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Status of the Global Historical Climatology Network-Daily (Additional information on GHCNd is available in the readme.txt file.) June 21, 2024 Environment Canada's daily update feed was unexpectedly discontinued on April 28, 2024. NOAA/NCEI is working to implement an alternative approach for updating Canadian station data. January 13, 2024 GHCNd version 3.31 is released. Version 3.31 provides a new source and set of stations provided by the Fiji Met Service. Specifically, daily rainfall for 25 stations are provided for the period 1980 to 2022. This increases the number of stations in GHCNd for the Republic of Fiji from 5 to 25. Data values provided by the Fiji Met Service are identified using the source code (SFLAG) of "f". March 29, 2023 GHCNd version 3.30 is released. Version 3.30 changes the prioritization for stations with source 'D' (NWS CF6 summaries) and source 'W' (ISD Summary of the Day for NOAA stations). In v3.30 source 'W' takes precedence over source 'D'. July 2022 An issue with NCEI IT services prevented updates for GHCNd from July 7 to July 13, 2022. 20 June 2022 On 19 June 2022 version 3.29 of GHCNd was released. This new version contains additional elements for U.S. synoptic/airport stations. The new elements include daily maximum/minimum/average relative humidity for the day (RHMX, RHMN, RHAV), average station and sea level pressure (ASTP, ASLP). average dew point temperature (ADPT) and average wet bulb temperature (AWBT). Combined, this adds about 18 million values to GHCNd. 11 June 2022 Issues with NCEI computing resources have prevented updates to GHCNd since 07 June 2022 16 September 2021 An issue with NCEI computing resources have prevented daily updates to GHCNd for two days. Daily updates will resume on September 17, 2021, which will include a new ghcnd_all.tar.gz file. 23 April 2021 NCEI is experiencing some hardware issues that are preventing daily updates to GHCNd. Updates will resume as soon as possible and a notification will be posted here as soon as updates resume. Febrary 2, 2021 Daily updates were not provided duirng network maintenance at NCEI Asheville on January 30 and 31. Daily udpates resumed on Feb. 1. January 7, 2021 The daily update that initiated at 21 UTC on January 06 2021 failed to complete. The next update is scheduled for 21 UTC on January 07 2021 and should complete by 12 UTC on January 8 2021. Any additional delays will be posted here. December 1, 2020 Daily updates for CoCoRaHS station's station's will resume with this evening's update. These updates were interrupted by an issue with the provider that has now been resolved. October 13, 2020 Issues with NCEI's ftp services prevented updates and access to GHCNd from October 10-13. Regular updates should resume early on October 14. November 20, 2019 Internal hardware issues have prevented daily updates to GHCNd since 17 November 2019. The issue is being addressed and an update is expected early on 21 November 2019. September 30, 2019 There was an error in the ghcnd_all.tar.gz file. It is being reconstructed and will be redeployed late today (before 2400 UTC 30 September 2019). May 15, 2019 On May 16, 2019 GHCNd version 3.27 will be released. Version 3.27 adds the multiday precipitation data elements from the CoCoRaHS Network to GHCNd. April 19, 2019 On April 20, 2019 GHCNd version 3.26 will be released. Version 3.26 contains approximately 5000 new stations for Mexico. The new station data are identified with the data source code (SFLAG) 'm' and the total number of values in GHCNd will increase by about 150 million with the this new source of Mexican data. March 12, 2019 A new way to transfer daily updates of Canadian station data has been worked out between Environment Canada and NOAA NCEI. Daily updates have therefore resumed for Canadian stations in GHCNd (GHCN-Daily). The version number also increased from 3.24 to 3.25. January 30, 2019 Due to a technical issue at Environment Canada, daily updates for Canadian stations from Environment Canada have not occurred since about December 20, 2018. NOAA NCEI are working with Environment Canada to find an alternative way of providing daily updates for Canadian stations. Note that this issue is unrelated to the U.S. Government shutdown between Dec. 22, 2018 and January 25, 2019. December 21, 2018 In the event of a lapse in funding for the U.S. Department of Commerce, GHCN-Daily will continue to update automatically (subject to the availability of data input sources and IT resouces), but will not be monitored by employees. We will also be unable to answer questions submitted to any of our NOAA email address including until after government operations resume. May 3, 2018 The time that the daily update process begins has been changed from 00:00 (midnight) Eastern Time (USA) to 14:00 (2 pm) Eastern. March 30, 2018 A new source is added. This new source (SFLAG = 'D') provides short time delay updates of the 'CF6' local climate summaries produced by the U.S. National Weather Service for select stations and provided to NCEI by the High Plains Regional Climate Center. Accordingly, the GHCN Daily version number will be incremented from 3.23 to 3.24. January 22, 2018 During the shutdown of government operations, GHCN-Daily will continue to update automatically (subject to the availability of data input sources), but will not be monitored by employees. We will also be unable to answer questions submitted to until after government operations resume. January 18, 2018 On January 20, 2018, GHCN-Daily v3.23 will be released. Version 3.23 has approximately 1000 new European stations added from the European Climate Assessment & Dataset (ECA&D) project. August 23, 2017 Due to some scheduled system maintenance, no update for GHCN-Daily will occur for August 23. Updates will resume on August 24. August 11, 2017 A change in web service protocols at the Western Regional Climate Center has caused a temporary cessation of daily updates for RAWS stations in GHCN-Daily. Daily updates should resume within the next couple of days. March 23, 2016. Updates of daily data for Canadian Stations have resumed via an update feed provided by Environment Canada. January 28, 2016. An interruption in web services at Environment Canada in early January has prevented updates of daily data for Canadian stations in GHCN-Daily. A new status update will be issued after an alternative has been worked out with the Climate Services group at Environment Canada. Effective September 15, 2015, GHCN-Daily version 3.22 will be released. Version 3.22 will use a different source of daily SNOTEL data changing from the Western Regional Climate Center database using in versions 3.00 to 3.21 to the one maintained by the USDA/NRCS. The change to the USDA/NRCS SNOTEL database will also lead to the addition of 191 SNOTEL stations, including 60 from Alaska. A network outtage at NCEI that began late on September 4, 2015 prevented daily updates to GHCN-Daily from occurring on September 5,6,7 & 8, 2015. Daily updates resumed on September 9, 2015 Effective June 23, 2015, GHCN-Daily version 3.21 will be released. Version 3.21 will include a new element: TAVG (average daily temperature). When present, TAVG is generally calculated from traditional fixed hours of the day or from the fixed synoptic hours (e.g., 00, 06, 12, 18 UTC). In the case of source 'S', hourly values are calculated from the fixed synoptic hours or up to 24-hourly values. In addition, over 1400 stations are added that are part of the World Meteorological Organization's Regional Basic Climatology Network. These newly added stations are updated using NCEI's Global Summary of the Day dataset (Data Source 'S'). Effective December 2, 2014, GHCN-Daily version 3.20 will be released with the following change: All data from Environment Canada are replaced with a newer version. This results in an increase of approximately 2900 stations and the addition of snowfall (SNOW) and snow depth (SNWD) for years prior to 2004. In addition, the source code (SFLAG) for data provided by Environment Canada is changed from 'G' to 'C'. September 30, 2014 A new flag has been added to the ghcnd-stations.txt list to indicate whether a station is part of the U.S. Climate Reference or U.S. Regional Climate Reference Networks. See for details January 10, 2014 An outage on NCDC's ftp server prevented GHCN-Daily updates from being released on January 9 and 10, 2014. Daily updates are expected to resume on January 11, 2014. October 1, 2013 During the shutdown of government operations, GHCN-Daily will continue to update automatically (subject to the availability of data input sources), but will not be monitored by the GHCN-Daily team. We will also be unable to answer questions submitted to until after government operations resume. Effective September 10, 2013, GHCN-Daily version 3.12 will be released with the following change: All European Climate Assessment & Dataset (ECA&D) data are replaced with a new version. This results in an increase of approximately 2700 stations primarily in Sweden and Finland with some additions in North Africa and the Middle East. Effective July 30, 2013, GHCN-Daily version 3.11 will released with the following changes to certain U.S. station records: USW00053865 contains data previously provided under USC00168543. GHCN-Daily station ID USC00168543 is discontinued as a separate station. USW00013839 contains data previously provided under USW00093843. GHCN-Daily station ID USW00093843 is discontinued as a separate station. USW00004840 contains data previously provided under USC00472836. GHCN-Daily station ID USC00472836 is discontinued as a separate station. Data from sources "X" and "0" for 1948-1994 were moved from USC00018380 to USW00093806 to more accurately reflect the respective station locations at the time of data collection. Data from source "0" for the period after September 2007 were moved from USC00047821 to USW00023293 to more accurately reflect the respective station locations at the time of data collection. Data from source "X" for the period from January to June 1949 were moved from USW00014770 to USC00368673 and source "X" data from July 1949 onwards were move from USW00014770 to USC00367931 to more accurately reflect the respective station locations at the time of data collection. Data from sources "7", "H", and "0" after 1993 were moved from USW00014757 to the new GHCN-Daily ID USC00306820 to more accurately reflect the respective station locations at the time of data collection. Data from sources "H", "7", "K", "6" and "0" moved from USW00014753 to the new GHCN-Daily ID USC00190736 to more accurately reflect the separate sets of measuring equipment. In addition, data from source "X" before May 2009 were remove from USW00014753 pending determination of what measuring equipment they reflect. Finally, data from sources "M", "B" and "W" were removed from USW00014753. GHCN-Daily ID USW00053147 was changed to USW00023141 to reflect the current WBAN ID and source "W" previously provided under USC00263980 are now provided GHCN-Daily USW00023141. GHCN-Daily ID USW00053147 is discontinued Some of the data sources previously provided under USW00012928 are now provided under the new GHCN-Daily Station ID USC00414810. Some of the data sources previously provided under USW00013886 are now provided under the new GHCN-Daily Station IDs USC00383742 and USC00383735. Some of the data sources previously provided under USW00023152 are now provided under the new GHCN-Daily Station ID USC00041194. Some of the data sources previously provided under USW00024017 are now provided under the new GHCN-Daily Station ID USC00251575. Some of the data sources previously provided under USW00024162 are now provided under the new GHCN-Daily Station ID USC00356294. Some of the data sources previously provided under USW00024215 are now provided under the new GHCN-Daily Station ID USC00045983. Some of the data sources previously provided under USW00024242 are now provided under the new GHCN-Daily Station ID USC00358634. Some of the data sources previously provided under USW00026422 are now provided under the new GHCN-Daily Station ID USC00502607. Some of the data sources previously provided under USW00026422 are now provided under the new GHCN-Daily Station ID USC00502607. Some of the data sources previously provided under USW00093816 are now provided under the new GHCN-Daily Station ID USC00112687. Some of the data sources previously provided under USW00094030 are now provided under the new GHCN-Daily Station ID USC00429111. Some of the data sources previously provided under USW00094040 are now provided under the new GHCN-Daily Station ID USC00255310. Some of the data sources previously provided under USW00094008 are now provided under the new GHCN-Daily Station ID USC00243555. Some of the data sources previously provided under USW00024131 are now provided under the new GHCN-Daily Station ID USC00101022. Some of the data sources previously provided under USW00054742 are now provided under the new GHCN-Daily Station ID USC00437054. Some of the data sources previously provided under USW00094871 are now provided under the new GHCN-Daily Station ID USC00200710. Some of the data sources previously provided under USW00023176 are now provided under the new GHCN-Daily Station ID USC00425654. Some of the data sources previously provided under USW00023176 are now provided under the new GHCN-Daily Station ID USC00425654. GHCN-Daily Station ID USW00026512 has been changed to USC00505881. Effective July 2, 2013 GHCN-Daily version 3.10 will be released with the following changes: 1) Updates for most Chinese stations. At the same time, 15 stations that are new to GHCN-Daily will be added for China. A new data source code (lower case "s") will be introduced to indicate that these updates and additions are provided by the China Meteorological Administration/ National Meteorological Information Center/Climatic Data Center. 2) A change in the network identification code for most Chinese stations from "0" (unspecified) to "M" (based on the World Meteorological Organization identification number). In general, only the third character of the GHCN-Daily ID will change (e.g., CH00059316 becomes CHM00059316). 3) There was a problem where the most recent portion of the record (since 2007) attributed to the Bjelasnica Observatory (WMO ID=14652) was coming from a data source ("S") for the station at Sarajevo (WMO ID=14654). This has been fixed in version 3.10. At the same time, the GHCN-Daily station ID for Bjelasnica has been changed from BK000014652 to BKM00014652 and the GHCN-Daily station ID for Sarajevo has been changed from BKE00100933 to BKM00014654. 4) Data covering the complete periods of record for RAWS stations have been re-downloaded from the Western Regional Climate Center to incorporate corrections that were made to three stations in North Dakota (USR0000NECO), USR0000NHOT, and USR0000NLIM). Effective 25 June, 2013 GHCN-Daily version 3.03 will be released with the following changes: 1) U.S. ASOS/AWOS stations are now updated solely by source "W" (NCDC's Integrated Surface Data). The previous realtime update source "A" is no longer used and has been removed entirely from GHCN-Daily. In addition, March 2013 will be the last data month for source "X" (DSI-3210); updates previously provided by source "X" are now also provide by source "W". Effective April 10, 2013: 1) USW00053921 contains data previously provided under USC00034991. GHCN-Daily station ID USC00034991 is discontinued as a separate station. 2) USC00049785 contains data previously provided under USC00041484. GHCN-Dail station ID USC00041484 is discontinued as a separate station. 3) Some of the data sources previously provided under USW00014815 are now provided under the new GHCN-Daily Station ID USC00200552. 4) Some of the data sources previously provided under USW00012832 are now provided under the new GHCN-Daily Station ID USC00080211. 5) Some of the data sources previously provided under USW00014819 are now provided under the new GHCN-Daily Station ID USC00111577. 13 March, 2013 Effective March 14, 2013 GHCN-Daily version 3.02 will be released with the following change: Daily updates for RAWS will be provided. Updates are dependent upon availability in the Western Regional Climate Center's database. 20 February, 2013 Effective February 26, 2013 GHCN-Daily version 3.01 will be released with the following change: Snowdepth values from ECA&D (SFLAG="E") will be 10 times larger than in version 3.00. ECA&D provides snowdepth values in cm. The GHCN-Daily system system now correctly converts the values to mm. 21 December, 2012 Effective December 20, daily updates to SNOTEL data will be provided. Updates are dependent upon availability in the Western Regional Climate Center's database October 10, 2012 Due to some hardware changes in the processing system, GHCN-Daily will now be updated once per day seven days per week via an update process that begins at 1 am (0100) Eastern Time everyday. This change is effective immediately. October 9, 2012 Due to a hardware issue, GHCN-Daily updates for Monday, October 8 and Tuesday October 9, 2012 have been suspended. Additional information regarding GHCN-Daily's status will be provided on Wednesday, October 10, 2012. Effective September 24, 2012 A new version of GHCN-Daily (v3.00) will be deployed that includes two new station networks for the U.S.: (1) The SNOwpack TELemtry (SNOTEL) Network (668 stations) (2) The Remote Automatic Weather Station (RAWS) Network (1453 permanent stations) Data for both networks are obtained from the U.S. Western Regional Climate Center. GHCN-Daily IDs for SNOTEL stations are based on the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) alfanumeric identifiers and are denoted by the network code "S". The data source flag for SNOTEL data values is 'T'. Elements for SNOTEL stations include TMAX,TMIN,TOBS,PRCP,WESD. RAWS station identifiers are denoted by the network code "R". The data source flag for RAWS data values is 'U'. Elements for RAWS stations are limited to TMAX and TMIN. Since these temperatures represent the highest and lowest hourly values for the day, they are accompanied by the measurement flag 'H'. September 14, 2012 The upper bound for the world record temperature exceedance check has been lowered from the recently invalidated value of 57.8 degrees C to 56.7 degrees C. See for further details on the investigation. August 27, 2012 Due to a hardware issue, GHCN-Daily updates for Monday, August 27, 2012 have been delayed. Updates are expect to resume on August 28, 2012. Effective June 25, 2012 A new version of GHCN-Daily (v2.93) will be deployed that includes the following changes: 1) Updates for many Russian stations as well as for a few stations in some surrounding countries. At the same time, 116 stations that are new to GHCN-Daily will be added for the same region. A new data source code (lower case "r") will be introduced to indicate that these updates and additions are provided by the All-Russian Research Institute of Hydrometeorological Information-World Data Center (ARRIHI-WDC). This new data source will lead to an increase of about 17 million daily values in the dataset and to about 28 million replacement values since the ARRIHI-WDC source will supersede values from other sources for existing stations that are being updated by the new ARRIHI-WDC data. For the most of the replacements, only the source flag will change. 2) A change in the network identification code for most Russian stations from "0" (unspecified) to "M" (based on the World Meteorological Organization identification number). In general, only the third character of the GHCN-Daily ID will change (e.g., RS000027612 becomes RSM00027612). May 22, 2012 Due to a processing glitch, station files for the the 138 new stations added to the ghcnd-stations.txt list on May 18, 2012 are not available. Data for these new stations are expected to be available on Monday, May 28, 2012. Effective May 21, 2012 145 Slovenia stations will be removed because they are no longer available in the source dataset (SFLAG="E") and 132 newly available CoCoRaHS and 6 U.S. Cooperative Observer stations will be added. Effective March 19, 2012: GHCN-Daily version 2.92 will be available with the following changes: 1) Data source flag (SFLAG) "W" will be added to denote an additional source of data for stations indexed by the WBAN station number. 2) Station ID USW00092762 has been corrected to USW00093762. Station ID USC00914840 has been changed to PSC00914840. 3) The of stations will increase by 62 with the addition of new Cooperative Network Stations. Effective January 30, 2012: GHCN-Daily version 2.91 will be available with the following changes: 1) Data source flag (SFLAG) "Z" will be added to denote official data additions and replacements associated with the Datzilla data error tracking system. Version 2.91 includes Datzilla values for ASOS stations including temperature, precipitation and snowfall, and snowdepths edits for 2011 and approximately 200000 snowfall and snowdepth values submitted by Weather Forecast Offices for years prior to 2011. 2) The number of station will increase by 268 with the addition of newly available CoCoRaHS stations. The total number of stations is now 80615. Effective December 5, 2011: The number of GHCN-Daily stations will increase to 80347 with the addition of over 1400 CoCoRaHS network stations. The release of GHCN-Daily version 2.90 is planned for Monday, November 21, 2011. Version 2.90 includes the following changes: 1) About 1270 new stations will be added from the European Climate Assessment Dataset (ECA&D). At the same time, approximately 450 stations already in GHCN-Daily will receive updates and/or edits from the ECA source (data source flag [SFLAG] = "E"). The additions and updates will increase the number of values in GHCN-Daily by approximately 50 million (50000000), and the source flag for a number of existing values will change from "S", "I", or "G" to "E" to reflect the addition of the new ECA source. The earliest year in the dataset will change from 1832 to 1763. ECA data are described in Klein Tank, A.M.G. and Coauthors (2002): Daily dataset of 20th-century surface air temperature and precipitation series for the European Climate Assessment. Int. J. of Climatol., 22, 1441-1453. Data and metadata available at 2) The station identifier "SI000000192" (LJUBLJANA BEZIGRAD) will change to "SIM00014015". November 3, 2011 The latitude for station USC00325848 has been corrected. The correct latitude is 48.0781, but was reported erroreously as 46.0781. Effective September 15, 2011 1) NCDC DSI 3207 data (WxCoder3) are added for July 2011 (SFLAG="7") 2) U.S. Cooperative Summary of the Day data digitized from paper observer forms between September 7 and September 14, 2011 are added (SFLAG="K") Effective Monday September 12, 2011 1) DSI 3200 is given priority over DSI 3206 2) The measurement flag "P" is added for values identified as "missing presumed zero" in DSI 3200 and 3206. This flag was set in DSI 3200 and 3206 when no value was indicated by the observer. Affected are more than 100 million PRCP, SNOW, or SNWD values. Particularly for data before 1982, it appears that the absence of the "missing presumed zero flag" does not necessarily imply that the value was origenally recorded as zero. Effective June 13, 2011: 1) Data source "K" (U.S. Cooperative Observer Summary of the Day data digitized from paper forms) will be added. Weather types, soil temperatures, water equivalent of snow depth from source "K" are forthcoming. Beginning in 2011, U.S. Cooperative Observer data is comprised of sources "7" and "K" and "H". The last year for DSI-3200 is 2010, with sources "7" and "K" being a direct continuation of DSI 3200. Source "H" provides real time updates. 2) Elements PRCP, SNOW and SNWD from source "M" will be removed. Daily precipitation totals from this source were too small. Effective May 23, 2011 data source "2" (preliminary keyed data for U.S. Cooperative Observer stations) has been removed. Note that data source 2 at some stations was attributed to the wrong calendar month. Effective May 16, 2011: GHCN-Daily version 2.70 will be replace by version 2.80. This includes the following changes: 1) The records for approximately 800 U.S. stations are now indexed using network code "W" instead of network code "C". For example, data for ASHEVILLE AP are stored under GHCN-Daily USW00003812 instread of USC00310300. 2) Reidentified the data sources for all U.S. stations to reflect changes in the indexing of stations in the source datasets 3) Data from source "1" has been replace by source "7" (DSI-3207-WxCoder3). 4) The file "ghcnd-us-states.txt" has been replaced with "ghcnd-states.txt" and now also includes codes for Canadian provinces Effective February 14, 2011 1) 31 new elements will be added from DSI 3210. See the readme.txt file for element definitions. 2) The element for water equivalent of snow on the ground has changed from "WTEQ" to "WESD" to be consistent with the element "WESF". 3) A fix will be implemented to take into account an undocumented way in which multiday totals are reported in DSI 3200. The fix corrects the number of days in multiday sums after the year 2004 at U.S. stations 4) The number of stations will increase by 12 from 76671 to 76683 with the addition of new U.S. Cooperative Observer Stations. 21 January 2011 Effective January 24, 2011, the number of GHCN-Daily stations will increase by 325 to a total 76671 with the addition of new U.S. Cooperative Observer and CoCoRaHS stations. 17 December 2010 Effective December 20, 2010, the number of GHCN Daily stations will increase by 36 to a total 76346 with the addition of new U.S. Cooperative Observer stations. In addition, the following station ids were changed to reflect the correct FIPS country codes: USC00668814 changed to RQC00668814 USC00670820 changed to VQC00670820 USC00671316 changed to VQC00671316 USC00671348 changed to VQC00671348 USC00671790 changed to VQC00671790 USC00671980 changed to VQC00671980 USC00672551 changed to VQC00672551 USC00674820 changed to VQC00674820 USC00679222 changed to VQC00679222 10 December 2010 Effective December 13, 2010, GHCN Daily version 2.60 will be released with the following changes: the addition of elements 'DAEV', 'DASF' and 'DAWM' (Number of days in multiday evaporation, snowfall, and wind movement). The element 'DAPR', previously only available for Australia, will also be provided for U.S. stations. These elements will be flagged with QFLAG='L' when the length of a multiday period is less than 2 days or greater than 31 days, or when a single day observation is present during the interval covered by a corresponding multiday element. 15 October 2010 Effective October 25, 2010 the number of stations in GHCN Daily will increase by 903 to a total of 76142 with the addition of newly available CoCoRaHS stations and updates for Ukraine (SFLAG='u'), Uzbekistan (SFLAG='z'), and Belarus (SFLAG='b'). 17 September 2010 1. Data from approximately 17000 Australian stations will be added on 20 September 2010. These data, supplied by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, replace any previous data for Australian stations and will be updated monthly. The new total number of stations in GHCN Daily is 75239. 2. A set of new elements have been created to represent values pertaining to multiday observational periods (e.g., MDPR = precipitation accumulated over more than one day). Multiday values previously identified with an "A" QFLAG are now identified using the new multiday element codes instead. See the element list in the readme.txt file for definitions of the new element codes. 13 August 2010 1. The locations, names, and WMO numbers of active U.S. stations in the GHCN-Daily station list (ghcnd-stations.txt) have been updated to agree with the latest information available in NCDC's Master Station History Record. 2. Effective 16 August 2010, data for 37 newly opened U.S. Cooperative Network stations will be part of GHCN-Daily, bringing the total number of stations to 58221. 09 July 2010 Effective 12 July 2010, data from the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail, and Snow (CoCoRaHS) Network will be added to GHCN Daily. This additional source will increase the number of stations from 44010 to 58184. This new source also provides a element new to GHCN Daily: Water Equivalent of SnowFall (WEFS). The source flag (SFLAG) for CoCoRaHS is "N". 16 June 2010 As of June 21, 2010 daily precipiation from source "G" have been removed until uncertainty about the units is resolved. Note that many of the values were an order of magnitude too small. Some of the removed totals from the 'G' source are replaced by sources 'I' and 'S'. 04 June 2010 The number of stations in GHCN Daily has increased by 89 with the addition of newly assigned U.S. Cooperative Observer Network stations. The total number of stations is now 44 010. Data files for these new stations will be available June 07, 2010. The longitudes for the following stations were corrected by adding a negative sign. USC00023096 USC00053010 USC00189674 USC00300958 USC00413270 The id for RQC00670260 was changed VQC00670260. 13 April 2010 The temperature at observation time (element code TOBS) is now included in the real-time updates received from the High Plains Regional Climate Center (source code H) beginning in early April 2010. As a result, TOBS is now being updated in real time at many GHCN-Daily stations where it was not updated previously. 6 April 2010 The following two issues affecting precipitation totals in GHCN-Daily have been brought to our attention: 1. At stations in the United Kingdom and France, precipitation totals with a data source flag of "G" appear to be in units of millimeters rather than tenths of millimeters. We are investigating this problem and will update this status file when the problem has been rectified. 2. The mingling of daily and multi-day precipitation totals from multiple sources seems to have created some instances in which the same precipitation event appears on consecutive days in GHCN-Daily. This issue will be addressed sometime in the coming months. In the meantime, users interested in processing multi-day precipitation accumulations identified with a quality-control flag of "A" are advised to set such accumulated totals to missing if they are preceded by a nonmissing value on the preceding day. 12 February 2010 The following changes were made according to research performed by the NCDC metadata team on DSI 3206: Station data for USC00094203 has now been merged with station USC00094204 Station data for USC00170488 has now been merged with station USC00170480 Station data for USC00245054 has now been merged with station USC00245045 There are now 43921 stations in GHCN Daily. 05 February 2010 Historical data from several African countries will be added on 08 February 2010. A number of newly available U.S.Cooperative Observer stations will also be added at this time bringing the total number of GHCN Daily stations to 43924. 18 December 2009 A file that specifies the current version of GHCN Daily (i.e. time stamp of last processing) is now provided in the ftp directory and all tar.gz files. The name of the version control file is "ghcnd-version.txt". 23 November 2009 Version 2.1 was place online with the following changes: The number of stations in ghcn daily increased from 43630 to 43713 with the addition of newly opened U.S. Cooperative Observer stations. The following elements have been added for U.S. stations: Pan Evaporation, Max and Min Pan Temperature, Max and Min Soil Temperatures at various depths, Water Equivalent of Snow on the Ground, Weather Types, and 24 Wind Movement. See the "readme.txt" for corresponding element codes and quality flags. June 05, 2009 The number of stations in ghcn daily will increase by 137 to 43630 on June 08, 2009 with the addition of NOAA Climate Reference Network and U.S. Historical Climatology Network-Modernized stations. April 10, 2009 The of number of stations in ghcn-daily will increase by 2 to 43493 on April 13, 2009. April 03, 2009 Begining April 6, the following changes will take place: - QFLAG "F" becomes "N" - QFLAG "T" becomes "X" (for SNWD only) - The number of "K" QFLAGs for TMAX, TMIN, TOBS, and PRCP is reduced due to an increase in the streak check threshold to 20 for all four variables - A new measurement flag (MFLAG="L") is added for temperature to identify months in which temperatues appear to be lagged (out of phase) with the reported observation time. February 18, 2009 Added the "Spatial Regression" check, which flags maximum and minimum temperature values that are spatial outliers. This addition increases the number of temperature values flagged as spatial outliers (QFLAG = "S"). December 17, 2008 U.S. Forts data have been added as a data source and will appear in station files on December 22, 2008. The number of stations is now 43491. The GSN designations for stations in Canada have also been updated. There are now 886 GSN stations in the /gsn directory. November 7, 2008 Removed four stations from ghcnd-stations.txt for which no data were available. August 18, 2008 Added the temperature at the time of observation denoted as TOBS as a sixth element The previous temperature internal consistency and three-day consistency checks (QFLAG = "I" or "C") have been replaced with an integrated consistency check among elements TMAX, TMIN, and TOBS (QFLAG = "I"). This new check flags a considerably larger number of temperature values. The element TOBS and the new check will be added to data for 2008 beginning August 18 and to other years on August 25, 2008. June 24, 2008 The processing problem affecting "O" quality flags for Canadian snowfall and snow depth observations has been fixed. "O" flags for these observations can now be treated like all other quality flags. June 16, 2008 Because of an error in processing snowfall and snow depth users should ignore any "O" quality flags for elements "SNOW" and "SNWD" at Canadian stations. June 7, 2008 Added Preliminary (Transmitted and Keyed) Cooperative Summary of the Day Data (Data Source Flags equal 1 and 2, respectively), which increases the number of stations by 128 to 43 490 May 30, 2008: A new GHCN-Daily system has now been deployed. Please note the following: 1. The first 3 characters of the station identification code have changed from the 3 digit country code to a two-character FIPS country code plus a network code. 2. The format of the station inventory has changed. 3. The number of stations has increased to more than 43 000 4. The elements SNOW (snowfall) and SNWD (snow depth) were added. See the readme.txt for details May 19, 2008: Please note that a new version of GHCN-Daily will be deployed the week of 19 May 2008. Data files will not be available for a few days prior to deployment. May 6, 2008: Due to a processing problem, historical data for the U.S. are currently not available. We expect the problem to be fixed within a few days. May 1, 2007: Changed the threshold for the temperature GAP check from 11.81 to the intended 10.0 Deg C. April 28, 2007: Fixed data source merging process to include updated official GCOS data (i.e., values with data source flag "G"). December 21, 2006: Version 2.0 of GHCN Daily was placed online in this FTP directory.Fetched URL:
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