17-28 April 2015 (Chile)
The Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) has been a participating in the SATREPS Chile Project since 2013. ADRC dispatched a project member to Talcahuano where a large-scale earthquake and tsunami occurred in 2010. More than 800 people were killed in this disaster. The purpose of this research was to conduct the Disaster Imagination Game (DIG) and to conduct a questionnaire survey among residents.
The local government of Talcahuano facilitated this DIG training and survey, which were conducted over the course of one week and involved the participation of about 100. The participants, who included residents and experts from a local university, exchanged opinions using a tsunami inundation map to facilitate improved disaster risk reduction (DRR).
Predictions suggest that a large-scale earthquake and tsunami will occur in Chile in the future. We therefore hope that disaster mitigation activities based on this training in Talcahuano will be developed for regions all across Chile.
(2015/05/25 18:30)