27-29 June 2011 (Bangkok, Thailand)
The Expert Group Meeting on Regional Knowledge and Cooperation for Comprehensive Multi-Hazard risk Management in Asia and the Pacific was organized by the United National Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) from 27 to 29 June 2011 at the United national Conference Centre in Bangkok, Thailand. The Meeting was attended by experts from many countries as well as experts from intergovernmental and international organizations. Invited by the ESCAP, ADRC also participated in the Meeting.
The Meeting addressed: a) Asia Pacific Gateway on Disaster Risk Reduction and Development; b) Data for Disaster Risk Reduction and Assessment; c) Regional Cooperative Mechanism on Disaster Monitoring and Early Warning, Particularly Drought, and; d) Asia Pacific Disaster Report. Experts discussed in details relevant issues and needs and necessary actions. ADRC stressed the importance of compilation of disaster data, the used of GLIDE (Global Unique Disaster Identifier), sharing of experiences and lessons regarding to specific disasters such as the March 11 Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami.
Following the above Expert Group Meeting, the UNESCAP Committee was convened from 29 June to 1 July and ADRC also participated in the Committee meeting as an observer. During discussion, a number of countries made mention about ADRC as being relevant to regional cooperation for disaster risk reduction. By showing gratitude to continued cooperation with those countries, ADRC expressed wish to continue to cooperate with them through its activities.
(2011/07/04 13:10)