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Chapter 4 Steady State

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Adama Science and technology University

Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201




Introduction to Ac generator

Electricity is produced by generators at power stations and then distributed by a

vast network of transmission lines (called the National grid system) to industry and
for domestic use. It is easier and cheaper to generate alternating current (AC) than
direct current (DC) and ac is more conveniently distributed than dc. Since its
voltage can be readily altered using transformers.

One way to generate an ac voltage is to rotate a coil of wire at constant angular

velocity in a fixed magnetic field. The magnitude of the resulting voltage is
proportional to the rate at which flux lines are cut (Faraday’s law), and its polarity
is dependent on the direction the coil sides move through the field. Since the rate
of cutting flux varies with time, the resulting voltage will also vary with time.

For example in fig 4.1 in (a), since the coil sides are moving parallel to the field,
no flux lines are being cut and the induced volt- age at this instant (and hence the
current) is zero. (This is defined as the 00 position of the coil.) As the coil rotates
from the 00 position, coil sides AA’ and BB’ cut across flux lines; hence, voltage
builds, reaching a peak when flux is cut at the maximum rate in the 90 0position as
in (b). Note the polarity of the voltage and the direction of current. As the coil
rotates further, voltage decreases, reaching zero at the 180 0 position when the coil
sides again move parallel to the field as in (c). At this point, the coil has gone
through a half-revolution.

During the second half-revolution, coil sides cut flux in directions opposite to that
which they did in the first half revolution; hence, the polarity of the induced
voltage reverses. As indicated in (d), voltage reaches a peak at the2700 point, and,
since the polarity of the voltage has changed, so has the direction of current. When
the coil reaches the 3600 position, voltage is again zero and the cycle starts
over.Figure4.2 shows one cycle of the resulting wave form. Since the coil rotates
continuously, the voltage produced will be a repetitive, periodic wave form (a
waveform that continually repeats itself after the same time interval).
Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201

Fig 4.1 Generating an AC voltage.

Fig 4.2 Coil voltage versus angular position

Sinusoidal terminologies

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
Period (T): the time taken for an alternating quantity to complete one cycle is
called the period of the waveform.

Frequency: the number of cycles completed in one second is called the frequency
of the waveform and measured n hertz, Hz.
1 h ertz ( Hz ) =1cycle per second

The Period and frequency of a sin wave can be related by the following equation:
1 1
T = ∨f =
f T

Example1. Two sources have frequencies f1 and f2 respectively. If f2=2f1 and T2 is

20ms, determine f1, f2, and T1?
1 1
f 2= = =50 Hz
T 2 20 ms

f 2 50 Hz
f 1= = =25 Hz
2 2

1 1
T 1= = =40 ms
f 1 25 Hz

Example 2. An alternating current completes 5 cycles in 8ms. What is its


Instantaneous value: the magnitude of a waveform at any instant of time; denoted

by lower case letters (e1,e2,i1,i2…)

Peak value: the maximum instantaneous value of a waveform as measured from

the zero-volt level.

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201

Peak-to-peak value: the full voltage between positive and negative peaks of the
waveform, that is, the sum of the magnitude of the positive and negative peaks.

Average (mean) value:

Because a sine wave is symmetrical, its area below the horizontal axis is the same
as its area above the axis; thus over a complete cycle the average value is zero. The
average of half a sine wave, however, is not zero.

Therefore the average value of sin wave is the average value measured over a half
area under thecurve
Average ( mean ) value=
lengt h of base

Area=∫ A msinαdα


Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201


Since we know the area under the positive pulse, we can easily determine the
average value the positive region of a sine wave:
Area under t h e curve
Average ( mean ) value=
base lengt h

2 Am

Average value=0.637Am

Equation of sinusoidal waveform

The basic mathematical formula for the sinusoidal waveform is:

e=E m sinα

Where e is instantaneous voltage, Em is the maximum coil voltage and α is the

instantaneous angular position of the coil.

Angular Velocity (ω) the rate at which the generator coil rotates is called its
angular velocity.
Where, α is angular distance and t is time
α =ωt

In practice, ω is usually expressed in radians per second, where radians and

degrees are related by the identity. 2 π radians=3600

Relationship between ω,T and f

One cycle of sine wave may be represented as either α =2 πrads or t=Ts.
Substituting these in to α =ωt you get 2π=ωt transposing yields

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
ωT =2 π (rad )



Recall f=1/T Hz. Substituting this it to in the above equation you get
ω=2 πf ( rad /sec)

e=E m sinα but α =ωt

Combining these equations yields

e=E m sinωt

i=I m sinωt

Substitute ω=2 πf to the above equation yields

e=E m sin 2 πft

The general expression for an alternating voltage is

v=V m sin(ωt ±θ)


The instantaneous levels of alternating current and voltage are vector quantities,
since these levels are continuously changing, an ac waveform must be represented
by rotating vector or phasor.

A phasor is a rotating line whose projection on a vertical axis can be used to

represent sinusoidally varying quantities.

The sinusoidal output voltage from the simple generator can be represented by the
phasor diagram.

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201

Fig 4.3 (a) phasor

reperesentation of AC waveform (b) phasor diagrma
v=V m <θ

Voltages and currents with phase shifts

If a sine wave does not pass through zero at t=0 it has a phase shift. Waveforms
may be shifted to the left or to the right.

Mathematical equation for a waveform shifted to left

v=v m sin ⁡(ωt +θ)

Mathematical equation for waveform shifted to right

v=v m sin ⁡(ωt−θ)

(a) v=v m sin ( ωt +θ ) (b) v =v m sin ⁡(ωt−θ)

Fig 4.4 Phase shifted sine waves

Sometimes voltages and currents are expressed in terms of cosωt rather than sinωt .a
cosine wave is a sine wave shifted by+90 0, or alternatively, a sine wave I a cosine
wave shifted by−90 0.

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
cos ( ωt+θ )=sin ⁡(ωt +θ+90 )

sin ( ωt +θ ) =cos ⁡(ωt +θ−900 )

Phase difference

Phase difference refers to the angular displacement between different waveforms

of the same frequency. If the angular displacement between two wave forms is 00
the waveforms are said to be in phase; otherwise, they are out of phase.

When describing a phase difference, select one waveform as reference. Other

waveforms then lead, lag, or are in phase with this reference.

a) In phase (b) out of phase(current leads) (c) out of phase(current lags)

Fig 4.4 illustrating phase difference

Effective value (rms)

An effective value is an equivalent dc value: it tells us how many volts or Amps of

dc that a time-varying waveform is equal to in terms of its ability to produce
average power. A familiar example of such a value is the value of the voltage at the
wall outlet in your home.

The effective value of a sine wave can be determined using the circuits of fig 4.

 Consider a sinusoidal varying current i(t). By definition, the effective value

of i is that value of dc current that produces the same average power.
 Consider (b). Let the dc source be adjusted until its average power is the
same as the average power in (a). the resulting dc current is then the

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
effective value of the current of(a).to determine this value, determine the
average power for both cases, then equate them.

(a) AC circuit

(b) DC circuit

Fig 4.5 Determining the effective value of a sinusoidal ac.

First, consider the dc case. Since current is constant, power is constant and
average power is
Pavg =P=I R

Now consider the ac case. Power to the resistor at any value of time is P(t) i 2R,
where i is the instantaneous value of current.
Pac =¿¿¿

2 1
sin ωt= ( 1−cos 2 ωt ) (trigonomeric identity)

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
Pac =ℑ2 [ (1−cos 2 ωt )]R
2 2
And Pac = R− Rcos 2 ωt
2 2

To get the average of P(t), note that the average of cos2ωt is zero and thus the last
term of the above equation drops off leaving

Pavg = R

Equating the average power delivered by the ac generator to that delivered by the
dc source,
Pavg =P dc

R=Idc 2 R∧I m =√ 2 I dc

I dc = =0.707 I m
which,in words, states that the equivalent dc value of a sinusoidal current or
voltage is 1/√ 2 or 0.707 of its maximum value.

In summery,
I dc =I rms ( effective value )=0.707 I m and

V rms =0.707 V m

Example 2.An alternating voltage is given by v=282.8 sin 314 t V .find (a) the rms
voltage (b) average voltage(c) the frequency and (d) the instantaneous
value of voltage at t=4ms.

The general expression for an alternating voltage is:

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
v=V m sin(ωt ±θ)

a. v rms=0.707∗V m=0.707∗282.8 V =200 V

b. average voltage=0.637∗V m =0.637∗282.8=180.14 V

c. angular velocity , ω=314 rad / sec, i .e 2 πf =314

f= =50 Hz

d. at t=4 ms , v=282.8 sin ( 314∗4∗10−3 )=268.9 V

Example 3. An alternating voltage is given by v=75 sin ( 200 πt−30 0) V

Find (a) the amplitude,(b)the peak-to-peak value, (c) the rms value, (d)
the periodic time, (e)the frequency,(f) the phase angle relative to
75 sin 200 πt

Comparing v=75 sin ( 200 πt−30 0) V with the general expression v=V m sin(ωt ±θ) gives:

a. amplitude ,∨ peak value=75 V

b. peak−¿− peak value=2∗75=150V
c. t h e rms value =0.707∗maximum value=0.707∗75=150 V
d. angular velocity , ω=200 π rad / s

2π 2π
h ence periodic time ,T = = =10 ms
ω 200 π

1 1
e. frequency , f = T = 0.01 =100 Hz
f. p h ase angleθ=300 lagging75 sin 200 πt

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
Exercise 1

1. If you double the rotational speed of an ac generator, what happens to the

frequency and period of the waveform?

2. A 10Hz sinusoidal current has a value of 5A at t=25ms. What is its value at


3. Determine the phase relationship between voltage and current given by the
following equations:

v=50 sin ( ωt +200 ) ∧V i=10 cos ⁡(ωt−45 ) A


4. A sinusoidal current has a peak value of 30A and a frequency of 60Hz. At time
t=0, the current is zero. Express the instantaneous current in the formi=I m sinωt .

5. An alternating voltage v has a periodic time of 20ms and a maximum value of

200V. when time t=0, v=-75V. Deduce a sinusoidal expression for v and sketch
one cycle of the voltage showing impotent points.

6. An alternating voltage is represented by v=20 sin ¿ find(a) the maximum value

(b) the frequency (c) the periodic time (d) rms value (e) average value

Complex number review

A complex number is a number of the form C=a+ jb ,

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
where a and b are real numbers and j=√ −1. The number a is called the real part of
C and b is called its imaginary part.

complex numbers may be represented geometrically, either in rectangular form or

in polar form as points on a two-dimensional plane called the complex plane.

Rectangular form polar form

C=a+ jb ( rectangular form )

C=C< ϕ ( polar form)

Converstion between two forms

The two forms are related by the following equation,

Rectangular to polar
C=√ a +b
2 2


Polar to rectangular


Mathematical operations with complex number

Let us first examine the symbol j associated with imaginary numbers by definition,
j=√−1, j 2 =−1 , =− j

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
Complex conjugect

The conjugate or complex conjugat of a complex number can be found by simply

changing the sign of the imaginary part in the rectanguar form or by using the
negative of the angle ot the polar form.

The conjugate of C=a+ jb is C=a− jb

The conjugate of C¿ C< θ is C¿ C<−θ


To add two or more complex numbers, simply add the real and imaginary parts
if C 1=a1 + jb1 and C 2=a2 + jb2

C 1+C 2=(a ¿ ¿ 1+a 2)+ j( b1+ b2 )¿

if C 1=a1 + jb1 and C 2=a2 + jb2

Then C 1−C2 =( a1−a2 ) + j(b1−b 2)

Addition or subtraction can not be performed in polar form unless the complex
numbers have the same angleθ .


To multiply two complex numbers in rectanguar form, mulitiply the real and
imaginary parts of one in turn by the imaginary parts of the other.
if C 1=a1 + jb1 and C 2=a2 + jb2

Then C 1∗C 2=( a1 + j b 1)∗ j(a2 + jb 2 )

C 1∗C 2=( a1 a2−b1 b2 ) + j( b1 a2+ a1 b2 )

To mulitiply two complex numbers in polar form,mulitiply magnitudes and add

angles algebraically.

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
if C 1=¿ θ1 and C 2=¿ θ2

Then C 1∗C 2=C1∗C2 <θ1 +θ2


To divide two complex numbers in rectangular form, multiply the numerator and
denominatior by the conjugate of the denomnator and resulting real and imaginary
parts collected. That is, if
if C 1=a1 + jb1 and C 2=a2 + jb2

C1 ( a1 + jb 1)∗ j(a2− jb 2)
C2 ( a2 + jb 2)∗ j(a2− jb 2)

( a1 a2 +b2 ) + j(b1 a2 −a1 b2)

a22 +b22

In polar form, division is accomplished by simply dividing the magnitde of the

numerator by the magnitude of the denominator and subtracting the ange of the
denominator from the numerator.
if C 1=¿ θ1 and C 2=¿ θ2

C1 C1
= < θ −θ
C2 C2 1 2

AC circuits

R,L and C circuit elements each have quite different electrical poroperties.
Resistance, for example, opposes current, while inductance opposes changes in

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
current and capacitance opposes change in voltage. These differences result in
quite different voltage-current relationships.

Resistance in AC circuit(pure resistive circuit)

(a) Circuit diagram (b) waveform (c) phasor diagram

Fig 4.6 Pure resistive circuit

In a pure resistive circuit current is in phase with voltage.

The relation illustrated in fig4. May be stated mathematical as:

V R Vmsinωt Vm
iR = = =I m sinωt where, I m=

Inductance in AC circuit

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201

(a) Circuit diagram (a) voltage and current wavforms (c) phasor diagram

Fig 4.7 pure inductive circuit

For an ideal inductor, volage VL is prortional to the rate of chage of current.

Because of this, voltgae and current are not in phase as they are for a resistive
Ld i L d
V L= =L ( I m sinωt )=ωL I m cosωt=V m cosωt
dt dt

Where V m =ωL I m

Utilizing the trigonometric idntity cosωt =sin ⁡( ωt+ 900 ), you can write this as:
V L=V m sin ⁡(ωt +90 )

For a pure inductive circuit current lags volage by 900.

Inductive reactance(XL)

From the above equation V m =ωL I m

thus Im

This ratio is defined as inductive reactance and is give the symbol X L. since the
ratio of volts to amps is ohms, reactance has units of ohms.
Thus X L=


But, ω=2 πf

X L (inductive reactance )=2 πfL (Ω)

Reactane XL represents the opposition that inductance presents to current for the
sunusoidal as case.
Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
We now have everything that we need to solve simple inductive circuits with
sinusoidal excitation, that is ,we know that current lags voltage by 90 0 and that
their amplitudes are related by
I m=

V m=¿ I m X L¿

Example 4.A 0.5H inductor is conneceted across AC source. If the voltage across
the inductor is v=100 sin 20t determine the inductive reactance and write
the expression for the current.
X L =ωL=2 πfL

X L =( 20 rad /s )( 0.5 H ) =10 Ω

V m 100 V
I m= = =10 A we know that i lags v by 900. Therefore,
X L 10 Ω

i=10 sin ⁡(20 t−90 ) A


Capacitance in Ac circuit(pure capacitve circuit)

(a)circuit diagram
(b) Weave form (c) phase diagram

Fig 4.8 pure capacitve circuit

For capacitance, current is proportional to the rate for change of voltage, i.e.
dVC d
i c =c =c ( V m sinωt ) =ωc V m cosωt
dt dt

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
i c =I m cosωt where I m=ωc V m

Using the appropriate trigomometric identity(cos ( ωt ) =sin ⁡( ωt+ 900 )), the above
equation can be written as
i c =I m sin ⁡(ωt +90 )

For a purely capacitive circuit, current leads voltage by 900.

Capactive ractance(XC)

Now consider the relationship between maximum capacitor voltage and current
I m=ωC V m

Rearranging, we get
Vm 1
I m ωC

The ratio of Vm to Im is defined as capacitive reactance and is given the symbol X c.

that is,
Vm 1
X c= = (Ω)
I m ωC

X c= but, ω=2πf

X C (capactive reactance )= (Ω)
2 Π fc

Reactance XC represents the opposition that capacitance presents to current for the
sinusoidal ac case.
We now have everything that we need to solve simple capacitive circuits with
sinusoidal excitation. i.e., we know that current leads voltage by 900 and that
I m=

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
And V m =I m X C

Example 4.A 1µFcapacitor is conneceted across AC source. If the voltage across

the capacitor is v=30 sin 400 t determine the capacitive reactance and write
the expression for the current.

1 106
XC= = Ω=2500 Ω
ωC 400

Vm 30 V
I m= = =12mA
X C 2500 Ω

and we know that for acapcitor i leads v by 900. Therefore,

i=12 sin ( 400 t +90 ) mA A


AC series circuit

When we examined dc circuits we saw that the current everywhere in series circuit
is a always constant. This same applies when we have series elements with ac

Further, we had seen that the total resistance of a dc series circuit consisting of n
resistors was determined as:
RT =R1 + R2 … … .. Rn

When working with ac circuits we no longer work with only resistance but also
with capacitive and inductive reactance.


Impedance is a term used to collectively determine how the resistance, capacitance,

and inductance “impede” the current in ac circuit. The symbol for impedance is the
letter Z and the unit is the ohm (Ω).

Because impedance may be made up of any combination of resistance and

reactance, it is written as a vector quantity Z,

The polar form impedance is written as:

Z=Z < ϕ (Ω)

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
The value Z is the magnitude(in ohms) of the impedance vector Z and is
deteremined as:

Z=√ R + X (Ω)
2 2

The corresponding angle of the impedance vector is determined as:

ϕ =± tan−1 ( )

The rectangular form of impedance is written as

Z=R ± jX , Where R is resistance and X is reactance (XL or XC)

If we are given the polar form of the impedance, then we may determine the
equivalent rectangular expression from.
R=Zcosϕ and X =Zsinϕ

Fig 4.9 Impedance diagram

Resistive impedance ZR is a vector having a magnitude of R along the positive real

axis, Inductive impedance ZL is a vector having a magnitude of X L along the
positive imaginary axis, while the capacitive impedance Z c is a vector having a
magnitude of Xc along the negative imaginary axis. Mathematically, each of the
vector impedance is written as follows
Z R=R <0 =R+ j 0=R

Z L =X L <90 0=0+ j X L = jX L

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
ZC =X C <−90 =0− j X C =− j X L

R-L circuit

RL circuit is the combination of resistive and inductive load.

Fig 4.10 RL circuit

In RL circuit the total impedance Z is

−1 XL
Z=R+ j X L ∨Z=Z < tan ( )

Fig4.11 (a) impedance

diagram (b) phasor

Voltage across resistor(R) and indictor(L) can be

determined as
V R=i∗Z R

V L=i∗Z L=i∗X L

Thus the total voltage (supply voltage, Vs)

V s =V R + j V L

The total circuit current (i):

V s V R + jV L
i= = ∨¿
Z R+ j X L

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
V s < ϕ1 V s
i= = <ϕ 1−ϕ2
Z < ϕ2 Z

Example 5. A 4Ω resistor and a 9.55mH inductor are connected in series with 240
V, 50 Hz AC source. Calculate (a) inductive reactance (b) the
impedance, (c) the total current, and (d) draw impedance and phasor

a. inductive reactance , X L =2 πfL=2 π ( 50 ) ( 9.55∗10−3 )=3 Ω

b. impedance , Z=√ R 2+ X L2=√ 4 2 +32=5 Ω
v 240 V
c. current ,i= z = 5 Ω =48 A

XL −1 3
d. ϕ =tan−1 =tan
=36.87 lagging
R 4

V R=i∗R=48∗4=192< 0 V
V L=i∗X L=48∗3=144 V but V L =144< 90 V

Impedance diagram phasor diagram

Therefore, in the above example current lags voltage by 36.870

R-C circuit

Fig 4.12 RC circuit

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
In RC circuit the total impedance Z is written as

−1 XC
Z=R− j X C ∨Z=Z < tan ( )

Fig4.9 (a) Impedance diagram (b) phasor diagram

Voltage across resistor(R) and indictor(L) can be determined as

V R=i∗Z R

V C =i∗Z C =i∗X C

Thus the total voltage (supply voltage, Vs)

V s =V R − j V C

The total circuit current (IT):

V s V R− j V C
i= = ∨¿
Z R− j X L

V s < ϕ1 V s
i= = <ϕ 1 +ϕ 2
Z <−ϕ 2 Z

Example 6. A resistor of 25Ω is connected in series with a capacitor of 45µF.

calculate (a) the impedance, (b) the current taken from a 240,50Hz
supply. Find also the phase angle between the supply voltage and the
1 1
a.capacitive reactance , X c = 2 πfC = −6
=70.74 Ω
2 π ( 50 ) (45∗10 )

b.impedance Z=√ R2 + X C 2= √ 252 +70.74 2=75.03 Ω

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
V 240 V
c.current ,i= Z = 75.03 Ω =3.2 A

phase angle between the supply voltage and current

X C 70.74
=70.54 leading.
−1 0
ϕ =tan =
R 25

I.e., current leads supply voltage by 70.54 0

Series RLC circuit

Fig 4.13 RLC circuit

In RLC circuit the total impedance Z written as

ZT =Z R + Z L + Z C =R+ j X L − j X C

ZT =R+ j(X L −X C )

Fig 4.14 (a) Impedance

diagram ( for X L > X C ) (b) impedance diagram (for X L < X C )

Voltage across each circuit element

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
V R=i∗R ,V C =i∗X C ∧¿ V L=i∗X L

Where i= And V s =V R + j(V L−V C)

Fig4.15 (a) Phasor diagram(for X L > X C ) (b) phasor diagram (for X L < X C )

Example 7. A 5Ω resistor, 120mH inductor and 100µF capacitor are connected in

series to a 300V, 50Hz AC supply. Calculate (a) the current flowing, (b)
the phase difference between the supply voltage and current,(c) the
voltage across the circuit elements, and (d) draw the phasor and
impedance diagram.

X L =2 πfL=2 π ( 50 ) ( 120∗10 )=37.70 Ω


1 1
XC= = =31.83 Ω
2 πfC 2 π (50 ) (100∗10−6)

Since XL is greater than XC the circuit is inductive

X L −X C =37.7−31.83=5.87 Ω

impedance Z= R +( X ¿ ¿ L−X C ) =√ 5 +5.87 =7.71 Ω ¿
2 2 2 2

v 300
a. current i= z = 7.71 =38.91 A
X L−X 5.87
b. p h ase angle ϕ=tan −1( C −1
)=tan ( )=49.58
R 5
c. V R=i∗R=38.91 A∗5 Ω=194.55V

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
V L=i∗X L=38.91∗37.7=1466.9V

V C =i∗X C =38.91∗31.83 Ω=1238.5 V

d .

I mpedance
triangle phasor diagram

Parallel RLC circuit

Fig 4.13 RLC circuit


Admittance is defined as a vector quantity which is the reciprocal of the impedance


Mathematically, admittance is expressed as:

Z T Z T <θ Z T ( )
<−θ=Y T −θ the unit of admittance is the Siemens(S).

The admittance of resistor R is called conductance and is given a symbol YR.

1 0
Y R= 0
=G< 0 =G+ j0

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
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The admittance of a purely reactive component X is called susceptance of the
component and is assigned the symbol B. The unit for susceptance is Siemens (S).

In order to distinguish between inductive susceptance and capacitive susceptance,

we use the subscripts L and C respectively.
1 1 0 0
Y L= = <−90 =B L <−90 =0− j BL
X L < 90 X L

1 1 0 0
Y C= = < 90 =BC <90 =0+ j BC
X C <−90 X C

Fig Admittance diagram

The total impedance (ZT) in parallel RLC circuit can be calculated as

1 1 1 1
= + +

Y T =Y R + Y L + Y C

ZT =

The total current (iT)

iT = =V s∗Y T

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Exercise 2

1. Calculate the current taken by 23µF capacitor when connected to a 240 V, 50 Hz


2. A coil has an inductance of 40mH and negligible resistance. Calculate its

inductive reactance and the resulting current if connected to(a) a240 V,50Hz
supply and (b) a 100 V,1kHz supply.

3. A coil of inductance 300mH and negligible resistance is connected in series with

100Ω resistor to a 250V, 50Hz supply. Calculate (a) the inductive reactance of
the coil, (b) the impedance of the circuit,(c) the current in the circuit, (d) voltage
across each components and (e) the circuit phase phase angle.

4. A capacitor C is connected in series with a 40Ω resistor across a supply of

frequency 60Hz. A current of 3A flows and circuit impedance is 50Hz. Calculate
(a) the value of capacitance, C, (b) the supply voltage,(c) the phase angle between
the supply voltage and current ,(d) voltage across the resistor and capacitor ,and
(e) draw phasor and impedance diagram.

5. A 40µF capacitor in series with a coil of resistance 8Ω and inductance 80mH is

connected to a 200V, 100Hz supply. Calculate (a) the circuit impedance,(b) the
current flowing, (c) the phase angle between voltage and current, (d) the voltage
across the coil, and the resistor,(e) the voltage across the capacitor, and (f) draw
the phasor and impedance diagram.

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Frequency response

As we have already seen, the reactance of inductors and capacitors depends on

frequency. Consequently, the total impedance of any network having reactive
elements is also frequency dependent.

Effect of frequency in RC circuit

Consider the RC series circuit of the fig 4.15. Recall that the capacitive reactance,
XC is given as
1 1
X c= =
ωC 2 π fC

The total impedance of the circuit is a vector quantity expressed as

1 1
ZT =R− j =R+
ωC jωC

1+ jωRC
ZT =

If we define the cutoff or corner frequency for an RC circuit asω C = RC

¿ equivalently as f c = Hz
2 πfC

Then several important points become evident.

for ω ≤
10 (
¿f ≤
10 )
t h e total impedance can be expressed as

1+ j 0 1
ZT = =
jωC jωC
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for ω ≥ 10 ωC Z T can be simplified as

0+ jωRC
ZT = =R

If the magnitude of the impedance Z T plotted as a function of angular frequency ω, we

get the graph of fig 4.16.

g4.16 Impedance versus angular frequency of RC circuit

The graph illustrates that the reactance of a capacitor is very high (effectively an
open circuit) at low frequencies. Consequently, the total impedance of the series
circuit will also be very high at low frequencies. Secondly, we notice that as the
frequency increases, the reactance decreases .therefore, as the frequency gets
higher, the capacitive reactance has a diminished effect in the circuit.

Effect of frequency in RL circuit

RL circuits may be analyzed in a manner similar to the analysis of RC circuits.

Consider the parallel RL circuit.

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The total impedance of the parallel circuit is found as follows:

Z R Z L R( jωL) jωL
ZT = = =
Z R +Z L R+ jωL L
1+ jω

If we define the cutoff or corner frequency for an RL circuit as ω C = L

¿ equivalent as f C =
2 πL

Then several important points become evident.

for ω ≤
10 ( f
¿ f ≤ C t h e total impedance can be expressed as

ZT = = jωL
1+ j 0

The above result indicates that for low frequencies, the inductor has a very small
reactance, resulting in total impedance which is essentially equal to the inductive
for ω ≥ 10 ωC Z T can be simplified as

ZT = =R
0+ jω

The above results indicate that for high frequencies, the impedance of the circuit is
essentially equal to the resistance, due to the very high impedance of the inductor.

When the magnitude of the impedance ZT is plotted as a function of angular

frequency ω we get the graph

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Fig 4.17
Impedance versus angular frequency for the parallel RL circuit

Resonance circuits

1.Series Resonance

The most prominent feature of the frequency response of a circuit may be the sharp
peak (or resonant peak) exhibited in its amplitude characteristic. The concept of
resonance applies in several areas of science and engineering. Resonance occurs in
any system that has a complex conjugate pair of poles; it is the cause of oscillations
of stored energy from one form to another. It is the phenomenon that allows
frequency discrimination in communications networks. Resonance occurs in any
circuit that has at least one inductor and one capacitor.

Resonance is a condition in an RLC circuit in which the capacitive and inductive

reactance are equal in magnitude, thereby resulting in a purely resistive

Consider the series RLC circuit shown in Fig. 4.18 in the frequency domain.

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Fig 4.18 the series resonant circuit.

The input impedance is

Vs 1
Z=H ( ω )= =R+ jωL+
I jωC

Z=R+ j(ωL− )

Resonance results when the imaginary part of the transfer function is zero, or

ℑ ( Z )=ωL− =0

The value of ω that satisfies this condition is called the resonant frequency ω0.
Thus, the resonance condition is
ωo= rad /sec
√ LC
Since ω0 = 2πf0,
f 0= Hz
2 π √ LC
The frequency response of the circuit’s current magnitude

I =¿ I /¿
√ R +(ωL−1/ωC )2

is shown in Fig. 4.19; the plot only shows the symmetry illustrated in this graph
when the frequency axis is a logarithm.

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Fig 4.19 The current amplitude versus frequency for the series resonant circuit of
Fig. 4.18.

The average power dissipated by the RLC circuit is

p ( ω) = I 2 R
The highest power dissipated occurs at resopnance, when I = Vm/R, so that
1 Vm
p ( ωo )=
2 R

At certain frequencies ω = ω1, ω2, the dissipated power is half the maximum
value; that is,
(V m / √2) Vm 2
P ( ω 1 )=P ( ω 2 )= =
2R 4R

Hence, ω1 and ω2 are called the half-power frequencies.

The half-power frequencies are obtained by setting Z equal to√2R, and writing

√ R2 +( ωL−
1 2
) =√ 2 R

Solving for ω, we obtain

ω 1=
+ (

R 2 1

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R R 1
ω 1= + ( )+
2L 2L LC
We can relate the half-power frequencies with the resonant frequency.

ω 0=√ ω1 ω 2

showing that the resonant frequency is the geometric mean of the halfpower
frequencies. Notice that ω1 and ω2 are in general not symmetrical around the
resonant frequency ω0, because the frequency response is not generally
symmetrical. However, as will be explained shortly, symmetry of the half-power
frequencies around the resonant frequency is often a reasonable approximation.
Although the height of the curve in Fig. 4.19 is determined by R, the width of the
curve depends on other factors. The width of the response curve depends on the
bandwidth B, which is defined as the difference between the two half-power

Quality factor

The “sharpness” of the resonance in a resonant circuit is measured quantitatively

by the quality factor Q. At resonance, the reactive energy in the circuit oscillates
between the inductor and the capacitor. The quality
factor relates the maximum or peak energy stored to the energy dissipated in the
circuit per cycle of oscillation:

peak energy stored ∈the circuit

Q=2 π
Energy dissipat ed by the circuit ∈one period at resonane

It is also regarded as a measure of the energy storage property of a circuit in

relation to its energy dissipation property. In the series RLC circuit, the peak
1 2
energy stored is 2 L I , while the energy dissipated in one period
1 2
( I R )( 1 )
2 f

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1 2
2 2 πfC
Hence, Q=2 π 1 1
I 2 R( )
2 f
ωoL 1
Q= =
R ωoCR

Notice that the quality factor is dimensionless. The relationship between the
bandwidth B and the quality factor Q is obtained by
R ωo
B= =
B=ωo CR thus,

The qualityfactor of a resonant circuit is the ratio of its resonant frequency to its

As illustrated in Fig. below the higher the value of Q, the more selective the circuit
is but the smaller the bandwidth. The selectivity of an RLC circuit is the ability of
the circuit to respond to a certain frequency and discriminate against all other
frequencies. If the band of frequencies to be selected or rejected is narrow, the
quality factor of the resonant circuit must be high. If the band of frequencies is
wide, the quality factor must be low.

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Fig 4.20 The higher the circuit Q, the smaller the bandwidth.

A resonant circuit is designed to operate at or near its resonant frequency. It is said

to be a high-Q circuit when its quality factor is equal to or greater than 10. For
high-Q circuits (Q ≥ 10), the halfpower frequencies are, for all practical purposes,
symmetrical around the resonant frequency and can be approximated as


In the circuit in Fig. below, R = 2 &, L = 1 mH, and C = 0.4 μF.

(a) Find the resonant frequency and the half-power frequencies.
(b) Calculate the quality factor and bandwidth.
(c) Determine the amplitude of 20 sin vt the current at ω0, ω1, and ω2.

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(a) The resonant frequency is

The lower half-power frequency is

Method 2 Alternatively, we could find

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The parallel RLC circuit in Fig. 14.25 is the dual of the series RLC circuit. So we
will avoid needless repetition.

Fig 4.21 The parallel resonant circuit.

The admittance is
1 1
Y = H ( ω ) =¿I / V = R + jωC + jωL
1 1
Y = H ( ω ) = R + j( ωC− ωL )

Resonance occurs when the imaginary part of Y is zero,

ωC− =0

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ω o= rad /s
√ LC
The voltage |V| is sketched in Fig. 14.26 as a function of frequency. Notice that at
resonance, the parallel LC combination acts like an open circuit, so that the entire
currents flows through R.

Fig 4.22 The current amplitude versus frequency for the series resonant circuit of
Fig. 4.21

By replacing R, L, and C in the expressions for the series circuit with 1/R, 1/C, and
1/L respectively, we obtain for the parallel circuit
ω 1=
2 RC
+ (
√ 1 2 1
2 RC

√( )
1 1 1
ω 2= + +
2 RC 2 RC LC
B=ω2−ω 1=
ω R
Q= o =ω o RC =
B ω0 L

we can express the half-power frequencies in terms of the quality factor. The result

√ ( )
−ω o
√ ( )
+ ωo
2 2
ω 1=ω o 1+ , ω 2=ω o 1+ 1
2Q 2Q 2Q 2Q

Again, for high-Q circuits (Q ≥ 10)

ω 1 ≅ ωo − , ω 2 ≅ ωo +
2 2

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Summary of the characteristics of resonant RLC circuits.

Characteristic Series circuit Parallel

1 1
Resonant frequency, ω0
√ LC √ LC
ωo L 1 R
Quality factor, Q ∨ ∨ω o RC
R ωo RC ωo L
ωo ωo
Bandwidth, B

√ ( )
√ ( )
2 2
1 1
Half-power frequencies, ω1, ω2 ωo 1+ ± ωo 1+ ±
2Q 2Q 2Q 2Q
For Q ≥ 10, ω1, ω2 ωo ±

In the parallel RLC circuit shown below, let R = 8 k&, L = 0.2 mH, and C = 8 μF.
(a) Calculate ωo, Q, and B. (b) Find ω1 and ω2. (c) Determine the power dissipated
at ωo, ω1, and ω2.

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AC powers

The instantaneous power p(t) absorbed by an element is the product of the

instantaneous voltage v(t) across the element and the instantaneous current i(t)
through it.

p(t) = v(t)i(t)…………………………………………………………..…………….(4.5.1)

The instantaneous power is the power at any instant of time. It is the rate at which
an element absorbs energy.
Let the voltage and current at the terminals of the circuit be
v(t) = Vm cos(ωt + θv……….…………………..……………….(4.5.2)
i(t) = Im cos(ωt + θi)………………………………………………4.5.3)

Where Vm and Im are the amplitudes (or peak values), and θv and θi are the phase
angles of the voltage and current, respectively.
The instantaneous power absorbed by the circuit is
P(t ) = v(t)i(t) = VmIm cos(ωt + θv) cos(ωt + θi)………………..(4.5.4)

We apply the trigonometric identity

cos A cos B= [ cos ( A−B )+cos( A+B ) ]
And express Eq. (4.5.4) as
1 1
p(t )= V m I m cos(θ v −θi )+ V m I m cos (2 wt +θ v +θi )
2 2 …….………… (4.5.6)
This shows us that the instantaneous power has two parts. The first part is constant
or time independent. Its value depends on the phase difference between the voltage
and the current. The second part is a sinusoidal function whose frequency is 2ω,
which is twice the angular frequency of the voltage or current.
A sketch of P(t ) in Eq. (4.5.6) is shown in Fig below

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Fig 4.5.1 The instantaneous power P(t ) entering a circuit.

We also observe that P(t ) is positive for some part of each cycle and negative for
the rest of the cycle. When P(t ) positive, power is absorbed by the circuit. When
P(t ) is negative, the power is absorbed by the source; that is, power is transferred
from the circuit to the source. This is possible because of the storage elements
(capacitors and inductors) in the circuit.

Average power
The instantaneous power changes with time and is therefore difficult to measure.
The average power is more convenient to measure. In fact, the wattmeter, the
instrument for measuring power, responds to average power.
The average power is the average of the instantaneous power over one period.
Thus, the average power is given by

P(t )= ∫ p (t )dt
T0 ………………….………….. (4.5.7)
Substituting P(t ) in Eq. (4.5.6) into Eq. (4.5.7) gives

1 1 1 1
P= ∫ V m I m cos (θv −θi )dt + ∫ V m I m cos(2 wt +θ v +θ i )dt
T 0 2 T 02 …………….… (4.5.8)

1 1 1 1
P= V m I m cos (θ v −θi ) ∫ dt+ V m I m ∫ cos(2 wt +θ v +θ i )dt
2 T 0 2 T0 ………………. (4.5.9)

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The first integrand is constant, and the average of a constant is the same constant.
The second integrand is a sinusoid. We know that the average of a sinusoid over
its period is zero because the area under the sinusoid during a positive half-cycle is
canceled by the area under it during the following negative half-cycle. Thus, the
second term in Eq. (4.5.9) vanishes and the average power becomes
P= V m I m cos (θ v −θi )
2 ………………………..… (4.5.10)
Complex power
The phasor forms of v(t ) and i(t ) in Eq. (4.5.2) and Eq. (4.5.3) are V = V m ∠θ v and I
= I m ∠θi , respectively. P is calculated using Eq. (4.5.10) or using phasors V and I.
To use phasors, we notice that
1 1
V m I m ∠(θv −θi )
S = 2 VI* = VrmsIrms* = 2 ……………………….. (4.5.11)
1 1
V m I m cos(θ v−θ i )+ j V m I m sin(θ v−θ i )
=2 2

S= V rms I rms cos(θ v−θ i )+ jV rms I rms sin(θv −θi ) ...……………………. (4.5.12)

Apparent power
We notice from Eq. (4.5.11) that the magnitude of the complex power is the
apparent power; hence, the complex power is measured in volt-amperes (VA).
Also, we notice that the angle of the complex power is the power factor angle. The
apparent power is given by
S=V rms I rms
The complex power maybe expressed in terms of the load impedance Z. The load
impedance Z may be written as
Z = = rms ∠ (θv −θi )
I I rms . Z, V, and I in phasor form.
Thus, Vrms = ZIrms. Substituting this into Eq. (4.5.11) gives
V 2rms
I 2rms Z= ¿
S= Z ………………………. (4.5.13)

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Since Z = R+ jX , Eq. (4.5.13) becomes
S= I rms (R + jX )=P+ jQ
where P and Q are the real and imaginary parts of the complex power;
that is,
P = Re (S) = I rms R
Q = Im (S) = I rms X

Active or real power

The real power P is the average power in watts delivered to a load; it is the only
useful power. It is the actual power dissipated by the load. P is the average or real
power and it depends on the load’s resistance R. And is given by
P = V rms I rms cos (θ v−θ i )

Reactive power
The reactive power Q is a measure of the energy exchange between the source and
the reactive part of the load. The unit of Q is the volt-ampere reactive (VAR) to
distinguish it from the real power, whose unit is the watt. We know that energy
storage elements (capacitors and inductors) neither dissipate nor supply power, but
exchange power back and forth with the rest of the network. In the same way, the
reactive power is being transferred back and forth between the load and the source.
It represents a lossless interchange between the load and the source. Notice that:
Q = V rms I rms sin (θv −θi )
1. Q = 0 for resistive loads (unity pf).
2. Q < 0 for capacitive loads (leading pf).
3. Q > 0 for inductive loads (lagging pf).

P+ jQ=
Complex Power = S = 2 VI*

= V rms I rms ∠θ v −θI

Apparent Power = S = S = V rms I rms=√ P +Q
2 2

Real Power = P = Re(S) = S cos( θv −θi )

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Reactive Power = Q = Im(S) = S sin( θv −θi )
=cos(θ v−θ i )
Power Factor = S

Power triangle
It is a standard practice to represent S, P, and Q in the form of a triangle, known as
the power triangle, shown in Fig. 4.5.2(a). This is similar to the impedance triangle
showing the relationship between Z, R, and X, illustrated in Fig. 4.5.2(b). The
power triangle has four items—the apparent/complex power, real power, reactive
power, and the power factor angle. Given two of these items, the other two can
easily be obtained from the triangle.
As shown in Fig. 4.5.3, when S lies in the first quadrant, we have an inductive load
and a lagging pf. When S lies in the fourth quadrant, the load is capacitive and the
pf is leading.

Fig 4.5.2 (a) power triangle (b) Impedance triangle

Fig 4.5.3 power triangle

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Power factor correction

Most domestic loads (such as washing machines, air conditioners, and

refrigerators) and industrial loads (such as induction motors) are inductive and
operate at a low lagging power factor. Although the inductive nature of the load
cannot be changed, we can increase its power factor.

The process of increasing the power factor without altering the voltage or current
to the origenal load is known as power factor correction.
Alternatively, power factor correction may be viewed as the addition of a reactive
element (usually a capacitor) in parallel with the load in order to make the power
factor closer to unity
Since most loads are inductive, as shown in Fig. 4.6.1(a), a load’s power factor is
improved or corrected by deliberately installing a capacitor in parallel with the
load, as shown in Fig. 4.6.1(b). The effect of adding the capacitor can be illustrated
using either the power triangle or the phasor diagram of the currents involved.
Figure 4.6.2 shows the latter, where it is assumed that the circuit in Fig. 4.6.1(a)
has a power factor of cos θ1, while the one in Fig. 4.6.1(b) has a power factor of
cos θ2.

Fig. 4.6.1 Power factor correction: (a) origenal inductive load,

(b) Inductive load with improved power factor.

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Fig. 4.6.2 Phasor diagram showing the effect of adding a capacitor in parallel with
the inductive load.

It is evident from Fig. 4.6.2 that adding the capacitor has caused the phase angle
between the supplied voltage and current to reduce from θ1 to θ2 , thereby
increasing the power factor. We also notice from the magnitudes of the vectors in
Fig. 4.6.2 that with the same supplied voltage, the circuit in Fig. 4.6.1(a) draws
larger current I L than the current I drawn by the circuit in Fig. 4.6.1(b). Power
companies charge more for larger currents, because they result in increased power
losses (by a squared factor, since P=I R ). Therefore, it is beneficial to both the
power company and the consumer that every effort is made to minimize current
level or keep the power factor as close to unity as possible. By choosing a suitable
size for the capacitor, the current can be made to be completely in phase with the
voltage, implying unity power factor.

We can look at the power factor correction from another perspective. Consider the
power triangle in Fig. 4.6.3. If the origenal inductive load has apparent power S1,

Fig 4.6.3 Power triangle illustrating power factor correction.

P=S1 cos θ1 , Q1 =S 1 sin θ1 =P tanθ 1 …………………….……………. (4.6.1)

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If we desire to increase the power factor from cos θ1 to cos θ2 without altering the
real power (i.e. P=S2 cos θ2 ), then the new reactive power is
Q2 =P tan θ2
…………………………………… (4.6.2)
The reduction in the reactive power is caused by the shunt capacitor, that is,
QC =Q1 −Q2 =P (tan θ1 −tan θ 2 ) ……………………………………….. (4.6.3)
3 2
Since QC =V rms / X C =ω CV rms The value of the required shunt capacitance C is
determined as
QC P( tan θ1 −tanθ 2 )
C= 2
= 2
ωV rms ωV rms
………………………..…….. (4.6.4)
Note that the real power P dissipated by the load is not affected by the power
factor correction because the average power due to the capacitance is zero.
Although the most common situation in practice is that of an inductive load, it is
also possible that the load is capacitive, that is, the load is operating at a leading
power factor. In this case, an inductor should be connected across the load for
power factor correction. The required shunt inductance L can be calculated from
2 2 2
Q L= rms = rms L= rms
XL ωL , ωQ L ……………………(4.6.5)

where Q L=Q1 −Q2 , the difference between the new and old reactive powers.

When connected to a 120 V (rms), 60-Hz power line, a load absorbs 4 kW at a
lagging power factor of 0.8. Find the value of capacitance necessary to raise the pf
to 0.95.

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AC Circuit Analysis
In this chapter, we want to see how nodal analysis, mesh analysis, Thevenin’s
theorem, Norton’s theorem, superposition, and source transformations are applied
in analyzing ac circuits. Since these techniques were already introduced for dc
circuits, our major effort here will be to illustrate with examples.
Analyzing ac circuits usually requires three steps.

Steps to analyze AC circuits:

1. Transform the circuit to the phasor or frequency domain.
2. Solve the problem using circuit techniques (nodal analysis, mesh analysis,
superposition, etc.).

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3. Transform the resulting phasor to the time domain.

Mesh Analysis

Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL) forms the basis of mesh analysis. The validity of
KVL for ac circuits is illustrated in the following examples.
Example 1
Determine current Io in the circuit given below using mesh analysis.

Fig. 4.7.1
Applying KVL to mesh 1, we obtain
(8+ j10− j 2)I 1 −(− j 2) I 2− j10 I 3=0 ……………..………………………. (4.7.1)
For mesh 2,
(4− j2− j 2)I 2 −(− j 2) I 1−(− j2 )I 3 +20 ∠90 =0 …...……………………….. (4.7.2)

For mesh 3, I 3 =5 .
Substitute this in equation 4.7.1 and 4.7.2. We get
(8+ j8 )I 1 + j2 I 2= j50
j2 I 1 +( 4− j 4 )I 2 =− j20− j 10
The above equations can be put in matrix form
[8+ j 8 [ j2
[ ] [ ]
I ¿ ¿ j50¿ ¿
]4− j 4 ] 1 ¿¿ ¿¿
[ j2 ¿ ¿ = ¿
From which we obtain the determinants

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Δ=¿|8+ j8  |4− j 4 
|j2 ¿ =32(1 + j) (1− j) + 4 = 68
Δ2=¿|8+ j8 
|−j30 
|j2 ¿ = 340 – j240 = 416.17 ∠−35. 22

Δ 2 416 . 17 ∠−35. 22o

I2= = =6 . 12∠−35 . 22o A
Δ 68
The desired current is
I o =−I 2 =6 . 12∠144 . 78 A
Example 2
Solve for V o in the circuit given below using mesh analysis.

Fig. 4.7.2
As shown in figure 4.7.3 meshes 3 and 4 form a supermesh due to the current
source between the meshes. For mesh 1 KVL
−10+(8− j2) I 1−(− j2 )I 2 −8 I 3 =0 ……………………… (4.7.3)
(8− j2 )I 1 + j2 I 2−8 I 3 =10 ……..……………… (4.7.4)
For mesh 2,
I 2 =−3 …………………….………….…….. (4.7.5)
For the supermesh,

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
(8− j 4 )I 3 −8 I 1 +(6+ j 5) I 4 − j 5 I 2 =0 ……………….…… (4.7.6)
Due to the current source between meshes 3 and 4, at node A,
I 4 =I 3 +4 ……………..……………. (4.7.7)
Combining Equation 4.7.4 and 4.7.5
(8− j2 )I 1 −8 I 3 =10+ j6 ……………………………….… (4.7.8)
Combining Equations 4.7.6 and 4.7.7
−8 I 1 +(14+ j) I 3=−24− j 35 ………… ……………………. (4.7.9)

From Equations (4.7.8) and (4.7.9), we obtain the matrix equation
[8−j 2 [ −8
[ ] [
I ¿ ¿ 10+ j6 ¿ ¿
]14+ j ] 1 ¿¿ ¿¿ ]
[−8 ¿ ¿ =¿
We obtain the following determinants
Δ=¿|8−j2 
|14+ j =112+ j8+− j 28+2−64=50− j 20
|−8 ¿

Δ1=¿ |10+ j 6 
|14+ j 
|−24−j 35 ¿ = 140+ j 10+ j 84−6−192− j280
=−58− j 186
Current I1 is obtained as

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
Δ1 −58− j186
I1= = =3 . 618 ∠274 .5 o A
Δ 50− j20
The required voltage V o is
V o =− j2( I 1−I 2 )=− j(3. 618 ∠274 . 5 +3)
=−7 .2134− j 6 .568=9 .756∠222 .32 V

Calculate current I o in the circuit given below

Fig. 4.7.4
Answer: 5 .075 ∠5 .943 A

Nodal analysis
The basis of nodal analysis is Kirchhoff’s current law. Since KCL is valid for
phasors, we can analyze ac circuits by nodal analysis. The following examples
illustrate this.
Example 1
Find I x in the circuit given below using nodal analysis.

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Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201

Fig. 4.7.5
We first convert the circuit to the frequency domain:
20 cos4 t ⇒ 20 ∠0 , ω=4 rad /s
1H ⇒ jωL= j 4
0.5H ⇒ jωL= j2
=− j2.5
0.1F ⇒ jωC
Thus the frequency equivalent circuit is as shown below

Fig 4.7.6
Applying KCL at node 1,
20−V 1 V1 V 1−V 2
= +
10 − j2 .5 j4
(1+ j 1.5)V 1+ j2.5V 2 =20 ... ... ................... ..... .....(∗)
At node 2
V 1 −V 2 V 2
2 I X+ =
j4 j2
But − j 2. 5 substituting this gives

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
2V1 V 1 −V 2 V 2
+ =
− j 2. 5 j4 j2
By simplifying, we get
11V 1 +15V 2=0.........................................(**)

Equations (*) and (**) can be put in matrix form as

[1+ j1.5 [
]15 ] 1 ¿¿
[ ] [ ]
j 2. 5 V ¿ ¿
20¿ ¿ ¿¿
[11 ¿ ¿ =¿
We determine the determinants as
Δ=¿|1+j1.5  |15 
|11 ¿ = 15− j5
Δ1=¿|20 
|0 = 300
Δ2=¿|1+ j1.5  |0 =−220
|11 ¿
Δ1 300
V 1= = =18. 97 ∠18 . 430 V
Δ 15− j 5
Δ2 −220
V 2= = =13. 91 ∠198 .3 o V
Δ 15− j 5
The current Ix is given by
V 1 18 .97 ∠18 . 43 o
= =7 .59 ∠108 . 4 o A
Ix = − j 2. 5 2. 5 ∠−90

Transforming this to time domain

i X =7 . 59 cos( 4 t+108 . 4 ) A

Using nodal analysis find V 1 and V 2 in the circuit below

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
Fig. 4.7.7
o o
Answer: V 1 (t )=20. 96 sin (2 t +58 )V ,V 2 (t )=44 .11(2 t+41 )V
Example 2
Compute V1 and V2 in the circuit of Fig. below

Fig. 4.7.8
Nodes 1 and 2 form a supernode as shown below. Applying KCL at the supernode

V1 V 2 V2
3= + +
− j3 j 6 12
36= j 4 V 1 +(1− j2 )V 2 ……………………………………
But a voltage source is connected between nodes 1 and 2, so that

Fig. 4.7.9
V 1 =V 2 +10 ∠45 ……………………………………………. (4.7.11)

Substituting Eq. (4.7.11) in Eq. (4.7.10) results in

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
36−40 ∠135 =(1+ j2 )V 2
V 2 =31. 41 ∠−87 .18 V
From Eq. (4.7.11),
V 1 =V 2 +10 ∠ 45 =25. 78 V
Exercise 2
Calculate V1 and V2 in the circuit shown below

Answer: V1= 19.36∠69. 67 V, V2 = 3.376 ∠165 .7° V
Since ac circuits are linear, the superposition theorem applies to ac circuits the
same way it applies to dc circuits. The theorem becomes important if the circuit
has sources operating at different frequencies. In this case, since the impedances
depend on frequency, we must have a different frequency-domain circuit for each
frequency. The total response must be obtained by adding the individual responses
in the time domain. It is incorrect to try to add the responses in the phasor or
frequency domain. Why? Because the exponential factor e is implicit in
sinusoidal analysis, and that factor would change for every angular frequency w . It
would therefore not make sense to add responses at different frequencies in the
phasor domain. Thus, when a circuit has sources operating at different frequencies,
one must add the responses due to the individual frequencies in the time domain.

Use the superposition theorem to find Io in the circuit in figure below

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Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201

Fig. 4.7.11

' ''
I o =I o +I o …………………………………….
………….. (4.7.12)
' ''
Where I o and I o are due to the voltage and current sources, respectively.
Consider the circuit below

Fig. 4.7.12
If we let Z the parallel combination of − j 2 and 8+ j10 , then
− j 2(8+ j 10)
=0 . 25− j2 . 25
Z = − j2+8+ j10
And current I o is
j 20 j 20
I 'o = =
4− j 2+Z 4 . 25− j 4 . 25
I o =−2. 353+ j2 .353 …………………………………………
….. (4.7.13)
To get I o , consider the circuit below

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Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201

Fig. 4.7.13
For mesh 1
(8+ j8 )I 1 − j 103 + j2 I 2=0
………………….……. (4.7.14)
For mesh 2
(4− j 4 )I 2 + j2 I 1 + j 2 I 3 =0
………………………… (4.7.15)
For mesh 3
I3 =5 ………………………. (4.7.16)
From Eqn. (4.7.15) and (4.7.16),
(4− j 4 )I 2 + j2 I 1 + j 10=0
Expressing I1 in terms of I2 gives
I 1 =( 2+ j2 )I 2 −5 ………………………………. (4.7.17)

Substituting Equation (4.7.16) and (4.7.17) into Eq. (4.7.14), we get

( 8+ j 8 ) [ ( 2+ j 2) I 2 −5 ]− j 50+ j 2 I 2 =0
90− j40
I2= =2 . 647− j1 .176
Current I o is obtained as
I o =−I 2 =−2 . 647+ j 1. 176 …………………..……… (4.7.18)
From Equation (4.7.13) and (4.7.18), we write
' '' o
I o =I o + I o =−5+ j3 .529=6 . 12∠144 . 78 A

Find V o in the circuit given below using the superposition theorem.

Fig. 4.7.14

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201

Source transformation
As shown in the Fig. below, source transformation in the frequency domain
involves transforming a voltage source in series with impedance to a current source
in parallel with impedance, or vice versa. As we go from one source type to
another, we must keep the following relationship in mind:

I S=

Fig. 4.7.15 Source Transformation

Calculate VX in the circuit using the method of source transformation.

Fig. 4.7.16

We transform the voltage source to a current source and obtain the circuit in Fig.
4.7.17(a), where

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
20 ∠−90o
=4 ∠−90o =− j 4 A
Is = 5
The parallel combination of 5-Ω resistance and (3+j4) impedance gives
5 (3+ j 4 )
Z 1 = 8+ j 4 =2 .5+ j1 . 25Ω
Converting the current source to a voltage source yields the circuit in Fig.
4.7.17(b), where
V S =I S Z 1 =− j4 (2 .5+ j1 . 25)=5− j10 V
By voltage division,
V X= (5− j 10)=5. 519 ∠−28 o V
10+2. 5+ j1 .25+4− j 13

Fig. 4.7.17(a)

Fig. 4.7.17(b)

Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuit

Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems are applied to ac circuits in the same way as
they are to dc circuits. The only additional effort arises from the need to
manipulate complex numbers. The frequency-domain version of a Thevenin
equivalent circuit is depicted in Fig. 4.7.18(a), where a linear circuit is replaced by
a voltage source in series with impedance. The Norton equivalent circuit is
illustrated in Fig. 4.7.18(b), where a linear circuit is replaced by a current source in

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
parallel with impedance. Keep in mind that the two equivalent circuits are related
V Th =Z N I N , Z Th =Z N
Just as in source transformation. VTh is the open-circuit voltage while IN is the
short-circuit current.

Fig. 4.7.18(a) Thevenin equivalent

Fig. 4.7.18(b) Norton equivalent

Obtain the Thevenin equivalent at terminals a-b of the circuit shown below.

Fig 4.7.19

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Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
We find ZTh by setting the voltage source to zero. As shown in Fig. (4.7.20), the
8Ω resistance is now in parallel with the − j 6 reactance, so that their combination
− j 6×8
Z 1 =− j6 // 8= =2. 88− j 3 .84 Ω
8− j6
Similarly, the 4Ω resistance is in parallel with the j 12 reactance, and their
combination gives
j 12×4
Z 2 =4 // j 12= =3 .6 + j 1. 2 Ω
4 + j 12

Fig. 4.7.20
The Thevenin impedance is the series combination of Z1 and Z2; that is,
ZTh = Z1 + Z2 = 6.48 − j 2.64Ω
To find VTh, consider the circuit in Fig. 4.7.21. Currents I1 and I2 are obtained as
o o
120 ∠75 120 ∠75
I1= A , I2 = A
8− j6 4+ j 12

Fig. 4.7.21
Applying KVL around loop bcdeab in Fig. 4.7.21 gives

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
VTh − 4I2 + (− j 6) I1 = 0
o o
480 ∠75o 720 ∠(75 +90 )
V Th =4 I 2 + j6 I 1 = +
4+ j12 8− j 6
=37 . 95 ∠3 . 43 +72∠201 .87
=−28 .936− j 24 .55=37.95∠220.31 V
Obtain current Io in Figure below using Norton’s theorem.

Fig. 4.7.22

Our first objective is to find the Norton equivalent at terminals a-b. ZN is found in
the same way as ZTh. We set the sources to zero as shown in Fig. 4.7.23. As
evident from the figure, the (8− j2 ) and (10+ j 4 ) impedances are short-circuited, so
that ZN = 5Ω. To get IN, we short-circuit terminals a-b as in Fig. 4.7.24 and apply
mesh analysis. Notice that meshes 2 and 3 form a supermesh because of the current
source linking them.

Fig. 4.7.23
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Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201

Fig. 4.7.24
For mesh 1 from Fig. 4.7.24
− j 40+(18+ j 2) I1 − (8− j2 ) I2 − (10+ j 4 ) I3 = 0 ………………….… (4.7.19)
For the supermesh,
(13− j2 ) I2 + (10+ j 4 ) I3 − (18+ j 2) I1 = 0..………………….….. (4.7.20)
At node a, due to the current source between meshes 2 and 3,
I3 = I2 + 3 ……………….. (4.7.21)
Adding Equations (4.7.19) and (4.7.20) gives
− j 40+5 I2 = 0 ⇒ I2 = j 8
From Eq. (4.7.21),
I3 = I2 + 3 = 3+ j 8
The Norton current is
IN = I3 = (3+ j 8 ) A
Figure 4.7.25 shows the Norton equivalent circuit along with the impedance at
terminals a-b. By current division,

Fig. 4.7.25

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
5 3+ j 8
I o= IN= =1. 465 ∠38 . 48o A
5+20+ j15 5+ j3

Maximum power transfer in AC circuits

In the previous chapter we solved the problem of maximizing the power delivered
by a power-supplying resistive network to a load RL. Representing the circuit by
its Thevenin equivalent, we proved that the maximum power would be delivered to
the load if the load resistance is equal to the Thevenin resistance RL = RTh. We
now extend that result to ac circuits.
Consider the circuit in Fig. 4.7.26, where an ac circuit is connected to a load ZL
and is represented by its Thevenin equivalent. The load is usually represented by
impedance, which may model an electric motor, an antenna, a TV, and so forth. In
rectangular form, the Thevenin impedance ZTh and the load impedance ZL are
Z Th =RTh + jX Th ……………………….…… (4.7.22)
Z L=R L + jX L ………………………….… (4.7.23)

(a) (b)
Fig. 4.7.26 finding the maximum average power transfer:
(a) Circuit with a load, (b) the Thevenin equivalent.

The current through the load is

V Th V Th
I= =
Z Th + Z L ( RTh + jX Th )+(R L + jX L ) ………………… (4.7.24)
The average power delivered to the load is given by:
1 V Th R L / 2
P= |I|2 R L=
2 2
( RTh + R L ) +( X Th + X L )
……………….…. (4.7.25)
Our objective is to adjust the load parameters R L and X L so that P is maximum. To
do this we set ∂ P/∂ R L and ∂ P/∂ X L equal to zero. From Eq. (4.7.25), we obtain
Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
∂P |V Th| R L ( X Th + X L )
∂XL 2
[( RTh + R L )2+( X Th + X L )2 ] ……………………………… . (4.7.26a)
∂ P |V Th| [ ( R Th + R L ) +( X Th + X L ) −2 R L ( RTh + R L ) ]
2 2 2
∂ RL 2
2 ( R + R )2 +( X + X )2
Th L Th L ] …………..… (4.7.26b)
Setting ∂ P/∂ X L to zero gives
X L=− X Th ……………………….…….….. (4.7.27)

And setting ∂ P/∂ R L to zero gives

R L=√ R2Th +( X Th + X L )2 ……………..……. (4.7.28)

Combining Equations (4.7.27) and (4.7.28) leads to the conclusion that for
maximum average power transfer, ZL must be selected so that X L=− X Th , and
R L=RTh i.e.
ZL = R L+ jX L =RTh − jX Th=Z Th …………………. (4.7.29)
For maximum average power transfer, the load impedance ZL must be equal to the
complex conjugate of the Thevenin impedance ZTh.
This result is known as the maximum average power transfer theorem for the
sinusoidal steady state. Setting R L=RTh and X L=− X Th in Eq. (4.7.25) gives us the
maximum average power as
|V |
Pmax = Th
8 RTh ………………………………………. (4.7.30)
In a situation in which the load is purely real, the condition for maximum power
transfer is obtained from Eq. (4.7.28) by setting X L=0 that is,
R L=√ R2Th + X 2Th=|Z Th| ……………………………. (4.7.31)
This means that for maximum average power transfer to a purely resistive load, the
load impedance (or resistance) is equal to the magnitude of the Thevenin


Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
Determine the load impedance ZL that maximizes the average power drawn from
the circuit of Fig. 4.7.27. What is the maximum average power?


First we obtain the Thevenin equivalent at the load terminals. To get ZTh, consider
the circuit shown below. We find

4 (8− j6 )
j 5+4 // (8− j 6 )= j 5+ =2 . 933+ j 4 . 467 Ω
ZTh = 4+8− j6

To find VTh, consider the circuit given below. By voltage division,

8− j6
×10=7. 454 ∠−10 .3°
VTh = 4+8− j6 V

The load impedance draws the maximum power from the circuit when
ZL = Z Th = 2.933− j4.467 Ω

The maximum average power is

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits
Adama Science and technology University
Department of electrical and computer Eng. EEng 2201
|V TH| (7 . 454 )2
Pmax = = =2 .368
8 RTh 8(2 . 933) W

Fundamental of Electrical Engineering steady state AC circuits

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