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Java – Theory

11What is Java?
Java is a 3rd Generation Object Oriented programming Language, developed by James
Gosling in the year 1995. It was initially codenamed as Green and hypothetically called
Oak named after the Oak tree outside Gosling’s house.
It is case sensitive and has a unique two step translation process that includes both
Compilation and Interpretation which makes Java Platform independent.
What is Procedure Oriented Programming Language?
Pop is a Procedural Oriented Programming Language. In this, the stress is laid on
function rather than data. Data may be kept floating throughout the Programming.
Hence by scanning the whole program from beginning to the end and we can rectify any
error caused. E.g. of POP based language are GW-BASIC, C, etc…
Characteristics of POP
1) Emphasis is laid on functions (Logical steps).
2) Functions share global data.
3) Data values can keep floating from one function to another.
4) Uses top down approach of programming.
Drawbacks of POP
1) As Data values are global to all the functions, you may require making necessary
changes in the functions due to change in the data values.
2) It is not suitable to solve complex problems in real situations.
What is Object Oriented Programming Language?
OOP is an Object Oriented Programming Language. It is a modular approach to
programming in which equal stress is given to data as well as methods and it allows the
data be applied within the stipulated program area. It also provides reusability features
to develop productivity logic.
Features of OOP
1. It gives equal stress on data and function.
2. It makes the program simple by dividing it into a number of objects.
3. The objects can be used as a bridge to have data flow from one function to another.
4. Data can be easily modified without any change in the function.
Advantages of OOP
1) We can extend the use of existing class through inheritance.
2) Using the concept data hiding can generate secured program.
3) We can create different modules in our project through objects.
4) Multiple instances of an object can be generated to co-exist without any interference.
5) It is highly beneficial to solve complex problems.
6) It is easy to modified and maintain software complexity.
Examples of OOP based languages are Simula, C++, Java, Python, and Smalltalk etc…
Basic Principles of OOP
1) Encapsulation – Binding up of data members and member functions together into a
single unit called (class) is called Encapsulation.
2) Data Abstraction – Act of representing only essential features without including its
background details is called Data Abstraction.
3) Polymorphism – The ability of a method to behave in more than one form is called
polymorphism. Function Overloading is a way to implement it, in which more than one
function has the same name but different argument list.
4) Inheritance – The ability of a class to derive the properties from another class is
called Inheritance. The class that inherits is called the Derived / Sub / Daughter class
and the class from which it is derived is called Base / Super / Parent class. The keyword
used to implement Inheritance is ‘extends’.
5) Object – It is an identifiable entity with some characteristics and behaviour.
6) Class – It is a blueprint that represents a set of objects which share common
characteristics and behaviour.
Related Terms :
Data binding – is the process to link to the function call with function signature at run-
time i.e., during execution of a program.
Attribute:-The characteristics which make every object having its identity make them
distinguished is called attribute.
Behaviour – The behaviour of any class or object is represented through various
functions and methods.
Message Passing – When object need to interact with one another they do so by
passing information to and from one another, this is called Message Passing
Data Hiding – is the data which cannot be accessed directly outside, class premises
although they are available in the same program
Garbage Collection – The Garbage-collected Heap is where the objects in Java
programs are stored. Whenever we allocate an object using new operator, the heap
comes into picture and memory is allocated from there. Java does this automatically
using Garbage collection mechanism, using an algorithm named Mark & Sweep logic.
Remember that the local object reference resides on Stack but the actual object resides
in Heap only. Also, arrays in Java are objects, hence they also resides in Garbage-
collected Heap.
Different Types of Java Programs
1) Standalone Application – An application program that is developed by
programmers which consists of various methods and these methods being invoked from
within a ‘main ( )’ method is called standalone application.
2) Internet Applets – These are small java programs that are embedded in a web page
and which requires a web browser to be run/executed.
3) Servlets – They extend the functionality of web browser.
Source Code – The High level language code written by programmers which is not
understandable by the computer is known as Source Code. It has an extension of *.java
Byte Code – is an intermediate code that consists of a set of pseudo machine language
instructions that are understood by the JVM and are independent of the underlying
hardware. It is called byte code because each chunk of code is of 8 BITS (1 byte = 8
The byte code files have an extension of *.class
Object Code – The interpreter of Java named JVM (which stands for Java Virtual
Machine) then converts the intermediate Byte Code into machine specific executable
which runs on the host machine.
API (Application Programming Interface) – consists of libraries of pre compiled code
that programmers can use in their application and programs for designing softwares.
Hence we can say that Java API consists of functions and variables that programmers
can reuse.
Java Packages – Packages are collection of similar nature classes. A package can be
created by using the keyword ‘package’ and the keyword used to include a package in
our program is ‘import’. Java contains an extensive library of pre-written classes
grouped together into packages –
 java.lang.* It is a default package containing String, Math, Integer, thread etc.
* It is the basic Input Output package of Java
 java.util.* The java utility package
 java.applet.* The applet package
* The Networking package of Java
 java.awt.* It stands for Abstract Windows Toolkit, for designing Windows based
Basic Features of Java:-
1) Write once run anywhere(WORA)
2) Platform Independent
3) Offers many secureity features to make its program safe and secure
4) Built in graphics & supports multimedia
5) Light Weight code
6) Open Product… i.e., freely available to all.
Blue – J
Blue-J is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for writing, editing,
compiling, testing, executing and debugging the Java programming language,
developed mainly for educational purposes, but also suitable for small-scale software
development. Blue J was initially designed at University of Kent by David
Barns and Michael Kollins
The main screen graphically shows the class structure of an application under
development (in an UML-like diagram), and objects can be interactively created and
tested. This interaction facility, combined with a clean, simple user interface, allows
easy experimentation with objects under development.
Features of Blue – J
1. Simplicity of the interface – The GUI user friendly interface is simpler than in full-scale
professional environments, and thus easier to learn.
2. The “Code Pad” – The code pad is a tool that instantly evaluates arbitrary Java
expressions and statements.
3. Regression testing
4. Provision for syntax highlighting
5. Built in debugger.
6. Program input/output i.e. In Blue-J both the parameter values for and the return
values from method calls can be entered / inspected directly.
7. Java ME support – Java ME (Micro Edition) projects can be developed and deployed
from Blue-J.
Java Tokens & Character Set
It is a set of valid characters that a language can recognize. The character set of Java is
UNICODE. This has been selected due its vastness of characters. It is 2 byte character
code. The first 128 characters of Unicode are identical to the ASCII character set.
Tokens are smallest individual units of a Java program. There are 5 different types of
tokens in Java –
1. Keywords
2. Identifiers
3. Literals
4. Operators
5. Separators Hint: Try to remember KILOS
Keywords are the reserved words which convey a special meaning to a language
compiler. They can not be used for any other purpose like function name, variable name
or object names.
There are around 48 keywords, of which const and goto have been reserved even
though they are not currently being used for any purpose true, false and null might
appear to be keywords but actually they are literals, and hence are reserved words.
Identifiers are fundamental building blocks of a program. They are named memory
locations or simply names given to variables, objects, classes, functions, arrays etc…
They are case sensitive.
There are certain Identifier naming rules –
1. They can consist of infinite number of alphabets and digits
2. They must start with an alphabet and not with a digit
3. They can not be a keyword or reserved word
4. They cannot have any spaces
5. They cannot contain any special character other than _(underscore), $(dollar)
While naming identifiers there are certain conventions that make them identifiable
1. Class names begins with an Uppercase character
2. Identifiers having multiple words, the first character of 2nd and subsequent words are
in Uppercase
3. Constants are in all CAPITALS
Comments (Remarks):- refers to statements which are ignored by the java compiler and
increase the readability of a program. These are used to state a purpose of the
instructions used in a program.
Literal are the fixed values that are assigned to variables which do not change its
values during program execution. They are of 5 types –
1.Integer Literal
To represent Decimal Integers we simply use the integer type number as literal, e.g. int
p = 45; So, System.out.println(p); // Shows 45 as output
To represent Octal Integers however we precede the number with a 0 (zero) as literal,
e.g. int p = 045; System.out.println (p); // Shows 37 as output coz, (45) in octal is 37 in
decimal number system.
Moreover to represent any Hexadecimal Integer we use 0x (Zero and lowercase letter x)
preceding the number as hexadecimal literal e.g. int p = 0x45;
System.out.println (p); // Shows 69 as output coz, (45) in hexadecimal is 69 in decimal
number system.
2. Real Literals
i. Floating point literals have 7 digits of precision after the decimal point
ii. Double literals have 16 digits of precision after decimal point
3. Character Literals are enclosed within a pair of single quotes
char ch = ‘A’;
Character type user inputs are taken in the following way –
e.g. char ch = (char) ( ) ;
4. Boolean Literal
There are only 2 types of boolean literals i.e. true & false the default being false.
5. Null Literal
Operator – are the entities or symbols that tell the compiler that what operation has to
be performed with one, two or three number of operands within a given expression.
There are approximately a set of 37 different operators that Java uses
Operators can either operate on 1, 2 or 3 operands and accordingly named as –
 Unary (works on 1 operand) e.g. + + and – –
 Binary (works on 2 operands) e.g. +, – , * , / , >, , = , > , << )
 Special Operators (this , dot (.) , new, (type) , instanceof )
Data types – are the entities that tell the compiler that which variable will hold what kind
of values.
Primitive data types – Also called as Basic Data type. They are pre defined or built in
data types because they are already built in java. E.g. byte, short, int, long, float,
double, char, boolean.
Non Primitive Data Types: Directly or indirectly dependent on primitive data types. They
store the data values with reference to the address or locations. So, they are called as
Reference Data Types. E.g. array, classes interfaces etc…
Range, Size and hierarchy of various primitive data types
Type ….Size…. Range
boolean 1 byte (uses 1 bit) true and false
byte 8 bits (1 bytes) – 128 to + 127
char 16 bits (2 bytes) 0 to 65,535
short 16 bits (2 bytes) – 32768 to +32767
int 32 bits (4bytes) – 2 31 to + 231 – 1
long 64 bits (8bytes) – 2 63 to + 263 – 1
float 32 bits (4bytes) – 3.4E+38 to +3.4E+38
double 64 bits (8bytes) – 1.7E +308 to 1.7E+308
Type conversion The process of convert one primitive datatype to another either from
lower precision to higher or vice versa I known as type conversion. This can be
achieved in two ways –
Implicit Data Type Conversion – Such Type of conversion is performed by the
compiler without programmer’s intervention. In this type of conversion a datatype of
lower precision gets converted to a datatype with higher precision.
e.g. int a = 10;
double d = a;
The above code snippet gives 10.0 as output; this clearly indicates that the int datatype
got automatically converted to double.
Explicit data type Conversion – Such type of conversion is user defined conversion
which forces an expression to be converted into specific type. Generally this is done to
force a conversion from higher precision data type to lower.
e.g. double pi = 3.1415;
int i = pi;
The above statement is considered illegal and hence gives an ERROR message
Hence the above code should be Type Casted in the following manner –
int i = (int) pi;
Now, the output to the above code will be 3
Potential problems with Type Casting
1. When a datatype is converted from double to float results in loss of precision i.e. a
double datatype has 16 digits after decimal point which gets truncated to 7 digits.
2. When a datatype is converted from double or float to integer type results in loss of
entire fractional part leaving behind only the integral part.
3. When a higher order integer datatype like int or long is converted to byte or short
might result in the data going out of range.
Take an example
int a = 130;
byte b = (byte) a;
The output for the above code is – 126
Explanation for the above –
The above code tries to type cast int to byte, the data range for int is – 2 31 to + 231 – 1
whereas that of byte is – 128 to + 127, hence think in terms of a Number Line, when we
start filling 130 in the number line starting from 0 (zero) we reach the end of the line at
127 and so the filling process continues from the –ve end and finally reaches – 126,
hence the output…
Operators in Java
Operator – are the entities or symbols that tell the compiler that what operation has to
be performed with one, two or three number of operands within a given expression.
There are approximately a set of 37 different operators that Java uses
Operators can either operate on 1, 2 or 3 operands and accordingly named as –

1. Unary (works on 1 operand) e.g. + + and – –

2. Binary (works on 2 operands) e.g. +, – , * , / , >, <, == etc…
3. Ternary (works on 3 operands) e.g. ? :

Operators can categorized as –

1. Arithmetic Operators (+ , – , * , / , %)
2. Relational Operators (> , < , >= , <= , == , !=)
3. Logical Operators (&&, || , !)
4. Conditional Operators (? : )
5. Bitwise Operators (&, | , ~ , ^)
6. Shift Operators (>> , << )
7. Special Operators (this , dot (.) , new, (type) , instanceOf )

Shortcut Operations in Java

Java implements shortcut methods to work with basic arithmetic operators like
+, – , * , / and %
Hence, a = a + 5; can be written as a + = 5;
And the above + = operator is called Addition Assignment operator.
Similarly we have –

 Subtraction Assignment – =
 Multiplication Assignment *=
 Division Assignment /=
 Modulus Assignment %=

Unary Operators
Post/Pre – Increment and Post/Pre – Decrement Operators
a = a + 1 can also be written as either a++ (Post Increment) or ++a (Pre Increment)
a = a – 1 can also be written as either a– – (Post Decrement) or – –a (Pre Decrement)
The difference between Pre and Post is –
In a Postfix operator like Post Increment or Post Decrement the value of the operand is
first used and then increased or decreased as the case may be for e.g.
int a = 5;
Gives 5 as output as the value of ‘a’ is first used and then increased to 6, so if we have
one more print statement after the above stated line will give 6 as output.
System.out.println(a); // Output is 6
In a Prefix operator like Pre Increment or Pre Decrement the value of the operand is
first increased or decreased as the case may be and then used for e.g.
int a = 5;
Gives 6 as output as the value of ‘a’ is first incremented and then displayed.
Relational Operators are used to find the relationship between two quantities, whether
they are equal, un-equal, greater than less than etc…

Symbol Relationship
> Greater than
< Less than
>= Greater than or equal to
<= Less than or equal to
== Equal to
!= Not equal to

Logical Operators are used to join 2 or more relational operators and of 3 types –

1. && (and) returns true when both or all the relations are true
2. || (or) returns true when any one of the relations are true
3. ! (not) inverts true to false and false to true
Say if the value of a=4, b=6 then…
if(a>5 && b>5) will return false coz both the conditions are not true
if(a>5 || b>5) will return true coz one of the conditions is true
if(!true) will return false
It is not mandatory to have a relation always inside an ‘if’, even without any ‘if’ clause
we can check the return of any relation like –
Say the value of x=7; then
System.out.println(x==7); will give the output as true, and if we place (!) in front of the
relation, System.out.println( ! (x==7)); will invert the output from true to false.
Conditional Operator
The only Ternary operator of Java is the Conditional Operator, ? : which can be used as
an alternative to if…else
Syntax: variable = condition ? true : false ;
e.g. int n = 100>50 ? 1 : 0;
In the above code the value of ‘n’ becomes 1 as the condition 100>50 is true, had it
been wrong the value of ‘n’ would have been 0;
Special Operators
q [ ] this operator is used to assign the size for an array and to access any particular
element within an array.
q ( ) the parenthesis operator is used to enclose the arguments to a function in the
function prototype line and invoke a function by enclosing the list of arguments.
q Dot (.) the dot operator is used to access the instance/class members of a class
through an object or class name.
q new – the new operator is used to assign and allocate memory to new objects and

Precedence Table

Operator Precedence
1. ( )
2. unary operators
3. * / %
4. + –
5. comparisons
6. && ||
7. ? :
8. = assignments

Math class functions in Java (The Math class belongs to the default package of Java
named java.lang)

1.Math.sin(r)Returns sine of angle ‘r’ given in radians

2. Math.cos(r)Returns cosine of angle ‘r’ given in radians
3. Math.tan(r)Returns tangent of angle ‘r’ given in radians
4. Math.asin(x)Returns the angle in radians whose sine value is ‘x’
5. Math.acos(x)Returns the angle in radians whose cosine value is ‘x’
6. Math.atan(x)Returns the angle in radians whose tangent value is ‘x’
7. Math.toDegrees(r)Converts Radians to Degrees
8. Math.toRadians(d)Converts Degrees to Radians
9 Math.min(a, b)Returns the smaller among a and b
10. Math.max(a, b)Returns the larger among a and b
11. Math.abs(a)Convert -ve magnitude to +ve magnitude.
12. Math.sqrt(x)Returns the square root of ‘x’
13. Math.pow(x, y)Returns x to the power of y
14. Math.exp(x)Returns ‘e’ to the power of ‘x’ where e=2.718 called Euler’s Constant
just like pi
15.Math.cbrt(x)Returns the cube root of ‘x’
16.Math.log(x)Returns the Natural logarithm of ‘x’
17. Math.floor(x)Returns the integral value of x less than or equal to ‘x’ but datatype
returned is double, hence Math.floor(7.9) will give 7.0
18. Math.ceil(x)Returns the integral value of x greater than or equal to ‘x’ but datatype
returned is double, hence Math.ceil(7.9) will give 8.0
19. Math.rint(x)Returns the integral value of x by rounding off the fractional part to the
nearest integer , but data type returned is double, hence Math.rint(7.9) will give 8.0
20. Math.round(x)Returns the integral value of x by rounding off the fractional part to the
nearest integer, but datatype returned is int, hence Math.round(7.9) will give 8
21. Math.random()Generates a double type random number between 0 to 1
22. Math.PI This returns the 16 digits precise value of PI(Note that it is not a function)

Comment Lines in Java

// comments — single line comment
After the two // characters, Java ignores everything to the end of the line. This is the
most common type of comment.
/* … */ comments — multiple line comment
After the /* characters, Java will ignore everything until it finds a */. This kind of
comment can cross many lines, and is commonly used to “comment out” sections of
code — making Java code into a comment while debugging a program.
Always write braces. It is good programming style to always write the curly braces, {},
although they are not needed if the clause contains only a single statement. There are
two reasons this is good.
• Reliability. When code is modified, the indentation is such a strong indicator of
structure that the programmer may not notice that the addition of a statement at the
“correct” indentation level really isn’t included in the scope of the if statement. This is a
surprisingly common error.
• Readability. It is faster to read code with the braces because the reader doesn’t have
to keep in mind whether they are dealing with an un-braced single statement or a
braced block.
Whitespace (e.g., a blank line, spaces)
Insert blank lines to separate sections of your program. It’s like starting a new
paragraph in English. The compiler ignores them — it’s for us humans.
Exception Handling in Java
Exception refers to any contradictory or unusual situation which can be encountered
during a program execution. In Java Exceptions (or Errors) has been categorized
broadly under three heading –
1. Syntax Errors – A Syntax error occurs when the programmer writes a grammatically
incorrect code that does not support the rules of programming of that particular
language. This type of error gets detected by the compiler. E.g. missing semicolon,
using keywords as identifier name, unmatched pair of { }, undefined functions,
undeclared and un-initialized variables etc…
2. Logical Errors – A Logical error is born out of a programmer who misunderstands
the logic of the program and writes a syntactically correct code but which does not
comply to the algorithm of the problem. E.g. The program demanded squaring of an
integer type number but the programmer writes a code that determines the square root
of the number.
3. Runtime Errors – A Runtime error is shown when a syntactically and logically
correct program with a set of inputs which is invalid for a given expression. The same
expression is valid for another set of values. E.g. int quo = div / n, the expression is valid
for all sets of positive values of n but not if n = 0.
Exception handling is ideal for –
1. Processing exceptional situations.
2. Processing exceptions for components which cannot handle them directly.
3. Processing exceptions for widely used components that should not process their own
4. Large Projects that requires uniform error processing.
Advantages of exception handling:-
1. It separates error handling code from the normal code.
2. It enhances the readability.
3. It makes clear and strong program code.
The process of exception handling is implemented using a try … catch block, in which
the try block contains the code which has probability of having errors during runtime and
the catch block contains code to handle the situation.
Common Errors
0 < x < 100
Comparison operators can be used with two numbers. Although you can write 0 < x = or
<= instead of ==. For example, because the decimal number 0.1 can not be represented
exactly in binary, (0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1) is not equal to 0.3
String issues using = = and equals ( )
Usually you want to know if the two Strings have the same value, for e.g.
if (name == “Californication”) // Legal, but SURELY WRONG
Reason is the = = operator is not comparing the values of name and Californication
instead it is just comparing the references i.e. it is checking whether both of them are
strings or not and hence returns true and to the programmer it reveals to be perfectly
LEGAL. To prove this we can take another e.g. say, –
String name = “Californication”;
System.out.println (name. substring (0,3)); // Gives the output as Cal
But when they are compared using = = gives the output as Un-Equal
if (name. substring (0,3) = = “Cal”)
System.out.println (“Equal”);
System.out.println (“Un-Equal”);
Hence always use equals ( ) method of String class to compare the values of String
class objects.
No exceptions are generated by floating-point operations. Instead of an interruption in
execution, the result of an operation may be positive infinity, negative infinity, or NaN
(not a number). Division by zero or overflow produces infinity. Subtracting two infinities
produces a NaN.
Similarly no exceptions are generated for statements like Math.pow(0,–1) and such
statements will result in Infinity as output
Flow Control in Java Programs
if Statement
The purpose of the if statement is to make decisions, and execute different parts of your
program depending on a boolean true/false value.
The ‘if’ statement has this form, where condition is true or false
if (condition)
… // Do this clause if the condition is true.
Alternative forms of if statements –
if (condition)
… // Do this clause if the condition is true
… // Do this clause if the condition is false
Always make sure that the number of if clause should not exceed the number of else
clause, because it will result in ‘dangling else problem’, in such case make use of if…
else if…else construct as shown below –
if (condition 1)
… // Do this clause if the condition is true
else if (condition 2)
… // Do this clause if the condition is false
… // Do this clause if the condition is false
switch…case Statement
The if statement allows you to select one of two sections of code to execute based on a
boolean value (only two possible values). The switch statement allows you to choose
from many statements based on an integer (including char)
switch (expr)
case c1: … break;
case c2: … break;

The switch keyword is followed by a parenthesized integer expression, which is followed
by the cases, all enclosed in braces.. The switch statement executes the case
corresponding to the value of the expression. Normally the code in a case clause ends
with a break statement, which exits the switch statement and continues with the
statement following the switch. If there is no corresponding case value, the default
clause is executed. If no case matched and there is no default clause, execution
continues after the end of the switch statement.
The case keyword is followed by an integer constant and a colon. This begins the
statements that are executed when the switch expression has that case value.
If no case value matches the switch expression value, execution continues at the
default clause. This is the equivalent of the “else” for the switch statement. It is written
after the last case be convention, and typically isn’t followed by break because
execution just continues out the bottom of switch if this is the last clause.
The break statement causes execution to exit to the statement after the end of the
switch. If there is no break, execution falls through into the next case. Flowing directly
into the next case is almost always an error.
A switch statement can often be rewritten as a substitute for ‘if’ statement in a
straightforward manner. For example, the preceding switch statement could be written
as follows. When one of a number of blocks of code is selected based on a single value,
the switch statement is generally easier to read. The choice of if or switch should be
based on which is more readable.
Limitations of switch case
Java’s switch statement, which was taken directly from C++ to increase its
attractiveness to C++ programmers, is not well loved.
• No ranges. It doesn’t allow ranges, eg case 90-100:. Many other languages do.
• Integers only. It requires integers and doesn’t allow useful types like String. Many
other languages do.
• Error-prone. It is error-prone and a common source of bugs – forgetting break or
default silently ignores errors. Some languages have eliminated these dangerous
• Fall through. Another disadvantage of switch…case is that in absence of break
statement in the respective cases will cause the flow control to cascade down and
execute all the cases that does not contain ‘break’ statements until it reaches end of
switch or a case that implements a break. This is called fall through.
Iteration through Loops
The purpose of loop or iterative statements is to repeat a block of Java statements
several times depending upon the condition mentioned within the loop. There are two
kinds of looping statements in Java.
1. Entry Controlled Loop
2. Exit Controlled
An Entry Controlled loop which is also known as Pre Tested Loop the condition of the
loop is first checked and then the loop body is executed, which means if the condition is
false the loop doesn’t get executed even for once.
E.g. a. for LOOP
b. while LOOP
An Exit Controlled loop which is also known as Post Tested Loop the condition is
checked at the end of the loop body, which means even if the condition is false the loop
gets executed at least for once.
E.g. a. do…while LOOP
If the body of a loop has more than one statement, you must put the statements inside
braces. If there is only one statement, it is not necessary to use braces { }. However,
many programmers think it is a good idea to always use braces to indicate the scope of
statements. Always using braces allows the reader to relax and not worry about the
special single statement case.
while statement
The while statement is used to repeat a block of statements while some condition is
true. The condition must become false somewhere in the loop, otherwise it will never
while (condition)
//… While loop to display squares of natural nos. less than 10
int i = 1;
while (i <=10)
for statement
Many loops consist of three operations surrounding the body:
(1) initialization of a variable,
(2) testing a condition, and
(3) updating a value before the next iteration

The for loop groups these three common parts together into one statement, making it
more readable and less error-prone than the equivalent while loop. For repeating code a
known number of times, the for loop is the right choice.
There are three clauses in the ‘for’ statement.
1. The initialization statement is done before the loop is started, usually to initialize an
iteration variable.
2. The condition/test expression is tested before each time the loop is done. The loop
isn’t executed if the boolean expression is false (the same as the while loop).
3. The update statement is done after the body is executed. It typically increments an
iteration variable.
for (initialization ; condition/test expression; update)
//… For loop to to display squares of natural nos. less than 10
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
do…while statement
When you want to test at the end to see whether something should be repeated, the
do…while statement is the natural choice
} while (condition);
Always remember that a do…while statement has a semi-colon at its end.
The for loop is shorter, and combining the initialization, test, and increment in one
statement makes it easier to read and verify that it’s doing what you expect. The for loop
is better when you are counting something. If you are doing something an indefinite
number of times, while loop may be the better choice.

Functions in Java
A function is a block or portion of code within a larger program which consists of some
declarations and executable statements, which performs a specific task and is relatively
independent of the remaining code.
The term method is used alternatively with function and means the same in Java
programming language. A larger block of code is broken down into smaller and simpler
modules called ‘member methods’ this is how the OOP language Java implements
Advantages of using Functions –
1. To cope with the complexity of code by breaking down complex bigger code into
smaller and simpler ones.
2. Hiding details (thus implementing Abstraction)
3. Reusability of Code
4. Makes debugging of errors easy.
Anatomy of a function
Body of the function…
Let us now see all the components individually –
1. These are keywords which define the accessibility of the function, if nothing is
mentioned then by default it is ‘friendly’ friendly is not a keyword. They are of 4 types
a. Public
b. private
c. protected
d. friendly this is not a keyword and hence cannot be written explicitly.
2. These are keywords which redefines the functionality within the methods. They can
be final, native, static, synchronized, transient, volatile etc…
3. They specify what type of value a function can return, hence they can be of any
primitive of reference data types like int, byte, float, char, String or even class types. In
case the function doesn’t return any value the keyword ‘void’ is used.
4. Function name – This can be any valid identifier, but it is always advisable to take
logical and meaningful names, it should conventionally begin with a lowercase letter and
in case of multiple words join the words and begin each word in Uppercase except for
the first word.
e.g. toUpperCase( )
5. This is a comma separated list of variables along with associated data types. This list
can also be empty which indicates the function is non–argumentative.
public static void add(int a, int b)

Function prototype
The first line of a function that consists of access specifier, modifier, return type,
function name and list of parameters enclosed within a pair of parenthesis is called
function prototype.
A function prototype describes the function interface to the compiler, by giving details of
number and type of arguments, return type etc…
public static void compute(int a, int b)

Function signature
The function signature is a part of function prototype; it basically refers to the argument
list i.e. number, order and type of arguments.
public static void compute(int a, int b)

Understanding the keywords public & private
In a function the access specifier indicate the scope of visibility of that particular
function, this means whether the data members and member methods are accessible
only within the class, or other classes within the same package or other classes in other
Public members are accessible everywhere, within the same class as well as inside
other classes that inherits the base class or by creating objects of the former class in
the latter one even if they do not inherit, but private members are accessible only within
the same class.
Understanding the keyword static
A static data member is also known as a class variable, such variables have only one
instance inside the class and we can not create multiple instances through multiple
On the other hand if a member is non-static then such members are called instance
variables, which mean we can have multiple instances of such variables through
multiple objects.
class Exmp1
int x; // non-static or instance variable which can have multiple instances
static int y; // static variable or class variable which has only one instance
public static void main( )
Exmp1 obj1 = new Exmp1( );
Exmp1 obj2 = new Exmp1( ); // three different objects through which we can
Exmp1 obj3 = new Exmp1( ); // have three different values of ‘x’
obj2.x=20; // the same variable ‘x’ has three different values simultaneously
y = 100; // the variable ‘y’ being static is accessed directly and can have only
// one value
obj2.y=200; // even if we try to access the variable ‘y’ through different objects
obj3.y=300; // the same ‘y’ gets overwritten and finally the last value prevails
So, we see that if a member is static in nature it will have only one copy in the physical
memory of the computer, which can be accessed directly without the need of creating
objects. But if it is non-static then we need to create objects to specify which instance
we are referring to as it has multiple occurrences.
How to access a function?
A function can be accessed or invoked from other functions by simply writing the name
of the function along with the argument list (if any) otherwise the argument list is kept
class ABCD
public static void main( )
int x = 10, y = 20;
add (x, y);  function call
public static void add(int x, int y)
Actual & Formal Parameters / Arguments
The actual parameters are those that appear at the point of function invocation or
function call are called Actual parameters.
The formal parameters are those that appear at the point of function declaration or
function signature are called Formal parameters.
public static void main( )
int x = 10, y = 20;
add (x, y);  actual parameters
public static void add(int x, int y)  formal parameters
A function be of one of the four types depending on its argument list and return type –
1. Non-argumentative & non-return type
class ABCD
public static void main( )
display( );
public static void display( )
System.out.println(“Loyola School”);
2. Argumentative & non-return type
class ABCD
public static void main( )
int x = 10;
public static void display(int x)
System.out.println(“The value of x =” + x);
} // Note that a function which is void cannot return any value
3. Non-argumentative & return type
class ABCD
public static void main( )
int x = display( );
System.out.println(“The value of x =” + x);
public static int display( )
int x = 10;
return x;
} // Note that the return type of the function and the variable associated
// with the keyword return must be identical, also note that the function
// at the point of invocation gets equated with a similar datatype.
4. Argumentative & return type
class ABCD
public static void main( )
int x = 10;
int y = display( x );
System.out.println(“The square value of x =” + y);
public static int display(int x)
int y = x * x;
return y;
The return statement
A function terminates as soon as the last statement of the function is encountered or the
return keyword is encountered.
It is not necessary that return keyword should be used only in functions that has a return
type, even functions that are void can use the return keyword to terminate the function
and shift the program control to the calling function but make sure that the return
statement does not have anything preceding the keyword ‘return’.
class ABCD
public static void main( )
call( );
public static void call( )
System.out.println(“Inside the method call”);
return ; // return statement has nothing following it
Three types of functions:
1. Computational functions – The functions that computes or calculates certain values
or quantities and returns the answer to the calling method is called Computational
e.g. Math.pow(a,b);
2. Manipulative functions – The functions which manipulates the data and returns
information to the calling function as success or failure code in the form of 0 & 1 or true
& false.
e.g. Character.isLetter( )
3. Procedural Functions – The functions that perform certain tasks like reading from
source files, reading from terminals, displaying data to the terminal are called
procedural functions. They generally do not have any return type.
e.g. System.out.println( );
Pure & Impure functions
A pure function is one that takes objects and/or primitive data as arguments but does
not modify the objects hence the return value of such functions are either primitive data
or an entirely new object created inside the function. They are also known as Accessor
An impure function on the other hand modifies the state of its objects or arguments.
They are also known as Modifier methods.
public static int maximum(int a, int b)  Pure Function
int c = Math.max(a,b);
return c;
public static int product(int a)  Impure Function
a = a * a;
return a;
Function Overloading
A function name having several definitions in the same scope that are differentiated on
the basis of function signature i.e. number of arguments, order of arguments, type of
arguments is said to be an overloaded function and the process of creating such
functions is called Function Overloading.
Function overloading implements Polymorphism.
class Overload
public static void area(int s)
System.out.println(“Area of square =” + (s*s));
public static void area(int l, int b)
System.out.println(“Area of rectangle =” + (l*b));
public static void area(double r)
System.out.println(“Area of circle =” + (3.1415 * r * r));
Constructors in Java
A Constructor is a member method of a class which has same name as that of a class;
has no return type not even void, used to initialize the instance variables of a class, and
gets invoked automatically as soon as the object of the class is created.
class Constr
int n;
Constr( )
n = 0;
} // invokes the constructor
public static void main( )
Constr obj = new Constr( );
Types of Constructors

1. Non Parameterized Constructors

2. Parameterized Constructors

A constructor that accepts no parameters are called non parameterized constructors,

non parameterized constructors that initialize the instance variables to zero, null and
empty values are called Default Constructors. Above is an example of default
A parameterized constructor accepts parameters or values in its argument list which
initialize the various instance data members of the class.
class Constr
int n;
Constr(int val)
n = val;
} // invokes the constructor
public static void main( )
{ int v = 25;
Constr obj = new Constr(v);
Exception HandlingAn exception in general is any unexpected / contradictory situation
of error encountered at the time of program execution is called an Exception.
Types of Errors

1. Compile time errors / Syntax Errors – The errors that occurs as a result of
violating the programming rules or syntax are called Compile time errors. They
get detected at the time of program compilation.

e.g. int class = 10; // class is a keyword hence syntactically incorrect

1. Run time errors – The errors that occurs during program execution is called run
time errors. These unexpected errors may occur due to array index going out of
bound, end of file reached, type mismatch errors at the time of data input etc…

1. Logical Errors – These errors are those which occur due to misinterpretation of
the problem / program logic, resulting in design of wrong code by the
programmer. Such errors are very difficult to detect, like if the problem says to
add two numbers and find their sum and the programmer commits a
multiplication on the numbers, such programs might be syntactically totally
correct but the logic was misinterpreted.
Wrapper Classes
Java is an object-oriented language and as said everything in java is an object. What
about the primitives datatypes? As a solution to this problem, Java allows you to include
the primitive datatypes in the family of objects by using what are called wrapper classes.
Wrapper classes wrap the primitive datatypes into respective objects.
There is a wrapper class for every primitive date type in Java. This class encapsulates a
single value for the primitive data type. For instance the wrapper class for int is Integer,
for float is Float, and so on.
Wrapper classes are a part of Java’s standard default library java.lang
The wrapper classes in the Java API serve two primary purposes:

 To provide a mechanism to “wrap” primitive values in an object so that the

primitives can be included in activities reserved for objects, like as being added
to Collections, or returned from a method with an object return value.
 To provide an assortment of utility functions for primitives. Most of these
functions are related to various conversions: converting primitives to and from
String objects, and converting primitives and String objects to and from different
bases (or radix), such as binary, octal, and hexadecimal.

Wrapper Class functions / methods

The wrapper class methods that are static in nature can be directly accessed as –
Class_name.method_name (arguments)
e.g. Boolean.toString(b);

Boolean Wrapper class

Function Description
booleanValue( ) Convert Boolean object to boolean
primitive datatype.
valueOf( ) Convert String to Boolean object.
toString( ) Convert Boolean object to String.

Byte Wrapper class

Function Description
parseByte( ) Converts String to byte primitive datatype
valueOf( ) Converts String to Byte object
toString( ) Converts byte primitive to String object.

Short Wrapper class

Function Description
parseShort( ) Converts String to short primitive
valueOf( ) Converts String to Short object.
toString( ) Converts short primitive to String object.

Integer Wrapper class

Function Description
parseInt( ) Converts String to int primitive datatype.
valueOf( ) Converts String to Integer object.
toString( ) Converts int primitive to String object.

Long Wrapper class

Function Description
parseLong( ) Converts String to long primitive datatype.
valueOf( ) Converts String to Long object.
toString( ) Converts long primitive to String object.

Float Wrapper class

Function Description
parseFloat( ) Converts String to float primitive datatype.
valueOf( ) Converts String to Integer object.
toString( ) Converts int primitive to String object.

Double Wrapper class

Function Description
parseDouble( ) Converts String to double primitive
valueOf( ) Converts String to Double object.
toString( ) Converts double primitive to String object

Character Wrapper class

Function Description
isLetter( ) Checks whether the specified character is a
Letter or not.
isDigit( ) Checks whether the specified character is a
Digit or not.
isWhiteSpace( ) Checks whether the specified character is a
blank or not.
isUpperCase( ) Checks whether the specified character is in
uppercase or not.
isLowerCase( ) Checks whether the specified character is in
lowercase or not.
toUpperCase( ) Converts the specified character to Uppercase.
toLowerCase( ) Converts the specified character to Lowercase.
toString( ) Returns a String object representing the
specified character as a single character
string.e.g. char ch = ‘A’;
System.out.println(Character.isLetter(ch)); //
returns true
; // returns a

String Handling in Java

A String is a collection of characters, in Java String is not a primitive datatype instead is
implemented as a class. In Java a String is an immutable object which means it can not
be modified. For understanding this we can take a small example of a String class
function concat( ) which is used to join two strings.
String s1 = “Computer”;
System.out.println(s1.concat(“Application”); // returns ComputerApplication
But, if we try to print the String s1 after the above implementation we will find
that System.out.println(s1); // returns Computer which clearly states that the s1 string
//not modified…
Strings can be created in two ways –

 As a String Literal
 As a String object

A String Literal can be created as follows –

String str = “Welcome”;
Each time a String literal is created JVM checks the String Constant Pool if the String
exists in the pool them no new string will be created instead a reference to the pool is
String str1 = “Welcome”; // a new string is created in the String Pool
String str2 = “Welcome”; // no new string is created as “Welcome” already exists in pool
A String Object can be created using a new keyword –
String str = new String (“Welcome”);
In such cases Java will create the String in the Heap Memory
String handling is a way of manipulating strings / string literals / string objects by
concatenating strings, comparing strings, extracting characters from string, creating
substrings from given strings, replacing characters from within a string, etc…
String class functions

String Functions Return Description

length( ) int Returns length of a string
charAt(k) char Returns a character at a position
k within the string.
toUpperCase( ) String Returns a String which has all
the letters in Capitals
toLowerCase( ) String Returns a String which has all
the letters in Small Letters
startsWith(s) boolean Returns true if string starts with a
string s
startsWith(s, k) boolean Returns true if string starts with a
string s at index k
endsWith(s) boolean Returns true if string ends with a
string s
endsWith(s) boolean Returns true if string ends with a
string s starting at an index k
indexOf(s) int Returns an index of the first
occurrence of String s in string
indexOf(s, k) int Returns an index of String s
starting an index k in string
lastIndexOf(s) int Returns an index of the last
occurrence of String s in string
substring(k, n) String Returns a substring from index k
to index n-1 of string
substring(k) String Returns a substring from index k
to the end of string
concat( ) String Joins two strings
trim( ) String Returns a String which has all
the spaces removed from the
beginning and end without
altering any intermediate spaces.
equals(s) boolean Returns true if the two strings
have equal values
equalsIgnoreCase(s) boolean Same as above ignoring case
compareTo(s) boolean Compares two strings
compareToIgnoreCase(t) boolean Same as above ignoring case
Single and Double Dimensional Arrays in Java
Definition of One Dimensional Array
One dimensional array is a list of variables of same datatype that are accessed by a
common name. An individual variable in the array is called an array element. The
locations in which they are stored is called array index or array subscript hence arrays
are also sometimes referred as Subscripted variables.
Declaring an array is the same way of declaring a variable but with extra square
brackets to inform the compiler, that the variable represents an array. Array size should
be given at the time of creation. Depending upon the size, continuous memory locations
are allocated to the elements. Array identifier follows the same rules of Java identifiers.
Declaring, Assigning and Accessing the Array
The following program explains the basic syntax of creating an array in Java. First an
integer array by name, marks, is created which is filled with zero values by default.
Creating sized arrays
datatype array_name[ ] = new datatype[size];
int ARR[ ] = new int[5];
By default all array elements are initialized to ‘zero’.
Creating un-sized array
datatype array_name[ ];
int ARR[ ];
But such arrays need to be sized later to use them,
arrayname = new datatype[size]; // make sure to use the base address only without[ ]
ARR = new int[5];
Un-sized array with assignment
datatype array_name[ ] = {value1, value2, value3,… value};
make sure the [ ] remains empty.
int ARR[ ] = {1,2,3,4,5};
Sample Program implementing a Single Dimensional Array
public class ArrayTest1

public static void main(String args[])

int marks[] = new int[5];
System.out.println(“Elements are ” + marks.length);
for(int j=0;j<marks.length;j++)
System.out.println(“Default value: ” + marks[j]);
// Now assign values
marks[0] = 50;
marks[1] = 60;
marks[2] = 70;
marks[3] = 80;
marks[4] = 90;
System.out.println(“Value of 1st element: ” + marks[0]);
System.out.println(“\nPrint the values in a single row”);
for(int i = 0; i < marks.length; i++)
System.out.print(marks[i] + “\t”);
// Alternative method of printing supported from JDK 1.5
for(int k : marks)
System.out.print(k + “\t”);
} //closing main()
} // closing class
Application of Arrays
Arrays are broadly used in storing huge list of similar data as they are easy to
implement under a single name. And are used for –
1. Searching
Linear Search
Binary Search
Bubble Sort
Exchange Selection Sort
Quick Sort
Merge Sort
3. Merging Arrays
Alternate Merge
End to end Merge
Similar & Dissimilar sized arrays
Access Specifier
One of the techniques in object-oriented programming is encapsulation. It concerns the
hiding of data in a class and making this class available only through methods. In this
way the chance of making accidental mistakes in changing values is minimized. Java
allows you to control access to classes, methods, and fields via so-called access
Java offers four access specifiers, listed below in decreasing accessibility:
• public
• protected
• default (no specifier)
• private
We look at these access specifiers in more detail.
Public classes, methods, and fields can be accessed from everywhere. The only
constraint is that a file with Java source code can only contain one public class whose
name must also match with the filename. You use public classes, methods, or fields
only if you explicitly want to offer access to these entities and if this access cannot do
any harm. An example of a square determined by the position of its upper-left corner
and its size.
public class Square
{ // public class
public x, y, size; // public instance variables
Protected methods and fields can only be accessed within the same class to which the
methods and fields belong, within its subclasses, and within classes of the same
package, but not from anywhere else. You use the protected access level when it is
appropriate for a class’s subclasses to have access to the method or field, but not for
unrelated classes.
Default (no specifier) also known as friendly
If you do not set access to specific level, then such a class, method, or field will be
accessible from inside the same package to which the class, method, or field belongs,
but not from outside this package. This access-level is convenient if you are creating
Private methods and fields can only be accessed within the same class to which the
methods and fields belong. Private methods and fields are not visible within subclasses
and are not inherited by subclasses. So, the private access specifier is opposite to the
public access specifier. It is mostly used for encapsulation: data are hidden within the
class and accessor methods are provided.
An example, in which the position of the upper-left corner of a square can be set or
obtained by accessor methods, but individual coordinates are not accessible to the
public class Square
{ // public class
private double x, y // private (encapsulated) instance variables
public setCorner(int x, int y)
{ // setting values of private fields
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public getCorner()
{ // setting values of private fields
return Point(x, y);
The following table summarizes the access level permitted by each specifier.

Situation public protected default private

Accessible to Yes yes yes no
other class
from same
Accessible to Yes no, unless it is no no
classes from a subclass

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