Jaime Daniels
received a B.S. degree in Meteorology from the State University of New
York at Oswego in 1982 and a M.S. degree in Meteorology from the University
of Maryland in 1985. He is a Physical Scientist in the Center for Satellite
Applications and Research's (STAR) Operational Product Development Branch.
He specializes in the development and validation of satellite applications
from infrared remote sensing radiometers. From 1985-1990, he supported
efforts involving the derivation of atmospheric products from the TOVS
instrumentation that included the development, validation, and operational
implementation of the first physical retrieval algorithm at NESDIS for the
derivation of temperature and moisture soundings. Since 1990, he has worked
on development and validation of numerous atmospheric product applications
for the GOES sounder and imager instruments. These product applications
include: atmospheric motion winds, temperature and moisture soundings,
clear-sky radiances, and clouds. He has worked on the development of
polar atmospheric motion wind products from the MODIS instruments aboard
the Terra and Aqua Satellites. A significant amount of his time is spent
in the area of technology transition that involves the transition of
GOES product application systems from the research environment to the
operational environment at NESDIS. A component of this effort involves
establishing and maintaining close working relationships with NOAA,
national, and international users of these quantitative satellite
products to help them improve their use of these satellite products
in their respective environments. Beginning in November 2005, he began
supporting the GOES-R program where he is the winds application team
chair. In this capacity he will lead the development and validation
efforts for wind retrieval algorithms for the next generation of
geostationary instruments that include the Advanced Baseline Imager
(ABI) and the Hyperspectral Environmental Suite (HES). He presently
serves on a number of committees, panels, or working groups that include:
research co-chair of the NESDIS winds product oversight panel; GOES-R
Atmosphere, Ocean, Land (AOL)/Technical Advisory Panel (TAP), International
Winds Working Group, the NOAA THORPEX science team, and the STAR IT Advisory