- Research Associate Professor, Satellite and Earth System Studies (SESS) Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies (CISESS), George Mason University
- Associate Director, GMU’s Satellite and Earth System Studies (SESS) Program
ph: (307) 760-5178
Current Research
- Air Quality Modeling and Forecasting
- Surface-Atmosphere Exchange and Emissions
- Atmosphere-Biosphere Interactions including sub-canopy modeling
- Wildfire behavior, emissions, and air quality
Professional Experience
- 2019 – present: Research Faculty, Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies (CISESS), Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems, George Mason University, NOAA/ARL Affiliate, College Park, MD
- Atmosphere-biosphere interactions, in-canopy modeling, and implications for wildfire behavior, emissions, and air quality forecasting
- Research, development, and application of in-canopy vegetative parameterizations and models (e.g., “Canopy-App”) and implications for next-generation air quality forecasting under the Unified Forecast System (UFS) Rapid Refresh Forecast System (RRFS) – Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model (“Online-CMAQ”) (Get code)
- Lead on the development of an Amazon Web Services (AWS) “NACC-Cloud” product that allows users to process and download model-ready NOAA GFSv16 geospatial and meteorological inputs for any user-defined regional CMAQ application worldwide
- Lead developer of the Global Forecast System (GFS)-driven NOAA-EPA Atmosphere Chemistry Coupler (NACC) for the Advanced National Air Quality Forecasting Capability (NAQFC) (NACC code, NAQFC code)
- Research and development on the NOAA Emission and eXchange Unified System (NEXUS) and connections with next-generation regional and global atmospheric aerosol and composition forecast models (Get the code)
- Research on emissions processes and modeling, reactive nitrogen atmospheric deposition and composition, air quality, and implications of air-surface exchange processes on air quality forecasting
- Research on coupled meteorological, photochemical, and chemical transport/air quality modeling
- 2018 – 2019: Post-Doc Research Associate, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science/Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites-Maryland, University of Maryland, NOAA/ARL Affiliate, College Park, MD
- Research, development, and evaluation of the Advanced National Air Quality Forecasting Capability (NAQFC)
- Research in coupled meteorological, photochemical, and chemical transport/air quality modeling
- Air quality, deposition, and land-surface flux model development in connection with regional and next-generation global air quality forecast models
- 2016 – 2018: NAS/NRC Post-Doc Research Associate, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Exposure Research Laboratory, Durham, NC
- Coupled meteorological, photochemical, and chemical transport/air quality modeling
- Air quality, deposition, and land-surface flux model development in connection with air quality models; including the WRF/Noah-CMAQ land surface model development
- Coupled air quality model evaluation and current-to-future year climate-air quality applications for the U.S.
- Advanced model developments and applications of both offline and coupled versions of WRF/CMAQ and a “next generation” air quality model using MPAS
- 2014 – 2016: Post-Doctoral Research Scholar, North Carolina State University, Air Quality Forecasting Laboratory, Raleigh, NC
- Global to regional air quality and climate modeling
- Atmospheric chemistry and aerosol modeling
- Regional emissions modeling using the SMOKE model
- Global emissions processing for regional air quality modeling applications
- Global-to-regional coupled air quality model evaluation and applications
- Model proficiencies in CESM, WRF, WRF/CMAQ, WRF/Chem, and WRF/CAM5
- Ph.D., Atmospheric Science, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY
- Dissertation: “The Climatology, Extent, and Impact of Stratospheric
Condensation Nuclei, including their formation in polar regions”
- Dissertation: “The Climatology, Extent, and Impact of Stratospheric
- M.S., Environmental Studies, Concentration – Atmospheric Science, University of Massachusetts at Lowell, Lowell, MA
- Thesis: “A Short Range Ensemble Forecast Experiment on Jet Streaks to Improve Forecasters’ Model Diagnoses 2004 – 2006”
- B.S., Meteorology, University of Massachusetts at Lowell, Lowell, MA
Honors, Awards and Professional Recognition
- NOAA OAR Certificate of Accommodation for Implementing and upgrading NOAA’s NAQFC, 2021
- Top Paper Download for Campbell et al. (2018), JAMES, 2018-2019
- NRC Research Fellowship Award, NAS, 2016
- Research Spotlight for Campbell et al. (2014), AGU, 2014
- Antarctic Service Medal of the United States of America, NSF, 2012