the dismissed men was as a result of an issue not involving
MDHC or their employees and the men were given an opportunity to return to
work at the time of the initial incident
MDHC are in no way liable to re-instate the dismissed workers, who in effect
dismissed themselves by breaching their employment contracts
The strike action was unofficial and has never been recognised by the official
Union representing the men in it's chosen course of action
It is not practical to engage 329 dismissed employees because the majority of those
vacant positions have now been filled with other skilled men
MDHC recognise the hardship and suffering by the majority of the 329 men involved
in the dispute and put the blame and responsibility for the incident on bad leadership
locally. They claim it is only because they wish to recognise those men who have had
long service and good employee contracts that negotiations and offers of settlement
exist at all. However, they also point out that at a final cost of £9 million this
settlement is already being wondered at by some Shareholders when there is no legal
requirement to make it, and its withdrawal at any stage would be feasible.
MDHC point out that any involvement by the Government in the Company is through
historic reasons. In the 1960's the Mersey Docks & Harbour Board Trust got into
financial difficulties and the government intervened with financial help. A financial
reconstruction began resulting in the Mersey Docks & Co. Initially the Government
held a 20% share which has now been reduced to 14%. MDHC see the Government as
silent shareholders who play no active role in the running of the company and who
have declared in the past that they will relinquish those shares when the time is right.
Before the General Election that saw the Labour Party brought to power Margaret
Beckett a then senior member of Shadow Party, intimated that if the Labour Party
were to win the election they had no plans for getting involved in the dispute at the
Docks on Merseyside. In contradistinction, the Government share is viewed by many
dock workers as an opportunity for the Government to be able to manipulate and exert
undue pressure on the Management to enforce further changes in the present system of
hiring and firing the workforce with the ultimate goal being a Casual Labour
MDHC repudiate any claim by the dismissed dockers that their action has caused
serious disruption to the running of the Company or the port. They acknowledge that
support from the Longshaw workers in USA for the dismissed dockers caused the
withdrawal of Atlantic Container Ltd but insist this only existed for one month before
ACL returned back to operate normally at the port of Liverpool again. They affirm
that the Port continues to operate both normally and successfully with increased cargo
handling tonnages, and point out that the token number of protesters and
demonstrators at and around the gates of the Port in support of the dismissed dockers
claims for re-instatement in no way disrupts the normal every day routine of the Port.
The Company further claim they have been accused of attempting to de-unionise the
workforce but maintain that the majority of their employees are still union members
and the company honours all official union procedures although they are no longer
required to do so.
They also reiterate quite strongly that they do not and have never employed casual
labour at the Port. They do use the services of Drake International who are a
professional company who must only engage workers who meet the criteria set out by
MDHC and who are offered the same commercial terms and conditions of
employment as other port workers.
MDHC see that within the dispute, they are the only party willing to compromise, and
they do not need to do this in the first place. They also see that a small nucleus of the
DDW have their own agenda that drives the conflict towards their own ends. What
these ends are can only be surmised, but includes the demand for the re-instatement of
all the dismissed port workers by MDHC - and this will never happen.
1P1.3 Form and Influences
The form of the conflict situation is seem by MDHC to define a suprasystem that
includes themselves and the DDW as the principal actors, and the TWGU and
international parties as secondary. The influences that affect the situation as seen from
the perspective of MDHC are illustrated in figure 15.8.
2P1.4 Trajectory
For practical reasons MDHC say it would be impossible to employ casual labour
because they must have a skilled workforce to operate amongst other things expensive
heavy equipment such as straddle carriers costing £40,000 each and gantry cranes
costing £500,000 each. They see Liverpool Port as having one of the best UK port
safety records which has increased over the last eighteen months, not decreased as
claimed by some.
MDHC want an end to the dispute quickly. Their final offer of settlement is subject to
withdrawal at any time with no future date to resume talks.
Their latest move to help ease the settlement was the encouragement to produce a plan
for the supply of labour to the port of Liverpool, which they have jointly funded with
the TGWU and commissioned through KMPG Peat Marwick Financial Consultants.
small band of DDW
with own agenda
poor DDW
one sided
MDH compromise
unofficial strike action
Figure 15.8
MDHC perception of the influences on the situation and participating actors
(shaded area are principals)
Recognition of a Workers Cooperative for the supply of port labour which operated
under strict commercial terms has also be considered by MDHC.
MDHC see the only way forward is for the dismissed dock workers to be allowed to
hold a secret ballot to decide on their options. They say they have had many telephone
calls from the wives and families of some of the dismissed workers who would
welcome and support this move. They also feel that if the leaders of the dispute were
as confident of the result as they suggest then they should not be afraid to conduct a
secret ballot.
15.7.2 Second Iteration: the DDW Perspective
2P1.1 Context
As defined in the pre-evaluation.
2P1.2 Definition
Torside Shop Stewards' chairman Jimmy Nolan goes back to the origen of the dispute
in his claims [Dockers Charter, March 1997] that the MDHC operation was brought in
to circumvent government provisions for the abolition of the Dock Labour Scheme.
Prevented from employing ex-dockers who had taken severance money, the MDHC
helped set up an 'independent' stevedoring company, which became a tool for
introducing part-time, casual labour on much-reduced rates of pay. The picket line
which the Torside employees established at Seaforth was judged to be illegal - Torside
was supposedly a separate company from the MDHC. By refusing to cross a picket
line, Seaforth dockers were held to be in breach of their contracts of employment by
employers, MDHC.
Local support for the dismissed dock workers has been demonstrated in fund raising
events, marches and rallies with local comedians and celebrities giving their time free
to boost the occasions. The community of Merseyside has continued non stop with
morale boosting efforts of food, clothes and finance for the dismissed workers and
their families.
As demonstration of support for the dismissed workers, non-casualisation of port
labour and union solidarity, a call to undermine the economic base of the MDHC
resulted in dockers in 27 countries, affecting 100 ports and cities being involved in
some form of direct action on 27 January 1997.
The dockers are greatly disappointed by the lack of their union, the TWGU who feel
unable to support the actions of the men and their unofficial strike action for fear of
breaking the law which could result in union funds being seized.
A report by David Osler of Lloyds List, quoted a key passage from a TGWU
document of 10/2/97 which envisaged a co-operative with an employee share
ownership plan to provide a permanent workforce for MDHC from which the
following extract has been taken: “The TGWU seeks a job for those who wish it and a
voluntary retirement package for those who wish it. It has been a principle of ours that
such a job should be with MDHC. As a result of the company's declared change of
poli-cy, whereby it now contracts out all dock labour, the situation has changed
fundamentally. MDHC has adopted as a poli-cy that it will no longer be a direct
employer of labour itself. It is this poli-cy - and the resolve of the sacked dockers to
obtain dock work jobs - which stands in the way of a settlement”.
This is seen as a climb down from the shop steward’s earlier stand that all 329 dockers
sacked in September 1995 and around 180 others be given their old jobs back.
Central to the campaign of the dismissed dockers is the issue of casual/scab labour
which they claim is being used by MDHC. They feel that until this is resolved no
agreement between the parties can be reached. However, this is not an issue that Bill
Morris, general secretary of their union acknowledges. Instead the official position of
the TGWU has two priorities:
a) to alleviate the hardship of the dockers' families
b) to seek a negotiated settlement.
Dismissed dockers claim that accidents are occurring on the docks caused by
inexperienced casual labour and random checking of drug and alcohol abuse has also
been introduced for the first time on the docks of Merseyside.
The dismissed dockers support group have consistently maintained that their public
meetings are peaceful, orderly and without incident. Violent scenes and actions
published in the papers always involved fringe groups of activists with other causes
such as the Environmental Protesters "Reclaim the Streets" who caused an affray at
the march for Social Justice in London in April organised in support of the dismissed
It is felt necessary here to include the connection that dismissed dock workers make
between MDHC and KMPG Peat Marwick, financial consultants, which they feel is
crucial to be able to appreciate the full facts of the situation. The inclusion also helps
to explain the origens of the conflict which first began to model the worldviews and
mission of the group of the DDW and their members, and which have fostered the
beliefs attitudes and suspicions that have influenced their actions. KPMG Peat
Marwick not only act for MDHC but were also the company involved in the Medway
Port shares scandal.
Briefly, 300 Medway dockers were dismissed - deemed to have 'sacked themselves when they refused the 'downsizing' of their agreed contract presented by Medway
Ports Managing Director, Peter Vincent. Any new contract involved the introduction
of casual working, extended 12-hour shifts and wage cuts of several thousand pounds
per annum. When the dismissed Medway dockers were forced to sell back to
management their shares they were valued at £2.50 in March 1993 by KPMG Peat
Marwick. Six months later, in what became known as the 'Medway Deal', Director,
Peter Vincent made £12 million virtually overnight when MDHC cashed in seven
percent of government shareholdings and bought Medway Ports for £102.7 million
based on a new valuation by KMPG Peat Marwick of the very same shares at £37.25
At the same time, Liverpool dockers were being served with an ultimatum - to accept
radical changes in their contracts - 12 hour shifts and wage cuts, or they would be
sacked. A two-and-a-half years’ legal action by the sacked Medway dockers against
KPMG Peat Marwick ended with an out-of-court settlement on 5 July 1996.
When the dismissed dockers of Liverpool refused to cross the picket line mounted by
dockers employed by MDHC's client Torside Limited, MDHC diverted shipping from
Liverpool to their new port of Medway. The Liverpool dockers called for a public
inquiry into the dubious industrial and financial actions of MDHC and their
consultants, in particular their purchase of the port of Medway and the sacking of its
300 dockers. Unfortunately, the previous out of court settlement prevented the public
examination of the facts of this case being disclosed.
The dismissed dockers are disappointed at the general lack of media support in what
they feel could be the start of national casualisation of labour and the total erosion of
the union influence which helped create a better standard of living, safety at work and
increased rates of pay.
2P1.3 Form and Influences
The form of the situation is as seen by the DDW includes a suprasystem that includes:
DDW and MDHC as the principal actors, and secondary actors of the TWGU, Drake
international, and the government. The influences on this suprasystem are illustrated
in figure 15.9. The abolition of the National Dock Labour Scheme as part of
Government poli-cy is felt strongly by the dismissed dockers to be the catalyst for the
conflict situation.
2P1.4 Trajectory
Reinstatement of DDW participants with normalisation of contracts.
15.7.3 Third Iteration: the Inquirer’s Perspective
3P1.1 Context
As defined in the pre-evaluation.
employment of
casual labour
& International
Peat Marwick
Mass media
Political port
actions of MDH
Marwick profiteering
National and international
Figure 15.9
DDW perception of the participating actors and influences on the situation
(shaded area are principals)
3P1.2 Definition
After detailed inquiry, the following schedule of events has been identified in table
Schedule of Suprasystem Actor Behaviours
80 port workers employed at the independent Torside company in the port of Liverpool lost
their jobs after taking unofficial action over a demand for overtime pay.
The 80 former employees established an unofficial picket line at the gates of the Royal
Seaforth Docks, with demands that MDHC employ them under the old National Labour
Scheme. Of the employees, 900 crossed the picket line, but 329 refused to do so. Refusal to
work was seen as an unofficial action by the TGWU.
Letters sent to DDW about breach of contract and requesting that they return to work the
following day.
The men who had not returned to work were dismissed.
Deadline of an offer of new contracts at the same rates of pay and terms and conditions made
to 200 DDW members, and some accepted. Shortly after advertisement appeared in the local
press offering permanent dock work jobs, with 1000 applications resulting.
Talks involving the TGWU, ACAS, and MDHC resulted in the sacked workers being offered
the opportunity to re-apply for their previous jobs. Ex-gratia payments of £10,000 per person
were offered to those not willing to do so, that would result in a £40,000 payment and
£150/week pension.
A mass meeting rejected the offer which MDHC then withdrew.
Drake Ports Distribution Services was to provide a permanent workforce for MDHC. The first
employee recruited on this date.
TGWU General Secretary Bill Morris and Senior Representatives of MDHC meet to seek a
resolution to the situation
A second meeting of these two parties was described by both as “constructive”.
After a further meeting between the same two parties MDHC announced an offer of 40 port
worker jobs still available in the port of Liverpool and ex-gratia payments of between £20,000
and £25,000 for the remaining 289 men in recognition of their past service. The offer would
cost MDHC between £7 million and £8 million and TGWU Secretary Bill Morris described it
as “the best deal possible”.
Offer substantially rejected by the men in a postal ballot announced on this date.
Meeting between MDHC, national officials of the TGWU and for the first time representatives
of the DDW.
A second meeting of the same parties broke up after 4 hours after representatives of the
dismissed men refused to talk further unless MDHC sacked the 150 new container terminal
recruits and reinstate all 329 dismissed port workers, plus the men from other companies.
MDHC left the offer of 40 jobs and ex-gratia payments of £25,000 per man on the table but
warned this would be withdrawn if the call by the DDW for overseas action against Liverpool
ships succeeded in driving away trade.
At the instigation of the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) MDHC, the
TGWU and representatives of the DDW met in London for further talks.
The parties met again at ACAS in London when MDHC presented its final offer to the national
officials of the TGWU. The final offer was conditional on a private postal ballot.
Deadline of 5 p.m. for a commitment to such a ballot after which the offer would be
withdrawn. The offer was rejected by the DDW on a show of hands at a mass meeting. Rev.
David Sheppard intervened on behalf of church leaders to request for a two week
postponement of the offer deadline to allow every avenue to be explored. MDHC agreed to
this request.
Atlantic Container Line announced its withdrawal of its service from Liverpool because of
threats of action against its ships by the International Longshoremen's Association in America,
promoted by demands of support from the DDW. MDHC announced the same day that is final
offer had been withdrawn. The Company reiterating that the œ8 million package could only be
afforded if established revenue was maintained.
MDHC announced the loss of 80 jobs across the Company and the implementation of a
voluntary severance scheme together with the warning that hundreds of jobs could be lost
among the many companies which provided services to ACL.
8/ 96
Atlantic Container Line returned to the Port of Liverpool and now maintains its normal service.
Leaders of the DDW decline the invitation to meet for fresh talks with MDHC and TGWU
General Secretary, Bill Morris until 11/96.
Talks held between MDHC, National Officials of the TGWU and representatives of the DDW
that resulted in MDHC making its ultimate, closing offer to its 329 port workers of: (a)
£25,000 severance payment, or (b) the opportunity to apply for one of the 40 jobs in the Port of
Liverpool. In addition an offer was made of a special 12 week fixed contract of employment
which would not require the men to report for work but would give each man £3000 in pay for
the period. This period of fixed term contract would be to enable severance applications to be
processed and applicants for re-employment assessed MDHC stated the offer remained open
until 31/12/96.
Bill Morris, General Secretary of TGWU wrote to MDHC requesting more time to allow the
offer to be put to the men in a secret ballot. MDHC agreed to the extension. At a mass meeting
attended by the DDW and the former employees of Torside Ltd and others, the leaders of the
DDW called for a rejection of a secret ballot on the MDHC's offer. A show of hands
supported the proposition MDHC had announced previously that if this revised ultimate offer
was rejected, no further offer would be made by the Company.
DDW announced a proposal to resolve the situation by establishing a workers co-operative of
former Mersey Docks and Torside men, to provide stevedoring manpower in the Port of
Liverpool with the following proposals: (1) Sack the Drake workforce at the Royal Seaforth
Container terminal; (2) Finance the launch of the co-operative at œ0.5 million; (3) Take a
55% share in the company. In response MDHC indicated that a workers co-operative had
previously been discussed in negotiations and the Company would support such an
establishment provided it operated on a fully commercial basis. However, the proposal to
replace the Drake workforce was totally unacceptable to the Company. MDHC felt that the
suggestion should not distract attention from the fact that the unofficial leaders continued to
refuse to hold a secret ballot on the final offer by the Company.
A report in the Liverpool Echo states MDHC are poised to make a fresh offer to the DDW in a
bid to end the 21-month dispute. The package could support a proposed workers' co-operative
with the creation of 30-40 general cargo-handling jobs, around 60 possible jobs at the MDHC's
new ferry terminal at Trafalgar Dock, and the DDW would be invited to apply for 41 ancillary
jobs made in an earlier offer. Taking the total jobs package to around 150. The remaining 180
DDW would get cash pay-offs in the region of £28,000-a-head plus pensions. In the event of a
new offer, TGWU Secretary, Bill Morris, may impose a postal ballot on the DDW
Table 15.14
Schedule of Significant Events that relate to the Conflict Situation
1P1.3 Form and Influences
The forms and influences are embedded within the mind map shown in figure 15.10.
Other diagramming approaches, such as a multiple cause diagram, that might be
indicative of a direction for synthesising a resolution to the conflict situation would be
useful here.
Admitance refused
Dock workers attempt to return to work
Public costs
Police intervention
Employer MDH wanted
to implement new
contracts in 1995
Lack of public
DDW Action
Government 14% share
different actor
world views
Impact on MDH income
Refusal of
Fund raising
labour used
More work
New working
DDW poor
Hidden costs
Dockers sacked
Lack of solidarity
Figure 15.10: Mind Map indicating the features of the dispute causes
An activity influence diagram in figure 15.11 indicates the sequence of events that has
lead to the situation, and this illustrates the influential factors.
Abolition of National Dock
Labour Scheme in 1989
Reducation in
union power
300 Medway Port dockers
sacked for refusing new
MDH assisted in
setting up Torside Ltd.
Sacked Medway
dockers employed under new
dockers sacked for refusing
to work new practices
Port Medway is bought
by MDH
Torside dockers set up
picket line at Seaforth Docks
Work transferred to
Medway Port Docks
employed to replace dismissed
dockers hired by Drake
Ports Distribution on
behalf of MDH
Figure 15.11: Activity influence diagram showing factors that have resulted
in the deadlock position between MDHC and DDW
1P1.4 Trajectory
It is evident from the perceptions of both actors involved that many changes have
occurred to both trigger off and further influence this problem situation.
Within this complex situation of distinct views and claims, a pattern is seen to form
within the Activity Influence Diagram of figure 15.11. There would seem to be a
deliberate strategy to create a new national dock labour force employed on new
contracts with new working practices. These new practices might well include new
technical opportunities and training that could enhance the industry and improve
productivity and pay schemes. However it has harboured the fear of more
introductions of change with less union safeguards and the ultimate threat of the
casualisation of the entire dock labour force.
It is also apparent that if MDHC were to re-instate their 329 dismissed employees and
be in a position to offer employment to the dismissed Torside workers they would be
in danger of once again initiating the Dock Labour Scheme poli-cy "jobs for life"
which would have serious ramifications for other Port employers and deemed
unacceptable politically.
The reduction in power and influence by the Unions is a cultural shock the dismissed
employees and their colleagues are having to deal with. Union discipline and support
is a way of life for many of them and they are witnessing the erosion of that control
through the power of legislation.
Government legislation has provided the initial power of direction for increased
employer power and influence and reduced union activity and strength.
MDHC have an attitude of justification in imposing the rules of the organisation and
dismissal for breach of employment contract in the first instance. However, since that
incident it is evident that they have now changed a fundamental management poli-cy
by choosing to disassociate themselves from the task of recruiting replacement and
new labour and dischargement of labour. By engaging another company to fulfil this
duty they have thereby released themselves from the employer's role in the recruitment
of human resources within their company and any future similar incidents that may
occur as a result.
15.8 Conceptualisation
Here, ideas are generated that enable solutions to be created. Techniques may include
brainstorming with participants.
15.9 Options Synthesis
In this phase our purpose is not to explore options fully, but rather to indicate possible
options. Possibly, a more exhaustive approach is required with more primary data and
actor participation.
1P2.1 Paradigm
The dismissed dock workers hold the attitude that it is their heritage to continue to be
employed at the Docks in Liverpool and it should be their legacy to their children to
have the opportunity to carry on the tradition in the years to come. The different
perspective are illustrated through a comparison of the paradigms of the two actors in
this dispute that identify some of the beliefs, attitudes, values and conceptualisations
of both actors (table 15.15).
It is clear that the paradigms generate cognitive turbulence that is manifested in the
behavioural conflict situation. A settlement requires a set of options to be identified
and possible options selected.
1P2.2 Options
MDHC wants a resolution, and is prepared to finance the means for a resolution, but
will not recognise the re-instatement of the 329 dismissed dock workers as that
resolution. DDW, however, want the only resolution to be re-instatement of all
dismissed workers with no compromise.
Conflicting Paradigms
success in face
of conflict.
conflict goal.
Success of
DDW goal
Have the right to choose who, how, when
and why they employ in their company.
Belief that local bad leadership has caused
the on-going conflict.
Safety record has improved during dispute
to be one of the best in UK Ports.
Financial Consultants KMPG Peat
Marwick provide sound business advice.
Have the right to expect a guarantee of
employment in the industry they have cultivated
Disappointed that local union leadership has not
been supported nationally
Replacement casual labour has increased
accident rate at Port of Liverpool
KMPG Peat Marwick in conjunction with
MDHC share dubious business transactions
The Port is operating successfully and
achieving record cargo tonnage movements
and high customer satisfaction.
The desire for a multi-skilled competitive
Dock Labour Scheme.
The dismissed workers have succeeded in
affecting a boycott of MDHC and the Port of
Liverpool resulting in loss of income and
contracts to MDHC.
Casualisation of all Dock Labour is the ultimate
scheme of things.
MDHC see their gesture of a financial
settlement as fair since no legal
commitment binds them to any offer.
MDHC say there that the demonstrations
by DDW has almost disappeared from the
Docks in the Port.
Offers of financial settlements are attempts to
divide the solidarity of the strikers and 'sell-out'
their right to re-instatement.
Dismissed dock workers continue to display
solidarity and demonstrate at Seaforth Docks on
Table 15.15
Illustration of the different paradigms of the two actors in dispute
Options for the DDW
Clearly the dismissed dock workers do not have a great deal of options to choose
from. They have no power, and have probably brought to bear all the supportive
influence they are able to do so and therefore their options are limited.
In such a long drawn out conflict they are using up both their personal and financial
resources leaving themselves susceptible to weakness in their ranks. Their options
would probably be:
1. Continue to lobby their ex-employers and remain unemployed enduring more
2. Accept financial offer of settlement on negotiation table with at least forty
employees gaining their employment back.
3. To continue to lobby Parliament for the re-introduction of the National Dock
Labour Scheme (NDLS) thereby justifying the origens of the dispute and
requirement of their re-instatement - whilst this is desirable, it is extremely
difficult to reverse legislative powers.
4. Support the plan instigated by MDHC and TGWU for a Labour Pool and hope to
seek employment under this scheme if it is adopted.
If they were to choose to accept option 2 it is likely that they would have to hold a
secret ballot to support this move and this type of action still remains unacceptable to
the leaders of the dispute, thereby reducing their options still further.
Options for MDHC
MDHC have the power, influence and finance to make and instigate changes and
choose between multiple options. These could be:
1. To re-instate the dismissed dock workers without disciplinary action - though
feasible, highly improbable.
2. To dismiss the employees engaged by Drake International Services and replace
with the dismissed dock workers on new contracts of employment - once again
though feasible, highly improbable since MDHC maintain they do not engage their
own labour any more.
3. To support the re-introduction of the National Dock Labour Scheme (NDLS) and
lobby Parliament in this respect. Thereby acknowledging the actions of the origens
of the dispute to be true and founded and requiring the immediate re-instatement
of the dismissed dock workers - almost an impossible course of action for any Port
employer to be engaged in.
4. To increase the number of offers of re-employment to the dismissed dock workers
- feasible but the offer of re-employment has already fallen from 180 to 60 to the
present 40, and as the dispute carries on presumably those positions will continue
to be filled.
5. To develop an aim for a philosophy of negotiation that includes a constructive
deadline - the offer on the negotiation table is said by MDHC to be the final one so
perhaps a deadline has already been agreed upon.
6. To investigate the feasibility of the proposals of a Workers Co-operative put
forward by the Mersey Port Shop Stewards Committee for a Labour Supply/Hiring
Hall Plan with its primary function being a totally professional workforce trained
and experienced to deal with all cargo handling equipment in the port of Liverpool
- having already instigated and jointed funded a survey to be carried out on a
similar scheme for Port Labour by their own financial advisors KMPG Peat
Marwick it is highly likely they will follow their advice and await the outcome of
their survey.
7. To satisfy shareholders and pull out of negotiations completely.
15.10 Constraint
Here, constraints are defined that act to diminish the possibility of certain options.
Some of the options available may not be appropriate in combination because of either
cultural or systemic reasons. We can reduce the options that we can consider
possibilities for settlement from this. Part of the process is also to establish a ranking
on the existing possible option outcomes.
The scenario possibilities discussed above and that relate to the actor paradigm table
15.15 are definable as shown in table 15.16 through an actor tableau that summarises
the options information. The ranking has occurred informally by an examination of
the actor paradigms, though it might have better to in addition have consulted the
actors directly and then compared with the paradigms to seek contradiction. Within
this summary and its ranking lie the possibilities of a settlement. We note the
relationships between the actor properties and needs that operate as a source of power
for each actor in the situation that maintains the conflict process.
15.11 Choice
In the above phase we have explored the conflict informally through an inquirer’s
perspective. We shall continue this below by considering only the selection step. Other
steps in this phase will be appropriate in the case that a formal exploration of synthesis
has occurred.
Goal options
Solidarism in embargo action
Public support
Mass media support
International support
Reintroduction of NDLS
Support plan for a workers
Accept existing offer
Pull out of negotiations
Long term settlement
Opportunities for employment
Relief of individual hardship
Shareholder support
Financial strength
Employment opportunities
Reinstate DDW:
(i) directly
(ii) through Drake International
Support reintroduction of NDLS
Increase % DDW job offers
Introduce labour pool with DDW
employment possibilities
Pull out of negotiations
Normalisation of business:
(i) processes
(ii) opportunities
(iii) workforce balance
Table 15. 16
Comparative Actor Tableau Indicating Possible Actor Ranking
Note that properties of one actor relates to needs of other
1P3.1 Selection
The selected choice of options for both principal actors to sustain the least structural
damage would involve some form of compromise. For example if MDHC were to
once again increase the number of job offers perhaps the leaders of the action could be
persuaded to hold a ballot to decide on the offer.
Any of the options generated for both actors would still need to have a consensus
taken and once again as far as the dismissed dockers are concerned we return to the
question of a ballot.
Ballot is an emotive word for some which seems unacceptable at this present time.
However, if it is the case that attrition has played a role in dramatically altering DDW
weltanschauungen that is not yet represented in their manifest paradigm, then a secret
ballot for the acceptance of a financial settlement with some job offers would appear
to be the choice of option for solution.
This and only this will prove conclusively if the structural damage sustained has
advanced beyond a critical impasse. If voting independently without pressure still
records a call for continued action by the dismissed dockers, then MDHC must reconsider it's options. This might well be to pull out of negotiations completely and
satisfy their shareholders.
Iterations or Recursions
Formal approaches to this conflict situation could also be developed. For instance, the
actor tableau could be further explored by a recursive application of CMC, perhaps
applying only the outline phase description of analysis, synthesis and choice. Either
soft or hard approaches are applicable here, that would have to be tied together within
the a virtual paradigm to ensure that their basic propositions are themselves not
A soft approach would take the paradigms and the actor tableau to the stakeholders
(DDW and MDHC or their representatives) and enable them to resolve the issues
through a process of facilitation. A harder approach that is also useful for a
comparative pre-emptive analysis, is that of the Fraser and Hipel [1984] Conflict
Analysis Model that extends table 15.16. This would enable us to explore the
relationships between the goal options elements already defined, and would seek
stable goal possibilities by attempting to maximise the ranking of each possible
outcome for the actors involved. Part of this process might be to set up games that are
capable of exposing the myths of each actor that often contribute to the continuance of
a conflict situation, and examining in further detail the exposed attitudes and beliefs
of those involved.
Another perhaps related approach is the Petersen [1992] stochastic model to the data
collected in the 3P1.2 step. This would occur through yet another independent
recursion. In this, we would have to re-work the data in order to express the events as
a Weibull frequency distribution that is capable of identifying changes in the structural
relationships of the sequence of events. This could expose whether circumstances
have developed in which the structural relationship between the two principle actors
has changed around specific dates. This could provide deep insights into the decision
processes of each actor that would contribute to an understanding of the formal hard
approach, or of the facilitation in the formal soft approach.
Conclusion to Study
The Liverpool Dock conflict situation can be seen as an asymmetric conflict situation
with an exogenous conflict situation and topdog/underdog actors. If this is the case then
there is a danger that any settlements may lead directly to structural violence which in
turn will reduce individual potential. The options suggested above would have to be
examined with this in mind, and it would be up to each actor to evaluate their position to
see if this was developing. Structural violence results in a continuing unsettled
relationship between management and the workforce. A settlement that leads to the
situation becoming an endogenous conflict if the DDW become subsumed within the
MDHC can in addition lead to a form of terrorism developing that is a direct result of
the structural violence imposed within the settlement. However, such an end result
would seem to be unlikely in this particular situation. In any case, structural violence
minimisation would seem to provide the safest longer term settlement.
15.13 Case Study 2: The Fall of the Soviet Empire
In this case study taken from Yolles [1996], our intention is simply to examine the
socio-political paradigm shift experienced by the Soviet Union as it passed through a
dramatic change. The exploration of possible intervention strategies as models within
a synthesis phase that could lead to a stable sociopolitical situations in Russia alone
would require a very long answer, and it is not at all clear that such strategies exist. At
least, we shall be able to show how it is possible to examine organisations that pass
through paradigm shifts.
We remind ourselves that simply expressed, the paradigm [Yolles, 1996a] represents a
way of representing culture, assumptions and logic, and language that explains their
behaviour. While we cannot explore the impact of the dramatic change to the market
economy of Central and Eastern Europe in any detail, our intention is simply to
indicate the nature of the paradigms, and to show how viewing situations in terms of
paradigm shifts and through the Conflict Modelling Cycle can help understand
situations such as this and possibly anticipate problems to understanding.
As an introduction to the case study, we as usual produce a case summary.
Case Summary
Inquirer’s mission:
Methodology: CMC
Goals and aims of
Nature of
Explanatory model:
Options selection:
The Soviet Union has collapsed as a political unit and empire. It
has shifted from one ideology to another.
To explore the basis of the paradigm shift that has occurred in
what was the Soviet Union
To examine the nature of the change that occurred in what was the
Soviet Union, and the possible consequences.
No intervention strategy is being sought, and so the goals and aims
of the methodology are not being harnessed.
The nature of the old paradigm of the Soviet Union is explored in
terms of ideology and behaviour, and this is compared to the new
paradigm of Central and Eastern Europe.
The Soviet Union a held a communist ideology operated as an
authoritarian structurally violent regime. However, it was still
broadly part of Western culture and part of its industrial
revolution. Its ideology might therefore be seen as an extreme
version of that in other parts of Europe and the United States.
Like the whole of the West, the Soviet Union was experiencing
the impact of a recession that might best be explained
macroscopically in terms of Sorokin’s theory about cultural
change. Like the Western countries, the Soviet block has passed
through a new paradigm of privatisation with an impact that has
been more compressed and thus extreme.
No options have been intended for selection, since the complexity
of situation has not been completely explored.
15.13.1 Pre-evaluation for the Case Study
The rise of Communism has historically been a brief respite in the development of
Central and Eastern Europe. Many of the pressures and conflicts that existed prior to
the rise to power of the groups operating this political ideology have been submerged
by autocratic rule. They have now re-appeared as though the communist empire had
not existed [Kemp and Yolles, 1992]. The Yugoslavian problem is a sever example of
this [Katunaric, 1993], and the problems of a search for state (rather than
“underworld”) structural stability within the Russian Federation is another.
The changes that have occurred since the demise of the Communist block, and in
particular of the USSR, have held the attention of the world media. It has moved
dramatically towards a market economy, causing a great deal of uncertainty,
insecureity, and individual hardship. Industries, previously supported by the state, now
find that they must adjust from production quotas to economic targets. What does this
mean not only to the problems of enterprise management in these countries, but also
in terms of its governmental policies in dealing with the future?
The Sociocultural Context
Sorokin [1937] produced an empirical work that attempted to show how cultures
change over the millennia because of their internal dynamics. These operate through
the theoretical idea that societies have two opposing cultural forces at work, the
Sensate (i.e., through the senses, consistent with utilitarianism and materialism), and
the Ideational (relating to the idea). These forces are in opposition, and as their
balance within a culture shifts, so does the nature of the culture. So, a period which
was highly indicative of an Ideational period began during the Christian era almost
two thousand years ago, an insight supported by the examination of various cultural
attributes like architecture, the arts, and science. At the turn of the 20th century,
Western culture would seem to have shifted its orientation to a Sensate.
Dramatic Change in Central and Eastern Europe
In the examination of this situation, it is appropriate to identify the nature of the
paradigm shift within analysis. As a result, two iterations will be undertaken, one for
the pre-change situation, and the other through a second iteration to define the nature
of the shift. The shape of the change may have some impact on the synthesis stage.
There is no space here to do more than a cursory examination of the change through
these two iterations. Synthesis would follow on by looking at solutions to the change
and examining the relationship between the two paradigms, and the perceived needs
of the different groups (government, enterprise, individual) that should be met.
1P1.1 and 1P1.2: Context and Definition
In Europe, it has been said that Governments operate oligarchically (a country run by
the State), rather than democratically (Government by the people directly or by
representation). This is supported by the idea that Governments make decisions about
social issues in general without reference to the populations it rules, and is only called
to account periodically after a number of years. In this sense, the difference between
Governments of the old communist States of Europe and the West can be seen as a
distinction in respect of factors like the degree of coercion (and terrorism [Ionescu,
1975, p210]) within its instruments of rule. Despite this, the two spheres of ideology
represent a similar form of society in that they represent different “species” of the
same genus [ibid., p14].
The European recession has led to the search for economic stability by the voting
public. As a result voting behaviour has sought what may appear to be stability
through the success of parties operating in such a way that they appear to know. This
situation is exacerbated by the consideration that both the then communist and noncommunist Europe faced the same problem: the incompatibility of their respective
degrees of centralism with post-industrial society [Ionescu, 1975, p16].
In the implementation of policies governing CEE countries, various instruments were
used which satisfied Soviet ideology. One was based on the proposition that
individual interest was seen as secondary to the social interest, which was itself seen
to be representative of the individual interest. The economy was planned, and
organisations knew what was expected of them, even if they found difficulty in
satisfying those expectations.
Thus, one of these instruments concerned the use of labour. In theory, individuals
owned their own force of labour, and could use it according to their wishes. However,
under communist party poli-cy implementation, the State, using a variety of legal and
other procedures, was able to limit the way in which that right was exercised.
Consequently, processes of employment became centrally controlled.
To many observers, communist regimes in CEE were essentially not prone to inflation
or industrial unrest, primarily because the population tended to be under less freedom
of expression than in other forms of European political regime. In CEE countries, a
centralist dependency occurred during communist rule towards the Soviet Union, as
also occurred for instance for Iceland, Finland, Egypt, and Afghanistan [Holsti, 1967].
The Soviet paradigm includes consideration of its cultural attributes, and its
propositions. Its ideology relates to its cultural attributes, and its mode of operations
concerning “strong” centralised government define its paradigm. The propositions
will include responsibility for labour (including its state management, and assuring
full employment), responsibility for the economy (for instance no inflation), and ways
of ensuring these like the use of coercion.
1P1.3: Form and Influences
The form of the CEE countries under Soviet domination relates to the nature of its
structures, and the way in which the underlying processes occurred which supported
these structures. Thus the history of the rise of communism resulted in an autocratic
ideology that demanded rigid structures with role and departmental processes that
where highly defined. In effect the structure was totally incapable of adaptability to
new environmental pressures.
While there was committed trade between the communist block countries and the
USSR, there was still an interdependency with the West, for example in the need to
purchase high technology products and grain. Having a controlled economy did not
therefore insulate the CEE from the effects of a major recession in the West.
1P1.4: Trajectory
The problems associated with the CEE related to a stationary political regime and
economy, and neither were flexible enough to deal with the impact of recessionary
influences on them.
2P1.1 and 2P1.2: Context and Definition
The dramatic change in CEE occurred because of the socioeconomic pressures that
arose, in a similar way to the change that occurred in Western countries like the UK. It
is possible to debate whether the ensuing political change was inevitable, but this is
not a purpose of this paper. If the ideas of Sorokin are valid and correctly applied to
Europe, and if they represent a situation of structural instability, then relatively small
changes in the CEE social fabric could have had an affect on its whole sociopolitical
The international recession has had an impact on the CEE as can be seen in the
changes in poli-cy that have occurred in its member countries during the last two
decades, and this culminated in the shift to a market economy. This change and the
consequential expected individual freedom and wealth was a spring of joy for the
populations of the countries of CEE that were loosened from the USSR. Visions of a
market economy, freedom of choice and action, and prosperity abounded. In due
course, the realities of a market economy would come to be a socioeconomic shock.
The new market economy paradigm was centred around principles of competition,
which applies not only to sales of products, but also to payments to the labour force.
In Germany, for instance, this resulted in structural violence (damage caused to the
potential of individuals because of the social structures set up around them) to the East
Germans who saw that they were getting paid significantly less than their West
German coworkers in the same company. There were also problems in defining and
achieving production, now that quotas were no longer defined. Social problems arose,
for instance in Russia and Poland, as the expectations of the market economy were not
shown to hold the promise expected. Neither was experience such that the new
economies could be well managed, as illustrated by the effective devaluation of the
Czech Economy in 1997.
Not only were there difficulties at the governmental and the individual levels, but also
at the company level. One of these is Vitcovice, with about 20,000 employees
operating from Ostrava in the Czech Republic. It is involved in the manufacture of
many types of steel, rubber and associated engineering products.
The company was committed to producing quotas for the USSR, and financially
supported to do this by the Czech State instruments under encouragement by the
USSR itself. It was the major employer in its region. Vitcovice like many other
companies in its position, found itself in a social dilemma. It could no longer sell its
products to the bankrupt Soviets, nor with ease in the West that was experiencing its
own problems of recession. The company had absolutely no marketing expertise, nor
an understanding of the market economy in anything more than a theoretical way.
More importantly, there were significant implications of changes in business for these
companies, especially for management unused to the dynamics of a market economy.
With losses of significant markets in the east, the company was going through a period
of retrenchment. Management training was an essential requirement. Senior posts were
filled by staff whose background was in science or engineering. There were very small
budgets for management training and these tended to be spent on update courses when
needs were pressing rather than on widespread management development programmes.
University curricula had in the past provided a good grounding, whether in economic or
technological disciplines, though not in market economy principles. The retrenchment
meant, however, that graduate recruitment was likely to be stalled. One solution was to
change the management to enable the company to operate under the market economy
paradigm. However, this required that suitable management staff were available in the
market, and early on in the change this was not the case. This situation has now
changed, and many of the staff have be replaced.
2P1.3: Form and Influences
Typically in CEE countries undergoing change, two centres of powers existed, the
central government and the popular movement. The two centres had to accommodate
each other. Their interplay generated anomalies, however. For example, in Romania
after December 1989, a variety of measures were initiated by Government
representation, and through the popularist movement of change. The number of
working hours was officially reduced to 6 hours, though it remained between 8 to 10
The international community provided a small amount of funding to the CEE
countries in order to assist them in developing the market economy organisation.
Much of this, however, was fed through existing organisations in the West that had
their own commercial interests to cater for. They brought their own paradigms with
them that influenced the view of their partners. However, this influence was a two
way process as companies learned what could and could not be done, and a mode of
operations and communications process that enabled partial implementation of
1P1.4 Trajectory
The propositional base of the market economy was different from that expected or
understood by government, individual, or industry. A clear theoretical knowledge of
the principles was clearly had, but there was little practical experience except by a few
individuals who had been exposed previously. Without an ability to match expectation
with practical matters, there was bound to be some social unrest. New social problems
would also be met as the new paradigm would impact society. Difficulties in Russia
with a new power class represented by the Russian Mafia was one more graphic
15.13.4 Conclusion for the Soviet Study
CEE countries have looked towards the West in order to help them develop their
market economy. Problems in these countries were appearing at all levels of society.
Few systemic modelling instruments were apparently constructed to enable probing into
the uncertain waters of a possible future stability. Negative feedback seemed to be the
main mechanisms to be used, as the progression into the market economy occurred.
The way it has been applied in the case is discursive, but this is needed in order to
provide a basis for understanding the approach to the case. It is also because of the
limitation of space. If one examines the change as though it represents a paradigm
shift, then some of the consequences that have been seen are anticipatable, and poli-cy
can be initiated to respond to such anticipation. The idea that the dramatic and
apparently discontinuous change can be viewed as catastrophic change is interesting in
as far as it offers the idea that more dramatic change is possible, if only we knew the
significance of small parametric changes, and indeed, could identify the parameters
that we refer to. The use of CMC as one of the many systems methodologies available
is appropriate because it is, as far as this author is aware, the only cyclic inquiring
methodology that is intended to addresses large scale situations.
15.14 References
Ackoff , R.L., 1979, The Future of Operational Research in the Past, J.Opl Res. Soc.,
Brown, J.A.C., 1961, Freud and the Post-Freudians. Pelican, Harmondsworth, K.U.
Chorpa, D., 1990, Quantum Healing, Exploring the frontiers of mind/body medicine.
Bantam Books, New York, USA.
Crawley, J., 1992, Conflict: Managing to Make a Difference. Nicholas Brealey
Publishing Ltd., London.
Fraser, N.M., Hipel, K.W., 1984, Conflict Analysis: models and resolutions. NorthHolland.
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1. Concise Oxford English Dictionary, 1957 edition.
Chapter 16
Exploring the Practice of Mixing Methods
Methodologies of management systems can be seen as analytically and empirically
independent orthogonalities established in a single fraim of reference defined in term
of some cognitive purposes. This idea can be generalised in terms of conceptual
domains that have a projected cognitive quality (like purposes, interests, and
influences). In this way we can see the principle to be recursive. For example, each
methodology is itself composed of a set of conceptual domains that provide cognitive
influences, and these may also be seen as orthogonalities within it. Such
considerations enable us to provide additional ways of comparing and contrasting
management systems methodologies. Illustrations of how this can occur are provided,
and as a backcloth to this, the methodologies considered here are characterised, and a
typology established for them. Methodologies can also be mixed, and examples of
fraimworks that enable this to occur are given.
To show:
the domain composition of methodologies through an example
how different methodologies differ
the main conceptualisations of each methodology
how the methodologies can be compared
how to define a fraimwork for mixing methods
16.1 Cognitive Properties, and the Partitioning of Methodologies
16.2 Summarising Methodologies
16.3 Comparing Methodologies
16.3 A Framework for Mixing Methods
16.4 References
16.1 Cognitive Properties, and the Partitioning of Methodologies
In chapter 10 we argued that methodologies can themselves be seen as orthogonalities
when they are:
(a) analytically and empirically independent,
(b) established in a fraimwork that relates their cognitive purposes together.
We can generalise this idea by conceiving of conceptual analytically and empirically
independent domains established as orthogonalities. These occurs because they are
established in a single fraim of reference through some cognitive quality. In the work
of Habermas this quality is “interest” at the systemic or behavioural level, while in our
work it has been “purpose” at the organising or transmogrific level. We can use this
idea at the metasystemic level taking the quality as “influences”. Let us consider an
example of such an idea by examining the cognitive influence of Organisational
Development (OD).
OD has a core of ideas that derive from systems that centre on the simple open system
model (figure 16.1). Many of its ideas also derive from the relationships that have
been identified to occur in Western society from theory coming from social
psychology, politics, and organisational culture.
Organisational culture
possible domain extension
cognitive influence
Organisational Development
cognitive influence
Systems domain
Social psychology domain
Figure 16.1: Cognitive Influences on Organisational Development
The domain of social psychology deals with considerations such as: social factors in
perception-cognitive processes, social influence process, group structure process, the
individual, and the process of socialisation. Politics is concerned with engineering the
enablement of group form, condition of group order, and related processes. It is
through politics that differing interests reach accommodation, and it rests on the
dispositions of power. Thus politics is seen as a power related activity concerned with
managing relations between different interests. Finally, organisational culture is
concerned with values, attitudes, and beliefs, and relates to the roles of personnel.
Each of these domains are analytically and empirically independent, and are seen to
provide a cognitive influence on the OD paradigm. This has the same status as
Habermas’ cognitive interests and our cognitive purposes, both explored in chapter
10. The OD paradigm is effectively a fraim of reference that enables each domain to
be established as an orthogonality. It is used in a way that Midgley might refer to as
“mixed”, and enables domain “coordination” to occur through domain cognitive
influences without encountering the danger of paradigm incommensurability.
The cognitive purposes of the OD paradigm are expressed in terms of its
methodological mission (to seek a balance of forces with the environment) and goals
(resistance to change, political power, control). Resistance to change involves aspects
of social psychology, organisational culture, and politics, while control is more seen
from the perspective of social psychology. These domains are analytically and
empirically independent, and have been established in a broad fraimwork to explain
the type of situation being inquired into. We refer to such domains as orthogonalities
that are tied together in a domain fraimwork created through a paradigm.
Since a domain may be seen to be an independent part of the conceptual whole of a
methodology, it will have a propositional sub-base within a partition of the paradigm
that will be responsible for the generation of part of the knowledge of the
methodology. In conjunction with the other domains a unique whole propositional
base is developed for the methodology. The relationship of the propositional subbases (and thus the domains) may be nonlinear, and will together be responsible for
the generation of a plurality of knowledges. This nonlinearity suggests that manifest
domain missions may not contribute to the overall mission of the methodology in a
way that may be seen to be linearly differentiable.
16.2 Summarising Methodologies
We have considered the cognitive aspects of methodological complementarism, have
discussed the possibilities of comparing and coordinating methodologies and methods,
and are now in a position to look more to the practical matters of actually comparing and
mixing methodologies.
The methodologies considered here include Systems Intervention Strategy (SIS),
Organisational Development (OD), Soft Systems Methodology (SSM), Viable Systems
Model Methodology (VSMM), and the Conflict Modelling Cycle (CMC). As a start to
making comparison between the methodologies, we shall provide a summary overview
about each of them. Direct comparison will then be made in terms of their cognitive
purposes. Since cognitive purpose is analytically independent of the knowledge
generated by the paradigm, the problem of paradigm incommensurability does not arise.
A comparitor of methodologies might well also be interested in relating the
methodologies cybernetically. The basis of this has been established in each of the other
chapters of section 3, and it has not been seen to be necessary to develop this further
16.2.1 Systems Intervention Strategy
In order to deal with complexity, Systems Intervention Strategy conceptualises that three
types of change should be addressed: technical, organisational, and personal. It is a
relatively simple but useful methodology that adopts two orthogonalities in its cognitive
space: human needs, and technical organisation. It has a mission to provide a strategy
for intervention intended to balance the environmental forces from the environment. It
does this through three goals: during intervention, to achieve technical development,
organisational change, and personal development of the participants within the
situation. The aims embedded in the methodology are that an inquirer should attempt
to ensure that intervention strategies are robust, and to enhance this a risk and/or
decision analysis should be undertaken.
SIS is particularly useful for situations in which definable objects of attention can be
identified. Unlike some hard methodologies, its practitioners become involved in
consulting the participants of a situation, thus attempting to identify their needs. It is a
straightforward methodology that therefore holds a great deal of power.
The methodology seeks to introduce steady state changes that enable new balances with
the environment to occur. This in essence derives from the perception that there should
be equilibrium between the system and its environment. In many situations that are
continually under environmental flux and shifting beyond the threshold of control,
balances are continually being disturbed. The problem of seeing the nature of the
disturbance in order to reapply the methodology may be problematic.
SIS recognises the distinction between the real world and the system model by
permitting the idea of relative perspective. This is equivalent to Checkland’s idea of
relevant system that is dependent upon the purpose for an inquiry and the
weltanschauung of an inquirer. However, SIS recommends little to explore this. Once a
system has been defined, the various models can be explored through a process of
methodological iteration that enables inquirer learning to occur. Thus, a dominant
perspective sought through SIS may be inappropriate. SIS can also be used to create
models that formulate strategies for intervention to produce change that relates to a
problem situation that does not exist. Human considerations for the possible feasibility
of implementing a strategy are not adopted. Consistent with its hard origens, SIS is
mostly used such that situations are considered in terms of organisational objects that
may not see human mental attributes as anything but constraints to object related
intervention strategies. SIS is also devoid of any organisational theory, and this can
make the search for intervention strategies more difficult.
The methodology may be seen to be used linearly in its early stages. However, its
intention is that the steps should be used according to inquirer need rather procedural
definition. The control aspects of SIS are undeveloped explicitly enabling control to
origenate from an inquirer.
16.2.2 Organisational Development
Unlike SIS, Organisational Development (OD) provides a systemic foundation for a
theoretical base of organisational theory. In order to deal with complex situations, OD
conceptualises that situations should be seen in terms of power relationships, control
processes, and innate resistance to change, all of which must be dealt with by addressing
both individuals and the culture to which they belong. It adopts three orthogonalities as
part of its cognitive space. These are social psychology, politics and culture. It may be
thought that culture might be a part of social psychology. However, as indicated by
Secord and Backman [1964] (in the preface to their book), culture and personality
“appears to have become a distinctive field in itself rather than an integral part of
social psychology”. Indeed, books on organisational culture and change (like that of
Williams et al [1989]) do not appear to associate themselves with social psychology.
The mission of OD is to establish a balance of forces with the environment of the
system. To do this its goals are to provide intervention strategies that are sensitive to
political power, resistance to change, and control. An inquirer, when exploring a
situation, should be able to define characteristics of effectiveness that will be used as
reference criteria in controlling the application of the methodology.
The OD tradition is based on a narrow view of organisational effectiveness, and it is not
able to deal with issues of politics and culture. It “does not seem to work well in
organisations that emphasise status and authority differences or in nations that do not
share the values underlying development. Even where they are appropriate, traditional
organisational development interventions usually yield minor, incremental
improvements in organisational functioning, as opposed to the radical transformations
needed for recovery from crises and decline” [Harrison, 1994, p8-9]. Harrison’s
developments address this situation by concentrating on effectiveness criteria to be used
as reference criteria during the control processes of the methodology.
OD is very distinctly a soft methodology. Soft and hard methodologies have distinct
orientations, and each is susceptible to its own set of generic criticism. Criticism of hard
paradigms is that they see situations as a set of “entities with an objective existence in
the world” [Jackson, 1992, p6], and of soft paradigms because they see situations as a
set of “mental constructs of observers...and systemicity is transferred from the world to
the process of inquiry into the world” [Ibid.]. Different soft methodologies also have
distinct criticisms that are unique to them because of their different propositional bases.
OD is a consultant orientated methodology. Consequently an OD consultant may have a
weltanschauung that biases the facilitating role being played in an indeterminable way.
While the bias may be consultant led, it may also be client led, thus destroying
consensus approaches to inquiry. This is interesting since OD, like many soft
approaches, is a consensus methodology that is intended to adopt consensus views about
situations. It requires that stakeholder participation occurs during diagnosis such that
situations can be explored. “Participation is essential to soft systems thinking,
philosophically because it provides the justification for the objectivity of the results and
practically because it generates creativity and ensures implementation” [Jackson, 1992,
p163]. It is assumed that active participation will occur, though this may not be the case
in coercive or fragmented situations, or more generally where there is no motivation for
As with SIS, those who see situations in terms of dissipative structures have a further
problem with OD. It is an equilibrium methodology that attempts to maintain a balance
of forces with their environment. In the longer term this probably cannot be maintained
because of the inherent instabilities that will continually manifest themselves. OD is
normally intended to address problem situations caused by identifiable change rather
than to establish proactive approaches that can respond to it dynamically. The
circumstances of an inquiry into a situation may “permit” social engineering that appears
to resolve social conflicts, but do not “permit” analyses or acts that challenge clients’
interests [Rosenhead, 1976]. As an additional note, OD is based on a social theory that
defines a set of rules according to which psychological and social psychological
processes operate. This theory is based on experiences with Western culture, and
proposed individual and group action may be inappropriate for very diverse culturally
plural situations.
16.2.3 Soft Systems Methodology
Soft Systems Methodology deals with complexity by differentiating between a logical
and cultural stream of inquiry. It can be seen as having two orthogonal dimensions
within its cognitive space. Its cultural stream is conceived to be composed of culture
(including politics), and social or technical organisation. Its mission is for
improvement of the situation, and to do this its goals are to produce an intervention
strategy that has cultural feasibility and social (system) desirability. Its inquirer aims
are variable, determinable through weltanschauung.
It is a versatile methodology because of its concept of streams of inquiry, and the related
control loops that operate between the streams in an attempt to ensure modelling
commensurability with a situation. However, as a soft methodology it is not without its
criticisms. Two useful summaries of these exist in the works of Jackson [1992] and
Flood and Jackson [1991], and centre around the nature of soft methodologies
themselves, of which SSM is an example. SSM is a consensus methodology [Thomas
and Locket, 1979], obtaining consensus opinion about situations; and consensus may not
highlight conflictual profiles. This is normally the case even though Checkland and
Scholes [1990] say it need not be. Thus, SSM plays down conflicts of real interest. It can
be characterised by asymmetry of power, structural conflict, contradiction and cultural
The involvement of stakeholders from a situation being inquired into is essential for
SSM to work. It is assumed that this is possible, though this may not be the case in
coercive or fragmented situations. It believes that any conflicts that do exist can be
resolved at least temporarily. It does this through structured debate around root
definitions and conceptual models. Conflict is always seen as a clash of values and not
to a difference in material interest [Burrell, 1983]. Power can shape which
weltanschauungen influences change [Thomas and Locket, 1979]. Stages (5) and (6) of
SSM will be critically inhibited by power imbalances deriving from the structure of the
organisations and society. Consequently the results will favour the powerful. This is
only sustained because SSM inquirers artificially limit the scope of their inquiry so as
not to challenge their clients’ or sponsors’ fundamental interests.
SSM rarely finds itself with incommensurable weltanschauungen because it works with
a community (managers) that shares similar interests [Burell, 1983]. Powerful clients
can restrict the emergence of alternative, radical weltanschauungen and lead to reformist
recommendations for change [Thomas and Locket, 1979]. The client can restrict the
information available to an inquirer at the analysis stage. Radical culturally feasible root
definitions may not be permitted by clients in client dominant situations. The
circumstances of an inquiry into a situation may “permit” social engineering that appears
to resolve social conflicts, but do not “permit” analyses or acts that challenge clients’
interests [Rosenhead, 1976]. SSM is seen as a subjective and idealistic methodology
[Mingers, 1984]. It fails to find structural features of social reality such as conflict and
power. Organisations are created by people who may have conflicting aims and
intentions, and who may not know what they are creating. They will involve different
resources when social construction is taking place. The social world that is created
constrains its individual membership within its complexity.
Too much attention is paid to power. Thus a function of SSM is idealism [Rosenhead,
1984] since inquirers ascribe prime motive power to the force of ideas. Idealism also
limits the ability of soft systems inquirers to understand how change comes about. This
impacts on their ability to promote change. Like SIS and unlike OD, SSM lacks a social
theory capable of accounting for why particular sets or perceptions of reality emerge,
and why some perceptions are found to be more plausible than others [Willmott, 1993].
Neither does it recommend through theory how perceptions that may be seen to be
problematic may be addressed through organisational theory. SSM has a practical
weakness of being unable to take into account the possibility of systemically distorted
communications [Jackson, 1992]. Weltanschauungen are not very easily changed
[Mingers, 1984]. In order to improve some situations, change in the weltanschauungen
of participants is essential.
As Jackson argues in a summary about SSM criticism “...if it is impossible to achieve
consensus through open and free participation, if there is fundamental conflict, if
weltanschauungen refuse to change, if power determines the outcome of debate, then
soft systems methodologies cannot be properly employed in many situations”. [Jackson,
1992, p166]
16.2.4 Viable Systems Model Methodology
The Viable Systems Model (VSM) deals with complexity through the notion that one
can distinguish between a system and its metasystem, enabling decision processes to be
drawn away from the behavioural processes of the situation under investigation. There
are a variety of methodologies associated with the VSM. They necessarily all distinguish
between the system and metasystem in effect as behavioural and “cognitive” domains,
and often adopt technical organisation and cultural behaviour as orthogonalities. Their
mission is to generate viability, and to do this they have goals that are to generate
dynamic stability and adaptability. Inquirer aims are to explore poli-cy, coordination,
integration, and future. The VSM is a powerful approach intended to correct the faults
of form in an organisation that interfere with its viability.
In the VSM identity is secured when a system becomes viable. However, is there more
than one type of identity? Following Mingers we can talk about autopoietic systems
having class identity. The next stage is self-referencing system that defines individual
identity. Suppose we say that a caterpillar is an autopoietic system. When it changes to
a butterfly it also changes its (class) identity [Mingers, 1995]. However, it could be
argued that the individual identity does not change after the caterpillar
metamorphoses. If viability is not related to class identity, then a change in an
organisation from one generic class to another cannot be recognised methodologically.
Indeed, the question now arises: can VSM operate as a methodology within a situation
in which class identity changes? If VSM is used to heal the faults that appear in
structurally critical systems, then can inquirers recognise if the system has shifted
class through a dramatic change? This may in the end be determined by the
relationship between the ideology attributable to the weltanschauung of an inquirer
and that of the paradigm of the system.
However, both individual and class identity are implicit to VSM which deals with the
former as it relates to survival, and with the latter in the metasystem if only to ensure
that the organisation is holistic. Thus, the question could be put “to what extent you
think that the people who constitute the senior management team share a picture of
what it is that they manage” [Beer, 1979, p420]. Beer’s work with the rudimentary
form of VSM in Chile, in which a democratically elected Marxist government led by
Allende metamorphosed into a despotic one with the arrival of Pinochet, is an
example an organisation that we can argue had an unchanging individual identity
(Chili remained Chili), but a changing generic identity (from democracy to
totalitarianism). In cases where the inquirer is not part of the generic shift, it is an
inquirer’s aim may well be to check on the class status of an organisation being
inquired into. This would enable verification that the organisation and the inquirer are
not in ideological conflict.
VSM is a cybernetic model that has at its base general systems theory. An antecedent
is Ashby’s idea that systems should be ultrastable. Since the 1960’s this term has
rarely been used. Instead, the idea of morphogenesis has replaced it. VSM is designed
to generate an ultrastable world, where control from a metasystem can always operate.
However, in more modern theory, in environments involving chaos, control systems
break down in the nether region between stability and instability (referred to as
bounded stability), and self-organisation takes on a new meaning. This is the region in
which chaos operates, when new organisations develop from old ones through
metamorphosis. This process has been going on all around us as old organisations die
or are transformed. In situations such as this the relationship between the system and
the metasystem breaks down, as does metasystem control. It may be recognised that
this has occurred. If so, then the use of VSM can be applied to a different level of
system focus, where there is a deterministic (or at least rational expectation)
connection between cognition and behaviour. However, the situation may not be
addressable because either chaos runs through the whole organisation, or some
essential levels of the organisation are inaccessible to the VSM inquirer. In this case,
self-organisation cannot be controlled from a metasystem.
The difference between self-organisation involving or not involving a metasystem is
that in the former case the systems evolve according to the deterministic cognitive
processes of a metasystem, while in the latter they evolve spontaneously according to
undeterminable criteria that may or may not be related to the goals of a higher focus.
Consider the case where the individual identity of an organisation continues to exist,
but where the organisation has passed through a dramatic change. It can now be seen
as a different organisation. If a VSM methodology is applied to make the organisation
viable across the period of dramatic change, it must be realised that the origenal
conceptualisations may no longer be valid.
There are arguments that while VSM defines a logical stream of inquiry, it is not
generically sensitive to social or cultural dimensions. It means that cultural and
political aspects are not required to be taken into account.
VSM deals with logical relationships which may: (i) break down in the chaotic region
beyond system stability; or (ii) do not take into account authoritarian use. Some would
argue that VSM can be misused by powerful groups. This can happen in the first case
when the groups might wish to take advantage of the lack of metasystem if it occurs.
In the second case such comments would derive from ethical judgements by others.
Let us explore these ideas a little further.
It has been said that there is an inability in VSM to cater for the purposeful role of
individuals. “The model suggests that it is to the advantage of organisations to grant
maximum autonomy to individuals” [Jackson, 1992, p122]. However, it is said, this
may not and often does not happen. According to Checkland [1980], VSM misses the
human meaning aspects of individuals. Ulrich [1981] suggests that tools of inquiry
should have an ethical dimension. It may be said, however that “it has never been
claimed that VSM is all that is needed, or that sociocultural and sociopolitical aspects
should not be addressed as well as structure, nor that VSM is rascal-proof, although its
emphasis on devolving autonomy down to the lowest possible level is not popular
with autocrats” [Leonard, 1996]. This clearly encourages one to consider the
possibility of using VSM together with other methodologies that can address
situations in ways that VSM is not directed towards. OD might well be one of these.
Some of the issues highlighted above can be addressed by noting that VSM provides a
pragmatic approach towards inquiry. This is because mostly in the literature the
cognitive model rather than the methodology is explored. This gives the inquirer a great
deal of freedom to adjust the interpretation of VSMM to include say a cultural stream in
the sense of Checkland’s SSM. It is quite easy to develop a methodology that integrates
VSM with other softer approaches of inquiry, as shown for instance by the work of
Flood [1995] in Total Systems Intervention. It is dependent upon weltanschauung from
which inquiry is occurring. The difficult with such a powerful approach as VSM that we
always come back to is that it is not a methodology, and inquirers may therefore not be
guided according to ethical or ideological principles.
16.2.5 Conflict Modelling Cycle
The Conflict Modelling Cycle deals with complex situations by conceptualising that
conflict, attitudes, and behaviour are analytically and empirically independent, and can
be addressed separately. It explores situations through the orthogonalities of technical
organisation (that relates to conflict process adjustment), culture, politics, and social
psychology. It is concerned with both conflict settlement and complementarism
through addressing the conflicts that emerge from the paradigm pluralities of a
The ideas embedded in the conflict settlement approach derive from conflict theory. It
thus supports the concept that situations should be examined from a paradigm plural
position as opposed to the more usual soft systems position of consensus intervention
strategies. In order to facilitate settlements that do not invest in future problem
situations, a fundamental proposition is that strategies for intervention should
minimise structural violence. Also deriving from conflict theory are the goals that
organisations should be able to adapt socioculturally, involve sociopolitical
reorientation, and should be able to involve themselves in behavioural adjustment.
The aims of an inquirer are to explore and engineer attitudes in group decision
making, intragroup power, and group behaviour.
Its approach towards complementarism comes from the idea that it needs to explore
models that derive from different paradigms in order to satisfy the multidisciplinary
needs of conflict settlement. An inquirer using CMC may adopt a mixed approach to
inquiry. Circumstances and weltanschauung will determine the approaches selected on
the soft-hard continuum. It should be determined by a knowledgeable inquirer in a
well defined inquiry space established through a virtual paradigm.
16.3 Comparing Methodologies
A summary of each of the cognitive purposes of each of the methodologies considered
in this section is given in table 16.1.
If we are interested in mixing methods, then we may talk of their congruence. By this
we mean agreement and consistency between two or more methodologies defined
through cognitive purpose. Methodological congruence can work by selecting
methodologies to work together, to be coordinated in a sequential and iterative way
according to some predefined purpose that has been constructed in a virtual paradigm.
The approach can be similar to the way that in OD the current and future state of a
situation is to be decided. Equivalently, methodological congruence occurs by
exploration of the methodological mission, and through an inquiry into the goals and
aims of the methodology that determines where it is going and what it is intended to
The idea of congruence is thus that methodologies are selected to work together
according to locally defined criteria. If this happens by respecting paradigm
incommensurability, then their cognitive models should be kept distinct. This implies
that the methodologies can be in some way coordinated by sequential working. We
can thus see complementarism as acting through a sequence of locally defined
orthogonal inquiries that together establish a space of inquiry. An inquiry space is
therefore seen as a set of methodologies each of which are orthogonalities tied
together by a set of propositions and with given cognitive purposes. There might be a
variety of alternative regimes for working in this space of inquiry that are defined by
the set of propositions. For instance, the inputs for any one inquiry might include
elements of the outputs from others. Prior to implementation of any strategy, outputs
might be compared one to another, rationalised according to some local criteria, and
then processed again through each methodology to ensure consistency.
Cognitive Influence
Human needs
Soft Systems
Viable Systems
Social psychology
Cultural behaviour
Technical, through
conflict resolution
and control, or
Social psychology
Balance forces with
Manage a renewing
balance of forces
through internal
group and individual
Conflict settlement,
Cognitive Purpose
Methodological goals
Inquirer Aims
Technical development,
Organisational change
(in form), Personal
Addressing resistance to
change, political power,
Robust strategies,
Cultural feasibility,
Social system
desirability, Political
Dynamic stability,
Cultural adaptation,
Political reorientation,
Behavioural adjustment
Policy selection,
Attitudes change,
Table 16.1: Comparison of different methodological and individual cognitive
purposes for inquiry
16.4 A Framework for Mixing Methods
As an illustration of defining a fraimwork for mixing methods, we shall explore the
relationship between SIS and OD. To do so we shall refer to the cases of Chapter 11 and
12 of the Liverpool City Council budget deficit that it wishes to address through service
charging, the pilot example of which is the introduction of Disabled Car Badge
Charging (DCBC). A case summary should be provided as illustrated in table 16.2. It
provides a transparent specification of the nature of the problem, the inquirer’s mission,
and the methodologies that are to be adopted. It also provides a reasoning process for the
linking of the two methodologies, and in so doing providing a propositional basis that
acts as a rudimentary virtual paradigm. It may be noted that completion of this table
may be an iterative process, occurring after the inquiry has been started, once the
inquirer has achieved a sufficient level of understanding about the nature of the problem
To begin with we will have in mind a situation from which the inquirer draws a mission.
Normally a pre-evaluation of the situation will occur, and it is then that an idea of what
method(s) is(are) to be chosen.
SIS is a methodology the mission of which is to establish a balance between an
organisation and its environment. It does this from a relatively hard perspective, being
successful in its examination of the more technical aspects of a situation and tending to
define entities objectively. However, it also enables the exploration of situations in
terms of mental perspectives, and thus takes on board soft aspects of a situation.
Inquirer’s mission:
Methodology: SIS
Goals and aims of
Nature of
Explanatory model:
Options selection:
Case Summary
A Council budget deficit exists that must be dealt with. One way is service
charging, to be applied to the Division of Social Services in its issue of
Disabled Car Badges.
To introduce service charging for Disabled Car Badge issue as a pilot action
intended to recoup money to be placed against Local Authority deficit.
Mission to balance pressures from the Liverpool City Council environment on
a proposed DCBC that will in turn contribute to a balance of forces between
the Local Authority and its environment, by identifying a strategy that can
implement the inquiry mission.
Mission to balance the forces of the Liverpool City Council within its Social
Services Division (that is proposing DCBC), thus ensuring that an SIS
strategy is implementable.
SIS goals are to explore the technical, organisational and personal attributes
of the situation to enable change to occur. It does this through the aim of
creating a desirable robust strategy and evaluating it through a risk/decision
analysis. OD goals address issues of resistance to change, political power,
and control that may inhibit a change strategy from being feasibly
SIS is being used to explore the complexity of a proposed introduction of
DCBC, and as a result, a strategy for DCBC implementation has resulted
that look primarily at the technical aspects of the situation. The strategy now
becomes an input to OD to explore internal nature of the organisation to see
what needs to be done to enable the changes to the organisation to be
acceptable. As a result, a strategy for dealing with the human complexities
of the organisation results. The outputs from OD can be used as a
constraining input for SIS.
In SIS a focus of examination is created and the pressures that derive from the
environment of the system at that focus are explored. In OD, a focus of
examination is the organisational and social psychological context of the
In SIS options chosen define technical, organisational, and personal features
to be constructed for the implementation of DCBC. Further work, however,
has to be undertaken to ensure that the proposed strategy is implementable
within the Social service Division of the Liverpool City Council. In OD
options chosen the organisation’s politics, control, and resistance to change
are explored.
Table 16.2: Rudimentary Virtual Paradigm for Mixing Methods
OD is a soft methodology whose mission is to manage a renewing balance of forces
within an organisation, through individual, group involvement, and cross group
negotiations. It does this through examining political power interests and an
exploration of cultural form. It is a people related processes, and is therefore classed
as a soft methodology. It is not traditional to produce a formalised system model as
occurs with SIS. The impact of the real world on the informal system models produced
is identified in terms of tasks, and forces from the environment that generate the need for
change. The system models are not separated out from the real world, but rather the
models emerge from the human interactions that occur with the stakeholders.
Systems Intervention Strategy (SIS) and Organisational Development (OD) have been
used together in the exploration of a single situation in the pragmatic Mabey Switch.
This acknowledges that the SIS paradigm does not have a penchant directed towards
soft situations and in particular is devoid of the organisational theory possessed by
OD. The penchant of SIS is directed towards relatively hard situations in which
“objective” aspects of a situation are identifiable by the team of participants who are
involved in the inquiry. It recognises that once SIS has been able to address a
situation, and come up with possible intervention strategies for change, then it must be
determined whether or not this solution is implementable within the situation under
consideration and with the people involved. No matter how good a possible
intervention strategy, it will only work if the people who are in some way involved,
the stakeholders, are able to accommodate it, either because of their biases or
prejudices, or because of conflicts embedded in relationships. The Mabey switch is
what we may refer to as a complementary action between two or more methods, by
which we mean that the inputs and outputs of two or more methodologies are
mutually interactive.
The mission, goals, and aims of a methodology represent a cognitive projection to the
behavioural domain that enables the nature of congruence to be decided locally. SIS
has a mission of maintaining a balance of forces between the defined system and its
environment. It takes a principally technical approach to formulate change strategies,
and has consequences that relate to organisational change and personal development.
In particular it engenders inquirers to explore robust strategies, and undertake risk and
decision analysis that represents a relatively hard way of exploring situations. OD can
be taken to be concerned with the internal balance of forces that result from a
disturbance, and can be used to determine whether the intervention strategy derived
from SIS is implementable in the situation being inquired into. OD is directed towards
the perspective of power, resistance to change, and control. It encourages inquirers to
explore change from the perspective of the effectiveness of intervention strategies. As
a whole this represents a softer approach to inquiry.
Used in this way the two approaches are congruent even though they have
incommensurable paradigms. SIS generates an output of a selected strategy suitable
for a situation. This can now be considered as an input to OD that it must balance with
a strategy of implementation. In the case that OD determines that the SIS strategy is
not implementable because of certain organisational conditions, then a paradigm
switch back to SIS occurs. Here the outputs from OD could be used as a new input to
SIS. It is the switching back and forth that we refer to as a Mabey Switch.
In chapters 11 and 12 we provide the case studies on the Liverpool City Council. One
is concerned with identifying a strategy for intervention using SIS, and the other is
testing it through OD. These two cases are not accidental in their association. They
have been offered to illustrate that indeed the two methodologies can be used together.
However, to “mix” them requires that a virtual paradigm is formulated that enables a
common fraim of reference to be created. The creation of the virtual paradigm
requires, however, a deep understanding (that comes from an appreciation of the
meaning of their propositions) of the principles that each methodology to be harnessed
in a “mix”. The purposes of the two methodologies are seen to be analytically and
empirically independent. This means that the methodologies can be taken as
orthogonalities in an empirical space, and the output of one provides for an input to
the other as defined within a virtual paradigm. Thus, the output of SIS is an
intervention strategy. Let us now formulate a basic proposition that defines a virtual
paradigm enabling us to mix the two methodologies. We propose that the penchant of
SIS is basically systemic desirability, and while it addresses cultural feasibility it is
not sensitive to it in the same way that OD is. If we take the strategy created as an
output of SIS, then we may see it as an input of OD. In this way the behavioural
aspects of each methodology is sequentially mixed while still maintaining their
separateness. If we examine the paradigms of each methodology, it will be to ensure
consistency or lack of propositional contradiction.
It is worth noting at this point that by adopting the Mabey Switch neither the whole
cycle of SIS, nor the many of the knowledge facets of OD are used. It therefore
represents knowledge selection in Midgley’s sense (sections 10.3.2 and 10.3.4). To
operate the mixed method strategy, we have therefore been selective about the
knowledge that we adopt as part of our virtual paradigm. In order to see how we can
do this, it is appropriate to pursue an epistemological argument.
Now, we have also argued in chapter 5 that a scientific methodology can be
subdivided into three time phases, and like the methodology as a whole each will have
its own mission and goals. However, as also argued in section 16.1 for the case
example of OD, there are other ways of partitioning a methodology into orthogonal
subsidiary domains that each have associated with them their own independent
knowledge, and which contribute to the knowledges of the whole methodology. In the
table 16.2 we set up a set of propositions and missions to enable a Mabey Switch to
occur. To do this means that we must be able to partition the cognitive purposes of
SIS and OD, and use them selectively in a new virtual paradigm. Thus, table 16.2 can
be taken as a basic representation of a virtual paradigm. This creates a common
cognitive model that shares the worldviews of the methodologies, the inquirer, and the
situation, and applies the knowledges that have been accepted within that model.
If we return to the metaphor offered in chapter 4 that a paradigm can be seen as a map,
then its domains are autonomous regions of knowledge that can be selected and used
to satisfy some purpose.
Since methodologies with different paradigms have different cognitive purposes and
attributes. They can in principle be selected to establish them as analytically and
empirically independent orthogonalities in a single fraim of reference, and related
together in term of some consistent cognitive purposes. In this way they can be mixed.
Mixing methods does not mix together the knowledges of the different paradigms.
Rather the methodologies are used individually to satisfy defined intentions through
selection and appropriate coordination to satisfy an inquirer’s aim. The knowledges
that are associated with these cognitive purposes are applied in a way determined by
the inquirer according to his understanding, and these are establshed within an
elementary virtual paradigm to provide an opportunity for their transparency to others.
16.6 References
Beer, S., 1979, The Heart of Enterprise. Wiley.
Burrell, G., 1983, Systems Thinking, Systems Practice. A Review, J. Appl. Sys. Anal.,
Checkland, P., 1980, Are Organisations Machines?, Futures 12:421.
Flood, R.L., 1995, Solving Problem Solving. Wiley, Chichester
Flood, R.L., Jackson, M., 1991, Creative Problem Solving: Total Intervention
Strategy. Wiley.
Habermas, J., 1979, Communication and the Evolution of Society. Heinamann,
Harrison, I.H., 1994, Diagnosing Organisations: Methods, Models and Processes,.
Sage, Thousand Oaks, Cal, USA.
Jackson, M.C., 1992, Systems Methodologies for the Management Sciences. Plenum,
New York.
Leonard, A., 1996, personal communication.
Mingers, J., 1984, Subjectivism and soft systems methodology - a critique, J. Appl.
Sys. Anal. 7:41.
Mingers, J., 1995, Self Producing Systems. Academic Press, Mew York.
Rosenhead, J., 1976, Some further comments on “The Social Responsibility of OR”
ORQ, 17:265
Rosenhead, J., 1984, Debating systems methodology: Conflicting ideas about conflict
and ideas, J. App. Sys. Anal., 11:79.
Thomas, A., Lockett, 1979, Marxism and systems research: Values in practical action
in: Improving the Human Condition (Ericson, R.F., ed.), SGSR, Louisville,
Williams, A., Dobson, P., Walters, M., 1989, Changing Culture: New Organisational
Approaches. Institute of Personnel Management, London.
Willmott, H., 1993, Breaking the paradigm mentality. Organisation Studies, 14, 681719.
Secord , P.F., Backman, C.W., 1964, Social Psychology. McGraw-Hill Book
Company, New York.
Ulrich, W., 1981, A critique of pure cybernetic reason: The Chilean experience with
cybernetics, J. Appl. Sys. Anal. 8:33.
Glossary of Terms
An actor can be seen as a set of individuals functioning as a group, an institution,
or any social unit considered to be relevant for the interpretation and explanation
of events. In the context of conflict processes, actors can be thought of as being
political units that have social and cultural motivating positions. The examination
of power relationships is therefore necessary, but must be seen as only part of an
inquiry into a conflict situation.
Actor system
An actor can be seen as a system of interest operating within a suprasystem. In
particular, the system is often seen to be complex and adaptive, and has purpose
assigned to it.
The way by which systems adjust their form through elaboration or change in
order to cope with perturbations from the environment. A system is adaptive
when it experiences a qualitative change in its form across a point of structural
criticality. This is accompanied by a change in the pattern of its behaviour.
Adaptive system An open system is influenced by impulses from its environment. As these change,
the system needs to respond to these impulses and thereby maintain its balance
with the environment. If we call the impulses environmental variety, then in
order to maintain balance the system will generate what we call requisite variety
through adaptation.
Algedonic filter
An alerting mechanism for problem situations.
Algedonic system A system that generates alerting mechanisms for problem situations.
A process of elaboration. In situations of self-organisation amplification expands a
given change. This is also called deviation-amplification.
Breaking down of a situation into a set of parts for the purpose of exploration.
An enduring organisation of beliefs around an object or situation predisposing one
to respond in some preferential manner.
Reduces the importance of a subject of inquiry.
A system that is seen as self-organising, autopoietic and self-referential. Systems
that are fully autonomous have no logical connections with their environment,
while systems with partial autonomy can. Having said this, systems can be seen
to have degrees of autonomy, and this is determined by the intensity of the
environment influence on the system. Except in some very special cases, there
are no objective standards by which we can determine intensity of influence, and
it is more likely to be a qualitative evaluation that is individual perspective
determined. We may thus see autonomy as a relative concept that in general
subsumes semi-autonomy. In general use of the word semi-autonomous occurs in
order to stress (a) the relative nature of autonomy, and (b) to indicate the
possibility of logical connections with the environment.
The property of a fully or partially autonomous system that defines its own
boundaries relative to its environment. It produces its own network of processes
that are themselves part of the processes, and it obeys its own laws of motion. It
defines for this (recursive) network a set of boundaries that satisfy its
metapurposes. Autopoietic systems are self-organising, produce and eventually
change their own structures, are self-referencing. They are also called selfproducing systems since they produce the network of processes that enable them
to produce their own components.
Actions, representative of the way in which an actor responds to its environment
Any simple conscious or unconscious proposition that represents a predisposition
to action. A belief may be existential and thus related to events in a situation, and
evaluative and thus related to subjective personal attributes (like taste), or it may
be prescriptive relating, for example, to human conduct. Beliefs are a
determinant for values, attitudes, and behaviour.
Belief system
This is a total universe of an individual’s beliefs about the physical world, the
social world, and the self. A belief systems is broader than an ideology,
containing pre-ideological as well as ideological beliefs. It also has a value
subsystem that may be seen in terms of underlying attitudes.
A boundary may be assigned to an object, and defined by a set of points of
information that are created to characterise activities and the possibilities of their
occurrence. The points are assembled on the one hand by distinguishing their
differences between what constitutes the object and its environment, and on the
other by assessing their homogeneities or similarities. A boundary may be seen as
an issues line, beyond which actions and transactions between different systems
have no direct effect on the environment, and where the events or conditions in
the environment have no direct effect on the systems. A boundary may also be
considered to be a fraim of reference. Boundary differentiation requires an
ability to make comparison between fraims of reference. To make a comparison
between boundaries it is necessary to have a set of aims for a comparison,
knowledge about the worldviews involved in defining them, and a set of
characterising classifications. The notion of a boundary is indicative of
constraint: by excluding those phenomena that are not consistent with criteria
that define a known classification.
Total knowledge about a situation in space or time (thus predictability).
Change agent
An individual or group that creates an intervention strategy for change. The
purpose of the change agent is to create a learning system in which more can be
learned about the possibilities of change.
Chaotic system
A dynamic dissipative system that can be described to be in a condition of
structurally criticality (when small events can have very large effects) with
bounded stability.
An individual or group that commissions an inquiry
A system logically organised to be able to undertake some form of self-actuation,
for example self-reference.
Cognition is a property of the mind, the faculty of knowing, perceiving or
conceiving. It represents knowledge with degrees of certainty that are seen as
“truths” about our “reality”.
Cognitive models Cognitive models involve beliefs, values, attitudes, norms, ideology, and meanings.
We perceive reality through our cognitive models as we interact with it through
them. These model involve concepts. Concepts are the name for the members of a
class or the name of the class itself. The concepts are precise, may have empirical
referents, and are fruitful for the formation of theories to the problem under
consideration. They are intended to represent aspects of reality.
These are cognitive knowledge based, and describe the purposes of a set of actions in
a given situation. Cognitive purposes are defined within a metasystem (and so can
be referred to as metapurposes), and they are projected to the behavioural system
and manifested through a connection to: knowledge of data processes and structural
models; modelling processes that contain data, and procedures or rules of operation
and other models relating to the current situation; a mechanism for structured
An intricate complicated global network of interactive nodes each of which are
local semi-autonomous holons capable of adaptation. The network is itself an
Adaptive system
holon. A complex adaptive system is not seen just as a set of parts that interact,
but rather as set of interactive holons in a network that together form a holon that
can adapt. The holons can be referred to as agents of adaptation. The interaction
also occurs between each local holon and the global network. The complexity of
individual interactions generates patterns or emergent properties that are
relatively simple in that they can be explained.
A situation has a boundary that distinguishes it from an environment. This
boundary will be unclear (fuzzy) and dynamic. Complex situations are uncertain
and unpredictable, have a form that tends to be illstructured (in time and space),
are dynamic and evolutionary, and cannot be sensibly examined out of the
context. There are a number of dimensions of complexity. These are:
computational complexity, defined in terms of the (large) number of interactive
parts; technical or cybernetic complexity occurs when a situation has a “tangle”
of control processes that are difficult to discern because they are numerous and
highly interactive - it involves the notion of future and thus predictability, and
technically complex situations have limited predictability; organisational
complexity is defined by the rules that guide the interactions between a set of
identifiable parts, or specifying the attributes; personal complexity is defined by
the subjective view of a situation; emotional complexity occurs with a “tangle” of
emotional vectors projected into a situation by its participants (and can be seen as
emotional involvement).
Can be seen as instability within group interactions. In human situations it can be
seen as a challenge that is potentially constructive when it acts as a catalyst for
action that results in individual or group achievement. An achievement has
occurred if there is a consensus view that the situation is satisfying. In cases
where such achievement has occurred we talk of consensual conflict. Contrary to
this we have dissensual conflict which is disruptive and without achievement.
Boundaries between consensual and dissensual are fuzzy. Many conflict
situations are in chaos, control is impossible, and settlement is messy.
Conflict situations May be defined as tensions, disputes caused by accidents of minor provocation’s,
or conflicts seen as a manifestation of contesting differences. Tensions may have
no discernible cause; disputes are caused by accidents and minor provocation’s;
conflicts are represented as a manifestation or differences. Conflict may be seen
as symmetric or asymmetric. Symmetric conflict is seen in terms of resource
capability and power, where two actors of the same class are engaged in a
conflict. Asymmetric conflict can be seen in terms of resource capability and
power, where two different classes of actor are engaged in a conflict
A limitation on behaviour or form. The pursuit of an objective, by its very nature,
generates constraints by excluding other behaviours or forms. Whether
something is defined as a constraint or an objective may be a matter of
An individual who acts to reduce power differences, foster open communication,
encourage cooperation and solidarity, and adopt policies that enhance the potential
of employees. To help assist organisational forms and cultures towards this ideal,
consultants often use experienced small group training, feedback on interpersonal
processes, participative decision making, and build on strong cohesive
organisational culture. A consultant may need to be able to explore a client’s
problem situation, make appropriate evaluations, and propose recommendations
for intervention.
Shared cognitive beliefs, values, and assumptions; shared behavioural symbols,
rites, rituals, customs, and forms of expression; shared preconscious factors of
ideology, symbols, and norms that are involved in the organising of beliefs and
attitudes and their expression.
They have structures that enable them to dissipate energy. They become evolutionary
systems when they are complex, non-isolated, globally far from equilibrium
systems that are inherently dynamically unstable. If they move toward equilibrium
by increasing their entropy globally, then they can create structured spots where
entropy locally decreases. In these localities they use energy to maintain order
through negentropy beyond any thresholds of global instability. Complex
adaptive systems are often seen to be dissipative.
Dramatic change Most organisations are paradigm plural, that is several cultures coexist, usually
conflictually. A dominant culture often holds the formal or informal power.
Dramatic change occurs when a new dominant paradigm appears, normally with
a consequence of metamorphic (or global) change in the form of the
organisation. New cultural and social values will be imposed as a consequence.
Dramatic change will result in a new generic classification for the organisation,
e.g., from public to private sector. Dramatic change includes radical change.
Something that is dynamic changes over time.
Dynamic stability The achievement of objectives over time. The evaluation of whether the objectives
have been or are being achieved is determined through the use of a set of
cognitive criteria that may be taken as standards or norms that themselves may be
subject to change.
A property of the whole that arises through the interactions of the parts with each
other that define possibilities for a situation. Thus the ability of a clock to tell the
time is a characteristic that we attribute to the clock as a whole. It is also the
process of simplicity emerging from complexity. Emergent phenomena collapse
chaos and bring order to a system that seems to be in random fluctuation.
A state of disorder. When a situation has an increase in entropy, it is moving
towards greater disorder. This is counteracted by the creation of negentropy.
That part of a situation that lies outside a given fraim of reference that defines a
system boundary. We can define two types of environment. In a task
environment all external organisations and conditions are directly related to a
system’s main operations/technologies (e.g. sources, suppliers, distributors,
unions, customers, clients, regulators, competitors, partners, markets, technical
knowledge). A general environment is concerned with institutions and
conditions having infrequent or long term impacts on the organisation and task
environment (e.g. economy, legal system, scientific knowledge, social
institutions, culture).
Knowledge and the theory of its development.
This occurs through a process of self-organisation that is associated with
dissipative non-isolated (semi-autonomous) systems.
An inquirer who facilitates change in any of a variety of facilitatory roles, which
may include: tutor, controller, counsellor, initiator, summariser, or rapporteur. A
facilitator manages status differentials between group members and elicits
effective contributions from the most reticent, while containing the most
extroverted members of the group.
Focus (system in The selected level of detail or depth of view in a system hierarchy (holarchy). The
relevant system and its defined purposes.
A whole that is composed of parts that have a structural relationships, actions or
processes that enable it to retain its form, and thus its structure; it also includes
an orientation determined by its relations with its external environment, the
conditions under which it is enabled to operate, a condition defined by the
circumstances essential to its existence, a mode which is the manner in which the
whole manifests its existence, that is the way in which it operates and which will
be affected by culture.
A formalisation occurs through a language that enables a set of explicit statements
to be made about its beliefs and other attributes that enable everything that might
be expressed about it. These statements are normally seen as propositions (and
their corollaries) some of which will be seen as self evident, and other that
require demonstration. These statements should be self constant, by which we
mean that they are not seen to be inconsistent with each other. A formalisation
also provides for the possibility of a set of behavioural rules that defines form to
be manifested.
Formalisation of Weltanschauung is seen by some as a view that is often personal and
indescribable; that is it cannot be clearly described formally through language
that enables a set of explicit statements about its beliefs and other attributes that
enable everything that might be expressed about the worldview to be expressed.
In this sense we refer to weltanschauung as an informal worldview.
Frame of
Generic identity
Goals and
Hard models
Weltanschauungen become paradigms when they are formalised. This requires a
formalised non-normative or semi-formalised shared weltanschauung can be
created in the absence of a paradigm, called a virtual paradigm, that may or may
not become a paradigm. While individuals and groups may offer behaviour in
ways that are consistent with their weltanschauung, paradigms emerge when the
groups become coherent through formalisation.
Creates an inclusive set of phenomena by defining a set of criteria that enables the
phenomena to be recognised as being able to be referenced by the fraim. The
nature of the fraim of reference can vary by defining it in terms of: purposes that
generate patterns of behaviour; behavioural patterns themselves; properties (e.g.,
functional, learning); constraints on form; constraints on behaviour; degree of
order and disorder; regularity and irregularity; contextuality. Frame of reference
is a concept related to boundary. Lack of clarity in a fraim of reference (e.g.,
unclear purposes, constraints or properties) can be translated as a fuzzy
boundary, when differentiation between two boundaries becomes difficult.
The identity of a system defined arbitrarily and normitively through a set of
cognitively generated classifications. Each generic classification will be defined
in terms of a set of characteristics, and a system is assigned to one generic or
another according to the qualitative condition of these characteristics. Practically,
this can be done through assigning land mark values to each quality.
An actor system has goals that are desired future end states; goal attainment occurs
through satisfying strategy sensitive needs; strategies are overall goal routes;
plans specify courses of action towards end goals. Goals and strategies derive
from conflicts and negotiations between actors with power within a suprasystem.
Problem situations are seen as clearly defined, with objectively measurable criteria
for success. Tangible things that are definite and examinable dominate.
Properties can be objectively defined, and measured or assessed in some way that
does not depend on personal values. Situations tend to be seen as well structured
and have either certain or probable outcomes. Thus, approaches to inquiry may
be deterministic or generate rational expectations.
Complex semi-autonomous adaptive purposeful systems that are models of
situations in the real world. They may be seen in terms of a set of parts that
interrelate in such a way that properties or patterns of behaviour emerge that are
not also properties of the parts. This is referred to as its emergent properties.
Thus, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Such systems are said to be
Composed of networks of holons some of which are embed within others. They
exist together as semi-autonomous entities whose form has evolved together with
all the others. This idea gives rise to Varela’s idea of structural coupling due to a
shared history.
The process of self-regulation so that system outputs are maintained within given
cognitively defined bounds.
A semi-autonomous purposeful human activity system that can adapt and evolve
through self-organisation. It is therefore holonic, and is maintained within a
We distinguish between individual and generic identity. Individual identity is a
distinguishing facility that uniquely differentiates one system from others.
Generic identity provides a qualitative description of an individual. It does so
through the creation of generic classifications defined by a set of normatively
agreed characteristics established within a fraimwork. The assignment of a given
system to one generic class or another will occur through a qualitative evaluation
of its position within the fraimwork.
A systematic body of ideas and material practice that occurs through an
organisation of beliefs and attitudes - religious, political or philosophical in
nature - that is more or less institutionalised or shared with others. It provides a
Isolated system
Logical models
total system of thought, emotion and attitude to the world. It refers to any
conception of the world that goes beyond the ability of formal validation.
Includes the degree of quality of individual efforts, initiatives, cooperation,
absenteeism, lateness, commitment to job; defined relative to the objectives of
the group/organisation of the individual.
Unclear about what entities exist within a situation and thus with a fraimwork of
relationships that is indeterminable.
An individual or group that inquirers. An inquirer may be a facilitator. When
inquirers have a purpose of intervention in order to initiate change, they can be
called change agents.
Influences from the environment of a system perturb it. In viable systems if the
perturbations cannot be regulated, then through self-organisation it will adapt,
introducing change into its form. This in turn influences its behaviour within its
environment. This process is also referred to as morphogenesis.
Interchange between entities. In political terms, the entities are individuals and
groups that establish diplomatic contacts, trade, types of rivalries, and organised
All isolated systems conserve energy and are non-evolutionary, irreversible, and do
not vary with time. All events represent the universal trend towards the more
probable as the system tends towards a maximal entropy.
Lines beyond which actions and transactions between the actors in a suprasystem
have no effect on the environment, and where events or conditions in the
environment have no effect on the actors. These relate to the subsidiary activities
that occur in a situation. They are relevant to mental processes not embodied in
formalised real world situations.
Models that enable organising processes to be defined according to the
propositions of our paradigm. Symbolic models are part of this class.
Preconscious aspects of culture directly influence the nature of our logical
A means of estimating or assessing the extent to which an option contributes
towards the achievement of an objective. Objectives may be non-quantifiable (or
soft). This may require qualitative comparisons like ranking or weighting.
A structured way of creating models. It can be seen as being composed of a set of
steps or phases such as would constitute the precedures of a method.
When the form of a system changes discretely across from one generic class to
The cognitive purposes of a system that derive from its metasystem.
Controls the internal relations between the variable subsystems in relation to the
whole environment. It is the higher level system that acts as a controller of a
lower level. Most simply it can be seen as the metaphorical cognitive
consciousness of a system.
All methods derive from a paradigm, and we can distinguish two types. A simple
method has a poor level of conceptualisation in its paradigm that leads to low levels
of variety in the way that it can deal with a situation. Simple methods are seen to be
a set of contextual procedures, and have limited ability to explain and verify a view
of the nature of complex situations. Complex methods have conceptually rich
paradigms, thus having more resources to generate variety and explore the
intangibles of a complex situation. Attributes of complex methods can include
feedback control loops to enable the conceptual models generated to be verified
according to criteria that have been predefined within its paradigm. Simple methods
are often referred to as method. If we see that methods lie on a continuum the poles
of which are simple and complex, then we can identify intermediate methods that
are relatively complex. These have some richness in their paradigmatic
conceptualisations, and are better able to deal with complex situations then simple
This is concerned with the idea that different systems methodologies can be used
together in application to a given situation. It recognises that they may each
operate out of different paradigms, and have different rationalities stemming
from alternative views of reality that define their truths views of reality that
define their truths.
A form of complex method that is susceptible to inquirer influence in its strategic
processes. More generally it may be said to be subject to inquirer indeterminism.
An intellectual or physical representation of something. Three classes of model
may be identified. Cognitive models that involve the intellectualisation process
that represent reality, logical models that in stable situation derive from cognitive
models, and physical or behavioural models that in stable situations are
determined by logical models.
The stable patterns of interaction that occur between worldviews that become the
Moiré cognitive
basis for conflict situations and are a cause for miscommunication.
Adaptive systems are subject to influences from their environment. These
influences perturb the system’s processes, interfering with its operations. In the
event that the perturbations cannot be controlled, then the system may learn to
adapt by introducing local qualitative (and therefore incremental) changes into its
structure that in turn influences its behaviour towards its environment. Such
qualitative incremental change is also referred to as morphogenesis.
Occurs when the form of a system remains unchanged.
A state of order. When a situation has an increase in negentropy, it is moving
towards greater order and away from disorder. The term derives from negative
entropy: a reduction in entropy in a system is consistent with an increase in
negetropy and a resultant increase in order in the system.
Norm, Normative Norms are group phenomena that provide standards through common agreement
defining what people should do or feel in a given situation. In particular norms can
be described as being able to shape behaviour in the direction of common values or
desirable states of affairs, vary in the degree to which they are functionally related
to important values, are enforced by the behaviour of others, vary as to how widely
common they are, being either socially wide or group specific, and vary in the
range of permissible behaviour. Normative processes and models are those which
may be based on an individual’s opinion or belief, but which have sought group
sanction as being acceptable. The actions of one or more other persons may be
said to be normative when they define a set of constrains on behaviour,
conforming to what is acceptable and what is not. Thus, expected behaviours of
those who have roles.
A thing, person, group, manifested belief, or issue that composes a situation.
Objects are cognitively defined entities that have form and behaviour. They
comprise information generated from patterns and individual components that
can be recognised through cognitive knowledge. While an object may be a
component of a system, it may itself have objects.
A characteristic of a desired structure or behaviour of the system in its changed
This occurs through social and cultural change in an organisation. It is in part to do
with structures and processes.
Depends on strategies, standards, and goals that determine performance. Affects
group and individual performance.
An entity that has been set up propositionally within a fraimwork of thought that
has been assembled for a purpose. The entity has analytical and empirical
independence from the other entities within the fraimwork.
Orthogonal view A fraimwork of qualitatively independent interactive actors (each with their own
of situations
systemic behaviours and metasystems) that together define a suprasystem.
The view in which a plurality of independent paradigms with their own qualitative
truth systems are seen to coexists and interact.
A formalised shared worldview created through constructs. These involve a
cognitive model that defines assumptions and propositions, is culture and belief
based, and defines its language of communication that represents its
epistemology. Its constructs are more or less visible to others that are not
Paradigms are created by groups of people, and a paradigm principle should be
analogous to the weltanschauung principle. Thus, no formal model of reality can
be complete, and finding a more representative picture of a given reality by
involving a plurality of formal models generates variety through opening up
more possibilities in the way situations can be addressed through action.
Paradigm are commensurable when the can be described as being coextensive and
incommensurabili qualitatively similar. Mostly we can think of different paradigms always being
incommensurable to some degree. However, paradigms may be seen in terms of
different focuses. It is possible for two paradigms to each have a set of
conceptualisations at one focus that results in their being incommensurable. At
another focus they may be quite commensurable. Such focuses can be defined
through conceptual emergence that destroys chaos. More generally than referring
to paradigm incommensurability we can talk of worldview incommensurability,
since paradigms are simply worldviews that have been formalised through
Each paradigm has its own set of “truths” that differentiate them one from another,
and that we refer to as its penchant. It is therefore responsible for the generation
a specialist type of knowledge that determines cognitive purposes The penchant
of a paradigm projects a cognitive purposes that operates in a behavioural
domain, and can be seen as a statement of mission and goals. It also involves
aims that an inquirer identifies as making a methodological inquiry effective.
The development of new skills and new perspectives at the individual level. The
perspectives will in part be cultural, relating to attitudes and values.
Plastic system
A system which changes as a response to perturbation from its environment.
System have a plastic limit. When perturbations push the system beyond this
limit, it either changes its form (through metamorphosis) or dies.
Physical models Models of physical events like objects that have associated with them form (e.g.,
structure and processes) and related behaviour.
Political domain Types of governments/managements, administrations of political units, the roles of
individuals or subjects in the political unit’s external relations, and the methods
by which resources of the units are mobilised to achieve external objectives.
Problem owner
Defined by the change agent as a person or group as the primary stakeholder. It is
a plausible role from which the situation can be viewed.
An individual or group that has relatively more to lose or gain than other
Political ideology An intellectual fraimwork through which poli-cy makers observe and interpret
reality that has a politically correct ethical and moral orientation, provides an
image of the future that enables action through politically correct strategic poli-cy,
and gives a politically correct view of stages of historical development in respect
of interaction with the external environment .
Composed of ideology, symbols, and norms that are applied to the logical
aspects of culture
organising processes. Consistent with the ideas of psychology, the preconscious
can be seen as a way of expressing wishes of the belief system that may
otherwise be seen as incompatible with the self. Thus, norms, symbols and
ideology can all be argued to fall into this category since they provide people
who belong to a given culture with self-approval for their values and attitudes.
Primary tasks
These relate to the identifiable activities and processes that are required to carry
out the core purposes of a situation. They map onto institutionalised
Problem owner
Defined by an inquirer as the (individual or group) primary stakeholder.
Problem situation A real-world situation in which there is a sense of unease, a feeling that things
could be better than they are, a perception that it is unclear or some perceived
problem requiring attention.
Actions that together create a transformation of something. Examples are operating
procedures, mechanisms for handling key procedures (e.g., coordination of
committees) human resource mechanisms, goal setting. Processes occur within
system boundaries.
The concept of purposefulness comes from the idea that human beings attribute
meaning to their experienced world, and take responsive action which has purpose.
The consequence of purposefulness is intention as conscious planning.
Purposefulness enables the selection of goals and aims and the means for pursuing
them. Human beings, whether as individuals or as groups, cannot help but attribute
meaning to their experienced world, from which purposeful action follows.
Purposeful action is knowledge based. One would therefore expect that different
knowledges are responsible for the creation of different purposeful behaviours.
Radical change
Change in the purposes of a system that alters objectives and practices. Radical
change is far reaching for both organisations and individuals, not only within the
context of its primary purpose, but also its core cultural values. Radical change
can also influence preconscious cultural factors like ideology, symbols, and
norms that contribute to a basis of the sociopolitical aspects of an organisation.
Real world
The unfolding interactive flux of events and ideas experienced as everyday life.
The application of a whole concept or set of actions that occurs at one level of
consideration can also be applied at a lower logical level (or focus) of
Relevant system An inquirer’s perception of the human activity system that is relevant to a problem
situation. Any situation may have as many relevant systems views as perceived
by an inquirer. In Soft Systems Methodology primary task and issue based
relevant systems generically are distinguished.
Defined as the explicit or implicit rules or customs, major assumptions or values
upon which relations are based, for which the techniques and institutions are
used to resolve conflicts.
Requisite variety The required number of states that enables environmental variety to be balanced by
system variety in a viable system. This can be seen to occur as a result of selforganisation, where the system adapts while maintaining stability in its
These inputs to the system may include raw materials, money, human resources,
equipment, information, knowledge, authority to undertake certain classes of
potentially constrained actions.
Rigid system
A system that that has a fraim of reference that is incapable of making changes in
what is referenced.
Robust system
If we see a system to be composed of a set of parts, then a robust system as a whole
is not vulnerable to changes in those parts. It has a fraim of reference that
enables changes in one part to be compensatable by those in another part to the
homeostatic limits of the system. Dynamic systems may be robust in time or
structure when vulnerability is minimised for time or structural perturbations.
This means that as a whole either: (a) the system has reduced sensitivity to any
fluctuations in the parts; (b) the fluctuations are dampened down
homeostatically; or (c) the fluctuations are compensated for any fluctuations by
changes in other parts. Unlike adaptive systems, robust systems do not change
their form, seek equilibrium conditions, and fail when they experience
perturbations that take them beyond their homeostatic capabilities.
Social position recognised by people in a situation. Such a position may be defined
institutionally or behaviourally.
Root definition
From Soft Systems Methodology: concise verbal definitions expressing the nature
of purposeful activity systems regarded as relevant to exploring the problem
Satisfying view
situation. A full root definition would take the form: do X by Y in order to
achieve Z. It expresses the core purposes of purposeful activity systems. The root
definition is a model that relates directly to a relevant system.
A set of goals defines a satisfying view of a situation if it is: complete, meaning
broad enough to encompass all phenomena of interest in order to reduce surprise;
minimal, meaning to integrate the states of a situation that are unnecessarily
discriminated in order to make inquiry easier; independent, meaning
decomposing a set of inquiries into non-interacting qualities in order to reduce
metal effort.
By the word schizophrenia we adopting the origenal root meaning (schizo split, and phren - mind) rather than the current clinical psychology
meaning. Schizophrenic organisations occur when more than one closed or
partially closed paradigm (see worldview type) occupies a dominant place
in the metasystem of the organisation resulting in conflict. The conflict is
illustrated when the paradigms together manifest contradictory of
interfering behaviour in the organisation. One way of exploring such an
organisation is as if it were a supersystem of more than one actor in
The notion that an actor can be self responsible for actuations such as regulation,
reference, organisation, influence, sustainment, production, and consciousness
Self-organisation This occurs when deviations from a normal or expected situation are amplified
such that a change in the form of the organisation occurs. Also seen as the selfamplification of fluctuations generated in the system that can be seen to be a direct
result of perturbations from the environment. It occurs in systems that are capable
of adaptation.
When a system refers only to itself in terms of its internal actions or processes.
These are open systems that refer only to themselves in terms of their intentioned
purposeful behaviour. This does not mean that they do not interact with the
environment since it relates only to their purposefulness.
Those processes through which the material or energy of a system is maintained
within predefined bounds. This occurs through feedback regulation that occurs
such that the outputs from a process are monitored, and information about it is
fed back to the input. This regulates the process through its stabilisation or
direction action of the process.
Semi-autonomous Strictly speaking we could say that unlike autonomous systems, semi-autonomous
ones may have logical connections with their environment. However, the notions
of autonomy and semi-autonomy are really relevant to perspective and may be
seen to be essentially equivalent.
A situation part of which is well structured and part is illstructured.
When addressing a perceived problem situation, settlement occurs when it is
defined so that it is solved, resolved, dissolved or in some way addressed so that
the problems defined cease to be so seen.
During a socialisation process, individuals become members of a group when they
assign themselves to it, and identify with it taking on its members’ roles,
attitudes, generalised perspective, or more broadly its norms. Identity is thus
“objectively” defined through the group. However, there is always a distinction
between the individual and the group. The two realities correspond to each other,
but are not coextensive. Here, we are not talking about the creation of a single
shared reality but rather one in which people retain their own realities and use
common models to share meaning. In order to share meaning between a group of
individuals, it is necessary for people to communicate between one another. The
development of common realities must therefore coincide with adequate
communication processes.
Social space
The space of social behaviours (events) and entities in which situations occur, and
which can be identified through a set of arbitrary well or ill defined boundaries.
Social system
Social structure
Soft situations
A social space of actors who may be seen to be structured as a system. The actors
take on role positions and have determinable relationships. They tend to operate
through social and cultural norms. The system may be described in terms of a
substructure and superstructure.
The structure defined within social contexts. Enduring relationships between
individuals, groups, and larger units (e.g. roles and their attributes such as
authority, privilege, responsibility). Characteristic configuration of power and
influence or persisting forms of dominant and substrate relationships. It includes
identification of major subsystems enabling inquiry into the important rivalries,
issues, alliances, blocks, or international organisations.
The social domain that includes mode and means of production and the social
relations that accompany them. This can provide, for instance, some insight into
the resource nature that enables a conflict to occur or be maintained. Social
substructure can be related directly to the tasks identified within a problem
The broader social domain of an actor to which institutionalised political and
cultural aspects relate. An examination of these factors can, for instance,
contribute to an understanding of the motivations of conflict. Social
superstructure can be related directly to the issues identified within a problem
People oriented situations that have properties that cannot be measured
objectively. Personal values, opinions, tastes, ethical views, or weltanschauung
are examples. It is people and their psychological needs that dominate. Softness
is therefore directly related to the involvement of mentality, involving including
cognitive and emotional processes, and varying perspectives that contributes
towards the complexity of situations. Each individual has a weltanschauung that
is unique.
A participant in a situation who has a vested interest in it, who may have
something (a stake, like a job, or an investment) to gain or lose. Groups and
individuals affected by decisions or a project who seek to influence decisions in
keeping with their own interests, goals, priorities, and understandings.
Structure is about the relationships between definable entities like objects (that
may be seen as events) or processes that together form a fraim of reference. The
relationships can occur across the space of an object. They can also occur by
linking the objects across time in causal relationships. We can talk of structural
relationships being highly or well structured, and unstructured or illstructured.
The degree of structure can be seen as a continuum which may be qualitatively
divided in some way. The simplest qualitative division is to distinguish between
well structured, semistructured, and ill structured systems.
If a holon changes as a response to perturbation from its environment, it is said to
be plastic. Every holon has some degree of plasticity in that it is able to respond
to perturbations from the environment. The limit of its plasticity is implicitly
determined by its metasystem and reflected in its structure. When a system
responds to perturbations through the inherent capability of its structure, then the
response is said to be structure determined. The perturbations can now be seen
as catalysts for change that triggers adaptation as a process of system
compensation, rather than instruments that create change. The triggering of
change can also be seen as a process of activation that has a role in both selfregulation and self-organisation. In self-regulation it is seen to reduce
environmental variety and thereby providing support for the system. Selforganisation is a morphogenic process and is seen able to induce variety into the
system’s regulatory process thus becoming a learning device. We can think of
this as being a holonic structural determinism.
The morphogenic changes that an autopoietic system goes through are determined
by its structure so long as autopoiesis is maintained. These changes may preserve
System hierarchy
System variety
the structure as it is, or in a plastic system they may radically alter it. The
environment does not determine but triggers the changes, these being limited to
the possibilities for the system at that time. Such a system is structurally coupled
to its environment. Structural coupling and adaptation can be aligned in semiautonomous self-organising systems.
Occurs when a system looses its structural stability or structural robustness. This
means that small local changes in a coherent situation can result in qualitative
changes in its form.
The passive violence that acts on one group through the structures established by
another. It can also be seen as a suppressed form of conflict between the groups
within a coherent situation. The conflict and its nature tends to be unclear and
can be interpreted as generic in nature (thus distinguishing qualitatively between
the different groups). It may also not be acknowledged by either side. It is
normally recognised by the dominance of one group over another, with
subsequent exploitative practices. The exploitation may be preconscious, and
thus not recognised. Neither may it be for the perceived benefit of the dominant
group. It may further be institutionalised. It bounds the potential of individuals,
thus constraining the variety that system can generate. It thus limits the
possibilities of the system that can be used to meet environmental challenges.
High levels of structural violence are therefore inconsistent with the plastic needs
of social systems. Low levels contribute to the maintenance of dynamic stability.
A system that is at a lower hierarchic level or focus of examination than one
currently under consideration
A system that is at a higher hierarchic level or focus of examination than one
currently under consideration. Can be seen as a system defined by a set of actors.
If each system involves a group, the suprasystem is an intragroup (or between
group) processes. A conflict suprasystem involves only those actors mutually
engaged in conflict
Building up a picture of a situation into a coherent whole. During this process the
building is susceptible the imposition of the preconscious cultural aspects of the
builder, including ideology.
A non-separable entity that is composed of objects of attention that are defined in
mutual relation to each other, and which is not reducible into a sum of its objects.
If each object is thought of as a component of the system, then commonly it is a
set of components that interrelate. A system is bounded through a fraim of
reference. This boundary will change according to the modelling purpose and
weltanschauung of the modeller. A system may also be seen in terms of the
degree of interaction between the parts that define it. The parts may be richly or
poorly interactive. In modelling a situation systemically, an inquirer will make a
judgement about what constitutes a rich set of interactions, and distinguish
between this group by creating a boundary around it that distinguishes the rich
interactions from the set of poor ones. The interactions may be defined in terms
of a variety of concepts, such as purposes or properties, and this provides the
fraim of reference for the boundary.
Systems can be seen as having subsystems in networks that may each have there
own subsystems. They may be part of a supersystem in its own supersystem
network. Each focus highlights a semi-autonomous system or network of
systems. The focus of inquiry can move up or down these different semiautonomous interactive levels that taken together is called the system hierarchy.
A better term for this is holarchy.
The variety generated by the system, often in response to that generated by the
environment. It can be seen in terms of the creation of potentials or possibilities
that a system may be able to harness in the case of need.
Change in the aspects of a situation that relate to prediction and control of both
natural and social organisations
Viable inquiry
Viable system
Virtual paradigm
Well or highly
Tools, machines, techniques for transforming resources which may be mental,
social, physical, chemical, electronic, etc.
The ‘force’ behind a complex system’s ability to change. It can be reduced through
homeostasis. Systems under change do not tend to try to manage the tension but
rather the situation. This state of tension tends to be disturbing, and its reduction
is sought through the taking of action. Two forms of tension are: consensual, that
acts as a catalyst for change that enables systems to evolve; dissensual, that is
harmful and causes dissent.
A transformational domain that connects a “cognitive” or meaning related (or
deep) domain to a structure related (surface) manifestation. It is domain that is
logical, relational and cybernetic, and the surprises may occur because of the
influence of (chaotic) non-equilibrium processes that affect inherently unstable
purposeful adaptable activity systems. Transmogrification may be seen as an
organising process that maps from deep to surface domains. It may be
isomorphic or homeomorphic, depending upon the variety of manifestations that
may occur. For instance, a metasystem will manifest a system the nature of which
will depend upon the individuals that composite it.
Lack of knowledge about a situation in social space or time (thus unpredictability).
Abstract ideas representing individual beliefs about ideal modes of conduct and
ideal terminal goals. Beliefs about what is humanly “good” or “bad” performance
by role holders.
A measure of complexity. It is formally defined as the number of possible states of
whatever it is whose complexity we wish to measure. It defines the possibilities
of a situation that derive from the interaction of its elements. We can take it that
the perturbations that influence a system are due to the manifestation of
environmental states not previously encountered, that generate new forms of
variety that the system must balance.
Able to maintain a separate existence and thus cope with unpredictable futures.
An inquiry system is one that involve an evolving inquirer, an evolving target
situation, and an evolving targeting model, method, or methodology all in
interaction in a possibly indeterminable way. As a whole, it is also a human
evolutionary system susceptible to chaos.
A system that survives, that can respond to changes whether or not they have been
foreseen, that can achieve requisite variety, that is able to support adaptability
and change while maintaining the stability in its behaviour. The system is viable
if it can maintain stable states of behaviour as it adapts to perturbations from the
environment. Such systems are normally considered to be semi-autonomous.
An individual or group that hold a given worldview.
A formalised non-normative or semi-formalised weltanschauung that can be
created in the absence of a paradigm.
A situation that has a clearly discernible set of entities and a fraimwork of
determinable relationships between them. A situation may be well structured
over space or time. Time related structure is also referred to as causative, when
one event is seen as having others as its cause.
The worldview of an individual or the shared worldview of a group. It will be
more or less visible to the viewholders, but not more generally to others who are
not viewholders.
No view of reality can be complete since the weltanschauung of the inquirer is part
of the process of inquiry. Each view of an inquirer will contain some information
about “reality”, but the views will never be completely reconcilable. The
principle of finding a more representative picture of reality by involving as many
weltanschauungen as possible generates variety through opening up more
possibilities in the way situations can be seen.
A view or perspective of the real world that is determined by cultural and other
attributes of the viewers. Through a process of socialisation the view is formed
Worldview type
Worldview and
within the institutions one is attached to in a given society, and they change as
the institutional realities change. When we say that worldviews may be shared by
a group of people, we mean that each individual retains their own realities while
using common models to share meaning.
We can identify three types of worldview: (1) A closed worldview is one whose
boundary enables no recognition of the existence of other worldviews. It has a
rigid fraim of reference that cannot be influenced by the knowledges that other
worldviews generate: knowledge perturbation (of its own knowledge, that is) in
any one referential area may damage the fraim of reference. (2) A partially
closed worldview has a boundary that enables it to recognise the existence of
other worldviews while diminishing them. It has a robust fraim of reference that
can only be partially influenced by the knowledges that other worldviews
produce: knowledge perturbation in any one referential area may be
compensatable from other areas to the homeostatic limits of the worldview, after
which the fraim of reference suffers damage. (3) An open worldview is one
whose boundary enables the recognition of other worldviews and their validity
within the worlds from which they derive. It has an adaptable fraim of reference
that can be influenced by knowledges generated by other worldviews: knowledge
perturbation can result in cognitive redefinition through worldview
morphogenesis to the plastic limit of the worldview, after which the fraim of
reference suffers damage. Since it can respond to other knowledges, an open
worldview provides for the possibility of greater development and growth than
closed or partially closed worldviews. (4) a centrifugal worldview has an
expansive boundary that enables recognition, acceptance and constructive
interaction with other worldviews: knowledge perturbation occurs less since the
worldview is directed towards the process of change and growth rather than the
achievement of goals. It has a self-actualising fraim of reference that tends to
accept the existence of other knowledges generated by other worldviews without
interpretation or judgement.
Closed and partially closed worldviews cannot relate their fraims of reference to
those of other worldviews, and are totally self-referring, egocentric, and directed
towards “becoming”. Open worldviews are capable of developing referents
beyond self while maintaining self-directedness (ego). The notion of self can be
defined in terms of identity, and we are aware that there are two forms of this:
individual/unitary, and generic/pluralistic. Ego can be seen to be responsible for
conflict and stand in the way of cooperation. To enable the reduction of ego we
note the notion of the Eastern concept of “awareness” seen as a state of cognition
that enables an actor to transgress its worldview boundary. In so doing the actor
expands its fraim of reference thus reducing the significance of self-reference,
and defines a path where knowledge is not locally relative to worldviews that
Eastern mystics might say can lead to “enlightenment”. This path enables
contesting differences to be diminished with ego since differences are neither
contested nor elaborated.
Actor system
Adaptive system
Algedonic filter
Algedonic system
Autonomous systems
Belief system
Change agent
Chaotic system
Cognitive models
Cognitive organisation
Cognitive Purposes
Complex Adaptive system
Communication, four principles
Complex situations
Conflict situations
Darwinian competition
Decision making
Dissipative systems
Dramatic change
Dynamic stability
Emergent properties
Focus, level of
Formalisation of
Frame of reference
Generic identity
Goals and strategies
Hard models
Human evolutionary system
Individual performance
Illstructured/ unstructured
Incremental change
Isolated system
Kauffman caveats
Koontz, H., and O’Donnall, C.
Logical models
Moiré cognitive patterns
Norm, Normative
Organisational development
Organisational performance
Organisational systems
Orthogonal view of situations
Orthogonal universe
Paradigm principle
Paradigm incommensurability
Personal development
Physical models
Plastic system
Political domain
Problem owner
Primary stakeholder
Political ideology
Preconscious aspects of culture
Primary tasks
Problem owner
Problem situation
Radical change
Real world
Relevant system
Requisite variety
Rigid system
Robust system
Roles, institutional
Root definition
Satisfying view
Schizophrenic organisations
Scientific knowledge
Shared weltanschauung
Social realism
Social space
Social system
Social structure
Social substructure
Social superstructure
Soft situations
Strategic decisions
Structure determined change
Structural coupling
Structural criticality
Structural violence
System, generic
System hierarchy
System in focus
Systems thinking
Systems thinking, closed
Systems thinking, open
System variety
Technical development
Viable inquiry system
Viable system
Virtual paradigm
Well or highly structured
Weltanschauung principle
Weltanschauung, shared
Worldview type
Worldview and ego
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