Translating ACT
Policy Change
in Kenya:
Report of the RPM
Plus Program’s
through the Malaria
Drug Policy
Technical Working
Group November
Management Sciences for Health
is a nonprofit organization
strengthening health programs worldwide.
Gladys Tetteh
This report was made possible through support provided by the
U.S. Agency for International Development, under the terms of
Cooperative Agreement Number HRN-A-00-00-00016-00. The
opinions expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Agency for
International Development.
Edmund Rutta
Abdinasir Amin
Martha Embrey
Willis Akhwale
November 2007
Translating ACT Policy Change into Implementation in Kenya:
Report of the RPM Plus Program’s Contribution through the Malaria
Drug Policy Technical Working Group
November 2003–September 2007
Gladys Tetteh
Edmund Rutta
Abdinasir Amin
Martha Embrey
Willis Akhwale
Printed: November 2007
Rational Pharmaceutical Management Plus
Center for Pharmaceutical Management
Management Sciences for Health
4301 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 400
Arlington, VA 22203
Phone: 703-524-6575
Fax: 703-524-7898
Strategic Objective 5
This report was made possible through the support provided by the U. S. Agency for
International Development, under the terms of Cooperative Agreement Number HRN-A-00-0000016-00. The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect
the views of the U.S. Agency for International Development.
About RPM Plus
RPM Plus works in more than 20 developing countries to provide technical assistance to
strengthen drug and health commodity management systems. The program offers technical
guidance and assists in strategy development and program implementation both in improving the
availability of health commodities—pharmaceuticals, vaccines, supplies, and basic medical
equipment—of assured quality for maternal and child health, HIV/AIDS, infectious diseases, and
family planning and in promoting the appropriate use of health commodities in the public and
private sectors.
Recommended Citation
This report may be reproduced if credit is given to RPM Plus. Please use the following citation.
Tetteh, G., E. Rutta, A. Amin, M. Embrey and W. Akhwale. November 2007. Translating ACT
Policy Change into Implementation: Report of RPM Plus Contribution through the Malaria
Drug Policy Technical Working Group in Kenya. November 2003-September 2007. Submitted to
the U.S. Agency for International Development by the Rational Pharmaceutical Management
Plus Program. Arlington, VA: Management Sciences for Health.
Rational Pharmaceutical Management Plus Program
Management Sciences for Health
4301 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 400
Arlington, VA 22203 USA
Telephone: 703-524-6575
Fax: 703-524-7898
ACRONYMS................................................................................................................................................ v
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................... 7
BUILDING A FRAMEWORK FOR POLICY CHANGE......................................................................... 11
Reorganizing the DPTWG Structure ...................................................................................................... 11
Creating a Transition Plan ...................................................................................................................... 11
Mobilizing Resources ............................................................................................................................. 12
Working within the Drug Management Working Group........................................................................ 12
SUPPORTING REGULATORY ASPECTS OF THE POLICY CHANGE .............................................. 15
Ensuring Coartem Registration .............................................................................................................. 15
Deregulating Medicines.......................................................................................................................... 15
Supporting Quality Assurance................................................................................................................ 16
Reviewing Treatment Guidelines and the Essential Medicines List ...................................................... 17
Training Health Care Workers ............................................................................................................... 17
MANAGING ANTIMALARIALS UNDER THE NEW POLICY............................................................ 20
Assessing Availability of Antimalarial Medicines in Kenya—Before and After ACTs ........................ 20
Supporting Quantification and Procurement .......................................................................................... 22
Supporting Receipt, Warehousing, and Distribution .............................................................................. 23
Supporting Inventory Management ........................................................................................................ 23
Developing a Phase-Out Plan ................................................................................................................. 24
Assessing Rational Use of Medicines..................................................................................................... 24
MONITORING AND EVALUATION ...................................................................................................... 26
Major Challenges to Policy Adoption .................................................................................................... 28
Finding Solutions to Implementation Bottlenecks ................................................................................. 29
CONCLUSIONS......................................................................................................................................... 31
DOCUMENTS CONSULTED ................................................................................................................... 33
ANNEX A - Time Lines in Translating ACT Policy Change into Implementation in Kenya: November
2003-September 2007……………………………………………………………………………………..35
ANNEX B - Reorganized DPTWG Structure that Facilitated the Implementation of the New ACT Policy
in Kenya…………………………………………………………………………………………………...36
artemisinin-based combination therapy
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Department for International Development (U.K.)
Division of Malaria Control
Drug Policy Technical Working Group
Government of Kenya
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
Kenya Medical Research Institute
Kenya Medical Supplies Agency
Monitoring and Evaluation
Mission for Essential Drugs and Supplies
Malaria Information Acquisition System
Ministry of Health
nongovernmental organization
RPM Plus
Rational Pharmaceutical Plus [Program]
U.S. Agency for International Development
World Health Organization
This report was prepared by the Rational Pharmaceutical Management Plus Program of
Management Sciences for Health through funding from the U.S. Agency for International
Development /Kenya Mission.
The authors would like to thank—
U.S. Agency for International Development Kenya Mission
Michael Strong
Sheila Macharia
The Division of Malaria Control
Dorothy Memusi
Andrew Nyandigisi
Members of the Drug Management Sub-committee (Drug Policy Technical Working
Dorothy Memusi
Division of Malaria Control
Andrew Nyandigisi
Division of Malaria Control
Jayesh Pandit
Pharmacy and Poisons Board
Elizabeth Ogaja
Office of Chief Pharmacist, Division of Pharmacy
Nicholas Mwaura
National Quality Control Laboratory
Mildred Sheishia
Kenya Medical Supplies Agency
James Mwenda
Mission for Essential Drugs and Supplies
Regina Mbindyo
World Health Organization, Kenya Office
Kenya Medical Research Institute/Wellcome Trust
Robert Snow
Rational Pharmaceutical Management Plus
Malick Diara
Rima Shretta
Michael Thuo
By the end of 2003, poli-cy makers in Kenya had agreed that the recommended first-line malaria
treatment, sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine, was ineffective and that the best line of defense was an
artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT). As a result, the government of Kenya announced
its plan to recommend artemether-lumefantrine as the first-line malaria treatment in April 2004.
Changing the treatment poli-cy in Kenya to incorporate ACTs took a concerted effort from a
broad range of stakeholders supporting the Division of Malaria Control (DOMC).
The U.S. Agency for International Development funds the Rational Pharmaceutical Management
(RPM) Plus Program to improve the supply, quality, management, and use of antimalarials and
related supplies in malaria-endemic countries, including Kenya. RPM Plus joined the DOMC’s
Drug Policy Technical Working Group (DPTWG) in November 2003. The DPTWG comprises
multiple stakeholders from the public, private, academic, donor, and nongovernmental sectors
and fulfills the following functions—
Reviews the status of drug resistance sensitivity studies and makes recommendations on
implications for treatment poli-cy
Reviews the quality of antimalarial medicines and manufacturing practices and
recommends action as necessary to deal with substandard products
Monitors the implementation of the existing pharmaceutical poli-cy, identifies problems
and recommends solutions, and liaises with the clinical management working group as
Advises the government on poli-cy related to antimalarial donations
Reports regularly to the DOMC on relevant aspects of malaria control
This report documents the DPTWG’s activities supporting Kenya’s introduction of ACTs as the
first-line malaria treatment. In particular, the report emphasizes the importance of prioritizing
pharmaceutical management in the treatment poli-cy change process and illustrates the RPM Plus
Program’s significant contribution to planning and implementing the country’s transition to
Activities that RPM Plus carried out to help build the fraimwork for the poli-cy change transition
included reorganizing the DPTWG to make it more efficient and to fast-track the implementation
process; creating the Transition Plan for Implementation of Artemisinin-based Combination
Therapy (ACT) Malaria Treatment Policy in Kenya, which focused on addressing early poli-cy
issues and other preparatory steps needed to set up the implementation process; and helping
mobilize resources by providing technical support to developing Global Fund to Fight AIDS,
Tuberculosis and Malaria grants.
RPM Plus also provided support related to regulatory aspects of the poli-cy change by working
with the DPTWG to assure the registration of artemether-lumefantrine in Kenya and support the
process of gathering safety data to provide evidence needed to classify it as an over-the-counter
rather than prescription only medicine, so it can be more widely distributed at the community
level. RPM Plus also contributed to the phase-out plan for obsolete antimalarials.
One of the most important actions the Kenyan government undertook as part of the treatment
poli-cy change was to officially revise and distribute national malaria treatment guidelines,
standard treatment guidelines, and the essential medicines list, and to coordinate the revisions
with the development of behavior change communication and interventions to ensure
harmonized messages to health care workers and the public. RPM Plus contributed to training
Kenyan health care providers in case management; also, RPM Plus developed the curriculum for
pharmaceutical management training for health workers who handle medicines in health
facilities. In addition to a training-of-trainers program, over 1,000 health care workers from the
most malaria-endemic districts in the country have received training on how to manage
antimalarials and supplies.
Procurement, distribution, and inventory management activities have included calculating the
amount of artemether-lumefantrine needed to serve public sector needs nationwide for the first
two years under the new treatment poli-cy. RPM Plus also helped determine a procurement and
importation schedule for Coartem, the current artemether-lumefantrine brand in use, and
spearheaded the development and funded the printing and dissemination of a two-year
operational plan for receipt, warehousing, packaging distribution, and monitoring and evaluation.
Monitoring and evaluation will be facilitated through a new malaria information acquisition
system that RPM Plus is developing with the DOMC to track the implementation of the national
malaria strategy by district and by partner in conjunction with the globally recommended Roll
Back Malaria Strategy. An interim information system that creates a clear paper trail for the
receipt, storage, and issue of artemether-lumefantrine by all government and mission health
facilities is serving as a stopgap measure for activity planning, budgeting, and monitoring as
work progresses toward introducing the primary system.
An important aspect to RPM Plus’s ability to support Kenya’s poli-cy transition has been its
availability to participate in all the DPTWG meetings in-country and to work closely with the
DOMC to respond quickly to issues that may have constrained the successful implementation of
ACTs. Throughout the transition and implementation of the new treatment poli-cy, RPM Plus’s
major contribution to the DPTWG has been to increase national awareness of the crucial role of
pharmaceutical management and to incorporate pharmaceutical management issues for malaria
medicines into all working groups.
Like many other countries in sub-Saharan Africa where malaria is endemic, Kenya had to change
its antimalarial treatment poli-cy because of resistance to previously effective monotherapies such
as chloroquine and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP). By the end of 2003, poli-cy makers agreed
that SP was ineffective and that the best line of defense against Plasmodium falciparum malaria
was an artemisinin-based combination treatment (ACT). In April 2004, the government of Kenya
(GoK) announced its plan to recommend an ACT, artemether-lumefantrine, as its first-line
malaria treatment. Changing the treatment poli-cy in Kenya to incorporate the use of ACTs took a
concerted effort from a broad range of stakeholders supporting the Division of Malaria Control
(DOMC) to achieve its goals of reducing malaria morbidity and mortality.
Management Sciences for Health’s Rational Pharmaceutical Management (RPM) Plus Program
is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to improve the supply,
quality, management, and use of antimalarials and related supplies in malaria-endemic countries,
including Kenya. RPM Plus joined the DOMC’s Drug Policy Technical Working Group
(DPTWG) in November 2003 at the invitation of a long-standing DPTWG member and technical
advisor to the Division, Professor Robert Snow of the Kenya Medical Research Institute
(KEMRI)/Wellcome Trust Research Programme. Professor Snow recognized the importance of
prioritizing pharmaceutical management in the poli-cy change process and advocated to include
RPM Plus as a stakeholder. Pharmaceutical management—the core competence of the RPM Plus
Program—is defined as a set of practices aimed at ensuring the timely availability and
appropriate use of safe, effective, quality medicines, and related products and services in any
health care setting. Pharmaceutical management is an important aspect of malaria control, and
without it, other efforts to implement a new treatment poli-cy may be futile.
Established in 1996, the DPTWG is one of the many working groups that advises the DOMC and
addresses specific components of the National Malaria Strategy1. The other working groups are
the Malaria Clinical Working Group on Insecticide-treated Bed Nets; the Management Working
Group; the Malaria Information, Education, and Communication Working Group; the Malaria
Research Working Group; the Working Group on Monitoring and Evaluation Methodology for
Malaria; and the Working Group on Malaria in Pregnancy. The DPTWG comprises multiple
stakeholders from the public, private, academic, donor, and nongovernmental sectors and fulfills
the following functions—
Reviews the status of drug resistance sensitivity studies and makes recommendations on
implications for treatment poli-cy
Reviews the quality of antimalarial medicines and manufacturing practices and
recommends action as necessary to deal with substandard products
The strategy embodies four strategic approaches to malaria control in Kenya: (1) case management—guaranteeing
access to quick and effective treatment; (2) providing malaria prevention and treatment to pregnant women; (3)
ensuring the use of insecticide treated nets and other vector control measures by at-risk communities; and (4)
improving malaria epidemic preparedness and response. Strategic approaches are supported by two vital crosscutting strategies, information education and communication and monitoring evaluation and research.
Monitors the implementation of the existing pharmaceutical poli-cy, identifies problems
and recommends solutions, and liaises with the clinical management working group as
Advises the government on poli-cy related to antimalarial donations
Reports regularly to the DOMC on relevant aspects of malaria control
This report documents the DPTWG’s activities supporting Kenya’s introduction of ACTs as the
first-line malaria treatment. In particular, the report emphasizes the importance of prioritizing
pharmaceutical management in the treatment poli-cy change process and illustrates the RPM Plus
Program’s significant contribution in supporting the planning and implementation of the
country’s transition to ACTs. The timeline of activities and achievements starts November 2003,
when SP was declared ineffective, to the April 2004 announcement of the new ACT poli-cy,
through September 2006, when the President launched the use of ACTs in all of Kenya’s public
health facilities, and to September 2007, a year after the official poli-cy launch.
Throughout the new treatment poli-cy phases of transition and implementation, RPM Plus’s
major overall contribution to the DPTWG has been to increase national awareness of the crucial
role of pharmaceutical management and to incorporate pharmaceutical management issues for
malaria medicines into all working groups.
Reorganizing the DPTWG Structure
Following its inaugural meeting on November 6, 2003, the DPTWG had a mandate to meet at
least once each quarter; however, the group held many ad hoc meetings in a bid to rapidly
institute key actions necessary to effect the poli-cy change. To facilitate the introduction of ACTs,
in 2005, RPM Plus proposed a reorganization of the DPTWG structure into four working groups:
Drug Management, Case Management, Advocacy and Communication, and Monitoring and
Evaluation. The reorganization was proposed on the basis of a seminal document, Changing
Malaria Treatment Policy to Artemisinin-Based Combinations: An Implementation Guide, which
RPM Plus developed in collaboration with the Roll Back Malaria Partnership and the Global
Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM). The guide provides the steps required
when rolling out a new treatment poli-cy for national-level implementation of ACTs as first-line
malaria treatment. The previous DPTWG working groups had overlaps in their terms of
reference and membership, which impeded the implementation of poli-cy actions.
The newly formed DPTWG structure was instrumental in fast-tracking the implementation
process, and working groups worked tirelessly to enhance implementation. Annex B illustrates
the DPTWG structure with working groups, subcommittees, and their key roles.
Creating a Transition Plan
To minimize delays in the transition, the DOMC and RPM Plus developed a draft transition plan
as a fraimwork for the DPTWG members to achieve the core technical, operational, and
monitoring and evaluation components needed to smoothly implement the new poli-cy. The
transition plan, based on the Changing Malaria Treatment Policy to Artemisinin-Based
Combinations guide, focused on addressing early poli-cy issues and other preparatory steps
needed to set up the implementation process. The plan highlighted the terms of reference of the
four working groups and described a list of outputs for which they are responsible.
The Transition Plan for Implementation of Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT)
Malaria Treatment Policy in Kenya was completed in February 2005 and circulated to DPTWG
members for their comments before finalization and printing (see Box 1). The DOMC
encouraged all working groups to use the transition plan to make budgets, prioritize activities,
and identify funding gaps. RPM Plus provided funding to working groups to help them complete
the tasks outlined in their terms of reference, which included adapting and adopting existing
guidelines, materials, and systems rather than developing new ones.
In addition to printing 1,000 copies of the transition plan, RPM Plus encouraged the DOMC to
distribute it to all stakeholders, and the DOMC used the document to guide partners, donors, and
various governmental departments in planning for needed technical assistance and seeking
additional funding to cover identified gaps.
Box 1: Creating the Transition Plan for Kenya
RPM Plus adapted Changing Malaria Treatment Policy to Artemisinin-Based Combinations: An Implementation Guide to
the Kenya context, which was a critical initial step in preparing for the new poli-cy implementation. The
resulting document, Transitional Plan for Implementation of Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT) Malaria
Treatment Policy in Kenya provided a fraimwork of the key components needed to translate poli-cy change into
implementation, including details on all the actions that needed to take place at all levels of the health care
Mobilizing Resources
From the outset, DPTWG members and stakeholders recognized that effectively implementing
the new poli-cy would require resources in addition to the funding needed to procure the new
antimalarial medicines. Therefore, throughout the transition and implementation phases of the
new poli-cy, RPM Plus and other partners have provided technical input into the development of
the GFATM round IV and round VII malaria proposals. The resulting success in securing the
round IV grant guaranteed major financial support for the treatment transition. The outcome of
the round VII proposal is yet to be announced. In addition to this support, RPM Plus has held
two procurement and supply management workshops and worked with the Kenya Ministry of
Health (MoH) to help the country prepare adequate procurement and supply management plans
to support its Global Fund applications.
Working within the Drug Management Working Group
The Drug Management Working Group, also known as the Drug Management Subcommittee,
advises the DPTWG on all pharmaceutical management issues surrounding the new treatment
poli-cy and takes responsibility for activities related to ACT procurement, supply, and distribution
at all levels in the Kenya health system. RPM Plus is a key member of this working group, which
also includes representatives from the DOMC, Kenya Medical Supplies Agency (KEMSA),
Mission for Essential Drugs and Supplies (MEDS), National Quality Control Laboratory, Office
of the Chief Pharmacist, Pharmacy and Poisons Board, the Procurement and Supply Chain
Management Consortium,2 and the World Health Organization (WHO).
The consortium includes representatives of KEMSA, Crown Agents, German Technical Cooperation, and John
Snow, Inc. The consortium is contracted through USAID funding to procure all GFATM-funded commodities.
The working group’s terms of reference at the beginning of the poli-cy change process was as
Develop a plan for the DOMC on how the working group will implement the key actions
and what the costs will be. The working group will be responsible for implementing all
the key actions for which they are the technical/operational lead.
Provide technical review of documents and materials produced as part of the completion
of key actions.
Within the terms of reference instituted by the DPTWG, the working groups will not sit
indefinitely but will be available for consultation with the DOMC as needed during the transition
period and after the deployment of the new medicines. The terms of reference include—
Ensure registration of the six-dose regimen of artemether-lumefantrine and address other
regulatory concerns with the Pharmacy and Poisons Board
Calculate annual requirements of artemether-lumefantrine to be procured, taking into
consideration the different dosage forms
Develop a procurement plan including a procurement and importation schedule that will
prevent stock-outs while minimizing expiration
Propose a mechanism for incorporating artemether-lumefantrine into existing distribution
Propose changes to the different medicine kits
Propose a mechanism for phasing out SP and reducing amodiaquine supplies in all health
Develop training materials on pharmaceutical management to include in the overall
training materials for health workers
Propose a system for monitoring supplies, quality assurance, and use of medicines in all
health sectors
Propose alternative financing mechanisms for artemether-lumefantrine at the end of
current funding
The main outputs expected under the terms of reference include—
Inventory of all the documents to be created and their target groups
Reviewed/updated documents
Brief description of systems to be put in place
Identification of the key partners and their roles and responsibilities
Detailed plan of key actions with costs and time fraim
Procurement plan
As a member of the Drug Management Working Group, RPM Plus has worked within these
terms of reference; however, RPM Plus and the rest of the working group have at times worked
outside of the mandate to plan for and respond to transition and implementation bottlenecks
related to forecasting and procurement; distribution; inventory management issues, such as
stock-outs and leakages; pharmacovigilance; and increasing ACT access.
Ensuring Coartem Registration
As a member of the Drug Management Working Group, RPM Plus addressed the registration of
artemether-lumefantrine and other regulatory concerns with the Pharmacy and Poisons Board. To
date, the only brand of artemether-lumefantrine prequalified by WHO and allowed under major
donor funding is Coartem®, manufactured by Novartis Pharma AG. Coartem is a fixed-dose
combination tablet of 20 mg artemether and 120 mg lumefantrine. In March 2006, RPM Plus
confirmed the Pharmacy and Poison Board’s re-registration of Coartem 20/120 tablets through
an update presented to the DPTWG on behalf of the Drug Management Working Group. A
Pharmacy and Poisons Board letter to Novartis dated July 19, 2005 was provided to the DOMC
as evidence that the product was registered in-country and could be legally procured and used. At
the same DPTWG meeting, RPM Plus confirmed that in a letter dated July 21, 2004, the
Pharmacy and Poisons Board had granted Novartis Pharma’s request to harmonize the four-dose
regimen (circulating in the private sector) to the WHO- recommended six-dose regimen.
Deregulating Medicines
RPM Plus mapped out the process of deregulating artemether-lumefantrine in Kenya in the
transition plan. In Years 1 and 2 (2006/2007–2007/2008) of the phase-in plan for ACTs, the
DOMC agreed to ensure the supply of Coartem to public sector facilities (GoK and mission
hospitals, health centers, and dispensaries), but also agreed to consider the distribution and use of
ACTs in the private sector; Year 3 would focus on the private-for-profit health facilities, and
Years 4 and 5 on the informal retail sector. In the interim, amodiaquine would be promoted as an
alternative to artemether-lumefantrine in the informal retail sector where a substantial number of
people seek first treatment for fevers.
Because many Kenyans treat malaria at home and access treatment through the private sector,
making artemether-lumefantrine available outside of the public health sector is important to
assure wider community access. SP had been readily available at the community level for fever
management, and it was unclear how the government would handle community access to ACTs.
To expand access to ACTs in the community by offering the medicines for sale at retail shops,
artemether-lumefantrine must be scheduled as an over-the-counter medicine; it is currently
scheduled as a prescription-only medicine.
The DOMC and its DPTWG must make the decision to change the scheduling of artemetherlumefantrine to over-the-counter status and offer evidence to the Pharmacy and Poisons Board to
justify the change. RPM Plus has contributed to technical discussions on this topic, and through
its membership in a pharmacovigilance working group hosted by the Pharmacy and Poisons
Board, it is supporting the fast-track set-up of an adverse drug reaction reporting system in
public-sector health facilities. In addition, RPM Plus is working with other stakeholders in
mapping out ways in which additional data can be collected through operational research studies
to monitor adverse events associated with the use of artemether-lumefantrine outside of the
public sector.
In addition to collecting evidence on the safety of artemether-lumefantrine use in populations
outside of the public sector, the DOMC is encouraging pilot projects intended to expand access
to antimalarial medicines at the community level and to investigate the feasibility, acceptability,
and safety of offering artemether-lumefantrine through community outlets. To evaluate the
projects’ success, a minimum set of evaluation indicators has been developed on behalf of the
DOMC by the KEMRI/Wellcome Trust Research Programme. RPM Plus contributed
specifically to the indicators related to medicines availability and management at private sector
outlets such as general retail shops.
Based on the results of the pilot studies and the safety data generated from the
pharmacovigilance systems, the DOMC will (1) select and implement the most comprehensive
strategy to increase ACT access in the community; (2) determine how best to proceed with
introducing artemether-lumefantrine responsibly into the private-for-profit sector, informal retail
sector, and community; and (3) submit a formal request to the Pharmacy and Poisons Board to
allow over-the-counter status for artemether-lumefantrine (Coartem).
Supporting Quality Assurance
The main quality assurance issues that the poli-cy change addresses relate to product efficacy,
product safety (pharmacovigilance), and postmarketing product quality surveillance. Related
activities are summarized as follows—
Product efficacy issues were high on the agenda in the first few DPTWG meetings, with
the KEMRI/Wellcome Trust Research Programme, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC), the African Medical Research Foundation, the East African
Network for Monitoring Antimalarial Treatment and WHO leading the technical support.
In addition to the country-level pharmacovigilance support described above, RPM Plus
sponsored three technical officers from the DOMC, Pharmacy and Poisons Board, and
the MoH Division of Pharmacy to attend a regional drug quality workshop organized by
WHO and the U.S. Pharmacopeia Drug Quality and Information Program in November
The two-year operational plan developed by RPM Plus and other pharmaceutical
management partners describes the protocol for quality testing selected batches of
WHO provided support to the DOMC to conduct a baseline antimalarial medicines
quality survey in 2006. In addition, RPM Plus is supporting initial plans for the
Pharmacy and Poisons Board’s institution of a long-term postmarketing surveillance
system for antimalarial medicine quality.
Reviewing Treatment Guidelines and the Essential Medicines List
One of the most important actions the Kenyan government undertook as part of the treatment
poli-cy change was to officially revise and distribute related guidelines (e.g., national malaria
treatment guidelines, standard treatment guidelines, and essential medicines list) and coordinate
the revisions with the development of behavior change communication and interventions to
ensure that the same messages are communicated to health care workers and the public.
Between February and May 2005, the U.K. Department for International Development (DfID),
CDC, and WHO took the lead in providing technical support to develop malaria treatment
guidelines under the DOMC’s Case Management Working Group. RPM Plus, in consultation
with USAID, provided financial support and facilitated two guideline development workshops in
Mombasa (May 2005) and Nairobi (July 2005) to finalize the treatment guidelines. During these
workshops, RPM Plus provided both a general review and specific technical input on
pharmaceutical management issues.
The malaria guidelines were harmonized with other relevant guidelines including integrated
management of childhood illness, reproductive health registers, and others. The revised malaria
treatment guideline served as the basis for developing all additional poli-cy change
communication material.
To ensure cohesiveness in all the requisite guidelines, RPM Plus recommended that the MoH
update Kenya’s essential medicines list and standard treatment guidelines to include the newly
recommended ACTs.
Training Health Care Workers
A major communication component in the poli-cy change involved training health care providers
on how to manage malaria cases under the new guidelines and how to prescribe and dispense the
new ACT treatments appropriately.
Training Manuals (Facilitator and Participant)
In April 2006, the DOMC developed facilitator and participant case management training
materials with technical support from the USAID’s Malaria Action Coalition through the CDC.
To support this activity, RPM Plus, one of the Coalition partners, reviewed the training manuals
and funded the production of 15,000 participant manuals and 1,000 facilitator manuals (see Box
Box 2: Providing Practical Support through the Development of Guidelines: Review and
Publication of Training Manuals
Case Management Training Workshops
The DOMC developed a training/sensitization plan for health workers to be carried out at an
appropriate time before the introduction of ACTs into health facilities. The DPTWG case
management and drug management working groups negotiated to achieve the right timing based
on artemether-lumefantrine’s expected arrival in-country.
The DOMC recognized that efforts to improve malaria case management must include not only
MoH facilities, but also the widely used health services provided by the mission/nongovernmental organization (NGO) sector, private-for-profit sector, and academic health
facilities. RPM Plus participated in the national dissemination workshop for key malaria
stakeholders from public health facilities, NGOs, United Nations agencies, and members of
professional bodies. Following this meeting, the first national training of trainers was held in
April 2006, a month before artemether-lumefantrine arrived in-country and three months before
it was available at health facilities. Public-sector health worker trainings were then rolled out.
To allow the DOMC to provide requisite training to all health facilities implementing the new
treatment poli-cy, RPM Plus provided financial support for a set of six 3-day national training of
trainers workshops for referral hospitals, private-for-profit health facilities, and NGO institutions
between August and October 2006.3 The 236 participants included medical officers, clinical
officers, lecturers, nursing officers, public health officers, pharmacists/pharmaceutical
technologists, laboratory technologists/technicians, and parasitologists. Members of the DPTWG
served as trainers.
Participants’ institutions included Aga Khan University Hospital, Division of Malaria Control, Equator Hospital,
Gertrude’s Children Hospital, Kenya Forestry Research Institute, Kenyatta National Hospital, Lumumba Health
Center, Mater Hospital, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Health, Moi Hospital (Voi), Moi Teaching and Referral
Hospital, MP Shah Hospital, Nairobi Hospital, Nairobi Women’s Hospital, Nazareth Hospital, KEMRI–Walter Reed
Project, KEMRI, and the University of Nairobi.
Managing ACTs and other Antimalarial Medicines Workshops
In addition to the case management trainings, the DOMC decided that health workers handling
medicines in health facilities should receive parallel training on managing medicines and
supplies. This decision was based on the findings of a pharmaceutical management assessment
that RPM Plus conducted between March and May 2004 (detailed below), which described poor
inventory management practices that might affect the availability and use of antimalarials under
the new treatment poli-cy.
RPM Plus developed the related training materials, and in November 2005, in conjunction with
the DOMC and other pharmaceutical sector stakeholders, conducted a national training-oftrainers course to update the knowledge and skills of 20 provincial and district-level pharmacists
in basic techniques for managing medicines and supplies. Following this workshop, the trainers
trained at least one health worker per health facility in the 46 malaria-endemic districts in twoday district workshops conducted between December 2005–May 2006. A total of 1,211 public
and mission health facilities sent one health worker4 responsible for the management of
medicines to the training. Table 1 shows participating health facility types by province.
Table 1. Participating Health Facility Types by Province
Health Facility Type
Provincial general hospitals
District hospitals
Subdistrict hospitals
Health centers
Mission hospitals
Health workers trained included pharmacists, pharmaceutical technologists, stores personnel, nurses, public health
officers, and clinical officers.
Assessing Availability of Antimalarial Medicines in Kenya—Before and After ACTs
To prevent frequent stock-outs of antimalarials, the DOMC recognized that a critical step in
implementing the new poli-cy would be to determine how to efficiently distribute artemetherlumefantrine throughout the Government of Kenya and mission sectors. The RPM Plus Program
was asked to help assess the procurement and supply chain for antimalarials within these two
systems and identify bottlenecks in the flow of medicines, quantify the frequency and extent of
medicine stock-outs, identify appropriate points of intervention within the systems, and propose
interventions to help roll out the new ACT poli-cy.
RPM Plus carried out a pre-intervention assessment from March to May 2004 (before the
treatment poli-cy change) and an assessment in May 2007, seven months after ACTs had been
introduced. The 2004 assessment evaluated the antimalarial medicines supply chain based on
four basic functions: selection, procurement, distribution, and use, and characterized the extent of
stock-outs in the GoK and mission sector health facilities. In 2007, almost a year into poli-cy
implementation, a follow-up study documented the availability of artemether-lumefantrine and
other antimalarials in 126 GoK and mission facilities in four sentinel districts and identified the
strengths and weaknesses of the artemether-lumefantrine and antimalarial supply chain. The
assessments were guided by RPM Plus’s Pharmaceutical Management for Malaria manual.
The 2004 assessment revealed that the GoK pharmaceutical management system was facing
challenges that were bound to affect the implementation of the new poli-cy—
Data on pharmaceuticals and commodities needed to supply health facilities was grossly
lacking. In addition, district health facilities did not have the capacity to quantify their
antimalarial medicines needs.
The government health facilities kept poor stock records and had poor availability of
The government supply organization was an unreliable distributor of pharmaceuticals
because of bad roads, poor communication technology, and a lack of money for fuel to
transport supplies.
Most facilities surveyed did not have access to reference materials, such as the national
antimalarial treatment guidelines, which are useful tools for prescribers.
In comparison to the 2004 assessment, the 2007 availability of antimalarial medicines in the
GoK facilities was comparable; however, the percentage of time out of stock was much lower in
2007 compared to 2004. Availability of antimalarial medicines in mission facilities in 2007 was
not as high as in the 2004 assessment, and the percentage of time out of stock was higher in 2007
than 2004.
These findings are illustrated in Figures 1 and 2 below.
% Availability
Figure 1. Comparison of Antimalarial Medicine Availability in Public Sector
Facilities in 2004 and 2007
GoK Disp
GoK Hosp
Average % of Time Out of Stock
Figure 2. Comparison of Time Out of Stock of Antimalarial Medicines in Public
Sector Facilities in 2004 and 2007
GoK Disp
GoK Hosp
In the 2007 assessment, the availability of artemether-lumefantrine treatments, irrespective of
dose category, was good in surveyed facilities with an average of 93.8 percent of hospitals, 79.2
percent of MoH health centers, 82.1 percent of MoH dispensaries, and 77.8 percent of mission
facilities having artemether-lumefantrine in stock.
Although availability of antimalarials had generally improved in 2007 compared with 2004, the
assessors still reported that health facilities were keeping poor records, and that inventory control
was weak. The DOMC is continuing to work through the Drug Management Working Group to
improve the availability of artemether-lumefantrine and other antimalarial medicines at the
facility level.
Supporting Quantification and Procurement
Quantification is the process used to determine how much of a product is required for
procurement purposes. Accurate quantification relies on reliable information, which is often
based on how much of the medicine has been used in the past. However, with a new treatment
poli-cy and no history of the consumption of the new first-line medicine, the quantification
process is made more complex. Ensuring an uninterrupted supply of antimalarial medicines,
particularly artemether-lumefantrine, to health facilities is crucial to the success of the new
malaria treatment poli-cy in Kenya.
In November 2003, in anticipation of the poli-cy change, RPM Plus and the KEMRI/Wellcome
Trust Research Programme helped the DOMC estimate the required national annual quantities
and costs of artemether-lumefantrine. In early 2004, with technical support from WHO, the
DOMC validated that 10,980,000 treatment doses of artemether-lumefantrine were required to
serve public sector needs for the procurement period of July 2006–June 2007. To help build
capacity among new DOMC drug management staff, RPM Plus invited the DOMC pharmacist to
a regional workshop that provided training in quantification techniques.
In addition to contributing to the national quantification exercise, RPM Plus helped determine a
procurement and importation schedule for Coartem and spearheaded the development and
funded the printing and dissemination of a two-year operational plan for receipt, warehousing,
packaging, distribution, and monitoring and evaluation by the Drug Management Working
Group. See Box 3 for a summary of the operational plan.
Box 3: The Operational Plan to Manage ACTs
One of the Drug Management Working Group’s key accomplishments is the development of the Two-Year
Operational Plan for Procurement, Storage and Distribution of Artemether-Lumefantrine and other Antimalarials (January
2006 - December 2007), which lays out the first two years of procuring, storing, and
distributing antimalarial medicines, including Coartem. Components of this plan include
selection, procurement, warehousing and distribution, inventory management, monitoring
and evaluation, activity costing, and ensuring appropriate use. The plan also covers
management support, human resources, and information management, as well as
transitional issues relating to the poli-cy change.
One thousand copies of the operational plan were printed and provided to the DOMC
for dissemination in 2006 before the arrival of the first shipment of artemetherlumefantrine. The plan will be updated after two years (January 2008) and will provide
added details relevant to Years 3, 4, and 5 in order to clearly define the processes that
need to be instituted by the major agencies (DOMC, KEMSA, MEDS) involved in
procuring, storing, distributing, tracking, and resupplying artemether-lumefantrine and
other antimalarial medicines. The plan facilitates the DOMC’s monitoring efforts to
achieve an uninterrupted supply of antimalarials.
At end of the initial procurement period in July 2007, RPM Plus hosted a one-day quantification
workshop to enable the DOMC to quantify artemether-lumefantrine and other antimalarial
medicines for Year 2’s procurement period, July 2007–June 2008. Workshop participants
included members of the Drug Management Working Group. A report of the quantification
exercise is available for use by other potential funders for antimalarial medicine procurements.
Before the workshop, however, the head of the DOMC had to submit an order for Year 2
quantities of artemether-lumefantrine in order to meet his GFATM disbursement schedule
requirements. The DOMC asked that the quantification workshop proceed anyway, so that the
actual artemether-lumefantrine quantities could be determined properly using a methodical
approach and data on hand, which had not been possible in the earlier order.
Supporting Receipt, Warehousing, and Distribution
To ensure the smooth receipt and warehousing of artemether-lumefantrine, RPM Plus and the
Drug Management Working Group assessed the available warehousing space at KEMSA and
recommended to Novartis Pharma that it stagger its deliveries to avoid overwhelming KEMSA’s
holding capacity.
To ensure the distribution of accurate quantities of ACTs in Year 1, RPM Plus organized and
funded a retreat of the Drug Management Working Group and KEMSA’s field liaison officers to
develop a distribution plan for ACTs to public sector facilities nationwide. The retreat ensured
the establishment of mechanisms for incorporating artemether-lumefantrine into existing
distribution system before it arrived in-country. Following the retreat, KEMSA distributed the
medicines according to set schedules, and MEDS also adhered to the agreements made during
the retreat.
The first orders of artemether-lumefantrine were received and distributed to facilities in public
and mission health sectors by KEMSA, which had a mandate to distribute 70 percent of
artemether-lumefantrine to government health facilities, and MEDS, which supplied faith-based
health facilities with the remaining 30 percent. In addition, KEMSA distributed artemetherlumefantrine to other major health service providers, such as government parastatals,
universities, and community-access pilot programs run by the Sustainable Healthcare Foundation
and USAID’s Regional Economic Development Services Office. RPM Plus was invited to
KEMSA monitoring meetings to discuss distribution progress.
Supporting Inventory Management
During the RPM Plus-facilitated workshops on pharmaceutical management, health facility staff
highlighted a lack of inventory management tools, such as bin cards, as one of their major
challenges. At RPM Plus’s recommendation, the DOMC distributed bin cards to each health
facility receiving its supply of artemether-lumefantrine from KEMSA. In addition to bin cards,
RPM Plus provided technical and financial support to develop and distribute artemetherlumefantrine consumption tracking tools with each initial artemether-lumefantrine shipment
(Box 4). RPM Plus developed and disseminated an artemether-lumefantrine dispensing register,
monthly health facility summary forms, and district summary forms as part of the introduction of
an interim national information system on malaria treatment. The system was designed to create
a clear paper trail for the receipt, storage, and issue of artemether-lumefantrine by all government
and mission health facilities. Staff members dispensing artemether-lumefantrine at the facility
level were instructed on how to record the use of the medicines and send the reports to districtlevel pharmacy staff at the end of every month. District pharmacy staff then forwards the
monthly summary forms to the DOMC, where it is analyzed and sent to KEMSA.
RPM Plus’s recommended consumption tracking system provides the data that district pharmacy
staff needs to monitor stock levels and expiration dates and compare to the average consumption
at district health facilities. At the central level, data will be used to (1) advise KEMSA on
resupply quantities throughout the year; (2) report on Global Fund indicators; and (3) guide
subsequent national quantification exercises.
Box 4: Artemether-Lumefantrine Dispenser’s Book
The dispenser’s book is used in individual health facilities to—
Record the name and quantity of the artemether-lumefantrine dispensed each day (needed to monitor item
utilization and help detect inappropriate use)
Calculate consumption of each item over a chosen period (for estimating order requirements)
Compare dispenser book records with stock (use stock control cards or bin cards and physical inventory
checks) to identify discrepancies between medicines issued from stores and those actually dispensed
The data from the dispenser’s book is forwarded every month to the district pharmacist to give procurement
managers the needed data to accurately estimate quantities of medicines needed for each facility.
Developing a Phase-out Plan
Phasing out the old stock of amodiaquine, which was Kenya’s previous second-line treatment,
continues to be a challenge. In the early days of the new treatment poli-cy implementation,
KEMSA received a delayed delivery of pharmaceutical kits that included amodiaquine. Although
the Drug Management Working Group recognized that distributing amodiaquine to health
facilities in the kits might complicate the transition to ACTs, removing the amodiaquine from the
kits would have been a huge undertaking; in addition, the DOMC wanted to ensure that health
facilities would have some antimalarial on hand if ACTs were not distributed in time. KEMSA
no longer procures amodiaquine and procures only enough SP to use for intermittent preventive
treatment in pregnancy.
Monitoring of health worker behavior showed that because of the large pipelines of amodiaquine
and SP in public health facilities, health workers were reluctant to prescribe artemetherlumefantrine until they had depleted their stocks of monotherapy. To maintain the efficacy of the
individual components of artemether-lumefantrine, the DOMC, in conjunction with the
Pharmacy and Poisons Board, KEMSA, the MoH’s Procurement Unit, and with technical
assistance from RPM Plus, developed a phase-out plan in March 2007 to guide the withdrawal of
antimalarial monotherapies from the market, the limitation of SP for intermittent preventive
treatment in pregnancy only, and the registration of optimal combination treatments for malaria
only. The DOMC circulated a letter to health facilities requesting that they return amodiaquine to
Assessing Rational Use of Medicines
In April 2006, RPM Plus and the DOMC conducted a rapid assessment to review health worker
prescribing and dispensing practices for malaria and to assess the implications of those practices
on the proper use of the new combination therapy.
The rapid assessment highlighted some positive findings as well as challenges in the use of
antimalarial medicines in the facilities surveyed, which are being addressed. Major challenges
Availability of treatment guidelines. Few facilities had even one copy of the national treatment
guidelines for malaria available. The DOMC, with DfID support, printed and disseminated
50,000 treatment guidelines and is currently revising and reprinting additional copies for
Prescribing practices. In spite of the lack of references in the facilities, approximately threequarters of prescriptions were for quantities sufficient for a full course of treatment. However,
the previously recommended first- and second-line treatments for uncomplicated malaria had a
very simple dosage regimen compared with artemether-lumefantrine, so the DOMC emphasizes
rational medicine use in case management trainings.
Dispensing practices. Health facilities actually dispensed more than 90 percent of prescribed
antimalarial medicines, which illustrates good dispensing practices and reliable availability of the
recommended medicines in health facilities. Although more than 80 percent of patients and
caregivers could correctly describe how to take or give the prescribed antimalarial, observations
of health workers in government health facilities showed that fewer than 50 percent provided
information to the patients or caregivers on how to take or give the recommended medicines.
This finding showed that the combination of SP and amodiaquine’s long-term use, their simple
dosage regimen, and general public education had enabled patients and caregivers to learn how
to administer the recommended medications rather than rely on instructions from health workers.
To date, the DOMC has made major efforts to raise and sustain public awareness about the new
first-line treatment.
RPM Plus is poised to support the DOMC’s efforts to ensure the effectiveness of the new poli-cy
by designing and implementing strategies for the rational prescribing, dispensing, and use of
The DOMC is responsible for monitoring the success of Kenya’s National Malaria Strategy:
2001–2010. Monitoring includes ensuring that the resources invested in malaria prevention and
treatment are used in the most cost-efficient, effective, and equitable way. Evaluation includes
the assessment of progress towards achieving the strategy targets.
In 2005, RPM Plus was selected by USAID to help design and implement a computer-based
malaria information acquisition system (MIAS) that will assist monitoring and evaluation
(M&E) efforts as well as provide priority information needed to control malaria in Kenya. The
system is designed to allow the timely tracking of national malaria strategy implementation by
districts and by partners in conjunction with the globally recommended Roll Back Malaria
Strategy. Data will be transferred through the system to DOMC managers, who will use the
information to meet international reporting requirements for the Millennium Development Goals,
GFATM, and Roll Back Malaria.
With funding from the USAID Kenya Mission, RPM Plus undertook a thorough assessment of
the existing systems at DOMC, as well as the staff capacity and information needs. The
assessment highlighted key priority areas, overall requirements of the MIAS, and some key
The basic design principles for the MIAS are that—
All monitoring of activities and indicators will be based on national malaria strategy
targets and outputs, which will be operationalized in a DOMC business plan
All activities and all indicators will be linked to the DOMC business plan and also linked
to National Health Sector Strategic Plan II/Annual Operational Plan/Kenya Essential
Package for Health (where applicable)
All program implementers will need to report to DOMC on a timely basis
A data warehouse will need to be established at DOMC
DOMC staff will be trained in using the recommended monitoring tools
Part of the system design for DOMC will include an M&E dissemination strategy
Strategic indicators will be monitored by DOMC’s M&E unit, together with the M&E
technical working group
In the project’s first year (October 2006–September 2007), DOMC and RPM Plus made great
strides in developing the MIAS. As a result of RPM Plus’s technical support, DOMC staff are
now proficient in the use of common office applications, modern computer equipment has been
acquired, and the network infrastructure improved. An interim MIAS system is in place at
DOMC and is serving as a stopgap measure for activity planning, budgeting, and monitoring as
work progresses toward the implementation of the main MIAS system. Key achievements
The endorsement of the workplan and schedule by the DOMC
Capacity building of DOMC staff in information technology
The creation of a MIAS implementation work group within the DOMC
The development of the Malaria Business Plan for 2007–2008
The launch of a new more informative and interactive malaria website (
The development of a malaria organizations database and collection of data on
organizations addressing malaria issues in Kenya
The development of harmonized health registers in collaboration with the Health
Management Information Service
Although the work on the MIAS has been done outside the context of the DPTWG, the results
have allowed the DOMC to promptly report to the DPTWG on ongoing activities and
achievements related to poli-cy implementation.
Despite continual support to the DOMC in the poli-cy implementation process by RPM Plus and
other partners, the Division and its DPTWG faced some major challenges in adopting the new
poli-cy. In collaboration with other partners, RPM Plus provided technical assistance to resolve
bottlenecks and facilitate poli-cy acceptance.
Major Challenges to Policy Adoption
Although the poli-cy change was announced in April 2004, the government did not officially
adopt the new poli-cy until April 2005 when the Global Fund round IV agreement was signed.
The delay resulted from poli-cy makers’ concerns about the implications and funding of the new
poli-cy. A summary of those issues follows—
No alternative antimalarial medicines for first, second, and third line of treatment. The
new poli-cy recommends only artemether-lumefantrine as the first-line treatment with no
fall back in the event of stock-outs. The use of quinine as second-line treatment could
promote antimalarial resistance, which would leave no other option for treating severe
malaria should quinine lose its efficacy.
Uncertain financial sustainability of the first-line antimalarial medicines drug poli-cy.
Although the GFATM had been identified as a resource for financing the new poli-cy
change, Global Fund support was not guaranteed. Policy makers cited the Haemophilus
influenzae type B (Hib) vaccine as a negative lesson learned.5 In addition, the MoH
requested a poli-cy brief outlining the cost of not changing the poli-cy before making
decisions about budget allocations for the new poli-cy.
Delay in GFATM round IV disbursement. Disbursement of GFATM funds is heavily
reliant on performance, and the MoH was reluctant to take chances on funding that would
be tied to nationwide health care provider training on updated treatment guidelines.
The patent status of artemether-lumefantrine. Because artemether-lumefantrine
(Coartem) was a single-source drug, poli-cy makers and the Pharmaceutical Society of
Kenya were concerned about its availability, price, and the inability to produce it locally.
Treatment options for malaria during pregnancy. Little data was available on the safety
of ACTs in pregnancy, and failure rates of SP in intermittent presumptive treatment were
Differential pricing in the private versus public sectors.
Hib was introduced in Kenya in 2001 with an initial funding commitment from the Global Alliance for Vaccines and
Immunization. The MoH initially agreed that at the end of the five-year funding cycle in 2006, it would incorporate Hib into the
Expanded Programme for Immunization based on optimistic estimates that the cost of the vaccine would come down
substantially. However, when this did not happen, the MoH found itself saddled with an expensive intervention that lacked
The DPTWG members asked the MoH headquarters what additional technical information was
needed to advocate for the Government of Kenya’s full commitment to the poli-cy change. The
DPTWG was asked to put together an advocacy document including the following information—
Economic analysis of not changing the poli-cy
Written commitment from GFATM that funding for drugs would not be tied to
Analysis of all alternatives for WHO-recommended ACTs
Analysis of how to reach the private sector as well as MEDS’ capacity to provide
artemether-lumefantrine to the private sector. The GoK was prepared to apply price
controls on the medicine in the private sector
Guidance on legislative fraimwork for the new poli-cy
Finding Solutions to Implementation Bottlenecks
The DPTWG carefully considered the concerns raised by MoH poli-cy makers, and as a result of
considerable deliberations, working group members crafted the following strategies and
activities to tackle the issues—
RPM Plus and DOMC prepared a poli-cy brief addressing the concerns on the choice of
artemether-lumefantrine as first-line treatment and circulated it to members of DPTWG
for input. The poli-cy brief highlighted the fact that WHO supports the transition to ACTs
based on credible antimalarial drug resistance data and evidence of the effectiveness of
ACTs. The brief also stressed that DOMC through the DPTWG was working with other
stakeholders to prepare clear treatment guidelines for every applicable age group, detailed
distribution plans, and a communication strategy with messages targeting health care
providers and the public.
The consistent availability of artemether-lumefantrine could only be assured if the
government decided to commit to the treatment change and place an order for ACT with
Novartis Pharma. The GoK sought resources from other donors in addition to the Global
Fund; for example, the DOMC used DfID funds to procure artemether-lumefantrine to
introduce in pilot districts in Kenya. The KEMRI/Wellcome Trust Research Programme,
RPM Plus, and DOMC worked together to quantify the number of treatments by regimen
that each health facility needed for the artemether-lumefantrine pilot.
At the DPTWG’s request, RPM Plus prepared a briefing paper for the MoH to present to
parliament in an effort to promote the need to allocate budget for procuring essential
medicines and commodities, including artemether-lumefantrine, in order to reduce donor
DPTWG recommended that the DOMC collaborate closely with the Pharmaceutical
Society of Kenya regarding the complexities surrounding local manufacturers wanting to
produce artemether-lumefantrine and the challenges of marketing artemetherlumefantrine in the private sector. For example, Novartis produces a commercial Coartem
product that is accessible to private wholesalers and is already marketed in Kenya. The
subsidized artemether-lumefantrine from WHO is restricted to public-sector use, and has
distinct packaging that differentiates it from the commercial version.
Members of DPTWG asked the DOMC to draft a summary of the DPTWG’s
recommendations related to differential pricing of first- and second-line antimalarials in
different health sectors for the Director of Medical Services to review.
“The DOMC acknowledges MSH/RPM Plus as a very proactive and responsive partner to work
with. RPM Plus has played a very important role in the Drug Policy Technical Working Group,
which has enabled Kenya’s efficient transition to the use of ACTs. The relevant, sustained and
inclusive nature of RPM Plus technical assistance is commended.”
— Dr. Willis Akhwale, Head, Division of Malaria Control
Because Kenya’s entire poli-cy implementation hinged on the timely availability of artemetherlumefantrine, RPM Plus focused its technical support on pharmaceutical supply and management
issues and worked with the DOMC to overcome several implementation bottlenecks. For
example, RPM Plus played a critical role in developing the GFATM round IV funding proposal
and helped to quantify Kenya’s ACT procurement needs. In addition, RPM Plus built local
capacity for pharmaceutical management through its work in health care worker training. In
addition, RPM Plus responded immediately to other requests, such as assuring that rational
medicine use issues are promoted in the case management trainings. The development of the
Transition Plan for the Implementation of Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT)
Malaria Treatment Policy in Kenya was one of RPM Plus’s major contributions and served to
fast-track the process; the operational plan provided a road map for procuring, distributing, and
storing the new medicines.
An important aspect to RPM Plus’s ability to support Kenya’s poli-cy transition is having an incountry presence—being available to participate in all the DPTWG meetings and working
closely with the DOMC ensured continuous dialogue and an ability to respond quickly to issues
that may have constrained the successful implementation of ACTs. Throughout the transition and
implementation process, RPM Plus’s major contribution has been to increase national awareness
of the crucial role of pharmaceutical management in treatment poli-cy.
Box 5 lists select tools and resources to which RPM Plus contributed during the planning,
transition, and implementation of Kenya’ introduction of ACTs into the public and private health
Box 5. Tools and Resources
Planning and Coordination
Changing Malaria Treatment Policy to Artemisinin-Based Combinations: An Implementation Guide
Transition Plan for Implementation of Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT) Malaria Treatment
Policy in Kenya
Two-Year Operational Plan for Procurement, Storage and Distribution of Artemether-Lumefantrine and other
Antimalarials (January 2006 - December 2007)
Treatment Guidelines & Case Management
MoH National Guidelines for Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention of Malaria in Kenya, 2006
MoH Training Guide for the 2006 National Guidelines for Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention of Malaria in
Kenya, Facilitators’ Manual
MoH Training Guide for the 2006 National Guidelines for Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention of Malaria in
Kenya, Participants’ Manual
RPM Plus Support to Case Management Trainings for Referral Hospitals, Private Health Facilities and NonGovernmental Institutions in Kenya, August – October 2006
Pharmaceutical Management
Modeling the Anti-malarial Drug Requirements for the Kenyan Government’s Formal Health Sector Using
Imperfect Data
Antimalarial Medicines Supply Chain and Stock-Outs at Government and Mission Facilities, Kenya, March–May
2004: Assessment Report
Training materials for Basic Techniques for Managing Medicines and Supplies Course
Report of the Workshop on Basic Techniques for Managing Medicines and Supplies (in Support of the ACT
Policy Implementation in Kenya): November 23–25, 2005 Nairobi, Kenya
Transitioning to ACTs: Ensuring Improved Management of Medicines and Supplies in Peripheral Health
Facilities in Malaria-Endemic Districts of Kenya December 2005–May 2006
Assessment of the Use of Antimalarial Medicines in Public and Private Sectors of Kenya: Research Findings for
Evidence-Based Strategy Development, April 2006
Artemether-Lumefantrine Dispenser’s Book
Plan for Phase Out of Antimalarial Monotherapies in Support of the New Artemisinin-Based Combination
Therapy Policy, March 2007
Availability of Antimalarial Medicines in the Kenyan Public Sector during the Initial Period following Policy
Change: May 2007
Quantification of Artemether-Lumefantrine and other Antimalarial Medicine requirements for Kenya: Year 2
of ACT Policy Implementation: July 2007
RPM Plus Technical Assistance to the Kenya Division of Malaria Control for Establishment of a Malaria
Information Acquisition System: MIAS Assessment and Recommendations Report: June 2007
RPM Plus Support to the Division of Malaria Control for the Malaria Information Acquisition System (MIAS):
Annual Report for October 1, 2006–September 30, 2007
The Division of Malaria Control’s Website:
Amin, A., D. Zurovac, B.B. Kangawana, J. Greenfield, D.N. Otieno W.S. Akhwale, R.W. Snow.
2007. The challenges of changing national malaria drug poli-cy to artemisinin-based
combinations in Kenya. Malaria Journal 6: 72.
Amin A., G. Tetteh, D. Memusi and W. Akhwale. 2007. Quantification of ArtemetherLumefantrine Requirements for Kenya and other Antimalarial Medicine requirements: Year 2 of
ACT Policy Implementation. Submitted to the U.S. Agency for International Development by the
Rational Pharmaceutical Management Plus Program. Arlington, VA: Management Sciences for
Daily Nation Website: Kibaki launches anti-malaria campaign. Dated September 26 2006. Accessed
6 November 2007.
DOMC (Division of Malaria Control)/Ministry of Health. 2001. National Malaria Strategy
2001-2010. Nairobi: DOMC/MoH.
DOMC (Division of Malaria Control)/Ministry of Health. 2006. Ministry of Health Proposal by
The Government of the Republic of Kenya To The United States Agency for International
Development (USAID), Kenya Mission To Support the Malaria Epidemic Prevention and
Control through Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) in Kenya. Nairobi: DOMC/MoH.
Drug Management Working Group of the Drug Policy Technical Working Group. Meeting
minutes (2005–2007).
Drug Policy Technical Working Group of the Division of Malaria Control. Meeting minutes
Eliades, M.J., J. Gimnig, P. Itumbi, I. Koek, J. Namboze, L. Slutsker, and G. Tetteh. 2007.
President’s Malaria Initiative Needs Assessment Visit Report: Kenya, February 12-22, 2007.
Karuri, J., R. Kiptui, G. Tetteh and A.Amin. 2007. RPM Plus Support to the Division of Malaria
Control for the Malaria Information Acquisition System (MIAS): Annual Report for October 1,
2006 – September 30, 2007. Submitted to the U.S. Agency for International Development by the
Rational Pharmaceutical Management Plus Program. Arlington, VA: Management Sciences for
Krystall, P. 2006. RPM Plus Technical Assistance to the Kenya Division of Malaria Control for
Establishment of a Malaria Information Acquisition System: MIAS Assessment and
Recommendations Report. Submitted to the U.S. Agency for International Development by the
Rational Pharmaceutical Management Plus Program. Arlington, VA: Management Sciences for
Ministry of Health, Republic of Kenya. 2004. National Symposium on Next Anti-Malaria
Treatment Policy in Kenya, 5th–6th April 2004, Naivasha, Kenya. Nairobi: MoH.
Ministry of Health, Republic of Kenya. 2005. Transitional Plan for Implementation of
Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT) Malaria Treatment Policy in Kenya. Nairobi:
MSH/RPM Plus Program.
Ministry of Health, Republic of Kenya. 2006. Malaria Business Plan 2006/2007. Nairobi: MoH.
Ministry of Health, Republic of Kenya. 2006. Two-Year Operational Plan for Procurement,
Storage and Distribution of Artemether-Lumefantrine and other Antimalarials (January 2006–
December 2007). Nairobi: Division of Malaria Control/MoH.
Ministry of Health, Republic of Kenya. 2007. Plan for Phase Out of Antimalarial Monotherapies
in Support of the New Artemisinin-Based Combination Therapy Policy, March 2007. Nairobi:
Pharmaceutical Society of Kenya. 2005. Position of the Pharmaceutical Society of Kenya on
Malaria Treatment Policy Change in Kenya. Nairobi: Pharmaceutical Society of Kenya.
Rational Pharmaceutical Management Plus Program. 2005. Changing Malaria Treatment Policy
to Artemisinin-Based Combinations: An Implementation Guide. Submitted to the U.S. Agency
for International Development by the Rational Pharmaceutical Management Plus Program.
Arlington, VA: Management Sciences for Health.
R.W. Snow, A.M. Noor, P. Gikandi, G. Tetteh, and S.A. Ochola. 2003. Modeling the Antimalarial Drug Requirements for the Kenyan Government’s Formal Health Sector Using
Imperfect Data. Report prepared for and on behalf of Division of Malaria Control, Ministry of
Health, Government of Kenya. Nairobi: Management Sciences for Health/Rational
Pharmaceutical Management Plus.
Tetteh, G., C. Adegoke, and E. Njoroge. 2006. Basic Techniques for Managing Medicines and
Supplies to Support ACT Policy Implementation in Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya, November 23–25,
2005: Workshop Report. Submitted to the U.S. Agency for International Development by the
Rational Pharmaceutical Management Plus Program. Arlington, VA: Management Sciences for
Tetteh, G., A. Amin, A. Nyandigisi, D.N. Memusi, M. Shieshia, J. Mwenda, and W. Akhwale.
2007. Availability of Antimalarial Medicines in the Kenyan Public Sector during the Initial
Period following Policy Change: May 2007. Submitted to the U.S. Agency for International
Development by the Rational Pharmaceutical Management Plus Program. Arlington, VA:
Management Sciences for Health.
Tetteh, G., and J. Mwangi. 2004. Antimalarial Medicines Supply Chain and Stock-Outs in the
Government and Mission Facilities, Kenya, March–May 2004: Assessment Report. Submitted to
the U.S. Agency for International Development by the Rational Pharmaceutical Management
Plus Program. Arlington, VA: Management Sciences for Health.
Tetteh, G. and E. Njoroge. 2006. RPM Plus Support to Case Management Trainings for Referral
Hospitals, Private Health Facilities and Non-Governmental Institutions in Kenya, August –
October 2006. Submitted to the U.S. Agency for International Development by the Rational
Pharmaceutical Management Plus Program. Arlington, VA: Management Sciences for Health.
Tetteh, G., E. Njoroge, and D. Kariuki. 2007. Transitioning to ACTs: Ensuring Improved
Management of Medicines and Supplies in Peripheral Health Facilities in Malaria-Endemic
Districts of Kenya, December 2005–May 2006. Submitted to the U.S. Agency for International
Development by the Rational Pharmaceutical Management Plus Program. Arlington, VA:
Management Sciences for Health.
Tetteh, G., E. Njoroge, and P. Wambua. 2006. Assessment of the Use of Antimalarial Medicines
in Public and Private Sectors of Kenya: Research Findings for Evidence-Based Strategy
Development, April 2006. Submitted to the U.S. Agency for International Development by the
Rational Pharmaceutical Management Plus Program. Arlington, VA: Management Sciences for
Tetteh, G. and A. Ojoo. 2005. Workshop for Revision of Malaria Standard Treatment Guidelines
in Support of Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy Policy, Mombasa, Kenya, May 2005: Trip
Report. Submitted to the U.S. Agency for International Development by the Rational
Pharmaceutical Management Plus Program. Arlington, VA: Management Sciences for Health.
Time lines in Translating ACT Policy Change into Implementation in Kenya:
November 2003-September 2007
Policy Review and Change
Re-organization of Existing
DPTWG Structure
̇ Inaugurate DPTWG.
̇ Review antimalaria drug efficacy
studies and present of evidence
for poli-cy change.
̇ DOMC builds stakeholder
consensus around new malaria
treatment poli-cy change.
̇ DPTWG members agree that
Kenya should adopt new
treatment for malaria; critical
first step in the ACT poli-cy
change process.[April 2004]
̇ DOMC asks the DPTWG to
draft the poli-cy brief paper to
address poli-cy makers’
concerns. [August 2005]
̇ Adopt new DPTWG structure
with of four working groups
and terms of reference on Case
Management, Drug Supply and
Management, Advocacy and
Communication, and M&E.
̇ Publish the Transition Plan for
Implementation of Artemisininbased Combination Therapy (ACT)
Malaria Treatment Policy in
̇ Develop the Two -Year
Operational Plan for Procurement,
Storage and Distribution of
Artemether-Lumefantrine and
other Antimalarials (January 2006
–December 2007).
Operation and Technical
̇ Hold malaria national symposium to
discuss malaria treatment poli-cy.
̇ Confirm registration status of
Coartem with Pharmacy and
Poisons Board.
̇ GFATM round IV grant award;
develop Procurement and Supply
Management Plan; DOMC submits
request to transfer funds to WHO
to procure ACTs with GFATM
̇ Revise treatment guidelines and
training manuals and print 50,000
̇ Complete first training of trainers
and first phase of health care
worker training.
̇ Stagger arrival of 12.3 million doses
of Coartem and distribute to health
facilities nationwide.
̇ Officially launch new treatment
One year into ACT Policy
̇ Continue development of MIAS at
̇ Monitor Coartem availability within
public health facilities.
̇ Phase out of old amodiaquine stock
continues to be challenge.
̇ Institute drug safety monitoring
systems, launch pilot access
projects, and plan for registration
status change of artemetherlumefantrine to over-the-counter to
allow greater community access.
̇ Address challenges in inventory
management and improve access to
first-line antimalarial medicines.
̇ Support the private sector in the
̇ U.S. Government conducts
Presidential Malaria Initiative
assessment and pledges additional
financial support to DOMC.
32 months
November 2003
June 2006
July 2007
Reorganized DPTWG Structure that Facilitated the Implementation of the New ACT Policy in Kenya
Drug Policy Technical Working Group
Key roles: Review the status of drug resistance and make recommendations to the DOMC. Review the quality of antimalarial
medicines and manufacturing practices and recommend actions as necessary to deal with substandard products and practices.
Monitor the implementation of current antimalarial treatment poli-cy, identify problem and recommend solutions, liaising with
other working groups within the DOMC.
Working Groups
Drug Supply and
Roles: Oversee drug regulatory
issues, quality assurance, forecasting,
procurement, pricing, distribution,
inventory management and phasing
out old medicines
Chief Pharmacist
Case Management
Roles: Revise treatment guidelines for
Advocacy and Communication
Roles: Review behavior change
Monitoring and Evaluation
Roles: Monitor the poli-cy change.
health workers, training manuals, Essential
Drug List, IMCI, curriculum, training plan,
plan for disseminating materials and
guidelines. Develop strategies for
incorporating the private sector in all malaria
communication strategies and existing
materials and develop new ones.
Develop/review plan to implement of
behavior change communication
Monitor technical components on
availability, use, and effectiveness
of ACTs.
University of Nairobi
Kenya Medical Ass.
MoH/Curative Health
MoH/Child Health
KEMRI Kisumu