7-9 May 2012 (Tegucigalpa, Honduras)
IRP/ADRC contributes to the enhancement of post-disaster recovery operations by supporting governments in recovery planning. In this context, a workshop on resilient recovery planning was organized on 7-9 May 2012 at Maya Hotel in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
There were over 40 participants from both governments and development organizations, including Minister of Disaster Prevention, El Salvador and Mayor of Santa Tecla, El Salvador. Among the participants, there were six other municipal mayors who actively engaged in the workshop. The organizers were the Honduras Standing Commission of Contingencies (COPECO), the Coordinating Center for the Prevention of Natural Disasters in Central America (CEPREDENAC), the Central America Integration System for Regional Disaster Risk Management (SICA), the UNISDR, the UNDP, the European Commission, and the IRP/ADRC.
After the workshop, the participants expressed gaining more knowledge of integrating pre-disaster recovery planning into the DRR plans, UNDAF, and other planning instruments at either national government or development organization. As way forward, there are initiating discussions to scale up the training on recovery planning to other sectors of the government. The workshop had television coverage and reported in radio and newspapers in Honduras.
(2012/05/29 14:40)