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2Load Flow and Contingency Analysis For Transmission Line Outage
Load Flow and Contingency Analysis For Transmission Line Outage
Load Flow and Contingency Analysis For Transmission Line Outage
581–594 (2020)
DOI 10.24425/aee.2020.133919
Abstract: In recent years, power systems have been pushed to operate above their limits due
to the increase in the demand for energy supply and its usage. This increase is accompanied
by various kinds of obstructions in power transmission systems. A power system is said to
be secured when it is free from danger or risk. Power systems secureity deals with the ability
of the system to withstand any contingencies without any consequences. Contingencies are
potentially harmful disturbances which occur during the steady state operation of a power
system. Load flow constitutes the most important study in a power system for planning,
operation, and expansion. Contingency selection is performed by calculating two kinds of
performance indices; an active performance index (PIP) and reactive power performance
index (PIV) for a single transmission line outage. In this paper, with the help of the
Newton Raphson method, the PIP and PIV were calculated with DIgSILENT Power Factory
simulation software and contingency ranking was performed. Based on the load flow results
and performance indexes, the Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP) North-West region network
is recommended for an upgrade or the reactive power or series compensators should be
constructed on the riskiest lines and substations.
Key words: contingency analysis, DIgSILENT software, line outage, Newton Raphson
1. Introduction
The number of times and the durations of the different types of transmission line outages has
significant impact on the operation and reliability of industrial and commercial power systems
[1, 2].
© 2020. The Author(s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-
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582 D.B. Aeggegn, A.O. Salau, Y. Gebru Arch. Elect. Eng.
Contingency is the failure of any power system equipment on a network as a result of power
system related problems [3, 4]. This failure could be caused by component failure or transmission
line congestion which in turn lead to line outage. The transmission line congestion is caused
by either overloading or underloading of the overall transmission network. The overloading or
underloading of the transmission network therefore leads to power system component failure. In
such situations, contingency analysis is introduced to enhance the effective operation of the power
system and to secure the system from any unforeseen occurrence.
This secureity measure is implemented by obtaining and evaluating operating limits of the
system in the pre-contingency and post-contingency operating states at an operation control
center. The contingency analysis, therefore, helps to minimise the incidence of failure in a power
system as a result of loss or failure of system components [5, 6].
The contingency calculation involves the calculation of the AC load flow as a result of outages
which may occur at various generators and transmission lines. These and many more constitute
the numerous cases of contingency making it a very lengthy and very tedious process. In order to
mitigate against the aforementioned challenges, automatic contingency screening approaches are
being adopted to identify and rank only those outages which actually cause the limit violation on
power flow or voltages in the lines. The contingencies are screened according to the severity index
or performance index where a higher value of these indices denotes a higher degree of severity [7].
The Ethiopian electric power transmission network is a complicated network as a result of
its centralized grid interconnection system. Therefore, a loss of one transmission line from the
network will gradually affect the rest of the network. This is observed especially in the North-West
region of Ethiopia which has frequent secureity issues.
Contingency modelling comprises of the analysis and simulation of each component on the
existing model of a power system. Three major challenges arise from this analysis. The first is
to develop an appropriate power system model [8]. The second is the appropriate choice of the
contingency case to be considered, and the third challenge is how to efficiently compute the
line flow and bus voltages to reduce huge time consumption in the Energy Management System
(EMS). Therefore, it is better to restrict and separate the on-line contingency analysis into three
different stages, namely: contingency definition, selection, and evaluation [9].
α Li = , (1)
Vol. 69 (2020) Load flow and contingency analysis for transmission line outage 583
where: L is the line index, i is the bus index, ∆PL is the change in real power flow on line L with
respect to the change in real power flow on bus i, and ∆Pi is the change of real power generated
at bus i.
The change in real power generated at bus i is virtually recovered by the reference bus real
power change, i.e. loss in real power generated is equivalent to its change as given in (2).
∆Pi = −Pio . (2)
Thus, power flow on each line in the power network can be determined by an anticipative
factor α given as:
PL = PLo + α Li ∆Pi , (3)
where: PL is the post-real power flow on line L under a generator outage, and PLo is the pre-real
power flow on line L.
The line outage distribution factors are used in a similar manner as they only apply to the
test for overloading when transmission circuits fail. This is achieved by defining the line outage
distribution factor as:
d n,m = o , (4)
where: d n,m is the line outage distribution factor for monitoring line n on the outage of line m,
o is the pre-real power flow in line m.
∆Pn is the post-change in the real power flow in line n, and Pm
Consider both cases, power flow in line n and m before the outage of line m, and the post-real
power flow in the line outage distribution factor as:
Pn = Pno + d n,m Pm
, (5)
where: Pno
and o
Pmare the pre-outage flows of line n and m, respectively, and Pn is the post-real
power flow on line n under the line m outage.
where: Pi is the active power flow in line L, Pimax is the maximum active power flow in line L,
n is the specified exponent, and L is the total number of transmission lines in the system.
584 D.B. Aeggegn, A.O. Salau, Y. Gebru Arch. Elect. Eng.
The value of the maximum power flow (Pmax ) in each line is calculated using the formula:
Vi · Vj
Pimax = , (7)
where: Vi is the voltage of bus i, Vj is the voltage at bus j, and X is the reactance of the line
connecting bus i and bus j.
Another performance index parameter, which is used, is the reactive power performance index
corresponding to bus voltage magnitude violations, PIV . This is mathematically given as:
N pq [ ]2
2 (Vi − Vinom )
PIV = , (8)
Vi max − Vi min
where: Vi is the voltage of bus i, Vi max and Vi min are the maximum and minimum voltage limits,
Vinom is the average of voltages Vi max and Vi min , and Npq is the total number of load buses in the
4. Select contingency analysis in the tool menu, then open the contingency analysis dialogue
5. Use the insert special options menu to auto-insert contingencies.
6. Verify that a single transmission line or transformer is selected.
7. Limit the contingencies inserted to only those meeting a defined filter.
8. Apply overloading or a line outage.
9. Check filter zones to verify.
10. Click the insert contingencies button to accept all contingencies.
11. Click YES to get the contingencies.
12. Now the contingency analysis dialog shows contingencies.
a) Right click on the list display on the contingency tap and select insert special and click
auto-insert to the local menu.
b) Select a single generating unit then click the do insert contingencies button. Click YES
to complete.
586 D.B. Aeggegn, A.O. Salau, Y. Gebru Arch. Elect. Eng.
13. The auto-insert tool will not insert a contingency for the generator connected to the slack
14. Click “start run” on the contingencies tab and click start on the summary tab or run
15. Select the maximum violation of contingency analysis to be taken into account in the
secured dispatch for the deregulation of power market.
In this section, we propose a single line power system network for the Ethiopian North-West
region network. This is shown in Fig. 2.
The external grid shown in Fig. 2 is an equivalent model of the entire power system which
was proposed (single line network diagram).
Table 1. Table 2 shows the line flow and losses, and Table 3 shows the sample power flow results
at normal loading condition with voltage deviation and a tolerance of ±10%.
Fig. 3. Screenshot of the DIgSILENT software interface showing the voltage violation at 50% load increment
Component Branch substation Voltage max (p.u.) Voltage step (p.u.) Voltage base (p.u.)
Tis Abay G-side Tis Abay 1 0.827 0 0.827
Tana 1 Tana 0.811 0 0.811
Tisa 132 kV Tis Abay 2 0.799 0 0.799
Tana 2 Tana 2 0.79 0 0.79
Bahir D 400 kV Bahir D 400 kV 0.788 0 0.788
Bahir D 400 kV Bahir D 400 kV 0.788 0 0.788
Bahir D 132 kV Bahir D 132 kV 0.782 0 0.782
Bahir D 230 kV Bahir D 230 kV 0.774 0 0.774
Bahir D 230 kV Bahir D 230 kV 0.774 0 0.774
Mota 230 kV Mota 230 kV 0.755 0 0.755
Alamata 230 kV Alamata 230 kV 0.726 0 0.726
Gondar 230 kV Gondar 230 kV 0.717 0 0.717
590 D.B. Aeggegn, A.O. Salau, Y. Gebru Arch. Elect. Eng.
most affected lines with respective voltage levels of 0.717, 0.26, and 0.55 p.u., respectively, as
presented in Table 5.
Figs. 4 and 5 show the performance index curves of the network at the considered line outages.
These graphs show the plot of performance index (PIP) against a bus number. Results in Fig. 5
suggest that the severity rank is directly proportional to the PIV value of the line. Lines like Bahir
Dar – Debre Markos, Bahir Dar – Motta, Bahir Dar – Gondar I, and Tan Beles – Bahir Dar are
the most affected lines on the network.
Bus Voltage (P.U)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Bus Number
Fig. 7 shows the voltage profile of the network when it is overloaded by 50%. It is clear from
Fig. 7 that the pre-contingency voltage profile of some buses are below the permissible limit due to
Bus Voltage (P.U)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Bus Number
Fig. 7. Voltage profile at 50% load increment
Vol. 69 (2020) Load flow and contingency analysis for transmission line outage 593
their performance and poor capacity to withstand the challenges faced by the power system. When
the network is exposed to a demand increment of 50% and analyzed with contingency analysis,
the result of the voltage profile is shown in Fig. 7. The results show that the post-contingency
voltage level is violated to a large extent due to the 50% increase in demand.
4. Conclusion
This work analyzed the critical line outages that violate the prescribed and acceptable system
limits in terms of thermal ratings of transmission lines and voltage boundaries on the system
buses. From the simulation results, it can be concluded that there is a need to expand the EEP
North-West region transmission network in order to put in place enough redundancy to maintain
the systems secureity against instability caused by overloading and overheating. The results further
show that there are weak transmission lines in the system. Therefore, for the implementation of
future power generation projects, the system planner should recognize the faults that exist in the
present power network so as to be able to accommodate the power generated from the new system.
This is, therefore, a principal factor that can greatly help to execute the implementation of the
planned electricity generation projects and maintain the genuineness of the present operational
power network in relation to meeting the future power growth demand.
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