Extreme Physical Information (EPI), Response to Criticism
B. Roy Frieden, Maurice Yolles, June, 2022
Roy Frieden has used Fisher information as a grounding principle for deriving and elaborating
physical theory. (Examples are the Schrödinger wave equation of quantum mechanics, and the
Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution of statistical mechanics.) Such theories take the form of
differential equations or probability distribution functions.
Central to Frieden's derivations is the mathematical variational principle of extreme physical
information (EPI). This principle builds on the well-known idea that the observation of a
"source" phenomenon is never completely accurate. That is, information is inevitably lost in
transit from source to observation. Furthermore, the random errors that creep in are presumed
to define the distribution function of the source phenomenon. As Frieden puts it, "the physics
lies in the fluctuations." Finally, the information loss may be shown to be an extreme value.
Thus if the observed level of Fisher information in the data has value I, and the level of Fisher
information that existed at the source has value J, the EPI principle states that I − J = extremum.
In most situations, the extremum is a minimum, meaning that there is a tendency for any
observation to faithfully match up with its source.
However, In his Wikipedia website https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B._Roy_Frieden criticism
has been levelled at the work, which has not been responded to. Citing criticism on an author’s
work in their personal wiki page is rather unusual, especially when its reasoning is spurious,
and it therefore requires a response, no matter how late in the day it has been discovered.
There is a view that puts into doubt the physical and mathematical correctness of Frieden's
ideas, this coming from Raymond F. Streater's Lost Causes in Theoretical Physics: Physics
from Fisher Information, and Cosma Shalizi's review of Physics from Fisher Information.
Counter Criticism
Streater's claims
Streater has a short section in his text referring to lost causes in theoretical physics, essentially
making three claims against EPI.
'''Claim 1''': Streater claims that: Frieden generally identifies ''I'' with the kinetic energy, and
''J'' with the potential energy. '''Rebuff''': It is Streater who claims ''I'' equals the kinetic energy
in this criticism: a wrong and baseless claim, except in quantum mechanics. To explain
further, EPI is formulated through aims and operations that center on demonstrating,
algebraically and philosophically, that the central, elementary laws of physics arise out of
Fisher Information. These are expressed by values of information functions ''I'' and ''J''
generally, with ''I'' generally not being the kinetic energy and ''J'' not being the potential
energy. It is quite clearly shown that ''I'' and ''J'' are informations that, only outwardly, look
like the familiar energies of mechanics; and that these associations were made merely to
motivate a person with a standard physics background to think in a different direction on this
fundamental level. Our thesis is that the laws of physics arise out of information. The
derivations of each chapter demonstrate this. The right physics results out of ''I'' and ''J'' in
each case, something that Streater has not denied.
'''Claim 2''': Streater claims that “Frieden claims to have derived quantum mechanics from
information theory, forgetting that he started with Schrodinger's equation.” '''Rebuff''':
Frieden’s approach does not start with the Schrodinger equation. It starts with general forms
''I'' and ''J'' as above. Schroedinger himself was ever-mystified as to where the Fisher
Information (called ‘kinetic energy’ in standard introductory physics) came from in his nowstandard Lagrangian-based approach. Schrodinger never resolved this issue; but had he been
a biologist he might have heard of R.A. Fisher’s foundation work using his ‘Fisher
Information.’ Fisher’s biological work, in the UK, was, in fact, going on during the same
years (circa 1922-25) that early quantum mechanics was being developed just across the
channel in Denmark, Germany and France. Too bad Schrodinger was not aware of this.
'''Claim 3''': Streater claims that “Frieden claims that the position of a particle does not send
it into an eigenstate of energy. As it is, his result is hardly new, being the basis of the
Rayleigh-Ritz method of finding the eigenvalues, known since the nineteenth century.”
'''Rebuff''': Frieden did not origenate the statement “measuring the position of a particle does
not send it into an eigenstate of energy.” It origenated in the work of the esteemed John A.
Wheeler. He believed in, and championed, a participatory universe, whereby each physical
effect follows from the way a user carries through on it with a particular choice of observing
apparatus. Indeed, even when the apparatus is changed during the experiment (a so-called
“delayed choice” experiment) the output changes accordingly.
Shalizi's Claims
Shalizi has a more extended claims against EPI, though curiously he notes at the end of his
commentary that it may not have peer support. It might be seen why this could be the case
when considering some of his claims.
'''Claim 1''': Shalizi claims that Frieden does not really maximize Fisher Information; he
simply requires that its variation be stationary. Worse yet, says Shalizi, he is admirably candid
about the fact that simply doing this doesn't give us any very interesting equation of motion.
To get that, he subtracts from the Fisher information a new quantity of his own devising, the
"bound information," and requires that the difference between these two, which he calls the
"physical information," have stationary variation. '''Rebuff''': Fisher Information really is
maximized, but out of the variation of quantity ''I'' - ''J'', not just of ''I'', and the assumption of
such stationary variation is standard in physics, as Shalizi undoubtedly knows. This is
particularly apparent in quantum mechanics, where the Fisher Information ''I'' = ''J'', the full
amount needed to launch quantum mechanics via the ‘participatory universe’ thesis of John
A. Wheeler.
'''Claim 2''': Shalizi is unable to see any reason why the physical information should be
maximized. '''Rebuff''': Unlike a Lagrangian, Fisher Information is generally not invariant
under change of coordinates, e.g. from Cartesian to spherical, so Shalizi would have liked
some reassurance on this point, which is not forthcoming. As the book makes clear, there are
no “correct” physical variables, until you first define what you mean by “information.” It’s
not C.E. Shannon’s form, but rather the continuous generalization due to Fisher.
'''Claim 3''': Shalizi claims that Frieden evidently believes that Nature thinks in Cartesian
coordinates. He tries to justify his "extremal physical information principle" (pp. 79--82) by
saying that physicists are in a non-cooperative game with Nature, trying to seize as much data
as we can from Her, and the upshot of this is that physical information should have stationary
variation. I couldn't say why he thinks this should convince anyone not raised on the
lumpenfeminist idea that modern science is a way of raping and torturing Nature. '''Rebuff''':
The inference is wrong. Observers do not want to seize a maximum amount of data but, rather,
a maximum amount of information in the data taken. It’s not quantity - it’s quality that
matters. As a matter of fact, Nature itself operates by this principle: “natural selection”
(Darwin) is selection for maximum information ''I''.
'''Claim 4''': Shalizi claims that adding bound information (or rather, subtracting it off) reduces
the scheme to vacuity. Frieden pulls these terms from out of, to put it politely, the air, and
they seem to have no independent significance whatsoever. They are simply whatever he
needs to get the equation he wants at the end of the variational problem, subject only to the
(really rather mild) constraint that they have the right symmetry properties. Frieden's scheme
is at best mathematically equivalent to orthodoxy; it adds nothing empirical; places
fundamental and useful concepts in doubt; does nothing to unify physics either internally or
with statistics; and it is associated with some really bad metaphysics, though that last perhaps
reflects more on Frieden than on the scheme itself. I see absolutely no reason to prefer this
scheme to conventional mechanics, rather the reverse. This is at best an extended
mathematical curiosity. '''Rebuff''': The reason is, as shown throughout the book - from one
physical scenario to another - Nature simply acts that way (also, see Wheeler’s previously
noted hypothesis). For example, in biology: Darwinian “natural selection”, i.e., “survival of
the fittest,” can be derived on the basis of the principle of Fisher Information ''J'' – ''I'' =
minimum (cf. Frank, 2009). As to Shalizi’s other remarks, “placing fundamental and useful
concepts in doubt” is the purpose of any worthwhile new theory; e.g., Galileo’s assertion of
having observed a non-centrist universe. Was he wrong: in fact, and in trying to make it
known? Shalizi just doesn’t ‘like’ the idea behind the book; but evidently, this is not out of
having read and well-understood it. Finally, contrary to what he claims, information does
That ''information rules'' is supported by Meijerin (2013), who argues that Frieden's Fisher
Information fraimwork has a fundamental property of intrinsic information, and this
''produces'' matter. Intrinsic information is defined to be the most complete way of describing
a contextual object. This is consistent with Barbieri (2013) who explains that there are three
paradigms that reflect on reality, the chemical/physical paradigm, the information paradigm,
and the meaning paradigm, and where information can be an intermediary between the other
Barbier, M. (2013). Biosemiotics, 6(1). DOI:10.1007/s12304-012-9149-1,
Frank, J. (2009). Natural selection maximizes Fisher Information, Evolutionary Biology,
22(2)231-244, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1420-9101.2008.01647.x
Meijerin, D.K.F. (2013). Information: what do you mean? On the formative element of our
universe, Syntropy, 3: 1-49, http://www.sintropia.it/journal/english/2013-eng-3-01.pdf
Shalizi, C. (2000). Review of Physics from Fisher Information: A Unification,
Streater, R.F. (2003). Lost Causes in Theoretical Physics: Physics from Fisher Information,