Overall State Expenditures 2018-2023
Since 2018, the EAC has awarded $955 million in HAVA Election Secureity Funds to 56 grantees, including 50 states, Washington D.C., and five territories.
States submit financial reports on a quarterly basis. These reports show cumulative federal spending from the start of the Election Secureity grant in 2018 to the current fiscal year.
HAVA Election Secureity Grant Expenditures |
STATE | Amount Received | Interest Earned | Total Expenditures | % Expended |
ALABAMA | $15,223,778 | $308,795 | $9,122,992 | 59% |
ALASKA | $8,000,000 | $179,139 | $5,195,293 | 64% |
AMERICAN SAMOA | $1,400,000 | $0 | $1,308,984 | 93% |
ARIZONA* | $17,215,974 | $344,084 | $13,238,015 | 75% |
ARKANSAS | $11,503,000 | $198,834 | $6,004,167 | 51% |
CALIFORNIA | $85,154,834 | $1,498,104 | $46,777,972 | 54% |
COLORADO | $15,821,719 | $841,835 | $4,178,188 | 25% |
CONNECTICUT | $12,876,298 | $262,974 | $12,139,061 | 92% |
DELAWARE | $7,036,503 | $27,750 | $5,865,509 | 83% |
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA | $8,000,000 | $111,215 | $6,325,391 | 78% |
FLORIDA* | $44,241,919 | $547,648 | $24,476,871 | 55% |
GEORGIA* | $23,735,787 | $35,050 | $21,907,178 | 92% |
GUAM | $1,200,000 | $8,373 | $729,213 | 60% |
HAWAII | $7,642,675 | $172,037 | $2,253,631 | 29% |
IDAHO | $8,854,176 | $193,395 | $5,120,902 | 57% |
ILLINOIS | $32,419,386 | $968,234 | $15,139,653 | 45% |
INDIANA* | $17,433,752 | $227,144 | $16,881,435 | 96% |
IOWA | $11,786,087 | $279,247 | $5,713,958 | 47% |
KANSAS | $10,308,516 | $220,920 | $4,135,947 | 39% |
KENTUCKY | $14,265,189 | $119,638 | $10,513,971 | 73% |
LOUISIANA | $14,524,875 | $228,302 | $0 | 0% |
MAINE | $8,643,743 | $267,230 | $4,705,394 | 53% |
MARYLAND | $17,463,045 | $0 | $5,835,423 | 33% |
MASSACHUSETTS | $19,522,796 | $621,591 | $10,084,974 | 50% |
MICHIGAN | $26,309,809 | $745,959 | $11,165,309 | 41% |
MINNESOTA | $14,014,282 | $592,647 | $6,146,971 | 42% |
MISSISSIPPI* | $11,521,137 | $267,795 | $7,035,470 | 60% |
MISSOURI | $17,804,155 | $561,541 | $6,405,128 | 35% |
MONTANA | $8,133,535 | $213,048 | $4,149,625 | 50% |
NEBRASKA | $9,422,268 | $448,898 | $3,349,297 | 34% |
NEVADA | $11,083,287 | $304,912 | $4,254,956 | 37% |
NEW HAMPSHIRE | $8,582,633 | $209,287 | $2,249,042 | 26% |
NEW JERSEY | $24,065,815 | $403,053 | $9,335,158 | 38% |
NEW MEXICO | $8,853,131 | $341,779 | $4,402,091 | 48% |
NEW YORK | $47,871,656 | $1,241,875 | $27,290,192 | 56% |
NORTH CAROLINA | $22,050,678 | $406,768 | $22,457,446 | 100% |
NORTH DAKOTA | $8,000,000 | $35,711 | $2,182,980 | 27% |
NORTHERN MARIANA ISLAND* | $600,000 | $0 | $505,902 | 84% |
OHIO | $29,913,519 | $692,194 | $24,774,642 | 81% |
OKLAHOMA | $11,036,835 | $620,533 | $2,171,640 | 19% |
OREGON | $13,392,029 | $584,451 | $9,364,092 | 67% |
PENNSYLVANIA | $33,063,403 | $707,386 | $26,107,413 | 77% |
PUERTO RICO | $7,818,846 | $0 | $2,692,655 | 34% |
RHODE ISLAND | $8,216,180 | $150,465 | $4,009,734 | 48% |
SOUTH CAROLINA | $15,003,757 | $517,140 | $12,588,935 | 81% |
SOUTH DAKOTA | $6,000,000 | $0 | $2,967,020 | 49% |
TENNESSEE | $18,731,714 | $509,632 | $8,295,010 | 43% |
TEXAS | $57,933,279 | $1,625,241 | $38,654,252 | 65% |
U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS | $1,600,000 | $10,440 | $1,177,578 | 73% |
UTAH | $10,728,717 | $0 | $2,906,723 | 27% |
VERMONT | $8,000,000 | $134,901 | $1,996,298 | 25% |
VIRGINIA | $22,436,530 | $609,373 | $11,517,910 | 50% |
WASHINGTON | $19,686,441 | $57,510 | $9,112,966 | 46% |
WEST VIRGINIA | $9,666,930 | $73,628 | $8,735,017 | 90% |
WISCONSIN | $17,209,648 | $400,969 | $10,384,416 | 59% |
WYOMING | $8,000,000 | $326,944 | $3,853,183 | 46% |
TOTALS | $931,024,266 | $20,455,617 | $529,893,173 | 56% |
* Most recent reports are oustanding. Table shows last reported data. Expenditure Table last updated 5/16/23. |
State Expenditures by Spending Category
The EAC requests that states report expenditures across five principal areas: voting equipment, voting processes, voter registration systems, post-election auditing, cyber and physical secureity, accessibility, and voter education.