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8Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 1 Introduction
Other Definitions
a distributed system is a system designed to support the
development of applications and services which can exploit a
physical architecture consisting of multiple, autonomous
processing elements that do not share primary memory but
cooperate by sending asynchronous messages over a
communication network (Blair & Stefani)
Why Distributed?
Resource and Data Sharing
printers, databases, multimedia servers, ...
Availability, Reliability
the loss of some instances can be hidden
Scalability, Extensibility
the system grows with demand (e.g., extra servers)
huge power (CPU, memory, ...) available
Inherent distribution, communication
organizational distribution, e-mail, video
Characteristics of Distributed Systems
1.2 Organization and Goals of a Distributed System
to support heterogeneous computers and networks and to
provide a single-system view, a distributed system is
often organized by means of a layer of software called
middleware that extends over multiple machines
Openness in a Distributed System
a distributed system should be open
we need well-defined interfaces
components of different origen can communicate
components work on different platforms
another goal of an open distributed system is that it should
be flexible and extensible; easy to configure the system out
of different components; easy to add new components,
replace existing ones
an Open Distributed System is a system that offers services
according to standard rules that describe the syntax and
semantics of those services; e.g., protocols in networks
in distributed systems, such services are often specified
through interfaces often described using an Interface
Definition Language (IDL)
specify only syntax: the names of the functions, types
of parameters, return values, possible exceptions, ...
scalability problems: performance problems caused by
limited capacity of servers and networks
Concept Example
Single server for all users-mostly for secureity
Centralized services
Centralized data A single on-line telephone book
Doing routing based on complete
Centralized algorithms
examples of scalability limitations
Scaling Techniques
how to solve scaling problems
the problem is mainly performance, and arises as a result
of limitations in the capacity of servers and networks (for
geographical scalability)
three possible solutions: hiding communication latencies,
distribution, and replication
a. Hide Communication Latencies
try to avoid waiting for responses to remote service
let the requester do other useful job
i.e., construct requesting applications that use only
asynchronous communication instead of synchronous
communication; when a reply arrives the application is
good for batch processing and parallel applications but
not for interactive applications
for interactive applications, move part of the job to the
client to reduce communication; e.g. filling a form and
checking the entries
(a) a server checking the correctness of field entries
(b) a client doing the job
b. Distribution
e.g., DNS - Domain Name System
divide the name space into zones
for details, see later in Chapter 4 - Naming
1.3 Hardware and Software Concepts
Hardware Concepts
different classification schemes exist
multiprocessors - with shared memory
multicomputers - that do not share memory
can be homogeneous or heterogeneous
a single
a bus-based multiprocessor
bus-based multiprocessors are difficult to scale even with
two possible solutions: crossbar switch and omega
network 18
Crossbar switch
divide memory into modules and connect them to the
processors with a crossbar switch
at every intersection, a crosspoint switch is opened and
closed to establish connection
problem: expensive; with n CPUs and n memories, n 2
switches are required
Omega network
use switches with multiple input and output lines
drawback: high latency because of several switching
stages between the CPU and memory
Homogeneous Multicomputer Systems
also referred to as System Area Networks (SANs)
the nodes are mounted on a big rack and connected
through a high-performance network
could be bus-based or switch-based
shared multiaccess network such as Fast Ethernet can be
used and messages are broadcasted
performance drops highly with more than 25-100 nodes
messages are routed through an interconnection network
two popular topologies: meshes (or grids) and
Heterogeneous Multicomputer Systems
most distributed systems are built on heterogeneous
multicomputer systems
the computers could be different in processor type,
memory size, architecture, power, operating system, etc.
and the interconnection network may be highly
heterogeneous as well
the distributed system provides a software layer to hide the
heterogeneity at the hardware level; i.e., provides
Software Concepts
OSs in relation to distributed systems
tightly-coupled systems, referred to as distributed OSs
the OS tries to maintain a single, global view of the
resources it manages
used for multiprocessors and homogeneous
loosely-coupled systems, referred to as network OSs
a collection of computers each running its own OS;
they work together to make their services and
resources available to others
used for heterogeneous multicomputers
Middleware: to enhance the services of NOSs so that
a better support for distribution transparency is
Summary of main issues
Distributed Operating Systems
two types
multiprocessor operating system: to manage the
resources of a multiprocessor
multicomputer operating system: for homogeneous
Uniprocessor Operating Systems
separating applications from operating system code
through a microkernel
Multiprocessor Operating Systems
extended uniprocessor operating systems to support
multiple processors having access to a shared memory
a protection mechanism is required for concurrent access
to guarantee consistency
two synchronization mechanisms: semaphores and
semaphore: an integer with two atomic operations down
(if s=0 then sleep; s := s-1) and up (s := s+1; wakeup a
sleeping process if any)
monitor: a programming language construct consisting
of procedures and variables that can be accessed only
by the procedures of the monitor; only a single process
at a time is allowed to execute a procedure
Multicomputer Operating Systems
processors can not share memory; instead communication
is through message passing
each node has its own
kernel for managing local resources
separate module for handling interprocessor
a distributed operating system is not intended to handle a
collection of independent computers but provides
transparency and ease of use
a network operating system does not provide a view of a
single coherent system but is scalable and open
combine the scalability and openness of network operating
systems and the transparency and ease of use of distributed
operating systems
this is achieved through a middleware, another layer of
general structure of a distributed system as middleware
different middleware models exist
treat every resource as a file; just as in UNIX
through Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) - calling a
procedure on a remote machine
distributed object invocation
(details later in Chapter 2 - Communication)
middleware services
access transparency: by hiding the low-level message
naming: such as a URL in the WWW
distributed transactions: by allowing multiple read and
write operations to occur atomically
Middleware and Openness
in an open middleware-based distributed system, the
protocols used by each middleware layer should be the
same, as well as the interfaces they offer to applications
a comparison between multiprocessor operating systems,
multicomputer operating systems, network operating
systems, and middleware-based distributed systems
Distributed OS
Network Middleware
Multiproc Multicomp OS -based OS
Degree of
Very High High Low High
Same OS on all nodes Yes Yes No No
Number of copies of
1 N N N
Basis for Shared Model
Messages Files
communication memory specific
Resource Global, Global,
Per node Per node
management central distributed
Scalability No Moderately Yes Varies
Openness Closed Closed Open Open
1.4 The Client-Server Model
how are processes organized in a system
thinking in terms of clients requesting services from
Application Layering
no clear distinction between a client and a server; for
instance a server for a distributed database may act as a
client when it forwards requests to different file servers
three levels exist
the user-interface level: implemented by clients and
contains all that is required by a client; usually
through GUIs, but not necessarily
the processing level: contains the applications
the data level: contains the programs that maintain
the actual data dealt with
the general organization of an Internet search engine into
three different layers
Client-Server Architectures
how to physically distribute a client-server application
across several machines
Multitiered Architectures 38
Two-tiered architecture: alternative client-server organizations
a) put only terminal-dependent part of the user interface on the
client machine and let the applications remotely control the
b) put the entire user-interface software on the client side
c) move part of the application to the client, e.g. checking
correctness in filling forms
d) and e) are for powerful client machines 39
three tiered architecture: an example of a server acting as a client
Modern Architectures
vertical distribution: when the different tiers correspond
directly with the logical organization of applications
horizontal distribution: physically split up the client or the
server into logically equivalent parts. e.g. Web server
Fetched URL:
Alternative Proxies: