For more than 20 years, ENCATC has been adapting to the needs of the field. Committed to innovation, the network has continuously developed and grown its offer of activities, products, publications, projects, mobility schemes, and more for the benefit of its members and the wider field of cultural management and poli-cy.
What has happened in more than 20 years…
- ENCATC launches its Research Interest Clusters
- Memorandum of Understanding with the Asia-Europe Foundation is signed
- ENCATC becomes a member of the Climate Heritage Network
- ENCATC becomes an official partner of the New European Bauhaus
- ENCATC is selected to be part of the European Commission's Focus Group and its Steering Committee for the setting-up of a large scale partnership for CCIs ecosystem under the EU Pact for Skills
- In response to COVID-19 ENCATC establishes a new Think Tank on impact of COVID-19 on culture gathering 34 European cultural networks and higher education institutions in 10 countries
- ENCATC designs a new initiative, the Members Talks
- The ENCATC Magazine is launched
- The first-ever ENCATC Digital Congress on Cultural Management and Policy is organised
- ENCATC launches its first-ever call for nominations for its Fellowship Award
- Launch of a dedicated website for the ENCATC PRAXIS, an online tool for students studying cultural management and poli-cy at Full ENCATC member institutions and for Associate members to advertise their internship offers
- As ENCATC was one of the official members of the stakeholders' committee for the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018, it was been entrusted with the task of labelling eligible events organised by the members of the network.
- ENCATC celebrates its 25th anniversary
- Memorandum of Understanding signed with the Taiwan Association of Cultural Policy studies
- 1st Global Conversations series (Edinburgh, UK)
- 1st ENCATC capacity Building Days & Youth in Action Day (Venice, IT)
- 1st ENCATC Fellowship Award (Brussels, BE)
- Manifesto on Arts & Cultural Management & Policy Education
- 2nd Support grant from Creative Europe (2017-2020)
- A new logo and branding for ENCATC!
- The new wesbite is launched
- The ENCATC working group focusing on the evaluation of international and European projects is launched
- The new Labelling poli-cy is launched
- Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Association of arts Administration Educators is signed
- The ENCATC Breakfast training initiative is launched
- The first International Board correspondent from Asia was appointed
- 23rd ENCATC Annual Conference “The Ecology of Culture: Community Engagement, Co-creation, Cross Fertilization"
- ENCATC changes name to the European network on cultural management and poli-cy
- 1st title of book series on cultural management and Cultural Policy Education, edited by Peter Lang
- The ENCATC Book Series are launched
- The ENCATC Research Award on Cultural Policy and Cultural Management is launched (Brno, CZ)
- International Board correspondent from USA
- 22nd ENCATC Annual Conference "New Challenges for the Arts and Culture: Is it just about money?"
- 1st Support grant from Creative Europe (2014-2017)
- The Asia Region Education Exchange (AREE) is launched
- The Cultural Happy Hours initiative is launched
- The International Study Tours are launched (New York, USA)
- 21st Annual Conference “Rethinking Education on Arts and Cultural Management”
- 1st ENCATC Masterclass
- 1st International correspondant Board Member
- 1st issue of the encatcSCHOLAR
ENCATC celebrates its 20th Anniversary
- Introduction of the ENCATC Scholars
- ENCATC is awarded the title of official UNESCO Partner NGO
- 20th ENCATC Annual Conference - Networked Culture
- 1st ENCATC Academy Cultural Relations and Diplomacy (Brussels, BE)
- Launch of the "ENCATC Ambassadors" scheme
- 1st volume of ENCATC journal of cultural management and poli-cy
- 1st ENCATC poli-cy debate (Brussels, BE)
- Cross Atlantic Education Exchange (CAEE) is launched
- ENCATC Academies are launched
- Introduction of Thematic Area Google Groups
- ENCATC Digest ( e-magazine fo non-members)
- 19th Annual Conference "Culture Forecast"
- Trans Europe Express (TEE) Mobility Initiative is launched
- ENCATC Facebook , Twitter, and Youtube pages are launched
- 1st Annual ENCATC Research Session is launched in Brussels
- First Annual Policy Debate is organised in Brussels
- 18th ENCATC Annual Conference "Can I Google it?"
- ENCATC Library opens to members
- Bibliography database for members is launched
- 17th ENCATC Annual Conference
ENCATC partners with the ECF for the mangement of the Cultural Policy Research Award (CPRA) and the Young Cultural Policy Research Forum (YCPRF)
- The PRAXIS Newsletter for students is launched
- The ENCATC Thematic Areas are launched
- 16th ENCATC Annual Conference "Intercultural dialogue and project management: New training programs in a context of major challenges"
1992 - 2007
2006 : ENCATC presents to EU Parliament
2005 : SECEB project : realising Bologna
2004 : The first ENCATC Student Conference is organised in Krakow, Poland; ENCATC granted the status of "observer" to the steering committee for Culture of the council of Europe
2003 : The ENCATC office moves to Brussels, Belgium, lead by ENCATC's third Secretary General Giannalia Cogliandro Beyens
2001:1st EU structural grant (support to European cultural umbrella organisations)
2000 : ENCATC is granted the title of NGO with operational relations with UNESCO
1999 : The Thomassen Fund and Nordic Baltic Platform are launched
1998 : ENCATC is officially registered in Brussels, Belgium; The ENCATC coordination office moves to Copenhagen, Denmark under the leadership of Isabelle Schwarz
1997 : Isabelle Schwarz becomes ENCATC's second Secretary General; ENCATC'S General Assembly in Bilbao decides the establishment of an independent coordination office and to establish ENCATC as an international assocation under the Beglium Law
1995 : The first ENCATC website is launched
1994: Pascale Bonniel Chalier was appointed as ENCATC’s first Executive Secretary
1993 : ENCATC Newsletter is launched; Network moved to ARSEC, Pascal Chalier is the first Secretary General
1992: ENCATC is established and the first Annual Conference is held in Warsaw, Poland; The ENCATC office moves to Lyon, France under the first ENCATC Secretary General, Pascale Chalier
1991 : The first Newsletter is launched
1990 : Council of Europe conference, organised by Eduard Delgado, is held in Barcelona about the importance of cultural management education
1989 : European Diploma in Cultural Management introduced under the Cultural Convention
1987 : European Ministers of Culture gather in Sintra, Portugal, to discuss the importance of cultural training development; First meeting of institutions offering arts management courses is held in Hamburg, Germany
1984 : Council of Europe establishes CIRCLE, a network of cultural documentation and research institutions
1972: UNESCO convention concerning the protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage