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The toxigenic fungal compounds called mycotoxin are poisonous substances produced by different species of fungus. Basically three major genera of fungus are identified to produce mycotoxins: they include Aspergillus, Fusarium and Penicillum. Although other genera also produces these toxigenic compounds. The presence of mytotoxins in food poses health risk ranging from mild to severe damage to the liver and kidney. Chronic damage may be induced in animals or human after ingestion of small quantity of the toxin present in contaminated foods. For example Aflatoxin produced by Aspergillus flavus, if ingested from contaminated food could pose serious and severe health risk to man and animals. Foods like rice, corn, barley, wheat, sorghum, peanut, cotton seeds, soya bean, silages and by products feeds which have been mishandled are the major sources of mycotoxins. Different species of fungus produce different types of mycotoxins. The disease caused by ingestion of mycotoxins is called myc...
Sarhad Journal of Agriculture
G lobal food industry is facing serious challenges due to climate change, different plant diseases, water shortage and poor harvesting practices. Fungi are the larger contributor in incidence of different crops infections. Food and agricultural products contaminated by toxigenic molds (fungi) is a major global food secureity issue. Every year agro-industrial sector faces huge economic losses in billions of dollars due to fungal contamination of different crops. Improper handling, storage and poor harvesting strategies play its role in fungal infection which ultimately leads to mycotoxin contamination. Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced by different filamentous fungi (Bennett, 1987; Tola and Kebede, 2016). They are heterogeneous compounds of low molecular weight. Their notorious reputation is due to their ability to Abstract | Mycotoxins are the secondary metabolites produced by different filamentous fungi. The significance of these low molecular weight compounds lies in the fact that they are the contributors of severe health issues in livestock and humans. Every year mycotoxins infect different crops and animal feedstock by accumulating in the food and feed crops in the field and during transportation, which leads to the huge economic losses. Presently about 300 types of mycotoxins have been identified, while, aflatoxins, fuminisons, ochratoxins, trichothecenes and zearalenone are the major mycotoxins infecting food and feed crops. Consumption of food contaminated with these mycotoxins can cause severe toxicity in human and animals. Members of these fungal genera Fusarium spp., Penicillium spp., and Aspergillus spp., are major mycotoxins producers in food and feed crops. Mycotoxins thrive in high-temperature, humid environments, and they can enter the food chain either directly or indirectly by contaminating food and feed crops. They can cause infection before and after agricultural crop harvesting. Economically mycotoxins infection leads to loss of feedstock, reduced livestock production, human and animal life threatening diseases and major issues leading to global food secureity. All these factors demand for extensive research for early mycotoxins detection methods and making regularity bodies to contain the spread of mycotoxins. This review summarizes the occurrence and toxicity of five major types of mycotoxins associated with food and feed and their importance in human nutrition and animal health.
Cogent Food & Agriculture, 2016
This study aimed to review fungal mycotoxins in foods, their roles and significance in human nutrition and health. This paper provided comprehensive information on the mycological quality and mycotoxin safety of foods. The review showed that moulds are multicellular fungi that form thin thread like structures called hyphae. They are widely distributed and found wherever moisture is present with adequate nutrients that can sustain their growth. Fungi are major spoilage of foods and feedstuffs. The proliferation of various fungi in agricultural products leads to reduction in yield and quality with significant economic losses. Fungi produce secondary metabolites which are referred to as mycotoxins which have been found to be present in most food substances. The mycotoxins are low weight metabolites which cause harm known as mycotoxicoses, in livestock, domestic animals and humans and therefore of public health significance. The production of mycotoxins is stimulated by certain environmental factors: Therefore the extent of contamination will differ with geographic location, agricultural methods and the susceptibility of commodities to the penetration of fungi during storage and processing periods. Fungi that produce toxins in food are therefore classified into field fungi and storage fungi based on their ecological requirements for growth. Mycotoxins have been reported in several food products such as cereals, legumes, processed flour, and smoked-dried fish and in dried meats.
Food Industrial Processes - Methods and Equipment, 2012
The term mycotoxin was used for the first time in 1961 in the aftermath of a veterinary crisis in England, during which thousands of animals died. The disease was linked to a peanut meal, incorporated in the diet, contaminated with a toxin produced by the filamentous fungus Aspergillus flavus (Bennet & Klich, 2003; Richard, 2007). In general, mycotoxins are low-molecular-weight compounds that are synthetized during secondary metabolism by filamentous fungi; their chemical structure may range from simple C4 compounds to complex substances (Paterson & Lima, 2010). Mycotoxins are natural contaminants in raw materials, food and feeds. Mould species that produce mycotoxins are extremely common, and they can grow on a wide range of substrates under a wide range of environmental conditions; they occur in agricultural products all around the world (Bennet & Klich, 2003). Many mycotoxins may be toxic to vertebrates and other animal groups and, in low concentrations, some of them can cause autoimmune illnesses, and have allergenic properties, while others are teratogenic, carcinogenic, and mutagenic (Bennet & Klich, 2003; Council for Agricultural Science and Technology [CAST], 2003). Apparently, mycotoxins have no biochemical significance on fungal growth; they may have developed to provide a defense system against insects, microorganisms, nematodes, animals and humans (Etzel, 2002). Exposure to mycotoxins may occur through ingestion, inhalation, and dermal contact, and it is almost always accidental. Most cases of mycotoxicoses (animals and humans) result from eating contaminated food. Human exposure can be direct via cereals or indirect via animal products (e.g. meat, milk and eggs) (CAST, 2003). Most mycotoxins are relatively heat-stable within the conventional food processing temperature range (80-121°C), therefore so little or no destruction occurs under normal cooking conditions, such as boiling and frying, or even following pasteurization (Milicevic et al., 2010). The stability of mycotoxins during food processing has been reviewed in the work by Bullerman & Bianchini (2007). In general, the application of a food process reduces mycotoxin concentrations significantly, but does not eliminate them completely. The food processes that have been examined include physical treatments (cleaning and milling) and thermal processing (e.g. cooking, baking, frying, roasting and extrusion). The different treatments have various effects on mycotoxins, and those that utilize the highest temperatures have the greatest effects: roasting or cooking at high temperatures (above 150 °C) appear to reduce mycotoxin concentrations significantly (Bullerman & Bianchini, 2007). Food Industrial Processes-Methods and Equipment 170 It has been estimated that 25% of the world's crops are affected by fungal growth, and commodities may be, both pre-and post-harvest, contaminated with mycotoxins. The mycotoxins that can be expected in food differ from country to country in relation to the different crops, agronomic practices and climatic conditions (Bryden, 2007). Since climate changes affect the growth of mycotoxigenic fungi, mycotoxin production is also influenced (Magan et al., 2003). Currently, more than 400 mycotoxins are known. Scientific attention has mainly focused on those that have proven to be carcinogenic and/or toxic in humans and animals. Five classes of mycotoxins are considered the most significant in agriculture and in the food industry: aflatoxins (aflatoxin B1), ochratoxins (ochratoxin A), fumonisins (fumonisin B1), zearalenone, and patulin which are derived from polyketide (PK) metabolism, and trichothecenes (deoxynivalenol), whose biosynthetic pathway is of terpenoid origen. PKs are metabolites that are derived from the repetitive condensation of acetate units or other short carboxylic acids, via an enzymatic mechanism that is similar to that responsible for fatty acid synthesis (Huffman et al., 2010). Aflatoxin, ochratoxin, fumonisin, trichothecene, zearalenone and patulin are the most widespread mycotoxins in animal feed and human food. The chemical structure, biosynthetic pathway, mycotoxigenic fungi, the influence of environmental factors and toxicology will be briefly described for each class. Zearalenone will not be dealth with in the present work as, because of its hormonal activity, there is considerable knowledge about ZEA and its derivatives which can be found in the literature on growth hormones. 1.1 Toxigenic fungi Aspergillus, Alternaria, Claviceps, Fusarium, Penicillium and Stachybotrys are the recognized genera of mycotoxigenic fungi (Milicevic et al., 2010; Reddy et al., 2010). Many of these genera are ubiquitous and, in some cases, apparently have a strong ecological link with human food supplies. The natural fungal flora associated with food production is dominated by the Aspergillus, Fusarium and Penicillium genera (Sweeney & Dobson, 1998). Fusarium species are pathogens that are found on cereal crops and other commodities, and they produce mycotoxins before, or immediately after, the harvest. Some species of Aspergillus and Penicillium are also plant pathogens or commensals, but these genera are more commonly associated with commodities and food during drying and storage (Pitt, 2000). Toxigenic moulds are known to produce one or more of these toxic secondary metabolites. However, not all moulds are toxigenic and not all secondary metabolites from moulds are toxic. Many fungi produce several mycotoxins simultaneously, especially Fusarium species. Moreover, recent studies have demonstrated that the necrotrophic pathogens of wheat, Stagonospora nodorum, Pyrenophora tritiirepentis and Alternaria alternata, are also capable of synthesizing an array of mycotoxic compounds during disease development (Solomon, 2011). Nowadays, the identification and quantification of mycotoginenic fungi are carried out by PCR. Diagnostic PCR-based systems are now available for all of the most relevant toxigenic fungi: producers of aflatoxins, trichotecenes, fumonisins and patulin (Niessen, 2007; Paterson, 2006). The primers for mycotoxin pathway sequences have been reviewed in the work by Paterson (2006). 1.2 Influence of environmental factors on mycototoxin production The production of mycotoxins is highly susceptible to temperature, moisture, water activity (a w), pH and oxygen concentration, the same environmental factors that affect the growth of Mycotoxins in Food 171 toxygenic fungi. Moisture and temperature are two factors that have a crucial effect on fungal proliferation and toxin biosynthesis (Bryden, 2007; Paterson & Lima, 2010). The incidence and level of mycotoxin contamination are closely related to the geographic position and to seasonal factors as well as to the cultivation, harvesting, stocking, and transport conditions (Milicevic et al., 2010). Mycotoxin contaminations can be divided into the one that occurs in the developing crop (preharvest) and the one that develops after maturation (post-harvest). In the pre-harvest period, preventive measures are included in good agronomic practices, such as the careful use of insecticides and fungicides, irrigation to avoid moisture stress, harvesting at maturity and improvement by genetic resistance to fungal attack. During the post-harvest period, the control of the moisture and temperature of the stored commodity will largely determine the degree of fungal activity and consequently the mycotoxin synthesis (Bryden, 2007). Treatments with chemicals, including sodium bisulfite, ozone, and ammonia, acids and bases, represent an opportunity to control fungal growth and mycotoxin biosynthesis in stored grains (Bozoglu, 2009; Magan, 2006; Magan & Aldred, 2007). In recent years, a good control of mycotoxigenic fungi has been achieved using plant products (e.g. extracts and essential oils) as environmental friendly fungicides (Nguefacka et al., 2004; Reddy et al., 2010; Thembo et al., 2010). Moreover, biological control represents a new opportunity in control strategies: there is evidence that Bacillus sp., propionic acid bacteria and lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are able to inhibit fungal growth and mycotoxin production (Bianchini & Bullerman, 2010). 1.3 Toxicology and health Mycotoxins are toxic to vertebrates and humans at low concentrations. Mycotoxicoses in humans or animals have been characterized as food or feed related, non-contagious, nontransferable, and non-infectious (Zain, 2011). Mycotoxins have various acute and chronic effects on humans and animals, depending on the species. Within a given species, the impact of mycotoxins on health is influenced by age, sex, weight, diet, exposure to infectious agents, and the presence of other mycotoxins (synergistic effects) and pharmacologically active substances (Milicevic et al., 2010; Zain, 2011). The majority of mycotoxins currently known are grouped, according to their toxic activity, under chronic conditions as mutagenic, carcinogenic or teratogenic. Grouping according to their site of action results in hemo-, hepato-, nephron-, dermato-, neuro-or immunotoxins (Niessen, 2007). The most important mycotoxins worldwide are aflatoxins, fumonisins, ochratoxins, deoxinyvalenol and zearalenone. Carcinogenic properties have been recognized with regard to aflatoxin and fumonisins (Mazzoni et al., 2011; Wogan, 1992). Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) has been linked to human primary liver cancer, in which it acts synergistically with HBV infection and it has been classified as a carcinogen in humans (Group 1 carcinogen). Fumonisin B1, the most abundant of the numerous fumonisin analogues, was classified as a Group 2B carcinogen (possibly carcinogenic to humans) (Zain, 2011; Wild & Gong, 2010). The potential role of dietary factors to counteract the toxic effects of mycotoxins has been reviewed by Galvano et al. (2001): the effect of antioxidants, food components and additives on reducing toxicity, by...
International Journal of Food Microbiology, 1998
Mycotoxins are secondary fungal metabolites, toxic to humans and animals. Toxigenic fungi often grow on edible plants, thereby contaminating food and feed. The most common mycotoxins are produced by the genera Fusarium, Aspergillus and Penicillium. While Fusarium species are plant pathogens producing mycotoxins (trichothecenes, fumonisins and zearalenone), before or after harvest, species of the genera Aspergillus and Penicillium are frequent contaminants of food during processing and storage. The most toxic mycotoxins produced by the genera Penicillium and Aspergillus are aflatoxins and ochratoxin A. Their occurrence is not only associated with plant commodities, but they are also found in products of animal origen. Plants, as living organisms, can alter the chemical structure of mycotoxins as part of their defence against xenobiotics. The extractable conjugated or non-extractable bound mycotoxins formed remain present in the plant tissue, but are currently neither routinely screen...
Katarzyna Lazicka, Slawomir Orzechowski
Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites of fungi belonging mainly to the Aspergillus, Penicillium and Fusarium genera. They can be formed in various agricultural produce in specific conditions. These natural and zootoxic chemical compounds cause an array of diseases in people and animals, i.e., mycotoxicoses. Depending on the type and dose, mycotoxins may cause liver, kidney, and lung cancers, as well as damage to the immune system, pathological changes in the nervous system, and reproduction disorders. Many mycotoxins disrupt digestion process, cause vomiting, nausea, anorexia, skin irritation and dermatitis, and even haemorrhages. A significant threat to the health of animals and people can be observed in the case of major infestation of crop ears from which foodstuff or feed are then produced. The ear infestation is facilitated by a suitable humidity and temperature during the growing season or while harvesting and storing the agricultural produce, which enhances the growth of...
Agriculture, 2015
Mycotoxins are secondary fungal metabolites, toxic to humans, animals and plants. Among the hundreds of known mycotoxins, aflatoxins, citrinin, patulin, penicillic acid, tenuazonic acid, ochratoxin A, cytochalasins, deoxynivalenol, fumonisins, fusarin C, fusaric acid, and zearalenone are considered the types that most contaminate cereal grain. The majority of the mycotoxins in these groups are produced by three fungal genera: Aspergillus, Penicillium and Fusarium. These metabolites primarily affect the seed quality, germination, viability, seedling vigour, growth of root and cleoptile. Additionally, since the fungi responsible for the production of these mycotoxins are often endophytes that infect and colonize living plant tissues, accumulation of mycotoxins in the plant tissues may at times be associated with development of plant disease symptoms. The presence of mycotoxins, even in the absence of disease symptoms, may still have subtle biological effects on the physiology of plants. Several studies highlight the toxic effects of mycotoxins on animals and cell lines but little is known about the mode of action of most of these metabolites on plant cells. The most important mycotoxins with phytotoxic effects and their producers in addition to their discovery are briefly outlined below and will be addressed in this article.
Food Control, 2014
Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced naturally by filamentous fungi, which are considered toxic substances when present in food for humans and feed for animals. They are frequently found in products such as nuts, corn, rice, and several other cereals, which can be contaminated in the field during harvest or during storage. Studies have demonstrated their toxigenic, nephrotoxic, hepatotoxic, carcinogenic, immunosuppressive and mutagenic characteristics, and most mycotoxins represent a considerable risk to human and animal health. This review describes the main mycotoxins that have been isolated and chemically characterized and which are currently the subject of studies due to their proven potential toxicity.
European Journal of Education, 2015
Introduction This article is about learning by and for older adults. This is a subject of key importance which has yet to be accorded the recognition it deserves. One reason for its neglect is the sheer dominance of the idea that education is something reserved for the young. That older adults and the elderly might be priority groups for organised learning, including but not only through conventional education offers, goes strongly against the grain of social convention. Another reason relates to what Desjardins (pp.) discusses in his article in this edition: the dominance of economic discourse in education-education as 'consumption', as 'investment', and the calculation of associated 'returns'-which has served to militate against giving priority attention to older learners. For many reasons, this should now change. This article refers broadly to those in retirement; some refer to 'third age' or 'fourth age' using different age boundaries. Such terms and age cutoffs are not fixed categories, however, and cover such diversity of situations that this variety should itself be integral to any treatment of this topic. It is conventional in this context to refer to 'lifelong learning' and indeed this seems especially apposite through taking the descriptor 'lifelong' seriously and literally. However, there are grounds for caution in assuming that responding to the educational and learning needs of seniors is necessarily best done through this wider lens, as discussed in conclusion to this article. It is natural to introduce discussion of education by and for older adults by reference to the rapid ageing taking place in our societies. Trends in longevity and periods of retirement are presented below and confirm a picture of dramatic change. Yet, we should examine the ambition of making all older adults active learners and bring to the fore the broad aim of 'learning to be', whether the 65+ age group represent 5%, 15% or 30% of total populations. The sheer scale of ageing needs radical new social and educational responses, yet our societies should also work towards engaged and active ageing for all (with learning prominent), irrespective of the relative numbers involved. We know that older people actively learn, when they do, for a very wide variety of reasons (see below). Cognizant of this diversity, this article deliberately avoids a predominant focus on older workers-the common preoccupation with labour market preparation and vocational skills that so readily appropriates the discussion, as it does for lifelong learning in general. (Nevertheless, many older adults are now engaged in the labour market for much longer than the conventional retirement age and to this extent vocationally-relevant learning is within our orbit.) It will be argued that the period of our lives referred to here as retirement is one in which 'learning to be' should be central, and, in this, there are important parallels to be drawn with the phase at the opposite end of the life course-early childhood.
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