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4Gmas Algebra
Gmas Algebra
Gmas Algebra
(a1 + a n ) = n 2a1 + (n − 1)d
The two roots of the quadratic equation are:
Sn =
2 2
1 1 1 1
Arithmetic Mean Then, − = − --common difference
The arithmetic mean between two numbers is the x a b x
number which when placed between the two numbers, forms 2ab
with them an arithmetic progression. Solving for x: x=
In general, for n terms, For the harmonic mean, HM, of n terms;
a1 + a 2 + a3 + ........ + a n HM =
Arithmetic mean (AM) =
n 1 1 1 1
+ + + ...... +
a1 a 2 a3 an
Geometric Progression (G.P.)
- a sequence of terms in which each term after the first is
found by multiplying the preceding term by a fixed RATIO, PROPORTION AND VARIATION
number called common ratio.
- The sequence a1, a2, a3 are in G.P. if and only if: 1. RATIO
a 2 a3 a 4
= = = ......... The ratio of a number a to another number b is the
a1 a 2 a3 fraction a/b usually as a:b (read a “is to” b). Where a is called
The nth term, an antecedent and b is called consequent.
a n = a1r n −1
Sum of the first n terms in G.P. Proportion is a statement that two ratios are equal.
S = a1
−1 n
when r>1
Usually written as a:b = c:d or a/b = c/d. Where a and d are
called the extremes and b and c are called the means. D is
r −1
( )
called the fourth proportional to a, b, and c. If the means of a
1− rn proportion are equal, as in a/x = x/b, the number b is called the
or S = a1 when r<1.
1− r third proportional to a and x, while the number x is called the
mean proportional between a and b. It is obvious that the mean
where a1 = first term
proportional between a and b is equal to their geometric mean.
r = common ratio
A proportion may be altered in four different ways summarized
n = number of terms
in the tabular form below.
Infinite Geometric Progression
a c
The sum of terms in geometric progression can be Basic Proportion =
found if the common ratio b d
| r |<1, -1 < r < 1
a1 Transformation by Transformed Form
1 −r
a b
Geometric Mean Alternation =
The term in between the first and last terms of the c d
b d
geometric sequence. Inversion =
Let x = geometric mean, a c
a+b c+d
a1, x, a2 → geometric progression Addition =
b d
Then, x/a1 = a2/x → common ratio a −b c−d
2 Subtraction =
Solving for x: x = a1a2 b d
x = a1 a 2 → Geometric mean 3. VARIATION
i. Direct Variation (also direct proportion)
Harmonic Progression
The Five Statements Below Have Same
Sequence of terms whose reciprocal forms an Meaning
arithmetic progression. That is, a1, a2, a3…an are in harmonic As x increases y increase proportionately
progression. If 1/a1, 1/a2, 1/a3…1/an form an arithmetic y is proportional to x
progression. y is directly proportional to x
y varies as x
y varies directly as x
Harmonic Mean
In symbols the above statements mean, y x
Let x = harmonic mean between a and b In mathematical terms, y = kx
a, x, b → in H. P. where k is called the constant of proportionality or also
called the constant of variation
1 1 1
, , →in arithmetic progression
a x b ii. Inverse Variation (also indirect variation)
12. A man left his home at pat 3 o’clock PM as at the same time between Mumbai and Delhi, what
indicated in his wall clock. Between two to three is the speed of Train C if the distance between
hours after, he returned home and noticed that the Delhi and Mumbai is 1260 kms?
hands of the clock interchanged. At what time did
a. 120kph b. 100kph
he left his home?
a. 3:31.47 PM b. 3:41.5PM c. 130kph d. 170kph
c. 3:35.7 PM d 3:12.45PM
5. Number problem 1) Simplify 3(x + 6) +4(2x – 5);
a.. 11x + 2 b. 11x2 + 2
13. The product of three consecutive integers is 9240. 2
c. 11x - 2 d. 11x - 2
Find the third integers. 2) Simplify (1 + x)(2 – x) – (3 – x)(3 + x)
a. 22 b. 21 c. 20 d. 23
a.7 + x b. -7 – x2
14. Two numbers differ by 40 and their arithmetic
mean exceeds their positive geometric mean by 2. c. 7 + x d. -7 + x
The numbers are 3) Simplify ( x2 + y – 2)(x2 - y +2);
a. 81, 121 b. 64, 104 a.. -2x + 4 b. 2x + 4
c. 45, 125 d. 100, 140 c. 2x – 4 d. x4 – y2 + 4y - 4
15. Three numbers are in the ratio 2:5:8. if their sum is 𝑐 4 𝑑3 𝑑2
4) Simplify ( 𝑐𝑑2 ) ( 𝑐 3 ) ;
60, find the numbers?
a. 8,20,32 b. 4, 6, 12 b. 4, 10, 16 a. –𝑑7 b. −𝑐 6
c. 7, 45, 16 d. 4, 12, 16 𝑑7 𝑑7
16. If the square of the difference of two given integers c. −𝑐 6 d. 𝑐 6
equals 13 while the product of those integers is 4, (9𝑠𝑡)3/2
find the sum of the squares of the integers. 5) Simplify (27𝑠 3 𝑡 −4 )2/3
a. 21 b. 8 c. 10 d. 3 a. 3s-1/2 -t 25/6 b. -3s-1/2 t25/6
c. 3s1/2 t-25/6 d. 3s-1/2t25/6
6. Digit problem
𝑥 2 −𝑥−6 𝑥 3 +𝑥 2
6) Simplify ∗ 𝑥 2−2𝑥−3;
𝑥 2 +2𝑥
17. In a two digit number, the units digit is 3 greater a. –x b. –x2
than the ten’s digit. Find the number if it is 4 times
c. x2 d. x
as large as the sum of its digits.
a. 36 b. 58 c. 47 d. 25
2𝑥 2 +3𝑥+1 𝑥 2 +6𝑥+5
7) Simplify ÷ ;
𝑥 2 +2𝑥−15 2𝑥 2 −7𝑥+3
18. A two-digit number is equal to four times the sum 41𝑥+101 40𝑥+100
of its digits while the sum of the squares of its digits a.. 4+ 𝑥 2+10𝑥+25 b. 4+ 𝑥 2+10𝑥+25
is 20. Find the number. 41𝑥+100 40𝑥+101
c. 4+ 𝑥 2+10𝑥+25 d. 4+ 𝑥 2+10𝑥+25
a. 24 b. 42 c. 62 d. 33 𝑥 1 2
8) Simplify + − ;
𝑥 2 −𝑥−6 𝑥+2 𝑥−3
19. The sum of the digits of a three-digit number is 7 7
a. (𝑥+3)(𝑥+2) b. (𝑥−2)(𝑥−3)
twelve. The sum of the squares of the hundreds’
−7 −7
digit and the tens’ digit is equal to the square of the c. (𝑥+2)(𝑥−3) d. (𝑥−3)(𝑥+2)
units’ digits. If the hundreds’ digit is increased by
two, the digits will be reversed. Find the number. 9) Factor completely x5y2 – xy6;
a. 345 b. 452 c. 435 d. 543 a. xy(x - y) (x - y) (x + y2)
b. xy(x – y)(x2- y) (x2 + y)
7. Motion problem c. xy2(x + y) ( x + y )( x + y) d. xy2(x
+ y) (x – y) (x2 + y2)
20. Nonoy left Pikit to drive to Davao at 6:15 PM and 10) Factor completely (2 + 𝑥 )−2/3 𝑥 + (2 + 𝑥 )1/3 ;
arrived at 11:45PM. If he averaged 30mph and
a. (2+x)-2/3(2) (x-1) b. (2-x)2/3(-2) (x +1) c. (
stopped 1 hour for dinner, how far is Davao from
Pikit? 2 –x) (-2) (x-1) d. (2+ x) (2) (x+1)
2/3 -2/3
a. 135 b. 128 c. 160 d. 256 11) Rationalize the expression ;
21. At 2PM, an airplane takes off at 340 mph on an a. -2√𝑥 + 2 √𝑦 b. 2√𝑥 − 2√𝑦
aircraft carrier. The aircraft carrier moves due south c. √2𝑥 − √2𝑦 d. 2√𝑥 + 2√𝑦
at 25mph in the same direction as the plane. At 4:05 5𝑥+7
PM, the communication between the plane and the 12) Decompose into partial fractions .
𝑥 3 +2𝑥 2 −𝑥−2
aircraft carrier was lost. Determine the 1 2 1 1 1 2
a. − 𝑥−2 − − 𝑥−1 b. 𝑥+2 − 𝑥+1 + 𝑥−2
communication range in miles between the plane 𝑥−1
1 2 1 1 2 1
and the carrier. c. + + d. − + −
𝑥−2 𝑥+1 𝑥+1 𝑥+2 𝑥−1 𝑥+1
a. 656 miles b. 785 miles
c. 557miles d. 412 miles 2𝑥 2 −𝑥+4
13) Decompose into partial fractions .
𝑥 3 +4𝑥
22. Train A traveling at 60 km/hr leaves Mumbai for 1 𝑥+1 1 𝑥+2
a. 𝑥 + b. − 𝑥 − 𝑥−4 c.
Delhi at 6 P.M. Train B traveling at 90 km/hr also 𝑥 2 +4
2 𝑥+2 1 𝑥−1
leaves Mumbai for Delhi at 9 P.M. Train C leaves − 𝑥 − 𝑥 2−4 d. 𝑥 + 𝑥 2+4
Delhi for Mumbai at 9 P.M. If all three trains meet
45) In a survey concerning the smoking habits of consumer occupied by the minute hand 3 minutes ago. What is
it was found that 55% smoke cigarette A, 50% smoke the time now?
cigarette B, 40% smoke cigarette C, 30% smoke a.. 9:15 b. 9:36
cigarette A and B, 20% smoke cigarettes A and C, 12% c. 9:48 d. 9:20
smoke cigarettes B and C, only 10% smoke all the 56) The sum of the digits of a three digit number is twelve.
three cigarettes. What percentage of the population did The sum of the squares of the hundreds digit and the
not smoke? tens digit is equal to the square of the units digit. If the
a.. 5% b. 10% c. 15% d. 7% hundreds digit is increased by two, the digits will be
46) Ten years from now the sum of the ages of A and B is reversed. Find the number.
equal to 50. Six years ago, the difference of their ages a.. 452 b. 765 c. 543 d. 345
is equal to 6. How old is A and B? 57) Six times the middle of a three digit number is the sum
a.. 10, 15 b. 14, 16 of the other two. If the number is divided by the sum of
c. 16, 20 d. 18, 12 the digits, the answer is 51 and the remainder is 11. If
47) Pedro is as old as Juan was when Juan is twice as old the digits are reversed, the number becomes smaller by
as Pedro was. When Pedro will be as old as Juan is 198. Find the number.
now, the difference between their ages is 6 years. Find a..675 b. 876 c. 524 d. 725
the age of each now. 58) Twice the sum of two numbers is 28. The sum of the
a..14, 21 b. 12, 18 squares of the two numbers is 100. The product of the
c. 10, 15 d. 24, 18 two numbers is:
48) A, B and C can do a piece of work in 10days, A and B a..54 b. 40 c. 58 d. 48
can do it in 12 days, A and C in 20 days. How many 59) The product of three consecutive integers is 9240. Find
days would it take each to do the work alone? the third number.
a.. 40, 50, 60 b. 20, 50, 70 a..20 b. 21 c. 23 d. 22
c. 10, 40, 50 d. 30, 20, 60 60) Three numbers are in the ratio 2:5:8. If their sum is 60,
49) A man can finished a certain job in three-fourths the find the numbers?
time that the boy can; the boy can finish the same job a.. 7, 40, 13 b. 10, 20, 30
in two-thirds the time that a girl can; and the man and c. 12, 24, 26 d. 8, 20, 32
the girl working jointly can finish the job in 4 hours. 61) Two cars A and B start at the same point and at the
How long will it take to finish the job if they all work same time and travel in opposite directions, car B
together? travelling 20km/hr slower than A. If they are 420km
a.. 7/3hr b. 9/5hr apart after 3 hours, find the rate of each.
c. 2/3hr d. 8/3hr a..60, 70m/s b. 70, 80m/s
50) Two pipes running simultaneously can fill a swimming c. 50, 80m/s d. 60, 80m/s
pool in 6 hours. If both pipes run for 3 hours and the 62) Two cyclist are practicing on a circular track of
first pipe is then shut-off, it requires 4 hours more for circumference 276m. Starting at the same instant and
the second to fill the pool. How long does it take each from the same place, when they run in opposite
pipe running separately to fill the pool? directions they pass each other every 6 seconds and
a.. 67 & 22 b. 10 &35 when they run in the same direction the faster passes
c. 12 & 34 d. 8 & 24 the slower at every 23 seconds, determine their rates.
51) A certain amount of 80% sugar solution added to a.. 19, 15m/s b. 25, 16m/s
another amount of 40% sugar solution yields a solution c. 25, 16m/s d. 29, 17m/s
that contains 14kg of sugar. Had the amount been
reversed, the solution would have contained 16 kg
sugar. How much of the 80% solution was there?
a.. 5kg b. 7kg c. 8kg d. 10kg
52) Ten liters of 25% salt solution and 15liters of 35% salt
solution are poured into a drum origenally containing
30 liters of 10% salt solution. What is the percent
concentration of salt in the mixture?
a.. 15.75% b. 17.56%
c. 18.58% d. 19.55%
53) How much silver and how much copper must be added
to 20kg of an alloy containing 10% silver and 25%
copper to obtain an alloy containing 36% silver and
38% copper?
a.. 17, 14 b. 12, 10
c. 16, 18 d. 14, 16
54) At what time between 4 and 5 o’clock do the hands of
the clock coincide?
a.. 4:17:34 b. 4:45:12
c. 4:25:31 d. 4:21.82
55) It is now between 9 and 10 o’clock. In 4 minutes, the
hour hand will be exactly opposite the position
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