Trending News Releases
Elderberry juice shows benefits for weight management, metabolic health
Washington State University
Repairing a domestication mutation in tomato leads to an earlier yield
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Tumor-secreted protein may hold the key to better treatments for deadly brain tumor, study finds
University of California - Los Angeles Health Sciences
When the past meets the future: Innovative drone mapping unlocks secrets of Bronze Age ‘mega fortress’ in the Caucasus
Cranfield University
Climate change linked with worse HIV prevention and care
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Ready to quit vaping in the new year? A new study uncovers the best ways
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Harnessing AI to respond to the global threat of antimicrobial resistance
Durham University
Cretaceous chewing lice eggs provide insight into early coevolution with early bird hosts
Science China Press
Study advances possible blood test for early-stage Alzheimer’s disease
NYU Langone Health / NYU Grossman School of Medicine
Biomimetic teakwood structured environmental barrier coating
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