Weather Emergency and Disaster Response

Clean Up Private Water Wells Public Water Supplies Municipalities Preparedness Media


For questions or assistance, contact your district engineer or call 405-702-8100.

In the event of a water outage, contact the local DEQ office or DEQ hotline at (800) 522-0206 to
report the event.

For sampling or collection assistance, call the State Environmental Laboratory at 405-702-1000

Municipalities needing assistance with water and wastewater problems, debris disposal, and other issues are encouraged to contact their local DEQ office. Helpful fact sheets are listed below along with a list of DEQ offices.

Disaster Debris Management Guidelines for Local Governments

Options for Reuse/Disposal of Damaged Utility Poles

Find Your Local DEQ Office

Take time to view the Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management’s webpage to learn more about what you can do during times of inclement weather.

Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management Be Prepared

For news press and media questions, contact our Communications Director, Erin Hatfield at 405-437-8468.