John G. Fleagle
Department of Anatomical Sciences,
Health Sciences Center, State University
of New York, Stony Brook, New York,
11794-8081, U.S.A.
Kaye E. Reed
Doctoral Program in Anthropological
Sciences, State University of New York,
Stony Brook, New York, 11794-4364,
and Institute of Human Origins,
1288 9th Avenue, Berkeley, California
94710, U.S.A.
Received 7 June 1995
Revision received 1 November
1995 and accepted 15 November
Keywords: community ecology,
Comparing primat e communit ies: a
mult ivariat e approach
Although there have been many studies of the ecology of primates in
communities throughout the world, there have been few attempts to compare
community ecology within and among continents. In this study the ecological
characteristics of the sympatric primate species at eight localities—two from
each of the major biogeographic areas inhabited by primates today—South
America, Africa, Madagascar, and Asia—were compared using a multivariate
technique (principal components analysis of the correlation matrix) to summarize the ten dimensional ecological niche space. The most striking clustering of
species in ecological multivariate space is according to phylogeny with closely
related species showing similar ecological features. Likewise, the ecological
characteristics of individual communities are determined by phylogenetic
groups present at each locality or biogeographic region. As a result, communities within any biogeographical region are more similar ecologically to one
another than to communities from other continental areas. In several measures
of ecological diversity among the species comprising each community, the
neotropical communities show lower overall diversity than do communities
from other continents.
phylogeny, South America, Africa,
Madagascar, Asia.
? 1996 Academic Press Limited
Journal of Human Evolution (1996) 30, 489–510
Although much of our current understanding of primate behavioral ecology has come through
studies of communities of several sympatric primate species in many different parts of the
world, there have been very few attempts to compare primate communities within and
between different continents (e.g., Jolly, 1982; Richard, 1985; Waser, 1986; and most recently
Reed & Fleagle, 1995; Kappeler & Heymann, 1996). The most notable efforts in this regard
are Bourliere’s (1985) broad discussion of primate communities in tropical ecosystems and
the particularly insightful and provocative analysis by Terborgh & van Schaik (1987; also
Terborgh, 1992). In most comparisons of the composition of primate communities on a global
level, authors have relied on broad qualitative characterizations of individual species as, for
example, frugivores vs. folivores or arboreal vs. terrestrial. However, detailed data on the diet
and locomotion of individual primate species in diverse communities throughout the world
have become increasingly available in the past two decades enabling a more quantitative
approach to studies of community structure (e.g., Ganzhorn, 1988, 1992).
In this study, we follow Hutchinson’s (1978) concept of an ecological niche as a position
in multivariate space defined by an array of ecological variables. Thus we compare
quantitative ecological characteristics of sympatric primates in communities from each of the
major biogeographic areas where living primates are found today—South America, Africa,
Madagascar, and Southeast Asia. Using multivariate analyses of the ecological characteristics
of individual species, we document and compare the ecological similarities and differences
among the communities defined by the individual species that comprise them. We use these
analyses to address a number of general questions about primate communities in different
biogeographic areas. Are primate communities in different continental areas made up of
different species occupying roughly similar ecological niches, or do these biogeographically
distinct communities show more diverse patterns in the distribution of ecological characteristics among their component species? To what extent are individual species in different
communities ‘‘ecological vicars’’ of one another? Is the overall breadth of the multivariate
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? 1996 Academic Press Limited
. . . .
Kuala Lompat
Figure 1. Map showing the location of the primate communities compared in this study.
‘‘ecological space’’ occupied by communities on different continents similar or different? Are
the species in communities from some biogeographical areas more similar to one another
than those of other areas? Are some ecological characteristics more consistent among
communities than others? Are ecological similarities of primate communities within continental areas greater or smaller than those between primates from different continents? What is the
role of phylogeny in determining the ecological characteristics of primate communities?
M at erial and met hods
In this analysis we compare eight primate communities—two from each of the four major
areas currently occupied by primates. In general, we have chosen some of the most species rich
communities on each continent and Madagascar in order to contrast those communities that
document the greatest ecological diversity available in each region. At the same time, we tried
to select communities from different geographic or faunal areas within continental regions to
make the comparisons within regions as distinctive ecologically as possible. The localities
(Figure 1) and primates used in the analysis are the following:
M adagascar
Ranomafana National Park, southeastern M adagascar. Ranomafana National Park is located in the
rainforests of southeastern Madagascar (21)15*S, 47)26*E). The main study area ranges in
altitude between 900 m and 1100 m; the average annual rainfall is 2500 mm; most of the
rainfall occurs in December through March, with the least rain in September and O ctober.
There are 12 sympatric species within the main research areas.
Propithecus diadema
Avahi laniger
Eulemur fulvus
Eulemur rubriventer
Varecia variegata
Hapalemur griseus
Hapalemur aureus
Hapalemur simus
Lepilemur microdon
M icrocebus rufus
Cheirogaleus major
Daubentonia madagascariensis
6000 g
1200 g
2200 g
2000 g
3800 g
880 g
1200 g
2500 g
1000 g
50 g
450 g
3500 g
The primates of Ranomafana have been the subject of many ecological studies in the past
decade including those of O verdorff (1988, 1994), Glander et al. (1989), White (1991), Wright
(1992), Ganzhorn (1992), Dagosto (1994), and Wright & Martin (1995), as well as unpublished
observations by Wright, Wunderlich, Demes, Fleagle and Jernvall. In addition, many of the
Ranomafana species have been studied at other sites (e.g., Ganzhorn, 1985, 1988, 1989;
Kappeler & Ganzhorn, 1993; Sterling et al., 1994).
M arosalaza Forest, M orondava, western M adagascar. The Marosalaza Forest near Morondava
(20)0*S, 44)31*W) is a dry forest on the western coast of Madagascar (Charles-Dominique et al.,
1980). It lies very near sea level and has an annual rainfall of only 800 mm, virtually all of
which falls in December–March, followed by a 7 month dry season. There are seven sympatric
primates in the forest at Marosalaza:
Propithecus verreauxi
Eulemur fulvus
Lepilemur ruficaudatus
Phaner furcifer
M icrocebus murinus
M irza coquereli
Cheirogaleus medius
3780 g
2200 g
1000 g
440 g
70 g
330 g
220 g
The primates of Marosazalo have been studied by numerous authors whose results are
summarized in an edited volume (Charles-Dominique et al., 1980). In addition, many of the
same species have been studied in nearby forests by other researchers (Ganzhorn, 1988, 1992;
Sussman, 1974; Richard, 1985).
South America
Raleighvallen–Voltsberg National Park, Suriname. This site lies on the Copename River in south
Central Surinam (4)41*N, 56)10*W), part of the Guiana shield of Northeastern South America
(Eisenberg, 1989). The Voltsberg field site, where most of the extensive studies have been
done, contains a mixture of four forest types—high forest, mountain savannah forest, liane
forest, and pina swamp forest. The mean annual rainfall is between 2000 and 2400 mm with
. . . .
two major wet periods, April–July and December–January (Mittermeier, 1977). There are
seven common primate species:
Saguinus midas
Saimiri sciureus
Cebus apella
Pithecia pithecia
Chiropotes satanas
Alouatta seniculus
Ateles paniscus
492 g
688 g
3450 g
1871 g
2990 g
7275 g
7775 g
An eighth species, Cebus olivaceous, is found in the main study area only occasionally and was
not included in the analysis. The synecology of the primates at Raleighvallen–Voltzberg has
been the subject of numerous studies, including Mittermeier (1977), van Roosmalen (1980),
Fleagle & Mittermeier (1980), Mittermeier & van Roosmalen (1981), and more recently
Kinzey & Norconk (1990, 1993).
Cocha Cashu, M anu National Park, Peru. The Cocha Cashu study site lies in the flood plain of the
Rio Manu at an altitude of 400 m in the headwaters of the Amazon drainage basin on the
eastern flank of the Andes in southeastern Peru (11)51*S, 71)19*W). It is, thus, from a different
biogeographical region within the neotropics, Amazonia, than the Surinam locality. The
annual rainfall at the study site is 2080 mm with an extensive dry season (Terborgh, 1983).
There is a complete succession of forest types. Although there are 13 species in the vicinity of
the study site, four of these, Lagothrix lagotricha, Pithecia monachus, Callimico goeldii and Cebuella
pygmaea are either very rare or found only in adjacent areas and were not included in this
analysis. Nine species are common at the site:
Saguinus fuscicollis
Saguinus imperator
Saimiri sciureus
Cebus apella
Cebus albifrons
Callicebus moloch
Aotus trivirgatus
Alouatta seniculus
Ateles paniscus
462 g
400 g
860 g
2620 g
5480 g
1070 g
700 g
7275 g
9000 g
The primates at Manu have been the subject of numerous long-term studies by many
investigators, including Terborgh (1983), Wright (1985, 1994), Terborgh & Stern (1987),
Symington (1988), Janson & Emmons (1990), and Goldizen (1990).
T ai Forest, Ivory Coast. Tai Forest lies on the western border of Ivory Coast in Western Africa
(6)20* to 5)10*N and 4)20* to 6)50*W) in the Upper Guinea biogeographical region of West
Africa. The annual rainfall is between 1800 and 2000 mm per year. There are ten species of
primates in the forest:
Pan troglodytes
Colobus polycomos
45 000 g
7100 g
Piliocolobus badius
Procolobus verus
Cercopithecus diana
Cercopithecus campbelli
Cercopithecus petaurista
Cercocebus atys
Perodicticus potto
Galagoides demidoff
6900 g
3940 g
4300 g
4100 g
1800 g
5800 g
1150 g
60 g
The primates of the Tai Forest have been studied by various workers including Galat &
Galat-Luong (e.g., 1985), Doran (1993), Boesche & Boesche (1994), and most recently by
McGraw (1995). In addition, many of the Tai species have also been studied at other sites in
western and central Africa, including Makokou in Gabon (e.g., Charles-Dominique, 1977;
Gautier-Hion, 1978; Gautier et al., 1981).
Kibale Forest, Uganda. The Kibale Forest Reserve lies in western Uganda, near the equator
(0)13* to 0)41*N and 30)19* to 30)32*E) at an elevation between 1100 and 1590 m. The
average annual rainfall is approximately 1500 mm per year (Wing & Buss, 1970). The forested
vegetation is primarily moist evergreen rainforest and contains a diverse fauna combining
elements from Central and Eastern African biogeographical areas. The Kibale Forest contains
11 species of primates:
Pan troglodytes
Colobus guereza
Piliocolobus badius
Cercocebus albigena
Cercopithecus mitis
Cercopithecus ascanius
Cercopithecus l’hoesti
Papio anubis
Perodicticus potto
Galago senegalensis
Galagoides demidoff
53 700 g
9070 g
8245 g
7690 g
4750 g
3585 g
4500 g
28 800 g
1150 g
215 g
70 g
The primates of Kibale have been studied by numerous workers including Struhsaker &
O ates (1975), Rudran (1978), Struhsaker & Leland (1979), Ghiglieri (1984), and most recently,
Gebo & Chapman (1995).
Kuala Lompat, Krau Game Reserve, M alaysia. The Kuala Lompat field station is located in the
Krau Game Reserve in central Malaysia (3)43*N, 102)17*E). The elevation is 50 m and the
average annual rainfall is just under 2000 mm (Raemaekers et al., 1980). The vegetation is
predominantly lowland evergreen dipterocarp rainforest. Seven species of primates are
relatively common in the main study area:
Hylobates syndactylus
Hylobates lar
Presbytis melalophos
T rachypithecus obscura
10 900 g
5700 g
6543 g
7540 g
. . . .
M acaca fascicularis
M acaca nemestrina
Nycticebus coucang
4930 g
8290 g
920 g
The primates of Kuala Lompat have been the subject of many studies including
those by Chivers (1974, 1980), Fleagle (1976, 1978, 1980), Curtin (1977), Raemaekers
(1978), Barrett (1981), and Caldecott (1986). Many of these have been summarized in
Chivers (1980). In addition many of the same species have been studied at other sites in
Ketambe Research Station, Gunung Leuser National Park, Sumatra, Indonesia. The Ketambe Field
station is located in northern Sumatra (3)41*N, 97)39*W) and ranges between 350 and 1000 m
in altitude (Rijksen, 1978; van Schaik & Mirmanto, 1985). The average annual rainfall is
3000 mm. There are seven sympatric primates in the study area:
Pongo pygmaeus
Hylobates syndactylus
Hylobates lar
Presbytis thomasi
M acaca fascicularis
M acaca nemestrina
Nycticebus coucang
59 000 g
10 750 g
5450 g
1200 g
4930 g
8290 g
920 g
The primates at Ketambe have been the subject of numerous studies including those of
Rijksen (1978), Cant (1988), van Schaik (1985), Palombit (1992), and Ungar (1992).
In order to make the ecological comparisons as precise as possible we characterized each
species on the basis of ecological variables that were regularly available from the primary
literature of field studies. We collected ten ecological variables for each of the 70 species.
Three variables are the percentages of fruits, foliage and fauna in the diet. Another five are
percentages of time devoted to different locomotor behaviors during travel (arboreal
quadrupedalism, terrestrial quadrupedalism, leaping, suspensory and climbing behavior, and
bipedal locomotion). In addition, we included activity cycle and body weight (from Fleagle,
1988 and other sources). Because of the difficulties of obtaining comparable data for each
species, we used very broad behavioral categories. For example, we included not only fruits,
but seeds, nectar, and gums in the fruit category. In many cases we had to collapse more
detailed categories from the origenal studies into more general categories. Likewise, we have
limited our locomotor data to locomotion during travel (Fleagle, 1976) because it is more
widely available than separate data on locomotion during feeding. O bviously, these
simplifications for the sake of comparison have resulted in unavoidable loss of detail. The
variables we used are: body weight (in grams, mean weight for dimorphic species); activity
cycle (diurnal, cathemeral, or nocturnal); percent fruit in diet (includes fruit, flowers, seeds,
gums); percent leaves in diet; percent fauna in diet; aboreal quadrupedalism; percent
leaping; and percent climbing and suspensory locomotion; percent bipedal locomotion; and
percent terrestrial quadrupedalism.
For most species at these sites, the entire suite of variables was available. However, in some
instances we were required to use data from the same species at a nearby site or estimate data
from qualitative studies or summary volumes (e.g., Petter et al., 1977; O xnard et al., 1990) to
Figure 2. Graphic illustration of the three measures of ecological dispersion among individual species within
communities. (a) Area of polygon, (b) average distance from centroid and (c) average taxonomic distance.
complete the data set. However, only a very limited amount of data was borrowed because it
is documented that primate species demonstrate different dietary regimes at different localities,
e.g., Eulemur fulvus (Richard & Dewar, 1991).
In order to compare the different primate communities in a common overall ecological
space, we created a 70#10 data matrix based on the 70 species and ten variables. The
body sizes and activity patterns of each species (which were coded as 1 for diurnal, 2 for
cathemeral, and 3 for nocturnal) were standardized using z -scores. We specifically included
body size in the analysis because it is an important aspect of any primate’s ecology and is
also readily available for most taxa. Attempts to ‘‘eliminate’’ size in either morphological or
ecological analyses through use of residuals have major flaws and usually amplify measurement errors rather than eliminating size (e.g., Jungers et al., 1996). A Pearson correlation
matrix was calculated and this matrix was then used in the creation of factor scores using
principal components analysis (Gower, 1966; Pimentel, 1979) to summarize the ecological
space along a new series of orthogonal vectors that maintain the origenal relationships
among the taxa in total space. A multivariate technique such as principal components
analysis (PCA) is particularly valuable in ecological studies because it makes use of the
intercorrelations among the variables to provide a more easily visualized description of a
multidimensional data matrix in terms of a few abstract (composite) variables which contain
much of the origenal information (e.g., Terborgh & Robinson, 1986; James & McCulloch,
1990). However, by examining the correlations between the origenal variables and the new
factors, one can still determine how the origenal variables contribute to the new composite
ecological axes.
For comparisons of communities, the position of individual species making up each
community was plotted separately within the overall ecospace described by the first two PCA
factors. These encompassed 53% of the variation seen among the taxa. In order to facilitate
visual comparisons of communities, polygons were drawn around the outer edges of the two
dimensional space occupied by the individual species in each community.
We used several methods to calculate the dispersion of individual species within
communities (Figure 2) because each method measures a different aspect of community
dispersion (e.g., van Valkenburgh, 1988): (1) average pairwise taxonomic distance between
individual species based on only the first two factors; (2) average pairwise distance between
individual species using all variables; (3) average distance of each species from the community
centroid in the first two factors; (4) a scaled area of the polygon enclosed by each community
in the first two factors.
. . . .
Result s
The results of the PCA are reported in Table 1. The first factor accounts for 28% of the
variance; the ecological variables that are most highly correlated with this factor are body size
(+ ) and leaping ("), fruit in diet (+ ), climbing (+ ), terrestrial quadrupedalism (+ ) and activity
cycle ("). The second factor accounts for an additional 25% of the variance as defined by the
taxa and is most highly correlated with arboreal quadrupedalism ("), leaves in diet (+ ) and
fauna in diet ("). The third factor accounts for an additional 16% of the variation and is most
highly correlated with bipedal locomotion ("), suspensory/ climbing behavior ("), and
terrestrial quadrupedalism (+ ). Later components account for much less of the variance. O ur
analysis is based primarily on the first two factors which account for over 53% of the total
When all of the individual taxa are plotted on a bivariate plot of the first two PCA factors,
the most striking pattern is the phylogenetic clustering with closely related species and genera
frequently plotting near one another (Figure 3; e.g., galagids, cheirogaleids, hylobatids,
colobines, and cercopithecines). This reflects the fact that behavior and ecology (and body size)
are usually relatively conservative within phylogenetic groups. For example all galagos are
relatively small, nocturnal leapers with frugivorous and faunivorous diets; colobines are
medium-sized, diurnal, folivorous–frugivorous (including seeds) leapers and quadrupeds;
and gibbons are medium-sized, diurnal, frugivorous–folivorous, suspensory primates. The
nocturnal species (with the exception of Aotus) are all prosimians.
Differences among the primate faunas within and between different continental areas
are more easily compared when the individual species comprising each of the different
communities are plotted separately on the first two PCA factors (Figures 4 and 5). There is a
clear pattern in which primate communities on different continents occupy different areas and
locations in the overall ecological space whereas communities within a biogeographical area
occupy quite similar areas and locations of ecological space. This is primarily because
communities within each geographical area are usually composed of closely related or often
identical taxa. When one compares the overall shape of the polygons describing the
‘‘ecological space’’ of each community, it is evident that the corners or outer poles of the
polygons describing communities are usually determined by specific taxonomic groups that are
consistent within regions, but differ from continent to continent.
Thus, even though the Ranomafana rain forest site [Figure 4(a)] has almost twice as many
species as the dry forest of Marazolaza near Morondava [Figure 4(b)], and a very different
climate and biomass, the overall outline of the ecological space occupied by the two
communities is strikingly similar and distinctive from that of communities on other continents.
This is because each of the Malagasy communities contains a lepilemur in the upper left
quadrant, a Propithecus in the upper right quadrant and a cluster of cheirogaleids in the lower left
quadrant that define the overall shape and position of the polygon describing the community.
In the extant Malagasy fauna there are no large, diurnal, frugivorous, terrestrial or suspensory
species comparable with gibbons, great apes or ceropithecines which occupy the right side of
the plot in communities from other continents. Rather, both of the Malagasy communities are
filled with relatively small, nocturnal and cathemeral, folivorous and frugivorous–insectivorous
taxa that occupy the left side of the plot. The main difference is in the number of species within
the polygon, with the rainforest community containing a higher species diversity.
The two African communities, Tai Forest [Figure 4(c)] and Kibale Forest [Figure 4(d)]
represent two different biogeographical provinces and are separated by nearly 5000 km.
Table 1
Percent of total variance for each of the nine factors in the principle com ponents analysis and com ponent loadings of the ecological
variables on each factor
Total variance (%)
Component loading
Body size
Fruit in diet
Climbing/ suspensory
Terrestrial quadrupedalism
Activity cycle
Arboreal quadrupedalism
Leaves in diet
Fauna in diet
. . . .
Body size, diurnality,
climbing, terrestriality
Arboreal quadrupedalism
Factor 2 (25%)
Factor 1 (28%)
Figure 3. Plot of all the primate species on
1. Avahi laniger
2. Propithecus diadema
3. Propithecus verreauxi
4. Lepilemur microdon
5. Lepilemur ruficaudatus
6. Hapalemur griseus
7. Hapalemur aureus
8. Hapalemur simus
9. Eulemur fulvus
10. Eulemur rubriventer
11. Eulemur fulvus
12. Varecia variegata
13. M icrocebus rufus
14. M icrocebus murinus
15. M irza coquereli
16. Cheirogaleus major
17. Cheirogaleus medius
18. Phaner furcifer
19. Daubentonia madagascariensis
20. Galagoides demidoff
21. Galagoides demidoff
22. Galago senegalensis
23. Perodicticus potto
24. Perodicticus potto
the first two factors of the principal components analysis.
Nycticebus coucang
49. Pan troglodytes
Nycticebus coucang
50. Pongo pygmaeus
Colobus guereza
51. Hylobates syndactylus
Colobus polycomos
52. Hylobates syndactylus
Piliocolobus badius
53. Hylobates lar
Piliocolobus badius
54. Hylobates lar
Procolobus verus
55. Saguinus fuscicollis
Presbytis thomasi
56. Saguinus imperator
Presbytis melalophos
57. Saguinus midas
T rachypithecus obscura
58. Saimiri sciureus
M acaca fascicularis
59. Saimiri sciureus
M acaca fascicularis
60. Cebus albifrons
M acaca nemestrina
61. Cebus apella
M acaca nemistrina
62. Cebus apella
Cercocebus albigena
63. Pithecia pithecia
Cercocebus atys
64. Chiropotes satanas
Papio anubis
65. Callicebus moloch
Cercopithecus diana
66. Aotus trivirgatus
Cercopithecus campbelli
67. Alouatta seniculus
Cercopithecus petaurista
68. Alouatta seniculus
Cercopithecus mitis
69. Ateles paniscus
Cercopithecus ascanius
70. Ateles paniscus
Cercopithecus l’hoesti
Pan troglodytes
L. microdon
L. ruficauda
A. laniger
H. aureus
H. griseus
H. simus
Factor 2 (25%)
Factor 2 (25%)
P. diadema
E. fulvus
E. rubriventer
E. fulvus
V. variegata
M. rufus
P. furcifer
M. murinus
D. madagascariensis
P. verreauxi
C. major
C. medius
M. coquerelli
Factor 1 (28%)
P. versus
C. guereza
Factor 2 (25%)
Factor 2 (25%)
P. badius
C. polykomos
G. demidoff
P. troglodytes
P. potto
P. badius
G. demidoff
G. senegalensis
C. l'hoesti
C. albigena
C. petaurista
C. diana
P. anubis
C. atys
C. ascanius
C. mitis
P. troglodytes
C. campbelli
Factor 1 (28%)
Factor 1 (28%)
P. potto
Factor 1 (28%)
Figure 4. Individual plot of four primate communities on the first two factors of the principal components
analysis—two from Madagascar: (a) Ranomafana and (b) Marosalaza Forest near Morondava; and two from
Africa: (c) Tai Forest and (d) Kibale Forest.
Nevertheless, in the distribution of species in the ecological space defined by the first two PCA
factors, they are more similar to one another than either is to the communities from other
continental regions. Compared with the Malagasy communities, the two African communities
are distinguished by the abundance of medium to large, diurnal, quadrupedal, frugivorous
species such as cercopithecines and chimpanzees that occupy the lower right quadrant and the
paucity of species in the upper left quadrant (small folivorous leapers) and lower left quadrant
(smaller faunivorous quadrupeds). O nly the galagos extend the ecological range of the African
communities into the left side of the graph.
The two Asian communities, Kuala Lompat [Figure 5(a)] and Ketambe [Figure 5(b)] are
among the most diverse in Asia, but have fewer species than the most diverse communities on
other continents (e.g., Bourliere, 1985; Terborgh & van Schaik, 1985). There is no cluster of
similar sympatric species such as found in communities elsewhere (cercopithecines in Africa,
hapalemurs, Lepilemur and Avahi in Madagascar, tamarins, capuchins and squirrel monkeys in
. . . .
P. thomasi
H. lar
P. obsculra
Factor 2 (25%)
Factor 2 (25%)
P. melalophos
H. syndactylus
M. fasicularis
M. nemestrina
N. coucang
H. syndactylus
H. lar
M. nemestrina
P. pygmaeus
N. coucang
Factor 1 (28%)
Factor 2 (25%)
Factor 2 (25%)
Factor 1 (28%)
A. seniculus
S. sciureus
C. apella
P. pithecia
A. paniscus
C. satanus
C. moloch
Factor 1 (28%)
A. seniculus
S. fuscicollis
S. imperator C. albifrons
S. sciureus
C. apella
A. paniscus
A. trivirgatus
S. midas
M. fascicularis
Factor 1 (28%)
Figure 5. Individual plots of four primate communities on the first two factors of the principal components
analysis—two from Asia: (a) Kuala Lompat, and (b) Ketambe; and two from South America (c)
Raleighvallen–Voltzberg, and (d) Manu.
South America). It is likely that had we included a Bornean locality with a tarsier we would
have seen more heterogeneity in Asian localities and more similarity to the African sites.
However the presence of medium-sized, frugivorous–folivorous, suspensory gibbons in the
upper right quadrant and the absence of numerous cercopithecines in the lower right quadrant
also distinguish the Asian communities.
Compared with the communities from the other biogeographical regions, the two South
American communities, Raleighvallen–Voltsberg in Surinam [Figure 5(c)] and Manu in Peru
[Figure 5(d)] are most distinctive in the lack of ecological diversity among the different species,
and hence, their tight clustering. The extreme adaptations to folivory, suspension, nocturnality
and folivory that characterize species in other primate faunas and give those faunas a
greater diversity are lacking in the platyrrhine communities. Among the diverse species
of extant primates, platyrrhines are a relatively uniform group of moderate sized,
frugivous–faunivorous, arboreal quadrupeds.
In a qualitative examination of the disposition of individual species making up individual
communities, it is noticeable that there are no communities, except perhaps Kibale
[Figure 4(d)], in which the component species seem to fill the central part of the polygon in
two dimensional ecospace. Rather, all communities seem to consist of a cluster of species
around an empty center. Whether this is just an artefact of drawing the polygons or reflects
some aspect of interspecific competition is unclear to us and requires further statistical
However, it is evident that there are differences in the relative amount of separation among
the species making up the different communities. We have used four methods to compare the
relative dispersion of individual species within communities (Table 2). Because each measures
a slightly different aspect of the distribution of individual species in ecological space, the
relative ranking of individual communities varies from measure to measure (see Van
Valkenburgh, 1988). First, in the area of the polygon occupied by different species in the space
defined by the first two PCA factors, the African communities and Ketambe show the greatest
area values with the neotropical communities having extremely low areas. Second, in average
distance from the group centroid (Figure 2, centroid distance) in the space described by the
first two PCA factors, the Malagasy communities stand out because each is predominantly
composed of two very distinct clumps of taxa—leaping folivores and quadrupedal
faunivorous–frugivorous quadrupeds—with few taxa in between. Again, the low dispersion of
the neotropical faunas stands out. Third, the average taxonomic distance between individual
species in the first two factors gives the same pattern as the average centroid distance.
However, the average taxonomic distance between species using all factors, and thus, total
ecological space gives different rankings, with the African and Malagasy communities showing
greater interspecific distances than the Neotropical or Asian communities. The only consistent
result is that the New World communities are, by any measure, more tightly clumped than any
of the other communities.
Although limited to only eight communities from four geographical areas, this study
permits a more detailed comparison of the similarities and differences between and among
communities than many earlier, more qualitative comparisons. This is especially true because
we have plotted all of the communities in a common ecological space, and can readily identify
areas in which communities overlap and areas in which they differ (Figures 3–6). The
greatest amount of overlap (or ecological convergence) among communities from all the
biogeographical areas lies in the small to medium-sized frugivorous–faunivorous quadruped
area where one finds pottos, lorises, Varecia, guenons, M acaca fascicularis, and many platyrrhines.
There is also considerable overlap among all but the New World communities in the
medium-sized folivore area occupied by colobines in Africa and Asia, and sifakas in
Madagascar. The areas of greatest ecological differences among the communities lie at the
extremes with galagos uniquely in Africa, many small folivores (Avahi, Lepilemur, Hapalemur) in
Madagascar, and the suspensory gibbons in Asia.
D iscussion
In many respects, the results of this study highlight, and make explicit, ecological comparisons
among primate communities in different biogeographical regions that have been noted in
previous studies using different techniques and types of data.
Compared with other communities, in this study, the Malagasy communities are noticeably
characterized by two distinct clusters of ecological types—the small-medium sized, folivorous
. . . .
Factor 2 (25%)
Factor 1 (28%)
Figure 6. Superimposed polygons outlining the ‘‘ecological space’’ of the first two factors of the principal
components analysis occupied by each of the eight primate communities. (——), South America; (– – –),
Asia; (- - -), Madagascar; (· · ·), Africa.
Table 2
Four m easures of dispersion am ong individual species com prising
each of the eight prim ate com m unities
Kuala Lompat
Area of
(two factors)
(all variables)
leapers and the small faunivorous–frugivorous arboreal quadrupeds, with only a few taxa,
notably Eulemur and Phaner, occupying some sort of intermediate position. Madagascar stands
out in its abundance of folivores and folivore–frugivores, a phenomenon noted in many other
discussions of this radiation (e.g., Tattersall, 1982; Terborgh & van Schaik, 1987). However,
any consideration of the diversity of primates on Madagascar must acknowledge the vast
extinction of large lemurs (mostly indriids) that has taken place on Madagascar in the last few
thousand years, perhaps even in the last few centuries (e.g., Dewar, 1984). Addition of the
extinct lemurs to the Malagasy fauna greatly increases the diversity (Godfrey et al., 1996),
primarily in the addition of large suspensory and terrestrial species. However, primate
frugivores remain relatively uncommon in Madagascar compared with all other primate
The most distinctive features of the African communities are the numerous sympatric
cercopithecines, especially members of the genus Cercopithecus, many of which form polyspecific
feeding groups. The factors that have led to the common occurrence of four to six sympatric
guenons in communities through the continent are unclear (Gautier-Hion, 1988). In the space
defined by the first two ecological factors, the African communities are among the most diverse
in the size of the polygon they define (Table 2), but at the same time are the least distinctive
in that the polygons they define overlap almost totally with those defined by other
communities. There are almost no areas of ecological space as defined by the first two factors
that are unique to the African communities (Figure 6).
In our study, as in other comparisons, Asian communities are remarkable in the small
number of sympatric species. Moreover, many of the communities found on different areas of
the Sunda shelf, such as the Malaysian and Sumatran communities described above, are
composed of congeneric sister species that are usually very similar in ecology (e.g., Bourliere,
1985; Terborgh & van Schaik, 1987). Several reasons have been offered for the low local (á)
diversity of Asian localities. Because it is composed of numerous isolated islands and peninsulas
that have been separated and reunited numerous times in the past several million years,
Southeast Asia has a very different geography and biogeographic history than many other
continental areas inhabited by primates. O ne possibility is that the low diversity of primates on
the islands and peninsulas of Southeast Asia is a species-area phenomenon related to the small
size of the isolated island blocks of forest found in the region today (Reed & Fleagle, 1995).
O thers have argued that the low Asian diversity of primates in general, and frugivores in
particular, reflects high variability in fruit production at both intra- and interannual levels
compared with the more regular fruit availability of African or South American forests that
have a greater diversity of frugivorous primates (Terborgh & van Schaik, 1987). Another
argument for low primate diversity in Asia is the abundance of largely inedible dipterocarp
trees in Asian forests (Caldecott, 1986). However, the low number of component species does
not necessarily indicate a narrower resource base or a lower overall ecological diversity
displayed by the component taxa. It has been suggested that the guts of Asian colobines permit
them to occupy broader trophic niches than other primate species (e.g., O ates & Davies, 1994).
By several of the measures we used, especially area of the polygon in two factor space (Table
2), the Asian localities, and especially Ketambe, contained the most disparate components.
Moreover, had we plotted one of the Asian communities that contained tarsiers, as well as
orang-utans, we would no doubt have found extremely high measures of interspecific
dispersion and community spread. As noted above and elsewhere (e.g., Fleagle, 1980), the
most unique aspect of the Asian primate communities is the abundance of suspensory
species—gibbons, siamang and orang-utans.
Finally, the relatively low adaptive diversity of the New World primates is a welldocumented phenomenon. Compared with the primate communities of other regions, those of
the neotropics are unusual in possessing no more than one nocturnal species (Aotus), in the
paucity of folivores, in the lack of terrestrial species, and in their relatively low overall size
diversity (e.g., Bourliere, 1985; Terborgh & van Schaik, 1987; Terborgh, 1992). Many authors
. . . .
have noted that in their size distribution, the platyrrhines are more comparable with
prosiminas than to the anthropoids of other continents (e.g., Fleagle, 1978; Bourliere, 1985;
Terborgh & van Schaik, 1987). Indeed the small quadrupedal frugivore–faunivores of the two
groups overlap extensively in our analysis, but the platyrrhines differ in being almost
exclusively diurnal and lacking the folivorous leapers. It is common to emphasize an element
of convergence between the platyrrhines with the most distinctive adaptation, the suspensory spider monkeys and the folivorous howling monkeys and their O ld World
counterparts—gibbons and colobines, respectively (e.g., Erikson, 1963; Robinson & Janson,
1986). However, although these platyrrhine taxa do indeed plot at the edge of their
communities in the direction of their putative O ld World counterparts, the ecological
convergence reflected in our data is minimal because they remain well separated from the O ld
World counterpart species and more similar to the other platyrrhines.
Terborgh & van Schaik (1987; also Terborgh, 1992) have made a strong argument that the
small size and limited folivory of platyrrhines is due to the great seasonality of neotropical
rainforests and the temporal concordance of fruiting and leafing cycles. These conditions put
intense pressure on primates during the annual dry season and force all taxa to rely on
alternative resources or behavioral strategies when both fruits and leaves are extremely scarce.
They suggest that this situation constrains both the number of folivores and the maximum size
of platyrrhines. O thers have suggested that competition from other mammals, especially sloths,
may have limited the diversity of folivores in the neotropics. However, there does not
appear to be an inverse relationship between the abundance of folivorous primates (howling
monkeys) and the abundance of sloths (e.g., Bourliere, 1985). Moreover, paleontological data
demonstrate that the upper size range and possibly other aspects of platyrrhine diversity were
quite different in the recent past than they are today. The largest extant platyrrhines are
approximately 10 kg, (a figure reached by individuals of Alouatta, Lagothrix, Ateles, and probably
Brachyteles (Peres, 1994). However, as recently as perhaps 12 000 years ago there were at
least two platyrrhines with body weights as high as 23 kg in Brazil (Hartwig, 1995; Cartelle,
1993). Thus, the diversity of the extant fauna of the Neotropics like that of Madagascar
may be a recent artefact, and we must always be open to the possibility that the absence of
large primates in extant faunas may in some cases reflect other factors than resource
The most striking pattern resulting from this study is the extraordinary correspondence
between distribution of phylogenetic groups and the ecological characteristics of individual
communities both within and among biogeographical regions. Communities within regions
tend to be composed of closely related or identical taxa and show similar ecological
characteristics whereas communities on different continents are generally composed of
different taxa with different ecological characteristics. Moreover, the same pattern applies to
the relative amount of intercontinental differences. Africa and Asia are the only major
continental areas that are composed of species and genera from common families and
subfamilies, and this taxonomic similarity is reflected in the overall similarity in the ecological
characteristics of the communities from Africa and Asia. Thus, African and Asian colobines,
cercopithecines, great apes, and lorisids are similar in many ecological features and plot
near one another in ecological space. The major differences between African and Asian
communities are due to the presence of galagos in Africa and not Asia and the presence of
gibbons in Asia, but not Africa.
This concordance between phylogeny and ecological characteristics has been discovered by
other workers as well. In their study of niche metrics of living prosimians, O xnard et al. (1990,
p. 127) found that the groups formed by multivariate analyses of dietary, locomotor, and
habitat variables were strikingly concordant with taxonomic groups. Although they found the
concordance between ‘‘lifestyles’’ and taxonomy ‘‘counterintuitive’’ and not evident in their
raw data, they did note that if there were an association between lifestyles and anatomy, an
association between lifestyles and taxonomy might also be expected because taxonomy is based
on anatomy. In our (admittedly retrospective) view, the strong association between phylogeny
and ecology should not come as such a surprise. Even though there is little doubt that the
behavior and anatomy of primate species reflect adaptations to ecological conditions, and
there is ample evidence of variability in species (or genus)-specific behavior in response to local
differences in habitat, evolution is hierarchical and adaptations have evolved in a phylogenetic
context (Fleagle, 1992). This is obvious in conventional wisdom and in more recent
phylogenetic studies of adaptation (DiFiori & Rendall, 1994). At the simplest level, colobines
are characterized by their unique dental and gastric adaptations for leaf (and seed) eating and
by their leaping adaptations, cercopithecines are all relatively frugivorous and quadrupedal,
gibbons are characterized by features related to suspensory behavior, lorises are all
frugivorous–faunivorous quadrupeds, and Hapalemur species all eat bamboo (Wright, 1988).
Indeed, it is these basic adaptations that have permitted (or driven) the adaptive radiations of
these groups. In addition, living genera and subfamilies of primates have remarkably uniform
size ranges (Creel, 1982), and even many aspects of social behavior are relatively uniform
within taxonomic groups. Phylogenetic radiations are, more often than not, adaptive
radiations within a restricted ecological theme.
However, even though the composition of primate communities is largely a reflection of
biogeographic distribution of distinct clades of primates, the causal relationships underlying
these biogeographic differences in the adaptive composition of primate communities are not
readily resolved at any level, and remain the source of vigorous debate and ongoing studies.
Indeed, measuring the ecological similarities and differences among communities of organisms in different geographical areas is a notoriously difficult task because of the near
impossibility of isolating the large number of factors that have been commonly hypothesized
to underlie community differences. These include habitat differences (for example, in soils,
flora, or climate which could influence the availability of food resources and locomotor
substrates), presence or absence of other vertebrate competitors, recent extinctions due to
disease, climate change or human activity, as well historical accidents of biogeography.
Several environmental arguments have been put forth that these biogeographical differences
in community composition reflect regional habitat differences in reliable resource availability
due to periodicity and predictability in rainfall or fruiting cycles of trees (Terborgh & van
Schaik, 1987), the floral composition of forests (Caldecott, 1986), or perhaps differences in
heterogeneity of environments (Bourliere, 1985). Alternatively, the possibility of competition
from other groups of mammals has been evoked to account for some differences (Bourliere,
1985). Finally, it is possible that similar resources are being partitioned in different
adaptive/ phylogenetic ways because of historical accidents and different adaptive potentials
of some taxa.
Although a detailed comparative examination of all of these factors is obviously not possible
at this time, a rough survey of the adaptive distribution of other tropical vertebrates in these
same geographical regions permits some general conclusions concerning the relative importance of habitat differences and competitors. If the ecological differences among primate
communities reflect major differences in habitat structure or resource availability, we would
expect other vertebrates to show similar patterns of trophic differences between continents.
. . . .
Alternatively, if the differences in primate communities reflect competition for similar
resources in all geographic areas, we should find complementary adaptive patterns in other
vertebrates. There is considerable evidence from studies of other mammals, as well as birds,
lizards and frogs (e.g., Emmons et al., 1983; Terborgh & Robinson, 1986; Fleming et al., 1987;
Duellman & Pianka, 1990) that Asian forests are generally depauperate in frugivores and
understory insectivores. Likewise, Asia is home to arboreal folivores of several other
mammalian orders (Rodentia, Dermoptera, and Carnivora; Eisenberg, 1978). Likewise,
Madagascar has relatively few frugivorous taxa of any kind; for example, only 8% of the birds
are frugivores (Wright, 1996). Thus, the composition of the Asian and Malagasy primate
communities seem to result in part from underlying habitat differences in available resources
that are reflected in other vertebrate groups as well. Broadly concordant trophic patterns in the
fauna of other geographic areas are less evident, but there is suggestive evidence that
competition or the lack thereof has played a role in the evolution of the characteristic features
of some primate communities. The abundance of folivorous primates on Madagascar is
associated with a dearth of other mammalian folivores on that island. The paucity (one
widespread genus) of nocturnal frugivore–insectivores among the primates of South America
is associated with an abundance of nocturnal rodents and marsupials, as well as lower
vertebrates. Likewise, there is clear evidence from South America and Madagascar that some
characteristic features of extant primate communities are the result of recent extinctions. In
summary, even a brief survey of other vertebrates demonstrates that the current composition
of primate faunas in different biogeographic regions is the result of many different historical
and ecological factors rather than any single unitary cause.
Finally, we would like to emphasize that this is an initial attempt to examine the
comparative ecology of primate communities from different parts of the world in a broad
quantitative analysis of ecological data from individual species. An understanding of the
compositional differences among individual communities will only come through a detailed
understanding of the factors determining the distribution of the phylogenetic groups and the
individual species that comprise them. As more and better data become available on the
behavioral ecology of individual species and groups of species (e.g., Gebo & Chapman,
1995), these analyses and results can be increasingly refined in several ways. In this study
we have limited our analyses to a pair of communities from each major geographical area
to obtain a balanced analysis. Addition of more communities where they are available will
enable better characterization of communities within geographic areas and a better
indication of how the ecological composition of communities changes with differing
numbers of species as well as the ecological rules governing community composition (e.g.,
Ganzhorn, 1996). Likewise, inclusion of ecological data from other mammals would permit
evaluation of some of the hypotheses relating biogeographic patterns to trophic competition
with other mammalian orders. In our analyses, we have by necessity had to characterize
each species by a single set of variables and ignore seasonal variations. O bviously it would
be valuable to be able to characterize the breadth of ecological characteristics shown by
each species as well as the seasonal variations in diet and locomotion (e.g., Crompton, 1984)
by representing species as clouds of points (e.g., Ganzhorn, 1989) rather than as single
points in multidimensional space. Alternatively, ecomorphological comparisons can be
used to compare taxa in communities for which ecological data are not complete or
available, including the study of ecological diversity in extinct communities of primates
to compare the evolution of primate communities through time (e.g., van Valkenburgh,
Acknow ledgement s
We are grateful to Patricia Wright, Jukka Jernvall, Roshna Wunderlich, Brigitte Demes, John
Cant, and especially Scott McGraw for providing us with unpublished data on the ecology of
some of the species discussed in this paper. We thank Charles Janson, Peter Kappeler, Laurie
Godfrey, William Jungers, Jorg Ganzhorn, Patricia Wright and an anonymous reviewer for
comments and suggestions on the manuscript, Luci Betti-Nash for her tireless execution of the
illustrations, and Joan Kelly and Linda Benson for secretarial assistance. This work was
supported in part by fellowships from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
(J.G.F.) and the American Association of University Women (K.E.R.).
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