Guest Editors: Brian Charlesworth, Jonathan Howard, Laurence Hurst, Philip Ingham, Alexander Johnson, Marc Kirschner, Eugene Koonin, Sean Munro.
In his 1973 essay, Theodosius Dobzhansky argues that a meaningful picture can be drawn from “a pile of sundry facts” in biology only by looking at them in “the light of evolution”. In a post-genomics era of large-scale data, technological advances and integrative approaches have the potential to expand the range of this perspective.
In this cross journal series, BMC Biology, BMC Evolutionary Biology and Biology Direct bring together a collection of articles exploring how evolutionary principles applied across the spectrum of biology can shed light on a diverse range of topics from molecules to ecosystems, and with a particular emphasis on human genetics, interactions with the environment, and health and disease. Selected research articles will be included in addition to invited reviews and comment.
We will consider Research manuscripts of exceptional interest on the following topics:
• Evolution of morphological change
• Understanding and treating disease in the light of evolution
• Origins of evolutionary complexity
• Human evolutionary biology in a post-genomic era
• Anthropogenic effects on evolution
• Evolutionary insights into genome variation, and vice versa
• Host-parasite interactions
• Evolutionary lessons from large-scale genomics
• Insights from ancient DNA on human origens
• Molecular mechanisms of evolution
• Applied microbial evolution
• Evolutionary ecology
• Genomics and the evolution of development
Papers in our Registered Reports format will also be welcomed.
Please use the online submission system, and indicate in your covering letter that you would like the manuscript to be considered for the “In the Light of Evolution” series.