Join us this winter and spring for New Moon Circles!

We meet monthly, starting outside with praising the elements, then move indoors for a short meditation, journaling, intention setting, art, and shared snack. Our inclusive, place-based ritual is inspired by Celtic Christianity. All ages welcome--we have kids and teenagers. If you are looking for a way to care for yourself and deepen your inner life this fall, please join us. FREE (bring a snack to share if you can, along with journaling supplies). New Haven Congregational Church. Services are 6:30-8:00 pm the night of the new moon. 91 Town Hill Road. New Moon dates this season: 1/29, 2/27, 3/29, 4/27, 5/26 and 6/25.

A Progressive, Open and Affirming Church

With a heart for our New Haven community


Spirit through Art

We feel blessed to be surrounded by natural beauty in Vermont, and our worship seeks to reflect that beauty back to God in praise. Music, storytelling, and the visual arts inspire our worship , enliven our community, and remind us of God's creative, unifying Holy Spirit.