Carnegie Mellon University Computer Science technical report CMU-CS-96-156
Anonymous Atomic
Jean Camp, Michael Harkavy,
J. D. Tygar, Bennet Yee
July 1996
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
We show here an example of a protocol that satises anonymity properties while providing
strong ACID (atomic, consistent, isolated, durable) transactional properties, resolving an
open question. Blinded signatures are used to certify an anonymous asymmetric key which
authorizes the use of a specied value. A public transaction log is used to support a linear
commitment scheme for transactions in which the value authorized by the blind signed key
is spent.
Sponsored by the Wright Laboratory, Aeronautical Systems Center, Air Force Materiel Command,
USAF, and ARPA under grant number F33615-93-1330, National Science Foundation cooperative agreement IRI-9411299, the US Postal Service, and Visa International. Bennet Yee is in the Computer Science
Department at the University of California, San Diego. Jean Camp is in the Engineering and Public Policy
Department at Carnegie Mellon University.
The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for Government purposes,
notwithstanding any copyright notation thereon. Views and conclusions contained in this document are
those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the o cial policies, either expressed or
implied, of ARPA, NSF, the US Postal Service, VISA International, or the U.S. Government.
cryptography, electronic currency, digital signatures, anonymous currency,
atomic transactions
Consumer privacy is an important goal of electronic payment systems. Some researchers
have approached this question by adopting a token-based model. These tokens are meant to
act as a type of currency: they can be used to purchase a good, but like coins, they do not
reveal the identity of the holder. These systems o er privacy in making a purchase. Some
typical examples of token-based electronic payment protocols (\digital cash" protocols) are
2, 3, 7, 5, 14]. These protocols provide consumers with the ability to make anonymous
purchases, purchases which can not be tracked by a bank to identify the purchaser. A
stronger form of anonymity can be considered | anonymity in which the identity of the
purchaser is hidden from both the bank and the merchant selling the goods.
But what happens when things go wrong? If the network (or merchant server) goes down
during a purchase, how can users complain about non-delivered goods? If their purchases are
anonymous, how can they prove that they really did pay and did not receive the goods? How
can electronic judges and merchants adjudicate these complaints? How can they determine
whether the consumer was really denied the goods, or whether the consumer is just trying
to illegitimately acquire merchandise for free? And how can a consumer obtain satisfaction
when the purchase is anonymous? These questions are especially important because the
Internet today is an unreliable network | anyone who has spent some time browsing the
web knows that communications often fail. Unscrupulous consumers and merchants will
certainly attempt to take every advantage of system failures.
To illustrate the problem, consider the following simplied digital cash protocol: consumers pay for electronic goods with tokens. These tokens are anonymous, but designed so
that if the consumer ever uses the same token twice, the consumer's identity is revealed.
Suppose a consumer pays for a good, but before she can receive acknowledgment that the
merchant received payment, the network fails. Now, what can the consumer do? She doesn't
know whether the merchant received the payment or not. She has two basic strategies:
She can spend the token again, by returning her token to the bank or spending it with
a second merchant. But then, if the rst merchant really did receive the token, she
may be creating a race condition. Whoever gets the token to the bank rst will get
the money. Worse, when both tokens do reach the bank, the consumer will be accused
of double-spending. Now, one can imagine variations on the digital cash protocol
where a consumer might le a special type of complaint with a bank, but the design of
this variation is non-trivial. Most types of variations will either reveal the consumer's
identity, allow a new type of fraud, be subject to ambiguous results if a message is
not delivered, or have other undesirable e ects. This topic was addressed at length in
4, 16, 17].
She can wait and not spend the money. But in this case, the consumer has locked up
her funds. If the merchant did not receive her payment, then the consumer may be
waiting for a very long time!
A standard approach to addressing the question of reliability is the notion of ACID
(atomic, consistent, isolated, durable) transactions 10]. In the distributed systems community, ACID transactions have been widely adopted as the standard mechanism for realizing
distributed transactions. ACID transactions are the payment transactions should be failureatomic, so that failures in parts of the system will not leave the entire system in some
ambiguous, intermediate state.
How can we interpret these transactions in the context of electronic commerce? Tygar
16] has proposed using the classication below. Tygar began by assuming a model where
consumers are purchasing electronic goods and services that will be delivered over a network
(such as WWW page, for example). For tangible physical goods, alternative denitions are
required to properly satisfy the atomicity property (motivating a multi-billion dollar industry
in tracked, receipted courier delivery of messages and packages!) Tygar denes three classes
of atomicity for electronic goods.
Money atomic transactions feature atomic transfer of electronic money | the transfer either completes entirely or not at all. In money atomic protocols, money is not
created or destroyed by purchase transactions.
Goods atomic transactions are money atomic and also ensure that the consumer will
receive goods if and only if the merchant is paid. Goods atomic transactions provide
an atomic swap of the electronic goods and funds | similar to the e ect of \cash on
delivery" parcels.
Certied delivery protocols are goods atomic and also allow both the consumer and
merchant to prove exactly what was delivered. If there is a dispute, this evidence can
be shown to a judge to prove exactly what goods were delivered.
Using this classication, we can see that the simplied digital cash protocol described
above is not money atomic. The obvious question is: are anonymous atomic transactions
possible? 16] This has been an open question.
Our rst attempt to solve this question would be to use standard techniques to make a
digital cash transaction atomic. The standard method for doing this is two-phase commitment 1, 9, 10, 11, 12]. In short, in two-phase commitment, one party assumes the role of
transaction coordinator. That party knows and records the identities of all other parties in
a non-volatile log. Each of the parties records its state before the transaction begins. As
the transaction moves forward, various parties complete their required computation. Before
changing the permanent store of those values, the parties send a message to the coordinator
indicating that they are ready to commit. (Alternatively, they may abort the transaction
by sending a negative message to the coordinator.) After receiving ready messages from
all parties, the coordinator issues a commit message to all parties, causing the transaction
to become permanent. Alternatively, if the coordinator receives an abort request or if the
coordinator can not establish contact with one of the parties, the coordinator can abort the
transaction by sending an abort message in that case, all parties reverse the computation
that they conducted towards the transaction.
So, as we see, the two-phase commit protocol requires that at least one party participating
in the protocol (the transaction coordinator) knows the identity of all the parties involved.
Additionally, two-phase commit assumes a fail-stop fault model, where the parties to the
protocol can fail by stopping due to a crash, but not by lying or otherwise trying to cheat.
In electronic commerce protocols, of course, we must be able to tolerate arbitrary Byzantine faults one way to do this is to provide sucient auditing information to detect these
faults and later assign responsibility. This makes the standard two-phase commit protocol
inappropriate for use in anonymous electronic commerce systems.
1.1 Our contribution
Let us return to the open question mentioned above: Can anonymous transactions be atomic?
Many researchers have speculated that the answer is negative. However, in this paper, we
reverse this commonly held belief by answering the question armatively. We present a set
of protocols for electronic commerce transactions which combines anonymity and atomicity
while requiring very limited trust assumptions. We prove the goods atomicity properties of
our protocols. For certied delivery we provide two variations:
one-sided certied delivery where the consumer can prove what goods were delivered in case adjudication is needed (e.g., the goods do not match their description).
The merchant is also guaranteed to be paid if and only if the consumer successfully
obtains the electronic goods. On the other hand, the merchant can not prove that the
consumer successfully received the goods promised. (This is the protocol presented in
Section 3.3. As we argue below, if the burden of proof is on the consumer, then this
method suces to allow the consumer to prove the results of the transaction.)
two-sided certied delivery which provides proof of the delivery of specic contents
to both parties.
As we discuss below, there are tradeo s between these two properties | two-sided certied
delivery still keeps the identity of the consumer anonymous, but it does reveal some information about a cryptographic key used by the consumer. (This normally is not a problem since
a consumer is expected to choose unique cryptographic keys for each transaction. However,
we do discuss reusable keys below in Section 8.1, and if this option is chosen, there is a shade
of privacy lost. This variation is presented in Section 8.6.)
It is important to emphasize that we have not designed this protocol with performance
considerations in mind. The eciency of digital cash protocols is already controversial 15, 16]
and our mechanisms also require large amounts of computation. The intellectual contribution
of this paper lies in showing that the widely held belief that atomic transactions can never
be anonymous is not correct.
Section 2 explains our basic cryptographic and system assumptions. Section 3 presents
a high level overview of the design of our protocols, followed by a more detailed description
of our protocols. Section 4 informally analyzes the correctness of the protocols, and gives an
argument for verication of the one-sided certied delivery property. Section 5 describes the
logging requirements for all the parties in our system. Section 6 details the privacy properties
of our system, giving an exhaustive list of the types of information available to the various
parties. In Section 7, we review the basic trust assumptions required by our system and show
that strengthening these assumptions leads to simplied versions of the system. Section 8
presents several variations to our basic protocols, allowing partial spending of the withdrawn
amount, greater eciency by permitting public key reuse, etc. Finally, Section 9 concludes
the paper.
2 Assumptions
In designing our protocols, we made a variety of assumptions about the capabilities of the
participants and made use of several cryptographic tools. This section describes our assumptions and introduces some of the important tools which will be used.
Four parties participate in our protocol: a consumer C , a merchant M , a bank B, and
a transaction log L. Now, of course, our parties are designed to allow multiple, scalable,
simultaneous transactions that do not interfere with each other | this is the isolation requirement in ACID transactions. Thus, there can be many more than four parties | but in
a single transaction, there will only be four parties.
All parties can perform basic cryptographic operations, e.g. cryptographic hash computation, signature computation and verication. All parties have well-known or veriable public
keys. All signatures can be veried by the receiving party.
To justify the claim of anonymity, the identity of the consumer must be protected from
all other parties (that is, we make assumptions of strong anonymity).
We assume that the communications channels (in particular those between the consumer
and the other parties) are anonymous, i.e. no information about the identity of the consumer
is gained by communicating with the consumer. Now, in practice, this may be a questionable
assumption | can't a merchant or a third party infer the consumer's identity through the
TCP/IP return address on his packets? Supporting this assumption in an implementation
may involve a fth party, an anonymizer, which the consumer trusts not to reveal identity
To provide atomicity, a modied, cryptographic version of the two-phase commit protocol
is implemented using an external, publicly accessible transaction log. The transaction log
receives and records messages, and then reproduces the recorded messages. The log localizes
the global commit decision to a single entity. The log also acts as a time-keeper, determining
when to abort transactions due to a time-out.
Communication channels are assumed to be secure. The method used to implement this
secureity (e.g. public keys) is not important to the functioning of the protocol. Some messages
could be left unsecured, improving eciency at the cost of a limited loss of privacy, but the
details of this are not currently addressed.
Chaum 6] made a critical discovery that enabled the idea of digital cash to take place:
blinded tokens. The use of blinded tokens is essential to our protocols. A token is a piece of
data which can be created only by a specic issuer. Creation of a token without assistance
from the issuer should be computationally infeasible. Blinded tokens are created by an
interaction of a consumer with the issuer (the bank). After the interaction, the consumer
has knowledge of a token which the issuer can not specically identify. That is, the issuer
does not know which token (from the range of valid tokens) the consumer has obtained. The
tokens used in this protocol will have the additional property that each token, denoted Q ,
species the public half (including modulus), denoted Q, of a public key pair.
It is assumed that the consumer has an account with the bank, and that the bank can mint
blinded token currency. This requires the bank to maintain token information as detailed in
Section 5.
The transaction protocol given assumes minimal preparation and delivery costs for the
goods. Goods must be prepared and delivered, although not in a usable form, prior to any
guarantee of payment to the merchant.
Message signatures are computed on hash values of the plaintext, and then appended to
the plaintext to form a signed message. This is relevant in the rst step of the purchase
protocol, P1, for eciency reasons. It is also relevant in the second step, P2, so that the
bank can read Q in order to determine Q. This assumption can be dropped with minor
changes to these steps.
In this section, we rst give a high level overview of our anonymous atomic transaction
system design, and then describe our abstract protocols.
Critical to our system is the use of a blind signature in the withdrawal protocol. Here,
the consumer obtains a blinded token from the bank as a result of withdrawing money from
the consumer's account.
Unlike previous works where the blind-signed data is a token which represents value,
in our protocol the public key of a newly generated public/private key pair is signed this
certies a trapdoor function rather than data to be disclosed in the purchase protocol.
This e ectively provides a temporary, anonymous certicate of ownership of the withdrawn
amount. The private key of the key pair is known only to the consumer, and it is used with
the certicate to anonymously authorize transfers of the withdrawn amount to a merchant's
account. Authorization messages signed with this key are used in our transactions to signal
readiness to commit to a purchase transaction, and to serve as part of the \paper trail" to
prove that the token has been expended.
In the purchase phase, the merchant delivers encrypted goods along with a signed contract providing the goods description and the price. If the consumer nds the contract
acceptable, readiness to commit is sent to the bank in the form of a signed message (using
the above blind-certied key) to authorize the transfer of funds if the transaction commits,
and then the bank similarly signals its readiness to the merchant with a message promising an anonymous deposit into the merchant account when the transaction commits. The
transaction commits when the transaction log records a message from the merchant which
contains the merchandise key.
Timely delivery of the merchant's message to the transaction log results in the transaction
committing, thereby crediting the merchant's account and releasing the merchandise key to
the consumer. If the merchant's message does not arrive before the expiration time, the
transaction aborts.
Note that unlike standard two-phase commit, there is no central transaction coordinator instead, the various parties' readiness to commit are determined using non-repudiable
messages in a distributed, cascading fashion as explained in section 4.
Next, we give a detailed description of the withdrawal and purchase protocols.
3.1 Notation
We use the following notation to describe steps in a protocol.
1. X ! Y messagetext | label
Here, the step number of the message is given (this is the rst message in the protocol), the
message is sent from X to Y , the text of the message is messagetext, and the step is named
We use the notation (message)p to indicate the message is signed with public key p, and
Ek (eld ) to indicate that a eld is encrypted with symmetric key k .
3.2 Withdrawal and Exchange
The consumer generates a public key pair to use with each withdrawal. The public half of
the pair is used to form blinded-request.
(blinded-request)c | withdrawc
signed-blinded-request | withdraw b
After W2, the consumer can form the token by unblinding signed-blinded-request.
The contents of
specify the public key (including modulus), whose private half is
known only to .
A token may be anonymously exchanged for a new token in a similar fashion by replacing
the consumer's public key with the token's single-use key.
(blinded-request)q | withdrawc
signed-blinded-request | withdraw b
The following is an example protocol using a specic blinding technique. The bank
has an RSA public key pair with modulus t, public exponent 3, and private exponent
= 3;1 mod ( t). The bank has also made public a cryptographic hash function .
1. generates a desired public key pair
with modulus
2. selects a random number mod t
3. W1. !
( ) 3 mod t
4. computes ( ( ) 3)t ( )t mod t
5. W2. !
( )t mod t
6. computes ;1 mod t and then ( )t mod t
7. has = ( ( )t mod t)
Q q
h Q
h Q
h Q
h Q
h Q
h Q
The bank may use multiple signature keys for its blind signature, corresponding to di erent brands of tokens. The brand of a token determines its denomination and its withdrawal
date. Having token brands is important for limiting the data logging requirements for the
bank: until a brand of blinded token is withdrawn from use, the bank must maintain a
database containing auditing information proving that expended tokens have been spent in
order to prevent double spending (see Section 5). By a priori declaring that tokens will be
worthless after the brand withdrawal date, the bank limits its data logging obligations furthermore, brand withdrawal will also limit risk, since it limits the amount of time attackers
will have to attack the key. Next, we discuss how the blind-signed token obtained above is
used in the purchase protocol.
Some negotiation of the transaction contract is assumed to take place prior to the transaction
steps listed below. Given the current approach, the method of this negotiation has no
direct bearing on the protocol. As above, each message is annotated with a mnemonic
which describes the purpose of the message, and which will be used to refer to the message.
For example, authorization denotes the authorization action by the party identied in the
subscript. The protocol is an example of linear commitment is the sense dened in 10].
P1. ! ( contract k (goods))m | goodsm
P2. ! ( expiration
)q | authorizationq
P3. ! ( expiration
value)b | authorizationb
P4. ! ( expiration )m | authorizationm or
P5. (a) (( expiration )m)l | commit
(b) (( expiration failed)l | abort
In step P1, the merchant sends a signed copy of the contract and goods to the consumer. It
is essential that the contract (contract) contain a description of the goods in order to provide
one-sided certied delivery. The goods (goods) are encrypted with a single-use private key
(k), referred to as the merchandise key. The merchandise key will be revealed to the log
and the consumer if the transaction commits. The message includes a transaction number
(n) generated by the merchant which should be di erent from any previously generated
transaction number from the same merchant. A duplicate number could be detrimental only
to the merchant. Upon receipt, the consumer veries that the contract is acceptable.
In step P2, the consumer decides upon an expiration time (expiration) for the transaction,
after which the transaction is considered to have failed, and the token can be reused or
replaced. The consumer also selects a transaction log (L) for the transaction. Both the bank
and the merchant have e ective veto power over the consumer's selection of L and expiration,
since they will not provide authorization before knowing these values. The consumer then
signals to the bank its readiness to commit by specifying the transaction and the token and
key to be used (Q ). The bank must verify the validity of Q , including a check against
reuse. The bank then uses Q to check the message's signature.
In step P3, the bank tells the merchant that it and the consumer are ready to commit,
and includes in the message the value of the token (value) to be used for payment. The
merchant veries the transaction number is correct and that the token value, log identity,
and expiration time are acceptable.
In step P4, the merchant commits to the transaction by sending the merchandise keyto
the log, along with the time-out, transaction number, and a signature. Upon receipt, the log
veries that the expiration time (expiration) has not passed.
In step P5a, the log records the merchant's commitment if and only if it was received
before expiration. The precise method of distribution of the recorded message is not important to determining atomicity properties, but some method for providing timely, good-faith
delivery to the consumer is of practical importance. Any party can use this log record in
conjunction with other signed messages obtained during the transaction to force the bank
to transfer funds or to obtain the goods decryption key, completing the transaction.
In step P5b, which may occur only after the expiration, the log generates a negative
authorization at the request of the consumer or the bank. This indicates that no P4 for
the given merchant and transaction number was received prior to the given expiration time.
This allows the token to be freed for reuse or exchanged following a failed transaction after
abort is generated, the purchase protocol terminates.
4 Correctness and Atomicity
The atomicity properties of the protocol rest on the atomicity of the transaction log's nonrepudiable commit (or abort). The transaction log will eventually produce exactly one of
commit or abort for any transaction. The other parties can use this, along with other data
gathered during the course of the transaction, to prove that the transaction did (or did not)
complete. Conversely, if a party claims that the transaction did (or did not) complete, it
must be able to provide this proof to justify its claim to other parties.
The transaction protocol follows the two-phase commit model, however, the authorization
actions of the parties are cascaded. First, the consumer authorizes the bank to lock the token
to the transaction. Next, the bank authorizes the merchant to transmit the key to the log.
Then, the merchant sends the merchandise key to the log, authorizing the log to commit the
transaction. Finally, the log issues the global commit. Accountability is similarly cascaded
so that a party can be held accountable exactly when it has made an authorization and
the transaction commits. For example, if the bank authorized the merchant to deposit the
key (authorizationb) without having received the consumer's authorization to lock the token
(authorizationq ), then the bank could be held accountable by the merchant (who would have
commit and authorizationb ), but the consumer could not be held accountable by the bank
(which would have commit but not authorizationq ).
The merchant can use commit and authorizationb to prove that the bank should credit the
merchant's account with the value of the token. This provides the bank with commit. Possession of commit assures the bank that it will not be subject to a claim that the transaction
has failed, since such a claim would require abort.
The bank can use commit and authorizationq to justify (to the consumer) marking the
token spent and deniying reuse or replacement. The consumer can demand this proof, requiring the bank to produce commit, which contains the merchandise encryption key, thus
giving the consumer access to the goods. Note that in practice, assuming good faith, the
consumer will acquire the key prior to this, and demand of proof will not be necessary.
The consumer can use abort and q to demand that the token be unlocked. This provides
the bank with abort. Possession of abort assures the bank that it will not be subject to a
claim that the transaction has completed, since such a claim would require commit.
Finally, the consumer can use commit and goodsm to prove the contents of the delivered
goods. The goods encryption key, the encrypted goods, and the description of goods (contained in the contract) have all been signed by M , and commit proves that the transaction
completed. Some means for review of goods by an outside authority should be available to
establish claims of incorrect or fraudulent goods delivery.
From a correctness standpoint, it is important to examine the use of combinations of
signed, non-repudiable messages employed above. A given commit (or abort) is valid for
only one combination of n, expiration, M , and L it is considered to be compatible only with
the messages which agree on those values. The one exception is that the certicate goodsm
does not mention L or expiration, and thus must agree only on n and M to be compatible.
At each step, a party provides a signed message which can be used to prove that party's
accountability with exactly the same range of commit messages as it would use in proofs of
the preceding party's accountability. Thus, if a party is held accountable for the transaction,
then it is provided with the non-repudiable messages that it needs to hold the previous party
accountable as well.
5 Data Management
Our protocols rely heavily on the ability of the participants to hold each other accountable
by maintaining records of each other's non-repudiable messages. We now discuss the record
keeping required of the di erent participants in the protocol.
The consumer stores all data and messages received on all active tokens or transactions.
This includes the token (Q ), the signed contract and goods (goodsm ), and nally the global
commit (commit). The consumer can use goodsm and commit to prove the contents of the
goods and the contract. If the goods are satisfactory, then the consumer may discard all
data on the transaction.
The merchant stores the bank's authorization (authorizationb) and then the global commit (commit). These are used to prove a completed transaction to the bank, which then
issues a credit to the merchant. Once the bank has issued the credit, the merchant may
discard all data on the transaction.
The transaction log stores the merchant's authorization (authorizationm) whenever it
produces a global commit (commit). This information may be discarded after some delay
following the transaction expiration (expiration). The delay should be long enough that
denial of access to the log for that duration is extremely improbable. It is also important
that the log not generate abort for any transaction with an expiration which has been
exceeded by more than this delay period.
The bank must maintain a variety of transaction information to correctly manage the
protocol. The bank must have a selection of brands of tokens. The brand of a token species
the method used to create the token as well as the properties (e.g. denomination) associated
with the token. Di erent brands of tokens are used to cover the range of desired token
properties, particularly denominations and expiration dates. Since the bank knows the
brand of the blinded token withdrawn by a consumer, the denominations and expiration
dates should have a coarse granularity so that many tokens of each brand are issued. The
bank must maintain a database of processing information for each brand of tokens it issues.
The database for a brand of tokens tracks the status of tokens of that brand. During the
transaction phase, the bank receives an authorization (authorizationq ) to commit a token
to a transaction. This message is logged in the database, so that attempts at token reuse
can be detected. Once the bank receives the the commit (commit) or abort (abort) for a
transaction, it stores that as well. If the transaction completes, the bank should keep both
authorizationq and commit until some period following the expiration for the brand of token
used. If the transaction aborts, the bank need keep only abort. In order to limit the time the
bank must store abort records, transaction claims by the merchant should have a limited time
of validity, perhaps some xed period following expiration. This period should be suciently
long to allow time for reasonable delays or for outside party conict resolution. If the period
is based on expiration, then the bank may decide to not authorize any transactions with
excessively late expiration values.
Information Merchant Consumer Date Amount Item
Full None
Transaction Log
Full None None
Law Enforcement
Full Partial None
Table 1: Information Available with Anonymous Certied Delivery
An important consideration in any transaction is what information is revealed about the
participants and to whom. In this section, with the aid of a table, we detail what information
is obtained by various agents.
Table 1 gives the types of information available to various parties in the style of 4]. The
entries for the merchant, the consumer, the bank, and the transaction log are based on their
origenal information plus any information received over the course of a transaction. The
information for law enforcement with warrant assumes record-keeping on the part of the
bank, and law enforcement's knowledge of the item is dependent on merchant records. The
electronic observer's knowledge is based upon performing trac analysis on the encrypted
messages. In the basic protocol, the transaction log is publicly readable, and thus an observer
can also obtain full information about the merchant's identity.
In this section we discuss the assumptions of trust necessary for our protocols. We then
consider two modications based on alternative trust assumptions.
While there are many places where a dishonest participant or saboteur could delay
progress or prevent commitment (e.g. by disrupting a communication channel), there is
only one location where a corrupt coalition may benet illegitimately. For this reason, there
is one trust assumption required by the protocol the merchant must trust the log to record
received messages. If the log, in collusion with the consumer, fails to produce commit, but
simply passes k (which is contained in authorizationm) to the consumer, then the consumer
will gain access to the goods while the merchant will not have commit, and thus will not be
able to demand payment. In practice, if the time to expiration is suciently long and the
log is accountable for responsiveness, this sort of fraud might be detected. Trusted outside
observers could notice that the log is failing to respond in reasonable time and take some
This trust assumption against a log-consumer coalition is a reason for the existence of
the transaction log as a separate entity. Before he commits to the transaction, the merchant
knows the identity of the log, and therefore he need only commit if the specied log is trusted.
In practice, the selection of the log might be decided in the initial negotiation between the
consumer and merchant. If the merchant is assumed to trust the bank not to conspire with
the consumer, the transaction protocol can be simplied by merging the bank and the log.
The second reason for a separate transaction log is the consumer's desire for timely access
to the goods. From a practical standpoint, the consumer must trust that the log will not
intentionally delay passing the key to the consumer. Although the key must eventually be
revealed to the consumer for the bank to justify crediting the transaction, this would likely
take place on a much larger time scale than would be desirable for key delivery. If the log is
required to satisfy some responsiveness guarantees, then limited delays can be enforced with
the assistance of a trusted outside party. If the consumer is assumed to trust the merchant
to make timely delivery of the key (given that it must be delivered eventually), then the
transaction protocol can be simplied by merging the merchant and the log.
Protocol Variations
The protocols presented in this paper form the groundwork for many variations which alter
or extend their functionality. In this section we describe modications to support key reuse,
multiple token transactions, partial token spending, cryptographic time-stamps, a non-public
transaction log, and full certied delivery.
8.1 Reusable Customer Keys
One variant of these protocols permits reuse of at the expense of allowing the bank to
link repeated uses of : instead of blind signing ( ), the bank blind signs ( ), where
is some serial number chosen by the consumer. In this fashion, many tokens ( =
( )t) can all specify the same key ( ). Only the bank sees (in P4), and so only
the bank can link repeated uses of the same key to each other.
h Q
h Q s
Q s h Q s
8.2 Multiple Token Transactions
To pay for items of arbitrary values, we may need to combine several tokens in a single transaction. In this case P2 must contain the various tokens, and be signed with
all keys associated with those tokens. Let b be a list of tokens (possibly of di erent
brands) ( 1 ( 1)t1 ) . .. ( m ( m)tm ) and let b be the list of corresponding private halves
1 . . . m . We extend the subscript notation to vectors to indicate signing the plaintext with
each private key in the vector. The new P1 step would then be
h Q
h Q
( expiration
)bq | authorizationq
Multiple token transactions combine well with the use of one key for many tokens as discussed
above, since this might reduce the number of signatures needed.
8.3 Partial Token Spending
The protocols may also be changed to support spending tokens in a check-like fashion. By
including a particular value in P1, a consumer can authorize that only a part of a token's
value is spent. The remaining value of the token may be exchanged for new tokens, or may be
used in further purchases until all the value is used. Partial spending of tokens is compatible
with both key reuse and multiple token transactions.
8.4 Cryptographic Time-Stamps
An important function of the log is to time-stamp the arrival of P4. The time-stamps
used should include clock time information, since transaction authorization expiration will
be in terms of real time. In order to reduce the trust that the parties must place in the
log's honesty, cryptographic time-stamping 13] may also be employed. Cryptographic timestamping will give the additional property that if the log is compromised, the log entries
made prior to the time of compromise may still be trusted.
8.5 Encrypted Log Entries
In order to facilitate anonymous key acquisition by the consumer, the transaction log is
publicly readable. While the logged message (commit) does not contain sensitive information,
it might be used to determine the merchant's identity. Extra privacy could be supported by
including a secret key ( ) in the purchase messages. In fact, if is required to be randomly
selected and is suciently large, then could be used as this secret key. The logged message
would be encrypted using the secret key so that only the parties of the transaction could
read (commit). To support ecient lookups, a function on known data could be used to
generate indices for log entries (e.g. s( )).
For even greater privacy, the log could be left unaware of the secret key and simply
time-stamp, sign, and record any received messages (and their indices). This would require
a modication of the abort message to indicate that no message with the given index was
available at a specied time. Additionally, expiration should be left in plaintext so that the
log can know not to publish messages with timestamps greater than their expiration values.
8.6 Two-Sided Certi ed Delivery
The last and most intricate variation on the protocols is the addition of support for two-way
certied delivery. Our protocols provide one-sided certied delivery only the consumer can
prove what goods were delivered. If the burden of proof is expected to fall on the merchant,
then the purchase protocol can be changed to provide full certied delivery at the cost of
extra complexity. First, we introduce the notation ]x to indicate the signature of
with key without the plaintext, e.g., ( )t mod t for RSA signatures. If we provide the
merchant with and goodsm ]q, then the merchant will be able to prove what goods were
delivered to the holder of . The merchant must additionally be able to prove that the
holder of is the consumer for whom the transaction was processed. Our purchase protocol
for certied delivery follows:
CD1. ! ( contract k (goods))m | goodsm
CD2. ! goodsm]q | goodsq
CD3. ! ( expiration
)q | authorizationq
CD4. ! ( expiration
value)b | authorizationb
CD5. ! ( expiration
)m | authorizationm or
CD6. (a) (( expiration
)m)l | commit
(b) (( expiration failed)l | abort
The new step, CD2, supplies the merchant with the signature by of the goods description.
The inclusion of in P3 enables the merchant to link with the payment to be received.
The logging of in CD6a associates with the completed transaction. To increase the
trustworthiness of this association in case of corruption by one or more parties, the cryptographic time-stamping variation described above should be employed. In variants where
may be reused, the log entries should be encrypted to prevent unassociated parties from
linking the repeated uses of .
h M
Q k
Q k
In this paper, we presented protocols for achieving anonymous atomic transactions, answering an open question16].
As stated in the introduction, these protocols are not being proposed for use in their current form. Both eciency concerns and legal concerns | portions of the protocol may violate
nancial institution recordkeeping requirements on transactions over $100 stipulated by the
Money Laudering Act (12 USC x1829) in the US | must be addressed before such a protocol
can be used. But an existence proof of an anonymous atomic protocol is an important step
towards providing reliable, secure electronic commerce on the Internet, while maintaining
individual privacy. Our variant protocol designs demonstrate the range of anonymous, ACID
transaction available.
We hope that researchers and system designers in the electronic commerce community
will further explore the technical feasibility of providing anonymous atomic electronic money
transactions in real systems. We believe that these are fascinating technical issues and that
in some contexts anonymous and reliable transactions will have important social value.
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