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1ECAD2 Complete Manual
ECAD2 Complete Manual
ECAD2 Complete Manual
Input and output offset Voltage APPARATUS: Bread Board, CRO, Function Generator, Dual power supply, multimeter. COMPONENTS: Connecting wires, resistors: 1K,1M, 10K, 100K, LM741 ,IC,0.1F,0.001 F PROCEDURE: a. Slew rate Connect the circuit as shown in figure. Give square wave input having amplitude 1Vp-p and vary the frequency from low to high. At each frequency observe the output square wave and note down amplitude and frequency of output waveform . Calculate the slew rate. PIN DIAGRAM OF OP-AMPr IC-:
b. Input Bias current Connect the circuit to measure input current of inverting input Non inverting terminal is grounded The inverting terminal is at virtual ground and we have ( IoRf )=VO Measure VO and calculate IB Now connect the circuit to measure input current of non-inverting input inverting terminal is grounded through Rf VO = ( IB.Rf ) So measure VO and IB c. Input Offset Current: Iio=IB1-IB2
1M 0.01F +Vcc
1M 0.1F -VEE
CALCULATION: IB1= VO1/ Rf IB2= VO2/ Rf IB= IB1+ IB2 d. Input and Output Offset Voltage Connect the circuit as shown in figure Ground the both input terminal Measure the output offset voltage using voltmeter Calculate input offset voltage
+Vcc 1K
CALCULATION: Output Offset Voltage VO =_________________mV Input Offset Voltage Vio = VO .R2/ (R1+R2)
Questions: Q1. Define slew rate and explain the significance of large value of slew rate.
Q.2 A 10Khz square wave is to be amplified by an op-amp to have an output voltage swing 10V. Two op-amps are 1) uA741 having S.R. of 0.5V/us & 2) TL081 with a S.R. of 13V/us. Determine the stability of op-amp.
Q.3 List out the ideal and practical specification for op-amp 741?
Faculty Incharge:
EXPERIMENT NO: - 2 _______________________________________________________________________ AIM: TO STUDY DIFFERENT APPLICATION OF OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER a. Inverting Amplifier b. Non-Inverting Amplifier c. Voltage follower APPARATUS REQUIRED: function generator, CRO, Dual power supply COMPONENTS: Connecting wires, resistors: 1K, 10K, LM741 IC, Bread Board, Connecting wires and probes. a .Inverting Amplifier THEORY: The input signal Vi is applied to the inverting input terminal through R1 and the noninverting input terminal of the op-amp is grounded. The output voltage Vo is fed back to the inverting input terminal through the Rf - R1network, where Rf is the feedback resistor. The output voltage is given as, Vo = - ACL Vi Here the negative sign indicates that the output voltage is 1800 out of phase with the input signal.
PROCEDURE: Connections are given as per the circuit diagram. + Vcc and - Vcc supply is given to the power supply terminal of the Op-Amp IC. By adjusting the amplitude and frequency knobs of the function generator, appropriate input voltage is applied to the inverting input terminal of the Op-Amp.
The output voltage is obtained in the CRO and the input and output voltage waveforms are plotted in a graph sheet. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM OF INVERTING AMPLIFIER: Rin=1k, Rf =10k
+Vcc 1K
20mV ! 1KHZ +
The input signal Vi is applied to the non - inverting input terminal of the op-amp. This circuit amplifies the signal without inverting the input signal. It is also called negative feedback system since the output is feedback to the inverting input terminals. The differential voltage Vd at the inverting input terminal of the op-amp is zero ideally and the output voltage is given as, Vo = ACL Vi Here the output voltage is in phase with the input signal.
PROCEDURE: Connections are given as per the circuit diagram. + Vcc and - Vcc supply is given to the power supply terminal of the Op-Amp IC. By adjusting the amplitude and frequency knobs of the function generator, appropriate input voltage is applied to the non - inverting input terminal of the OpAmp. The output voltage is obtained in the CRO and the input and output voltage waveforms are plotted in a graph sheet.
+Vcc 1K
20mV 1KHZ
c. VOLTAGE FOLLOWER: PROCEDURE: Connections are given as per the circuit diagram. + Vcc and - Vcc supply is given to the power supply terminal of the Op-Amp IC. By adjusting the amplitude and frequency knobs of the function generator, appropriate input voltage is applied to the non - inverting input terminal of the OpAmp. The output voltage is obtained in the CRO and the input and output voltage waveforms are plotted in a graph sheet. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: S.E. SEM IV (BIOMEDICAL): ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT ANALYSIS AND DESIGN-II
Q.3 For the circuit shown below, find the range of input voltages that are to be applied at input terminals, such that output remains undistorted. (Vcc = 15V)
Q.4 Enlist the features of voltage follower & draw its equivalent circuit.
Faculty Incharge:
EXPERIMENT NO: - 3 _______________________________________________________________________ AIM: Design the op-amp circuits for the following equations a. Adder Vo= -3V1+4V2 b. Substractor Vo= Vb-Va APPARATUS REQUIRED: Multimeter, Dual power supply COMPONENTS: Connecting wires, resistors: 1K, 10K, LM741 IC, Bread Board, Connecting wires. a. ADDER: i. Inverting adder CIRCUIT DIAGRAM:
Va +Vcc
Vb V0
THEORY: Vo= -Rf{(Va/Ra)+(Vb/Rb)} 1) Summing Amplifier :- If Ra=Rb=Rf, Vo= -(Va+Vb) 2) Scaling or weighted amplifier: Each i/p volt is amplified by a different factors i.e weighted differentially at the o/p , the circuit is then a scaling or weighted amplifier Vo= -{(Rf/Ra).Va+(Rf/Rb).Vb}
3) Averaging Circuit: Ra=Rb=R & Rf/R=1/n where n=no. of i/ps Eg. n=2 then Vo=Va=Vb/2
PROCEDURE: Connections are given as per the circuit diagram. + Vcc and - Vcc supply is given to the power supply terminal of the Op-Amp IC. Give appropriate input voltage to the non - inverting input terminal of the Op-Amp. The output voltage is obtained on the multimeter. OBSERVATIONS: Sr. No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Vin Va= Vb= Va= Vb= Va= Vb= Va= Vb= Va= Vb= Vo(theoretical) Vo(practical)
+Vcc Va 10K
THEORY: Ra=Rb=Rf Hence gain of differential amplifier is 1. Vo= -Rf/R(Va-Vb) Vo=Va-Vb Hence o/p voltage is equal to the voltage applied to the non inverting terminal minus voltage applied to the inverting terminal. Hence the circuit is called as Subtractor. PROCEDURE: Connections are given as per the circuit diagram. + Vcc and - Vcc supply is given to the power supply terminal of the Op-Amp IC. Give the appropriate input voltage is applied to the non - inverting input terminal of the Op-Amp. The output voltage is obtained on the multimeter.
Sr.No 1. 2.
3. 4. 5.
Q.1 How adder can be used as scalar & averaging amplifier? (Explain for NINV)
Q.2 Supply voltage=+15V, Va=2v, Vb=-3v, Vc=4v,R=R1=1k ,Rf=2k. Determine V1 at the NINV terminal & Vo for NINV adder.
Q.3 When the resistances used in subtractor are not equal, how Vo can be calculated?
Faculty Incharge
AIM: To design an Integrator circuit for the given specifications using Op-Amp IC 741 & study its frequency response.
APPARATUS REQUIRED: Function generator, CRO, Dual power supply COMPONENTS: Connecting wires, resistors: 1.5K, 15K, 0.1F, LM741 IC, Bread Board, Connecting wires and probes
A circuit in which the output voltage waveform is the integral of the input voltage waveform is the integrator. Such a circuit is obtained by using a basic inverting amplifier configuration if the feedback resistor Rf is replaced by a capacitor Cf . The expression for the output voltage is given as, Vo = - (1/Rf C1) Vi dt Here the negative sign indicates that the output voltage is 180 0 out of phase with the input signal. Normally between fa and fb the circuit acts as an integrator. Generally, the value of fa < fb . The input signal will be integrated properly if the Time period T of the signal is larger than or equal to Rf Cf. That is, T Rf Cf The integrator is most commonly used in analog computers and ADC and signal-wave shaping circuits.
Let fa = 100Hz , fb= 1KHz fb = 1/2R1CF Let CF= 0.1F Thus, R1= 1.5K Now, Fa= 1/2RFCF Thus, RF= 15K
PROCEDURE: Connections are given as per the circuit diagram. + Vcc and - Vcc supply is given to the power supply terminal of the Op-Amp IC. Give 20mV with 1KHz input signal to obtain sinusoidal waveform The output voltage is obtained in the CRO and the input and output voltage waveforms are plotted in a graph sheet.
OBSERVATIONS: S.No. Input Output CONCLUSION: Amplitude ( No. of div x Volts per div ) Time period ( No. of div x Time per div )
Questions: Q.1 Draw basic integrator circuit & draw its frequency response curve. Mark operating frequencies.
Q.2Write the problems associated with basic integrator. How to overcome it?
AIM: To design a Differentiator circuit for the given specifications using Op- Amp IC 741 & study its frequency response.
APPARATUS REQUIRED: function generator, CRO, Dual power supply COMPONENTS: Connecting wires, resistors: 1.5K, 15K, 0.1F, LM741 IC, Bread Board, Connecting wires and probes
1) Fa= 1KHz = 1/(2 Rf C1) Let C1 = 0.1uF; then Rf = 1/(2)(103)(10-7) = 1.59K Let Rf be 1.5 K 2) Fb = 20KHz = 1/ (2 R1 C1) Hence, R1 = 79.5 Let R1 = 82. Since R1C1 = RfCf Cf = 0.0055uF
Connections are given as per the circuit diagram. + Vcc and - Vcc supply is given to the power supply terminal of the Op-Amp IC. Give 20mV with 1KHz input signal to obtain sinusoidal waveform The output voltage is obtained in the CRO and the input and output voltage waveforms are plotted in a graph sheet.
Questions: Q.1 If a sine wave of 1 V peak at 1000hz is applied to the designed differentiator, find its output voltage.
Q.2 Draw basic differentiator circuit and draw its frequency response curve. Mark operating frequencies.
Q.3 Write the problems associated with basic differentiator. How to overcome it?
Faculty Incharge
EXPERIMENT NO: - 6 _______________________________________________________________________ AI M: To design a wein bridge oscillator using 741 to generate a frequency of 965 Hz. APPARATUS REQUIRED: function generator, CRO, Dual power supply COMPONENTS: Connecting wires, resistors: R=3.3k, R1=12k, Rf=50k, C= 0.05F, LM741 IC, Bread Board, Connecting wires and probes. DESIGNING PROCEDURE: Assume output frequency=965Hz Step 1: The frequency oscillations is, F0=1/2RC RC=1/2fo=1/2*965Hz=sec Assume C=0.05 F, R=3.3K Step 2: The condition of oscillation is Av=3 Gain of op-amplifier in non inverting mode is Av=1+Rf/R1, 3=1+Rf/R1 Rf= 2 R1 Thus, Rf = 2*12k = 24k
2 3 7 4 6
Connections are given as per the circuit diagram. + Vcc and - Vcc supply is given to the power supply terminal of the Op-Amp IC. The output voltage is obtained in the CRO
OBSERVATIONS: S.No. Amplitude Time period Frequency ( No. of div x Time per div )
Faculty Incharge:
AIM: To study effect of feedback using CE amplifier APPARATUS: Transistor BC-547 Regulated power Supply (0-30V, 1A) Function Generator CRO Resistors [33K, 3.3K, 330, 1.5K 1K, 2.2K, 4.7K] Capacitors- 10F -2No Bread Board Connecting Wires THEORY: 1) Current-Series feedback: i. ii. iii. iv. GMs = Transconductance including Rs GMl = Io/Vi = Transconductance including load (without feedback) GMf = Io/Vs = Transconductance with feedback = Vf/Io = Gain of feedback circuit 2) Voltage-Series feedback: i. ii. iii. iv. AVs = Voltage gain including Rs AVl = Vo/Vi = Voltage gain without feedback but with RL AVf = Vo/Vs = Voltage gain with feedback = Vf/Vo = Gain of feedback network
PROCEDURE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Connect the circuit as shown in circuit diagram Apply the input of 20mV peak-to-peak and 1 KHz frequency using function Generator Measure the Output Voltage Vo (p-p) for various load resistors Tabulate the readings in the tabular form. The voltage gain can be calculated by using the expression, Av= (V0/Vi) For plotting the frequency response the input voltage is kept Constant at 20mV peak-topeak and the frequency is varied from 100Hz to 1MHz Using function generator 7. Note down the value of output voltage for each frequency. 8. All the readings are tabulated and voltage gain in dB is calculated by Using the expression Av=20 log10 (V0/Vi) 9. A graph is drawn by taking frequency on x-axis and gain in dB on y-axis On Semi-log graph. 10. The band width of the amplifier is calculated from the graph using the express, Bandwidth, BW=f2-f1 Where f1 lower cut-off frequency of CE amplifier, and Where f2 upper cut-off frequency of CE amplifier 11. The bandwidth product of the amplifier is calculated using expression Gain Bandwidth product=3-dBmidband gain X Bandwidth
OBSERVATIONS: Input voltage Vi =20mV FREQUENCY (Hz) OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V0) GAIN AV=(V0/Vi) GAIN IN dB Av=20log10(V0/Vi)
FREQUENCY RESPONSE: Vi =20mv Sr. no FREQUENCY(Hz) OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V0) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Sr. no 10 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1K 2K 10K 20K 80k 90K 100k 120K 150k 160K 180K 220K 300K 400K 500K FREQUENCY(Hz) OUTPUT
VOLTAGE (V0) 27. 27. 28. 29. 30. 600K 700K 800K 900K 1M
CALCULATIONS: 1. Bandwidth:
2. fH, fL:
Questions: Q.1 Differentiate features of CE amplifier with feedback & without feedback.
Faculty Incharge:
AIM: To design a regulated power of 9V-100mA rating using IC-7806 APPARATUS: Regulated power Supply (0-30V), 1A, Multimeter COMPONENTS: IC 7806, IC 7809, 2diode IN4007,capacitor 1000F,1 F, Bread Board, Connecting Wires CIRCUIT DIAGRAM
D1 6 230V AC 0 6 D2
PROCEDURE: 1. 2. 3. 4. Connect the circuit as shown in circuit diagram IC 7806 provides a constant supply of 6V Transformer of 6-0-6 V is connected to diode Observe the reading using multimeter
Questions: Q.1 What is the function of capacitor in regulated power supply circuit?
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