Cognition xxx (2011) xxx–xxx
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Brief article
Changes in auditory frequency guide visual–spatial attention
Julia A. Mossbridge a,⇑, Marcia Grabowecky a,b, Satoru Suzuki a,b
Department of Psychology, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208, United States
Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208, United States
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 5 August 2010
Revised 21 April 2011
Accepted 3 June 2011
Available online xxxx
Cross-modal perception
Auditory–visual interactions
Visual–spatial attention
Implicit attentional processing
Multi-modal cognition
a b s t r a c t
How do the characteristics of sounds influence the allocation of visual–spatial attention?
Natural sounds typically change in frequency. Here we demonstrate that the direction of
frequency change guides visual–spatial attention more strongly than the average or ending
frequency, and provide evidence suggesting that this cross-modal effect may be mediated
by perceptual experience. We used a Go/No-Go color-matching task to avoid response
compatibility confounds. Participants performed the task either with their heads upright
or tilted by 90!, misaligning the head-centered and environmental axes. The first of two
colored circles was presented at fixation and the second was presented in one of four surrounding positions in a cardinal or diagonal direction. Either an ascending or descending
auditory-frequency sweep was presented coincident with the first circle. Participants were
instructed to respond to the color match between the two circles and to ignore the uninformative sounds. Ascending frequency sweeps facilitated performance (response time
and/or sensitivity) when the second circle was presented at the cardinal top position and
descending sweeps facilitated performance when the second circle was presented at the
cardinal bottom position; there were no effects of the average or ending frequency. The
sweeps had no effects when circles were presented at diagonal locations, and head tilt
entirely eliminated the effect. Thus, visual–spatial cueing by pitch change is narrowly
tuned to vertical directions and dominates any effect of average or ending frequency.
Because this cross-modal cueing is dependent on the alignment of head-centered and environmental axes, it may develop through associative learning during waking upright
" 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
In everyday experience, hearing a sound guides our visual attention to the location of the sound source (e.g.,
Bolognini, Frassinetti, Serino, & Ladavas, 2005; Driver &
Spence, 1998; Frassinetti, Bolognini, & Ladavas, 2002;
Stein, Meredith, Huneycutt, & McDade, 1989; for review
see Talsma, Senkowski, Soto-Faraco, & Woldorff, 2010).
More surprisingly, even when sounds come from a single
location, different sounds can guide visual attention in distinct ways. For example, characteristic sounds (e.g., a dog
bark) speed and guide eye movements toward congruous
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 224 627 7261; fax: +1 847 491 2523.
E-mail address: (J.A. Mossbridge).
pictures (e.g., a dog) in a visual-search paradigm even
when the sounds provide no location information (Iordanescu, Grabowecky, Franconeri, Theeuwes, & Suzuki,
2010; Iordanescu, Guzman-Martinez, Grabowecky, & Suzuki, 2008).
Sounds with no object-specific referent but with differing qualities, such as sounds with high versus low steady
pitch or high versus low intensity, direct attention to the
top or the bottom of the visual field, respectively (Ben-Artzi & Marks, 1995; Bernstein & Edelstein, 1971; Evans & Treisman, 2010; Melara & O’Brien, 1987; Patching & Quinlan,
2002; Pratt, 1930; Widmann, Gruber, Kujala, Tervaniemi, &
Schroger, 2007; Widmann, Kujala, Tervaniemi, Kujala, &
Schroger, 2004). It is not yet clear whether such implicit
sound-quality effects on spatial attention are the result of
0010-0277/$ - see front matter " 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: Mossbridge, J. A., et al. Changes in auditory frequency guide visual–spatial attention. Cognition (2011),
J.A. Mossbridge et al. / Cognition xxx (2011) xxx–xxx
innate wiring constraints or are learned associations
(Marks, 1987; Melara & O’Brien, 1987). Although this question could be informed by clarifying the crucial parameters
that modulate these phenomena, there has been little
parametric investigation beyond the initial description of
the effects themselves. Furthermore, naturally occurring
sounds typically change in pitch. Here we demonstrate
that for sounds with changing pitch the direction of frequency change guides visual–spatial attention more
strongly than average or ending frequency, and we present
a careful investigation of this cross-modal effect to elucidate whether it is mediated by perceptual experience.
In four experiments, we (1) compared the effect of the
direction of frequency modulation (ascending or descending) with the effect of average and ending frequencies
themselves (high or low), (2) determined whether these
sounds guided attention in specific directions (e.g., upward
or downward) or to general regions (e.g., the upper field or
the lower field), and (3) investigated whether these crossmodal effects depended on perceptual experience by testing a condition in which retinotopic and environmental
directions were misaligned.
2. Experiment One: Does frequency-modulation
direction influence visual–spatial attention?
We orthogonally varied the direction of frequency modulation (ascending or descending) and the average frequency (high or low) of a sound presented immediately
prior to a visual probe. In this way, we determined how
frequency-modulation direction and overall frequency
influenced visual–spatial attention.
2.1. Method
2.1.1. Participants
Thirty-three Northwestern undergraduates (20 women,
18–21 years of age, 1 left-handed) gave informed consent
to participate in the experiment for course credit. All participants had normal or corrected-to-normal visual acuity,
color vision, and hearing.
2.1.2. Stimuli
The visual stimuli are illustrated in Fig. 1A. A central fixation marker ‘‘+’’ (.41! by .41! visual angle) and the four
surrounding squares (2.3! by 2.3! visual angle) were drawn
with dark lines (5.9 cd/m2) against a white background
(112 cd/m2). Each square was equidistant from the central
fixation marker (6.3! from fixation to center of square). The
colors used for the reference and probe circles (1.8! visual
angle in diameter) were blue (CIE[.240, .248], 68.1 cd/m2),
green (CIE[.287, .342], 77.9 cd/m2), pink (CIE[.305, .316],
80.7 cd/m2), and orange (CIE[.331, .358], 85.5 cd/m2).
Viewing distance was approximately 70 cm. Auditory
stimuli were four 500 ms linear frequency-modulated
sound sweeps (!70 db SPL): two ascending sweeps of
either lower (changing from 300 Hz to 450 Hz) or higher
(450 to 600 Hz) average frequency, and two descending
sweeps with either lower (450 to 300 Hz) or higher (600
to 450 Hz) average frequency. On each trial, one of the four
sweeps was randomly selected with equal probability.
Fig. 1. Schematic of Experiments One, Two and Four, all of which used the same Go/No-Go color-matching task (see methods for details). On each trial, two
colored circles were sequentially presented, the first (the reference circle) at fixation and the second (the probe circle) in one of four surrounding squares;
on a ‘‘Go’’ trial the colors of the reference and probe circles matched. An ascending or descending frequency-modulated sound coincided with the reference
circle. The three experiments differed in the arrangement of the surrounding squares and the participant’s head orientation: (A) In Experiment One, the
squares were at cardinal locations and the participant’s head was upright. (B) In Experiment Two, the squares were at diagonal locations and the
participant’s head was upright. Experiment Three (not shown) was similar to Experiments One and Two, but only two squares were presented in either the
vertically aligned or diagonally aligned locations (see text for details). (C) In Experiment Four, the squares were at cardinal locations and the participant’s
head was tilted 90! to the right.
Please cite this article in press as: Mossbridge, J. A., et al. Changes in auditory frequency guide visual–spatial attention. Cognition (2011),
J.A. Mossbridge et al. / Cognition xxx (2011) xxx–xxx
2.1.3. Apparatus
The visual stimuli were presented on an LCD color monitor and the auditory stimuli were binaurally presented
using Sennheiser HD280pro headphones. The experiment
was controlled using Psychtoolbox 3.0.8 (Brainard, 1997;
Pelli, 1997) in MATLAB 7.4.0 (Mathworks, MA) with a Dell
desktop computer.
2.1.4. Procedure and conditions
Participants performed 200 trials of a Go/No-Go colormatching task (Fig. 1A), similar to that used by Pratt and
Hommel (2003). Participants were informed that they
would hear sounds during each trial, but that these sounds
were uninformative. They were instructed to ignore the
sounds and concentrate on fixating on the fixation marker
until the probe circle was presented in one of the four
peripheral squares.
Each trial began with the display of the central fixation
marker and four surrounding squares presented at top,
bottom, left, and right locations; this display lasted 1 s.
The reference circle then appeared at the center for
500 ms, accompanied by one of the four frequency-modulated sound sweeps. Upon offset of the reference circle and
sound, the probe circle appeared in one of the four squares
for 750 ms. Participants were asked to press the space bar
on a computer keyboard as quickly as possible if the colors
of the probe and reference circles matched; this was the
case on 75% of the trials. If the colors did not match, participants were instructed to withhold response. We used a
Go/No-Go paradigm to avoid response-compatibility effects. There was no delay between the offset of the reference circle and the onset of the probe circle, thus any
working-memory load would have been minimal. Response times (RT) and accuracy (hits and false alarms)
were recorded as the dependent measures. Following the
participant’s response (or after the 750 ms response
deadline if no response), the trial ended and the next trial
began after 1 s.
2.2. Results
Frequency-modulated sounds produced direction-specific effects on visual responses. When collapsed across
average auditory frequency, there was a significant auditory-sweep-direction (ascending or descending) by visual-target-location (top, bottom, left, or right)
interaction in RT, F(3, 96) = 3.371, p < 0.022 (Fig. 2A, large
plot). Follow-up analyses showed that, along the vertical
axis, responses to the top location were faster following
ascending frequency sweeps than following descending
frequency sweeps, and vice versa for responses to the bottom location, F(1, 32) = 16.654, p < 0.0003 (sweep-direction
interaction). Along the horizontal axis, there was a trend
that responses to the right location were faster following
ascending frequency sweeps than following descending
frequency sweeps, and vice versa for the left location,
F(1, 32) = 3.931, p < 0.057 (sweep-direction by visual-target-location [right or left] interaction).
For vertical directions, sensitivity (d0 , MacMillan & Creelman, 2005) followed the same pattern as RT, though the
d0 effect was primarily driven by the higher sensitivity at
the bottom location following descending sweeps
(Fig. 2A, small plot), F(1, 32) = 4.677, p < 0.04 (sweep-direction by visual-target-location [top or bottom] interaction,
with no significant interaction for criterion [c];
F[1, 32] = 0.000, n.s.). The similar effects on RT and sensitivity for vertical locations suggests that ascending and
descending auditory frequency sweeps guide attention to
visual objects presented above and below fixation.
For horizontal directions, sensitivity followed the
opposite pattern to RT, higher sensitivity at the left
Fig. 2. Mean response times (RT; large plots) for correct ‘‘Go’’ trials and sensitivity values (d; small plots) in Experiment One; faster RTs and greater
sensitivity values are plotted toward the outer ring of the polar plots. Error bars represent ±1 SEM adjusted for the within-participant design. (A) Frequencysweep effect (collapsed across frequency). Dashed lines connect mean values for trials with ascending-frequency sounds; solid lines connect mean values
for trials with descending-frequency sounds. (B) Average-frequency effect (collapsed across frequency-sweep direction). Dashed lines connect mean values
for trials with higher-frequency sounds; solid lines connect mean values for trials with lower-frequency sounds.
Please cite this article in press as: Mossbridge, J. A., et al. Changes in auditory frequency guide visual–spatial attention. Cognition (2011),
J.A. Mossbridge et al. / Cognition xxx (2011) xxx–xxx
location following ascending frequency sweeps than following descending frequency sweeps, and vice versa at
the right location, F(1, 32) = 6.577, p < 0.016 (sweep-direction by visual-target-location [right or left] interaction,
with no significant interaction for c; F(1, 32) = 0.466, n.s.).
This indicates a speed-sensitivity trade-off. Ascending
and descending auditory frequency sweeps speeded responses to the right and left locations at the expense of
Compared to the robust cross-modal effects of ascending and descending frequency sweeps, average auditory
frequency (higher or lower, collapsed across sweep direction) had little effect (Fig. 2B). It appears that responses
to the top location were faster following higher than lower
auditory frequencies. However, for both RT and sensitivity,
there were no significant main effects or interactions
involving average frequency (RT: Fs < 1.560; d0 :
Fs < 0.408; c: Fs < 0.441). This result indicates that there
were also no effects involving ending frequency, because
the higher average frequency stimuli had higher ending
frequencies, and the lower average frequency stimuli had
lower ending frequencies.
Taken together, the response-time and sensitivity results suggest that auditory frequency modulation (beyond
average and ending frequency) produces a cross-modal effect in which ascending and descending auditory frequency sweeps guide visual–spatial attention in upward
and downward directions, respectively.
3. Experiment Two: Are influences of frequencymodulation direction on attention limited to the
vertical axis?
The aim of the second experiment was to test the potential vertical tuning of this cross-modal effect by using
diagonal directions. If auditory frequency sweeps were
strongly associated with upward and downward visual
directions, they should produce little effect in the diagonal
3.1. Method
The methods for this experiment were the same as in
Experiment One, except that the four boxes surrounding
the central fixation marker were arranged in diagonal
directions (Fig. 1B). A new group of thirty-three Northwestern undergraduates (23 women, 18–21 years old, all
right-handed) gave informed consent to participate in the
experiment for course credit. All participants had normal
or corrected-to-normal visual acuity, color vision, and
3.2. Results
In contrast to the results for cardinal directions in
Experiment One, auditory frequency sweeps did not produce cross-modal effects for diagonal directions (Fig. 3A).
For both RT and d0 the data revealed no significant main effects or interactions involving auditory frequency-sweep
direction (RT: Fs < 1.870; d0 : Fs < 0.642; c: Fs < 0.353). Sim-
ilarly, average auditory frequency had little effect on either
measure (RT: Fs < 1.870; d0 : Fs < 1.807; c: Fs < 0.573)
(Fig. 3B).
One possible explanation for the lack of a cross-modal
effect in this experiment is that the ascending and
descending frequency sweeps broadly guided attention in
the regions above and below the fixation marker, respectively. Because there were two potential probe locations
within each region in this experiment (compared to only
one in Experiment One), the null effect of frequency
sweeps could have resulted from spreading attention
across potential target locations. To resolve this issue, we
performed a control experiment using only two possible
target locations, one above and one below the fixation
marker, arranged either vertically or diagonally.
4. Experiment Three: Is the lack of an influence of
frequency-modulation direction on diagonal locations
due to diffuse spread of attention?
4.1. Method
The methods for this experiment were the same as in
Experiments One and Two, except that three blocked conditions were presented, each with only two possible target
locations: (1) top and bottom (vertical), (2) top left and
bottom right (diagonal), and (3) top right and bottom left
(diagonal). The condition order was counterbalanced. A
new group of thirty-six Northwestern undergraduates (18
women, 18–21 years old, all right-handed) gave informed
consent to participate in the experiment for course credit.
All participants had normal or corrected-to-normal visual
acuity, color vision and hearing.
4.2. Results
Auditory frequency sweeps again induced a cross-modal attentional effect, but only for the vertical condition (Table 1). The vertical condition produced a significant
interaction between frequency-sweep direction and probe
location for RT (F[1, 35] = 7.791, p < 0.009). Sensitivity was
not significantly affected (F[1, 35] = 2.808, n.s.), but criterion shifted towards the optimal value (equivalent to
b = 1/3 for our 3:1 Go to No-Go ratio) in the congruent
auditory-visual pairings (probe at the top location following ascending sweep and probe at the bottom location following descending sweep) compared with the incongruent
auditory-visual pairings (probe at the top location following descending sweep and probe at the bottom location
following ascending sweep) (F[1, 35] = 5.057, p < 0.04).
Neither diagonal condition produced significant interactions for RT, d0 , or c, nor was the average frequency effect
significant for any measure from any of the three conditions (Table 1). The lack of a cross-modal effect at diagonal
locations in this experiment, where potential spreading of
attention was equivalent for the vertical and diagonal conditions, indicates that the association between auditory
frequency-sweep direction and visual–spatial attention is
specifically tuned to vertical directions.
Please cite this article in press as: Mossbridge, J. A., et al. Changes in auditory frequency guide visual–spatial attention. Cognition (2011),
J.A. Mossbridge et al. / Cognition xxx (2011) xxx–xxx
Fig. 3. Mean response times (RT; large plots) for correct ‘‘Go’’ trials and sensitivity values (d0 ; small plots) in Experiment Two; faster RTs and greater
sensitivity values are plotted toward the outer ring of the polar plots. Error bars represent ±1 SEM adjusted for the within-participant design. (A) Frequencysweep effect (collapsed across frequency). Dashed lines connect mean values for trials with ascending-frequency sounds; solid lines connect mean values
for trials with descending-frequency sounds. (B) Average-frequency effect (collapsed across frequency-sweep direction). Dashed lines connect mean values
for trials with higher-frequency sounds; solid lines connect mean values for trials with lower-frequency sounds.
Table 1
Means, standard deviations (sd; corrected for within-participant comparisons), and interaction statistics for reaction time (RT) and sensitivity (d0 ) measures
from the three blocked conditions of Experiment Three. A significant interaction indicates that frequency sweeps (or average frequencies) guide attention to the
upper and lower locations over and above any overall effects of specific sounds or probe location. (A) Potential probe locations at the top and bottom of the
screen only. (B) Potential probe locations at the top left and bottom right only. (C) Potential probe locations at the top right and bottom left only.
Freq. sweeps
Avg. freq.
439 (15)
446 (15)
438 (16)
430 (16)
F(1, 35) = 7.791, p < 0.009
3.0 (.6)
3.2 (.3)
3.1 (.4)
3.0 (.4)
F(1, 35)=2.808, n.s.
441 (17)
434 (14)
F(1, 35) = 0.581, n.s.
3.1 (.3)
3.1 (.3)
F(1, 35)=1.841, n.s.
444 (12)
435 (14)
430 (17)
426 (17)
F(1, 35) = 1.615, n.s.
3.1 (.4)
3.1 (.5)
F(1, 35) = 0.690, n.s.
431 (13)
434 (15)
427 (13)
424 (13)
F(1, 35) = 2.860, n.s.
3.1 (.4)
3.2 (.4)
3.0 (.5)
3.1 (.4)
F(1, 35) = 0.037, n.s.
Mean RT in ms (sd)
Freq. sweep (or avg. freq.) " position interaction
Mean d0 (sd)
Freq. sweep (or avg. freq.) " position interaction
3.1 (.4)
3.0 (.4)
Mean RT in ms (sd)
Top left
Bottom right
Freq. sweep (or avg. freq.) " position interaction
Mean d0 (sd)
Top left
Bottom right
Freq. sweep (or avg. freq.) " position interaction
436 (13)
424 (11)
3.1 (.4)
3.0 (.5)
Mean RT in ms (sd)
Top right
Bottom left
Freq. sweep (or avg. freq.) " position interaction
Top right
Mean d0 (sd)
Bottom left
Freq. sweep (or avg. freq.) " position interaction
432 (15)
428 (15)
F(1, 35) = 0.031, n.s.
3.2 (.4)
3.1 (.4)
F(1, 35) = 0.037, n.s.
429 (15)
426 (13)
3.1 (.4)
3.0 (.4)
428 (11)
433 (17)
424 (14)
430 (14)
F(1, 35) = 0.093, n.s.
3.2 (.4)
3.1 (.5)
3.1 (.4)
3.1 (.4)
F(1, 35) = 2.466, n.s.
Please cite this article in press as: Mossbridge, J. A., et al. Changes in auditory frequency guide visual–spatial attention. Cognition (2011),
J.A. Mossbridge et al. / Cognition xxx (2011) xxx–xxx
5. Experiment Four: Is the effect of frequencymodulation direction retinotopic?
Participants tilted their heads by 90! to misalign the
head-centered and environmental axes. If the cross-modal
mapping is based on a retinotopic representation, tilting
the head by 90! should shift the response pattern by 90!,
but if the mapping is based on environmental coordinates,
tilting the head should make no difference. Alternatively, if
the cross-modal mapping is closely associated with typical
upright experience, tilting the head by 90! might eliminate
the cross-modal attention effect.
5.1. Method
The methods for this experiment were the same as in
Experiment One, except that the participant’s head was
tilted 90! to the right and rested on a pillow (Fig. 1C). A
new group of thirty-three Northwestern undergraduates
(18 women, 18–21 years old, all right-handed) gave informed consent to participate in the experiment for course
credit. All participants had normal or corrected-to-normal
visual acuity, color vision and hearing.
5.2. Results
When a 90! head tilt was used to separate the headcentered axis from the environmental axis, the directionspecific effect of auditory frequency sweeps disappeared
(Fig. 4A). There was no significant main effect of auditory
frequency-sweep direction on RT or d0 (RT: F < 1.176; d0 :
F < 1.851), nor did it interact with probe location (RT:
F < 1.116; d0 : F < 0.494). Although ascending frequency
sweeps shifted c closer to the optimal value relative to
descending sweeps (F[1, 32] = 7.121, p < 0.012), this effect
did not interact with probe location (F[3, 96] = 0.646,
n.s.). In terms of average frequency, higher frequency
speeded responses at all locations (Fig. 4B) as indicated
by a main effect of average frequency on RT,
F(1, 32) = 5.328, p < 0.028, but this effect did not interact
with probe location, F(1, 32) = 0.391, n.s. It is possible that
listening to ascending frequency sweeps and higherpitched sounds caused increased arousal for this group of
participants. There were no main effects or interactions
involving average frequency on d0 (Fs < 0.573) or c
(Fs < 2.424).
Curiously, responses to all stimuli were faster at the
environmental bottom, as revealed by a main effect of
location, F(3, 96) = 8.562, p < 0.00005. Pilot data from a
head-tilt experiment using no auditory stimuli show the
same downward bias, suggesting that this is a non-auditory effect.
6. Discussion
Natural sounds tend to be frequency modulated. Our results suggest that sounds with ascending frequency modulation guide visual spatial attention upwards whereas
sounds with descending frequency modulation direct
attention downwards. These cross-modal attention effects
are likely automatic rather than volitional because, in these
experiments, the sounds were uninformative about the
upcoming probe location, spatial information was irrelevant to the color-matching task, and participants were instructed to ignore the sounds. Interestingly, we found no
location-specific effect of average or ending frequency in
any of the four experiments. One possibility is that the
presence of frequency modulation in the stimuli superceded the previously demonstrated association between steady auditory frequency and visual elevation (Ben-Artzi &
Marks, 1995; Bernstein & Edelstein, 1971; Evans & Treisman, 2010; Melara & O’Brien, 1987; Patching & Quinlan,
2002; Pratt, 1930; Widmann et al., 2004, 2007).
Surprisingly, the cross-modal attention-cueing effect is
not present for diagonal directions, indicating its narrow
directional tuning (less than 45!). This narrow directional
Fig. 4. Mean response times (RT; large plots) for correct ‘‘Go’’ trials and sensitivity values (d0 ; small plots) in Experiment Four; faster RTs and greater
sensitivity values are plotted toward the outer ring of the polar plots. Note that in this experiment, the retinotopic vertical and environmental vertical were
orthogonal. Error bars represent ±1 SEM adjusted for the within-participant design. (A) Frequency-sweep effect (collapsed across frequency). Dashed lines
connect mean values for trials with ascending-frequency sounds; solid lines connect mean values for trials with descending-frequency sounds. (B) Averagefrequency effect (collapsed across frequency-sweep direction). Dashed lines connect mean values for trials with higher-frequency sounds; solid lines
connect mean values for trials with lower-frequency sounds.
Please cite this article in press as: Mossbridge, J. A., et al. Changes in auditory frequency guide visual–spatial attention. Cognition (2011),
J.A. Mossbridge et al. / Cognition xxx (2011) xxx–xxx
tuning suggests that ascending and descending tones may
guide attention by interacting with visual motion mechanisms, which are known to be directionally tuned (e.g., Priebe, Cassanello, & Lisberger, 2003). This interpretation
echoes previous work showing that sounds with ascending
and descending frequency modulations are judged to be
associated with upward and downward motion, respectively, across cultures by both musicians and non-musicians (Deutsch, Hamaoui, & Henthorn, 2007; Eitan &
Granot, 2006; Walker, 1987), and that these associations
also induce a visual illusion of upward and downward motion (Jain, Sally, & Papathomas, 2008; Maeda, Kanai, &
Shimojo, 2004; Miller, Wener, & Wapner, 1958).
Regardless of the mechanisms underlying the association between frequency modulation and visual attention,
the association seems to be learned rather than innate.
Whereas the cross-modal attention effect disappears when
the head-centered and environmental axes are misaligned
by tilting participants’ heads by 90!, effects of innate auditory-visual neural connections are unlikely to depend on
specific posture relative to the environment. For example,
we recently reported that a lifelong synesthete who hears
higher/lower steady pitches in association with upward-/
downward-moving sinusoidal gratings maintains this
association retinotopically when her head is tilted 90! (Noble et al., 2010). Thus, the fact that the current cross-modal
attention-cueing effect depends on upright head orientation suggests that the underlying associations between frequency modulated sounds and environmental vertical
directions develop through audiovisual experience that occurs predominantly in an upright posture. There remains,
however, open questions as to which auditory-visual experiences form this association and what adaptive purposes
it may serve.
We thank John Middlebrooks for helpful dialogue.
Funding sources: NSF BCS0643191, NIH R01 EY018197,
NIH 5T32NS047987-05.
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Please cite this article in press as: Mossbridge, J. A., et al. Changes in auditory frequency guide visual–spatial attention. Cognition (2011),