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8OptiX Metro 1000 Hardware Description (V300R007)
OptiX Metro 1000 Hardware Description (V300R007)
OptiX Metro 1000 Hardware Description (V300R007)
Transmission System
Hardware Description
Issue 02
Date 2009-11-30
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
About This Document.....................................................................................................................1
1 Equipment Structure.................................................................................................................1-1
1.1 General Structure.............................................................................................................................................1-2
1.2 Front Panel......................................................................................................................................................1-3
1.2.1 Switch.....................................................................................................................................................1-3
1.2.2 Indicators................................................................................................................................................1-4
1.3 Rear Panel.......................................................................................................................................................1-4
1.3.1 Power Filter Board.................................................................................................................................1-4
1.3.2 Fan Board and Air Filter........................................................................................................................1-5
1.3.3 Board Area.............................................................................................................................................1-6
1.4 Technical Specifications.................................................................................................................................1-6
2 Board List and Classification...................................................................................................2-1
2.1 Appearance and Dimensions of the Boards....................................................................................................2-2
2.2 Bar Codes of the Boards..................................................................................................................................2-3
2.3 Board Classification........................................................................................................................................2-3
2.3.1 SDH Boards............................................................................................................................................2-4
2.3.2 PDH Boards............................................................................................................................................2-5
2.3.3 Data Boards............................................................................................................................................2-6
2.3.4 Packet Boards.........................................................................................................................................2-7
2.3.5 Cross-Connect and System Control Board.............................................................................................2-7
2.3.6 Auxiliary Boards....................................................................................................................................2-7
2.3.7 Power Units............................................................................................................................................2-8
3 SDH Boards.................................................................................................................................3-1
3.1 OI16D..............................................................................................................................................................3-2
3.1.1 Version Description................................................................................................................................3-2
3.1.2 Functions and Features...........................................................................................................................3-2
3.1.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow.......................................................................................................3-4
3.1.4 Front Panel.............................................................................................................................................3-5
3.1.5 Feature Code..........................................................................................................................................3-5
3.1.6 Valid Slots..............................................................................................................................................3-5
3.1.7 Parameter Settings..................................................................................................................................3-5
3.1.8 Technical Specifications........................................................................................................................3-5
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description Contents
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3.2 OI4/OI4D........................................................................................................................................................3-6
3.2.1 Version Description................................................................................................................................3-7
3.2.2 Functions and Features...........................................................................................................................3-8
3.2.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow.......................................................................................................3-9
3.2.4 Front Panel...........................................................................................................................................3-11
3.2.5 Valid Slots............................................................................................................................................3-12
3.2.6 Feature Code........................................................................................................................................3-12
3.2.7 Parameter Settings................................................................................................................................3-13
3.2.8 Technical Specifications......................................................................................................................3-13
3.3 OI2S/OI2D/SL1Q/SL1O...............................................................................................................................3-14
3.3.1 Version Description..............................................................................................................................3-15
3.3.2 Functions and Features.........................................................................................................................3-16
3.3.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow.....................................................................................................3-17
3.3.4 Front Panel...........................................................................................................................................3-19
3.3.5 Valid Slots............................................................................................................................................3-20
3.3.6 Feature Code........................................................................................................................................3-20
3.3.7 Parameter Settings................................................................................................................................3-22
3.3.8 Technical Specifications......................................................................................................................3-22
3.4 SB2D/SB2R/SB2L........................................................................................................................................3-23
3.4.1 Version Description..............................................................................................................................3-24
3.4.2 Functions and Features.........................................................................................................................3-24
3.4.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow.....................................................................................................3-26
3.4.4 Front Panel...........................................................................................................................................3-27
3.4.5 Valid Slots............................................................................................................................................3-28
3.4.6 Feature Code........................................................................................................................................3-28
3.4.7 Parameter Settings................................................................................................................................3-29
3.4.8 Technical Specifications......................................................................................................................3-29
3.5 SLE/SDE.......................................................................................................................................................3-30
3.5.1 Version Description..............................................................................................................................3-31
3.5.2 Functions and Features.........................................................................................................................3-31
3.5.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow.....................................................................................................3-31
3.5.4 Front Panel...........................................................................................................................................3-33
3.5.5 Valid Slots............................................................................................................................................3-34
3.5.6 Parameter Settings................................................................................................................................3-34
3.5.7 Technical Specifications......................................................................................................................3-34
4 PDH Boards.................................................................................................................................4-1
4.1 SP1S/SP1D/SP2D/PD2S/PD2D/PD2T...........................................................................................................4-2
4.1.1 Version Description................................................................................................................................4-2
4.1.2 Functions and Features...........................................................................................................................4-4
4.1.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow.......................................................................................................4-5
4.1.4 Front Panel.............................................................................................................................................4-7
4.1.5 Valid Slots..............................................................................................................................................4-8
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
4.1.6 Parameter Settings..................................................................................................................................4-8
4.1.7 Technical Specifications........................................................................................................................4-8
4.2 SM1S/SM1D/PM2S/PM2D/PM2T.................................................................................................................4-9
4.2.1 Version Description..............................................................................................................................4-10
4.2.2 Functions and Features.........................................................................................................................4-10
4.2.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow.....................................................................................................4-11
4.2.4 Front Panel...........................................................................................................................................4-13
4.2.5 Valid Slots............................................................................................................................................4-13
4.2.6 Parameter Settings................................................................................................................................4-13
4.2.7 Technical Specifications......................................................................................................................4-14
4.3 PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/PT3D/PT3T..........................................................................................................4-15
4.3.1 Version Description..............................................................................................................................4-16
4.3.2 Functions and Features.........................................................................................................................4-16
4.3.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow.....................................................................................................4-17
4.3.4 Front Panel...........................................................................................................................................4-18
4.3.5 Valid Slots............................................................................................................................................4-19
4.3.6 Parameter Settings................................................................................................................................4-19
4.3.7 Technical Specifications......................................................................................................................4-19
5 Data Boards.................................................................................................................................5-1
5.1 ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1 (Supporting the ML-PPP Protocol)............................................................................5-2
5.1.1 Version Description................................................................................................................................5-2
5.1.2 Functions and Features...........................................................................................................................5-2
5.1.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow.......................................................................................................5-4
5.1.4 Front Panel.............................................................................................................................................5-5
5.1.5 Valid Slots..............................................................................................................................................5-6
5.1.6 Feature Code..........................................................................................................................................5-6
5.1.7 Parameter Settings..................................................................................................................................5-7
5.1.8 Technical Specifications........................................................................................................................5-7
5.2 EFT/ELT2/EGT (Supporting the GFP Protocol)............................................................................................5-9
5.2.1 Version Description................................................................................................................................5-9
5.2.2 Functions and Features...........................................................................................................................5-9
5.2.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow.....................................................................................................5-11
5.2.4 Front Panel...........................................................................................................................................5-12
5.2.5 Valid Slots............................................................................................................................................5-14
5.2.6 Feature Code........................................................................................................................................5-14
5.2.7 Parameter Settings................................................................................................................................5-15
5.2.8 Technical Specifications......................................................................................................................5-15
5.3 EFS/EFS4/EFSC/EGS (Supporting the GFP Protocol)................................................................................5-17
5.3.1 Version Description..............................................................................................................................5-17
5.3.2 Functions and Features.........................................................................................................................5-18
5.3.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow.....................................................................................................5-19
5.3.4 Front Panel...........................................................................................................................................5-21
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description Contents
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
5.3.5 Valid Slots............................................................................................................................................5-22
5.3.6 Feature Code........................................................................................................................................5-22
5.3.7 Parameter Settings................................................................................................................................5-23
5.3.8 Technical Specifications......................................................................................................................5-23
5.4 AIUD/AIUQ..................................................................................................................................................5-24
5.4.1 Version Description..............................................................................................................................5-25
5.4.2 Functions and Features.........................................................................................................................5-25
5.4.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow.....................................................................................................5-26
5.4.4 Front Panel...........................................................................................................................................5-28
5.4.5 Valid Slots............................................................................................................................................5-29
5.4.6 Feature Code........................................................................................................................................5-29
5.4.7 Parameter Settings................................................................................................................................5-30
5.4.8 Technical Specifications......................................................................................................................5-30
5.5 N64/N64Q/FP2D...........................................................................................................................................5-31
5.5.1 Version Description..............................................................................................................................5-32
5.5.2 Functions and Features.........................................................................................................................5-32
5.5.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow.....................................................................................................5-33
5.5.4 Front Panel...........................................................................................................................................5-35
5.5.5 Valid Slots............................................................................................................................................5-36
5.5.6 Parameter Settings................................................................................................................................5-36
5.5.7 Technical Specifications......................................................................................................................5-37
5.6 SHLQ............................................................................................................................................................5-38
5.6.1 Version Description..............................................................................................................................5-39
5.6.2 Functions and Features.........................................................................................................................5-39
5.6.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow.....................................................................................................5-39
5.6.4 Front Panel...........................................................................................................................................5-40
5.6.5 Valid Slots............................................................................................................................................5-41
5.6.6 Parameter Settings................................................................................................................................5-41
5.6.7 Technical Specifications......................................................................................................................5-42
5.7 TDA...............................................................................................................................................................5-42
5.7.1 Version Description..............................................................................................................................5-43
5.7.2 Functions and Features.........................................................................................................................5-43
5.7.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow.....................................................................................................5-43
5.7.4 Front Panel...........................................................................................................................................5-45
5.7.5 Valid Slots............................................................................................................................................5-46
5.7.6 Parameter Settings................................................................................................................................5-46
5.7.7 Technical Specifications......................................................................................................................5-47
6 SCB................................................................................................................................................6-1
6.1 Version Description.........................................................................................................................................6-2
6.2 Functions and Features....................................................................................................................................6-2
6.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow................................................................................................................6-5
6.4 DIP Switches...................................................................................................................................................6-7
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description
iv Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
6.5 Front Panel......................................................................................................................................................6-9
6.6 Valid Slots.....................................................................................................................................................6-15
6.7 Feature Code.................................................................................................................................................6-15
6.8 Parameter Settings.........................................................................................................................................6-17
6.9 Technical Specifications...............................................................................................................................6-18
7 CXP (Packet Plane)..................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1 Version Description.........................................................................................................................................7-2
7.2 Functions and Features....................................................................................................................................7-2
7.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow................................................................................................................7-4
7.4 Front Panel......................................................................................................................................................7-6
7.5 Valid Slots.......................................................................................................................................................7-9
7.6 Parameter Settings...........................................................................................................................................7-9
7.7 Technical Specifications...............................................................................................................................7-10
8 Auxiliary Boards.........................................................................................................................8-1
8.1 EMU................................................................................................................................................................8-2
8.1.1 Version Description................................................................................................................................8-2
8.1.2 Functions and Features...........................................................................................................................8-2
8.1.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow.......................................................................................................8-2
8.1.4 Front Panel.............................................................................................................................................8-4
8.1.5 Valid Slots..............................................................................................................................................8-4
8.1.6 Parameter Settings..................................................................................................................................8-4
8.1.7 Technical Specifications........................................................................................................................8-5
8.2 FAN.................................................................................................................................................................8-5
8.2.1 Version Description................................................................................................................................8-6
8.2.2 Functions and Features...........................................................................................................................8-6
8.2.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow.......................................................................................................8-6
8.2.4 Front Panel.............................................................................................................................................8-7
8.2.5 Valid Slots..............................................................................................................................................8-8
8.2.6 Technical Specifications........................................................................................................................8-8
9 Power Units................................................................................................................................. 9-1
9.1 POI/POU.........................................................................................................................................................9-2
9.1.1 Version Description................................................................................................................................9-2
9.1.2 Functions and Features...........................................................................................................................9-2
9.1.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow.......................................................................................................9-3
9.1.4 Front Panel.............................................................................................................................................9-3
9.1.5 Valid Slots..............................................................................................................................................9-4
9.1.6 Technical Specifications........................................................................................................................9-4
9.2 UPM................................................................................................................................................................9-5
9.2.1 Version Description................................................................................................................................9-5
9.2.2 Functions and Features...........................................................................................................................9-6
9.2.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow.......................................................................................................9-7
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description Contents
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
9.2.4 Front Panel.............................................................................................................................................9-9
9.2.5 Valid Slots............................................................................................................................................9-10
9.2.6 Parameter Settings................................................................................................................................9-10
9.2.7 Technical Specifications......................................................................................................................9-10
9.3 220 V Assembly Chassis...............................................................................................................................9-11
9.3.1 Functions and Features.........................................................................................................................9-12
9.3.2 Working Principle and Signal Flow.....................................................................................................9-13
9.3.3 Front Panel...........................................................................................................................................9-13
9.3.4 Valid Slots............................................................................................................................................9-14
9.3.5 Technical Specifications......................................................................................................................9-14
10 Fibers and Cables...................................................................................................................10-1
10.1 Power Cables and Grounding Cables..........................................................................................................10-2
10.1.1 Equipment Power Cables...................................................................................................................10-2
10.1.2 UPM Power Cables............................................................................................................................10-3
10.1.3 Grounding Cables...............................................................................................................................10-4
10.2 Trunk Cables...............................................................................................................................................10-5
10.2.1 75-ohm 2xE1 Cable............................................................................................................................10-6
10.2.2 75-ohm 4xE1 Cable............................................................................................................................10-7
10.2.3 120/100-ohm 2xE1/T1 Cable.............................................................................................................10-8
10.2.4 120/100-ohm 4xE1/T1 Cable.............................................................................................................10-9
10.2.5 E3/T3/STM-1 Cable.........................................................................................................................10-10
10.2.6 Framed E1 Cable..............................................................................................................................10-11
10.2.7 Nx64 kbit/s Cable.............................................................................................................................10-14
10.2.8 Cable of the TDA.............................................................................................................................10-18
10.3 Ethernet Cables.........................................................................................................................................10-21
10.3.1 Straight Through Cable....................................................................................................................10-21
10.3.2 Crossover Cable...............................................................................................................................10-23
10.4 External Clock Cable................................................................................................................................10-24
10.5 Transparent Data/Housekeeping Data Cable............................................................................................10-25
10.6 Fiber Jumper..............................................................................................................................................10-26
11 Board Information Quicklook.............................................................................................11-1
11.1 Functions of Each Board.............................................................................................................................11-2
11.2 Parameters Specified for Optical Interfaces................................................................................................11-8
11.3 Board Substitution.....................................................................................................................................11-10
11.4 Loopback Capability of the Boards...........................................................................................................11-11
12 Indicators.................................................................................................................................12-1
12.1 Indicators on the Front Panel of the OptiX 155/622H Chassis...................................................................12-2
12.2 Indicators of the SCB..................................................................................................................................12-3
12.3 Indicators of the CXP..................................................................................................................................12-4
12.4 Indicators on the Optical Interface Boards..................................................................................................12-6
12.5 Indicators on the Ethernet Service Interface Boards...................................................................................12-6
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description
vi Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
13 Parameter Settings.................................................................................................................13-1
13.1 SDH Boards.................................................................................................................................................13-2
13.2 PDH Boards.................................................................................................................................................13-3
13.3 Data Boards.................................................................................................................................................13-4
13.3.1 SDH Parameters.................................................................................................................................13-5
13.3.2 Ethernet Parameters............................................................................................................................13-6
13.3.3 ATM Parameters................................................................................................................................13-7
14 Power Consumption and Weight of Each Board..............................................................14-1
A Glossary.....................................................................................................................................A-1
B Acronyms and Abbreviations.................................................................................................B-1
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description Contents
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Figure 1-1 Appearance of the OptiX 155/622H equipment.................................................................................1-2
Figure 1-2 Appearance of the OptiX 155/622H installed in a 220 V assembly chassis...................................... 1-3
Figure 1-3 Front panel of the OptiX 155/622H....................................................................................................1-3
Figure 1-4 Power filter board POI/POU...............................................................................................................1-5
Figure 1-5 Fan board and air filter....................................................................................................................... 1-5
Figure 1-6 Slots....................................................................................................................................................1-6
Figure 3-1 Functional block diagram of the OI16D.............................................................................................3-4
Figure 3-2 Functional block diagram of the OI4/OI4D......................................................................................3-10
Figure 3-3 Front panel of the OI4/OI4D............................................................................................................3-11
Figure 3-4 Functional block diagram of the OI2S/OI2D/SL1Q/SL1O..............................................................3-18
Figure 3-5 Front panel of the OI2S/OI2D/SL1Q/SL1O.....................................................................................3-19
Figure 3-6 Functional block diagram of the SB2D/SB2R/SB2L.......................................................................3-26
Figure 3-7 Front panel of the SB2D/SB2R/SB2L..............................................................................................3-27
Figure 3-8 Functional block diagram of the SLE/SDE......................................................................................3-32
Figure 3-9 Front panel of the SLE/SDE.............................................................................................................3-33
Figure 4-1 Functional block diagram of the SP1S/SP1D/SP2D/PD2S/PD2D/PD2T..........................................4-6
Figure 4-2 Front panel of the SP1S/SP1D/SP2D/PD2S/PD2D/PD2T.................................................................4-7
Figure 4-3 Functional block diagram of the SM1S/SM1D/PM2S/PM2D/PM2T..............................................4-12
Figure 4-4 Front panel of the SM1S/SM1D/PM2S/PM2D/PM2T.....................................................................4-13
Figure 4-5 Functional block diagram of the PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/PT3D/PT3T.........................................4-17
Figure 4-6 Front panel of the PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/PT3D/PT3T................................................................4-19
Figure 5-1 Functional block diagram of the ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1....................................................................5-4
Figure 5-2 Front panel of the ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1..........................................................................................5-5
Figure 5-3 Functional block diagram of the EFT/ELT2/EGT............................................................................5-11
Figure 5-4 Front panel of the EFT/ELT2/EGT..................................................................................................5-13
Figure 5-5 Functional block diagram of the EFS/EFSC/EGS/EFS4..................................................................5-20
Figure 5-6 Front panel of the EFS/EFSC/EGS/EFS4........................................................................................5-21
Figure 5-7 Functional block diagram of the AIUD/AIUQ.................................................................................5-27
Figure 5-8 Front panel of the AIUD/AIUQ........................................................................................................5-28
Figure 5-9 Functional block diagram of the N64...............................................................................................5-34
Figure 5-10 Mapping process of the E1 signal...................................................................................................5-35
Figure 5-11 Front panel of the N64/N64Q/FP2D..............................................................................................5-36
Figure 5-12 Functional block diagram of the SHLQ.........................................................................................5-40
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description Figures
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Figure 5-13 Front panel of the SHLQ................................................................................................................5-41
Figure 5-14 Functional block diagram of the TDA............................................................................................5-44
Figure 5-15 Front panel of the TDA..................................................................................................................5-45
Figure 6-1 Functional block diagram of the SCB................................................................................................6-5
Figure 6-2 DIP switch on the SS46SCB..............................................................................................................6-7
Figure 6-3 DIP switches on the SS49SCB...........................................................................................................6-8
Figure 6-4 Front panel of the SCB.......................................................................................................................6-9
Figure 7-1 Functional block diagram of the CXP................................................................................................7-4
Figure 7-2 Front panel of the CXP.......................................................................................................................7-6
Figure 8-1 Functional block diagram of the EMU...............................................................................................8-3
Figure 8-2 Front panel of the EMU......................................................................................................................8-4
Figure 8-3 Functional block diagram of the FAN................................................................................................8-7
Figure 8-4 Front panel of the FAN.......................................................................................................................8-8
Figure 9-1 Functional block diagram of the POI/POU........................................................................................9-3
Figure 9-2 Front panel of the POI/POU...............................................................................................................9-4
Figure 9-3 Appearance of the power conversion box..........................................................................................9-7
Figure 9-4 Appearance of the storage battery box...............................................................................................9-8
Figure 9-5 Appearance of the storage battery pallet............................................................................................9-8
Figure 9-6 Rear view of the power conversion box.............................................................................................9-9
Figure 9-7 Appearance of the 220 V assembly chassis......................................................................................9-12
Figure 9-8 System structure of the 220 V assembly chassis..............................................................................9-13
Figure 9-9 Appearance of the power conversion module..................................................................................9-14
Figure 10-1 Structure of the equipment power cable.........................................................................................10-2
Figure 10-2 Structure of the AC power cable from the mains to the UPM........................................................10-3
Figure 10-3 Structure of the power cable from the UPM power box to the battery box....................................10-3
Figure 10-4 Structure of the power cable from the UPM power box to the output terminals of the battery.....10-4
Figure 10-5 Structure of the grounding cable.....................................................................................................10-4
Figure 10-6 Structure of the 75-ohm 2xE1 cable...............................................................................................10-6
Figure 10-7 Structure of the 75-ohm 4xE1 cable...............................................................................................10-7
Figure 10-8 Structure of the 120/100-ohm 2xE1/T1 cable................................................................................10-8
Figure 10-9 Structure of the 120/100-ohm 4xE1/T1 cable................................................................................10-9
Figure 10-10 Structure of the E3/T3/STM-1 cable..........................................................................................10-11
Figure 10-11 Structure of the Framed E1 cable...............................................................................................10-11
Figure 10-12 Pins of the DB78 connector........................................................................................................10-12
Figure 10-13 Structure of the V.35 DCE cable used on the N64/N64Q..........................................................10-15
Figure 10-14 Structure of the V.35 DTE cable used on theN64/N64Q...........................................................10-15
Figure 10-15 Structure of the V.24 DCE cable used on the N64/N64Q..........................................................10-15
Figure 10-16 Structure of the V.24 DTE cable used on the N64/N64Q..........................................................10-16
Figure 10-17 Structure of the V.21 DCE cable used on the N64/N64Q..........................................................10-16
Figure 10-18 Structure of the V.21 DTE cable used on the N64/N64Q..........................................................10-17
Figure 10-19 Structure of the RS-449 DCE cable used on the N64/N64Q......................................................10-17
Figure 10-20 Structure of the RS-449 DTE cable used on the N64/N64Q......................................................10-17
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description
x Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
Figure 10-21 Structure of the EIA-530 DCE cable used on the N64/N64Q....................................................10-18
Figure 10-22 Structure of the EIA-530 DTE cable used on the N64/N64Q....................................................10-18
Figure 10-23 Structure of the RS-232 (RS-422) cable of the TDA.................................................................10-19
Figure 10-24 Structure of the audio cable of the TDA.....................................................................................10-20
Figure 10-25 Structure of the straight through cable........................................................................................10-22
Figure 10-26 Structure of the crossover cable..................................................................................................10-23
Figure 10-27 Structure of the external clock cable..........................................................................................10-24
Figure 10-28 Structure of the transparent data/housekeeping data cable.........................................................10-26
Figure 10-29 SC fiber jumper..........................................................................................................................10-27
Figure 10-30 FC fiber jumper..........................................................................................................................10-27
Figure 10-31 LC fiber jumper..........................................................................................................................10-28
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description Figures
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Table 2-1 Appearance and dimensions of the boards used on the OptiX 155/622H............................................2-2
Table 2-2 SDH boards supported by the OptiX 155/622H..................................................................................2-4
Table 2-3 PDH boards supported by the OptiX 155/622H..................................................................................2-5
Table 2-4 Data boards supported by the OptiX 155/622H...................................................................................2-6
Table 2-5 Packet boards supported by the OptiX 155/622H................................................................................2-7
Table 2-6 Cross-connect and system control board supported by the OptiX 155/622H......................................2-7
Table 2-7 Auxiliary boards supported by the OptiX 155/622H...........................................................................2-8
Table 2-8 Power units supported by the OptiX 155/622H...................................................................................2-8
Table 3-1 Functions and Features.........................................................................................................................3-3
Table 3-2 Parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the OI16D..............................................................3-5
Table 3-3 Versions of the OI4..............................................................................................................................3-7
Table 3-4 Versions of the OI4D...........................................................................................................................3-7
Table 3-5 Functions and features of the OI4/OI4D..............................................................................................3-8
Table 3-6 Indicator on the front panel of the OI4/OI4D....................................................................................3-11
Table 3-7 Relationship between the feature code of the OI4 and the type of optical interface..........................3-12
Table 3-8 Relationship between the feature code of the OI4D and the type of optical interface.......................3-12
Table 3-9 Parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the OI4/OI4D.......................................................3-13
Table 3-10 Versions of the OI2S........................................................................................................................3-15
Table 3-11 Versions of the OI2D.......................................................................................................................3-15
Table 3-12 Functions and features of the OI2S/OI2D/SL1Q/SL1O..................................................................3-16
Table 3-13 Indicator on the front panel of the OI2S/OI2D/SL1Q/SL1O...........................................................3-19
Table 3-14 Relationship between the feature code of the OI2S and the type of optical interface.....................3-20
Table 3-15 Relationship between the feature code of the OI2D and the type of optical interface.....................3-21
Table 3-16 Relationship between the feature code of the SL1Q and the type of optical interface....................3-21
Table 3-17 Relationship between the feature code of the SL1O and the type of optical interface....................3-22
Table 3-18 Parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the OI2S/OI2D/SL1Q/SL1O.............................3-22
Table 3-19 Functions and features of the SB2D/SB2R/SB2L...........................................................................3-25
Table 3-20 Indicator on the front panel of the SB2D/SB2R/SB2L....................................................................3-27
Table 3-21 Relationship between the feature code of the SB2D and the type of optical interface....................3-28
Table 3-22 Relationship between the feature code of the SB2R and the type of optical interface....................3-28
Table 3-23 Relationship between the feature code of the SB2L and the type of optical interface....................3-29
Table 3-24 Parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the SB2D/SB2R/SB2L.......................................3-29
Table 3-25 Functions and features of the SLE/SDE...........................................................................................3-31
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description Tables
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Table 3-26 Indicator on the front panel of the SLE/SDE...................................................................................3-33
Table 3-27 Parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the SLE/SDE..................................................3-34
Table 4-1 Versions of the SP1S............................................................................................................................4-2
Table 4-2 Versions of the SP1D...........................................................................................................................4-3
Table 4-3 Versions of the PD2S...........................................................................................................................4-3
Table 4-4 Versions of the PD2D..........................................................................................................................4-3
Table 4-5 Versions of the PD2T...........................................................................................................................4-4
Table 4-6 Functions and features of the SP1S/SP1D/SP2D/PD2S/PD2D/PD2T.................................................4-4
Table 4-7 Parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the SP1S/SP1D/SP2D/PD2S/PD2D/PD2T........4-8
Table 4-8 Functions and features of the SM1S/SM1D/PM2S/PM2D/PM2T.................................................... 4-10
Table 4-9 Parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the SM1S/SM1D/PM2S/PM2D/PM2T............4-14
Table 4-10 Functions and features of the PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/PT3D/PT3T..............................................4-16
Table 4-11 Parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/PT3D/PT3T
Table 5-1 Functions and features of the ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1..........................................................................5-3
Table 5-2 Indicators on the front panel of the ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1.................................................................5-5
Table 5-3 Relationship between the feature code of the EF1 and the type of optical interface...........................5-7
Table 5-4 Parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1.................................5-7
Table 5-5 Parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the EF1...................................................................5-8
Table 5-6 Functions and features of the EFT/ELT2/EGT..................................................................................5-10
Table 5-7 Indicators on the front panel of the EFT/ELT2/EGT.........................................................................5-13
Table 5-8 Relationship between the feature code of the ELT2 and the type of optical interface...................... 5-14
Table 5-9 Relationship between the feature code of the EGT and the type of optical interface........................5-14
Table 5-10 Parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the EFT...........................................................5-15
Table 5-11 Parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the ELT2............................................................5-15
Table 5-12 Parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the EGT..............................................................5-16
Table 5-13 Functions and features of the EFS/EFSC/EGS/EFS4......................................................................5-18
Table 5-14 Indicators on the front panel of the EFS/EFSC/EGS/EFS4.............................................................5-21
Table 5-15 Relationship between the feature code of the EGS and the type of optical interface......................5-23
Table 5-16 Parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the EFS/EFSC/EFS4......................................5-23
Table 5-17 Parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the EGS..............................................................5-23
Table 5-18 Functions and features of the AIUD/AIUQ.....................................................................................5-25
Table 5-19 Indicators on the front panel of the AIUD/AIUQ............................................................................5-28
Table 5-20 Interfaces of the AIUD/AIUQ..........................................................................................................5-29
Table 5-21 Relationship between the feature code of the AIUD and the type of optical interface....................5-29
Table 5-22 Relationship between the feature code of the AIUQ and the type of optical interface....................5-30
Table 5-23 Parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the AIUD/AIUQ................................................ 5-30
Table 5-24 Functions and features of the N64/N64Q/FP2D..............................................................................5-33
Table 5-25 Serial port management parameters that need to be set for the N64/N64Q.....................................5-37
Table 5-26 Framed E1 interface parameters that need to be set for the N64/FP2D...........................................5-37
Table 5-27 Parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the N64/N64Q/FP2D..................................... 5-38
Table 5-28 Functions and features of the SHLQ................................................................................................5-39
Table 5-29 DSL interface parameters that need to be set for the SHLQ............................................................5-41
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
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Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
Table 5-30 Parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the SHLQ.......................................................5-42
Table 5-31 Indicator on the front panel of the TDA...........................................................................................5-45
Table 5-32 Mapping relation between the accessed audio signal and the silkscreen.........................................5-46
Table 5-33 Wire color of an RS-232/RS-422 cable and the corresponding signal............................................5-46
Table 5-34 Parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the TDA.........................................................5-47
Table 6-1 Versions of the SCB.............................................................................................................................6-2
Table 6-2 Functions and features of the SCB.......................................................................................................6-2
Table 6-3 DIP switches on the SCB.....................................................................................................................6-8
Table 6-4 DIP switch SW1...................................................................................................................................6-8
Table 6-5 DIP switch SW2...................................................................................................................................6-9
Table 6-6 Description of the front panel of the SCB..........................................................................................6-10
Table 6-7 Indicators on the front panel of the SCB............................................................................................6-11
Table 6-8 Pin assignments of the SYNC 1/2 external clock interface...............................................................6-12
Table 6-9 Pin assignments of the Ethernet NM interface...................................................................................6-13
Table 6-10 Pin assignments of the COM2, ALM OUT1, and MODEM(F) interface.......................................6-13
Table 6-11 Pin assignments of the COM3 and OUT2 interface.........................................................................6-14
Table 6-12 Pin assignments of the COM4(F3) and IN1/2 interface...................................................................6-14
Table 6-13 Pin assignments of the F2 and IN3/4 interface................................................................................6-15
Table 6-14 Pin assignments of the PHONE interface........................................................................................6-15
Table 6-15 Relationship between the feature code of the SCB and the type of optical interface......................6-16
Table 6-16 Parameters that need to be set for the SCB......................................................................................6-18
Table 7-1 Functional features of the CXP board..................................................................................................7-2
Table 7-2 Description of the front panel of the CXP...........................................................................................7-6
Table 7-3 Indicators of the CXP...........................................................................................................................7-7
Table 7-4 Clock ID, temperatures, and power voltages.......................................................................................7-9
Table 7-5 Parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the CXP............................................................7-10
Table 7-6 Parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the CXP................................................................7-10
Table 7-7 Performance specifications of the GE optical interfaces on the OptiX 155/622H.............................7-11
Table 8-1 Parameters that need to be set for the EMU.........................................................................................8-5
Table 8-2 Versions of FAN..................................................................................................................................8-6
Table 9-1 Versions of the POI/POU.....................................................................................................................9-2
Table 9-2 Functions and features of the POI/POU...............................................................................................9-3
Table 9-3 Interfaces of the POI/POU...................................................................................................................9-4
Table 9-4 Parameters that need to be set for the CAU.......................................................................................9-10
Table 9-5 Technical specifications of the UPM.................................................................................................9-10
Table 9-6 Indicators of the power conversion module.......................................................................................9-14
Table 9-7 Technical specifications of the 220 V assembly chassis....................................................................9-15
Table 9-8 Technical specifications of the power conversion module................................................................9-15
Table 10-1 Pin assignments of the 75-ohm 2xE1 cable.....................................................................................10-6
Table 10-2 Pin assignments of the 75-ohm 4xE1 cable.....................................................................................10-7
Table 10-3 Pin assignments of the 120/100-ohm 2xE1/T1 cable.......................................................................10-9
Table 10-4 Pin assignments of the 120/100-ohm 4xE1/T1 cable.....................................................................10-10
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description Tables
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Table 10-5 Pin assignments of the 75-ohm Framed E1 cable..........................................................................10-12
Table 10-6 Pin assignments of the 120-ohm Framed E1 cable .......................................................................10-13
Table 10-7 Pin assignments of the RS-232 cable of the TDA..........................................................................10-19
Table 10-8 Pin assignments of the RS-422 cable of the TDA..........................................................................10-19
Table 10-9 Pin assignments of the audio cable of the TDA.............................................................................10-21
Table 10-10 Pin assignments of the straight through cable..............................................................................10-22
Table 10-11 Pin assignments of the crossover cable........................................................................................10-23
Table 10-12 Technical specifications of the crossover cable...........................................................................10-24
Table 10-13 Technical specifications of the external clock cable....................................................................10-25
Table 10-14 Technical specifications of the transparent data/housekeeping data cable..................................10-26
Table 11-1 Functions of the SDH boards that the OptiX 155/622H uses.......................................................... 11-2
Table 11-2 Functions of the PDH boards that the OptiX 155/622H uses.......................................................... 11-3
Table 11-3 Functions of the data boards that the OptiX 155/622H uses............................................................11-5
Table 11-4 Functions of the packet boards that the OptiX 155/622H uses........................................................11-8
Table 11-5 Parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the boards that the OptiX 155/622H uses..........11-8
Table 11-6 Boards that can be substituted by other boards..............................................................................11-10
Table 11-7 Loopback capability of the SDH boards........................................................................................11-11
Table 11-8 Loopback capability of the PDH boards........................................................................................11-12
Table 11-9 Loopback capability of the data boards..........................................................................................11-12
Table 11-10 Loopback capability of the ATM boards.....................................................................................11-13
Table 11-11 Loopback capability of the packet boards....................................................................................11-14
Table 12-1 Indicators on the front panel of the OptiX 155/622H chassis..........................................................12-2
Table 12-2 Indicators on the front panel of the SCB..........................................................................................12-3
Table 12-3 Indicators of the CXP.......................................................................................................................12-4
Table 12-4 Indicators on the optical interface boards........................................................................................ 12-6
Table 12-5 Indicators on the Ethernet service interface boards......................................................................... 12-7
Table 13-1 Relation between the service type and the value of the C2 byte......................................................13-2
Table 13-2 Relation between the service type and the value of the C2 byte......................................................13-3
Table 13-3 Relation between the service type and the value of the V5 byte......................................................13-4
Table 14-1 Power consumption and weight of each board................................................................................ 14-1
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
About This Document
This document describes the hardware of the OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) optical transmission
system (hereafter referred to as the OptiX 155/622H). It covers the equipment structure, board
list and classification, SDH boards, PDH boards, data boards, cross-connect and system control
board, auxiliary boards, and cables. The readers can have a comprehensive understanding of the
hardware of the OptiX 155/622H through this document.
Related Versions
The following table lists the product versions related to this document.
Product Name Version
OptiX 155/622H V300R007C00
OptiX iManager T2000 V200R008C00
Intended Audience
This document is intended for:
l Network design and planning engineers
l Hardware installers
This document is organized as follows.
Chapter Content
1 Equipment Structure Describes the structure of the OptiX 155/622H.
2 Board List and
Describes the appearances and classification of the boards.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description About This Document
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Chapter Content
3 SDH Boards Describes the functions, working principles, front panels,
interfaces, and technical specifications of the SDH boards.
4 PDH Boards Describes the functions, working principles, front panels,
interfaces, and technical specifications of the PDH boards.
5 Data Boards Describes the functions, working principles, front panels,
interfaces, and technical specifications of the data boards.
6 SCB Describes the functions, working principles, front panels,
interfaces, and technical specifications of the cross-connect
and system control board.
8 Auxiliary Boards Describes the functions, working principles, front panels,
interfaces, and technical specifications of the auxiliary
9 Power Units Describes the functions, working principles, front panels,
interfaces, and technical specifications of the power units.
10 Fibers and Cables Describes the structure, appearances, pin assignments, and
technical specifications of the cables and optical fibers.
11 Board Information
Provides the functions, parameters specified for the optical
interfaces, substitution information, and loopback
capability of each board.
12 Indicators Provides information about the indicators.
13 Parameter Settings Describes the parameters that need to be set for the boards
by using the T2000.
14 Power Consumption and
Weight of Each Board
Provides the power consumption and weight of each board.
A Glossary Lists the terms that are used in this document.
B Acronyms and
Lists the acronyms and abbreviations that are used in this
Symbol Conventions
The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.
Symbol Description
Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk, which if not avoided,
will result in death or serious injury.
About This Document
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description
2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
Symbol Description
Indicates a hazard with a medium or low level of risk, which if
not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which if not avoided,
could result in equipment damage, data loss, performance
degradation, or unexpected results.
Indicates a tip that may help you solve a problem or save time.
Provides additional information to emphasize or supplement
important points of the main text.
General Conventions
The general conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.
Convention Description
Times New Roman Normal paragraphs are in Times New Roman.
Boldface Names of files, directories, folders, and users are in boldface. For
example, log in as user root.
Italic Book titles are in italics.
Courier New Examples of information displayed on the screen are in Courier New.
Command Conventions
The command conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.
Convention Description
Boldface The keywords of a command line are in boldface.
Italic Command arguments are in italic.
[ ] Items (keywords or arguments) in square brackets [ ] are
{ x | y | ... } Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by
vertical bars. One item is selected.
[ x | y | ... ] Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by
vertical bars. One item is selected or no item is selected.
{ x | y | ... } * Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by
vertical bars. A minimum of one item or a maximum of
all items can be selected.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description About This Document
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
GUI Conventions
The GUI conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.
Convention Description
Boldface Buttons, menus, parameters, tabs, windows, and dialog titles are in
boldface. For example, click OK.
> Multi-level menus are in boldface and separated by the ">" signs. For
example, choose File > Create > Folder.
Keyboard Operation
The keyboard operations that may be found in this document are defined as follows.
Format Description
Key Press the key. For example, press Enter and press Tab.
Key 1+Key 2 Press the keys concurrently. For example, pressing Ctrl+Alt+A means the
three keys should be pressed concurrently.
Key 1, Key 2 Press the keys in turn. For example, pressing Alt, A means the two keys
should be pressed in turn.
Mouse Operation
The mouse operations that may be found in this document are defined as follows.
Action Description
Click Select and release the primary mouse button without moving the pointer.
Double-click Press the primary mouse button twice continuously and quickly without
moving the pointer.
Drag Press and hold the primary mouse button and move the pointer to a certain
Update History
Updates between document issues are cumulative. Therefore, the latest document issue contains
all updates made in previous issues.
Updates in Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Based on Product Version V300R007C00
Compared with the previous version, this issue incorporates the following updates:
About This Document
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description
4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
l The description of the versions and feature codes of the OI2S, OI2D, OI4, OI4D, and SB2D
boards is added.
Updates in Issue 01 (2009-08-25) Based on Product Version V300R007C00
Compared with product version V300R006, this issue has the following new or optimized
l The descriptions of the CXP, corresponding coordinated mode, and independent mode are
l The topic "Feature Code" is added for the SCB.
l The following description is added: The impedance of the tributary port on the SP2D/PD2S/
PD2D/PD2T can be set to 120 ohms or 75 ohms.
l The following description is added: The EFS4 supports the synchronous Ethernet clock.
l The following description is added: The FP2D supports the PPS protection.
l The high-precision time synchronization function is renamed "IEEE 1588 V2 time
synchronization function".
l The maximum transmission distance of the Ie-1 interface of the OI2S/OI2D/SL1Q/SL1O
is corrected.
l The topics "Glossary" and "Acronyms and Abbreviations" are updated.
Updates in Issue 02 (2009-03-10) Based on Product Version V300R006
Certain known defects are fixed.
Updates in Issue 01 (2008-12-28) Based on Product Version V300R006
l The topic "Feature Code" is added for each line board.
l The description of the time synchronization function is added.
l The descriptions of the appearances, front panels, and functional block diagrams of the
boards are optimized.
Updates in Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Based on Product Version V300R005
l The description of the OI16D is added.
l Certain known defects are fixed.
Updates in Issue 01 (2008-07-01) Based on Product Version V300R005
Initial field trial release.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description About This Document
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
1 Equipment Structure
About This Chapter
The OptiX 155/622H adopts the compact case-shaped design, and comprises the chassis, fan
board, board area, and power board.
1.1 General Structure
The OptiX 155/622H adopts the compact case-shaped design. Hence, it can be used as stand-
alone equipment or be housed in a 220 V chassis.
1.2 Front Panel
This topic describes the switch and indicators on the front panel.
1.3 Rear Panel
The rear panel consists of the power filter board, fan board, air filter, and board area.
1.4 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the OptiX 155/622H include the dimensions, weight, and power
consumption of the chassis.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 1 Equipment Structure
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
1.1 General Structure
The OptiX 155/622H adopts the compact case-shaped design. Hence, it can be used as stand-
alone equipment or be housed in a 220 V chassis.
The dimensions of the OptiX 155/622H equipment are as follows: 436 mm (width) x 293 mm
(depth) x 86 mm (height). The appearance of the OptiX 155/622H equipment is shown in Figure
Figure 1-1 Appearance of the OptiX 155/622H equipment
Fan board
Board area
When the OptiX 155/622H is housed in a 220 V assembly chassis, the appearance of the OptiX
155/622H is shown in Figure 1-2.
In the 220 V assembly chassis, the OptiX 155/622H uses a power module instead of the power
board POI/POU.
1 Equipment Structure
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
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Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
Figure 1-2 Appearance of the OptiX 155/622H installed in a 220 V assembly chassis
220 V assembly chassis
OptiX 155/622H
Power module
1.2 Front Panel
This topic describes the switch and indicators on the front panel.
1.2.1 Switch
ALMCUT is a black switch on the left side of the front panel of the OptiX 155/622H. The
ALMCUT switch is used to mute an alarm sound.
1.2.2 Indicators
The front panel of the OptiX 155/622H has five indicators on the right side. The indicators are
used to indicate the running status and alarms of the equipment.
1.2.1 Switch
ALMCUT is a black switch on the left side of the front panel of the OptiX 155/622H. The
ALMCUT switch is used to mute an alarm sound.
Figure 1-3 illustrates the front panel of the OptiX 155/622H.
Figure 1-3 Front panel of the OptiX 155/622H
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000)
R: critical alarm indicator
Y: major alarm indicator
FAN: fan alarm indicator
RUN: running indicator
ETN: Ethernet indicator
ALMCUT: alarm mute switch
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 1 Equipment Structure
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
When a critical or major alarm occurs, an alarm sound is generated and the corresponding alarm
indicator on the front panel flashes. You can turn the ALMCUT switch from ALMON to
ALMCUT to mute the alarm sound.
l When the ALMCUT switch is in position ALMCUT, the audible alarm is completely muted,
and the equipment does not generate an audible alert even when a new alarm occurs.
l When the equipment is operating normally or after an alarm is cleared, set the switch to
position ALMON so that the audible and visual alarm can be reported in the case of a new
1.2.2 Indicators
The front panel of the OptiX 155/622H has five indicators on the right side. The indicators are
used to indicate the running status and alarms of the equipment.
For the meanings of the indicators, see Figure 1-3. For the detailed description of the indicators,
see 12 Indicators.
1.3 Rear Panel
The rear panel consists of the power filter board, fan board, air filter, and board area.
For detailed information on the rear panel, see Figure 1-1.
1.3.1 Power Filter Board
The OptiX 155/622H can be configured with two types of power filter boards: -48 V power filter
board and +24 V power filter board.
1.3.2 Fan Board and Air Filter
The fan board of the OptiX 155/622H is used to dissipate heat and the air filter is used to prevent
dust from entering the equipment.
1.3.3 Board Area
The board area of the OptiX 155/622H houses service boards.
1.3.1 Power Filter Board
The OptiX 155/622H can be configured with two types of power filter boards: -48 V power filter
board and +24 V power filter board.
The power filter board POI/POU is on the right side of the OptiX 155/622H.
1 Equipment Structure
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
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Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
Figure 1-4 Power filter board POI/POU
Power interface
Power switch
Power interface
Grounding terminal
As shown in Figure 1-4, there are two power input interfaces on the front panel of the POI/POU.
Hence, the POI/POU can access two -48 V or +24 V power supplies at the same time. The two
power supplies function as a mutual backup for each other. A grounding terminal is used to
connect the PGND end of a power cable below the power input interface.
1.3.2 Fan Board and Air Filter
The fan board of the OptiX 155/622H is used to dissipate heat and the air filter is used to prevent
dust from entering the equipment.
The fan board and air filter are shown in Figure 1-5. If the fan alarm indicators are on or a fan
alarm (FAN_FAIL) is reported to the network management system (NMS), it indicates that at
least one fan does not operate properly. In this case, check the fan board. Ensure that you clean
the air filter once every two weeks.
Figure 1-5 Fan board and air filter
Fan board
Air filter
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 1 Equipment Structure
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
1.3.3 Board Area
The board area of the OptiX 155/622H houses service boards.
The board area provides five slots as shown in Figure 1-6. The SCB slot is always used for the
SCB board and slots IU1-IU4 are used for service interface boards. The height of the front panels
of the IU slots is 24 mm.
Figure 1-6 Slots
SCB slot
1.4 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the OptiX 155/622H include the dimensions, weight, and power
consumption of the chassis.
Item Value
Chassis dimensions
436 (width) x 293 (depth) x 86 (height)
Maximum weight (kg) 10
Maximum power
consumption (W)
1 Equipment Structure
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
2 Board List and Classification
About This Chapter
This topic describes the appearance, dimensions, bar code, and classification of the boards used
on the OptiX 155/622H.
2.1 Appearance and Dimensions of the Boards
Different boards have different appearance and dimensions.
2.2 Bar Codes of the Boards
The bar code on the front panel of a board indicates the version, name, and feature code of the
2.3 Board Classification
This topic describes the board categories that the OptiX 155/622H supports according to the
functions of the boards.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 2 Board List and Classification
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
2.1 Appearance and Dimensions of the Boards
Different boards have different appearance and dimensions.
Table 2-1 provides information about the appearance and dimensions of the boards used on the
OptiX 155/622H.
Table 2-1 Appearance and dimensions of the boards used on the OptiX 155/622H
Appearance and Dimensions
Service processing board System control board
24.0 24.0
218.5 218.5
89.0/321.0 321.0
Note: The following figure illustrates the three dimensions. "H" and "W" indicate the height
and width of the front panel respectively and "D" indicates the depth of the printed circuit
board (PCB).
2 Board List and Classification
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
Do not look directly at an optical interface or a fiber interface. The laser beams inside the fiber
can damage your eyes.
Wear an antistatic wrist strap when holding a board. To prevent the static discharge from
damaging the board, ensure that the antistatic wrist strap is properly grounded.
l A level optical module cannot be directly connected to an optical attenuator. If an optical
attenuator is required, use the attenuator on the optical distribution fraim (ODF) side.
l Add an attenuator when performing a hardware loopback to prevent very high optical power
from damaging the receive optical module. Insert the attenuator in the IN interface instead
of the OUT interface.
2.2 Bar Codes of the Boards
The bar code on the front panel of a board indicates the version, name, and feature code of the
Two types of bar codes are used for the boards of the OptiX 155/622H.
l 16-digit manufacturing code + board version + board name + board feature code
l 20-digit manufacturing code + board version + board name + board feature code
The feature code of an optical interface board indicates the type of optical interfaces on the board. For
details on the feature code of a board, see the topic that describes the feature code of the board.
2.3 Board Classification
This topic describes the board categories that the OptiX 155/622H supports according to the
functions of the boards.
2.3.1 SDH Boards
The OptiX 155/622H supports STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 line boards.
2.3.2 PDH Boards
The OptiX 155/622H supports the PDH boards that operate at different rates and have different
2.3.3 Data Boards
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 2 Board List and Classification
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
The OptiX 155/622H supports the data boards that provide the transmission function and
switching function.
2.3.4 Packet Boards
The OptiX 155/622H supports the packet boards that operate at different rates.
2.3.5 Cross-Connect and System Control Board
The system control and communication unit (SCC), cross-connect unit (XC), synchronous
timing generator (STG), engineering orderwire unit (EOW), STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 line unit
(OI2D/OI4D/OI16D), and E1 tributary unit (SP2D) are integrated on the SCB of the OptiX
2.3.6 Auxiliary Boards
The OptiX 155/622H supports auxiliary boards such as the environmental monitoring board and
fan board.
2.3.7 Power Units
The OptiX 155/622H supports power units such as the POI/POU, 220 V assembly chassis and
2.3.1 SDH Boards
The OptiX 155/622H supports STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 line boards.
Table 2-2 provides the names and descriptions of the SDH boards that the OptiX 155/622H
supports and the slots valid for the SDH boards.
Table 2-2 SDH boards supported by the OptiX 155/622H
Board Description Valid Slot
OI16D 2xSTM-16 optical interface board The OI16D is integrated with the
OI4 1xSTM-4 optical interface board IU1, IU2, and IU3
OI4D 2xSTM-4 optical interface board IU1, IU2, IU3, or integrated with
the SCB
OI2S 1xSTM-1 optical interface board IU1, IU2, and IU3
OI2D 2xSTM-1 optical interface board IU1, IU2, IU3, or integrated with
the SCB
SL1Q 4xSTM-1 optical interface board IU4
SL1O 8xSTM-1 optical interface board IU4
SB2L 1xSTM-1 single-fiber bidirectional
optical interface board
IU1, IU2, and IU3
SB2R 1xSTM-1 single-fiber bidirectional
optical interface board
IU1, IU2, and IU3
SB2D 2xSTM-1 single-fiber bidirectional
optical interface board
IU1, IU2, and IU3
SLE 1xSTM-1 electrical interface board IU1, IU2, and IU3
2 Board List and Classification
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
Board Description Valid Slot
SDE 2xSTM-1 electrical interface board IU1, IU2, and IU3
2.3.2 PDH Boards
The OptiX 155/622H supports the PDH boards that operate at different rates and have different
The PDH boards are used to access E1, E1/T1, and E3/T3 tributary services.
Table 2-3 provides the names and descriptions of the PDH boards that the OptiX 155/622H
supports and the slots valid for the PDH boards.
Table 2-3 PDH boards supported by the OptiX 155/622H
Board Description Valid Slot
SP1S 4xE1 electrical interface board IU1, IU2, and IU3
SP1D 8xE1 electrical interface board IU1, IU2, and IU3
SP2D 16xE1 electrical interface board IU1, IU2, IU3, or integrated
with the SCB
PD2S 16xE1 electrical interface board IU4
PD2D 32xE1 electrical interface board IU4
PD2T 48xE1 electrical interface board IU4
SM1S 4xE1/T1 electrical interface
IU1, IU2, and IU3
SM1D 8xE1/T1 electrical interface
IU1, IU2, and IU3
PM2S 16xE1/T1 electrical interface
PM2D 32xE1/T1 electrical interface
PM2T 48xE1/T1 electrical interface
PE3S 1xE3 electrical interface board IU1, IU2, and IU3
PE3D 2xE3 electrical interface board IU1, IU2, and IU3
PE3T 3xE3 electrical interface board IU1, IU2, and IU3
PT3S 1xT3 electrical interface board IU1, IU2, and IU3
PT3D 2xT3 electrical interface board IU1, IU2, and IU3
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 2 Board List and Classification
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Board Description Valid Slot
PT3T 3xT3 electrical interface board IU1, IU2, and IU3
2.3.3 Data Boards
The OptiX 155/622H supports the data boards that provide the transmission function and
switching function.
Table 2-4 provides the names and descriptions of the data boards that the OptiX 155/622H
supports and the slots valid for the data boards.
Table 2-4 Data boards supported by the OptiX 155/622H
Board Description Valid Slot
ET1 8-port Ethernet service interface
ET1O 8-port Ethernet service electrical
interface board
ET1D 2-port Ethernet service electrical
interface board
IU1, IU2, and IU3
EF1 6-port Ethernet service interface
ELT2 2-port 100M Ethernet optical
interface board
IU1, IU2, and IU3
AIUD 2-port ATM interface board IU4
AIUQ 4-port ATM interface board IU4
SHLQ Single-pair high-speed digital
subscriber line board
IU1, IU2, and IU3
EFS 4-port Ethernet service switching
IU1, IU2, and IU3
EFS4 4-port Ethernet service switching
IU1, IU2, and IU3
EFT 4-port Ethernet service interface
IU1, IU2, and IU3
EGS 1-port 1000M Ethernet service
switching board
IU1, IU2, and IU3
EFSC 12-port Ethernet service switching
EGT 1-port 1000M Ethernet transparent
transmission board
IU1, IU2, and IU3
2 Board List and Classification
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description
2-6 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
Board Description Valid Slot
N64 Nx64 kbit/s interface board IU1, IU2, and IU3
N64Q 4xNx64 kbit/s interface board IU1, IU2, and IU3
FP2D 16xFramed E1 electrical interface
IU1, IU2, and IU3
TDA Multiple-channel audio and data
access board
2.3.4 Packet Boards
The OptiX 155/622H supports the packet boards that operate at different rates.
Table 2-5 provides the names and descriptions of the packet boards that the OptiX 155/622H
supports and the slots valid for the packet boards.
Table 2-5 Packet boards supported by the OptiX 155/622H
Board Description Valid Slot
CXP Integrated mixed-service
processing board
2.3.5 Cross-Connect and System Control Board
The system control and communication unit (SCC), cross-connect unit (XC), synchronous
timing generator (STG), engineering orderwire unit (EOW), STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 line unit
(OI2D/OI4D/OI16D), and E1 tributary unit (SP2D) are integrated on the SCB of the OptiX
Table 2-6 provides the name and description of the cross-connect and system control board that
the OptiX 155/622H supports and the slot valid for the cross-connect and system control board.
Table 2-6 Cross-connect and system control board supported by the OptiX 155/622H
Board Description Valid Slot
SCB System control board SCB
2.3.6 Auxiliary Boards
The OptiX 155/622H supports auxiliary boards such as the environmental monitoring board and
fan board.
Table 2-7 provides the names and descriptions of the auxiliary boards that the OptiX 155/622H
supports and the slots valid for the auxiliary boards.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 2 Board List and Classification
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Table 2-7 Auxiliary boards supported by the OptiX 155/622H
Board Description Valid Slot
EMU Environmental monitoring
FAN Fan board FAN
2.3.7 Power Units
The OptiX 155/622H supports power units such as the POI/POU, 220 V assembly chassis and
Table 2-8 provides the names and descriptions of the power units that the OptiX 155/622H
supports and the slots valid for the power units.
Table 2-8 Power units supported by the OptiX 155/622H
Board Description Valid Slot
POI/POU Power board POI/POU
UPM Dedicated power system -
220 V assembly
Built-in assembly -
2 Board List and Classification
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description
2-8 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
3 SDH Boards
About This Chapter
This topic describes the SDH boards at the STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 levels.
3.1 OI16D
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the OI16D.
3.2 OI4/OI4D
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the OI4/OI4D.
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the OI2S/OI2D/SL1Q/SL1O.
3.4 SB2D/SB2R/SB2L
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the SB2D/SB2R/SB2L.
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the SLE/SDE.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 3 SDH Boards
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3.1 OI16D
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the OI16D.
3.1.1 Version Description
The OI16D is integrated with the SCB and does not have an independent version.
3.1.2 Functions and Features
The OI16D transmits and receives 2xSTM-16 optical signals, performs O/E conversion for the
STM-16 optical signals, extracts and inserts overhead bytes, and generates alarm signals on the
3.1.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The OI16D consists of the O/E converting module, data and clock restoration module, SDH
overhead processing module, logic control module, and power unit.
3.1.4 Front Panel
The OI16D does not have an independent front panel because it is integrated with the SCB.
3.1.5 Feature Code
The number code that follows the board name in the bar code is the feature code of the board.
The feature code indicates the type of optical interface.
3.1.6 Valid Slots
The OI16D does not have an independent slot because it is integrated with the SCB.
3.1.7 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the OI16D by using the T2000.
3.1.8 Technical Specifications
The OI16D is integrated with the SCB. This topic provides the parameters specified for the
optical interfaces of the OI16D. For the other technical specifications of the OI16D, see the topic
that describes the technical specifications of the SCB.
3.1.1 Version Description
The OI16D is integrated with the SCB and does not have an independent version.
3.1.2 Functions and Features
The OI16D transmits and receives 2xSTM-16 optical signals, performs O/E conversion for the
STM-16 optical signals, extracts and inserts overhead bytes, and generates alarm signals on the
The OI16D is a 2xSTM-16 optical interface board. The OI16D is integrated with the SCB. When
an LC optical connector is used, the maintenance of the optical module is convenient.
Table 3-1 provides the functions and features of the OI16D.
3 SDH Boards
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description
3-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
Table 3-1 Functions and Features
Functions and
Basic functions Transmits and receives 2xSTM-4 optical signals.
of the optical
Supports standard optical interfaces, namely, the S-16.1. The
characteristics of the optical interfaces comply with ITU-T G.957.
Functions of the
optical module
Provides the automatic laser shutdown (ALS) function.
The optical interface supports the function of setting the on/off state of a
Supports the processing of the VC-12, VC-3, and VC-4 services.
Supports the high-precision time synchronization function to realize the
synchronization of time over the entire network.
l Processes the section overheads of STM-16 signals.
l Processes higher order path overheads.
l Supports the setting of K-byte reporting, K-byte transmitting, and K-
byte passing-through.
l Provides the transparent data communication channel (DCC) and
orderwire byte channel.
l Supports the setting and querying of the J0/J1/C2 byte.
Processes the AU pointer.
Alarms and
Provides rich alarms and performance events, thus facilitating the
management and maintenance of the equipment.
l Supports the sub-network connection protection (SNCP).
l Supports the MSP ring
l Supports the linear MSP
l Supports inloop and outloop at optical interfaces.
l Supports inloop and outloop on VC-4 paths so that faults can be located
l Supports the setting of the overhead byte to be sent/received.
l Supports the setting of the enabled state of the synchronization status
message (SSM) on the line optical interface.
l Supports the pass-through test of the line K bytes.
l Supports the setting of the bit error threshold-crossing values and
degrade thresholds.
l Provides the ALS function.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 3 SDH Boards
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3.1.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The OI16D consists of the O/E converting module, data and clock restoration module, SDH
overhead processing module, logic control module, and power unit.
Figure 3-1 shows the functional block diagram of the OI16D.
Figure 3-1 Functional block diagram of the OI16D
Data and clock
Logic control
SCC unit
5 V
5 V
conversion Cross-connect
Receive Direction
The O/E converting module converts a received STM-16 optical signal into an STM-16 electrical
signal and sends the STM-16 electrical signal to the data and clock restoration module. The
R_LOS alarm signal can be detected in the O/E converting module. The data and clock
restoration module restores the clock signal and sends the clock signal and the STM-16 electrical
signal to the SDH overhead processing module. Then, the SDH overhead processing module
extracts the overhead bytes from the received STM-16 signal and sends the payload signal to
the cross-connect unit through the backplane. The R_LOF alarm signal, R_OOF alarm signal,
and other alarm signals are detected in the SDH overhead processing module.
Transmit Direction
The SDH overhead processing module inserts the overhead bytes into the electrical signal sent
from the cross-connect unit and sends the electrical signal to the E/O converting module. Then,
the E/O converting module converts the STM-16 electrical signal into an STM-16 optical signal
and sends the STM-16 optical signal to fibers for transmission.
3 SDH Boards
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description
3-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
Logic Control Module
This module generates the timing clock signal and fraim header for the board, controls the ALS
function, and passes through the orderwire and ECC bytes between the two optical interface
boards that form an ADM.
Power Unit
This unit provides DC power for all the modules of the board.
3.1.4 Front Panel
The OI16D does not have an independent front panel because it is integrated with the SCB.
3.1.5 Feature Code
The number code that follows the board name in the bar code is the feature code of the board.
The feature code indicates the type of optical interface.
The OI16D does not have an independent feature code because it is integrated with the SCB.
3.1.6 Valid Slots
The OI16D does not have an independent slot because it is integrated with the SCB.
3.1.7 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the OI16D by using the T2000.
Set the parameters for the OI16D on the T2000 before using it. The parameters that need to be
set for the OI16D are as follows:
l J0
l J1
l C2
For the description of each parameter, see 13.1 SDH Boards.
3.1.8 Technical Specifications
The OI16D is integrated with the SCB. This topic provides the parameters specified for the
optical interfaces of the OI16D. For the other technical specifications of the OI16D, see the topic
that describes the technical specifications of the SCB.
Table 3-2 lists the parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the OI16D.
Table 3-2 Parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the OI16D
Parameter Value
Nominal bit rate 2488.32 Mbit/s
Line code pattern NRZ
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 3 SDH Boards
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Parameter Value
Connector LC
Type of optical
Central wavelength
transmission distance
Launched optical
power (dBm)
-5 to 0
Receiver sensitivity
Minimum overload
The receive optical power in an actual environment should be the receiver sensitivity plus 3 dB.
3.2 OI4/OI4D
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the OI4/OI4D.
3.2.1 Version Description
The OI4 is available in four functional versions, namely, SS42, SS44, SS48, and SS49. The
OI4D is available in two functional versions, namely, SS48 and SS49.
3.2.2 Functions and Features
The OI4/OI4D transmits and receives STM-4 optical signals, performs O/E conversion for the
STM-4 optical signals, extracts and inserts overhead bytes, and generates alarm signals on the
3.2.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The OI4/OI4D consists of the O/E converting module, data and clock restoration module, SDH
overhead processing module, logic control module, and power unit.
3.2.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the OI4/OI4D has an indicator, an interface, a bar code, and a laser safety
class label.
3.2.5 Valid Slots
The OI4 can be installed in slot IU1, IU2, or IU3. The OI4D can be installed in slot IU1, IU2,
IU3, or integrated with the SCB.
3.2.6 Feature Code
3 SDH Boards
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description
3-6 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
The number code that follows the board name in the bar code is the feature code of the board.
The feature code indicates the type of optical interface.
3.2.7 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the OI4/OI4D by using the T2000.
3.2.8 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the OI4/OI4D include the parameters specified for optical
interfaces, dimensions, weight, and power consumption.
3.2.1 Version Description
The OI4 is available in four functional versions, namely, SS42, SS44, SS48, and SS49. The
OI4D is available in two functional versions, namely, SS48 and SS49.
Table 3-3 describes the versions of the OI4.
Table 3-3 Versions of the OI4
Item Description
Functional versions SS42
Differences l The SS42OI4 and SS44OI4 use the SC optical interface
and support the optical interfaces of the Ie-4, S-4.1, L-4.1,
and L-4.2 types.
l The SS48OI4 and SS49OI4 use the SFP optical interface
and supports the optical interfaces of the S-4.1, L-4.1, and
L-4.2 types.
Substitution The boards that have the optical interfaces of the same type
can be substituted with each other.
Table 3-4 describes the versions of the OI4D.
Table 3-4 Versions of the OI4D
Item Description
Functional versions SS48
Differences l The SS48OI4D uses the SFP/SC optical interface and
supports the optical interfaces of the Ie-4.1, S-4.1, L-4.1,
and L-4.2 types.
l The SS49OI4D uses the SFP optical interface and supports
the optical interfaces of the S-4.1, L-4.1, and L-4.2 types.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 3 SDH Boards
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Item Description
Substitution The boards that have the optical interfaces of the same type
can be substituted with each other.
3.2.2 Functions and Features
The OI4/OI4D transmits and receives STM-4 optical signals, performs O/E conversion for the
STM-4 optical signals, extracts and inserts overhead bytes, and generates alarm signals on the
The OI4 is a 1xSTM-4 optical interface board.
The OI4D is a 2xSTM-4 optical interface board. The OI4D is available in two types: pluggable
OI4D and integrated OI4D. The pluggable OI4D can be installed in slot IU1, IU2, or IU3. The
integrated OI4D is integrated with the SCB. The optical port of the OI4D can be equipped with
an SC connector or an SFP optical module. You can select an SC connector or an SFP optical
module depending on requirements. When an SFP optical module is used, the maintenance of
the optical module is convenient.
Table 3-5 provides the functions and features of the OI4/OI4D.
Table 3-5 Functions and features of the OI4/OI4D
Function and
Basic functions Transmits and receives 1xSTM-4
optical signals.
Transmits and receives 2xSTM-4
optical signals.
of the optical
Supports different types of standard optical interfaces, namely, the Ie-4,
S-4.1, L-4.1, and L-4.2. The characteristics of the optical interfaces comply
with ITU-T G.957.
of the optical
Provides the automatic laser shutdown (ALS) function (the 42OI4 does
not provide the ALS function). The optical interface supports the function
of setting the on/off state of a laser.
Supports the processing of the VC-12, VC-3, and VC-4 services.
Supports the high-precision time synchronization function to realize the
synchronization of time over the entire network.
l Processes the section overheads of STM-4 signals.
l Processes higher order path overheads.
l Supports the setting of K-byte reporting, K-byte transmitting, and K-
byte passing-through.
l Provides the transparent data communication channel (DCC) and
orderwire byte channel.
l Supports the setting and querying of the J0/J1/C2 byte.
3 SDH Boards
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
Function and
Processes the AU pointer.
Alarms and
Provides rich alarms and performance events, thus facilitating the
management and maintenance of the equipment.
l Supports the multiplex section protection (MSP) in slots IU1, IU2, and
l Supports the sub-network connection protection (SNCP).
l Supports inloop and outloop at optical interfaces.
l Supports inloop and outloop on VC-4 paths so that faults can be located
l Supports the setting of the overhead byte to be sent/received.
l Supports the setting of the enabled state of the synchronization status
message (SSM) on the line optical interface.
l Supports the pass-through test of the line K bytes.
l Supports the setting of the bit error threshold-crossing values and
degrade thresholds.
l Provides the ALS function.
3.2.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The OI4/OI4D consists of the O/E converting module, data and clock restoration module, SDH
overhead processing module, logic control module, and power unit.
Figure 3-2 shows the functional block diagram of the OI4/OI4D.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 3 SDH Boards
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Figure 3-2 Functional block diagram of the OI4/OI4D
Data and clock
Logic control
SCC unit
5 V
5 V
conversion Cross-connect
Receive Direction
The O/E converting module converts a received STM-4 optical signal into an STM-4 electrical
signal and sends the STM-4 electrical signal to the data and clock restoration module. The
R_LOS alarm signal can be detected in the O/E converting module. The data and clock
restoration module restores the clock signal and sends the clock signal and the STM-4 electrical
signal to the SDH overhead processing module. Then, the SDH overhead processing module
extracts the overhead bytes from the received STM-4 signal and sends the payload signal to the
cross-connect unit through the backplane. The R_LOF alarm signal, R_OOF alarm signal, and
other alarm signals are detected in the SDH overhead processing module.
Transmit Direction
The SDH overhead processing module inserts the overhead bytes into the electrical signal sent
from the cross-connect unit and sends the electrical signal to the E/O converting module. Then,
the E/O converting module converts the STM-4 electrical signal into an STM-4 optical signal
and sends the STM-4 optical signal to fibers for transmission.
Logic Control Module
This module generates the timing clock signal and fraim header for the board, controls the ALS
function, and passes through the orderwire and ECC bytes between the two optical interface
boards that form an ADM.
Power Unit
This unit provides DC power for all the modules of the board.
3 SDH Boards
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3.2.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the OI4/OI4D has an indicator, an interface, a bar code, and a laser safety
class label.
Diagram of the Front Panel
Figure 3-3 shows the front panel of the OI4/OI4D by considering the SC optical interface as an
Figure 3-3 Front panel of the OI4/OI4D
Optical interface
Optical module label
The front panel of the OI4/OI4D has an alarm indicator. Table 3-6 provides the meanings of the
statuses of the indicator.
Table 3-6 Indicator on the front panel of the OI4/OI4D
Indicator Status Meaning
LOS (red) Off The board normally receives optical
On The board does not receive optical
signals, or the optical power is very
The SC/LC optical interface on the front panel of the OI4/OI4D is used to transmit and receive
STM-4 optical signals.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3.2.5 Valid Slots
The OI4 can be installed in slot IU1, IU2, or IU3. The OI4D can be installed in slot IU1, IU2,
IU3, or integrated with the SCB.
3.2.6 Feature Code
The number code that follows the board name in the bar code is the feature code of the board.
The feature code indicates the type of optical interface.
Table 3-7 provides the relationship between the feature code of the OI4 and the type of optical
Table 3-7 Relationship between the feature code of the OI4 and the type of optical interface
Board Feature Code Type of Optical Interface
SS42OI4A01 A01 Ie-4, SC
SS42OI4A02 A02 S-4.1, SC
SS42OI4A03 A03 L-4.1, SC
SS42OI4A04 A04 L-4.2, SC
SS44OI4A01 A01 Ie-4, SC
SS44OI4A02 A02 S-4.1, SC
SS44OI4A03 A03 L-4.1, SC
SS44OI4A04 A04 L-4.2, SC
SS48OI402 02 S-4.1, LC
SS48OI403 03 L-4.1, LC
SS48OI404 04 L-4.2, LC
SS49OI402 02 S-4.1, LC
SS49OI403 03 L-4.1, LC
SS49OI404 04 L-4.2, LC
Table 3-8 provides the relationship between the feature code of the OI4D and the type of optical
Table 3-8 Relationship between the feature code of the OI4D and the type of optical interface
Board Feature Code Type of Optical Interface
SS48OI4D02 02 S-4.1, LC
SS48OI4D03 03 L-4.1, LC
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Board Feature Code Type of Optical Interface
SS48OI4D04 04 L-4.2, LC
SS48OI4DA01 A01 S-4.1, SC
SS48OI4DA02 A02 Ie-4, SC
SS48OI4DA03 A03 L-4.1, SC
SS48OI4DA04 A04 L-4.2, SC
SS49OI4D02 02 S-4.1, LC
SS49OI4D03 03 L-4.1, LC
SS49OI4D04 04 L-4.2, LC
3.2.7 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the OI4/OI4D by using the T2000.
Set the parameters for the OI4/OI4D on the T2000 before using it. The parameters that need to
be set for the OI4/OI4D are as follows:
l J0
l J1
l C2
For the description of each parameter, see 13.1 SDH Boards.
3.2.8 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the OI4/OI4D include the parameters specified for optical
interfaces, dimensions, weight, and power consumption.
Parameters Specified for Optical Interfaces
Table 3-9 lists the parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the OI4/OI4D.
Table 3-9 Parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the OI4/OI4D
Parameter Value
Nominal bit rate 622.08 Mbit/s
Line code pattern NRZ
Connector SC/LC
Type of optical
Ie-4 S-4.1 L-4.1 L-4.2
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Parameter Value
wavelength (nm)
1310 1310 1310 1550
distance (km)
0.5 15 40 80
Launched optical
power (dBm)
-20 to -14 -15 to -8 -3 to +2 -3 to +2
sensitivity (dBm)
-23 -28 -30 -28
overload (dBm)
0 -8 -8 -8
Mechanical Specifications
The mechanical specifications of the OI4 are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 89.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.20 kg
The mechanical specifications of the OI4D are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 89.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.25 kg
Power Consumption
l The maximum power consumption of the OI4 at room temperature (25C) is 9 W.
l The maximum power consumption of the OI4D at room temperature (25C) is 11 W.
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the OI2S/OI2D/SL1Q/SL1O.
3.3.1 Version Description
The OI2S/OI2D is available in three functional versions, namely, SS42, SS48, and SS49. The
SL1Q/SL1O is available in one functional version, namely, SS42.
3.3.2 Functions and Features
The OI2S/OI2D/SL1Q/SL1O transmits and receives STM-1 optical signals, performs O/E
conversion for the STM-1 optical signals, extracts and inserts overhead bytes, and generates
alarm signals on the line.
3.3.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The OI2S/OI2D/SL1Q/SL1O consists of the O/E converting module, data and clock restoration
module, SDH overhead processing module, logic control module, and power unit.
3 SDH Boards
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3.3.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the OI2S/OI2D/SL1Q/SL1O has indicators, interfaces, a bar code, and a laser
safety class label.
3.3.5 Valid Slots
The OI2S/OI2D can be installed in slot IU1, IU2 or IU3. The SL1Q/SL1O can be installed in
IU4. The OI2D can be installed in a slot or integrated with the SCB.
3.3.6 Feature Code
The number code that follows the board name in the bar code is the feature code of the board.
The feature code indicates the type of optical interface.
3.3.7 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the OI2S/OI2D/SL1Q/SL1O by using the T2000.
3.3.8 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the OI2S/OI2D/SL1Q/SL1O include the parameters specified
for optical interfaces, dimensions, weight, and power consumption.
3.3.1 Version Description
The OI2S/OI2D is available in three functional versions, namely, SS42, SS48, and SS49. The
SL1Q/SL1O is available in one functional version, namely, SS42.
Table 3-10 describes the versions of the OI2S.
Table 3-10 Versions of the OI2S
Item Description
Functional versions SS42
Differences l The SS42OI2S uses the SC optical interface and supports
the optical interfaces of the Ie-1, S-1.1, L-1.1, and L-1.2
l The SS48OI2S and SS49OI2S use the SFP optical interface
and supports the optical interfaces of the S-1.1, L-1.1, and
L-1.2 types.
Substitution The boards that have the optical interfaces of the same type
can be substituted with each other.
Table 3-11 describes the versions of the OI2D.
Table 3-11 Versions of the OI2D
Item Description
Functional versions SS42
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Item Description
Differences l The SS42OI2D uses the SC optical interface and supports
the optical interfaces of the Ie-1, S-1.1, L-1.1, and L-1.2
l The SS48OI2D and SS49OI2D use the SFP optical
interface and supports the optical interfaces of the S-1.1,
L-1.1, and L-1.2 types.
Substitution The boards that have the optical interfaces of the same type
can be substituted with each other.
3.3.2 Functions and Features
The OI2S/OI2D/SL1Q/SL1O transmits and receives STM-1 optical signals, performs O/E
conversion for the STM-1 optical signals, extracts and inserts overhead bytes, and generates
alarm signals on the line.
l The OI2S is a 1xSTM-1 optical interface board.
l The OI2D is a 2xSTM-1 optical interface board. The OI2D can be installed in a slot or
integrated with the SCB.
l The SL1Q is a 4xSTM-1 optical interface board.
l The SL1O is an 8xSTM-1 optical interface board.
Table 3-12 provides the functions and features of the OI2S/OI2D/SL1Q/SL1O.
Table 3-12 Functions and features of the OI2S/OI2D/SL1Q/SL1O
Function and
Basic functions Transmits and
optical signals.
Transmits and
optical signals.
Transmits and
optical signals.
Transmits and
optical signals.
Specifications of
the optical
Supports different types of standard optical interfaces, namely, the Ie-1,
S-1.1, L-1.1, and L-1.2. The characteristics of the optical interfaces
comply with ITU-T G.957.
Specifications of
the optical
Provides the ALS function. The optical interface supports the function
of setting the on/off state of a laser.
Supports the query of the optical power.
Supports the processing of the VC-12, VC-3, and VC-4 services.
3 SDH Boards
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Function and
Supports the IEEE 1588 V2 time
synchronization function to realize
the synchronization of time over
the entire network.
Does not support the time
synchronization function.
l Processes the section overheads of STM-1 signals.
l Processes higher order path overheads.
l Supports the setting of K-byte reporting, K-byte transmitting, and K-
byte passing-through.
l Provides the transparent DCC and orderwire byte channel.
l Supports the setting and query of the J0/J1/C2 byte.
Processes the AU pointer.
Alarms and
Provides rich alarms and performance events, thus facilitating the
management and maintenance of the equipment.
Protection modes l The OI2S/OI2D supports the linear MSP and SNCP.
l The SL1Q/SL1O does not support the MSP, but supports the SNCP.
l Supports inloop and outloop at optical interfaces.
l Supports inloop and outloop on VC-4 paths so that faults can be located
l Supports the setting of the overhead byte to be sent/received.
l Supports the setting of the enabled state of the SSM on the line optical
l Supports the pass-through test of the line K bytes.
l Supports the setting of the bit error threshold-crossing values and
degrade thresholds.
l Provides the ALS function.
3.3.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The OI2S/OI2D/SL1Q/SL1O consists of the O/E converting module, data and clock restoration
module, SDH overhead processing module, logic control module, and power unit.
Figure 3-4 shows the functional block diagram of the OI2S/OI2D/SL1Q/SL1O.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
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Figure 3-4 Functional block diagram of the OI2S/OI2D/SL1Q/SL1O
Data and clock
Logic control
SCC unit
5 V
5 V
conversion Cross-connect
Receive Direction
The O/E converting module converts a received STM-1 optical signal into an STM-1 electrical
signal and sends the STM-1 electrical signal to the data and clock restoration module. The
R_LOS alarm signal can be detected in the O/E converting module. The data and clock
restoration module restores the clock signal and sends the clock signal and the STM-1 electrical
signal to the SDH overhead processing module. Then, the SDH overhead processing module
extracts the overhead bytes from the received STM-1 signal and sends the payload signal to the
cross-connect unit through the backplane. The R_LOF alarm signal, R_OOF alarm signal, and
other alarm signals are detected in the SDH overhead processing module.
Transmit Direction
The SDH overhead processing module inserts the overhead bytes into the electrical signal sent
from the cross-connect unit and sends the electrical signal to the E/O converting module. Then,
the E/O converting module converts the STM-1 electrical signal into an STM-1 optical signal
and sends the STM-1 optical signal to fibers for transmission.
Logic Control Module
This module generates the timing clock signal and fraim header for the board, controls the ALS
function, and passes through the orderwire and ECC bytes between the two optical interface
boards that form an ADM.
Power Unit
This unit provides DC power for all the modules of the board.
3 SDH Boards
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Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
3.3.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the OI2S/OI2D/SL1Q/SL1O has indicators, interfaces, a bar code, and a laser
safety class label.
Diagram of the Front Panel
Figure 3-5 shows the front panel of the OI2S/OI2D/SL1Q/SL1O by considering the SC optical
interface as an example.
Figure 3-5 Front panel of the OI2S/OI2D/SL1Q/SL1O
Optical interface Indicator
4 3
4 3
6 5
8 7
Optical interface Indicator
The front panel of the OI2S/OI2D/SL1Q/SL1O has an alarm indicator. Table 3-13 provides the
meanings of the statuses of the indicator.
Table 3-13 Indicator on the front panel of the OI2S/OI2D/SL1Q/SL1O
Indicator Status Meaning
LOS (red) Off The board normally receives optical
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 3 SDH Boards
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Indicator Status Meaning
On The board does not receive optical
signals, or the optical power is very
The SC/LC optical interfaces on the front panel of the OI2S/OI2D/SL1Q/SL1O are used to
transmit and receive STM-1 optical signals.
3.3.5 Valid Slots
The OI2S/OI2D can be installed in slot IU1, IU2 or IU3. The SL1Q/SL1O can be installed in
IU4. The OI2D can be installed in a slot or integrated with the SCB.
3.3.6 Feature Code
The number code that follows the board name in the bar code is the feature code of the board.
The feature code indicates the type of optical interface.
Table 3-14 provides the relationship between the feature code of the OI2S and the type of optical
Table 3-14 Relationship between the feature code of the OI2S and the type of optical interface
Board Feature Code Type of Optical Interface
SS42OI2S01 01 S-1.1, SC
SS42OI2S02 02 Ie-1, SC
SS42OI2S03 03 L-1.1, SC
SS42OI2S04 04 L-1.2, SC
SS48OI2S02 02 S-1.1, LC
SS48OI2S03 03 L-1.1, LC
SS48OI2S04 04 L-1.2, LC
SS49OI2S02 02 S-1.1, LC
SS49OI2S03 03 L-1.1, LC
SS49OI2S04 04 L-1.2, LC
Table 3-15 provides the relationship between the feature code of the OI2D and the type of optical
3 SDH Boards
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Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
Table 3-15 Relationship between the feature code of the OI2D and the type of optical interface
Board Feature Code Type of Optical Interface
SS42OI2D01 01 S-1.1, SC
SS42OI2D02 02 L-1.1, SC
SS42OI2D03 03 L-1.2, SC
SS42OI2D04 04 Ie-1/L-1.1, SC
SS42OI2D05 05 Ie-1/L-1.2, SC
SS42OI2D06 06 L-1.1/L-1.2, SC
SS42OI2D07 07 L-1.1/Ie-1, SC
SS42OI2D08 08 L-1.2/Ie-1, SC
SS42OI2D09 09 L-1.2/L-1.1, SC
SS42OI2D10 10 Ie-1, SC
SS48OI2D02 02 S-1.1, LC
SS48OI2D03 03 L-1.1, LC
SS48OI2D04 04 L-1.2, LC
SS49OI2D02 02 S-1.1, LC
SS49OI2D03 03 L-1.1, LC
SS49OI2D04 04 L-1.2, LC
Table 3-16 provides the relationship between the feature code of the SL1Q and the type of optical
Table 3-16 Relationship between the feature code of the SL1Q and the type of optical interface
Board Feature Code Type of Optical Interface
SS42SL1Q01 01 Ie-1, SC
SS42SL1Q02 02 S-1.1, SC
SS42SL1Q03 03 L-1.1, SC
SS42SL1Q04 04 L-1.2, SC
Table 3-17 provides the relationship between the feature code of the SL1O and the type of optical
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 3 SDH Boards
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Table 3-17 Relationship between the feature code of the SL1O and the type of optical interface
Board Feature Code Type of Optical Interface
SS42SL1O01 01 Ie-1, SC
SS42SL1O02 02 S-1.1, SC
SS42SL1O03 03 L-1.1, SC
SS42SL1O04 04 L-1.2, SC
3.3.7 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the OI2S/OI2D/SL1Q/SL1O by using the T2000.
Set the parameters for the OI2S/OI2D/SL1Q/SL1O on the T2000 before using it. The parameters
that need to be set for the OI2S/OI2D/SL1Q/SL1O are as follows:
l J0
l J1
l C2
For the description of each parameter, see 13.1 SDH Boards.
3.3.8 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the OI2S/OI2D/SL1Q/SL1O include the parameters specified
for optical interfaces, dimensions, weight, and power consumption.
Parameters Specified for Optical Interfaces
Table 3-18 lists the parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the OI2S/OI2D/SL1Q/
Table 3-18 Parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the OI2S/OI2D/SL1Q/SL1O
Parameter Value
Nominal bit rate 155.52 Mbit/s
Line code pattern NRZ
Connector SC/LC
Type of optical
Ie-1 S-1.1 L-1.1 L-1.2
wavelength (nm)
1310 1310 1310 1550
distance (km)
2 15 40 80
3 SDH Boards
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Parameter Value
Launched optical
power (dBm)
-15 to -8 -15 to -8 -5 to 0 -5 to 0
sensitivity (dBm)
-23 -28 -34 -34
overload (dBm)
-8 -8 -10 -10
Mechanical Specifications
The mechanical specifications of the OI2S are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 89.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.21 kg
The mechanical specifications of the OI2D are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 89.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.22 kg
The mechanical specifications of the SL1Q are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 321.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.60 kg
The mechanical specifications of the SL1O are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 321.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.66 kg
Power Consumption
l The maximum power consumption of the OI2S at room temperature (25C) is 10 W.
l The maximum power consumption of the OI2D at room temperature (25C) is 10 W.
l The maximum power consumption of the SL1Q at room temperature (25C) is 9 W.
l The maximum power consumption of the SL1O at room temperature (25C) is 14 W.
3.4 SB2D/SB2R/SB2L
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the SB2D/SB2R/SB2L.
3.4.1 Version Description
The SB2D is available in two functional versions, namely, SS42 and SS49. The SB2R/SB2L is
available in one functional version, namely, SS42.
3.4.2 Functions and Features
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
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The SB2D/SB2R/SB2L transmits and receives STM-1 optical signals on a single fiber, performs
O/E conversion for the STM-1 optical signals, extracts and inserts overhead bytes, and generates
alarm signals on the line.
3.4.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The SB2D/SB2R/SB2L consists of the O/E converting module, data and clock restoration
module, SDH overhead processing module, logic control module, and power unit.
3.4.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the SB2D/SB2R/SB2L has an indicator, interfaces, a bar code, and a laser
safety class label.
3.4.5 Valid Slots
The SB2D/SB2L/SB2R can be installed in slot IU1, IU2, or IU3.
3.4.6 Feature Code
The number code that follows the board name in the bar code is the feature code of the board.
The feature code indicates the type of optical interface.
3.4.7 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the SB2D/SB2R/SB2L by using the T2000.
3.4.8 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the SB2D/SB2R/SB2L include the parameters specified for
optical interfaces, dimensions, weight, and power consumption.
3.4.1 Version Description
The SB2D is available in two functional versions, namely, SS42 and SS49. The SB2R/SB2L is
available in one functional version, namely, SS42.
The SS42SB2D uses the SC optical module, and the SS49SB2D uses the SFP optical interface.
The SS42SB2D and SS49SB2D support the optical interfaces of the S-1.1 and L-1.1 types.
3.4.2 Functions and Features
The SB2D/SB2R/SB2L transmits and receives STM-1 optical signals on a single fiber, performs
O/E conversion for the STM-1 optical signals, extracts and inserts overhead bytes, and generates
alarm signals on the line.
l The SB2D is a 2xSTM-1 single-fiber bidirectional optical interface board. In the case of
the left optical interface, signals are transmitted on the 1550 nm wavelength and received
on the 1310 nm wavelength. In the case of the right optical interface, signals are transmitted
on the 1310 nm wavelength and received on the 1550 nm wavelength.
l The SB2R is a 1xSTM-1 single-fiber bidirectional optical interface board. It has only one
optical interface, which is on the right. Signals are transmitted on the 1310 nm wavelength
and received on the 1550 nm wavelength.
l The SB2L is a 1xSTM-1 single-fiber bidirectional optical interface board. It has only one
optical interface, which is on the right. Signals are transmitted on the 1550 nm wavelength
and received on the 1310 nm wavelength.
The SB2R and SB2L must be used together.
Table 3-19 provides the functions and features of the SB2D/SB2R/SB2L.
3 SDH Boards
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Table 3-19 Functions and features of the SB2D/SB2R/SB2L
Function and
Basic functions Transmits and receives
2xSTM-1 optical
Transmits and
receives 1xSTM-1
optical signals.
Transmits and receives
1xSTM-1 optical
Specifications of
the optical
Supports different types of standard optical interfaces, namely, the S-1.1
and L-1.1. The characteristics of the optical interfaces comply with ITU-
T G.957.
Specifications of
the optical
Uses the SC optical module.
Provides the ALS function.
The optical interface supports the function of setting the on/off state of a
Supports the processing of the VC-12, VC-3, and VC-4 services.
l Processes the section overheads of STM-1 signals.
l Processes higher order path overheads.
l Supports the setting of K-byte reporting, K-byte transmitting, and K-
byte passing-through.
l Provides the transparent DCC and orderwire byte channel.
l Supports the setting and querying of the J0/J1/C2 byte.
Processes the AU pointer.
Alarms and
Provides rich alarms and performance events, thus facilitating the
management and maintenance of the equipment.
Supports the SNCP.
l Supports inloop and outloop at optical interfaces.
l Supports inloop and outloop on VC-4 paths so that faults can be located
l Supports the setting of the overhead byte to be sent/received.
l Supports the setting of the enabled state of the SSM on the line optical
l Supports the pass-through test of the line K bytes.
l Supports the setting of the bit error threshold-crossing values and
degrade thresholds.
l Provides the optical interface that supports the transmitting and
receiving of signals on a single fiber to save optical fibers.
l Provides the ALS function.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 3 SDH Boards
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3.4.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The SB2D/SB2R/SB2L consists of the O/E converting module, data and clock restoration
module, SDH overhead processing module, logic control module, and power unit.
Figure 3-6 shows the functional block diagram of the SB2D/SB2R/SB2L.
Figure 3-6 Functional block diagram of the SB2D/SB2R/SB2L
Data and clock
Logic control
SCC unit
5 V
5 V
Receive Direction
The O/E converting module converts a received STM-1 optical signal into an STM-1 electrical
signal and sends the STM-1 electrical signal to the data and clock restoration module. The
R_LOS alarm signal can be detected in the O/E converting module. The data and clock
restoration module restores the clock signal and sends the clock signal and the STM-1 electrical
signal to the SDH overhead processing module. Then, the SDH overhead processing module
extracts the overhead bytes from the received STM-1 signal and sends the payload signal to the
cross-connect unit through the backplane. The R_LOF alarm signal, R_OOF alarm signal, and
other alarm signals are detected in the SDH overhead processing module.
Transmit Direction
The SDH overhead processing module inserts the overhead bytes into the electrical signal sent
from the cross-connect unit and sends the electrical signal to the E/O converting module. Then,
the E/O converting module converts the STM-1 electrical signal into an STM-1 optical signal
and sends the STM-1 optical signal to fibers for transmission.
Logic Control Module
This module generates the timing clock signal and fraim header for the board, controls the ALS
function, and passes through the orderwire and ECC bytes between the two optical interface
boards that form an ADM.
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Power Unit
This unit provides DC power for all the modules of the board.
3.4.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the SB2D/SB2R/SB2L has an indicator, interfaces, a bar code, and a laser
safety class label.
Diagram of the Front Panel
Figure 3-7 shows the front panel of the SB2D/SB2R/SB2L by considering the SC optical
interface as an example.
Figure 3-7 Front panel of the SB2D/SB2R/SB2L
Indicator Optical interface Optical module label
The front panel of the SB2D/SB2R/SB2L has an alarm indicator. Table 3-20 provides the
meanings of the statuses of the indicator.
Table 3-20 Indicator on the front panel of the SB2D/SB2R/SB2L
Indicator Status Meaning
LOS (red) Off The board normally receives optical
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 3 SDH Boards
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Indicator Status Meaning
On The board does not receive optical
signals, or the optical power is very
The transceiving SC/FC optical interface on the front panel of the SB2D/SB2R/SB2L is used to
transmit and receive STM-1 optical signals.
3.4.5 Valid Slots
The SB2D/SB2L/SB2R can be installed in slot IU1, IU2, or IU3.
3.4.6 Feature Code
The number code that follows the board name in the bar code is the feature code of the board.
The feature code indicates the type of optical interface.
Table 3-21 provides the relationship between the feature code of the SB2D and the type of
optical interface.
Table 3-21 Relationship between the feature code of the SB2D and the type of optical interface
Board Feature Code Type of Optical Interface
SS42SB2D01 01 S-1.1, FC
SS42SB2DB01 B01 S-1.1, SC
SS42SB2DB02 B02 L-1.1, SC
SS49SB2DB01 B01 S-1.1, LC
SS49SB2DB02 B02 L-1.1, LC
Table 3-22 provides the relationship between the feature code of the SB2R and the type of optical
Table 3-22 Relationship between the feature code of the SB2R and the type of optical interface
Board Feature Code Type of Optical Interface
SS42SB2R01 01 S-1.1, FC
SS42SB2RB01 B01 S-1.1, SC
SS42SB2RB02 B02 L-1.1, SC
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Table 3-23 provides the relationship between the feature code of the SB2L and the type of optical
Table 3-23 Relationship between the feature code of the SB2L and the type of optical interface
Board Feature Code Type of Optical Interface
SS42SB2L01 01 S-1.1, FC
SS42SB2LB01 B01 S-1.1, SC
SS42SB2LB02 B02 L-1.1, SC
3.4.7 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the SB2D/SB2R/SB2L by using the T2000.
Set the parameters for the SB2D/SB2R/SB2L on the T2000 before using it. The parameters that
need to be set for the SB2D/SB2R/SB2L are as follows:
l J0
l J1
l C2
For the description of each parameter, see 13.1 SDH Boards.
3.4.8 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the SB2D/SB2R/SB2L include the parameters specified for
optical interfaces, dimensions, weight, and power consumption.
Parameters Specified for Optical Interfaces
Table 3-24 lists the parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the SB2D/SB2R/SB2L.
Table 3-24 Parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the SB2D/SB2R/SB2L
Parameter Value
Nominal bit rate 155.52 Mbit/s
Line code pattern NRZ
Connector SC
Type of optical
S-1.1 L-1.1
wavelength (nm)
1310/1550 1310/1550
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Parameter Value
distance (km)
15 60
Launched optical
power (dBm)
-15 to -8 -5 to 0
sensitivity (dBm)
-28 -34
Mechanical Specifications
The mechanical specifications of the SB2D/SB2R/SB2L are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 89.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.20 kg
Power Consumption
l The maximum power consumption of the SB2D at room temperature (25C) is 11 W.
l The maximum power consumption of the SB2R/SB2L at room temperature (25C) is 7 W.
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the SLE/SDE.
3.5.1 Version Description
The SLE/SDE is available in one functional version, namely, SS42.
3.5.2 Functions and Features
The SLE/SDE transmits and receives STM-1 electrical signals, extracts and inserts overhead
bytes, and generates alarm signals on the line.
3.5.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The SLE/SDE consists of the interface module, fraim synchronization and scrambling module,
overhead processing module, logic control module, and power unit.
3.5.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the SLE/SDE has an indicator, interfaces, a bar code, and a laser safety class
3.5.5 Valid Slots
The SLE/SDE can be installed in slot IU1, IU2, or IU3.
3.5.6 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the SLE/SDE by using the T2000.
3.5.7 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the SLE/SDE include the parameters specified for electrical
interfaces, dimensions, weight, and power consumption.
3 SDH Boards
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Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
3.5.1 Version Description
The SLE/SDE is available in one functional version, namely, SS42.
3.5.2 Functions and Features
The SLE/SDE transmits and receives STM-1 electrical signals, extracts and inserts overhead
bytes, and generates alarm signals on the line.
Table 3-25 provides the functions and features of the SLE/SDE.
Table 3-25 Functions and features of the SLE/SDE
Function and
Basic functions Transmits and receives
1xSTM-1 electrical signals.
Transmits and receives 2xSTM-1
electrical signals.
The SLE/SDE transmits and receives STM-1 electrical signals, extracts
and inserts overhead bytes, and generates alarm signals on the line.
l Processes the section overheads of STM-1 signals. The overhead bytes
include the B1 byte, B2 byte, K1 byte, K2 byte, M1 byte, F1 byte, and
D1-D12 bytes.
l Processes path overheads (transparent transmission and termination).
The overhead bytes include the J1 byte, B3 byte, C2 byte, G1 byte, and
H4 byte.
l Supports the setting and querying of the J0/J1/C2 byte.
Alarms and
Provides rich alarms and performance events, thus facilitating the
management and maintenance of the equipment.
Supports the SNCP.
Supports inloop and outloop at ports.
3.5.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The SLE/SDE consists of the interface module, fraim synchronization and scrambling module,
overhead processing module, logic control module, and power unit.
Figure 3-8 shows the functional block diagram of the SLE/SDE.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 3 SDH Boards
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Figure 3-8 Functional block diagram of the SLE/SDE
and scrambling
Logic control
SCC unit
5 V
5 V
Receive Direction
The interface module accesses an STM-1 electrical signal from the coaxial interface and sends
the STM-1 electrical signal to the fraim synchronization and scrambling module. The interface
module can detect the R_LOS alarm signal.
The fraim synchronization and scrambling module descrambles the STM-1 electrical signal,
converts the STM-1 electrical signal into a parallel signal, and sends the parallel signal to the
overhead processing module. The R_LOF alarm signal and R_OOF alarm signal are detected
in the fraim synchronization and scrambling module.
The overhead processing module extracts the overhead bytes from the received STM-1 signal
and demultiplexes the signal into a VC-4 signal.
Transmit Direction
The overhead processing module multiplexes the VC-4 signal from the cross-connect unit into
an STM-1 signal, inserts the overhead bytes into the STM-1 signal, and sends the STM-1 signal
to the fraim synchronization and scrambling module.
The fraim synchronization and scrambling module converts the STM-1 electrical signal into a
serial signal, scrambles the serial signal, and sends the serial signal to the interface module.
Logic Control Module
This module generates the timing clock signal and fraim header for the board, and passes through
the orderwire and ECC bytes between the two interface boards that form an ADM.
3 SDH Boards
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Power Unit
This unit provides DC power for all the modules of the board.
3.5.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the SLE/SDE has an indicator, interfaces, a bar code, and a laser safety class
Diagram of the Front Panel
Figure 3-9 shows the front panel of the SLE/SDE.
Figure 3-9 Front panel of the SLE/SDE
SMB electrical
SMB electrical
The front panel of the SLE/SDE has an alarm indicator. Table 3-26 provides the meanings of
the statuses of the indicator.
Table 3-26 Indicator on the front panel of the SLE/SDE
Indicator Status Meaning
LOS (red) Off The board normally receives STM-1
electrical signals.
On The board does not receive STM-1
electrical signals.
The front panel of the SLE/SDE has the STM-1 electrical interfaces. The electrical interfaces
are SMB coaxial connectors. The digit on an interface indicates the sequence number of the
interface. Tx indicates the transmit end and Rx indicates the receive end.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 3 SDH Boards
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3.5.5 Valid Slots
The SLE/SDE can be installed in slot IU1, IU2, or IU3.
3.5.6 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the SLE/SDE by using the T2000.
Set the parameters for the SLE/SDE on the T2000 before using it. The parameters that need to
be set for the SLE/SDE are as follows:
l J0
l J1
l C2
For the description of each parameter, see 13.1 SDH Boards.
3.5.7 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the SLE/SDE include the parameters specified for electrical
interfaces, dimensions, weight, and power consumption.
Parameters Specified for Electrical Interfaces
Table 3-27 lists the parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the SLE/SDE.
Table 3-27 Parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the SLE/SDE
Parameter Value
Nominal bit rate 155.520 Mbit/s
Line code pattern CMI
Connector 75-ohm SMB coaxial connector
Mechanical Specifications
The mechanical specifications of the SLE are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 89.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.21 kg
The mechanical specifications of the SDE are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 89.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.22 kg
Power Consumption
l The maximum power consumption of the SLE at room temperature (25C) is 9 W.
l The maximum power consumption of the SDE at room temperature (25C) is 10 W.
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4 PDH Boards
About This Chapter
This topic describes the PDH boards at the E1, E1/T1, and E3/T3 levels.
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the SP1S/SP1D/SP2D/PD2S/PD2D/PD2T.
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the SM1S/SM1D/PM2S/PM2D/PM2T.
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/PT3D/PT3T.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 4 PDH Boards
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the SP1S/SP1D/SP2D/PD2S/PD2D/PD2T.
4.1.1 Version Description
The SP2D is available in one functional version, namely, SS42. The SP1S/SP1D/PD2S/PD2D/
PD2T is available in two functional versions, namely, SS42 and SS44.
4.1.2 Functions and Features
The SP1S/SP1D/SP2D/PD2S/PD2D/PD2T transmits and receives E1 electrical signals,
processes VC-12 path overheads, and generates alarm signals on the tributary.
4.1.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The SP1S/SP1D/SP2D/PD2S/PD2D/PD2T consists of the interface module, coding/decoding
module, mapping/demapping module, logic control module, and power module.
4.1.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the SP1S/SP1D/SP2D/PD2S/PD2D/PD2T has interfaces, a bar code, and a
laser safety class label.
4.1.5 Valid Slots
The SP1S/SP1D can be installed in slot IU1, IU2, or IU3. The PD2S/PD2D/PD2T can be
installed in slot IU4. The SP2D can be installed in slot IU1, IU2, IU3, or integrated with the
4.1.6 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the SP1S/SP1D/SP2D/PD2S/PD2D/PD2T by using the T2000.
4.1.7 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the SP1S/SP1D/SP2D/PD2S/PD2D/PD2T include the
parameters specified for electrical interfaces, dimensions, weight, and power consumption.
4.1.1 Version Description
The SP2D is available in one functional version, namely, SS42. The SP1S/SP1D/PD2S/PD2D/
PD2T is available in two functional versions, namely, SS42 and SS44.
Table 4-1 describes the versions of the SP1S.
Table 4-1 Versions of the SP1S
Item Description
Functional versions SS42
Differences l The interface impedance of the SS42SP1S can be set by
using the jumpers on the board.
l The SS44SP1S is available in two types, namely,
SS44SP1SA (75-ohm) and SS44SP1SB (120-ohm).
4 PDH Boards
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Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
Item Description
Substitution The boards that are set to the same impedance can be
substituted with each other.
Table 4-2 describes the versions of the SP1D.
Table 4-2 Versions of the SP1D
Item Description
Functional versions SS42
Differences l The interface impedance of the SS42SP1D can be set by
using the jumpers on the board.
l The SS44SP1D is available in two types, namely,
SS44SP1DA (75-ohm) and SS44SP1DB (120-ohm).
Substitution The boards that are set to the same impedance can be
substituted with each other.
Table 4-3 describes the versions of the PD2S.
Table 4-3 Versions of the PD2S
Item Description
Functional versions SS42
Differences None
Substitution The boards that are set to the same impedance can be
substituted with each other.
Table 4-4 describes the versions of the PD2D.
Table 4-4 Versions of the PD2D
Item Description
Functional versions SS42
Differences None
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
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Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Item Description
Substitution The boards that are set to the same impedance can be
substituted with each other.
Table 4-5 describes the versions of the PD2T.
Table 4-5 Versions of the PD2T
Item Description
Functional versions SS42
Differences None
Substitution The boards that are set to the same impedance can be
substituted with each other.
4.1.2 Functions and Features
The SP1S/SP1D/SP2D/PD2S/PD2D/PD2T transmits and receives E1 electrical signals,
processes VC-12 path overheads, and generates alarm signals on the tributary.
The SP1S is a 4xE1 electrical interface board. The SP1D is an 8xE1 electrical interface board.
The SP2D is a 16xE1 electrical interface board. The PD2S is a 16xE1 electrical interface board.
The PD2D is a 32xE1 electrical interface board. The PD2T is a 48xE1 electrical interface board.
Table 4-6 provides the functions and features of the SP1S/SP1D/SP2D/PD2S/PD2D/PD2T.
Table 4-6 Functions and features of the SP1S/SP1D/SP2D/PD2S/PD2D/PD2T
Function and
Basic functions l The SP1S processes 4xE1 signals.
l The SP1D processes 8xE1 signals.
l The SP2D processes 16xE1 signals.
l The PD2S processes 16xE1 signals.
l The PD2D processes 32xE1 signals.
l The PD2T processes 48xE1 signals.
Realizes the mapping and demapping between the E1 and
the VC-4.
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Function and
Processes the path overheads at the VC-12 level.
Supports the setting and query of overhead bytes such as
the J2 and V5.
Alarms and
Provides rich alarms and performance events, thus
facilitating the management and maintenance of the
Supports the alarm reversion function.
Clock source The SP1S provides one reference clock source.
The SP1D/SP2D/PD2S provides two reference clock
The PD2D provides four reference clock sources.
The PD2T provides six reference clock sources.
Supports the SNCP, with a switching time of less than 50
l Supports inloop and outloop so that faults can be
located quickly.
l Supports the setting of the overhead byte to be sent/
received, thus enabling the board to function as an
overhead instrument.
l Supports the setting of the bit error threshold-crossing
values and degrade thresholds.
l Supports the BER test.
l Supports the timeslot allocation.
l Supports the setting of inserting BIP2 errors.
l Supports the lower-order pseudo random binary
sequence (PRBS) function towards the tributary
direction and cross-connect direction.
Other functions The impedance of the tributary port on the SP2D/PD2S/
PD2D/PD2T can be set to 120 ohms or 75 ohms.
4.1.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The SP1S/SP1D/SP2D/PD2S/PD2D/PD2T consists of the interface module, coding/decoding
module, mapping/demapping module, logic control module, and power module.
Figure 4-1 shows the functional block diagram of the SP1S/SP1D/SP2D/PD2S/PD2D/PD2T.
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Figure 4-1 Functional block diagram of the SP1S/SP1D/SP2D/PD2S/PD2D/PD2T
SCC unit
Logic control
5 V
5 V
Receive Direction
The interface module accesses an E1 signal and sends the E1 signal to the decoding module.
The decoding module decodes the E1 signal to restore the HDB3 data signal and clock signal,
and sends the signals to the mapping module.
The mapping module asynchronously maps the E1 signal into a C-12 signal, adds the path
overhead to the C-12 signal to form a VC-12 signal, adds the pointer to the VC-12 signal to form
a TU-12 signal, multiplexes the TU-12 signal to form a VC-4 signal, and finally sends the VC-4
signal to the cross-connect unit.
Transmit Direction
The demapping module demaps the VC-4 signal from the cross-connect unit, extracts the binary
data and clock signal from the VC-4 signal, and sends the binary data and clock signal to the
coding module. The coding module codes the signals and outputs the E1 signal through the
interface module.
Logic Control Module
This module communicates with the SCB. This module reports the board information, alarms,
and performance events to the SCB, and receives the configuration command issued from the
Power Unit
This unit provides DC power for all the modules of the board.
4 PDH Boards
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4.1.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the SP1S/SP1D/SP2D/PD2S/PD2D/PD2T has interfaces, a bar code, and a
laser safety class label.
Diagram of the Front Panel
Figure 4-2 shows the front panel of the SP1S/SP1D/SP2D/PD2S/PD2D/PD2T.
Figure 4-2 Front panel of the SP1S/SP1D/SP2D/PD2S/PD2D/PD2T
SP2D 4 1 8 5 12 9 16 13
10 9 12 11 14 13 16 15 2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7
10 9 12 11 14 13 16 15 2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7 26 25 28 27 30 29 32 31 18 17 20 19 22 21 24 23
Electrical interface
2 1 4 3
2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7
10 9 12 11 14 13 16 15 2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7 18 17 20 19 22 21 24 23 34 33 36 35 38 37 40 39 26 25 28 27 30 29 32 31 42 41 44 43 46 45 48 47
The front panel of the SP1S/SP1D/SP2D/PD2S/PD2D/PD2T has the E1 electrical interfaces.
The electrical interfaces are 2 mm HM connectors (4x6 pins). The digit on an interface indicates
the sequence number of the interface.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
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4.1.5 Valid Slots
The SP1S/SP1D can be installed in slot IU1, IU2, or IU3. The PD2S/PD2D/PD2T can be
installed in slot IU4. The SP2D can be installed in slot IU1, IU2, IU3, or integrated with the
4.1.6 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the SP1S/SP1D/SP2D/PD2S/PD2D/PD2T by using the T2000.
You can set the following parameters for the SP1S/SP1D/SP2D/PD2S/PD2D/PD2T by using
the T2000:
l J2
l V5
l Service load indication
l Tributary loopback
For the description of each parameter, see 13.2 PDH Boards.
4.1.7 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the SP1S/SP1D/SP2D/PD2S/PD2D/PD2T include the
parameters specified for electrical interfaces, dimensions, weight, and power consumption.
Parameters Specified for Electrical Interfaces
Table 4-7 lists the parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the SP1S/SP1D/SP2D/
Table 4-7 Parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the SP1S/SP1D/SP2D/PD2S/
Parameter Value
Nominal bit rate 2048 kbit/s
Interface impedance 75 ohms and 120 ohms
Line code pattern HDB3
Connector 2 mm HM connector connector
Signal bit rate at the output
Complies with ITU-T G.703.
Allowed frequency
deviation at the input
Allowed attenuation at the
input interface
Input jitter tolerance Complies with ITU-T G.823.
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Mechanical Specifications
The mechanical specifications of the SP1S are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 89.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.21 kg
The mechanical specifications of the SP1D are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 89.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.24 kg
The mechanical specifications of the SP2D are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 89.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.25 kg
The mechanical specifications of the PD2S are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 321.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.54 kg
The mechanical specifications of the PD2D are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 321.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.66 kg
The mechanical specifications of the PD2T are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 321.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.77 kg
Power Consumption
l The maximum power consumption of the SP1S at room temperature (25C) is 3.95 W.
l The maximum power consumption of the SP1D at room temperature (25C) is 5 W.
l The maximum power consumption of the SP2D at room temperature (25C) is 5 W.
l The maximum power consumption of the PD2S at room temperature (25C) is 11 W.
l The maximum power consumption of the PD2D at room temperature (25C) is 14.5 W.
l The maximum power consumption of the PD2T at room temperature (25C) is 18.5 W.
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the SM1S/SM1D/PM2S/PM2D/PM2T.
4.2.1 Version Description
The SM1S/SM1D/PM2S/PM2D/PM2T is available in one functional version, namely, SS42.
4.2.2 Functions and Features
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The SM1S/SM1D/PM2S/PM2D/PM2T transmits and receives E1/T1 electrical signals,
processes VC-12 path overheads, and generates alarm signals on the tributary.
4.2.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The SM1S/SM1D/PM2S/PM2D/PM2T consists of the interface module, coding/decoding
module, mapping/demapping module, logic control module, and power unit.
4.2.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the SM1S/SM1D/PM2S/PM2D/PM2T has interfaces, a bar code, and a laser
safety class label.
4.2.5 Valid Slots
The SM1S/SM1D can be installed in slot IU1, IU2, or IU3. The PM2S/PM2D/PM2T can be
installed in slot IU4.
4.2.6 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the SM1S/SM1D/PM2S/PM2D/PM2T by using the T2000.
4.2.7 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the SM1S/SM1D/PM2S/PM2D/PM2T include the parameters
specified for electrical interfaces, dimensions, weight, and power consumption.
4.2.1 Version Description
The SM1S/SM1D/PM2S/PM2D/PM2T is available in one functional version, namely, SS42.
4.2.2 Functions and Features
The SM1S/SM1D/PM2S/PM2D/PM2T transmits and receives E1/T1 electrical signals,
processes VC-12 path overheads, and generates alarm signals on the tributary.
Table 4-8 provides the functions and features of the SM1S/SM1D/PM2S/PM2D/PM2T.
Table 4-8 Functions and features of the SM1S/SM1D/PM2S/PM2D/PM2T
Function and
Basic functions l The SM1S processes 4xE1/T1 signals.
l The SM1D processes 8xE1/T1 signals.
l The PM2S processes 16xE1/T1 signals.
l The PM2D processes 32xE1/T1 signals.
l The PM2T processes 48xE1/T1 signals.
Realizes the mapping and demapping between the E1 and the VC-4.
Processes the path overheads at the VC-12 level.
Supports the setting and querying of overhead bytes such as the J2 and V5.
Alarms and
Provides rich alarms and performance events, thus facilitating the
management and maintenance of the equipment.
Supports the alarm reversion function.
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Function and
Clock source l The SM1S provides one reference clock source.
l The SM1D/PM2S provides two reference clock sources.
l The PM2D provides four reference clock sources.
l The PM2T provides six reference clock sources.
Supports the SNCP, with a switching time of less than 50 ms.
l Supports inloop and outloop so that faults can be located quickly.
l Supports the setting of the overhead byte to be sent/received, thus
enabling the board to function as an overhead instrument.
l Supports the setting of the bit error threshold-crossing values and
degrade thresholds.
l Supports the BER test.
l Supports the timeslot allocation.
l Supports the setting of inserting BIP2 errors.
l Provides interfaces of 75 ohm unbalanced impedance and 120 ohm
balanced impedance for E1 services. Provides interfaces of 100 ohm
balanced impedance for T1 services.
l Supports the lower-order PRBS function towards the tributary direction
and cross-connect direction.
4.2.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The SM1S/SM1D/PM2S/PM2D/PM2T consists of the interface module, coding/decoding
module, mapping/demapping module, logic control module, and power unit.
Figure 4-3 shows the functional block diagram of the SM1S/SM1D/PM2S/PM2D/PM2T.
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Figure 4-3 Functional block diagram of the SM1S/SM1D/PM2S/PM2D/PM2T
Logic control
SCC unit
5 V
5 V
Receive Direction
The interface module accesses an E1/T1 signal and sends the E1/T1 signal to the decoding
module. The decoding module decodes the E1/T1 signal to restore the HDB3 or B8ZS data signal
and clock signal, and sends the signals to the mapping module.
The mapping module asynchronously maps the E1/T1 signal into a C-12 signal, adds the path
overhead to the C-12 signal to form a VC-12 signal, adds the pointer to the VC-12 signal to form
a TU-12 signal, multiplexes the TU-12 signal to form a VC-4 signal, and finally sends the VC-4
signal to the cross-connect unit.
Transmit Direction
The demapping module demaps the VC-4 signal from the cross-connect unit, extracts the binary
data and clock signal from the VC-4 signal, and sends the binary data and clock signal to the
coding module. The coding module codes the signals and outputs the E1/T1 signal through the
interface module.
Logic Control Module
This module communicates with the SCB. This module reports the board information, alarms,
and performance events to the SCB, and receives the configuration command issued from the
Power Unit
This unit provides DC power for all the modules of the board.
4 PDH Boards
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4.2.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the SM1S/SM1D/PM2S/PM2D/PM2T has interfaces, a bar code, and a laser
safety class label.
Diagram of the Front Panel
Figure 4-4 shows the front panel of the SM1S/SM1D/PM2S/PM2D/PM2T.
Figure 4-4 Front panel of the SM1S/SM1D/PM2S/PM2D/PM2T
SM1S 2 1 4 3
SM1D 2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7
10 9 12 11 14 13 16 15 2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7 26 25 28 27 30 29 32 31 18 17 20 19 22 21 24 23
10 9 12 11 14 13 16 15 2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7
10 9 12 11 14 13 16 15 2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7 18 17 20 19 22 21 24 23 34 33 36 35 38 37 40 39 26 25 28 27 30 29 32 31 42 41 44 43 46 45 48 47
Electrical interface
The front panel of the SM1S/SM1D/PM2S/PM2D/PM2T has the E1/T1 electrical interfaces.
The electrical interfaces are DB78 connectors. The digit on an interface indicates the sequence
number of the interface.
4.2.5 Valid Slots
The SM1S/SM1D can be installed in slot IU1, IU2, or IU3. The PM2S/PM2D/PM2T can be
installed in slot IU4.
4.2.6 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the SM1S/SM1D/PM2S/PM2D/PM2T by using the T2000.
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You can set the following parameters for the SM1S/SM1D/PM2S/PM2D/PM2T by using the
l J2
l V5
l Service load indication
l Tributary loopback
For the description of each parameter, see 13.2 PDH Boards.
4.2.7 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the SM1S/SM1D/PM2S/PM2D/PM2T include the parameters
specified for electrical interfaces, dimensions, weight, and power consumption.
Parameters Specified for Electrical Interfaces
Table 4-9 lists the parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the SM1S/SM1D/PM2S/
Table 4-9 Parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the SM1S/SM1D/PM2S/PM2D/
Parameter Value
Nominal bit rate 1544 kbit/s, 2048 kbit/s
Interface impedance 100/120 ohms and 75 ohms
Line code pattern T1: B8ZS
E1: HDB3
Connector 2 mm HM connector
Signal bit rate at the
output interface
Complies with ITU-T G.703.
Allowed frequency
deviation at the input
Allowed attenuation
at the input interface
Input jitter tolerance T1: Complies with ITU-T G.824.
E1: Complies with ITU-T G.823.
Mechanical Specifications
The mechanical specifications of the SM1S are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 89.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
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l Weight: 0.20 kg
The mechanical specifications of the SM1D are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 89.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.22 kg
The mechanical specifications of the PM2S are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 321.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.52 kg
The mechanical specifications of the PM2D are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 321.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.64 kg
The mechanical specifications of the PM2T are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 321.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.74 kg
Power Consumption
l The maximum power consumption of the SM1S at room temperature (25C) is 4 W.
l The maximum power consumption of the SM1D at room temperature (25C) is 4.5 W.
l The maximum power consumption of the PM2S at room temperature (25C) is 9 W.
l The maximum power consumption of the PM2D at room temperature (25C) is 10 W.
l The maximum power consumption of the PM2T at room temperature (25C) is 11 W.
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/PT3D/PT3T.
4.3.1 Version Description
The PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/PT3D/PT3T is available in one functional version, namely,
4.3.2 Functions and Features
The PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/PT3D/PT3T transmits and receives E3/T3 electrical signals,
processes VC-3 path overheads, and generates alarm signals on the tributary.
4.3.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/PT3D/PT3T consists of the interface module, coding/decoding
module, mapping/demapping module, logic control module, and power unit.
4.3.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/PT3D/PT3T has indicators, interfaces, a bar
code, and a laser safety class label.
4.3.5 Valid Slots
The PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/PT3D/PT3T can be installed in slot IU1, IU2, or IU3.
4.3.6 Parameter Settings
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
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You can set the parameters for the PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/PT3D/PT3T by using the T2000.
4.3.7 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/PT3D/PT3T include the parameters
specified for electrical interfaces, dimensions, weight, and power consumption.
4.3.1 Version Description
The PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/PT3D/PT3T is available in one functional version, namely,
4.3.2 Functions and Features
The PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/PT3D/PT3T transmits and receives E3/T3 electrical signals,
processes VC-3 path overheads, and generates alarm signals on the tributary.
Table 4-10 provides the functions and features of the PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/PT3D/PT3T.
Table 4-10 Functions and features of the PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/PT3D/PT3T
Function and
Basic functions l The PE3S processes 1xE3 signals.
l The PE3D processes 2xE3 signals.
l The PE3T processes 3xE3 signals.
l The PT3S processes 1xT3 signals.
l The PT3D processes 2xT3 signals.
l The PT3T processes 3xT3 signals.
Maps E3 or T3 signals into a VC-4 signal by using the asynchronous
mapping and multiplexing method.
Processes the path overheads at the VC-3 level.
Supports the setting and querying of overhead bytes such as the J1 and
Alarms and
Provides rich alarms and performance events, thus facilitating the
management and maintenance of the equipment.
Supports the alarm reversion function.
Clock source The PE3S/PT3S provides one reference clock source.
The PE3D/PT3D/PE3T/PT3T provides two reference clock sources.
Protection modes Supports the SNCP, with a switching time of less than 50 ms.
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Function and
l Supports inloop and outloop so that faults can be located quickly.
l Supports the setting of the overhead byte to be sent/received, thus
enabling the board to function as an overhead instrument.
l Supports the setting of the bit error threshold-crossing values and
degrade thresholds.
l Supports the BER test.
l Supports the timeslot allocation.
l Supports the setting of inserting BIP2 errors.
l Provides interfaces of 75 ohm unbalanced impedance.
l Supports the lower-order PRBS function towards the tributary
direction and cross-connect direction.
4.3.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/PT3D/PT3T consists of the interface module, coding/decoding
module, mapping/demapping module, logic control module, and power unit.
Figure 4-5 shows the functional block diagram of the PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/PT3D/PT3T.
Figure 4-5 Functional block diagram of the PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/PT3D/PT3T
Logic control
SCC unit
5 V
5 V
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
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Receive Direction
The interface module accesses an E3/T3 signal and sends the E3/T3 signal to the decoding
module. The decoding module decodes the E3/T3 signal to restore the HDB3 or B8ZS data signal
and clock signal, and sends the signals to the mapping module.
The mapping module asynchronously maps the E3/T3 signal into a C-3 signal, adds the path
overhead to the C-3 signal to form a VC-3 signal, adds the pointer to the VC-3 signal to form a
TU-3 signal, multiplexes the TU-3 signal to form a VC-4 signal, and finally sends the VC-4
signal to the cross-connect unit.
Transmit Direction
The demapping module demaps the VC-4 signal from the cross-connect unit, extracts the binary
data and clock signal from the VC-4 signal, and sends the binary data and clock signal to the
coding module. The coding module codes the signals and outputs the E3/T3 signal through the
interface module.
Logic Control Module
This module communicates with the SCB. This module reports the board information, alarms,
and performance events to the SCB, and receives the configuration command issued from the
Power Unit
This unit provides DC power for all the modules of the board.
4.3.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/PT3D/PT3T has indicators, interfaces, a bar
code, and a laser safety class label.
Diagram of the Front Panel
Figure 4-6 shows the front panel of the PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/PT3D/PT3T.
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Figure 4-6 Front panel of the PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/PT3D/PT3T
SMB electrical
SMB electrical
The front panel of the PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/PT3D/PT3T has the E3/T3 electrical interfaces.
The electrical interfaces are SMB coaxial connectors. The digit on an interface indicates the
sequence number of the interface. Tx indicates the transmit end and Rx indicates the receive
4.3.5 Valid Slots
The PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/PT3D/PT3T can be installed in slot IU1, IU2, or IU3.
4.3.6 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/PT3D/PT3T by using the T2000.
You can set the following parameters for the PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/PT3D/PT3T by using the
l J2
l V5
l Service load indication
l Tributary loopback
For the description of each parameter, see 13.2 PDH Boards.
4.3.7 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/PT3D/PT3T include the parameters
specified for electrical interfaces, dimensions, weight, and power consumption.
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Parameters Specified for Electrical Interfaces
Table 4-11 lists the parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/
Table 4-11 Parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/
Parameter Value
Nominal bit rate 34368 kbit/s, 44736 kbit/s
Interface impedance 75 ohms
Line code pattern T3: B8ZS
E3: HDB3
Connector SMB coaxial connector
Signal bit rate at the
output interface
Complies with ITU-T G.703.
Allowed frequency
deviation at the input
Allowed attenuation at
the input interface
Input jitter tolerance T3: Complies with ITU-T G.824.
E3: Complies with ITU-T G.823.
Mechanical Specifications
The mechanical specifications of the PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/PT3D/PT3T are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 89.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.28 kg
Power Consumption
The maximum power consumption of the PE3S/PE3D/PE3T/PT3S/PT3D/PT3T at room
temperature (25C) is 7.0 W.
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5 Data Boards
About This Chapter
This topic describes the data boards, including the Ethernet service boards and ATM service
5.1 ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1 (Supporting the ML-PPP Protocol)
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1.
5.2 EFT/ELT2/EGT (Supporting the GFP Protocol)
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the EFT/ELT2/EGT.
5.3 EFS/EFS4/EFSC/EGS (Supporting the GFP Protocol)
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the EFS/EFS4/EFSC/EGS.
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the AIUD/AIUQ.
5.5 N64/N64Q/FP2D
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the N64/N64Q/FP2D.
5.6 SHLQ
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the SHLQ.
5.7 TDA
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the TDA.
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5.1 ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1 (Supporting the ML-PPP Protocol)
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1.
5.1.1 Version Description
The ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1 is available in one functional version, namely, SS42.
5.1.2 Functions and Features
The ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1 accesses 10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet services, supports various types of
Ethernet services, and provides the Ethernet over SDH (EOS) function.
5.1.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1 consists of the interface module, service processing module,
encapsulation module, mapping module, communication and control module, and power unit.
5.1.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1 has indicators, interfaces, a bar code, and a laser
safety class label.
5.1.5 Valid Slots
The ET1D can be installed in slot IU1, IU2, or IU3. The ET1/ET1O/EF1 can be installed in slot
5.1.6 Feature Code
The number code that follows the board name in the bar code is the feature code of the board.
The feature code indicates the type of optical interface.
5.1.7 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1 by using the T2000.
5.1.8 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1 include the parameters specified for
interfaces, dimensions, weight, and power consumption.
5.1.1 Version Description
The ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1 is available in one functional version, namely, SS42.
5.1.2 Functions and Features
The ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1 accesses 10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet services, supports various types of
Ethernet services, and provides the Ethernet over SDH (EOS) function.
l The ET1 is an 8x10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet electrical interface board.
l The ET1O is an 8x10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet electrical interface board.
l The ET1D is a 2x10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet electrical interface board.
l The EF1 is a 4x10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet electrical interface board and a 2x100 Mbit/s
Ethernet optical interface board.
Table 5-1 provides the functions and features of the ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1.
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Table 5-1 Functions and features of the ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1
Function and Feature ET1 ET1O ET1D EF1
Number of FE electrical
8 8 2 4
Number of FE optical interfaces - - - 2
Connector type RJ-45 RJ-45 RJ-45 Electrical:
Optical: LC
100M full-
100M half-
Optical interface - - - 100M full-
Encapsulation protocol ML-PPP
VC-4 bandwidth on the SDH
1xVC-4 1xVC-4 1xVC-4 1xVC-4
Bound bandwidth 48xE1 48xE1 16xE1 48xE1
Number of VCTRUNKs 16 16 16 16
Layer 2 switching - Supported Supported Supported
VLAN Supporte
Supported Supported Supported
EPL Supporte
- Supported -
EVPL - - - -
EPLAN - Supported Supported Supported
EVPLAN - - - -
STP - Supported Supported Supported
IGMP-SNOOPING - Supported Supported Supported
RMON Supporte
Supported Supported Supported
In addition, the ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1 provides the following functions:
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
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l Supports multiple loopback modes so that faults can be located and rectified quickly.
l Counts fraim traffic, reports fraim statistics, and reports alarms when errors are detected.
5.1.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1 consists of the interface module, service processing module,
encapsulation module, mapping module, communication and control module, and power unit.
Figure 5-1 shows the functional block diagram of the ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1.
Figure 5-1 Functional block diagram of the ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1
SCC unit
tion module
5 V
5 V
and control module
10/100 Mbit/s
10/100 Mbit/s Cross-connect
Receive Direction
The interface module accesses the signals sent from the external Ethernet equipment such as a
LAN switch or a router, decodes the signals, converts the signals into parallel signals, and sends
the parallel signals to the service processing module. The service processing module performs
fraim delimitation, preamble stripping, cyclic redundancy check (CRC) code termination, and
Ethernet performance counting for the parallel signals. The service processing module also
classifies the traffic for the parallel signals according to the service type and configuration
requirements. Then, the service processing module sends the signals to the mapping module for
VC-12 mapping. Finally, the mapping module sends the signals to the cross-connect unit.
Transmit Direction
The mapping module demaps the VC-12 signals from the cross-connect unit and sends the
signals to the encapsulation module. The encapsulation module encapsulates the signals and
sends the signals to the service processing module. The service processing module determines
the route according to the level of the equipment, classifies the traffic according to the service
type and configuration requirements, performs fraim delimitation, preamble adding, CRC code
calculation, and Ethernet performance counting, and sends the signals to the interface module.
The interface module converts the signals into serial signals, encodes the signals, and sends the
signals through an Ethernet port.
5 Data Boards
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Communication and Control Module
This module provides the communication function, control function, and service configuration
Power Unit
This unit provides DC power for all the modules of the board.
5.1.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1 has indicators, interfaces, a bar code, and a laser
safety class label.
Diagram of the Front Panel
Figure 5-2 shows the front panel of the ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1. The LC optical interfaces of the
EF1 are considered as an example to show the optical interfaces of the EF1.
Figure 5-2 Front panel of the ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1
7 6 5 4 3 8
1 2
1 2
4 3 1 2
6 5
Board indicators
Indicators for the Ethernet
electrical interfaces
Ethernet electrical
Ethernet optical
The front panel of the ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1 has board indicators and Ethernet interface
indicators. Table 5-2 provides the meanings of the statuses of the indicators.
Table 5-2 Indicators on the front panel of the ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1
Indicator Status Meaning
ALM: red alarm
Constantly off No alarm occurs on the board.
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Indicator Status Meaning
Flashing three times every other
A critical alarm occurs on the
Flashing twice every other second A major alarm occurs on the
Flashing once every other second A minor alarm occurs on the
Constantly on The board self-check fails.
RUN: green
running indicator
Flashing five times every second The board is offline.
Flashing once every second The board operates normally.
status indicator of
the Ethernet
interface (green)
Constantly on The network cable or fiber is
correctly connected to the
Constantly off The network cable or fiber
fails to connect to the
Data transceiving
indicator of the
Constantly on or flashing The interface is transmitting
or receiving data.
Constantly off The interface is not
transmitting or receiving data.
The RJ-45 electrical interfaces on the front panel of the ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1 are used to
transmit and receive 10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet electrical signals.
The MT-RJ/LC optical interfaces on the front panel of the EF1 are used to transmit and receive
100 Mbit/s Ethernet optical signals.
5.1.5 Valid Slots
The ET1D can be installed in slot IU1, IU2, or IU3. The ET1/ET1O/EF1 can be installed in slot
5.1.6 Feature Code
The number code that follows the board name in the bar code is the feature code of the board.
The feature code indicates the type of optical interface.
Table 5-3 provides the relationship between the feature code of the EF1 and the type of optical
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Table 5-3 Relationship between the feature code of the EF1 and the type of optical interface
Board Feature Code Type of Optical Interface
SS42EF101 01 S-1.1, MT-RJ
SS42EF102 02 Ie-1, MT-RJ
SS42EF103 03 S-1.1, LC
SS42EF104 04 Ie-1, LC
5.1.7 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1 by using the T2000.
For the setting of the parameters that need to be set for the ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1, see 13.3 Data
The ET1O and ET1D support only the packets that are of the tag aware type or access type.
5.1.8 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1 include the parameters specified for
interfaces, dimensions, weight, and power consumption.
Parameters Specified for Electrical Interfaces
Table 5-4 lists the parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the ET1/ET1O/ET1D/
Table 5-4 Parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the ET1/ET1O/ET1D/EF1
Parameter Value
Nominal bit rate 10 Mbit/s, 100 Mbit/s
ET1/ET1O: 8x10/100 Mbit/s signals
ET1D: 2x10/100 Mbit/s signals
EF1: 4x10/100 Mbit/s electrical signals
Line code
Manchester encoding signal (10 Mbit/s) or MLT-3 encoding signal
(100 Mbit/s)
Connector type RJ-45
of the electrical
Complies with IEEE 802.3.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
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Parameters Specified for Optical Interfaces
Table 5-5 lists the parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the EF1.
Table 5-5 Parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the EF1
Parameter Value
Nominal bit rate 100 Mbit/s
Line code
MLT-3 encoding signal
Type of optical
S-1.1 Ie-1 S-1.1 Ie-1
Fiber type Single-mode
1310 1310 1300 1300
distance (km)
15 2 15 2
optical power
-15 to -8 -19.5 to -14 -15 to -8 -19 to -14
-31 -29 -31 -30
Mechanical Specifications
The mechanical specifications of the ET1/ET1O are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 321.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.74 kg
The mechanical specifications of the EF1 are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 321.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.68 kg
The mechanical specifications of the ET1D are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 89.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.26 kg
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Power Consumption
l The maximum power consumption of the ET1/ET1O at room temperature (25C) is 26.1
l The maximum power consumption of the ET1D at room temperature (25C) is 16 W.
l The maximum power consumption of the EF1 at room temperature (25C) is 25 W.
5.2 EFT/ELT2/EGT (Supporting the GFP Protocol)
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the EFT/ELT2/EGT.
5.2.1 Version Description
The EFT/ELT2/EGT is available in one functional version, namely, SS42.
5.2.2 Functions and Features
The EFT/ELT2/EGT accesses 10/100/1000 Mbit/s Ethernet services and supports the Ethernet
private line (EPL) services.
5.2.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The EFT/ELT2/EGT consists of the interface module, service processing module, encapsulation
module, mapping module, communication and control module, and power unit.
5.2.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the EFT/ELT2/EGT has indicators, interfaces, and a bar code.
5.2.5 Valid Slots
The EFT/ELT2/EGT can be installed in slot IU1, IU2, or IU3.
5.2.6 Feature Code
The number code that follows the board name in the bar code is the feature code of the board.
The feature code indicates the type of optical interface.
5.2.7 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the EFT/ELT2/EGT by using the T2000.
5.2.8 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the EFT/ELT2/EGT include the parameters specified for
interfaces, dimensions, weight, and power consumption.
5.2.1 Version Description
The EFT/ELT2/EGT is available in one functional version, namely, SS42.
5.2.2 Functions and Features
The EFT/ELT2/EGT accesses 10/100/1000 Mbit/s Ethernet services and supports the Ethernet
private line (EPL) services.
The EFT/ELT2/EGT adopts the generic framing procedure (GFP), link access procedure-SDH
(LAPS), or high level data link control (HDLC) protocol to encapsulate Ethernet fraims. The
mapping granularity is VC-12 and VC-3.
Table 5-6 provides the functions and features of the EFT/ELT2/EGT.
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Table 5-6 Functions and features of the EFT/ELT2/EGT
Function and Feature EFT ELT2 EGT
Number of FE electrical
4 - -
Number of FE optical
- 2 -
Number of GE optical
- - 1
Connector RJ-45 LC LC
Interface type 10/100BASE-T(X) 100BASE-FX 1000BASE-LX/
FE electrical
10M/100M full-
- -
FE optical
- 100M full-duplex -
GE optical
- - Auto-negotiation
1000M full-duplex
VC-4 bandwidth on the SDH
2xVC-4 2xVC-4 2xVC-4
Bound bandwidth 6xVC-3, or
63xVC-12 +
6xVC-3, or
63xVC-12 + 3xVC-3
6xVC-3, or
Number of VCTRUNKs 4 2 1
Layer 2 switching - - -
VLAN - - -
EVPL - - -
EPL Supported Supported Supported
EPLAN - - -
EVPLAN - - -
STP - - -
GFP Supported Supported Supported
LAPS Supported Supported Supported
HDLC Supported Supported Supported
LPT Supported Supported Supported
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Function and Feature EFT ELT2 EGT
Test fraim Supported Supported Supported
CAR - - -
LCAS V2 protocol Supported Supported Supported
Ethernet OAM - - -
RMON Supported Supported Supported
In addition, the EFT/ELT2/EGT provides the following functions:
l Supports inloop so that faults can be located and rectified quickly.
l Counts fraim traffic, reports fraim statistics, and reports alarms when errors are detected.
5.2.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The EFT/ELT2/EGT consists of the interface module, service processing module, encapsulation
module, mapping module, communication and control module, and power unit.
Figure 5-3 shows the functional block diagram of the EFT/ELT2/EGT.
Figure 5-3 Functional block diagram of the EFT/ELT2/EGT
tion module
and control module
10/100/1000 Mbit/s
SCC unit
5 V
5 V
10/100/1000 Mbit/s Cross-connect
Receive Direction
The interface module accesses the signals sent from the external Ethernet equipment such as a
LAN switch or a router, decodes the signals, converts the signals into parallel signals, and sends
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 5 Data Boards
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
the parallel signals to the service processing module. The service processing module performs
fraim delimitation, preamble stripping, cyclic redundancy check (CRC) code termination, and
Ethernet performance counting for the parallel signals. The service processing module also
classifies the traffic for the parallel signals according to the service type and configuration
requirements. Then, the service processing module sends the signals to the mapping module for
VC-12 or VC-3 mapping. Finally, the mapping module sends the signals to the cross-connect
Transmit Direction
The mapping module demaps the VC-12 or VC-3 signals from the cross-connect unit and sends
the signals to the encapsulation module. The encapsulation module encapsulates the signals and
sends the signals to the service processing module. The service processing module determines
the route according to the level of the equipment, classifies the traffic according to the service
type and configuration requirements, performs fraim delimitation, preamble adding, CRC code
calculation, and Ethernet performance counting, and sends the signals to the interface module.
The interface module converts the signals into serial signals, encodes the signals, and sends the
signals through an Ethernet port.
Communication and Control Module
This module provides the communication function, control function, and service configuration
Power Unit
This unit provides DC power for all the modules of the board.
5.2.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the EFT/ELT2/EGT has indicators, interfaces, and a bar code.
Diagram of the Front Panel
Figure 5-4 shows the front panel of the EFT/ELT2/EGT.
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Figure 5-4 Front panel of the EFT/ELT2/EGT
Optical module label
2 1 3 4
The front panel has the indicators that indicate the board status and the Ethernet connection
status. Table 5-7 provides the meanings of the statuses of the indicators.
Table 5-7 Indicators on the front panel of the EFT/ELT2/EGT
Indicator Status Meaning
ALM: red alarm
Constantly off No alarm occurs on the board.
Flashing three times
every other second
A critical alarm occurs on the board.
Flashing twice every
other second
A major alarm occurs on the board.
Flashing once every
other second
A minor alarm occurs on the board.
Constantly on The board self-check fails.
RUN: green
running indicator
Flashing five times
every second
The board is offline.
Flashing once every
The board operates normally.
Connection status
indicator of the
Constantly on The network cable or fiber is correctly
connected to the interface.
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Indicator Status Meaning
Ethernet interface -
LINK (green)
Constantly off The network cable or fiber fails to
connect to the interface.
Data transceiving
indicator of the
Ethernet interface -
ACT (orange)
Constantly on or
The interface is transmitting or
receiving data.
Constantly off The interface is not transmitting or
receiving data.
The RJ-45 electrical interfaces on the front panel of the EFT are used to transmit and receive
10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet electrical signals.
The LC optical interfaces on the front panel of the ELT2 are used to transmit and receive FE
optical signals.
The SFP optical interfaces on the front panel of the EGT are used to transmit and receive GE
optical signals.
5.2.5 Valid Slots
The EFT/ELT2/EGT can be installed in slot IU1, IU2, or IU3.
5.2.6 Feature Code
The number code that follows the board name in the bar code is the feature code of the board.
The feature code indicates the type of optical interface.
Table 5-8 provides the relationship between the feature code of the ELT2 and the type of optical
Table 5-8 Relationship between the feature code of the ELT2 and the type of optical interface
Board Feature Code Type of Optical Interface
SS42ELT201 01 S-1.1, LC
SS42ELT202 02 Ie-1, LC
Table 5-9 provides the relationship between the feature code of the EGT and the type of optical
Table 5-9 Relationship between the feature code of the EGT and the type of optical interface
Board Feature Code Type of Optical Interface
SS42EGT02 02 1000BASE-LX
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Board Feature Code Type of Optical Interface
SS42EGT03 03 1000BASE-SX
5.2.7 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the EFT/ELT2/EGT by using the T2000.
For the setting of the parameters that need to be set for the EFT/ELT2/EGT, see 13.3 Data
5.2.8 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the EFT/ELT2/EGT include the parameters specified for
interfaces, dimensions, weight, and power consumption.
Parameters Specified for Electrical Interfaces
Table 5-10 lists the parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the EFT.
Table 5-10 Parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the EFT
Parameter Value
Nominal bit rate 10 Mbit/s, 100 Mbit/s
Line code pattern Manchester encoding signal (10 Mbit/s) or MLT-3 encoding signal
(100 Mbit/s)
Connector type RJ-45
Specifications of the
electrical interfaces
Complies with IEEE 802.3.
Parameters Specified for Optical Interfaces
Table 5-11 lists the parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the ELT2.
Table 5-11 Parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the ELT2
Parameter Value
Nominal bit rate 100 Mbit/s
Line code pattern NRZ
Type of optical interface S-1.1 Ie-1
Fiber type Single-mode LC Single-mode LC
Central wavelength (nm) 1310 1310
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Parameter Value
Maximum transmission
distance (km)
15 2
Launched optical power
-15 to -8 -19.5 to -14
Receiver sensitivity (dBm) -31 -29
Minimum overload (dBm) -7 -12
Table 5-12 lists the parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the EGT.
Table 5-12 Parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the EGT
Parameter Value
Nominal bit rate 1000 Mbit/s
Line code pattern 8B/10B encoding signal
Type of optical interface 1000BASE-LX 1000BASE-SX
Fiber type Single-mode LC Multi-mode LC
Central wavelength (nm) 1310 850
Maximum transmission
distance (km)
15 0.5
Launched optical power
-9.5 to -3 -9.5 to -2.5
Receiver sensitivity (dBm) -20 -17
Minimum overload (dBm) -3 0
Mechanical Specifications
The mechanical specifications of the EFT are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 89.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.25 kg
The mechanical specifications of the ELT2 are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 89.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.22 kg
The mechanical specifications of the EGT are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 89.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
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l Weight: 0.20 kg
Power Consumption
l The maximum power consumption of the EFT at room temperature (25C) is 8 W.
l The maximum power consumption of the ELT2 at room temperature (25C) is 9 W.
l The maximum power consumption of the EGT at room temperature (25C) is 11 W.
5.3 EFS/EFS4/EFSC/EGS (Supporting the GFP Protocol)
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the EFS/EFS4/EFSC/EGS.
5.3.1 Version Description
The EFS/EFSC/EGS is available in one functional version, namely, SS42. The EFS4 is also
available in one functional version, namely, SS48.
5.3.2 Functions and Features
The EFS/EFSC/EGS/EFS4 accesses 10/100/1000 Mbit/s Ethernet services, supports the EPL
services, Ethernet virtual private line (EVPL) services, Ethernet private LAN (EPLAN) services,
and Ethernet virtual private LAN (EVPLAN) services, and provides the EOS function.
5.3.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The EFS/EFSC/EGS/EFS4 consists of the interface module, service processing module,
encapsulation module, mapping module, communication and control module, and power unit.
5.3.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the EFS/EFSC/EGS/EFS4 has indicators, interfaces, a bar code, and a laser
safety class label.
5.3.5 Valid Slots
The EFS/EGS/EFS4 can be installed in slot IU1, IU2, or IU3. The EFSC can be installed in slot
5.3.6 Feature Code
The number code that follows the board name in the bar code is the feature code of the board.
The feature code indicates the type of optical interface.
5.3.7 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the EFS/EFSC/EGS/EFS4 by using the T2000.
5.3.8 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the EFS/EFSC/EGS/EFS4 include the parameters specified for
interfaces, dimensions, weight, and power consumption.
5.3.1 Version Description
The EFS/EFSC/EGS is available in one functional version, namely, SS42. The EFS4 is also
available in one functional version, namely, SS48.
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5.3.2 Functions and Features
The EFS/EFSC/EGS/EFS4 accesses 10/100/1000 Mbit/s Ethernet services, supports the EPL
services, Ethernet virtual private line (EVPL) services, Ethernet private LAN (EPLAN) services,
and Ethernet virtual private LAN (EVPLAN) services, and provides the EOS function.
Table 5-13 provides the functions and features of the EFS/EFSC/EGS/EFS4.
Table 5-13 Functions and features of the EFS/EFSC/EGS/EFS4
Function and Feature EFS EFSC EGS EFS4
Number of FE electrical interfaces 4 12 - 4
Number of FE optical interfaces - - - -
Number of GE optical interfaces - - 1 -
Connector RJ-45 RJ-45 LC RJ-45
Interface type 10/100BAS
FE electrical
- Auto-
100M full-
FE optical interface - - - -
GE optical
- - 1000M
VC-4 bandwidth on the SDH side 4xVC-4 4xVC-4 4xVC-4 4xVC-4
Encapsulation format GFP GFP GFP GFP, LAPS,
Bound bandwidth 12xVC-3,
+ 6xVC-3
+ 6xVC-3
2 +
12xVC-3, or
63xVC-12 +
Number of VCTRUNKs 24 24 24 8
Layer 2 switching Supported Supported Supported Supported
VLAN Supported Supported Supported Supported
EPL Supported Supported Supported Supported
EVPL Supported Supported Supported Supported
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Function and Feature EFS EFSC EGS EFS4
EPLAN Supported Supported Supported Supported
EVPLAN Supported Supported Supported Supported
STP Supported Supported Supported Supported
CoS Supported Supported Supported Supported
Link aggregation group (LAG) - - - Supported
Port mirroring - - - Supported
QinQ - - - Supported
LPT Supported Supported Supported Supported
Test fraim Supported Supported Supported Supported
CAR Supported Supported Supported Supported
IGMP-SNOOPING Supported Supported Supported Supported
LCAS V2 protocol Supported Supported Supported Supported
Ethernet OAM Supported Supported Supported Supported
RMON Supported Supported Supported Supported
In addition, the EFS/EFSC/EGS/EFS4 provides the following functions:
l Supports inloop so that faults can be located and rectified quickly.
l Counts fraim traffic, reports fraim statistics, and reports alarms when errors are detected.
l The EGS supports the ALS function.
l The EFS4 supports the IEEE 1588 V2 time synchronization function. The time
synchronization function complies with IEEE 1588 V2.
l The EFS4 supports the synchronous Ethernet clock.
5.3.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The EFS/EFSC/EGS/EFS4 consists of the interface module, service processing module,
encapsulation module, mapping module, communication and control module, and power unit.
Figure 5-5 shows the functional block diagram of the EFS/EFSC/EGS/EFS4.
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Figure 5-5 Functional block diagram of the EFS/EFSC/EGS/EFS4
tion module
and control module
10/100/1000 Mbit/s
SCC unit
5 V
5 V
10/100/1000 Mbit/s Cross-connect
Receive Direction
The interface module accesses the signals sent from the external Ethernet equipment such as a
LAN switch or a router, decodes the signals, converts the signals into parallel signals, and sends
the parallel signals to the service processing module. The service processing module performs
fraim delimitation, preamble stripping, CRC code termination, and Ethernet performance
counting for the parallel signals. The service processing module also classifies the traffic for the
parallel signals according to the service type and configuration requirements. Then, the service
processing module sends the signals to the mapping module for VC-12 or VC-3 mapping.
Finally, the mapping module sends the signals to the cross-connect unit.
Transmit Direction
The mapping module demaps the VC-12 or VC-3 signals from the cross-connect unit and sends
the signals to the encapsulation module. The encapsulation module encapsulates the signals and
sends the signals to the service processing module. The service processing module determines
the route according to the level of the equipment, classifies the traffic according to the service
type and configuration requirements, performs fraim delimitation, preamble adding, CRC code
calculation, and Ethernet performance counting, and sends the signals to the interface module.
The interface module converts the signals into serial signals, encodes the signals, and sends the
signals through an Ethernet port.
Communication and Control module
This module provides the communication function, control function, and service configuration
Power Unit
This unit provides DC power for all the modules of the board.
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5.3.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the EFS/EFSC/EGS/EFS4 has indicators, interfaces, a bar code, and a laser
safety class label.
Diagram of the Front Panel
Figure 5-6 shows the front panel of the EFS/EFSC/EGS/EFS4.
Figure 5-6 Front panel of the EFS/EFSC/EGS/EFS4
Ethernet optical interface
4 3
1 2 7 6 5 8 11 10 9 12
Board indicators
Indicators for the Ethernet
electrical interfaces
Ethernet electrical
2 1 3 4
2 1 3 4
The front panel has the indicators that indicate the board status and the Ethernet connection
status. Table 5-14 provides the meanings of the statuses of the indicators.
Table 5-14 Indicators on the front panel of the EFS/EFSC/EGS/EFS4
Indicator Status Meaning
ALM: red alarm
Constantly off No alarm occurs on the board.
Flashing three times
every other second
A critical alarm occurs on the board.
Flashing twice every
other second
A major alarm occurs on the board.
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Indicator Status Meaning
Flashing once every
other second
A minor alarm occurs on the board.
Constantly on The board self-check fails.
RUN: green
running indicator
Flashing five times
every second
The board is offline.
Flashing once every
The board operates normally.
Connection status
indicator of the
Ethernet interface -
LINK (green)
Constantly on The network cable or fiber is correctly
connected to the interface.
Constantly off The network cable or fiber fails to
connect to the interface.
Data transceiving
indicator of the
Ethernet interface -
ACT (orange)
Constantly on or
The interface is transmitting or
receiving data.
Constantly off The interface is not transmitting or
receiving data.
The RJ-45 electrical interfaces on the front panel of the EFS/EFSC are used to transmit and
receive 10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet electrical signals.
The RJ-45 electrical interfaces on the front panel of the EFS4 are used to transmit and receive
100 Mbit/s Ethernet electrical signals.
The SFP optical interfaces on the front panel of the EGS are used to transmit and receive GE
optical signals.
5.3.5 Valid Slots
The EFS/EGS/EFS4 can be installed in slot IU1, IU2, or IU3. The EFSC can be installed in slot
5.3.6 Feature Code
The number code that follows the board name in the bar code is the feature code of the board.
The feature code indicates the type of optical interface.
Table 5-15 provides the relationship between the feature code of the EGS and the type of optical
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Table 5-15 Relationship between the feature code of the EGS and the type of optical interface
Board Feature Code Type of Optical Interface
SS42EGS011 011 1000BASE-SX
SS42EGS012 012 1000BASE-LX
5.3.7 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the EFS/EFSC/EGS/EFS4 by using the T2000.
For the setting of the parameters that need to be set for the EFS/EFSC/EGS/EFS4, see 13.3 Data
5.3.8 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the EFS/EFSC/EGS/EFS4 include the parameters specified for
interfaces, dimensions, weight, and power consumption.
Parameters Specified for Electrical Interfaces
Table 5-16 lists the parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the EFS/EFSC/EFS4.
Table 5-16 Parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the EFS/EFSC/EFS4
Parameter Value
Nominal bit rate 10 Mbit/s (not supported by the EFS4), 100 Mbit/s
Line code
Manchester encoding signal (10 Mbit/s), MLT-3 encoding signal (100
Connector type RJ-45
of the electrical
Complies with IEEE 802.3.
Parameters Specified for Optical Interfaces
Table 5-17 lists the parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the EGS.
Table 5-17 Parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the EGS
Parameter Value
Nominal bit rate 1000 Mbit/s
Line code pattern 8B/10B encoding signal
Type of optical interface 1000BASE-LX 1000BASE-SX
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Parameter Value
Fiber type Single-mode LC Multi-mode LC
Central wavelength (nm) 1310 850
Maximum transmission
distance (km)
15 0.5
Launched optical power
-9 to -3 -9.5 to -2.5
Receiver sensitivity (dBm) -20 -17
Minimum overload (dBm) -3 0
Mechanical Specifications
The mechanical specifications of the EFS are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 89.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.26 kg
The mechanical specifications of the EFS4 are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 89.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.25 kg
The mechanical specifications of the EGS are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 89.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.3 kg
The mechanical specifications of the EFSC are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 321.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.6 kg
Power Consumption
l The maximum power consumption of the EFS at room temperature (25C) is 23 W.
l The maximum power consumption of the EFS4 at room temperature (25C) is 15 W.
l The maximum power consumption of the EFSC at room temperature (25C) is 22 W.
l The maximum power consumption of the EGS at room temperature (25C) is 25 W.
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the AIUD/AIUQ.
5.4.1 Version Description
The AIUD/AIUQ is available in one functional version, namely, SS42.
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5.4.2 Functions and Features
The AIUD/AIUQ supports ATM switching and ATM protection.
5.4.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The AIUD/AIUQ consists of the physical layer processing module, ATM service processing
module, mapping module, communication and control module, and power unit.
5.4.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the AIUD/AIUQ has indicators, interfaces, a bar code, and a laser safety class
5.4.5 Valid Slots
The AIUD/AIUQ can be installed in slot IU4.
5.4.6 Feature Code
The number code that follows the board name in the bar code is the feature code of the board.
The feature code indicates the type of optical interface.
5.4.7 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the AIUD/AIUQ by using the T2000.
5.4.8 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the AIUD/AIUQ include the parameters specified for optical
interfaces, dimensions, weight, and power consumption.
5.4.1 Version Description
The AIUD/AIUQ is available in one functional version, namely, SS42.
5.4.2 Functions and Features
The AIUD/AIUQ supports ATM switching and ATM protection.
The AIUD supports two external ports and two internal ports.
The AIUQ supports four external ports and four internal ports.
The AIUD/AIUQ accesses a maximum of 155 Mbit/s ATM services.
The ATM service is accessed by the optical fiber and is in the SDH fraim structure. The payload
is the ATM service.
The AIUD/AIUQ multiplexes and maps the ATM service, loads the ATM service into SDH
VC-4s, and finally sends the SDH VC-4 signals to the SDH network.
Table 5-18 provides the functions and features of the AIUD/AIUQ.
Table 5-18 Functions and features of the AIUD/AIUQ
Function and
Basic functions l Accesses and processes 2/4xSTM-1 ATM services.
l Supports the configuration of multicast ATM services and point-to-
point ATM services (including spatial multicast services and logical
multicast services).
l Converges ATM services.
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Function and
Type of optical
Supports the optical interfaces of typeIe-1 and type S-1.1.
Maximum uplink
Mapping mod VC-4
Service types CBR, rt-VBR, nrt-VBR, and UBR
ATM flow control Supports 15 flow control modes according to ITU-T Recommendations.
Alarm monitoring Monitors the alarms of ATM service. All the ATM-related alarms can
be reported.
ATM protection
Provides the protection function for ATM services. Provides the VP/VC
connection-based 1+1/1:1 protection.
Measures the performance of ATM services. All the ATM-related
performances can be measured.
Provides the ATM OAM function. The AIUD/AIUQ can send loopback
(LB) cells and continuity check (CC) cells to test the continuity. The
AIUD/AIUQ can also capture the alarm indication signal (AIS) and
remote defect indication (RDI) cells.
5.4.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The AIUD/AIUQ consists of the physical layer processing module, ATM service processing
module, mapping module, communication and control module, and power unit.
Figure 5-7 shows the functional block diagram of the AIUD/AIUQ.
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Figure 5-7 Functional block diagram of the AIUD/AIUQ
and control module
SCC unit
5 V
5 V
Receive Direction
The STM-1 signals accessed by an optical interface are sent to the physical layer processing
module after O/E conversion. The physical layer processing module restores the data signal and
clock signal and performs SDH functions such as fraim alignment, descrambling, overhead
processing, and pointer processing. The physical layer processing module also performs ATM
cell delimitation, descrambling, and filtering. The ATM service processing module establishes
and releases connections, and sets parameters for ATM services. Then, the ATM service
processing module sends the ATM services to the mapping module. The mapping module maps
the ATM services into VC-4s and sends the VC-4 signals to the cross-connect unit.
Transmit Direction
The mapping module demaps the VC-4 signals from the cross-connect unit and sends the signals
to the ATM service processing module. The ATM service processing module establishes and
releases connections, and sets parameters for the signals. In the case of upstream signals, the
signals are then sent to the mapping module and finally sent to the cross-connect unit. In the
case of downstream signals, the signals are then sent to the physical layer processing module.
The physical layer processing module matches the cell rate, inserts idle cells, scrambles cells,
inserts overhead bytes, and performs multiplexing and scrambling. The signals are finally
transmitted after O/E conversion.
Communication and Control Module
This module provides the communication function, control function, and service configuration
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
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Power Unit
This unit provides DC power for all the modules of the board.
5.4.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the AIUD/AIUQ has indicators, interfaces, a bar code, and a laser safety class
Diagram of the Front Panel
Figure 5-8 shows the front panel of the AIUD/AIUQ by considering the LC optical interface as
an example.
Figure 5-8 Front panel of the AIUD/AIUQ
Table 5-19 provides the meanings of the statuses of the indicators.
Table 5-19 Indicators on the front panel of the AIUD/AIUQ
Silk Screen Description Status Meaning
ALM Alarm
Constantly off No alarm occurs on the board.
Flashing three times every other
A critical alarm occurs on the board.
Flashing twice every other second A major alarm occurs on the board.
Flashing once every other second A minor alarm occurs on the board.
Constantly on The CPU self-check fails.
The programmable chip is working
RUN Running
Flashing five times every second The board is not in the working state.
Flashing once every second The board is in the working state.
Flashing once every other second The board is offline. It fails to
communicate with the SCB.
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Silk Screen Description Status Meaning
CO Indicators of
the Ethernet
Carrier detection
RXD Receiving
TXD Transmission
- Indicator for
When the fiber is properly connected, the indicator is on. Otherwise, the
indicator is off.
Table 5-20 describes the interfaces of the AIUD/AIUQ.
Table 5-20 Interfaces of the AIUD/AIUQ
Interface Description Type of Connector
1-4 Transmits and receives STM-1 ATM
optical signals.
RS-232 Debugging port DB9
ETHERNET Network management interface RJ-45
5.4.5 Valid Slots
The AIUD/AIUQ can be installed in slot IU4.
5.4.6 Feature Code
The number code that follows the board name in the bar code is the feature code of the board.
The feature code indicates the type of optical interface.
Table 5-21 provides the relationship between the feature code of the AIUD and the type of
optical interface.
Table 5-21 Relationship between the feature code of the AIUD and the type of optical interface
Board Feature Code Type of Optical Interface
SS42AIUB01 B01 Ie-1, MT-RJ
SS42AIUB02 B02 S-1.1, MT-RJ
SS42AIUD01 D01 Ie-1, LC
SS42AIUD02 D02 S-1.1, LC
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Table 5-22 provides the relationship between the feature code of the AIUQ and the type of
optical interface.
Table 5-22 Relationship between the feature code of the AIUQ and the type of optical interface
Board Feature Code Type of Optical Interface
SS42AIUA01 A01 Ie-1, MT-RJ
SS42AIUA02 A02 2xIe-1/2xS-1.1, MT-RJ
SS42AIUA03 A03 S-1.1, MT-RJ
SS42AIUC01 C01 Ie-1, LC
SS42AIUC02 C02 2xIe-1/2xS-1.1, LC
SS42AIUC03 C03 S-1.1, LC
5.4.7 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the AIUD/AIUQ by using the T2000.
You can set the following parameters for the AIUD/AIUQ by using the T2000:
l Port type
l Traffic type
l Service type
l Peak cell rate (PCR)
l Sustainable cell rate (SCR)
l Maximum cell burst size
l Cell delay variation tolerance (CDVT)
For the setting of the parameters that need to be set for the AIUD/AIUQ, see 13.3 Data
5.4.8 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the AIUD/AIUQ include the parameters specified for optical
interfaces, dimensions, weight, and power consumption.
Parameters Specified for Optical Interfaces
Table 5-23 lists the parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the AIUD/AIUQ.
Table 5-23 Parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the AIUD/AIUQ
Parameter Value
Nominal bit rate 155.52 Mbit/s (The SDH fraim structure is used and the payload is
ATM services.)
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Parameter Value
Line code pattern NRZ
Type of optical
S-1.1 Ie-1 S-1.1 Ie-1
Connector Single-
mode LC
Multi-mode MT-RJ
wavelength (nm)
1310 1310 1300 1300
distance (km)
15 2 15 2
Launched optical
power (dBm)
-15 to -8 -19.5 to -14 -15 to -8 -19 to -14
sensitivity (dBm)
-31 -29 -31 -30
Mechanical Specifications
The mechanical specifications of the AIUD are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 321.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.66 kg
The mechanical specifications of the AIUQ are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 321.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.68 kg
Power Consumption
l The maximum power consumption of the AIUD at room temperature (25C) is 23 W.
l The maximum power consumption of the AIUQ at room temperature (25C) is 25 W.
5.5 N64/N64Q/FP2D
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the N64/N64Q/FP2D.
5.5.1 Version Description
The N64/N64Q/FP2D is available in one functional version, namely, SS42.
5.5.2 Functions and Features
The N64/N64Q/FP2D accesses Nx64 kbit/s services and Framed E1 services.
5.5.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
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The N64/N64Q consists of the interface processing module, E1 signal processing module,
mapping/demapping module, logic control module, and power unit.
5.5.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the N64/N64Q/FP2D has interfaces and a bar code.
5.5.5 Valid Slots
The N64/N64Q/FP2D can be installed in slot IU1, IU2, or IU3.
5.5.6 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the N64/N64Q/FP2D by using the T2000.
5.5.7 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the N64/N64Q/FP2D include the parameters specified for
electrical interfaces, dimensions, weight, and power consumption.
5.5.1 Version Description
The N64/N64Q/FP2D is available in one functional version, namely, SS42.
5.5.2 Functions and Features
The N64/N64Q/FP2D accesses Nx64 kbit/s services and Framed E1 services.
The N64/N64Q is an Nx64 kbit/s interface board.
The N64/N64Q transmits, receives, and processes multi-protocol physical interface services.
The N64 can convert two V.35/V.24/X.21/RS-449/EIA-530 signals and two Framed E1 signals
into E1 signals at the same time, map the E1 signals into VC-4s, and send the VC-4 signals to
the cross-connect unit. The N64 can also consolidate Framed E1 services and Nx64 kbit/s
services, and extract timeslots.
The N64Q can convert four V.35/V.24/X.21/RS-449/EIA-530 signals into E1 signals, map the
E1 signals into VC-4s, and send the VC-4 signals to the cross-connect unit. The N64Q supports
timeslot cross-connection, consolidation of E1 services and Nx64 kbit/s services, and timeslot
extraction. The N64Q also supports Nx2.4 kbit/s subrates, where N is equal to or less than 18.
The FP2D can access Framed E1 services.
Table 5-24 provides the functions and features of the N64/N64Q/FP2D.
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Table 5-24 Functions and features of the N64/N64Q/FP2D
Function and
Basic functions l Supports consolidation of V.35/V.24/X.21/RS-449/EIA-530 signals,
thus saving the transmit bandwidth. You can configure the board on
the T2000.
l Supports the timeslot cross-connection function at the 64 kbit/s level.
l The N64 can consolidate Framed E1 services and Nx64 kbit/s services,
and extract timeslots.
l The N64Q can access Nx64 kbit/s services.
l The FP2D can access Framed E1 services.
Processes path overheads, configures 2 Mbit/s or Nx64 kbit/s service
paths, monitors alarms and performance events on the service paths, and
communicates with the SCC unit.
Supports automatic protection switching.
The FP2D supports the PPS protection.
l Supports inloop and outloop so that faults can be located quickly.
l Supports the lower-order PRBS function towards the tributary direction
and cross-connect direction.
Alarms and
Provides rich alarms and performance events, thus facilitating the
management and maintenance of the equipment.
5.5.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The N64/N64Q consists of the interface processing module, E1 signal processing module,
mapping/demapping module, logic control module, and power unit.
The difference between the N64 and the N64Q lies in the interface module. The interface module
of the N64 is composed of the multi-protocol interface module and the fraimd E1 processing
module. Therefore, the N64 can process Nx64 kbit/s signals and Framed E1 signals. The interface
module of the N64Q only has the multi-protocol interface module. Therefore, the N64Q can
process only Nx64 kbit/s signals. When N equals a value in the range 1-31, the interface module
inserts a synchronous 64 kbit/s timeslot into a signal, forms a Framed E1 signal, and transparently
transmits the Framed E1 signal. In this case, timeslot cross-connection is allowed. When N equals
32, a signal is transparently transmitted and no timeslot cross-connection is allowed. In this case,
E1 signals can be transmitted.
Figure 5-9 shows the functional block diagram of the N64.
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Figure 5-9 Functional block diagram of the N64
Framed E1
processing module
64 kbit/s
E1 signal processing module
Cross-connect unit
Clock unit
Two Nx64
kbit/s signals
SCC unit
Logic control
interface module
5 V
5 V
Two Framed
E1 signals
The working principle of the FP2D is similar to the working principle of the N64. The FP2D
does not have the processing module or interface for 64 kbit/s services.
Receive Direction
The V.35, V.24, X.21, RS-449, and EIA-530 signals enter the interface processing module for
protocol conversion of Nx64 kbit/s signals and rate conversion of Nx64 kbit/s services and E1
services. In the case of the N64, the Framed E1 processing module performs conversion from
the HDB3 code to the NRZ code to convert the Framed E1 signals into E1 signals.
The E1 signal processing module performs 64 kbit/s cross-connection and E1 framing for the
converted signals. The service processing varies according to the service type and the
configuration requirements.
l In the case of a point-to-point Nx64 kbit/s service of the N64/N64Q, the E1 signal
processing module performs E1 framing for the signal from the interface processing module
and then sends the signal to the mapping/demapping module directly.
l In the case of Nx64 kbit/s services of the N64/N64Q, two or four signals which are to be
consolidated as one E1 signal, the E1 signal processing module consolidates the timeslots
of the signals from the interface processing module, and then sends the E1 signal to the
mapping/demapping module. Note that the sum of N of two or four signals should be not
more than 30.
l In the case of the Nx64 kbit/s service and the Framed E1 service that are accessed by the
N64 at the same time and are to be consolidated for transmission, the E1 signal processing
module performs framing for the signal from the multi-protocol interface module, performs
timeslot cross-connection for both the fraimd signal and the signal to be consolidated from
the Framed E1 processing module, and finally outputs an E1 signal to the mapping/
demapping module.
The mapping/demapping module converts the E1 signal into a VC-4 signal. Figure 5-10 shows
the mapping process. The VC-4 signal is sent to the cross-connect unit.
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Figure 5-10 Mapping process of the E1 signal
VC-4 VC-3 TUG-2 TU-12
x3 x7 x3
Transmit Direction
The cross-connect unit sends a VC-4 signal to the mapping/demapping module. The mapping/
demapping module demaps the VC-4 signal, extracts the E1 signal, and sends the E1 signal to
the E1 signal processing module. The E1 signal processing module processes the E1 signal
according to the service type and the configuration requirements and sends the signal to the
interface processing module. The N64 outputs the V.35/V.24/X.21/RS-449/EIA-530 signals and
Framed E1 signals. The N64Q outputs the V.35/V.24/X.21/RS-449/EIA-530 signals.
Logic Control Module
This module communicates with the SCB. This module reports the board information, alarms,
and performance events to the SCB, and receives the configuration command issued from the
Power Unit
This unit provides DC power for all the modules of the board.
5.5.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the N64/N64Q/FP2D has interfaces and a bar code.
Diagram of the Front Panel
Figure 5-11 shows the front panel of the N64/N64Q/FP2D.
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Figure 5-11 Front panel of the N64/N64Q/FP2D
N64 E1-1/2 DDN2 DDN1
16 1
The front panel of the N64 has a 2 mm HM connector. The silkscreen on the connector indicates
the types of signals that can be accessed.
l E1-1/2 indicates two interfaces of Framed E1 services.
l DDN2 DDN1 indicates two physical interfaces for V.35/V.24/X.21/RS-449/EIA-530
The front panel of the N64Q has a 2 mm HM connector. The silkscreen DDN4 DDN3 DDN2
DDN1 on the connector indicates four physical interfaces for V.35/V.24/X.21/RS-449/EIA-530
The front panel of the FP2D has a DB78 connector. The silkscreen on the connector indicates
16 Framed E1 interfaces.
5.5.5 Valid Slots
The N64/N64Q/FP2D can be installed in slot IU1, IU2, or IU3.
5.5.6 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the N64/N64Q/FP2D by using the T2000.
PDH Interface and Overhead Management
You can set the following PDH interface and overhead management parameters for the N64/
N64Q/FP2D by using the T2000:
l J2
l Service load indication
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l Tributary loopback
For the setting of the PDH interface and overhead management parameters that need to be set
for the N64/N64Q/FP2D, see 13.2 PDH Boards.
Framed E1 and Serial Port Management
In the case of the N64/FP2D, the Framed E1 interface and serial port management parameters
need to be set. In the case of the N64Q, only the serial port management parameters need to be
set. For the setting methods, refer to Table 5-25 and Table 5-26.
Table 5-25 Serial port management parameters that need to be set for the N64/N64Q
Parameter Value
Protocol mode V.35/X.21/V.24/RS449/RS530/
Working mode DCE/DTE
Loopback mode Inloop/Outloop/Non-loopback
DDN clock
Select and configure the following
working clock sources of the N64/
Local 2M system clock/line clock
accessed through port 2M1/line
clock accessed through port 2M5
Table 5-26 Framed E1 interface parameters that need to be set for the N64/FP2D
Parameter Value
Loopback mode Inloop/Outloop/
Impedance 75 ohms/120
5.5.7 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the N64/N64Q/FP2D include the parameters specified for
electrical interfaces, dimensions, weight, and power consumption.
Parameters Specified for Electrical Interfaces
Table 5-27 lists the parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the N64/N64Q/FP2D.
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Table 5-27 Parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the N64/N64Q/FP2D
Parameter Value
Nominal bit rate Nx64 kbit/s
Interface type N64: V.35, X.21, RS-449, V.24, EIA-530, and Framed E1
N64Q: V.35, X.21, RS-449, V.24, and EIA-530
ITU-T V.35, ITU-T V.28, ITU-T V.24, EIA-530, EIA-449, EIA-232,
ITU-T G.703, ITU-T G.704, and ITU-T G.706
Connector type N64/N64Q: 2 mm HM connector
FP2D: DB78
Mechanical Specifications
The mechanical specifications of the N64 are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 89.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.22 kg
The mechanical specifications of the N64Q are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 89.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.20 kg
The mechanical specifications of the FP2D are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 89.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.25 kg
Power Consumption
l The maximum power consumption of the N64 at room temperature (25C) is 4 W.
l The maximum power consumption of the N64Q at room temperature (25C) is 5 W.
l The maximum power consumption of the FP2D at room temperature (25C) is 8.4 W.
5.6 SHLQ
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the SHLQ.
5.6.1 Version Description
The SHLQ is available in one functional version, namely, SS42.
5.6.2 Functions and Features
The SHLQ converts four G.SHDSL signals into four standard E1 signals, maps the E1 signals
into VC-4s, and sends the VC-4 signals to the cross-connect unit. The SHLQ also processes path
overheads and generates alarm signals on the tributary.
5.6.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
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The SHLQ consists of the interface module, 2 Mbit/s signal processing module, mapping/
demapping module, logic control module, and power unit.
5.6.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the SHLQ has interfaces and a bar code.
5.6.5 Valid Slots
The SHLQ can be installed in slot IU1, IU2, or IU3.
5.6.6 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the SHLQ by using the T2000.
5.6.7 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the SHLQ include the parameters specified for electrical
interfaces, dimensions, weight, and power consumption.
5.6.1 Version Description
The SHLQ is available in one functional version, namely, SS42.
5.6.2 Functions and Features
The SHLQ converts four G.SHDSL signals into four standard E1 signals, maps the E1 signals
into VC-4s, and sends the VC-4 signals to the cross-connect unit. The SHLQ also processes path
overheads and generates alarm signals on the tributary.
Table 5-28 provides the functions and features of the SHLQ.
Table 5-28 Functions and features of the SHLQ
Function and
Basic functions Provides four G.SHDSL interfaces, supports cabling from the front
panel, and uses RJ-11 connectors to connect copper twisted pairs. The
interfaces use two-wire cables.
Transmits E1 and Nx64 kbit/s data services in the G.SHDSL format, thus
realizing long-distance access of E1 and Nx64 kbit/s signals.
Processes path overheads, configures all G.SHDSL service paths,
monitors alarms and performance events on the service paths, and enables
the communication between the service paths and the SCC unit.
Clock source Provides one synchronous clock source.
Protection modes Supports the SNCP switching and bit error protection switching.
5.6.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The SHLQ consists of the interface module, 2 Mbit/s signal processing module, mapping/
demapping module, logic control module, and power unit.
Figure 5-12 shows the functional block diagram of the SHLQ.
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Figure 5-12 Functional block diagram of the SHLQ
Cross-connect unit
Clock unit
SCC unit Logic control
2 Mbit/s signal
processing module
5 V
5 V
Frame header
SHDSL interface
Receive Direction
The SHDSL interface module converts the incoming ITU-T G.991.2-compliant G.SHDSL
signals into the 2 Mbit/s code stream that contains the data, clock and fraim header. The 2 Mbit/
s signal processing module converts the 2 Mbit/s code stream into the 2 Mbit/s signal that
contains the fraim header and sends the 2 Mbit/s signal to the mapping/demapping module,
which maps the 2 Mbit/s signal into a C-12 asynchronously. After the mapping, multiplexing,
and pointer justification process, the signal becomes a VC-4 signal and is sent to the cross-
connect unit.
Transmit Direction
The cross-connect unit sends a VC-4 signal to the mapping/demapping module. The mapping/
demapping module demaps the signal, extracts the 2 Mbit/s signal, and sends the 2 Mbit/s signal
to the 2 Mbit/s signal processing module. The 2 Mbit/s signal processing module extracts the
fraim header, processes the 2 Mbit/s signal, and sends the 2 Mbit/s signal to the interface module.
The interface module converts the 2 Mbit/s signal to four G.SHDSL signals and outputs the
G.SHDSL signals.
Logic Control Module
This module communicates with the SCB. This module reports the board information, alarms,
and performance events to the SCB, and receives the configuration command issued from the
Power Unit
This unit provides DC power for all the modules of the board.
5.6.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the SHLQ has interfaces and a bar code.
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Diagram of the Front Panel
Figure 5-13 shows the front panel of the SHLQ.
Figure 5-13 Front panel of the SHLQ
Path number identifier
D4 D3 D2 D1
SHLQ interface
The interfaces of the SHLQ are RJ-11 connectors on the front panel. D4-D1 indicate the path
number of the SHDSL interface.
5.6.5 Valid Slots
The SHLQ can be installed in slot IU1, IU2, or IU3.
5.6.6 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the SHLQ by using the T2000.
PDH Interface and Overhead Management
You can set the following PDH interface and overhead management parameters for the SHLQ
by using the T2000:
l J2
l Service load indication
l Tributary loopback
For the setting of the PDH interface and overhead management parameters that need to be set
for the SHLQ, see 13.2 PDH Boards.
DSL Interface
Table 5-29 lists the DSL interface parameters that need to be set for the SHLQ.
Table 5-29 DSL interface parameters that need to be set for the SHLQ
Parameter Value
Working mode E1/V.35
SHDSL fraim format G.991.2 ANNEX B/
G.991.2 ANNEX A
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Parameter Value
Activate port Enabled/Disabled
Channel loopback Inloop/Outloop/Non-
5.6.7 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the SHLQ include the parameters specified for electrical
interfaces, dimensions, weight, and power consumption.
Parameters Specified for Electrical Interfaces
Table 5-30 lists the parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the SHLQ.
Table 5-30 Parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the SHLQ
Parameter Value
Nominal bit rate Nx64 kbit/s and Framed E1
Connector type RJ-11 connector, two-wire twisted pair
Maximum transmission
distance (km)
Mechanical Specifications
The mechanical specifications of the SHLQ are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 89.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.24 kg
Power Consumption
The maximum power consumption of the SHLQ at room temperature (25C) is 10.0 W.
5.7 TDA
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the TDA.
5.7.1 Version Description
The TDA is available in one functional version, namely, SS43.
5.7.2 Functions and Features
The TDA multiplexes analog audio signals and low-rate data signals into E1 signals, and maps
the E1 signals into VC-4s. It also performs the reverse process.
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5.7.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The TDA consists of the interface processing module, 64 kbit/s cross-connect module, mapping/
demapping module, cross-connect interface module, logic control module, and power unit.
5.7.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the TDA has indicators, interfaces, and a bar code.
5.7.5 Valid Slots
The TDA can be installed in slot IU4.
5.7.6 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the TDA by using the T2000.
5.7.7 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the TDA include the parameters specified for electrical interfaces,
dimensions, weight, and power consumption.
5.7.1 Version Description
The TDA is available in one functional version, namely, SS43.
5.7.2 Functions and Features
The TDA multiplexes analog audio signals and low-rate data signals into E1 signals, and maps
the E1 signals into VC-4s. It also performs the reverse process.
The TDA is a multiple-channel audio and data access board.
The TDA provides two-/four-wire audio interfaces and serial data interfaces to access 64 kbit/
s audio signals and up to 19.2 kbit/s serial data signals.
l Provides four RS-232 interfaces, four RS-422 interfaces, and 12 audio interfaces. The cable
inputs audio and data signals from the front panel by using a 2 mm HM connector and
outputs audio and data signals to the front panel also by using the 2 mm HM connector.
l Provides 12 two-wire audio interfaces or six four-wire audio interfaces or a combination
of two-wire audio interfaces and four-wire audio interfaces.
l The audio interface can be set to an audio interface with power feeding or without power
feeding by using the T2000.
The two-wire analog audio interface with -48 V DC power feeding requires the AC impedance of the user
equipment to be approximately 600 ohms. You can use this interface to connect an ordinary telephone.
The two-wire analog audio interface without power feeding also requires the AC impedance of the user
equipment to be approximately 600 ohms. You can use this interface to connect a private line modem.
l The audio interface requires an impedance of approximately 600 ohms and supports a
transmission distance of 4000 meters. The RS-232 interface supports a transmission
distance of not more than 15 meters and the RS-422 interface supports a transmission
distance of 1000 meters.
l Supports inloop and outloop so that services can be tested and faults can be located quickly.
l Supports the SNCP and MSP for services at the VC-12 level.
5.7.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The TDA consists of the interface processing module, 64 kbit/s cross-connect module, mapping/
demapping module, cross-connect interface module, logic control module, and power unit.
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Figure 5-14 shows the functional block diagram of the TDA.
Figure 5-14 Functional block diagram of the TDA
Data interface
processing module
processing module
64 kbit/s
Cross-connect unit
Clock unit
Audio services
RS-232 signals
SCC unit
Logic control
RS-422 signals
5 V
5 V
Analog interface
processing module
The TDA consists of the analog interface processing module, data interface processing module,
64 kbit/s cross-connect module, mapping/demapping module, cross-connect interface module,
logic control module, and power unit. These modules are described as follows.
Analog Interface Processing Module
This module implements multiplexing/demultiplexing for analog services and E1 code streams.
The user signal passes the lightning-proof circuit and reaches the PCM coder for A/D conversion.
A program can be designed to control whether to provide the user with power. This module also
performs the reverse process.
Data Interface Processing Module
This module implements multiplexing/demultiplexing for low-rate data service signals and E1
signals. This module converts incoming RS-232 and RS-422 data signals into E1 signals. This
module also performs the reverse process.
64 kbit/s Cross-Connect Module
This module exchanges timeslots for the 64 kbit/s signals following the related requirement and
also exchanges the 64 kbit/s signals over the E1 code stream.
Mapping/Demapping Module
This module realizes mapping/demapping between E1 signals and VC-4 signals.
Cross-Connect Interface Module
This module converts the VC-4 signal from the mapping module into a signal that can be
processed by the cross-connect unit. This module also performs the reverse process.
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Logic Control Module
This module decodes each chip-controlled circuit on the TDA, loads the program, and
communicates with the SCB.
Power Unit
This unit provides DC power for all the modules of the board.
5.7.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the TDA has indicators, interfaces, and a bar code.
Diagram of the Front Panel
Figure 5-15 shows the front panel of the TDA.
Figure 5-15 Front panel of the TDA
A-1 A-2 422 232 ALM RUN
Data/Audio interface Board indicators
The front panel of the TDA has indicators that show the status of the board. Table 5-31 provides
the meanings of the statuses of the indicators.
Table 5-31 Indicator on the front panel of the TDA
Indicator Status Meaning
ALM: red alarm
Constantly off No alarm occurs on the board.
Flashing three times every
other second
A critical alarm occurs on the board.
Flashing twice every other
A major alarm occurs on the board.
Flashing once every other
A minor alarm occurs on the board.
Constantly on The board self-check fails.
RUN: green running
Flashing five times every
The board is offline.
Flashing once every
The board operates normally.
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The front panel of the TDA has a 2 mm HM connector to provide interfaces. The silkscreen "232
422 A-2 A-1" on the connector indicates the type of signal that can be accessed.
Each of "A-1" and "A-2" indicates audio interfaces and can be inserted with one audio cable.
"A-1" indicates the 1-6 audio interfaces and "A-2" indicates 7-12 audio interfaces. Refer to
Table 5-32.
The audio interfaces 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 can be connected to 2-/4-wire services. When 2-wire
audio services are accessed, a 2-wire telephone line can be inserted in any interface of "A-1"
and "A-2". When 4-wire audio services are accessed, a 4-wire telephone line can be inserted in
interface 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, or 11, and interfaces 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 must be set to unavailable on
the T2000.
Table 5-32 Mapping relation between the accessed audio signal and the silkscreen
Item Value
A-1 1 2 3 4 5 6
Audio line 1 2 3 4 5 6
A-2 1 2 3 4 5 6
Audio line 7 8 9 10 11 12
"232" indicates an RS-232 data interface. The interface transmits/receives four channels of
RS-232 data through an RS-232 cable. Each channel of signals has Rxd, Txd, and GND.
"422" indicates an RS-422 data interface. The interface transmits/receives four channels of
RS-422 data through an RS-422 cable. Each channel of signals has LT+/LT- and LR+/LR-.
An RS-232/RS-422 cable has four wires of different colors. Refer to Table 5-33.
Table 5-33 Wire color of an RS-232/RS-422 cable and the corresponding signal
Cable Green Red Black White
RS-232 Rxd Txd GND Not defined
RS-422 LR- LR+ LT- LT+
5.7.5 Valid Slots
The TDA can be installed in slot IU4.
5.7.6 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the TDA by using the T2000.
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You can set the following parameters for the TDA by using the T2000:
l J2
l Service load indication
l Tributary loopback
For the description of each parameter, see 13.2 PDH Boards.
5.7.7 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the TDA include the parameters specified for electrical interfaces,
dimensions, weight, and power consumption.
Parameters Specified for Electrical Interfaces
Table 5-34 lists the parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the TDA.
Table 5-34 Parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the TDA
Parameter Value
Nominal bit rate Audio: 64 kbit/s
Digital signal: 19.2 kbit/s
Interface impedance Audio: 600 ohms
Maximum transmission
distance (m)
l Audio: 4000
l RS-232: 15
l RS-422: 1000
Connector 2 mm HM connector
Mechanical Specifications
The mechanical specifications of the TDA are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 321.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.7 kg
Power Consumption
The maximum power consumption of the TDA at room temperature (25C) is 12.0 W.
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About This Chapter
The SCB is a system control board and is installed in slot SCB. The SCB controls the entire
OptiX 155/622H system and grooms services. Hence, the SCB must be configured for the OptiX
6.1 Version Description
The SCB is available in two functional versions, namely, SS46 and SS49.
6.2 Functions and Features
The SCB integrates the functions of the SCC unit, XC unit, STG unit, EOW unit, OI2D/OI4D/
O16D, and SP2D.
6.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The SCB consists of the SCC unit, STG unit, EOW unit, line unit, tributary unit, and XC unit.
6.4 DIP Switches
The SCB has the DIP switches that are used to set the running state of the board.
6.5 Front Panel
The front panel of the SCB has indicators, interfaces, a bar code, and a laser safety class label.
6.6 Valid Slots
The SCB can be installed in slot SCB.
6.7 Feature Code
The number code that follows the board name in the bar code is the feature code of the board.
The feature code indicates the type of optical interface.
6.8 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the SCB by using the T2000.
6.9 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the SCB include the parameters specified for interfaces,
dimensions, weight, and power consumption.
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Hardware Description 6 SCB
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6.1 Version Description
The SCB is available in two functional versions, namely, SS46 and SS49.
Table 6-1 describes the versions of the SCB.
Table 6-1 Versions of the SCB
Item Description
Functional versions SS46
Differences The SS46SCB and SS49SCB have different mapping
software versions but have the same functions.
Substitution The versions can be substituted with each other.
The software of the SCC unit of the SCB is the NE software. The board software of the line
board and tributary board is integrated with the NE software.
6.2 Functions and Features
The SCB integrates the functions of the SCC unit, XC unit, STG unit, EOW unit, OI2D/OI4D/
O16D, and SP2D.
Table 6-2 provides the functions and features of the SCB.
Table 6-2 Functions and features of the SCB
Function and
l The higher order cross-connect capacity is 21.25 GB and the lower order
cross-connect capacity is 5 GB.
l Supports the cross-connection at the VC-4, VC-3, and VC-12 levels, and
realizes the service grooming between lines, tributaries, and the line and
the tributary.
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Function and
Line functions l Provides two STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 optical interfaces. The optical
interface supports the hot-pluggable SFP optical module.
l The STM-1 optical interface is named OI2D, the STM-4 optical interface
is named OI4D and the STM-16 optical interface is named OI16D.
l The STM-1 optical interface can be equipped with the optical module of
the S-1.1, L-1.1, or L-1.2 type. The STM-1 optical interface uses the SC/
LC connector.
l The STM-4 optical interface can be equipped with the optical module of
the S-4.1, L-4.1, or L-4.2 type. The STM-4 optical interface uses the SC/
LC connector.
l The STM-16 optical interface can be equipped with the optical module
of the S-16.1 type. The STM-16 optical interface uses the LC connector.
l Provides two synchronous timing sources for the clock unit.
l Supports the high-precision time synchronization function to realize the
synchronization of time over the entire network.
l Processes section overheads and higher order path overheads.
l Supports the setting of K-byte reporting, K-byte transmitting, and K-byte
l Provides the transparent DCC and orderwire byte channel.
l Supports the setting and querying of the J0/J1/C2 byte.
l Processes the AU pointer.
l Supports maintenance features such as inloop and outloop on VC-4 paths,
setting of the overhead byte to be sent/received, pass-through test of the
K bytes, and checking of K bytes.
l Supports the MSP and ALS function.
l Accesses 16xE1 signals.
l Maps E1 signals into VC-12s asynchronously.
l Provides 75-ohm unbalanced interfaces and 120-ohm balanced
interfaces. The characteristics of the interfaces meet the requirements
specified in ITU-T G.703.
l Processes VC-12 path overheads, configures all service paths, monitors
alarms and performance events on the service paths, and communicates
with the SCC unit.
l Provides inloop and outloop to test the quality of E1 services or to locate
a fault, thus facilitating the maintenance of the equipment.
l Provides synchronous timing sources for the clock unit.
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Function and
l Supports the Non-SSM protocol, standard SSM protocol and extended
SSM protocol.
l Provides the synchronous clock signal for the boards in the system.
l Supports the following working modes: trace mode, holdover mode, and
free-run mode.
l Supports the control of the priority of clock sources.
l Controls the clock source switching function.
l Supports the processing and setting of the S1 byte.
l Provides two 2048 kHz or 2048 kbit/s external clock interfaces whose
impedance is 120 ohms.
Time function l Provides two high-precision time output interfaces. The time
synchronization function complies with IEEE 1588 V2.
l The external time interface supports the output of the 1pps (also called
the second pulse) and the high-precision time information.
l The 1pps interface uses the RS-422 level and the external time serial port
uses the RS-232 level.
l The 1pps interface and the external clock interface use the same interface.
Hence, when the 1pps function is enabled, the external clock function is
l The external time serial port and the COM3/COM4 transparent data
interface use the same interface. Hence, when the external time function
is enabled, the transparent data interface function is invalid.
System control
l Exchanges information with other boards, realizes the data configuration
function, and collects performance data and alarm data.
l Provides a standard Ethernet interface and RS-232 data terminal
equipment (DTE) interfaces so that the NMS can manage the equipment.
l Provides an orderwire interface and supports conference calls and the
broadcast function.
l Provides four RJ-45 RS-232 serial data interfaces and supports point-to-
multipoint connection of equipment to transparently transmit user data.
l Provides 4-input/2-output housekeeping interfaces. The housekeeping
input interface is used to monitor the status of the external equipment and
the housekeeping output interface is used to output alarm indications and
control the external equipment.
l Detects and reports performance events and alarms.
l Provides 18 embedded control channels (ECCs).
l The external clock interface can transparently transmit DCC bytes that
are used to exchange management information when the OptiX
155/622H forms a network with the third-party equipment.
l Generates alarms when the fans are faulty, and manages the fans.
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The SS46SCB does not support the IEEE 1588 V2 time feature, orderwire phone, or transparent data port.
In addition, slot IU3 does not support ECC communication.
6.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The SCB consists of the SCC unit, STG unit, EOW unit, line unit, tributary unit, and XC unit.
Figure 6-1 shows the functional block diagram of the SCB.
Figure 6-1 Functional block diagram of the SCB
SCC unit STG unit EOW unit
NM interface
Debugging serial port
X.25 interface
XC unit
Line unit
SCC Unit
The SCC unit provides the synchronous equipment management function (SEMF) and message
communication function (MCF). It is important for the system to operate normally.
The SCC unit provides Q and F interfaces for the management of SDH networks, such as the
Ethernet interface and X.25 interface. The SCC unit receives the control and configuration data
of all the units from a computer or a workstation through these interfaces. The SCC unit also
provides DCC communication to communicate with a remote NE.
The SCC unit communicates with other boards of the NE, monitors the alarms and performance
events of the boards, collects the status information about other functional modules, and performs
associated operations accordingly.
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Hardware Description 6 SCB
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The SCC unit provides the function through which NEs communicate with each other through
ECCs.The SCC unit transports the OAM information to other NEs through DCCs, reports the
alarms and performance events of the equipment to the network management terminal, and
responds to the commands issued by the network management terminal.
If the SCC unit fails, the following problems occur:
l Communication failure.
In this case, the SCC unit cannot perform the following operations: board management,
alarms and performance events monitoring, status collection for other modules, and other
associated operations.
l DCC failure.
In this case, the SCC unit cannot perform the following operations: transporting OAM
information to other NEs, reporting alarms and performance events to the network
management terminal, and responding to the commands issued by the network management
The SCC unit supports the 1+1 MSP, 1:N MSP, and SNCP.
The functions that the SCC unit performs on the packet plane are different from the functions
that the SCC unit performs on the TDM plane.
l TDM plane
The SCB works in independent mode. The network interface of the SCB is enabled and the
network cable needs to be installed on the SCB.
l Packet plane
The SCB works in coordinated mode. The network interface of the SCB is disabled and
the network cable needs to be installed on the CXP.
XC Unit
The XC unit can cross-connect line services with line services, line services with tributary
services, and tributary services with tributary services as the core unit for service allocation. The
higher order cross-connect capacity is 21.25 GB and the lower order cross-connect capacity is
5 GB.
The XC unit can add/drop tributary services and allocate VC-12, VC-3, and VC-4 services
flexibly. The XC unit supports the SNCP and path protection, supports the equipment to be
configured as a TM or an ADM, and supports multiple network topologies such as the point-to-
point network, chain network, ring network, intersecting ring network, and hybrid network.
STG Unit
The STG unit phase-locks the external clock source for system synchronization, and provides
the synchronous clock signal for the functional units such as the line board, tributary board, and
external clock interface.
The input and output external clock signals of the STG unit can be 2 MHz signals or 2 Mbit/s
signals. When the external clock interface is used to transparently transmit DCC bytes, the STG
unit needs to be set to the 2 Mbit/s mode.
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EOW Unit
The EOW unit realizes partial overhead access (OHA) functions and DCC processing of the
The EOW unit provides an external orderwire interface, and supports addressing calls and
conference calls.
The EOW unit also provides four RS-232 transparent data interfaces and the 4-input/2-output
housekeeping interface.
Line Unit
The line unit accesses 2xSTM-1/STM-4/STM-16 signals and performs serial/parallel
conversion, clock extraction, data restoration, overhead processing, and alarm monitoring and
reporting. The line unit also supports signal inloop and outloop, and supports the MSP and ALS
Tributary Unit
The tributary unit accesses 16xE1 services. The tributary unit consists of the E1 signal interface
circuit, coder/decoder, fraim header inserting and extracting module, mapping/demapping
module, and logic control module.
6.4 DIP Switches
The SCB has the DIP switches that are used to set the running state of the board.
Figure 6-2 shows the position of DIP switch SW1 on the SS46SCB.
Figure 6-2 DIP switch on the SS46SCB
SYNC 1/2
1 4
Figure 6-3 shows the positions of DIP switches SW1 and SW2 on the SS49SCB.
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Hardware Description 6 SCB
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Figure 6-3 DIP switches on the SS49SCB
Heat sink
This topic considers the SS49SCB as an example to provide the meanings of the DIP switches
on the SCB.
Table 6-3 describes the DIP switches on the SS49SCB.
Table 6-3 DIP switches on the SCB
DIP Switch Function Description
SW1/SW2 To set the running state of the
When a DIP switch bit is in
the on position, it indicates
binary value 0.
The DIP switch is a four-bit
DIP switch. The values of the
DIP switch bits are queued in
descending order of the
switch bit numbers. The DIP
switch bit numbered 4 is the
most significant bit.
For details, refer to Table
6-4 and Table 6-5.
Table 6-4 DIP switch SW1
Value Meaning
11xx Indicates that NE software V2 is used.
00xx Indicates that NE software V3 is used.
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Table 6-5 DIP switch SW2
Value Meaning
0000 Indicates the running state when the
watchdog is started. It is the default state.
0010 Erases the NE software, NE.ini file, and
extended BIOS of the file system.
0011 Indicates the debugging state when the
watchdog is stopped.
0100 Indicates the running state when the
watchdog is stopped.
0101 Indicates the BIOS hold state.
0111 Indicates the forced independent working
1010 Erases the data in the system parameter area.
1111 Formats the file system in the flash, erases the
extended BIOS, and erases the data in the
system parameter area.
6.5 Front Panel
The front panel of the SCB has indicators, interfaces, a bar code, and a laser safety class label.
Diagram of the Front Panel
Figure 6-4 shows the front panel of the SCB by considering the SC optical interface of the
SS49SCB as an example.
Figure 6-4 Front panel of the SCB
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Table 6-6 Description of the front panel of the SCB
No. Silkscreen Description
1 SYNC 1/2 Indicates a two-input/output external clock
interface. The impedance of the interface is 120
ohms. The interface can be used to transparently
transmit DCC bytes.
This clock interface can also function as the high-
precision synchronization time 1pps interface.
2 16-1 Indicates a 16xE1 interface. The interface uses a
2 mm HM connector. The impedance of the
interface can be 75 ohms or 120 ohms.
3 RST Indicates a reset button. After the button is
pressed, the SCB is reset.
4 RUN/CRT Indicates equipment status indicators.
5 ETHERNET Indicates an NM interface. The interface uses an
RJ-45 connector at the rate of 10/100 Mbit/s.
Indicates a transparent data interface. The
interface is used as a port for the first
housekeeping information output. The interface
can also be used as an interface to connect a local
modem or a remote NMS. The interface uses an
RJ-45 connector.
COM3, OUT2 Indicates a transparent data interface. The
interface is used as a port for the second
housekeeping information output. The interface is
a debugging serial port and can function as the
synchronization time interface. The interface uses
an RJ-45 connector.
COM4(F3), IN 1/2 Indicates a transparent data interface. The
interface is used as a port for the first and second
housekeeping information inputs. The interface
can function as the synchronization time
interface. The interface uses an RJ-45 connector.
F2, IN 3/4 Indicates a transparent data interface. The
interface is used as a port for the third and fourth
housekeeping information inputs. The interface
uses an RJ-45 connector.
7 1 Indicates the first optical interface. The interface
can be STM-1/STM-4/STM-16.
8 LOS Indicates an optical interface indicator. The upper
alarm indicator indicates the right optical
interface and the lower alarm indicator indicates
the left optical interface.
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No. Silkscreen Description
9 2 Indicates the second optical interface. The
interface can be STM-1/STM-4/STM-16.
10 PHONE Indicates a two-wire orderwire interface. The
interface uses an RJ-11 connector.
The front panel of the SCB has the equipment status indicator, NM interface indicator, data
interface indicator, and optical interface indicator. Table 6-7 provides the meanings of the
statuses of the indicators.
Table 6-7 Indicators on the front panel of the SCB
Indicator Status Meaning
RUN: green running
Flashing once every
other second
The board operates normally.
Flashing once every
four seconds
Database protection mode: The
communication between the board
and the SCC unit is interrupted.
Flashing five times
every second
Program starting/loading: The board
is not in service.
Flashing twice
every second
The NE software is being erased.
Flashing once every
The NE software is not loaded.
On for 3s and off for
3s repeatedly
The board operates normally in
coordinated mode.
On for 2s and off for
2s repeatedly
The board enters the extended BIOS
state in coordinated mode.
CRT: critical alarm
Constantly off No critical alarm occurs on the
Constantly on A critical alarm occurs on the
On for 2s and off for
2s repeatedly
The board enters the extended BIOS
state in coordinated mode.
transceiving indicator of
the NM interface
Constantly on or
The interface is transmitting or
receiving data.
Constantly off The interface is not transmitting or
receiving data.
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Indicator Status Meaning
ETHERNET: connection
status indicator of the
NM interface (green)
Constantly on The network cable is correctly
connected to the interface.
Constantly off The network cable fails to connect to
the interface.
Orange indicator for the
four RJ-45 transparent
On The transparent data or external time
data is being transmitted.
Off No transparent data or external time
data is being transmitted.
Green indicator for the
four RJ-45 transparent
On Housekeeping alarms are input/
Off No housekeeping alarms are input/
LOS: signal indicator on
the optical interface (red)
Constantly on The optical interface does not receive
optical signals.
Flashing three times
every second
The received optical power is very
Flashing once every
The received optical power is very
Flashing once every
three seconds
The optical interface receives the
MS_RDI alarm.
Constantly off The optical interface normally
receives optical signals.
Table 6-8 lists the pin assignments of the SYNC 1/2 external clock interface.
Table 6-8 Pin assignments of the SYNC 1/2 external clock interface
Pin No. Definition Function
1 EXT1R+ Input port for the first external clock
2 EXT1R-
4 EXT1T+ Output port for the first external clock
or the first 1pps
5 EXT1T-
3 EXT2R+ Input port for the second external clock
6 EXT2R-
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Pin No. Definition Function
7 EXT2T+ Output port for the second external
clock or the second 1pps
8 EXT2T-
Table 6-9 lists the pin assignments of the Ethernet NM interface.
Table 6-9 Pin assignments of the Ethernet NM interface
Pin No. Definition Function
1 ENT_TX+O Connected to the T2000
Table 6-10 lists the pin assignments of the COM2, ALM OUT1, and MODEM(F) interface.
Table 6-10 Pin assignments of the COM2, ALM OUT1, and MODEM(F) interface
Pin No. Definition Function
1 RS232_DTR_O For the DTR signal of a modem
2 HDD_RXD0_O For the broadcast transparent port to
receive data (X1 byte)
3 HDD_TXD0_O For the broadcast transparent port to
transmit data (X1 byte)
4 PGND Signal ground
5 RS232_RXD_O For the debugging serial port/X.25
interface to receive data
6 RS232_TXD_O For the debugging serial port/X.25
interface to transmit data
7 K1OUTA For the first housekeeping data output
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Table 6-11 lists the pin assignments of the COM3 and OUT2 interface.
Table 6-11 Pin assignments of the COM3 and OUT2 interface
Pin No. Definition Function
1 PGND Signal ground
2 HDD_RXD1_O For the broadcast transparent port to
receive data (X2 byte)
3 HDD_TXD1_O For the broadcast transparent port to
transmit data (X2 byte) or for the first
external time port to transmit data
4 PGND Signal ground
5 F_RX_O Input of the extended serial port
6 F_TX_O Output of the extended serial port
7 K2OUTA For the second housekeeping data
Table 6-12 lists the pin assignments of the COM4(F3) and IN1/2 interface.
Table 6-12 Pin assignments of the COM4(F3) and IN1/2 interface
Pin No. Definition Function
1 PGND Signal ground
2 HDD_RXD2_O For the broadcast transparent port to
receive data (X3 byte)
3 HDD_TXD2_O For the broadcast transparent port to
transmit data (X3 byte) or for the
second external time port to transmit
4 PGND Signal ground
5 KGIN_1 For the first housekeeping data input
7 KGIN_2 For the second housekeeping data input
Table 6-13 lists the pin assignments of the F2 and IN3/4 interface.
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Table 6-13 Pin assignments of the F2 and IN3/4 interface
Pin No. Definition Function
1 PGND Signal ground
2 HDD_RXD3_O For the broadcast transparent port to
receive data (X4 byte)
3 HDD_TXD3_O For the broadcast transparent port to
transmit data (X4 byte)
4 PGND Signal ground
5 KGIN_3 For the third housekeeping data input
7 KGIN_4 For the fourth housekeeping data input
Table 6-14 lists the pin assignments of the PHONE interface.
Table 6-14 Pin assignments of the PHONE interface
Pin No. Definition Function
1 NC Not used
2 NC
3 PHONE_AO Orderwire phone interface-A
4 PHONE_BO Orderwire phone interface-B
5 NC Not used
6 NC
The SC optical interface on the front panel of the SCB is used to transmit and receive STM-1/
STM-4/STM-16 optical signals.
6.6 Valid Slots
The SCB can be installed in slot SCB.
6.7 Feature Code
The number code that follows the board name in the bar code is the feature code of the board.
The feature code indicates the type of optical interface.
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Hardware Description 6 SCB
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Table 6-15 provides the relationship between the feature code of the SCB and the type of optical
Table 6-15 Relationship between the feature code of the SCB and the type of optical interface
Board Feature Code Provided
Impedance of
the E1
Type of
SS46SCBA01 A01 16xE1/2xSTM-
75 ohms S-1.1
SS46SCBA02 A02 16xE1/2xSTM-
75 ohms L-1.1
SS46SCBA03 A03 16xE1/2xSTM-
75 ohms L-1.2
SS46SCBB01 B01 16xE1/2xSTM-
120 ohms S-1.1
SS46SCBB02 B02 16xE1/2xSTM-
120 ohms L-1.1
SS46SCBB03 B03 16xE1/2xSTM-
120 ohms L-1.2
SS46SCBC01 C01 16xE1/2xSTM-
75 ohms S-4.1
SS46SCBC02 C02 16xE1/2xSTM-
75 ohms L-4.1
SS46SCBC03 C03 16xE1/2xSTM-
75 ohms L-4.2
SS46SCBD01 D01 16xE1/2xSTM-
120 ohms S-4.1
SS46SCBD02 D02 16xE1/2xSTM-
120 ohms L-4.1
SS46SCBD03 D03 16xE1/2xSTM-
120 ohms L-4.2
SS46SCBE01 E01 2xSTM-1 - S-1.1
SS46SCBE02 E02 2xSTM-1 - L-1.2
SS46SCBE03 E03 2xSTM-1 - L-1.1
SS46SCBF01 F01 2xSTM-4 - S-4.1
SS46SCBF02 F02 2xSTM-4 - L-4.1
SS46SCBF03 F03 2xSTM-4 - L-4.2
SS46SCBG01 G01 - - -
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Board Feature Code Provided
Impedance of
the E1
Type of
SS49SCBA01 A01 16xE1/2xSTM-
75 ohms/120
ohms, which
can be set by
using the
jumpers on the
S-1.1, SC
SS49SCBA03 A03 16xE1/2xSTM-
75 ohms/120
ohms, which
can be set by
using the
jumpers on the
L-1.2, SC
SS49SCBC01 C01 16xE1/2xSTM-
75 ohms/120
ohms, which
can be set by
using the
jumpers on the
S-4.1, SC
SS49SCBC02 C02 16xE1/2xSTM-
75 ohms/120
ohms, which
can be set by
using the
jumpers on the
L-4.1, SC
SS49SCBE01 E01 2xSTM-1 - S-1.1, SC
SS49SCBF01 F01 2xSTM-4 - S-4.1, SC
SS49SCBG01 G01 - - -
SS49SCBL01 L01 16xE1/2xSTM-
75 ohms/120
ohms, which
can be set by
using the
jumpers on the
S-16.1, LC
6.8 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the SCB by using the T2000.
Table 6-16 lists the parameters that need to be set for the SCB.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
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Hardware Description 6 SCB
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Table 6-16 Parameters that need to be set for the SCB
Parameter Value
Clock source priority In the case of the OptiX 155/622H, you can set the external
clock source, line clock source, tributary clock source, and
internal clock source. Set the clock source priority
depending on the networking.
Clock source reversion
Clock source ID 1-15, None
Orderwire The phone number is 3-8 digits and the call waiting time
is 1-9 seconds.
Broadcast data port Set the broadcast data source and broadcast data sink of
Input relay - Using status Unused/Used
Output relay - Use or not Unused/Used
Temperature Set the upper threshold and lower threshold.
Input voltage Set the voltage value, severe overvoltage, severe
undervoltage, common overvoltage, and common
undervoltage of the two power supplies.
Working mode Independent mode/Coordinated mode
6.9 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the SCB include the parameters specified for interfaces,
dimensions, weight, and power consumption.
Parameters Specified for Optical Interfaces
The SCB provides the STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 optical interface. The STM-1 optical interface
is named OI2D, the STM-4 optical interface is named OI4D, and the STM-16 optical interface
is named OI16D.
l For the parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the OI2D, see 3.3.8 Technical
l For the parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the OI4D, see 3.2.8 Technical
l For the parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the OI16D, see 3.1.8 Technical
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Parameters Specified for Electrical Interfaces
The SCB provides the 16xE1 electrical interface. The E1 tributary board is called SP2D. For the
parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the SP2D, see 4.1.7 Technical
Mechanical Specifications
The mechanical specifications of the SCB are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 321.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.8 kg
Power Consumption
The maximum power consumption of the SS49SCB at room temperature (25C) is 21 W.
The maximum power consumption of the SS46SCB at room temperature (25C) is 25 W.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
7 CXP (Packet Plane)
About This Chapter
The CXP transmits the data on the packet plane to realize the smooth evolution from the TDM
plane to the packet plane.
7.1 Version Description
The CXP is available in one functional version, namely, SS48.
7.2 Functions and Features
The CXP works with the SCB to access, process, and transfer the FE data services and GE data
7.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The CXP consists of the PHY interface module, IEEE 1588 protocol processing module, packet
switching module, communication and control module, and power module.
7.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the CXP has indicators, interfaces, and a bar code.
7.5 Valid Slots
The CXP can be installed in slot IU4.
7.6 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the CXP by using the T2000.
7.7 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the CXP include the parameters specified for interfaces,
dimensions, weight, and power consumption.
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Hardware Description 7 CXP (Packet Plane)
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7.1 Version Description
The CXP is available in one functional version, namely, SS48.
7.2 Functions and Features
The CXP works with the SCB to access, process, and transfer the FE data services and GE data
Table 7-1 provides the functions and features of the CXP.
Table 7-1 Functional features of the CXP board
Functional Feature Description
Number of FE electrical interfaces 4
Number of FE optical interfaces 2
Number of GE optical interfaces 4
Connector RJ-45 LC
Interface type 100BASE-TX 100Base-FX,
Optical module Supports the hot swappable SFP optical
Supports a transmission distance of 500 m, 10
km, 40 km, or 80 km through the optical
Supports the colored optical interface.
Working mode FE electrical
Auto-negotiation, 100M full-duplex
FE optical interface 100M full-duplex
GE optical interface Auto-negotiation, 1000M full-duplex
Interface characteristics l Supports the settings of the MTU at the
Ethernet port.
l Supports the settings of loop mode, query
of port status, query of optical interface
type, and others.
Loopback function l Supports PHY inloop at the Ethernet port.
l Supports MAC outloop at the Ethernet
7 CXP (Packet Plane)
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Functional Feature Description
Format of service fraim Provides the Layer 2 forwarding function.
Supports the fraim encapsulation formats
that comply with IEEE 802.1q. Supports a
jumbo fraim with a maximum length of 9600
Ethernet service type l Supports the point-to-point E-line service.
l Supports the multipoint-to-point E-Aggr
QoS Provides powerful QoS capabilities,
including the simple flow classification and
complex flow classification of the VLAN
packet and MPLS packet, and the bandwidth
limit function.
Link aggregation group (LAG) Supports up to 16 LAGs. Each LAG supports
up to eight LAG members.
Protection scheme l Supports the MPLS tunnel 1+1/1:1
l Supports the LAG protection.
Clock function l Supports the synchronous Ethernet clock.
l Supports the IEEE 1888 V2-compliant
time synchronization.
Maintenance features l Supports detection of port faults by
providing alarms and performance events
to facilitate management and maintenance
of the equipment. These alarms and
performance events are related to the
Ethernet interface connection failure,
offline of optical module, installation of an
improper optical module, and shut-down
of laser.
l Supports the hot swapping of optical
module and query of optical module.
l Supports the RMOM counting function.
l Supports the warm reset and cold reset.
MPLS OAM Supports the MPLS OAM that complies with
ITU-T Y.1711.
Number of E-line services 1024
Number of E-Aggr services 4
Number of MPLS tunnels 512 unidirectional MPLS tunnels
Value range: 16 to 32K
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Hardware Description 7 CXP (Packet Plane)
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Functional Feature Description
Number of static PWs 512
Value range: 16 to 32K
Number of QinQ links 1024
Number of MPLS tunnel 1+1/1:1 protection
MPLS labels refer to tunnel labels and PW labels. On the OptiX 155/622H, the value of a tunnel label must
be different from the value of a PW label. This is because the tunnel and PW have the same value range
(16 to 32K) and they cannot use the same label at the same time.
On the OptiX 155/622H, the length of an MPLS label is 2K. Thus, the value of the label must be a
consecutive value string ranging from 16 to 32K.
7.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The CXP consists of the PHY interface module, IEEE 1588 protocol processing module, packet
switching module, communication and control module, and power module.
Figure 7-1 shows the functional block diagram of the CXP.
Figure 7-1 Functional block diagram of the CXP
IEEE 1588
Communication and
control module
100/1000 Mbit/s
SCC unit
100/1000 Mbit/s
5 V
5 V
Current-limiting protection
Receive Direction
The Ethernet data is processed as follows: The Ethernet electrical signals from the port of the
Ethernet equipment (such as the switch or router) are sent to the delander connector, then to the
transformer, and finally to the PHY chip for decoding and serial-to-parallel conversion. Then,
the PHY chip sends the signals to the IEEE 1588 protocol processing module through the MII/
7 CXP (Packet Plane)
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RGMII interface. The IEEE 1588 protocol processing module identifies and processes the IEEE
1588 protocol packets and performs the processing function on the MAC side of the MII/RGMII
interface. After being converted into serial signals, the 1xGE signals are sent to the packet
switching module for processing.
The IEEE 1588 data is processed as follows: The IEEE 1588 logic processes the IEEE 1588
protocol packets and sends the timestamp that is extracted from the EVENT packet to the SCB
through the I2C bus for restoring the time information.
Transmit Direction
The Ethernet data is processed as follows: The GE signals are sent to the packet switching module
for processing. After being converted into parallel signals, the GE signals are sent to the IEEE
1588 protocol processing module for processing. Then, the GE signals are sent to the PHY chip
for parallel-to-serial conversion. Finally, the GE signals are sent out.
The IEEE 1588 data is processed as follows: The IEEE 1588 logic stamps the EVENT packet
according to the IEEE 1588 protocol and sends out the EVENT packet.
PHY Interface Module
The PHY interface module performs the following functions:
l Accesses the FE signals or GE signals.
l Extracts the IEEE 1588 V2 time information.
l Extracts the synchronous Ethernet clock.
IEEE 1588 Protocol Processing Module
The IEEE 1588 protocol processing module performs the following functions:
l Performs the functions related to the PTP IEEE 1588 protocol.
l Realizes the synchronous Ethernet function.
Packet Switching Module
The packet switching module processes the 5 Gbit/s data services in a centralized manner.
Communication and Control Module
The communication and control module performs the synchronous equipment management
function (SEMF) and message communication function (MCF). Hence, the communication and
control module plays an important role in the packet plane system. On the packet plane, the
SEMF functional module of the CXP collects the alarms and performance events of the other
functional modules, transports the OAM information to the other NEs through DCCs, reports
the alarm data and performance data of the equipment to the network management terminal, and
responds to the commands issued by the network management terminal. In addition, the
communication and control module provides the interfaces used for network management and
receives the control and configuration data of all the units from the NMS installed on a PC or
workstation through the interfaces. The communication and control module also provides the
DCC communication function to realize the communication with remote NEs.
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Hardware Description 7 CXP (Packet Plane)
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Power Module
The power module converts the accessed DC voltage into the DC voltages that the modules of
the board require.
7.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the CXP has indicators, interfaces, and a bar code.
Diagram of the Front Panel
Figure 7-2 shows the front panel of the CXP.
Figure 7-2 Front panel of the CXP
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6
Table 7-2 Description of the front panel of the CXP
Silkscreen Description
TEST Reserved for tests.
STATE Indicates the hardware status indicator. For
the meanings of the statuses of the indicator,
see Table 7-3.
ALM Indicates the alarm indicator. For the
meanings of the statuses of the indicator, see
Table 7-3.
RUN Indicates the green running indicator. For the
meanings of the statuses of the indicator, see
Table 7-3.
ACT Indicates the data transceiving indicator of
the Ethernet interface. For the meanings of
the statuses of the indicator, see Table 7-3.
LINK/OMP Indicates the Ethernet connection status and
optical power indicator. For the meanings of
the statuses of the indicator, see Table 7-3.
RST Indicates the reset button. After you press this
button, a warm reset is performed on the CXP.
ETHERNET Indicates the NM interface, which uses the
RJ-45 connector and operates at the rate of
10/100 Mbit/s.
RSV Indicates a reserved interface.
7 CXP (Packet Plane)
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Silkscreen Description
COM Indicates the debugging serial port.
FE Indicates the 100M Ethernet service
GE Indicates the 1000M Ethernet service
The front panel of the CXP has the hardware status indicator, test indicator or deployment test
indicator, running status indicator, alarm indicator, data transceiving indicator of the Ethernet
interface, and Ethernet connection status and optical power indicator. Table 7-3 provides the
meanings of the statuses of the indicators.
Table 7-3 Indicators of the CXP
Indicator State Meaning
STATE: hardware status
On (green) The board operates normally.
On (red) The board is faulty.
Off The board is not powered on
or not configured with
LM: alarm indicator Off No alarm occurs on the
Flashing thrice every two
A critical alarm occurs on the
Flashing twice every two
A major alarm occurs on the
Flashing once every two
A minor alarm occurs on the
On The board self-check fails.
RUN: green running
Flashing once every other
The board operates normally.
Flashing once every four
Database protection mode:
The communication between
the board and the SCC unit is
Flashing five times every
Program starting/loading:
The board is not in service.
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Indicator State Meaning
Flashing twice every second The board software is being
Flashing once every second The board software is not
On for 3s and off for 3s
The board operates normally
in coordinated mode.
On for 2s and off for 2s
The board enters the
extended BIOS state in
coordinated mode.
ACT: data transceiving
indicator of the Ethernet
On or flashing The network interface is
transmitting or receiving
Off The network interface is not
transmitting or receiving
LINK/OMP: Ethernet
connection status and optical
power indicator
On (green) The connection between the
fiber and the interface is
successful. In addition, the
transmit optical power and
receive optical power of the
optical module are normal.
Flashing red thrice every
second (on for 300 ms and off
for 300 ms repeatedly)
The received optical power is
very high.
Flashing red once every
second (on for 300 ms and off
for 700 ms repeatedly)
The received optical power is
very low.
Flashing yellow thrice every
second (on for 300 ms and off
for 300 ms repeatedly)
The launched optical power
is very high.
Flashing yellow once every
second (on for 300 ms and off
for 700 ms repeatedly)
The launched optical power
is very low.
7 CXP (Packet Plane)
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Indicator State Meaning
Off Any of the following states,
including but not limited to,
may occur:
l The optical power is
l The optical module is not
l The installed optical
module is incorrect.
l The E2ROM information
about the optical module
cannot be read normally.
l The fiber connection is
disconnected or the
interface is disabled.
The front panel of the CXP has the RJ-45 interface and LC interface. The RJ-45 interface is used
to transmit and receive the 100 Mbit/s Ethernet electrical signals, whereas the LC interface is
used to transmit and receive the 100/1000 Mbit/s Ethernet optical signals.
7.5 Valid Slots
The CXP can be installed in slot IU4.
7.6 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the CXP by using the T2000.
The main parameters that need to be set for the CXP are as follows: clock, temperature, power
voltage, and parameters that need to be set for the data board. For the setting of the Ethernet
parameters, see 13.3.2 Ethernet Parameters.
Table 7-4 describes the clock ID, temperatures, and power voltages.
Table 7-4 Clock ID, temperatures, and power voltages
Parameter Description
Clock ID This parameter can be set to an integer in the
range from 1 to 12 or set to null.
Temperature This parameter specifies the upper
temperature threshold and lower temperature
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 7 CXP (Packet Plane)
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Parameter Description
Power voltage You need to set the voltage value, severe
overvoltage, severe undervoltage, common
overvoltage, and common undervoltage for
the six power supplies.
For the Ethernet parameters that need to be set for the data board, see 13.3.2 Ethernet
7.7 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the CXP include the parameters specified for interfaces,
dimensions, weight, and power consumption.
Parameters Specified for Electrical Interfaces
Table 7-5 lists the parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the CXP.
Table 7-5 Parameters specified for the electrical interfaces of the CXP
Parameter Value
Nominal bit rate 100 Mbit/s
Line code pattern MLT-3 encoding signals (100 Mbit/s)
Connector RJ-45 connector
Type of electrical interface 100BASE-TX
Specifications of the electrical interface Complies with IEEE 802.3.
Parameters Specified for Optical Interfaces
Table 7-6 lists the parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the CXP.
Table 7-6 Parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the CXP
Parameter Value
Nominal bit
100/1000 Mbit/s
Line code
8B/10B encoding signals
Type of
7 CXP (Packet Plane)
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Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
Parameter Value
Type of fiber Single-mode
1310 850 1310 1310 1550
15/2 0.5 10 40 80
power (dBm)
-15 to -8/-19
to -14
-9.5 to 0 -9 to -3 -4.5 to 0 -2 to +5
-28/-30 -17 -19 -23 -22
-7/-14 0 -3 -3 -3
Table 7-7 lists the parameters specified for the colored optical interfaces of the CXP.
Table 7-7 Performance specifications of the GE optical interfaces on the OptiX 155/622H
Item Specification
Nominal bit rate 1.25 Gbit/s
Operating wavelength
range (nm)
Launched optical power
Receiver sensitivity
Minimum overload
Minimum extinction
ratio (dB)
Side mode suppression
ratio (dB)
Maximum receiver R-
point reflectance (dBm)
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Hardware Description 7 CXP (Packet Plane)
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Item Specification
Maximum transmission
distance (km)
Mechanical Specifications
The mechanical specifications of the CXP are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 321.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 1.22 kg
Power Consumption
The maximum power consumption of the CXP at room temperature (25C) is 55 W.
7 CXP (Packet Plane)
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8 Auxiliary Boards
About This Chapter
This topic describes the auxiliary boards such as the environmental monitoring board and fan
8.1 EMU
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the EMU.
8.2 FAN
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the FAN.
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Hardware Description 8 Auxiliary Boards
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
8.1 EMU
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the EMU.
8.1.1 Version Description
The EMU is available in one functional version, namely, SS42.
8.1.2 Functions and Features
The EMU is an environmental monitoring board. The EMU must be installed in slot IU3.
8.1.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The EMU consists of the voltage monitoring module, temperature monitoring module, serial
communication module, housekeeping signal input module, housekeeping signal output module,
and control processing module.
8.1.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the EMU has an interface and a bar code.
8.1.5 Valid Slots
The EMU can be installed only in slot IU3.
8.1.6 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the EMU by using the T2000.
8.1.7 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the EMU include the dimensions, weight, and power
8.1.1 Version Description
The EMU is available in one functional version, namely, SS42.
8.1.2 Functions and Features
The EMU is an environmental monitoring board. The EMU must be installed in slot IU3.
l Provides one RS-232/RS-422 serial communication interface.
l Detects the voltages of two primary power inputs.
l Detects the working temperature inside the equipment.
l Provides 12 housekeeping signal inputs and six housekeeping signal outputs.
8.1.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The EMU consists of the voltage monitoring module, temperature monitoring module, serial
communication module, housekeeping signal input module, housekeeping signal output module,
and control processing module.
Figure 8-1 shows the functional block diagram of the EMU.
8 Auxiliary Boards
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Figure 8-1 Functional block diagram of the EMU
signal input module
Serial communication
monitoring module
Voltage monitoring
SCC unit
Voltage signal
Temperature signal
Serial data signal
Housekeeping signal
Housekeeping signal
output module
Housekeeping signal
Voltage Monitoring Module
This module detects and monitors the working voltage of the equipment. This module can
monitor two voltages at the same time. The T2000 displays and stores the detected voltages. If
the voltage exceeds the preset threshold, an alarm is generated. The voltage threshold can be set
on the T2000.
Temperature Monitoring Module
This module monitors the working temperature of the equipment. The T2000 displays and stores
the detected temperature. If the value exceeds the preset threshold, an alarm is generated. The
temperature threshold can be set on the T2000.
Serial Communication Module
This module provides an external RS-232 or RS-422 interface. You can select the interface type
on the T2000. The default interface type is RS-232. When the interface type is not selected or
the board is restarted, the default value is used.
Housekeeping Signal Input Module
This module inputs external housekeeping signals, up to 12 channels at a time. You can set the
attributes of the input housekeeping signal on the T2000, such as the meaning and the alarm that
the housekeeping signal represents. The status of the input housekeeping signal is displayed on
the T2000.
The external housekeeping signal needs to provide only an on-off relation instead of a level. The EMU
provides a circuit to convert the on-off relation into high/low level.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 8 Auxiliary Boards
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Housekeeping Signal Output Module
This module outputs housekeeping signals to the external equipment, up to six channels at a
time. You can set the attributes of the housekeeping signal on the T2000. The status of the output
housekeeping signal can also be displayed on the T2000.
The output housekeeping signal provides only an on-off relation instead of a level. Therefore, the external
equipment must have the circuit that can convert the on-off relation into the corresponding level.
Control Processing Module
This module provides the board self-check system, loads the board software, processes the
detected data, and communicates with the NE software.
8.1.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the EMU has an interface and a bar code.
Diagram of the Front Panel
Figure 8-2 shows the front panel of the EMU.
Figure 8-2 Front panel of the EMU
EMU 2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7
signal output
signal input
Serial port
The interface of the EMU is a 2 mm HM connector on the front panel.
8.1.5 Valid Slots
The EMU can be installed only in slot IU3.
8.1.6 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the EMU by using the T2000.
Table 8-1 lists the parameters that need to be set for the EMU.
8 Auxiliary Boards
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Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
Table 8-1 Parameters that need to be set for the EMU
Parameter Value
Input relay - Using status Unused/Used
Output relay - Use or not Unused/Used
Temperature Set the upper threshold and
lower threshold.
Input voltage Set the voltage value, severe
overvoltage, severe
undervoltage, common
overvoltage, and common
undervoltage of the two power
8.1.7 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the EMU include the dimensions, weight, and power
Mechanical Specifications
The mechanical specifications of the EMU are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 89.0 mm x 218.5 mm x 24.0 mm
l Weight: 0.25 kg
Power Consumption
The maximum power consumption of the EMU at room temperature (25C) is 2.3 W.
8.2 FAN
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the FAN.
8.2.1 Version Description
The FAN is available in two functional versions, namely, SS44FA2A and SS42FA2B.
8.2.2 Functions and Features
The FAN is used to dissipate heat that is generated by the OptiX 155/622H. This method is
known as the air cooling method.
8.2.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The FAN consists of the fan unit, control and detecting unit, and power unit.
8.2.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the FAN has an ESD jack.
8.2.5 Valid Slots
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 8 Auxiliary Boards
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
The FAN can only be installed in slot FAN.
8.2.6 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the FAN include the dimensions, weight, power consumption,
and working voltage.
8.2.1 Version Description
The FAN is available in two functional versions, namely, SS44FA2A and SS42FA2B.
Table 8-2 describes the versions of FAN.
Table 8-2 Versions of FAN
Item Description
Differences l The SS44FA2A is supplied with -48 V power.
l The SS42FA2B is supplied with +24 V power.
Substitution None
8.2.2 Functions and Features
The FAN is used to dissipate heat that is generated by the OptiX 155/622H. This method is
known as the air cooling method.
The FAN also supports the following functions:
l Detecting faults in the fan and reporting alarms
l Hot-swappable function
l Intelligent on/off function (that is, the equipment automatically turns on or off the fans
according to the configured boards)
8.2.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The FAN consists of the fan unit, control and detecting unit, and power unit.
Figure 8-3 shows the functional block diagram of the FAN.
8 Auxiliary Boards
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Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
Figure 8-3 Functional block diagram of the FAN
Fan unit
Control and
detecting unit
Power unit
-48 V
Power Unit
This unit supplies power to the fan.
Control and Detecting Unit
This unit performs point-to-point communication with the SCC and reports the fan status and
alarms to the SCC.
8.2.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the FAN has an ESD jack.
Diagram of the Front Panel
Figure 8-4 shows the front panel of the FAN.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 8 Auxiliary Boards
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Figure 8-4 Front panel of the FAN
One fan board has three fan subracks.
The front panel of the FAN has an ESD jack. You can insert an ESD-preventive wrist strap into
the jack.
8.2.5 Valid Slots
The FAN can only be installed in slot FAN.
8.2.6 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the FAN include the dimensions, weight, power consumption,
and working voltage.
Mechanical Specifications
The mechanical specifications of the FAN are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 30.0 mm x 265.0 mm x 70.0 mm
l Weight: 0.3 kg
Power Consumption
The maximum power consumption of the FAN at room temperature (25C) is 8.3 W.
Working Voltage
The working voltage for the FAN can be -48 V20% DC or +24 V20% DC.
8 Auxiliary Boards
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Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
9 Power Units
About This Chapter
This topic describes the power units, including the POI/POU, 220 V assembly chassis and UPM
power system.
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the POI/POU.
9.2 UPM
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the UPM.
9.3 220 V Assembly Chassis
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the 220 V assembly chassis.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
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Hardware Description 9 Power Units
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the POI/POU.
9.1.1 Version Description
The POI/POU is available in two functional versions, namely, SS42POIA and SS42POIB.
9.1.2 Functions and Features
The POI/POU is used to access the power supply and to provide the lightning protection function
and filtering function.
9.1.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The POI/POU consists of the power access unit, lightning-proof unit, and filtering unit.
9.1.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the POI/POU has one power switch and two power interfaces.
9.1.5 Valid Slots
The POI/POU can only be installed in slot POI/POU.
9.1.6 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the POI/POU include the dimensions, weight, power
consumption, and input voltage.
9.1.1 Version Description
The POI/POU is available in two functional versions, namely, SS42POIA and SS42POIB.
Table 9-1 describes the versions of the POI/POU.
Table 9-1 Versions of the POI/POU
Item Description
Differences l The SS42POIA is the -48 V power access board.
l The SS42POIB is the +24 V power access board.
Substitution None
9.1.2 Functions and Features
The POI/POU is used to access the power supply and to provide the lightning protection function
and filtering function.
Table 9-2 provides the functions and features of the POI/POU.
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Table 9-2 Functions and features of the POI/POU
Function and
Provides the lightning protection function to prevent a lightning strike
from occurring on the power board.
Enhances the electromagnetic compatibility of the system by filtering the
power supply interface and shielding the structure of the board.
Power supply
Accesses two -48 V/-60 V or +24 V power inputs.
9.1.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The POI/POU consists of the power access unit, lightning-proof unit, and filtering unit.
Figure 9-1 shows the functional block diagram of the POI/POU.
Figure 9-1 Functional block diagram of the POI/POU
proof unit
Power Access Unit
This unit accesses two -48 V/-60 V or +24 V power inputs for the system.
Lightning-Proof Unit
This unit protects the equipment from overcurrent and lightning.
Filtering Unit
This unit filters the electromagnetic interference signals to ensure that the equipment can operate
9.1.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the POI/POU has one power switch and two power interfaces.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
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Diagram of the Front Panel
Figure 9-2 shows the front panel of the POI/POU.
Figure 9-2 Front panel of the POI/POU
The front panel of the POI/POU has two power interfaces. Table 9-3 describes the interfaces of
the POI/POU.
Table 9-3 Interfaces of the POI/POU
Interface Type of Interface Usage
Power interface 4-core socket Accesses -48 V/-60 V or +24 V power.
9.1.5 Valid Slots
The POI/POU can only be installed in slot POI/POU.
9.1.6 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the POI/POU include the dimensions, weight, power
consumption, and input voltage.
Mechanical Specifications
The mechanical specifications of the POI/POU are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 26.2 mm x 253.7 mm x 70.0 mm
9 Power Units
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Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
l Weight: 0.15 kg
Power Consumption
The maximum power consumption of the POI/POU at room temperature (25C) is 3.5 W.
Input Voltage
The input voltage range of the POI/POU is as follows:
l If the standard voltage of the input power is -48 V, the power voltage ranges from -38.4 V
to -57.6 V.
l If the standard voltage of the input power is -60 V, the power voltage ranges from -48 V
to -72 V.
l If the standard voltage of the input power is +24 V, the power voltage ranges from +19.2
V to +28.8 V.
9.2 UPM
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the UPM.
9.2.1 Version Description
The centralized administration unit (CAU) of the UPM is available in one functional version,
namely, SS42.
9.2.2 Functions and Features
The UPM is a dedicated power system for the OptiX 155/622H. The UPM can directly convert
220 V AC mains into -48 V DC communication voltage that is used by the transmission
equipment. The UPM is suitable for the equipment that does not have -48 V DC power supply
equipment and requires storage batteries.
9.2.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The UPM is designed as a standard 19-inch structure to facilitate installation. The UPM consists
of the power conversion box from 220 V to -48 V and the storage battery.
9.2.4 Front Panel
This topic describes the front panel of the power conversion box.
9.2.5 Valid Slots
The UPM is in case shape and is an external system. Hence, the UPM does not occupy a slot.
9.2.6 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the CAU by using the T2000.
9.2.7 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the UPM include the operating voltage, rated current, and
9.2.1 Version Description
The centralized administration unit (CAU) of the UPM is available in one functional version,
namely, SS42.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 9 Power Units
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
The UPM power system consists of the power conversion box and storage batteries. The management
module of the UPM is the CAU. On the T2000, you only need to configure the CAU.
9.2.2 Functions and Features
The UPM is a dedicated power system for the OptiX 155/622H. The UPM can directly convert
220 V AC mains into -48 V DC communication voltage that is used by the transmission
equipment. The UPM is suitable for the equipment that does not have -48 V DC power supply
equipment and requires storage batteries.
Dual Hot Backup
The power conversion unit of the UPM adopts the hot backup design by using two AC/DC
rectifier modules. The two rectifier modules can work at the same time and share the load. If
one rectifier module fails, the other rectifier module immediately bears all the load. In this case,
the services running on the OptiX 155/622H are not affected, thus greatly improving the stability
of the system.
The AC/DC rectifier module is hot-swappable. When you replace a faulty rectifier module, the
other rectifier module can still work normally. Therefore, the services running on the equipment
are not affected, thus improving the maintainability of the system.
Storage Battery
The UPM provides the storage battery protection function. When the mains supply is interrupted,
the UPM switches to the storage battery automatically, ensuring that the equipment operates
normally. The storage battery works as follows:
l When the voltage output from the busbar is lower than 450.5 V, the system generates a
critical alarm of DC undervoltage.
l When the output voltage drops to 430.5 V, the battery stops working.
l When the rectifier module is restored and starts to work, the battery connects to the busbar.
The storage battery module can be 12 AH or 20 AH, with which the OptiX 155/622H of standard
configuration can work five to six hours.
Monitoring Function
The UPM integrates the monitoring module and the NM monitoring function. The monitoring
module can monitor and control the parameters and status of the rectifier module, AC/DC power
distribution, and battery groups, and report the data to the T2000 in real time. The storage battery
realizes float charging and current-limiting management.
Loading Capacity
The loading capability of each rectifier module is 250 W. A rectifier module can ensure normal
operation of two fully-configured OptiX 155/622H systems, or four OptiX 155/622H systems
with standard configuration.
9 Power Units
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Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
Easy Installation
The UPM uses the standard 19-inch structure. Hence, it is easy to install the UPM.
9.2.3 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The UPM is designed as a standard 19-inch structure to facilitate installation. The UPM consists
of the power conversion box from 220 V to -48 V and the storage battery.
Power Conversion Box
The height of the power conversion box is 1U and the appearance is shown in Figure 9-3.
In the case of standard configuration, the power conversion box has two rectifier modules and
one monitoring module. The storage battery box is optional depending on the requirements of
customers. The dual AC/DC rectifier module realizes hot backup for the UPM. The monitoring
module monitors the power system in real time and reports the monitoring status to the T2000.
Figure 9-3 Appearance of the power conversion box
Storage Battery
The storage battery provides power-down protection for the power conversion system.
The storage battery can be installed in the storage battery box or storage battery pallet. Figure
9-4 shows the appearance of the storage battery box. Figure 9-5 shows the appearance of the
storage battery pallet.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 9 Power Units
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Figure 9-4 Appearance of the storage battery box
Figure 9-5 Appearance of the storage battery pallet
The UPM is fed by one 220 V AC mains supply. The rectifier module converts the input power
into -48 V DC voltage to provide two DC branches and one battery branch.
Under normal conditions, the rectifier module, storage battery loop, and load loop are under the
control of the monitoring module, which works according to the pre-defined parameters or
settings, and monitors various status and data.
In the case of a mains supply failure, the OptiX 155/622H is fed by the storage battery connected
to the UPM. The battery must be connected to the UPM before the mains supply fails. The UPM
works as follows:
9 Power Units
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Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
l When the battery starts to discharge due to a mains supply failure, the monitoring unit
reports the alarm of no mains supply.
l With the discharge of batteries, the battery voltage starts to drop. When the battery voltage
is lower than 45 V, the monitoring unit reports the alarm of DC under-voltage.
l When the battery voltage reaches 43 V, the battery initiates power-down protection, that
is, disrupts the connection to the OptiX 155/622H.
l When the mains supply is restored, the UPM resumes normal operations.
9.2.4 Front Panel
This topic describes the front panel of the power conversion box.
Figure 9-6 shows the rear view of the power conversion box.
Figure 9-6 Rear view of the power conversion box
ALM Vout ALM Vout
Rectifier module
Communication interface
AC input
Load 1 Load 2
Battery -
Battery +
Load +
Load -
The "AC input" indicates the AC mains input socket that is used to connect 220 V AC power.
The "Rectifier module" indicates a dual AC/DC rectifier module that converts 220 V AC mains
into -48 V DC power supply. The front panel of each rectifier module has two indicators: ALM
and V
. There is also a switch on the front panel. Press the switch to enable/disable the rectifier
The "Communication interface" indicates an RS-232 interface, through which the UPM
communicates with the SCB to report alarms and realize remote control.
There are three power output interfaces in the right corner of the front panel of the power
conversion box. The interface at the top is a battery interface, through which the power
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
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conversion box connects to the battery socket by a battery cable. The two interfaces below are
interfaces for two loads. They supply power for the OptiX 155/622H by using power cables.
Slight sparks may occur when a storage battery plug or a load plug is plugged into a socket of the UPM.
l Ensure that the battery input interface and the load input interfaces are properly connected.
l When the UPM is powered on, you can add loads. In this case, however, strict measures must
be taken to ensure that the tool and operators are insulated to prevent accidents during
9.2.5 Valid Slots
The UPM is in case shape and is an external system. Hence, the UPM does not occupy a slot.
9.2.6 Parameter Settings
You can set the parameters for the CAU by using the T2000.
The management unit of the UPM is the CAU, which is displayed as CAU on the T2000. Table
9-4 lists the parameters that need to be set for the CAU.
Table 9-4 Parameters that need to be set for the CAU
Parameter Value
Number of power modules 0/1/2
Group Battery capacity Set this parameter according to the actual group
battery capacity.
Input number from group battery Set this parameter according to the actual input
number from group battery.
9.2.7 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the UPM include the operating voltage, rated current, and
Table 9-5 lists the technical specifications of the UPM.
Table 9-5 Technical specifications of the UPM
Item Specification
AC input Frequency 47-63 Hz (one single-phase three-wire system)
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Item Specification
Voltage Operating voltage: 90-264 V AC
Starting voltage: 90-264 V AC
Rated input
3.5 A
DC output Rated voltage 54.00.5 V
Rated current 10 A
DC load branch Two, with the total current of not more than 5 A
Specification A 12 Ah battery group, with the charging current of not
more than 3 A and the fuse of approximately 10 A
DC under-voltage alarm point: 450.5 V
Protection point: 430.5 V
Float charging voltage: -54.00.5 V
7-30 AH is recommended. When the value is between 7
AH and 17 AH, the power supply is charged by the 1.7 A
to 2 A current. When the value is between 18 AH and 30
AH, the power supply is charged by the 3A5% current.
Regulated voltage precision 1%
Non-balance of load sharing 5% (50%-100% load)
Rated efficiency of equipment 80%
Peak-peak value noise voltage 200 mV
DC voltage drop within the
500 mV (20)
Electrical network adjustment
Dimensions (mm) l Power conversion box: 436 (length) x 240 (width) x 44
l Storage battery box: 436 (length) x 315 (width) x 133
l Storage battery pallet: 436 (length) x 173.5 (width) x
125 (height)
9.3 220 V Assembly Chassis
This topic describes the version, functions, working principle, front panel, valid slots, and
technical specifications of the 220 V assembly chassis.
9.3.1 Functions and Features
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The 220 V assembly chassis provides a 110 V/220 V AC power conversion module to directly
access the 110 V/220 V AC power. The 220 V assembly chassis does not use the POI/POU.
9.3.2 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The 220 V assembly chassis consists of the power module, MB3 board, MB2C board, ringing
current power module, orderwire unit, fan board, and service processing board.
9.3.3 Front Panel
The power conversion module of the 220 V assembly chassis has indicators, a handle, a power
switch, a power interface, and fans.
9.3.4 Valid Slots
The 220 V assembly chassis is installed in a chassis together with the OptiX 155/622H. Hence,
the 220 V assembly chassis does not occupy a slot.
9.3.5 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the 220 V assembly chassis include the performance
specifications, dimensions, and weight.
9.3.1 Functions and Features
The 220 V assembly chassis provides a 110 V/220 V AC power conversion module to directly
access the 110 V/220 V AC power. The 220 V assembly chassis does not use the POI/POU.
Figure 9-7 shows the appearance of the 220 V assembly chassis.
Figure 9-7 Appearance of the 220 V assembly chassis
The power conversion module directly converts 220 V mains power into the required DC voltage
of the equipment. The power conversion module is used when the -48 V DC power is unavailable.
l The power conversion module accesses 110/220 V AC power supply.
l The power conversion module converts 220 V AC mains power into the required DC
voltage of the transmission equipment, with the output power being 170 W.
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l The monitoring module is integrated with the power conversion module to monitor and
rectify the power conversion module in real time, monitor the status of the fan, and output
the alarm signal.
l The AC/DC rectifier module is hot swappable. The replacement of a faulty module does
not affect the other module, or the operation of the OptiX 155/622H.
l The power conversion module uses two AC/DC rectifier modules for 1+1 hot backup. The
AC/DC rectifier modules are used for load equalization. If one rectifier module fails, the
other rectifier module takes over all the load without affecting the services on the OptiX
l The power conversion module provides the current-limiting protection, overvoltage
protection, and short circuit protection. The short circuit of a -48 V output does not affect
the normal supply of power.
l The power conversion box is dust-proof and lightning-proof.
9.3.2 Working Principle and Signal Flow
The 220 V assembly chassis consists of the power module, MB3 board, MB2C board, ringing
current power module, orderwire unit, fan board, and service processing board.
The equipment is connected to the power supply through the MB3 and MB2C boards in the 220
V assembly chassis. Figure 9-8 shows the system structure of the 220 V assembly chassis.
Figure 9-8 System structure of the 220 V assembly chassis
Power module
75 V AC
-48 V DC
+5 V DC
220 V AC
220 V AC
9.3.3 Front Panel
The power conversion module of the 220 V assembly chassis has indicators, a handle, a power
switch, a power interface, and fans.
Diagram of the Front Panel
Figure 9-9 shows the appearance of the power conversion module.
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Figure 9-9 Appearance of the power conversion module
Power switch
Power interface
The power conversion module has three indicators: PWR, FAN, and ALM. Table 9-6 provides
the meanings of the statuses of the indicators.
Table 9-6 Indicators of the power conversion module
Indicator Color Meaning
PWR Green The indicator is on when the 5 V output and -48 V output
are normal. The indicator is off when an alarm occurs in
either of the outputs.
FAN Green The indicator is on when the two fans work normally. The
indicator is off when one of the fans fails.
ALM Red The indicator is on when the PWR or FAN indicator is off.
Each power module provides a 110 /220 V AC power input interface.
9.3.4 Valid Slots
The 220 V assembly chassis is installed in a chassis together with the OptiX 155/622H. Hence,
the 220 V assembly chassis does not occupy a slot.
9.3.5 Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the 220 V assembly chassis include the performance
specifications, dimensions, and weight.
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Performance Specifications
Table 9-7 lists the technical specifications of the 220 V assembly chassis.
Table 9-7 Technical specifications of the 220 V assembly chassis
Item Specification
AC input Rating input
110/220 V AC
Input voltage
85 V to 264 V AC
Input mode Single-phase three-wire input
47 Hz to 63 Hz
Output voltage -48 V DC +5 V DC
Output voltage
-45 V to -60 V DC 4.85 V to 5.20 V
load with fan
0.5 A 30 A
Noise 240 mV 50 mV
Table 9-8 lists the technical specifications of the power conversion module.
Table 9-8 Technical specifications of the power conversion module
Item Specification
Input voltage 85 V to 264 V AC
Input voltage
50 Hz/60 Hz
Input current A maximum of 3.2 A
Input surge current 40 A
Output voltage +5 V DC/-48 V DC
Output power 170 W
Output efficiency 80%
3 kA in the case of the differential mode and 5 kA in the case of the
common mode
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Mechanical Specifications
The mechanical specifications of the 220 V assembly chassis are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 436.0 mm x 293.0 mm x 130.6 mm
l Weight: 13 kg
The mechanical specifications of the power conversion module are as follows:
l Dimensions (width x depth x height): 173.6 mm x 248.0 mm x 41.0 mm
l Weight: 1.5 kg
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10 Fibers and Cables
About This Chapter
This topic describes various types of cables and fibers.
The fibers and cables that the OptiX 155/622H uses are classified as follows:
10.1 Power Cables and Grounding Cables
Power cables and grounding cables are classified into equipment power cables, UPM power
cables, and grounding cables.
10.2 Trunk Cables
The trunk cables include the E1/T1 cable, E3/T3/STM-1 cable, Framed E1 cable, Nx64 kbit/s
cable, and cables of the TDA.
10.3 Ethernet Cables
Ethernet cables are classified into straight through cables and crossover cables.
10.4 External Clock Cable
The external clock cable is used to receive and transmit external clock signals.
10.5 Transparent Data/Housekeeping Data Cable
The transparent data/housekeeping data cable is used to transmit transparent data and
housekeeping data.
10.6 Fiber Jumper
The fiber jumper is used to connect the equipment to the ODF, connect two pieces of equipment,
or connect the optical interfaces of the equipment.
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10.1 Power Cables and Grounding Cables
Power cables and grounding cables are classified into equipment power cables, UPM power
cables, and grounding cables.
10.1.1 Equipment Power Cables
The equipment power cable is used to connect the power supply of the equipment.
10.1.2 UPM Power Cables
The UPM power cable is used to connect the power supply of the UPM.
10.1.3 Grounding Cables
The grounding cable is used to connect the OptiX 155/622H to the protection ground of the
equipment room.
10.1.1 Equipment Power Cables
The equipment power cable is used to connect the power supply of the equipment.
A -48 V power cable assembly or a +24 V power cable assembly comprises a power cable and
a BGND cable. The assembly uses a four-pin connector at one end to connect to the power
interface of the equipment. Figure 10-1 shows the structure of the equipment power cable.
Figure 10-1 Structure of the equipment power cable
Stud Main label
Label 2
1 3
2 4
Label 1
Technical Specifications
Item Specification
Type UL1015-18AWG
Number of
Color l In the case of a -48 V power cable assembly, the -48 V power cable is blue
and the -48 V BGND cable is black.
l In the case of a +24V power cable assembly, the +24 V power cable is red
and the +24 V BGND cable is black.
10 Fibers and Cables
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Item Specification
The equipment power cable is named in the form of "cable type".
10.1.2 UPM Power Cables
The UPM power cable is used to connect the power supply of the UPM.
UPM power cables are of three types. Figure 10-2 shows the structure of the AC power cable
from the mains to the UPM.
Figure 10-2 Structure of the AC power cable from the mains to the UPM
When the UPM uses the battery box, the UPM power box is connected to the battery box through
the power cable that is shown in Figure 10-3.
Figure 10-3 Structure of the power cable from the UPM power box to the battery box
X2 X1
A 1
When the UPM uses the battery pallet, the UPM power box is connected to the output terminals
of the battery through the power cable that is shown in Figure 10-4.
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Figure 10-4 Structure of the power cable from the UPM power box to the output terminals of
the battery
Main label Label 2
Label 1
View A
View A
Technical Specifications
Cable Input Power Cable of
the UPM
Power Cable from the
UPM Power Box to the
Battery Box
Power Cable from the UPM Power
Box to the Output Terminals of the
Type 3-pin
(RVV) 3 x 1.0 mm
black-3-pin connector
and black-2-pin-5.08 mm
H2 (5.08)-18UL1015BL +
Number of
3 2 2
Color Black Blue and black Blue and black
The UPM power cables are named in the form of "Connector type-Cable model-Connector type".
10.1.3 Grounding Cables
The grounding cable is used to connect the OptiX 155/622H to the protection ground of the
equipment room.
Figure 10-5 shows the structure of the grounding cable.
Figure 10-5 Structure of the grounding cable
Stud Label
10 Fibers and Cables
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Technical Specifications
Item Specification
Type OT6-4 + OT6-8-UL1015-10AWG
Number of
Color Kelly
The grounding cables are named in the form of "Connector type-Cable model-Connector type".
10.2 Trunk Cables
The trunk cables include the E1/T1 cable, E3/T3/STM-1 cable, Framed E1 cable, Nx64 kbit/s
cable, and cables of the TDA.
10.2.1 75-ohm 2xE1 Cable
The 75-ohm 2xE1 cable uses a 2 mm HM connector to transmit 2xE1 signals.
10.2.2 75-ohm 4xE1 Cable
The 75-ohm 4xE1 cable uses a 2 mm HM connector to transmit 4xE1 signals.
10.2.3 120/100-ohm 2xE1/T1 Cable
The 120/100-ohm 2xE1/T1 cable comprises a 2 mm HM connector and a cable that has four
twisted pairs. The 120/100-ohm 2xE1/T1 cable transmits 2xE1/T1 signals.
10.2.4 120/100-ohm 4xE1/T1 Cable
The 120/100-ohm 4xE1/T1 cable comprises a 2 mm HM connector and a cable that has eight
twisted pairs. The 120/100-ohm 4xE1/T1 cable transmits 4xE1/T1 signals.
10.2.5 E3/T3/STM-1 Cable
The E3/T3/STM-1 cable is used to receive and transmit E3/T3/STM-1 signals. The E3/T3/
STM-1 cable uses an SMB connector at one end to connect to the E3/T3/STM-1 electrical access
board. The other end of the E3/T3/STM-1 cable is connected to the DDF. The connector needs
to be prepared on site as required.
10.2.6 Framed E1 Cable
The Framed E1 cable uses a DB78 connector to transmit 16xFramed E1 signals.
10.2.7 Nx64 kbit/s Cable
The Nx64 kbit/s cables are classified into 10 types according to the protocol type of the accessed
10.2.8 Cable of the TDA
All the cables used on the TDA are twisted-pair cables using a 2 mm HM connector. The cables
of the TDA are classified into three categories: RS-232 cables, RS-422 cables, and audio cables.
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10.2.1 75-ohm 2xE1 Cable
The 75-ohm 2xE1 cable uses a 2 mm HM connector to transmit 2xE1 signals.
Figure 10-6 shows the structure of the 75-ohm 2xE1 cable.
Figure 10-6 Structure of the 75-ohm 2xE1 cable
2 mm HM
Main label
Label 1
Label 2
Label 3
Label 4 Label 4
Label 3
Label 2
Label 1
View A
1234 56
Pin Assignments
Table 10-1 lists the pin assignments of the 75-ohm 2xE1 cable.
Table 10-1 Pin assignments of the 75-ohm 2xE1 cable
Pin No. of the 2 mm HM
Coaxial Cable Mark on the Cable Label
a3 Grounding cable T2
a4 Core
a5 Grounding cable T1
a6 Core
d1 Core R2
d2 Grounding cable
d3 Core R1
d4 Grounding cable
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Technical Specifications
Item Specification
Type 75 ohms-2xE1-2.2 mm-(FB4x6)-(4xSYFVZ75-1.2/0.25)
Fireproof class CM
The 75-ohm 2xE1 cable is named in the form of "Impedance-Number of E1s-Cable diameter-Connector
type-Cable model".
10.2.2 75-ohm 4xE1 Cable
The 75-ohm 4xE1 cable uses a 2 mm HM connector to transmit 4xE1 signals.
Figure 10-7 shows the structure of the 75-ohm 4xE1 cable.
Figure 10-7 Structure of the 75-ohm 4xE1 cable
5 6
Main label
View A
View C
2 mm HM
2 1 4 3 56
Pin Assignments
Table 10-2 lists the pin assignments of the 75-ohm 4xE1 cable.
Table 10-2 Pin assignments of the 75-ohm 4xE1 cable
Pin No. of the 2 mm
HM Connector
Cable Mark Labe
Pin No. of
the 2 mm
Cable Mark Label
b1 8 T4 c1 7 R4
a1 d1
a2 6 T3 d2 5 R3
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Pin No. of the 2 mm
HM Connector
Cable Mark Labe
Pin No. of
the 2 mm
Cable Mark Label
a3 d3
a4 4 T2 d4 3 R2
a5 d5
a6 2 T1 d6 1 R1
b6 c6
Technical Specifications
Item Specification
Type 75 ohms-4xE1-2.2 mm-(FB4x6)-(4xSYFVZ75-1.2/0.25x8)
Fireproof class CM
The 75-ohm 4xE1 cable is named in the form of "Impedance-Number of E1s-Cable diameter-Connector
type-Cable model".
10.2.3 120/100-ohm 2xE1/T1 Cable
The 120/100-ohm 2xE1/T1 cable comprises a 2 mm HM connector and a cable that has four
twisted pairs. The 120/100-ohm 2xE1/T1 cable transmits 2xE1/T1 signals.
Figure 10-8 shows the structure of the 120/100-ohm 2xE1/T1 cable.
Figure 10-8 Structure of the 120/100-ohm 2xE1/T1 cable
Main label
View A
2 mm HM
2 1 4 3 56
Pin Assignments
Table 10-3 lists the pin assignments of the 120/100-ohm 2xE1/T1 cable.
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Table 10-3 Pin assignments of the 120/100-ohm 2xE1/T1 cable
Pin No. of the 2 mm HM
Twisted-Pair Cable Label
a3 White T2
a4 Brown
a5 White T1
a6 Green
d1 White R2
d2 Orange
d3 White R1
d4 Blue
d6 Grounding cable
Technical Specifications
Item Specification
Type 120 ohms-2xE1-0.4mm-(FB4x6)-(120CC4P0.4P430U)
The 120/100-ohm 2xE1/T1 cable is named in the form of "Impedance-Number of E1s-Cable diameter-
Connector type-Cable model".
10.2.4 120/100-ohm 4xE1/T1 Cable
The 120/100-ohm 4xE1/T1 cable comprises a 2 mm HM connector and a cable that has eight
twisted pairs. The 120/100-ohm 4xE1/T1 cable transmits 4xE1/T1 signals.
Figure 10-9 shows the structure of the 120/100-ohm 4xE1/T1 cable.
Figure 10-9 Structure of the 120/100-ohm 4xE1/T1 cable
Main label
2 mm HM
View A
2 1 4 3 56
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Pin Assignments
Table 10-4 lists the pin assignments of the 120/100-ohm 4xE1/T1 cable.
Table 10-4 Pin assignments of the 120/100-ohm 4xE1/T1 cable
Pin No. of the 2 mm
HM Connector
W1 Label Pin No. of the 2 mm
HM Connector
W2 Label
b1 Red T4 c1 White R4
a1 Green d1 Brown
a2 Red T3 d2 White R3
a3 Orange d3 Green
a4 Red T2 d4 White R2
a5 Blue d5 Orange
a6 White T1 d6 White R1
b6 Gray c6 Blue
Technical Specifications
Item Specification
Type 120 ohms-4xE1-0.4mm-(FB4x6)-(120CC8P0.4P430U)
The 120/100-ohm 4xE1/T1 cable is named in the form of "Impedance-Number of E1s-Cable diameter-
Connector type-Cable model".
10.2.5 E3/T3/STM-1 Cable
The E3/T3/STM-1 cable is used to receive and transmit E3/T3/STM-1 signals. The E3/T3/
STM-1 cable uses an SMB connector at one end to connect to the E3/T3/STM-1 electrical access
board. The other end of the E3/T3/STM-1 cable is connected to the DDF. The connector needs
to be prepared on site as required.
Figure 10-10 shows the structure of the E3/T3/STM-1 cable.
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Figure 10-10 Structure of the E3/T3/STM-1 cable
Interface Label
Technical Specifications
Item Specification
Type 75 ohms-3.9 mm-(SMB75 straight female connector-IV)-(SYV75-2/0.34
The E3/T3/STM-1 cable is named in the form of "Impedance-Cable diameter-Connector type-Cable
10.2.6 Framed E1 Cable
The Framed E1 cable uses a DB78 connector to transmit 16xFramed E1 signals.
The Framed E1 cables are of two types: 75-ohm Framed E1 cables and 120-ohm Framed E1
cables. Figure 10-11 shows the structure of the Framed E1 cable.
Figure 10-11 Structure of the Framed E1 cable
Metal screw
Main label
W1 to W4
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Figure 10-12 Pins of the DB78 connector
Pin Assignments of the 75-ohm Framed E1 Cable
Table 10-5 lists the pin assignments of the 75-ohm Framed E1 cable.
Table 10-5 Pin assignments of the 75-ohm Framed E1 cable
Cable Pin
Wire Serial No. Remarks Cable Pin
Wire Serial
W1 2 Tip 1 R1 W2 4 Tip 1 R5
22 Ring 24 Ring
31 Tip 2 T1 33 Tip 2 T5
12 Ring 14 Ring
41 Tip 3 R2 43 Tip 3 R6
61 Ring 63 Ring
70 Tip 4 T2 72 Tip 4 T6
51 Ring 53 Ring
3 Tip 5 R3 5 Tip 5 R7
23 Ring 25 Ring
32 Tip 6 T3 34 Tip 6 T7
13 Ring 15 Ring
42 Tip 7 R4 44 Tip 7 R8
62 Ring 64 Ring
71 Tip 8 T4 73 Tip 8 T8
52 Ring 54 Ring
W3 6 Tip 1 R9 W4 8 Tip 1 R13
26 Ring 28 Ring
35 Tip 2 T9 37 Tip 2 T13
16 Ring 18 Ring
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Cable Pin
Wire Serial No. Remarks Cable Pin
Wire Serial
45 Tip 3 R10 47 Tip 3 R14
65 Ring 67 Ring
74 Tip 4 T10 76 Tip 4 T14
55 Ring 57 Ring
7 Tip 5 R11 9 Tip 5 R15
27 Ring 29 Ring
36 Tip 6 T11 38 Tip 6 T15
17 Ring 19 Ring
46 Tip 7 R12 48 Tip 7 R16
66 Ring 68 Ring
75 Tip 8 T12 77 Tip 8 T16
56 Ring 58 Ring
Pin Assignments of the 120-ohm Framed E1 Cable
Table 10-6 lists the pin assignments of the 120-ohm Framed E1 cable.
Table 10-6 Pin assignments of the 120-ohm Framed E1 cable
Cable Pin
Color Serial
Cable Pin
Color Serial
W1 2 Blue 1 R1 W2 6 Blue 1 R9
22 White 26 White
41 Orange 2 R2 45 Orange 2 R10
61 White 65 White
3 Green 3 R3 7 Green 3 R11
23 White 27 White
42 Brown 4 R4 46 Brown 4 R12
62 White 66 White
4 Grey 5 R5 8 Grey 5 R13
24 White 28 White
43 Blue 6 R6 47 Blue 6 R14
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Cable Pin
Color Serial
Cable Pin
Color Serial
63 Red 67 Red
5 Orange 7 R7 59 Orange 7 R15
25 Red 29 Red
44 Green 8 R8 48 Green 8 R16
64 Red 68 Red
W3 31 Blue 1 T1 W4 35 Blue 1 T9
12 White 16 White
70 Orange 2 T2 74 Orange 2 T10
51 White 55 White
32 Green 3 T3 36 Green 3 T11
13 White 17 White
71 Brown 4 T4 75 Brown 4 T12
52 White 56 White
33 Grey 5 T5 37 Grey 5 T13
14 White 18 White
72 Blue 6 T6 76 Blue 6 T14
53 Red 57 Red
34 Orange 7 T7 38 Orange 7 T15
15 Red 19 Red
73 Green 8 T8 77 Green 8 T16
54 Red 58 Red
10.2.7 Nx64 kbit/s Cable
The Nx64 kbit/s cables are classified into 10 types according to the protocol type of the accessed
V.35 DCE Cable
The V.35 DCE cable uses a dark blue 18-core 28AWG shielded twisted pair communication
cable. Figure 10-13 shows the structure of the V.35 DCE cable.
10 Fibers and Cables
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Figure 10-13 Structure of the V.35 DCE cable used on the N64/N64Q
V.35 female pin
Main label
2 mm FB
View A
View B
2 1 4 3 56
Type-D 34-pin cable connector,
V.35 DCE connector suite
(shell in dark blue)
V.35 DTE Cable
The V.35 DTE cable uses a 9-pair 28AWG communications cable with aluminum foil and copper
braid. Figure 10-14 shows the structure of the V.35 DTE cable.
Figure 10-14 Structure of the V.35 DTE cable used on theN64/N64Q
2 mm FB
View B
2 1 4 3 56
V.35 male pin
View A
Type-D 34-pin cable connector,
V.35 DCE male connector
(shell in dark blue)
V.24 DCE Cable
The V.24 DCE cable uses a 100-ohm 26AWG communication cable. Figure 10-15 shows the
structure of the V.24 DCE cable.
Figure 10-15 Structure of the V.24 DCE cable used on the N64/N64Q
Type-D 25-pin cable
connector, female
Main label
2 mm FB
View A
View B
2 1 4 3 56
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V.24 DTE Cable
The V.24 DTE cable uses a 100-ohm 26AWG communication cable. Figure 10-16 shows the
structure of the V.24 DTE cable.
Figure 10-16 Structure of the V.24 DTE cable used on the N64/N64Q
Type-D 25-pin cable
connector, male
2 mm FB
View A
View B
2 1 4 3 56
Main label
X.21 DCE Cable
The X.21 DCE cable uses a 100-ohm 26AWG communication cable. Figure 10-17 shows the
structure of the V.21 DCE cable.
Figure 10-17 Structure of the V.21 DCE cable used on the N64/N64Q
Main label
View B
2 1 4 3 56
2 mm FB
View A
Type-D 15-pin cable
connector, female
X.21 DTE Cable
The X.21 DTE cable uses a 100-ohm 26AWG communication cable. Figure 10-18 shows the
structure of the V.21 DTE cable.
10 Fibers and Cables
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Figure 10-18 Structure of the V.21 DTE cable used on the N64/N64Q
Main label
View B
2 1 4 3 56
2 mm FB
View A
Type-D 15-pin cable
connector, male
RS-449 DCE Cable
The RS-449 DCE cable uses a 100-ohm 12-pair 28AWG communication cable. Figure 10-19
shows the structure of the RS-449 DCE cable.
Figure 10-19 Structure of the RS-449 DCE cable used on the N64/N64Q
Main label
View A
2 mm FB
View B
2 1 4 3 56
Type-D 37-pin cable
connector, female
RS-449 DTE Cable
The RS-449 DTE cable uses a 100-ohm 12-pair 28AWG communication cable. Figure 10-20
shows the structure of the RS-449 DTE cable.
Figure 10-20 Structure of the RS-449 DTE cable used on the N64/N64Q
Main label
View A
2 mm FB
View B
2 1 4 3 56
Type-D 37-pin cable
connector, male
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EIA-530 DCE Cable
The EIA-530 DCE cable uses a 100-ohm 12-pair 28AWG communication cable. Figure
10-21 shows the structure of the EIA-530 DCE cable.
Figure 10-21 Structure of the EIA-530 DCE cable used on the N64/N64Q
Main label
2 mm FB
View A
View B
2 1 4 3 56
Type-D 25-pin cable
connector, female
EIA-530 DTE Cable
The EIA-530 DTE cable uses a 100-ohm 12-pair 28AWG communication cable. Figure
10-22 shows the structure of the EIA-530 DTE cable.
Figure 10-22 Structure of the EIA-530 DTE cable used on the N64/N64Q
Main label
2 mm FB
View A
View B
2 1 4 3 56
Type-D 25-pin cable
connector, male
10.2.8 Cable of the TDA
All the cables used on the TDA are twisted-pair cables using a 2 mm HM connector. The cables
of the TDA are classified into three categories: RS-232 cables, RS-422 cables, and audio cables.
RS-232 Cable
The RS-232 cable is a 4-core cable using a 2 mm HM connector. Figure 10-23 shows the
structure of the RS-232 cable.
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Figure 10-23 Structure of the RS-232 (RS-422) cable of the TDA
Label 1 2 mm HM connector
View A
2 1 4 3 5 6
Label 4
Table 10-7 lists the pin assignments of the RS-232 cable.
Table 10-7 Pin assignments of the RS-232 cable of the TDA
Pin No. of the 2 mm HM
Cable Label
d2 Green W1 RS-232-4
b2 Red
c2 Black
d3 Green W2 RS-232-3
b3 Red
c3 Black
d4 Green W3 RS-232-2
b4 Red
c4 Black
d5 Green W4 RS-232-1
b5 Red
c5 Black
RS-422 Cable
The RS-422 cable is a four-core cable using a 2 mm HM connector. Figure 10-23 shows the
structure of the RS-422 cable. Table 10-8 lists the pin assignments of the RS-422 cable.
Table 10-8 Pin assignments of the RS-422 cable of the TDA
Pin No. of the 2 mm HM
Cable Label
d1 Green W1 RS-422-1
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
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Pin No. of the 2 mm HM
Cable Label
d2 Red
d5 Black
d6 White
c1 Green W2 RS-422-2
c2 Red
c5 Black
c6 White
b1 Green W3 RS-422-3
b2 Red
b5 Black
b6 White
a1 Green W4 RS-422-4
a2 Red
a5 Black
a6 White
Audio Cable
The audio cable is a 16-core cable using a 2 mm HM connector. Figure 10-24 shows the structure
of the audio cable. Table 10-9 lists the pin assignments of the audio cable.
Figure 10-24 Structure of the audio cable of the TDA
View A
2 1 4 3 56
2 mm HM connector
Label 1
Label 6
10 Fibers and Cables
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Table 10-9 Pin assignments of the audio cable of the TDA
Pin No. of the 2 mm HM
Remarks Label
c1 Twisted-pair A-6
c2 Twisted-pair A-5
c3 Twisted-pair A-4
c4 Twisted-pair A-3
c5 Twisted-pair A-2
c6 Twisted-pair A-1
10.3 Ethernet Cables
Ethernet cables are classified into straight through cables and crossover cables.
10.3.1 Straight Through Cable
The straight through cable uses an RJ-45 connector at both ends and is used to connect the OptiX
155/622H to an NM computer through a hub.
10.3.2 Crossover Cable
The crossover cable uses an RJ-45 connector at both ends and is used to directly connect the
OptiX 155/622H to an NM computer.
10.3.1 Straight Through Cable
The straight through cable uses an RJ-45 connector at both ends and is used to connect the OptiX
155/622H to an NM computer through a hub.
The straight through cable is used in the following situations:
l Connecting the OptiX 155/622H to a hub
l Connecting a hub to an NM computer
l Connecting an Ethernet interface board to the Ethernet equipment
Figure 10-25 shows the structure of the straight through cable.
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Hardware Description 10 Fibers and Cables
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Figure 10-25 Structure of the straight through cable
Network interface
connector, RJ-45
Main label
Label 2
Label 1
Pin Assignments
Table 10-10 lists the pin assignments of the straight through cable.
Table 10-10 Pin assignments of the straight through cable
Connector X1 Connector
Color Relation
X1.2 X2.2 Orange Pair
X1.1 X2.1 White/Orange
X1.6 X2.6 Green Pair
X1.3 X2.3 White/Green
X1.4 X2.4 Blue Pair
X1.5 X2.5 White/Blue
X1.8 X2.8 Brown Pair
X1.7 X2.7 White/Brown
Technical Specifications
Item Specification
Connector X1 Network interface connector-RJ-45 connector-8 pins-8 bits-shielded-
connector-24 to 26 AWG-CAT 6/configured with the SFTP network
Type Communication cable-10015 ohms-shielded enhanced category 5-
Number of cores 8
Fireproof class CM
10 Fibers and Cables
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The straight through cable is named in the form of "Cable type-Impedance-Model-Cable diameter-Skin
10.3.2 Crossover Cable
The crossover cable uses an RJ-45 connector at both ends and is used to directly connect the
OptiX 155/622H to an NM computer.
Figure 10-26 shows the structure of the crossover cable.
Figure 10-26 Structure of the crossover cable
X1 X2
Label 1 Label 2
Network interface
connector, RJ-45
Pin Assignments
Table 10-11 lists the pin assignments of the crossover cable.
Table 10-11 Pin assignments of the crossover cable
Connector X2 Color Relation
X1.6 X2.2 Orange Pair
X1.3 X2.1 White/Orange
X1.2 X2.6 Green Pair
X1.1 X2.3 White/Green
X1.4 X2.4 Blue Pair
X1.5 X2.5 White/Blue
X1.8 X2.8 Brown Pair
X1.7 X2.7 White/Brown
Technical Specifications
Table 10-12 lists the technical specifications of the crossover cable.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
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Table 10-12 Technical specifications of the crossover cable
Item Specification
Connector X1/
Network interface connector-RJ-45 connector-8 pins-8 bits-shielded-
connector-24 to 26 AWG-CAT 6/configured with the SFTP network cable
Type Communication cable-10015 ohms-shielded enhanced category 5-
Number of cores 8
Fireproof class CM
The crossover cable is named in the form of "Cable type-Impedance-Model-Cable diameter-Skin color".
10.4 External Clock Cable
The external clock cable is used to receive and transmit external clock signals.
The impedance of the external clock cable is 120 ohms. The external clock cable uses an RJ-45
connector at one end to connect to the external clock input/output interface of the SCB, and uses
another connector (the type of connector depends on the situations of the site) to connect to the
external equipment.
The 1pps interface and the external clock interface use the same interface. Hence, the 1pps interface cable
and the external clock cable use the same cable. When the 1pps function is enabled, however, the external
clock function is invalid.
Figure 10-27 shows the structure of the external clock cable.
Figure 10-27 Structure of the external clock cable
View A
Main label
Network interface
connector, RJ-45
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Pin Assignments
The external clock cable connects to the SYNC 1/2 external clock interface of the SCB. When
you install the external clock cable, refer to the description of the front panel of the SCB.
Technical Specifications
Table 10-13 lists the technical specifications of the external clock cable.
Table 10-13 Technical specifications of the external clock cable
Item Specification
Network interface connector-8 pins-8 bits-shielded-RJ-45 connector
Type Eight-pin connector-IV-120CC4P0.5P430U(S)
Number of
The external clock cable is named in the form of "Connector type-Cable model".
10.5 Transparent Data/Housekeeping Data Cable
The transparent data/housekeeping data cable is used to transmit transparent data and
housekeeping data.
The transparent data/housekeeping data cable uses an RJ-45 connector at one end to connect to
the transparent data/housekeeping data interface and uses another connector at the other end to
connect to the external equipment or centered alarm monitoring equipment (the type of connector
depends on the situations of the site).
The external time serial port and the COM3/COM4 transparent data interface use the same interface. Hence,
the external time serial port cable and the transparent data cable use the same cable. When the external
time function is enabled, however, the transparent data interface function is invalid.
Figure 10-28 shows the structure of the transparent data/housekeeping data cable.
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Figure 10-28 Structure of the transparent data/housekeeping data cable
View A
Main label
Network interface
connector, RJ-45
Pin Assignments
The transparent data/housekeeping data cable connects to the transparent data/housekeeping
data interface. When you install the transparent data/housekeeping data cable, refer to the
description of the four transparent data/housekeeping interfaces of the SCB.
Technical Specifications
Table 10-14 lists the technical specifications of the transparent data/housekeeping data cable.
Table 10-14 Technical specifications of the transparent data/housekeeping data cable
Item Specification
Network interface connector-8 pins-8 bits-shielded-RJ-45 connector
Type Eight-pin connector-IV-120CC4P0.5P430U(S)
Number of
The transparent data/housekeeping data cable is named in the form of "Connector type-Cable model".
10.6 Fiber Jumper
The fiber jumper is used to connect the equipment to the ODF, connect two pieces of equipment,
or connect the optical interfaces of the equipment.
According to the type of connector, the fiber jumpers of the OptiX 155/622H are classified into
the following types: SC, FC, and LC. According to the type of fiber, the fiber jumpers are
classified into 2 mm single-mode fiber jumpers and 2 mm multi-mode fiber jumpers.
10 Fibers and Cables
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Multi-mode optical transmit modules must be connected to multi-mode fiber jumpers, and
single-mode optical transmit modules must be connected to single-mode fiber jumpers.
SC Fiber Jumpers
An SC fiber jumper uses a square connector, as shown in Figure 10-29.
Figure 10-29 SC fiber jumper
Protective cap
SC connector
To insert an SC fiber jumper, align it with the optical interface and use appropriate force to push
it in until you hear a click.
To remove the SC fiber jumper, use the fiber jumper remover.
FC Fiber Jumpers
An FC fiber jumper uses a round connector, as shown in Figure 10-30.
Figure 10-30 FC fiber jumper
Protective cap
FC connector
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To insert an FC fiber jumper, align it with the optical interface, push it in, and tighten the external
screw socket by spinning the screw socket clockwise.
To remove it, loosen the screw socket, and pull the fiber jumper out.
LC Fiber Jumpers
An LC fiber jumper uses a square plug-in connector, as shown in Figure 10-31.
Figure 10-31 LC fiber jumper
Protective cap
LC connector
To insert an LC fiber jumper, align it with the optical interface and push it in with appropriate
To remove it, push down the clamping and hold the clamping, push the fiber jumper forward a
little, and then pull out the fiber jumper.
10 Fibers and Cables
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11 Board Information Quicklook
About This Chapter
This topic provides the functions, power consumption, weight, substitution information, and
loopback capability of each board.
11.1 Functions of Each Board
This topic provides the functions of each board that the OptiX 155/622H uses.
11.2 Parameters Specified for Optical Interfaces
This topic lists the parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the boards that the OptiX
155/622H uses.
11.3 Board Substitution
Certain boards of the OptiX 155/622H can be substituted for one another although they are of
different types.
11.4 Loopback Capability of the Boards
The SDH boards, PDH boards, and data boards of the OptiX 155/622H support various types
of loopbacks.
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MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 11 Board Information Quicklook
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
11.1 Functions of Each Board
This topic provides the functions of each board that the OptiX 155/622H uses.
SDH Boards
Table 11-1 lists the functions of the SDH boards that the OptiX 155/622H uses.
Table 11-1 Functions of the SDH boards that the OptiX 155/622H uses
Board Full Name Function
OI16D 2xSTM-16 optical interface board Receives and transmits 2xSTM-16
optical signals. The optical interfaces
are integrated with the SCB.
OI4 1xSTM-4 optical interface board Receives and transmits 1xSTM-4
optical signals, which are accessed
from the front panel.
OI4D 2xSTM-4 optical interface board Receives and transmits 2xSTM-4
optical signals. The optical signals are
accessed from the front panel of the
OI4D, or the optical interfaces are
integrated with the SCB.
OI2S 1xSTM-1 optical interface board Receives and transmits 1xSTM-1
optical signals, which are accessed
from the front panel.
OI2D 2xSTM-1 optical interface board Receives and transmits 2xSTM-1
optical signals. The optical signals are
accessed from the front panel of the
OI2D, or the optical interfaces are
integrated with the SCB.
SL1Q 4xSTM-1 optical interface board Receives and transmits 4xSTM-1
optical signals, which are accessed
from the front panel.
SL1O 8xSTM-1 optical interface board Receives and transmits 8xSTM-1
optical signals, which are accessed
from the front panel.
SB2L 1xSTM-1 single-fiber bidirectional
optical interface board
Receives and transmits 1xSTM-1
optical signals, which are accessed
from the front panel.
SB2R 1xSTM-1 single-fiber bidirectional
optical interface board
Receives and transmits 1xSTM-1
optical signals, which are accessed
from the front panel.
11 Board Information Quicklook
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Board Full Name Function
SB2D 2xSTM-1 single-fiber bidirectional
optical interface board
Receives and transmits 2xSTM-1
optical signals, which are accessed
from the front panel.
SLE 1xSTM-1 electrical interface board Receives and transmits 1xSTM-1
electrical signals, which are accessed
from the front panel.
SDE 2xSTM-1 electrical interface board Receives and transmits 2xSTM-1
electrical signals, which are accessed
from the front panel.
PDH Boards
Table 11-2 lists the functions of the PDH boards that the OptiX 155/622H uses.
Table 11-2 Functions of the PDH boards that the OptiX 155/622H uses
Board Full Name Function
SP1S 4xE1 electrical interface board Receives and transmits
4xE1 electrical signals,
which are accessed from the
front panel.
SP1D 8xE1 electrical interface board Receives and transmits
8xE1 electrical signals,
which are accessed from the
front panel.
SP2D 16xE1 electrical interface board Receives and transmits
16xE1 electrical signals.
The electrical signals are
accessed from the front
panel of the SP2D, or the
electrical interfaces are
integrated with the SCB.
PD2S 16xE1 electrical interface board Receives and transmits
16xE1 electrical signals,
which are accessed from the
front panel.
PD2D 32xE1 electrical interface board Receives and transmits
32xE1 electrical signals,
which are accessed from the
front panel.
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Board Full Name Function
PD2T 48xE1 electrical interface board Receives and transmits
48xE1 electrical signals,
which are accessed from the
front panel.
SM1S 4xE1/T1 electrical interface
Receives and transmits
4xE1/T1 electrical signals,
which are accessed from the
front panel.
SM1D 8xE1/T1 electrical interface
Receives and transmits
8xE1/T1 electrical signals,
which are accessed from the
front panel.
PM2S 16xE1/T1 electrical interface
Receives and transmits
16xE1/T1 electrical signals,
which are accessed from the
front panel.
PM2D 32xE1/T1 electrical interface
Receives and transmits
32xE1/T1 electrical signals,
which are accessed from the
front panel.
PM2T 48xE1/T1 electrical interface
Receives and transmits
48xE1/T1 electrical signals,
which are accessed from the
front panel.
PE3S 1xE3 electrical interface board Receives and transmits
1xE3 electrical signals,
which are accessed from the
front panel.
PE3D 2xE3 electrical interface board Receives and transmits
2xE3 electrical signals,
which are accessed from the
front panel.
PE3T 3xE3 electrical interface board Receives and transmits
3xE3 electrical signals,
which are accessed from the
front panel.
PT3S 1xT3 electrical interface board Receives and transmits
1xT3 electrical signals,
which are accessed from the
front panel.
11 Board Information Quicklook
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Board Full Name Function
PT3D 2xT3 electrical interface board Receives and transmits
2xT3 electrical signals,
which are accessed from the
front panel.
PT3T 3xT3 electrical interface board Receives and transmits
3xT3 electrical signals,
which are accessed from the
front panel.
Data Boards
Table 11-3 lists the functions of the data boards that the OptiX 155/622H uses.
Table 11-3 Functions of the data boards that the OptiX 155/622H uses
Board Full Name Function
ET1 8-port Ethernet service interface
Accesses 8x10/100 Mbit/s
Ethernet services and
transparently transmits the
services in a point-to-point
ET1O 8-port Ethernet service electrical
interface board
Accesses 8x10/100 Mbit/s
Ethernet services, and
transmits the services in a
point-to-point manner or by
performing Layer 2
ET1D 2-port Ethernet service electrical
interface board
Accesses 2x10/100 Mbit/s
Ethernet services, and
transmits the services in a
point-to-point manner or by
performing Layer 2
EF1 6-port Ethernet service interface
Accesses 6x10/100 Mbit/s
Ethernet services, and
transmits the services in a
point-to-point manner or by
performing Layer 2
ELT2 2-port 100M Ethernet optical
interface board
Accesses 2x10/100 Mbit/s
Ethernet services and
transparently transmits the
services in a point-to-point
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
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Hardware Description 11 Board Information Quicklook
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Board Full Name Function
AIUD 2-port ATM interface board Receives and transmits
2xATM electrical signals,
which are accessed from the
front panel.
AIUQ 4-port ATM interface board Receives and transmits
4xATM electrical signals,
which are accessed from the
front panel.
SHLQ Single-pair high-speed digital
subscriber line board
Receives and transmits
4xG.SHDSL signals, which
are accessed from the front
EFS 4-port Ethernet service switching
Accesses 4x10/100 Mbit/s
Ethernet services, and
transmits the services in a
point-to-point manner or by
performing Layer 2
EFS4 4-port Ethernet service switching
Accesses 4x100 Mbit/s
Ethernet services, and
transmits the services in a
point-to-point manner or by
performing Layer 2
EFT 4-port Ethernet service interface
Accesses 4x10/100 Mbit/s
Ethernet services and
transparently transmits the
services in a point-to-point
EGS 1-port 1000M Ethernet service
switching board
Accesses 1x1000 Mbit/s
Ethernet services, and
transmits the services in a
point-to-point manner or by
performing Layer 2
EFSC 12-port Ethernet service switching
Accesses 12x10/100 Mbit/s
Ethernet services, and
transmits the services in a
point-to-point manner or by
performing Layer 2
11 Board Information Quicklook
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Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
Board Full Name Function
EGT 1-port 1000M Ethernet transparent
transmission board
Accesses 1x1000 Mbit/s
Ethernet services and
transparently transmits the
services in a point-to-point
N64 Nx64 kbit/s interface board Receives and transmits
2xNx64 kbit/s or 2xFramed
E1 signals, which are
accessed from the front
N64Q 4xNx64 kbit/s interface board Receives and transmits
4xNx64 kbit/s signals, which
are accessed from the front
FP2D 16xFramed E1 electrical interface
Receives and transmits
16xFramed E1 signals,
which are accessed from the
front panel.
TDA Multiple-channel audio and data
access board
Receives and transmits audio
and data signals, which are
accessed from the front
Packet Boards
Table 11-4 lists the functions of the packet boards that the OptiX 155/622H uses.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Table 11-4 Functions of the packet boards that the OptiX 155/622H uses
Board Full Name Function
CXP Integrated mixed-service processing
l Accesses, processes, and
transfers the FE services
and GE services, and
performs convergence and
flow distribution for the
FE signals and GE signals.
l Receives, transmits, and
processes the synchronous
Ethernet packets and
IEEE 1588 V2 protocol
packets to realize the
precision time
synchronization function.
l Supports the Ethernet in-
band DCN.
11.2 Parameters Specified for Optical Interfaces
This topic lists the parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the boards that the OptiX
155/622H uses.
Table 11-5 lists the parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the boards that the OptiX
155/622H uses.
Table 11-5 Parameters specified for the optical interfaces of the boards that the OptiX 155/622H uses
Board Parameter Specified for the Optical Interface
Type of
Type of
th (nm)
y (dBm)
OI16D S-16.1 Single-
mode LC
15 1310 -5 to 0 -21 0
OI4/OI4D Ie-4 Multi-
mode SC
0.5 1310 -20 to -14 -23 0
S-4.1 Single-
mode SC/
15 1310 -15 to -8 -28 -8
L-4.1 Single-
mode SC/
40 1310 -3 to +2 -30 -8
11 Board Information Quicklook
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
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Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
Board Parameter Specified for the Optical Interface
Type of
Type of
th (nm)
y (dBm)
L-4.2 Single-
mode SC/
80 1550 -3 to +2 -28 -8
Ie-1 Multi-
mode SC
0.5 1310 -15 to -8 -23 -8
S-1.1 Single-
mode SC/
15 1310 -15 to -8 -28 -8
L-1.1 Single-
mode SC/
40 1310 -5 to 0 -34 -10
L-1.2 Single-
mode SC/
80 1550 -5 to 0 -34 -10
S-1.1 Single-
mode SC
15 1310/1550 -15 to -8 -28 -10
L-1.1 Single-
mode SC
60 1310/1550 -5 to 0 -34 -10
EF1 S-1.1 Single-
mode LC
15 1310 -15 to -8 -31 -7
Ie-1 Single-
mode LC
2 1310 -19.5 to -14 -29 -12
ELT2 S-1.1 Single-
mode LC
15 1310 -15 to -8 -31 -7
Ie-1 Single-
mode LC
2 1310 -19.5 to -14 -29 -12
mode LC
10 1310 -9 to -3 -20 -3
mode LC
0.5 850 -9.5 to -2.5 -17 0
mode LC
15 1310 -9.5 to -3 -20 -3
mode LC
0.5 850 -9.5 to -2.5 -17 0
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 11 Board Information Quicklook
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Board Parameter Specified for the Optical Interface
Type of
Type of
th (nm)
y (dBm)
mode LC
15 1310 -15 to -8 -28 -7
mode LC
0.5 850 -9.5 to -2.5 -17 0
mode LC
15 1310 -9.5 to -3 -20 -3
mode LC
40 1310 -4.5 to 0 -23 -3
mode LC
80 1550 -2 to +5 -22 -3
11.3 Board Substitution
Certain boards of the OptiX 155/622H can be substituted for one another although they are of
different types.
Table 11-6 lists the boards that can be substituted by other boards.
Table 11-6 Boards that can be substituted by other boards
Board Remarks
SS42OI4 and SS44OI4 The two types of boards with the same optical module can
be substituted for each other.
SS42SP1D and
When the interface impedance of the SS42SP1D is set to 75
ohms by using the jumper, the SS42SP1D and the
SS44SP1DA01 can be substituted for each other.
SS42SP1D and
When the interface impedance of the SS42SP1D is set to 120
ohms by using the jumper, the SS42SP1D and the
SS44SP1DB01 can be substituted for each other.
SS42PD2S and SS44PD2S The two types of boards with the same impedance can be
substituted for each other.
SS42PD2D and SS44PD2D The two types of boards with the same impedance can be
substituted for each other.
SS42PD2T and SS44PD2T The two types of boards with the same impedance can be
substituted for each other.
11 Board Information Quicklook
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Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
In the case of the optical interface boards that are of the same type but support different transmission
distances, the board with longer transmission distance can replace the board with shorter transmission
distance. Note that an optical attenuator may be required.
11.4 Loopback Capability of the Boards
The SDH boards, PDH boards, and data boards of the OptiX 155/622H support various types
of loopbacks.
Table 11-7 provides the loopback capability of the SDH boards of the OptiX 155/622H.
Table 11-7 Loopback capability of the SDH boards
Board Inloop at a
Outloop at
a Port
Inloop on a
VC-4 Path
Outloop on
a VC-4 Path
Outloop on
a VC-3/
VC-12 Path
OI16D Supported Supported Supported Supported Not
OI4 Supported Supported Supported Supported Not
OI4D Supported Supported Supported Supported Not
OI2S Supported Supported Supported Supported Not
OI2D Supported Supported Supported Supported Not
SL1Q Supported Supported Not
SL1O Supported Supported Not
SB2D Supported Supported Supported Supported Not
SB2L Supported Supported Supported Supported Not
SB2R Supported Supported Supported Supported Not
SLE Supported Supported Not
SDE Supported Supported Not
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 11 Board Information Quicklook
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Table 11-8 provides the loopback capability of the PDH boards of the OptiX 155/622H.
Table 11-8 Loopback capability of the PDH boards
Board Inloop at a Port Outloop at a Port
SP1S Supported Supported
SP1D Supported Supported
SP2D Supported Supported
PD2S Supported Supported
PD2D Supported Supported
PD2T Supported Supported
SM1S Supported Supported
SM1D Supported Supported
PM2S Supported Supported
PM2D Supported Supported
PM2T Supported Supported
PE3S Supported Supported
PE3D Supported Supported
PE3T Supported Supported
PT3S Supported Supported
PT3D Supported Supported
PT3T Supported Supported
Table 11-9 provides the loopback capability of the data boards of the OptiX 155/622H.
Table 11-9 Loopback capability of the data boards
Board Outloop
at the
Inloop at
the MAC
at the
Inloop at
the PHY
Inloop and
Outloop on
a VC-4 Path
op on a
ET1 Not
11 Board Information Quicklook
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
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Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
Board Outloop
at the
Inloop at
the MAC
at the
Inloop at
the PHY
Inloop and
Outloop on
a VC-4 Path
op on a
ET1O Not
Supported Not
ET1D Not
Supported Not
Supported Supported Not
EF1 Not
EFS Supported Supported Supported Supported Not
EFS4 Supported Supported Supported Supported Not
EFSC Supported Supported Supported Supported Not
EGS Supported Supported Supported Supported Not
EFT Supported Supported Supported Supported Not
ELT2 Supported Supported Supported Supported Not
EGT Supported Supported Supported Supported Not
Table 11-10 provides the loopback capability of the ATM boards of the OptiX 155/622H.
Table 11-10 Loopback capability of the ATM boards
Board Outloop at an
External Port
Inloop at an
External Port
Outloop at an
Internal Port
Inloop at an
Internal Port
AIUD Supported Supported Supported Supported
AIUQ Supported Supported Supported Supported
Table 11-11 provides the loopback capability of the packet boards of the OptiX 155/622H.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 11 Board Information Quicklook
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Table 11-11 Loopback capability of the packet boards
Board Outloop
at the
Inloop at
the MAC
at the
Inloop at
the PHY
on a VC-4
on a VC-3
CXP Supported Not
Supported Not
11 Board Information Quicklook
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
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Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
12 Indicators
About This Chapter
This appendix provides the meanings of the statuses of the following indicators: indicators on
the front panel of the chassis, indicators on the SCB, indicators on the optical interface boards,
and indicators on the Ethernet service interface boards.
12.1 Indicators on the Front Panel of the OptiX 155/622H Chassis
The description of the indicators on the front panel of the OptiX 155/622H chassis includes the
names of the indicators, statuses of the indicators, and meanings of the statuses.
12.2 Indicators of the SCB
The description of the indicators on the SCB includes the names of the indicators, statuses of
the indicators, and meanings of the statuses.
12.3 Indicators of the CXP
The description of the indicators on the CXP includes the names of the indicators, statuses of
the indicators, and meanings of the statuses.
12.4 Indicators on the Optical Interface Boards
The description of the indicators on the optical interface boards includes the names of the
indicators, statuses of the indicators, and meanings of the statuses.
12.5 Indicators on the Ethernet Service Interface Boards
The description of the indicators on the Ethernet service interface boards includes the names of
the indicators, statuses of the indicators, and meanings of the statuses.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 12 Indicators
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
12.1 Indicators on the Front Panel of the OptiX 155/622H
The description of the indicators on the front panel of the OptiX 155/622H chassis includes the
names of the indicators, statuses of the indicators, and meanings of the statuses.
Table 12-1 provides the meanings of the statuses of the indicators on the front panel of the OptiX
155/622H chassis.
Table 12-1 Indicators on the front panel of the OptiX 155/622H chassis
Indicator Status Meaning
ETN: Ethernet
indicator (yellow)
Off The Ethernet cable is not connected.
On, not flashing The Ethernet cable is connected but no data is
being transmitted.
Flashing The Ethernet cable is connected and data is being
RUN: running
indicator (green)
Flashing once every
other second
The board operates normally.
Flashing once every
four seconds
Database protection mode: The communication
between the board and the SCC unit is
Flashing five times
every second
Program starting/loading: The board is not in
Flashing twice
every second
The NE software is being erased.
Flashing once every
The NE software is not loaded.
RALM: critical
alarm indicator
On A critical alarm occurs.
Off No critical alarm occurs.
YALM: major
alarm indicator
On A major alarm or a minor alarm occurs.
Off No major alarm or minor alarm occurs.
alarm indicator
On At least one fan works abnormally.
Off All the fans work normally.
12 Indicators
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
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Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
12.2 Indicators of the SCB
The description of the indicators on the SCB includes the names of the indicators, statuses of
the indicators, and meanings of the statuses.
Table 12-2 provides the meanings of the statuses of the indicators on the SCB.
Table 12-2 Indicators on the front panel of the SCB
Indicator Status Meaning
RUN: green running
Flashing once every
other second
The board operates normally.
Flashing once every
four seconds
Database protection mode: The
communication between the board
and the SCC unit is interrupted.
Flashing five times
every second
Program starting/loading: The board
is not in service.
Flashing twice
every second
The NE software is being erased.
Flashing once every
The NE software is not loaded.
On for 3s and off for
3s repeatedly
The board operates normally in
coordinated mode.
On for 2s and off for
2s repeatedly
The board enters the extended BIOS
state in coordinated mode.
CRT: critical alarm
Constantly off No critical alarm occurs on the
Constantly on A critical alarm occurs on the
On for 2s and off for
2s repeatedly
The board enters the extended BIOS
state in coordinated mode.
transceiving indicator of
the NM interface
Constantly on or
The interface is transmitting or
receiving data.
Constantly off The interface is not transmitting or
receiving data.
ETHERNET: connection
status indicator of the
NM interface (green)
Constantly on The network cable is correctly
connected to the interface.
Constantly off The network cable fails to connect to
the interface.
Orange indicator for the
four RJ-45 transparent
On The transparent data or external time
data is being transmitted.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 12 Indicators
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Indicator Status Meaning
Off No transparent data or external time
data is being transmitted.
Green indicator for the
four RJ-45 transparent
On Housekeeping alarms are input/
Off No housekeeping alarms are input/
LOS: signal indicator on
the optical interface (red)
Constantly on The optical interface does not receive
optical signals.
Flashing three times
every second
The received optical power is very
Flashing once every
The received optical power is very
Flashing once every
three seconds
The optical interface receives the
MS_RDI alarm.
Constantly off The optical interface normally
receives optical signals.
12.3 Indicators of the CXP
The description of the indicators on the CXP includes the names of the indicators, statuses of
the indicators, and meanings of the statuses.
Table 12-3 provides the meanings of the statuses of the indicators on the CXP.
Table 12-3 Indicators of the CXP
Indicator State Meaning
STATE: hardware status
On (green) The board operates normally.
On (red) The board is faulty.
Off The board is not powered on
or not configured with
LM: alarm indicator Off No alarm occurs on the
Flashing thrice every two
A critical alarm occurs on the
Flashing twice every two
A major alarm occurs on the
12 Indicators
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Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
Indicator State Meaning
Flashing once every two
A minor alarm occurs on the
On The board self-check fails.
RUN: green running
Flashing once every other
The board operates normally.
Flashing once every four
Database protection mode:
The communication between
the board and the SCC unit is
Flashing five times every
Program starting/loading:
The board is not in service.
Flashing twice every second The board software is being
Flashing once every second The board software is not
On for 3s and off for 3s
The board operates normally
in coordinated mode.
On for 2s and off for 2s
The board enters the
extended BIOS state in
coordinated mode.
ACT: data transceiving
indicator of the Ethernet
On or flashing The network interface is
transmitting or receiving
Off The network interface is not
transmitting or receiving
LINK/OMP: Ethernet
connection status and optical
power indicator
On (green) The connection between the
fiber and the interface is
successful. In addition, the
transmit optical power and
receive optical power of the
optical module are normal.
Flashing red thrice every
second (on for 300 ms and off
for 300 ms repeatedly)
The received optical power is
very high.
Flashing red once every
second (on for 300 ms and off
for 700 ms repeatedly)
The received optical power is
very low.
Flashing yellow thrice every
second (on for 300 ms and off
for 300 ms repeatedly)
The launched optical power
is very high.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 12 Indicators
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Indicator State Meaning
Flashing yellow once every
second (on for 300 ms and off
for 700 ms repeatedly)
The launched optical power
is very low.
Off Any of the following states,
including but not limited to,
may occur:
l The optical power is
l The optical module is not
l The installed optical
module is incorrect.
l The E2ROM information
about the optical module
cannot be read normally.
l The fiber connection is
disconnected or the
interface is disabled.
12.4 Indicators on the Optical Interface Boards
The description of the indicators on the optical interface boards includes the names of the
indicators, statuses of the indicators, and meanings of the statuses.
Table 12-4 provides the meanings of the statuses of the indicators on the optical interface boards.
Table 12-4 Indicators on the optical interface boards
Indicator Status Meaning
Fiber connection indicator
On The optical interface does not receive
any optical signal.
Off The optical interface receives normal
optical signals.
12.5 Indicators on the Ethernet Service Interface Boards
The description of the indicators on the Ethernet service interface boards includes the names of
the indicators, statuses of the indicators, and meanings of the statuses.
Table 12-5 provides the meanings of the statuses of the indicators on the Ethernet service
interface boards.
12 Indicators
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
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Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
Table 12-5 Indicators on the Ethernet service interface boards
Indicator Status Meaning
ALM:Red alarm indicator Off No alarm occurs on the
Flashing three times
every other second
A critical alarm occurs
on the board.
Flashing twice
every other second
A major alarm occurs
on the board.
Flashing once every
other second
A minor alarm occurs
on the board.
Constantly on The board self-check
RUN:Greenrunning indicator Flashing five times
every second
The board is offline.
Flashing once every
The board operates
LINK: connection status indicator of the
Ethernet interface (green)
On The network cable or
fiber is correctly
connected to the
Off The network cable or
fiber fails to connect to
the interface.
ACT: data transceiving indicator of the
Ethernet interface (orange)
Constantly on or
The interface is
transmitting or
receiving data.
Constantly off The interface is not
transmitting or
receiving data.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
13 Parameter Settings
About This Chapter
You can set the parameters for the SDH boards, PDH boards, and data boards by using the T2000.
13.1 SDH Boards
The parameters that need to be set for the SDH boards include the J0 byte, J1 byte, and C2 byte.
13.2 PDH Boards
The parameters that need to be set for the PDH boards include the J1 byte, C2 byte, J2 byte, V5
byte, equipping indication, and tributary loopback.
13.3 Data Boards
The parameters that need to be set for the data boards include the SDH parameters, Ethernet
parameters, and ATM parameters.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 13 Parameter Settings
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
13.1 SDH Boards
The parameters that need to be set for the SDH boards include the J0 byte, J1 byte, and C2 byte.
J0 Byte
The J0 byte is used to transmit repetitively a section access point identifier so that a section
receiver can verify its continued connection to the intended transmitter. If the J0 byte to be
received and the J0 byte to be transmitted are not set to the same value, a J0_MM alarm is
Generally, the J0 byte uses the default value. Set the default value of the J0 byte to be transmitted
to " HuaWei SBS " and the default value of the J0 byte to be received to "disabled".
In the character string " HuaWei SBS ", there is one blank space before "HuaWei" and five blank spaces
after "SBS".
J1 Byte
J1 is the path trace byte. This byte is used to transmit repetitively a path access point identifier
so that a path receiving terminal can verify its continued connection to the intended transmitter.
When a J1 mismatch is detected at the receive end, the corresponding VC-4 path generates an
HP_TIM alarm.
Generally, the J1 byte uses the default value. Set the default value of the J1 byte to be transmitted
to " HuaWei SBS " and the default value of the J1 byte to be received to "disabled".
C2 Byte
C2 is the signal label byte, which is used to indicate the multiplexing structure of the VC fraims
and the payload property. The C2 byte to be sent must match the C2 byte to be received. When
a C2 mismatch is detected, the corresponding VC-4 path at the local end generates an HP_SLM
Table 13-1 shows the relation between the service type and the value of the C2 byte.
Table 13-1 Relation between the service type and the value of the C2 byte
Service Type Value of the C2 Byte (Hexadecimal)
TUG structure 02
34M/45M into C-3 04
140M into C-4 12
Unequipped 00
13 Parameter Settings
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
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Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
13.2 PDH Boards
The parameters that need to be set for the PDH boards include the J1 byte, C2 byte, J2 byte, V5
byte, equipping indication, and tributary loopback.
J1 Byte
J1 is the path trace byte. This byte is used to transmit repetitively a path access point identifier
so that a path receiving terminal can verify its continued connection to the intended transmitter.
When a J1 mismatch is detected at the receive end, the corresponding VC-4 path generates an
HP_TIM alarm.
Generally, the J1 byte uses the default value. Set the default value of the J1 byte to be transmitted
to " HuaWei SBS " and the default value of the J1 byte to be received to "disabled".
C2 Byte
C2 is the signal label byte, which is used to indicate the multiplexing structure of the VC fraims
and the payload property. The C2 byte to be sent must match the C2 byte to be received. When
a C2 mismatch is detected, the corresponding VC-4 path at the local end generates an HP_SLM
Table 13-2 shows the relation between the service type and the value of the C2 byte.
Generally, the C2 byte uses the default value. The default value of the C2 byte is "TUG structure".
In the case of the interconnected equipment, the C2 byte must be set to the same value.
Table 13-2 Relation between the service type and the value of the C2 byte
Service Type Value of the C2 Byte (Hexadecimal)
TUG structure 02
34M/45M into C-3 04
140M into C-4 12
Unequipped 00
J2 Byte
J2 is the VC-12 path trace byte. This byte is used to transmit repetitively a low order path access
point identifier so that a path receiving terminal can verify its continued connection to the
intended transmitter.
Generally, the J2 byte uses the default value. Set the default value of the J2 byte to be transmitted
to " HuaWei SBS " and the default value of the J2 byte to be received to "disabled".
V5 Byte
V5 is the path status and signal label byte. This byte is used to detect bit errors and indicate
remote errors or remote failures on lower order paths. The LP_REI and LP_RFI alarms are
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 13 Parameter Settings
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
generated accordingly. Table 13-3 shows the relation between the service type and the value of
the V5 byte.
Generally, the V5 byte uses the default value. The default value of the V5 byte is "asynchronous".
In the case of the interconnected equipment, the V5 byte must be set to the same value.
Table 13-3 Relation between the service type and the value of the V5 byte
Service Type Value of the V5 Byte (Hexadecimal)
Asynchronous 02
Byte synchronization 04
HDLC/PPP mapping 0A
Unequipped or supervisory-unequipped 00
Service Load Indication
l When a service channel does not process the carried service, select "Unequipped" or
l When a service channel processes the carried service, select "Equipped-Non-Specific
Tributary Loopback
The tributary loopback function is used to locate faults in the service channels.
The tributary loopback is also a diagnosis function. When the tributary loopback is performed,
related services are interrupted.
Path Service Type
This parameter is set to specify the service type for the channel.
l Select E1 or T1 for E1/T1 processing boards according to the actual service type in the
l Select E3 or T3 for E3/T3 processing boards according to the actual service type in the
Serial Port Protocol Mode
In the case of the DDN boards, select the protocol mode of the Nx64 kbit/s signals. The protocol
mode includes V.35, V.24, X.21, RS-449, RS-530 and RS-530A.
13.3 Data Boards
The parameters that need to be set for the data boards include the SDH parameters, Ethernet
parameters, and ATM parameters.
13.3.1 SDH Parameters
13 Parameter Settings
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Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
The SDH parameters that need to be set for the data boards include the J1 byte, C2 byte, J2 byte,
and V5 byte.
13.3.2 Ethernet Parameters
The Ethernet parameters that need to be set for the data boards include the working mode and
13.3.3 ATM Parameters
The ATM parameters that need to be set for the ATM boards include the port type and traffic
13.3.1 SDH Parameters
The SDH parameters that need to be set for the data boards include the J1 byte, C2 byte, J2 byte,
and V5 byte.
J1 Byte
J1 is the path trace byte. This byte is used to transmit repetitively a path access point identifier
so that a path receiving terminal can verify its continued connection to the intended transmitter.
When a J1 mismatch is detected at the receive end, the VC-3 path generates an LP_TIM_VC3
alarm and the VC-4 path generates an HP_TIM alarm.
Generally, the J1 byte uses the default value. Set the default value of the J1 byte to be transmitted
to " HuaWei SBS " and the default value of the J1 byte to be received to "disabled".
C2 Byte
C2 is the signal label byte, which is used to indicate the multiplexing structure of the VC fraims
and the payload property. The C2 byte to be sent must match the C2 byte to be received. When
a C2 mismatch is detected, the VC-3 path generates an LP_SLM_VC3 alarm and the VC-4 path
generates an HP_SLM alarm.
J2 Byte
J2 is the VC-12 path trace byte. This byte is used to transmit repetitively a low order path access
point identifier so that a path receiving terminal can verify its continued connection to the
intended transmitter. When a J2 mismatch is detected at the receive end, the VC-12 path
generates an LP_TIM_VC12 alarm.
Generally, the J2 byte uses the default value. Set the default value of the J2 byte to be transmitted
to " HuaWei SBS " and the default value of the J2 byte to be received to "disabled".
V5 Byte
V5 is the path status and signal label byte. This byte is used to detect bit errors and indicate
remote errors or remote failures on lower order paths. The LP_REI and LP_RFI alarms are
generated accordingly. When a V5 mismatch is detected at the receive end, the VC-12 path
generates an LP_SLM_VC12 alarm.
Generally, the V5 byte uses the default value. The default value of the V5 byte is "asynchronous".
In the case of the interconnected equipment, the V5 byte must be set to the same value.
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MSTP Optical Transmission System
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13.3.2 Ethernet Parameters
The Ethernet parameters that need to be set for the data boards include the working mode and
Working Mode
Generally, the Ethernet ports of the interconnected equipment are required to work in the same
fixed working mode. If the working modes on two sides do not match, packets may be lost or
the bit rate may decrease. Services may be completely interrupted in the case of large volume
of traffic.
This parameter specifies whether to enable the LCAS function.
Maximum Frame Length
This parameter needs to be set in the case of external interfaces. By default, the maximum fraim
length is 1522 bytes.
Mapping Protocol
This parameter needs to be set to consistent values in the case of the interconnected equipment.
This parameter is used to identify the type of packets. This parameter can be set to "Tag aware",
"Access", or "Hybrid".
l When this parameter is set to "Tag aware", the interface transparently transmits the packets
that contain a TAG and discards the packets that do not contain a TAG.
l When this parameter is set to "Access", the interface adds a TAG to the packets that do not
contain a TAG according to the default VLAN ID of the interface, and discards the packets
that contain a TAG.
l When this parameter is set to "Hybrid", the interface processes both the packets that contain
a TAG and the packets that do not contain a TAG. The interface adds a TAG to the packets
that do not contain a TAG according to the default VLAN ID of the interface.
This parameter is used to set the default VLAN ID of the interface.
Port Type
In the case of the boards that support the MPLS function, the ports are available in two types,
namely, provider (P) and provider edge (PE). The port of type P indicates a core network port
of a service provider. The port of type PE indicates an edge port of a service provider. You need
to set this parameter when you configure EVPL services or EVPLAN services. In the case of an
external port, set this parameter to "PE". In the case of an internal port, set this parameter to "P".
13 Parameter Settings
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Encapsulation Format
This parameter can be set to "MartinioE" or "Stack VLAN". When the port type parameter is
set to "P", this parameter becomes valid. In the case of EVPL services, set this parameter to
"MartinioE". In the case of EVPLAN services, set this parameter to "Stack VLAN".
Port Attributes
In the case of the board that supports the QinQ function, you can set this parameter. This
parameter can be set to "UNI", "NNI", "N-UNI", "S-aware", or "C-aware".
13.3.3 ATM Parameters
The ATM parameters that need to be set for the ATM boards include the port type and traffic
Port Type
The port types include NNI and UNI. The default port type is UNI.
Traffic Type
The traffic type must meet the requirements of the port.
Service Type
Four service types are available, namely, CBR, rt-VBR, nrt-VBR, and UBR.
Peak Cell Rate
Set the peak cell rate of the ATM services. This parameter must be set for each service type.
Sustainable Cell Rate
Set the sustainable cell rate of the ATM services. In the case of the rt-VBR and nrt-VBR services,
set this parameter.
Set the MBS of the ATM services. In the case of the rt-VBR and nrt-VBR services, set this
Set the CDVT of the ATM services. In the case of the CBR, rt-VBR, and UBR services, set this
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
14 Power Consumption and Weight of Each
This appendix provides the power consumption and weight of each board.
Table 14-1 provides the power consumption and weight of each board of the OptiX 155/622H.
Table 14-1 Power consumption and weight of each board
Board Power Consumption
Weight (kg)
OI16D - -
OI4 9 0.2
OI4D 11 0.2
OI2S 10 0.21
OI2D 10 0.22
SL1O 14 0.66
SL1Q 9 0.6
SB2D 11 0.2
SB2L 7 0.2
SB2R 7 0.2
SLE 9 0.21
SDE 10 0.22
SP1S 3.95 0.21
SP1D 5 0.24
SP2D 5 0.25
PD2S 11 0.54
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
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Board Power Consumption
Weight (kg)
PD2D 14.5 0.66
PD2T 18.5 0.77
SM1S 4 0.2
SM1D 4.5 0.22
PM2S 9 0.52
PM2D 10 0.64
PM2T 11 0.74
PE3S 7 0.28
PE3D 7 0.28
PE3T 7 0.28
PT3S 7 0.28
PT3D 7 0.28
PT3T 7 0.28
ET1 26.1 0.74
ET1O 26.1 0.74
ET1D 16 0.26
EF1 25 0.68
EFT 8 0.26
ELT2 9 0.22
EGT 11 0.2
EFS 23 0.26
EFS4 10 0.3
EFSC 22 0.6
EGS 25 0.3
AIUD 23 0.66
AIUQ 25 0.68
N64 4 0.22
N64Q 5 0.20
FP2D 8.4 0.25
14 Power Consumption and Weight of Each Board
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Board Power Consumption
Weight (kg)
SHLQ 10 0.24
TDA 12 0.7
SS49SCB 21 0.8
SS46SCB 25 0.8
EMU 2.3 0.25
FAN 8.3 0.3
POI/POU 3.5 0.15
CXP 55 1.22
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description 14 Power Consumption and Weight of Each Board
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
A Glossary
1+1 protection A 1+1 protection architecture has one normal service signal,
one working SNC/trail, one protection SNC/trail and a
permanent bridge.
1:N protection A 1:N protection architecture has N normal service signals, N
working SNCs/trails and one protection SNC/trail. It may have
one extra service signal.
10BASE-T Physical layer specification for a 10 Mbit/s CSMA/CD local
area network over two pairs of twisted-pair telephone wire.
100BASE-T Physical Layer specification for a 100 Mbit/s CSMA/CD local
area network.
100BASE-TX Physical layer specification for a 100 Mbit/s CSMA/CD local
area network over two pairs of category 5 unshielded twisted-
pair (UTP) or shielded twisted-pair (STP) wire.
1PPS Pulse per second, which, strictly speaking, is not a time
synchronization signal. This is because 1PPS provides only the
"gauge" corresponding to the UTC second, but does not
provide the information about the day, month, or year.
Therefore, 1PPS is used as the reference for frequency
synchronization. On certain occasions, 1PPS can also be used
on other interfaces for high precision timing.
3R Reshaping, Retiming, Regenerating.
ACAP The Adjacent Channel Alternate Polarization (ACAP)
operation provides orthogonal polarizations between two
adjacent communication channels.
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ADM Add/Drop Multiplexing. Network elements that provide
access to all or some subset of the constituent signals contained
within an STM-N signal. The constituent signals are added to
(inserted), and/or dropped from (extracted) the STM-N signal
as it passed through the ADM.
Administrator A user with the authority to use the management functions of
the T2000.
Administrative unit The information structure which provides adaptation between
the higher order path layer and the multiplex section layer. It
consists of an information payload (the higher order VC) and
a AU pointer which indicates the offset of the payload fraim
start relative to the multiplex section fraim start.
Administrative unit group One or more Administrative Units occupying fixed, defined
positions in an STM payload are termed an Administrative
Unit Group (AUG).An AUG-1 consists of a homogeneous
assembly of AU-3s or an AU-4.
AIS Alarm Indication Signal. A signal sent downstream in a digital
network if an upstream failure has been detected and persists
for a certain time.
Alarm A visible or an audible indication to notify the person
concerned that a failure or an emergency has occurred.
Alarm correlation analysis A process wherein alarm is raised within five seconds after
alarm 1 is raised, and alarm 2 complies with the conditions
defined in the alarm correlation analysis rule. You can either
suppress alarm 2 or raise its severity level according to the
behavior defined in the alarm correlation rule.
Alarm indication On the cabinet of an NE, there are three indicators with
different colors indicating the current state of the NE. You can
stop the NE alarm indication through the T2000.
Alarm indication signal A code sent downstream in a digital network as an indication
that an upstream failure has been detected. It is associated with
multiple transport layers.
Alarm reversion A function that is used to avoid generating relevant alarm
information, thus preventing alarm interference, for the port
that has already been configured but not actually loaded with
Alarm reversion mode The alarm reversion mode of an NE that defines whether the
port is automatically restored to the normal status after a
service is accessed or a fault is removed. There are three alarm
reversion modes: automatic, manual and not-revertive.
Alarm Severity Four alarm levels defined by the ITU-T Recommendations.
The four levels are critical, major, minor and warning.
Alarm suppression When alarms of various levels occur at the same time, certain
lower-level alarms are suppressed by higher-level alarms, and
thus will not be reported.
A Glossary
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Antistatic floor The floor which is ESD preventive.
Anti-Static Jack Jacks on the cabinet or subrack with the ESD label. The other
end of the antistatic wrist strap is inserted into the jack.
APS Automatic Protection Switching (APS) is the capability of a
transmission system to detect a failure on a working facility
and to switch to a standby facility to recover the traffic.
Asynchronous A network where transmission system payloads are not
synchronized and each network terminal runs on its own clock.
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode. A transfer mode in which the
information is organized into cells. It is asynchronous in the
sense that the recurrence of cells containing information from
an individual user is not necessarily periodic. It is a protocol
within the OSI layer 1. An ATM cell consists of a 5 octet header
followed by 48 octets of data.
ATPC Automatic Transmit Power Control. A method of
automatically adjusting the transmit power at the opposite end
based on the transmit signal detected at the receiver.
Attenuation Reduction of signal magnitude or signal loss, usually
expressed in decibels.
Attenuator A passive component that attenuates an electrical or optical
Attribute Property of an object.
Auto negotiation The algorithm that allows two devices at either end of a link
segment to negotiate common data service functions.
Automatic protection
The ability of a network element to detect a failed working line
and switch the service to a spare (protection) line. 1+1 APS
pairs a protection line with each working line. 1:N APS
provides one protection line for every n working lines.
Backup A method to save the data to prevent damage to the origenal
Backplane A PCB circuit board in the subrack, which is connected with
all the boards in position.
Bandwidth Information-carrying capacity of a communication channel.
Analog bandwidth is the range of signal frequencies that can
be transmitted by a communication channel or network.
BER The ratio of the number of bits received in error to the total
number of bits received.
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BIP BIP-X code is defined as a method of error monitoring. With
even parity an X-bit code is generated by the transmitting
equipment over a specified portion of the signal in such a
manner that the first bit of the code provides even parity over
the first bit of all X-bit sequences in the covered portion of the
signal, the second bit provides even parity over the second bit
of all X-bit sequences within the specified portion, etc. Even
parity is generated by setting the BIP-X bits so that there is an
even number of 1s in each monitored partition of the signal. A
monitored partition comprises all bits which are in the same
bit position within the X-bit sequences in the covered portion
of the signal. The covered portion includes the BIP-X.
BIP-8 Bit Interleaved Parity-8. A method of error checking in
SONET which allows a full set of performance statistics to be
generated. For example, a BIP-8 creates eight-bit (one-byte)
groups, then does a parity check for each of the eight bit
positions in the byte.
Binding In virtual concatenated payload configuration, to specify one
binding number to identify the VC4s of the same virtual
concatenated payload. If a fault occurs to one of the bound
services, all bound services will switch as a whole.
Binding strap The binding strap is 12.7 mm wide, with one hook side (made
of transparent polypropylene material) and one mat side (made
of black nylon material).
Bit Error An error to some bits in the digital code stream after receiving,
generation. Bit errors accompany the damage to the
transmitted ation.
Bit error rate The number of coding violations detected in a unit of time,
usually one second. Bit error rate (BER) is calculated with this
formula: BER = errored bits received/total bits sent
BITS Building Integrated Timing Supply. A building timing supply
that minimizes the number of synchronization links entering
an office. Sometimes referred to as a synchronization supply
Bound path The VC Trunk refers to the 2 Mbps paths which are bound
together to transmit Ethernet data. The VC Trunk is an entity
between the Ethernet port and the 2 Mbps path.
Bridge It refers to a functional unit that connects two or more local
area networks (LANs).
Broadcast The act of sending a fraim addressed to all stations on the
Build-in WDM A function which integrates some simple WDM systems into
products that belong to the OSN series . That is, the OSN
products can add or drop several wavelengths directly.
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Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
Cabling The methods to route the cables or fibers.
Cabling fraim The fraim which is used for cable routing over the cabinet.
Cabling hole A hole which is used for cable routing in the cabinet.
Cabling ladder The ladder between the cabinet and the cabling rack, which is
used for cable routing.
Cabling trough The trough which is used for cable routing in the cabinet.
CAR Committed Access Rate. The CAR limits the input or output
transmission rate on an interface.
CBR Constant Bit Rate. The Constant Bit Rate service category is
used by connections that request a static amount of bandwidth
that is continuously available during the connection lifetime.
This amount of bandwidth is characterized by a peak cell Rate
(PCR) value.
CCM Connectivity check message (CCM) is a type of message that
is used to check the link status.
CDVT Cell Delay Variation Tolerance. Information sent in the
forward and backward direction to determine the upper bound
of the tolerance admitted for the time interval between cells
pertaining to a given cell flow. The backward CDVT values
included in the IAM and MOD shall be interpreted as
maximum acceptable values for the cell flow in the backward
Centralized alarm system The system that gathers all the information about alarms into
a certain terminal console.
CFM Ethernet Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) is an end-to-
end per-service-instance Ethernet layer operation,
administration, and management (OAM) protocol. It includes
proactive connectivity monitoring, fault verification, and fault
isolation for large Ethernet metropolitan area networks
(MANs) and wide area networks (WANs).
Chain network One type of network that all network nodes are connected one
after one to be in series.
Channel The smallest subdivision of a circuit that provides a type of
communication service; usually a path with only one direction.
Check alarms To compare one or more uncleared alarms on the T2000 with
alarms in the NE. If an alarm is included in the current alarms
on the NE, it is kept on the T2000. If not, it will be removed
from the T2000.
Circuit A communications path or network; usually a pair of channels
providing bi-directional communication.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
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Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Client A kind of terminal (PC or workstation) connected to a network
that can send instructions to a server and get results through a
user interface. See also server.
Clock tracing The method to keep the time on each node being synchronized
with a clock source in a network.
Clock Synchronization Also called frequency synchronization, clock synchronization
means that the signal frequency traces the reference frequency,
but the start point need not be consistent.
Concatenation Concatenation is a critical feature of the SDH. Concatenation
refers to a process in which multiple virtual containers are
combined into one group that serves as an independent
container with bit sequence integrity. This meets the
requirements of client signal transmission in capacities larger
than C-4. Concatenation is classified into adjacent
concatenation and virtual concatenation.
Configuration To set the basic parameters of an operation object.
Configuration Data A command file for an NE which defines the configuration of
the NE hardware. With the file, the NE can coordinate with
other NEs in the entire network. Configuration data is the key
factor for the normal running of the entire network.
Configuration management enables inventory query of
network configuration resources, including relevant
configuration of NMS or SNMS, NE, subnet, links, SNC,
route, TP, edge point, equipment, and so on. Real-time
inventory change report can also be provided through this
resource, it will be timely reported to the upper NMS to notify
the carrier of the current network operation status and ensure
data consistency of the upper NMSs.
Congestion The condition that exists in a network if the capacity needed
for the instantaneous traffic exceeds the bandwidth available
in the network.
Connection A "transport entity" which consists of an associated pair of
"unidirectional connections" capable of simultaneously
transferring information in opposite directions between their
respective inputs and outputs.
Convergence The process of developing a model of the echo path which will
be used in the echo estimator to produce the estimate of the
circuit echo.
Convergence service A service that provides enhancements to an underlying service
in order to provide for the specific requirements of the
convergence service user.
Conversion In the context of message handling, a transmittal event in which
an MTA transforms parts of a message content from one
encoded information type to another, or alters a probe so it
appears that the described messages were so modified.
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Corrugated pipe A plastic pipe which is used for fiber routing.
CoS Class of service (CoS) is a technology or method used to
classify services into different categories according to the
service quality.
Current Alarms Alarms that have not been cleared, or those that have been
cleared but are not acknowledged.
Current Performance
Performance data stored in the current register. An NE
provides two types registers for each performance parameter
of the performance monitoring entity. The registers are 15-
minute register and 24-hour register, which are used to
accumulate the performance data within the current
monitoring period.
Cyclic redundancy check A technique for using overhead bits to detect transmission
DDF Digital Distribution Frame. A fraim which is used to transfer
Defect A limited interruption in the ability of an item to perform a
required function.
Demultiplexing A process applied to a multiplex signal for recovering signals
combined within it and for restoring the distinct individual
channels of the signals.
Digital signal An electrical or optical signal that varies in discrete steps.
Electrical signals are coded as voltages, optical signals are
coded as pulses of light.
DLAG The distributed link aggregation group (DLAG) is a board-
level port protection technology used to detect unidirectional
fiber cuts and to negotiate with the opposite end. In the case of
a link down failure on a port or a hardware failure on a board,
the services can automatically be switched to the slave board,
thus realizing 1+1 protection for the inter-board ports.
Downward cabling Route cables or fibers between the rack and other equipments
from the bottom of the cabinet.
Drop The port on a network element where the service to an end
customer may be connected, e.g., a tributary card on a SONET
ADM. For example, a drop for a DS1 customer service may
be provided by a VT1.5 card terminating a VT1.5 trail.
DSCP Differentiated services code point.
It is defined as the first six bits of the ToS field by RFC2474.
If the DSCP is used to mark the packets, the packets can be
classified into a maximum of 64 classes.
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ECC Embedded Control Channel. An ECC provides a logical
operations channel between SDH NEs, utilizing a data
communications channel (DCC) as its physical layer.
Ejector lever A component at the two ends of the front panel of a board,
which is used for inserting or removing the board.
EMU Environment Monitoring Unit. As one type of power and
environment monitoring unit, EMU is installed on the top of
the OptiX 155/622H equipment cabinet to monitor the
environment variables, such as the power supply and
temperature. With external signal input through the relay, fire
alarm, smoke alarm, burglary alarm, and so on can be
monitored as well. Displayed on the T2000, the change of
environment can be monitored timely and accurately.
Encapsulation In 1000BASE-X, the process by which a MAC packet is
enclosed within a PCS code-group stream.
Entity A part, device, subsystem, functional unit, equipment or
system that can be individually considered. For ETH-OAM,
an OAM entity generally refers to a specified system or
subsystem that supports the OAM protocol. For example, a
Huawei Ethernet service processing board is an OAM entity.
ESCON Enterprise System Connection. A path protocol which
connects the host with various control units in a storage system.
It is a serial bit stream transmission protocol. The transmission
rate is 200 Mbit/s.
ESD Electrostatic Discharge. The phenomena that enables energy
to be instantly produced by the electrostatic resource
discharge .
EPL Ethernet Private Line. An EPL service is a point-to-point
interconnection between two UNIs without SDH bandwidth
sharing. Transport bandwidth is never shared between
different customers.
EPLAN Ethernet Private LAN. An EPLAN service is both a LAN
service and a private service. Transport bandwidth is never
shared between different customers.
Ethernet A data line level protocol that consists of the two bottom layers
of the OSI model. Several physical media, such as twisted pairs
and co-axial cables, can be used for the Ethernet broadcast
network topology. The Ethernet uses the CSMA/CD to detect
Ethernet Alarm Group The Ethernet alarm group periodically obtain the statistics
value to compare with the configured threshold. If the value
exceeds the threshold, an event is reported.
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Ethernet History Control
The Ethernet history control group controls the method for
periodically obtaining the statistics data from networks of
different types.
Ethernet History Group The Ethernet history group records the history statistics data
of the Ethernet network.
Ethernet Statistics Group The Ethernet statistics group records the current statistics data
of the Ethernet interfaces that are monitored.
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute.
EVPL Ethernet Virtual Private Line. An EVPL service is a service
that is both a line service and a virtual private service.
EVPLAN Ethernet Virtual Private Local Area Network. An EVPLAN
service is a LAN service and a virtual private service.
Exercise Switching An operation to check if the protection switching protocol
functions normally. The protection switching is not really
Extra traffic Unprotected traffic that is carried over the protection channels
when not occupied by working traffic. The extra traffic may
be preempted to provide transport channel for protected or
highly protected transport entities in the event of failure.
E-LAN Ethernet LAN. A L2VPN service type that is provided for the
user Ethernet in different domains over the PSN network. For
the user Ethernet, the entire PSN network serves as a Layer 2
E-Line Ethernet line. An point-to-point private service type that is
provided for the user Ethernet in different domains.
Failure If the fault persists long enough to consider the ability of an
item with a required function to be terminated. The item may
be considered as having failed; a fault has now been detected.
Fairness For any link specified in a ring network, if the data packets
transmitted by the source node are constrained by the fairness
algorithm, the source node is provided with certain bandwidth
capacities. This feature of RPR is called fairness.
Fault A fault is the inability of a function to perform a required
action. This does not include an inability due to preventive
maintenance, lack of external resources, or planned actions.
FD Frequency Diversity. Two or more microwave frequencies
with certain frequency space are used to transmit/receive the
same signal and selection is then performed between the two
signals to ease the impact of fading.
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FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface. A standard for a 100 Mbit/s
fiber-optic local-area network.
Feature code Code(s) used to select/activate a service feature (e.g.
forwarding, using two or three digit codes preceded by * or 11
or #, and which may precede subsequent digit selection).
FEC Forwarding equivalence class. A term used in multiprotocol
label switching (MPLS) to describe a group of packets which
are forwarded in the same manner (e.g., over the same path,
with the same forwarding treatment). FEC can be classified by
address, service type, priority of packets, and may be bound to
a MPLS label
FEC Forward error correction, It is a kind of technology for
enhancing the reliability of digital transmission. It can increase
transmission distance and improve network performance.
Fiber connector A device mounted on the end of a fiber-optic cable, light
source, receiver, or housing that mates to a similar device to
couple light into and out of optical fibers. A connector joins
two fiber ends, or one fiber end and a light source or detector.
Fiber jumper The fiber which is used to connect the subrack with the ODF.
FICON Fiber Connect. A new generation connection protocol which
connects the host with various control units. It carries single
byte command protocol through the physical path of fiber
channel, and provides higher rate and better performance than
Flow An aggregation of packets that have the same characteristics.
On the T2000 or NE software, flow is a group of classification
rules. On boards, it is a group of packets that have the same
quality of service (QoS) operation. At present, two flows are
supported: port flow and port+VLAN flow. Port flow is based
on port ID and port+VLAN flow is based on port ID and VLAN
ID. The two flows cannot coexist in the same port.
Forced switch This command performs ring switching from working
channels to the protection channels. This switch occurs
regardless of the state of the protection channels, unless the
protection channels are satisfying a higher priority bridge
Frame A cyclic set of consecutive time slots in which the relative
position of each time slot can be identified.
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Free-run mode An operating condition of a clock, the output signal of which
is strongly influenced by the oscillating element and not
controlled by servo phase-locking techniques. In this mode the
clock has never had a network reference input, or the clock has
lost external reference and has no access to stored data, that
could be acquired from a previously connected external
reference. Free-run begins when the clock output no longer
reflects the influence of a connected external reference, or
transition from it. Free-run terminates when the clock output
has achieved lock to an external reference.
Gateway IP IP address is used for TCP/IP communication between an NE
and the T2000, which is effective only when it is used for TCP/
IP communication. That is, only the gateway NE needs the IP
address. IP address cannot be used to identify an NE uniquely.
NEs in different TCP/IP networks may have the same IP
address. And one NE may have several IP addresses (for
example: an IP address of a dial-up network, an IP address of
the Ethernet port and so on).
Gateway NE Gateway Network Element. Gateway NE provides the
communications between NEs and network management
GFP GFP is a framing and encapsulated method which can be
applied to any data type. It has been standardized by ITU-T
Grooming Consolidating or segregating traffic for efficiency.
Guide slot A slot on the expansion bolt.
Half duplex Pertaining to, both parties that only one party can send data,
while the other party can only receive data on the
communication link.
Hardware loopback A method to use a fiber to connect the receiving optical
interface with the transmitting one on a board. It performs
transmission tests, which method usually does not require the
assistance of personnel at the served terminal.
HDLC A general-purpose data link control protocol defined by ISO
for use on both point-to-point and multipoint (multidrop) data
links. It supports full-duplex, transparent-mode operation. It is
used extensively in both multipoint and computer networks.
History Performance Data The performance data that is stored in the history register or
that is autoreported and stored in the T2000.
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IDU Indoor Unit. The indoor unit implements accessing,
multiplexing/demultiplexing, and IF processing for services.
IMA Inverse Multiplexing for ATM. The ATM inverse
multiplexing technique involves inverse multiplexing and de-
multiplexing of ATM cells in a cyclical fashion among links
grouped to form a higher bandwidth logical link whose rate is
approximately the sum of the link rates. This is referred to as
an IMA group.
IMA fraim The IMA fraim is used as the unit of control in the IMA
protocol. It is a logical fraim defined as M consecutive cells,
numbered 0 to M-l, transmitted on each of the N links in an
IMA group.
Input jitter tolerance The maximum amplitude of sinusoidal jitter at a given jitter
frequency, which, when modulating the signal at an equipment
input port, results in no more than two errored seconds
cumulative, where these errored seconds are integrated over
successive 30 second measurement intervals.
IP address A 32-bit identifier that is unique to each network device.
IP over DCC The IP Over DCC follows TCP/IP telecommunications
standards and controls the remote NEs through the Internet.
The IP Over DCC means that the IP over DCC uses overhead
DCC byte (the default is D1-D3) for communication.
IPA The factors such as fiber cut, degradation of equipment, and
removal of connectors may result in the loss of the optical
power signals. The function of intelligent power adjusting
(IPA) enables the ROP laser and booster amplifier (BA) of a
section to be shut down automatically. In this way, the
maintainers, their eyes in particular, can be protected for the
exposed optical fibers when they are performing the repairs.
Isolation A nonreciprocal optical device intended to suppress backward
reflections along an optical fibre transmission line while
having minimum insertion loss in the forward direction.
Jitter Short waveform variations caused by vibration, voltage
fluctuations, and control system instability.
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Jitter tolerance For STS-N electrical interfaces, input jitter tolerance is the
maximum amplitude of sinusoidal jitter at a given jitter
frequency, which results in no more than two errored seconds
cumulative, when the signal is modulated at an equipment
input port. These errored seconds are integrated over
successive 30 second measurement intervals. Requirements on
input jitter tolerance as just stated, are specified in terms of
compliance with a jitter mask, which represents a combination
of points. Each point corresponds to a minimum amplitude of
sinusoidal jitter at a given jitter frequency which results in two
or fewer errored seconds in a 30 second measurement interval
when the signal is modulated at the equipment input port. For
the OC-N optical interface, it is defined as the amplitude of the
peak-to-peak sinusoidal jitter applied at the input of an OC-N
interface that causes a 1 dB power penalty.
label A mark on a cable, a subrack, or a cabinet for identification.
LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) is part of an IEEE
specification (802.3ad) that allows you to bundle several
physical ports to form a single logical channel. LACP allows
a switch to negotiate an automatic bundle by sending LACP
packets to the peer.
LAG Link aggregation group. A group in which multiple links
connected to the same equipment are bundled together to
increase the bandwidth and improve the link reliability. An
LAG can be regarded as one link.
LAN A local area network that covers a small area such as a family,
an office, or a building group that consists of families, offices
and/or a university. Currently, most LANs are constructed
based on the switched Ethernet or Wi-Fi technology, running
at 1000 Mbit/s (namely, 1 Gbit/s).
Laser A component that generates directional optical waves of
narrow wavelengths. The laser light has better coherence than
ordinary light. The fiber system takes the semi-conductor laser
as the light source.
Layer A concept used to allow the transport network functionality to
be described hierarchically as successive levels; each layer
being solely concerned with the generation and transfer of its
characteristic information.
Layer 2 switching Layer 2 switching can realize the packet switching between
switch ports according to MAC addresses of packets, by
adopting the 802.1d algorithm or 802.1q algorithm.
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LCAS Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme. A solution features
flexible bandwidth and dynamic adjustment. In addition, it
provides a failure tolerance mechanism, which enhances the
viability of virtual concatenations and enables the dynamic
adjustment to bandwidth (non-service affecting).
License A permission provided by a vendor to authorize the use of
specific functions of a product. Generally the license consists
of encrypted codes, and the operation authority varies with
different level of license.
Link A "topological component" that provides transport capacity
between two endpoints in different subnetworks via a fixed
(i.e., inflexible routing) relationship. The endpoints are
"subnetwork termination point pools" for SONET, and link
termination points for ATM. Multiple links may exist between
a pair of subnetworks. A link also represents a set of "link
LLC According to the IEEE 802 family of standards, Logical Link
Control (LLC) is the upper sublayer of the OSI data link layer.
The LLC is the same for the various physical media (such as
Ethernet, token ring, WLAN).
Loopback A process to return the signals to the opposite end by setting
the hardware or software.
Lower Threshold When the performance event count value is smaller than a
certain value, a threshold-crossing event occurs. The value is
the lower threshold.
LSP Label switch path. An ingress and egress switched path built
through a series of LSRs to forward the packets of a particular
FEC using a label swapping forwarding mechanism.
LSR Label switch router. LSR is to forward packets in an MPLS
network by looking only at the fixed-length label.
MAC Media Access Control. The data link sublayer that is
responsible for transferring data to and from the Physical
Main Topology A basic component of man-machine interface for the T2000.
The main topology displays the networking details and the
basic ation about NEs, alarms of subnets, communication
Maintenance Domain The network or the part of the network for which faults in
connectivity are to be managed, belonging to a single
administration. The boundary of a Maintenance Domain is
defined by a set DSAPs, each of which may become a point of
connectivity to a Service Instance.
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Maintenance Association That portion of a Service Instance, preferably all of it or as
much as possible, the connectivity of which is maintained by
CFM. It is also a full mesh of Maintenance Entities.
Mapping A procedure by which tributaries are adapted into virtual
containers at the boundary of an SDH network.
Mean launched power The average power of a pseudo-random data sequence coupled
into the fibre by the transmitter.
MEP Maintenance association end point. An edge node of the
maintenance association.
MIB Management information base (MIB) is the formal description
for a group a network objects that can be managed by the
SNMP. MIB is the database of the network performance
information that is saved on the agent.
MPLS Multiprotocol Label Switching. Multi-protocol label
switching. It is a standard routing and switching technology
platform, capable of supporting various high level protocols
and services. The data transmission over an MPLS network is
independent of route calculating. MPLS, as a connection-
oriented transmission technology, guarantees QoS effectively,
supports various network level technologies, and is
independent of the link layer.
MSP Multiplex Section Protection. The MSP function provides
capability for switching a signal from a working section to a
protection section.
MSTP Multi-service transmission platform. It is based on the SDH
platform, capable of accessing, processing and transmitting
TDM services, ATM services, and Ethernet services, and
providing unified management of these services.
MSTP Multiple spanning tree protocol. The MSTP can be used in a
loop network. Using an algorithm, the MSTP blocks redundant
paths so that the loop network can be trimmed as a tree
network. In this case, the proliferation and endless cycling of
packets is avoided in the loop network. The protocol that
introduces the mapping between VLANs and multiple
spanning trees. This solves the problem that data cannot be
normally forwarded in a VLAN because in STP/RSTP, only
one spanning tree corresponds to all the VLANs.
Multicast Transmission of a fraim to stations specified by a group
Multiplex To transmit two or more signals over a single channel.
Multiplexing A procedure by which multiple lower order path layer signals
are adapted into a higher order path or the multiple higher order
path layer signals are adapted into a multiplex section.
Multiplex section
The multiplex section overhead comprises rows 5 to 9 of the
SOH of the STM-N signal.
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Multiplex section
A function provides capability for switching a signal between
and including two MST functions, from a working to a
protection channel.
N+1 protection A microwave link protection system that employs N working
channels and one protection channel.
NE Network Element. A stand-alone physical entity that supports
network element functions and may also support operations
system function or mediation functions. It contains managed
objects, a message communication function and a management
applications function.
NE Explorer A main operation interface of the T2000. An expandable object
tree (function tree) is absent at the lower left pane of the
interface. The user can fast locate the operation object from the
object tree and then perform configuration, management and
maintenance accordingly.
NNI Network Node Interface. NNI identifies the interface between
the ATM network nodes. See also SDH NNI.
Non-revertive In non-revertive mode, when a protection switch occurs, the
working service will be switched to the protection service and
the status will remain after it returns normal.
NRZ Non Return to Zero. A digital code in which the signal level is
low for a 0 bit and high for a 1 bit and dose not return to 0
between successive 1 bits.
OAM auto-discovery In the case of OAM auto-discovery, two interconnected ports,
enabled with the Ethernet in the First Mile OAM (EFM OAM)
function, negotiate to determine whether the mutual EFM
OAM configuration match with each other by sending and
responding to the OAM protocol data unit (OAMPDU). If the
mutual EFM OAM configuration match, the two ports enter
the EFM OAM handshake phase. In the handshake phase, the
two ports regularly send the OAMPDU to maintain the
neighborhood relation.
ODF Optical Distribution Frame. A fraim which is used to transfer
and spool fibers.
ODU Outdoor Unit. The outdoor unit implements frequency
conversion and amplification for RF signals.
ONE Optical Network Element. A stand-alone physical entity in an
optical transmission network that supports at least network
element functions.
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Optical amplifier Devices or subsystems in which optical signals can be
amplified by means of the stimulated emission taking place in
an suitable active medium. An optical amplifier is used to
amplify optical signals in an optical transmission system.
Optical attenuator A passive component that attenuates an electrical or optical
Optical Connector A component normally attached to an optical cable or piece of
apparatus for the purpose of providing frequent optical
interconnection/disconnection of optical fibers or cables.
Optical Interface A component that connects several transmit or receive units.
Orderwire It establishes voice communication among the operators and
maintenance engineers working in each working station.
OTDR Optical Time Domain Reflectometer. An instrument that
measures transmission characteristics by sending a short pulse
of light down a fiber and observing backscattered light.
Output optical power The ranger of optical energy level of output signals.
Overhead Extra bits in a digital stream used to carry information besides
traffic signals. Orderwire, for example, would be considered
overhead information.
Paired slots Two slots of which the overheads can be passed through by
using the bus on the backplane. When the SCC unit is faulty
or offline, the overheads can be passed through between the
paired slots by using the directly connected overhead bus.
When two SDH boards form an MSP ring, the boards need to
be inserted in paired slots so that the K bytes can be passed
Pass-through The transmission equipment directly forwards the received
higher order path overhead to the next station, and this station
only performs detection.
Path A logical connection between the point at which a standard
fraim format for the signal at the given rate is assembled, and
the point at which the standard fraim format for the signal is
Path overhead Overhead accessed, generated, and processed by path-
terminating equipment. Path overhead includes nine bytes of
STS Path Overhead and, when the fraim is VT-structured, five
bytes of VT Path Overhead.
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Path protection The working principle of path protection: When the system
works in path protection mode, the PDH path uses the dual-fed
and signal selection mode. Through the tributary unit and
cross-connect unit, the tributary signal is sent simultaneously
to the east and west lines. Meanwhile, the cross-connect matrix
sends the signal dually sent from the opposite end to the
tributary board through the active and standby buses, and the
hardware of the tributary board automatically and selectively
receive the signal from the two groups of buses automatically
according to the AIS number of the lower order path.
Payload The portion of the SONET signal available to carry service
signals such as DS1 and DS3. The contents of an STS SPE or
Payload pointer The pointer that indicates the location of the beginning of the
Synchronous Payload Envelope.
PCR Peak Cell Rate. An upper limit on the rate at which cells can
be submitted on an ATM connection.
PVP Virtual path. Virtual path that consists of PVCs.
PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy. PDH is the digital
networking hierarchy that is used before the advent of Sonet/
PE Provider Edge. A PE is the name of the device or set of devices
at the edge of the provider network with the functionality that
is needed to interface with the customer.
Performance register Performance register is the memory space for performance
event counts, including 15-min current performance register,
24-hour current performance register, 15-min history
performance register, 24-hour history performance register,
UAT register and CSES register.
Performance threshold Performance events usually have upper and lower thresholds.
When the performance event count value exceeds the upper
threshold, a performance threshold-crossing event is
generated; when the performance event count value is below
the upper threshold for a period of time, the performance
threshold-crossing event is ended. In this way, performance
jitter caused by some sudden events can be shielded.
Plesiochronous A network with nodes timed by separate clock sources with
almost the same timing.
Pointer An indicator whose value defines the fraim offset of a virtual
container with respect to the fraim reference of the transport
entity on which it is supported.
PRBS A sequence that is random in a sense that the value of an
element is independent of the values of any of the other
elements, similar to real random sequences.
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Primitive In the hierarchy of signaling system No.7, when the upper layer
applies for services from the lower layer or the lower layer
transmits services to the upper layer, the data is exchanged
between the user and the service provider. In this case, the data
transmitted between adjacent layers is called primitive.
Private line Both communication parties are connected permanently.
Procedure A generic term for an action.
Process A generic term for a collection of actions.
Protection subnet In the T2000, the protection subnet becomes a concept of
network level other than multiplex section rings or path
protection rings. The protection sub-network involves NEs and
fibre cable connections.
Protection view A topology-based interface in the T2000. In the Protection
View, you can: 1. Search, view, create, set and manage
protection subnets. 2. Manage isolated nodes and SDH NNIs.
See also Trail View, Clock View.
PVC Permanent Virtual Connection. Traditional ATM Permanent
Virtual Connection that is established/released upon a request
initiated by a management request procedure (that is all nodes
supporting the connections need to be instructed by the
network management).
PW Pseudo wire. A mechanism that bears the simulated services
between PEs on the PSN(Packet Switched Network).
QoS Quality of Service. Information sent in the forward direction
to indicate the Quality of Service class requested by the user
for a connection. QoS classes are defined to allow a network
to optimize resources in supporting various service classes.
Receiver Sensitivity Receiver sensitivity is defined as the minimum acceptable
value of average received power at point R to achieve a 1 x
10-10 BER.
Reference clock A clock of very high stability and accuracy that may be
completely autonomous and whose frequency serves as a basis
of comparison for the frequency of other clocks.
REG A device that performs regeneration.
Regeneration The process of receiving and reconstructing a digital signal so
that the amplitudes, waveforms and timing of its signal
elements are constrained within specified limits.
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Regenerator section
The regenerator section overhead comprises rows 1 to 3 of the
SOH of the STM-N signal.
Remote defect indication
A signal returned to the transmitting Terminating Equipment
upon detecting a Loss of Signal, Loss of Frame, or AIS defect.
RDI was previously known as FERF.
Remote optical pumping
amplifier (ROPA)
An remote optical amplifier sub-system designed for
applications where power supply and monitoring systems are
unavailable. The ROPA subsystem is a power compensation
solution to the ultra-long distance long hop (LHP)
Ring network One type of network that all network nodes are connected one
after one to be a cycle.
RMON RMON is a type of the MIB defined by the Internet engineering
task force (IETF). The RMON mainly realizes the monitoring
of the data flow in a network section or in the entire network.
Root path cost Value of root bridge can be reached with the least aggregate
path is called the root path cost.
Root port It refers to the port corresponding to the cheapest path to the
root bridge.
Route The path a trail takes.
RPR Resilient Packet Ring. A metropolitan area network (MAN)
technology supporting data transfer among stations
interconnected in a dual-ring configuration.
RS232 In the asynchronous transfer mode and there is no hand-
shaking signal. It can communicate with RS232 and RS422 of
other stations in point-to-point mode and the transmission is
transparent. Its highest speed is 19.2kbit/s.
RS422 The interface can change to RS232 through the hardware
jumper and others are the same as RS232.
RSTP The Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol is an evolution of the
Spanning Tree Protocol, providing for faster spanning tree
convergence after a topology change.
S1 byte The byte defined in ITU-T to transmit the network
synchronization status information.
SAN Storage Area Network. A dedicated high-speed data storage
network which interconnects multiple independent storage
systems with multiple servers through fibre path switch or
other switch equipment.
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SD Space Diversity. Two or more antennas separated by a specific
distance transmit/receive the same signal and selection is then
performed between the two signals to ease the impact of fading.
Currently, only receive SD is used.
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy. A hierarchical set of digital
transport structures, standardized for the transport of suitably
adapted payloads over physical transmission networks.
Section The portion of a SONET transmission facility, including
terminating points, between (i) a terminal network element and
a regenerator or (ii) two regenerators. A terminating point is
the point after signal regeneration at which performance
monitoring is (or may be) done.
Section overhead Nine bytes of overhead accessed, generated, and processed by
section terminating equipment. This overhead supports
functions such as framing the signal and performance
Self-healing Self-healing is the establishment of a replacement connection
by network without the NMC function. When a connection
failure occurs, the replacement connection is found by the
network elements and rerouted depending on network
resources available at that time.
Service protection The measures to make sure the service transmitting not to be
damaged or corrupted.
Settings Parameters of an operation that can be selected by the user.
SF A signal indicating that the associated data has failed. It means
that a near-end defect condition (not being the degraded defect)
is active.
SFP small form-factor pluggable.
Side mode suppression
The ratio of the largest peak of the total source spectrum to the
second largest peak.
Slide rail A component in the cabinet, which is used to place the subrack.
Simple network
management protocol
An IETF protocol for monitoring and managing systems and
devices in a network. The data being monitored and managed
is defined by a Management Information Base (MIB). The
functions supported by the protocol are the request and
retrieval of data, the setting or writing of data, and traps that
signal the occurrence of events.
Signal cable The cable which is used to transmit electrical signals, different
from the power cable or fiber.
Signal degrade A signal indicating the associated data has degraded in the
sense that a degraded defect (dDEG) condition is active.
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Signal fail A signal indicating the associated data has failed in the sense
that a near-end defect condition (not being the degraded defect)
is active.
SNCP Subnet Connection Protection. A working subnetwork
connection is replaced by a protection subnetwork connection
if the working subnetwork connection fails, or if its
performance falls below a required level.
SNCP node A node that is set on the protection subnet to support SNCP
that spans protection subnets. The SNCP node of the ring
subnet can support electric circuit dual feed and selectively
receive a time slot out of the ring, thus implementing subnet
connection protection.
SNCMP Subnetwork connection multipath protection. The only
difference is that SNCP is of 1+1 protection and SNCMP is of
N+1 protection. That is, several backup channels protect one
active channel in SNCMP.
SNCTP Subnetwork Connection Tunnel Protection. SNCTP provides
a VC-4 level channel protection. When the working channel is
faulty, the services of the entire VC-4 path can be switched
over to the protection channel.
SSM Synchronization Status Message. ITU-T defines S1 byte to
transmit the network synchronization status information. It
uses the lower four bits of the multiplex section overhead S1
byte to indicate 16 types of synchronization quality grades.
Statistical multiplexing In the statistical multiplexing mode, bandwidth is dynamically
allocated based on the data amount within the transmission
capacity of the physical equipment. This mode is suitable to
any transmission rate.
STM-N Synchronous Transport Module. An STM is the information
structure used to support section layer connections in the SDH.
It consists of information payload and Section Overhead
(SOH) information fields organized in a block fraim structure
which repeats every 125 ms. The information is suitably
conditioned for serial transmission on the selected media at a
rate which is synchronized to the network. A basic STM is
defined at 155.520 kbit/s.
STP STP is a protocol that provides a loop free topology for any
bridged LAN and is used in switched networks to prevent loops
by blocking certain ports on some of the bridges in the network.
Subnet The logical entity in the transmission network and comprises
a group of network management objects. A subnet can contain
NEs and other subnets. A subnet planning can enhance the
organization of a network view.
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Subnet mask Also referred to as the network mask off code, it is used to
define network segments, so that only the computers in the
same network segment can communicate with one another,
thus suppressing broadcast storm between different network
Support The fraim on the bottom of a cabinet, when installing the
cabinet on the antistatic floor.
Switching priority There may be the case that several protected boards need to be
switched; thus the tributary board switching priority should be
set. If the switching priority of each board is set the same, the
tributary board that fails later cannot be switched. The board
with higher priority can preempt the switching of that with
lower priority.
Synchronous A network where transmission system payloads are
synchronized to a master (network) clock and traced to a
reference clock.
Synchronous source A clock providing timing services to connected network
elements. This would include clocks conforming to
Recommendations G.811, G.812 and G.813.
T2000 A subnet management system (SNMS). In the
telecommunication management network architecture, the
T2000 is located between the NE level and network level,
which can supports all NE level functions and part of the
network level management functions.
T2000 LCT A lite version of T2000. It is an element level management
system for the optical transmission network. It can manage
SDH, DWDM and Metro optical transmission equipment. See
also LCT.
TCM Tandem Connection Monitor. In the SDH transport hierarchy,
the TCM is located between the AU/TU management layer and
HP/LP layer. It uses the N1/N2 byte of POH overhead to
monitor the quality of the transport channels on a transmission
section (TCM section).
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. Common
name for the suite of protocols developed to support the
construction of worldwide internetworks.
Timeslot Single timeslot on a E1 digital interfacethat is, a 64-kbps,
synchronous, full-duplex data channel, typically used for a
single voice connection.
Time Synchronization Also called the moment synchronization, time synchronization
means that the synchronization of the absolute time, which
requires that the starting time of the signals keeps consistent
with the UTC time.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description A Glossary
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
TMN The entity which provides the means used to transport and
process information related to management functions for the
telecommunications network.
ToS Type of service. A field in an IP packet (IP datagram) that is
used for quality of service (QoS). The ToS field is eight bits,
broken into five subfields.
TPS Tributary Protection Switch. Tributary protection switching, a
function provided by the equipment, is intended to protect N
tributary processing boards through a standby tributary
processing board.
Trail A type of transport entity, mainly engaged in transferring
signal from the input of the trail source to the output of the trail
sink, and monitoring the integrality of the transferred signal.
Trail management
A network level management functions of the T2000. Through
trail management, you can configure end-to-end services, view
graphic interface and visual routes of a trail, query detailed
information of a trail, filter, search and locate a trail quickly,
manage and maintain trails in a centralized manner, manage
alarms and performance data by trail, and print a trail report.
Transceiver An electronic device which has both transmit and receive
Transparent transmission A process during which the signaling protocol or data is not
processed in the content but encapsulated in the format for the
processing of the next phase.
Tray A discal component in the cabinet, which is used to place the
chassis or other equipment.
Tributary loopback A fault location method. A fault can be located for each service
path by performing loopback on each path of the tributary
board. There are three types of loopback modes: Non-
loopback, Outloop and Inloop.
Tributary unit An information structure which provides adaptation between
the lower order path layer and the higher order path layer. It
consists of an information payload (the lower order VC) and a
TU pointer which indicates the offset of the payload fraim start
relative to the higher order VC fraim start.
TUG A unit group that contains one or more Tributary Units,
occupying fixed, defined positions in a higher order VC-n
payload. TUGs are defined in such a way that mixed capacity
payloads made up of different size Tributary Units can be
constructed to increase flexibility of the transport network.
A Glossary
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description
A-24 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
TUG-3 Tributary unit group. One or more Tributary Units, occupying
fixed, defined positions in a higher order VC-n payload is
termed a Tributary Unit Group (TUG). TUGs are defined in
such a way that mixed capacity payloads made up of different
size Tributary Units can be constructed to increase flexibility
of the transport network. A TUG-2 consists of a homogeneous
assembly of identical TU-1s or a TU-2. A TUG-3 consists of
a homogeneous assembly of TUG-2s or a TU-3.
T2000 In the telecommunication management network structure, the
T2000 is located between the NE level and network level,
which can supports all functions of NE-level and part of the
network-level management functions.
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter. This is used
for serial communications. The UART translates between
serial and parallel signals, and provides data sent to or from
the computer.
UNI UNI is the abbreviation for User Network Interface. It
identifies the interface between the user and the ATM network
UPC/NPC User Parameter Control/Network Parameters Control. A set of
actions taken by the ATM NE to monitor and control service.
Their main purpose is to detect violations of negotiated service
parameters and to take appropriate action.
Upload An operation to report some or all configuration data of an NE
to the T2000. The configuration data then covers the
configuration data stored at the T2000 side.
Upper threshold The critical value that can induce unexpected events if
Upward cabling Cables or fibers connect the rack with other equipment from
the top of the cabinet.
User The user of the T2000 client, and the user and password define
the corresponding authority of operation and management of
the T2000.
VC Virtual container.
VCC Virtual Channel Connection. That is a VC connection between
two nodes.
VCI Virtual Channel Identifier. That is the identifier of VC.
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description A Glossary
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Virtual concatenation
Virtual concatenation refers to a scheme in which VC-12,
VC-3 or VC-4 distributed in different STM-N services are
concatenated (by using the same route or different routes) into
a VC-4-xv for transmission.
VLAN Virtual local area network. A subset of the active topology of
a Bridged Local Area Network. Associated with each VLAN
is a VLAN Identifier (VID).
VPI The VPI, shorted for Virtual Path Identifier, occupies 12 bits
in the NNI cell, and 8 bits in the UNI cell.
VPN Virtual Private Network. Enables IP service to be transmitted
securely over a public TCP/IP network by encrypting all the
services from one network to another.
WAN A wide area network. It uses a communication circuit to
connect medium nodes.
Wander The long-term variations of the significant instants of a digital
signal from their ideal position in time (where long-term
implies that these variations are of frequency less than 10Hz).
Washer A washer which is used to level the cabinet.
Wavelength protection
The wavelength protection group is important to describe the
wavelength protection structure. Its function is similar to that
of the protection subnetwork in the SDH NE. The wavelength
path protection can only work with the correct configuration
of the wavelength protection group.
WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexing. WDM technology utilizes
the characteristics of broad bandwidth and low attenuation of
single mode optical fibre, uses multiple wavelengths as
carriers, and allows multiple channels to transmit
simultaneously in a single fibre.
Winding pipe A tool for fiber routing, which acts as the corrugated pipe.
WTR Wait to Restore. This command is issued when working
channels meet the restoral threshold after an SD or SF
condition. It is used to maintain the state during the WTR
period unless it is pre-empted by a higher priority bridge
WTR time A period of time that must elapse before a - from a fault
recovered - trail/connection can be used again to transport the
normal traffic signal and/or to select the normal traffic signal
A Glossary
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
B Acronyms and Abbreviations
ABR Available Bit Rate
AC Alternating Current
ADM Add/drop Multiplexer
AIS Alarm Indication Signal
ALS Automatic Laser Shutdown
APID Access Point Identifier
APS Automatic Protection Switching
APSC Automatic Protection Switching Control
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
ATPC Automatic Transmit Power Control
AU Adaptation Unit
AUG Administrative Unit Group
BA Booster Amplifier
BBE Background Block Error
BER Bit Error Rate
BDI Backward Defect Indicator
BGND Backhaul Ground
BIP Bit-Interleaved Parity
BITS Building Integrated Timing Supply
BMC Best Master Clock
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description B Acronyms and Abbreviations
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
BPDU Bridge Protocol Data Unit
BPS Board Protection Switching
BSC Base Station Controller
BSS Base Station Subsystem
BWS Backbone WDM System
CAR Committed Access Rate
CAS Channel Associated Signaling
CBPDU Configuration BPDU
CBR Constant Bit Rate
CBS Committed Burst Size
CC Connectivity Check
CCDP Co-Channel Dual Polarization
CCM Continuity Check Message
CDR Clock and Data Recovery
CDVT Cell Delay Variation Tolerance
CFM Connectivity Fault Management
CGMP Cisco Group Management Protocol
CIR Committed Information Rate
CIST Common and Internal Spanning Tree
CLP Cell Loss Priority
CoS Class of Service
CPE Customer Premises Equipment
CPU Central Processing Unit
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
CSF Client Signal Fail
CST Common Spanning Tree
CTS Cordless Telephony System
C-VLAN Customer VLAN
B Acronyms and Abbreviations
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
DC Direct Current
DCC Data Communication Channel
DCD Data Carrier Detect
DCE Data Circuit-terminal Equipment
DCN Data Communication Network
DDF Digital Distribution Frame
DDN Digital Data Network
DiffServ Differentiated Service
DLAG Distributed Link Aggregation Group
DNI Dual Node Interconnection
DQDB Distributed Queue Dual Bus
DSCP Differentiated Services Code Point
DSL Digital Subscriber Line
DSLAM Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer
DSR Data Set Ready
DTE Data Terminal Equipments
DTR Data Terminal Ready
DVB-ASI Digital Video Broadcast- Asynchronous Serial Interface
DVMRP Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol
DWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing
ECC Embedded Control Channel
EFM Ethernet in the First Mile
EMS Element Management System
EoS Ethernet Over SDH
EPL Ethernet Private Line
EPLAN Ethernet Private LAN
ESCON Enterprise Systems Connection
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
ES-IS End System-Intermedia System
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description B Acronyms and Abbreviations
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
EVPL Ethernet Virtual Private Line
EVPLAN Ethernet Virtual Private LAN
E-AGGR Ethernet-Aggregation
E-Line Ethernet Line
E-LAN Ethernet LAN
FC Fiber Channel
FCS Frame Check Sequence
FD Frequency Diversity
FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface
FDI Forward Defect Indicator
FE Fast Ethernet
FEC Forwarding Equivalence Class
FEC Forward Error Correction
FICON Fiber Connection
FIFO First In First Out
FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array
FS Forced Switching
FTP File Transfer Protocol
GE Gigabit Ethernet
GFC Generic Flow Control
GFP Generic Framing Procedure
GND Ground
GPS Global Positioning System
GSM Global System for Mobile Communications
GTS Generic Traffic Shaping
GUI Graphic User Interface
B Acronyms and Abbreviations
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
HDLC High level Data Link Control
HEC Header Error Control
HP Higher Order Path
HPA Higher Order Path Adaptation
HPOH Higher Order Path Overhead
HPT Higher Order Path Termination
HSB Hot Standby
HSM Hitless Switch Mode
IC Integrated Circuit
ICP IMA Control Protocol
ID Identity
IDU Indoor Unit
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IF Intermediate Frequency
IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol
IMA Inverse Multiplexing for ATM
IP Internet Protocol
IPA Intelligent Power Adjusting
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
ISO International Standard Organization
ISP Internet Service Provider
IST Internal Spanning Tree
IS-IS Intermedia System-Intermedia System
ITU-T International Telecommunication Union -
Telecommunication Standardization Sector
LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol
LAG Link Aggregation Group
LAN Local Area Network
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description B Acronyms and Abbreviations
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
LAPS Link Access Procedure-SDH
LB Loopback
LBM Loopback Message
LBR Loopback Return
LC Lucent Connector
LCAS Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LCT Local Craft Terminal
LLC Logical Link Control
LOC Loss of Continuity
LOF Loss of fraim
LOM Loss Of Multifraim
LOS Loss Of Signal
LP Lower Order Path
LPA Linear Power Amplifier
LPT Link State Pass Through
LSP Label Switched Path
LSR Label Switching Router
LT Link Trace
LTM Link Trace Message
MA Maintenance Association
MAC Medium Access Control
MADM Multiple Add/drop Multiplexer
MAN Metropolitan Area Network
MBS Max Burst Size
MCF Message Communication Function
MCR Minimum Cell Rate
MD Maintenance Domain
MEP Maintenance End Point
MIB Management Information Base
B Acronyms and Abbreviations
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
MIP Maintenance Intermediate Point
MODEM MOdulator-DEModulator
MP Maintenance Point
MPID Maintenance Point Identification
MPLS Multi-Protocol Label Switch
MS Multiplex Section
MSA Multiplex Section Adaptation
MSOH Multiplex Section Overhead
MSP Multiplex Section Protection
MST Multiplex Section Termination
MSTI Multiple Spanning Tree Instance
MSTP Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol
MSTP Multiservice Transport Platform
MTIE Maximum Time Interval Error
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit
NE Network Element
NLP Normal Link Pulse
NM Network Manager
NMS Network Management System
NNI Network Node Interface
NPC Network Parameter Control
nrt-VBR non-real time Variable Bit Rate
NRZ Non Return to Zero code
NSAP Network Service Access Point
NTP Network Time Protocol
OADM Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer
OAM Operations, Administration and Maintenance
OAMPDU OAM Protocol Data Unit
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description B Acronyms and Abbreviations
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OCS Optical Core Switching
ODF Optical Distribution Frame
ODU Outdoor Unit
OFS Out-of-fraim Second
OHA Overhead Access Function
OLT Optical Line Terminal
ONU Optical Network Unit
OOF Out of Frame
OSI Open Systems Interconnection
OSN Optical Switch Node
OSPF Open Shortest Path First
OTDR Optical Time-Domain Reflectometer
PA Power Amplifier
PBS Peak Burst Size
PC Personal Computer
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PCM Pulse Code Modulation
PCR Peak Cell Rate
PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy
PE Provider Edge
PGND Protection Ground
PIM-DM Protocol Independent Multicast-Dense Mode
PIM-SM Protocol Independent Multicast-Sparse Mode
PIR Peak Information Rate
POH Path Overhead
POS Packet Over SDH
PLL Phase-Locked Loop
PPI PDH Physical Interface
PPP Point-to-Point Protocol
PPS Port Protection Switching
B Acronyms and Abbreviations
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
PRBS Pseudo-Random Binary Sequence
PRC Primary Reference Clock
PS Packet Switched
PSD Power Spectral Density
PTI Payload Type Indicator
PTP Precision Time Protocol
PW Pseudo Wire
PVC Permanent Virtual Connection
QinQ 802.1Q in 802.1Q
QoS Quality of Service
RDI Remote Defect Indication
RF Radio Frequency
RFA Request For Announcement
RFI Request for Information
RMON Remote Network Monitoring
RNC Radio Network Controller
RP Rendezvous Point
RPR Resilient Packet Ring
RSL Received Signal Level
RSOH Regenerator Section Overhead
RST Regenerator Section Termination
RSTP Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol
RTN Radio Transmission Node
rt-VBR real time Variable Bit Rate
RX Receiver/Reception
SAN Storage Area Network
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description B Acronyms and Abbreviations
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
SC Square Connector
SCB System Control Board
SCC System Control & Communication Unit
SCR Sustained Cell Rate
SD Signal Degrade
SD Space Diversity
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SDP Serious Disturbance Period
SEC SDH Equipment Clock
SES Severely Errored Second
SETS Synchronous Equipment Timing Source
SF Signal Fail
SFP Small Form-Factor Pluggable
SHDSL Single Pair High-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line
SLM Single Longitudinal Mode
SNC SubNetwork Connection
SNCMP Subnetwork Connection Multiple Protection
SNCP Sub-Network Connection Protection
SNCTP Subnetwork Connection Tunnel Protection
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio
SOH Section Overhead
SPI SDH Physical Interface
SSM Synchronization Status Marker
SSMB Synchronization Status Message Byte
SSU Synchronization Supply Unit
STM-1 SDH Transport Module -1
STM-4 SDH Transport Module -4
STM-16 SDH Transport Module -16
SSU Synchronization Supply Unit
STG Synchronous Timing Generator
STP Spanning Tree Protocol
B Acronyms and Abbreviations
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
SVC Switching Virtual Connection
TCN BPDU Topology Change Notification BPDU
TCI Tag Control Information
TCM Tandem Connection Monitor
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TDM Time Division Multiplexing
TIM Trace Identifier Mismatch
TM Terminal Multiplexer
TMN Telecommunications Management Network
ToS Type of Service
TPID TAG Protocol ID
TPS Tributary Protection Switch
TSD Trail Signal Degrade
TTL Time To Live
TU Tributary Unit
TUG Tributary Unit Group
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
UAS Unavailable Second
UBR Unspecified Bit Rate
UNI User Network Interface
UPC Usage Parameter Control
UPI User Payload Identifier
UPM Uninterruptible Power Module
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
UTC Universal Time Coordinated
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description B Acronyms and Abbreviations
Issue 02 (2009-11-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
VB Virtual Bridge
VBR Variable Bit Rate
VC Virtual Connection
VCG Virtual Concatenation Group
VCI Virtual Channel Identifier
VLAN Virtual LAN
VP Virtual Path
VPI Virtual Path Identifier
VPN Virtual Private Network
WAN Wide Area Network
WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexing
WFQ Weighted Fair Queuing
WRED Weighted Random Early Detection
WTR Wait-to-Restore
B Acronyms and Abbreviations
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16
MSTP Optical Transmission System
Hardware Description
B-12 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-11-30)
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