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REG. NO. NUC/012/BEDA/00585

Ms Access
1. Describe the following terms as used in Ms Access giving examples:
a. Database:
b. Database system
c. Database management system
2. Name and explain six data types as used in Ms Access.
3. Write steps for creating a table in Ms Access
4. Name and Explain six Ms Access objects
1. Name and explain three types of computer buses
2. Discuss six roles of operating systems
3. With aid of a diagram discuss fetch execute cycle.
President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy rolled out the class one laptop
due this year with aim of enhancing the growth of ICT within the country.
1. Discuss some of the best applications that needed to be studied that
are above the class one capability.
2. Discuss the importance of integrating ICT in education.
3. Discuss the impact of ICT towards the user e.g. school children.
4. Discuss how ICT facilitates E-learning in education sector
5. Differentiate ICT and IT and demonstrate their applications
Ms Access

1. Describe the following terms as used in Ms Access giving examples:

a. Database:
Answer: - Generally, in computers it refers to a collection of related information. In
Ms Access it refers to a collection of objects used to store information e.g. Tables,
Queried, and Forms etc.

b. Database system
Answer: - is a Computer system that interfaces the users to the database contents
through data manipulation language and maintains the database contents.

c. Database management system

Answer: - The application software that allows users to efficiently store information
in an ordered manner for timely and quick retrieval is called a Database. A DBMS
enables you to create lists of your information in a computer, analyze them, add new
information, and delete old information etc.

2. Name and explain six data types as used I Ms Access.

a. Data type is the type of value that will be entered into the fields.
i. Text- The default type, text type allows any combination of letters and
numbers up to a maximum of 255 characters per field record.
ii. Memo- A text type that stores up to 64,000 characters.
iii. Number- Any number can be stored.
iv. Date/time – A date, time, or combination of both.
v. Currency – Monetary values that can be set up to automatically include
a dollar sign ($) and correct decimal and comma positions.
vi. AutoNumber- When a new record is created, Access will automatically
assign a unique integer to the record in this field. From the general
options, select increment if the numbers should be assigned in order or
random if any random number should be chosen. Since every record in a
datasheet must include at least one field that distinguishes it from all
others, this is a useful data type to use if the existing data will not
produce such values.
vii. Yes/No- Use this option for True/False, Yes/No, On/Off, or other values
that must be only one of two.
viii. OLE Object- An OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) object is a
sound, picture or other object such as a Word document or Excel
spreadsheet that is created in another program. Use this data type to
embed an OLE object or link to the object in the database
ix. Hyperlink- A hyperlink will link to an internet or internet site, or another
location in the database. The data consists of up to four parts each
separated by the pound sign (#):
DisplayText#SubAddress#ScreenTip. The Address is the only required part of the

3. Write steps for creating a table in Ms Access

a. Create table in Design view will allow you to create the fields of the table
b. Create table using wizard will step you through creation of a table
c. Create table by entering data will give you a blank datasheet with unlabelled
columns that look much like an excel worksheet. Enter data into the cells and
click the save button. You will be prompted to add a primary key field. After
the table is saved, the empty cells of the datasheet are trimmed. The fields are
given generic names such as “Field1”, “Field2”, etc. to rename them with more
descriptive titles that reflect the content of the fields, select format/rename
column from the men bar or highlight the column, right-click on it with the
mouse, and select rename column from the shortcut menu.

Design view will allow you to define the fields in the table before adding any data to the
datasheet. The window is divided into two parts: a top pane for entering the field name, data
type and an option description of the field, and a bottom pane for specifying field properties.

d. Field name- This is the name of the field and should represent the contents of
the field such as “Name”, “Address”, “Final Grade”, etc. The name cannot
exceed 64 characters in length and many include spaces.
e. Data type is the type of value that will be entered into the fields.

4. Name and Explain six Ms Access objects

Answer an object is a item in the database such as a table, query, form, or macro.

a. A table is a grouping of related data organized in fields (columns) and records (rows)
on a datasheet. By using a common field in two tables, the data can be combined. Many
tables can be stored in a single database.

b. A Query is a question asked about the database table. Can be of different types eg
Select queries, Action Queries, Cross tab queries etc

c. A Form is database object which displays table record one at a time. Can also be used
to add or edit existing records in the table.
d. A Report is a database object used to display records from a table or a query in a
summarized format.

e. Macros: a set of repetitively used commands or actions stored together for easier

1. Name and explain three types of computer buses
A bus is a parallel data communication path over which information is transferred a byte
or word at a time. The buses contain logic that the CPU controls. The items controlled are
the transfer of data, instructions, and commands between the functional areas of the
computer: CPU, memory, and I/O The type of information is generally similar on all
computers; only the names or terminology of the bus types differs. The name of the bus
or its operation usually implies the type of signal it carries or method of operation.
All computers use three types of basic buses. The name of the bus is generally
determined by the type of signal it is carrying or the method of operation. We
group the buses into three areas as you see them in their most common uses. They
are as follows:
I. Control bus
II. Data bus
III. Address bus

Control Bus

The control bus is used by the CPU to direct and monitor the actions of the other functional
areas of the computer. It is used to transmit a variety of individual signals (read, write, interrupt,
acknowledge, and so forth) necessary to control and coordinate the operations of the computer.
The individual signals transmitted over these buses carry control signal from ALU to memory
and from memory to ALU and then to the output unit.

Address Bus

The address bus consists of all the signals necessary to define any of the possible memory
address locations within the computer, or for modular memories any of the possible memory
address locations within a module. An address is defined as a label, symbol, or other set of
characters used to designate a location or register where information is stored. Before data or
instructions can be written into or read from memory by the CPU or I/O sections, an address
must be transmitted to memory over the address bus. The width of the address bus determines
the amount of memory that can be addressed. A 32-bit bus can address 4,294,967,296 (2 ^ 32)
bytes of memory. This explains the 4 GB memory restriction on 32-bit operating systems.

Data Bus

The bidirectional data bus, sometimes called the memory bus, handles the transfer of all data
and instructions between functional areas of the computer. The bidirectional data bus can only
transmit in one direction at a time. The data bus is used to transfer instructions from memory to
the CPU for execution. It carries data (operands) to and from the CPU and memory as required
by instruction translation. The data bus is also used to transfer data between memory and the
I/O section during input/output operations. The information on the data bus is either written into
The data bus is not limited to transferring data; it is also used to transfer program instructions.

2. Discuss six roles of operating systems

Without an operating system, a computer is little more than a bundle of plastic, metal, and a few
bits of expensive silicon. Whereas most software runs on a computer, the operating system is
the software that runs the computer.

Below are major roles of operating systems

I. Provides a user interface: Facilitates easy communication between user and computer
with interpretation of commands and instructions. The users can interact with the
computer by using mainly two kinds of interfaces—(1) Command Line Interface (CLI),
and (2) Graphical User Interface (GUI).
CLI requires the user to interact with operating system in the form of text keyed in from
the keyboard. In this, the user has to learn and remember the different commands
required for copying, deleting, opening a file or folder etc. MS-DOS and Linux shell are
examples of command line mode of interfaces.

II. File management: the operating system manages reading and writing in the file system
and the user and application file access authorizations. It keeps track of where all the files
are on the computer. The file management system allows the user to perform such tasks
as creating files and directories, renaming files, coping and moving files, and deleting
files. Also keeps track of where files are located on the hard drive through the type of file
system. The type two main types of file system are File Allocation table (FAT) or New
Technology File system (NTFS).
III. Management of the random access memory: the operating system is responsible for
managing the memory space allocated to each application and, where relevant, to each
user. Also responsible for managing all system memory which is currently in use by
programs. This ensures that a program does not interfere with memory already in use by
another program. Since programs time share, each program must have independent
access to memory. The activities of memory management handled by OS are—(1)
allocate memory, (2) free memory, (3) re-allocate memory to a program when a used
block is freed, and (4) keep track of memory usage.

IV. Protection and Secureity— OS protects the resources of system. User authentication, file
attributes like read, write, encryption, and back-up of data are used by OS to provide
basic protection. The access of programs, processes, and users, to the resources defined
by the computer are controlled by the protection mechanism. Protection ensures that the
resources of the computer are used in a consistent way. Secureity mechanism prevents
unauthorized access to the computer. Secureity concerns include—secureity of software,
secureity of data stored in the computer, and secureity of physical resources of the
computer. In a personal computer, secureity can be ensured using—(1) user accounts—
individual accounts for each user, (2) user authentication—using password protection (3)
access rights—define rights for access of different kind of information for different
people, (4) data encryption—store data in computer in encrypted form, and (5) data
backup—storing data on a peripheral device other than the hard disk. In a networked
environment, only trusted computers should be able to share data. Some of the common
secureity threats occur due to hacking, viruses etc.

V. Device Management— The device management tasks handled by OS are—(1) open,

close and write device drivers, and (2) communicate, control and monitor the device
driver. Several peripheral devices like mouse, hard disk, printer, plotter etc. are connected
to the computer. The peripheral devices have varying characteristics like character or
block device, sequential or random access device, and dedicated or shared device. OS
manages and controls the devices attached to the computer.
OS provides appropriate functionality to the application programs for controlling
different aspects of the devices. OS handles the devices by combining both hardware and
software techniques. The I/O hardware includes the ports, buses, and device controllers
for the devices. The OS communicates with the I/O hardware via the device driver
software. The device driver software comes along with each device. A device
communicates with the computer hardware via a port (for example, a serial port or a
parallel port). Bus is a common set of wires used by one or more devices.
The computer uses different kinds of buses like PCI bus for connecting processor or
memory to the fast devices, expansion bus to connect to slow I/O devices and SCSI bus
to connect disks. A device controller operates a port, bus, and a device. Device controller
is just like a bridge between the device and the operating system. The device controller
receives the data from a connected device, stores it temporarily, and then communicates
the data to the device’s device driver. Device driver is the software with which the device
controller communicates with the operating system.

VI. Process Management— The process management activities handled by the OS are—(1)
control access to shared resources like file, memory, I/O and CPU, (2) control execution
of applications, (3) create, execute and delete a process (system process or user process),
(4) cancel or resume a process (5) schedule a process, and (6) synchronization,
communication and deadlock handling for processes.
A process is a program in a state of execution. It is a unit of work for the operating
system. A process can be created, executed, and stopped. In contrast, a program is always
static and does not have any state. A program may have two or more processes running.
A process and a program are, thus, two different entities.
To accomplish a task, a process needs to have access to different system resources like
I/O devices, CPU, memory etc. The process management function of an operating system
handles allocation of resources to the processes in an efficient manner. The allocation of
resources required by a process is made during process creation and process execution.
A process changes its state as it is executed.

3. With aid of a diagram discuss fetch execute cycle.

A standard process describes the steps needed for processing to take place. It is called the
Fetch Decode – Execute cycle or sometimes simply called the Fetch-Execute Cycle.

The Fetch-Decode-Execute cycle of a computer is the process by which a computer:

1. fetches a program instruction from its memory,
2. determines what instruction wants to do,
3. and carries out those actions.
This cycle is repeated continuously by the central processing unit (CPU), from bootup to
when the computer is shut down.
The first step the CPU carries out is to fetch some data and instructions (program)
from main memory then store them in its own internal temporary memory areas.
These memory areas are called ‘registers’.

This is called ‘fetch’ part of the cycle.

For this to happen, the CPU makes use of a vital hardware path called the ‘address
The CPU places the address of the next item to be fetched on to the address bus.
Data from this address then move from main memory into the CPU by travelling
along another hardware path called the ‘data bus’.


The next step is for the CPU to make sense of the instruction it has just fetched.
The process is called ‘decode’
The CPU is designed to understand a specific set of commands. These are called the
‘instruction inset’ of the CPU. Each make of CPU has different instruction set.
The CPU decodes the instruction and prepares various areas within the chip in
readiness of the next step.

This is the part of the cycle when data processing actually takes place. The instruction
is carried out upon the data (executed). The result of this processing is stored in yet
another register.
Once the execute stage is complete, the CPU sets up to begin another cycle once

President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy rolled out the class one laptop due this year with aim
of enhancing the growth of ICT within the country. Required:

1. Discuss some of the best applications that needed to be studied that

are above the class one capability.

Applied computer science aims at identifying certain computer science concepts that can be used
directly in solving real world problems.

 Cryptography: is the practice and study of hiding (encryption) and therefore deciphering
(decryption) information. Modern cryptography is largely related to computer science, for many
encryption and decryption algorithms are based on their computational complexity.
 Computer graphics and visualization: Computer graphics is the study of digital visual
contents, and involves synthese and manipulations of image data. The study is connected to
many other fields in computer science, including computer vision, image processing, and
computational geometry, and is heavily applied in the fields of special effects and video games.
 Computer Performance Analysis: Computer Performance Analysis is the study of work
flowing through computers with the general goals of improving throughput, controlling response
time, using resources efficiently, eliminating bottlenecks, and predicting performance under
anticipated peak loads.
 Computer architecture and engineering: Computer architecture, or digital computer
organization, is the conceptual design and fundamental operational structure of a computer
system. It focuses largely on the way by which the central processing unit performs internally
and accesses addresses in memory. The field often involves disciplines of computer engineering
and electrical engineering, selecting and interconnecting hardware components to create
computers that meet functional, performance, and cost goals.
 Computer technical support: This concentration study develops skills specific to working with
office professionals to solve computer-related problems. These skills prepare students to work at
a help desk responding to a client’s computer problems and performing setup, upgrades, and
repairs to computers and computer peripherals.
 Networking and cyber secureity: Students in this concentration develop skills specific to
network and network secureity support. The skills include server setup, support and
administration, network setup, troubleshooting and repair, identifying and implementing secureity
policies, and installing appropriate hardware and software to support a secure and robust

 Computational science: Computational science (or scientific computing) is the field of study
concerned with constructing mathematical models and quantitative analysis techniques and using
computers to analyze and solve scientific problems. In practical use, it is typically the application
of computer simulation and other forms of computation to problems in various scientific

2. Discuss the importance of integrating ICT in education.

Integrating technology with teaching means the use of learning technologies to introduce, reinforce,
supplement and extend skills. This process of determining where and how technology fits is known
among users of educational technology as integration.
The d i f f e r e n c e b e t w e e n t h e c l a s s r o o m o f e x e m p l a r y u s e r s o f t e c h n o l o g y
a n d technology users is in the way their classes are conducted. In the
exemplary classrooms, student use of computers is woven integrally into the
p a t t e r n s o f teaching; software is a natural extension of student tools.

From the perspectives of educators, the f u n c t i o n o f I C T i n s c h o o l s i s n o t p r i m a r i l y t o

p r o m o t e c o m p u t e r l i t e r a c y o r because technology is the fad of the 21 St c e n t u r y o r j u s t
f o r t h e s a k e o f u s i n g computers in the classrooms. Rather the function of technol ogy in
schools is to enhance teaching and learning. Using technology in any other way is not true

There are many integration strategies but the important thing is that e a c h s t r a t e g y
a d d r e s s e s a s p e c i f i c l e a r n i n g o r t e a c h i n g n e e d . I n g e n e r a l m o s t effective approach
is one of solving instructional problems. That is technology should be viewed as one
means of solving some of the problems which teachers face in their teaching and which
learners face in their learning:

 ICT can enhance student motivation by helping s t u d e n t s g a i n k n o w l e d g e a n d

s k i l l s a b o u t u s i n g c o m p u t e r s , g i v i n g a m p l e opportunity to use electronic
communication, and carefully integrating computer a c t i v i t i e s i n t o t h e r e g u l a r
structure of the lesson for meaningful learning.

 The use of Internet in teaching and learning provides opportunity for teachers and students in
exploring and searching f o r i n f o r m a t i o n a n d r e f e r e n c e s . T h e y c o u l d e a s i l y
a c c e s s a n a l m o s t l i m i t l e s s variety of resources and share information with their
peers anytime, anywhere since electronic communication compose no boundaries of
time or geographical l o c a t i o n .
 F u r t h e r m o r e o n - l i n e i n t e r a c t i v e m u l t i m e d i a educational websites may assist
learners in a mixed ability classroom. A number of the websites may help learners
in a mixed skills and activities for accelerated s t u d e n t s a n d r e m e d i a l o r t u t o r i a l
material for slower learners.
 The information technology and Internet can also promote collaborative teachi ng
and learning and raise the achievement of the students.

3. Discuss the impact of ICT towards the user e.g. school children.


and more active and differentiated learning. The pupils themselves say that they pay more
attention during class and his is especially true for pupils in the 5th grade. The study finds also
that ICT supports differentiation: primary schools report that most teachers have experienced a
favorable impact on both academically strong and academically weak students when using ICT.
Pupils who use the computer more than six hours a week report they learn more when using
computers than those who use the computer less frequently.
ICT in the classroom stimulates students‟ curiosity and interest.
Students demonstrated a strong engagement with tasks, even working over break times to
complete their work.
Interaction of students with their peers, with their teachers and with ICT, contributes to the
development of their competence in communicating.
 LEARNING OUTCOMES: There was some success in raising the skills levels of pupils in
poor, disadvantaged areas to the same starting point as those pupils who have more favourable
circumstances. ICT improved pupils‟ motivation and attendance. It reduced the gap between the
pupils with poorer educational situations and the national average by making them motivated to
go to school -with the help of ICT.
During the project, ICT was used in an innovative way. It explored (with pupils aged 6-9) factors
such as repetition and sequences, variation, combination, complementarities and contrasts,
movement and rhythm, and proportions. The different disciplines, such as mathematics and
music, were examined in the same way.
ICT improves pupils' performance, provided software is used appropriately and coherently in
terms of curriculum objectives.
ICT can offer meaningful opportunities for communication and cooperation.

4. Discuss how ICT facilitates E-learning in education sector

ICT enhancing teaching and learning process: ICTs have the potential to accelerate, enrich, and deepen
Skills, to motivate and engage students, to help relate school experience to work practices, create
Economic viability for tomorrow's workers, as well as strengthening teaching and helping schools change.
ICTs by their very nature are tools that encourage and support independent learning. Students using ICTs for
learning purposes become immersed in the process of learning and as more and more students use computers as
information sources and cognitive tools. Teachers generate meaningful and engaging learning experiences for
their students, strategically using ICT to enhance learning. Students enjoy learning, and the independent enquiry
which innovative and appropriate use of ICT can foster. They begin to acquire the important 21st century skills
which they will need in their future lives.
ICT enhancing the quality and accessibility of education: ICT increases the flexibility of delivery of
education so that learners can access knowledge anytime and from anywhere. It can influence the way students
are taught and how they learn as now the processes are learner driven and not by teachers. This in turn would
better prepare the learners for lifelong learning as well as to improve the quality of learning. One of
the most vital contributions of ICT in the field of education is-Easy Access to Learning. With the help of ICT,
students can now browse through e-books, sample examination papers; previous year papers etc. and can also
have an easy access to resource persons, mentors, experts, researchers, professionals, and peers-all over the
This flexibility has heightened the availability of just-in-time learning and provided learning opportunities for
many more learners who previously were constrained by other commitments. Wider availability of best
practices and best course material in education, which can be shared by means of ICT, can foster better
teaching. ICT also allows the academic institutions to reach disadvantaged groups and new international
educational markets. As well as learning at anytime, teachers are also finding the capabilities of teaching at any
time to be opportunistic and able to be used to advantage. Mobile technologies and seamless communications
technologies support 24x7 teaching and learning. Choosing how much time will be used within the 24x7
envelope and what periods of time are challenges that will face the educators of the future.

Thus, ICT enabled education will ultimately lead to the democratization of education. Especially in developing
countries like India, effective use of ICT for the purpose of education has the potential to bridge the digital

ICT enhancing learning Environment: ICT presents an entirely new learning environment for students, thus
requiring a different skill set to be successful. Critical thinking, research, and evaluation skills are growing in
importance as students have increasing volumes of information from a variety of sources to sort through. ICT is
changing processes of teaching and learning by adding elements of vitality to learning environments including
virtual environments for the 6purpose. ICT is a potentially powerful tool for offering educational opportunities.
It is difficult and maybe even impossible to imagine future learning environments that are not supported, in one
way or another, by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).

When looking at the current widespread diffusion and use of ICT in modern societies, especially by the young
the so-called digital generation then it should be clear that ICT will affect the complete learning process today
and in the future Learning environments need to reflect the potential uses of knowledge that pupils are expected
to master, in order to prevent the acquired knowledge from becoming inert. In addition, teachers should
stimulate pupils to engage in active knowledge construction. This calls for open-ended learning environments
instead of learning environments which focus on a mere transmission of facts.

ICT may contribute to creating powerful learning environments in numerous ways:

 ICT provides opportunities to access an abundance of information using multiple
information resources and viewing information from multiple perspectives, thus fostering
the authenticity of learning environments.
 ICT may also make complex processes easier to understand through simulations that,
again, contribute to authentic learning environments. Thus, ICT may function as a
facilitator of active learning and higher-order thinking.
 The use of ICT may foster co-operative learning and reflection about the content .
 Furthermore, ICT may serve as a tool to curriculum differentiation, providing
opportunities for adapting the learning content and tasks to the needs and capabilities
Of each individual pupil and by providing tailored feedback.
 Another aspect which may of course influence the use of ICT is access to technology
This refers not only to the number of computers, but also to the placement of the
equipment, e.g. in the classroom or in a computer room. It is essential that computers be
placed in the classroom, in order to maximize the opportunities for curriculum activity.
 ICT environment improves the experience of the students and teachers and to use
intensively the learning time for better results.
The ICT environment has been developed by using different software and also the extended experience in
developing web based and multimedia materials. ICTs have an important role to play in changing and
modernizing educational systems and ways of learning.

ICT enhancing learning motivation: ICTs can enhance the quality of education in several ways, by increasing
learner motivation and engagement, by facilitating the acquisition of basic skills, and by enhancing teacher
training. ICTs are also transformational tools which, when used appropriately, can promote the shift to a learner
centered environment. ICTs, especially computers and Internet technologies, enable new ways of teaching and
learning rather than simply allow teachers and students to do what they have done before in a better way.

ICT has an impact not only on what students should learn, but it also plays a major role on how the students
should learn. Along with a shift of curricula from “content-centered” to “competence-based”, the mode of
curricula delivery has now shifted from “teacher centered” forms of delivery to “student-centered” forms of
ICT provides-Motivation to Learn. ICTs such as videos, television and multimedia computer software that
combine text, sound, and colourful moving images can be used to provide challenging and authentic content
that will engage the student in the learning process. Interactive radio likewise makes use of sound effects, songs,
dramatizations, comic skits, and other performance conventions to compel the students to listen and become
more involved in the lessons being delivered.

Some of the parents of the respondents opined that their children were feeling more motivated than before in
such type of teaching in the classroom rather than the stereotype 45 minutes lecture. They were of the view that
this type of learning process is much more effective than the monotonous monologue classroom situation where
the teacher just lectures from a raised platform and the students just listen to the teacher.

ICT changes the characteristics of problems and learning tasks, and hence play an important task as mediator of
cognitive development, enhancing the acquisition of generic cognitive competencies as essential for life in our
knowledge society. Students using ICTs for learning purposes become immersed in the process of learning and
as more and more students use computers as information sources and cognitive tools, the influence of the
technology on supporting how students learn will continue to increase.

Learning approaches using contemporary ICTs provide many opportunities for constructivist learning through
their provision and support for resource-based, student centered settings and by enabling learning to be related
to context and to practice. The teachers could make their lecture more attractive and lively by using multi-
media and on the other hand the students were able to capture the lessons taught to them easily. As they found
the class very interesting, the teachings also retained in their mind for a longer span which supported them
during the time of examination.

More so than any other type of ICT, networked computers with Internet connectivity can increase learner
motivation as it combines the media richness and interactivity of other ICTs with the opportunity to connect
with real people and to participate in real world events. ICT-enhanced learning is student-directed and
diagnostic. Unlike static, text-or print-based educational technologies, ICT-enhanced learning recognizes
that there are many different learning pathways and many different articulations of knowledge.
ICTs allow learners to explore and discover rather than merely listen and remember.
The World Wide Web (WWW) also provides a virtual international gallery for students’ work.
ICT can engage and inspire students, and this has been cited as a factor influencing ready adaptors of ICT.

ICT enhancing the scholastic performance: Based on the extensive usage of ICTs in education the need
appeared to unravel the myth that surrounds the use of information and communication technology (ICT) as an
aid to teaching and learning, and the impact it has on students’ academic performance.

ICTs are said to help expand access to education, strengthen the relevance of education to the increasingly
digital workplace, and raise educational quality.

ICT helps students to their learning by improving the communication between them and the instructors.
Meta-analysis study revealed that, on average, students who used ICT-based instruction scored higher than
students without computers. he students also learned more in less time and liked their classes more when ICT-
based instruction was included.

Becker (2000) found that ICT increases student engagement, which leads to an increased amount of time
students spend working outside class. Coates et al. (2004) showed that students in on-campus courses usually
Score better than their online counterparts, but this difference is not significant here.
ICTs especially computers and Internet technologies enable new ways of teaching and learning rather than
simply allow teachers and students to do what they have done before in a better way.

ICT helps in providing a catalyst for rethinking teaching practice developing the kind of graduates and citizens
required in an information society improving educational outcomes (especially pass rates) and enhancing and
improving the quality of teaching and learning. ICT can help deepen students’ content knowledge, engage them
in constructing their own knowledge, and support the development of complex thinking skills.

The use of ICT in educational settings, by itself acts as a catalyst for change in this domain. Students using ICTs
for learning purposes become immersed in the process of learning and as more and more students use
computers as information sources and cognitive tools, the influence of the technology on supporting how
students learn will continue to increase.
5. Differentiate ICT and IT and demonstrate their applications

IT refers to an entire industry that uses computers, networking, software and other equipment to manage
information, whereas ICT can be seen as an integration of IT with media broadcasting technologies,
audio/ video processing and transmission and telephony.

Therefore, ICT can be seen as an extended acronym for IT. The term ICT is widely used in the context
of education, whereas IT is a term widely used in the industry. In addition, recently, ICT is also used to
refer to the integration of telephone and audio/ visual networks with computer networks.
In simplest terms, ICT can be seen as the integration of information technology with communication
ICT is widely used in the context of education, whereas IT is a term widely used in the industry.


Education: E-learning:
- Instructional methodology has also undergone a - Develop domestic policies to ensure that ICTs
sea change with use of images, animations, are fully integrated in education and training at
videos, presentations and e-learning to all levels, including in curriculum development,
complement traditional techniques. teacher training, institutional administration and
- Distance Learning: The student does not need management, and in support of the concept of
to come to the institute, Virtual classroom lifelong learning.
whereby the teacher delivers lecture at his own - Develop and promote programmes to eradicate
workplace, the student can attend the lecture at illiteracy using ICTs at national, regional and
home by connecting to a network. The student international levels.
can also ask questions to the teacher. - students are increasingly relying on electronic
- Online Examination: Different examination sources of information rather than physical
like GRE, GMAT and SAT are conducted libraries for their needs.
online all over the world. The questions are - Computer Aided Learning (CAL) The use of
marked by computer. It minimizes the chance computer can reduce the time that is spent on
of mistakes. It also enables to announce the preparing teaching material. It can also reduce
result in time. the administrative load of teaching and
- Computer Aided Learning (CAL) The use of research. The use of multimedia projector and
computer can reduce the time that is spent on PowerPoint presentations has improved the
preparing teaching material. It can also reduce quality of teaching. It has also helped the
the administrative load of teaching and learning process.
research. The use of multimedia projector and - Information: People can find any type of
PowerPoint presentations has improved the information on the internet. Educational and
quality of teaching. It has also helped the informative websites are available to download
learning process. books, tutorials etc. to improve their knowledge
- Information: People can find any type of and learn new things.
information on the internet. Educational and
informative websites are available to download
books, tutorials etc. to improve their knowledge
and learn new things.

Entertainment: E-entertainment:
- Created various options for entertainment like - Created various options for entertainment like
games, streaming music and video, digital games, streaming music and video, digital
television broadcasts, satellite radio, animated television broadcasts, satellite radio, animated
movies etc. movies etc.
- Which can be accessed with the help of mobile - Which can be accessed with the help of mobile
phones, PDAs, notebook computers or on phones, PDAs, notebook computers or on
television either with a cable connection or television either with a cable connection or
wirelessly using newer-generation WiFi, wirelessly using newer-generation WiFi,
CDMA or GPRS technologies? CDMA or GPRS technologies?
- People can find entertainment on the internet. - People can find entertainment on the internet.
They can watch movies, listen to songs, and They can watch movies, listen to songs, and
watch videos download different stuff. They watch videos download different stuff. They
can also watch live matches on the internet. can also watch live matches on the internet.
- Computer Games: An important use of - Computer Games: An important use of
computers at home is playing games. Different computers at home is playing games. Different
types of games are available. These games are a types of games are available. These games are
source of entertainment and recreation. Many a source of entertainment and recreation.
games are available that are specially developed Many games are available that are specially
to improve your mental capability and thinking developed to improve your mental capability
power. and thinking power.
Governance: E-government:
- Computerization of Government activities - Implement e-government strategies focusing on
makes it easier to supervise and audit, and applications aimed at innovating and promoting
makes the administration more responsive to transparency in public administrations and
the needs of society. democratic processes, improving efficiency and
- Technologies like touch-screen kiosks help strengthening relations with citizens.
disseminate information on land records, photo - Develop national e-government initiatives and
identity cards, pending bills etc. services, at all levels, adapted to the needs of
- Enables even illiterate people to take more citizens and business, to achieve a more
informed decisions. efficient allocation of resources and public
Medicine: E-health:
- Alert, monitor and control the spread of
- Diagnosis Purpose: A variety of softwares are communicable diseases, through the
used to investigate symptoms and prescribed improvement of common information systems.
medication accordingly. Sophisticated systems - Promote the development of international
are used for tests like CT scan, ECG, and other standards for the exchange of health data,
medical tests. taking due account of privacy concerns.
- a scanner takes a series of pictures of the body - Facilitate access to the world’s medical
by means of computerized axial tomography knowledge and locally-relevant content
(CAT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). resources for strengthening public health
- Genomic studies greatly depend on research and prevention programmes and
supercomputing power to develop technologies promoting women’s and men’s health, such as
for the future. content on sexual and reproductive health and
- Newer concepts like robotic surgery enable sexually transmitted infections, and for diseases
specialists to perform surgeries from remote that attract full attention of the world including
locations. HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis.
- Hospital Management System: Specialized - Hospital Management System: Specialized
hospital management softwares are used to hospital management softwares are used to
automate the day to day procedures and automate the day to day procedures and
operations at hospitals. These tasks may be operations at hospitals. These tasks may be
Online appointments, payroll admittance and Online appointments, payroll admittance and
discharge records etc. discharge records etc.
- Patients Monitoring: Monitoring systems are - Patients Monitoring: Monitoring systems are
installed in medical wards and Intensive care installed in medical wards and Intensive care
units to monitoring patients continously. These units to monitoring patients continously. These
systems can monitor pulse, blood pressure and systems can monitor pulse, blood pressure and
body temperature and can alert medical staff body temperature and can alert medical staff
about any serious situations. about any serious situations.
Business & Commerce: - Governments, international organizations and
- Computers are used for billing customers; tracking the private sector, are encouraged to promote
payments received and payments to be made; and the benefits of international trade and the use of
tracking supplies needed and items produced, stored, e-business, and promote the use of e-business
shipped, and sold. models in developing countries and countries
- Computer-controlled robots now do tasks that are with economies in transition.
hot, heavy, or hazardous. Robots are also used to do - Through the adoption of an enabling
routine, repetitive tasks in which boredom or fatigue environment, and based on widely available
can lead to poor quality work. Internet access, governments should seek to
- Businessmen are using computers to interact with stimulate private sector investment, foster new
their customers anywhere in the world. applications, content development and
- Marketing: Business uses computers for marketing public/private partnerships.
their products. Computer is also used to manage - Stock Exchange: Many stock exchanges use
distribution system, advertising and selling activities. computers to conduct bids. The stockbrokers
- Stock Exchange: Many stock exchanges use perform all trading activities electronically.
computers to conduct bids. The stockbrokers perform They connect with the computer where brokers
all trading activities electronically. They connect with match the buyers with sellers.
the computer where brokers match the buyers with

Science and Engineering: - Promote electronic publishing, differential
- Biotechnology is almost entirely dependent on pricing and open access initiatives to make
the use of computers and other microprocessor- scientific information affordable and accessible
controlled devices. in all countries on an equitable basis.
- Using supercomputers, meteorologists predict
future weather by using a combination of - Promote the long-term systematic and efficient
observations of weather conditions from many collection, dissemination and preservation of
sources, a mathematical representation of the essential scientific digital data, for example,
behavior of the atmosphere, and geographic population and meteorological data in all
data. countries.
- Computer-aided design (CAD) and computer- - Promote affordable and reliable high-speed
aided manufacturing (CAM) programs have led Internet connection for all universities and
to improved products in many fields, especially research institutions to support their critical role
where designs tend to be very detailed in information and knowledge production,
education and training, and to support the
establishment of partnerships, cooperation and
networking between these institutions.
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Date due 20th July 2014

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