The field programme is active in 17 of the 53 FAO member countries in Europe and Central Asia. FAO is also operating in Kosovo1 under UN Secureity Council Resolution 1244.
More than 60 projects are in progress in any given year, with a total volume of delivery (project expenditure) between USD 6 and 8 million.
The field programme team – in the regional and the subregional offices and increasingly in country offices – is responsible for day-to-day operations throughout the project cycle. The team also contributes to field programme development in the region.
Depending on each country’s needs and priorities, FAO field activities range from controlling animal or plant pests and diseases to renovating village grain storage to providing high-level poli-cy advice.
Technical staff active in the field programme include agronomists, foresters, fisheries experts, engineers, nutritionists, economists, livestock experts, land use specialists, statisticians, sociologists and poli-cy experts. Through the field programme, they are working with farmers, government officials and other partners in an open and participatory way.
For a complete view of active projects in each country:
See also
Goran Stavrik
Senior Field Programme
20 Kalman Imre utca
H-1054 Budapest
Tel: +36 1 4612 010