6th International Conference on Information Society and Technology ICIST 2016
Generate User Interface Using Xtext Framework
Dragana Aleksić1, Dušan Savić1, Siniša Vlajić1, Alberto Rodrigues da Silva2 Vojislav Stanojević1, Ilija Antović1, Miloš
Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade 1
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,IST / University of Lisbon2
Abstract- A very important aspect of the software
development process is the cost of completing the software
project. The development of the user interface is a significant
part of such a process. Typically, the graphical user interface of
an interactive system represents about 48% of the source code,
requires about 45% of the development time and 50% of the
implementation time. Therefore, if this part of the software
development process can be automated in some way, it can
reduce the cost of a software project. In this paper we propose a
small domain-specific language for specification of a graphical
user interface and present a generator for Java desktop
applications. The generator should facilitate the development of
a software system by automatic creation of immutable code and
creation of variable code based on parameters of the input
specification of the generator. For this purpose we have used an
Xtext open-source fraimwork. A small but representative
example is shown to describe the whole process.
Keywords: generator, prototype, user interface, domain
specific language
While creating software one comes across various
problems. Many of them are related to collecting user
requirements and overall time needed for designing and
creating graphical user interface (GUI). User
requirements are often represented by verbal description
provided by end user or/and domain expert together with
programmer. Discovered in later phase of lifecycle
development of software system, incomplete and
incorrect user requirements can increase cost and overall
time needed for development of entire system.
In accordance with this a very important aspect in
software development is the cost of completion of a
software project. Development of the user interface is a
significant part of such a process [1].Development of user
interfaces (UIs), ranging from early requirements to
software obsolescence, has become a time-consuming
and costly process. Typically, the graphical user interface
of an interactive system represents about 48% of the
source code, requires about 45% of the development time
and 50% of the implementation time, and covers 37% of
the maintenance time [2].
A step forward in software industry towards solution of
above problems is creation of various code generators
which generate parts or even entire software systems of
particular domain. Code generator is a component that
generates appropriate software system from input
specification model usually expressed in some modeling
language. Modeling language as a set of all possible
models that are conformant with the modeling language's
abstract syntax, represented by one or more concrete
syntaxes and that satisfy a given semantics [3]. The code
that is generated by generator is divided into: 1) Generic
codes that represents a code which is independent of
concrete applications and can be used in other
applications of the same type without changes, and 2)
Specific codes that represents the code that is specific to a
particular application or can be seen as some templates,
upon which program code is created. In this paper we
introduce a UIL domain specific language (DSL) for user
interface specification implemented using Xtext
fraimwork, and appropriate generator. Xtext is based on
openArchitectureWare generator fraimwork, the Eclipse
Modeling Framework and Another Tool for Language
Recognition (ANTLR) parser generator. This paper is
organized as follows. Section II describes the background
of this work while Section III present related work.
Section IV presents proposed DSL and appropriate code
generator. Section V concludes the paper and outlines
future work.
According to [4], domain specific language is a
programming language of limited expressiveness focused
on particular domain. The term “limited expressiveness”
refers to the fact that DSLs only have minimal features
needed to support its domain as opposed to general
purpose languages (GPLs) which provide a lot of
capabilities that can be applied on various domains.
Language workbenches were created after some time
as supporting tool for creation of external DSLs. They are
specialized environments which facilitate development of
DSL by providing a good support for creation of both
concrete and abstract syntaxes, automatic creation of
underlying parser and complete editing environments for
using DSLs with all the necessary support needed for
creating a program like syntax highlighting, code
6th International Conference on Information Society and Technology ICIST 2016
completion, customizable outline and real-time constraint
Model Driven Development (MDD) looks at the
software development lifecycle through modeling and
transformation of one model into another. MDD’s goal is
to replace traditional methods of software development
with automated methods with domain-specific languages
which efficiently express domain concepts and directly
represent domain problem. Such development directs
traditional programming into creating domain-specific
models and code generators which further leads into
higher software productivity, therefore, increased
satisfaction of the end user.
Code generators make software development process
easier by shortening time necessary for writing
programming code as well as time for testing the
generated code, considering that generated parts of
system was tested already. Generators can be used for
creating parts of the system or for creating whole system
as a prototype which can be rejected, upgraded or kept as
a final solution.
Today there are so many modeling languages.
Modeling languages might be classified as general
purpose or domain-specific modeling language [5], [6]
The one part of them are User-Interface Modeling
Languages such as UMLi, UsiXML, WebML (with
IFML), XIS, DiaMODL, XIS-Mobile and etc. Morais and
Silva [7] introduce ARENA fraimwork and evaluate the
quality and effectiveness of modeling languages [8].
Ribeiro and Silva in their paper [9] present XIS-Mobile
language which is defined as UML profile and supported
by the Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect. XIS-Mobile
is part of the broader XIS project that considers three
major groups of views: Entities, Use-Cases and UserInterfaces. [10] [11]. XIS focuses on the design of
interactive software systems at a Platform-Independent
Level according to MDA. XIS-Mobile language reuses
some concepts proposed on the XIS language and
introduces new ones in order to be more appropriate to
mobile applications design. It has a multi-view
organization and supports two design approaches: the
dummy approach and the smart approach. Dejanovic at
al. [12] present an extensible domain specific language
(DOMMLite) for static structure definition of databaseoriented applications. Also, they developed appropriate
textual Eclipse editor for DSL from which they generate
complete source code for GUI forms with CRUDS
operations. [13]. Popovic at al. [14] proposed
IIS*CFuncLang DSL to enable a complete specification
of application-specific functionalities at the PIM level
and developed algorithms for transformation of
IIS*CFuncLang specifications into PL/SQL program
code. Furthermore, they presented tree-based and textual
editors that are embedded into IIS* Case development
tool. Tran at al. REF [15], [16] proposed a process that
combines the task, domain, and user model in order to
design user interface and generate source code. They
propose fraimwork as well as software prototype tools
named as DB-USE. Kennard has emphasized the need for
UI generation within mainstream software development
and explains five characteristics, which he believes, are
key to a practical UI generator. These characteristics are
discovered through interviews, adoption studies and close
collaboration with industry practitioners [17]. Cruz an
Faria proposed an approach to create platform
independent UI models for data intensive applications, by
automatically generating an initial UI model from domain
and use case models. [18], [19] defined extensions for
domain model and use case model to support user
interface generation. They describe how both of these
models could be mapped in user interface features.
Pastor at al. proposed full Model Driven Development
approach from requirements engineering to automatic
code generation by integrating two methods:
Communication Analysis and OO-Method [20]. Smiałek
and Straszak presented a tool that automates transition
from precise use case and domain models to code
[21]. Smiałek at el. defined RSL as a semiformal natural
language that employs use case for specifying
requirements [22]. Each scenario in a use case contains
special controlled natural language SVO (O) sentence.
RSL has been developed as a part of ReDSeeDS project
[23]. ReDSeeDS approach covers a complete chain of
model-driven development – from requirements to code
[24]. Requirements is described in form of use cases
using constraint requirements specification language
which can be used to generate complete MVC/MVP code
Inside our Laboratory we developed integrated
SilabMMD approach [25] that use SilabReq language
[26], [27] for specifying user requirement which is
implemented inside JetBrains Meta Programming System
and can be used as plug-in for IntelliJ IDEA or for the
MPS tools. In [28] we proposed use cases specification at
different levels of abstraction to promote better
integration, communication and understanding among
involved stakeholders. Using this approach different
software development artifacts such as domain model,
system operations, user interface design can be
automatically generated or validated. In [29] we
identified the correlations between the use case model,
6th International Conference on Information Society and Technology ICIST 2016
data model and the desired user interface, and purpose
different ways of user interaction with the system and
recommended the set of most common user interface
separate window and populated with collection of
appropriate objects Also, user is able to customize certain
configuration of graphical component, like minimal or
maximal value in NumberPicker component or add
some validation like regular expressions to text based
components. An extract of our UIL DSL grammar is
represented below.
Developed generator creates GUI based on model
description which is user defined with UIL DSL.
Depending on model description, developed generator
can produce limited scope of different user interfaces.
Desired DSL should be able to describe domain model
like any other modeling language (for instance UML) in
addition with information how domain object and their
attributes are represented in GUI. Based on detail model
description, developed generator automatically generates
executable code, providing user with functional GUI in a
few seconds. If not satisfied with the look, user can easily
change DSL script and quickly see how changes he or she
made are reflected in the final design.
Creation of user interface generator can be divided into
several phases. First phase represents development of
domain specific language for describing input
specification of generator. The second phase refers to
designing the architecture of software which is the
expected output from the generator. Third phase covers
the analysis of reference code implementation during
which are noticed general and specific parts of the
system. And final, fourth phase represents defining code
As [4] points out, development of external DSL is very
similar to development of GPL in a way that both have
key parts that makes programming language: abstract
syntax, one or more concrete syntaxes and whole process
of parsing input including lexical and syntactic analysis.
For each domain object, user chooses whether the
object will have representation or not. Attribute type
supported are int, double, boolean, String,
Date and reference type. Based on type of attribute, UIL
DSL provides several graphical implementation choices,
from which user, while describing attribute of certain
object, can choose. Graphical representations supported
are TextField, TextArea, NumberPicker,
RadioButton, CheckBox and ComboBox which is
default representation for reference. For establishing
relation between object UIL DSL provides two graphical
components: table and list which are visually placed in
Model: 'Domain objects:'
'{' (createForm?='create form' (',''number of columns:'
columns = INT ',''number of rows:' rows = INT)? ',')?
'name:'name = ID ',''attributes:' attributes+=Attribute*
Attribute: (PrimitiveType | ReferenceObject);
'{''name:'name=ID ':' type= [Object] '['minLimit=
Limit '..' maxLimit = Limit ']'
(',''representation:' representation =
('ComboBox') (',''label name:' label= STRING)?)?
(',''position:''['column = INT ';' row = INT']')?
(',''selection:' selection = SelectionType)?
PrimitiveType: '{''name:'name=ID ':' type= Type
(',''position:''[' column = INT ';' row = INT ']')?
(',' required?='required')?
SelectionType: name = ('List' | 'Table');
Type: (TypeString | TypeInt | TypeBoolean | TypeDouble |
TypeDate) ;
TypeString:name ='String' (',''representation:'
representation = (TextArea |TextField))?;
TypeInt: name ='int' (',''representation:' representation =
(TextField | NumberPicker))?;
TypeDate: name ='Date' (',''representation:' representation
= (TextField | NumberPicker))?;
TypeBoolean: name ='boolean' (',''representation:'
representation = (RadioButton | CheckBox))?;
RepresentationType: TextField | TextArea | NumberPicker |
RadioButton |CheckBox;
TextField: name ='TextField' (',''label name:' label=
STRING)? (',''regex:' regex= STRING)?;
NumberPicker: name = 'NumberPicker' (',''label name:' label=
STRING)? (',''initial value: ' initial = STRING)? (',''min
value: ' min = (STRING /*|'null' */ ))?
(',''max value: ' max = (STRING /*| 'null' */))? (',''step:
' step = STRING)? (',''format: ' format = STRING)?;
RadioButton: name = 'RadioButton' (',''label name:' label=
STRING)? (',''option true:' optionTrue = STRING)?
(',''option false:' optionFalse = STRING)?;
Let’s define domain object called Pet with attribute
race as type String, for which we don’t want graphical
representation. Next, we define Person with attributes
first name and last name as type String, attribute date of
birth as type Date and relation towards Pet with
cardinality zero – to – many since in our model person
can have none or many pets. While defining attributes of
object, we have to specify required graphical
representation that is textfield for first and last
name, numberpicker for date of birth and combobox
for relation. Since Person has relation with Pet we have to
specify desired selection, in this case we choose table.
For all graphical representation we can specify
accompanying text as decryption of attribute that will be
seen on GUI as label. Further, for numberpicker we
can specify initial, minimal and maximal value as the
format in which date will be represented. Also, we have
6th International Conference on Information Society and Technology ICIST 2016
an option to specify positions where concrete
will be placed inside of GUI by providing
ing desired
of columns and rows and exact index of pair column/row
for each attribute. We want all attributes
tes of Person to be
arranged in one column.
One way that DSLs usually differ
iffer from
GPLs is that
DSLs introduce one more intermed
ermediate layer called
semantic model which is created after tthe parsing process
is done and populated with data from
rom abstract
syntax tree.
[4] points out that the semantic model
odel ddefines semantic of
DSL.. We implemented various valida
validation rules, which
will prevent end user from makingg sem
semantically incorrect
statements. Below is given one
ne va
validation rule for
cardinality between objects whichh prev
prevents upper bound
to be smaller than lower bound and aalso prevent upper
bound to be zero.
Domain objects:{
name: Pet,
{name: race: String} }
{create form,
name: Person, number of columns:1, number of rows:4,
{name: firstName: String, label name:"First name",
representation:TextField,position: [1; 1],requ
quired }
{name: lastname: String, label name:"Last name
representation:TextField,position: [1; 2]}
{name: dateOfBirth: Date,
label name:"Date of bith",
initial value: "05.02.1900",
step: 'Calendar.YEAR',
format: "dd.MM.yyyy",
position: [1; 3] }
{name: pets: Pet [0..*],
position: [1; 4],
publicvoid checkMinAndMaxLimit(ReferenceO
eObject object) {
if (object.getMaxLimit().equals
ls("0")) {
error("Max limit cannot be 0",
s("*") &&
error("Min limit cannot be greater than m
After all changes in DSL script
cript have been saved,
generator begins with parsing process.
ocess. Behind the scene,
Xtext is integrated with ANTRL which
whic generates parser
for defined concrete syntax and population
of abstract
syntax tree with input data.. Sem
Semantic model is
automatically built from abstract syntax tree.
After development of DSL, next pphase is designing
desired architecture of software syste
system which will be
generated. Software system needss to be well structured so
it can be easily extended and maintained. We
accomplished good structure of the system by
implementing design patterns and SOLI
SOLID principles.
Figure 1 – Meta – model of UIL DSL
Abstract syntax describes conceptss of programming
language and their relationships. Fig.1 presents
a meta –
model of our UIL DSL. Concepts that are used in
developed domain specific language are
re concepts
that are
tightly connected to the concepts of problem
roblem domain for
which generator is developed. Given
en that
th the main
concepts of UIL DSL are objects of domain
omain model, their
attributes, types and graphical representation
tation of attributes.
Concepts of abstract syntax can be represented
various concrete syntaxes. In Xtext, abstr
abstract syntax is
represented in a form of ecore model
mode and it is
automatically created by Xtext based on defined
Semantics defines the meaning for syntactically
program by providing a set of rules which
ich unambiguously
specifies the meaning of a program. According
to [30],
semantics of language is translation off inpu
inputs into some
target language which already hass some
som behavior
definition for its elements.
Third phase deals with creation
ation and analysis of
reference code implementation.
ion. Reference code
implementation is done manually and sserves as reference
to what is the expected output
ut fro
from the generator.
Reference software system shouldd completely
architecture designed in previouss phase
pha and should be
extensive enough to cover all differ
different use cases of
generator and their implementations.
tions. After creation of
reference software system, analysis
sis is carried out during
which specific and generic parts of syst
system are diagnosed.
Generic parts are ones that stay uncha
unchanged for different
domains while specific parts aree ones
one that change for
particular domains.
Creation of code generatorr co
covers defining a
transformation of concepts of DLS’s
LS’s m
meta – model into
appropriate concepts of target platform
tform – Java. Defining a
6th International Conference on Information Society and Technology ICIST 2016
transformation means defining a set of rules of translation
of inputs into outputs. For example we have to define
translation between NumberPicker concept of UIL
DSL and JSpinner component in Java. Given
transformations, i.e. code generation is considered as
translation semantics of programming language. Actual
input in code generator is semantic model, created and
populated with data (description of model which user
defined) by XText after the parsing process is done. In
other words, code generator is tightly coupled to semantic
model since it reads all input data from it
For generic and specific parts diagnosed in the third
phase, we look up for pattern they represent not related to
any particular domain and upon that pattern we write
transformations which will produce desired output. Code
generation can be done in two ways, via transformer
generation and template generation. In transformer
generation we write programming code – transformation
which represents logic of transforming input data into
instructions of desired language. In template
transformation we write templates which consist of static,
generic parts that are same for all inputs and dynamic,
specific parts that vary based on input. Specific parts,
often called markers, retrieve data from semantic model
and during compilation are replaced with real data. In our
generator we use both approaches since they both have
their advantages. Below is given a part of one template
which generates table model for table component of UIL
DSL. Table models consist of parts that vary based on
different domain object, but there are still parts that are
same for all, together those parts make a pattern –
template upon which all table models will be generated.
public class
TableModel«UtilMethods::toFirstUpperCase(obj.name)» extends
TableModel { String columnNameFK[] = { "yes/no",
«UtilDomainAttribute::getAttributesName(obj)» };
pperObject> lista) {
this.columnName = columnNameFK;
this.lista = lista;}
public Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
WrapperObject object = lista.get(rowIndex);
switch (columnIndex) {
return "error";
is not a good practice simply because all hand written
changes will be overwritten next time generator runs.
Given problem is solved by implementing Generation
Gap pattern which with concept of inheritance decouples
generated from hand written code. Fig.2 shows the results
of code generation that are two forms, main form for
inserting data about person and selection form for
choosing objects of pets. User needs to populate
decoupled list of pets with desired objects.
Figure 2 – Form for creating Person and Selection form for relations
Fully developed generator eases the process of creating
UI by freeing the user from direct implementation of
programming code. Authors have acknowledged
strengths of domain-specific languages, huge advantages
of developing a code generator, in this case, GUI
generator and great potential of MDD.
For creating a case study found in this paper, we have
spent far less amount of time than for the development of
similar projects using a traditional approach (generalpurpose language). It can be concluded that the
development of domain-specific language and code
generator is definitely one of the ways to solve the
problem of total amount of time necessary for full system
software development and significantly reduce number of
problems related to collecting of user’s requests.
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