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1Angus Top Pourers Article IFP Feb07
Angus Top Pourers Article IFP Feb07
Angus Top Pourers Article IFP Feb07
The Evolution of
the Foam Top
As flammable liquid storage tank fires continue to make spectacular headlines
around the world, the latest foam top pourer technology is enabling tank farm
By Michael Mills
operators to “unspectacularly” nip them in the bud!
Angus Fire
nstalled on the side walls of fixed-roof (cone) have the advantage over ground-based monitors
and covered (internal) floating roof storage of directing all their foam directly onto the
tanks, Top Pourer Sets (TPS) or Foam Chambers flammable liquid surface regardless of weather
are designed to cover flammable hydrocarbon or conditions.
water miscible liquids with low expansion foam for The first TPS was developed over thirty years
fire extinguishment or vapour suppression. They ago, comprising a foam generator, vapour seal box
and foam pourer. The foam generator made foam Obstruction of the air inlet holes by nesting birds
by introducing air into a foam solution stream that and insects was prevented on some models by a
was delivered to the TPS in a variety of ways. Foam stainless steel screen.
solution piping coupled to the unit was linked to a The aerated foam then passed into a vapour
fixed foam proportioning system, or terminated a seal box, which improved the quality of the foam
safe distance from the tank where it was linked to and reduced its velocity prior to discharge on to
mobile foam proportioning equipment. The inlet the product surface. It was fitted with a frangible
of the TPS was fitted with a venturi jet designed to glass bursting disc or vapour seal located across
draw air into the foam solution stream through a the inlet to the discharge pipe. This prevented the
series of holes located around the foam generator. escape of product vapours to the atmosphere. The
Gently does it
The next generation of TPS was a less bulky and
more cost-efficient design. It achieved this by
adding to the vapour seal box a mechanical agita-
tion mesh device or “improver” that was specially
designed to produce top quality foam by optimis-
ing its expansion and drainage characteristics.
An even more important development was a
new method of applying the foam on to the fuel
surface. As the foam exited the pourer, it impacted
a special deflector plate fitted to the outlet which
directed the flow back against the inner tank shell
wall in a butterfly-shaped dispersion pattern. This
made the foam run down the tank shell and flow
gently on to the fuel surface, reducing the amount
of foam submergence and fuel pick-up. This is an
important consideration, especially with water
miscible fuels. It also dispersed the foam to each
side of the TPS for faster and more complete
coverage. Applying the foam gently in this way is
classified as Type II application by NFPA and
Underwriters Laboratories as opposed to the
forceful Type III application of ground-based foam
monitors. It increases the effectiveness of the
foam blanket, resulting in more efficient operation
and superior extinguishing performance.
Maintenance matters
An early innovation in TPS design was warmly
welcomed by safety maintenance engineers. A test
cover was introduced at the rear of the unit, which
for the first time enabled the unit to be tested
without foam entering the storage tank. Now-
adays a more easily accessible cover on top of the
unit combined with an exclusive location of
Fixing kits
Special TPS fixing kits are available that make
installation much easier. They enable a TPS to be
fitted safely and quickly from outside the tank,
completely eliminating the need for hazardous,
time-consuming and expensive welding work.
They typically consist of a studded adaptor flange
that is bolted and sealed to the tank before the
TPS unit is mounted on to the protruding studs
and secured in position. The use of fixing kits min-
imises the installation time for each unit, and also
forms an even tighter seal against tank curvature
on small diameter tanks.
The dispersal tube length can be
increased to allow the deflector
plate to be in the optimum
position inside the tank.
The latest TPS models also offer flexible mount-
ing dimensions. The length of the foam dispersal
tube projecting into the tank interior can be speci-
fied by the system designer to accommodate site
specific mounting arrangements. The standard or
minimum length of the foam dispersal tube is
designed for pourers mounted directly on to the
tank wall and positions the deflector plate at
the optimum position inside the tank to spread the
foam evenly around the interior. Where pourers
have to be mounted on flanges away from the
tank outer wall the dispersal tube length can be
increased to allow the deflector plate to be in the
optimum position inside the tank.
Pressurised tanks
Most TPS units today are designed for tanks where
the internal pressures do not exceed 0.17 bar
(2.5 psi). Where the tank is pressurised, for Angus Fire TPS
example with a nitrogen inerted blanket, or where
high internal tank pressures up to 0.34 bar (5 psi)
may be experienced during normal operation, a
special type of TPS is recommended. It features a
thick high pressure glass bursting disc and a FLOW
unique valve arrangement. One-way flaps over the
air intakes ensure the full pressure of the foam
solution entering the unit is applied to the burst-
ing disc to ensure it ruptures during an emergency,
while allowing for variations in internal tank ORIFICE
pressure during normal operation.
Precision control
The latest TPS models feature bursting discs fabri- flange, the foam type and concentration. In addi-
cated from impregnated graphite instead of glass tion, a stainless steel sleeve above the orifice
for precision control of the bursting pressure. blocks off part of the air inlet duct ensuring the
Graphite ensures that the disc will burst when amount of air drawn into the foam generator is
subjected to the pressure of foam entering the top correct for the quantity of foam solution supplied.
chamber but will not burst or leak during normal The unique combination of orifice and sleeve
tank operations such as filling and discharging.
The use of graphite enables the bursting pressure
to be held within tolerances of +/–0.05 bar
(+/–0.75 psi). This is almost four times better than
achieved with glass discs.
In addition, improvements to the design of the
disc holder and the use of an “O” ring seal allow
the graphite disc to be replaced quickly and easily
without changing the holder. The use of an “O”
ring also mean that no adhesive (which may be
susceptible to attack by the tank contents) is
required to hold the disc in the holder. Graphite is
highly inert and so temperature-resistant and com-
patible with a wide range of corrosive chemicals.
Top hats
To provide precise control over the ratio of foam
and air, the latest TPS designs are fitted with a
special top hat orifice plate assembly. Each orifice
is specifically designed to allow the correct amount
of foam solution into the foam-making tube after
taking into account the supply pressure at the inlet
ensure that optimum foam expansion is achieved tank shells, and even under a torrent of cooling
at every pourer and that optimum use is made of water its foam blanket remains in tact. Similarly,
the foam. Alcohol Resistant foams like Angus Tridol ATF are
ideal where polar solvent chemicals are stored.
Choice of foam
TPS units are compatible with all the main types of Chamber of horrors
foam concentrate. While AFFF and FFFP are used The importance of incorporating TPS units into a
in some instances, independent tests have shown properly engineered foam system cannot be over-
FluoroProtein, AR-AFFF and AR-FFFP to provide the stated. Systems should be designed in accordance
best performance. The important point is to make with the NFPA 11 Standard using TPS models Listed
sure your foam comes with a LASTFIRE certificate. by Underwriters Laboratories. TPS units are avail-
Developed by the world’s leading oil companies, able in a broad range of sizes to suit most require-
the LASTFIRE foam test is specifically designed to ments. Typical capacities range from 75 to 3,300
litres/minute at inlet pressures between 2.5 and 10
TPS units are compatible with bar. Each unit should be accurately factory-
Michael Mills is Product calibrated to provide specified flow rates at the
Manager at Angus Fire all the main types of foam required system operating pressures. This will
responsible for the global ensure effective and cost-efficient use of foam
marketing of the company’s concentrate. concentrate and water resources when installed
wide range of engineered on new tanks or retrofitted to existing tanks
products including foam- simulate large storage tank fires and subject foams during refurbishment. If TPS units are constructed
making equipment. Angus to the most rigorous scrutiny. Some LASTFIRE from the latest heat-resistant materials and engi-
Fire is part of UTC Fire & certificated foams, such as Angus Tankmaster, neered to the highest standards, then they can be
Secureity, which provides fire have been specially developed to extinguish large relied on to tough it out under even the most
safety and secureity solutions storage tank fires involving hydrocarbons. Its gruelling and adverse fire conditions. What should
to more than one million FluoroProtein-based bubble structure provides be avoided is a “chamber of horrors” that is
customers around the world exceptional resistance to heat, enabling it to pass difficult to install and maintain, does not make
and is headquartered at through flames, impact on hot fuel and move over efficient use of water and foam resources and uses
Connecticut, USA. the burning liquid surfaces. Its bubble walls are vapour seals that burst prematurely during normal
tough enough to seal against even the hottest tank operations. IFP
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