Jean-Christophe Komorowski
Giraudat Elsa, Burtin Arnaud, Le Ber Arthur, Fink Mathias, Komorowski Jean-Christophe, Aubry Alexandre. Matrix imaging as a tool for high-resolution monitoring of deep volcanic plumbing systems with seismic noise. Communications Earth & Environment, Springer Nature, 16 septembre 2024, 5. <10.1038/s43247-024-01659-2>
Verdurme Pauline, Gurioli Lucia, Chevrel Oryaëlle, Médard Etienne, Berthod Carole, Komorowski Jean-Christophe, Harris Andrew, Paquet Fabien, Cathalot Cécile, Feuillet Nathalie, Lebas Elodie, Rinnert Emmanuel, Donval Jean-Pierre, Thinon Isabelle, Deplus Christine, Bachèlery Patrick. Magma ascent and lava flow field emplacement during the 2018–2021 Fani Maoré deep-submarine eruption insights from lava vesicle textures. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Elsevier, juin 2024, 636. <10.1016/j.epsl.2024.118720>
Barsotti Sara, Scollo Simona, Macedonio Giovanni, Felpeto Alicia, Peltier Aline, Vougioukalakis Georgios, de Zeeuw van Dalfsen Elske, Ottemöller Lars, Pimentel Adriano, Komorowski Jean-Christophe, Loughlin Susan, Carmo Rita, Coltelli Mauro, Corbeau Jordane, Vye-Brown Charlotte, Di Vito Mauro, de Chabalier Jean-Bernard, Ferreira Teresa, Fontaine Fabrice R, Lemarchand Arnaud, Marques Rui, Medeiros Joana, Moretti Roberto, Pfeffer Melissa Anne, Saurel Jean-Marie, Vlastélic Ivan, Vogfjörd Kristín, Engwell Samantha, Salerno Giuseppe. The European Volcano Observatories and their use of the aviation colour code system. Bulletin of Volcanology, Springer Verlag, 02 mars 2024, 86. <10.1007/s00445-024-01712-0>
Barsotti Sara, Scollo Simona, Macedonio Giovanni, Felpeto Alicia, Peltier Aline, Vougioukalakis Georgios, de Zeeuw van Dalfsen Elske, Ottemöller Lars, Pimentel Adriano, Komorowski Jean-Christophe, Loughlin Susan, Carmo Rita, Coltelli Mauro, Corbeau Jordane, Vye-Brown Charlotte, Di Vito Mauro, de Chabalier Jean-Bernard, Ferreira Teresa, Fontaine Fabrice, Lemarchand Arnaud, Marques Rui, Medeiros Joana, Moretti Roberto, Pfeffer Melissa Anne, Saurel Jean-Marie, Vlastelic Ivan, Vogfjörd Kristín, Engwell Samantha, Salerno Giuseppe. The European Volcano Observatories and their use of the aviation colour code system. Bulletin of Volcanology, Springer Verlag, 02 mars 2024, 86. <10.1007/s00445-024-01712-0>
Pantobe Laëtitia, Burtin Arnaud, Chanard Kristel, Komorowski Jean-Christophe. Evolution of shallow volcanic seismicity in the hydrothermal system of La Soufrière de Guadeloupe following the April 2018 Mlv 4.1 earthquake. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Elsevier, mars 2024, 447. <10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2023.107989>
Lacombe Tristan, Gurioli Lucia, Di Muro Andrea, Médard Etienne, Berthod Carole, Bachèlery Patrick, Bernard Julien, Sadeski Ludivine, Komorowski Jean-Christophe. Late Quaternary explosive phonolitic volcanism of Petite-Terre (Mayotte, Western Indian Ocean). Bulletin of Volcanology, Springer Verlag, 09 janvier 2024, 86. <10.1007/s00445-023-01697-2>
Décossin François, Martel Caroline, Arbaret Laurent, Champallier Rémi, Penhoud Philippe, Azaroual Mohamed, Muller Fabrice, Komorowski Jean-Christophe, Heap Michael. Experimental and numerical thermos-kinetic modelling of hydrothermal alteration of volcanic rocks - Example of La Soufrière de Guadeloupe (Eastern Caribbean , France). 2024. <10.5194/egusphere-egu24-17627>
Martel Caroline, Décossin François, Arbaret Laurent, Champallier Rémi, Heap Michael, Rosas-Carbajal Marina, Komorowski Jean-Christophe. Hydrothermal alteration of lava domes: coupled contribution of experimentation and thermodynamic modelling. 2024. <10.5194/egusphere-egu24-5948>
Pantobe Laëtitia, Burtin Arnaud, Chanard Kristel, Komorowski Jean-Christophe. Evolution of shallow volcanic seismicity in the hydrothermal system of La Soufrière de Guadeloupe following the April 2018 M 4.1 earthquake. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Elsevier, 28 décembre 2023, 447. <10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2023.107989>
Thivet Simon, Pereira Luiz, Menguy Nicolas, Médard Etienne, Verdurme Pauline, Berthod Carole, Troadec David, Hess Kai-Uwe, Dingwell Donald B, Komorowski Jean-Christophe. Metastable liquid immiscibility in the 2018–2021 Fani Maoré lavas as a mechanism for volcanic nanolite formation. Communications Earth & Environment, Springer Nature, 16 décembre 2023, 4. <10.1038/s43247-023-01158-w>
Heap Michael J, Harnett Claire, Farquharson Jamie, Baud Patrick, Rosas-Carbajal Marina, Komorowski Jean-Christophe, Violay Marie E.S., Gilg H. Albert, Reuschlé Thierry. The influence of water-saturation on the strength of volcanic rocks and the stability of lava domes. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Elsevier, décembre 2023, 444. <10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2023.107962>
Vlastélic Ivan, Beauducel François, Burtin Arnaud, Corbeau Jordane, de Chabalier Jean-Bernard, Dessert C., Komorowski Jean-Christophe, Moretti Roberto, Saurel Jean-Marie, Lemarchand Arnaud, Ucciani Guillaume, Sakic Pierre, Ajax Jolaine, Berthod Carole, Bosson Alexis, Chilin-Eusebe Elodie, Deroussi Sébastien, Kitou Gaëtan-Thierry, Lambert Christian, Novar Julien, Pierre Joanny, Bouin Marie Paule, Satriano Claudio, Vallée Martin, Pantobe Laetitia. L’Observatoire Volcanologique et Sismologique de Guadeloupe (IPGP) : Missions, réseaux et bilan de l’activité sismique régionale. 07 novembre 2023.
Peruzzetto Marc, Grandjean Gilles, Mangeney Anne, Lévy Clara, Thiery Yannick, Vittecoq Benoit, Bouchut François, Fontaine Fabrice, Komorowski Jean-Christophe. Simulation des écoulements gravitaires avec les modèles d’écoulement en couche mince : état de l’art et exemple d’application aux coulées de débris de la Rivière du Prêcheur (Martinique, Petites Antilles). Revue française de Géotechnique, edp sciences, 07 novembre 2023. <10.1051/geotech/2023020>
Giraudat Elsa, Burtin Arnaud, Le Ber Arthur, Fink Mathias, Komorowski Jean-Christophe, Aubry Alexandre. Unveiling the deep plumbing system of a volcano by a reflection matrix analysis of seismic noise. 01 novembre 2023.
Gillet Olivier, Daudé Éric, Gherardi Monique, Leone Frédéric, Komorowski Jean-Christophe. La Soufrière of Guadeloupe: Assessing public preparedness for a new volcanic crisis. EchoGéo, Pôle de Recherche pour l'Organisation et la Diffusion de l'Information Géographique (PRODIG), 30 septembre 2023. <10.4000/echogeo.25521>
Metcalfe Abigail, Moune Séverine, Moretti Roberto, Komorowski Jean-Christophe, Aubry Thomas J. Volatile emissions from past eruptions at La Soufrière de Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles): insights into degassing processes and atmospheric impacts. Frontiers in Earth Science, Frontiers Media, 23 juin 2023, 11. <10.3389/feart.2023.1143325>
Metcalfe Abigail, Moune Séverine, Komorowski Jean-Christophe, Robertson Robert, Christopher T.E., Joseph EP., Moretti R.. Earth-Science Reviews Diverse Magma Storage and Major and Volatile Magma Composition: What are the implications on the Eruptive Style Across a Volcanic Arc? An Example of the Lesser Antilles Arc. Earth-Science Reviews, Elsevier, juin 2023, 241. <10.1016/j.earscirev.2023.104440>
Poulain Pablo, Le Friant Anne, Mangeney A, Viroulet S., Fernandez-Nieto E, Castro Diaz M, Peruzzetto Marc, Grandjean Gilles, Bouchut François, Pedreros Rodrigo, Komorowski J-C. Performance and limits of a shallow-water model for landslide-generated tsunamis: from laboratory experiments to simulations of flank collapses at Montagne Pelée (Martinique). Geophysical Journal International, Oxford University Press (OUP), 04 mai 2023, 233. <10.1093/gji/ggac482>
Verdurme Pauline, Le Losq Charles, Chevrel Oryaëlle, Pannefieu Salomé, Médard Etienne, Berthod Carole, Komorowski Jean-Christophe, Bachèlery Patrick, Neuville Daniel R., Gurioli Lucia. Viscosity of crystal-free silicate melts from the active submarine volcanic chain of Mayotte. Chemical Geology, Elsevier, 20 mars 2023, 620. <10.1016/j.chemgeo.2023.121326>
Thivet Simon, Hess Kai-Uwe, Dingwell Donald, Berthod Carole, Gurioli Lucia, Di Muro Andrea, Lacombe Tristan, Komorowski Jean-Christophe. Volatiles of the active Mayotte volcanic chain: STA & EGA-MS analysis of volcanic products. Chemical Geology, Elsevier, 20 février 2023, 618. <10.1016/j.chemgeo.2022.121297>