Gathering Up Loved Ones

Your family may not all be in one place when a disaster hits. So it’s important to be prepared and plan ahead.

How will you get to a safe place? How you will contact each other? How you will get back together? Will you know what to do in different situations?

The resources below can help you plan before a disaster, so you can learn how to find those you care about after, including your pets.

Finding Lost Family and Friends

Make a Plan
Does everyone in your family know what to do, where to go, and who to contact in an emergency? Make a family communication plan so everyone can be prepared. (

Disaster Preparedness and Response — The National Emergency Child Locator Center (NECLC)
NECLC is activated only by state, tribe, or territory request to FEMA after a disaster. When active, you can call to report or search for a missing child. The website also offers resources to help you and your family prepare for emergencies. You can also find other ways to get help when you need it. (National Center for Missing & Exploited Children)

Finding and Caring for Pets

Prepare Your Pets for Disasters
Use these guidelines to help you make a plan for your pets during a disaster. You may not be able to take them to a public shelter with you, so you need to plan ahead for their care. You can also learn what to do for large animals. (

Pet Natural Disaster Checklist and Emergency Plan
Learn how to prepare for three types of disasters – immediate, short warning, and seasonal. There’s a checklist as well as other readiness information. You can also read How to Help Pets in Natural Disasters. (Best Friends Animal Society)

Lost Pet: How to Find a Lost Dog or Cat
If you’ve lost a pet, you need to start your search as soon as you can. Get list of steps you can take. You can also find information on other methods and online resources that may help you. (Best Friends Animal Society)

Last Updated: 09/13/2024