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Hands On Contiki OS and Cooja Simulator: Exercises (Part II)

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Internet of Things and Smart Cities Ph.D.

School 2013 -
University of Parma

Hands on Contiki OS and Cooja

Simulator: Exercises (Part II)

Ing. Pietro Gonizzi (

Dr. Simon Duquennoy (

1 Introduction
Welcome to this Contiki programming course! Contiki is a state-of-the-art, open
source operating system for sensor networks and other networked embedded
devices [1].
You will look at various cool Contiki features such as the uIP stack (IPv6, RPL,
6LoWPAN), HTTP/CoAP, power profiling and others. We will use Tmote Sky
boards as our hardware target. We will also use the Cooja network simulator
which emulates Tmote Sky nodes and connects them.
You can use the Instant Contiki development environment in the exercises. In-
stant Contiki is a single-file download that contains the Contiki source code
and all necessary compilers and tools required for developing software for Con-
tiki. The Instant Contiki environment is a Ubuntu Linux installation that runs
within the VMware Player virtual machine execution environment. VMware
Player is available for free at the VMware website. If you have Contiki working
on your native machine without Instant Contiki that is of course also fine.

2 Getting Started
Before starting with the actual exercises, make sure that your development setup
works by conducting the steps below.

2.1 Start Instant Contiki
Open the file


to start VMware and Instant Contiki.

2.2 Log In
When the login screen appears, log in to Instant Contiki:
Username: user
Password: user

2.3 Open a Terminal Window

After logging in, click on the terminal icon to start a terminal window. You
may also need to adjust the language and keyboard settings of your system.

2.4 Verify that your system works

In the terminal window, go to the hello world example directory, and compile
for the native platform (this means Contiki is compiled to linux process rather
than to a ready-to-burn image for sensor nodes):

$ cd contiki
$ cd examples/hello-world
$ make TARGET=native

Wait for the compilation to finish. Run the Hello World program in Contiki:

$ ./hello-world.native

The program should print the words Hello, world on the screen and then
appear to hang. In reality, Contiki is still running correctly, but will not produce
any more output because the Hello World program has finished. Press Ctrl+C
on the keyboard to quit.
Note that Contiki uses printf to issue logs and messages. This can also be
used when you have a sensor node that is connected via a serial line, e.g. USB,
to a laptop.

2.5 Run Hello World on a Tmote Sky Node

Now, run the hello-world example on real hardware. In this course, we use the
Tmote Sky, which features a 16-bit msp430 MCU, 10 kB RAM, 48 kB ROM, a
cc2420 802.15.4 radio transceiver, an external Flash memory, and temperature,
humidity and brightness sensor.

2.5.1 Compile Contiki for the Tmote Sky
Compile Contiki for the sky platform:

$ make hello-world.upload TARGET=sky

This triggers the cross-compilation of Contiki using msp430-gcc and including

the drivers that are specific to the sky platform. The outcome is the ELF file, a ready-to-burn firmware. Playing with objdump, nm, and
size is a good idea to get familiar with what a Contiki firmware look like.
Exercise 1.Use size to find out how much RAM and ROM the firmware needs
to run. Do you have any comments/thoughts about runtime stack usage?

2.5.2 Connect the Tmote Sky

As we are going to use the sky target a few more times, ask Contiki to remember
it by using:

$ make TARGET=sky savetarget

Put a Tmote Sky in a computers USB port. The Tmote Sky will appear in
the top of the Instant Contiki (VMware Player) window with the name Future
Device in the menu Player/Removable Devices. Click on the name to connect
the Tmote Sky to Instant Contiki (note this will disconnect the device from the
host OS). Run the following to find all connected sky nodes and their associated
tty file:

$ make sky-motelist

2.5.3 Upload the Firmware

Upload the firmware to your node (the argument MOTE is optional; when un-
specified, all nodes are reprogrammed):

$ make hello-world.upload MOTE=1

During the uploading the Tmote Sky should quickly flash the red LEDs next to
the USB connector.
Once the upload is terminated, connect to the USB port to view the program

$ make login MOTE=1

Press the reset button on the Tmote Sky (the one further away from the USB
connector) and you should get some Contiki startup log messages followed by
Hello, world.

Exercise 2.Install the test-button program from the examples/sky directory.
Connect to the USB port (make login) and press the non-reset button (the one
closest to the USB connector).

2.6 Run Hello World in Cooja

Cooja is a network simulator that is able to emulate Tmote Sky (and other)
nodes. The code executed by the node is the exact same firmware you may
upload to physical nodes.
Start Cooja by using the desktop icon or running ant run from the directory
tools/Cooja. Now that Cooja is up and running, you can try it out with an
example simulation. Click the File menu and click New simulation. Cooja now
opens up the Create new simulation dialog. In this dialog, you may choose to
give your simulation a new name, e.g., Hello-world.
After clicking the Create button, Cooja brings up the new simulation. The
Network window, at the top left of the screen, shows all the motes in the
simulated network - it is empty now, since you have no motes in your simulation.
The Timeline window, at the bottom of the screen, shows all communication
events in the simulation over time - very handy for understanding what goes
on in the network. The Mote output window, on the right side of the screen,
shows all serial port printouts from all the motes. The Notes window on the
top right is where you can put notes for your simulation. And the Simulation
control window is where you start, pause, and reload your simulation.
Before you can simulate your network, you must add one or more motes. You
do this via the Motes menu, where you click on Add motes. Since this is the
first mote you add, you must first create a mote type to add. Click Create new
mote type and select one of the available mote types. In this course, you click
Sky mote to create an emulated Tmote Sky mote type.
Cooja opens the Create Mote Type dialog, in which you can choose a name
for your mote type as well as the Contiki application that your mote type will
run. Give a name to your mote type and click on the Browse button on the
right hand side to choose your Contiki application. Go to the directory /home/
user/contiki/examples/hello-world and select the hello-world.c source
file. Now Cooja will verify that the selected Contiki application compiles for
the platform that we have selected. Click the Compile button. The compilation
output will show up in the white panel at the bottom of the window. If the
compilation is fine, click the Create button. You will be asked to enter the
number of motes of your simulation. Once you are done, click the Start button
in the Simulation control window to start the simulation.

2.6.1 Save, Load and Reload in Cooja

Cooja allows for saving and loading simulation configurations. When a simu-
lation is saved, all active plugins are also stored with the configuration. The

Figure 2.1: The Cooja simulator

state of a current simulation is however not saved; all nodes are reset when the
simulation is loaded again. To save your current simulation:

Click menu item: File, Save simulation.

Simulations are stored with the file extensions .csc. To later load a simulation:

Click menu item: File, Open simulation, Browse.... Select a simula-

tion configuration.

When a simulation is loaded, all simulated Contiki applications are recompiled.

A functionality similar to saving and loading simulations, is reloading a simula-
tion. Reloading can be used to reset the simulation to restart all nodes. More
importantly, reloading a simulation will recompile all Contiki code, useful while
developing Contiki programs. To reload your current simulation:
Click menu item: File, Reload simulation, or press Ctrl+R

2.6.2 Radio model in Cooja

Once you have added nodes, you may want to check if they can communicate
with each other. From the Network window, left-click on the View textbox

and tick Radio Environment (UDGM) in the text window that pops up. If
you now left-click on one of the nodes, you will see a green circle around the
selected node. The green circle presents the transmission range of the node,
i.e. the selected node can communicate with all other nodes within that circle.
You may also see a grey circle around the green circle. This circle represents
the interference range. That is when the selected nodes transmits packets,
a node in the grey area cannot receive packets correctly but it is interferred
which means that it is not able to receive packets from other nodes when the
selected node communicates simultaneously. The areas that are not covered by
the green or grey circle are white; communication in that areas is not affected
at all by transmission from the selected nodes.

3 Single-Node Exercises
You will now extend the hello-world example to add more complex stuff. Create
a folder in an easy-to-access location. This folder will contain all the projects of
this course. Copy+paste the contiki/examples/hello-world folder in your
new folder. Use an editor that works for you (Eclipse is pre-installed).

3.1 Sensors, LEDs and Button

We will extend the Hello World program to let it print sensor data and toggle
the leds when the button is pressed. Use the hello-world.c as a starting point.
For the button, leds and sensors you need to include some files (see also examples/
sky/test-button.c from where you can copy code lines:

#include "dev/button-sensor.h"
#include "dev/light-sensor.h"
#include "dev/leds.h"
#include <stdio.h> /* For printf() */

Contiki uses protothreads [3] to provide thread-like abstractions on top of a

lightweight event-driven kernel. Protothreads are non-preemptive, but provide
pseudo-blocking functions to e.g. wait for events, such as PROCESS WAIT EVENT().
In hello-world.c, the main protothread is called hello_world_process. The
code of this main process is in the function PROCESS_THREAD(hello_world_
process,ev,data), between PROCESS_BEGIN(); and PROCESS_END();.
Sensors needs to be activated in the main process:


To print out the current light sensor value:

printf("Light: \%u\n", light_sensor.value(0));

To wait for an event and check if this event is a button press:

if(ev == sensors_event && data == &button_sensor) {

Or, more directly:

PROCESS_WAIT_EVENT_UNTIL(ev == sensors_even
&& data == &button_sensor);

To toggle LEDs:


Exercise 3.Write a program that loops indefinitely, checks if a button has been
pressed, and if so, toggles LEDs and prints out (printf) a message. Test it on
your mote.

3.2 Local Variables

We now extend the Hello World program by adding a counter that counts the
number of button press events since bootup.
Exercise 4.Add a local counter variable, increment it every time the button is
pressed, and print out the current counter in addition to the light sensor data.
Test it on your mote.

Do you get the expected result? If not, then you have experienced one pecu-
liarity of protothreads: local variables are not stored across a blocking wait. A
workaround consists in declaring your variable as static. Doing so, the variable
is stored in the data segment rather than the runtime stack.
Exercise 5.Fix your counter program accordingly, and test it on your mote.

3.3 Timers
We now add a timer to make LEDs blink periodically. Add to your main process:

static struct etimer et;

etimer_set(&et, CLOCK_SECOND*4);

To check if your timer has expired and reset the timer:

if(etimer_expired(&et)) {

Exercise 6.Write a program that loops indefinitely, waits for an event, then
checks if the timer has expired, and if so, toggles the LEDs and outputs a
message. Test the program on your mote.

Exercise 7.Write a program that loops indefinitely, waits for an event, then
checks whether this event is a button press and if the timer has expired. Upon
button press, toggle the LEDs and print out Button press!. When the timer
expires, simply toggle the LEDs and print out Timer!. Test the program on
your mote.

Exercise 8.Create a Cooja simulation and test your program. You can simulate
button press from the menu you get by right-clicking on a node.

4 IPv6 Networking
Contiki supports IP networking through the uIP TCP/IP stack. Contiki also
has support for IP routing using the RPL protocol that is has been standardised
by the IETF (RFC 6550 from RoLL WG). RPL networks are anchored at a root
that typically acts as 6LoWPAN border router, i.e. provides low-power mesh
network with connection to external networks (Internet, ..).
This part of the tutorial shows how to create Contiki IPv6 applications. We
will use the Cooja simulator for most exercises. Most of the code we will use
can be found in contiki/examples/ipv6/ folder.

4.1 Create an IPv6 network

This example will allow to create a simple IPv6 network in the Cooja simulator.
We will use an emulated Tmote Sky acting as RPL border router of our IPv6
network. The border router will setup the IPv6 prefix of the network and will
initiate the creation of the RPL routing tree. The code of the border-router is
in path+contiki/examples/ipv6/rpl-border-router/border-router.c+. Copy and
paste the folder in your project folder. You can already copy+paste the whole
examples/ipv6 folder, as we will use most of the code later.
Start Cooja and create a new simulation. Create a new mote type, browse
to your project folder where the rpl-border-router is located and compile it.
Once the border-router node has been added to the simulation, you then need
to populate your network with more motes. For this, we use the code in
ipv6/sky-websense/sky-websense.c. The sky-websense application gener-
ates sensing data and provides access to the latest data via built-in webserver.

Look at the code to see what it does. Add a sky-websense node to your simu-
lation. From the Network window, right click on the border-router and select
Mote tools for sky/Serial socket (SERVER) from the menu. A new window
should appear saying that the border-router node is listening on local port 60001.
At this point, your simulation is ready to start. Click on the start button, and
then do the following in another terminal window:

cd to your project folder where the rpl-border-router is located

$ make connect-router-Cooja TARGET=sky

This will start a program named tunslip6 that sets up an interface on the Linux
IP stack and connects this interface via a socket to the border router node in
Cooja. The Linux interface will be configured so that all IP traffic destined to
addresses starting with aaaa: will go to the interface and into Cooja.
Note: an IPv6 address is 128 bits long, but addresses can be written more com-
pactly by collapsing zeroes. For example, aaaa: 0000: 0000: 0000: 0212: 7401:
0001: 0101 is equal to aaaa: : 212: 7401: 1: 101 in the shorter representation.
When this program is running there will be some print-outs and there will be
lines between some of the nodes in the network visualizer in Cooja. You should
see something like

ifconfig tun0 inet hostname up

ifconfig tun0 add aaaa::1/64
ifconfig tun0 add fe80::0:0:0:1/64
ifconfig tun0

tun0 Link encap:UNSPEC HWaddr 00-00-00



*** Address:aaaa::1 => aaaa:0000:0000:0000

Got configuration message of type P
Setting prefix aaaa::
Server IPv6 addresses:

This means that the border-router node has received its global address and has
started to construct the routing topology. The IPv6 network is now up and
running. Lets test it with some pings from another terminal window (copy the
ping6 command into the terminal window):

$ ping6 aaaa::212:7401:1:101
$ ping6 aaaa::212:7402:2:202

If everything works fine, you will get an output that looks like

$ ping6 aaaa::212:7401:1:101
PING aaaa::212:7401:1:101 56 data bytes
64 bytes from aaaa::212:7401:1:101: ttl=64...
time=70.3 ms
64 bytes from aaaa::212:7401:1:101: ttl=64...
time=62.8 ms..

After this you should be able to view in your web browser the following IP:


And see the following:


aaaa::c30c:0:0:9e/128 (via fe80::c30c:0:0:9e)

The actual IPv6 prefix is set in your tunslip6 application Keep adding motes
and watch your network grow!
On the sky-websense node, the sensors enabled for this test are temperature and
light. You can consult the webserver by searching for http://[webserver-ipv6-addr
] in your web browser to see the available readings.
Current readings

Light: 65
Temperature: 24 C
Exercise 9.Add several sky-websense motes to your simulation to have multi-
hop communication. Try to ping the nodes. Which values of Time to Live
(TTL) do you observe? What about the response time? Try to find a node that
when pinging will get a TTL of 60. Please explain why the TTL is lower than
when pinging the node with the address aaaa::212:7401:1:101 (the border-

Exercise 10.Try out the web-server that is running in each of the nodes. Try
the following URLs (cut-n-paste them into Firefox):


Now try to access the light service (with l for light), and the temperature
service (with t for temperature):

4.2 Configuring the Network Stack
Contiki includes a number of radio duty cycling (RDC) layers, such as Con-
tikiMAC, LPP (low power probing), and NullRDC. As for the MAC layer,
CMSA and NullMAC (non-persistent CSMA) are supported. The default RDC
and MAC layers in Contiki on Tmote Sky are ContikiMAC and CSMA (see
Now lets change the MAC layer to NullMAC. The recommended way to config-
ure the MAC layer is to use a project-conf.h file in the directory where your
application resides. The project-conf.h file looks as follows to use NullRDC and

#ifndef __PROJECT_CONF_H__
#define __PROJECT_CONF_H__

#define NETSTACK_CONF_MAC NullMAC_driver

#define NETSTACK_CONF_RDC NullRDC_driver

#undef CC2420_CONF_AUTOACK
#define CC2420_CONF_AUTOACK 0

#endif /* __PROJECT_CONF_H__ */

Finally, you need to ensure that your Makefile in your applications directory
declares the project-conf.h file. For this, edit the Makefile and add as first line:


As you just edited your Makefile (with an effect on dependencies), clean your
current build:

make clean TARGET=sky

Check the boot-up output of the node to see if the change has effect and the
new MAC layer is used.
Exercise 11.What is the effect of using ContikiMAC+CSMA vs. NullRDC+NullMAC
in terms of code size of the firmware?

The file contiki/contiki-default-conf.h contains a well-documented list of

useful system parameters that can be tuned. The Contiki configuration process
is quite flexible but also a bit complex:

1. contiki/contiki-default-conf.h declares global defaults

2. contiki/platform/[PLATFORM_NAME]/contiki-conf.h overrides the global
defaults with platform-specific values
3. your own project-conf.h overrides both global and platform defaults,
setting project-specific values

Exercise 12.Find out how to set the number of routing entries (by looking up
ROUTES in contiki/contiki-default-conf.h). Configure your system to use
8 routes. What is the effect of the number of routes on firmware RAM usage?

4.3 Measuring Power Consumption

You can also measure the power consumption, e.g. to get an idea of the profile
of the different MAC layers or for a scientific evaluation in your research paper.
Contiki has a software-based power profiler [2] that basically measures the times
different components are turned on. This time can be multiplied with the volt-
age and a pre-measured current draw which approximates power consumption.
Using this mechanism requires only some extra lines of code. Here we do this
for the RX time, i.e., the time the radio is receiving or performs idle listening.

#include "energest.h"


static unsigned long rx_start_duration;


rx_start_duration = energest_type_time(ENERGEST_TYPE_LISTEN);

// in a while loop
while(1) {
printf("energy rx: %lu\n",
energest_type_time(ENERGEST_TYPE_LISTEN) - rx_start_duration);

This gives you the time the radio was in RX mode (rxon). You also need
the total time that has passed, which you usually compute by summing time
spent by the cpu in active mode (ENERGEST_TYPE_CPU) and low-power mode
(ENERGEST_TYPE_LPM). An approximation of the power consumption from Ra-
dio RX can be obtained as follows:

P ower(mW ) = cpu+lpm 20mA 3V
The 20mA are pre-measured (or from data sheet). 3V is the Tmote operational
voltage (approximated).

4.4 Turning the radio on and off

You can easily turn the radio off and on from the application, e.g., to save energy
when no communication is expected.
This can be done by doing, e.g.:

#include "netstack.h"

if (seconds % 2 == 0)

Exercise 13.Modify your sky-websense.c application so that it prints the en-

ergy consumption every 4 seconds. Then, add a project-conf.h configuration
file to your application and try several RDC layers (ContikiMAC, X-MAC, LPP,
NullRDC). Do you see any changes in the energy consumption?

Exercise 14.Modify your sky-websense.c application so that it turns off the

radio every second. Measure the RX power consumption every second to see
the effect. It might be easier to use NullMAC if you want to verify your mea-
surements are correct (an always turned on cc2420 radio consumes around 60

4.5 REST/CoAP exercise

In this exercise, you will setup an IPv6 network with CoAP resources. A CoAP
client (your web browser with the Copper plugin) polls the CoAP resource on
the mote, and displays its content. We will do the exercise in Cooja first.

4.5.1 Preliminaries
First, get the Copper (Cu) CoAP user-agent from https://addons.mozilla.
org/en-US/firefox/addon/copper-270430. Copper is a CoAP plugin for
Firefox that allows you to access a resource via CoAP.

4.5.2 Setup in Cooja

In Cooja, open the simulation contiki/examples/er-rest-example/server-only.
csc You can copy+paste the er-rest-example folder in your project folder.
Take the border-router from our previous exercises.

Open a new terminal and launch the tunslip6 application:

cd contiki/examples/er-rest-example
make connect-router-cooja

Now you can start discovering the resources. Open Firefox (Cooper should start
automatically) and type the server address:


The address Cooja2 may be substituted with the IPv6 address, e.g., [aaaa::
212:7402:2:202] To start discovering the available resources, press DISCOVER
and the page will be populated in the left side. Then, you can try some of the
available features

select the toggle resource and use POST to see how the RED led of the
server mote will toggle
choose Click button on Sky 2 from the context menu of mote 2 (server)
after requesting /test/separate
do the same when observing /test/event
select the Hello resource, the server will answer you back with a well-
known message
if you observe the Sensors-Button events by selecting it and clicking OB-
SERVE, each time you press the user button an event will be triggered
and reported back

4.5.3 Setup on Tmote sky

Now, you can setup your CoAP-based network using real motes!
For this, you need a Tmote Sky mote attached to the USB port of your laptop
running the border-router process. A second mote should run the CoAP server.
You can refer to the README file in /examples/er-rest-example/ for more
instructions. Try to ping the CoAP server from your computer and access its
CoAP resources from your web browser.

[1] A. Dunkels, B. Gronvall, and T. Voigt. Contiki - a lightweight and flexible
operating system for tiny networked sensors. In Workshop on Embedded
Networked Sensors, Tampa, Florida, USA, nov 2004.

[2] A. Dunkels, F. Osterlind, N. Tsiftes, and Z. He. Software-based on-line

energy estimation for sensor nodes. In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop
on Embedded Networked Sensors (Emnets IV), Cork, Ireland, June 2007.

[3] A. Dunkels, O. Schmidt, T. Voigt, and M. Ali. Protothreads: Simplifying
event-driven programming of memory-constrained embedded systems. In
Proceedings of the Fourth ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor
Systems (SenSys 2006), Boulder, Colorado, USA, November 2006.


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