Welcome to the Data Noodle World Tour!!!

This event is designed to energize the Tableau community and promote the use of open data.

We welcome you to join us for this exciting event that will expand the world of data through the medium of something familiar: NOODLES!

+ How to join +

We have created a common questionnaire about noodle life for the whole world. Collect the responses and use the data to analyze and visualize the data.

The more responses you get, the better data you will have.

You are invited to plan and conduct a workshop using this survey to collect, analyze, and visualize the data from the responses in Tableau.

Click here for the survey form!

*Under construction

We need a new force in the Tableau community to make the entire world community more active. So we would like to put out a call to the Tableau voluntary community.

In addition to the usual voluntary activities, why don't you join Datanoodle? We are interested in what your community is doing. Perhaps by presenting your activities, you will be able to create new interactions and open up a new paradigm!

Publish your Tableau Viz to Tableau Public. When you do so, please add the #data_noodle hashtag to complete your nomination. You can choose any theme.

Nominations will be accepted until February 15, 2024.

Whoever participates may win a Swag!

Digital materials of Data Noodle World Tour!!!

Original design t-shirt of Data Noodle World Tour!!!

Original design sticker Data Noodle World Tour!!!

If you are a community member or leader considering participating in the Data Noodle World Tour!!!, please apply for access to our dedicated Slack workspace. Closed information exchanges will take place there.

Why Data Noodle?

This event is open to all Tableau users. Individuals, companies, governments, schools, Tableau User Groups (TUGs), and voluntary communities alike are encouraged to participate in #Data_Noodle.

The days when data analysis and visualization were the preserve of a very limited number of specialists are a thing of the past with the advent of Tableau. However, it still takes a long period of time to develop the skills. To keep that period of time going for a long time,

We believe that these are important. That is why we chose noodles as our theme. And we will have a launch event at the end of the event, where we will have the opportunity to make presentations. There, we will have

We will prepare several sessions such as Let's all bring our deliverables and show each other what we can do with Data and Tableau.

  • * Road map *

Sep - Dec 2023

Please hold your own independent event. Individuals are encouraged to participate in that event or conduct a Tableau production.

Jan 31th 2024

We, Data Noodle World Tour! will participate in the General Meeting of the Japan Tableau Users Group on January 30, 2024 (10th Anniversary).

We will present several artifacts, including your work.

a day Feb 2024

Data Noodle will be hosting its own event. The event will include a lightning talk competition, poster session, Viz exhibit, and web exhibit presentations.

Considering the time difference overseas, online content will be distributed in the evening and at night.

The logo design is inspired by this photo.