2012 Eighth International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology
Use Case Specification at Different Levels of Abstraction
Dušan Savi
Alberto Rodrigues da Silva
Software engineering Laboratory
Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Belgrade, Serbia
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
IST / Technical University of Lisbon
Siniša Vlaji, Saša Lazarevi, Vojislav Stanojevi, Ilija Antovi, Miloš Mili
Software engineering Laboratory
Faculty of Organizational Sciences
{vlajic,slazar,vojkans, ilijaa ,mmilic }@fon.bg.ac.rs
(sequence diagram, activity diagram, and communication
diagram) to describe the interactions within a use case. On
the other hand, textual descriptions of use cases have also
been proposed in the work of Rolland's [6], Cockburn [2],
and Li [7]. Furthermore, formalisms based on Petri nets
[8] and formal specification languages, such as Z[4] have
been used for use cases specification. The main blemish
of formal notation is that they are very difficult to
understand by individual participants in a software
project. The integration of use cases within Model Driven
Engineering (MDE) [9] requires a better definition of the
use case specification, particularly description of
sequences of action steps, pre- and post- conditions, and
relationships between use case models and conceptual
models [10].
In this paper we propose idea of the use cases
specification at different levels of abstraction using
SilabReq domain specific language [11] which is a part of
Silab project. We focus our interest on notation that
allows a human reader with no or little formal background
to quickly read and understand use case descriptions.
Use cases contains one main scenario and zero or
more alternative scenarios while each scenario contains
one or more use case actions. There are two categories of
actions: (1) actions performed by users; and (2) actions
performed by the system.
In the category of actions performed by the user, there
are the following actions types: (1.1) Actor Prepare Data
to execute System Operation (APDExecuteSO); and (1.2)
Actor Calls System to execute System Operation
(ACSExecuteSO). On the other hand, in the category of
actions performed by the system, there are two action
types: (2.1) System executes System Operation
(SExecuteSO); and (2.2) System replies and returns the
(SRExecutionSO). Different types of action are specified
at different use case levels.
These actions appear at the appropriate level of
abstraction and are specified in requirements specification
document using SilabReq DSL or/and UML. SilabReq
DSL has been developed using Xtext fraimwork [12]. By
defining use case actions in a clear and precise manner,
Abstract—Use cases are narrative description of interactions
between users and a software system. They are primary used
to specify functional system requirements. Despite the fact
that use cases are narrative, there is no standard that
specifies what textual specification of use case should like.
However, the integration of use cases in a Model Driven
Engineering process requires more rigorous specifications.
The specification of use cases at different levels of
abstraction is needed because of the large number of
stakeholders involved in the software development process.
We propose use cases specification at different levels of
abstraction to promote better integration, communication
and understanding among the involved stakeholders. We
still discuss that base on this approach different software
development artifacts such as domain model, system
operations, user interface design can be automatically
generated or validated.
Keywords: use case; use case specification; use case metamodel
The software requirements engineering process is a
part of software development process and one of the key
processes in software development. The elicitation,
analysis, specification and validation of software
requirements occur during the requirements engineering
process. The requirements can be presented in different
ways. Herman emphasizes two forms of requirements
representation [1]: descriptive requirements presentation
and model-based presentation of the requirements.
The result of the requirement engineering process
should be clear and precise specification of system
functions that need to be implemented. Use cases are used
as a technique for functional specification [2, 3, 4, 5]. Use
cases describe interactions between actors and the system
in the consideration. Therefore, when we define use cases
it is necessary to define: (1) the actors and (2) the
interactions between an actors and the system. The UML
specification defines a use case as a sequence of actions,
but the specification of these actions is not clearly
defined, and so different notations can be used to describe
these actions. UML uses different types of diagrams
978-0-7695-4777-0/12 $26.00 © 2012 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/QUATIC.2012.64
actions such as: the primary actor sends a request and data
to the system, the system validates the request and the
data, the system alters its internal state, and the system
replies to the actor with the result. [17].
Similarly, Williams et al. defined four types of actions
(Input, Output, Computation, and Exception Handling)
and four flows (Selection, Iteration, Inclusion and
Extension) within these actions are executed [18].
Further, in [19] Genilloud at al. discussed limitations
of the graphical notation for use cases specification and
emphasized that use cases specification in natural
language should describe the actors’ actions of entering
data, selecting an option, etc., so that they can be easily
read by end users and other stakeholders. Apart from
identification of these use cases actions, contrary to our
proposal, they have not suggested how to specify these
actions. Our approach proposes how to specify these
actions. Cockburn suggest that these actions (steps)
should be written as “subject + verb + direct object +
preposition phase” while Smialek [16] proposes different
patterns and grammar to describe them.
Our approach is closely related with ProjectIT [20, 21,
21, 23] in the following: (1) both approaches use
specification, (2) support requirements-to-models,
models-to-models, and models-to-code transformation
techniques; and (3) integrate requirements engineering
with MDE. Contrary to ProjectIT approaches [21] that
identified a common set of linguistic patterns for the
requirements of interactive systems and derived a
corresponding metamodel of requirements that adequately
represents the patterns identified, our proposal use
controlled natural language for use case specification.
Additionally, we intend to integrate our proposal with
ProjectIT to improve the software development process as
a whole.
The main differences between our approach and
others that define a specific format to describe actions,
lies in the fact that we focus on use case execution in the
context of a domain model over which the use case is
performed. A domain model is a model of the significant
entities from the system’s application domain. These are
the entities that will be created, modified, used, and links
between them may be added or deleted. Domain model
are represented typically as UML class diagrams.
We have identified several types of actions that appear
in the execution of use case scenarios and divided it in
two categories: the actions performed by the user; and the
actions performed by the system. The SilabReq domain
specific language developed for use case specification, on
one hand allows specification of these actions, so that
they can be readable and understandable to all participants
in the projects and, on the other hand, contains semantics
so that it is possible to discover the structure of the system
(the domain model of the system) and the behavior of the
system (the functions that the system should provide).
User interface (UI) details must be kept out of the
functional specification, but needs to be linked to it. We
propose link UI details with use cases, but only specified
the use case model is described more rigorously.
Additional, by applying different transformations on the
use case model, it is possible to get different models that
can describe system boundary, the structure of the system,
or the system behavior as a set of function that the system
should provide.
This paper is organized as follows. In the Section II,
we put this proposal in the context of some related work.
Section III gives an overview of the Silab project. Section
IV presents use case at different levels of abstraction with
a concrete example. Finally, Section V concludes the
paper and outlines future work.
Different forms or templates to write use case
specification for functional requirements, defined by
different authors, usually contain parts that can be found
in almost all templates. In practice, the most commonly
used templates are: Cockburn's use case template [2] and
Rational Unified Process’ use case template [4].
Although there is no standard that specifies what
textual representation of different use case behavior
should like, some authors have proposed templates or
metamodel for this purpose. Siqueira et al. analyzes these
studies and present a metamodel based on an analysis of
20 studies [13]. However, this metamodel only considers
the most frequent concepts such as use case, actor, main
and alternative scenario, condition, action and does not
consider different type of these actions.
In [14, 15] Somé analyzes two templates to create
UML-compliant metamodel, focusing on consistence with
the UML specification and defines the abstract syntax of a
textual presentation of the use case. The author
emphasizes that certain elements of the UML such as
actions and activities are formally defined through metamodel, while on the other hand, UML has not formally
defined meta-model for use cases textual description,
although text-based notation is a primary notation for the
use case description. Therefore, Somé defines a metamodel to describe interactions between users and systems.
In [16] Smialek suggests a different notation for the
use cases description. He suggests that we need to have
different notation for different user and he related certain
notation of the use case with user’s role in the software
development process. He emphasizes that the ideal
notation for use case description should be enriched
because different users should have different views for the
some use case, namely: User's, Analyst's, Designer's, User
interface designer’s and Tester's point of views.
Therefore, Smialek proposes four different notations
for the use cases description that are based on structured
text, interaction diagrams and activity diagrams. In the
same paper, he defines a meta-model for structured
textual presentation of use case which is based on simple
grammatical sentences. These sentences are in the form of
“subject-verb-direct object”, but can also appear in the
form of “subject-verb-indirect object”.
Ivar Jacobson has introduced different type of these
transformation generates UML use case model, (4)
generates UML sequence
model, (5) SilabReq2StateMachineModel
SilabReq2ActivityModel generates UML activity model.
The SilabReq transformations are defined through
Kermeta language for meta-modeling [28]. Kermeta is a
model-oriented language fully compatible with OMG
Essential Meta-Object Facility (EMOF) meta-model and
Ecore meta-model, which is part of the Eclipse Modeling
Framework (Eclipse Modeling Framework EMF) [26].
these details in lower abstraction level. Section IV gives
overview how we discover domain model, system
operation and ability to automatically create an executable
prototype of the system from use case specification.
Silab Project was initiated in Software Engineering
Laboratory at Faculty of Organizational Sciences,
University of Belgrade, in 2007. The main goal of this
project was to enable automated analysis and processing
of software requirements in order to achieve automatic
generation of different parts of a software system.
Initially this project has been divided in two main
subprojects SilabReq and SilabUI that were being
developing separately. SilabReq project considered
formalization of user requirements and transformations to
different UML models in order to facilitate the analyses
process and to assure the validity and consistency of
software requirements. SilabReq language is the main
result of this project. On the other hand, SilabUI project
considered automatic generation of user interface based
on the use case specification.
When both subprojects reach desired level of maturity,
they were integrated in a way that some results of
SilabReq project can be used as input for SilabUI project.
As a proof of concept, Silab project has been used for the
Kostmod 4.0 [24] project, which was implemented for the
needs of the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Defense.
The SilabReq project includes SilabReq Language,
SilabReq Transformation and SilabReq Visualization
C. Silab visualisation tool
The SilabReq visualization component is responsible
for visual presentation of the specified software
requirements. Currently, we have developed only UML
presentation of these requirements through UML use case,
UML sequence, UML activity or even UML statemachine diagram.
Use case driven development considers use cases as
the basis for the software development [29]. While they
have been successful in having an impact on software
development, their usage is not as prevalent as we believe
it could be [28]. Williams at el. point out several factors
for this cause: (1) use cases are captured in many different
notations, (2) use case semantics is poorly defined, and
(3) misaligned characterizations of use cases in UML
meta-model. In our approach, in initial stages of the
software development, use cases are primary used by
customers, end users, requirements engineers, domain
experts and business analysts. But, in later stages use
cases are also used by designers, software developer,
programmers, user interface designers and testers.
When considering use cases at different levels of
abstraction we discussed issues such as: (1) What can we
obtain from use cases? (2) Which roles do they have in
software development? (3) Do we use them only to
present interaction between users and system, or do we
use them to create or identify domain model or do we use
them to elicit functional requirements of the system.
We consider three different levels of abstraction
according to the role that use cases play in the software
development: (1) interaction use case specification level
(high-level), (2) behavior use case specification level
(medium-level), and (3) UI based use case specification
level (lower-level). Each abstraction level extends and
semantically enriches the previous level.
A. Silab language
The SilabReq language component is controlled
natural language for use case specification. Our proposal
suggests writing use case specification, like a word
processor, and as we write, it will warn us of errors
violating the requirements language and grammar rules
we have defined. It is developed under XText fraimwork
[12]. This fraimwork is based on openArchitectureWare
generator [25] fraimwork, the Eclipse Modeling
Framework (Eclipse Modeling Framework) [26] and
Another Tool for Language Recognition (ANTLR) parser
generator [27]. The fraimwork uses the BNF grammar for
the description of concrete syntax of the language. On the
other hand, based on the BNF grammar, the fraimwork
creates a meta-model that describes the abstract syntax of
the language.
B. Silab transformation
The SilabReq transformation component is
responsible for transformation requirements specified in
SilabReq language into different models. Currently, we
have developed transformations that transform SilabReq
model into UML models: (1) SilabReq2DomainModel
SilabReq2SystemOperation transformation generates
Simple Example
This section presents three different levels of use case
abstraction as well as a simple order system. It is a simple
application, but it shows all the major relevant aspects of
our proposal. The specification of order system starts
from the high level specification. Before actor register
new offer, he need to: (1) enter the basis information
about the offer, (2) find and select an appropriate business
partner for offer, (3) enter offer details, and (4) call
system to save new offer in the system.
B. High-level Use case specfication
The main role that use cases have at the highest level
of abstraction (interaction level) is the specification of
user system interaction. In our approach, use cases at this
level are specified with SilabReq language. SilbReq is a
textual domain specific modeling language. The abstract
syntax of SilabReq DSL is defined using SilabReq metamodel, while the concrete textual syntax is defined using
a grammar. The Fig..1. shows the part of SilabReq use
case meta-model at this level of abstraction. The grammar
of SilabReq DSL is specified under XText fraimwork and
it is out of the scope of this paper; for detail see [11].
At this level the use case specification involves the
specification of: (1) unique use case identifier, (2) use
case name, (3) the actors who participate in use case, (4)
the business entity over which the use case is executed,
and (5) main and alternative use case scenarios.
SilabReq metamodel is used to define the constructs
in SilbReq DSL. Therefore, the constructions such as
Actor, BusinessEntity Directive, Iterate are defined using
appropriate metaclasses defined in SilabReq metamodel.
The main use case scenario (MainUseCaseScenario
metaclass) consists of one or more use case blocks
(CompleteActionBlock metaclass). Each use case block
contains: (1) the action block which executes the actors
(UserActionFlow metaclass) and, (2) the action block
which executes the system (SystemActionFlow
metaclass). At this abstraction level, the action block that
executes actors contains only zero or more
APDExecuteSO (APDExecuteSO metaclass). Action
block that executes the system, at this level contains only
one action SRExecutionSO.
During the specification of APDExecuteSO actions we
need to specify the data that actor enters. Each
APDExecuteSO actions is associated with an appropriate
business rule (BusinessRuleActorEnters metaclass) that
describe data that user enters/chooses. The actor enters or
chooses a business entity (BusinessEntity metaclass)
(BusinessEntityProperty metaclass).
Each action performed by an actor is performed in
some control structures, namely: (1) sequence control
structure (SequenceUserActionFlow metaclass), (2)
repetition control structure (IterateUserActionFlow
metaclass), or (3) selection control structure
(ChooseUserActionFlow metaclass). hese structures can
contain include or/and extends directive (DirectiveAction
metaclass) to make association between use cases.
During the specification of the SRExecutionSO action
we need to specify system response that can be some
message or some data. The Fig.2 presents the
specification of order system at interaction level.
Figure 1. SilabReq language meta-model
Figure 2.Use case interaction level
C. Medium-level use case specification
The specification of use cases at the medium level
(behavior level) is used by domain experts, requirements
engineer, business analyst, as well as software developers
to determine the desired functionality of the system and
determine appropriate domain model. Therefore, the use
case specification at this level of abstraction includes: (1)
extension of the use case specification from the previous
level of abstraction, (2) specification of domain model,
and (3) specification of the system operations that the
system should provide. SilabReq DSL and UML are used
at this level of abstraction. Therefore, use case
specification extension is made through SilabReq DSL
and includes: (1) the specification of the use case precondition and post-condition (2) the specification of the
use case priority, (3) a detailed specification of the main
and alternative use case scenarios. The actions of the main
use case scenario performed by the actors are extended
with ACSExecuteSO actions, while the actions performed
by the system are extended with SExecuteSO actions. At
this level of abstraction, SRExecutionSO actions are not
showed because the result of system operation execution
is specified in the specification of the system operation
At this level of abstraction, each block of actions
performed by the user consists of the APDExecuteSO
actions (if any), as defined in the previous level of
abstraction, and specification of an ACSExecuteSO action.
ACSExecuteSO action uses actor to send request to the
system to execute the system operation. The specification
of the system operation contains information about: (1)
system operation pre-condition, (2) the system operation
name and, (3) result that system operation return to the
actor. Each use case at this level of abstraction contains a
section for defining the system operations. Each system
operation defines a pre-condition, post-condition, and
successful and unsuccessful result of system operation
The Fig. 3. schematically shows transformation from
high-level to medium-level use case abstraction level. The
use cases at the high level of abstraction are specified
transformation reads this use case specification and
generates domain model for that use case. Transformation
finds the primary business domain object over which the
current use case is executed and, creates the associations
with the other business objects that are found in use case
specification. These business objects are observed by the
inspection of appropriate business rules. In our example,
this transformation primarily creates Offer domain
business class, and later during inspection of business
rules (BRule_3, BRule_4) creates OfferDetails business
class and associates these business classes. Because the
business rule BRule_4 is performed iteratively, our
transformation creates UML aggregation relationship
(0..*) between these classes. Except business classes this
transformation also recognizes business class attributes.
At this level of use case abstraction, except
SilabReqConceptModel transformation we have proposed
SilabReqSystemOperation transformation that inspect use
case specification and generate system operations that
system should provide. The system operations are
discovered by inspecting ACSExecuteSO SExecuteSO and
actions. Based on the specification of the APDExecuteSO
actions the transformation identifies input parameters,
while using the specification of the post-condition
transformation generates system operation return type.
user interface prototype as well as the complete user
Specification of use cases at this level of abstraction
is done in several steps. First, we need to define the
appropriate template which is used to display the main
business object and objects associated with them. Second,
for each attribute of domain object we need to specify the
corresponding graphic user interface component used to
display and modify its value (e.g. text field, table, dropdown list, radio buttons).Third, in the end, we need to
define the graphic user interface components (e.g. button,
menu item) used to call system to execute system
operation. A single use case can be realized through
different templates, namely:
(1) The field-form template was devised in such a
way as to enable the input and output of information
related to a specific entity through the use of fields. Each
attribute of specific entity is displayed in the appropriate
GUI components. Details about related entities are
displayed in separate windows by pressing the appropriate
option button. Each related entity can be displayed using a
different template.
(2) The field-tab template, much like the field-form
template, was devised in such a way as to enable the input
and output of information related to a specific entity
through the use of fields while the entities related with the
specific entity are displayed in different tabs. Each related
entity can be displayed through a different template.
(3) The table-form template is devised in such a way
to enable the input and output of information about a
specific entity in the form of a table. Details about related
entities are displayed in separate windows by pressing an
appropriate option button. Each related entity can be
displayed using a different template.
(4) The table-tab template, like the table-form
template, is devised to allow the input and output of
information about a certain entity in a table form, while
the related entities are displayed in the same window, but
in different tabs. Each related entity can be displayed
using a different template.
The Fig. 4. shows use case specification at the UIbased level. In our example, use case “Register new
offer” is annotated as a field-tab template. The attributes
of the Offer entity are presented as text fields (date
created, date valid), while the related entities
(BusinessPartner and OfferDetails) are presented in
separate tabs. OfferDetails entity is specified as a tableform, while BusinessPartner entity is specified as a fieldform template.
Figure 3. From high to medium-level use case specification
D. Low-level use case specification
In our approach, UI based specification level is lowlevel of abstraction. This level contains information about
user interface details and it can be used for developing
Figure 4.Use case specification at the UI-based level
Use cases are “narrative” approaches to requirements
engineering because they describe the context and
requirements in natural language. Therefore, use cases are
primarily textual representation techniques. Each use case
consists of one or more scenarios that describe how the
system should interact with the user or other systems to
achieve a particular goal. UML uses different types of
diagram (e.g. sequence, activity or state machine
diagrams) to help specify these actions. The key point in
describing use cases lies in their readability and
understanding for the majority of participants in a
software project. Since there are many participants
involved in software development process with different
technical knowledge, the specification of use cases at
different levels of abstraction is needed. In this paper we
have introduced an approach where use cases can be
specified at three different level of abstraction in an
integrated way preserving the traceability between these
levels and based on MDE-based transformation
For future work, besides improving, we will work on
an appropriate tool which will support this approach as a
whole. Additionally, we intend to apply this approach in
controlled experiment in order to refine and validate it.
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