Capacity building for European Capitals of Culture (2019-2022)Project Me Mind (2021-2022)EU Heritage (2019-2021)HOMEE (2018-2021)Virtual Crossovers (2021)Heritage Pro (2018 - 2020)Traces (2018 - 2020)CONNECT (2017 - 2019)CONNECT is a Knowledge Alliance that promotes innovative cooperation between universities and enterprises in the cultural sector across Europe.Learning on intangible heritage (2017)Learning on intangible heritage: building teachers' capacity for a sustainable future European Cultural Leadership (2014 - 2016)The aim of European Cultural Leadership is to develop an educational program that provides an increase in capacity, skills and knowledge for leaders in the European cultural field.ADESTE (2013-2016)ADESTE stands form Audience DEveloper: Skills and Training in Europe. In this project we look at how “audience developer” skills, attributes and best practices can be adapted and transferred to different cultural sectors and countries in Europe.Cultural Heritage Counts for Europe (2013-2015)CREA.M (2011-2013)Trans Europe Express (2009-2013)Museums and Municipalities (2010)Museums' Literacy (2008-2010)Artists Moving & Learning (2008-2010)Digital Extra (2008-2010)Seceb - Bologna Process (2005-2006)