Construction projects, plans and studies
Updated Jan. 8, 2025
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Hwys 1–9
Hwy 1 — Ely Intersection Study
Evaluate intersection control options for Hwy 1 in Ely.
- Study completed
Hwy 2 — Cass Lake corridor study
Pedestrian safety and mobility improvement study to identify potential needs on Hwy 2 in Cass Lake
- Study underway
Hwy 2 — Culvert replacements
Replace three box culverts along Hwy 2 between Proctor and Hwy 194
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 2 — LaPrairie
Pavement rehabilitation, pedestrian, intersection, and ADA upgrades in the City of LaPrairie
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 2 — Midway Township
Resurface 8.35 miles on Hwy 2 with detour
- Scheduled for construction in 2026
Hwy 2 and Hwy 65 — Swan River
Construct roundabout at the intersection of Hwy 2 and Hwy 65 in Swan River, Itasca County.
- Scheduled for construction in 2023-2025
Hwy 2/169: Grand Rapids/La Prairie corridor study
- Study underway
Hwy 3 (Robert Street) — St. Paul
Improvements to Robert Street between Annapolis Street and Fillmore Avenue.
- Scheduled for construction in 2027-2028
Hwy 3 (South Robert Street) — West St. Paul
Assessment of South Robert Street between Mendota Road and Annapolis Street in West St. Paul to identify possible improvements to safety and accessibility for motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists and transit riders.
- Study underway
Hwy 3 — Rosemount
Construct a roundabout at the intersection of Hwy 3 and 142nd Street, add drainage and re-align the bike/pedestrian crosswalks to include pedestrian access at the roundabout.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 3 — Rosemount to Farmington
Evaluate Hwy 3 from 160th Street in Rosemount to Second Street in Farmington to identify possible improvements to safety for motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists on Hwy 3.
- Study underway
Hwy 5 — Chanhassen to Victoria
MnDOT is partnering with Carver County to do preliminary design for 4-lane expansion and environmental documentation.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025-2027
Hwy 5 — Victoria
City of Victoria led project to improve the Hwy 5 and County Road 11 intersection and surrounding area.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 5 (East Seventh St.) and Hwy 61 (Arcade St.) — St. Paul
Safety and accessibility improvements are needed on Hwy 5 and Hwy 61 from I-94 to Roselawn Ave. in St. Paul. The project will include repaving, sidewalk repairs, and accessibility for all.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025-2026
Hwy 5 (Minnehaha Ave.) and Stillwater Rd. — St. Paul to Maplewood
Safety, maintenance and accessibility improvements are needed on Hwy 5 (Minnehaha Ave.) and Stillwater Rd. from North Mendota St. to Century Ave. in St. Paul and Maplewood. The project will include repaving, maintenance, sidewalk repairs, and accessibility for all.
- Scheduled for construction in 2023-2025
Hwy 5 (West 7th Street) — St. Paul
Resurface and improve safety along Hwy 5 (West 7th Street) in St. Paul from Munster Avenue to Olive Street.
- Scheduled for construction in 2028-2029
Hwy 5 and Hwy 212 — Eden Prairie
Repair concrete, pave the shoulders, and update existing guardrail on Hwy 212 and Hwy 5 between Eden Prairie Road and I-494 in Eden Prairie.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 7 — Intersection study
Study of the intersection of Hwy 7 and Co. Rd, 15/24th St. in Montevideo
- Study completed
Hwy 7 — Hopkins to St. Bonifacius
Study of Hwy 7 from Hopkins Crossroads in Hopkins to the western Hennepin County line in St. Bonifacius will report on existing conditions and evaluate potential ideas for improvement to the roadway.
- Study underway
Hwy 7 — Safety study
A safety study of Hwy 7 from just east of Hutchinson to Co. Rd. 9 in Lester Prairie
- Study completed
Hwy 7 — St. Louis Park to Hollywood study
Conducted a traffic safety investigation on Hwy 7 from Hwy 100 in St. Louis Park to Carver Co. Rd. 33 in Hollywood to determine if the number and severity of crashes was abnormal, determined the primary factors for the crashes, and proposed short-, medium-, and long-term updates to improve the safety of the highway.
- Study completed
Hwy 8 — Chisago County
Chisago County is leading a project to identity a long-term solution to improve safety and mobility along Hwy 8 from I-35 in Forest Lake to Karmel Avenue in Chisago County.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025-2028
Hwy 8/Lake Boulevard — Chisago to Taylors Falls
Study of Hwy 8/Lake Boulevard from Karmel Avenue in Chisago City to Taylors Fall will look at ideas for improvement for vehicle safety and mobility and connectivity for people walking, biking and rolling along the roadway.
- Study underway
Hwys 10–19
Hwy 10 — Anoka and Ramsey
Corridor study identified needs
- Study completed; no projects have been funded or planned
Hwy 10 — Cushing
Improve access and safety on Hwy 10 through Cushing with two J-turn intersections at Morrison Co. Rd. 16 and Co. Rd. 11.
- Scheduled for construction in 2027
Hwy 10 — Ramsey
Construct new interchanges on Hwy 10 at Ramsey Blvd. and Sunfish Lake Blvd. including bridges over the BNSF Railroad tracks. Build a frontage road between Ramsey Blvd. and Sunfish Lake Blvd.
- Scheduled for construction in 2023-2025
Hwy 10 — east and west of Royalton
Resurface and improve both directions (nine miles each way) from west of Royalton to Iris Rd. near Little Falls; and east of Royalton to the Halfway Crossing, includes a J-turn at the Halfway Crossing (Benton Co. Rd. 40). Expect head-to-head traffic, delays.
- Scheduled for construction in 2027
Hwy 10 — St. Cloud to Clear Lake study
Study identifies and suggests future safety and access needs along Hwy 10 from 15th Ave. SE/7th St. SE in St. Cloud to Hwy 24 in Clear Lake, Sherburne County.
- Study completed
Hwy 10 — Wadena
Improve and expand Hwy 10 to four lanes, two in each direction, from west of Wadena at 620th Ave., Otter Tail County, to east of Wadena at Oink Joint Rd., Wadena County; includes roundabouts at Harry Rich Dr. and Co. Rd. 92 (formerly 640th Ave.)
- Scheduled for construction in 2025-2026
Hwy 10 and Hwy 75 — Moorhead
Reconstruct Hwy10 and Hwy 75 in downtown Moorhead
- Scheduled for construction in 2027-2028
Hwy 10 and Hwy 75 — 11th Street Underpass
Two grade separations of Hwy 10/75 under the BNSF rail lines, paving, pedestrian accessibility improvements, utility replacements and signals.
- Scheduled for construction in 2024-2026
Hwy 10 and I-94 — Mississippi River crossings feasibility analysis between Brooklyn Park and Elk River
Updated previously conducted studies, re-engaged the cities and counties, and understood the need increased river crossing capacity.
- Study completed
Hwy 11 — Roseau
Resurface Hwy 11 in Roseau from Hwy 89 to the Diversion Bridge. The project also includes sidewalk upgrades and bridge improvements.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 11 — Warroad to Roseau
Along with resurfacing, MnDOT plans to construct additional turn lanes and realign the section near the Roseau Airport.
- Scheduled for construction in 2026
Hwy 12 — Delano to Independence
Explored options to improve safety on Hwy 12 between Hennepin Co. Rd. 90 in Independence and Co. Line Rd. in Delano.
- Study completed
Hwy 12 — Delano Study
Identify updates and possible solutions for safety and access for motorists and pedestrians along Hwy 12 to be included to a future 2030 resurfacing project between Bridge Ave. and Co. Rd. 139 in Delano.
- Study scheduled for 2024-2025
Hwy 12 — Howard Lake, Waverly, Montrose
Reconstruct, resurface and make pedestrian updates in the urban areas of Howard Lake, Waverly and Montrose, Wright County.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 12 — Litchfield to Cokato
Road Resurfacing of Hwy 12 from Litchfield to Cokato with ADA improvements in Litchfield and Darwin
- Scheduled for construction in 2024-2025
Hwy 12 — Minnetonka to Wayzata
Reconstruct concrete on Hwy 12 between Shoreline Drive and Central Avenue North, repave Hwy 12 between Central Avenue North and I-494, repair ramps, replace lighting and accessibility improvements.
- Scheduled for construction in 2026-2027
Hwy 13 — Savage to Burnsville
Reconstructing Hwy 13 between Quentin Ave. in Savage and Nicollet Ave. in Burnsville.
- Scheduled for construction in 2027-2030
Hwy 14 — Eagle Lake Corridor Study
Study the segment of Hwy 14 between County Road 12 and Hwy 60 near Eagle Lake to identify opportunities for short and long-term safety improvements.
- Study underway
Hwy 14 — Stockton to Winona
Drainage improvements to guard against future erosion along the slope. Shoulder widened, and guardrail replacement.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 14 and Broadway Ave. — Intersection Safety Improvements
Safety improvements with reconstruction of some portions of the intersection in Rochester
- Scheduled for construction in 2027
Hwy 14 resurfacing — Rochester
In 2026, the Hwy 14 corridor in Rochester from Hwy 52 to Crossroads Dr. SW and from 3rd Ave. SE to Marion Rd. SE/15th Ave. SE will be resurfaced.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 15 — Waite Park
Resurface and update the Stearns Co. Rd. 137 bridge over Hwy 15, south of Hwy 23, in Waite Park.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 18 — Malmo
Replace box bridge over the Marmon Creek between 327th Pl. and 325th Ave. in Malmo, Aitkin County. Project requires a detour.
- Scheduled for construction in 2026
Hwy 19 – Lonsdale to Northfield
Construction of a roundabout to improve intersection safety and traffic mobility at Hwy 19 and Rice Co. Rd. 2 north of Lonsdale.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 19 — Marshall
Reconstruct Hwy 19/College Drive through Marshall
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 19 – Lonsdale to Northfield study
Construction of a roundabout to improve intersection safety and traffic mobility at Hwy 19 and Rice Co. Rd. 2 north of Lonsdale.
- Study underway
Hwys 20–29
Hwy 22 — Dodd Road in St. Peter
Study the segment of Hwy 22 in St. Peter from Hwy 169 to Nicollet County Road 20 to identify opportunities to improve safety and traffic flow for a future project.
- Study completed
Hwy 22 — Mankato to St. Peter
Reconstruct roadway from Mankato to St. Peter; construct roundabout at CR 21 in Kasota; prepare for future construction of a multimodal Minnesota River State trail to connect Mankato and St. Peter
- Scheduled for construction in 2025-2026
Hwy 23 — Pipestone to Russell
Resurfacing of road, bridge replacement and culvert work from Pipestone to Russell
- Scheduled for construction in 2024-2025
Hwy 22 — St. Peter to Hwy 111
Resurface 12 miles of Hwy 22 from the intersection with Nicollet County Road 20 to Hwy 111
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 22 and Hwy 109 — Wells
Reconstruct Hwy 22 through the City of Wells, as well as Hwy 109 from west of Rose Hill Cemetery to Hwy 22; replace utilities
- Scheduled for construction in 2026-2027
Hwy 23—Waite Park
Improve intersection access and safety with a J-turn design at Hwy 23 and Bel Clare Dr.
- Construction scheduled for 2027
Hwy 23 — Green Valley bridges
Resurface two bridges on Hwy 23, north of Marshall crossing the Redwood River and Threemile Creek near Green Valley
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 23 — Milaca
Reconstruct Hwy 23 through Milaca in Mille Lacs County, includes the road surface, new roundabouts, drainage, multi-use trail and sidewalks.
- Scheduled for construction in 2027
Hwy 23 — Mission Creek highway realignment and bridge replacement
Replace old bridge and realign highway
- Scheduled for construction in 2029
Hwy 23 — New London
Construct an interchange at Hwy 23 and Hwy 9 in New London
- Scheduled for construction in 2028-2029
Hwy 23 — Rockville
Improve access and safety at the intersection of Hwy 23 and Stearns Co. Rd. 8 in Rockville with a J-turn design.
- Scheduled for construction in 2027
Hwy 23 and Hwy 65 — Mora study
Identify future safety and access needs along Hwy 65 from 9th St. to the Ann River bridge and Hwy 23 from Hwy 65 to Mahogany St. in Mora, Kanabec County.
- Study underway
Hwy 24 — Clearwater
Reconstruct the interchange/bridge over I-94 between 179th St. and Ash St. in Clearwater, Wright County. Project will also evaluate the entire one-mile stretch between Wright Co. Rd. 7 and the Mississippi River bridge to plan for future needs in Clearwater.
- Scheduled for construction in 2026
Hwy 25 — Buffalo to Monticello
Resurface and improve access on Hwy 25 between Catlin St. in Buffalo to near Wright Co. Rd. 106/85th St. south of Monticello.
- Scheduled for construction in 2026
Hwy 25 — Morrison County
Resurface 14 miles of Hwy 25 north and south of Pierz and replace three bridges over waterways in Morrison County.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 27 — north of Hillman
Replace the Hwy 27 bridge over a stream just east of Morrison Co. Rd. 8 and 12 miles west of Onamia. Work requires detour.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 27 and Hwy 169 — north of Onamia
Improve access and safety at the intersection with a new roundabout.
- Scheduled for construction in 2026
Hwy 27—Wahkon
Reconstruct and improve Hwy 27 (Main St.) from east of Chippewa Ave. to east of Fourth St. W in Wahkon, Mille Lacs County. Includes storm drainage, sidewalks and bike lanes.
- Scheduled for construction in 2026
Hwy 29 — Alexandria
Planning study to identify future highway improvements that will enhance traffic performance, mobility and driver satisfaction.
- Study completed
Hwy 29 — Alexandria (3rd Ave)
Pedestrian safety improvements between Broadway Street and Nokomis Street for people walking, biking, and rolling along and across Highway 29.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 29 — Alexandria (8th Ave to 18th Ave)
Reconstruct Hwy 29 in downtown Alexandria.
- Scheduled for construction in 2028
Hwys 30-39
Hwy 30 — Stewartville resurfacing
Resurface Hwy 30 from Hwy 63 to 5th Ave. NE.
- Scheduled for construction in 2028
Hwy 33 — Cloquet
Study and constructing Hwy 33 corridor from Doddridge Ave. to St. Louis River Bridge
- Scheduled for construction in 2028
Hwys 34 and 371 — Walker Corridor Study
This study evaluated potential options available to improve safety for all modes of traffic along Hwy 371 and Hwy 34 in Walker. Construction date to be determined.
- Study completed
I-35 Atkinson Bridge Rehabilitation — Carlton County
Rehabilitate bridge over Carlton County Road 61
- Scheduled for construction in 2023-2025
I-35 and I-90 Interchange Corridor Study
Study of Interstate 35/Interstate 90 interchange corridor near Albert Lea to guide improvements.
- Study underway
I-35 — Burnsville to Lakeville
Study of I-35 between I-35W/35E split in Burnsville and 210th Street in Lakeville to gain an understanding of corridor needs, identify potential future improvements, and determine how and when these improvements should be implemented.
- Study completed
I-35 — Duluth bridges
Bridge rehabilitations and concrete pavement repairs in Duluth
- Scheduled for construction in 2024-2025
I-35 — Hinckley bridge replacements
Replace bridges along I-35 in Pine County.
- Scheduled for construction in 2023-2025
I-35 pedestrian bridge
Replace pedestrian bridge over I-35/Mesaba Avenue interchange in Duluth
- Scheduled for construction in 2026
I-35E over Shepard Road — St. Paul to Lilydale
Replace the I-35E bridge over Shepard Rd. near downtown St. Paul and concrete repairs on the I-35E Mississippi River bridge.
- Scheduled for construction in 2026-2027
I-35E and Ramsey County Road J — Lino Lakes
Locally led project to construct a new interchange at I-35E and Anoka County Road J.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
I-35E, I-94 and Hwy 52 Lafayette Bridge — St. Paul
Provide ideas and proposals to improve safety and traffic flow in the Hwy 52/I-94/I-35E Interchange area, identify the current issues, determine potential solutions to address those issues and evaluate those solutions.
- Study completed
I-35W — Burnsville
Bridge replacement and resurfacing of I-35W between Cliff Road and the I-35/I-35E/I-35W split in Burnsville.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025-2026
I-35W — North Gateway Study
Studied the freeway between Park Avenue in Minneapolis and County Road C in Roseville to identify needs for future construction projects.
- Study completed
36th Avenue — Plymouth
Demolish and rebuild the 36th Avenue bridge over Hwy 169 in Plymouth.
- Scheduled for construction in 2024 - 2025
Hwy 36 — Roseville and Little Canada
A nearly six-mile stretch of Hwy 36 between I-35W in Roseville and Edgerton Street in Little Canada will be resurfaced. Work includes building an auxiliary lane from southbound I-35W to eastbound Hwy 36.
- Scheduled for construction in 2024 - 2025
Hwy 36 — Roseville to Maplewood
The Hwy 36 study from I-35W in Roseville to English St. in Maplewood will report on existing conditions and evaluate potential future improvements to the road.
- Study underway
Hwy 36 and County Hwy 17 — Lake Elmo Avenue Interchange
Locally led project to construct interchange at Lake Elmo Avenue (Washington County Hwy 17) and Hwy 36.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 37 and Spirit Lake Road — Intersection safety improvements
Highway widening to add left and right turn lanes along Highway 37 at the intersection of Spirit Lake Rd. and Fraser Rd.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwys 40-59
Hwy 40- Milan
Resurface Hwy 40 from Hwy 119 west of Milan to 5th Street in Milan
- Scheduled for construction in 2026
Hwy 40 — Willmar
Construct a left & right turn lane on Hwy 40 from 1300' east of CR 55, to 1400' west of CR 5
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 41 — Chanhassen
Locally led project to build a roundabout at Hwy 41 and the entrance to School.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 41 and County Road 10 — Chaska
County led project to construct a roundabout at the Hwy 41 and Co. Rd. 10 intersection.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025-2026
Hwy 41 and Union Pacific railroad crossing — Louisville Township
Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community led project to add bypass and turn lanes near Union Pacific Railroad crossing. Work will also include rail crossing safety improvements.
- Scheduled for construction in 2024 - 2025
County Road 42, Hwy 52 and Hwy 55 — Inver Grove Heights and Rosemount
The Hwy 52, Hwy 55 and County Road 42 in Rosemount and Inver Grove Heights study will evaluate rerouting Hwy 55 traffic to County Road 42 and determine a long term vision for the area.
- Study underway
Hwy 43 — Winona
Resurface Hwy 43 from Mankato Ave to the Mississippi River Bridge. Reconstruct sidewalks, Improve mobility and safety for all.
- Scheduled for construction in 2028
Hwy 44/Hwy 76 roundabout – Caledonia
Construction of a roundabout at Hwy 44 and Hwy 76 in Caledonia
- Scheduled for construction in 2028
Hwy 47/University Avenue — Columbia Heights to Blaine
Construction on University Avenue between 37th Avenue in Columbia Heights and just north of 85th Avenue in Blaine. This project will coordinate design with other highway projects and the planned Metro Transit F-Line route.
- Scheduled for construction in 2030
Hwy 47/University Avenue Northeast — Minneapolis
Repave University Avenue Northeast from Hwy 65 to 27th Avenue Northeast in Minneapolis, accessibility improvements, sidewalk improvements, replace guardrail and repair drainage.
- Scheduled for construction in 2027
Hwy 47/University Avenue Southeast and Fourth Street Southeast — Minneapolis
Repave University Avenue Southeast and Fourth Street Southeast between Central Avenue and I-35W, make ADA improvements to intersections and crossings, bus stop improvements to correspond with the upcoming E Line Bus Rapid Transit route, and bike lane improvements.
- Scheduled for construction in 2027-2028
Hwy 47 — St. Francis
A planning study of the Hwy 47 St. Francis corridor to examine a range of alternatives to address pedestrian, bicycle and motorist safety, as well as road capacity, and access and mobility issues.
- Study on hold
Hwy 47 (Ferry Street) and BNSF Railroad Crossing — Anoka
This study evaluated the BNSF railroad crossing, Martin Street and Pleasant Street intersections and Hwy 47 alignment.
- Study completed
Hwy 47 and Hwy 65 — Columbia Heights to Coon Rapids
Conducted a roadway safety audit to analyze crash information with a focus on pedestrian crashes on Hwy 47 and Hwy 65 between the Hennepin-Anoka County line in Columbia Heights and Hwy 10 in Coon Rapids. Several improvements are being made to the project area.
- Scheduled for construction in 2020-2025
Hwy 47 and Hwy 65 — Northeast Minneapolis to Blaine and Spring Lake Park
This Planning and Environmental Linkage (PEL) study will create a shared community vision for the improvements that are needed most. Public input and technical data will be used to create and evaluate potential future alternatives that will serve all users.
- Study completed
Hwy 51 (Snelling Ave) — St. Paul
Reconfigure Snelling Avenue between Montreal Avenue and Ford Parkway in St. Paul. Install a center median and left turn lanes. Construct a trail along the east side of Snelling Avenue. Replace the signal at Montreal Avenue and Snelling Avenue. Resurface Snelling Avenue between St. Clair Avenue and Grand Avenue. Replace signal system at Snelling Avenue and St. Clair Avenue. Build bumpouts and ADA compliant crossings at all intersections between St. Clair Ave. and Grand Ave.
- Scheduled for construction in 2024-2025
Hwy 52, Hwy 55, County Road 42 — Inver Grove Heights and Rosemount
The Hwy 52, Hwy 55 and County Road 42 in Rosemount and Inver Grove Heights study will evaluate rerouting Hwy 55 traffic to County Road 42 and determine a long term vision for the area.
- Study underway
Hwy 52 — Chatfield to Fountain
In 2027, MnDOT will resurface Hwy 52 and replace box culverts.
- Scheduled for construction in 2027
Hwy 52 — Hader to Zumbrota corridor study
MnDOT and Goodhue County are analyzing and evaluating the Hwy 52 corridor between Zumbrota and Hader.
- Study completed
Hwy 52 — Inver Grove Heights
Redecking and repainting the Hwy 52 bridges over I-494 in Inver Grove Heights.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 52 Lafayette Bridge, I-94 and I-35E — St. Paul
Provide ideas and proposals to improve safety and traffic flow in the Hwy 52/I-94/I-35E Interchange area, identify the current issues, determine potential solutions to address those issues and evaluate those solutions.
- Study completed
Hwy 53 — Eveleth Rock Ridge Transportation Improvements
Intersection improvements and pavement resurfacing on Hwy 53 from Hwy 37 to Vermillion Drive in Eveleth
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 53 — Hermantown pavement
- Scheduled for construction in 2026
Hwy 55, Hwy 52, County Road 42 — Inver Grove Heights and Rosemount
The Hwy 52, Hwy 55 and County Road 42 in Rosemount and Inver Grove Heights study will evaluate rerouting Hwy 55 traffic to County Road 42 and determine a long term vision for the area.
- Study underway
Hwy 55—Annandale
Resurface and improve Hwy 55 from Brown Ave. to east of Annandale Blvd. in Annandale, Wright County; includes city utilities, road widening, signal system and sidewalk.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 55/Hiawatha Avenue — Minneapolis
Reconstruct the intersection of Hwy 55/Hiawatha Avenue and Lake Street in Minneapolis. Add new signal systems at Snelling Avenue/Lake Street and 22nd Avenue/Lake Street intersections, make accessibility improvements and reconstruct ramps to/from Hiawatha Avenue and Lake Street.
- Scheduled for construction in 2024-2025
Hwy 55 (Olson Memorial Hwy) — Minneapolis
The study will address safety and mobility issues on Olson Memorial Hwy between Border Ave. and the bridge west of Thomas Ave.
- Study underway
Hwy 55 — Plymouth to Golden Valley
Resurface Hwy 55 between Old Rockford Road in Plymouth and General Mills Boulevard in Golden Valley.
- Scheduled for construction in 2024-2025
Hwy 57 and County Road 16 roundabout — Dodge County
Repave a section of Hwy 57 and build a roundabout
- Scheduled for construction in 2027
Hwy 59 — Worthington
Reconstruct Hwy 59 (also referred to as Humiston Ave. and Oxford St.) in Worthington
- Scheduled for construction in 2027-2028
Hwy 59 — Thief River Falls
a corridor study to improve pedestrian and vehicle safety, highway access, stormwater drainage, and pavement condition to create a welcoming gateway to the City.
- Study underway
Hwy 59 and Hwy 108 — Pelican Rapids
Downtown Complete Streets reconstruction, resurface, utility replacement, bicycle and pedestrian accessibility improvements.
- Scheduled for construction in 2024-2025
Hwys 60-79
Hwy 60 — Lake Crystal
Reconstruct Hwy 60 from west of the south junction with Blue Earth County Road 20 to east of Lakeview Road; replace utilities; construct a pedestrian trail along the south side of Hwy 60 from Cemetery Road to Lakeview Road
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 60 — Mountain Lake
Study the segment of Hwy 60 near Mountain Lake to identify opportunities to improve safety and traffic flow for a future project.
- Study underway
Hwy 61 — Grand Marais culverts
Replace six culverts north of Grand Marais along Hwy 61
- Scheduled for construction in 2025-2026
Hwy 61 — Hastings
Recommend alternatives to improve safety and mobility on Hwy 61 between Fourth Street and 36th Street in Hastings.
- Study completed
Hwy 61 — Lake County
Install new efficient tunnel lighting systems
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 61 — London Road project
Repave London Road from 26th Avenue East to 60th Avenue East; intersection improvements
- Scheduled for construction in 2026-2027
Hwy 61 — St. Paul
Study of Hwy 61 from I-94 to Lower Afton Road in St. Paul to determine what safety, mobility and accessibility improvements are needed for a 2027 resurfacing project.
- Study underway
Hwy 61 — Two Harbors corridor
Hwy 61 from County Road 61 to Park Road
- Scheduled for construction in 2027-2028
Hwy 61 (Arcade St.) and Hwy 5 (East 7th St.) — St. Paul
Safety and accessibility improvements are needed on Hwy 5 and Hwy 61 from I-94 to Roselawn Ave. in St. Paul. The project will include repaving, sidewalk repairs, and accessibility for all.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025-2026
Hwy 62 — Richfield
Construct a noise wall along EB Hwy 62 between Xerxes Avenue and Russel Avenue in Richfield.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 63/247 — Olmsted County
Construct a roundabout at Hwy 63 and Hwy 247 in Olmsted County.
- Scheduled for construction in 2027
Hwy 63 — Spring Valley Reconstruction
Reconstruct portions of Hwy 16/Hwy 63 and make improvements for pedestrians to meet current Americans with Disabilities Act.
- Scheduled for construction in 2029
Hwy 63 and County Road 112 — Olmsted County
Build a roundabout north of Rochester
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 65 — Ham Lake to Spring Lake Park study
The study examined a range of cost-effective roadway alternatives to address capacity, access, mobility and safety issues between Bunker Lake Boulevard (Anoka County Road 116) in Ham Lake and County Road 10/Mounds View Boulevard in Spring Lake Park.
- Study completed
Hwy 65 — Spring Lake Park to East Bethel
Repair, resurface and replace bridges on more than 19 miles of Hwy 65 between County Road 10 in Spring Lake Park and 237th Avenue in East Bethel. Work will include resurfacing of nearly 16.5 miles of highway, box culvert installation, culvert replacement, reconstruction of settled pavement, installation of high-tension cable median barrier, drainage improvements and curb ramp and sidewalk improvements at several intersections.
- Scheduled for construction in 2023-2025
Hwy 65/Central Avenue — Minneapolis and Columbia Heights
Reconstruction of Central Avenue Northeast from University Avenue Southeast in Minneapolis and I-694 in Columbia Heights that will incorporate Metro Transit's proposed F Line Bus-Rapid Transit route.
- Scheduled for construction in 2028
Hwy 65 and Hwy 2 — Swan River roundabout
Construct roundabout
- Scheduled for construction in 2023-2025
Hwy 67 — Granite Falls
Guardrail, rumble strips, striping, cul-de-sac addition, and bridge removal
- Scheduled for construction in 2024-2026
Hwy 71 — Olivia
Install a weigh-in-motion sensor system plus two pull-off locations on Hwy 71 south of Olivia between Bayberry Ave and .5 miles south of 790th Ave
- Scheduled for construction in 2026
Hwy 71 — Sauk Centre
Reconstruct and improve safety on Hwy 71 in Sauk Centre, Stearns County. Project requires a detour.
- Scheduled for construction in 2028
Hwy 71 and Hwy 210—Hewitt
Install a roundabout to improve access and safety at the intersection of Hwy 71/210 in Hewitt, northwest of the Wing River, Todd County.
- Scheduled for construction in 2027
Hwy 71 and Hwy 29 — Wadena
Improve segments of Hwy 71/Jefferson St. and Hwy 29/Colfax Ave. S in Wadena.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 71 and Hwy 23 — Willmar
Resurface southbound lanes of Hwy 71 from the south end of the Hwy 23 bypass to the Business Hwy 71 split, and Hwy 23 from CR 5 to the start of the Hwy 23 bypass
- Scheduled for construction in 2025-2026
Hwy 73 — Chisholm
Resurface Hwy 73 from West Lake Street and 4th Avenue to 13th Street NW/McNiven Road
- Scheduled for construction in 2027
Hwy 73 — Chisholm Corridor Study
Studying from Hwy 169 to the intersection of W. Lake Street and 3rd Avenue.
- Study underway
Hwy 74 — Bridge replacement
Replace the Hwy 74 bridge over the South Fork Whitewater River
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 75 — Luverne
Resurface Hwy 75 through the City of Luverne from the intersection with Main St. to Veterans Dr.
- Scheduled for construction in 2026
Hwy 75 — Pipestone
Resurface 6.6 miles of asphalt to concrete pavement on Hwy 75 from Trosky to Pipestone
- Scheduled for construction in 2026
Hwy 75 and Hwy 14 — Lake Benton to Tyler
Reconstruction of Hwy 75 in Lake Benton and resurfacing of Hwy 14 from Lake Benton to Lincoln/Lyon county line.
- Scheduled for construction in 2027
Hwy 77 (Cedar Ave.) — Apple Valley to Richfield study
Evaluated the Hwy 77 (Cedar Ave.) corridor from 138th St. in Apple Valley to I-494 in Richfield.
- Study completed
Hwy 78 — Perham through Ottertail
A corridor study to evaluate safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers along the Hwy 78 corridor from Hwy 10 in Perham to Wagon Trail Loop south of Ottertail.
- Study underway
Hwy 87 — Hubbard
Construction on Hwy 87 between Hwy 71 and Hwy 64 will take place in 2024 and 2025.
- Scheduled for construction in 2024-2025
Hwy 89 — Roseau
Reconstruct Hwy 89 between Hwy 11 and south of Seventh St in Roseau.
- Scheduled for construction in 2028
Hwys 80-99
I-90 — Nodine to Dakota
Repaving I-90 and replacing westbound bridge. Nodine to Dakota in Winona County.
- Scheduled for construction in 2026
I-90 — Austin bridge reconstruction
Replacing and repairing six bridges.
- Scheduled for construction in 2024-2026
I-90 — Austin to Dexter
we plan to resurface I-90 from Austin to Dexter. The work includes resurfacing and improving exit and entrance ramps.
- Scheduled for construction in 2028-2029
I-90 and Hwy 52 — Interchange reconstruction
Construction will occur at the I-90 and Hwy 52 interchange, southeast of Rochester.
- Scheduled for construction in 2024-2025
Hwy 93 — Henderson
Raise Hwy 93 from the intersection of Hwy 169 to the southern limits of Henderson, putting it above the 100-year flood elevation.
- Scheduled for construction in 2024-2026
I-94 — East Metro Interchange study (I-694/I-494/I-94)
This study focused on finding the long-term vision for the I-94/I-494/I-694 interchange while ensuring that other projects in the interchange area were compatible with that vision.
- Study completed
I-94 Gap — Albertville to Monticello
Expand I-94 to three lanes in each direction between Albertville and Monticello, Wright County; includes drainage and bridges.
- Scheduled for construction in 2024-2026
I-94, I-35E and Hwy 52 Lafayette Bridge — St. Paul
Provide ideas and proposals to improve safety and traffic flow in the Hwy 52/I-94/I-35E Interchange area, identify the current issues, determine potential solutions to address those issues and evaluate those solutions.
- Study completed
I-94 — Minneapolis
Bridge preservation and maintenance work on five bridges along I-94 between East River Parkway/Franklin Avenue and just west of Hwy 55/Hiawatha Avenue/I-35W including the I-94 bridge (Dartmouth Bridge) that spans the Mississippi River.
- Scheduled for construction in 2024-2025
I-94 and I-394 — Minneapolis
Repairing bridges and ramps along I-394 and I-94 between downtown Minneapolis and the Penn Avenue bridge, realigning the I-394 to Dunwoody Boulevard ramp, replacing the deck for the Penn Avenue bridge that crosses over I-394, and other improvements along I-394 between Hwy 100 and I-94.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025-2026
I-94 and Hwy 10 — Mississippi River crossings feasibility analysis between Brooklyn Park and Elk River
Updated previously conducted studies, re-engaged the cities and counties, and understood the need increased river crossing capacity.
- Study completed
I-94 and- Hwy 336 to Red River Bridge — Moorhead
Corridor study to determine short and long-term improvements between Hwy 336 and the Red River Bridge.
- Study underway
I-94 — Rethinking Minneapolis to St. Paul
MnDOT, along with FHWA, Ramsey & Hennepin Counties and the cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis, are preparing a Tiered Environmental Impact Statement for the Rethinking I-94 effort. Rethinking I-94 intends to reconnect neighborhoods, revitalize communities and ensure residents have a meaningful voice in transportation decisions that affect their lives.
- Environmental review underway
I-94 — Minneapolis
Rebuild pedestrian bridge over I-94 between 9th Street South and Butler Place in Minneapolis
- Scheduled for construction in 2027
I-94 bridge replacements — Over Pelican Creek near Ashby
Replace westbound bridges over Pelican Creek.
- Scheduled for construction in 2024-2025
I-94 bridge replacements — Near Alexandria
Replace eastbound bridges over CR 23 and CP Railway east of Alexandria.
- Scheduled for construction in 2024-2025
Nicollet Avenue bridge over I-94 — Minneapolis
Replacing the Nicollet Avenue bridge that crosses over I-94 near downtown Minneapolis, adding accessible sidewalk ramps and new crosswalks on north and south sides of bridge.
- Scheduled for construction in 2027
Hwy 95 — Cambridge
Reconstruct or expand segments of Hwy 95 between Fern St. and Fillmore St. in Cambridge, Isanti County; includes underground city utilities, accesses and sidewalks.
- Scheduled for construction in 2026
Hwy 95 — North Branch
Improve safety on Hwy 95 in North Branch including constructing a dedicated left turn lane on Hwy 95 at 392nd Street, reconstruct shoulders, resurface pavement and update drainage.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 97 — Forest Lake
Hwy 97 between I-35 and Hwy 61 in Forest Lake will undergo a pavement reconstruction project. Additional work includes constructing a single-lane roundabout and multi-use trail, adding raised median, upgrading pedestrian accessibility and repair/replacing drainage.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025-2026
Hwy 99 — Le Center
Reconstruct Hwy 99 in Le Center, from Maple Ave. to Cordova Ave.
- Scheduled for construction in 2029
Hwys 100-199
Hwy 101 — Chanhassen and Eden Prairie
Resurface 2 miles of road, add trail connections, reconstruct trail, improve accessibility of ramps and signals, repair shoulders, and improve drainage on Hwy 101 from Hwy 5 in Chanhassen to Co. Rd. 62/Townline Rd. in Eden Prairie.
- Scheduled for construction in 2024-2025
Hwy 104 — Glenwood to Hwy 9
Resurface Hwy 104 from Glenwood to junction of Hwy 9 near Sunburg.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 108 — Henning
Reconstruct Hwy 108 in Henning, utility replacements, bicycle and pedestrian accessibility upgrades.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 113 — Elbow Lake Village
Resurface Hwy 13 from CR 4 to Hwy 71.
- Scheduled for construction in 2032
Hwy 120/Century Avenue — Maplewood to Oakdale
This study identified issues, priorities and environmental concerns on Hwy 120 between I-94 in Maplewood and I-694 in Oakdale.
- Study completed
Hwy 120/Century Avenue — Mahtomedi to White Bear Lake
County led project on Hwy 120/Century Avenue between I-694 and Hwy 12/Wildwood Road to reconstruct Hwy 120/Century Avenue, building roundabouts at the south Century College entrance and the Hwy 12 intersections, improving accessibility for bike and pedestrians on both side of the road, updating transit stops and drainage work.
- Scheduled for construction in 2027-2028
Hwy 121 and Lyndale Avenue/County Road 22 — Minneapolis
Removing inside lanes and repaving Hwy 121 and Lyndale Avenue/County Road 22 between Hwy 62 and 56th Street in Minneapolis, changes to the concrete island near the Hwy 121 and Hwy 62 interchange, replace signals and guardrail, and add accessible curbs at the intersection of Hwy 121 and 58th Street.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 135 — Biwabik
Reconstruct Hwy 135 in Biwabik; Complete Streets improvements
- Scheduled for construction in 2020-2025
Hwy 169 and Bluff Drive — Sand Creek Township
County led project to construct overpass at Hwy 169 and Bluff Drive.
- Scheduled for construction in 2024-2025
Hwy 169 and County Road 59 — St. Lawrence Township
County led project to construct interchange at Hwy 169 and Co. Rd. 59.
- Scheduled for construction in 2024-2025
Hwy 169 — Broadway to Union in St. Peter
Reconstruct Hwy 169 from Broadway Avenue to Union Street in St. Peter
- Scheduled for construction in 2026
Hwy 169 — Chisholm corridor
Intersection improvements between Hwy 73 to Hwy 67
- Scheduled for construction in 2028
Hwy 169 — Cross Range corridor study
Study of Highway 169 between Taconite to Pengilly to evaluate the existing corridor, conduct traffic analysis and provide alternative screenings.
- Study underway
Hwy 169 — Elmore
Reconstruct Hwy 169 in Elmore, from E. Polton St. to the Minnesota/Iowa border
- Scheduled for construction in 2028
Hwy 169 — Ely to Winton
3.7 miles of resurfacing done under traffic
- Scheduled for construction in 2027
Hwy 169 — Garrison
Resurface and improve five miles of Hwy 169 from south of Garrison at Crow Wing County Road 26 to north of Garrison at Pike Avenue; includes roundabout at Hwy 18, new storm sewer and sidewalk in Garrison.
- Scheduled for construction in 2026
Hwy 169 — Golden Valley to Brooklyn Park
A multi-modal study of Hwy 169 between the Hwy 55 crossing in Golden Valley and 101 Avenue North in Brooklyn Park.
- Study underway
Hwy 169 — Hibbing corridor study
Studying Hwy 169 corridor from Hwy 37 to 13th Street East
- Study completed
Hwy 169 — Mankato/North Mankato Revitalization
Reconstruct Hwy 169 from Riverfront Dr. to north of Hwy 14; construct a roundabout at Webster Ave.; construct a roundabout at N. River Ln.; repair three bridges
- Scheduled for construction in 2027-2028
Hwy 169 — Princeton
MnDOT will update and improve eight Hwy 169 bridges (four in each direction) through Princeton. Plan for delays. Motorists can expect 24–7 head-to-head traffic.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 169 and Hwy 200 — Hill City roundabout
Construct a roundabout at the intersection of Hwy 200 and Hwy 169 in Hill City.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 169 and Hwy 282/County Road 9 — Jordan
Construct new interchange at Hwy 169 and Hwy 282/County Road 9, build roundabouts at County Road 9 and Syndicate Street and 190th Street/Valley View Drive, build bridge over Union Pacific railroad tracks, build pedestrian tunnel, sidewalks, retaining walls, and noise walls.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025-2027
Hwy 194 — Central Entrance
Reconstruct Hwy 194/Central Entrance in Duluth from Trinity Road to Mesaba Avenue.
- Scheduled for construction in 2028
Hwys 200-299
Hwy 200 — Itasca State Park
Transportation will be completing a resurfacing project on Hwy 200, from Clearwater Co Rd 2 to Hwy 71 near the Itasca State Park.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 210 — Brainerd
Improve the four-lane segment of Hwy 210/Washington St. from Baxter Dr. to Pine Shores Rd. in Brainerd, Crow Wing County; includes upgrades to the Mississippi River bridge and sidewalks.
- Scheduled for construction in 2026-2027
Hwy 210 — Baxter
Resurface both directions of Hwy 210 between Baxter Dr. and Timberwood Dr. and improve access and traffic flow west of Highland Scenic Rd.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 210 — Motley to Pillager
Install a new roundabout at the intersection of Hwy 210, River St. (S Co. Rd. 1) and 37th Ave. in Pillager; resurface 8.5 miles of road between Hwy 10 and River St. and replace box bridge west of Pillager, Cass County.
- Scheduled for construction in 2027
Hwy 210 and Hwy 371 — Baxter intersection
Develop, improve and construct a new intersection, includes railroad crossing. Corridors of Commerce funded project.
- Scheduled for development: 2024-2027
- Scheduled for construction: 2028-2029
Hwy 210 and Hwy 65 — McGregor roundabout
Construct a roundabout at the west intersection of Hwy 210 and Hwy 65.
- Scheduled for construction in 2026
Hwy 210 and I-94 west junction
Bridge replacement, ramp reconstruction/realignment, bicycle and pedestrian accommodations
- Study underway
- Scheduled for construction in 2026
Hwy 212 — Carver to Norwood Young America
MnDOT is partnering with Carver County to do final design for 4-lane expansion and environmental documentation.
- Scheduled for construction in 2024-2026
Hwy 212 and Hwy 284 — Cologne
Study of city, county and state roads in and around the city of Cologne.
- Study underway
Hwy 212 — Brownton
Construct roundabout at the intersection of Hwy 212 and Hwy 15 near Brownton
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 212 and Hwy 5 — Eden Prairie
Repair concrete, pave the shoulders, and update existing guardrail on Hwy 212 and Hwy 5 between Eden Prairie Road and I-494 in Eden Prairie.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 212 — Norwood Young America and Young America Township
Build J-turns at the intersections of Hwy 212 and County Road 131, Wells Avenue, County Road 31 and West Railroad Street. The project also includes installation of cable median barrier and accessible crossings.
- Scheduled for construction in 2026
Hwy 218 — Blooming Prairie
The Hwy 218 corridor through Blooming Prairie (Fourth Street to Hwy 30) is due for reconstruction in 2025.
- Scheduled for construction in 2027
Hwy 238 — Upsala to Little Falls
Resurface and update 19 miles of road from north of Morrison Co. Rd. 19 in Upsala to Hwy 27 west of Little Falls, includes underground drainage structures and Hay Creek bridge. Work requires detours.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 243 — Franconia Township and Osceola
Designing the reconstruction of the Hwy 243/Osceola Bridge over the St. Croix National and Scenic Riverway, in partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT).
- Scheduled for construction in 2027-2028
Hwy 246 resurfacing
Hwy 246 from Rice Co. Rd. 26 in Nerstrand to Hwy 56 will extend the life of the road and provide a smoother ride. Resurface, update guardrail, and repair or replace over 20 culverts
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 252 and I-94 — Environmental Review
MnDOT, along with FHWA, Hennepin County and the cities of Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park and Minneapolis, are preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Hwy 252/I-94 project. The project partners will address the purpose and need for the project in the EIS document and develop transportation alternatives.
- Environmental review underway
Hwy 250 — Lanesboro
reconstruction of Hwy 250 from the Hwy 250 bridge over the Root River to Hwy 16.
- Scheduled for construction in 2026
Hwy 282/County Road 9 and Hwy 169 — Jordan
Construct new interchange at Hwy 169 and Hwy 282/County Road 9, build roundabouts at County Road 9 and Syndicate Street and 190th Street/Valley View Drive, build bridge over Union Pacific railroad tracks, build pedestrian tunnel, sidewalks, retaining walls, and noise walls.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025-2027
Hwy 284 and Hwy 212 — Cologne
Study of city, county and state roads in and around the city of Cologne.
- Study underway
Hwys 300-694
Hwy 371 — Hackensack
reconstruct Highway 371 in Hackensack with a three-lane section through town which will include a center-turn lane, with additional sidewalks and parallel parking on both sides of the road.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
Hwy 371 — Nisswa to Baxter study
Identify needs and potential future improvements, develop recommendations for the corridor, and determine upcoming pavement and safety improvements.
- Study underway
Hwy 371 and Hwy 210 — Baxter intersection
Develop, improve and construct a new intersection, includes railroad crossing. Corridors of Commerce funded project.
- Scheduled for development: 2024-2027
- Scheduled for construction: 2028-2029
I-394 and I-94 — Minneapolis
Repairing bridges and ramps along I-394 and I-94 between downtown Minneapolis and the Penn Avenue bridge, realigning the I-394 to Dunwoody Boulevard ramp, replacing the deck for the Penn Avenue bridge that crosses over I-394, and other improvements along I-394 between Hwy 100 and I-94.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025-2026
I-394 — St. Louis Park
Extend and add acceleration/deceleration lanes, remove free right turn lanes, replace signal systems, realign retaining wall, replace sidewalk and add accessible curb ramps on I-394 between Pennsylvania Avenue and Dakota Avenue in St. Louis Park.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025
I-494 — Airport to Hwy 169
Study to evaluate design alternatives and determine a scope of work for the reconstruction of the I-494 corridor from the MSP Intl’ Airport to Hwy 169.
- Study completed
I-494 — Bloomington to Mendota Heights/Eagan
Repair work on the I-494 bridge over the Minnesota River and improve drainage.
- Scheduled for construction in 2023-2026
I-494 — East Metro Interchange study (I-694/I-494/I-94)
This study focused on finding the long-term vision for the I-94/I-494/I-694 interchange while ensuring that other projects in the interchange area were compatible with that vision.
- Study completed
I-494 — Edina to Richfield
Construct E-ZPass lanes on I-494 from Hwy 100 to I-35W, add a new ramp at the I-35W and I-494 interchange, replace the bridges crossing over I-494 at Portland Ave., Nicollet Ave., and 12th Ave., and add a new pedestrian bridge at Chicago Ave. that crosses over I-494.
- Scheduled for construction in 2023-2026
I-535 – Blatnik Bridge
Replacement of the Blatnik Bridge between Duluth, Minn., and Superior, Wis.
- Scheduled for construction in 2028
I-694 — Non-motorized crossing study
Determine safety and mobility needs for bicyclists and pedestrians for the area
- Study completed; no projects have been funded or planned
I-694 — East Metro Interchange study (I-694/I-494/I-94)
This study focused on finding the long-term vision for the I-94/I-494/I-694 interchange while ensuring that other projects in the interchange area were compatible with that vision.
- Study completed
John Ireland Boulevard bridge — St. Paul
Crews will be making improvements to the John Ireland Boulevard bridge over I-94 between Kellogg Boulevard and Rice Street in St. Paul. This project includes a careful disassembly and rebuild of the structure of the bridge, and other safety and cosmetic changes, including sidewalk repairs, updates to existing bike and pedestrian facilities, accessibility updates, and railing replacements.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025-2026
Mesaba Avenue Bridge — Duluth
Bridge work on Michigan Street bridge over Mesaba and Mesaba avenue bridge over Superior Street
- Scheduled for construction in 2026
Northern Red River Valley Flood Study
The North Dakota Department of Transportation is working in partnership with MnDOT and the United States Army Corps of Engineers to gain a better understanding of what can be done to improve transportation in the Northern Red River Valley during flooding events, from approximately Grand Forks, ND to the Canadian border.
- Study underway
Southwest Minnesota culvert repairs
Repairs to over 130 culverts on highways in Chippewa, Kandiyohi, Lac Qui Parle, Lincoln, Redwood, Renville, and Yellow Medicine Counties
Stone Arch Bridge — Minneapolis
Preservation of the historic bridge including repointing mortar and repairing/replacing some of the stone
- Scheduled for construction in 2024-2026
Traffic Signal Replacement — Albert Lea and Faribault
Replace five traffic signals in Albert Lea and Faribault.
- Scheduled for construction in 2024-2025
Tribal Safety Boundaries
MnDOT and the White Earth Tribal Nation, is completing a comprehensive evaluation of the tribal transportation network within the Tribal Safety Boundaries
- Study underway
Urban freight perspectives study — Metro district
The Urban Freight Perspectives study focused on enhancing freight mobility in MnDOT’s Metro District by improving communication with freight stakeholders and integrating freight considerations into the district’s project development process.
- Study completed
Veteran's Memorial Bridge and Interchange
Repair Veteran's Memorial Bridge and the bridge over Hwy 169; replace signals and pavement at the interchange of Hwy 169 and Belgrade Ave./Mulberry St. in the cities of North Mankato and Mankato.
- Scheduled for construction in 2026
Virginia headquarters reconstruction
Replace the truck station and replace outbuilding.
- Scheduled for construction in 2025-27
White Earth Nation Safety Planning Study
MnDOT, in partnership with the White Earth Tribal Nation, is completing a comprehensive evaluation of the tribal transportation network within the Tribal Safety Boundaries. This includes all roads within the Tribal Boundary, including State, County, Municipal, Township, Tribal, and other publicly owned roads.
- Study completed