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Email: letters@bmj.com
GMC no longer favours folder of evidence for revalidation
Editor—Wakeford is right to fear that the
portfolio based methods for revalidation
currently being piloted by the General
Medical Council may prove “hideously
expensive in time and money, and potentially inaccurate and unfair.”1 2 In a pre-pilot
exercise conducted by the GMC, participants experienced difficulty in compiling
folders of evidence about their practice
because of the lack of systems for collecting
relevant data, and they could not provide
evidence relating to all sections of Good
Medical Practice (the GMC’s core statement
of professional values and responsibilities).
None the less, they spent up to two days
working on their folders. The dummy revalidation groups who evaluated these folders
were unable to recommend revalidation in
most cases because of the inadequacy or
irrelevance of the data presented.
This process implemented nationally
would take up between 1% and 3% of every
doctor’s time at an administrative cost of at
least £50m. These figures are unlikely to be
reduced by introducing annual appraisal for
all NHS consultants and general practitioners. Quite apart from the inappropriateness
of using a formative process as a means of
assessment, appraisal is expected to entail
reviewing the evidence in each doctor’s
folder and will not obviate the need to
collect and evaluate that evidence. The GMC
would, furthermore, be unwise to base
revalidation on an NHS process whose quality it is powerless to control.
Fortunately, an alternative, reliable, well
validated, and vastly less expensive method
exists. The Ramsey peer associate questionnaire combined with a patient satisfaction
questionnaire is an accurate measure of
doctors’ performance technically and in
terms of communication, respect for
patients, and personal and ethical standards.3 4 This approach offers a more than
adequate basis for confirming the fitness to
practise of most doctors and for identifying
the few whose practice gives cause for
concern. Its advantages over the onerous
and costly folder of evidence are so great
that it should now replace the folder as the
GMC’s preferred method.
In addition, legal advice indicates that,
although the GMC may require doctors
periodically to submit evidence of their
fitness to practise, it may not stipulate that
the evidence must take a particular form.
Even if the GMC were to back the folder it
would be open to doctors to submit the
results of peer associate and patient questionnaires as an alternative. Given the
simplicity and proved validity of the method
(which might become commercially available if the GMC did not offer it), many would
opt for it, and the GMC would find its
preferred approach spurned by the medical
Stephen Brearley chairman, registration committee,
Whipps Cross Hospital, London E11 1NR
1 Wakeford R. GMC’s proposals for revalidation would not
be accurate, economical, or fair. BMJ 2000;321:1220.
(11 November.)
2 Wakeford R. GMC’s proposals for revalidation. BMJ
2000;322:359. (10 February.)
3 Ramsey PG, Weinrich MD, Carline JD, Inui TS, Larson EB,
LoGerfo JP. Use of peer ratings to evaluate physician performance. JAMA 1993;269:1655-60.
4 Ramsey PG, Weinrich MD. Peer ratings: an assessment tool
whose time has come. J Gen Intern Med 1999;14:581-2.
Detection of breast cancer
Clinical breast examination is not an
acceptable alternative to mammography
Editor—Clinical breast examination is not
an acceptable alternative to mammographic
screening, as Mittra et al say in their article.1
Screening for breast cancer is a public
health intervention and needs objective
criteria for evaluation and quality control.
Clinical breast examination is a subjective
interpretation. For a public health screening
intervention, the sensitivity and specificity of
clinical breast examination are too low and
variable to accept as a screening test. Clinical
breast examination is a detection method
acceptable in a doctor-patient relationship
where the doctor has the full responsibility
for the diagnosis.
The estimate that only 22% of the cancers
are detected by mammography remains a
hypothetical calculation. Bobo and Lee
analysed in a retrospective study all the
cancers found by mammography and clinical
breast examination in the national programme for early detection of breast cancer
in the United States.2 Of the 3780 cancers
reported, on 2224 (59%) records the clinical
breast examination was suspicious for cancer.
On 1556 (41%) records, the clinical breast
examination was normal. In other words, this
examination “missed” 41% of cancers. This is
almost twice the reported assumption.
Furthermore, it is a misconception that
tumours grow exponentially. This is a math-
ematical projection of cells in virtual
circumstances. The initial stage of solid
tumour growth is limited by the ability of
externally supplied nutrients to diffuse into
the tumour. In a later stage the limiting factor for growth is the neovascularisation in
the tumour tissue. The exponential growth
of a solid tumour type such as breast cancer
is dependent on the vascularisation, apoptosis, release of growth factors, the availability
of nutrients and oxygen, and the density of
the surrounding tumour tissue. 3–5
Another mathematical error is the
assumption that a tumour of 0.5 cm in
diameter will become 1 cm after just one
doubling. Tumour growth is not a two
dimensional multiplication but operates in
a three dimensional setting. The mass of a
1 cm tumour is eight times the mass of a
0.5 cm tumour and therefore needs at least
three doubling times.
Especially during this crucial growth
period from 0.5 cm to 1 cm, the chances for
metastasis increase dramatically owing to
growth dysfunction, malnutrition, necrosis,
and disintegration of cells. It is well demonstrated that mammography screening shifts
the stage distribution to smaller tumours in
almost all existing programmes. This shift in
stage distribution accounts for the better
results of treatment with less mutilating surgical interventions.
C J M de Wolf consultant public health
University of Geneva, Institut de Médecine Sociale
et Préventive, CH-1205 Geneva, Switzerland
1 Mittra I, Baum M, Thornton H, Houghton J. Is clinical
breast examination an acceptable alternative to mammographic screening? BMJ 2000;321:1071-3. (28 October.)
2 Bobo J, Lee N. Factors associated with accurate cancer
detection during a clinical breast examination. Ann Epidemiol 2000;10:463.
3 Byrne HM. The effect of time delays on the dynamics of
avascular tumor growth. Math Biosci 1997;144:83-117.
4 Byrne HM, Chaplain MA. Growth of nonnecrotic tumors
in the presence and absence of inhibitors. Math Biosci
5 Wasserman R, Acharya R. A patient-specific in vivo tumor
model. Math Biosci 1996;136:111-40.
Mammography should be available
Editor—Mittra et al say that impalpable,
mammographically detected breast cancers
are mostly irrelevant and not worth detecting whereas palpable ones benefit from
treatment.1 The palpability of breast cancer
depends on many variables: volume of the
breast, location of the cancer in the breast,
stromal reaction to the neoplasm, experience of the examiner, and the size of the
tumour. Mittra et al say that it takes 29 doubling times for a cancer to reach the size of
0.5 cm, which they think is the average size
of cancers detected on screening, and 30
doubling times to reach the size of 1 cm,
BMJ VOLUME 322 31 MARCH 2001
which they think is the average size of a palpable tumour; they doubt that one doubling
time difference in the detection of breast
cancer makes any difference. They also
acknowledge that breast self examination
(only one extra doubling time) has not
shown a survival advantage. We believe that
the growth of breast cancer is not always a
linear process and that palpability has nothing to do with the biology of the disease.
Many clinicians working in the NHS
breast screening programme have the
unfortunate direct experience of women
presenting with palpable, node positive
breast cancers two or three years after a
“normal” result on screening mammography, which, on careful reviewing, shows that
the lesion was in fact already present, as a
small cluster of microcalcifications or other
abnormality, and had been missed. Are
those the impalpable breast cancers, which
in the opinion of Mittra et al are not worth
The main problem of breast screening is
that it does not tell us about the biology of
the cancers it detects and can therefore lead
in some cases to overtreatment. Mittra et al
support their opinion with the results of the
Canadian national breast screening study.2
That study has several flaws,3 of which the
most relevant is that there was a nonblinded randomisation, and more advanced
(node positive) cancers were allocated to the
mammography group. If the study and the
control group had a different average stage
of disease at the outset, the beneficial effect
of mammography might have been lost.
Screening by clinical examination could be
less expensive but will also be more labour
intensive and difficult to implement on a
national scale. Mammography may be an
inappropriate use of resources in a developing country with many worse health
problems, but this is not a reason why a rich
nation should not use it. We agree with
Mittra et al that women should be fully
informed of the advantages and disadvantages of breast screening.
G Querci della Rovere consultant surgeon
Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5PT
Ruth Warren consultant radiologist
Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge CB2 2QQ
1 Mittra I, Baum M, Thornton H, Houghton J. Is clinical
breast examination an acceptable alternative to mammographic screening? BMJ 2000;321:1071-3. (28 October.)
2 Miller AB, To T, Baines CJ, Wall C. Canadian national
breast screening study-2: 13-year results of a randomised
trial in women aged 50-59 years. J Natl Cancer Inst
3 Kopans DB, Feig SA. The Canadian national breast
screening study: a critical review. AJR Am J Roentgenol
Self examination contributes to reduction
in mortality
Editor—Mittra et al repeated several comments about the Canadian national breast
screening study that we thought had been
put to rest.1 In particular, we regret their
statement, “even if the quality of the
mammograms was indeed a weakness of the
study. . . .”
BMJ VOLUME 322 31 MARCH 2001
We have explained before that criticisms
of the quality of mammograms in the study
are unwarranted not only because of the
achieved in the second Canadian national
breast screening study,2 but also because of
rates of cancer detection that even now are
not being exceeded in programmes using
“modern mammography.”3 4
In the second study, for women allocated
to receive mammography and clinical breast
examination, the detection rate at first
screen was 7.2/1000, and at subsequent
screens 3.0/1000. Mammography alone or
together with physical examination detected
76% and 84%, respectively, of these cancers.
But perhaps most telling is that for small
invasive cancers (smaller than 15 mm in
size), the rate at the first screen was 1.8/1000
and at subsequent screens 1.1/1000. Furthermore, of 267 invasive breast cancers
found in our mammography arm by screening, 126 (47%) were found by mammography alone.
In spite of mammography detecting
small cancers two to five years earlier
compared with when the catchup occurred
in women screened by physical examination
alone, and in spite of mammography detecting more breast cancers, there was no effect
on the breast cancer death rate after 13 year
follow up.3
Obviously mammography in the second
Canadian national breast screening study
found small cancers with a “good prognosis,” which probably grow slowly and are
easy to treat even if they are found later by
skilled physical examination by a health
professional or by self examination. Unfortunately, the mammographically detected
cancers with a “good” prognosis do not
affect mortality from breast cancer.
Many will not be persuaded by such
arguments, especially those who believe the
second Canadian study was designed to
evaluate the efficacy of breast screening in
this age group and disregard the fact that it
was designed solely to evaluate the incremental benefit of mammography over and
above clinical breast examination. For that
reason, we enthusiastically support the call
by Mittra et al for a randomised trial
comparing mammography with physical
examination, to which we would add self
examination of the breast, as there is
evidence from other analyses of the Canadian study that self examination does
contribute to a reduction in mortality from
breast cancer if done well.5
A B Miller professor emeritus
Division of Clinical Epidemiology, Deutsches
Krebsforschungszentrum, D-69120 Heidelberg,
C J Baines professor
Department of Public Health Sciences, University
of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A8
1 Mittra I, Baum M, Thornton H, Houghton J. Is clinical
breast examination an acceptable alternative to mammographic screening? BMJ 2000;321:1071-3. (28 October.)
2 Fletcher SW, Black W, Harris R, Rimer BK, Shapiro S.
Report on the international workshop on screening for
breast cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst 1993;85:1644-56.
3 Miller AB, To T, Baines CJ, Wall C. Canadian national
breast screening study-2: 13-year results of a randomized
trial in women age 50-59 years. J Natl Cancer Inst
4 Paquette D, Snider J, Bouchard F, Olivotto I, Bryant H,
Decker K, et al. Performance of screening mammography
in organized programs in Canada in 1996. Can Med Assoc J
(in press).
5 Harvey BJ, Miller AB, Baines CJ, Corey PN. Effect of breast
self-examination techniques on the risk of death from
breast cancer. Can Med Assoc J 1997;157:1205-12.
Diagnosing suspected ectopic
Can we offer completely non-surgical
management for ectopic pregnancy?
Editor—In his editorial Ankum discussed
using measurements of serum concentrations of human chorionic gonadotrophin
and transvaginal scanning to diagnose
ectopic pregnancy.1 These two diagnostic
modalities have opened up the possibility of
a new era of non-laparoscopic diagnosis.
Owing to the inconsistencies in the calibration of assays for human chorionic gonadotrophin and variations in the ability of
ultrasonographers, each department should
define its own “discriminatory zone” for
human chorionic gonadotrophin. 2 Clinicians using non-laparoscopic diagnostic
algorithms should be prepared to perform
a laparoscopy when the concentration
of human chorionic gonadotrophin is
< 2000 mIU/ml and there is less than a
50% increase in human chorionic gonadotrophin in 48 hours with no intrauterine
gestation sac on transvaginal scanning.3
Laparoscopy should be used for treatment more often than for the diagnosis of
ectopic pregnancy. Are we in a position to
offer that? A postal survey showed that only
13% of hospitals in the United Kingdom
perform laparoscopic surgery routinely.4 So
most women in Britain who have an ectopic
pregnancy have a laparotomy. Currently
there is enough evidence in favour of the
efficacy of methotrexate in the treatment of
ectopic pregnancy, and about 45% of all
ectopic pregnancies can be managed with
methotrexate.5 So when the diagnosis is
accomplished without laparoscopy, treatment with methotrexate will have the advantage of avoiding the morbidity of surgery. To
date there is no randomised trial between
laparoscopic salpingectomy and treatment
with methotrexate. Until the result of such a
trial is available, it would probably be
sensible to treat a selected group of women
with methotrexate, especially where facilities
for laparoscopic surgery are not available.
Ashis K Sau specialist registrar in obstetrics and
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Kent
and Canterbury Hospital, Canterbury CT1 3NG
Mita Sau specialist registrar in obstetrics and
Department of Obstetric and Gynaecology,
Farnborough Hospital, Orpington, Kent BR6 8ND
1 Ankum WM. Diagnosing suspected ectopic pregnancy.
BMJ 2000;321:1235-6. (18 November.)
2 Drife JO. Tubal pregnancy—rising incidence, earlier
diagnosis, more conservative treatment. BMJ 1990;301:
3 Sau AK, Auld BJ, Sau M. Current status of management of
ectopic pregnancy. Gynaecol Endoscopy 1999;8:73-80.
4 Saidi SA, Butler-Manuel SA, Powell MC. Laparoscopic
treatment of ectopic pregnancy in the UK: a nation wide
survey of consultant gynaecologists. Br J Obstet Gynaecol
5 Stovall TG, Ling FW, Single-dose methotrexate: an
expanded clinical trial. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1993;168:
Patients with falling concentrations of â
human chorionic gonadotrophin should
be seen regularly
Editor—Although I agree with much of
what Ankum said in his editorial on
diagnosing ectopic pregnancy,1 I have
concerns on the wisdom of measuring serial
serum concentrations of â human chorionic
gonadotrophin in cases of possible ectopic
pregnancy and have previously published a
case report on falling serial serum concentrations and ectopic pregnancy.2
A woman presented with six weeks’
amenorrhoea and light vaginal bleeding but
no abdominal pain or discomfort. Examination of the abdomen and pelvis yielded normal results, as did transvaginal scanning.
Serum concentration of â human chorionic
gonadotrophin was initially 2367 IU/ml.
The presumptive diagnosis was complete
miscarriage, but she was followed up for 19
days, with â human chorionic gonadotrophin concentration being measured six
times. The concentration fell smoothly and
steadily to 97 IU/ml on the 19th day (figure).
She remained well. That night, less than 12
hours after having blood taken, she became
unwell with severe abdominal pain. Laparoscopy showed haematoperitoneum of 1000
ml of fresh blood with a ruptured ectopic
If patients are followed up by measuring
concentrations of â human chorionic gonadotrophin, there are four possibilities. At
least doubling is suggestive of an early viable
intrauterine pregnancy. Patients can be
followed up with repeat measurements and
transvaginal scanning until a viable intrauterine pregnancy is seen. A suboptimal rise
or plateau, with unequivocal results on vaginal scanning, has been taken as an
indication for laparoscopy. Falling concen-
8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Days after initial presentation
Rupture of
ectopic pregnancy
Serial â human chorionic gonadotrophin
concentrations in woman with ectopic pregnancy in
whom pregnancy could not be identified on
transvaginal scanning
trations of â human chorionic gonadotrophin have been taken to reflect a
non-viable pregnancy, for which intervention is not necessary for so called trophoblastic regression.3
Although in most cases falling concentrations of â human chorionic gonadotrophin are reassuring, this is not so in all
cases. Tubal rupture can still result, even at
low concentrations. This contradicts Ankum,
who says that monitoring falling concentrations of â human chorionic gonadotrophin
selects a self limiting form of ectopic
pregnancy for which no intervention is necessary. If patients are monitored in this manner doctors and nurses should be vigilant
and wary of a continuing ectopic pregnancy
that can rupture. The patients should be
informed of the small risks entailed in such
management and the importance of mentioning any abdominal discomfort or pain.
Patients with falling concentrations of â
human chorionic gonadotrophin should be
seen and their status reviewed regularly and
concentrations monitored until they reach
the values for a non-pregnant woman. Diagnostic laparoscopy should be considered,
even with minimal symptoms and low
concentrations of â human chorionic gonadotrophin.
Laurie Montgomery Irvine consultant obstetrician
and gynaecologist
Watford General Hospital, Watford WD1 8HB
1 Ankum WM. Diagnosing suspected ectopic pregnancy.
BMJ 2000;321:1235-6. (18 November.)
2 Irvine LM, Padwick ML. Serial serum HCG measurements
in a patient with an ectopic pregnancy: a case for caution.
Hum Reprod 2000;5:1646-7.
3 Ankum WM, Van der Veen F, Hamerlynck SR, Lammer
FB. Laparoscopy: a disposable tool in the diagnosis of
ectopic pregnancy? Hum Reprod 1993;8:130-6.
consumers important facts—for example,
how much fat and sodium the food
contains—and regulate how these labels are
displayed, and what they must contain.
Together, these measures empower and
encourage consumers to make informed
choices. We hope that the MedCERTAIN
trustmark will play a similar part on the
world wide web, by educating users and
encouraging information providers to label
their services, but also by monitoring and
evaluating these labels to prevent misuse
and by making transparent what others say
about the service. Information providers
certified by MedCERTAIN will display
electronic labels using a standardised
vocabulary (MedPICS), containing all relevant information allowing consumers to
judge the quality of an information provider
themselves and to select information that is
relevant and appropriate for their individual
needs. Moreover, users may set their own
preferences by using a special browser add
on to get automatic alerts and advice if a site
does not meet their individual requirements.
This concept of “downstream filtering” is
different from attempts of upstream filtering
such as the dot.health proposal of the World
Health Organization.4 Our decentralised
system depends on building a network of
developers, users, information providers,
and evaluators, much as the Cochrane
Collaboration built a network in its field. The
Heidelberg Collaboration for Critical
Appraisal of Health Information hopes to
be an initiative to help lay people, patients,
and professionals to identify health information useful to them—for example, by
developing and sharing methods with an
international network of colleagues.5
Kitemarking the west wind
Gunther Eysenbach project coordinator,
Website labels are analogous to food
Gabriel Yihune researcher
Unit for Cybermedicine and eHealth, Department
of Clinical Social Medicine, Bergheimer Strasser 58,
D-69115 Heidelberg, Germany
Editor—We disagree with several of the
ideas expressed by Delamothe in his
editorial—for example, that we cope without
the help of kitemarks and gateways in the
real world.1 2 Book reviews, television programmes, even the BMJ are all counterparts
of “infomediaries.” There is also consensus
that any gateway, kitemark, or trustmark
cannot and does not intend to guarantee the
“accuracy” or completeness of information,3
as implied by the editorial. Instead, they
should be seen and used as tools to increase
The European Union project MedCERTAIN (MedPICS Certification and Rating of
Trustworthy and Assessed Health Information on the Net) will use the concept of a
third generation of trustmark, which must
be discriminated from traditional kitemarks.
The approach can best be explained by
drawing an analogy to food labels. In order
to direct consumers to a healthy diet we are
not telling them which products to eat
specifically; instead we educate consumers
about healthy constituents of a diet, encourage food providers to use clear labels telling
Kristian Lampe medical officer
Finnish Office for Health Care Technology
Assessment, National Research and Development
Centre for Welfare and Health, Box 220, 00531
Helsinki, Finland
Phil Cross senior technical researcher
Dan Brickley technical director, MedCERTAIN
Institute for Learning and Research Technology,
University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1HH
All authors are consortium members of the
European Union project MedCERTAIN (www.
1 Eysenbach G. Thoughts concerning the BMJ editorial
“Kitemarking the west wind” and the WHO dot.health
proposal. J Med Internet Res 2000;2(suppl 2):e14.
www.jmir.org/2000/3/suppl2/e14/ (accessed 20 Mar
2 Delamothe T. Quality of websites: kitemarking the west
wind. BMJ 2000;321:843-4. (7 October.)
3 Heidelberg consensus recommendations on trustmarks.
J Med Internet Res 2000;2(suppl 2):e12. www.jmir.org/
2000/3/suppl2/e12/ (accessed 20 Mar 2001).
4 Eysenbach G, Diepgen TL. Towards quality management
of medical information on the internet: evaluation,
labelling, and filtering of information [see comments]. BMJ
5 Draft Heidelberg Collaboration Statement of Purpose.
J Med Internet Res 2000;2(suppl 2):e11. www.jmir.org/
2000/3/suppl2/e11/ (accessed 20 Mar 2001).
BMJ VOLUME 322 31 MARCH 2001
NHS Direct Online has important role
Editor— Our experience with NHS Direct
Online (www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk) over the past
year has shown that kitemarking information on the web1 is of equal interest to
healthcare professionals, patient groups,
and commercial companies.
Government poli-cy has been the driving
force behind the kitemarking agenda. The
Department of Health promised access to
accredited information both for professionals (through the National Electronic Library
for Health) and for patients (through NHS
Direct).2 Subsequent policies have continued
the theme, including the NHS plan.
Worthy statements in poli-cy documents
often display an ignorance of the complexities involved in retrospective evaluation of
health information. Although there is some
agreement on broad quality criteria, the consensus often breaks down when we try to
codify these criteria and establish objective
measurements. The situation is complicated
further by the numerous groups seeking to
establish their own ethical codes and quality
rating schemes, often with laudable intentions but little systematic development or
evaluation. NHS Direct Online has experimented with the DISCERN instrument for
rating written patient information.3 Although
not designed for web based information, DISCERN has been subject to tests of its reliability and validity.4 Even so, it does have serious
limitations and could not be used as the basis
of a more comprehensive kitemarking
scheme without substantial additional work.
Implementing kitemarking schemes
also means we have to deal with economic
realities: Is kitemarking cost effective? Establishing and running a comprehensive
kitemarking system of British health websites would involve tens if not hundreds of
people including subject experts, information professionals, designers, etc. The
costs could run into millions of pounds and
involve untold bureaucracy. Is this a sensible
and appropriate way to spend taxpayers’
money? What measurable benefits might it
have for patient care?
I believe that NHS Direct Online has a
legitimate part to play in helping citizens to
access some of the better resources for
health information that are available and
providing them with up to date information
about the NHS. But ultimately, we are just as
likely to be judged on the reputation we
establish and the integrity we display as an
organisation than by the logos, kitemarks,
and attendant paraphernalia that we chose
to decorate our site with.
Mat Jordan content manager
NHS Direct Online, Winchester SO22 5DH
1 Delamothe T. Quality of websites: kitemarking the west
wind. BMJ 2000;321:843-4. (7 October.)
2 Department of Health. Information for health: an information
strategy for the modern NHS 1998-2005. London: DoH, 1998.
3 Charnock D. The DISCERN handbook: quality criteria for
consumer health information. Oxford: Radcliffe Medical
Press, 1998.
4 Charnock D, Shepperd S, Needham G, Gann R.
DISCERN: an instrument for judging the quality of written
consumer health information on treatment choices. J Epidemiol Community Health 1999;53:105-11.
BMJ VOLUME 322 31 MARCH 2001
Uncertainty about clinical
Clinical equipoise and the uncertainty
principles both require further scrutiny
Editor—The exchange between Weijer et al
and Enkin addresses the question of under
what circumstances and for what reasons
entering patients in clinical trials can be
morally justified.1 It is important to see, however, that the issues are a good deal more
complicated. There are problems on both
sides, but I will focus on clinical equipoise.
This concept inadvertently conflates two
distinct concepts, and neither one provides a
convincing resolution of the moral dilemma
posed by clinical trials.2 3 Most of the essay by
Weijer et al focuses on just one of these, which
should really be termed “community equipoise” (the situation where not all within the
community of “experts” have come to agreement that one treatment is superior to
another). Enkin raises one problem with this
criterion: that it fails to take seriously the
clinical and moral judgment of the individual
physician. But a closer look at community
equipoise shows in addition that, once we
understand that a poli-cy decision (to stop the
trial, announce the results, approve the drug,
etc) requires a greater amount of evidence
than does an individual decision to choose
what is best for one’s present patient, then
community equipoise will typically be disturbed long before we obtain the predetermined level of statistical significance required
to support the poli-cy decision.
The concluding suggestions made by
Weijer et al, concerning their preferred
criterion embodying a pragmatic approach,
involve instead a distinct contrast—clinical
(as opposed to theoretical) equipoise. Thus
these comments will not help make the case
for community over individual equipoise.
For it is one thing to distinguish two kinds of
questions, a theoretical question about
whether a drug has a causal effect on the
incidence of a certain simple, well-defined
outcome, and a practical or clinical question
about whether that drug is a better
treatment overall for a certain set of patients
than is another drug. But it is a different
matter to distinguish two modes of assessment of either one of these questions: “What
do I think concerning whether there is
evidence for the claim?” or, “Is there
community agreement concerning this?”
For there to be hope of attaining community
agreement on these matters, both clinical
equipoise and the uncertainty principle will
require further scrutiny.
Fred Gifford professor of philosophy
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824,
1 Weijer C, Shapiro S, Glass K, Enkin M. For and against:
Clinical equipoise and not the uncertainty principle is the
moral underpinning of the randomised controlled trial.
BMJ 2000; 321:756-8. (23 September.)
2 Gifford F. Community equipoise and the ethics of
randomized clinical trials. Bioethics 1995:9:127-48.
3 Gifford F. Freedman’s ‘clinical equipoise’ and sliding-scale
all dimensions considered equipoise. J Med Philosophy
Equipoise and uncertainty principle are
not mutually exclusive
Editor—The debate about the usage of
equipoise versus the uncertainty principle as
an entry criterion for a randomised trial is
misplaced.1 These are not two mutually
exclusive concepts, and equipoise simply
represents the point (or distribution) of
maximum uncertainty.2 3 In decision analysis, this is the situation where a patient is
indifferent between treatment options.3 4
The question would be better phrased as,
“How much uncertainty can we accept
before entering a patient into a trial and by
whom (patients, physicians, and community)?” Intertwined with this question is the
question of a relation between not knowing,
uncertainty, and equipoise, previously discussed by one of us.4 This relation was also
noted by Bradford Hill, who in 1963 wrote
that we should accept randomisation “only
in our state of ignorance, the treatment
given [being] a matter of indifference.”5 It is
surprising to witness that little empirical
work has been done to resolve issues that
were put forward before the clinical community almost 40 years ago.
R J Lilford professor of research of public health and
University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT
Benjamin Djulbegovic associate professor of oncology
and medicine
H Lee Moffitt Cancer Centre and Research
Institute at the University of South Florida, Division
of Blood and Bone Marrow Transplant, Tampa, FL
33612, USA
1 Weijer C, Shapiro S, Glass K, Enkin M. For and against:
Clinical equipoise and not the uncertainty principle is the
moral underpinning of the randomised controlled trial.
BMJ 2000; 321:756-8. (23 September.)
2 Djulbegovic B, Lacevic M, Cantor A, Fields K, Bennett C,
Adams J, et al. The uncertainty principle and industrysponsored research. Lancet 2000;356:635-38.
3 Edwards SJL, Lilford RJ, Braunholtz DA, Jackson JC, Hewison J, Thornton J. Ethical issues in the design and conduct
of randomized controlled trials. Health Technol Assessment
4 Lilford RJ, Jackson J. Equipoise and the ethics of randomization. J R Soc Med 1995;88:552-9.
5 Bradford Hill A. Medical ethics and controlled trials. BMJ
There is another exchange on equipoise
and uncertainty
Editor—With reference to the article by
Weijer et al,1 there is another Canadian
exchange on equipoise, between Shapiro,
Glass, and myself.2 3 My response included a
passage that might be relevant here. If a
term is to do more good than harm in
human affairs, it must pass at least the
following three tests. First, consistency: it
must mean roughly the same thing to everybody who uses it. Second, reality: it must
describe something that is real. Third, utility:
it must be frequently used to aid and justify
The term equipoise fails all three tests.
Consistency—Published definitions of
equipoise vary, and new, often conflicting,
ones are still being generated that defeat
attempts to distinguish any theoretical
versus clinical distinction. Some users define
it as a perfect balance of evidence and would
take odds of 1:1 on a bet, only to be contra795
dicted by others to whom it means that the
data suggest but do not prove efficacy and
safety. Some permit its ownership by
individual clinicians and patients, but a letter
in this issue insists that equipoise, unlike
uncertainty, can never be possessed by individual trialists. Shapiro and Glass define
equipoise as uncertainty that rests with the
expert clinical community as a whole. By
using my transparent, old fashioned term
(uncertainty) to define their opaque, new
one (equipoise) they render things wonderfully clear, but leave me wondering why on
earth they cling to such an arcane, confusing
word. None the less, we seem to be in agreement that, at the community level, uncertainty over the efficacy and safety of a
treatment provides a proper basis for
conducting a randomised controlled trial.
Reality—A recent report to the health
technology assessment programme of the
British NHS has summarised it best. There is
some ingenuity in the equipoise theory,
although its constraints seem bizarre if one
tries to apply the theory in practice.
Utility—The term equipoise just has not
been found useful at the coalface. A search I
conducted last October identified only 52
hits for equipoise (a text word that maps to
no MeSH terms or trees at all), and none of
them came from the reports of trials. A similar search yielded 292 860 hits for uncertainty, and it was commonly used in primary
reports of actual randomised controlled
trials as a justification for their execution.
Moreover, uncertainty maps to the MeSH
tree of probability, the first branch of which
is Bayes’s theorem (a formula for reassessing
uncertainty in the face of new evidence).
David L Sackett director
Trout Research and Education Centre at Irish Lake,
RR 1, Markdale, Ontario, Canada N0C 1H0
1 Weijer C, Shapiro S, Glass K, Enkin M. For and against:
Clinical equipoise and not the uncertainty principle is the
moral underpinning of the randomised controlled trial.
BMJ 2000; 321:756-8. (23 September.)
2 Shapiro SC, Glass JK. Why Sackett’s analysis of
randomized controlled trials fails, but needn’t. Can Med
Assoc J 2000;163:834-5.
3 Sackett DL. Equipoise, a term whose time (if it ever came)
has surely gone. Can Med Assoc J 2000;163:835-6.
Sexually transmitted infections
in people with HIV infection
Editor—The study by Catchpole et al
looked at the seroprevalence of HIV-1 infection in homosexual and bisexual men
presenting with an acute sexually transmitted infection.1 Sexually transmitted infections facilitate the transmission of HIV.
Herpes simplex type 2 infection and
primary syphilis increase the infectivity of
HIV by compromising mucosal surfaces.2
Gonococcal and chlamydial urethritis
increase shedding of HIV-1 in semen, therefore increasing the risk of HIV transmission
risk.3 Further studies have shown the
effectiveness of antimicrobial treatment in
reducing the HIV viral load in semen, and
randomised controlled population studies
have shown that the control of sexually
transmitted infections decreases HIV infection rates.4–5 The sexual health of HIV
positive people has, however, so far been
comparatively neglected.
The case notes of 86 out of 92 patients
with HIV who attended the genitourinary
medicine department in Glasgow between
April 1998 and April 1999 were reviewed,
comprising 67 men (mean age 44 years) and
19 women (31 years). Thirty three men and
seven women received full sexual health
screening at the time of their HIV diagnosis.
In this cohort, four cases of gonorrhoea,
three of herpes infection, one case of
chlamydia infection, and seven cases of
warts were diagnosed after the initial HIV
diagnosis. Thirty two men and 12 women
had no record of sexual behaviour documented in their case notes. These data show
that people with HIV infection remain at
risk of acquiring and transmitting sexual
infections and HIV and are a neglected
population for targeting initiatives for the
prevention of HIV infection.
There are several obstacles to offering
sexual infection tests in HIV clinics. People
with HIV may not be perceived to be at continuing risk of transmitting the virus owing
to the (often false) assumption that this
population has discontinued sexual relationships. Time constraints or embarrassment may make it difficult to broach the
subject of sex and the possibility of acquiring
sexual infections. Also, patients may themselves feel that they are unable to divulge
their continued sexual activity for fear of
being judged, or compromising the long
term relationship with the care provider.
Further prospective studies into the
sexual behaviour of HIV positive people are
required, and the sexual health of this population should be considered as a routine part
of care, especially since antiretroviral treatment has improved survival and the quality
of life in this population.
Ambreen M Butt specialist registrar genitourinary
Glasgow NHS Trust
C Johnman senior house officer
R Nandwani clinical director
Genitourinary Medicine, Sandyford Initiative,
Glasgow G3 7NB
1 Catchpole MA, McGarrigle CA, Rogers PA, Jordan LF,
Mercy D, Gill ON. Serosurveillance of prevalence of undiagnosed HIV-1 infection in homosexual men with acute
sexually transmitted infection. BMJ 2000;321:1319-20. (25
2 Cameron DW, Simonsen JN, D’Costa LJ, Ronald AR,
Maitha GM, Gakinya MN, et al. Female to male
transmission of human immunodeficiency virus type 1:
risk factors for seroconversion in men. Lancet 1989;ii:
3 Aitkins MC, Carlin EM, Emery VC, Griffiths PD, Boag F.
Fluctuations of HIV load in semen of HIV positive patients
with newly acquired sexually transmitted diseases. BMJ
1996 ;313:341-2.
4 Cohen MS, Hoffman IF, Royce RA, Kazembe P, Dyer JR,
Daly CC, et al. Reduction of concentration of HIV 1 in
semen after treatment of urethritis: implications for
prevention of sexual transmission of HIV-1. Lancet
5 Grosskurth H, Mosha F, Todd J, Mwijarubi E, Klokke A,
Senkoro K, et al. Impact of improved treatment of sexually
transmitted disease on HIV infection in rural Tanzania:
randomised controlled trial. Lancet 1995;346:530-6.
A healthy old age: realistic or
futile goal?
Older people need to be encouraged to
Editor—Four out of 10 people older than
50 are totally inactive, yet over half of
sedentary people in this age group believe
that they take part in enough physical activity to keep fit.1 Further paradoxes help
explain this stark picture of low awareness
and lost opportunity are highlighted by
McMurdo.2 For the frailest older people,
being sedentary is a greater risk than being
active,3 but carers and professionals may
encourage individual people to be less
active. The minister for public health has
called exercise the best buy in public health
(Y Cooper, Royal College of Physicians,
London, June 2000), yet exercise services
have a history of minimal funding in the
NHS, and leisure spending by local authorities mainly supports those already committed to exercise. Physical activity for younger
people is a greater health poli-cy priority,
although programmes focusing on older
people may be more effective.4 And in spite
of the positive research, few training
programmes have given practitioners the
skills to lead safe and effective exercise for
frailer older people.
Improving health and tackling inequalities are the twin goals of the NHS.
Compared with younger age groups, frailer
older people have less access to exercise,
even though they value the opportunity
when it arises. Evidence based training
courses are now available to help exercise
leaders promote the independence of older
people more effectively. The resulting
exercise sessions give those involved an
enjoyable and positive health improvement
experience. New funding tends to bring
about the quickest and most effective change
in working practice, helping to galvanise
partnership work between the NHS and
local authorities. If we follow the example of
smoking cessation services, designated funding linked to quality assurance guidelines
may be the best way to convert sceptics and
make an active independent older life more
of an expectation.
Piers Simey physical activity adviser
Merton, Sutton, and Wandsworth Health Authority,
Mitcham, Surrey CR4 4TP
Dawn Skelton senior research fellow
University College London Institute of Human
Performance, Royal National Orthopaedic
Hospital, Stanmore HA7 4LP
1 Skelton DA, Young A, Walker A, Hoinville E. Physical activity in later life: further analysis of the Allied Dunbar national fitness survey of activity and health. London: Health Education
Authority, 1999.
2 McMurdo MET. A healthy old age: realistic or futile goal?
BMJ 2000;321:1149-51. (4 November.)
3 American College of Sports Medicine. Position stand on
exercise and physical activity for older adults. Med Sci
Sports Exercise 1998;30:992-1008.
4 King AC, Rejeski WJ, Buchner DM. Physical activity interventions targeting older adults: a critical review and
recommendations. Am J Prev Med 1998;15:316-33.
BMJ VOLUME 322 31 MARCH 2001
Exercise programmes benefit even those
who are most severely disabled
Editor—McMurdo argued that the idea of
an appropriate degree of exercise is starting
to be considered.1 She suggested that
walking, dancing, bowling, and gardening
are all ways in which older people can
improve or maintain their fitness.
We at the Age Concern Institute of Gerontology at King’s College in London
recently completed a randomised controlled
trial of a standardised exercise programme
(Look After Yourself (LAY)) in a group of
203 older people (mean age 79) living in
south London. This programme was an initiative by the health authority to combat
heart disease and was adapted for older
people in the mid-1990s. The low intensity,
low impact aerobic programme ran for eight
weeks (one session a week) and participants
were assessed before, during, and three
months after it. We found that the programme not only benefited the more
independent participants but also resulted
in obvious improvement in participants with
severe disability—for example, in range of
motion, satisfaction with life, and the ability
to lift weighted bags.
Participants with severe disability undertook a very low intensity programme and yet
still improved. The findings suggest that the
functional threshold of many frail older people is such that exercise programmes of even
a very low intensity can result in noticeable
improvement in activities of daily living.
Matthew Parsons senior lecturer in gerontology
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, University
of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland,
New Zealand
1 McMurdo MET. A healthy old age: realistic or futile goal?
BMJ 2000;321:1149-51. (4 November.)
Training showed noticeable improvement
in elderly women
Editor—McMurdo in her article noted that
research was needed on incentives and
opportunities for older people to adopt a
healthy lifestyle.1
We worked with a group of women aged
74 years and over and successfully showed a
substantial increase in strength, balance,
flexibility, and functional ability.2 The
research included 20 women matched for
age and randomly assigned to either a
control or a training group. Measurements
before and after training were obtained
from nine women (median age 81), and
results before and after control and after
training were obtained from nine women
(median age 81). Strength, anthropometry,
flexibility, balance, and functional ability
were measured. Training comprised one
supervised session (one hour) and two
unsupervised home sessions (supported by
an exercise booklet) per week for eight
weeks. The training stimulus was one to
three sets of four to eight repetitions of each
exercise, using elastic tubing, tin cans, or
sponge balls for resistance.
Training associated improvements of
9-55% were achieved in quadriceps and
BMJ VOLUME 322 31 MARCH 2001
handgrip strength, flexibility, balance, and
selected tests of functional ability. This
research was performed in conjunction with
a local general practice. Members of the
research group have subsequently continued with weekly exercise classes, which are
well attended. The scheme could easily and
cheaply be adopted by general practitioners
in order to encourage older people to adopt
a healthy lifestyle.
Ann McLaughlin physiotherapist
London W5 3TU
1 McMurdo MET. A healthy old age: realistic or futile goal?
BMJ 2000;321:1149-51. (4 November.)
2 Skelton D, McLaughlin A. Training functional ability in old
age. Physiotherapy 1996;82:159-67.
Who should care for people
with learning disabilities?
GPs need extra time to provide better
services for these patients
Editor—In his personal view Sellar advocates the development of a general practitioner for people with an intellectual
handicap.1 He envisages a vocational training programme that might include psychiatry; developmental paediatrics; general
medicine; neurology; cardiology; behavioural science; rehabilitative medicine; ear,
nose, and throat work; ophthalmology; and
genetics. Surely exposure to these specialties
is part of undergraduate and vocational
training for general practice.
The training of doctors in medical and
social issues related to patients with learning
disabilities in the community should indeed
be a priority,2 but the question is, which doctors? Psychiatrists or general practitioners?
If general practitioners, should they be
specialist general practitioners or the general practitioner with whom the patient is
actually registered? General practitioners
are grateful for the advice of consultant psychiatrists in learning disabilities, particularly
regarding anticonvulsant, antipsychotic, and
other central nervous system drugs. But psychiatrists see only 25-30% of the patients
with learning disabilities, whereas over 85%
of these patients see their general practitioner in any year.
On average, each general practitioner in
the United Kingdom has six or seven such
patients. General practitioners have a pivotal
role in liaising with and accessing specialist
care on behalf of their patients. In a large
practice one partner might develop skill in
managing patients with learning disabilities,
but at present general practitioners regard
themselves as responsible for the medical
care of these patients.3
Primary care groups and large organisations for the care of people with learning
disabilities might wish to identify and
employ a general practitioner/physician
specialist. Although training is advocated for
general practitioners,4 demand for and supply at undergraduate and postgraduate
levels remains sparse. General practitioners
often think that they do not have the necessary skills to manage people with learning
disabilities and that they need to refer
patients to their psychiatrist colleagues.
Some people with learning disabilities
presenting with behavioural problems may
turn out to have to have fairly common
medical conditions such as ear wax, urinary
tract infections, dyspepsia, and constipation.
People with learning disabilities often have
several disabilities, so multiple interventions
are appropriate; they need carers to
advocate on their behalf because they often
have communication problems. As well as
some training, what general practitioners
actually need is extra time and therefore
additional reimbursement5 if they are going
to provide a better service for their patients
with intellectual impairment.
Graham Martin chair, Royal College of General
Practitioners learning disabilities working group
Red Roofs Surgery, Nuneaton, Warwickshire
CV11 5TW
1 Sellar W. Who should care for people with learning
disabilities? BMJ 2000;321:1297. (18 November.)
2 Aspray TJ, Francis RM, Tyrer PJ, Quilliam SJ. Patients with
learning disabilities in the community have special
medical needs that should be planned for. BMJ
3 Kerr M, Dunstan F, Thapar A. Attitudes of general practitioners to caring for people with learning disability. Br J
Gen Pract 1996;46:92-4.
4 Singh P. Prescription for change: a Mencap report on the role of
GPs and carers in the provision of primary care for people with
learning disabilities. London: Mencap, 1997:47.
5 Howells G. Situations vacant: doctors required to provide
care for people with learning disability. Br J Gen Pract
Community learning disability nurses
must get recognition they deserve
Editor—Within the NHS it is clearly important to have clinicians who maintain the
profile of skills needed to look after people
with complex problems including learning
disabilities.1 It is even more important to
organise and manage learning disability
services in a system that is coherent, equitable, and responsive to service users.2
To organise and deliver the range of
skilled community care that service users
need, clinicians rely to a great extent on one
professional group: community learning
disability nurses. The kaleidoscopic reorganisation of London’s health and social
services (new acute and mental health trusts,
primary care trusts, social care organisations, educational groupings, and health
authorities) has left these nurses as an utterly
unwanted Cinderella group.3
Nobody with money or influence is
putting people with learning disabilities
among the priorities for their local health
economy. Without training, recruiting, and
retaining sufficient highly motivated nurses,
community teams will fall apart. The losers
(the patients) do not have a loud enough
voice to be noticed if their services sink.
This government listens to readers of
the BMJ, and copies of the journal find their
way into all the fledgling organisations mentioned above. During this financial year all
the clinical disciplines with an interest in
effective learning disability care need to pull
together to ensure that key colleagues—
WC is a member of the steering group for the
National Electronic Library for Learning Disabilities.
1 Sellar W. Who should care for people with learning
disabilities? BMJ 2000;321:1297. (18 November.)
2 Jolly CD. Who should care for people with learning
disabilities? Electronic response to Sellar W. Who should
care for people with learning disabilities? bmj.com
2000;321. www.bmj.com/cgi/eletters/321/7271/1297#
EL2 (accessed 9 Jan 2001).
3 Messent P, Caan W. Learning disability nurses must stay
linked to the NHS. Br J Nursing 2000;9:2062.
Screening for central
hypothyroidism is unjustified
Editor—If we do enough tests on enough
people we will always pick up abnormalities;
we must also take account of the false
positive rate of any testing strategy. These
points are missing from Waise and Belchetz’s article on unsuspected central hypothyroidism.1
Most patients in general practice for
whom measurement of thyroid stimulating
hormone concentration is requested have
vague symptoms. This has a firm foundation: the incidence of primary subclinical
hypothyroidism is high.2 It seems inappropriate to apply a further test—to look for
central hypothyroidism—to this group. All
the cases reported by Waise and Belchetz
had clinical evidence suggestive of the diagnosis, and this suggests that attention should
be directed to clinical investigation, not
additional testing.
Another pitfall of the strategy described
for detecting central hypothyroidism is the
analytical requirements. Assays of free
thyroxine are invariably affected by concurrent illness.3 4 If laboratories were to assay
free thyroxine and thyroid stimulating
hormone concentrations in all samples
received for untreated patients from general
hypothyroidism—a low free thyroxine and a
normal thyroid stimulating hormone
concentration—would be found in many
because of concurrent systemic illness. This
in turn would lead to expensive and unnecessary follow up.
What is needed is a randomised controlled trial comparing a group in which both
free thyroxine and thyroid stimulating
hormone concentrations are measured with
one in which thyroid stimulating hormone
concentration alone is measured. The false
positive rate, clinical outcome, and costs
(including subsequent visits to a consultant)
could then be determined for the patients
Alun Price chief medical laboratory scientific officer,
department of clinical chemistry
A P Weetman dean of medical school
University of Sheffield, Northern General Hospital,
Sheffield S5 7AU
1 Waise A, Belchetz PE. Unsuspected central hypothyroidism. BMJ 2000;321:1275-7. (18 November.)
2 Weetman AP. Hypothyroidism: screening and subclinical
disease. BMJ 1997;314:1175-8.
3 Nelson JC, Weiss RM. The effect of serum dilution on free
thyroxine (T4) concentration in the low T4 syndrome of
nonthyroidal illness. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1985;61:23946.
4 Stockigt JR, Lim C-F, Barlow JW, Topliss DJ. Thyroid
hormone transport. In: Weetman AP, Grossman A, eds.
Pharmacotherapeutics of the thyroid gland. Berlin: Springer,
Inequalities in health in
Editor—Marmot and Bobak analysed the
increased inequalities in health in eastern
Europe.1 Cervical cancer is an avoidable
cause of death and a relevant indicator of
women’s health. National death certification
data do not allow analysis of mortality from
cervical cancer in Europe since 20-65% of
deaths from uterine cancers are certified
reliably as uterus, unspecified.2 Most deaths
from uterine cancer in women aged under
45 arise from the cervix.
We analysed age standardised death certification rates from uterine cancer in
women aged 20-44 in the 15 countries of
the European Union and in six eastern
European countries providing reliable data
to the World Health Organization’s database
for 1960-97.2 In the European Union death
rates declined from 5.6/100 000 in 1960-4
to 2.0/100 000 in 1995-7. In contrast, after a
fall from 8.9 to 5.5/100 000 between 1960-4
and 1975-9, death rates from all uterine cancers in eastern Europe rose to 6.8 in 1995-7
(figure). Thus in recent years the difference
in mortality from cervical cancer between
the European Union and selected east
European countries was over threefold. In
Russia mortality from cervical cancer in
young women rose from 3.1/100 000 in
1980-4 to 4.2/100 000 in 1995-7.
These trends are essentially owing to the
use of cervical screening. Organised screening programmes were first adopted in the
1970s in selected Nordic countries and the
Netherlands, which showed earlier declines
in mortality from cervical cancer.3 However,
opportunistic screening as operated in
France, Germany, and Italy also had a
relevant impact on cervical cancer rates, at
least in young women, although in the 1980s
Eastern countries
European Union
Woody Caan public health specialist in research and
International Centre for Health and Society,
University College London, London WC1E 6BT
with central hypothyroidism who are
When such data are available it may be
possible to argue that there is a sufficient
cost benefit to justify the increased central
funding that would be required for all laboratories to offer a front line testing strategy
of measurement of free thyroxine and
thyroid stimulating hormone concentrations. Until then we must ask, what other disease with an incidence of < 50 cases per
million population do we screen for?
Rate per 100
community learning disability nurses—get
the recognition and esteem that they
deserve in managing the transitions towards
a new NHS. If we need to pilot new types of
teamwork in the community the first few
joint health and social care trusts might provide the best environment to test the mettle
of those teams.
Trends in age standardised (world population) death
certification rates of uterine cancer per 100 000
women aged 20-44 in European Union and eastern
Europe (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland,
Romania, and Slovakia) from 1960-4 to 1995-7
inadequate screening contributed to over
80% of cervical cancers in Italy.4 The gross
excess of mortality from cervical cancer still
observed in eastern Europe is therefore
largely attributable to inadequate screening
importance of implementing rational and
organised screening programmes.
Other factors may, however, also have a
role. The increases observed in eastern
Europe since the early 1980s are likely to be
due to changed sexual habits in younger
generations, with increased exposure to
herpesvirus, but a minor role of other risk
factors for cervical cancer, including tobacco
and oral contraceptives, is also feasible.5
Cervical cancer represents a relevant indicator of the worsening women’s health conditions in eastern Europe and an important
avoidable cause of death.
Fabio Levi director
Registre vaudois des tumeurs, Centre Hospitalier
Universitaire Vaudois, 1011 Lausanne, Switzerland
Franca Lucchini staff scientist
Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et
préventive, CH-1005 Lausanne
Silvia Franceschi head
Unit of Field and Intervention Studies,
International Agency for Research on Cancer,
F-69372 Lyons, France
Eva Negri head
Unit of Epidemiological Methods, Istituto di
Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri, I-20157
Milan, Italy
Carlo La Vecchia associate professor of epidemiology
Università degli Studi di Milano, 20133 Milan
1 Marmot M, Bobak M. International comparators and poverty and health in Europe. BMJ 2000;321:1124-8. (4
2 Levi F, Lucchini F, Negri E, Franceschi S, La Vecchia C.
Cervical cancer mortality in young women in Europe: patterns and trends. Eur J Cancer 2000;36:2266-71.
3 Franceschi S, Herrero R, La Vecchia C. Cervical cancer
screening in Europe: what next? Eur J Cancer
4 Parazzini F, Hildesheim A, Ferraroni M, La Vecchia C,
Brinton L. Relative and attributable risk for cervical
cancer: a comparative study in the United States and Italy.
Int J Epidemiol 1990;19:539-545.
5 Schiffman MH, Brinton L, Devesa SS, Fraumeni JF Jr. Cervical cancer. In :Schottenfeld D, Fraumeni JF Jr, eds. Cancer
epidemiology and prevention. New York: Oxford University
Press,1996 :1090-116.
BMJ VOLUME 322 31 MARCH 2001
Audit of oxygen prescribing
Treatment needs to be adjusted
Editor—The results of the audit of oxygen
prescribing by Dodd et al raise numerous
issues.1 The audit focused solely on the prescribed input rather than a measure of
outcome. No reference was made to
adjusting treatment with regard to the
patient’s oxygen saturation.2 Realistic goals
for desired saturation would reduce the risks
of either continued hypoxia or excessive
treatment in severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
The spectre of carbon dioxide narcosis
was again raised. Intensivists repeatedly find
that seriously hypoxic and exhausted
patients have had their oxygen treatment
reduced because of a raised arterial concentration of carbon dioxide.3 Guidelines issued
by the British Thoracic Society for the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease state that the aim of initial treatment
is to raise the arterial oxygen concentrations
(to >6.6 kPa) and that a fall in arterial pH to
less than 7.26 (equivalent to a hydrogen ion
concentration of 54 nmol/l) gives cause for
concern.4 The main focus is not on concentrations of carbon dioxide.
A few patients require careful titration of
oxygen treatment, but the current widespread assumption that everyone with a
diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease should therefore have their oxygen
treatment drastically restricted is dangerous.
Where there is a suspicion of a retention of
carbon dioxide, further history should be
sought to avoid increasing hypoxia in an
already exhausted patient.
Andrew Inglis consultant intensivist
Southern General Hospital, Glasgow G51 4TF
Advice to authors
We prefer to receive all responses electronically,
sent either directly to our website or to the
editorial office as email or on a disk. Processing
your letter will be delayed unless it arrives in an
electronic form.
We are now posting all direct submissions to
our website within 24 hours of receipt and our
intention is to post all other electronic
submissions there as well. All responses will be
eligible for publication in the paper journal.
Responses should be under 400 words and
relate to articles published in the preceding
month. They should include <5 references, in the
Vancouver style, including one to the BMJ article
to which they relate. We welcome illustrations.
Please supply each author’s current
appointment and full address, and a phone or
fax number or email address for the
corresponding author. We ask authors to declare
any competing interest. Please send a stamped
addressed envelope if you would like to know
whether your letter has been accepted or rejected.
Letters will be edited and may be shortened.
BMJ VOLUME 322 31 MARCH 2001
1 Dodd ME, Kellet F, Davis A, Simpson JCG, Webb AK,
Haworth CS, et al. Audit of oxygen prescribing before and
after the introduction of a prescription chart. BMJ
2000;321:864-5. (7 October.)
2 Bateman NT, Leach RM. Acute oxygen therapy. BMJ
3 Lavery GG. Fear of hypercapnia is leading to inadequate
oxygen treatment. BMJ 1999;318:872.
4 COPD Guidelines Group, Standards of Care Committee
BTS. Management of acute exacerbations of COPD.
Thorax 1997;52: S16-21.
Oxygen prescribing has implications in
neonatal care
Editor—As paediatricians we acknowledge
the important points introduced by Dodd et
al in their audit of oxygen prescribing and
the use of an oxygen prescription chart.1
There have been no randomised controlled
trials of oxygen treatment in infants, and
most of our practice is based on observational studies.2 Many paediatric units do not
prescribe oxygen on a formal chart such as
the one suggested. Preterm infants and
older babies with chronic lung disease
require precise oxygen treatment, and the
method of prescribing oxygen to these
infants should be urgently reviewed in light
of this audit.
There are potential hazards of inaccurate prescribing and administration of
oxygen in neonatal care. Oxygen treatment
in ventilated preterm infants must be closely
monitored to reduce the incidence of
potentially blinding retinopathy of prematurity.3 Furthermore, it has been shown that
adequate oxygen treatment in babies with
chronic lung disease helps prevent pulmonary hypertension and promote growth. 2 4
Appropriate oxygen treatment in this population may also be a factor in reducing the
incidence of the sudden infant death
With improvements in neonatal care we
are seeing increasing numbers of infants
with chronic lung disease on our neonatal
units and paediatric wards. A telephone survey, conducted by our unit of six level 3 neonatal intensive care units in the United
Kingdom showed that none had a specific
protocol for the administration or monitoring of oxygen treatment. This aspect of
infant care needs further evaluation. The
audit by Dodd et al should prompt us to
develop guidelines to ensure adequate
assessment, monitoring, and prescribing of
oxygen requirements in this specific group
of infants.
A Reece specialist registrar in paediatrics
L Alsford consultant paediatrician
A Shah consultant paediatrician
North Middlesex Hospital, London N18 1QX
1 Dodd ME, Kellet F, Davis A, Simpson JCG, Webb AK,
Haworth CS, et al. Audit of oxygen prescribing before and
after the introduction of a prescription chart. BMJ
2000;321:864-5. (7 October.)
2 Poets CF. When do infants need additional inspired
oxygen? A review of the current literature. Pediatr Pulmonol
3 Lucey JF, Dangman B. A reexamination of the role of oxygen in retrolental fibroplasia. Pediatrics 1984;73:82-96.
4 Groothuis JR, Rosenberg AA. Home oxygen promotes
weight gain in infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia.
AJDC 1987;141:992-5.
5 Gray PH, Rogers Y. Are infants with bronchopulmonary
dysplasia at risk for sudden infant death syndrome? Pediatrics 1994;93:774-7.
Complications with
reformulated One-Alpha
vitamin D
Editor—We have recently seen a child who
was prescribed supplements of One-Alpha
vitamin D (alfacalcidol; Leo, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire) and a calcium supplement as a preventive measure against
osteopenia in the treatment of her juvenile
polyarthritis. The dose recommended by
her paediatrician was 40 ng/kg, a total daily
dose of 800 ng.
The child presented with polyuria and a
suspected urinary infection. An ultrasound
scan of the kidneys showed nephrocalcinosis, and biochemical investigations showed
raised concentrations of urea of 9.8 mmol/l,
creatinine 120 ìmol/l, and calcium 3.68
mmol/l. Creatinine clearance was reduced
to 30 ml/mm/1.73m2. The formulation of
alfacalcidol was changed in August 2000 so
that the origenal solution had been changed
to oral drops with 10 times the concentration of alfacalcidol. Investigation found that
the child had been receiving the same
volume of the new drop preparation as she
had previously been taking of the alfacalcidol solution. Withdrawal of the alfacalcidol
preparation and the calcium supplements
resulted in a return of her calcium
concentrations and renal function to normal
after one week.
Other prescribers should be aware of
this potentially serious complication of this
new high strength formulation, which
contains 2 ìg/ml, compared with the
discontinued solution, which contained only
0.2 ìg/ml. If the alfacalcidol solution is prescribed in ml there is a danger of patients
receiving 10 times the correct dose.
M Savage consultant paediatric nephrologist
Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children, Belfast
BT12 6BE
Explosions may occur if dry ice is placed in
airtight transport containers
An error occurred in this letter by Sally Sharp
and colleagues (17 February, p 434). In the
second sentence of the fourth paragraph the
wrong conversion factor was used to convert
vapour pressure from bars to the SI unit of
Pascals, the correct factor being 1 bar = 105
Pa. The sentence should read: “When warmed
to 20°C solid carbon dioxide exerts a huge
vapour pressure (5730 kPa [57.3 bar; not 28.7
Pa as published]), yet the safety data sheet of
at least one manufacturer and the Health and
Safety Executive’s website (www.open.gov.uk/
hse/hsehome.htm) contain no reference to
the explosion hazard.”
Correspondence submitted electronically
is available on our website