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5Escape from OS
Escape from OS
Escape from OS
An OS is a software layer that sits between user programs and computer hardware, it abstarcts
hardware resources and provides to app programs a clean view of the resources
1.Computer hardware abstraction – the architecture of most computers at the machine lang level is
primitive and complex, so to simplify it, the OS acts as an interface in the middle
2.Computer resource management – Provides an orderly and controlled allocation of the processes,
memories and I/O devices
History of OS:
2.Second gen (1955 – 1965) – Prog was done in paper and punched into cards before being loaded
into comp with a card reader, OS were introduced in this gen
3.Third Gen (1965 – 1980) – Intro of Integrated circuits, several new ideas were introduced
multiprogramming (ability to run several progs at the same time), spooling (ability to read program
cards into disk directly) and time-sharing (more than one user can access and use the system at the
same time)
Types of OS:
1.Batch systems – group jobs with similar reqs into batches for processing
2.Multiuser systems – allows multiple users to access the same OS and share its resources
4.Network systems – manages network resources and allows devices to communicate and share
5.Distributed systems – connect multiple independent comps through a single comm channel to
work as one powerful machine
7.Embedded systems – designed to perform a specific task for smart devices eg in vehicles
OS concepts:
1.Kernel – core program that manages hardware and software, and provides basic services for the
rest of the OS
2.Shell – UI to the OS, can be in the form of command line or GUI
Bios takes the kernel and loads it into RAM, and the kernel loads the shell from the disk into the ram
6.System call – mechanism used by programs to request services from the OS, it is initiated by
executing a specific instruction, which triggers the switch into kernel mode, the OS then handles the
req, and returns the result to the program
-A CPU runs one process at a time, but in a multiprogramming system, the CPU switches between
processes, running each for a few ms
-OS use processes to manage multiple running progs and create the illusion of parallelism, a process
consists of the PC, registers and variables
-A program (also called job) is a set of ins stored somewhere in the disk, its a passive entity
-When its launched, its now active and a process (also called task) is created
The process addr space is the set of logical addr that a process references in its code, it consists of a
code section, a data section, a stack and a process control block (PCB)
The code section stores the program code, the data (also called heap) consists of global variables, the
stack stores local addr, parameters and return addr
The PCB is used for storing process attributes such as ID and state
The collection of the items in the address space is also called the process image
Process lifecycle:
1.A two state process model – it can also consist of running and not running
2.Five state process model – when a process is first created, it is put into a job queue and given a
new state, its still in secondary storage, the control info regarding the new process is created and
maintained in the memory
When the process in the job queue is scheduled to be brought to the ready queue, the state is now
ready through the admit event
When this process is then selected by the scheduling mechanism and dispatched, it becomes a
running process, it runs unless its interrupted or finishes its execution, this is through the dispatch
event, the interrupt event can change its state to ready, this can be due to expiry of a time slot (eg in
round robin) or a higher priority process
Alternatively, it can reach an ins which requires an I/O device or other event, then it will go to the
blocked state, it will go into the blocked queue, when the I/O access or the other event access is
completed, the process goes back to the ready queue
A process which executes completely becomes a terminated process through the exit event, other
reasons for terminating incl unrecoverable erros or being aborted by a user/other process, the
process will release all the resources allcoated to it
3.Seven state process model – in the situation when there is not enough memory to bring in new
processes, space can be created by swapping out some blocked processes to disk (now called
suspended processes, which will be in suspended queue)
Structure of PCB:
Some key attributes include Process ID, PC, Registers, State, Priority, Event info
Process tables:
Queues are implemented using linked list data structures, the main queues are:
Ready queue, blocked, suspended, and free-process queue (for the info of empty space in the
memory where a new pcb can be created)
Each pcb has a pointer that points to the next PCB, when the state of a process is changed its PCB is
moved to the appropriate queue
The running process header can only have one pcb as cpu can only run one process at a time
After changing the state of a running process due to interrupt or I/O wait, the pcb of the process is
saved, the saving of the status of the running process in its pcb is called context saving
The loading of a new process in the CPU after a previous process is stopped is called context/process
Types of interrupts:
1.System calls
3.I/O Completion
1.The context of the current running process is saved into stack, this inc PC, PSW and registers
2.The PC is loaded with the address of the ISR (Interrupt service routine) that can handle the
4.The ISR changes its preceding process status and saves its context from the stack to the pcb
1.Long term scheduler – selects a job from the job pool to the ready queue, does not happen very
freq bcz a process waits for some time in the job pool before getting a slot in the ready queue, they
are common in batch processing and absent in time-sharing systems
2.Short term scheduler – selects a process from the ready queue for dispatching the CPU, whenever
there is an interrept, this scheduler is invoked to another process for execution
3.Medium term scheduler – available in models with the suspended state, used for moving from
blockd to blocked suspended (or vice versa), ready to ready suspended (or vice versa)
2.Process code is loaded into memory, data and stack are initialized
3.PCB is located and the saved fields (if the process has run before) are loaded in the cpu’s registers
and initialized
2.Event info field in the PCB stores the I/O device or the resource for which the blocked process is
3.When a resource or an I/O device is released in the system, the OS scans the event info field of all
blocked processes in the blocked queue
When a process reaches the execution of its last statement, a system call is executed to tell the OS
that the process is terminating, the OS releases the resources held by the process
8.When there is need to suspend some blocked process and make space for a new process
Types of scheduling:
1.Non-pre-emptive – a process is allowed to execute to completion, the system cannot take away the
process from the processor until it exits, the process can voluntarily release the processor, for
example, when waiting for I/O
2.Pre-emptive – a running process can be interrupted in between, it takes place in the following
a) When a new process with higher priority arrives
Pre-emptive is used to implement multi-user time-sharing systems, where more than one user
process needs computing resources
A timer clock is implemented to send interrupts to running processes after a fixed period of time,
also used to implement real time systems, where high priority processes need to be assigned a
processor immediately
Advantages of pre-emptive:
Disadvantages of pre-emptive:
-Reduced CPU performance due to time wasted in the frequent context switching
1.Turnaround time – time between arrival and termination, it can be found by waiting time +
execution time
3.Response time – time between arrival and the first response given by the process to the user
5.CPU Utilization - % of time that the CPU is busy in executing the processes, ideally should be busy
all the time
Scheduling algorithms:
-Simple to implement
-80% of the CPU bursts should be smaller than the time quantam
A high ratio indicates that a process has received less service and needs to get access to the CPU
immediately, the system schedules a process with the higher response ratio, it distributes the
processor time more fairly when compared to the simple round robin algorithm
-Interactive processes
-I/O Bound
Instead of a single ready queue storing all the processes, there are multiple queues with diff lvls
Each queue stores processes of the same category, queues are assigned diff priorities (eg background
queues will have lower priority than others)
Processes can be independent (doesnt affect any other process) or cooperative (processes cooperate
with each other, they share data and communicate), the concurrent access of resources by these
cooperative process may cause the problems if not managed well
The procedure involved in preserving the appropriate order of execution of cooperative process is
known as process synchronization
Data access synchronization is req to prevent processes from updating global data concurrently
Control synchronization:
-Consider two interacting processes where one process p2 depends on the output of another process
p1, there should be control over the processes such that p2 is forced to wait until the execution of p1
has been finished, this is known as control synchronization
-Lack of control over competing processes for accessing the same resources can lead to a severe prob
called deadlock
2.Progress – If one process doesnt need to execute into a CS, then it should not stop another process
frm entering it
3.Bounded waiting – a process must not wait endlessly to get into the CS
The following are the main algorithms:
1.Lock variable
The mutual exclusion can fail if pre-emption occurs (eg after p1 executes the while) and p2 comes
and says lock = 1 and then p1 comes back in
2.Turn variable
Progress can fail if one process has kept turn = j, but j doesnt want to enter, and i wants to enter
again, he can’t enter until j enters
Interested variable:
Bounded waiting can fail if both get pre-empted (eventually they can get stuck in the while loop)
Peterson solution:
Used to protect resources such as global shared memory, its implemented as an integer variable S
The semaphore is accessed by only two indivisible operations, wait/p/down and signal/v/up
Initially, the count of semaphore is 1, whenever a process tries to enter the CS, it performs the wait
operation, another process trying to access the CS will not be allowed to enter unless the semaphore
becomes > 0, when a process exits the CS. It performs the signal op
Message passing:
-Used to communicate between two systems, u cant really have a way to share memory so u need a
logical link
Types of addressing:
1.Direct – The send and recieve commands are used to allow communication, the two processes
need to name each other to comm, this becomes easy if they have the same parent
2.Indirect addressing – each process has a mailbox that it uses for recieving msgs
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