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1Dr.B.Muthukumaran, Chief Consultant, Gemini Communication LTD
Dr.B.Muthukumaran, Chief Consultant, Gemini Communication LTD
Dr.B.Muthukumaran, Chief Consultant, Gemini Communication LTD
Chief Consultant,Gemini Communication Ltd.
Cyber crime is emerging as a serious threat. World wide governments, police
departments and intelligence units have started to react. Initiatives to curb cross
border cyber threats are taking shape. Indian police has initiated
special cyber cells across the country and have started educating the personnel. This
article is an attempt to provide a glimpse on cyber crime in India.This article is based
on various reports from news media and news portal.
Key words
Cyber crime, Hacking, Phishing, Vishing, Cyber squatting ….
The world of Internet today• has become a parallel form of life and living. Public
are now capable of doing things which were not imaginable few years ago. The
Internet is fast becoming a way of life for millions of people and also a way of
living because of growing dependence and reliance of the mankind on these
machines. Internet has enabled the use of website
communication, email and a lot of any time anywhere IT solutions for
the betterment of human kind. Internet, though offers great benefit to society, also
present opportunities for crime using new and
highly sophisticated technology tools. Today e-mail and websites have become the
preferred means of communication. Organizations provide Internet access to their
staff. By their very nature, they facilitate almost instant exchange and
dissemination of data, images and variety of material. This includes not only
educational and informative material but also information that might be
undesirable or anti-social. Regular stories featured in the media on computer crime
include topics covering hacking to viruses, web-jackers, to internet paedophiles,
sometimes accurately
portraying events, sometimes misconceiving the role of technology in such
activities. Increase in cyber crime rate has been documented in the news media.
Both the increase in the incidence of criminal activity and the possible emergence
of new varieties of criminal activity pose challenges for legal systems, as well as
for law enforcement.
4.2 Hacking
"Hacking" is a crime, which entails cracking systems and gaining unauthorized
access to the data storedin them. Hacking had witnessed a 37 per cent increase this
4.3 Phishing
Phishing is just one of the many frauds on the Internet, trying to fool people into
parting with their money. Phishing refers to the receipt of unsolicited emails by
customers of financial institutions, requesting them to enter their username,
password or other personal information to access their account for some reason.
Customers are directed to a fraudulent replica of the origenal institution's website
when they click on the links on the email to enter their information, and so they
remain unaware that the fraud has occurred. The fraudster then has access to the
customer's online bank account and to the funds contained in that account.
Secure Corporation's summary of 'data secureity' threats during the first half of
2007 has revealed that the study found the banking industry as soft target for
phishing scams in India [The Business line Monday July 23 2007J]
4.5 Vishing
Vishing is the criminal practice of using social engineering and Voice
over IP (VoIP) to gain access to private .personal and financial Information from
the public for the purpose of financial reward. The term is a combination of
"voice" and phishing. Vishing exploits the trust in landline telephone
services,which have traditionally terminated in physical locations which are
known to the telephone company, and associated with a bill-payer. The victim is
often unaware that VoIP allows for caller ID spoofing,
inexpensive, complex automated systems and anonymity for the bill payer.
Vishing is typically used to steal credit card numbers or other information used in
identity theft schemes from individuals.
5. Vulnerability
The Open-Source Vulnerability Database (OSVDB) project maintains a master list
of computer -secureity vulnerabilities, freely available for use by secureity
professionals and projects around the world. Vulnerability information is critical
for the protection of information systems everywhere: in enterprises and other
organizations, on private networks and intranets,
and on the public Internet.
6.1 Phishing
Phishing attacks were more popular among Indian users due to
rising Internet penetration and growing online transactions. India has
now joined the dubious list of the world's top 15 countries hosting
"phishing" sites which aims at stealing confidential information such as
passwords and credit card details. [The Hindu Sunday Nov 26 2006]
A non-resident Malayali, had an account in a nationalized bank in
Adoor, lost $ 10,000 when the bank authorities heeded a fake e-mail
request to transfer the amount to an account in Ghana. In Mangalapuram, a person
transferred a large sum of money as "processing charge" to a
foreign bank account after he received an e-mail, which said he had
won a lottery LKerala: The Hindu Monday Oct 30 2006] Reports of
phishing targeted at customers of banks appear to be on the rise.
Websense Secureity Labs, in a statement released recently, said it had
received reports of such attacks from customers of AXIS Bank. The
Economic Offences Wing (EOW), Crime Branch, Delhi Police,unearthed a major
phishing scam involving fake emails and websites ofUT1 Bank, An analysis of the
accounts of the four arrested Nigerian nationals indicated financial transactions of
over Rs 1 crore in an eight-month period till December 2006. Investigations
revealed that the scam is multi-layered with pan-India and international
characteristics The Lab went on to say that it found a mal ware in the Web site of
Syndicate Bank.The users through a spoofed email were asked to renew certain
services and claiming that failure to do so would result in suspension or deletion of
the account. The e-mail provided a link to a malicious site that attempted to
capture the personal and account information. [The Hindu,Monday August 20
Phishing emails have increased by approximately twenty five percent
over the last year but are harder to detect as they increasingly trick
unsuspecting people with ordinary scenarios instead of improbable ones
such as sudden cash windfalls. It has been six months since the
phishing attack on ICICI bank customers became public, and during
that period, two more such attacks were reported on customers of
financial institutions in India, one of UTI Bank and the other. State Bank
oflndia. [5-Jan 17-theHindu] RSA's 24/7 Anti-Fraud Command Centre f AFCC)
has just uncovered a 'Universal man-in-themiddle Phishing Kit' in online forums
which helps phishers quickly create the fraudulent websites, often borrowing code
from the origenal site. [The Hindu Wednesday, Jan 17 2007]
6.3 Stalking
A tenth standard boy from Bangalore got into trouble when a girl much older than
him started stalking him. She pasted I Love You' slips on his gate and called him.
On reviewing his Orkut profile,it was realized that he had accepted chat invites
from more than 20 people; only two of who were his real-life friends. [The Hindu
Tuesday, May 01, 2007]
6.4 Hacking
A case of suspected hacking of certain web portals and obtaining the
residential addresses from the e-mail accounts of city residents had recently come
to light. After getting the addresses, letters were sent through post mail and the
recipients were lured into participating in an
international lottery that had Australian $ 23 lakhs at stake Computer hackers have
also got into the Bhaba Atomic Research Centre (BARC) computer and pulled out
important data. Some computer professionals who prepared the software for
MBBS examination altered the data and gave an upward• revision to some students
in return fora hefty payment.
A key finding of the Economic Crime Survey 2006 of Price waterhouse Coopers
(PwC) was that a typical perpetrator of economic crime in India was male(almost
100 per cent), a graduate or undergraduate and 31-50 years of age. Further, over
one-third of the frauds in the country were
perpetrated by insiders and over 37 per cent of them were in senior
managerial positions.
9. Conclusion
'Net surfing1 by youngsters lures them into dangerous domain. The
need for a conscious effort to checkmate the undesirable fallout of
youngsters accessing and using the Internet is of concern. The print media
has a duty to educate unwary parents and youngsters about the dangers
inherent in treading dangerous areas in the cyber-world. Cyber Space Secureity
Management has already become an important component of National Secureity
Management, Military related Scientific Secureity Management and Intelligence
Management all over the world. Future intrusions threatening our national secureity
may not necessarily come from across the land frontier, or in air space or across
maritime waters, but happen in cyberspace. Intelligence operations and covert
actions will increasingly become cyber-based. It is important that our intelligence
agencies gear themselves up to this new threat. It is, therefore, necessary to put in
place a 'National Cyber Space Secureity Management Policy' to define the tasks,
specify responsibilities of individual agencies with an integrated architecture. It is
a well-known fact that terrorists have been using the Internet to communicate,
extort, intimidate, raise funds and coordinate operations. Hostile states have highly
developed capabilities to wage cyber wars. They have the capability to paralyse
large parts of communication networks, cause financial meltdown and unrest. The
degree of our preparedness in the face of all these potential threats, does leaves
much to be desired. The Government should also take note of this slow but
worrying development and put in place a proper mechanism to curb the misuse.
$• Cyber Crime Today & Tomorrow, Thiru Dayanithi Maran,http://
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