Watch Our 4th Video Clip From Lift, Move & Restore - Functional Core Fusion
Watch Our 4th Video Clip From Lift, Move & Restore - Functional Core Fusion Cathe's Functional Core Fusion Workout: In this active core workout, we’ll train the entire core from front to back to improve overall core strength and flexibility. We’ll use a stability ball to assist in adding length, strength, and balance challenges throughout the routine. #LiftMoveRestore #ActiveAgingWorkout #AbWorkout #CoreWorkout
Total Body Medicine Ball Workout
Difficulty: Medium Medicine Ball • Complete 3 rounds of each superset before moving onto the next set. • Your reps will depend on the weight of the ball. I used a 20 lb ball & did 15-20 reps of each exercise. • By the 3rd round of some exercises I was taking breaks to make it to 15 🫣! Lol
Slam Ball circuit
⚡️Slam ball circuit⚡️ Here’s 3 explosive medicine/slam ball workouts that improve power, balance, coordination & overall strength. So give this routine a go & let me know what you think👇🏼 3 rounds 10 reps each 40-45 sec rest & repeat 2x Share • Save • Tag a friend! #slamball #workoutmotivation #hiit #hiitworkout #trainer #fitfam #fitnessmotivation #gymworkouts #functionaltraining #endurance Credit: @alexsiquig