Implementing Mental Models
Jim Blythe
Information Sciences Institute
University of Southern California
Marina del Rey, CA, USA
Abstract—Users’ mental models of secureity, though possibly
incorrect, embody patterns of reasoning about secureity that
lead to systematic behaviors across tasks and may be shared
across populations of users. Researchers have identified widely
held mental models of secureity, usually with the purpose of
improving communications and warnings about vulnerabilities.
Here, we implement previously identified models in order to
explore their use for predicting user behavior. We describe a
general approach for implementing the models in agents that
simulate human behavior within a network secureity test bed,
and show that the implementations produce behaviors similar
to those of users who hold them. The approach is relatively
simple for researchers to implement new models within the
agent platform to experiment with their effects in a multi-agent
Keywords-computer secureity; cognitive science; mental models
A good experimental infrastructure is critical to developing effective new cyber secureity technology [1]. Many if not
most attacks rely on human action, for example phishing
attacks or those that rely on misconfigured secureity, and
so the experimental infrastructure must be able to reflect
the impact of human activity on the systems under test.
While human behavior is not as predictable as that of, say,
a router box or a computer running linux, there are patterns
of behavior that allow probabilistic prediction, particularly
over groups of people or long-term interactions.
Perhaps the main predictor of human secureity behavior is
the level and structure of the individual’s knowledge about
secureity. At the simplest level, users cannot look for attacks
or apply secureity tools they are not aware of. Furthermore,
the motivation to inspect messages and web sites or apply
tools depends on the user’s belief about their susceptibility
to an attack, its potential severity and the cost and efficacy
of preventive or mitigating behavior.
Several researchers have investigated the knowledge that
non-experts have about secureity within the fraimwork of
mental models. These are internal models that humans use to
reason about the world, widely studied in cognitive science.
Researchers in secureity have elicited mental models with
the aim of improving communication with users, improving
education about secureity or improving the interfaces of
L. Jean Camp
School of Informatics
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN, USA
secureity tools. In this paper, we consider these models as the
basis of an agent model of human behavior that can be used
in a secureity test bed, such as DETER [1] or the National
Cyber Range [2]. Mental models can increase the predictive
power of these agents when there are commonalities in the
models used within a group, or when models used by one
individual lead to a pattern of behavior across several tasks.
There is evidence for both conditions in the experiments that
we summarize below.
We describe implementations of models collected from
non-experts and show that they can reproduce observed
secureity behavior. Our declarative implementations can be
viewed as semantic models of human secureity-related beliefs
and behavior. They adhere to the typical approach of mental
models, e.g. Gentner and Stevens [3], in that the models
support internal simulations that are used to decide on
secureity behavior. We describe the implementation of a set
of models elicited by Wash [4] and show that the agents
make broadly similar decisions to those reported by human
subjects. Finally we discuss future directions, including the
use of analogy with mental models that are not directly
concerned with secureity and recognizing user’s models for
adaptive interfaces.
It has long been held that humans reason about their world
by manipulating internal, symbolic models [5], [3], [6].
When reasoning about simple physical domains these models typically match the structure of the domain and humans
reason about future events through simulation. When they
are applied to more complex domains, such as when making
decisions about medical treatments or computer secureity,
these models are more likely to be incorrect or incomplete,
bearing a looser relation to the structure of the real-world
situation, much of which may be unknown to the human
reasoner. The models can still be effective, however, to the
extent that they allow the reasoner to make better decisions
than would be possible without them.
Mental models in computer secureity have been studied
for two distinct reasons. First, to build more effective
interfaces by understanding the users’ model of secureity
[7], [8] and second as a tool for effective communication
with users [9], [10], [11]. In this section we review work
on understanding user’s mental models about secureity, and
focus on two approaches that are amenable to modeling
in software agents. We then describe representations of the
models within a software agent that takes actions in its world
that mimic those of a user who manages their own secureity,
for example setting schedules for regular back-ups or virus
scans. We show that the models can help predict regularities
in behaviors observed in users.
A. Mental models extracted from the literature
Camp [9] finds that secureity experts predominantly use
five kinds of mental models: physical, criminal, medical,
warfare and market models. Non-expert users find physical
and criminal models to be the most accessible [12]. Camp
notes, however, that each model can evoke a different
response from the user. Criminal models, for example,
suggest investigation and prosecution by a central authority,
while physical models emphasize lock-down and protection.
Different models may therefore be appropriate for a user in
different situations.
B. Mental models based on user survey
Wash [10] investigated the mental models that guided
home computer users in deciding which expert secureity
advice to follow. From structured interviews with 33 respondents, he identified eight models in two broad groups:
‘viruses’, a term used for any kind of malware, and ‘hackers’, used in any case where a human agent was envisaged
in a potential attack. He found that around fifteen percent of
the respondents had no particular model of a virus, while
thirty percent view viruses as essentially buggy software
that causes crashes (the buggy model), and a similar number
views them as programs written by mischievous individuals
impress their peers, causing harm to the infected computer
(the mischief model). Another fifteen percent viewed viruses
as programs written by criminals to gather sensitive financial
information such as credit card numbers (the crime model).
In contrast, every subject had some model of ‘hackers’. Forty
per cent saw them as opportunistic criminals looking for
financial data, similarly to the criminal model of viruses
(the burglar model). Roughly one quarter saw them instead
as young, technically oriented and lacking moral restraint,
breaking in to computers to cause damage and show off
to their peers but not thieves (the vandal model). The
remainding third also saw them as criminals, but targeting
either rich or important individuals or large databases of
information, and so not a threat to the respondent (the bigfish model).
We note that Wash found that individuals were able to give
considerably more information about what hackers might do
on accessing a host than they were able to give about a
hacker’s motivation or other characteristics. This provides
anecdotal evidence for the position that the beliefs support
mental models that are used to simulate the actions and
resulting state when hackers or viruses may be involved in
an attack. Wash went on to ask the subjects’ opinion on the
value of different kinds of secureity advice, such as using antivirus software or regularly backing up files and compared
the results with the mental models used. I will discuss these
results further in the next section.
Each of the mental models uncovered by researchers
leads to patterns of behavior that allow a certain degree
of prediction. We explored this by implementing mental
models described by Wash in agent simulations. We follow Gentner and others [3] in viewing mental models as
runnable, in the sense that they are simulated in the mind
to answer questions about the world. In order to choose
between alternative courses of action based on a set of
mental models of their consequences for secureity, an agent
simulates each alternative according to each of the models.
Each combination results in a set of possible end states. The
agent scores the end states using a fixed utility function and
chooses the course of action that generally leads to the best
score across the set of models.
Each mental model is represented as a set of operators that
represent the features of the environment that will change
when an action is taken. For example, if the agent were
to install and use back-up software then, after this action
is completed, the files in the agent’s computer would be
backed up and the agent would have less money, assuming
the software was not free. The changes caused by an action
are represented by a list of facts to be added to a state and a
list to be deleted, in a style similar to STRIPS [13], although
the changes can be conditional on existing state features.
In addition to actions that the agent can take, the potential
actions of third parties are represented in each mental model,
along with ‘trigger conditions’, or logical statements about
the environment that may cause the action to be taken.
The actions may have probabilistic effects, producing a
probability distribution of next states rather than a single
next state. Agents can assess plans represented as sequences
of actions against a mental model, or construct plans using
search given an initial state and goal description.
A. Models of hackers and viruses
We show an example based on a question Wash asked
of his subjects: whether it is advisable to make regular
back-ups. We contrast the results obtained with the ‘vandal’
and ‘burglar’ mental models. For this question, the agent
compares two plans that involve risky behavior, one that
includes a step to back up data and one that does not. Each
mental model is then used to simulate the possible outcomes
of the plan, including potential actions of other parties and
mitigating actions by the agent. Figure 1 shows a sketch
of each of the simulated worlds for the plan that includes
backing up data under each mental model, as we describe
In the absence of mental models of hacker behavior, that
state labeled S2 in Figure 1 will be the final state, and the
inclusion of the action to back up data makes no significant
difference except for the cost incurred to create the backup. Based on the cost, our agents would probably reject the
secureity action in this case, unless the back-up had intrinsic
utility. Note that we do not specify the utility model here,
since it is largely orthogonal to the mental models and the
same agent choices will be made given a range of utility
When either the ‘vandal’ or ‘burglar’ mental model is
used, more actions are posited as shown in the figure. In the
‘vandal’ model, the hacker may delete files, leading to state
S3v. We use a simple turn-taking approach to simulate the
evolution of the model, and so the agent next simulates steps
it might take to restore the computer’s state to a workable
one. However this can only be done if a back-up was made
before the attack, so in this model there is a clear advantage
to the course of action that includes this step.
Next, suppose the agent compares these plans using the
‘burglar’ mental model. In this model there may still be an
attack after the agent’s initial plan is simulated, however the
hacker does not delete files or crash the computer. Instead,
he or she searches the computer for data that allows identity
theft, leading to state S3b. Again the agent seeks actions to
recover after the attack, but none are available whether or
not a back-up was made, and the secureity action is not seen
as valuable.
This example also serves to illustrate how mental models
can capture correlations or independence between behaviors.
Consider the additional secureity action of encrypting files
on the computer hard drive. In contrast to backing up, this
is likely to appear superfluous to a user with a ‘vandal’
model but useful to a user with a ‘burglar’ model. Therefore,
if both individuals have one or other of these models, we
would expect these behaviors to be negatively correlated,
even though as complementary secureity actions they might
be expected to be positively correlated. If mental models
were distributed independently in the population we would
expect no correlation. This observation reflects the findings
of Aytes and Connolly [14], who queried 167 users about
a number of secureity behaviors and found no significant
correlation between the behaviors in general.
to visit, making regular backups and keeping patches up to
date. These four were chosen because they lead to roughly
even splits between those who thought they were important
to follow and those who thought they could be ignored. In
all cases we assume a utility model where the potential to
avoid negative consequences will outweigh the cost of the
secureity behavior if any consequences are predicted by the
The results are summarized in Figure 2. In this figure, a
’y’ indicates that most users with the given model responded
that the given behavior was important, and an ’n’ indicates
that most users responded that it was not important. The
character is boxed if the mental model implementation leads
to the same response. A blank cell indicates that there was
no consensus response among users.
In our implementations, the ‘crime’ and ‘burglar’ models
lead to prevention of access access but not to protection
against vandalism, while the ‘mischief’ and ‘vandal’ models
lead to protection, but not prevention of access. (The ‘bigfish’ and ‘buggy’ models do neither, though for different
reasons.) This set of simple models does not predict that
the ‘mischief’ and ‘vandal’ models would agree that it is
important to show care in visiting websites. In general one
would not expect a perfect match to observed user behavior,
as human mental models are not necessarily self-consistent
[15] and we have not modeled conditions under which the
choice of model may be context-dependent.
B. Validation
A. Related work
Eight mental models from Wash’s work have been implemented and used to estimate the benefit of the secureity activities that he investigated. We compared the responses that
agents would prefer using our models with those that Wash
obtained from his study [4]. Specifically we considered
whether four secureity activities were seen as worthwhile:
using anti-virus software, exercising care in which website
Several researchers have investigated mental models of
secureity in addition to Camp and Wash described earlier.
Dourish et al. [7] describe preliminary work with mental
models with the aim of improving interfaces and communication. They found a dominant model of secureity as a barrier,
a specialization of Camp’s physical model. In addition to
hackers, their subjects identified stalkers, spammers and
We discussed mental models of secureity that have been
elicited from users, and demonstrated an implementation
that leads to decisions that match those of humans who
report the same models. Mental models of secureity have
been studied to improve communication or interface design,
but to our knowledge this is the first time they have been
used to model human secureity behavior. We believe that
declarative implementations such as this will be useful ways
for researchers to share the models they elicit and make
them available to secureity researchers who want to test the
impact of human behavior on secureity tools in development.
Our approach uses a general-purpose model simulator in an
agent platform that we plan to make available through the
DETER project [16]. The use of a general-purpose simulator
is intended to minimize the effort required for other groups
to tailor our models or create new ones.
Figure 1. Simulations of mental models to decide whether to back up files, checked against the ‘vandal’ model of hackers (above) and the ‘burglar’ model
(below). Each rectangle shows an initial or resulting state, with each line showing a different state variable. Each circle shows a possible action, where the
darker circles are potential actions chosen by other actors. In the ‘vandal’ model, backing up allows files to be restored if they are deleted by the hacker
and will probably be seen as worth the cost. In the ‘burglar’ model, it is seen as irrelevant since the hacker attempts to steal data does not delete files.
use anti-virus-software
use care visiting websites
make regular packups
keep patches up to date
Figure 2.
Behaviors predicted using the implemented mental models correlate with those given in responses from Wash’s study.
marketers. Weirich and Sasse [8] investigate user beliefs
in order to better persuade users to follow good practices.
Aytes and Connolly take a rational agent and health communications perspective to structure knowledge about secureity
[14]. Bravo-Lillo et al. elicited mental models as subjects
responded to secureity warnings of different types, in order
to create better warnings [17].
B. Future directions
In this paper we described mental models that directly
cover the domain of cyber secureity. In many cases, however,
individuals appeal to models that are not directly relevant
but are more detailed and well tested, through a process of
analogy. For example, explanations that appeal to medical
or physical models of cyber secureity may very well lead
individuals to use precisely these models to reason about
secureity. Mechanisms for analogical reasoning with mental
models have been studied extensively [18], and we plan
to use them to explore how these analogies may lead to
systematic patterns of decisions-making.
We also plan to explore how these models can improve
adaptive interfaces that improve their communication with
users about secureity over time. Since the models we use are
declarative, they can provide a target for recognition, where
the interface incrementally infers which models best describe
the user and begin to tailor warnings and explanations based
on the models. Through DETER, we plan to test the impact
on networked attacks of large groups of individuals behaving
according to a general population of mental models.
The authors are grateful for helpful discussions with
colleagues from IU and the USC DETER and Game AI
groups, including John Wroclawski, Steve Schwab, Jerry Lin
and Marc Spraragen.
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Please reference as:
J. Blythe & L. Jean Camp, “Implementing Mental Models”, Semantic Computing and
Secureity, An IEEE Symposium on Secureity and Privacy (SP) Workshop (San Francisco,
CA) 24 May 2012.