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9Diabetes Mellitus: Abdullah Al-Dahbali, Mpharm, PHD
Diabetes Mellitus: Abdullah Al-Dahbali, Mpharm, PHD
Diabetes Mellitus: Abdullah Al-Dahbali, Mpharm, PHD
• Start empirically with a total •Bolus times must match the pt’s meal
daily dose (TDD)=0.3-0.6 U/kg pattern (amounts (a) & times (b))
–Divide this TDD between the Basal a)For time matching, RAI (15 min.), SAI (30
& the Bolus components (50% each) min.) before each meal
• TDD to be administered as b)For amount matching, calculate
insulin-to-CHO ratio using the “500”
either 1) or 2) below Rule (RAI)/ or “450” Rule (SAI)
• Pramlintide-added if erratic – Ex: TDD=50 Unit. Thus, “500”/50= 10 g CHO
postprandial control will be covered by each Unit RAI
– Thus, pt must do CHO Counting
(BBIT, physiologic)- panels C & D – Examples of servings that (per each) contain 15
g CHO include 1 fruit, 1/2 cup juice, 1 cup milk,
•BBIT attempts to mimic normal insulin 1/2 cup ice cream, 2 cookies, 3 sugar cubes
physiology (to achieve ~ normal blood
glucose throughout the day) to allow – a typical start is 1 unit insulin/15 g CHO, then
patient to live as a normal life as possible adjust based on postprandial glucose level
•Basal component (50% of TDD) to be •Use BBIT w caution if autonomic or
administered as LAI (OM, ON or both) counter-regulatory insufficiency (e.g. β-
•The remaining 50% of TDD to be blocker, CAD), alcoholics, nonadherence
administered as Boluses of RAI or SAI
before each meal •Panel D is Insulin Infusion Pump (RAI)
Dr. Abdullah Al-dahbali
•Blood glucose to be monitored >3x/day
Initiating Insulin Therapy in DM1… Cont’ (See also PDF file)
S/Sx Management
• At <60 mg/dL, may not be • Ingestion of 15 g of a simple CHO
symptomatic (240 mL orange juice/milk, 4
glucose tablespoons)
• At <40 mg/dL, symptomatic • Repeat in 15 min. if glucose
– Sweaty palms & generalized remains <70 mg/dL or if patient is
sweating symptomatic
– tremor, hunger, confusion & • Follow with a complex CHO snack if
anxiety it's not a meal time
– Combativeness & poor judgment • If patient is unconscious
• At <20 mg/dL – Glucagon 1 mg SC, IM, or IV (mean
response time, 6.5 min), OR
– Seizures & coma
– Glucose 25 g IV (dextrose 50%, 50
• Nocturnal hypoglycemia mL; mean response time, 4 min)
– nightmares, restless sleep • Continue monitoring blood glucose
– morning headache & “hangover” • The key is recognition & prevention
– But maybe asymptomatic – Early Sx
– Causes
Dr. Abdullah Al-dahbali 18
Exercise in DM
• Exercise in insulin deficiency: • Replenishment of glycogen
– Hyperglycemia due to ↑hepatic stores may continue for 12 hrs
glucose output without glucose after exercise
utilization – SMBG & adjust insulin & diet to avoid
– Thus, avoid exercise if BGL >300, or hypoglycemia (esp. in DM2)
>250 + ketosis
• Avoid injecting RAI into exercising
• Exercise in insulin excess: muscles
– Hypoglycemia due to ↓hepatic
glucose output &↑muscular glucose • Regular exercise is advantageous
utilization. Thus, – ↑tissue sensitivity &↓insulin needs
• Eat 10–20 g CHO before exercise if
BGL ≤normal(≤100) before
exercise, and have CHO readily
available during & after exercise
• Delay insulin till after exercise
• Avoid exercise at peak insulin
Dr. Abdullah Al-dahbali 19
Sick Day Management
Case: A 32-year-old woman with DM1 has Management:
been well controlled on basal-bolus regimen 1)Plenty of fluid (½ cup water or soup/h) &
(four injections daily) for the past 6 months. caloric intake (50 g CHO Q 4 hrs)
However, 2 days ago, she began to develop
2)Continue basic dose of insulin even if no
S/Sx consistent with the flu. This has made
her anorexic & nauseated, & now she has
begun to vomit. Consequently, her food 3)SMBG & urine ketones Q 3-4 hrs
intake has been minimal. 4)Calculate (by Rules?!!) & give supplemental
1) Because R.D. is not eating at this time, RAI or SAI to achieve a reasonable BGL (e.g.
should she discontinue her insulin? 150)
• Acute illnesses ↑insulin requirements even 5)Seek medical attention if:
if food intake↓ or diminished – BGL >240 after 2-3 supplemental insulin
– Thus, DM1 pts should NOT stop or doses, or
decrease their insulin, otherwise diabetic – high ketonuria , or
ketoacidosis will occur – vomiting or diarrhea > 6 hrs, or
– S/Sx of ketoacidosis:
• polyuria, polydipsia, dehydration,
ketonuria, fruity breath
Dr. Abdullah Al-dahbali 20
The Ominous Octet & Drugs Used in DM2
Drugs Used in DM2
(↓HbA1c/↓FBG%) Advantages Disadvantages CIs Instructions
Metformin No hypoglycemia,GI upset, long titration Lactic W food, start low &
(1.5–1.7/50–70) No weight gain, time, Big& frequent dosing Acidosis orgo slow, XR
↓Lipids, cheap its risk
Acarbose (0.5-1) GI upset, long titration W food, start low &
time, big & frequent dose go slow, monitor LFT
TZDs No hypoglycemia,Weight gain, costly, HF, severe Monitor LFT, Lipids
(0.8–1.5) less failure (slow edema, fluid retention, liver
decline of ß- slow onset, hepatotoxic disase
cells), OD
SUs (1.5– OD, cheap, rapid Hypoglycemia, GI upset, Severe start low & go slow,
1.7/50–70) onset, effective weight gain liver No meal skipping,
disease ?? take 30’ before meal
Drugs Used in DM2… Cont’
Drug (↓HbA1c/↓FBG%)
Advantages Disadvantages CIs Instructions
DPP4 Inhibitors (0.8)- Safe in renal hypoglycemia Skip if meal
Sitagliptin, Saxagliptin, failure (Lina), skipped
Linagliptin, Alogliptin HF
Glinides (1.7)- PO, no Hypoglycemia, weight gain, Before meal, skip if
Nateglinide & regular meal DDI w Nateg.: Gemfibrozil, meal skipped
Repaglinide Trimethoprim
GLP-1RA- Exenatide weight loss GI upset, parenteral SC BD Before meal
GLP-1RA- Exenatide XR SC once weekly
GLP-1RA- Liraglutide SC OD
GLP-1RA-Albiglutide SC OD
GLP-1RA- Dulaglutide SC once weekly
Bromocriptine-DA2 ↑protein bound, nausea, Migraine, within 2 hrs after
agonist (0.1–0.5) psychosis, dizzy, headache lactation waking-up, w food
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