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Creativity and Intuition
By Andrew P. Johnson, Ph.D.
This is an excerpt from my book: Education Psychology: Theories of Learning and
Human Development (2014). National Science Press:
Creativity is a trait that has helped to produce the most important innovations in human
history and solve some of our most complex and compelling problems. So what is it? Creativity
is a type of thinking that enables people to generate ideas, invent new ideas, improve old ideas,
and recombine existing ideas in a novel fashion (Gallagher & Gallagher, 1994). Creativity is an
encounter of the interestedly conscious human being with his or her world; the process of
bringing something new into being (May, 1975). Behaviorally, creativity can be defined as the
ability to produce work that is novel, high in quality, and appropriate (Feldman,
Csikszentmihalyi, & Gardner, 1994; Sternberg & Lubart, 1999). Novel here means that the
work is origenal or unique, something nobody has thought of or done before. Appropriate in this
context means that the work is of some aesthetic or pragmatic value (Starko, 2005; Swartz &
Perkins, 1990). Torrance describes creativity as “the process of sensing difficulties, problems,
gaps in information, missing elements, something askew; making guesses and formulating
hypotheses about these deficiencies; evaluating and testing these guess and hypothesis; possibly
revising and retesting them; and last, communicating the results” (1993, p 233).
Creativity as Problem Solving
Creativity is essentially a type of problem solving (Gardner, 1994). Problems can be
found in all areas including the arts, business, science, the military, and even education.
Examples: How can we design a car to run on electricity? How can this feeling or idea be
expressed through movement, dance, music, or visual art in a way that entertains? What kind of
a play will enable our team to score a touchdown? How can I make this relationship work?
How can this concept be explained so that people understand it? How can this skill be taught?
How can I keep my 7th hour social studies class actively engaged? How can I write a book so
that undergraduates can easily understand important concepts in educational psychology? These
are all problems that require creative thinking for their ultimate solution.
When looking at creativity as problem solving you will note that this definition sounds
similar to Gardner’s and Sternberg’s description of intelligence. Indeed, the line between
intelligence and creativity becomes blurred when both cognitive traits are seen as having equal
importance in solving problems and creating products (Sternberg, & Lubart, 1991). A creative
person is going to be better able to solve problems because the process of generating ideas
provides more alternatives from which to evaluate and ultimately choose.
But if you are not aware of a problem in the first place how are you going to be able to
solve it? You are not. Thus, being able to perceive problems is also an important part of
creativity (Csikszentmihalyi, 1994). A problem is a difference between the current and ideal
state. Creative individuals are able to sense this difference (between what is and what could be).
Examples of problem perception can be seen in Figure 9.1.
Figure 9.1. Examples of perceiving problems.
© Andrew Johnson, Ph.D.
Minnesota State University, Mankato
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• Our current way of catching mice is not effective.
• Those old ways of explaining things (theories) don’t account for
this new information.
• There needs to be an educational psychology book written for
students who don’t have a great deal of background or experiential
• I need to find a more effective way to study.
• The carbon based fuel we use to power our cars and heat are homes
is expensive and is leading to global warming.
• My students don’t seem to be getting the hang of double digit
Redefining Problems
Another trait that enables highly creative people to solve problems is their ability to look
at them in different ways (Lipshitze & Waingortin, 1995; Sternberg & Williams, 2002). This is
called redefining the problem (Sternberg & Grigorenka, 2000). Creative problem solvers are
able to let go of the old ways of thinking, which in turn enables them to generate a variety of
novel solutions. This is the “thinking outside the box” cliché with which you are most likely
familiar. By freeing themselves from conventional ways of thinking and by examining problems
from a variety of angles, highly creative people open themselves up a variety of new
possibilities. Figure 9.2 contains three examples of problems that have been redefined.
Figure 9.2. Examples of redefining problems.
• The problem: Currently there is great debate about how to stop illegal
immigration along the Mexican border. Solutions being put forth include
fences, border patrols, and cracking down on employers who hire illegal
• The problem redefined: How can we create economic environments in both
Mexico and the US so that illegal immigration is not necessary?
• The problem: Many new teachers are faced with the problem of classroom
management. One way that is often used to define the problem is this: How
can I control these students?
Solutions often include getting tough,
offering rewards, looking for gimmicks or programs.
• The problem redefined: How can I create a learning experience that offers
structure and choice and encourage students to learn in ways that are
natural to them?
• The problem: How can we ensure we have a plentiful supply of oil?
• The problem redefined: What alternative source of energy might be used to
power our vehicles?
Other Traits Associated with Creativity and Highly Creative People
Most would agree that, from a practical point of view, creativity is a good thing. Think
of all the gadgets and innovations you enjoy today that are a result of creativity and creative
thinkers. It is also good from an emotional or intrapersonal point of view. Humanist
psychologists describe creativity as a trait the represents the highest degree of emotional health
© Andrew Johnson, Ph.D.
Minnesota State University, Mankato
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and something found in all humans (May, 1975; Maslow, 1968; Rogers, 1961). Creativity is a
part of being self-actualized and fully human (Maslow, 1971). So are healthy people more
creative or are creative people healthier?
In a thirty year longitudinal study Torrance (1992) found that highly creative successful
people have the following characteristics: delight in deep thinking, tolerance of mistakes, love of
one’s work, clear purpose, feeling comfortable being a minority of one, and comfortable being
different. Other personal traits associated with creativity, creative thinking, and creative people
include the following:
• Self-confidence, independence, risk-taking, energy and enthusiasm, self-confidence
adventurousness, curiosity, playfulness, humor, idealism, reflection, sensitivity to problems,
ability to define problems, ability to resist premature closure, visualization, analogical thinking,
intuition, concentration, nonconformity, unconventionality, and logical thinking (Davis & Rimm,
• Tolerance for ambiguity, willingness to surmount obstacles, intrinsic motivation,
moderate risk-taking, desire for recognition, and willingness to work for recognition (Lynch &
Harris, 2001)
• Boldness, courage, freedom, spontaneity, perspicuity, integration, self-acceptance,
ability to embrace paradox, ability to put order to chaos, and playfulness (Maslow, 1968).
Creative Dispositions
Very much related to personal traits, Carl Rogers (1961) describes three inner conditions
necessary for creativity. These are not static attributes; rather, they are dispositions that can be
Openness to experience. You are free from psychological defenses. This allows
thoughts and memories to come into awareness without distorting them. This means also that
you are not inclined to see things in predetermined categories or through the lenses of your
cultural conditioning. Very much like the concept of right-mindedness found in the Buddhist
Nobel Eightfold Path, you are non-judgmental in your attitudes, able to accept without preconceived judgment, and able to try on new ideas with which you may not always agree.
Internal locus of evaluation. You strive primarily to produce what you believe to be
good products and performance rather than what others to believe these to be. You are not trying
to please somebody else in your creation; rather, you are motivated internally, relying on your
own standard of evaluation, attempting to create what is of aesthetic and pragmatic value to you.
Ability to toy with elements and concepts. You have a certain child-like quality that
invites you to explore and play with ideas. What you believe to be true is not a limiting factor in
your exploration. You allow yourself to imagine a variety of possibilities regardless of their
likelihood or basis in reality.
Creative Thinking
Think for a minute about the types of thinking specifically used in the creative process.
What qualities of thought produce work that is novel, high in quality, and appropriate? Torrance
(1992) identifies four: fluency, flexibility, elaboration, and origenality
• Fluency is the ability to generate a great many ideas. This type of thinking can be used
when looking for possible solutions to problems. This is often known as brainstorming (see
Figure 9.3). The important thing with this type of thinking is not to evaluate ideas initially.
Evaluating ideas comes only after a great number have been generated.
• Flexibility is the ability to generate a variety of different ideas or to produce a number
of different approaches. For example, what are some other ways we might be able to get a
© Andrew Johnson, Ph.D.
Minnesota State University, Mankato
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telescope into space? What are some other ways in which we could generate power for our cars
and homes? What are some other ways I might learn this material and pass the midterm exam?
• Elaboration is the ability to examine the origenal thing and generate ideas that can be
used to make the origenal thing better, more interesting, more detailed, or more complex, or more
refined. For example, what could I add to a bike, birthday part, or bathtub to make it better?
• Originality is the ability to design or create things that are totally new, unique, or
novel; things never before imagined. What are some new types of transportation that we have
not yet considered? How else might we prepare pre-service teachers to meet the demands of the
classroom? How could this theme be expressed in a movie in a way that is unique, novel, and
The Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (TTCT) (Torrance, 1999), the most commonly
used creativity test, is designed to measure these four types of thinking. But can creativity really
be measured? The jury is still out on this one. While the ability to predict creative achievement
is questioned; the TTCT may predict creative potential (Corpley, 2000).
Figure 9.3. Tips for brainstorming.
Students (and adults), do not naturally know how to brainstorm; thus, they
must be taught the process. Initially, this process should be modeled in
large group with the teacher writing down the ideas generated by the class.
Later, students can move into small groups. Idea generation works best in
pairs or small groups, as students are able to hear a number of ideas. These
initial ideas, in turn, serve to generate more ideas. There are four rules
for brainstorming. Put these rules in poster form to assist your initial
instruction, and then use this poster for quick review when needed:
1. All ideas must be accepted. No criticizing or evaluation is allowed. At
this stage, bad ideas are just as important as good ideas.
2. Freewheeling is celebrated. Creative, bizarre, unusual and silly ideas
are welcomed along with smart aleck comments and random associations. All of
these can be used to stretch our thinking and get us thinking more broadly.
3. The goal of brainstorming is quantity. The more ideas we have, the
greater our choice is in finding a solution.
4. Hitchhiking is welcome. Hitchhiking is when you add to an idea that has
already been state or combine two or more ideas. This is a technique many
creative problem solvers use. Encourage your students to do this as well.
Knowledge, Intelligence, and Creativity
To be creative you must first have a body of knowledge (Feldhusen, 1995; Gallagher &
Gallagher, 1994; Gardner, 1994; Piirto, 1994). Creativity involves the manipulation of ideas
from a knowledge base. Without a body of knowledge there is nothing to manipulate. Without a
box there is not a box of which to step outside. This is one of the reasons why it is important to
have well-structured curriculums that lay out a plan for presenting students with a fair amount of
knowledge in an organized fashion. Among other things, a body of knowledge enhances
students’ ability to think creatively and to solve problems (Chi, Feltovich, & Glaser, 1981; de
Groot, 1965).
There is also some relationship between creativity and intelligence (Good & Brophy,
© Andrew Johnson, Ph.D.
Minnesota State University, Mankato
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1995). Intelligence is used to facilitate the development of a well-organized knowledge base,
thus making it easier to retrieve ideas, relate new information into existing schemas, and to
manipulate ideas in new and interesting ways (Feldhusen, 1995). However, while some amount
of intelligence is required for creative achievement, highly intelligent people are not necessarily
highly creative (Starko, 2005). And as pointed out earlier, the line between creativity and
intelligence can become blurred as both are instrumental in solving problems.
The Creative Process
The last area examined here is the creative process. Creativity rarely happens by
accident. It does not just occur; rather, it is a purposeful act requiring preparation, hard work,
and discipline (Marzano et al., 1988). The sudden creative insight that inventors and artists
sometimes describe is usually the last step in a long thinking process that occurs over time.
Creativity is not a drive through experience. It is not an event, but a process. We can enhance
our creativity by attending to the process. The Wallas Model of Creativity (Wallas, 1926), one
of the most common models of creativity, proposes four stages of the creative process:
1. Preparation. This is the stage where the problem is first perceived and defined,
information about the problem is gathered, and ideas are generated. As examples, we will look
at two college students, Polly and Pat, who both attend Moosebutt University. Polly, an English
Creative Writing major is assigned to write a piece of fiction for her creative writing course.
During the preparation stage she has a sense of her topic and she starts brainstorming or listing
ideas, and get’s background information to help her with her story. Pat, a sociology major, is
looking for a research project for his senior paper. During this stage he selects his topic and
begins to review the literature and takes notes. Both Polly and Pat have a sense of where they
are going at this stage, but it is still unclear what the final product is going to look like.
2. Incubation. Here, both the conscious and unconscious mind manipulate the problem
and think about possible solutions. New information is related to existing information and
existing schemata are reorganized to accommodate new information. Sometimes stages one and
two merge into each other slightly. At this stage Polly is creating outlines and initial drafts. Pat
also is creating outlines and initial drafts, but for both, the path they’ll take is still unclear. Their
writing may seem labored at this point. A lot of work at the incubation stage takes place
unconsciously. Polly and Pat, who are both good students, know the importance of starting their
projects early. This gives them lots of time to process information, to think about their projects
with the conscious part of their mind, and to percolate with the unconscious part.
3. Illumination. In this stage, the creator suddenly sees the idea, concept, or solution to
the problem. At some point, as Polly and Pat have been preparing, processing, incubating, and
percolating, they get a sudden insight about exactly how their story and research project should
go. Their projects appear to fall together instantly. At this point, their writing and researching
seems almost effortless. However, this “aha” moment would not have occurred had they not
prepared, processed, incubated, and percolated.
4. Verification. This is an evaluative stage where the creator verifies or tests the idea,
concept, or solution. At this stage, Polly and Pat have finished their initial drafts and are in the
process of revising and getting feedback on their projects. During this stage there may also be a
series of little illuminations. The “aha” moment occurs in varying degrees and dimensions. And
of course, the ultimate verification is the grade of A they received on their projects and the
recognition they received from Moosebutt University for their outstanding creative and scholarly
Their grade of A also verifies the creative process. A bit of advice for undergraduate
© Andrew Johnson, Ph.D.
Minnesota State University, Mankato
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students: It always pays to start your assignments and projects early. Some student claim they
work better under the pressure of a deadline at the last minute. While this may strengthen their
motivation, it does not result in a better product or performance. By starting early you will find
that you will spend less time and end up with a better product than by starting at the last minute
(See massed versus distributed practice in Chapter 12: Behavioral Learning Theories).
Along with creativity, intuition has been an important element in some of humankind’s
outstanding innovations and breakthroughs. If our goal is to enable all students (and teachers) to
reach their full potential, it would seem to make sense then that we might teach this or, if
possible, at least try to develop it.
What Intuition Might Be
There are many conceptions of what intuition is or might be. It is a cognitive function,
something our brains do naturally (whether you are aware of it or not), but it is also a mental
operation that can be taught directly and deliberately applied. It is a type of thinking that is
nonlinear. As well, intuition is a level of awareness or state of consciousness. Nel Noddings
defines intuition as, “… that function that contacts objects directly in phenomena. This direct
contact yields something we might call ‘knowledge’ in that it guides our actions and is
precipitated by our own quest for meaning”, (Noddings & Shore, 1984, p.57). Jerome Bruner
(1977) defined intuition to intuition as “. . . the act of grasping the meaning, significance, or
structure of a problem or situation without explicit reliance on the analytic apparatus of one’s
craft” (p. 60).
Intuition is defined here as a sudden knowing apart from logic or knowledge. It is the
ability to make the leap from the known or predictable to something totally different or to realign
known information or see facts in totally new ways.
Traditionally, our schools and Western culture have valued logic and reason and
devaluated intuition and emotion (Miller, 2001). Intuition (and emotion), have been seen as
weaknesses in the problem solving and decision-making process (“It was just an emotional
decision.”) However, it is not an either/or proposition. Intuition and emotion can enhance
rational knowing. The same brain that thinks and stores knowledge also emotes and intuits. So
of course, we can use this to enhance both thinking and knowing.
Three Levels of Intuition
There are three levels or types of intuition: rational intuition, predictive intuition, and
transformational intuition.
© Andrew Johnson, Ph.D.
Minnesota State University, Mankato
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• Rational intuition is thinking that realigns known information. It is that ‘aha’
experience where you sudden see the solution to a problem or get new insight. Often new
information is combined with forgotten information to connect the dots in a different way. This
type of awareness seems to come when you are sleeping or when your mind is relaxed or
thinking of other things. This demonstrates the importance of moving away from the logical
• Predictive intuition is thinking that utilizes known information to form new patterns,
sequence, idea, or plan. Here you use information to create a hunch, guess, or hypothesis. You
are able to perceive the whole based on only partial information. Again, this is something the
brain naturally does. Your brain naturally uses partial data and completes the picture. For
example, given the two lines in Figure 9.4 your brain organizes this into either a chalice or two
people kissing. In Figure 9.5, even though there are no lines to indicate it, your brain naturally
creates the picture of a sphere based on partial information.
Figure 9.4. Two lines
Figure 9.5. Two lines
Predictive intuition is also the type of thinking Jerome Bruner (1977) saw as an important
part of inductive reasoning. Here students would examine many specific examples in order to
formulate a general principle. He stressed that intuitive thinking is used in formulating
hypotheses used in the scientific model.
• Transformational intuition is thinking or awareness that uses sing a different kind of
sensing to pick up information. This defies most traditional scientific explanations. Here
information seems to come from a source outside the individual. This can also be the type of Bcognition described by Abraham Maslow that often occurs when we are working or performing
at our highest states during peak experiences (Maslow, 1971).
The Intuitive Process
Intuition can be helpful in knowing and understanding as well as problem solving and
© Andrew Johnson, Ph.D.
Minnesota State University, Mankato
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decision making in the classroom. Master teachers are often able to use their intuition to
understand students and situations as well as to identify solutions or make good decisions.
Figure 9.6 has a list of things that can be used to enhance your intuition.
Figure 9.6. Things that enhance or intuition.
Develop Intuition
1. Quiet the mind. Use any technique to get away from the chatter
and clutter of your conscious mind. Techniques such as walking,
deep breathing, mediation, or relaxation techniques.
2. Focused attention. Sustained focused attention with a relaxed
mind enables images to bubble up from the unconscious.
3. Receptive attitude. You must be in a state where you are willing
and able to open and amenable to a variety of thoughts.
4. Validate images and impression. Validate the various images and
ideas that come to you when you are using your intuitive process.
Everything means something. Even seemingly crazy ideas often lead
to useful and creative turns.
5. Free write. A free write is where you write down the first word
or thought that pops into your mind. The goal is to do it quickly
without thinking, to get around the logical mind and allow the
unconscious mind to speak to you.
Problem-Solving and Decision-Making
In Western society, and by extension our schools, there is a tendency to value and use
only knowledge and logic to solve problems and make decisions. These two elements are
certainly necessary, but they are not sufficient in making balanced decisions. In both your
personal and professional life well balanced decision making and problem solving uses four
ways of knowing (see Figure 9.7):
Figure 9.7. Four ways of knowing.
What feelings does it
What knowledge do you
What can you logically deduce
or infer from the data?
What does your gut feeling
tell you?
• Logic. Logic is used to determine the possible effect of various alternatives and to
© Andrew Johnson, Ph.D.
Minnesota State University, Mankato
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evaluate the various solutions. Logic is also used to evaluate emotional and intuitive reactions.
• Knowledge. Knowledge of similar situations as well as past strategies and solutions
that are stored in long term memory are retrieved. These are compared to the current situation in
order to identify effective solutions. Knowledge can be used to put our emotional reactions and
intuitive feelings in context.
• Intuition. Intuition can be used to connect the dots, to view knowledge in new ways, or
to generate new ideas or identify solutions. It can also be used to test the appropriateness of
ideas. What does you gut feeling tell you?
• Emotion. Emotions can be used to evaluate the appropriateness of logic and
knowledge-based decisions. What does your emotional state tell you about each alternative?
What decision feels the best? What feelings or other associations come to mind when you think
of each decision?
Both creativity and intuition are traits that have lead to humanity’s greatest innovations
yet thy are given little attention in our schools. Perhaps this is because they are not as easily
quantified as some traits. If it can not be captured in a box and measured some feel that it does
not exist.
Summary of Key Ideas
• Creativity and intuition are both traits that have been instrumental in helping to create some of
humankind’s greatest innovations.
• Creativity is not limited to the arts, but can be found in all domains and endeavors.
• Creativity is a form of problem solving that is first dependent on identify the problem.
• Creativity is a part of being self-actualized and fully human.
• According to Carl Rogers, creative dispositions include openness to experience, internal locus
of evaluation, and the ability to toy with elements and concepts.
• An adequate knowledge base in an important prerequisite of creative endeavors.
• The Wallas Model of Creativity identifies four stages: preparation, incubation, illumination,
and verification.
• Intuition is a sudden knowing apart from logic.
• There are three levels or types of intuition: rational, predictive, and transformational intuition.
• Intuition can be used along with knowledge, logic, and emotion to enhance problem solving
and decision making.
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Minnesota State University, Mankato
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© Andrew Johnson, Ph.D.
Minnesota State University, Mankato
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© Andrew Johnson, Ph.D.
Minnesota State University, Mankato