Incidental Take Authorizations Points Map
Interactive map of general point locations of current, in process, and expired incidental take authorizations and applications for incidental take under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (from 2008 to present).
This interactive mapping tool provides access to point data to visualize the general location, type, and status of Marine Mammal Protection Act incidental take authorizations. Additional layers to assist in understanding the context of the projects are provided.
*Please note that to use the Interactive Map, you will be required to log in.
Incidental take is an unintentional, but not unexpected, impact to a marine mammal that can range from a non-minor behavioral response, to an injury, to a mortality. Taking is prohibited, with certain exceptions, under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. However, the Act allows, upon request, the incidental take of small numbers of marine mammals by U.S. citizens who engage in a specified activity—other than commercial fishing—within a specified geographic region, provided appropriate mitigation and monitoring is required and certain findings may be made.
Learn more about incidental take authorizations under the Marine Mammal Protection Act.
Map Details
The map includes all authorized incidental take since 2008 (including both expired and currently active authorizations). In Process and Active authorizations are included in one layer, Expired authorizations are included in a separate layer. All projects are represented by at least one point. Points are located in the approximate center of project areas. Projects that take place over large areas in different hemispheres or ocean basins have points in each major area. Projects that have multiple discrete project areas located more than approximately 50 miles apart also have additional points in each project area.
Projects are symbolized based on the type of project (e.g., construction, military, research/other, oil and gas, and alternative energy) and status (e.g., currently active, expired, or application in process).
Clicking on a project point opens a popup window that provides detailed information about the project. The popup also provides a link to the NOAA Fisheries Incidental Take Program project page that provides access to the project application, authorization (if issued), monitoring reports, and any other supplemental materials associated with the project and permit.
The map includes other data layers potentially useful for comparison and analysis including legal boundaries, bathymetry, critical habitat, National Marine Sanctuaries, etc. These are generally services provided directly from the authoritative source or the Marine Cadastre (as noted parenthetically).
Raw Data
Raw data - 5 November 2019 (downloadable Excel file)
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