S. A. Sharifian*, A. H. Mehrparvar and S. Mohammadi
Department of Occupational Medicine, School of Medicine, Medical Sciences/University of
Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Abstract- Silicon dioxide or silica is the earth’s most abundant mineral. The primary pulmonary
illness attributable to silica exposure is silicosis, which is observed in three forms: classic, accelerated
and acute. A case of silicosis is presented in this article who has been working in a stone-cutting plant.
He had suffered from symptoms of silicosis one year after employment in this plant (acute form), but
his radiologic findings were compatible with accelerated or chronic silicosis. One of the important
occupational diseases is silicosis, which is not treatable but is preventable. However, because of lack of
appropriate engineering controls or personal protective devices in some workplaces we observe cases of
silicosis yet.
© 2007 Tehran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved.
Acta Medica Iranica, 45(2): 158-160; 2007
Key words: Silicosis, stone cutter, dyspnea
Silicon dioxide or silica is the earth’s most abundant
mineral (1). The primary pulmonary illness
attributable to silica exposure, silicosis (which is the
most common pneumoconiosis worldwide), is
caused by the inhalation of respirable size silica
particles, and can be categorized by recognizable
findings on the chest radiograph and also the time
from initial exposure to silica into 3 types: simple or
classic, accelerated or subacute and acute silicosis
(1-3). Here we present a case of silicosis in a man
working in a stone-cutting plant.
Our patient was a 40 years-old stone-cutter male
living in a village near Hamadan (west of Iran). He
was referred to our occupational medicine clinic in
Tehran University of Medical Sciences with chief
complaint of exertional dyspnea.
Received: 10 Jul. 2006, Revised: 20 Sep. 2006, Accepted: 20 Nov. 2006
* Corresponding Author:
A. H. Sharifian, Department of Occupational Medicine, School of
Medicine, Medical Sciences/University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Tel: +98 21 66405588
Fax: +98 21 66405588
He had a progressive dyspnea beginning 2 years
before referring to us (1 year after employment in a
stone-cutting plant), with cough (first productive and
then without sputum). When we visited him, he had
dyspnea (functional class II to III) and nonproductive cough. In his medical history he didn’t
have any other diseases and hospital admission,
besides he was non-smoker.
Our patient had worked as a miller in a stonecutting plant from 2002 till 2005 (14 hours a day).
The product of this plant is used for glass-making.
The plant has had a closed environment with general
ventilation, and he has used only paper masks as a
personal protective device. He mentioned that his 14
co-workers also had the same feature. He had also
worked as a farmer (in a farm in which wheat,
barley, and hay were planted) from 1991 till 2002.
He was found to be tachycardic (110 beats/min.),
afebrile (37.2 °C oral), with respiratory rate of 22
breaths/min., and blood pressure of 110/80 mmHg.
In chest auscultation, we heard a diffused coarse
crackle bilaterally. He mentioned that he hasn’t have
any pre-employment examinations and radiography.
He had normal chest radiography in 2002, but after 2
years his chest radiography revealed reticulonodular
pattern and round opacities especially in upper lung
zones (Fig. 1).
S. A. Sharifian et al.
Fig. 1. Chest radiography of the case.
We performed pulmonary function tests for him,
with following results: forced vital capacity (FVC):
1.5 lit (39% predicted), forced expiratory volume in
1 s (FEV1): 1.07 lit (32% predicted), FEV1/FVC:
73.6 (92% predicted), forced expiratory flow (FEF):
1.74 lit/s (21% predicted), forced expiratory flow
between 25 and 75% of the vital capacity (FEF25-75):
0.92 lit/s (22% predicted), total lung capacity (TLC):
2.7 lit (41% predicted).
Computed tomography (CT) of chest in 2004
revealed bilateral fibrocystic changes, especially in
upper lobes, besides emphysematous changes and
bilateral pleural thickening. High resolution computed
tomography (HRCT) of chest in 2004 revealed fine
nodules in upper lobes, besides a conglomerated mass
in apex of right upper lobe (Fig. 2).
We obtained informed consent to publish details
of our patient’s history.
As mentioned, there are three forms of silicosis.
Simple or classic silicosis results from low to
moderate exposure to silica dust and have features
usually develop slowly and frequently require a
working lifetime to develop (20 years or more) (1-3).
It typically appears as an upper zone distribution of
rounded opacities (1, 2, 4). Accelerated or subacute
silicosis is characterized by the same features as
classic silicosis except that the time from initial
exposure to silica is much shorter. The chest
radiograph may demonstrate rounded opacities as
early as 4 years after the first exposure (usually 5 to
10 years) (1, 2, 5).
Acute silicosis follows a short duration of
exposure to overwhelmingly high concentrations of
respirable free silica. The onset of symptoms usually
is 1-3 years after the initial exposure (1, 2, 6).
The chest radiograph typically reveals diffuse
alveolar infiltration usually associated with air
bronchograms (1, 2, 6-8). The alveoli are filled with
lipid and proteinaceous exudative material (1, 2).
Our patient had the typical signs and symptoms
of silicosis. He also had a pure severe restrictive
pattern in pulmonary function tests. He was a stonecutter. The changes in simple chest X ray and also
CT and HRCT are completely compatible with
classic or subacute silicosis (interstitial fibrosis), but
the symptoms have begun only 1 year after exposure
to silica dust, which is compatible with acute
silicosis and he did not have any alveolar filling and
infiltration as usually is seen in acute silicosis. So he
is an unusual case of silicosis, with history of acute
but radiography of classic silicosis.
Fig. 2. Chest high resolution computed tomography of the case.
Acta Medica Iranica, Vol. 45, No. 2 (2007) 159
An unusual form of silicosis in a stone-cutter
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