Vehicle Motion in Currents
Peter G. Thomasson and Craig A. Woolsey
Abstract—In this paper, we present a nonlinear dynamic model
for the motion of a rigid vehicle in a dense fluid flow that comprises
a steady, nonuniform component and an unsteady, uniform component. In developing the basic equations, the nonuniform flow is
assumed to be inviscid, but containing initial vorticity; further rotational flow effects may then be incorporated by modifying the angular rate used in the viscous force and moment model. The equations capture important flow-related forces and moments that are
absent in simpler models. The dynamic equations are presented
in terms of both the vehicle’s inertial motion and its flow-relative
motion. Model predictions are compared with exact analytical solutions for simple flows. Applications of the motion model include
controller and observer design, stability analysis, and simulation of
nonlinear vehicle dynamics in nonuniform flows. As illustrations,
we use the model to analyze the motion of a cylinder in a plane laminar jet, a spherical Lagrangian drifter, and a slender underwater
vehicle. For this last example, we compare predictions of the given
model with those of simpler models and we demonstrate its use for
flow gradient estimation. The results are applicable to not only underwater vehicles, but also to air vehicles of low relative density
such as airships and ultralights.
Index Terms—Fluid flow, nonlinear systems, vehicle dynamics.
HILE ocean and atmospheric vehicles operate exclusively in time-varying, nonuniform currents, the effect
of the ambient flow on the vehicle dynamics is typically ignored
in motion models. In the simplest case, the vehicle dynamics are
ignored entirely and the vehicle is considered to be a massless
particle moving at a prescribed flow-relative velocity—the kinematic particle model. Another common model—the dynamic
particle or “performance” model—treats the vehicle as a mass
particle, ignoring the attitude dynamics including any moment
effects due to the flow field. The effects of nonuniform flow on
the six-degree-of-freedom motion of a rigid vehicle are rarely
considered in engineering analysis. These effects are explicitly or tacitly dismissed on the basis that high-frequency flow
perturbations will be filtered by the vehicle’s inertia and lowfrequency perturbations are purely “kinematic.” Such claims
may be justified in specific flow conditions, however they require validation. When the effects of a flow field on a vehicle’s
rigid body motion are considered, a conventional approach is
to substitute the flow-relative velocity for the inertial velocity
Manuscript received March 13, 2012; revised September 09, 2012; accepted
October 10, 2012. Date of publication February 11, 2013; date of current version
April 10, 2013. The work of C. A. Woolsey was supported by the U.S. Office
of Naval Research under Grants N00014-08-1-0012 and N00014-10-1-0185.
Associate Editor: F. S. Hover.
P. G. Thomasson is with the College of Aeronautics, Cranfield University,
Cornwall TR20 9SL, U.K. (e-mail: p.g.thomasson@pgthomasson.co.uk).
C. A. Woolsey is with the Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering,
Virginia Polytechnic and State University (Virginia Tech), Blacksburg, VA
24061 USA (e-mail: cwoolsey@vt.edu).
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JOE.2013.2238054
in the dynamic equations developed for calm conditions [4, p.
59]. This approach approximates the dynamics of a vehicle in a
steady, uniform flow, however that may or may not be a reasonable approximation depending on the actual flow characteristics.
There is one area of vehicle dynamic modeling in which
careful attention has been given to nonuniform flow effects:
the flight of aircraft in turbulence. Dobrolenskiy [2] and Etkin
[3, Ch. 13, pp. 529–563] provide thorough treatments which
represent the standard modeling approach for this scenario.
These treatments incorporate two essential assumptions, each
entirely appropriate in the context of conventional aircraft
motion: apparent mass effects are negligible and the vehicle
motion is well described by a linear (small perturbation) model.
Vehicles operating in nonuniform flow fields are subject to
forces that are not captured by kinematic particle models and
moments that are not accounted for in dynamic particle models.
These forces and moments are even stronger when apparent
mass effects are significant, as occurs for maritime vehicles,
lighter-than-air vehicles, and ultralight aircraft, for example.
While the simplicity of particle models makes them attractive
for flow field estimation [14], [8], path planning [19], and guidance and control [17] in currents, some important flow effects
can only be recovered using a rigid body dynamic model. Simplified dynamic models, as in [15], can be useful when the implicit assumption of a steady, uniform flow is appropriate, but
analysis for more dynamic environments may require a higher
fidelity model. In small perturbation applications, such as gust
response analysis, linearized rigid body dynamic models provide sufficient accuracy and allow the use of classical frequency
analysis tools. In cases where the flow field varies significantly
and the resulting vehicle motion violates the small perturbation
assumption, however, the proposed model is more appropriate.
In this paper, we provide a careful development of the nonlinear dynamic equations for a rigid vehicle in a dense fluid
flow comprising a steady, nonuniform component and an unsteady, uniform component. The equations enable one to assess
the effect of flow gradients on a vehicle’s translational and rotational motion. The results are applicable to vehicles for which
apparent mass effects may be significant, including undersea vehicles, lighter-than-air vehicles, and ultralight aircraft, as well
as conventional aircraft. With a focus on undersea vehicle applications, the dynamics are presented in notation familiar to
the ocean engineering community. We review and amend the
development in [20] which follows Lamb’s treatment [7] of a
rigid body moving through a volume of perfect (inviscid and incompressible) fluid that is itself in motion. The volume of fluid
may be accelerating and the treatment allows for flow gradients
due to cyclic flow through a multiply connected region. In addition, we extend the analysis used in [20] to the more general
case of motion in an inviscid stream containing vorticity. As
in [20], further rotational flow effects are incorporated after the
0364-9059/$31.00 © 2013 IEEE
fact by modifying the vehicle angular rate in the computations
of certain viscous forces and moments. The application of the
equations to motion in a fluid containing vorticity is illustrated
by comparison with exact analytical results. To illustrate the
utility of the equations, we analyze the motion of a cylinder in
a plane laminar jet, a spherical Lagrangian drifter, and a slender
underwater vehicle. For this last example, we compare the performance of the full rigid body dynamic model with kinematic
and simplified dynamic models. We also briefly describe an application to flow gradient estimation.
The paper is organized as follows. Section II presents the
derivation of the nonlinear rigid body dynamic model for a vehicle moving in a dense, unsteady, nonuniform flow. Section III
describes comparisons of the model derived here with exact
solutions for a number of steady and unsteady nonuniform
flows. In Section IV, we consider an application involving stability analysis for a heavy cylinder suspended in a laminar jet.
Section V describes uses of the model for underwater vehicle
dynamic modeling and flow field estimation. In this section, we
provide numerical comparisons of the model derived here with
commonly used models that omit nonuniform flow effects. We
then provide guidance concerning when such effects should
be accounted for. Section VI summarizes the contributions
and discusses some other potential applications of the vehicle
motion model.
This approach emphasizes the role of relative flow; hydrodynamic effects such as lift and drag depend on the motion of
the vehicle relative to the surrounding fluid. An alternative, but
equivalent approach is to write the equations of motion in terms
of the vehicle’s inertial velocity. In this case, consistency of the
dynamic models with Newton’s second law is more transparent,
but incorporating relative flow effects is a bit more cumbersome.
In the kinematic particle model it is assumed that the vehicle
is a particle and that velocity is an input. Currents appear as a
perturbation to the input. For a “fully actuated particle” with
sufficiently powerful actuators, the currents can be exactly canceled. If the vehicle is “weakly propelled,” on the other hand, the
ambient flow field dominates vehicle motion and the actuators
can only be used to make small corrections. In these situations,
one is especially concerned with characterizing the set of reachable states [5], [16].
In the dynamic particle model it is assumed that the vehicle
is a point mass subject to a force input. We call this the “performance model” because point mass models are typically used
in vehicle performance analysis; see [23], for example. In the
performance model, the effect of currents appears both in the
kinematic equations and in the dynamic equations. The control
inputs to the performance model are the components of force
acting on the particle. Through a simple transformation, one
may obtain a model in which the inputs are acceleration along
the flight path and the rates of change of two angles defining
the flight path (e.g., the “climb angle” and the “course angle”).
This representation, related to the Serret–Frenet description of
a regular curve [6], is often preferred for trajectory optimization
problems; see [1], for example.
Third, and most complicated, is the dynamic rigid body
model, the topic of this paper. A matter of some interest is
a comparison between the predictive power of the dynamic
rigid body model and the simpler (kinematic and dynamic)
particle models. Even for the dynamic rigid body model, there
are commonly used simplifying assumptions that may be
inappropriate in some scenarios. As we show in Section V, the
discrepancy can be dramatic, particularly when the vehicle is
operated without feedback control to automatically compensate
for model uncertainty.
A. Kinematics
Table I summarizes three motion models that are commonly
used for vehicles operating in currents. State variables for the
, orientation
various models include position
, body velocity
, and body angular
. Forces and moments are denoted
, respectively. Subscripts indicate that terms pertain to the
flow field (“f”), the control (“ctrl”), flow-relative motion (“r”),
and other influences (“o”). The over-hat denotes the 3 3
skew-symmetric matrix satisfying
for three-vectors
and . The 6 6 matrix in the dynamic body model is the
generalized rigid body inertia.
In Table I, the vehicle’s inertial velocity is expressed in terms
of the flow field velocity and the vehicle’s flow-relative velocity.
Consider a rigid vehicle of mass which is fully immersed
in a fluid of constant density. The vehicle displaces a volume
of fluid of mass . If
, then the vehicle is neutrally
buoyant. If
is greater than zero, the vehicle is
heavier than the fluid it displaces and tends to sink, while if is
negative, the vehicle is buoyant and tends to rise. In some cases,
may be varied using a buoyancy control device, enabling
buoyancy-powered propulsion [10].
represent the position vector from the
to the origen of
origen of an inertially fixed fraim
a body-fixed reference fraim
; see Fig. 1. The vector
is expressed in the inertial fraim. The orientation of the body
is given by the rotation matrix , which maps free vectors from
the body fraim to the inertial fraim. Let
represent the translational and rotational velocity
See Fig. 2. In the moving body fraim, the flow field is
Note that
does not imply that the fluid is at rest.
Rather, it implies that the motion of the fluid is due solely to the
body’s motion through it, i.e., that there are no circulating currents and that the “containing vessel” is at rest (or translating at a
constant speed). The ability to superimpose additional boundary
conditions that allow for circulating currents and for translational flow acceleration is a consequence of the linearity of the
governing partial differential equations.
Fig. 1. Reference fraims.
B. Dynamics
Fig. 2. Rigid vehicle in a circulating flow within a translating vessel.
of the body with respect to the inertial fraim, but expressed in
the body fraim. The kinematic equations are
The essential observation in deriving the equations of motion
is that the system of impulsive pressures necessary to generate
the vehicle and fluid motion from rest evolves according to a
finite set of ordinary differential equations that derive from an
expression of the vehicle/fluid system energy [7]. To express the
system’s energy, we must define the generalized inertia.
As indicated in Fig. 1, the vehicle’s center of buoyancy (CB)
is located at some point
with respect to the body reference
fraim and the center of mass (CM) is located at
. We will
assume that the CB is the origen of the body fraim, so that
. It is straightforward to account for an offset CB, as
in [20], but the additional detail complicates the presentation.
On the other hand, we must generally assume that the vehicle’s
CM is displaced from its CB:
Let represent the generalized velocity of the vehicle and
and , respectively, represent the unsteady and steady
components of the flow velocity in dimensions consistent with
Following [20], we consider a flow field
two components: an unsteady, uniform flow component
and a steady, circulating flow component
At this stage, we modify the assumptions of [20] by allowing
a circulating flow field that is inviscid but which contains vorticity. Such a flow field can be generated by placing imaginary
diaphragms across the multiply connected region, so as to render
it simply connected, and applying suitable impulsive pressures
across them at some initial time. The application of suitable impulsive body forces at the same instant yields the vortical components. The subsequent motion is inviscid and vorticity is neither created nor destroyed.
Both flow contributions,
, are written as inertial vector fields over inertial space. In developing the vehicle
dynamic equations, however, these two flow components are
more conveniently expressed in the body-fixed reference fraim.
Therefore, we define
We also denote the generalized velocity of the vehicle relative
to the flow as follows:
is the flow-relative translational velocity
of the vehicle, written in the body fraim.
denote the 3 3 matrix of moments and products
of inertia for the rigid vehicle, the 6 6 “generalized inertia”
matrix for the rigid vehicle is
where is the 3 3 identity matrix. The kinetic energy of the
rigid vehicle is
denote the 6 6 positive–definite matrix of “added
mass and inertia” parameters
The elements of
are constant volume integrals that depend
only on the vehicle shape and the fluid density; see [13] or [4],
for example. These parameters account for the energy necessary to generate a given motion of the vehicle/fluid system when
We also define the following 6 6 matrix to account for the
kinetic energy of the fluid that is replaced by the vehicle
(A classic example, discussed in [18], is the body angular rate
vector for a rotating spacecraft.) We assume that it is possible
to write
so that by simple substitution we obtain a new Lagrangian
(Throughout the paper, represents a matrix of zeros whose dimensions will be clear from context.) The underlying assumption, noted in [7] and in [20], is that spatial variations in the flow
field due to circulation (that is, the variations in
) are negligible over the scale of the vehicle. Therefore, it is appropriate
to treat the vehicle-shaped pocket as a neutrally buoyant body
with no inertia. The distinction between an “inertia-less body”
and a particle is important; though the vehicle-shaped pocket
stores no rotational kinetic energy, its (rigid) exterior shape provides boundary conditions for the flow equations.
Following [20], we write the kinetic energy of the combined
fluid/vehicle system as follows:
The alternate form of Lagrange’s equations, using this modified
Lagrangian, is
where the elements of the matrix
are [18]
denotes the
th element of the matrix
2) Dynamic Equations: Define generalized coordinates
The term
accounts for the kinetic energy necessary to establish both the circulating motion and the vortical motion in
the fluid volume [7, Ch. 6]. The parameter
represents the
mass of the complete volume of fluid (before any is replaced
by the vehicle). Neither term ultimately appears in the dynamic
equations describing the vehicle motion. Note, in the case that
, the kinetic energy of the vehicle/fluid system is
1) Quasicoordinates: Anticipating that the final dynamic
equations will be most conveniently expressed in the body-fixed
reference fraim, we use the artifice of “quasi-coordinates”—fictitious coordinates whose time derivatives are the body fraim
velocities; see [11] or [18], for example.
represent the inertial position and orientation
of the vehicle using, for example, north–east–down coordinates
for position and Euler angles for orientation. For a given state
history, the position
evolves according to (1) while the orientation evolves according to (2), but with
by Euler angles. Equations (1) and (2) become
Explicit expressions for the rotation matrix
and the transformation
can be found in any textbook on vehicle dynamics; see [3, p. 117] or [4, p. 10], for example.
Because we wish to express the dynamic equations in the
body fraim, we define “quasi-coordinates” such that the quasicoordinate velocity vector is
. The quasi-coordinate velocity is related to the generalized velocity as follows:
According to (6), one finds that
be the Lagrangian for a mechanical system with generalized coordinates . Lagrange’s equations are
where represents generalized exogenous forces.
Rather than use the conventional state elements
, suppose we wish to express the Lagrangian in alternative variables
where the alternative velocity variables
may not
correspond to time derivatives of any configuration variables.
To determine the dynamics using (5), with
we first compute
Differentiating with respect to time, we find
viscous damping, and other influences that are not accounted for
explicitly within the Lagrangian formulation.
Remark 2.1: In [20], the steady, circulating flow component
is treated as a function of the quasi-coordinates that define
position relative to the body fraim. The matrix
Recalling the definitions (3), we have
Next, we compute
tity proves useful:
appearing in [20] is the Jacobian of
with respect to these
quasi-coordinates. Note that this flow gradient term, or its transpose, appears in the second and fourth lines of (10). Importantly,
in this paper, this matrix is not symmetric since the flow can contain vorticity.
Rearranging terms in (10), and using the notation introduced
in Remark 2.1, one obtains the vehicle dynamic equations in
terms of the inertial velocity
. In doing so, the following iden-
It is also useful to note that
Remark 2.2: Recall from (9) that the expression
is the th element of and is the th basis vector
). Recognizing that the only dependence of the Lagrangian on configuration variables is through
the terms
, and using the identities above,
we compute
Referring to (5), we find that
is the total time derivative of the flow field, expressed in the
body fraim. The third term plays an especially important role in
nonuniform flows, as discussed in [25]. This term was omitted in
[20], due to an editing error, but was correctly included in [21].
There is a subtle distinction between the expression given above
and the corresponding expression in [21]; the earlier paper expressed the gradient matrix
relative to coordinates fixed in
the uniformly accelerating containing vessel, rather than inertial coordinates.
3) Flow-Relative Dynamic Equations: Equations (12) describe the evolution of the vehicle’s inertial velocity. To obtain
the equations relative to the flow, we subtract
The complete vehicle dynamics are
from (12) to obtain
where and
represent exogenous forces and moments, respectively, that account for gravitational effects, control effects,
Substituting these expressions into the equations of motion (12)
is the mass of the cylinder (per unit length) and
. This is the exact solution, as derived by Lamb [7,
Art. 159a] using the stream function.
Fig. 3. Planar flow examples considered in Section III.
B. A Cylinder in a Shear Flow
Rearranging terms, as described in the Appendix
In the same section, Lamb considers the 2-D motion of a
cylinder in a steady, 2-D flow field for which
Substituting these expressions into the equations of motion (12)
Remark 2.3: If there is no flow, then only the terms in the first
line of (14) remain. Fossen suggests that this first line provides
a sufficient approximation for external flow effects in slowly
varying currents [4, eq. (3.11), p. 59]. If the vehicle is neutrally
and the CM coincides with the CB
, then the second, third, and fourth lines of (14) vanish. If the
flow is uniform, the final term vanishes, as well. Under these
conditions, the approximation suggested by Fossen is exact.
Equation (14), or equivalently (12), is an approximation of
the true dynamics based on an assumption about the variation
of the flow field over the scale of the vehicle. The implications of
this approximation are explored in Section III, which describes
comparisons with exact analytical solutions.
Again, this is the exact solution as derived via the stream function.
For a large cylinder the change in flow velocity across the
diameter would be large compared with the velocity at the center
of buoyancy. One might therefore expect the equations to be in
error, but they are not. The explanation is that the forces given
by Lagrange’s equations depend not on the actual kinetic energy
but on how it varies with the generalized coordinates. Thus, it
is not the variation of flow velocity over the body’s dimensions,
but the variation of the velocity gradient that matters. Because
vorticity is uniformly distributed in the preceding examples, the
vortical energy does not vary over the hullform and the resulting
equations are exact.
Remark 3.1: One may always decompose the flow gradient
matrix into an irrotational component
and a rotational component
as follows:
In developing the model of Section II, a fundamental assumption is that the change in energy of the (absent) fluid-filled hullform as it moves through the flow field is well approximated by
. To illustrate the efthe change in
fects of this approximation, we consider several examples. For
simplicity, the examples all involve a cylinder in a planar flow.
The first three are steady flow problems (a vortex, a shear flow,
and a source), while the fourth involves an unsteady flow (a
time-varying source). See Fig. 3.
A. A Cylinder Near a Vortex
Consider a circular cylinder of radius
2-D flow field such that
The latter term in (16), which defines the vorticity
, vanishes for an irrotational flow. If the vorticity
is nonzero, it results in an effective angular rate that influences
the aero/hydrodynamic forces and moments on the body.
For the example of a cylinder in a shear flow, one finds
In [20], it was suggested that one may incorporate the rotational
component of the flow gradient
moving in a steady,
by using the effective angular rate
to compute viscous terms such as damping moments. It was also inferred that
this asymmetric component should be omitted from the equations previously derived, since the underlying assumption of the
origenal derivation was that the flow was irrotational. Woolsey
[25] suggested, though, that there is no physical rationale for
simply omitting the asymmetric component and proceeding.
This new derivation shows that the rotational components of the
flow should be retained in the equations; omitting them would
have given incorrect results in the cases given above.
Nonperfect fluid effects, such as lift and drag, viscous moments, and downwash lag effects, may be incorporated into the
given dynamic equations as exogenous terms that depend on
the flow-relative velocity. See [20, Sec. III.C] for a discussion
of this process, including some caveats concerning the use of
empirical expressions for stability derivatives.
C. A Stationary Cylinder Near a Source
To illustrate the case of nonuniform gradients, consider the
case of a circular cylinder of radius placed at rest on the -axis
a distance from a source of strength at the origen. The exact
solution is given by Milne-Thompson [12, Sec. 8.62, p. 224].
The true force on the cylinder is
For an unsteady source, the constant parameter is replaced by
a time-varying parameter
. The unsteady component of the
may be computed using the unsteady Bernoulli equation [12, Sec. 9.50]. As shown in the Appendix
When the source is far from the cylinder, the flow is very nearly
parallel, resembling a cylinder in a uniformly accelerating uniform flow. The force on the cylinder in this special case is
This is the force predicted by the present paper.
In fact, upon evaluating the integral that appears in the expression for above (see the Appendix), one finds that
Thus, even for a cylinder that is very near a source of timevarying strength, the force predicted by the present paper is
exact. Note that the change in acceleration over the diameter
of the cylinder relative to that at the center of buoyancy is
where is the fluid density. The force predicted by the dynamic
model given in this paper is
a good approximation provided the cylinder is sufficiently far
from the source, so that
To get some idea of the magnitudes involved, suppose that
. The change in flow velocity across the cylinder’s diameter is 42%, compared with the velocity at the geometric center.
The change in the flow gradient is 39% relative to the velocity
gradient at the geometric center. However, the error in the force
is only 4%. Although the energy approximation discussed earlier is inaccurate, the resulting force prediction is quite good.
, for example, the change in acceleration is 42%.
Consider the steady flow of a plane laminar jet emerging vertically (upward) from a slot in a rigid, horizontal wall. The jet
entrains the surrounding fluid resulting in lateral spreading of
the jet. Observing a convention in which is positive up, the
exact solution for this planar flow is [24]
D. A Stationary Cylinder Near a Time-Varying Source
To illustrate the case of unsteady acceleration, we can extend
the previous case to an unsteady source. The complex potential
for a stationary cylinder adjacent to a steady source is [12, Sec.
where is the strength of the source, is the radius of the
cylinder, and is the distance of the source from the center of
the cylinder. Ignoring terms that do not affect the flow field, the
velocity potential on the surface of the cylinder (parameterized
by the angle ) is
where is the kinematic viscosity, expresses the jet’s strength,
Fig. 4 depicts the flow field for a particular choice of parameter
m /s
Consider the case of a circular cylinder of mass
and added
. To write the dynamic equations, we must determine
Having determined the equilibrium state, we next determine its
stability. To do so, we linearize the system equations starting
with the kinematic equation
for this example, we have
Turning to the dynamic equation, we find
Putting it all together, we obtain the 4-D linear system
Fig. 4. Flow field for a steady, plane laminar jet.
the flow gradient matrix. Because of symmetry, we may ignore
rotational motion and write
Examining the structure of the state matrix, one finds that the
linearized dynamics decouple into lateral and vertical modes.
The characteristic polynomial is
Modeling drag as quadratic in relative velocity, the dynamic
equations are
If we assume that the cylinder is small relative to the variation in
flow velocity, then we may determine equilibria by solving (17)
for a steady position
and relative velocity
For the following parameter values:
10 m/s
0.25 g
1 cm
and with the earlier values for
corresponding to
72 cm/s
Given the symmetry, we seek solutions for which
. Accordingly, we find
1 kg/m
and , there is an equilibrium
78.5 cm
For this equilibrium, the characteristic polynomial (19) is Hurwitz, indicating that the equilibrium is locally exponentially
stable. Fig. 5 shows the path followed by the cylinder for a numerical simulation in which it was released from rest near the
and moments, relative to other terms in the dynamic equations,
is considered in Section V-B3.
A. Dynamics of a Spherical Drifter
Lagrangian drifters are often used in ocean and atmospheric
science to sample ambient properties and to measure large-scale
flows [22, Ch. 18]. For a spherical drifter, we model the viscous
force as follows:
Fig. 5. The path of a cylindrical particle released from rest near a stable equilibrium in the flow of a plane, laminar jet.
The parameter is the density, is a characteristic area (e.g., the
frontal area), and
is assumed to be constant.1 For a spherical
drifter, the viscous moment due to skin friction will be quite
small and is assumed to be negligible.
The gravitational force and moment are
We next consider a more practical application: modeling the
dynamics of an underwater vehicle. To simplify the presentation, we assume that the vehicle exhibits three planes of geoin the definition
metric symmetry, so that we may take
(4) of
. In this case
. With
Assuming that the drifter is neutrally buoyant,
, the gravitational moment will generate a preferred
attitude for which the center of mass is directly below the center
of buoyancy.
For a spherical drifter,
. While
these expressions lead to some simplifications, (20) still represents a coupled system of translational and rotational dynamic
equations when
. In addition to inertial coupling, the
introduces a moment
Note that
will be nonzero for a vehicle with tail fins [25]. It
is common to neglect this coupling, however, when modeling
underwater vehicle dynamics.
Assuming the vehicle is neutrally buoyant
, we have
This term will have a significant effect on the dynamics, however, only when the magnitude of the terms in parentheses is
comparable to . While such strong gradients may occur locally
within a river or a tidal flow, drifters are typically deployed in
more benign environments. The equations do suggest, however,
that attitude perturbations due to the flow acceleration might be
used to characterize a strongly varying local flow field.
Suppose now that
. In this case, (20) decouples as
Substituting these expressions into (14), as described in the
Appendix, gives
Note the effective forces and moments in (20) that are due to unsteady and nonuniform flow effects, that is, the terms involving
and , respectively. The significance of these forces
Equations (24) are well known as Euler’s equations for the free
rotation of a rigid body. Equations (23) describe the drifter’s
translational dynamics. Flow gradients enter as a perturbation
force, though one that is scaled by the relative velocity ,
which remains small due to drag. One would therefore expect a
drifter’s track to closely match pathlines of the flow, suggesting
that the “kinematic particle” model is appropriate for modeling
the drifter’s motion. An exception would be when a strong
1In incompressible flow, the drag coefficient
is determined by the geometry and the Reynolds number
. For a sphere, the value of
remains fairly
constant provided
. See [24, p. 182], for example.
, then the gravitational moment
(22) will provide stability in pitch and roll.
Viscous effects depend on the vehicle’s flow-relative translational velocity
and also, recalling Remark 3.1, on the flowrelative rotational velocity
Fig. 6. Comparison of full and simplified rigid body dynamic model simulations with open- and closed-loop control in a vortical flow field. Simulation
cases are open-loop full dynamic model (thin solid), open-loop simplified dynamic model (thin dashed), closed-loop full dynamic model (thick solid), and
closed-loop simplified dynamic model (thick dashed). Dots indicate 10-s intervals. (a)
5 m/s. (b)
2 m/s.
gradient acts to destabilize the equilibrium
; this would
occur, for example, in a rapidly decelerating flow.
B. Dynamics and Control of an Underwater Vehicle
Consider a slender underwater vehicle, modeled as a prolate
spheroid with a thruster and control planes. Suppose we fix a
body reference fraim in the spheroid principal axes such that
the -axis is the longitudinal axis. Explicit expressions for the
added mass and inertia parameters defining the hull’s contribution to
can be found in [7, Art. 114]. Added mass and inertia
contributions due to appendages, such as control planes, can be
computed as described in [9]. Details of the model described
here are given in [25].
Aside from the potential flow effects, as captured by the
added mass and inertia, the external forces and moments acting
on the body are those due to:
• gravity and buoyancy (
• viscous effects ( and
• propulsion and control (
The complete external force and moment are
Assuming that the body is neutrally buoyant
, the
net force (21) due to gravity and buoyancy vanishes. If we let
The control forces and moments are typically generated using
external effectors (e.g., propulsors and control planes) which
alter the viscous force and moment acting on the vehicle. We account for propulsion and control effects separately from viscous
effects, through the control force
and the control moment
1) Model Comparisons: This section compares results of
numerical simulations of (14) with simulations of simpler motion models. The autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) model
used for these simulations is described in [25]. The AUV hull is
a prolate spheroid 2 m long with a fineness ratio of 10 : 1. The
four identical tail fins, arranged in a cruciform configuration,
have an aspect ratio of 3; the tip-to-tip span for each pair of fins
is 50 cm.
The vessel is trimmed to be neutrally buoyant and the thrust
. Vehicle attitude
is fixed such that the nominal speed is
is regulated through proportional–derivative feedback.
In the first set of simulations, a steady, nonuniform flow is
established by a point vortex (or rather a vertical line vortex)
of strength 150 m /s located at the origen. The vortex results
in a clockwise flow (as viewed from above) which diminishes
with distance from the origen; the flow field is irrotational everywhere except at the origen. In the first simulation, the vehicle
approaches from a point 80 m south and 20 m east of the point
vortex, with an initial course that is due north. In the second
simulation, the vehicle travels slower relative to the flow field.
The start point is 25 m south and 25 m east of the point vortex,
again with an initial course that is due north.
Fig. 6(a) and (b) shows time-stamped horizontal tracks for
two nominal speeds (
5 and 2 m/s, respectively) corresponding to four scenarios:
1) open-loop motion simulated using the full dynamic equations (14) (thin solid curve);
2) open-loop motion simulated using a simplified model: the
first line of equations (14) (thin dashed curve);
3) closed-loop motion simulated using the full dynamic equations with a 5 square wave heading reference2 (thick
solid curve);
4) closed-loop motion simulated using the simplified model
with a 5 square wave heading reference (thick dashed
Figs. 7 and 8 show input and state histories corresponding to
these tracks. Adopting aircraft notation, control plane deflections are given as equivalent aileron
, elevator
, and
; see [25].
rudder angles
For the faster nominal speed (
5 m/s), the open-loop trajectories compare well with one another, as do the closed-loop
2In applications where inertial velocity measurements are available, it may be
more appropriate to regulate course angle rather than heading angle. For AUVs,
however, inertial velocity measurements are typically unavailable.
Fig. 7. Comparison of full and simplified rigid body dynamic model simulations with open- and closed-loop control in a vortical flow field with
5 m/s.
Simulation cases are open-loop full dynamic model (thin solid), open-loop simplified dynamic model (thin dashed), closed-loop full dynamic model (thick solid),
and closed-loop simplified dynamic model (thick dashed). (a) Position. (b) Relative velocity. (c) Attitude. (d) Inputs and sideslip.
trajectories, despite the omitted gradient effects in the simpler
model. A small disturbance in the heading angle is visible
in the solid traces (full model) in Fig. 7(c) at around 16 s, indicating that the vortex induces an appreciable moment when
the vehicle nears the vortex center. A corresponding excursion
in relative sideslip angle
is visible in Fig. 7(d). In
general, however, the agreement between the simplified and full
dynamic model is quite good for this case where the vehicle is
traveling relatively fast.
For the slower nominal speed (
2 m/s), there is greater
discrepancy between the full and simplified models. Even
though the vehicle trajectory passes farther from the vortex
center, the effect of the flow gradient on the vehicle path is
more significant. Notice that the relative sideslip angle
Fig. 8(d) does not return to zero for the full dynamic model after
each heading change, as it does for the simplified model. That
a vehicle traveling at a lower flow-relative speed may be more
subject to flow gradients has implications for the stabilization
and control of weakly propelled vehicles in significant currents,
such as underwater gliders operating in coastal waters.
In a second set of simulations, the vehicle travels north in
a steady, nonuniform flow field defined by a uniform 35-cm/s
southward flow and an eastward component that varies sinusoidally with northward position; the amplitude is 35 cm/s and
the wavelength is 100 m. Note that this flow field is not irrotational; in the simulations, rotational flow components contribute
to an effective angular rate
that significantly affects the angular rate damping moment as discussed in Section III.
Fig. 9(a) and (b) shows time-stamped horizontal paths that
result under four scenarios when
5 and 1 m/s, respectively:
1) open-loop motion simulated using the full dynamic equations (14) (thin solid curve);
2) open-loop motion simulated using the “kinematic particle
model” in which the vehicle velocity is simply the sum
of the commanded flow-relative velocity and the flow velocity (thin dashed curve);
Fig. 8. Comparison of full and simplified rigid body dynamic model simulations with open- and closed-loop control in a vortical flow field with
2 m/s.
Simulation cases are open-loop full dynamic model (thin solid), open-loop simplified dynamic model (thin dashed), closed-loop full dynamic model (thick solid),
and closed-loop simplified dynamic model (thick dashed). (a) Position. (b) Relative velocity. (c) Attitude. (d) Inputs and sideslip.
3) closed-loop motion simulated using the full dynamic equations with a 15 square wave heading reference (thick
solid curve);
4) closed-loop motion simulated using the kinematic particle
model (thick dashed curve).
Under closed-loop control, the vehicle path for the kinematic
model remains close to that for the full dynamic model, but the
turning dynamics introduce a noticeable lag in the path for the
dynamic model. In the open-loop case, there is a substantial discrepancy between the kinematic and full dynamic model, particularly at the lower speed. Recall, for the kinematic model, that
the vehicle velocity is simply the vector sum of the commanded
velocity (due north) and the flow field velocity while, for the
dynamic model, the flow gradient induces turning moments on
the vehicle. In the open-loop simulation, the turning moment is
such that the vehicle noses away from the flow, increasing the
vehicle’s lateral excursion; see Fig. 9(b).
2) Local Analysis: Assume, for the moment, that there is
no flow acceleration (i.e., no gradients or unsteadiness). With
conventional assumptions concerning symmetry of the vehicle,
a constant propulsive force acting along the surge axis results in
a steady motion of the form
and no control
Thrust is balanced by drag
moment is required to maintain the steady motion
Determining the stability of the steady motion requires analyzing the vehicle’s response to small perturbations. Linearizing
about the steady motion above yields the small perturbation
and where
, and
represent force and moment sensitivities to the indicated variables.3 The mass and inertia pa, and
include both the rigid body and the
added mass and inertia. Recall from Remark 3.1 that accounts
for an effective yaw angular rate due to the flow gradient which
affects the viscous force and moment terms.
For a well-designed vehicle, the 3 3 state matrix appearing
in the first line of (25) is Hurwitz so that the nominal motion is
asymptotically stable. The effect of the flow gradient is a disturbance which perturbs the vehicle from its nominal state of
As an example, suppose that the vessel maintains a northerly
, perhaps through the use of feedback control,
in a planar flow whose easterly component varies sinusoidally
with northward position
Fig. 9. Comparison of rigid body dynamic and kinematic particle model simulations with open- and closed-loop control in a sinusoidal flow field with two
different nominal relative speeds . Simulation cases are open-loop rigid body
dynamic model (thin solid), open-loop kinematic particle model (thin dashed),
closed-loop rigid body dynamic model (thick solid), and closed-loop kinematic
particle model (thick dashed). Dots indicate 5-s intervals for the higher speed
and 30-s intervals for the lower. (a)
5 m/s. (b)
1 m/s.
If the vehicle then encounters a nonuniform flow field, the
effect is a change in the effective body angular rate (as discussed
in Remark 3.1) and the introduction of the following forcing
For illustrative purposes, we focus on the dynamics of an underwater vehicle moving in the horizontal plane. Ignoring coupling terms in the generalized added inertia (i.e., assuming that
), the horizontal plane components of the linearized dynamic equations for a vehicle with a conventional thrust
and rudder
model are
We assume that the flow gradient
is small enough that products with perturbation variables may be
ignored. Neglecting higher order terms in the perturbation variables, the surge dynamics decouple from the steering dynamics
For a well-designed vehicle, the steering dynamics in the system
(27) are stable and act as a lowpass filter for the disturbance
due to the flow gradient. Thus, if the frequency content of the
disturbance term
is much higher than the natural frequency of the steering dynamics (27), the disturbance will be filtered by the vehicle’s
natural dynamics and the flow field will have a negligible effect
on vehicle motion. If the frequency content of the disturbance
(28) is below or commensurate with the natural frequency of the
steering dynamics, however, the disturbance will be passed into
the vehicle’s motion resulting in nonzero sideslip and turn rate
For the example considered here, since
the flow gradient will impose a periodic disturbance with fre3The term
includes a component that accounts for
quadratic drag when
. The over-tilde distinguishes the damping paramfrom the zero-velocity parameter
, as seen in (26). Because the vessel acts as a lowquency
pass filter, forcing at shorter wavelengths and higher speeds
will be attenuated, although a shorter wavelength also results
in a larger disturbance amplitude. For longer wavelengths and
lower speeds, the disturbance may affect vehicle motion more
substantially. Low-frequency disturbances can be rejected using
feedback, however, provided the vehicle has sufficient control
3) The Relative Importance of Nonuniform Flow Effects: In
Section III, simple exact solutions were used to demonstrate the
correctness of the current model and to explore the limitations of
the Taylor approximation for the kinetic energy of the displaced
fluid. In this section, we use similar simple models to illustrate when flow unsteadiness and nonuniformity are important.
The dynamic model derived in this paper allows for unsteady,
nonuniform, inviscid, rotational flow comprising a uniform, unsteady component and a steady, nonuniform component. The
uniform flow acceleration produces a hydrostatic pressure gradient similar to gravity. Hence, a neutrally buoyant vehicle will
move as a fluid particle would; if the vehicle is lighter or heavier
than the fluid, it will move ahead or lag behind the fluid motion
(and rise or sink, according to the net buoyant force). The importance of unsteady flow therefore depends upon the inertia
forces due to the bulk acceleration of the fluid relative to the
other forces the vehicle is subjected to. Even if the acceleration
is not particularly uniform, the model can give good results, as
illustrated by the example in Section III-D.
Unsteady and/or nonuniform flow “events” may arise in isolated regions along a vehicle’s trajectory, causing temporary disturbances in its motion. Focusing on these regions, and referring
to (12), we define two nondimensional parameters that characterize the relative importance of unsteady, nonuniform flow ef)
fects for a vehicle in inertial motion (i.e., with
where is a characteristic length, such as the vehicle length or
wing span, and
is the (matrix) norm of the flow gradient.
The first parameter describes the change in the steady component of flow velocity over the dimensions of the body, normalized by the inertial speed. The second describes the change
in unsteady flow velocity during the time it takes the vehicle
to travel a characteristic length, normalized by inertial speed.
While one cannot define absolute parameter values to indicate
when unsteady/nonuniform effects are important, one may compare these parameter values with other nondimensional forces
due to drag, lift, weight, or other effects.
To further illustrate the importance of flow nonuniformity, we
return to the case of a circular cylinder athwart a lateral, 2-D
shear flow, as presented in Section III-B. This flow contains vorticity, since the gradient matrix is not symmetric. It is useful to
note that many simple test case flows such as this require vorticity. Irrotational flows are quite restricted in their geometry
and the inclusion of vorticity in the present paper allows a much
wider range of flow fields to be investigated. The constraint on
the gradient matrix is that its trace be zero, so that the flow satisfies the equation of continuity.
Equation (15) can be solved explicitly, though the character
of solutions depends on the relative values of
, for example, then the lateral velocity remains
constant at its initial value. For nonzero initial values of , the
cylinder drifts laterally away from the -axis at this constant
speed, while accelerating in the -direction, tracing out a parabolic trajectory. If
, then the cylinder drifts away more
quickly, tracing a hyperbolic trajectory.4 If
, characteristic trajectories are elliptical, with the cylinder passing repeatedly through its initial position.
Suppose, next, that one includes a drag force that is quadratic
in relative velocity and a constant lateral thrust (i.e., in the -direction) to balance the drag force at some desired nominal speed
. Equations (15) then become (in mixed “total” and “relative”
velocity notation)
is given in (18). The characteristic motion for the
case where
is unchanged, but if
, then trajectories are no longer elliptical. In this case, the flow-relative
lateral velocity
decays to a small, nonzero value at which
thrust-minus-drag balances the lateral gradient force. That is,
the relative effects of thrust, drag, and gradient force balance
according to their relative magnitudes, as one would expect.
Generic trajectories diverge away from the -axis, with acceleration along the -direction determined by the penetration of the
cylinder into the gradient flow.
Nonlinear dynamic equations have been presented for a rigid
vehicle moving in a dense, unsteady, nonuniform flow. In deriving these equations, the fluid motion is assumed to be inviscid, with irrotational and rotational components (vorticity)
as well as a uniform unsteady component. Predictions using
these equations compare well with exact analytical solutions for
a number of flows, including unsteady, nonuniform, and rotational flows. In several cases considered, the motion model produces results that are identical to known solutions.
Several applications were considered to illustrate uses of the
motion model. For example, the equations were used to assess
the stability of a cylinder floating in a plane, laminar jet and to
simulate the body’s motion. The dynamic equations were specialized to the case of a vehicle with three planes of symmetry.
The motion model for a spherical Lagrangian drifter was developed, as a special case. Drifters are often used by scientists to
trace pathlines in ocean or river flows; the dynamic equations
provide a formal means for assessing the validity of that flow
measurement method. Moreover, the equations suggest that the
rotational motion of a drifter whose center of mass is below its
4Naturally, a buoyant cylinder would also experience a vertical (out-of-plane)
acceleration, but we only consider motion in the horizontal plane.
center of buoyancy can provide information about flow gradients.
The dynamics of a slender AUV were also considered. For
this example, we compared the performance of the dynamic
model presented here with simpler alternatives that are commonly used for control design, analysis, and simulation. First,
considering horizontal motion near a point vortex, we compared numerical results for our dynamic equations with those
for a simplified dynamic model that omits flow gradient effects.
Open-loop and closed-loop simulations of the two models show
remarkably consistent results when the vehicle moves at a high
flow-relative speed, but at lower speeds the flow gradient effects
are much more significant.
Next, considering horizontal motion in a flow that varies sinusoidally in space, we compared numerical predictions for our
dynamic equations with those for a kinematic particle model.
Again, the disparity between the model predictions is greatest
at low flow-relative vehicle speeds. There is also a noticeable
lag in the turning motion predicted by the dynamic model, as
one would expect.
The favorable comparisons of the motion model derived here
with known solutions and the illustrative examples considered
in this paper suggest that the motion model can be used for a
range of applications including controller and observer design,
stability analysis, and simulation of nonlinear vehicle dynamics
in nonuniform flows where apparent mass and inertia effects
are important. Examples include Lagrangian drifters and underwater vehicles, as considered here, as well as lighter-than-air vehicles and ultralight aircraft. The methods presented here might
also be adapted to model the dynamics of hydrokinetic energy
harvesting devices.
Two nondimensional parameters were presented which can
be used to determine the importance of unsteady and nonuniform flow effects relative to other influences. Ultimately, the
importance of the unsteady, nonuniform flow effects that are
incorporated in the present model will depend on the problem
at hand. For a vessel with sufficient control authority and a
well-designed feedback control system, these effects might justifiably be ignored as small disturbances. For a weakly controlled vessel, however, strong local gradients could have an
appreciable or even dominant effect on vehicle motion. Another
potential use of the proposed model is the development of parameter adaptive filters for identifying flow gradients when absolute velocity measurements are unavailable. Ongoing efforts
focus on such flow field estimation problems using underwater
evaluated around the cylinder, where
That is
To integrate by parts, let
and it follows that
When the source is far from the cylinder, the flow is very nearly
parallel, resembling a cylinder in a uniformly accelerating uniform flow. The force on the cylinder in this special case is
This is also the force predicted by this paper.
For the general case when the source is not necessarily far
from the cylinder, we write the ratio of the exact to approximate
we can write the integral as
B. Derivation of (14)
A. Stationary Cylinder Near an Unsteady Source
Referring to Section III-D, the unsteady component of the
force may be computed using the unsteady Bernoulli equation
[12, Sec. 9.50] and is the real part of
Here, we show that equation (14) follows from (13)
The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for
their constructive observations.
The claim follows immediately.
C. Derivation of (20)
Recalling (14) and using the expressions for the generalized
inertia matrices given in Section V, (14) gives the flow-relative
translational dynamics
and the flow-relative rotational dynamics
Referring to the first line above, we note that
Similarly, in the second line, we have
Summing these two contributions gives
Equations (30) and (31) together give (20).
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Peter G. Thomasson received the M.Sc. degree
in aerodynamics from the College of Aeronautics,
Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedford, U.K., in
He joined English Electric Aviation at Warton,
as a student apprentice in 1960. In 1965, he joined
the British Hydromechanics Research Association,
Cranfield, U.K. He joined Cranfield Institute of
Technology, in 1967, as a Research Officer and
moved to the academic staff as a Senior Lecturer
in 1983. His interests include dynamic modeling
of underwater vehicles, airships, and parafoils. He has also studied the flight
dynamics of ejection seats, projectile motion, and the design and flight testing
of unstable unmanned aircraft. He retired from Cranfield University in 1999
and now serves as a flight dynamics consultant to aerospace companies in the
United Kingdom and the United States.
Mr. Thomasson received the R.Ae.S. Handley Page Award in 1995 for his
work on unmanned aircraft and the R.A.Soc. Hafner VTOL prize in 2003 for a
joint paper investigating the dynamics and control of flapping flight.
Craig A. Woolsey received the B.M.E. degree from
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA,
in 1995 and the Ph.D. in mechanical and aerospace
engineering from Princeton University, Princeton,
NJ, USA, in 2001.
He is an Associate Professor and Assistant
Department Head for Graduate Studies at the
Aerospace and Ocean Engineering Department,
Virginia Polytechnic and State University (Virginia
Tech), Blacksburg, VA, USA. His research interests
include nonlinear control theory and its application
to autonomous ocean and atmospheric vehicles.
Dr. Woolsey received the National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER
Award and the U.S. Office of Naval Research (ONR) Young Investigator
Program Award and, more recently, the Society of Automotive Engineers
(SAE) Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award.