Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska Management Plan
This Fishery Management Plan (FMP) governs groundfish fisheries of the United States (U.S.) exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of the North Pacific Ocean, exclusive of the Bering Sea, between the eastern Aleutian Islands at 170Ε W. longitude and Dixon Entrance at 132Ε40' W. longitude. The FMP covers fisheries for all stocks of finfish except salmon, steelhead, Pacific halibut, Pacific herring, and tuna. Implemented on December 1, 1978, it has been amended 106 times. Its focus has changed from the regulation of mainly foreign fisheries to the management of fully domestic groundfish fisheries.
Species Managed
Alaska Groundfish
More Information
- Federal Register Rules and Notices
- Analyses
- Status of Regulatory and FMP Amendments
- Council Groundfish Plan Teams
- GOA Groundfish FMP Amendment Action Summaries
- Federal Fishing Regulations, Acts, and Treaties
- Federal Fisheries in Alaska