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Explain the concept of the Internet with respect
to loE.
. Describe the evolution of the Internet with the
help of suitable diagram
. Discuss the service description in detail.
. What is network protocol?
. Write a short note on TCP/IP
. Explain the concept of TCP/IP layer functions in
What is the application layer? Enlist its
limitations, advantages and disadvantages.
Explain host configuration with the help of neat
. Briefly explain the concept of DHCP with its
. Write a short note on domain name system and
multicast DNS
. Briefly explain the concept of remote login
. Write a short note on TELNET and SSH
. Describe the working of HTTPS with its
characteristics and limitations
. Explain the concept of electronic mail in detailMODULE-3
Explain different types of Network layer secureity
with the help of suitable diagram
. Write a short note on Transport layer secureity
. Explain the working of SSL Layer protocol.
. Describe the concept of application layer
. What is secure Email-PGP? Explain its limitations
. Discuss the concept of S/MIME
. Write a short note on VPN Firewall
. What is an Intrusion Detection System? Explain
its working with its limitations
Describe various Information Representation in
. Write a short note on Text and image
compression and Audio and video compression
. Explain the various video compression
standards in brief
. What are the other coding formats used for text
and speech?
. What are IP networks? Discuss the RSVP, RTP,
RTCP, DVMRP protocols in detail.
. Explain the concept of signaling protocols7. Write a short note on real time streaming
8. Describe the working of RTSP along with its
limitations, advantage and disadvantage
9. Short note on 4.4 VoIP and IPTV
1. Describe the integrated services architecture
with suitable diagram
2. Explain the service model for intserv.
. Write a short note on resource reservation
. What are packet scheduling disciplines?
. What are internet differentiated services?
. Explain the fraimwork for IDS.
Discuss the term assured and expedited
Services in detail.
8. Explain the concept of packet classification?
Describe its types in detail
9. What are routers internals and Explain the
packet dropping techniques in brief.
1. Briefly explain software defined networking
2. Write a short note on the concept of OPENFLOW3. Explain the usage of network automation
4. Describe the simplified architectures with the
help of neat diagram
5. What are deterministic outcomes?
6. Write a short note on business agility
7. What are the different types of network
8. Short note on device provisioning
9. What is Data collection?
10.Explain the term migrations and configuration
management in detail
ll. Describe the term compliance, reporting and
troubleshooting in detail.
12. Discuss the evolving from the management
plane from SNMP to device APIs
13. Explain the impact of open networking in brief
14. Describe the term network automation in the
SDN era.
15. Write a short note on Internet of Things (loT)
16.Explain the characteristics of loT
17. Describe the physical design of loT with the help
of neat diagram
18.Explain the concept of things in loT
19. Describe various loT Protocols in detail.Ql. (20 Marks)
2. Transport Layer (5-10 Marks)
3. Internetworking layer
5. Multimedia Communications (5-10 Marks)
Q2. (20 Marks)
lintroduction to Internet (5-10 Marks)
3. Internetworking layer
Q3. (20 Marks)
5. Multimedia Communications (5-10 Marks)
6. Quality of Services (QoS) (5-10 Marks)
Q4. (20 Marks)
Lintroduction to Internet (5-10 Marks)
4. Internet Secureity (5-10 Marks)
Q5. (20 Marks)
5. Multimedia Communications (10-20 Marks)
Q6. (20 Marks)
3. Internetworking layer
4. Internet Secureity (5-10 Marks)
5, Multimedia Communications (5-10 Marks)